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Biofilms have been defined as ‘aggregates of micro-
organisms in which cells are frequently embedded in
a self- produced matrix of extracellular polymeric sub-
stances (EPS) that are adherent to each other and/or a
surface’ (REF.1). The term ‘aggregate’ accounts for the
fact that most cells in multilayered biofilms experience
cell-to-cell contact, either in surface-attached biofilms,
in which only one layer is in direct contact with the sub-
stratum, or in flocs, which are mobile biofilms that form
in the absence of any substratum. Through intercellular
interactions, both social and physical, together with the
properties of the matrix, the biofilm lifestyle is clearly
distinct from that of free-living bacterial cells. Thus,
biofilm communities have emergent properties; that is,
new properties that emerge in the biofilm that are not
predictable from the study of free-living bacterialcells2.
Biofilms are one of the most widely distributed and
successful modes of life on Earth3, and they drive bio-
geochemical cycling processes of most elements in
water, soil, sediment4 and subsurface5 environments.
Biotechnological applications of biofilms include the filtra-
tion of drinking water, the degradation of wastewater and
solid waste, and biocatalysis in biotechnological processes,
such as the production of bulk and fine chemicals, as well
as biofuels6. All higher organisms, including humans, are
colonized by microorganisms that form biofilms7, which
can be associated with persistent infections in plants
and animals, including humans8, and with the contam-
ination of medical devices and implants9. Furthermore,
biofilms are responsible for biofouling and contamination
of process water10, deterioration of the hygienic quality of
drinking water11 and microbially influenced corrosion12.
Biofilms are complex systems that have high cell den-
sities, ranging from 108 to 1011 cells g–1 wet weight13,14,
and typically comprise many species. A further source of
hetero geneity is the ability of cells in biofilms to undergo
differentiation, which can be triggered by local conditions,
and coordinated life cycles that include stage- specific
expression of genes and proteins, as is typical for the
growth and development of micro organisms in spatially
heterogeneous ecosystems15. The emergent properties of
biofilm communities comprise ‘novel structures, activi-
ties, patterns and properties that arise during the process,
and as a consequence, of self-organization in complex sys-
tems’ (REF.16), occur concomitantly and lead to biogenic
habitat formation (BOX1; FIG.1). Fundamental to these
emergent properties — which include the formation of
physical and social interactions (such as in synergistic
microconsortia), an enhanced rate of gene exchange and
an increased tolerance to anti microbials — is the role
of the self-produced EPS matrix that encases the cells of
the biofilm and is mainly composed of poly saccharides,
proteins, lipids and extracellular DNA (eDNA)17.
The formation of the matrix is a dynamic process
and depends on nutrient availability, the synthesis and
secretion of extracellular material, shear stress, social
competition and grazing by other organisms. Not surpris-
ingly, the production of the matrix incurs a considerable
energetic cost18; however, this cost may be evolutionarily
justified, owing to the structural and physicochemical
centrality of the matrix to the formation and function
of the biofilm, without which the beneficial emergent
properties of biofilms would not arise (BOX1). The
matrix is an interface, or rather an ‘interspace’, between
1University of Duisburg-Essen,
Faculty of Chemistry, Biofilm
Centre, Universitätsstrasse 5,
D-45141 Essen, Germany.
2Technical University of
Berlin, Department of
Environmental Microbiology,
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1,
D-10587 Berlin, Germany.
3The School of Biological,
Earth and Environmental
Sciences and The Centre
forMarine Bio-Innovation,
University of New South
Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052,
4The Singapore Centre for
Environmental Life Sciences
Engineering and the School of
Biological Sciences, Nanyang
Technological University,
Singapore 637551.
Correspondence to H.-C.F.
Published online 11 Aug 2016
A form of predation, such
aswhen protozoa feed
Biofilms: an emergent form of
bacterial life
Hans-Curt Flemming1, Jost Wingender1, Ulrich Szewzyk2, Peter Steinberg3, Scott A.Rice4
and Staffan Kjelleberg4
Abstract | Bacterial biofilms are formed by communities that are embedded in a self-produced
matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Importantly, bacteria in biofilms exhibit a set
of ‘emergent properties’ that differ substantially from free-living bacterial cells. In this Review, we
consider the fundamental role of the biofilm matrix in establishing the emergent properties of
biofilms, describing how the characteristic features of biofilms — such as social cooperation,
resource capture and enhanced survival of exposure to antimicrobials — all rely on the structural
and functional properties of the matrix. Finally, we highlight the value of an ecological
perspective in the study of the emergent properties of biofilms, which enables an appreciation of
the ecological success of biofilms as habitat formers and, more generally, as a bacterial lifestyle.
Aquatic photosynthetic
organisms that are visible to
the naked eye. In marine
systems, ‘macrophytes’ is often
used as a general term that
includes macroalgae, such as
kelps, and coastal plants, such
as seagrasses or mangroves.
A family of flowering plants that
has leaves that often form in
such a way so as to enable the
persistence of pools of water
that form distinct habitats and
ecological communities.
The study of the rheological
properties of a material at the
micrometre scale.
Desiccation tolerance
The ability to survive water
the biofilm and its environment that defines processes
inside the biofilm and interactions with the external
world (BOX2). The matrix also confers a spatial organiza-
tion on biofilms, from which they derive steep gradients,
high biodiversity, and complex, dynamic and synergistic
interactions, including cell-to-cell communication and
enhanced horizontal gene transfer. In this Review, we
contend that the concept of the biofilm as an emergent
form of microbial life relies on the supracellular organi-
zation that arises from the formation of the EPS matrix.
To support this view, we describe how the matrix pro-
vides structural and functional benefits to the biofilm,
such as hydration, resource capture, digestive capacity
and protection from antimicrobials, in addition to facil-
itating intercellular interactions that can enhance the
metabolic capacity of cells in the biofilm and resistance
to antimicrobials. Finally, we consider the role of eco-
logical theory in understanding the social interactions
that exist in biofilms, and, conversely, the potential of the
study of biofilms to inform ecological theory (see BOX1).
This ecological perspective highlights the importance of
distinguishing between single-species and multispecies
biofilms, and the need to study biofilms that more closely
reflect the complex communities that are frequently
found in nature rather than the single-species biofilms
that are most often studied in the laboratory.
