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An optimised multi-host trematode life cycle: fishery discards enhance trophic parasite transmission to scavenging birds

  • Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) Texel, Netherlands
  • Agenzia Agris Sardegna

Abstract and Figures

Overlapping distributions of hosts and parasites are critical for successful completion of multi-host parasite life cycles and even small environmental changes can impact on the parasite’s presence in a host or habitat. The generalist Cardiocephaloides longicollis was used as a model for multi-host trematode life cycles in marine habitats. This parasite was studied to quantify parasite dispersion and transmission dynamics, effects of biological changes and anthropogenic impacts on life cycle completion. We compiled the largest host dataset to date, by analysing 3351 molluscs (24 species), 2108 fish (25 species) and 154 birds (17 species) and analysed the resultant data based on a number of statistical models. We uncovered extremely low host specificity at the second intermediate host level and a preference of the free-swimming larvae for predominantly demersal but also benthic fish. The accumulation of encysted larvae in the brain with increasing fish size demonstrates that parasite numbers level off in fish larger than 140 mm, consistent with parasite-induced mortality at these levels. The highest infection rates were detected in host species and sizes representing the largest fraction of Mediterranean fishery discards (up to 67% of the total catch), which are frequently consumed by seabirds. Significantly higher parasite densities were found in areas with extensive fishing activity than in those with medium and low activity, and in fish from shallow lagoons than in fish from other coastal areas. For the first time, C. longicollis was also detected in farmed fish in netpens. Fishing generally drives declines in parasite abundance, however, our study suggests an enhanced transmission of generalist parasites such as C. longicollis, an effect that is further amplified by the parasite’s efficient host-finding mechanisms and its alteration of fish host behaviour by larvae encysted in the brain. The anthropogenic impact on the distribution of trophically-transmitted, highly prevalent parasites likely results in a strong effect on food web structure, thus making C. longicollis an ideal bioindicator to compare food webs in natural communities versus those impacted by fisheries and aquaculture.
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An optimised multi-host trematode life cycle: fishery discards enhance
trophic parasite transmission to scavenging birds
Ana Born-Torrijos
, Robert Poulin
, Ana Pérez-del-Olmo
, Jacopo Culurgioni
, Juan Antonio Raga
Astrid Sibylle Holzer
Cavanilles Institute for Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, Science Park, University of Valencia, P.O. Box 22 085, 46071 Valencia, Spain
Department of Zoology, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand
Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Cagliari, Via T. Fiorelli, 1, 09126 Cagliari, Italy
Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Branišovská 31, 370 05 C
ˇeské Bude
ˇjovice, Czech Republic
article info
Article history:
Received 17 March 2016
Received in revised form 14 June 2016
Accepted 16 June 2016
Available online 1 August 2016
Cardiocephaloides longicollis
Fishery discards
Human-induced impact
Host specificity
Overlapping distributions of hosts and parasites are critical for successful completion of multi-host par-
asite life cycles and even small environmental changes can impact on the parasite’s presence in a host or
habitat. The generalist Cardiocephaloides longicollis was used as a model for multi-host trematode life
cycles in marine habitats. This parasite was studied to quantify parasite dispersion and transmission
dynamics, effects of biological changes and anthropogenic impacts on life cycle completion. We compiled
the largest host dataset to date, by analysing 3351 molluscs (24 species), 2108 fish (25 species) and 154
birds (17 species) and analysed the resultant data based on a number of statistical models. We uncovered
extremely low host specificity at the second intermediate host level and a preference of the free-
swimming larvae for predominantly demersal but also benthic fish. The accumulation of encysted larvae
in the brain with increasing fish size demonstrates that parasite numbers level off in fish larger than
140 mm, consistent with parasite-induced mortality at these levels. The highest infection rates were
detected in host species and sizes representing the largest fraction of Mediterranean fishery discards
(up to 67% of the total catch), which are frequently consumed by seabirds. Significantly higher parasite
densities were found in areas with extensive fishing activity than in those with medium and low activity,
and in fish from shallow lagoons than in fish from other coastal areas. For the first time, C. longicollis was
also detected in farmed fish in netpens. Fishing generally drives declines in parasite abundance, however,
our study suggests an enhanced transmission of generalist parasites such as C. longicollis, an effect that is
further amplified by the parasite’s efficient host-finding mechanisms and its alteration of fish host beha-
viour by larvae encysted in the brain. The anthropogenic impact on the distribution of trophically-
transmitted, highly prevalent parasites likely results in a strong effect on food web structure, thus making
C. longicollis an ideal bioindicator to compare food webs in natural communities versus those impacted by
fisheries and aquaculture.
Ó2016 Australian Society for Parasitology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Trophically transmitted parasites are central elements in most
aquatic food webs (Lafferty et al., 2006, 2008) and exert strong
effects on host community and food web structures when infecting
a high number of host species (Thompson et al., 2005). Such para-
sites can manipulate the behaviour of intermediate hosts, funda-
mentally altering the patterns of contact between predator and
prey. In gammarids, infection by the acanthocephalan Echi-
norhynchus truttae alters both attack rates for predators and con-
sumption of prey, with a 30% increase in maximal predation
rates (Dick et al., 2010). Changes in predator–prey links can
strongly impact food web structure and dynamics, thereby altering
energy flow through the food chain (Marcogliese, 2004; Lagrue
et al., 2011). In multi-host parasites, host distribution strongly
affects parasite transmission and successful life cycle completion
(Esch and Fernandez, 1994; Fredensborg et al., 2006). Nowadays,
marine habitats are influenced considerably by human activities
such as fishing or aquaculture (e.g. Edgar et al., 2005; Grigorakis
and Rigos, 2011). The impact of fisheries on the distribution and
transmission of parasites that use fish as one of several hosts has
0020-7519/Ó2016 Australian Society for Parasitology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper are available in GenBank
under the accession number KT454991.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 96 354 36 85; fax: +34 96 354 37 33.
E-mail address: (A. Born-Torrijos).
International Journal for Parasitology 46 (2016) 745–753
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been little studied. Wood et al. (2010) hypothesised that fishing
would drive a long-term, global decline in fish parasites due to
the reduction of host density, food web complexity and thus para-
site transmission efficiency; however, the response of parasites to
fishing depends on their life cycle strategy and the fishing status of
the host (Wood and Lafferty, 2015). On the other hand, discards
from fishing, which are known to attract piscivorous birds and
other wild animals that serve as final hosts (Oro and Ruiz, 1997;
Morton and Yuen, 2000; Arcos et al., 2001; Bozzano and Sardà,
2002), may result in increased parasite transmission. However, in
the long run discards affect fish host distribution and availability
(e.g. Tasker et al., 2000; Coll et al., 2008).
Here, we investigate the case of the trematode Cardiocephaloides
longicollis (Rudolphi, 1819) Dubois, 1982 (Strigeidae), which is
widespread along the Mediterranean coast. Cardiocephaloides
longicollis has a complex life cycle. Adult parasites colonise the
digestive tract of their definitive hosts, predominantly seagulls.
Eggs are released via the host’s faeces and drop to the seafloor
where free-swimming miracidia hatch. Following its burrowing
entry into the first intermediate host, nassariid snails, C. longicollis
proliferates by massive asexual reproduction within sporocysts
and forms actively swimming cercariae as the next transmission
stage. Cercariae emerge from the snails and penetrate the skin of
their second intermediate host, fishes. Thereafter, cercariae
migrate to and encyst in the fish brain as metacercariae (Prévot
and Bartoli, 1980). Cardiocephaloides longicollis is trophically trans-
mitted to the definitive host when infected fish are consumed by
seabirds (Bartoli and Prévot, 1986; Fredensborg and Longoria,
Parasites use a variety of transmission strategies to ensure the
successful completion of their life cycle. Cercariae of C. longicollis
overcome the distance between their benthic snail hosts and their
target fish hosts, and disperse by following a strategy of alternating
swimming and resting periods, using positive phototaxis for orien-
tation (Bartoli and Prévot, 1986; Combes et al., 1994). Metacer-
cariae of C. longicollis infect the optic lobes of the fish’s
mesencephalon (Prévot and Bartoli, 1980; Osset et al., 2005;
Bartoli and Boudouresque, 2007), causing a fundamental change
in host behaviour due to impaired vision and motor control
(Prévot, 1974. Recherches sur les cycles biologiques et l’écologie
de quelques trématodes nouveaux parasites de Larus argentatus
michaelis Naumann dans le midi de la France. Thèse Université
d’Aix-Marseille, France; Barber and Crompton, 1997). Infected fish
dwell in the upper part of the water column and show body oscil-
lations that make their bright flanks visible to flying birds (Osset
et al., 2005; Bartoli and Boudouresque, 2007), and are thus more
prone to predation (Poulin, 2001; Seppälä et al., 2004; Osset
et al., 2005; Fredensborg and Longoria, 2012). In other trematode
species, the number of metacercariae located in the eye or the
brain of fish has been directly related to the degree of conspicuous
behaviour induced (Barber and Crompton, 1997; Fredensborg and
Longoria, 2012). In this scenario, anthropogenic influences such
as aquaculture and fisheries are of special importance as they
may further enhance the transmission of the parasite to their final
hosts. Osset et al. (2005) first hypothesised that an increased trans-
mission of C. longicollis could occur in areas of intensive commer-
cial fishing, since discards are frequently consumed by seabirds
(Witt et al., 1981; Christel et al., 2012). Subsequently this would
result in increased egg release from final hosts and, long term, in
a general increase in parasite biomass in the ecosystem.
