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Abstract and Figures

An autonomous vessel, the Offshore Sensing Sailbuoy, was used for wave measurements near the Ekofisk oil platform complex in the North Sea (56.5º N, 3.2º E, operated by ConocoPhillips) from 6 to 20 November 2015. Being 100 % wind propelled, the Sailbuoy has two-way communication via the Iridium network and has the capability for missions of 6 months or more. It has previously been deployed in the Arctic, Norwegian Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, but the present study was the first test for wave measurements. During the campaign the Sailbuoy held position about 20 km northeast of Ekofisk (on the lee side) during rough conditions. Mean wind speed measured at Ekofisk during the campaign was 9.8 m/s, with a maximum of 20.4 m/s, with wind mostly from south and southwest. A Datawell MOSE G1000 GPS-based 2 Hz wave sensor was mounted on the Sailbuoy. Mean significant wave height (H s 1 min) measured was 3 m, whereas maximum H s was 6 m. Mean wave period was 7.7 s, while maximum wave height, H max, was 12.6 m. These measurements have been compared with non-directional Waverider observations at the Ekofisk complex. The agreement between the two data sets was very good, with a mean percent absolute error of 7 % and a linear correlation coefficient of 0.97. The wave frequency spectra measured by the two instruments compared very well, except for low H s (∼1 m), where the motion of the vessel seemed to influence the measurements. Nevertheless, the Sailbuoy performed well during this campaign, and results suggest that it is a suitable platform for wave measurements in a broad range of sea conditions.
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Directional wave measurements using an autonomous vessel
Lars R. Hole
&Ilker Fer
&David Peddie
Received: 29 February 2016 /Accepted: 28 June 2016
#The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at
Abstract An autonomous vessel, the Offshore Sensing
Sailbuoy, was used for wave measurements near the
3.2º E, operated by ConocoPhillips) from 6 to 20
November 2015. Being 100 % wind propelled, the
Sailbuoy has two-way communication via the Iridium net-
work and has the capability for missions of 6 months or
more. It has previously been deployed in the Arctic,
Norwegian Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, but the present
study was the first test for wave measurements. During the
campaign the Sailbuoy held position about 20 km north-
east of Ekofisk (on the lee side) during rough conditions.
Mean wind speed measured at Ekofisk during the cam-
paign was 9.8 m/s, with a maximum of 20.4 m/s, with wind
mostly from south and southwest. A Datawell MOSE
G1000 GPS-based 2 Hz wave sensor was mounted on the
Sailbuoy. Mean significant wave height (H
sured was 3 m, whereas maximum H
was 6 m. Mean wave
period was 7.7 s, while maximum wave height, H
12.6 m. These measurements have been compared with
non-directional Waverider observations at the Ekofisk
complex. The agreement between the two data sets
was very good, with a mean percent absolute error of
7 % and a linear correlation coefficient of 0.97. The
wave frequency spectra measured by the two instru-
ments compared very well, except for low H
(1 m), where the motion of the vessel seemed to
influence the measurements. Nevertheless, the
Sailbuoy performed well during this campaign, and
results suggest that it is a suitable platform for wave
measurements in a broad range of sea conditions.
Keywords Surface .Waves .Directional .Autonomous .
Vessel .Measurements .North Sea
1 Introduction
Accurate ocean wave observations and forecasts are in
increasing demand, and of interest to users involved
in the offshore industry, shipping, offshore wind ener-
gy industry and prospecting of bridges, roads and oth-
er near shore constructions. For example, along the
coast of Norway, several fjord-crossing road construc-
tion projects involving long bridges are under way,
and detailed mapping of the local wave climate is
The North Sea is an area with rough ocean condi-
tions year round (Grabemann and Weisse 2008). A sig-
nificant wave height, H
, exceeding 19 m in the
Northern North Sea is suggested to be realistic in the
worst case scenarios described by Reistad et al. (2005).
Aarnes et al. (2012) suggest a 100 year return value of
for the North Sea of 1620 m, depending on meth-
od. However, there is a negative trend in H
and wind
speed in the region in recent decades (Young et al.