The biofilm matrix
Most of the biomass of the biofilm comprises hydrated
EPS rather than microbial cells17. The self- organization
of EPS molecules in the matrix is based on inter-
molecular interactions between EPS components,
which also determine the mechanical properties of the
matrix, and the physiological activity of the organisms
in the biofilm17. EPS molecules mediate the formation of
the biofilm architecture, which is a continuous, dynamic
process that produces a spatial organization in which
cells in the biofilm cluster in microcolonies19. A very
elegant recent study described microbial clusters in
Escherichia coli biofilms with a complex supracellular
architecture that is responsible for spatial physiological
differentiation20. Single-particle tracking of function-
alized microbeads in combination with microrheology
revealed that E.coli biofilms have a height-dependent
charge density that changes over time21. Furthermore,
EPS molecules fill and shape the space between the cells
of the biofilm, directly determining the environment
and living conditions of the cells and providing mechan-
ical stability to the biofilm22. Particularly interesting is
the role of eDNA; for example, the cationic exopolysac-
charide Pel crosslinks eDNA in Pseudomonas aerugi-
nosa biofilms23, which provides structural integrity to
the matrix, and DNABII binding proteins are thought
to enable the formation of uropathogenic E.coli biofilms
by stabilizing the secondary structure of eDNA24. eDNA
was also found to support the formation of a stable fil-
amentous network structure in biofilms of an aquatic
bacterium25. The main component of the matrix is water
(up to 97%), which contains the structural and func-
tional components of the matrix: soluble, gel-forming
polysaccharides, proteins and eDNA17, as well as insol-
uble components such as amyloids26, cellulose20, fim-
briae, pili and flagellae26. Pores and channels between
micro colonies that form voids in the matrix27 were
recently shown to facilitate liquid transport28, inspiring
the concept of a ‘rudimentary circulation system’ for the
In some cases, structural components of the matrix
may also have other functions that benefit the biofilm.
For example, in biofilms that are formed by E.coli, the
main structural component of the matrix is the curli
protein, which together with cellulose contributes to
the desiccation tolerance of the biofilm (see below), and
Bacillus subtilis uses proteins called hydrophobins to form
highly hydrophobic biofilms that float at the air–liquid
interface26. Other functional components of the biofilm
matrix include proteinaceous filaments and nanowires
that are capable of electron transport30, and methods
from materials science and biophysics are increasingly
being used to interrogate the physical properties of bio-
films, including the use of rheological22,27, ecomechanics
and electrochemical31 methods to investigate electrogenic
properties of biofilms. In biofilms that are formed by
P.aeruginosa, the EPS matrix self-assembles into a
Box 1 | Biofilms as biogenic habitat formers
Much of the physical structure that we see in the natural world is biogenic — that is,
created by organisms128,129. Habitat formation by organisms occurs throughout natural
systems, with prominent examples at large scales (hundreds of kilometres or more)
including trees and other plants, corals and other marine invertebrates, and marine and
aquatic macrophytes130. Many other organisms create habitats at somewhat smaller
scales129, including beavers and their ponds, social insects (such as ants, bees and
termites) and their hives or nests, and bromeliads and their small pools. Biogenic habitat
formers have profound effects on the communities in these systems through the
modulation of both the physicochemical environment and biotic interactions. Indeed,
the removal of key habitat-forming organisms from a community completely changes
the structure and functioning of that community131, sometimes at a global scale132.
Many of the emergent properties of natural communities rely on the creation of
biogenic structures by habitat-forming organisms, and this concept may similarly
provide a general framework for understanding the emergent properties of biofilms.
Arguably, bacteria in biofilms can be viewed as biogenic habitat formers at a microscale.
By generating a matrix, bacteria in biofilms create a physically distinct habitat that
provides shelter, promotes the accumulation of nutrients and fundamentally alters both
the physicochemical environment of the biofilm and interactions among the organisms
therein. In some instances, emergent properties deriving from biogenic habitat formers
in biofilms extend to the macroscale, such as in structured biofilms that take the form of
microbial mats or that can be found in the rhizosphere, in which microbial communities
have an essential role in the cohesion of soil particles.
The increasing number and breadth of macroecological studies of the role of
habitat-forming organisms128 in natural communities provide a conceptual
underpinning for understanding biofilms. For example, an increased appreciation of the
role of habitat-forming organisms has led to a much greater emphasis on the role of
facilitation (that is, positive interactions between species) in the structuring of natural
communities128,133, which parallels the recent emphasis from experimental evidence on
positive interactions between species in biofilm communities. The fundamental role of
the physical structure of the biofilm in regulating nutrient dynamics and the
physicochemical environment inside the matrix can also be viewed as analogous to
similar effects that have been observed in canopies of forest or marine macrophytes,
including the intriguing recent suggestion that these habitat formers ameliorate ocean
acidification at the surfaces of the canopies134. As we have argued previously135, the
application to biofilms of these and other general ecological concepts that are derived
from eukaryotic systems has considerable potential for enhancing our understanding of
the ecology of biofilms.
Electrically conductive
structures that are produced by
Pertaining to the study of the
flow of matter, primarily in a
liquid state but also as ‘soft
solids’ or solids under
conditions in which they
respond to an applied force
with plastic flow rather than
elastic deformation.
The biomechanical mechanisms
by which organisms interact
with their environment.
Capable of generating an
electric current.
Microbial mats
A coherent, layered
organization of microorganisms
with complementary metabolic
capacities. Microbial mats are
typically found in aquatic
environments, anchored to a
Mass transfer
The net movement of
compounds or chemical
species from one position to
Portions of the biofilm
extracellular polymeric
substances (EPS) that extend
out from the biofilm surface
into the liquid flow.
Adsorption or absorption, or a
combination of both processes.
liquid crystal structure through entropic interactions
between polymers, and the viscosity of the liquid crystal
is strongly enhanced by filamentous Pf phages32. Finally,
in Gram-negative bacteria, enzymes that are packaged
in extracellular membrane vesicles can contribute to the
degradation potential of the matrix33. Thus, the matrix is
not simply an amorphous gel that is composed of poly-
saccharides, but instead has a very heterogeneous — yet
highly ordered — composition that includes a wide
range of biopolymers that contribute to its function and
emergent properties26.
The non-rigid structure of the biofilm, in which
distinct zones (which can be microscopic in scale)
have substantially different viscosities, allows for the
movement of cells in the matrix, with consequences for
porosity, mechanical properties and microrheology22,34.
Common observations include the vertical migration of
bacterial populations, such as in hypersaline microbial
mats35, and migration as a collaborative effort of pop-
ulations that involves the division of labour36. This is
particularly well exemplified by recent observations
that showed that a subpopulation of motile, plank-
tonic Bacillus thuringiensis cells is able to tunnel deep
into the biofilm structure at high speed (up to 20 m
sec–1)37. Swimmers that tunnel through the biofilm
matrix create transient pores that increase mass transfer
in the biofilm37. Other recent observations showed that
active dispersal of the biofilm can occur by partial matrix
degradation38, and together these observations lead to a
conclusion that the highly organized biofilm matrix is
not an end-point, but that instead the biofilm matrix
is continuously remodelled39. This remodelling is
essential for the biofilm to respond to changes in the
environment, such as hydrodynamic shear, or to form
streamers that facilitate the colonization of a surface.
In the remodelling process, specific enzymes degrade
and reconfigure the biofilm, which not only results
in passive sloughing but also in active dispersal of the
biofilm and subsequent surface recolonization39.
An important emergent property of the biofilm that
is conferred by the matrix is tolerance to desiccation
(FIG.2a), as microorganisms in the environment regularly
experience water stress. Indeed, bacteria in the biofilm
actively respond to desiccation by the production of
EPS molecules40, which, owing to the high proportion
of hydrated polymers in the EPS matrix, protects the bio-
film from desiccation by acting as a hydrogel that retains
water17. Furthermore, skin formation by the uppermost
EPS la yers leads to an effective evaporation barrier41.
