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Reference Class Forecasting for Hong Kong’s Major Roadworks Projects


Abstract and Figures

Reference class forecasting is a method to remove optimism bias and strategic misrepresentation in infrastructure projects and programmes. In 2012 the Hong Kong government’s Development Bureau commissioned a feasibility study on reference class forecasting in Hong Kong – a first for the Asia-Pacific region. This study involved 25 roadwork projects, for which forecast costs and durations were compared with actual outcomes. The analysis established and verified the statistical distribution of the forecast accuracy at various stages of project development, and benchmarked the projects against a sample of 863 similar projects. The study contributed to the understanding of how to improve forecasts by de-biasing early estimates, explicitly considering the risk appetite of decision makers, and safeguarding public funding allocation by balancing exceedance and under-use of project budgets.
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investment projects often experience cost overruns and completion
delays, and subsequent research questions the positive contribution
of infrastructure megaprojects (Flyvbjerg etal., 2003).
1.1 Reference class forecasting method
Reference class forecasting is a method of predicting the future,
through looking at similar past situations and their outcomes.
Reference class forecasting predicts the outcome of a planned
action based on actual outcomes in a reference class of similar
actions to that being forecast. The theories behind reference
class forecasting were developed by Daniel Kahneman and Amos
Tversky. The theoretical work helped Kahneman win the Nobel
Prize in economics.
Kahneman and Tversky (1977) found that human judgement
is generally optimistic owing to overconfidence and insucient
consideration of distributional information about outcomes.
Therefore, people tend to underestimate the costs, completion times
and risks of planned actions, whereas they tend to overestimate the
benefits of those same actions. Such an error is caused by actors
taking an ‘inside view’, where focus is on the constituents of the
specific planned action instead of on the actual outcomes of similar
ventures that have already been completed.
1. Introduction
Investments in public infrastructure have historically been seen
as a key policy to stimulate economic growth. Calderon et al.
(2011) estimated that a 10% increase in infrastructure provision
increases long-term economic output by 1–5%.
A recent report by the McKinsey Global Institute (Dobbs etal.,
2013) argues that deferring infrastructure investments stifles
growth and recovery. The report also estimates that the current
infrastructure stock is on average 70% of a country’s gross
domestic product (GDP) (China 76%), which is seen as indication
that infrastructure spending needs to grow with countries’ GDP
growth targets.In the case of China, the projected GDP growth by
2013–2030 would translate into growing the needed investment
into infrastructure from 6.4% of the GDP to 8.5% of the GDP.
A historic analysis by the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development and the International Transport
Forum (OECD/ITF, 2013) showed that countries in western
Europe, North America and Australia used investments into road
infrastructure, although while reducing maintenance spend, to
stimulate economic growth during the 2008–2011 recession.
However, research by Flyvbjerg etal. (2003) has shown that capital
Reference class forecasting for
Hong Kong’s major roadworks
1 Bent Flyvbjerg DTech, DSc, PhD
First BT Professor and Founding Chair of Major Programme
Management, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
2 Chi-keung Hon JP, BSc(Eng), MPA, CEng, FHKIE, FICE, FCIArb
Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Development
Bureau, Hong Kong, PR China
3 Wing Huen Fok MSc, MA, EngD, CEng, FHKIE, FICE, FIStructE,
Director Projects, Advisian, Hong Kong, PR China
Reference class forecasting is a method to remove optimism bias and strategic misrepresentation in
infrastructure projects and programmes. In 2012 the Hong Kong government’s Development Bureau
commissioned a feasibility study on reference class forecasting in Hong Kong – a first for the Asia-Pacific
region. This study involved 25 roadwork projects, for which forecast costs and durations were compared
with actual outcomes. The analysis established and verified the statistical distribution of the forecast
accuracy at various stages of project development, and benchmarked the projects against a sample of 863
similar projects.The study contributed to the understanding of how to improve forecasts by de-biasing
early estimates, explicitly considering the risk appetite of decision makers, and safeguarding public funding
allocation by balancing exceedance and under-use of project budgets.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers
Paper 1500075
Received 15/10/2015 Accepted 25/04/2016
Keywords: Economics & finance/Infrastructure planning/
Risk & probability analysis
Civil Engineering
Reference class forecasting for Hong
Kong’s major roadworks projects
Flyvbjerg, Hon and Fok
ICE Publishing: All rights reserved
Civil Engineering
Reference class forecasting for Hong
Kong’s major roadworks projects
Flyvbjerg, Hon and Fok
California high speed rail and is currently being used in Europe’s
largest civil engineering projects, Crossrail and High Speed Two.
Daniel Kahneman has called reference class forecasting as
developed by Flyvbjerg and Cowi (2004) ‘the single most important
piece of advice regarding how to increase accuracy in forecasting
through improved methods’ (Kahneman, 2011: p.251).
1.3 Benefits of using reference class forecasting
The UK experience of using reference class forecasting for more
than 10 years has shown that, after applying the method, a number
of projects have been cancelled. Projects that were implemented
after reference class forecasting had been applied have shown
reduced cost overruns in comparison to projects that have not been
de-biased. ‘We are tending now to find that with experience, the
project costs remain very much under control and the optimism
bias added in appraisals is too high against the actual delivery’,
observed a UK Department for Transport ocial (personal
communication, December 2012).
Discussing the value of reference class forecasting with project
managers who have applied the method, the authors learned that
the value of reference class forecasting becomes particularly visible
in the latter half of a project. When project budgets are exhausted
and contingencies spent, which is common for projects without
reference class forecasting, project managers spend most of their
time on renegotiating project scope, raising new funding, reducing
the cost of the outstanding works and answering critique of bad
project management in the media. Typically this point is reached in
the latter half of project delivery.
However, anecdotal feedback from project managers suggests
that projects with an un-biased level of contingencies allow project
managers to focus on what is really important: completing the
2. First reference class forecasting study in
Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific
The idea of reference class forecasting was first introduced
to Hong Kong in late 2010. In September 2012, a study was
commissioned by the Development Bureau (2012) to study the
feasibility of using reference class forecasting in Hong Kong, with
the major roadworks projects of the Highways Department as a
pilot reference class.
The study involved the retrieval of cost and completion time
information of 25 completed projects for statistical treatment, such
that a reference class on cost and completion time forecasting of
roadworks projects could be established (Figure1).The study was
the first of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region.
2.1 Development process of Hong Kong’s public works
All public works projects including roadworks projects are
developed under well-established government procedures.
