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Determination of Isotopic Abundance of 13C/12C or 2H/1H and 18O/16O in Biofield Energy Treated 1-Chloro-3-Nitrobenzene (3-CNB) Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

  • Independent Researcher
  • Trivedi Global, Inc

Abstract and Figures

1-Chloro-3-nitrobenzene (3-CNB) is an aromatic halo-amine compound used as chemical intermediate for the production of several fine chemicals like pharmaceuticals, dyes, agricultural chemicals, etc. The stable isotope ratio analysis has drawn attention in numerous fields such as agricultural, food authenticity, biochemistry, etc. The objective of the current research was to investigate the impact of the biofield energy treatment on the isotopic abundance ratios of PM+1/PM, PM+2/PM and PM+3/PM in 3-CNB using gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The sample, 3-CNB was divided into two parts - one part was denoted as control and another part was referred as biofield energy treated sample that was treated with biofield energy (The Trivedi Effect®). T1, T2, T3, and T4 were represented to different time interval analysis of the biofield treated 3-CNB. The GC-MS spectra of the both control and biofield treated 3-CNB indicated the presence of molecular ion peak [M+] at m/z 157 (calculated 156.99 for C6H4ClNO2) along with same pattern of fragmentation. The relative intensities of the parent molecule and other fragmented ions of the biofield treated 3-CNB were improved as compared to the control 3-CNB. The percentage change of the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM was significantly increased in the biofield treated 3-CNB at T1, T2 and T3 by 11.62, 18.50, and 29.82%, respectively with respect to the control 3-CNB. Accordingly, the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+2/PM in the biofield treated 3-CNB at T2 and T3 was significantly improved by 15.22 and 35.09%, respectively as compared to the control sample. The isotopic abundance ratios of PM+1/PM and PM+2/PM in the biofield treated 3-CNB at T1 and T4 were changed as compared to the control sample. The percentage change of the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+3/PM was enhanced in the biofield treated 3-CNB at T1, T2, T3, and T4 by 4.67, 18.69, 31.31 and 6.08%, respectively as compared to the control 3-CNB. The isotopic abundance ratios of PM+1/PM, PM+2/PM and PM+3/PM in the biofield treated 3-CNB changed with the time. So, the biofield energy treated 3-CNB might exhibit the altered isotope effects such as altered physicochemical and thermal properties, binding energy, and the rate of the chemical reaction as compared to the control sample. The biofield energy treated 3-CNB might assist in designing for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, dyes, corrosion inhibitors and other several useful industrial chemicals.
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Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry
2016; 4(4): 42-51
doi: 10.11648/j.sjac.20160404.11
ISSN: 2376-8045 (Print); ISSN: 2376-8053 (Online)
Determination of Isotopic Abundance of 13C/12C or 2H/1H
and 18O/16O in Biofield Energy Treated
1-Chloro-3-Nitrobenzene (3-CNB) Using Gas
Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Mahendra Kumar Trivedi
, Alice Branton
, Dahryn Trivedi
, Gopal Nayak
, Parthasarathi Panda
Snehasis Jana
2, *
Trivedi Global Inc., Henderson, Nevada, USA
Trivedi Science Research Laboratory Pvt. Ltd.,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Email address: (S. Jana)
Corresponding author
To cite this article:
Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Parthasarathi Panda, Snehasis Jana. Determination of Isotopic
Abundance of
C or
H and
O in Biofield Energy Treated 1-Chloro-3-Nitrobenzene (3-CNB) Using Gas Chromatography-Mass
Spectrometry. Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 4, No. 4, 2016, pp. 42-51. doi: 10.11648/j.sjac.20160404.11
Received: May 10, 2016; Accepted: June 25, 2016; Published: July 23, 2016
1-Chloro-3-nitrobenzene (3-CNB) is an aromatic halo-amine compound used as chemical intermediate for the
production of several fine chemicals like pharmaceuticals, dyes, agricultural chemicals, etc. The stable isotope ratio analysis has
drawn attention in numerous fields such as agricultural, food authenticity, biochemistry, etc. The objective of the current research
was to investigate the impact of the biofield energy treatment on the isotopic abundance ratios of P
, P
and P
3-CNB using gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The sample, 3-CNB was divided into two parts - one part was
denoted as control and another part was referred as biofield energy treated sample that was treated with biofield energy (The
Trivedi Effect
). T1, T2, T3, and T4 were represented to different time interval analysis of the biofield treated 3-CNB. The GC-
MS spectra of the both control and biofield treated 3-CNB indicated the presence of molecular ion peak [M
] at m/z 157
(calculated 156.99 for C
) along with same pattern of fragmentation. The relative intensities of the parent molecule and
other fragmented ions of the biofield treated 3-CNB were improved as compared to the control 3-CNB. The percentage change of
the isotopic abundance ratio of P
was significantly increased in the biofield treated 3-CNB at T1, T2 and T3 by 11.62,
18.50, and 29.82%, respectively with respect to the control 3-CNB. Accordingly, the isotopic abundance ratio of P
in the
biofield treated 3-CNB at T2 and T3 was significantly improved by 15.22 and 35.09%, respectively as compared to the control
sample. The isotopic abundance ratios of P
and P
in the biofield treated 3-CNB at T1 and T4 were changed as
compared to the control sample. The percentage change of the isotopic abundance ratio of P
was enhanced in the biofield
treated 3-CNB at T1, T2, T3, and T4 by 4.67, 18.69, 31.31 and 6.08%, respectively as compared to the control 3-CNB. The
isotopic abundance ratios of P
, P
and P
in the biofield treated 3-CNB changed with the time. So, the biofield
energy treated 3-CNB might exhibit the altered isotope effects such as altered physicochemical and thermal properties, binding
energy, and the rate of the chemical reaction as compared to the control sample. The biofield energy treated 3-CNB might assist in
designing for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, dyes, corrosion inhibitors and other several useful
industrial chemicals.
Biofield Energy Treatment, The Trivedi Effect
, 1-Chloro-3-Nitrobenzene,
Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry, Isotopic Abundance Ratio, Isotope Effects, Kinetic Isotope Effect
43 Mahendra Kumar Trivedi et al.: Determination of Isotopic Abundance of
C or
H and
O in Biofield
Energy Treated 1-Chloro-3-Nitrobenzene (3-CNB) Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
1. Introduction
Chloronitrobenzenes (CNBs) are aromatic halo-amines
and basically derivatives of monochlorobenzenes containing
nitro group in different positions with respect to the chloro
group. 1-Chloro-3-nitrobenzene or also commonly known as
3-chloronitrobenzene (3-CNB) as shown in the Figure 1 is
one of the isomeric forms of chloronitrobenzene. It is a pale
yellow crystalline solid having a molecular formula
and molecular weight of 157.55.
Chloronitrobenzenes are widely used in the pharmaceutical
and chemical industries as an intermediates for the
production of pharmaceuticals, corrosion inhibitors, azo and
sulfur dyes, herbicides, pigments, agricultural chemicals,
rubber chemicals, photo chemicals, insecticides, and gasoline
additives [1-6]. 3-Chloroaniline (Orange GC Base), a dye
intermediate can be produced by reduction of 3-CNB.
Pentachloronitrobenzene which is used as fungicide can be
prepared by the exhaustive chlorination of 3-CNB [4-6].
Figure 1. Structure of 1-chloro-3-nitrobenzene (3-CNB).
Analysis of natural abundance variations in the stable
isotopes include
Cl, etc. is a potential
method for the measurement of the flow of materials and
energy both within and among organisms. This is known as
Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis (SIRA). This method is
universally applied in agricultural, food authenticity,
biochemistry, metabolism, medical research, environmental
pollution, archaeology, etc. [7-10]. Isotope effects i.e. tiny
differences in physical and chemical properties of the
molecule are the resultant for the variation in isotopic
abundance ratio between isotopic forms of the molecule.