We focused on C. longicollis as a model for studying the
influence of biological and anthropogenic factors on generalist
multi-host life cycles in coastal areas. Our aim was to provide a
comprehensive survey of the occurrence of C. longicollis along
the Mediterranean coastline, a better understanding of its life cycle
strategies and the impact of anthropogenic activities on trematode
transmission and abundance. First, the host spectrum used by C.
longicollis was determined by assessing its occurrence and degree
of specialisation at all levels, i.e. in snail, fish and bird hosts.
Secondly, the marine microhabitat targeted by cercariae was deter-
mined by comparing infection levels in benthic, demersal and pela-
gic fish species. Thirdly, the effect of fish size on the accumulation
of C. longicollis metacercariae was analysed, evaluating the possible
implications of different parasite loads. Finally, it was tested
whether increased transmission of C. longicollis occurs in areas of
intensive commercial fishing as well as in aquaculture installa-
tions, and the impact of these human activities on trophically
transmitted parasites, their hosts and the food web, was discussed.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Sampling sites and habitat definition
An opportunistic sampling strategy was adopted for this study,
focussing on the examination of a diverse range of hosts suspected
to be part of the life cycle of C. longicollis. All sampling sites are
indicated in Fig. 1 and Supplementary Tables S1–S3. Molluscs were
hand-collected in shallow areas that are likely important for C.
longicollis transmission but differ in the intensity of local anthro-
pogenic activities. Fish species were sampled in 14 localities along
the western Mediterranean coast (Spain) and in three lagoons in
southern Sardinia (Italy) (see Fig. 1), including one Sparus aurata
aquaculture site (netpens). The largest number of fish individuals
and species were collected in Carboneras and Santa Pola (Spain),
areas of intensive fishing and aquaculture activities. Demersal,
benthic and pelagic fish (caught by trawling, netting and trapping)
were obtained from commercial fishers or fish markets. Birds were
obtained from bird sanctuaries, one in the Ebro Delta and one in
Valencia (Spain) (approximately 200 km apart). Birds move over
large distances so that their site of capture is not indicative of their
distribution and feeding sites. No formal ethics approvals were
required for this as both fish and bird hosts were obtained post-
2.2. Host taxa and screening methodology
A total of 3351 molluscs belonging to 24 species and 18 families
(Supplementary Table S1) were collected and screened for sporo-
cysts and mature cercarial infections using standardised methods
(see Born-Torrijos et al., 2014). A total of 2108 fish belonging to
25 species and 10 families was examined for the presence and
quantity of metacercariae of C. longicollis in the brain (Supplemen-
tary Table S2). Fish were measured and weighed before dissection.
Two samples (see Supplementary Table S2) were examined as a
pool, for which the total number of parasites was determined after
chloropeptic tissue digestion. The bird sanctuaries provided 154
birds belonging to 17 species and four families (Supplementary
Table S3), which were frozen until necropsy. The alimentary tract
(from oesophagus to cloaca) was removed and examined for adult
specimens of C. longicollis. Given the opportunistic nature of sam-
pling, sample sizes of some species are low.
2.3. Parasite identification
All life cycle stages of C. longicollis, i.e. adults as well as sporo-
cysts, cercariae and metacercariae, were identified following the
descriptions by Dubois (1968) and Prévot and Bartoli (1980), and
preserved in 100% ethanol for molecular analyses. Eight random
samples of metacercariae from Dentex dentex,Chromis chromis,
Diplodus puntazzo and Lithognathus mormyrus, cercariae from
Nassarius reticulatus and Cyclope neritea, and adults from Larus
746 A. Born-Torrijos et al. / International Journal for Parasitology 46 (2016) 745–753
michahellis were analysed by rDNA sequencing, to confirm micro-
scopic parasite identification. DNA extraction, 28S rDNA amplifica-
tion and sequencing was performed as described in Born-Torrijos
et al. (2012). For additional internal transcribed spacer region 2
(ITS2) rDNA amplification and sequencing of the adults, primers
3S (forward 5
(Morgan and Blair, 1995) and ITS2.2 (reverse 5
)(Cribb et al., 1998) were used with an
annealing temperature of 54 °C for 50 s.
2.4. Statistical analyses
In all hosts, infection prevalence (percentage of infected hosts in a
sample), mean intensity and range (number of parasite individuals
in an infected host), as well as mean abundance (±S.D.) (average
number of parasite individuals per host in a host population) were
calculated (Bush et al., 1997). The data acquired in the present study
were combined with published data from existing records, obtained
through a search of the Web of Science (ThomsonReuters, https:// (search string: Cardiocephal), expanded
by a manual bibliographic search of references in publications from
the primary search. For statistical analyses, only true zero preva-
lences were included, i.e. the local prevalence is zero but there are
existing records that show this host species can actually be infected
by the studied parasite. Nevertheless, host species examined in this
study or in the existing literature found to be uninfected were added
to Supplementary Table S2, to indicate host taxa where C. longicollis
has never been found. In order to estimate whether fish habitat (ben-
thic, demersal and pelagic; information based on FishBase (Froese
and Pauly, 2015. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication., version (02/2015)) is related to changes in preva-
lence of C. longicollis, the data were analysed using generalised linear
mixed models (GLMMs). The effect of season of fish capture was also
investigated, but not explored here (see Supplementary Data S1,
Supplementary Fig. S1). To check for congruent patterns in preva-
lence or abundance depending on fish habitat, our data combined
with previously published records were analysed with different lin-
ear models (LMs). To examine possible differences in C. longicollis
prevalence in fish in relation to varying fishing pressures in the
Mediterranean, GLMMs were performed. The fishing activity of the
sampling areas was estimated on the basis of the hold capacity of
vessels from the nearest harbour, i.e. the fishing fleet size between
2010 and 2014, as presented in the European Atlas of the Seas (Direc-
torate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European
Commission, DG MARE,
462:5;theme=63:0.9:1;time=2014; last accessed 17/03/2016), mea-
sured in gross tonnage (GT, i.e. as an indicator of the fishing fleet
capacity or the fleet’s overall internal volume for fish captured). This
is the only measure of total fishing activity available across all ports
(different countries and reporting regulations) that is reported to the
European Commission (EC). Three categories of GT were used, i.e.
low hold capacity, <3000 GT; medium hold capacity, 3000–12,000
GT; high hold capacity, >12,000 GT. To study the influence of fish-
eries on parasite transmission in more detail, we aimed to compare
discard data (host species, size, etc.) from different ports with the
parasite data from the present study. However, while the Secretaría
General de Pesca (Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environ-
ment) kindly provided data on landings, discards are not officially
recorded by either national or international organisations such as
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
but are only reported occasionally in individual local studies
(Pauly et al., 2014). The latter demonstrate that the amount of dis-
cards shows great variability in terms of weight and species compo-
sition (e.g. Sánchez et al., 2004), or even depending on the season of
capture, fishing strategy and number of vessels (e.g. Arcos et al.,
2001; Tzanatos et al., 2007; Coll et al., 2014), and it is often not pro-
portional to the landed tonnage. As a concrete example for more in-
depth analysis we selected local discard data from a heavily fished
area that overlaps geographically with our dataset (García-Rivera
et al., 2015), to infer the amount of C. longicollis metacercariae that
may be discarded (see Discussion).