According to chapter 2 of the Project Administration Handbook
for Civil Engineering Works issued by the Hong Kong SAR
government (2014), or its earlier versions, public works projects
go through various categories of development before construction.
Kahneman and Tversky (1977) concluded that disregard of
distributional information, which is a focus on single-point
estimates, is perhaps the major source of error in forecasting.On
that basis they recommended that forecasters ‘should therefore
make every eort to frame the forecasting problem so as to facilitate
utilising all the distributional information that is available’.In other
words, forecasts should not be confined to the most likely estimate,
but should present the full range of estimates.
Although newer methods such as Monte Carlo simulations
attempt to present a range of outcomes, these simulations are still
the result of an inside view and therefore prone to underestimation.
Kahneman and Tversky (1977) further argue that using distributional
information from previous ventures similar to the one being forecast
is called taking an ‘outside view’. Reference class forecasting is a
method for taking an outside view on planned actions.
Reference class forecasting for a specific project involves the
following three steps
(a) identify a reference class of past, similar projects
(b) establish a probability distribution for the selected reference
class for the parameter that is being forecast
(c) compare the specific project with the reference class
distribution to establish the most likely outcome for the specific
The key benefit of reference class forecasting is that it replaces
assumptions – such as assumed adverse events and assumed
uncertainty in estimates – with data.It should be noted that reference
class forecasting assumes that a project performs no better or worse
than past similar projects.On this basis, adjustments can be made
to the reference class forecast. However, it should be stressed that
adjustments might re-introduce the bias of assumptions back into
the forecast and should only be made based on strong evidence that
the project is indeed better or worse than past projects.
1.2 Reference class forecasting in cost and other
forecasting of major projects
Reference class forecasting has been used by the UK Department
for Transport since 2004 to implement the UK Treasury’s Green
Book Supplementary Guidance: Optimism Bias (HM Treasury,
2013). It has since been employed on all major UK transport
infrastructure projects and programmes. It has also been used
outside the transport sector in a broad variety of projects and
programmes across departments, ranging from the government’s
review of public private partnerships, the renewal of the British
school estate and equipment purchases in the UK healthcare
system to the turn-around programme of Jaguar Land Rover.
Reference class forecasting has also developed into a globally
used method.In 2005, the American Planning Association endorsed
reference class forecasting. Similarly, the Project Management
Institute has included the concept of taking the ‘outside view’ in
its standard for project cost estimation. Like the UK, Denmark has
made reference class forecasting mandatory for large rail and road
projects. Furthermore, reference class forecasting has been used
on individual projects by the governments of Sweden, Switzerland,
Norway, the Netherlands, South Africa and Australia, among
Reference class forecasting was pivotal in the US Government
Accountability Oce’s assessment of the business case of
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Author copy for personal use, not for distribution
Reference class forecasting for Hong
Kong’s major roadworks projects
Flyvbjerg, Hon and Fok
Civil Engineering
The estimating using risk analysis process is by nature a bottom-
up process based on the ‘inside view’ of the project ocers to
determine the risk values of a certain project. In contrast, the
reference class forecasting provides a data-driven ‘outside view’ of
the risk values of a certain project. First, reference class forecasting
establishes the full distributional information of the risk exposure
of a project.
Second, reference class forecasting provides an uplift factor
to the base estimate to become the project estimate, based on
the risk appetite of the decision maker. This is regarded as a
top-down process since the uplift factor corresponding to the
decision maker’s acceptable risk of budget overrun is derived
from the statistics of comparison between the constant price –
that is, the same time value of the final project cost and the base
estimate of a reference class of similar past projects, and hence
an ‘outside view’.
Both estimating using risk analysis and reference class
forecasting are methods of quantitative risk analysis based on
the risk-free base estimate. Reference class forecasting oers an
‘outside view’ to scrutinise the ‘inside view’ estimating using
risk analysis results. Decision makers can subsequently allocate
contingencies corresponding to their risk appetite.
3. Study process
For this study data were collected by first identifying a list of
past projects each larger than HK$100million (£9million) in final
outturn cost, a criterion set after discussions with the Highways
Department regarding what is actually considered as a large-scale
project.The study aimed to collect data of 25 projects, which was a
trade-o between the statistical validity of the results and the eort
needed to collect the archival data.
Data on the most recently completed 25 projects above
HK$100million were collected.The data included the scope and
timeline of each project as well as base estimates and contingency
estimates at the stages of upgrading to category C, category B and
category A as well as the final cost. All these projects are major
roadworks projects constructed between 1993 and 2011. The
earliest upgrade to category C was in 1986.
The approach to data collection was taken to ensure a
representative view of the projects undertaken by the Highways
Department.The availability of archival records, one could argue,
might have an impact on the performance that a study will find
if badly performing projects fail to document their plans and
progress reports. Thus it has previously been argued, for example
in the international benchmarking, that the results err on the
conservative side.
Category C: projects that have been broadly accepted on the
basis of a project definition statement and technical feasibility
statement that has been approved by the Works Branch of the
Development Bureau.
Category B: projects that have had resources earmarked
internally, but they have not yet been presented to finance
committee of the Legislative Council for approval and they
cannot incur expenditure other than on pre-construction works
including investigation and design.
Category A: projects that are ready in all respects for tenders
to be invited and construction works to proceed, and have been
granted an approved project estimate by finance committee.
When a project is being upgraded to each of these categories, an
estimate of the cost prepared by the respective works department will
be logged into the capital works programme of the government.It
is natural that the cost estimate of a project at category A is much
closer to the final cost of the project than that at category C, as
more details of the project have been worked out when a project
progresses from category C to category B, then to category A.
2.2 Current practice of cost forecasting and potential
use of reference class forecasting
When preparing for the cost estimate of a project at each category
stage, the works department will produce the base estimate based
on quantities of the latest project plan and the most appropriate
Since mid-1993, the assessment of the contingencies of a
project follows the standard process called ‘estimating using
risk analysis’ as directed by the technical circular issued by the
Works Branch (1993), then a major branch under the government
secretariat.In the process, risk items of a project are identified and
quantified based on experience and knowledge of project ocers
on similar projects.The summation of all risk values becomes the
contingency value to be added to the base estimate of the project
to become its project estimate for logging into the capital works
programme. Thesame process is applied when a project upgrades
to categoryC, category B and category A status.
