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Use of ultrasonography to screen for occult cancer in patients with idiopathic venous thrombosis


Abstract and Figures

Background: Patients with idiopathic deep vein thrombosis have a high enough incidence of cancer to justify an investigation of underlying malignant disorders. Aim: This study aimed to retrospectively analyze pelvic and abdominal ultrasound as a screening method for occult cancer in patients with idiopathic deep vein hrombosis. Method: The medical records of 120 individuals diagnosed with idiopathic deep vein thrombosis, who had been submitted to pelvic and abdominal ultrasound at admission or within 30 days after discharge, were evaluated. Results: Malignancies were confirmed by histopathological analysis in 4 patients after abnormalities suggestive of neoplasms had been identified in the examination. Four other patients without any changes at ultrasound had malignancies diagnosed by other methods. Conclusion: Ultrasonography to screen for abdominal occult cancer in patients with idiopathic venous thrombosis is recommended
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*Department Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in Medicine School in São José do Rio Preto-FAMERP, professor of the
Graduation and Post-graduation courses (Stricto-Sensu) in FAMERP-Brazil - **Resident in Medicine School in Sao Jose do Rio
Preto-FAMERP-Brazil - ***Department of Anatomy in Medicine School in São José do Rio Preto-FAMERP-Brazil
Patients who suffer from idiopathic Deep Vein
Thrombosis (DVT) have a sufficiently high inci-
dence of cancer (4.6% to 25%), to justify an inves-
tigation of underlying malignant disorders(1-5).
On considering all patients with cancer, those
with DVT have a significant reduction in survival
rates with a four - to eight-fold higher risk of death
being reported(6). The diagnosis of occult malignan-
cies in patients with idiopathic DVT by screening
using different tests, including abdominal and
pelvic ultrasonography, was approximately 13%.
These patients were diagnosed at an early stage.
The diagnosis of occult malignancies in
patients with idiopathic DVT by screening using
different tests, including abdominal and pelvic
ultrasonography, was approximately 13%. These
patients were diagnosed at an early stage. On the
other hand, where individuals are not investigated
for possible malignancies after the thrombotic
event, 9.8% were symptomatic within a period of 2
years and more advanced cancer was diagnosed
compared to those who are submitted to screen-
However, the use of ultrasound in screening is
still controversial(3).
This study aimed to retrospectively analyze
the use of pelvic and abdominal ultrasound as a
screening method for occult cancer in patients who
suffer from idiopathic DVT.
The hospital records of 500 patients with diag-
nosis of DVT hospitalized in Hospital de Base
Medicine School, São José do Rio Preto in the peri-
od from January 2005 to March 2010 were evaluat-
ed. The inclusion criteria were the diagnosis of
idiopathic DVT and performing abdominal ultra-
sonography, as shown in Figure 1, during the hospi-
tal stay or within 30 days of discharge.
Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2013, 29: 451
Background: Patients with idiopathic deep vein thrombosis have a high enough incidence of cancer to justify an investiga-
tion of underlying malignant disorders.
Aim: This study aimed to retrospectively analyze pelvic and abdominal ultrasound as a screening method for occult cancer in
patients with idiopathic deep vein thrombosis.
Method: The medical records of 120 individuals diagnosed with idiopathic deep vein thrombosis, who had been submitted to
pelvic and abdominal ultrasound at admission or within 30 days after discharge, were evaluated. Results: Malignancies were con-
firmed by histopathological analysis in 4 patients after abnormalities suggestive of neoplasms had been identified in the examina-
tion. Four other patients without any changes at ultrasound had malignancies diagnosed by other methods.
Conclusion: Ultrasonography to screen for abdominal occult cancer in patients with idiopathic venous thrombosis is recom-
Key words: Venous Thrombosis, Mass Screening, Cancer.
Received April 11, 2013; Accepted May 12, 2013
452 José Maria Pereira de Godoy*, André Luís Cozetto de Oliveira et Al
Patients diagnosed with cancer and those who
had previously suffered from DVT were excluded.