This article is part of the Topical Collection on the 14th International
Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting in Key West, Florida,
USA, November 813, 2015
Responsible Editor: Val Swail
*Lars R. Hole
Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Allegaten 70,
5007 Bergen, Norway
Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Offshore Sensing AS, Bergen, Norway
Ocean Dynamics
DOI 10.1007/s10236-016-0969-4
2011). There is high shipping density and substantial
offshore oil activity in the area. Multiple offshore wind
farms are under development and detailed information
about the wave climate has practical and economical
value, since construction dimensioning off shore is de-
pendent on wave climate information.
Accurate ocean wave measurements are important for
verification of ocean wave forecasts and wave climate
mapping (Steward 2008). The observation network at
sea is coarse, and there is a consistent lack of wave
measurements to verify model predictions (Reistad
et al. 2005). Long-term in situ wave monitoring
programmes tend to be interrupted as a result of environ-
mental stresses such as bio-fouling and severe weather
(Herbers et al. 2012; Manov et al. 2004).
Wave-forecasting models in use by meteorological agen-
cies are based on integrations of the directional wave spectrum
discretized in direction and frequency (or wavenumber), (See
e.g. Komen et al. 1994 or Steward 2008). The forecasts follow
individual components of the wave spectrum in space and
time, allowing each component to grow or decay depending
on advection, energy input by local winds, energy sinks by
dissipation, such as wave breaking and bottom friction, and
repartition of energy by non-linear interactions. Detailed and
accurate wave measurements to validate these models are con-
sequently of interest.
Ocean waves are measured remotely by observing the sea
state, by satellite altimeters (Queffeulou 2004)orby
2.0 m
1.7 m
Payload volume
Fig. 1 Sketch of the Sailbuoy
with major components
Fig. 2 Picture taken on 2 November 2015 showing the SB Wave. The
wave sensorsGPSantennaismarkedbyanarrow
North Sea
E 0
Distance (km)
-5 0 5
Distance (km)
Fig. 3 Maps showing the
mission of SB Wave (a) together
with the waypoints WP1 and
WP2 and station keeping around
them (b). The bullet marks the
position of the Waverider buoy,
approximately 10 km south of
Ocean Dynamics
Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) (Li et al. 2008). In situ
measurements are normally carried out by accelerometers or
Global Positioning System (GPS) sensors mounted on float-
ing buoys (e.g. Jeans et al. 2003) or, in the case of shallow
water, Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) or other
wave gauges mounted on the sea floor (Herbers and Lentz
2010). Alternative methods, such as mounting of ADCPs on
autonomous underwater vehicles (Haven and Terray 2015),
the Surpact Waverider (Reverdin et al. 2013), and ship-
mounted acoustic sensors (Christensen et al. 2013)have
also been demonstrated.
Here we describe a novel methodology, namely a
autonomous surface vehicle. This configuration can
have advantages such as low costs (no ship time
needed), independence of water depth, flexibility,
and mobility. Other advantages using GPS based sen-
sors are size, robustness, and no need of calibration
(Herbers et al. 2012).The measurement platform is
tested over a period of about 2 weeks during rough
weather conditions in the Central North Sea and
measurements are compared to observations carried
out by a permanently installed traditional Waverider.
The main aim of this study is to test the Sailbuoy for
its operational capability for measuring wave
parameters in rough ocean conditions.
Tabl e 1 Measurement positions
and duration Position (latitude; longitude) Measurement period (2015, UTC)
WP1 56° 45.0N; 3° 9.0E 7 November 000014 November 1000
WP2 56° 38.1N; 3° 11.9E 14 November 120020 November 0930
Waverider 56° 32.9N; 3° 6.2E Entire mission
Wind Speed (m s-1)
20 WP1 WP2
Wind Direction )
Hs (m)
dd/mm 2015 (UTC)
07/11 09/11 11/11 13/11 15/11 17/11 19/11
Tp (s)
Fig. 4 Environmental parameters
observed at Ekofisk during the
experiment. H
is significant wave
height, while T
is the peak
period, the wave period with the
highest energy, both measured by
the Waverider. Start and end times
(vertical lines) and durations
(horizontal lines) of WP1 and
WP2 stations occupied by the
Sailbuoy are indicated
Ocean Dynamics
2 Method
The Sailbuoy (Figs. 1and 2) is an unmanned surface
vehicle (USV) manufactured by Offshore Sensing AS
( It navigates autonomously and uses
wind power for propulsion. Data communication and
control are in real-time, including data relay,
established using the Iridium satellite system. The
Sailbuoy is specifically designed for use in Norwegian
waters (e.g. North Sea and Barents Sea), for robustness
with the ability to survive and operate in very rough
environmental conditions (wind, waves and
temperature). It can be deployed and retrieved by
untrained personnel from light vessels. The physical
dimensions are 2 m length, 60 kg displacement and a
payload of 15 kg (60 l). It can be fitted with various
applications including near-surface temperature, salinity
and oxygen concentration monitoring, chemical sensors,
and wave measurements.
