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Smart Home Automation using Sensors and Internet of Things

  • VIT-AP University


The technology development is paving way for the automation to be made to the existing machines leading to the new technology called Internet of Things. Things get connected with each other over Internet that reduces human workload. The home is built with electrical devices for comfortable living style. But, the devices are operated manually in the home. The devices are in running state even users left the home with unaware of the electrical devices status. Hence, users should come back to the home to stop the devices. It leads to wastage of human energy, electrical energy and devices life time. This paper is proposed to implement the smart home automation that controls the devices such as fan, lamp and motor from remote location over the network. The experiments have been conducted to implement the automation using Arduino Uno controller that interfaces Ethernet shield and operates the devices using web, android applications through smart phone, laptop. This research work is proposed to reduce human workload and reduce the electricity consumption.
Asian Journal
of Research in
Social Sciences
Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Vol. 6, No. 8, August 2016, pp. 2642-2649
ISSN 2249-7315
A Journal Indexed in Indian Citation Index
DOI NUMBER: 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00771.1
Category:Science and Technology
Asian Research Consortium
Smart Home Automation using Sensors and Internet of
Dr. P. Kuppusamy*
IT Research Lab,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Gnanamani College of Technology,
Namakkal, India.
The technology development is paving way for the automation to be made to the existing machines
leading to the new technology called Internet of Things. Things get connected with each other over
Internet that reduces human workload. The home is built with electrical devices for comfortable
living style. But, the devices are operated manually in the home. The devices are in running state
even users left the home with unaware of the electrical devices status. Hence, users should come
back to the home to stop the devices. It leads to wastage of human energy, electrical energy and
devices life time. This paper is proposed to implement the smart home automation that controls the
devices such as fan, lamp and motor from remote location over the network. The experiments have
been conducted to implement the automation using Arduino Uno controller that interfaces Ethernet
shield and operates the devices using web, android applications through smart phone, laptop. This
research work is proposed to reduce human workload and reduce the electricity consumption.
Keywords: Internet of Things, Smart home, Arduino, Energy, Sensors.
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Supplementary resource (1)

... But if we need to turn on the light far from home, it will become a problem. The authors in the paper [12], focused on how computer technology can regulate home gadgets to save energy and give security, and how websitebased access to home devices even if we are far away from home where WiFi is available. In [13] authors used a microcontroller, Arduino board, and the LabVIEW platform to develop a smart home system. ...
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Internet of Things (IoT) devices are connected to the Internet and provide a variety of scopes in different projects and research domains. Smart home monitoring and automation largely depend on the usage of IoT devices. The concept of a smart home is now widely popular and a necessity in modern busy urban life. As most homeowner has to work at a distant workplace, it is a quite cumbersome job to monitor their household activity. In this paper, we address this issue and develop a prototype smart home system. The system contains IoT devices that are responsible for continuously sensing the home environment and sending the data to the Microcontroller. The microcontroller receives data and generates automated actions. We also connected the smart home system to a mobile Android application using the internet via a WiFi module. Thus, the homeowner can observe the current status of the home and will get a notification of the urgent situations in the application. We described the hardware requirement, software requirement, and connectivity of the devices. We ran different tests and checked the performance of the IoT sensors that were used. The developed prototype performed as expected and the integration of the smart home and Android application was quite smooth for monitoring and taking automated actions. GUB JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol 10(1), 2023 P 86-95
... In [2], the system uses Intel Galileo that employs the integration of cloud networking, wireless communication, to provide the user with remote control of various lights, fans, and appliances within their home and storing the data in the cloud. The system will automatically change on the basis of sensors' data. ...
... The technology development is paving way for the automation to be made to the existing machines leading to the new technology called Internet of Things (Kuppusamy, 2016). But, smart agriculture is not only a technology to ease the human life, but it has rather become a necessity or even a compulsion to cope with rapidly increasing food demand of the world population, which is multiplying itself every second (Bhuvaneswari et al., 2021). ...