The UK experience of using
reference class forecasting
for more than 10 years
has shown that, owing to
the method, a number of
projects have been cancelled
Figure 1. Cost and completion time information for 25 completed
Hong Kong road projects was retrieved and analysed
Civil Engineering
Reference class forecasting for Hong
Kong’s major roadworks projects
Flyvbjerg, Hon and Fok
accuracy was associated with a more realistic estimation of the
base cost, which was reflected in increased unit cost estimates
in real terms. The analysis over time also established a shift in
estimation accuracy after mid-1993, when estimating using risk
analysis was introduced.The shift from before 1993 to after 1993
as shown in Figure2 is nearly statistically significant even with a
small data sample.In order to ensure that the established reference
class is relevant to current planning practices, projects started
before 1993 – that is, pre-estimating using risk analysis – were
excluded from formulating the reference class.
The cost overrun is defined as the actual minus estimated costs
divided by the estimated cost and expressed in percentages. Cost
overruns are calculated based on constant prices. Schedule overrun
is the dierence between actual time to completion and the estimated
time to completion divided by the estimated time to completion.
Estimated time to completion is defined as duration of a
project from the date of the upgrade to category C to the planned
completion date, whereas actual time to completion is defined as
duration from the date of the upgrade to category C to the date
of actual completion. Time-to-completion data were also retrieved
while screening through the project files. Time-to-completion
estimates were available for 22 projects at category C, 23 projects
at category B and 25 projects at category A.
3.2 Formation of uplift curves of the reference class
With all the valid cost and time data, the reference class with the
uplifts for cost and time-to-completion estimates at the upgrade to
category C, category B and category A were established.
First, the cost and time-to-completion overruns at the decision
points were calculated. Second, the uplifts Q were established by
identifying Q(p) = inf{x: p ≤ PR(Xx)}, where x are the overruns,
p is the probability of a cost overrun and X is a given value of x.
In other words, for all probabilities between 0 and 1 the
maximum overrun was established that was not exceeded in the
historical data.The uplifts are thus comparable to the risk exposure
levels derived from Monte Carlo simulations, which are commonly
used in quantitative risk assessments and which also identify
the risk exposure levels through examining the quantiles of the
3.1 Retrieval and adjustment of project data
Data retrieved for the dierent category stages were verified by
cross-checking with available detailed breakdown of the figures of
the respective project, such as checking the consistency of project
estimate with the base estimate plus contingencies at the same
category stage.
For the 25 projects, cost and time estimates were available for 23
projects at category C, 22 projects at category B and 20 projects at
category A.All estimates and final outturn costs were then adjusted
to the same year level using the public works price deflators issued
by the Hong Kong government.
For the projects in which the actual disbursement record
of projects could not be retrieved, statistically established
disbursement profiles are assumed (see Table1). The assumption
of a distribution profile is commonly made to convert year-of-
expenditure cost into constant cost – that is, to remove the eects of
inflation (see for example and Bacon and Besant-Jones (1996)).For
instance, a 3 year project is spending 17% of the total outturn cost
in year 1, 65% in year 2 and 18% in year 3.A 5 year project spends
6% in year 1, 22% in year 2, 43% in year 3, and so on.
An analysis of the adjusted data revealed statistically significant
improvements in forecasting accuracy for dierent vintages of
estimates (compare with Figure2). This improvement in forecasting
Project length
in years
Disbursement profile (as % of total outturn cost in xth year of the project)
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year 7th year 8th year 9th year 10th year
1 100%
2 49% 51%
3 17% 65% 18%
4 9% 40% 42% 10%
5 6% 22% 43% 23% 6%
6 4% 13% 32% 33% 14% 5%
7 3% 8% 21% 32% 23% 9% 4%
8 3% 4% 10% 20% 25% 20% 11% 7%
9 3% 4% 10% 20% 25% 20% 11% 4% 3%
10 2% 3% 7% 14% 21% 22% 15% 8% 4% 3%
Table 1. Disbursement profiles
Cost overrun
(actual cost over cost estimated at
upgrade to category C): %
Date of the upgrade to category C
1990 1995 2000
Figure 2. Cost overrun of projects by date of project’s upgrade to
category C (added Loess trendline and 95% confidence interval)
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Author copy for personal use, not for distribution
Reference class forecasting for Hong
Kong’s major roadworks projects
Flyvbjerg, Hon and Fok
Civil Engineering
Steps 1–3 are repeated for the next project from the data set.
Table 2 shows the results of the validation using categoryC
baseline cost uplifts data available for 18 projects. First,
the project with ID 6736 was excluded from the dataset.
Second, using the remaining 17 projects, a reference class was
constructed. The reference class suggested a +18% P50 uplift
and a +46% uplift for P80. Third, the actual cost performance
of project 6736 was −47%, which means that both the P50
The cost or time-to-completion uplifts at each category stage
are represented by a curve similar to Figures 3 and 4.The figures’
Loess curves – that is, smoothed local regressions – give the uplifts
in cost and time to completion, respectively, for the upgrade to
category C.
Two levels of uplifts that correspond to the risk levels that
project owners are typically willing to take were highlighted. In
large portfolios, where cost overruns in one project can be oset
by cost underruns in other projects, most organisations accept a
50% chance of cost overruns after adding contingencies.In other
words, they aim for 50% certainty of the revised estimate (P50,
for portfolio management). When forecasting individual projects
or projects with a high potential impact on budgets, organisations
typically accept less risk of overruns, for example, only 20%, and
thus choose a higher level of certainty, for example 80% (P80, for
management of individual projects).
Using Figure 3 as an example, at a 20% acceptable chance
of overruns the data suggest an uplift of +44%, whereas at a 50%
acceptable chance of overruns the data suggest an uplift of +13%.The
uplifts are based on the quantity estimate that is the baseline cost in
constant Hong Kong dollar terms, excluding all contingencies added
during the estimating using risk analysis and excluding inflation.
3.3 Validation of the reference class
To test the robustness of the reference class, the ‘leave-one-out
validation’ method was used.The validation works in three steps.
Step 1: exclude one project from the data set.
Step 2: construct a reference class based on the remaining projects.
Step 3: check whether the suggested uplift would have provided
a risk envelope large enough for the excluded project.