Fish infection data were also analysed for differences between
shallow lagoons and deeper coastal waters, using generalised lin-
ear models (GLMs). The correlation between the prevalence and
mean intensity of C. longicollis infection was calculated for all fish
samples, using a Spearman rank correlation. To investigate the
relationship between fish length and C. longicollis abundance, two
subsets of 198 Diplodus vulgaris and 196 Diplodus annularis were
used. Fish size data were stratified into size classes and the effect
of size on the number of metacercariae per individual fish was
analysed using a negative binomial GLM. Thereafter, to detect
potential parasite-induced host mortality, the degree of aggrega-
tion was calculated for each host size class using the index of dis-
crepancy (Poulin, 1993), using the software package Quantitative
Fig. 1. Map showing the geographical distribution of Cardiocephaloides longicollis in Mediterranean and Black Seas and reports of it in different hosts, including published data
and those of the present study. The silhouettes represent reports of infection in fish, seagulls and gastropods, and numbers indicate the numbers of infected host species that
have been found in the sampling localities.
A. Born-Torrijos et al./ International Journal for Parasitology 46 (2016) 745–753 747
Parasitology (QP web, powered by R, Version 1.0.9) (Reiczigel et al.,
2013,, last accessed 17/03/2016).
Similar to fish data, bird data were analysed for the correlation
between parasite prevalence and intensity. All analyses were con-
ducted in R (R Core Team, version 3.0.1: R: A Language and Envi-
ronment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation
for Statistical Computing,, last accessed
17/03/2016) and detailed information on all models and conditions
can be found in Supplementary Data S1.
3. Results
3.1. Cardiocephaloides longicollis hosts
In molluscs, the occurrence of C. longicollis was restricted to nas-
sariid snails, with only one new host record, Cyclope neritea, added
to the previously recognised host species, Nassarius corniculum and
N. reticulatus (Fig. 2). This indicates a high degree of host specificity
at this level. Prevalence was relatively low in C. neritea (0.65% in
the Ebro Delta, and one of two snails in Carboneras), whereas in
the more abundant N. reticulatus, the prevalence was higher with
8.3%, exceeding all previous records of C. longicollis in mollusc
hosts. Our data demonstrate that C. longicollis has a much wider
host spectrum in the second intermediate host than previously
reported, by adding 12 new host records: Diplodus sargus,D. dentex,
Spicara maena,Spondyliosoma cantharus,Pagellus acarne,Pagellus
erythrinus,Pagellus bogaraveo,Oblada melanura,Zosterisessor ophio-
cephalus,Coris julis,C. chromis,Serranus scriba. This includes the
Sparidae, Gobiidae and Labriidae as previously recorded host fam-
ilies and the Pomacentridae and Serranidae as new host families,
resulting in a total of 31 fish host species from nine fish families
(see Supplementary Table S2 and references therein). For the first
time, C. longicollis was detected in S. aurata from aquaculture net-
pen facilities, located in the southwestern Mediterranean region,
with 53.9% prevalence. Wild S. aurata from lagoons in Italy showed
similar infection prevalence (40–62.5%). With regard to final hosts,
the infection levels found in three larid species, i.e. within the gull
family, were high with P50% prevalence and thus up to 22 times
higher than in previous reports (Supplementary Table S3). How-
ever, C. longicollis was absent from terns and smaller larid species
in the present study, although these had been reported as hosts
in previous studies (see Supplementary Table S3).
Sequence identity of 28S rDNA sequences of C. longicollis with a
previously published record (GenBank accession number
AY222171) was 100% (bp compared: 1307 bp of D. dentex,
1127 bp of C. chromis, 437 bp of D. puntazzo, 607 bp of L. mormyrus,
1216 bp of N. reticulatus and 1097 bp of C. neritea). An ITS rDNA
sequence of adults was deposited in GenBank (accession number
Fig. 2. Complex life cycle of Cardiocephaloides longicollis including the main factors that impact parasite transmission, as revealed by the present study.
748 A. Born-Torrijos et al. / International Journal for Parasitology 46 (2016) 745–753
3.2. Effects of habitat on infection levels in fish hosts
Using different statistical models, relationships between C.
longicollis infection levels and biological as well as anthropogenic
factors were estimated. Both prevalence and intensity of infection
were used as indices for parasite quantity and we detected a strong
positive correlation between these two parameters across all sam-
ples in fish (Supplementary Fig. S2), irrespective of whether data
from the literature was included (r
= 0.69, P< 0.001, n= 51) or
not (r
= 0.76, P< 0.001, n= 40), thus reflecting the consistency
between indices across samples. When analysing this correlation
with regard to habitat type, we found that parasite prevalence
and intensity showed high variability in demersal fish, in contrast
to pelagic and benthic hosts, with a medium prevalence in pelagic
fishes and a high prevalence in benthic ones. Thus, overall, demer-
sal samples showed the highest and most diverse infection levels.
No significant differences in parasite prevalences between habi-
tats were found (GLMM, benthic P= 0.1959, demersal P= 0.2245
when compared with pelagic), possibly due to the heterogeneous
infection levels in demersal and pelagic habitats, and due to a sin-
gle benthic sample included in the GLMM, i.e. Z. ophiocephalus
(GLMM, proportion of variance explained by random effect ‘fish
species’ = 72%, Supplementary Table S4). However, demersal and
benthic habitats showed higher parasite prevalence and mean
abundance when ignoring the fish species effect (Table 1,Supple-
mentary Fig. S3), with no significant differences between these
two habitats. Including both new and previously published data,
the mean abundance was approximately four times greater in
demersal and approximately 23 times greater in benthic fish than
in pelagic fish (Table 1). The difference in prevalence, although not
so great, is still considerable, being 38.3% and 131.6% greater in the
demersal and benthic habitats, respectively, compared with the
pelagic one. Generally, pairwise comparisons were concordant
with linear model results.
3.3. Factors causing increased parasite occurrence in fish
Cardiocephaloides longicollis infection levels did not differ sub-
stantially between sites, when comparing data on the same fish
species captured at different sites with similar rates of fishing
activity (D. vulgaris,S. aurata and L. mormyrus;Supplementary
Table S2). Lithognathus mormyrus generally showed high infection
rates, however the maximum of 100% prevalence was reached only
in an area characterised by aquaculture netpens. Areas with inten-
sive fishing and aquaculture activities such as Santa Pola and Car-
boneras showed high mean intensities of infection (up to 26
metacercariae per fish). Overall, the highest prevalences of C. longi-
collis occurred in fish captured close to harbours frequented by ves-
sels with high fish hold capacities, being significantly higher than
in harbours with low and medium fish hold capacity (74.7% in both
cases; GLMM and pairwise comparisons, P< 0.001; Fig. 3A, Supple-
mentary Table S5), which show no significant differences from
each other (P= 0.995, Supplementary Table S5). Furthermore, shal-
low areas (lagoons) were identified as sites with high parasite
numbers in fish, with mean infection intensities of 19.8–49.9 in
the Italian lagoons. The highest C. longicollis infection rates were
detected in snails from the Ebro Delta lagoon (up to 8.3%) and were
found to be significantly higher in fish (40% to 100%) from lagoons
than in fish from other coastal areas (GLM, P= 0.014, Fig. 3B, Sup-
plementary Table S5).