In a study that investigated the effect of desiccation on
ground water biofilms, the enzymatic activity of desic-
cated samples was fully restored following a return to wet
conditions42. Thus, the biofilm mode of life is expected to
provide much better protection against desiccation than
that of free-living bacterial cells, which lack the benefits
of the EPS matrix.
Resource capture by biofilms. The matrix enables the
biofilm to capture resources such as nutrients that are
present in the water phase of the biofilm or that are associ-
ated with the substratum on which the biofilm is grow-
ing (FIG.2b). Nutrient acquisition is an essential process
for all organisms, and biofilms have developed a very
efficient capture strategy for nutrients that exceeds that
of free-living bacterial cells. The strategy relies on the
passive sorption properties of the sponge-like EPS matrix,
which influence the exchange of nutrients, gases and
other molecules between the environment and biofilms
on a global scale34. Substances that are sequestered from
the water phase are retained in the biofilm and regarded
• Architecture
• Stability
• Pores and channels
• Fills and forms the space
between the cells
• Localized nutrients and
• Skin formation
Nature Reviews | Microbiology
Provide habitat
External digestion
The biofilm as a fortress
Sorption Enzyme retention Cooperation Competition Tolerance and resistance
Figure 1 | Emergent properties of biofilms and habitat formation. Bacterial cells in biofilms can be considered to be
habitat formers, owing to their generation of a matrix that forms the physical foundation of the biofilm. The matrix is
composed of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that provide architecture and stability to the biofilm. Nutrients and
other molecules can be trapped both by sorption to EPS molecules and to the pores and channels of the matrix, whereas
skin formation by hydrophobic EPS molecules enhances the ability of the biofilm to survive desiccation. Biofilms derive
several emergent properties — that is, properties that are not predictable from the study of free-living bacterial cells —
from the EPS matrix. These properties include localized gradients that provide habitat diversity, resource capture by
sorption, enzyme retention that provides digestive capabilities, social interactions and the ability, through tolerance
and/or resistance, to survive exposure to antibiotics.
An environment that is
characterized by low nutrient
as ‘sorbed’, which includes both absorption in the water
phase of the matrix and adsorption to matrix biopoly-
mers and biofilm cells17, and surface materials that
are biodegradable can be used by colonizing biofilms
as nutrients. For example, decomposers that degrade
organic matter can drive decontamination processes at
a global scale, whereas biodegradation of solid materi-
als that occurs at the wrong place and the wrong time
causes economically damaging bio deterioration43. As
nutrients from surface materials are most highly concen-
trated at the base layer of the biofilm, the nutrient gradi-
ent is reversed compared with the gradient of nutrients
acquired from the waterphase.
Biofilms are complex sorbent systems with different
sorption mechanisms and binding sites in the cytoplasms
of biofilm cells, the cell walls of biofilm cells and the
EPS of the matrix. These binding sites include both ani-
onic and cationic exchangers, which means that a very
wide range of substances can be trapped and accumulated
for possible consumption by cells in the biofilm44, even
when such compounds are present at very low concen-
trations. This potent sorptive capacity enables biofilms to
grow even in highly oligotrophic environments45. Sorption
by the biofilm is not compound specific, which means
that not only nutrients, but also toxic substances, can
accumulate in biofilms, and compounds such as erythro-
mycin, ethylsuccinate, acetaminophen46, acidic pharma-
ceuticals47, steroidal hormones and 4-nonylphenol
compounds have been found in biofilms48. Surprisingly,
even non-polar substances, such as benzene, toluene and
xylene, can accumulate in the EPS matrix, even though it
is highly hydrophilic and has no obvious lipophilic bind-
ing sites49. If they are not degraded, sorbed substances
will be released into the water phase from the matrix if
there is a concentration gradient towards water, or they
will otherwise remain in the biofilm until it decomposes.
Therefore, biofilms act both as a sink and a source of
contaminants44. Interestingly, biofilms respond dynam-
ically to sorbed substances. For example, in response to
exposure to toluene, biofilms of Pseudomonas putida
produce EPS with a greater number of carboxyl groups50,
which, as anions, can lead to an increased ion exchange
capacity for cations. Other anions can also be deposited
in biofilms, such as the phosphate ions that enhance the
mechanical stability of the highly structured, multigenus
biofilms in dental plaques51.
When cells decay and lyse, their debris remains in
the matrix to be ‘cannibalized’ as nutrients by surviv-
ing cells. This process has been investigated in detail in
B.subtilis biofilms52, which showed that DNA from lysed
cells is a source of phosphorus, carbon and energy53, and
P.aeruginosa has been shown to specifically produce
extracellular DNases in biofilms to exploit DNA from
lysed cells as a nutrient resource54. Although other EPS
compounds are relatively recalcitrant to degradation
and persist longer than the cells that are responsible for
Box 2 | Biofilms as physically bounded systems — a framework for understanding emergent properties?
Biofilms encompass several levels of the traditional biological hierarchy (that is, from individual cells to communities),
which adds to the challenge of arriving at a holistic understanding of biofilm biology. In particular, biofilms can be
composed of either a population or a community, which are fundamentally different levels of ecological organization. As
populations are groups of organisms of the same species, whereas a community is a collection of several species, the
ecological and evolutionary bases for interactions among organisms can differ substantially between populations and
communities (although see recent attempts at unification, such as REF.136), and this distinction is also likely to be
fundamental for the study of biofilms.
BUBBLES, CRYSTALS and WAVES have been proposed as models for understanding emergent properties of biological
systems based on physical properties137. Importantly, for the study of biofilms, these models traverse the various levels of
the biological hierarchy, and thus potentially unify emergent properties of biofilms across populations and communities
of bacteria. In particular, BUBBLES, which are defined as ‘systems whose most important properties are conditioned by
their external envelope’, seem particularly suitable as the basis of a model for biofilms, with the outer layer of the biofilm
matrix as the external envelope or boundary of the system.
Systems that are organized as BUBBLES contain and enhance processes inside the envelope of the system, and filter
interactions between the system, the environment and other systems. The envelope facilitates chemical, visual and/or
electrical signalling in the system, enhances resistance to external stressors and provides an enclosed space for biotic
interactions, such that BUBBLES have been proposed to be a site of co-evolution for organisms in a community137.
BUBBLES found in nature include beehives, termite nests and other examples of social or colonial organisms, which,
similarly to biofilms, are examples of cooperative behaviour that occur in an enclosed physical environment. Forests
and their canopies are BUBBLES that have a particular resonance with biofilm communities, owing to the development
of complex physical structures and a community composition that encompasses a wide variety of species that occupy
different niches to maximize the use of resources. Similarly to the biofilm matrix, the forest canopy regulates emergent
processes, such as light penetration, nutrient cycling and water dynamics, and imposes physicochemical gradients
that are crucial to the functioning of the system, in this case vertically from the top of the canopy to the forest floor138.