Two levels of uplifts that
correspond to the risk levels
that project owners are typically
willing to take were highlighted
Actual cost
P50 have
P80 have
6736 +18% +46% −47%
6757 +14% +41% +47%
6365 +14% +46% +32%
6553 +14% +41% +62%
6580 +18% +46% −37%
6718 +18% +46% −33%
6731 +18% +46% −32%
6759 +18% +46% −7%
6384 +14% +41% +52%
642 +18% +46% +14%
6577 +18% +46% +1%
6706 +18% +46% −52%
6541 +14% +41% +68%
6721 +14% +44% +43%
6323 +14% +46% +29%
6694 +14% +46% +31%
6695 +18% +46% +1%
6645 +14% +46% +18%
Table 2. Leave-one-out validation of cost uplifts for category C
baseline cost estimates
Required uplift: %
Acceptable chance of overrun: %
020 40 50 60 80
Figure 3. Required cost uplifts for different levels of the acceptable
chance of a cost overrun for category C baseline cost estimates (added
Loess smoother and 95% confidence interval)
Required uplift: %
Acceptable chance of overrun: %
806040020 50
Figure 4. Required time uplifts for different levels of the acceptable
chance of a delay for category C time-to-completion estimate (added
Loess smoother and 95% confidence interval)
Civil Engineering
Reference class forecasting for Hong
Kong’s major roadworks projects
Flyvbjerg, Hon and Fok
upgrades to each category stage at both a 50% acceptable chance
of overruns (P50) and a 20% acceptable chance of overruns (P80)
can be summarised in Table3.
The reference class forecasts show that uncertainty reduces over
time in the project estimates. At upgrade to category C the P80
uplift should be +44% for cost and +75% for time to completion;
with the upgrade to category B the uplifts have reduced because of
a reduction in uncertainty of forecasts and should be +34% for cost
and +53% for time to completion. When the project is upgraded to
category A the appropriate uplifts are +14% for cost and +26% for
time to completion.
The results also show that once a project has been upgraded
to category A the median budget is quite accurate: the P50 cost
uplift is –1%. This shows that the median (P50) project estimate at
category A tends to match with the final cost.
4.2 International benchmarking
The available cost and time overruns of Hong Kong’s roadworks
projects were compared to an international benchmark maintained
by researchers working at the University of Oxford.The benchmark
database covers 863 road projects from 34 countries.The baseline
of the benchmark database is the decision to build, sometimes
also called the ‘green light decision’. In discussions with project
planners in Hong Kong it was ascertained that the decision to build
corresponded to the upgrade to category C, because projects that
have been upgraded to category C are rarely abandoned.
As shown in Table 4, the roadworks projects in Hong Kong
had an average cost overrun of +11%, which is lower than the
international benchmark, where the average cost overrun was
+20%. This dierence, however, is not statistically significant
using a non-parametric test. Moreover, the cost overruns were
less frequent in Hong Kong: seven out of ten Hong Kong road-
works projects experienced cost overruns, whereas nine out of
ten projects in the benchmark database had cost overruns (non-
parametric test statistically significant at p = 0.006). This indicates
that there is a bias in the Hong Kong data towards cost overruns;
that is, the likelihood of a cost overrun is higher than the likelihood
of an underrun.
The bias, however, is smaller than the international benchmark.
Moreover, the bias reduces as the estimate progresses towards
construction; at category A estimates are as likely to overrun as
and the P80 envelope would have provided a sucient level of
contingencies for the project.
The table shows that in 9 out of 18 reference classes the P50 uplift
would have been sucient to prevent a cost overrun.In other words,
to validate the reference classes each project is treated as if it is to
be de-risked by the uplifts suggested by a reference class based on
the other projects.In 50% of these validations the uplift would have
been exceeded, which validates that the P50 uplift of this reference
class corresponds to a 50% acceptable chance of overruns.
Similarly, in 14 out of 18 references classes, the P80 uplift would
have provided a sucient contingency to prevent a cost overrun.
This means in 78% of the cases the risk envelope was big enough.
This shows that the P80 uplift corresponds to a 22% acceptable
chance of cost overruns, which is close to the targeted risk level
of 20%.
Taken together, these results show the reference class to be robust
in the sense that the reference class would have been sucient to
prevent cost overruns through the application of uplifts had any of
the projects in the sample been currently in planning.
4. Outcomes of the study
4.1 Uplifts for cost and time-to-completion forecasting
Based on the uplift curves in Figure3 and Figure4 for categoryC
and the respective curves for category B and category A, the results
of the cost and time-to-completion reference class forecast for the
Level of
Required uplifts
Category C Category B Category A
Base cost upliftaP50 +13% +7% –1%
P80 +44% +34% +14%
Schedule upliftbP50 +26% +22% +8%
P80 +75% +53% +26%
aTotal estimated budget, excluding inflation and excluding bottom-up
bMeasured from the date of the estimate to the date of project completions
Table 3. Summary of the reference class forecast uplifts
International benchmark Category C estimates Category B estimates Category A estimates
Average cost overrun +20% +11% +6% –1%
Frequency of cost overruns 9 out of 10 7 out of 10c7 out of 10 5 out of 10
Standard deviation of cost overruns 30% 38% 34% 24%
Average schedule overrun +38% +58%a+30% +18%
Frequency of schedule overruns 6 out of 10 8 out of 10b8 out of 10 9 out of 10
Standard deviation of schedule overrun 85% 103% 39% 29%
Average duration (years) 5.5 8.9d
ap ≤ 0.1
bp ≤ 0.05
cp ≤ 0.01
dp ≤ 0.001
Note: Only category C estimates are directly comparable to the international benchmark
Table 4. International benchmarking of Hong Kong highways data
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Author copy for personal use, not for distribution
Reference class forecasting for Hong
Kong’s major roadworks projects
Flyvbjerg, Hon and Fok
Civil Engineering
decision maker the distribution suggests a top-down uplift to adjust
the bottom-up estimate.The most basic action would be to allocate
this uplift to the project as a contingency, in other words to increase
the project budget and time. However, there are two issues with this
First, Parkinson (1958) postulated that if large contingencies are
given to project managers, it is highly likely that they will be used
up. This phenomenon is well documented in capital investment
projects in the public sector. However, this study found no strong
evidence that this is the case for roadworks projects in Hong Kong,
where half the projects in the sample underspent their budget
estimate made at the upgrade to category C.It also means that not
all contingency, which was excluded from the estimates, is used
up in the projects in Hong Kong. This unusual pattern might be
attributable to peculiar cultural dierences in Hong Kong project
management and warrants further research.
Second, as observed in other jurisdictions, for example by Liu
and Napier (2010), inecient allocation of funds comes from
providing contingencies that are later not spent.A benchmark of
the full cost estimate (base cost plus contingencies) found evidence
of pessimism bias also in category C and category B cost estimates
in this sample.
Thus contingencies need to be managed more intelligently
than simply added to project estimates to (a) avoid contingencies
being spent freely and (b) avoid an inecient allocation of funds.
Portfolio management and thus a multi-level governance of
project funds can improve the allocation of budgets while tightly
controlling the contingency drawdown.