Isotope effects have an important role in thermal motion,
molecular spectra, chemical reactions (reaction rate and bond
strength), physicochemical properties, chemical equilibria,
etc. [11-15]. SIRA can also be used for the determination of
the pharmacokinetic profile or mode of action of a drug
substance, bioavailability of the drug products, the release
profile for the drug delivery systems and also used for the
assessment in relation to patient-specific drug treatment [8].
Among of the other technique like infrared spectroscopy,
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and neutron
activation analysis, mass spectrometry (MS) technique such
as GC-MS is widely used for isotope ratio measurement at
low micromolar concentration levels with sufficient
precision. But when the molecules have molar isotope
enrichments at below 0.1%, specialized instruments, such as
isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS), multiple-collector
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry are usually
used for the measurement of the ratio of natural isotopic
abundances in the molecule [8, 9, 14, 16]. Literature reported
that the peak height (i.e. relative intensity) in the mass
spectra is directly proportional to the relative isotopic
abundance of the sample [17-21].
Biofield is a dynamic electromagnetic field existing in
surrounds of the human body that carries information for
regulating the organism. Literature demonstrated that healing
practitioner has the capability to harness the energy from the
earth or environment, the “universal energy field” and can be
transmitted the biofield energy into any living or non-living
object (s) around the Globe in a useful way. This process is
known as biofield energy treatment [22, 23]. Mr. Trivedi is
one of the distinguished healing practitioners and has the
astonishingly ability to transform the characteristic properties
of several organic compounds [24-26], pharmaceuticals [27,
28], nutraceuticals [29], metals and ceramic in materials
science [30, 31], culture medium [32, 33] and improve the
overall productivity of crops [34, 35] as well as to modulate
the efficacy of the various living cells [36-38]. Literature
demonstrated that biofield energy treatment has the
remarkable capability for alteration of the isotopic abundance
ratio in the organic compounds [39-42]. Spectroscopic and
thermal analysis of 3-CNB inferred that the physicochemical,
structural and thermal properties of 3-CNB, such as
crystallite size, vaporization temperature and thermal
stability were significantly changed due to the biofield
energy treatment. Finally, it was suggested that these altered
properties might affect the reaction kinetics when it is used as
intermediate [6]. Hence, it is hypothesized that alteration of
the physicochemical, structural and thermal properties of
biofield treated 3-CNB might have a correlation with the
changes on the isotopic abundance ratio in biofield treated 3-
CNB. So, isotopic abundance ratio analysis of the both
control and biofield treated 3-CNB using GC-MS was
performed to investigate the influence of the biofield energy
treatment on the isotopic abundance ratios of P
and P
in 3-CNB.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Chemicals and Reagents
3-CNB was procured from Loba Chemie Pvt. Ltd., India.
All the other chemicals used in this experiment were
analytical grade purchased from local vendors.
2.2. Biofield Energy Treatment
The sample 3-CNB was divided into two parts: one was
referred as control where no treatment was provided. The
other part of the sample which denoted as biofield energy
treated sample was handed over to Mr. Trivedi for the
biofield energy treatment in a sealed condition. The biofield
energy treatment was provided by Mr. Trivedi (also known as
The Trivedi Effect
) through his unique energy transmission
process to the test product in a sealed pack under laboratory
conditions for 5 minutes without touching the sample. After
Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2016; 4(4): 42-51 44
treatment, control and the biofield treated samples were
preserved at standard laboratory condition and analyzed by
GC-MS. The biofield treated 3-CNB was characterized in
different time intervals denoted as T1, T2, T3, and T4 in
order to understand the impact of the biofield energy
treatment on isotopic abundance ratio with respect to the
2.3. Gas Chromatograph - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
GC-MS analysis was performed on Perkin Elmer/Auto
system XL with Turbo mass, USA. The GC-MS was
conducted on a silica capillary column furnished with a
quadrupole detector with pre-filter. The mass spectrometer
was worked in an electron ionization (EI) positive/negative,
and chemical ionization mode at the electron ionization
energy of 70 eV. Mass range: 10-650 Daltons (amu),
stability: ± 0.1 m/z mass accuracy over 48 hours. The
analytes were identified by retention time and by a
comparison of the mass spectra of identified substances with
references [42].
2.4. Method for the Calculation of Isotopic Abundance
Ratio from the GC-MS Spectra
The isotopic abundances of the elements are basically
categorized into three types: A elements having only one
natural isotope in appreciable abundance; A + 1 elements
(For e.g. C, N and H) containing two isotopes one isotope
is one nominal mass unit heavier than the most abundant
isotope, and A + 2 elements (For e.g. O, Cl, S, Si, and Br)
having an isotope that has two mass unit heavier than the
most abundant isotope [12, 20, 43]. The natural abundance of
each isotope can be predicted from the comparison of the
height of the isotope peak with respect to the base peak, i.e.
relative intensity in the mass spectra. The values of the
natural isotopic abundance of some elements are obtained
from several kind of literature and presented in the Table 1
[8, 12, 13, 43, 44].
Based on the findings from the literature [12, 13, 18-21],
the following method was used for calculating the isotopic
abundance ratio in the current study:
Table 1. The isotopic composition (i.e. the natural isotopic abundance) of the elements.
Element Symbol Mass % Natural Abundance A+1 Factor A+2 Factor
H 1 99.9885
2 0.0115 0.015n
C 12 98.892
13 1.108 1.1n
O 16 99.762
O 17 0.038 0.04n
O 18 0.200 0.20n
N 14 99.60
N 15 0.40 0.40n
Cl 35 75.78
Cl 37 24.22 32.50n
A represents element, n represents the number of the element (i.e. C, H. O, N, etc.)
stands for the relative peak intensity of the parent
molecular ion [M
] expressed in percentage. In other way, it
indicates the probability to have A elements (for e.g.
N, etc.) contributions to the mass of the parent
molecular ion [M
represents the relative peak intensity of the isotopic
molecular ion [(M+1)
] expressed in percentage
= (no. of
C x 1.1%) + (no. of
N x 0.40%) + (no. of
H x
0.015%) + (no. of
O x 0.04%)
i.e. the probability to have A + 1 elements (for e.g.
N, etc.) contributions to the mass of the isotopic molecular
ion [(M+1)
represents the relative peak intensity of the isotopic
molecular ion [(M+2)
] expressed in the percentage
= (no. of
O x 0.20%) + (no. of
Cl x 32.50%)
i.e. the probability to have A + 2 elements (for e.g.
S, etc.) contributions to the mass of isotopic molecular
ion [(M+2)
represents the relative peak intensity of the isotopic
molecular ion [(M+3)
] expressed in the percentage
i.e. the probability to have the different possible
combinations of
O and
Cl with
H and
contributions to the mass of isotopic molecular ion [(M+3)
Isotopic abundance ratio for A + 1 elements = P
M + 1
Similarly, isotopic abundance ratio for A + 2 elements =
Percentage (%) change in isotopic abundance ratio =
)/ IAR
) x 100],
Where, IAR
= isotopic abundance ratio in the treated
sample and IAR
= isotopic abundance ratio in the
control sample.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. GC-MS Analysis
The GC-MS spectra of the control and biofield treated 3-
CNB are presented in the Figures 2-4. The GC-MS spectrum
of the control 3-CNB (Figure 2) exhibited the presence of
molecular ion peak [M
] at m/z 157 (calculated 156.99 for
) along with four major fragmented peaks in
lower m/z region at the retention time (R
) of 11.61 min. This
fragmentation pattern of CNB was well matched with the
literature [45]. The fragmented peaks at m/z 111, 99, 75 and
50 might be due to C
, C
O, C
, and C
respectively as shown in Figure 2.
45 Mahendra Kumar Trivedi et al.: Determination of Isotopic Abundance of
C or
H and
O in Biofield
Energy Treated 1-Chloro-3-Nitrobenzene (3-CNB) Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Figure 2. GC-MS spectrum and possible fragmentation of the control sample of 1-chloro-3-nitrobenzene (3-CNB).