Also similarly to biofilms139, the canopy regulates the effect of biological processes, such as competition or predation,
on the forest140. Finally, light gaps in the canopy are fundamental to forest ecology, as they enable the recruitment of
new individuals, increase the availability of resources such as water, nutrients and light on the forest floor, and
increase exposure to predators. The dynamics of light gap formation are one of the keystones of forest ecology141, but
the dynamics of the analogous process in biofilms—that is, the formation and removal of the matrix —are currently
not well understood. A dynamic matrix would probably generate a very heterogeneous physical context for the
cells of the biofilm, which would correspond to a dynamic physicochemical and biological environment such as that
seen in forests.
A process in which sediments
compact under pressure and
gradually become solid rock.
The biogenesis of carbonate
can support this process.
Activated sludge
The microbial biomass in the
aerobic portion of a
wastewater treatment system.
Carbon cloth
A soft, flexible cloth-like material
made from carbon fibre.
their production55, such molecules can also eventually
be used as a nutrient source56. Indeed, as all, or nearly
all, biofilm components are retained in the matrix, the
biofilm can be viewed as a highly effective recycling yard
of cellulardebris.
Essential metal ions, such as calcium, iron and man-
ganese, accumulate in biofilms57 and contribute to the
stabilization of the biofilm matrix through the bridging
of carboxyl groups across EPS molecules58. Indeed, EPS
are standardly isolated using cationic ion exchange resin
treatment, the efficacy of which is based on the solubility
of EPS once calcium ions are removed59. Cell surfaces can
also provide binding sites for metals49. When calcium is
deposited as carbonate60, capture by biofilms contributes
to crust formation, lithification and the formation of stro-
matolites61, and iron deposits have been generated by bio-
films of iron-oxidizing bacteria, such as Pedomicrobium
spp., on a global scale62. The matrices of biofilms that are
formed by B.subtilis accumulate metals such as Cu2+,
Zn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+ and Al3+ (REF.63), which protects the bio-
film matrix from erosion and the biofilm cells from the
toxicity of the metal ions, which can be present at concen-
trations that are toxic to free-living cells. The metal sorp-
tion capacity of biofilms has been used in biotechnology
for applications such as the decontamination of uranium
from groundwater64. In activated sludge, the accumulation
of metal ions such as Pb2+, Cd2+ or Cu2+ has been reported
to cause contamination problems when the sludge is used
as a fertilizer65.
In addition to dissolved compounds, suspended
solids can be trapped by biofilms and incorporated into
the matrix61, including biodegradable material that can
be used as a source of nutrients. A large proportion
of the organic material in raw wastewater consists of
solid particles and is eliminated by biofilms to which
the particles attach66, forming flocs and sludge. Large
particles with a diameter of a few micrometres that
are captured by the matrix can traverse thick biofilms
through channels in the matrix67. Both organic and
inorganic particles are often trapped in biofilms, includ-
ing clay and silicate, and the capture of inorganic par-
ticles by biofilms contributes to lithification on a global
scale4. Inorganic particles in biofilms also include elec-
trically conductive particles that can support interspecies
electron transfer (IET), as has been shown for graphite
particles, granular activated carbon, charcoal and carbon
cloth68. Interestingly, electric signals are also used for
intercellular communication, which further supports
Nature Reviews | Microbiology
Sorbed by biofilm
• Nutrient acquisition
• Stabilization of matrix
• Recycling of cellular debris
• Biodegradation of solid waste
• Biodeterioration
• Biocorrosion
(clay, silt,
(polar and
Resource capture and retention External digestion system
Attack on substratum
Extracellular enzymes
• Skin formation
• EPS overproduction
• Compatible solute
• Hydrophobic EPS
• Protection by
Desiccation tolerancea
Sequestered from the water phase
Figure 2 | Physical and chemical properties of the biofilm matrix. a | The biofilm can be viewed as a fortress that,
through several properties of the matrix, enables constituent cells to survive desiccation. b | The biofilm is a sponge-like
system that provides surfaces for the sorption of a diverse range of molecules that can be sequestered from the
environment. This confers several benefits to the biofilm, such as nutrient acquisition and matrix stabilization. Similarly,
the physicochemical properties of the matrix enable biofilms to retain and stabilize extracellular digestive enzymes that
are produced by biofilm cells, which turns the matrix into an external digestive system. Surface-attached biofilms are not
only able to take up nutrients from the water phase but can also digest biodegradable components from the substratum,
which is exposed to enzymes in the matrix.
Planktonic cells
Free-living cells (that is, not in a
biofilm) in the liquid phase.
Humic substances
The combination of
compounds, generally humic
acids, that make up the organic
components of soils, peat and
Molecular modelling
Methods thatencompass
theoretical methods and
computational techniques that
are used tomodelor mimic the
behaviour ofmolecules.
the role of the matrix in cell-to-cell interactions (BOX3 ).
Finally, nanoparticles accumulate in biofilms, and com-
plex chemical transformations of nanoparticles have
been observed following absorption69.
The matrix as a communal external digestion system.
Resource capture by biofilms not only includes external
resources, but also enzymes that are secreted by cells
in the biofilm. Indeed, cells in the biofilm make much
more effective use of their extracellular degradative
enzymes than free-living bacterial cells. Whereas extra-
cellular enzymes that are secreted by planktonic cells dif-
fuse away from the producing cell and become diluted
in the aqueous environment, extracellular enzymes that
are secreted by cells in the biofilm are retained in the
biofilm, where the enzymes interact with EPS compo-
nents, such as polysaccharides, and accumulate in the
matrix17. Thus, an activated matrix is generated that
can be considered to be an external digestion system70,
which is a notion that was suggested as early as 1943
(REF.71). A wide variety of extracellular enzymes have
been found in biofilms, in both natural terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems72. In such biofilms, abundant humic
substances73 and extracellular enzymes form stable com-
plexes that are extremely resistant to thermal denatur-
ation, dehydration and proteolysis74. The interaction of
extracellular enzymes with matrix components leads to
the long-term stabilization of the enzymes and the per-
sistence of enzymatic activity, which buffers the biofilm
community from sudden changes in the composition
and concentration of dissolved organic matter in the
bulk waterphase.