3.4. Accumulation of C. longicollis metacercariae with host size
In D. vulgaris, both parasite intensity and abundance showed a
tendency to increase with host size, but reached their highest val-
ues in intermediate size classes 4–6 (120–148 mm), where the
highest numbers of metacercariae were recovered (average of
33–38 individuals per fish) (Fig. 4,Supplementary Table S6). Preva-
lence showed a steady increase with D. vulgaris size, however in
the two largest size classes, although prevalence was the highest
with 93–100% of fish infected, the abundance and the intensity
of C. longicollis decreased relative to medium-sized classes (Fig. 4,
Supplementary Table S6). The aggregation level, calculated by the
discrepancy index, was similar in all size classes, except for the lar-
gest size class where it decreased markedly (Supplementary
Table S6). In D. annularis, the mean intensity and abundance
showed the same tendency to increase with host size, with the
highest values obtained in the two largest size classes (140–
162 mm) where, once again, the aggregation of metacercariae
was the lowest (Fig. 4,Supplementary Table S7). Size class 8 con-
tained the highest number of metacercariae with an average of
73 parasites per fish brain. Infection prevalence showed a steep
increase, from 46.2 to 79.0%, in size classes 1–2. In the four largest
size classes it was greater than 95%, indicating that from approxi-
mately 120 mm total length, almost every fish is infected. The
highest mean abundance and mean intensity occurred in both spe-
cies at standard lengths of approximately 140–150 mm. The num-
ber of metacercariae in D. vulgaris was significantly higher in size
classes 3–8 compared with the lowest size class, i.e. 1 (P< 0.01),
and in D. annularis, higher in all other size classes compared with
size class 1 (P< 0.01) (negative binomial GLM).
Table 1
Results from statistical analyses on the fish habitat targeted by cercariae of Cardiocephaloides longicollis. Results evaluating the effect of the fish habitat on the response variable
(i.e. prevalence or mean abundance of C. longicollis), obtained with different datasets and not controlling for fish species. Results of linear models (LM) (Response variable fish
habitat) are indicated in italics, followed by the pairwise comparison results in square brackets. The response variables were arcsin-transformed. The percentage indicates the
increase of the response variable in the specified habitat, compared with the pelagic habitat. Only significant results (at
= 0.050) are presented.
Response variable
Prevalence Mean abundance
(a) Other
together with
present study
(i) True zero data
included (n= 86)
n.s. [n.s.] Demersal (t = 2.495, P = 0.015) 488.7%, benthic (t = 2.426,
P = 0.018) 731.4% [dem > pel; bent > pel](t = 2.495, P= 0.039;
t = 2.426, P= 0.046)
(ii) True zero data
not included
(n= 77)
Demersal (t = 2.559, P = 0.013) 38.3%[dem > pel](t = 2.559,
P= 0.033)
Demersal (t = 2.994, P = 0.004) 697.7%, benthic (t = 2.699,
P = 0.009) 906% [dem > pel; bent > pel](t = 2.994, P= 0.011;
t = 2.699,=0.024)
(b) Data present
(i) True zero data
included (n= 58)
Benthic (t = 2.154, P = 0.036) 74.5% [n.s. ] Demersal (t = 2.318, P = 0.024) 407.1%, benthic (t = 3.176,
P = 0.002) 1641.4%[dem > pel](t = 3.176, P= 0.007)
(ii) True zero data
not included
(n= 52)
Demersal (t = 3.314, P = 0.002) 55.8%, benthic (t = 3.485,
P = 0.001) 131.6%[dem > pel; bent > pel](t = 3.314, P= 0.005;
t = 3.485, P= 0.003)
Demersal (t = 2.946, P = 0.005) 618%, benthic (t = 3.828,
P < 0.001) 2373.3%[dem > pel; bent > pel](t = 2.946, P= 0.013;
t = 3.828, P= 0.001)
Bent, benthic; Dem, demersal; Pelag, pelagic.
A. Born-Torrijos et al. / International Journal for Parasitology 46 (2016) 745–753 749
3.5. Bird infection data
Among the bird species examined in this study, only larids were
infected with C. longicollis, showing 27–69% prevalence. The spe-
cies L. michahellis,L. argentatus and L. audouinii showed much
higher prevalences than previously reported, with 69.2%, 66.7%
and 50% prevalence of infection, respectively (Supplementary
Table S3). Chroicocephalus ridibundus and terns (19 specimens)
were not infected, although six previous records exist for these
hosts (see Supplementary Table S3 for references). Our data,
together with that in the published literature, showed no signifi-
cant relationship between prevalence and mean intensity across
samples (P= 0.1302), possibly due to the low number of samples
(n= 12).
4. Discussion
Parasites, and more so generalists with a complex life cycle, can
have strong impacts on ecosystems and food webs (Thompson
et al., 2005), especially if their biomass is substantial such as that
of trematodes in intertidal areas and estuaries (Kuris et al.,
2008). In the present study, we investigated the distribution, life
cycle strategies and successful transmission dynamics of the
multi-host generalist parasite C. longicollis and we were able to
demonstrate that shallow waters as well as fishing discards
strongly impact its life cycle, leading to a considerable increase
in parasite numbers in the ecosystem (results summarised in
Fig. 2).
We determined that C. longicollis has an extremely wide host
spectrum at the level of the second intermediate host, as it infects
a wide range of phylogenetically distantly related fish species (see
Supplementary Table S2 and references therein). Furthermore, we
show that the mean abundance of C. longicollis in demersal and
benthic fish species is four and 23 times higher, respectively, than
in pelagic fish; thus cercariae appear to be more specific to the
host’s environment than to the host itself (Combes et al., 1994).
The strong preference for the benthic habitat demonstrated in
our study is possibly biased as only two benthic fish species were
found to be infected in our analysis (only true zero values were
included, see Section 2.4), i.e. Z. ophiocephalus (75.6% prevalence)
and S. scriba (75%). Previous reports generally showed extremely
low infection levels in bottom-dwelling fish (prevalences <2.9%,
Supplementary Table S2), with the exception of Neogobius melanos-
tomus (58%) and Zoarces viviparus (11%). We believe that these spe-
cies, and probably some others, act as biological sinks for C.
longicollis as they are unlikely prey items for birds, thus preventing
substantial parasite numbers from completing their life cycle. The
only way these fish are made available to seabirds is as discards of
Fig. 3. Impact of fisheries and water depth on Cardiocephaloides longicollis numbers in fish. Parasite prevalence in relation to (A) fishing activity in the sampling area,
estimated on the basis of the hold capacity of vessels from the nearest harbour and measured in gross tonnage (three categories), and to (B) habitat type, i.e. shallow water
(lagoons) and other coastal areas (non-lagoons). Data obtained for the present study and true zeros are included. Statistically significant differences between levels (at
= 0.050) are indicated with asterisks. The bottom and top of the box show the first and third quartiles and the whiskers indicate the maximum and the minimum values.
Fig. 4. Accumulation of Cardiocephaloides longicollis metacercariae with increasing
fish size. The degree of aggregation of the metacercariae was calculated for each
host size class as the index of discrepancy (D index). The number of metacercariae
per size class of (A) Diplodus vulgaris (size class, standard length (mm)) (1, 66–98;
2,100–110; 3,111–119; 4,120–129; 5,130–139; 6, 140–148; 7,151–159; 8,160–220)
and (B) Diplodus annularis (1,70–79; 2,80–89; 3, 90–99; 4, 100–109; 5, 100–119; 6,
120–129; 7, 130–139; 8, 140–149; 9, 150–162) are shown. Lines represent infection
prevalence. The bottom and top of the box show the first and third quartiles, the
circles show the outliers and the whiskers indicate the maximum and the minimum
values after excluding the outliers.
750 A. Born-Torrijos et al. / International Journal for Parasitology 46 (2016) 745–753
trawling fisheries (e.g. Oro and Ruiz, 1997; Massutí and Reñones,
2005). Overall, demersal fish clearly showed the highest infection
levels, reaching 100% prevalence in D. vulgaris and L. mormyrus,
and a maximum of 220 parasites in a single brain (D. annularis).
Thus, the swimming behaviour of the cercariae increases their
exposure to demersal fish, as previously hypothesised by Combes
et al. (1994) and Osset et al. (2005), and thus pays off as the bulk
of infected fish species come to visit surface waters and enable
trophic transmission to bird hosts.
In D. annularis and D. vulgaris, an accumulative effect of metac-
ercariae with host size was observed, similar to other trematode
species (e.g. Anderson and Gordon, 1982; Thomas et al., 1995).
The highest abundance and intensity occur in hosts approximately
140–150 mm standard length, a smaller size than previously deter-
mined (Osset et al., 2005). Differences in the size-related aggrega-
tion of metacercariae between different hosts can be explained by
the different spatial distribution of these hosts and thus different
exposure to cercariae (Poulin, 2001). However, parasite aggrega-
tion decreases in the largest size classes of both species, which is
consistent with parasite-induced host mortality, i.e. heavily
infected individuals are removed from the population either by
death or by being preyed on more intensively (Anderson and
Gordon, 1982; Poulin, 2001). The accumulation of metacercariae
leads to decreasing visual capacity and increasing loss of motor
control and subsequent surface ‘‘flashing” (Osset et al., 2005;
Bartoli and Boudouresque, 2007), which may result in the removal
of the fish with the highest infection levels by predatory seabirds,
hence lowering average infection levels in the remaining fish that
survive and grow into a larger size class.