The GC-MS spectra of the biofield treated 3-CNB at T1,
T2, T3, and T4 as shown in Figures 3 and 4 exhibited
molecular ion peak [M
] at m/z 157 at R
of 11.58, 11.64,
11.62, and 11.62 min, respectively. The biofield treated 3-
CNB showed similar R
and the same pattern of
fragmentation as observed in the control sample. The relative
peak intensities of the parent molecule and its major
fragmented ions of the control and biofield treated 3-CNB
are presented in the Table 2. It clearly indicated that the
fragmented ion peak at m/z 111 was due to chlorobenzenes
ion (C
, which showed 100% relative intensity (base
peak). Table 2 also displayed that the relative intensities of
the parent molecule at m/z 157 and other fragmented ions at
m/z 99, 75, and 50 of the biofield treated 3-CNB were
significantly changed as compared with the control 3-CNB.
Figure 3. GC-MS spectra of the biofield energy treated 1-chloro-3-nitrobenzene (3-CNB) at T1 and T2.
Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2016; 4(4): 42-51 46
Table 2. Relative intensities of the corresponding m/z of the parent molecule (3-CNB) and its fragmented ions.
Relative intensity of the peak (%)
Control 3- CNB Biofield Energy Treated 3-CNB
T1 T2 T3 T4
157 46.63 41.93 87.48 93.79 49.89
111 100 100 100 100 100
99 24.88 24.38 60.73 51.90 25.38
75 87.91 99.15 90.48 92.01 82.49
50 32.32 43.55 70.22 65.89 35.31
T1, T2, T3, and T4: Biofield energy treated sample analyzed at different time intervals.
Figure 4. GC-MS spectra of the biofield energy treated samples of 1-chloro-3-nitrobenzene (3-CNB) at T3 and T4.
3.2. Analysis of Isotopic Abundance Ratio
3-CNB has the molecular formula of C
and the
molecular ion [M
] peak for the control 3-CNB showed
46.63% relative intensity. P
and P
can be calculated
theoretically according to the method described in the
materials and method (section 2.4). The theoretical
calculation for P
is provided as follows:
P (
C) = [(6 x 1.1%) x 46.63% (the actual size of the M
peak)] / 100% = 3.08%
P (
H) = [(4 x 0.015%) x 46.63%] / 100%= 0.03%
P (
N) = [(1 x 0.40%) x 46.63%] / 100%= 0.19%
P (
O) = [(2 x 0.04%) x 46.63%] / 100% = 0.04%
N, and
O contributions from
to m/z 158 = 3.34%
From the above calculation, it has been found that
C has
major contribution to m/z 169.
In the similar approach, P
can be calculated as follow:
P (
O) = [(2 x 0.20%) x 46.63%] / 100% = 0.19%
P (
Cl) = [(1 x 32.50%) x 46.63%] / 100% = 15.15%
So, P
O and
Cl contributions from
to m/z 159 = 15.34%.
, P
, P
for the control and biofield energy treated
3-CNB at m/z 157, 158 and 159, respectively were
accomplished from the observed relative peak intensities of
], [(M+1)
], and [(M+2)
] peaks in the GC-MS spectra,
respectively and are presented in the Table 3.
47 Mahendra Kumar Trivedi et al.: Determination of Isotopic Abundance of
C or
H and
O in Biofield
Energy Treated 1-Chloro-3-Nitrobenzene (3-CNB) Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Table 3. Isotopic abundance analysis result of the control and biofield energy treated 1-chloro-3-nitrobenzene (3-CNB).
Parameter Control 3-CNB
Biofield Energy Treated 3-CNB
T1 T2 T3 T4
at m/z 157 (%) 46.63 41.93 87.48 93.79 49.89
at m/z 158 (%) 3.05 3.06 6.78 7.96 3.41
0.0654 0.0730 0.0775 0.0849 0.0684
% Change of isotopic abundance ratio (P
) 11.62 18.50 29.82 4.59
at m/z 159 (%) 15.11 13.62 32.66 41.05 16.42
0.3240 0.3248 0.3733 0.4377 0.3291
% Change of isotopic abundance ratio (P
) 0.25 15.22 35.09 1.57
at m/z 160 (%) 1.00 0.94 2.22 2.64 1.13
0.0214 0.0224 0.0254 0.0281 0.0227
% Change of isotopic abundance ratio (P
) 4.67 18.69 31.31 6.08
T1, T2, T3, and T4: Biofield energy treated sample analyzed at different time intervals; P
= the relative peak intensity of the parent molecular ion [M
]; P
M + 1
= the relative peak intensity of the isotopic molecular ion [(M+1)
]; P
M + 2
= the relative peak intensity of the isotopic molecular ion [(M+2)
]; P
M + 3
= the
relative peak intensity of the isotopic molecular ion [(M+3)
]; and M = mass of the parent molecule.
The experimental values as shown in the Table 3 are well
accorded with the calculated theoretical values and it
indicated that
C and
Cl might have major contributions
from (C
to m/z 158 and 159, respectively. Beside
these, an intense peak at m/z 160 [(M+3)
] that can be
denoted as P
was found in the GC-MS spectra of the both
control and biofield treated 3-CNB. It is assumed that P
might be resultant of the different possible combinations of
O and
Cl with
H and
N for e.g. P (
O), P(
C), etc. The percentage change of the
isotopic abundance ratios (P
/PM, P
/PM and P
in the biofield treated 3-CNB with respect to the control 3-
CNB is shown in Table 3 and Figure 5. The isotopic
abundance ratio of P
/PM in the biofield treated 3-CNB at
T1, T2, T3 and T4 was increased by 11.62, 18.50, 29.82, and
4.59%, respectively with respect to the control 3-CNB.
Consequently, the percentage change of the isotopic
abundance ratio of P
was enhanced in the biofield
treated 3-CNB at T1, T2, T3, and T4 by 0.25, 15.22, 35.09,
and 1.57%, respectively with respect to the control sample.
Similarly, the isotopic abundance ratio of P
improved in the biofield treated 3-CNB at T1, T2, T3, and T4
by 4.67, 18.69, 31.31 and 6.08%, respectively as compared to
the control 3-CNB. Thus,
N, and
O contributions
from (C
to m/z 158,
Cl and
O contributions
from (C
to m/z 159 and the different possible
combinations of
O and
Cl with
H and
contributions from (C
to m/z 160 in the biofield
treated 3-CNB were significantly increased gradually with
respect to the time (T1 to T3) and was found to be highest at
T3 as shown in the Figure 5. Amazingly, when biofield
treated 3-CNB was kept for long time in the laboratory
condition i.e. T4, the isotopic abundance ratio in biofield
treated 3-CNB was decreased from T3. So, the biofield
energy treatment exhibited time dependent effect on the
isotopic abundance ratio in 3-CNB.
Figure 5. Percent change of the isotopic abundance ratios of P
and P
in the biofield energy treated 1-chloro-3-nitrobenzene
(3-CNB) as compared to the control sample.
Neutrinos are the most possible carrier of the hidden mass
in the nature. These electrically neutral particles that are part
of all living systems blast through the space and can pass
through large distances in the matter without being affected
the electromagnetic force. Literature suggested that the
neutrinos coming from the Sun have a potential effect on the
isotopic composition of the materials through inducing the
fission reactions within a heavy nuclei (i.e. the
nucleosynthesis of various elements) [46-48]. Trillions of
neutrinos are at any time passing through the human body
without affecting it. The biofield energy can freely flow
between human and environment that leads to the endless
movement or matter of energy [49-51]. It has been reported
that biofield energy might have effect on the variations of
isotopic composition in water molecule [23]. It can be
postulated that Mr. Trivedi’s unique biofield energy treatment
might have the capability for introduction of the neutrino
fluence into the both of the living and nonliving substances
that might responsible for modifying the behavior at atomic
and molecular level. The neutrinos have the ability to interact
Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2016; 4(4): 42-51 48
with protons and neutrons in the nucleus that might be
responsible for the alteration of the neutron to proton ratio in
the nucleus. Based on this hypothesis, it is assumed that the
possible reason for the alteration of the isotopic abundance
ratios (P
and P
) in the biofield treated
3-CNB might be due to the intervention of a neutrino flux
through biofield energy treatment.