The Sailbuoy has proven its endurance and naviga-
tion capability through various missions including a
transect from Bergen, Norway to Iceland, Bergen to
Scotland, a mission north of Svalbard close to the mar-
ginal ice zone, and surveys in the northern Gulf of
Mexico and off Gran Canaria. For a report on the nav-
igation capability and efficacy we refer to Fer and
Peddie (2012), for a report on near-surface temperature,
salinity and oxygen concentration measurements see Fer
and Peddie (2013) for an application in the northern
Gulf of Mexico see Ghani et al. (2014).
For the experiment described here, the Offshore
Sensing Sailbuoy Wave (SB Wave hereafter) was
equipped with the Datawell MOSE-G1000 wave sensor
( This is a three-dimensional motion
sensor based on single GPS and measures the
translational motion of the GPS antenna in three
frequency or period regimes each with its own
precision: high-frequency motion (1100-s periods,
1 cm precision), low frequency motion (101000 s pe-
riods, several cm precision), and GPS position
Wave Height (m)
dd/mm 2015 (UTC)
07/11 09/11 11/11 13/11 15/11 17/11 19/11
Wave Period (s)
Fig. 5 Time series of wave
parameters relayed by Iridium;
internal processed using the zero-
crossing method compared to
Ekofisk Waverider observations
processed by the direct Fourier
transform method (DFTM).
Vertical lines mark the start and
end times of WP1 and WP2
SB-0X Hs (m)
WR-DFTM Hs (m)
Fig. 6 Scatter plot of significant wave height (H
) relayed by Iridium;
internally processed data using the zero-crossing method (SB-0X)
compared to Ekofisk Waverider observations processed by DFTM
Ocean Dynamics
(infinitely long periods, 10 m precision). An indoor ver-
sion of the sensor was installed in the payload section
of the SB Wave, and the external GPS antenna was
integrated at the rear part of the buoy (Fig. 2). The
antenna is free from obstructions and is elevated above
the deck to mitigate potential signal loss due to wave
wash over. For details on the MOSE-G1000 we refer to
the manufacturers reference manual.
The reference measurements at the Ekofisk platform are
from a Datawell non-directional Waverider.
3 Deployment
The SB Wave was deployed during a cruise of the research
vessel Håkon Mosby (cruise number HM2015 623), on 30
October 2015, 18:00 UTC, at 56° 32N along the track of
the vessel towards the FINO1 platform in the North Sea.
Ekofisk is in block 2/4 of the Norwegian sector of the North
Sea about 320 km southwest of Stavanger (Fig. 3a).
The Sailbuoy was directed to the way point WP1 to
keep station and conduct wave measurements. On 14
November, the Sailbuoy was directed to WP2, closer
to a nearby bottom-anchored conventional wave buoy
(Waverider). The position and measurement periods
aresummarisedinTable1. The mission is shown to-
gether with way point and Waverider positions in
Fig. 3. The Sailbuoy was recovered on 20 November
The Sailbuoy was successful in station keeping and
maintained a position within ±2 km of the way points
(Fig. 3b).
SB-0X Hs (m)
Fractional Error
Fractional Error
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
Number of hits
a b
Fig. 7 Fractional error of
internally processed H
using the
zero-crossing method relative to
the Ekofisk Waverider
measurements. aDistribution
with respect to H
:circles all data
points; squares, averaged in 0.5 m
bins of H
,bhistogram of
fractional error
Hs (m)
dd/mm 2015 (UTC)
07/11 09/11 11/11 13/11 15/11 17/11 19/11
Tp (m)
Fig. 8 Times series of
asignificant wave height and
bpeak wave period from the post-
processed raw data using DFTM
(SB-DFTM, orange) compared to
Ekofisk Waverider observations
processed by DFTM (WR-
DFTM, black). Vertical lines
mark the start and end times of
WP1 and WP2
Ocean Dynamics
The MOSE-G1000 sensor was set to sample at 2 Hz.