In the present study, infection rates in snails and definitive bird
hosts were much higher than previously reported and we were
able to relate enhanced parasite transmission to two important
factors: (i) close proximity of all hosts used by C. longicollis during
its life cycle and (ii) the strong impact of fisheries on trophic trans-
mission to definitive bird hosts.
Despite a few parasitological studies on gull species (references
in Supplementary Table S2), information on C. longicollis distribu-
tion in final bird hosts is scarce. Following encounter and host
compatibility/suitability filters (Combes, 2001), differences in bird
feeding habits may explain why L. michahellis in the present study
showed much higher parasite loads than Larus audouinii. The for-
mer is larger and consumes mostly fish of 150–250+ mm body
length (versus <50–140 mm in L. audouinii,Oro and Ruiz, 1997;
Arcos et al., 2001). Larus michahellis’ prey size range encompasses
the highest abundance and intensity of C. longicollis infection in
D. vulgaris and D. annularis, with 100% infection prevalence in the
latter species, which maximises parasite transmission. In contrast,
smaller bird hosts such as Chroicocephalus ridibundus or terns
include more than 50% small fish in their diet (20–100 mm, Oro
and Ruiz, 1997), which transmit lower parasite numbers, thus
resulting in lower infection levels or no infection, as in the present
study. Moreover, L. audouinii and L. michahellis exhibit behavioural
plasticity depending on food availability, both showing a clear ten-
dency to use food resources of anthropogenic origin (Witt et al.,
1981; Bartoli, 1989; Ramos et al., 2009), often fishery discards
(Arcos et al., 2001; Christel et al., 2012, and references therein).
Approximately 39–48% of the diet of adult breeding Audouin’s
gulls comes from discarded demersal fish (Navarro et al., 2010),
hence supporting discards as a source of easily available food for
opportunistic scavengers (e.g. Oro and Ruiz, 1997; Sánchez et al.,
2004). The highest infection levels in L. michahellis (prevalences
of 61.5 and 69.2%, Supplementary Table S3) were detected in areas
of the Mediterranean region characterised by intensive fishery
activities, with parasite levels 22 times higher than previously
reported and in clear contrast to areas with low fishing activity
(prevalence of 10.4% in the same species). Bycatch constitutes an
important but highly variable fraction of the total catch (13–67%
in bottom trawl fisheries in the western Mediterranean region;
Tudela, 2004)(Sánchez et al., 2004; Tzanatos et al., 2007). In the
Ebro Delta, which has an important commercial fishery, discards
are estimated to be approximately 41% of landed fish (Oro and
Ruiz, 1997; Coll et al., 2008). Discarded fish species and sizes vary
somewhat (Oro and Ruiz, 1997; Machias et al., 2004; Sánchez et al.,
2004; Tzanatos et al., 2007), but clearly overlap with those show-
ing the highest C. longicollis infection rates (see Supplementary
Table S2). A link between increased transmission and fishery activ-
ities thus becomes obvious, and was confirmed by prevalences of C.
longicollis being approximately 75% higher in fish captured close to
harbours with high fish hold capacity compared with harbours of
medium or low fish hold capacity (Fig. 3A). As explained earlier,
no official statistics exist on discards, with the only exception
being individual local studies that give examples of the parasite
biomass that is discarded into the sea. We inferred the amount
of discard-associated C. longicollis metacercariae, combining dis-
card data in a heavily fished area that overlaps geographically with
our dataset, i.e. Santa Pola (García-Rivera et al., 2015), by analysing
the four most discarded fish hosts in this area, i.e. Boops boops,Pag-
ellus acarne,Pagellus erythrinus and Diplodus annularis. The number
of C. longicollis metacercariae discarded at sea near Santa Pola
every year is estimated to be over 100,000 individuals, i.e. eight
times higher than all metacercariae collected in this study.
We can furthermore infer a strong enhancing effect of shallow
water areas on the infection rates of C. longicollis at all host levels.
Coincident with the highest prevalences of C. longicollis in fish (40–
100%) from lagoons, the cercarial prevalence in N. reticulatus (8.3%)
also peaked in the Ebro Delta lagoon, exceeding all previous
records (Supplementary Table S1). Confined habitats are most
favourable for C. longicollis as snail and fish hosts are concentrated
in a small water volume, facilitating the parasite’s transmission.
Fish showed significantly higher infection levels in lagoons than
in other coastal areas, however, fish are mobile and although cap-
tured in non-lagoon areas, they may have visited shallow water
habitats temporarily, hence explaining the large range of infection
levels observed outside lagoons (Fig. 3B). Given their sessile nature,
snails are possibly the best indicator for locally variable parasite
numbers. Due to insufficient infection data in non-lagoon areas,
statistical comparison of snail data from different habitats was
not possible; however, this should be included in future studies
to confirm our preliminary results. Similar to lagoons, aquaculture
installations may act as enhancers of C. longicollis transmission. The
organic enrichment in areas close to farmed facilities and frequent
mortalities in sea cages attract scavengers such as gastropods (e.g.
nassariid snails, Morton and Yuen, 2000; Edgar et al., 2005) and
piscivorous birds (Oro and Ruiz, 1997; Christel et al., 2012; see
above). To the best of our knowledge, we report for the first time,
the presence of metacercariae of C. longicollis in S. aurata cultured
in netpens. High parasite prevalence in these installations (53.9%)
was similar to that in wild S. aurata from Italian lagoons, where
parasite transmission is increased. The environmental impact of
increasing fishery and aquaculture activities in the Mediterranean
region makes it essential to study their effects on parasites
since they affect a wide range of cultured and wild host species
and play an important role in food webs (Lafferty et al., 2008).
We expect that, in areas of enhanced parasite transmission,
trophically-transmitted generalist parasites with a complex life
cycle and efficient host-finding and manipulation mechanisms will
be able to substantially increase overall abundance. As a result,
such parasites are expected to considerably alter the energy flow
through the food web. Cardiocephaloides longicollis presents itself
as an ideal future bioindicator to compare food web structures in
natural communities with those impacted by fisheries and
A. Born-Torrijos et al. / International Journal for Parasitology 46 (2016) 745–753 751
This research was supported by projects Prometeo/2015/018,
AGL2015-68405-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE) and Revidpaqua
ISIC/2012/003 of the Valencian Regional Government (JAR, APO),
Fundación Biodiversidad 2015 (APO) and by the European Centre
of Ichtyoparasitology (Czech Science Foundation, grant 505/12/
G112, Center of Excellence) (ASH). AB-T is the recipient of a doc-
toral fellowship (Ministry of Education and Science, Spain; grant
AP2009–2560) and a visiting studentship to the Department of
Zoology of the University of Otago in New Zealand (Ministry of
Education, Culture and Sports, Spain; grant EST12/00528). The
authors gratefully acknowledge Gabrielle S. van Beest and Lorenzo
Miquel-Mazzetti (University of Valencia, Spain) for their help with
fish examination, and the personnel of the Natural Park ‘‘Sierra
Helada” (Generalitat Valenciana) and the birds sanctuaries ‘‘Centre
de Recuperació de Fauna Salvatge de Torreferrussa” (Generalitat de
Catalunya) and ‘‘Centre de Recuperació La Granja” (Generalitat
Valenciana) (Spain). We would also like to thank anonymous refer-
ees for their helpful comments on the manuscript.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at
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A. Born-Torrijos et al. / International Journal for Parasitology 46 (2016) 745–753 753
... Therefore, to improve the knowledge on brain-encysting trematodes, a species with unknown specific distribution and damage to the brain was selected, the trematode Cardiocephaloides longicollis (Rudolphi, 1819) Dubois, 1982 (Strigeidae). This parasite infects the brain of more than 31 fish species from nine families, including numerous sparid species and the farmed Sparus aurata L. (Born-Torrijos et al., 2016), and is trophically transmitted to the definitive host, mainly gulls, when infected fish are preyed upon by seabirds. Metacercariae of this parasite have been described to infect the optic lobes of the fish midbrain and, as commonly occurs in brain-encysting trematodes, have been implicated in potential changes to the host's behaviour including impaired vision and motor control of swimming that would make fish more prone to be preyed upon by final hosts (Prévot, 1974, Recherches sur les cycles biologiques et l'écologie de quelques trématodes nouveaux parasites de Larus argentatus michaelis Naumann dans le midi de la France. ...