The energy of a compound comprises of the amount of the
electronic, vibration, rotational and translation energies. The
alteration of the isotopic abundance ratio i.e. isotopic
composition of the molecule does not disturb electronic,
translational, and rotational energies of the molecule, but
significantly changes the vibrational energy [14, 15]. The
relation between the vibrational energy and the reduced mass
(µ) for a diatomic molecule is expressed as below [14, 15]:
Where E
= the vibrational energy of a harmonic oscillator
at absolute zero or zero point energy
f = force constant
µ = reduced mass =
 
Where m
and m
are the masses of the constituent atoms.
The possible isotopic bond formation in the CNB molecule
and their effect on the vibrational energy of 3-CNB are
shown in the Table 4. From the Table 4, it has been found
that the alteration of the isotopic abundance ratio of
for C-C, C-Cl, and C-N bonds has much more effect on the
vibrational energy of the molecule than changes in the
isotopic abundance ratio of
Cl and
N. Similarly,
the changes of the isotopic abundance ratios of
H for C-
H and
N, and for
O for N-O bond have much
more effect on the vibrational energy of the molecule. The
isotope effect is principally due to the ground state
vibrational energies as shown in the Table 4.
Table 4. Possible isotopic bond and their effect in the vibrational energy in 1-chloro-3-nitrobenzene (3-CNB) molecule.
Entry No. Probable isotopic bond Isotope type Reduced mass (µ) Zero point vibrational energy (E
C Lighter 6.00 Higher
C Heavier 6.26 Smaller
C Lighter 0.92 Higher
C Heavier 0.93 Smaller
C Heavier 1.04 Smaller
Cl Lighter 8.94 Higher
Heavier 9.48 Smaller
Heavier 9.06 Smaller
N Lighter 6.46 Higher
N Heavier 6.67 Smaller
N Heavier 6.74 Smaller
Lighter 7.47 Higher
Heavier 7.74 Smaller
Heavier 7.68 Smaller
Heavier 7.88 Smaller
The isotopic abundance ratio analysis in 3-CNB clearly
revealed that the isotopic abundance ratios of P
and P
in the biofield treated 3-CNB were
higher than the control 3-CNB. Hence, biofield treated 3-
CNB might exhibit altered isotope effects such as lower
diffusion velocity, mobility, evaporation and reaction rate,
higher binding energy [11] with respect to the control
sample. Isotope effects have a positive role in the thermal
decomposition of the molecules [52-54]. So, the alteration
in the isotopic abundance ratio in the molecule might have
an effect on the thermal properties of the molecule. Thus,
biofield treated 3-CNB might have altered
physicochemical and thermal properties as well as
different reaction kinetic than control 3-CNB. Hence, the
current results concluded that the increased isotopic
abundance ratio in biofield energy treated 3-CNB might
be responsible for alteration in vaporization rate and
thermal stability of the biofield treated 3-CNB that was
well supported with our previous findings [15]. The
alteration in the isotopic abundance ratio of one of the
atoms in the reactants causes changes in the rate of a
chemical reaction that is known as kinetic isotope effect
(KIE). KIE is a very powerful technique to study the
reaction mechanism, to stabilize the transition state of the
rate-determining step of the reaction and for
understanding the enzymatic transition state and all
aspects of enzyme mechanisms that is helpful for
designing enzyme inhibitors [14, 15, 55, 56]. Thus,
biofield treated 3-CNB might have altered
physicochemical and thermal properties, different rate of
the reaction, selectivity and binding energy.
49 Mahendra Kumar Trivedi et al.: Determination of Isotopic Abundance of
C or
H and
O in Biofield
Energy Treated 1-Chloro-3-Nitrobenzene (3-CNB) Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
4. Conclusions
The present study concluded that biofield energy treatment
had potential impact on the isotopic abundance ratios of
, P
, and P
in 3-CNB that might lead to
alteration of the physicochemical and thermal properties. The
GC-MS spectra of the both control and biofield treated 3-
CNB specified the presence of molecular ion peak [M
] at
m/z 157 (calculated 156.99 for C
) along with
nearly similar fragmentation pattern. In addition, the relative
intensities of the parent molecule and other fragmented ions
of the biofield treated 3-CNB were altered with respect to the
control 3-CNB. The isotopic abundance ratio of P
the biofield treated 3-CNB at T1, T2, T3 and T4 was
increased by 11.62, 18.50, 29.82, and 4.59%, respectively
with respect to the control 3-CNB. Consequently, the
percentage change of the isotopic abundance ratio of P
was increased in the biofield treated 3-CNB at T1, T2, T3,
and T4 by 0.25, 15.22, 35.09, and 1.57%, respectively with
respect to the control sample. Similarly, the percentage of the
isotopic abundance ratio of P
was improved in the
biofield treated 3-CNB at T1, T2, T3, and T4 by 4.67, 18.69,
31.31 and 6.08%, respectively with respect to the control 3-
CNB. In brief,
N, and
O contributions from
to m/z 158,
Cl and
O contributions from
to m/z 159 and the different possible
combinations of
O and
Cl with
H and
contributions from (C
to m/z 160 in the biofield
treated 3-CNB were significantly increased particularly at T2
and T3 and was found that biofield energy treatment has time
dependent effect on it. The biofield energy treated 3-CNB
might display the different isotope effects due to the
increased isotopic abundance ratio with respect to the control
sample. Hence, the biofield treated 3-CNB might have the
altered physicochemical and thermal properties and the rate
of the chemical reaction as compared to the control sample.
The biofield energy treated 3-CNB might play an important
role in designing the synthesis of pharmaceuticals,
agricultural chemicals, dyes, corrosion inhibitors and other
several useful industrial chemicals.
A: Element; 3-CNB: 1-Chloro-3-nitrobenzene; GC-MS:
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; KIE: Kinetic
isotope effect; M: Mass of the parent molecule; m/z: Mass-to-
charge ratio; n: Number of the element; P
: The relative peak
intensity of the parent molecular ion [M
]; P
: The relative
peak intensity of isotopic molecular ion [(M+1)
]); P
: The
relative peak intensity of isotopic molecular ion [(M+2)
: The relative peak intensity of isotopic molecular ion
]); R
: Retention time.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Sophisticated
Instrumentation Centre for Applied Research and Testing -
SICART, Gujarat, India for providing the instrumental
facility. We are very grateful for the support from Trivedi
Science, Trivedi Master Wellness and Trivedi Testimonials in
this research work.
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... Most of the U.S.A. people have adopted these therapy [27]. The Trivedi Effect ® -Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment has also reported with altering the physical and thermal properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, and organic compounds [28][29][30][31], improved productivity of crops [32,33], healing cancer [34], and altered isotopic abundance [31,35]. ...
... Most of the U.S.A. people have adopted these therapy [27]. The Trivedi Effect ® -Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment has also reported with altering the physical and thermal properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, and organic compounds [28][29][30][31], improved productivity of crops [32,33], healing cancer [34], and altered isotopic abundance [31,35]. ...
... Most of the U.S.A. people have adopted these therapy [27]. The Trivedi Effect ® -Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment has also reported with altering the physical and thermal properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, and organic compounds [28][29][30][31], improved productivity of crops [32,33], healing cancer [34], and altered isotopic abundance [31,35]. ...
... Most of the U.S.A. people have adopted these therapy [27]. The Trivedi Effect ® -Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment has also reported with altering the physical and thermal properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, and organic compounds [28][29][30][31], improved productivity of crops [32,33], healing cancer [34], and altered isotopic abundance [31,35]. ...
