Let X = (X1, X2,..., Xn) be a random vector in Rn (Euclidean n-space) with density f(x). X or f(x) is said to be multivariate reverse rule of order 2 (MRR2) if f(x [curly logical or] y) f(x [curly logical and] y) <= f(x) f(y) where the lattice operations x [curly logical and] y and x [curly logical or] y refer to the usual ordering of Rn. A density f(x) of X = (X1,...,Xn) is said to be strongly MRR2 if for any set of PF2 functions {[phi]v} (i.e., [phi]v([xi] - [eta]) is totally positive of order 2 on -[infinity] < [xi], [eta] < [infinity]) each marginal g(x[nu]1,x x[nu]2,..., x[nu]k) = [integral operator] ... [integral operator] f(x1,..., xn) [phi]1(x[mu]1)[phi]2(x[mu]2) ... [phi]n - k(x[mu]n - k) dx[mu]1 ... dx[mu]n - k is MRR2 in the variables (x[nu]1, x[nu]2,..., x[nu]k), where ([nu]1,..., [nu]k) and ([mu]1, [mu]2,..., [mu]n - k) are complementary sets of indices. The property of strongly MRR2 prevails for the multinormal, multivariate hypergeometric, Dirichlet, and many other densities. For a strong MRR2 density we establish the reverse generalized correlation inequality P{ai <= Xi <= bi, i [set membership, variant] I, X[nu] <= b[nu], [nu] [set membership, variant] J [union or logical sum] K}P{ai <= Xi <= bi, i [set membership, variant] I} <= P{ai <= Xi <= bi, i [set membership, variant] I, X[nu] <= b[nu], v [set membership, variant] J}P{ai <= Xi <= bi, i [set membership, variant] I, X[nu] <= b[nu], [nu] [set membership, variant] K}, where I, J and K denote the set of indices {1,..., k}, {k + 1,..., k + l}, {k + l + 1,..., n}, respectively. Other inequalities and applications are given.