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The increasing global population and urbanization have led to a growing interest in urban farming to provide sustainable food production. Indoor smart gardens, a new form of urban farming, have emerged as an innovative and technology-based solution to urban agriculture. This paper explores the role of indoor smart gardens in modern urban farming and their potential impact on food production, environmental sustainability, and human health. Consequently, comparison was used of traditional outdoor farming vs. indoor smart gardening. Also, a comparative study was conducted using the case study of two leading brands of indoor smart gardens: Aerogarden and Click & Grow. The research’s results show that smart gardens have significant potential to revolutionize urban farming practices and address the growing demand for food production in urban areas. Our review of the literature and case study showed that smart gardens can significantly increase food production, improve environmental sustainability, and enhance human health in urban areas.
... The technology development is paving way for the automation to be made to the existing machines leading to the new technology called Internet of Things (Kuppusamy, 2016). But, smart agriculture is not only a technology to ease the human life, but it has rather become a necessity or even a compulsion to cope with rapidly increasing food demand of the world population, which is multiplying itself every second (Bhuvaneswari et al., 2021). ...
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In this paper, authors started from the hypothesis that innovations contribute to creativity and that children become more aware of in what way they can contribute to the development of rural areas. With children, play is important, and games that strengthen the imagination and encourage children to think for themselves are one of the best ways to encourage making future, strategic decisions. The challenge was to test the game “Tesla” on older school age children from 12 to 14 years old from rural areas. 138 children from five rural schools on Fruška Gora were examined. The results showed that children from rural areas, with the help of smart devices, played the game at the same level as children from any world metropolis. What’s more, through the game, the children showed awareness of the importance of the village, staying in the village and what is needed for the village to “live”.
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The paper main objective is to provide the information to the blind people. Information which contains the exact location of the blind person, where he is standing or any obstacle is nearby of him. We are going to develop an intelligent system that works efficiently in both indoor and outdoor environment. When a person walks, he must be able to know that, is there any obstacle is present in front of him or not. The current device works for the visually impaired person, which can be able to move freely without any restrictions. It can provide an alarm to the person if the visually impaired person gets an obstacle in front of him.
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Now days, with evolving technology, internet grows rapidly. IoT i.e., Internet of things is a technology which connects everything to everything. This paper presents optimistic solutions,that how any object or anything can be connected over the network with IoT technologies and achieves a desired output. This paper proposed some algorithms which shows that how different sensors connected with physical devices and provides desired solutionsand an approach in the form of algorithm (step by step solution) to connect Node MCU ESP 8266(development board or firmware) with Arduino IDE which provide low power battery operated applications or prototyping of IoT devices.It also provides a comparative analysis between NodeMCU development board and Arduino UNO microcontroller board. These are the development boards to generate IoT based applications. Internet of Things (IoT) connects any of the physical objects to internet via sensors. Different scientist's researches about its IoT architecture. There are so many industries are followed different types of IoT layered model. Conventional model consists three layers while other industries followed seven-layer IoT layered model. IoT (Internet of Things) field is rapidly growing field, its application includes almost every field. Depending upon different applications areas of internet of Things, it works accordingly as per it has been developed.But it has not a standard defined architecture of working which is strictly followed universally. The architecture of IoT depends upon its functionality and implementation in different sectors. Still, there is a basic process flow based on which IoT is built. This paper proposes a five-layer IoT layered architecture with their underlying technologies and distinct algorithms to connect sensors with NodeMCU and Arduino IDE with the comparative study of microcontroller board Node MCU and Arduino UNO.
IOT plays major role in industry protection. The IOT industry protection and controlling system using ARM STM32 micro controller designed to protect industries from lossesdue to unexpected accidents. The term internet of things stands for connecting the different devices with internet. Along with losses it also identifies the fire accidents such as furnace blasts, The temperature of machines, weather conditions in industries such as humidity levels, gas leakages, Low lighting, and smart power handling. The system makesuse of ARM STM32 to achieve this functionality. The system makes use of temperature sensors, gas sensors, level sensors, also sensors to detect the low lighting to avoid any industrial accidents and prevent losses. The system consists of sensors, light, LCD screen and alarm. The sensor data is constantlyscanned to record the values and check for fire, gas leakage or other issues, then the data is transmitted online. The Wi-Fi module in the system used to achieve internet functionality. The data from the sensors is uploaded in server then it displays the information online in a industry website, by this the industry is monitored remotely and controlled remotely. The theme of this project is to reduce the probability of accidents occurrence in industries smartly.