The internal logging included the high-frequency (HF)
string containing horizontal and vertical displacements
and a data quality flag. Furthermore, every 10 s the posi-
tion, together with horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP)
and vertical dilution of precision (VDOP), were logged.
The sensor was initialized by power (82 mA), and a
new data file was written every 30 min, logging data for
25 min (3000 data points). The sensor was left on contin-
uously, thanks to the short duration of the experiment.
While the entire raw data field was logged internally, the
data were also transferred to the Sailbuoy for data reduc-
tion and relay of wave parameters via satellite. The first
125 data points (of 3000; approximately 1 min) were ex-
cluded to avoid a possible contamination by filter effects
or file book-keeping.
There are, therefore, two data sets as follows: (1) full
resolution, raw sensor data for post processing using
various methods to infer wave parameters, and (2)
twice-hourly real-time relayed data including time, posi-
tion and key wave parameters inferred onboard from a
zero-crossing analysis of typically 2875 data points. For
further details on the data processing and reduction, see
Fer and Peddie (2016).
The internal processing of 2875 data points every 30 min
follows the following steps:
(i) detect individual waves using zero-crossing of the verti-
cal displacement record (retain every second zero-
crossing to define a complete wave, this is loosely re-
ferred to as the number of zero-crossings),
(ii) calculate wave height and wave period for each
individual wave,
(iii) sort the wave heights (book-keeping the corre-
sponding periods),
(iv) calculate the significant wave height (H
, average
of the largest 1/3rd sorted wave heights) and the
maximum wave height (H
), and
(v) calculate mean zero-crossing period (T
, mean pe-
riod of all the waves in the record), and the signif-
icant period (T
, average period of the waves used
to define H
In addition to these parameters, the total number of data
points, the number of bad data points (quality flag bad from
the sensor) and a sensor on/off flag are sent. The data return is
very good, despite the large waves (Fig. 4). In each segment,
there are approximately between 200 and 300 zero-crossings
(individual waves). When H
is less than approximately 3 m,
there are no erroneous data points. Such bad data are expected,
for example, when seawater covers the GPS antenna which
may happen at high seas. Even when the maximum wave
height is about 10 m, the number of bad data returns is on
the order 100, which is less than 3 % of the segment length
(Fer and Peddie 2016). This small amount of data loss has
SB-DFTMH s (m)
WR-DFTM Hs (m)
Fig. 9 Scatter plot of significant wave height from post-processed raw
SB Wave data using DFTM compared to Ekofisk Waverider observations
processed by DFTM
Fractional Error
Fractional Error
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
Number of hits
a b
Fig. 10 Fractional error of post-
processed from SB Wave raw
data using DFTM relative to the
Ekofisk Waverider
measurements. aDistribution
with respect to H
points; squares, averaged in 0.5 m
bins of H
,bhistogram of
fractional error
Ocean Dynamics
negligible (unquantified) influence on the resulting wave pa-
rameter estimates.
4 Results and discussion
The period of deployment was dominated by a series of pass-
ing lows to the west of Ekofisk and the predominant wind
direction was southwest, as common for the season. This
means that SB Wave was mostly downwind of Ekofisk.
Mean wind speed over the 14 days of deployment was
9.8 m/s (U
10 min average), with a maximum wind
speed of 21.4 m/s on 13 November 2130 UTC (Fig. 4).
Given the vigorous wind conditions, we assume that the
relative contribution of swell was minor during the field
We use the Waverider observations as reference, and
compare the SB Wave measurements against Waverider
measurements. First, a comparison is made using real-
method described in Section 3. Next, a comparison is
made using the post-processed SB Wave data (spectral
processing using the direct Fourier transform method,
DFTM, described below). Internally processed zero-cross-
ing results are compared to the Waverider observations to
showcase the accuracy of the real-time data relayed by the
Sailbuoy. Waverider measurements were interpolated to
the Sailbuoy time stamps and provided 654 measurement
points (Figs. 5,6and 7). The fractional error between SB
Wave and the Waverider does not show a trend with in-
creasing H
(Fig. 7a), indicating that SB Wave is robust in
different wave regimes. However, it has not been tested
in the North Sea (Aarnes et al. 2012). One would expect
increased error for increasing H
, for example, because of
increased number of bad data points or failure to detect
individual waves by the zero-crossing method, but this is
not observed.