Matrix-associated proteins are constantly produced
and degraded in response to changing conditions in
the biofilm. The matrix proteome of P.aeruginosa bio-
films was found to consist of secreted proteins, proteins
derived from cell debris, and a substantial number of
proteins associated with extracellular membrane ves-
icles75. Some evidence suggests that the matrix pro-
teome of P.aeruginosa biofilms forms a well-regulated
system that contributes not only to nutrient acquisition
but also to stress resistance, pathogenesis and stability
of the biofilm76, which are similar to the functions of
flagellae in E.coli20. For example, during infection with
P.aeruginosa, the extracellular enzymes elastase and
lipase (LipA) have important roles in providing nutri-
ents to the biofilm by degrading host tissue, and, in this
capacity, the enzymes act as virulence factors. In vitro
studies that used molecular modelling showed that LipA
secreted by P.aeruginosa binds to the EPS matrix by
forming electrostatic interactions with alginate70, with
a concomitant increase in heat tolerance and protec-
tion against enzymatic degradation. Thus, the matrix
is able to alter the properties of secreted enzymes in an
Matrix-bound enzymes are not only a resource for the
cells that produce them, but also become a resource that
is available to all members of the biofilm community,
even when the community is a mixed-species consor-
tium. In a population-based biofilm model (see BOX2)
that consisted of both proteolytic and non- proteolytic
strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens, the protein hydro-
lysates that were produced by degradative enzymes that
were secreted by the proteolytic strain were found to be
available to both strains77. Thus, secreted enzymes that
are retained in the matrix provide nutrients for mem-
bers of the microbial community other than the secret-
ing cells and represent a potential shared resource that
arises from what has been termed the ‘social function
of extracellular hydrolysis’ (REF.78).
Heterogeneity and social interactions
The organization of bacterial biofilms, based on the
matrix, allows for a myriad of organisms to interact and
to do so in close proximity. This enables the exchange of
metabolites, signalling molecules, genetic material and
Box 3 | Intercellular communication in biofilms
Since the first suggestion that bacteria were capable of intercellular communication142,
numerous studies have investigated the signalling mechanisms that are used by
bacteria to control phenotypes at the population or community level. These
mechanisms include the exchange of small organic molecules or proteins, and even the
transmission of electrical signals. The majority of studies have focused on systems that
use chemical signalling (also known as quorum sensing), which relies on the release of
signalling molecules by bacteria in response to population size, and the sensing of these
molecules by neighbouring cells, to induce the coordinated expression of specific
genes143. Most laboratory studies of quorum sensing use batch cultures, which are
closed systems in which signals are contained and can accumulate to high
concentrations. However, in natural environments, such as the open ocean, individual
planktonic cells are not thought to experience such high concentrations of signalling
molecules. By providing a closed system in which signalling molecules can be
concentrated, the biofilm is an environment that facilitates intercellular signalling,
which may, in part, explain why so many signalling phenotypes are specific to cells
Matrix components, such as amyloid fibres, exhibit weak, but functional, binding
affinity for quorum sensing signalling molecules, thus providing a continuous on–off
mechanism for modifying the concentration of these molecules in the biofilm
matrix144. This mechanism enables quorum sensing signalling molecules to be spatially
restricted such that they reach sufficiently high concentrations to be sensed145.
Indeed, the concentrations of acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) can be up to 1,000-fold
higher in biofilms than in environments that are inhabited by planktonic cells, which
highlights the potency with which biofilms can concentrate signalling molecules to
facilitate quorum sensing146,147. Remarkably, external flow can influence the activation
of quorum sensing systems inside the biofilm, which leads to spatially structured
quorum sensing that produces spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the phenotypic
response of individual cells in the biofilm to the quorum sensing signal148. The ability of
external flow to influence quorum sensing is an example of how external conditions
can modify the emergent properties of biofilms.
Recently, it has been suggested that, as an alternative to chemical signalling, some
bacteria can respond to electrical signals to elicit coordinated, population-based
behaviours. For example, Bacillus subtilis cells in the periphery of the biofilm can use
long-range electrical signals to cooperate with cells in the centre of the biofilm, such
that collective oscillations are generated that coordinate competing metabolic
demands149,150. The electrical signals are passed through potassium ion channels in the
matrix151, which may be facilitated by conductive particles of ferric iron that act as
bridges between cells that are in close proximity, such as cells in biofilms. The use of
conductive particles of ferric iron for interspecies electron transfer has been described
in microconsortia of Geobacter sulfurreducens and Thiobacillus denitrificans152.
In summary, biofilm formation enables effective intercellular communication,
whether using chemical or electrical signals, even in habitats in which signalling
molecules that are not contained by the biofilm would be readily diffused, such as
granules in wastewater treatment systems148. By contrast, the use of signal-driven
processes is not possible for planktonic cells, which lack the inherent organization and
matrix components of a biofilm.
An environment that is
characterized by high nutrient
Refers to the use of organic
compounds for nutrition.
defensive compounds, all of which dictate interactions
between organisms. Furthermore, heterogeneity, such
as in the form of cells with different metabolic capaci-
ties or physiological gradients, provides opportunities
Heterogeneity in biofilms. The heterogeneous physio-
logical activity of biofilms produces steep gradients of
electron acceptors and donors, as well as of pH value and
redox condit ions79 (FIG.3a). These unique features of biofilms
are not only observed in thick, multilayer biofilms, but
have already emerged after only a relatively small num-
ber of cells have attached to a surface80. Heterogeneity is
observed even in monospecies biofilms81, which is most
likely the result of phenotypic variation that arises from
fluctuating gene expression over time in individual cells
and differential gene expression between different cells.
The localized physiological activity of these spatially sep-
arated, immobilized cells contributes to the formation of
gradients and other spatial heterogeneities, which further
increases in multilayered biofilms17, such as microbial
mats orflocs.
One of the most important external triggers of the
establishment of gradients is the availability of electron
acceptors such as oxygen. In aquatic habitats, in which
oxygen is present in the water phase, the upper layer of
the biofilm is aerobic. Actively respiring aerobic micro-
colonies can consume oxygen faster than it diffuses
Starving cells,
dormant cells,
VBNC cells,
and dead cells
• Antibiotics
• Bacteriocins
• Killer vesicles
• Biosurfactants
• Inhibition of
quorum sensing
• Nutrient
• Cheating
Nature Reviews | Microbiology
Quorum sensing
pH gradient
active cells
Consequences: habitat variety, biodiversity
Consequence: dynamic remodelling of biofilm community
Gradients: stabilized by immobilization of biofilm cells within the matrix
Social interactions in the matrix
Copiotrophic biofilm
Oligotrophic biofilm
Synergistic linuron degradation
Communication Competition
Variovorax sp.
Nitrite oxidizers
Oxygen is
faster than
the rate of
O2 gradient
Figure 3 | Biofilms are characterized by heterogeneity
and social interactions. a | The formation of the
extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) matrix leads to
the establishment of stable gradients that provide
different localized habitats at a small scale. In an aerobic
copiotrophic biofilm, organisms are stratified according to
oxygen availability, which becomes depleted in the lower
layers of the biofilm, as the consumption of oxygen by
aerobic organisms in the higher layers of the biofilm is
faster than the rate of diffusion. Similarly, in aerobic
oligotrophic biofilms, nutrient consumption by organisms
in the upper layers results in the starvation of organisms in
the lower layers, which may lead to the adoption of slow
growth states, such as those found in dormant cells, or
even in cell death. Other gradients that are present in
biofilms include pH gradients, which are produced by
heterotrophic metabolism, and gradients of signalling
molecules, in which the concentration of quorum sensing
molecules varies according to the distance from producing
cells. b | Social interactions in biofilms involve cooperation
or competition between cells and can result in the
dynamic remodelling of the biofilm community.