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Ascorbic acid is required by both plants and animals for the essential metabolic process. It is sufficiently available in the citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, red peppers, milk, oysters, animal liver, etc. In this study, the LC-MS and GC-MS were used to characterize the structural properties and isotopic abundance ratio to evaluate the impact of the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on L-ascorbic acid compared to the control sample. The test sample was divided into two parts, one part of ascorbic acid was considered as a control sample, while the second part only received the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment remotely by a renowned Biofield Energy Healer, Dahryn Trivedi and termed as a Biofield Energy Treated sample. The LC-MS spectra of both the control and Treated samples at retention time (Rt) 1.8minutes exhibited the mass of the deprotonated molecular ion peak at m/z 175 [M-H]- (calculated for C6H7O6-, 175.02). The peak area of the treated sample (3607446.27) was significantly decreased by 65.05% compared to the control sample (10320794.8). The LC-MS based isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM (2H/1H or 13C/12C or 17O/16O) in the treated ascorbic acid was significantly increased by 119.71% compared with the control sample. Thus, 13C, 2H, and 17O contributions from (C6H7O6)- to m/z 176 in the treated sample were significantly increased compared with the control sample. The gas chromatographic peak area of the treated sample (12.74) was significantly decreased by 31.1% compared to the control sample (18.49). Similarly, the GC-MS based isotopic abundance ratio of PM+2/PM in the treated ascorbic acid was significantly increased by 28.74% compared with the control sample. So, 18O contributions from (C6H8O6)+ to m/z 177 in the Biofield Energy Treated sample were significantly increased compared with the control sample. The isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM (18O/16O) in the treated ascorbic acid was significantly increased compared to the control sample. The increased isotopic composition of the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treated ascorbic acid might have altered the neutron to proton ratio in the nucleus. The changes in isotopic abundance could be due to changes in nuclei possibly through the interference of neutrino particles via the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment. The increased isotopic abundance ratio and peak area of the treated ascorbic acid may increase the intra-atomic bond strength, increase its stability. This new form of ascorbic acid would be very useful to design the better pharmaceutical formulations that might offer better therapeutic response against scurvy, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
... The Biofield based Energy Therapies have been reported with significant outcomes against various disease [22] . The National Center of Complementary and Integrative Health has accepted Biofield Energy Healing treatment as a Complementary and Alternative Medicine health care approach in addition to other therapies, medicines, yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Reiki, hypnotherapy, etc. [23,24] . These type therapies have been accepted by most of the U.S.A. people [24] . ...
... The National Center of Complementary and Integrative Health has accepted Biofield Energy Healing treatment as a Complementary and Alternative Medicine health care approach in addition to other therapies, medicines, yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Reiki, hypnotherapy, etc. [23,24] . These type therapies have been accepted by most of the U.S.A. people [24] . The Trivedi Effect ® -Biofield Energy Healing Treatment has also been proved scientifically with outstanding performance in the fields of materials science [25,26] , chemical science [27,28] , agricultural science [29,30] , microbiology [31,32] , cancer research [33,34] , etc. ...
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Metronidazole is a well-known antibacterial and antiprotozoal antibiotic. In this study, the impact of the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on the structural properties and the isotopic abundance ratio of metronidazole were evaluated using LC-MS and GC-MS spectroscopy. The test sample (metronidazole) was divided into two control and treated parts. Only the treated sample received the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment remotely by a renowned Biofield Energy Healer, Dahryn Trivedi. The LC-MS spectra of both the samples of metronidazole at the retention time 2.61 minutes exhibited the mass of the protonated molecular ion peak at m/z 172 [M+H]+, but the peak area of the treated metronidazole was significantly decreased by 13.1% compared to the control sample. The LC-MS and GC-MS based isotopic abundance ratios of PM+1/PM in the treated metronidazole was significantly increased by 46.43% and 13.52%, respectively compared with the control sample. Thus, 13C, 2H, 15N, and 17O contributions from (C6H10N3O3)+ to m/z 173 in the treated sample were significantly increased compared with the control sample. The increased isotopic composition in the molecular level of the treated metronidazole might be due to the alteration in neutron to proton ratio in the nucleus possibly through the interference of neutrino via the Trivedi Effect®. The isotopic abundance ratios 2H/1H, 13C/12C, 17O/16O, and 15N/14N would highly influence the atomic bond vibration of treated metronidazole. The increased isotopic abundance ratio of the treated metronidazole would stronger the chemical bond and increase the stability in the body. The treated metronidazole would be very useful to design more efficacious pharmaceutical formulations that might offer better therapeutic response againstbacterial vaginosis, giardiasis, trichomoniasis, pseudomembranous colitis, pelvic inflammatory disease;liver, skin, brain, and respiratory tract infections; aspiration pneumonia, rosacea, intra-abdominal infections, lung abscess, fungating wounds, periodontitis, amoebiasis, oral infections, etc.
... The analysis of stable isotope ratio has various applications for the understanding of isotope effects resulting from the variation of the isotopic composition of the molecule [39,40]. Isotope ratio analysis can be performed by using the conventional mass spectrometry techniques, i.e., gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) in low micromolar concentration with sufficient precision [40,41]. The Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment has also found altering the isotopic abundance ratio of the chemical compounds [42,43]. ...
... A neutrino is an elementary particle which interacts only via the weak subatomic force and gravity [48]. The neutrinos change identities and it is only possible if the neutrinos possess mass and this particle has the ability to interact with protons and neutrons in the nucleus, which specified a close relation between neutrino and the isotope formation [26,40,41]. The isotopic abundance ratios 2H/1H, 13C/12C, 15N/14N or 17O/16O or 18O/16O would highly influence the atomic bond vibration of treated berberine chloride [49]. ...
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Berberine is a benzylisoquinoline alkaloid which has enormous therapeutic potential, but the bioavailability is very poor due to its low solubility and poor intestinal absorption. In this study, the impact of the Trivedi Effect®-Biofield Energy Healing Treatment on the structural properties and the isotopic abundance ratio of berberine chloride was evaluated using advanced spectroscopic methods. Berberine chloride sample was divided into control and treated parts. Only the treated part was received the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment remotely by a famous Biofield Energy Healer, Dahryn Trivedi. The LC-MS spectra of both the berberine chloride samples observed at retention time 2 minutes and the molecular ion peak at m/z 336.25 [M]+ (calculated for C20H18NO4+, 336.12). The LC-MS based isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM in the treated berberine chloride was significantly decreased by 18.53% compared with the control sample. Similarly, the GC-MS based isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM in the treated berberine chloride was decreased by 4.69% compared with the control sample. Thus, 13C, 2H, 15N, and 17O contributions from (C20H18NO4)+ to m/z 337 in the treated sample were significantly decreased compared with the control sample. But, the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+2/PM in the treated sample was significantly increased by 11.52% compared with the control sample. Hence, 18O contribution from (C20H16NO4)3+ to m/z 336 in the treated sample was significantly increased compared with the control sample. The isotopic abundance ratios of PM+1/ PM (2H/1H or 13C/12C or 15N/14N or 17O/16O) and PM+2/PM (18O/16O) in the treated berberine chloride were significantly altered compared to the control sample. The changes in isotopic abundance might be due to changes in nuclei possibly through the interference of neutrino particles via the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment. The decreased isotopic abundance ratio (PM+1/PM) of the Consciousness Energy Healing Treated berberine chloride may decrease the chemical bond strength, influence its stability, and bioavailability in the body. The new form of berberine chloride would be more efficacious novel pharmaceutical formulations that might offer better solubility, dissolution, absorption, bioavailability and therapeutic response against diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, bacterial and fungal infections, cancer, arrhythmia, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, inflammation, etc.