The study was approved by the Research
Ethics Committee of the Medicine School in Sao
José do Rio Preto. The data were analyzed by
descriptive statistics analysis.
One hundred and twenty individuals (66
female and 54 male) diagnosed with idiopathic
DVT were enrolled in this study (mean age: 58.9
years old).
Malignancies were confirmed in 4(3,3%)
patients by histopathological analysis after suspi-
cious changes seen at ultrasound: abdominal mass
in the topography of the head of the pancreas 1-
(0,83%) with confirmed pancreatic cancer, renal
mass (1) with histopathologic diagnosis of papillary
renal cell carcinoma, rectosigmoid wall thickening
with obliteration of adjacent fat (1), where further
investigation showed the presence of colorectal
cancer, and abdominal mass in right iliac fossa
involving the iliac arteries and liver implants (1),
revealing the presence of malignant neoplasms of
undetermined origin.
Four (3,3%)other patients in this group with-
out changes in the ultrasound exams were diag-
nosed with colorectal (2), esophageal (1) and
parotid (1) cancer.
This study shows that abdominal and pelvic
ultrasound was useful in screening for cancers in
patients with idiopathic DVT. Eight (6.7%) patients
with occult malignancies associated with idiopathic
DVT were detected by early screening using several
diagnostic methods including ultrasound screening.
Thus, 50% of these cases had abnormal ultra-
sound examinations with malignancies.
The diagnosis of neoplasms after acute
episodes of DVT, according to the literature, occurs
when the cancer is in an early stage in 61% of
patients submitted to screening compared to 14% of
those who choose a wait and watch approach in the
outpatient clinic(4).
This finding, coupled with the fact that tumors
diagnosed in early stages have a better prognosis,
highlights the need for screening for cancer in
patients with idiopathic DVT. However, there are
studies that consider ultrasonography inefficient as
screening for tumors in patients with idiopathic
DVT and so do not recommend screening(1).
The true result of screening for cancer on the
prognosis of patients with idiopathic DVT and can-
cer remains unknown(6); although diagnosis is
reached early, there are no published studies report-
ing the survival of these patients.
It is well known that ultrasound is a method
that depends on the examiner. It is therefore possi-
ble that subtle changes go unnoticed in evaluations
made by less experienced professionals. However,
it is an innocuous examination, i.e. it does not harm
the patient, and when a change is suspected, the
patient can be screened using more accurate meth-
ods. Another important aspect is that this study
identifies other benign changes thereby adding
weight to indications.
Other criteria, such as age, may be useful in
the screening of patients at a higher risk for cancer
thereby increasing the likelihood of identifying
tumors by ultrasound. One study identified a preva-
lence of malignancies of from 16% to 26.8% in
patients with deep venous thrombosis between the
ages of 50 and 80 years, with a peak (26.8%) being
between 60 and 70 years old 1. The evaluation of
other causes of hypercoagulability is also important
to determine the etiology of the DVT(7-9).
Screening for paraneoplastic syndrome in
patients with idiopathic deep venous thrombosis is
Figure1: illustrates the presence of thrombus
in the femoral vein.
1) De Godoy JM, Miquelin D, Braile DM, Da Silva AM.
Association of deep venous thrombosis with neoplasms in
different age groups. Int Angiol. 2009 Apr; 28(2): 144-6.
2) de Oliveira AL, Ribeiro A, Reis LF, Raymundo SR, de
Godoy JM. Chest Radiography as a Method of Screening
for Occult Cancer in Patients With Idiopathic Deep Vein
Thrombosis. Angiology. 2011 Oct 17. [Epub ahead of
3) Ronsdorf A, Perruchoud AP, Schoenenberger RA. Search
for occult malignancy in patients with deep venous
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Med Wkly. 2003; 133(41-42): 567-74.
4) Bastounis EA, Karayiannakis AJ, Makri GG, Alexiou D,
Papalambros EL. The incidence of occult cancer in
patients with deep venous thrombosis: a prospective
study. J Intern Med. 1996; 239(2): 153-6.