Cooperation can be mediated by chemical communication
(for example, using AHL) or electrical communication (for
example, using nanowires) and/or it can involve
cooperative metabolism, such as that seen for the process
of nitrification, in which ammonia-oxidizing bacteria
produce nitrite that is further oxidized by nitrite-oxidizing
bacteria. A metabolic interaction that precedes nitrification
can occur when nitrite-oxidizing bacteria supply ammonia
to ammonia-oxidizers, as has been shown for the
nitrite-oxidizing bacterium Nitrospira moscoviensis. These
interactions rely on the close proximity of cells that
exchange metabolites, to enable efficient exchange by
diffusion. Another example of cooperation in biofilms is
the synergistic degradation of the toxic herbicide linuron
by mixed-species biofilms that are formed by Comamonas
testosteroni, Hyphomicrobium sulfonivorans and
Variovoraxsp. WDL1, which enables higher concentrations
of linuron to be tolerated than can be tolerated by the
respective single-species biofilms. Negative interactions,
in the form of competition or cheating, have also been
observed in biofilms. Competition between cells in
biofilms can involve killing mechanisms, such as those
using antibiotics, bacteriocins or extracellular membrane
vesicles (which can contain enzymes that kill or impede
the growth of competing organisms)153, or strategies that
compromise growth, such as nutrient depletion or the
inhibition of quorum sensing. AHL, acyl-homoserine
lactone; VBNC cells, viable-but-nonculturable cells.
through the biofilm, which results in the formation of
anaerobic zones in deep layers of the biofilm, whereas
upper layers remain aerobic82,83. Gradients of oxygen
availability can occur over a small distance such that
aerobic and anaerobic areas of the biofilm are separated
by only a few micrometres82.
Physiological stratification and heterogeneity in bio-
films enable the spatial organization of mixed-species
(as well as monospecies) biofilms. For example, photo-
trophic microorganisms, such as algae, cyanobacteria
and anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, generate and
release organic substrates as exudates, and neighbouring
species in close proximity to the producing cells bene-
fit from these substrates and show enhanced metabolic
activity84. These metabolic interactions enable the devel-
opment of spatially organized biofilms that are complex
interactive systems, such as microbial mats84 or river
biofilms85. The microscopic details of such biofilms only
became experimentally accessible with the availability
of specific microelectrodes that enabled parameters
such as oxygen and pH to be measured at a microscale
resolution (comprehensively reviewed in REF.34).
Cooperation and competition — all together now or
everyone for themselves? The complex network and
coordinated division of labour36 that emerges from the
close proximity between cells in the biofilm matrix has
inspired the introduction of the anthropomorphic term
‘so cio microbiology’ (REF.86). One of the enabling mech-
anisms of sociomicrobiology is the process of intercellu-
lar signalling, which is itself strongly influenced by the
properties of the biofilm matrix (BOX3), but metabolic
activity is also an important feature of social interactions
in biofilms. Indeed, given the high cell densities and
species diversity of many biofilms, it is not surprising that
biofilms are the primary sites for the exchange of meta-
bolic by-products between species87. Such processes are
not possible for suspensions of planktonic cells. Amino
acid auxotrophy is a common strategy by which micro-
bial communities lessen the collective metabolic burden
of biosynthesis and stabilize cooperation88, and it is likely
that this is also true for sugars and nucleotides. Thus, the
exchange of amino acids and sugars can be considered
to be common mutualistic interactions in subcommuni-
ties that exist in parallel to one another89. The formation
of synergistic multispecies consortia is most prominent
when metabolic substrates and intermediates have short
diffusion distances to minimize loss90, which reinforces
the importance of high cell densities for social interac-
tions in the biofilm. An interesting example of metabolic
interactions between different species in biofilms is the
process of nitrification, in which ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria convert ammonium into nitrite, which is then
oxidized by nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (FIG.3b). As a
preceding step, the nitrite- oxidizing bacterium Nitrospira
moscoviensis uses urease to produce ammonia for oxi-
dation by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria that lack this
enzyme91. Thus, the metabolic interaction is reciprocal,
as N.moscoviensis exchanges ammonia for its oxidation
product, nitrite. Owing to the close proximity between
nitrite-oxidizing bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria in the biofilm, metabolites are exchanged using
short diffusion pathways that minimize loss and maxi-
mize effective substrate use. Genes that are predicted to
encode ureases have been found in other nitrite-oxidizing
bacteria and in several metagenomic datasets, which sug-
gests that many of these bacteria are not merely recipients
of nitrite produced by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria but
instead form reciprocal metabolic interactions in which
ammonia is exchanged for nitrite. Another highly inter-
esting synergistic biofilm consortium is that composed
of cyanobacteria and fungi in biofilms on desert rocks
or on the surface of buildings. In this consortium, the
cyanobacteria provide nutrients for the fungi, which, in
turn, release essential metals from the rock that benefit
the cyanobacteria92.
The distinction between populations (groups of indi-
viduals of one species) and communities (groups of
individuals of several species) is fundamental to the study
of ecology (BOX2). As such, biological outcomes — such
as resource partitioning, cheating, cooperation and com-
petition — that occur in mixed-species biofilms should
be framed in the context of a community, rather than in
the context of a population of individuals from a single
species, as distinct ecological theories apply in each case.
However, although most natural biofilms exist as very
diverse communities, we note that most laboratory exper-
iments study biofilms that are single-species populations
rather than mixed-species communities. Recent studies
of models of mixed-species biofilms clearly demonstrate
the occurrence of cooperative behaviour93, and enable
such behaviour to be experimentally investigated. For
example, a study of a biofilm formed by P.aeruginosa,
Pseudomonas protegens and Klebsiella pneumoniae found
that stress tolerance was present to an equal extent in
all three community members. Furthermore, a biofilm
community with three species was shown to tolerate
exposure to the phenylurea herbicide linuron by syner-
gistic degradation of the toxin, which none of the cog-
nate monospecies biofilms was able to degrade94. Indeed,
stress tolerance at a community level is a key feature of
mixed-species biofilms and partially explains why such
communities can tolerate the accumulation of toxic com-
pounds, whereas equivalent planktonic cultures cannot.
However, the underlying mechanisms that mediate stress
tolerance in mixed- species biofilms seem to be complex
and are not yet fully understood.
A study that intensively investigated co-evolution and
the development of cooperation in biofilms showed that
an intimate and specialized association was formed by
genetic adaptation in a biofilm that was formed by two
species95. Specifically, the genome of one species had a
small number of mutations that seemed to be adaptive
to the presence of the other species. The derived com-
munity with the adaptive mutations was reported to
be more stable and more productive than the ancestral
community, which lacked the adaptive mutations. The
concept of co-evolution is further supported by a recent
study of isolates from tree-hole rainwater pool commu-
nities. Species in these communities tend to use similar
resources to one another, which might be expected to
lead to competition. Using growth media that reflected
Type VI secretion systems
Multiprotein complexes that
use a one-step mechanism to
inject effector proteins, such as
virulence factors, from the
interior of a bacterial cell into
atarget cell. These systems
have been found in a quarter
ofall proteobacterialgenomes,
including those that encode
animal, plant and human
pathogens, as well as soil,
environmental and
the natural habitat of the tree-hole, the study showed
that mixed-species biofilms ultimately evolve such that
negative interactions between community members are
decreased and co-metabolism or metabolic sharing is
increased, which leads to more efficient resource par-
titioning between community members96. As might
be expected, cooperation in biofilms is strongest when
community members originate from the same habitat
and cooperation is weakest when they originate from
different habitats97.