... These CAM therapies have a lot of advantages and adopted by the USA people [25,26]. The Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment (Trivedi Effect®) also been widely reported with scientifically proved experimental data altering the characteristic properties of the several living and non-living object(s), i.e. organic compounds [27,28], ceramics, metals, and polymers [29][30][31], crops [32,33], microorganisms [34,35], and cancer cell line [36,37]. In this study, the influence of the Trivedi Effect® on the physicochemical properties of zinc was evaluated using modern analytical techniques. ...
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Zinc is an essential mineral in the human body, which plays different roles in numerous biological functions. In this study, the influence of the Trivedi Effect® on the physicochemical and thermal properties of zinc was evaluated using modern analytical techniques. The zinc powder sample was divided and categorized into control and treated parts. The control part did not receive the Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment, while the treated part received the Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment remotely by a well-known Biofield Energy Healer, Gopal Nayak. The powder XRD peak intensities of the treated zinc powder altered ranging from -34.54% to 30.32% compared to the control sample. Similarly, the crystallite sizes of the treated zinc were significantly altered ranging from -23.46% to 2.28% compared to the control sample. However, the average crystallite size of the treated zinc powder (698.57 nm) was significantly decreased by 10.41% compared with the control sample (779.71 nm). The particle size values in the treated zinc powder were significantly altered by -6.89% (d10), -5.36% (d50), 1.02% (d90), and -2.1% {D(4,3)} compared to the control sample. Therefore, the specific surface area of the treated zinc powder (0.52 m2/g) was significantly increased by 5.02% compared with the control sample (0.5 m2/g). The Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment might have generated a new polymorphic form of zinc, which would be more soluble and bioavailable compared with the untreated sample. The Trivedi Effect Treated zinc would be very useful to design better nutraceutical/pharmaceutical formulations that might offer better therapeutic response against anorexia, parakeratosis, geophagia, hypogeusia, dysosmia, hypogonadism, growth retardation, etc. Other than this, the treated zinc powder could be beneficial for the enhancement of fertility, prenatal and postnatal development, retino-protective, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and putative antiviral activity in the body.
... Many experiments were scientifically performed in order to prove the impact of the Trivedi Effect ® on the non-living and living object(s). The Trivedi Effect ® was proved with significantly outcome in various field of science, i.e. metals and ceramic [16][17][18], organic compounds [19,20], nutraceuticals [21,22], pharmaceuticals [23,24], cancer cells [25,26], microorganisms [27,28], and crops [29,30]. Therefore, this study was designed to determine the impact of the Trivedi Effect ® -Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on the physicochemical, and thermal properties of antimony powder using powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), particle size analysis (PSA), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)/ differential thermogravimetric analysis (DTG). ...
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The objective of this scientific research work was to evaluate the impact of the Trivedi Effect® on the physicochemical properties of antimony (Sb) powder using modern analytical techniques. Antimony is a chemical element, which has many applications in medicine, cosmetics, metal, and electronic industry. The powder sample was divided into two parts, one part of antimony was considered as control sample, while second part received the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment remotely by a famous Biofield Energy Healer, Alice Branton and termed as a Biofield Energy Treated sample. The PXRD peak intensities and crystallite sizes of the treated antimony were significantly altered ranging from 3.43% to 52.58% and -17.22% to 166.4%, respectively compared to the control sample. However, the average crystallite size of the treated sample was significantly increased by 25.96% compared with the control sample. The particle size values in the treated antimony were significantly increased by 51.60% (d10), 20.17% (d50), 35.34% (d90), and 26.32% {D(4,3)}, respectively compared to the control sample. Therefore, the specific surface area of the treated antimony powder was significantly decreased by 27% compared with the control sample. The total weight loss was decreased by 4.43%; however, the residual amount was significantly increased by 15.04% in the treated antimony compared with the control sample. The maximum thermal degradation temperature (Tmax) of the 1st peak in the treated sample was decreased by 4.35%, whereas the Tmax of the 2nd peak in the treated sample was significantly increased by 5.41% compared with the control sample. The results concluded that the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment might lead to generate a new polymorphic form of antimony which would improve the physicochemical and thermal stability compared with the untreated sample. The treated antimony would be very useful for designing better pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations as antimonials, meglumine antimoniate, antiprotozoal drugs, anti-schistosomal, veterinary preparations, nourishing or conditioner of keratinized tissues. It would also be useful for the heavy industries for the production of alloys, fire retardant, solders, electrical cables, bullets, plain bearings, microelectronics, etc.
... Mr. Trivedi's Blessing has the outstanding capability to alter the characteristic properties of the several non-living materials and living object(s), i.e., ceramic, metals, and organic compounds, microbes, crops, cancer cells [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], etc. The Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment has also altered the isotopic abundance ratio of the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical compounds [27,28]. ...
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Sulfamethoxazole is an antibiotic used for the treatment of infections caused by bacteria. The experiment was performed to evaluate the impact of the Trivedi Effect® on the structural properties and the isotopic abundance ratio of sulfamethoxazole using LC-MS and GC-MS analytical techniques. Sulfamethoxazole sample was divided into two parts, one part of sulfamethoxazole was considered as a control sample, while the other part only received the Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment remotely by a wellknown Spiritual Energy Healer, Mr. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi and termed as a treated sample. In both the samples, LC-MS spectra showed at retention time (Rt) 2.51 minutes, that exposed the mass of the deprotonated molecular ion peak at m/z 252 [M-H]- (calculated for C10H10N3O3S-, 252.04). The peak area of the treated sulfamethoxazole was significantly increased by 55.17% than untreated test item. The LC-MS-based isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM in the Biofield Treated/Blessed sulfamethoxazole was significantly decreased by 55.57% than untreated. Similarly, the GC-MS peak area% of the treated sulfamethoxazole was significantly increased by 12.96% than untreated test item. The GC-MS-based isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM and PM+2/PM in the Biofield Treated/Blessed sulfamethoxazole was significantly decreased by 15.86% and 8.8%, respectively than untreated test item. The isotopic abundance ratios of PM+1/PM (2H/1H or 13C/12C or 15N/14N or 17O/16O or 33S/32S) and PM+2/PM (18O/16O or 34S/32S) in the treated sulfamethoxazole were significantly reduced than untreated test item. Thus, 13C, 2H, 15N, 17O, 18O, 33S, and 34S contributions from (C10H11N3O3S)+ to m/z 254 and 255 in the treated sample were significantly reduced than untreated test item. The reduced isotopic abundance ratios would highly influence the atomic bond vibration, chemical bond strength, and the stability of treated sulfamethoxazole. It can be envisaged that the changes in peak area%, isotopic abundance, and mass peak intensities could be due to changes in nuclei, possibly through the interference of neutrino particles via the Trivedi Effect®. The new form of sulfamethoxazole would be more efficacious pharmaceutical formulations that might offer better solubility, dissolution, absorption, bioavailability, and better therapeutic response against urinary tract infections, tuberculosis, diarrhoea, ear infections, bronchitis, shigellosis, and Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, etc.
... also has the isotopic abundance ratio analysis [34,40,41]. The analysis of stable isotope ratio has various applications for the understanding of isotope effects resulting from the variation of the isotopic composition of the molecule [34,42]. ...
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Berberine is an alkaloid class of drug which has enormous therapeutic potential, but the bioavailability is very poor (<1%) due to its low solubility and poor intestinal absorption. In this study, the influence of the Trivedi Effect® on the structural properties and the isotopic abundance ratio of berberine chloride was evaluated using LC-MS and GC-MS analytical techniques. Berberine chloride sample was divided into control and treated parts. Only the treated part was received the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment remotely by a well-known Biofield Energy Healer, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. The LC-MS spectra of both the samples observed at retention time 2.0 minutes and the molecular ion peak at m/z 336.25 [M]+ in the mass spectra. The peak area of the treated berberine was significantly increased by 4.42% compared to the control sample. The LC-MS based isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PMin the treated berberine was significantly increased by 34.4% compared with the control sample. Similarly, the GC-MS based isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM in the treated berberine was very increased by 1547.15% compared with the control sample. Thus,13C, 2H, 15N, and17O contributions from (C20H18NO4)+ to m/z 337 in the treated sample were significantly increased compared with the control sample. The isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM (2H/1H or 13C/12C or 15N/14N or 17O/16O) in the treated berberine was significantly altered compared to the control sample. The increased isotopic abundance might occur due to the interference of neutrino particles via the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment. The increased isotopic abundance ratio of the Consciousness Energy Healing Treated berberine chloride may increase the chemical bond strength, stability, solubility, and bioavailability in the body. The new form of berberine chloride would be more efficacious novel pharmaceutical formulations against diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, bacterial and fungal infections, cancer, diabetes, arrhythmia, inflammation, hyperlipidemia, etc.