Raw data downloaded from the instrument are further
analysed for more accurate estimates of the wave parame-
ters, using spectral analysis. For spectral analysis of both
SB Wave and Waverider data we used the DIWASP Matlab
toolbox ( and the direct Fourier
transform method (DFTM) originally developed by
Tabl e 2 Statistics of SB Wave to Waverider comparison for significant
wave height, H
WP nr Bias
All 654 0.97 0.010 0.20 0.27 0.6 6.5
WP1 361 0.97 0.020 0.22 0.29 1.2 7.1
WP2 289 0.96 0.007 0.18 0.24 0.3 5.7
Bias is the mean signed difference between the time series. WP2 was
approximately 10 km from the Waverider, while WP1 was approximately
20 km from the Waverider
nnumber of data points, rlinear correlation coefficient, MAE mean ab-
solute error, MPE mean percent error, MPAE mean percent absolute error,
RMSE root-mean-square error
0 0.5 1
φzz [m2 Hz−1]
Hs(WR) = 0.9, Hs(SB) = 1.1
0 0.5 1
Hs(WR) = 0.9, Hs(SB) = 1.1
0 0.5 1
φzz [m2 Hz−1]
Hs(WR) = 3.2, Hs(SB) = 3.4
0 0.5 1
Hs(WR) = 3.2, Hs(SB) = 3.4
0 0.5 1
φzz [m2 Hz−1]
Frequency [Hz]
Hs(WR) = 6, Hs(SB) = 6
0 0.5 1
Frequency [Hz]
Hs(WR) = 5.9, Hs(SB) = 5.7
Fig. 11 Comparison of spectra
(power spectral density, Φ
) from
Sailbuoy Wave at WP1 (SB) and
the Waverider (WR). Significant
wave heights (H
) for six cases are
given in the plots. The six cases
are 20-min segments starting at
the following times (from upper
left): 02 November, 01:25:43,
02 November, 01:55:43,
12 November, 06:55:43,
12 November, 07:25:43,
13 November, 22:55:51 and
13November, 23:25:51. The
Sailbuoy is tacking (sailing
against the wind) for all cases,
except the middle left panel
Ocean Dynamics
Barber (1961). DFTM is used with a frequency resolution
of 0.01 Hz in the range 0.05 to 1 Hz, and a direction res-
olution of 2°. Note, however, that the Waverider is non-
directional, and the directional spectra are calculated for
SB Wave only. From the analysis, the significant wave
height, H
, and for SB Wave, direction
of spectral peak, D
and the dominant direction, D
The agreement between the wave parameters mea-
sured by the two platforms is very good, lending con-
fidence on the Sailbuoy measurements (Figs. 8,9and
10, and Table 2). Linear correlation coefficient between
the two time series of H
is 0.97 (r
=0.94). When
analysed separately measurements from WP1 and
WP2, respectively 20 km and 10 km from the
Waverider, give results statistically identical r=0.97
and r= 0.96, respectively. Given the horizontal distance
between SB Wave and the Waverider at Ekofisk, the
spatial coherence is satisfactory.
Power spectral density for six selected samples of the
two measurement systems were calculated using the meth-
od of Welch (1967), which has efficient noise reduction.
Fig. 12 Spectrogram (power
spectral density obtained from
aSB Wave and bWaverider. The
colour scale is logarithmic
Ocean Dynamics
Spectral comparison for medium (3.3 m) and high (6m)
cases is shown in Fig. 11 and also shows good compar-
ison. However, for the low H
case (1m),theSBWave
spectrum seems to be influenced by the motion of the
Sailbuoy itself, with peaks at 0.1 and 0.25 Hz. This may
be due to non-linearities as suggested by Barrick and
Steele (1989) and Hara and Karachintsev (2003). Internal
motion of the Sailbuoy is masked out at higher wave
heights. However, we do not have enough information to
separate the pitch, roll and heave of the vessel from the
acceleration caused by the waves.
Spectrograms for the entire campaign from SB Wave
and the Waverider are shown in Fig. 12, using the Welch
(1967) method for both datasets. The energetic period
around 14 November is visible in both spectrograms and
the temporal patterns are similar, where a low frequency
contribution (T
of 1012 s) is present most of the time. In
energetic segments, the SB Wave spectra show bands of ele-
vated energy (red) extending to low frequencies (<0.05 Hz)
which is not present in the Waverider data.
each spectrum is colour coded for the average wind speed
during the measurement, following Thompson et al.