Cooperation does not necessarily occur in all bio-
films, and it has even been suggested that the majority
of species–species interactions in biofilms are negative
(that is, either competitive interactions or interactions
that are undesirable for one partner and neutral for the
other)98. According to this argument, observations that
attribute a larger number of social interactions to coop-
erative effects may do so owing to prior selection for
cooperative interactions and/or the use of a definition
for cooperation that lacks stringency. The mechanisms
that mediate competition in biofilms have been compre-
hensively reviewed elsewhere (see REF.99and include
the use of antibiotics, bacteriocins, extracellular mem-
brane vesicles99 and type VI secretion systems (as is the case
for Vibrio cholerae100). These weapons of competition
drive competitive strategies that include the inhibition
of initial adhesion to the biofilm, surface blanketing (for
example, the spread of P.aeruginosa cells on the surface
by twitching motility, thereby preventing the adhesion
of competing Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells) or the
production of biosurfactants with antimicrobial prop-
erties99. Furthermore, invaders can inhibit the matu-
ration of a biofilm and promote its dispersal through
downregulation of the production of adhesin, inhibition
of cell-to-cell communication, or the degradation of
matrix polysaccharides, nucleic acids and proteins38,100.
However, such defensive mechanisms seem to be specific
cases that are not generalizable to most environmental
biofilms, which usually contain many species and are
dynamic systems in which invasion by new members
can be of mutual benefit and may increase biodiversity
to provide flexibility to environmental changes. Thus,
for most biofilms, the majority of social interactions may
indeed be cooperative.
The biofilm as a fortress
Enhanced resistance or tolerance to antibiotics and other
antimicrobial agents compared with free-living bacterial
cells are typical examples of the emergent properties of
biofilms. Both ‘resistance’ and ‘tolerance’ are terms that
are used to refer to an enhanced ability of an organism
to survive exposure to compounds that are lethal to
susceptible organisms. In this Review, we use the term
‘resistance’ to denote a genetic, heritable characteristic
that is acquired either by mutation or by gene exchange
and that remains even when cells in the biofilm are
dispersed. By contrast, we use the term ‘tolerance’ to
denote a characteristic that is specific to biofilms101,102
and that is lost following dispersal to free-living bacte-
rial cells103,104 (FIG.4). Owing to the ability of cells in the
biofilm to survive exposure to antibiotics, together with
their enhanced ability to survive desiccation, we suggest
that the biofilm can be viewed as a fortress, in which
antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial tolerance and
survival of desiccation form the buttresses.
Tolerance. Tolerance in biofilms can be a product both of
the properties of the biofilm matrix, through the entrap-
ment or inactivation of antimicrobials, and of the slow
growth that can occur in biofilms. Intuitively, the EPS
matrix might seem to plausibly represent a diffusion
barrier. However, antimicrobials that do not interact
with EPS molecules have been shown to diffuse through
biofilms as easily as through water105, and the diffusion
barrier alone is not nearly large enough to account for
the reduced susceptibility of biofilms to antibiotics. If
not by inhibition of diffusion, how does the quenching
of antimicrobial activity in biofilms occur? Although it
seems not to be a physicochemical barrier to the diffu-
sion of antimicrobials, EPS components of the matrix
leads to
Nature Reviews | Microbiology
• Reaction with
• Chelation
• Enzymatic
• Precipitation
• Volatilization as
alkylated metal
Sublethal concentration leads
to selection for resistance
Tolerance by
slow growth
Transfer of
resistance genes
Small uncharged
Antimicrobial disinfectants
and toxic metals
VBNC cells,
Figure 4 | Tolerance of, and resistance to, antimicrobials. In the context of human health,
an important emergent property of biofilms is an increased ability to survive exposure to
antimicrobial compounds, including disinfectants, toxic metals and small-molecule
antibiotics, which can occur by several mechanisms. Tolerance, which is a non-heritable
phenotype, can arise when extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) molecules in the
matrix quench the activity of antimicrobials using diffusion–reaction inhibition, or as a
consequence of the slow growth states that are adopted by many biofilm cells, which
enables tolerance of the numerous antimicrobial drugs that target metabolic (or other)
processes that occur during growth. Furthermore, diffusion–reaction inhibition that
decreases the concentration of antimicrobials to sublethal concentrations can lead to the
survival of exposed cells and to the development of antimicrobial resistance. Resistance to
antimicrobials can also increase in biofilms as a result of the dissemination of resistance
genes between cells by horizontal gene transfer, which is facilitated by the close proximity
of biofilm cells to one another and, it has also been suggested, by the presence of
extracellular DNA in the matrix (not shown). VBNC cells, viable-but-nonculturable cells.
A class of antibiotics that
typically have a cyclohexane
ring and amino sugars.
Stationary phase
A slow or non-growth phase of
the bacterial growth cycle that
typically results from a lack of
electron donors or acceptors.
(VBNC state). A state of
dormancy that is defined by
failure of an organism to be
cultured on media that
normally supports its growth,
while retaining measurable
indications of viability, such
asrespiratory activity, the
presence of rRNAand integrity
of the cellmembrane.
Plasmid conjugation
The transfer of a specialized
type of plasmid from one cell
to another by a pilus that
isencoded within the
can substantially quench the activity of antimicrobial
substances that diffuse through the biofilm34 in a form
of inhibition known as diffusion–reaction inhibition105,
which can involve chelation by complex formation, enzy-
matic degradation of antimicrobials or even sacrificial
reaction of EPS (for example, with oxidizing disinfect-
ants)105. By decreasing the effective concentration of anti-
microbials to sublethal concentrations, diffusion–reaction
inhibition may promote selection for antimicrobial resist-
ance in biofilm cells that are exposed to, but can survive,
antimicrobial stress. Antimicrobials that are subject to
diffusion–reaction inhibition by the matrix include toxic
metals, such as copper, which is complexed by polysac-
charides in the matrix of Erwinia amylovora biofilms to
protect the biofilm from copper stress106. One study107
integrated the mechanisms of metal detoxification in
biofilms into a multifunctional model that suggested
that numerous mechanisms can contribute to tolerance,
including metabolic heterogeneity, extracellular signal-
ling, metal immobilization and complexing, reaction with
side rophores, genetic mutations and phenotypic varia-
tions. EPS molecules have also been suggested to have a
role in conferring tolerance to aminoglycosides108,109.