... The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) applaud and included the Energy therapy under Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) category along with other complementary therapies (i.e., Yoga, Ayurveda, Reiki, etc.) which has been accepted by the most of the U.S.A. people [18,19]. The outstanding outcome of the Trivedi Effect ® -Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment also on polymers [20,21], nutraceuticals [22,23], pharmaceuticals [24][25][26], organic compounds [27][28][29], cancer cells [30,31], microorganisms [32,33], and crops [34,35] have been widely reported with scientifically experimental data. Therefore, one such experiment was designed to determine the impact of the Trivedi Effect ® -Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on the physicochemical properties of tellurium metal powder using modern analytical techniques. ...
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Tellurium metal which known to have many applications in metals, semiconductors, telecommunication industries. In this study, the impact of the impact of the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on the physicochemical properties of tellurium powder was evaluated using modern analytical techniques. The tellurium metal powder was divided into two parts defined as the control and Biofield Energy Treated sample. The control sample did not receive the Biofield Energy Treatment; however, the Biofield Treated sample received the Biofield Treatment (the Trivedi Effect®) by a well-known Biofield Energy Healer, Mr. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi remotely. The powder XRD peak intensities and the crystallite sizes of tellurium powder sample were significantly altered ranging from -52.53% to -29.03% and -5.32% to 56.51%, respectively than control tellurium. While the average crystallite size of Biofield Treated tellurium was significantly increased by 21.37% compared with the control sample. The particle size values in the treated tellurium were significantly increased at d10, d50, d90, and D(4,3) by 22.24%, 26.00%, 12.92%, and 17.78%, respectively than control tellurium. Thus, the specific surface area of Biofield Energy Treated tellurium powder (0.362m2/g) was significantly decreased by 18.65% compared with the control sample (0.445m2/g). Overall results envisaged that Biofield Energy Healing Treatment might have generates a new polymorphic form of tellurium which would show better thermal stability and powder flowability compared with the control sample. The Trivedi Effect Treated tellurium would be very useful for the metal industry (in iron, stainless steel, copper, and lead alloys), cadmium telluride solar panels, pigments for ceramics, glass optical fibers for telecommunications, vulcanization of rubber, blasting caps, tellurite agar to identify members of the Corynebacterium, catalysts for the heterogeneous reactions, production of iodine-131 by neutron bombardment, etc.
Guaymas Basin, located in the Gulf of California, is a hydrothermally active marginal basin. Due to steep geothermal gradients and localized heating by sill intrusions, microbial substrates like short-chain fatty acids and hydrocarbons are abiotically produced from sedimentary organic matter at comparatively shallow depths. We analyzed the effect of hydrocarbons on uptake of hydrocarbons by microorganisms via nano-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) and microbial sulfate reduction rates (SRR), using samples from two drill sites sampled by IODP Expedition 385 (U1545C and U1546D). These sites are in close proximity of each other (ca. 1 km) and have very similar sedimentology. Site U1546D experienced the intrusion of a sill that has since then thermally equilibrated with the surrounding sediment. Both sites currently have an identical geothermal gradient, despite their different thermal history. The localized heating by the sill led to thermal cracking of sedimentary organic matter and formation of potentially bioavailable organic substrates. There were low levels of hydrocarbon and nitrogen uptake in some samples from both sites, mostly in surficial samples. Hydrocarbon and methane additions stimulated SRR in near-seafloor samples from Site U1545C, while samples from Site U1546D reacted positively only on methane. Our data indicate the potential of microorganisms to metabolize hydrocarbons even in the deep subsurface of Guaymas Basin.
The serious study of the reaction mechanisms of transition metal com­ plexes began some five decades ago. Work was initiated in the United States and Great Britain; the pioneers ofthat era were, inalphabetical order, F. Basolo, R. E. Connick, 1. O. Edwards, C. S. Garner, G. P.Haight, W. C. E. Higgision, E.1. King, R. G. Pearson, H. Taube, M.1. Tobe, and R. G. Wilkins.A larger community of research scientists then entered the field, many of them stu­ dents ofthose just mentioned. Interest spread elsewhere as well, principally to Asia, Canada, and Europe. Before long, the results ofindividual studies were being consolidated into models, many of which traced their origins to the better-established field of mechanistic organic chemistry. For a time this sufficed, but major revisions and new assignments of mechanism became necessary for both ligand sub­ stitution and oxidation-reduction reactions. Mechanistic inorganic chemistry thus took on a shape of its own. This process has brought us to the present time. Interests have expanded both to include new and more complex species (e.g., metalloproteins) and a wealth of new experimental techniques that have developed mechanisms in ever-finer detail. This is the story the author tells, and in so doing he weaves in the identities of the investigators with the story he has to tell. This makes an enjoyable as well as informative reading.
Lithium has gained extensive attention in medical science due to mood stabilizing activity. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the impact of biofield treatment on physical, atomic, and thermal properties of lithium powder. The lithium powder was divided into two parts i.e., control and treatment. Control part was remained as untreated and treatment part received Mr. Trivedi’s biofield treatment. Subsequently, control and treated lithium powder samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric analysis-differential thermal analysis (TGA-DTA), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). XRD data showed that lattice parameter, unit cell volume, density, atomic weight, and nuclear charge per unit volume of lithium were altered after biofield treatment. The crystallite size of treated lithium was increased by 75% as compared to control. DSC analysis exhibited an increase in melting temperature of treated lithium powder upto 11.2% as compared to control. TGA-DTA analysis result showed that oxidation temperature, which found after melting point, was reduced upto 285.21°C in treated lithium as compared to control (358.96°C). Besides, SEM images of control and treated lithium samples showed the agglomerated micro particles. Moreover, FT-IR analysis data showed an alteration in absorption band (416→449 cm-1) in treated lithium sample after biofield treatment as compared to control. Overall, data suggested that biofield treatment has significantly altered the physical, atomic, and thermal properties of lithium powder.
Alphonso is the most delicious variety of mango (Mangifera indica L.) known for its excellent texture, taste, and richness with vitamins and minerals. The present study was attempted to evaluate the impact of Mr. Trivedi’s biofield energy treatment on morphological characteristics, quality, yield and molecular assessment of mango. A plot of 16 acres lands used for this study with already grown mango trees. This plot was divided into two parts. One part was considered as control, while another part was subjected to Mr. Trivedi’s biofield energy treatment without physically touching and referred as treated. The treated mango trees showed new straight leaves, without any distortion and infection, whereas the control trees showed very few, distorted, infected, and curly leaves. Moreover, the flowering pattern of control trees did not alter; it was on average 8 to 10 inches with more male flowers. However, the flowering pattern of treated trees was completely transformed into compact one being 4 to 5 inches in length and having more female flowers. Additionally, the weight of matured ripened mango was found on an average 275 gm, medium sized with 50% lesser pulp in the control fruits, while the fruits of biofield energy treated trees showed on average weight of 400 gm, large sized and having 75% higher pulp as compared to the control. Apart from morphology, the quality and nutritional components of mango fruits such as acidity content was increased by 65.63% in the treated sample. Vitamin C content in the treated Alphonso mango pulp was 43.75% higher than the pulp obtained from the control mango farm. The spongy tissue content in pulp of the matured ripened mangoes was decreased by 100% for two consecutive years as compared to the control. Moreover, the yield of flowers and fruits in the treated trees were increased about 95.45 and 47.37%, respectively as compared to the control. Besides, the DNA fingerprinting data using RAPD revealed that the treated sample did not show any true polymorphism as compared to the control. The overall results envisaged that the biofield energy treatment on the mango trees showed a significant improvement in the morphology, quality and overall productivity along with 100% reduction in the spongy tissue disorder. In conclusion, the biofield energy treatment could be used as an alternative way to increase the production of quality mangoes.