A tier contingency scheme could, for example, use the
reference class forecasting to define contract, project and portfolio
contingencies. In such a governance scheme, contract managers
could have a delegated authority over a small contingency, for
example 10%, which is equivalent to approximately P50–P55.The
project manager could have delegated authority of another 10%
contingency, which is up to approximately P60, and at portfolio
level an additional contingency of 20% could be held that covers
a total risk exposure up to P80. Such a multi-layered approach to
contingency management can ensure that project budgets are not
inflated, while contingencies are available if and when they are
5. Experience gained from the study
Much eort was made in this study to retrieve and verify project
data. These eorts could have been saved if the relevant data were
recorded in a way convenient for the application of the reference
class forecasting method.A standard proforma was developed as
they are to underrun. Conversely, the standard deviation of the cost
overruns in the Hong Kong highway projects was 38%, which was
greater than 30% of the international benchmark. In other words
the Hong Kong highway projects showed greater variability in their
cost overruns.
Time overruns showed a dierent pattern compared to the
benchmark.The average time to completion overrun of Hong Kong
roadworks projects was +58%, whereas the international benchmark
was +38% (non-parametric test not statistically significant, p =
0.089). Again the frequency of the time-to-completion overruns
was statistically significantly higher in Hong Kong (eight out of
ten projects) than in the international benchmark (six out of ten
projects, p = 0.048). This indicates that time estimates are biased
towards underestimation – that is, delays occurring – and, unlike
the cost estimates, this bias does not reduce with estimates closer
to the start of construction. Lastly, the variability of time-to-
completion overruns was higher in Hong Kong (103%) than in the
international benchmark (85%).
Also, Hong Kong roadworks projects had a statistically
significantly longer average duration of 8.9 years compared to
the benchmark of 5.5 years (non-parametric test, p < 0.001). A
summary of the time spent by the studied projects in the dierent
phases is presented in Figure5.It shows that generally more than
half of the project duration was spent before start of the actual
construction, indicating longer lead time required for project
design and planning, public engagement, and so on in the past two
Finally, the figures showed that both cost and time-to-completion
overruns improved from early estimates to estimates closer to
construction. The average cost overruns decreased from +11% at
the upgrade to category C to –1% at the upgrade to category A.
Similarly, the frequency of cost overruns decreased from seven
out of ten projects to five out of ten projects. Average time-to-
completion overruns also improved over time from +58% at
upgrade to category C to +18% at upgrade to category A.In other
words the data showed that the accuracy of forecasts increased as
the project progresses.
4.3 Adverse consequences of using uplifts and
mitigation through portfolio management
In this study it was argued that reference class forecasting shows
the most un-biased estimate of the risk exposure of a certain
project in its full distribution. For a given risk appetite of the
Portfolio management and
thus a multi-level governance
of project funds can improve
the allocation of budgets
while tightly controlling the
contingency drawdown
• Average 13 months
• Median 4 months
• Average 110 months
• Median 109 months
• Average 40 months
• Median 38 months
• Average 49 months
• Median 44 months
• Average 8 months
• Median 7 months
56% opened at
completion, 24%
opened before, 20%
opened after
to build
the project
Figure 5. Summary of project duration
Civil Engineering
Reference class forecasting for Hong
Kong’s major roadworks projects
Flyvbjerg, Hon and Fok
Ansar A, Flyvbjerg B, Budzier A and Lunn D (2014) Should we build more
large dams? The actual costs of hydropower megaproject development.
Energy Policy 69: 43–56.
Bacon RW and Besant-Jones JE (1996) Estimating Construction Costs and
Schedules: Experience with Power Generation Projects in Developing
Countries.The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, World Bank technical
paper no.WTP 325.
Calderon C, Serven L and Moral-Benito E (2011) Is Infrastructure Capital
Productive? A Dynamic Heterogeneous Approach.The World Bank,
Washington, DC, USA.
Development Bureau (2012) Agreement No.CE 11/2012 (CE):
Implementation of Reference Class Forecasting to Large-scale Public
Works Projects in Hong Kong – Establishment of a Reference Class for
Major Highways Projects – Feasibility Study. Government of the Hong
Kong SAR, Hong Kong, PR China.
Dobbs R, Pohl H, Lin D etal. (2013) Infrastructure Productivity: How to Save
$1 Trillion a Year. McKinsey Global Institute, Seoul, South Korea.
Flyvbjerg B, Bruzelius N and Rothengatter W (2003) Megaprojects and Risk.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Flyvbjerg B and Cowi (2004) Procedures for Dealing with Optimism Bias in
Transport Planning.UK Department of Transport, London, UK.
Government of the Hong Kong SAR (2014) Project Administration
Handbook for Civil Engineering Works. Government of the Hong Kong
SAR, Hong Kong, PR China.
HM Treasury (Her Majesty’s Treasury) (2013) Green Book Supplementary
Guidance: Optimism Bias. HM Treasury, London, UK. Kahneman D (2011)
Thinking, Fast and Slow. Macmillan, New York, NY, USA.
Kahneman D and Tversky A (1977) Intuitive Prediction: Biases and Corrective
Procedures. Decisions and Designs Inc., McLean, VA, USA.
Liu L and Napier Z (2010) The accuracy of risk-based cost estimation for
water infrastructure projects: preliminary evidence from Australian
projects. Construction Management and Economics 28(1): 89–100.
OECD/ITF (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development/
International Transport Forum) (2013) Spending on Transport
Infrastructure 1995–2011: Trends, Policies, Data. International Transport
Forum, Paris, France.
Parkinson C N (1958) Parkinson’s Law: The Pursuit of Progress. John Murray,
London, UK.
Works Branch (1993) Technical Circular No.22/93 – Estimating Using Risk
Analysis. Government Secretariat, Hong Kong.
The study also contributed to the discussion of reference class
forecasting and similar methods by suggesting a method to test the
robustness of the reference class forecast and by providing data
from the Asia-Pacific region for the very first time.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Development Bureau
and the Highways Department of the Hong Kong government for
the permission to publish this paper.The authors would also like
to thank Alexander Budzier who contributed significantly to the
content of this paper.
part of the study so that all cost and time-to-completion data of
future projects that are relevant to the maintenance, updating and
application of the reference class can be recorded and retrieved
conveniently without significant eort. The concerned project
ocers were trained to record the data into the standard proforma
and to use them in updating the uplift curves of the reference class
at suitable intervals.