(2013). It is clearly seen that the peaks in the spectra shift
to lower frequencies with higher wind speeds. Also, the
higher frequency parts of the spectra between about 0.1
and 0.6 Hz follow the f
slope in the equilibrium range
as first suggested by Toba (1973). This observation is
somewhat different from that of Hara and Karachintsev
dependence for the wind sea
part of the spectrum. The noise above 0.6 Hz could be
due to motion of the Sailbuoys hull, but the energy levels
are here very low. This noise is not visible in the linear plot
in Fig. 11.
Since the Ekofisk Waverider is non-directional, wave
direction comparison is not possible. However, in Fig. 14,
we show rose plots of the peak period direction, D
coloured for H
, together with a rose plot of wind direc-
tions observed at Ekofisk, coloured for wind speeds.
Wave directions are here defined as the propagation di-
rection. It is clearly seen that the prevailing southwesterly
wind results in waves propagating towards the northeast-
ern sector.
Finally, examples of directional spectra from SB Wave
(calculated by DIWASP and the DFTM method) are shown
in Fig. 15. The six examples are the same segments as in
Fig. 11. Two examples for low (1m),moderate(3.2 m)
and high H
in the measurements of energy distribution in frequency
and direction. It appears that SB Wave is able to observe
rather well-defined wave directions, even in vigorous seas.
In the upper two panels, a weak swell propagating towards
the southeast can be observed together with wind sea prop-
agating towards the northeast.
The Sailbuoy kept station during most of this campaign,
and it was tacking (sailing into the wind) 71 % of the time.
Since it moved typically 100 m between each 30 min sam-
pling, the speed while keeping station was approximately 0.05
m/s. Given that the typical wave speed in 100 times higher, it
seems reasonable that the Doppler shift can be ignored as long
as the Sailbuoy keeps station. In Fig. 11, all but the middle left
panel are sampled during tacking. In the middle left panel, SB
10−2 10−1 100
Frequency [Hz]
φzz [m2 Hz−1]
Wind speed [m/s]
Fig. 13 Sailbuoy wave energy
spectra colour coded by mean
wind speed for each spectrum
Ocean Dynamics
Wave sailed downwind with a speed of approximately 1 m/s,
so a slight Doppler shift could be expected and may be dis-
cernible in the comparison with the Waverider spectrum, but
the difference may also be due to horizontal separation. The
SB measures a somewhat higher Tp than the WR (mean dif-
ference of 0.29 s)(Fig. 8). For the periods when the SB sails
upwind (71 % of the time), the difference is slightly lower
(0.26 s), while for downwind sailing the difference is 0.35 s.
The small difference between upwind and downwind sailing
suggests that there is no significant Doppler effect.
5 Summary and conclusion
Recent developments in global positioning system (GPS)
technology have enabled in situ ocean wave measurements
at a relatively low cost using surface-following buoys
(Herbers et al. 2012). In the experiment presented here, a
Datawell MOSE G1000 sensor was placed in an autono-
mous vessel, the Offshore Sensing Sailbuoy. A data set was
collected between 7 and 20 November 2015, near the
Ekofisk oil field in the North Sea. For sensor inter
comparison and data validation, the measurement position
was co-located (10 to 20 km) with a bottom-anchored
Waverider buoy. The measurement period covers from qui-
escent periods with H
on the order 1 m to energetic pe-
riods with H
reaching 6 m with maximum wave heights in
excess of 10 m. The peak period of the wave spectrum was
approximately 5 s for the H
on the order 1 m, and 1012 s
for H
exceeding 5 m.