5) Monreal M, Lensing AW, Prins MH, Bonet M,
Fernández-Llamazares J, Muchart J, Prandoni P, Jiménez
JA. Screening for occult cancer in patients with acute
deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. J Thromb
Haemost. 2004; 2(6): 876-81.
6) Oudega R, Moons KG, Karel Nieuwenhuis H, van
Nierop FL, Hoes AW. Deep vein thrombosis in primary
care: possible malignancy? Br J Gen Pract. 2006;
56(530): 693-6.
7) Piccioli A, Lensing AW, Prins MH, Falanga A,
Scannapieco GL, Ieran M, Cigolini M, Ambrosio GB,
Monreal M, Girolami A, Prandoni P; SOMIT
Investigators Group. Extensive screening for occult
malignant disease in idiopathic venous thromboembo-
lism: a prospective randomized clinical trial. J Thromb
Haemost. 2004 Jun; 2(6): 884-9.
8) de Godoy JM, Braile DM. Protein S deficiency in repeti-
tive superficial thrombophlebitis. Clin Appl Thromb
Hemost. 2003 Jan; 9(1): 61-2.
9) de Godoy JM, de Godoy MF, Braile DM, Torres CA.
Prevalence of anticardiolipin antibodies in peripheral
arterial thrombosis. Angiology. 2000 Jun; 51(6): 473-7.
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Use of ultrasonography to screen for occult cancer in patients with idiopathic venous thrombosis 453
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Protein S deficiency is one of the principal congenital thrombophilias reported. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of protein S deficiency in patients with repetitive superficial thrombophlebitis. Thirty-six consecutive patients, 28 female and eight male, who presented with repetitive superficial thrombophlebitis (two or more cases); age range, 17 to 58 years, mean, 38.2 years; were evaluated. Coagulometry was used to determine the biologic activity of protein S. In 5.5% of the patients with repetitive superficial thrombophlebitis, protein S deficiency was detected.
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for the SOMIT Investigators Group. Extensive screening for occult malignant disease in idiopathic venous thromboembolism: a prospective randomized clinical trial. J Thromb Haemost 2004; 2: 884–9. See also Hawkins JS. The ethics of Zelen consent. This issue, pp 882–3. Summary. Patients with symptomatic idiopathic venous thromboembolism and apparently cancer-free have an approxi-mate 10% incidence of subsequent cancer. Apparently cancer-free patients with acute idiopathic venous thromboembolism were randomized to either the strategy of extensive screening for occult cancer or to no further testing. Patients had a 2-year follow-up period. Of the 201 patients, 99 were allocated to the extensive screening group and 102 to the control group. In 13 (13.1%) patients, the extensive screening identified occult cancer. In the extensive screening group, a single (1.0%) malignancy became apparent during follow-up, whereas in the control group a total of 10 (9.8%) malignancies became symptomatic [relative risk, 9.7 (95% CI, 1.3–36.8; P < 0.01]. Overall, malignancies identified in the extensive screening group were at an earlier stage and the mean delay to diagnosis was reduced from 11.6 to 1.0 months (P < 0.001). Cancer-related mortality during the 2 years follow-up period occurred in two (2.0%) of the 99 patients of the extensive screening group vs. four (3.9%) of the 102 control patients [absolute difference, 1.9% (95% CI,)5.5–10.9)]. Although early detection of occult cancers may be associated with improved treatment possibilit-ies, it is uncertain whether this improves the prognosis.