The study has provided valuable insights into how projects are
planned and how the maturity of individual schemes increases
during the front-end process.The study has also shown that early
estimates, made when information is scarce and uncertain, can be
de-biased to prevent cost overruns and time-to-completion delays
using a reference class forecasting approach to conservatively bias
otherwise optimistic estimates.
Moreover, the study has shown that sucient data exist in Hong
Kong and that these data can be used to create value-adding insights
for project managers, departments and policy makers. Lastly, the
study has highlighted that, although reference class forecasting
alone is a useful method to de-bias project estimates, further
enhancements can be made by integrating probabilistic thinking
into project incentive schemes and portfolio management regimes.
6. Conclusions and recommendations
Countries invest in public infrastructure with a view to increase
long-term economic growth. However, capital investment projects
often experience cost overruns and time-to-completion delays.The
reference class forecasting method is addressing the overrun issue
by adopting a top-down approach based on the ‘outside view’ of
past similar projects. With the appropriate uplifts to the baseline
cost and time-to-completion estimates, project estimates that
correspond to acceptance level of certainty can be worked out.The
method has been widely and successfully used in Europe, has
been endorsed by several countries and, for the first time, has been
developed for use in the Asia-Pacific region.
In the study, the uplift curves of the reference class of Hong
Kong roadworks projects at various development category stages
were established by relevant data collected from 25 completed
projects. These can be used to determine project estimates with
contingencies at the appropriate level of certainty.
On comparing the data with an international benchmark that is
equivalent to the baseline cost at category C stage, Hong Kong
performed better in cost forecasting on average. For time-to-
completion forecasting, it was found that generally more than half
of the project duration was spent before actual construction, that is
the pre-construction stage.
It is also argued that the current contingency provisions on
a project-by-project basis might be ineciently allocated. If
the contingencies are pooled across a portfolio of projects, the
contingency funds can be used more flexibly and thus more
The study oers important contributions to estimation and
forecasting practice. Three implications are documented: how early
project estimates can be de-biasing; how contingency can be set
in a data-driven way that explicitly considers the risk appetite of
decision makers; and how public funds can be safeguarded; that is,
how exceedance and under-use of project budgets can be balanced
through simultaneously governing project contingencies at the
project and portfolio level.
What do you think?
If you would like to comment on this paper, please email up to 200 words
tothe editor at
If you would like to write a paper of 2000 to 3500 words about your own
experience in this or any related area of civil engineering, the editor will be
happy to provide any help or advice you need.
Offprint provided courtesy of
Author copy for personal use, not for distribution
... The literature offers various approaches to enhance the quality of project estimates. A leading approach seems to be reference class forecasting (RCF), which is utilized widely in practice 1 (Flyvbjerg 2009;Flyvbjerg and Bester 2021;Flyvbjerg et al. 2016). RCF suggests correcting the estimates of a proposed project cost by a certain percentage based on similar completed projects. ...
... One leading solution suggested in the literature to address project cost estimates is RCF. According to RCF, when a business case is received, the decision maker first should identify similar past projects and compute the average rate of cost overrun in these past projects (Flyvbjerg et al. 2016). Next, the cost suggested in the business case should be corrected accordingly using the same ratio to ensure that the estimates are more realistic. ...
... Limited studies propose methodological approaches to rectify misestimates. The literature seems to be led by RCF (Flyvbjerg 2009;Flyvbjerg and Bester 2021;Flyvbjerg et al. 2016). ...
... Resonating with the popularization of the Psycho-strategic theory is the growing trend for media to highlight a few eyecatching causal factors and portray infrastructure decision-making as a world in which cost-benefit assessments are tenuous, political influence and pressure are high, and cost underestimation to gain project approval is the norm (Taleb, 2007;Terrill et al., 2020). The public sponsors of major infrastructure projects in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, and Hong Kong identified optimism bias as the leading cause of budget overruns (Flyvbjerg et al., 2018;Flyvbjerg et al., 2016;Infrastructure Australia, 2021a;Salling & Leleur, 2017). A novel forecasting tool called Reference Class Forecasting (RCF) was recommended by government bodies to mitigate the risk of unrealistically optimistic project plans and forecasts. ...
... Publications from Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Norway, and Hong Kong reported that during the planning phases of transport projects, strategies were implemented in the organizational setting to ensure that sound investment decisions could be made. These strategies include brainstorming in risk identification workshops, project stakeholder consultations, and business case reviews with project governance teams and third-party advisors to check the quality of cost estimates (Berechman, 2018; Bureau of Infrastructure Transport and Regional Economics [BITRE], 2018; Crudgington, 2020;Samset & Volden, 2013;Goldwyn et al., 2020;Flyvbjerg et al., 2016). Hence, some researchers indicated that the organizational setting of major infrastructure projects could ameliorate the effects of optimism bias on cost estimates (Farooq et al., 2018;Ika et al., 2022;Welde, 2017). ...
... The selected literature documented several mitigation strategies to address unrealistic optimism in transport project cost estimation. These strategies include disciplined phase gate systems (Hollmann, 2021), expert judgment (Leleur et al., 2015;Love et al., 2016), independent third-party quality assurance review (Klakegg et al., 2016;Miller & Szimba, 2015), and empirical probabilistic estimating tools (mainly used for contingency estimations) that incorporate historical costing data (Flyvbjerg et al., 2016;Fridgeirsson, 2016;Klakegg et al., 2016). One such empirical approach is reference class forecasting (RCF). ...
There is a growing face-value acceptance of optimism bias as the primary cause of transport cost overruns. This article provides a timely review of literature on optimism bias and transport infrastructure project cost overruns. The article identifies significant gaps and unanswered questions about the relationship between optimism bias in project cost appraisal and cases of transport infrastructure cost overruns. The presence and nature of optimism bias in the complex institutional environment of project cost appraisal are largely understudied and not well understood. Consequently, this has significant implications for the development of effective mitigation strategies for improving transport project cost performance.
... In brief, the outside view can help to generate more accurate predictions (in terms of costs, benefits, and time) related to future projects, as demonstrated by studies that compared outside-and inside-view techniques (Bayram & Al-Jibouri, 2016;Flyvbjerg et al., 2009;Flyvbjerg, Hon, & Fok, 2016). One well-known technique that uses the outside view to reduce bias yielding inaccurate cost-time assessments is RCF, as discussed next. ...
... However, a holistic organization scheme for FOX solutions for governing large projects has yet to be delivered. For example, the existing literature and previously elaborated solutions in this domain consider behavioral (Flyvbjerg et al., 2009;Flyvbjerg et al., 2016;Garbuio & Gheno, 2021) and project governance (Flyvbjerg, 2021a) components separately. Considering just one side of the coin leaves space for project inefficiencies. ...