O-Toluic acid (OTA) and m-toluic acid (MTA) are two isomers of toluic acid that act as an important organic intermediates, mostly used in medicines and pesticides. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of biofield energy treatment on isotopic abundance ratios of 2H/1H, 13C/12C, (PM+1)/PM and 18O/16O, (PM+2)/PM, in toluic acid isomers using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The OTA and MTA samples were divided into two parts: control and treated. The control sample remained as untreated, while the treated sample was further divided into four groups as T1, T2, T3, and T4. The treated group was subjected to biofield energy treatment. The GC-MS spectra of both the isomers showed five m/z peaks due to the molecular ion peak and fragmented peaks of toluic acid derivatives. The isotopic abundance ratio of (PM+1)/PM and (PM+2)/PM were calculated for both the isomers and found significant alteration in the treated isomers. The isotopic abundance ratio of (PM+1)/PM in treated samples of OTA was decreased and then slightly increased upto 2.37% in T2, where the (PM+2)/PM in treated OTA, significantly decreased by 55.3% in T3 sample. Similarly, in case of MTA, the isotopic abundance ratio of (PM+1)/PM in the treated sample showed a slight increase the (PM+2)/PM was decreased by 11.95% in T2 as compared to their respective control. GC-MS data suggests that the biofield energy treatment on toluic acid isomers had significantly altered the isotopic abundance of 2H, 13C, and 18O in OTA and MTA as compared to the control.
Lithium has gained extensive attention in medical science due to mood stabilizing activity. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the impact of biofield treatment on physical, atomic, and thermal properties of lithium powder. The lithium powder was divided into two parts i.e., control and treatment. Control part was remained as untreated and treatment part received Mr. Trivedi’s biofield treatment. Subsequently, control and treated lithium powder samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric analysis-differential thermal analysis (TGA-DTA), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). XRD data showed that lattice parameter, unit cell volume, density, atomic weight, and nuclear charge per unit volume of lithium were altered after biofield treatment. The crystallite size of treated lithium was increased by 75% as compared to control. DSC analysis exhibited an increase in melting temperature of treated lithium powder upto 11.2% as compared to control. TGA-DTA analysis result showed that oxidation temperature, which found after melting point, was reduced upto 285.21°C in treated lithium as compared to control (358.96°C). Besides, SEM images of control and treated lithium samples showed the agglomerated micro particles. Moreover, FT-IR analysis data showed an alteration in absorption band (416→449 cm-1) in treated lithium sample after biofield treatment as compared to control. Overall, data suggested that biofield treatment has significantly altered the physical, atomic, and thermal properties of lithium powder.
Bacillary dysentery and acute gastroenteritis caused by infection of Shigella species are major public health burden in India and its neighboring countries. Emergence of antimicrobial resistance threatens to render current treatments ineffective. The current study was attempted to investigate the effect of biofield treatment on Shigella boydii (S. boydiii) with respect of antimicrobial susceptibility assay, biochemical characteristics and biotyping. The American Type Culture Collection (ATCC 9207) strain of S. boydiii was used in this experiment. The study was conducted in revived and lyophilized state of S. boydiii. Both revived (Group; Gr. II) and lyophilized (Gr. III) strain of S. boydiii were subjected to Mr. Trivedi’s biofield treatment. Gr. II was assessed on day 5 and day 10, while Gr. III on day 10 with respect to control (Gr. I). Sensitivity pattern of amoxicillin/k-clavulanate was improved from intermediate (I) to susceptible (S) with correspond to MIC value was also reduced by two folds (16/8 to ≤ 8/4 μg/mL) in both the treated groups as compared to control. The antimicrobial susceptibility of S. boydiii showed 15% alteration in Gr. II on day 5, while significant (40%) alteration was found on day 10 as compared to control. The MIC values of antimicrobials for S. boydiii also showed 12.50% alteration in Gr. II on day 5 while, significant alteration (59.38%) of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value was found in Gr. II on day 10 as compared to control. It was observed that overall 69.70% biochemical reactions were changed in which 66.67% alteration was found in Gr. II on day 10 with respect to control. Moreover, biotype numbers were changed in all the treated groups without alteration of organism as compared to control. These results suggested that biofield treatment had significant impact on S. boydiii in Gr. II on day 10 with respect to antimicrobial susceptibility, MIC and biochemical reactions pattern.
The chloronitrobenzenes are widely used as the intermediates in the production of pharmaceuticals, pesticides and rubber processing chemicals. However, due to their wide applications, they are frequently released into the environment thereby creating hazards. The objective of the study was to use an alternative strategy i.e. biofield energy treatment and analysed its impact on the physical, thermal and spectral properties of 3-chloronitrobenzene (3-CNB). For the study, the 3-CNB sample was taken and divided into two groups, named as control and treated. The analytical techniques used were X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), UV-Visible (UV-Vis), and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The treated group was subjected to the biofield energy treatment and analysed using these techniques against the control sample. The XRD data showed an alteration in relative intensity of the peak along with 30% decrease in the crystallite size of the treated sample as compared to the control. The TGA studies revealed the decrease in onset temperature of degradation from 140ºC (control) to 120°C, while maximum thermal degradation temperature was changed from 157.61ºC (control) to 150.37ºC in the treated sample as compared to the control. Moreover, the DSC studies revealed the decrease in the melting temperature from 51°C (control) →47°C in the treated sample. Besides, the UV-Vis and FT-IR spectra of the treated sample did not show any significant alteration in terms of wavelength and frequencies of the peaks, respectively from the control sample. The overall study results showed the impact of biofield energy treatment on the physical and thermal properties of 3-CNB that can further affect its use as a chemical intermediate and its fate in the environment.
"Disulfiram is being used clinically as an aid in chronic alcoholism, while nicotinic acid is one of a B-complex vitamin that has cholesterol lowering activity. The aim of present study was to investigate the impact of biofield treatment on spectral properties of disulfiram and nicotinic acid. The study was performed in two groups i.e., control and treatment of each drug. The treatment groups were received Mr. Trivedi’s biofield treatment. Subsequently, spectral properties of control and treated groups of both drugs were studied using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopic techniques. FT-IR spectrum of biofield treated disulfiram showed the shifting in wavenumber of C-H stretching from 1496 to 1506 cm-1 and C-N stretching from 1062 to 1056 cm-1. The intensity of S-S dihedral bending peaks (665 and 553 cm-1) was also increased in biofield treated disulfiram sample, as compared to control. FT-IR spectra of biofield treated nicotinic acid showed the shifting in wavenumber of C-H stretching from 3071 to 3081 cm-1 and 2808 to 2818 cm-1. Likewise, C=C stretching peak was shifted to higher frequency region from 1696 cm-1 to 1703 cm-1 and C-O (COO-) stretching peak was shifted to lower frequency region from 1186 to 1180 cm-1 in treated nicotinic acid. UV spectrum of control and biofield treated disulfiram showed similar pattern of UV spectra. Whereas, the UV spectrum of biofield treated nicotinic acid exhibited the shifting of absorption maxima (λmax) with respect of control i.e., from 268.4 to 262.0 nm, 262.5 to 256.4, 257.5 to 245.6, and 212.0 to 222.4 nm. Over all, the FT-IR and UV spectroscopy results suggest an impact of biofield treatment on the force constant, bond strength, and dipole moments of treated drugs such as disulfiram and nicotinic acid that could led to change in their chemical stability as compared to control."