Slow growth rates and dormancy have long been
recognized as means of survival for bacteria in biofilms
that are exposed to antimicrobials110. Biofilms contain
substantial numbers of cells in stationary phase and these
cells have a reduced susceptibility to the many antimi-
crobials that rely on the metabolism of bacterial cells for
their activities111. Indeed, for bacterial cells in biofilms
that are in stationary phase, at least 1% become toler-
ant to antibiotics112. Over time, a larger number of cells
in the biofilm enter the stationary phase. Accordingly,
some antibiotics (vancomycin, but not rifampicin or tet-
racycline) show substantially reduced killing efficiency
as the biofilm ages (from 6 h to 24 h or 48 h)113, which
indicates that older biofilms show higher tolerance for
these anti biotics. Little or no reduction in ATP con-
tent was observed following exposure to silver nano-
particles in late stages, as compared with early stages,
of biofilm development105, which means that the cells
were not killed but were prevented from multiplying,
suggesting that the increased tolerance of older biofilms
applies to silver nano particles as well as antibiotics. Slow
growth rates can lead to the viable-but-nonculturable state
(VBNC state) of microorganisms114, or to other forms
of dormancy115, but metabolic activity and membrane
integrity are still maintained during dormancy115. For
example, tolerance to silver ions and silver nanoparti-
cles was associ ated with cells that were entering a VBNC
state103,104, which is considered to be one of two dor-
mancy states of non-sporulating bacteria. In the other
dormancy state, cells are known as ‘persisters’, which are
multidrug tolerant subpopulations that are phenotypic,
rather than genetic, variants116,117. Given the high propor-
tion of stationary cells in biofilms118, persisters might be
expected to be prevalent in biofilm communities.
Dissemination of resistance by horizontal gene transfer.
One mechanism by which the resistance of cells in the
biofilm to antimicrobials can be enhanced is the uptake
of resistance genes by horizontal gene transfer119. The
high cell density, increased genetic competence and
accumulation of mobile genetic elements that occur
in biofilms have been suggested to provide an ideal set
of factors for efficient horizontal gene transfer, includ-
ing the uptake of resistance genes109. Furthermore, the
matrix provides a stable physical environment for cell-
to-cell contact, which is required for some mechanisms
of gene transfer, and is a source of DNA in the form of
eDNA (see below)120. A common mechanism of hori-
zontal gene transfer in biofilms is plasmid conjugation.
For example, plasmids with genes that confer resistance
to several antibiotics were readily transferred in dual-
species biofilms of P.putida and E.coli121. More generally,
conjugation has been shown to be up to 700-fold more
efficient in biofilms compared with free-living bacterial
cells122. Indeed, a study of Staphylococcus aureus showed
that conjugal plasmid transfer occurred in biofilms but
not in cultures of free-living bacterial cells, providing
another example of a behaviour that occurs in a biofilm
but that is not possible for free-living bacterial cells123.
In V.cholerae biofilms, type VI secretion systems
provide an alternative mechanism of horizontal gene
transfer124. These secretion systems require cell-to-cell
contact, which provides another example of why the
close proximity and high cell density that are inherent
to biofilms are important for horizontal gene transfer.
Interestingly, V.cholerae uses its type VI secretion sys-
tem to acquire the DNA of other cells by lysing them and
uptaking the released DNA by competence and/or nat-
ural transformation mechanisms124. eDNA in the matrix
can also be a source of DNA for horizontal gene trans-
fer, and Streptococcus gordonii has been shown to take
up plasmid DNA when present in biofilms formed
by Treponema denticola125. A study of biofilms formed by
Acinetobacter baylyi found that genetic transfer by trans-
formation was strongly influenced by the EPS architec-
ture of the biofilm126, which led the authors of the study
to propose that a major role of the matrix is to facilitate
binding and stability of plasmid DNA for uptake by cells
in the biofilm.
Conclusions and future directions
Our understanding of biofilms has progressed tremen-
dously since they were first formally defined in the
mid-1980s. Much of this new knowledge has been based
on the elucidation of genetic pathways, physiological
responses and intracellular signal transduction path-
ways, such as those that are regulated by cyclic dimeric
guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP), that underpin
biofilm development and that have been reviewed exten-
sively elsewhere (see, for example, REF.127). By contrast,
we are only now beginning to scratch the surface of the
properties of the biofilm matrix, even though the matrix
represents the largest constituent, as well as the defining
feature, of biofilms: the ‘house’ of biofilm cells. Studies
have shown that EPS molecules comprise many different
biopolymers that impart their individual physical prop-
erties to the matrix, which provides the biofilm with
strength, cohesion and the capacity to retain large and
small molecules alike. As biofilms retain or capture many
different compounds, future studies will need to address
how the production and variability of EPS molecules are
regulated, as well as how the biofilm makes use of the
captured resources, including signalling molecules, at
scales that are relevant to cells in the biofilm, whether
by resource sharing and partitioning or diffusion of
resources. For applied purposes, the manipulation of EPS
production in biofilms may be of interest, such as in the
mitigation of biofouling10, although the potential utility
of such a manipulation has not yet been well explored.
Particularly intriguing is the dependency of anti-
microbial tolerance on the biofilm lifestyle, as this
pheno type is lost following dispersal103,104. This depend-
ency seems to be explained, in part, by the concealment
of cells in the matrix, which provides protection from
antimicrobials, although how this protection occurs
is not yet fully understood, as antimicrobial tolerance
remains at concentrations of antimicrobials that are
above the saturation point of diffusion–reaction inhi-
bition. Slow growth states, such as dormancy, are also
expected to contribute to the tolerance that is observed
in biofilms; however, future studies will need to estab-
lish whether dormancy is a common feature of biofilms
for many organisms, rather than the small number of
organisms studied in the laboratory to date, and, thus,
whether biofilms are commonly a reservoir of cells in a
VBNC state, possibly in starvation zones of the biofilm.
Such a finding would have immense implications for the
treatment of microbial infections, for the disinfection of
medical devices and for an improved understanding
of microbial ecology, although these applications would
require further work to identify the conditions that ini-
tiate dormancy or resuscitation of cells in a biofilm. An
increased emphasis on biofilm community biology will
also need to address the role of interkingdom interac-
tions between the diverse array of microbial organisms
that can be present in mixed-species biofilms. Indeed, by
taking into account the structure–function contributions
that can be made to interkingdom biofilms by organisms
such as viruses, archaea, protozoa and fungi, studies of
biofilm communities will more closely reflect the true
compositions of biofilms in many natural habitats.
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The discovery of an exciting alternative signalling
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H.-C.F., S.K., S.R. and P.S. gratefully acknowledge the influ-
ence of the inspiring and motivating atmosphere during the
Singapore Centre on Environmental Life Sciences Engineering
(SCELSE) Summer Course while preparing this Review article.
The authors thank J. Froesler for assistance with the figures.
H.-C.F. appreciates the long-term support of the IWW Water
Centre (Muelheim, Germany) to his work, and the support of
P. Wilderer, his first mentor. The authors also thank SCELSE
for supporting this work.
Competing interests statement
The authors declare no competing interests.