... As issues like these seem to be difficult to completely address, there is an ongoing debate in the literature on whether and to what extent these can be identified and resolved, or can be ignored (Flyvbjerg 2016;Ika 2018;Love et al. 2019b). This debate seems to be related to the application of reference class forecasting (RCF) (Flyvbjerg 2009;Flyvbjerg and Bester 2021;Flyvbjerg et al. 2016). RFC suggests the modification of values in project proposals based on the level of misestimated values in similar projects conducted in the past. ...
In any project investment decision, the comparison of project-required resources and monetary or financial benefits is usually relatively straightforward as these can be presented in dollar values. In contrast comparing the non-monetary benefits of projects can be quite challenging. The literature often overlooks this problem and only provides high-level approaches (e.g. comparing a project’s contributions to the organisation’s strategic goals). Such approaches are inefficient as they are highly subjective and leave ample room for decision-makers’ bias. To this point in time, the literature has not effectively addressed this problem. This literature gap and the practical importance of the problem motivate the development of detailed step-by-step methodological processes to reduce subjectivity and enable a more quantitative comparison of the non-monetary benefits of projects. These benefits are often not realised until some time after the completion of the project. However, the existing research has not yet explained how to integrate the possible occurrence of future events which may impact the importance of these benefits into this comparison process. This paper proposes an innovative combination of fuzzy graphs, the best worst method, and the stratified approach that is capable of making such an effective comparison. In addition to this methodological contribution, this paper also contributes to the current literature on construction engineering and management by facilitating an effective comparison of the non-monetary benefits, hence enhancing the quality of project investment decisions. The paper also sheds light on how the reasoning structures of different projects decision makers may be impacted by their degree of optimism.
... • Cost-estimation classification aligns the estimating process with project-scope development and financial decision-making processes [116]. • Reference-class forecasting removes optimism bias and strategic misrepresentation in projects [128,129]. • Reference-class forecasting generates more accurate forecasts by comparing the project to a statistical distribution of similar historical projects [130]. ...
Full-text available
Integration of 5D Building Information Modeling (BIM) into large rail projects has the potential to significantly enhance cost management and control. Nevertheless, 5D-BIM implementation has encountered difficulties stemming from technical, functional, and governance-related factors. This paper builds a conceptual framework to support financial decision making, enhances project management, and promotes efficient project delivery. The framework encompasses a set of interrelated elements that include project governance, BIM policies and standards, digital platforms, BIM LOD, cost-estimation classification, and continuous improvement. The proposed framework acknowledges the significance of project governance in guiding and organizing the implementation of 5D-BIM. Additionally, BIM policies and standards ensure the adherence to quality standards for the produced BIM models. Digital platforms serve as the basis for multiple users to generate, access, share, and exchange project information. BIM LOD promotes collaboration and coordination among all project stakeholders. Cost-estimation classification aligns the estimation process with the development of project scope and financial decision making. Continuous improvement plays a vital role in optimizing processes, enhancing efficiency, and achieving higher-quality outcomes. Moreover, it fosters stakeholder satisfaction, improves project performance, and nurtures a conducive environment for innovation and learning. The study analyzes the framework utilization in Victorian rail projects and identifies key implementation challenges. The main technical hurdles encountered were the lack of current horizontal infrastructure standards for data exchange and the lack of compatibility with current cost-management standards. Increased project complexity and the absence of clear project governance strategies and processes also posed organizational challenges. A further validation of the framework in real-world rail projects was recommended to achieve the implementation goals.
This paper aims to elucidate the phenomenon of cost overruns resulting from government-led risks, with a specific focus on contract changes within the context of 70 Indonesian toll road projects. The dataset demonstrates a broad spectrum of cost overrun rates (COR), from −34.43% to 356.54%, with a median of 0.00% (mean = 14.83%). Empirical evidence demonstrates that contract changes exert a discernible influence on cost overruns. Among the sampled projects, 39 out of 70 encountered changes in their original contracts, and within this subset of projects, the median COR was 7.00% (mean = 26.63%). In the case of projects experiencing cost overruns and underruns, the median COR amounted to 21.00% (mean = 44.55%, n = 27) and −13.50% (mean = −13.72%, n = 12), respectively. This paper delves into the correlations between the COR and various project attributes, providing elucidations grounded in the framework of multiple theories in the literature.
Zjawisko niedotrzymaniabudżetu w przedsięwzięciach budowlanychjest powszechne na całym świecie. Jednymz wyjaśnień przyczyny tego zjawiska jest błądpoznawczy – mniej lub bardziej świadomatendencyjność oszacowań dokonywanychprzez osoby zaangażowane w planowanie.W tej sytuacji rozwiązaniem ma być eliminacjasubiektywizmu w planowaniu przez zastoso-wanie Reference Class Forecasting – czyli pla-nowania rezerwy budżetowej w oparciu o opi-sane statystycznie doświadczenia ze względ -nym przekroczeniem kosztów w podobnych,już zrealizowanych inwestycjach. Artykułjest dyskusją wad i zalet stosowania RCFz zamiarem poprawy przewidywalnościkosztu przedsięwzięć.
Contingency is a critical component in the cost estimation process for any construction project. The contingency reserve considers potential costs related to risks and uncertainties associated with construction projects. It is usually assumed to damp any resulting uncertain monetary impact and to prevent project cost overrun. Many contingency calculation methods for construction projects proposed in literature ranged from simple percentage to complex mathematical methods. Deciding the optimum contingency method for a given project at a given phase represents the main challenge in cost estimation process. This study presents a comprehensive compilation of all contingency calculation methods and divided them into three main groups: deterministic, probabilistic, and modern mathematical methods which have been discussed in details. Appropriate method for estimating contingency amount depends on many criteria such as project peculiarity, complexity, ease of method used, and the accuracy level of the estimates. This study proposed a practical guidance approach for construction agencies to choose their appropriate cost contingency method. This research is expected to help agencies/owners in the budget development stage to allocate a contingency budget for their construction projects.
Full-text available
Back cover text: Megaprojects and Risk provides the first detailed examination of the phenomenon of megaprojects. It is a fascinating account of how the promoters of multibillion-dollar megaprojects systematically and self-servingly misinform parliaments, the public and the media in order to get projects approved and built. It shows, in unusual depth, how the formula for approval is an unhealthy cocktail of underestimated costs, overestimated revenues, undervalued environmental impacts and overvalued economic development effects. This results in projects that are extremely risky, but where the risk is concealed from MPs, taxpayers and investors. The authors not only explore the problems but also suggest practical solutions drawing on theory and hard, scientific evidence from the several hundred projects in twenty nations that illustrate the book. Accessibly written, it will be essential reading in its field for students, scholars, planners, economists, auditors, politicians, journalists and interested citizens.