... Université d'Aix-Marseille, France, PhD thesis). Although this hypothesis has been maintained over time (Prévot and Bartoli, 1980;Osset et al., 2005;Bartoli and Boudouresque, 2007;Born-Torrijos et al., 2016), it has never been experimentally tested. Nevertheless, before performing time-consuming behavioural experiments, it is important to characterise the precise distribution of the metacercariae in the different fish brain areas that could justify potential behavioural changes. ...
... Snails Tritia reticulata (L.), collected manually in spring at the littoral of an area with a high prevalence of infection (Born-Torrijos et al., 2016; Table 1 Summary of fish samples used in the present study to investigate various aspects of Cardiocephaloides longicollis metacercarial infection, distribution and encystment in the fish brain (see Materials and methods for details). Standard length and weight of fish are given as mean ± SD (min-max). ...
Parasites, especially brain-encysting trematodes, can have an impact on host behaviour, facilitating the transmission to next host and completion of the life cycle, but insufficient research has been done on whether specific brain regions are targeted. Using Cardiocephaloides longicollis as a laboratory model, the precise distribution of metacercariae in experimentally-infected, wild and farmed fish was mapped. The brain regions targeted by this parasite were explored, also from a histologic perspective, and potential pathogenic effects were evaluated. Experimental infections allowed to reproduce the natural infection intensity of C. longicollis, with four times higher infection intensity at the higher dose (150 vs 50 cercariae). The observed metacercarial distribution, similar among all fish groups, may reflect a trematode species-specific pattern: metacercariae occur with highest density in the optic lobe area (primarily infecting the periventricular gray zone of optic tectum) and the medulla oblongata, whereas other areas such as the olfactory lobes and cerebellar lobes may be occupied when the more frequently invaded parts of the brain were crowded. Mono- and multicysts (i.e. formed either with a single metacercaria, or with 2-25 metacercariae encapsulated together) may be formed depending on the aggregation and timing of metacercariae arrival, with minor host inflammatory response. Larvae of C. longicollis colonizing specific brain areas may have an effect on the functions associated with these areas, which are generally related to sensory and motor functions, but are also related to other host fitness traits such as school maintenance or recognition of predators. The detailed information on the extent and distribution of C. longicollis in fish encephalon sets the ground to understand the effects of brain parasites on fish, but further investigation to establish if C. longicollis, through purely mechanical damage (e.g., occupation, pressure and displacement), has an actual impact on host behaviour remains to be tested under controlled experimental conditions.
... The cercariae of this digenean parasite are released into the water by bottom-dwelling snails and penetrate the skin of fish, migrating to the brain, where they encyst as metacercariae and are consumed by the definitive host, seabirds (Prévot and Bartoli 1980;Osset et al. 2005). Cercariae infect over 30 fish species from nine different families, including the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.), an important farmed species in the Mediterranean (Born-Torrijos et al. 2016). This study provides detailed information on the different transmission phases of the cercariae of C. longicollis, whose versatile structures accomplish different goals (i.e., host-finding, -attachment, -recognition, -penetration, -infection) in different environments (i.e., water, host surface, within host body). ...
... Snails Tritia reticulata (L.) were manually collected during spring at the "Beach of the Eucalyptus" (40 • 37 35 N, 0 • 44 31 E) in Els Alfacs Lagoon (Ebro Delta, Spain), where snails have been described to have a high The versatility of simplicity 3 infection prevalence (Born-Torrijos et al. 2016). After acclimatizing to laboratory conditions, snails were incubated individually in a cylindrical well (40 mL) for 24 h at 25 • C, 12:12 h light-dark cycle, and 35 psu salinity. ...
... Cercariae exhibit strategical behaviors to successfully locate, attach, and infect their next intermediate host (Combes et al. 1994). Once the cercariae emerge from their snail intermediate hosts, they need to place themselves close to their next intermediate fish hosts, mostly demersal fish in case of C. longicollis (Born-Torrijos et al. 2016). These cercariae use light and gravity for this (Bartoli and Combes 1986), suggesting that the likelihood of infecting these fish strongly relies on the cercarial performance to swim from the bottom dwelling to mid-water depth. ...
Transmission and infection strategies are critical for completing the life cycles of trematode parasites, which are characterized by complex life cycles involving multiple hosts and stages. Transmission between the first and second intermediate hosts typically relies on cercariae, a free-swimming larval stage that displays a series of behaviors to efficiently disperse, locate, attach to, and infect the next host. The aim of this study is to provide detailed information on behaviors used by furcocercariae (bifurcated tail) during its transmission from the snail to the fish host, using the laboratory-established model of Cardiocephaloides longicollis (Strigeidae). These cercariae are released from snails into seawater, where they swim, locate, penetrate the skin of fish, and encyst as metacercariae in their brain. In a series of in vivo assays, freshly-emerged cercariae were used to visually study their behavior and locomotion. Histopathology of experimentally infected gilthead seabreams with C. longicollis, taken at sequential post-infections times, were analysed to localize the migrating cercariae to the fish brain. Our results show that simplicity and versatility are the key features for the success of cercariae transmission by using their organs for different purposes. While 80% of the behavior was spent in a resting position, the most common swimming behavior was with tail-first, which is commonly described in furcocercariae to reach the host microhabitat. However, C. longicollis relies more on the furcae of the tail by using them as a propeller providing thrust and guidance when they swim, instead of using the tail stem. After attaching to the fish skin, cercariae rapidly creep on it using the oral- and ventral-suckers simulating a leech-like movement until they find a suitable penetration site. To penetrate, cercariae press the cephalic structures against the skin, while the ventral sucker anchors the cercariae to it. After this, they switch their locomotion to a slow peristaltic movement, opening the path through tissues with the help of their cephalic structures and anchoring their body with their surface spines. This is consistent with the post-penetration histological analyses, which suggested that C. longicollis cercariae move between the cells of the connective tissue and muscle fibers when migrating towards the fish's brain, without provoking relevant tissue damage or host responses. Understanding the versatility of cercarial structures to adapt to external conditions enriches our knowledge on parasites and their transmission ecology, opening the door to the design of avoidance methods in fish farms struggling with harmful parasites.
... For this, we used cercariae of the strigeid Cardiocephaloides longicollis (Rudolphi 1819) Dubois, 1982, whose first general description was provided by Prévot and Bartoli (1980), lacking any SEM or TEM information. This trematode species is widely distributed along European coasts, especially in the Mediterranean, and its complex life cycle is embedded in local marine food webs (Born-Torrijos et al. 2016). While their miracidial structures have been described in a previous study (Born-Torrijos et al. 2017), we expect numerous differences compared to C. longicollis miracidium given the structural changes that digeneans undergo during their life cycle and development. ...
... The snail Tritia reticulata (L.), natural host for Cardiocephaloides longicollis (Born-Torrijos et al. 2016), was collected by hand during spring months at the "Beach of the Eucalyptus" (40° 37′ 35.0″ N, 0° 44′ 31.0″ ...
... Only freshly released active cercariae (< 6 h) were used for their morphological examination by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM). Identification of the cercariae was confirmed morphologically following the descriptions by Prévot and Bartoli (1980) and molecularly as described in Born-Torrijos et al. (2016). Amplification and sequencing of ITS2 rDNA from a single cercaria revealed 99.79% and 100% similarity over 486 bp and 497 pb when compared to previously published records from C. longicollis adult and eggs, respectively (GenBank accession numbers KT454991, KT454991). ...