Conference Paper
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This general paper aims at presenting the Smart Home concept. In this paper, we will detail a) the Smart Home concept b) the various networks infrastructures specific to the habitat c) our concepts to model the habitat and to provide the most adapted services to the inhabitants. Contrary to the other projects, we direct our work towards a sensors approach and an ontology modelling of the Smart Home. Our work has the originality to take into account the real heterogeneity of information present in a habitat and use a service oriented approach (SOA). We can say that our paper is a good overview to present what is a Smart Home and which are the necessary hardware and software components to make a Smart Home
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In this paper we take a look at the state of the art in smart environments research. The survey is motivated by the recent dramatic increase of activity in the field, and summarizes work in a variety of supporting disciplines. We also discuss the application of smart environments research to health monitoring and assistance, followed by ongoing challenges for continued research.
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The pervasive sensing technologies found in smart environments offer unprecedented opportunities for monitoring and assisting the individuals who live and work in these spaces. As aspect of daily life that is often overlooked in maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the air quality of the environment. In this paper we investigate the use of machine learning technologies to predict CO(2) levels as an indicator of air quality in smart environments. We introduce techniques for collecting and analyzing sensor information in smart environments and analyze the correlation between resident activities and air quality levels. The effectiveness of our techniques is evaluated using three physical smart environment testbeds.
A considerable amount of research has been carried out towards making long-standing smart home visions technically feasible. The technologically augmented homes made possible by this work are starting to become reality, but thus far living in and interacting with such homes has introduced significant complexity while offering limited benefit. As these technologies are increasingly adopted, the knowledge we gain from their use suggests a need to revisit the opportunities and challenges they pose. Synthesizing a broad body of research on smart homes with observations of industry and experiences from our own empirical work, we provide a discussion of ongoing and emerging challenges, namely challenges for meaningful technologies, complex domestic spaces, and human-home collaboration. Within each of these three challenges we discuss our visions for future smart homes and identify promising directions for the field.
The increasing interest in smart home technologies has created a need for a comprehensive literature survey. This article reviews the goals of a smart home energy management system, along with related definitions, applications, and information about the manufacturing of its components. The challenges associated with smart home energy management systems and possible solutions are examined, and the energy factors that contribute to a customer's electricity bill are discussed. A number of price schemes and the load models needed for solving related scheduling optimization problems are also presented, including a review of the literature related to energy management system scheduling with respect to its control, automation, and communication.
Recognising human activities is a problem characteristic of a wider class of systems in which algorithms interpret multi-modal sensor data to extract semantically meaningful classifications. Machine learning techniques have demonstrated progress, but the lack of underlying formal semantics impedes the potential for sharing and reusing classifications across systems. We present a top-level ontology model that facilitates the capture of domain knowledge. This model serves as a conceptual backbone when designing ontologies, linking the meaning implicit in elementary information to higher-level information that is of interest to applications. In this way it provides the common semantics for information at different levels of granularity that supports the communication, reuse and sharing of ontologies between systems.
Attitude of senior citizens towards smart home technologies: A literature review
  • B H Mishra
Mishra, B. H., Attitude of senior citizens towards smart home technologies: A literature review, Human Ageing and Elderly Service, 2015.
Learning, Prediction and Mediation of Context Uncertainty in Smart Pervasive Environments
  • S K Das
  • N Roy
  • R Meersman
  • Z Tari
  • P Herrero
Das, S. K., and Roy, N., Learning, Prediction and Mediation of Context Uncertainty in Smart Pervasive Environments. Meersman, R., Tari, Z., and Herrero, P., (Eds.): OTM 2008 Workshops, LNCS 5333, 2008, pp. 820-829.
Smart homes for monitoring and assessing everyday functioning and for real-time intervention
  • M Schmitter-Edgecombe
  • D Cook
Schmitter-Edgecombe, M., and Cook, D., Smart homes for monitoring and assessing everyday functioning and for real-time intervention, In the Role of Technology in Clinical Neuropsychology, Oxford University Press, 2015.
  • Kuppusamy
Kuppusamy (2016). Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 6, No.8, pp.2642-2649.