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The association of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and cancer is well established. It is controversial how large the association is and how extensive the evaluation for an underlying cancer should be. 485 patients without a known cancer and a proven DVT formed the cohort of a retrospective study. Newly diagnosed (prevalent) cancers in patients with idiopathic (IDVT) and secondary (SDVT) during the index hospitalisation were compared and the contribution of the steps in an institutional tumour search program was analysed. The incidence of cancer in 204 patients with IDVT and 230 patients with SDVT during follow-up was determined. During the index hospitalisation routine evaluation revealed eleven cancers in 236 patients (4.7% [95%-CI: 2.0-7.3]) with IDVT and five cancers in 249 patients (2.0% [95%-CI: 0.3-3.7]) with SDVT. Combining patient history, clinical examination, routine laboratory tests and chest x-ray showed a sensitivity of 88% and a specificity of 79% for the diagnosis of cancer. Abdominal ultrasound did not significantly increase the yield. 93% of the patients were followed for up to 5 years (mean 32 months). Sixteen cancers occurred in 204 patients (7.8% [95%-CI: 4.0-11.5]) with IDVT and ten in 230 patients (4.35% [95%-CI: 1.7-7.0]) with SVDT (p<0.001). Prevalence and incidence of cancer were higher in IDVT patients compared to those with SDVT. Combining patient history, clinical examination, simple laboratory tests, and a routine chest x-ray is an appropriate strategy to detect underlying cancer in patients with IDVT. Routine abdominal ultrasound can safely be omitted.
Aim: The objective of the current study was to evaluate if age is related to the prevalence of neoplasms in patients presenting with deep venous thrombosis. Methods: The existence of neoplasms was investigated in 221 female and 194 male patients suffering from deep venous thrombosis. Their ages ranged from 11 to 92 years old with a mean of 55.2 years. Thoracic radiography, endoscopy, abdominal ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance were requested in cases of clinically suspected neoplasms. The inclusion criterion was the presence of deep venous thrombosis and exclusion criterion was that the existence of neoplasms was not investigated. The patients were classified in age groups at 10-year intervals starting at the age of 40 years old. For statistical analysis the one sample t-test and Fisher exact test were utilized with an alpha-error of 5% considered acceptable. Results: Neoplasms were detected in 3.4% of under 40-year-old patients, 5.6% between 40 and 50 years, 16.6% between 50 and 60 years, 26.8% between 60 and 70 years, 19.3% between 70 and 80 years and 10.8% in over 80-year-old. The association between neoplasms and age is significant for over 50-year-old when compared with those under 40-year-old (Fisher exact test P value <0.005) and there is a difference in percentages between the age groups (one sample t test P value=0.01). Conclusions: In conclusion the prevalence of neoplasms is associated to age with the highest rate in the 60- to 70-year age group.
The occurrence of neoplasms in patients with idiopathic deep vein thrombosis (DVT) may result in a significant reduction in survival rates. The aim of our study was to assess the use of chest X-rays (CXRs) as a screening method of intrathoracic neoplasms in patients who with idiopathic DVT. In observational, cross-sectional study, the medical records of 99 patients with idiopathic DVT, who were submitted to CXR (during the hospital stay or within 30 days after discharge), were investigated. Of these patients, 15.1% had images suggestive of thoracic neoplasias (single or multiple pulmonary nodules and mediastinal widening). Neoplasms were diagnosed in 4 patients in the follow-up with CXR. The CXR is an option of early screening for thoracic neoplasms and other nonmalignant diseases in patients with idiopathic DVT.
This study was undertaken to assess a potential relationship between idiopathic deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and occult cancer. Prospective study with a 2-year follow-up. The Angiology Unit of the First Department of Surgery, University of Athens, Greece, a tertiary referral centre. Two hundred and ninety-three patients with a first episode of venographically or Doppler-proved DVT were included in the study, of whom 264 were followed up for 2 years. After an initial extensive diagnostic workup, including routine blood counts and chemistries, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CEA levels, chest X-ray and abdominopelvic CT scan, all patients were closely followed up and periodically examined. The incidence of cancer amongst patients with idiopathic and secondary DVT, and the validity of our screening programme. Cancer was diagnosed in 21 out of 84 patients with idiopathic DVT (25%) as compared with eight out of 202 patients with secondary DVT (4%). In 22 out of the 29 cases, cancer was detected during the initial admission, and the remaining seven cases were detected during follow-up. Cancer was diagnosed in 15 asymptomatic, healthy individuals, but only in seven of them was the diagnosis made by CT scan. Occult cancer is fairly common in patients with idiopathic DVT, but the routine use of extensive diagnostic studies for its detection remains to be validated by further prospective studies.