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The present study provides an overview of the structures linked to fish host finding, recognition, and invasion of one of the most commonly occurring morphotypes among trematodes, furcocercariae. For this, we use free-swimming cercariae of the strigeid Cardiocephaloides longicollis (Rudolphi 1819) Dubois, 1982. Their elongated cercarial body and bifurcated tail are covered by a tegument with an irregular surface, showing numerous folds arranged in different directions and a typical syncytial organization. Both the body and the bifurcated tail are covered with short spines, rose-thorn shaped, as well as four types of sensory papillae, distinguished by the presence or absence of a cilium, its length, and their position on the cercarial body. These papillae are especially important for free-living stages that rely on external stimuli to locate and adhere to the host. A specialized anterior organ is located at the anterior part of the cercariae and is encircled by a triangle-shaped group of enlarged pre-oral spines followed by a transverse row of enlarged post-oral spines that, together with the sensory papillae, allow active finding, recognition, and penetration into fish. The ventral sucker, covered with inner-oriented spines, sensory papillae, and cilia, helps during this process. The cercariae of C. longicollis possess three types of gland cells (a head gland and two types of penetration glands), each containing different types of secretory granules that play a role in host invasion. The protonephridial excretory system consists of an excretory bladder, a system of collecting tubules, flame cells, and two excretory pores in the middle of each furcae, which serve to control osmoregulation in their marine environment, as well as to eliminate metabolic waste. Together with the four types of sensory endings, the central ganglion forms the nervous system. Our results add novel information on the ultrastructure of strigeid furcocercariae, being essential to interpret these data in relation of their functional role to better understand the transmission and penetration strategies that cercariae display to infect their fish hosts.
... Only one species was found, Cardiocephaloides ovicorpus, and this presumably infects a yet to be investigated gastropod species as first intermediate host based on what is currently known for other species around the world (e.g. Cardiocephaloides longicollis infects Nassariidae gastropods in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (Born-Torrijs et al., 2016)). When cercariae are shed into the water column they penetrate triplefin fish in which the trematodes migrate to a position alongside the brain and develop into encysted metacercariae. ...
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Parasitic helminths exhibit remarkable diversity in their life cycles, although few parasite species have their whole life cycles resolved. Owing to the fact that parasite life stages within hosts are often not comparable using morphological data, genetic data provides convincing evidence of transmission pathways between intermediate and definitive hosts. We took this approach to an ecosystem level, genetically matching parasite (acanthocephalan, cestode, nematode and trematode) life stages across a broad taxonomic range of intermediate and definitive hosts (invertebrates, seabirds, elasmobranchs and teleost fish) in Otago's (New Zealand) coastal marine ecosystem. We identified which transmission routes are utilized by the most parasite species and assessed which intermediate hosts are most important in facilitating the transmission of parasites in this ecosystem. Our findings reveal 59 new records of larval parasites infecting their respective intermediate hosts and 289 transmission pathways utilized by 35 helminth species to complete their life cycles. Sprat, triplefin and arrow squid all hosted the highest number of larval parasite species, suggesting they play important roles as intermediate hosts. We then used the new life cycle data to provide a synthetic overview of the life cycles known for various parasite groups in New Zealand. This study highlights how studying parasite life cycles can enhance our understanding of the ecology and evolution of parasites and hosts in natural systems, beyond simply resolving life cycles.
... Fishing activity has been linked to the presence and abundance of parasites within marine ecosystems (Wood et al., 2014(Wood et al., , 2015(Wood et al., , 2018, although the effects of fishing on parasite abundance are dependent upon the life history of the parasite species, with direct life cycle parasites increasing in abundance when fishing occurs and complex life cycle parasites decreasing in abundance when artisanal fishing is present (Wood et al., 2014). The effect of fishing on parasite abundance is somewhat dependent upon on the exact type of fishing activity present, as aquaculture and fishery discards can increase the abundance of complex life cycle parasites (Born-Torrijos et al., 2016;O'Connell-Milne et al., 2016). By altering host community structure, fishing can influence the abundance of parasites present in an ecosystem and can lead to negative consequences for host health (Tolonen & Kjellman, 2001). ...
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Although parasites are ubiquitous in marine ecosystems, predicting the abundance of parasites present within marine ecosystems has proven challenging due to the unknown effects of multiple interacting environmental gradients and stressors. Furthermore, parasites often are considered as a uniform group within ecosystems despite their significant diversity. We aim to determine the potential importance of multiple predictors of parasite abundance in coral reef ecosystems, including reef area, island area, human population density, chlorophyll‐ a , host diversity, coral cover, host abundance and island isolation. Using a model selection approach within a database of more than 1,200 individual fish hosts and their parasites from 11 islands within the Pacific Line Islands archipelago, we reveal that geographic gradients, including island area and island isolation, emerged as the best predictors of parasite abundance. Life history moderated the relationship; parasites with complex life cycles increased in abundance with increasing island isolation, while parasites with direct life cycles decreased with increasing isolation. Direct life cycle parasites increased in abundance with increasing island area, although complex life cycle parasite abundance was not associated with island area. This novel analysis of a unique dataset indicates that parasite abundance in marine systems cannot be predicted precisely without accounting for the independent and interactive effects of each parasite's life history and environmental conditions.
... However, in some cases, fishing practices can facilitate the transmission of trophically transmitted parasites to definitive hosts. For example, fish infected with a trematode parasite are commonly discarded by fisheries, and these discards become available to a seabird predator that is the definitive host of the parasite [104]. ...
It is often assumed that predators reduce disease prevalence and transmission by lowering prey population density and/or by selectively feeding on infected individuals. However, recent studies, many of which come from aquatic systems, suggest numerous alternative mechanisms by which predators can influence disease dynamics in their prey. Here, we review the mechanisms by which predators can mediate host–parasite interactions in aquatic prey. We highlight how life histories of aquatic hosts and parasites influence transmission pathways and describe how such pathways intersect with predation to shape disease dynamics. We also provide recommendations for future studies; experiments that account for multiple effects of predators on host–parasite interactions, and that examine how predator–host–parasite interactions shift under changing environmental conditions, are particularly needed.
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Alongside natural factors, human activities have a major impact on the marine environment and thus influence processes in vulnerable ecosystems. The major purpose of this review is to summarise the current understanding as to how man-made factors influence the marine biocenosis of helminths, their intermediate hosts as well as seabirds as their final hosts. Moreover, it highlights current knowledge gaps regarding this ecosystem, which should be closed in order to gain a more complete understanding of these interactions. This work is primarily focused on helminths parasitizing seabirds of the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. The complex life cycles of seabird helminths may be impacted by fishing and aquaculture, as they interfere with the abundance of fish and seabird species, while the latter also affects the geographical distribution of intermediate hosts (marine bivalve and fish species), and may therefore alter the intertwined marine ecosystem. Increasing temperatures and seawater acidification as well as environmental pollutants may have negative or positive effects on different parts of this interactive ecosystem and may entail shifts in the abundance or regional distribution of parasites and/or intermediate and final hosts. Organic pollutants and trace elements may weaken the immune system of the hosting seabirds and hence affect the final host’s ability to control the endoparasites. On the other hand, in some cases helminths seem to function as a sink for trace elements resulting in decreased concentrations of heavy metals in birds’ tissues. Furthermore, this article also describes the role of helminths in mass mortality events amongst seabird populations, which beside natural causes (weather, viral and bacterial infections) have anthropogenous origin as well (e.g. oil spills, climate change, overfishing and environmental pollution).
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Three juvenile Atlantic tripletail Lobotes surinamensis caught opportunistically in Charleston Harbor (South Carolina, USA) and maintained in captivity for over three months displayed an altered swimming behavior. While no direct causation can be demonstrated herein, fish were infected in their brain by strigeid trematode larvae (metacercariae) of Cardiocephaloides medioconiger , which were identified via ITS2 and 28S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing . Histology showed nonencysted metacercariae within the brain ventricle between the optic tectum and tegmentum, causing distortion of tegmental parenchyma. Aggregates of mononuclear inflammatory cells were in the ventricle adjacent to metacercariae. Metacercarial infection by Cardiocephaloides medioconiger has been reported from the brain and eyes of only two other fish species from the northern US Atlantic coast: the grey mullet Mugil cephalus and silverside Menidia menidia, but this identification is problematic and needs molecular verification. Atlantic tripletail is a new report as a second intermediate host for C. medioconiger and South Carolina is a new locality. Cardiocephaloides species in general have a low host specificity and infection by C. medioconiger could propagate to other fishes and affect neighboring natural ecosystems.