Full-text available
Energy Policy, 69 + (2014) 43-56. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2013.10.069
Full-text available
A brisk building boom of hydropower mega-dams is underway from China to Brazil. Whether benefits of new dams will outweigh costs remains unresolved despite contentious debates. We investigate this question with the “outside view” or “reference class forecasting” based on literature on decision-making under uncertainty in psychology. We find overwhelming evidence that budgets are systematically biased below actual costs of large hydropower dams—excluding inflation, substantial debt servicing, en-vironmental, and social costs. Using the largest and most reliable reference data of its kind and multilevel statistical techniques applied to large dams for the first time, we were successful in fitting parsimonious models to pre-dict cost and schedule overruns. The outside view suggests that in most countries large hydropower dams will be too costly in absolute terms and take too long to build to deliver a positive risk-adjusted return unless suita-ble risk management measures outlined in this paper can be affordably pro-vided. Policymakers, particularly in developing countries, are advised to prefer agile energy alternatives that can be built over shorter time horizons to energy megaprojects.
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The Supplementary Green Book Guidance on Optimism Bias (HM Treasury 2003) with reference to the Review of Large Public Procurement in the UK (Mott MacDonald 2002) notes that there is a demonstrated, systematic, tendency for project appraisers to be overly optimistic and that to redress this tendency appraisers should make explicit, empirically based adjustments to the estimates of a project’s costs, benefits, and duration. HM Treasury recommends that these adjustments be based on data from past projects or similar projects elsewhere, and adjusted for the unique characteristics of the project in hand. In the absence of a more specific evidence base, HM Treasury has encouraged departments to collect data to inform future estimates of optimism, and in the meantime use the best available data. In response to this, the Department for Transport (henceforth DfT), has contracted Bent Flyvbjerg in association with COWI to undertake the consultancy assignment "Procedures for dealing with Optimism Bias in Transport Planning". The present Guidance Document is the result of this assignment.
Full-text available
Megaprojects and Risk provides the first detailed examination of the phenomenon of megaprojects. It is a fascinating account of how the promoters of multibillion-dollar megaprojects systematically and self-servingly misinform parliaments, the public and the media in order to get projects approved and built. It shows, in unusual depth, how the formula for approval is an unhealthy cocktail of underestimated costs, overestimated revenues, undervalued environmental impacts and overvalued economic development effects. This results in projects that are extremely risky, but where the risk is concealed from MPs, taxpayers and investors. The authors not only explore the problems but also suggest practical solutions drawing on theory and hard, scientific evidence from the several hundred projects in twenty nations that illustrate the book. Accessibly written, it will be essential reading in its field for students, scholars, planners, economists, auditors, politicians, journalists and interested citizens.
This paper presents an approach to elicitation and correction of intuitive forecasts, which attempts to retain the valid component of intuitive judgments while correcting some biases to which they are prone. This approach is applied to two tasks that experts are often required to perform in the context of forecasting and in the service of decision making: the prediction of values and the assessment of confidence intervals. The analysis of these judgments reveals two major biases: non-regressiveness of predictions and overconfidence. Both biases are traced to people's tendency to give insufficient weight to certain types of information, e.g., the base-rate frequency of outcomes and their predictability. The corrective procedures described in this paper are designed to elicit from experts relevant information which they would normally neglect, and to help them integrate this information with their intuitive impressions in a manner that respects basic principles of statistical prediction.
This paper offers an empirical evaluation of the output contribution of infrastructure. Drawing from a large data set on infrastructure stocks covering 88 countries and spanning the years 1960-2000, and using a panel time-series approach, the paper estimates a long-run aggregate production function relating GDP to human capital, physical capital, and a synthetic measure of infrastructure given by the first principal component of infrastructure endowments in transport, power, and telecommunications. Tests of the cointegration rank allowing it to vary across countries reveal a common rank with a single cointegrating vector, which is taken to represent the long-run production function. Estimation of its parameters is performed using the pooled mean group estimator, which allows for unrestricted short-run parameter heterogeneity across countries while imposing the (testable) restriction of long-run parameter homogeneity. The long-run elasticity of output with respect to the synthetic infrastructure index ranges between 0.07 and 0.10. The estimates are highly significant, both statistically and economically, and robust to alternative dynamic specifications and infrastructure measures. There is little evidence of long-run parameter heterogeneity across countries, whether heterogeneity is unconditional, or conditional on their level of development, population size, or infrastructure endowments.
This paper examines the reliability of estimates for construction costs and schedules of power generation projects in developing countries, and indicates how the results can be used to improve the selection and implementation of these projects. This is important for these countries, in terms of both the economic justification and the financing of these projects, as they need massive investments in power generating capacity. Based on regression analysis, the paper identifies factors that are significantly associated with bias and uncertainty in estimates of construction costs and schedules for a group of power generation projects approved for financing by the World Bank between 1965 and 1986, and completed by 1994. The paper concludes that estimated values were significantly biased below actual values and that the large variance in the accuracy of estimated values limits the benefit of making a simple adjustment factor to estimates. The paper finally shows how regression models based on the significant factors can be used to derive unbiased expected values that carry much greater reliability than the corresponding estimated values.
Infrastructure projects are still being plagued by cost overruns, delays and revenue shortfalls despite decades of practice and research. Risk-based estimating (RBE) is growing in popularity and has the potential to overcome the two main cost overrun factors—optimistic bias and strategic misrepresentation. Yet, little is known about the accuracy of RBE and its performance drivers. A comparison of water projects using RBE with a sample of construction projects using the conventional estimating approach shows that the projects estimated using RBE have better estimation accuracy than those estimated using more conventional approaches. In addition, the projects using RBE appear more likely to be under-budget while the ones using the conventional approach appear more likely to be over-budget. Further, through interviews and observations of the RBE process, three main performance drivers for the RBE method were identified to include outside view/collective experience, attention focusing and probabilistic, bottom-up modelling.
Infrastructure Productivity: How to Save $1 Trillion a Year. McKinsey Global Institute
  • R Dobbs
  • H Pohl
  • D Lin
Dobbs R, Pohl H, Lin D et al. (2013) Infrastructure Productivity: How to Save $1 Trillion a Year. McKinsey Global Institute, Seoul, South Korea.