The aim of this study was to assess prospectively the prevalence of anticardiolipin antibodies in patients with peripheral arterial thrombosis. Fifty-nine patients with arterial thrombosis (38 men, 21 women), ages ranging from 24 to 80 years, mean age, 45.5 years, were studied. The control group included 100 volunteer blood donors. After confirmation of the thrombotic event, anticardiolipin antibodies were dosed by the immunoassay enzyme method and by dilution. In Group I these antibodies were present in 62.7% of the patients, of which 33.9% were borderline and 28.8% were positive. In the control group 6% of the patients were borderline and 1% was positive. The statistical analysis showed that the prevalence found was statistically significant (p < 0.001), even when the borderline titers were not considered positive. Patients with peripheral arterial thrombosis have a high prevalence of anticardiolipin antibodies.
Patients with acute venous thromboembolism have an increased risk for occult malignancy. Limited screening for these malignancies has become common practice but little is known about its usefulness. This is a prospective cohort follow-up study in consecutive patients with acute venous thromboembolism. All patients underwent a routine clinical evaluation for malignancy, if negative, followed by a limited diagnostic work-up consisting of abdominal and pelvic ultrasound and laboratory markers for malignancy. Clinical follow-up was conducted to detect screening failures. The routine clinical evaluation was performed in 864 patients and revealed malignancy in 34 (3.9%) of them. Among the remaining 830 patients the limited diagnostic work-up revealed 13 further malignancies. During follow-up, cancer became symptomatic in 14 patients who were negative for cancer at screening (sensitivity of limited diagnostic work-up, 48.1%). Malignancies that were identified by the limited diagnostic work-up were early stage in 61% of cases vs. 14% in cases occurring during follow-up. Most patients with occult cancer had idiopathic venous thromboembolism and were older than 70 years. A limited diagnostic work-up for occult cancer in patients with venous thromboembolism has the capacity to identify approximately one-half of the malignancies. Identified malignancies were predominantly in an early stage.
The increased prevalence of unrecognised malignancy in patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has been well established in secondary care settings. However, data from primary care settings, needed to tailor the diagnostic workup, are lacking. To quantify the prevalence of unrecognised malignancy in primary care patients who have been diagnosed with DVT. Prospective follow-up study. All primary care physicians affiliated/associated with a non-teaching hospital in a geographically circumscribed region participated in the study. A total of 430 consecutive patients without known malignancy, but with proven DVT were included in the study and compared with a control group of 442 primary care patients, matched according to age and sex. Previously unrecognised, occult malignancy was considered present if a new malignancy was diagnosed within 2 years following DVT diagnosis (DVT group) or inclusion in the control group. Patients with DVT were categorised in to those with unprovoked idiopathic DVT and those with risk factors for DVT (that is, secondary DVT). During the 2-year follow-up period, a new malignancy was diagnosed 3.6 times more often in patients with idiopathic DVT than in the control group (2-year incidence: 7.4% and 2.0%, respectively). The incidence in patients with secondary DVT was 2.6%; only slightly higher than in control patients. Unrecognised malignancies are more common in both primary and secondary care patients with DVT than in the general population. In particular, patients with idiopathic DVT are at risk and they could benefit from individualised case-finding to detect malignancy.
Association of deep venous thrombosis with neoplasms in different age groups Chest Radiography as a Method of Screening for Occult Cancer in Patients With Idiopathic Deep Vein Thrombosis
  • De Godoy
  • Jm Miquelin
  • D Braile
  • Da Silva
  • Am Oliveira
  • Al Ribeiro
  • A Reis
  • Lf Raymundo
  • Sr De Godoy
De Godoy JM, Miquelin D, Braile DM, Da Silva AM. Association of deep venous thrombosis with neoplasms in different age groups. Int Angiol. 2009 Apr; 28(2): 144-6. 2) de Oliveira AL, Ribeiro A, Reis LF, Raymundo SR, de Godoy JM. Chest Radiography as a Method of Screening for Occult Cancer in Patients With Idiopathic Deep Vein Thrombosis. Angiology. 2011 Oct 17. [Epub ahead of print].