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Cryptic species of coquina clams Donax fossor and D. variabilis carry the hydroid epibiont Lovenella gracilis and are infected with metacercariae of the monorchiid parasites Lasiotocus trachinoti and L. choanura . The associations among this host–epibiont–parasite system were investigated. Fifty clams were collected at low tide over 3 days in June 2020 in South Carolina from each of three groups: clams with no hydroid from the upper intertidal zone and clams with and without hydroids from the swash zone. Clams were measured, identified using a newly developed PCR‐RFLP, and examined for infection by metacercariae. Parasites were identified based on cercarial morphology and on metacercariae habitat in the clams. D. fossor was most often found in the swash zone and D. variabilis in the upper intertidal zone. The hydroid was most often associated with D. fossor , which was more infected by both digeneans than D. variabilis . Mean abundance of metacercariae of L. choanura was higher than that of L. trachinoti in both clams and increased over time for both parasites, because higher infection was correlated with larger clams. Greater time spent in the water by individuals of D. fossor appears to best explain these results, with the presence of the hydroids also being associated with higher infection by metacercariae in this coquina. Integration of D. variabilis in both digenean life cycles appears to lead to a positive outcome for the parasites as prevalence and abundance of infection were high; however, because D. variabilis is most frequent in the upper intertidal, more emersed, zone, it is likely deleterious to the epibiont to establish on this clam.
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Parasites, especially brain-encysting trematodes, can have an impact on host behaviour, facilitating the transmission to next host and completion of the life cycle, but insufficient research has been done on whether specific brain regions are targeted. Using the laboratory model Cardiocephaloides longicollis, the precise distribution of metacercariae in experimentally-infected, wild and farmed fish was mapped. The brain regions targeted by this parasite were explored, also from a histologic perspective, and potential pathologic effects were evaluated. Experimental infections allowed to reproduce the natural infection intensity of C. longicollis, with four times higher infection intensity at the higher dose (150 vs 50 cercariae). The observed metacercarial distribution, similar among all fish groups, may reflect a species-specific pattern. Metacercariae occur with highest density in the optic lobe area (primarily infect the periventricular gray zone of optic tectum) and the medulla oblongata, whereas other areas such as the olfactory lobes and cerebellar lobes may be occupied when the more frequently invaded parts of the brain were crowded. Mono- and multicysts (i.e. formed either with a single metacercaria, or with 2-25 metacercariae encapsulated together) may be formed depending on the aggregation and timing of metacercariae arrival, with minor host inflammatory response. Larvae of C. longicollis colonizing specific brain areas may have an effect on the functions associated with these areas, which are generally related to sensory and motor functions, but are also related to other host fitness traits such as school maintenance or recognition of predators. The detailed information on the extent and distribution of C. longicollis in fish encephalon sets the ground to understand the effects of brain parasites on fish, but further investigation to establish if C. longicollis, through purely mechanical damage (e.g., occupation, pressure and displacement), has an actual impact on host behaviour remains to be tested under controlled experimental conditions.
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The demersal resources distributed in the trawl fishing grounds off the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) were studied from two bottom trawl surveys carried out in spring and autumn along the continental shelf and upper slope off the islands of Mallorca and Menorea. A total of 88 hauls, between 41 and 745 m depth, were analysed by means of multivariate analysis and ecological parameter calculation in order to characterise the structure of commercial species assemblages. A different bathymetric distribution of abundance was observed by comparing the main taxonomic groups. Six main species assemblages were identified, primarily associated with depth but also with different macro-epibenthic communities. Seasonal or geographic differences were detected for three of these assemblages, which could be related to differences in habitats and macro-epibenthic communities, as well as to seasonal changes in the abundance of some species related to their life cycle.
Reference is made to the life cycles of 14 species of digenean parasites of the Larus cachinnans michaellis gulls which inhabit the Provence coast-line. The modalities through which target hosts are contaminated by cercariae are investigated. They were found to vary depending on the distance separating the first host from the target host, which must have access to the final host, the Gull. In very shallow waters (such as lagoon edges), the first and second intermediate hosts naturally occupy levels which are close together. In the Trematods which are characteristic of this type of environment, no behaviour aimed at orienting themselves preferentially towards the second intermediate host was observed in this situation. The latter are contaminated at random through a strategy corresponding to type r. On the other hand, in deeper and even much deeper waters, the distance separating the first intermediate hosts (benthic prosobranchs) from the target hosts is much greater, sometimes measuring several tens of meters. In this situation, special tropisms can be observed in the cercariae of the digenean parasites characteristic of this type of environment, through which they tend towards higher levels and thus reach precisely the level in which the target hosts are to be found. These facilitatory mechanisms are part of a type K strategy.
Both gulls eat fish, molluscs, birds, insects, mice and plant matter, but niche overlap is limited through differences in foraging areas and methods, percentage of food items in the diet, prey species and size, time of most intensive foraging (post-hatch period), and food availability.-P.J.Jarvis
Birds are the most conspicuous, wide-ranging, and easily studied organisms in the marine environment. They can be both predators and scavengers, and they can be harmed by and can benefit from fishing activities. The effects of fishing on birds may be direct or indirect. Most direct effects involve killing by fishing gear, although on a lesser scale some fishing activities also disturb birds. Net fisheries and hook fisheries have both had serious negative effects at the population level. Currently, a major negative impact comes from the by-catch of albatrosses and petrels in long-lines in the North Pacific and in the Southern Ocean. High seas drift nets have had, prior to the banning of their use, a considerable impact on seabirds in the northern Pacific, as have gillnets in south-west Greenland, eastern Canada, and elsewhere. Indirect effects mostly work through the alteration in food supplies. Many activities increase the food supply by providing large quantities of discarded fish and wastes, particularly those from large, demersal species that are inaccessible to seabirds, from fishing vessels to scavengers. Also, fishing has changed the structure of marine communities. Fishing activities have led to depletion of some fish species fed upon by seabirds, but may also lead to an increase in small fish prey by reducing numbers of larger fish that may compete with birds. Both direct and indirect effects are likely to have operated at the global population level on some species. Proving the scale of fisheries effects can be difficult because of confounding and interacting combinations with other anthropogenic effects (pollution, hunting, disturbance) and oceanographic factors. Effects of aquaculture have not been included in the review. 2000 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
The study of parasite communities has traditionally focussed on helminth communities in vertebrate hosts. However, the literature reveals a substantial body of information which shows that infra- and component trematode communities in snails frequently are highly structured and very dynamic in character. A variety of forces, both internal and external to the snail, affect the manner in which these communities are organized and function. While snail-trematode and trematode-trematode interactions are variable, it appears that some generalizations are beginning to emerge. It is clear that a combination of host immunity, resource partitioning within infracommunities, patch dynamics associated with parasite transmission, temporal factors involved with snail ontogeny, the presence of autogenic and allogenic parasite species within a given habitat, and the potential for interspecific antagonism, collectively, operate to create the special nature of trematode communities in molluscan intermediate hosts.
The new Common Fisheries Policy aims to reduce the discard rate in Europe, and one way in which it seeks to achieve this goal is by making it compulsory to land all species subject to catch limits, and some of species managed by minimum catch size. The characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea raise serious concerns over the viability, efficacy and consequences of these measures, and the purpose of this study is therefore to analyse these with a view to improving discard management in this region. The Port of Santa Pola was chosen as a reference fishing port in the Spanish Mediterranean for quantitative analysis, comparing all the species caught with those proposed by the CFP. Additionally, a qualitative SWOT analysis was performed, incorporating the views of fishermen, administrators, NGOs, scientists and entrepreneurs on the regulation. The daily discard rate during the period analysed was 11.7 t (All Species) and 1.8 t (Regulated Species), with annual discards totalling 2623 t (47.3%) (All Species) and 421 t (7.6%) (Regulated Species). The regulation was found to have more weaknesses and threats (72.6%) than strengths and opportunities (27.4%). The governing system should take into consideration the contextualisation of discard management according to the specific characteristics of each métier; coordination between stakeholders; and caution about the ecological cost of landing discards. The high logistical, surveillance, monitoring and ecological costs produce a negative outcome despite the objective pursued, the willingness of the fishing industry to reduce discards and the profitable use of the resource by its proposed end users. This may lead to the measure proving unviable in the Mediterranean Sea and its ensuing failure to reduce discards. The alternatives proposed in this paper may help to improve the management of discards and create more sustainable and profitable fisheries.