The Sailbuoy delivered two data sets as follows: (i) twice-
hourly real-time relayed wave parameters processed on board
using a zero-crossing analysis; and (ii) full resolution, raw
sensor data for post processing using spectral methods to infer
wave parameters. First, the real-time data set is compared with
the Waverider measurements to showcase the operational mer-
it of the Sailbuoy. The agreement is very good with a fraction-
al error less than 10 %, and without a significant trend when
binned in H
Next, the wave measurements from the Sailbuoy are com-
pared with the Waverider measurements using spectral analy-
sis of 30 min time series of 2 Hz sampling rate. The agreement
between the two data sets is good with a linear correlation
coefficient of 0.97, a bias of 1 cm, a root-mean-square error
Fig. 14 a Rose plots of Ekofisk wind directions colour coded for wind speed (m/s). bSailbuoy wave directions colour coded for H
Ocean Dynamics
of 27 cm, and a mean percent absolute error of 7 %. The
observations presented here suggest that the Sailbuoy is a suit-
able platform for wave measurements delivering reliable real
time data as well as accurate post-processed data. This is par-
ticularly true for spectral measurements for medium (3m)and
high (6 m) wave heights and for integrated values (H
The advantages of using GPS based wave sensors have
already been discussed by Herbers et al. (2012). A GPS based
sensor placed in the Sailbuoy could be a particularly attractive
and cost-efficient alternative for short term measurement
programmes (weeks to months) carried out as part of coastal
and offshore construction project planning.
The emerging possibility to use robust autonomous platforms
for wave measurements at relatively low costs provides an op-
portunity for more dense wave observations in the future, of
benefit for forecasters and commercial users. The main aim of
this study is to test the Sailbuoy for its operational capability for
measuring wave parameters in rough ocean conditions. Future
studies should involve focus on hull effects on measurements of
low and high-frequency waves, comparison with other direc-
tional sensors as well as the use of multiple platforms for map-
ping of horizontal coherence.
Acknowledgments This study is partly funded by the Norwegian
Centre of Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE). The Waverider raw data
and the wind data have kindly been provided by the operator of Ekofisk,
ConocoPhillips. The deployment of the Sailbuoy was conducted from a
University of Bergen research cruise. We thank ConocoPhillips and
Skandi Marøy for retrieving the Sailbuoy at Ekofisk, and two reviewers
for their comments on the manuscript.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appro-
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Fig. 15 Post-Processed
directional wave spectra
measured by the Sailbuoy for
cases of low, moderate and high
waves (the same cases as Fig. 11).
and D
are indicated in the
plots. The Sailbuoy is tacking
(sailing against the wind) for all
cases, except the middle left
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Ocean Dynamics
... Equation (21) satisfies (16) and (17). Furthermore, substituting (21) into (20) results in a generalized dispersion relation that satisfies the free surface conditions, ...
... Within a practical context, different measurement methodologies imply different viewers. For example, fixed measurements given by radars 18 and ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers) [18][19][20] correspond to a laboratory viewer (V = 0), whereas autonomous vehicles 21,22 and free floating wave buoys 23-25 provide a description given by using a moving reference frame (V ≠ 0), which may or may not be the same as the mean current (U). Since the velocity potential solution and dispersion form are modified differently by V and U, one cannot conflate these two effects. ...
... The sign conventions in the phase of ansatz (21) are derived using an approach analogous to Ref. 12 (see Chap. 3.7.1). However, ...
Marine measurement instrumentation, such as free-floating wave buoys, drones, and autonomous unmanned vehicles, often propagates in different directions and velocities relative to the fluid and waves. Convention assumes that these different instrumentations provide Galilean invariant descriptions of the wave field. Herein, it is shown that Galilean invariance exists for the water wave problem only in a restricted sense. The impact of this loss of invariance is investigated using a new formulation of the water wave problem, which is generalized for both current and an arbitrary inertial viewer. In the still water limit, the boundary value problem is shown to be non-invariant under Galilean transformations. This impacts the dispersion relation and interpretation of measurements. It also explains the appearance of wave modes on current, which have no analogy on still water. These modes do not appear in a still water formulation because it is a degenerate representation exhibiting a loss of Galilean symmetries. The approach provides a more complete solution of the wave–current boundary value problem by making a clear distinction between current and viewer velocity effects. Numerical examples that demonstrate the importance of the results on calculating wave characteristics are given.
... Since we choose well-designed energy sources and also use welldefined consumption strategies (Kanellos, 2014;Khan et al., 2017;Vu et al., 2017;Letafat et al., 2020), sailboats are able to achieve full autonomy, acting independently of human beings, as long as they are programmed for the task. A fully autonomous robotic sailboat does not need to stop for recharging or refueling (Hole et al., 2016). In cases of semi-autonomy, recharging strategies during the mission must be considered and planned (Waseem et al., 2019). ...
... Even still, it has proven to be a robust platform, staying for months at sea transmitting and receiving data. The authors point that their solution can be used in applications for measuring ocean parameters (Hole et al., 2016), tracking oil spills, or as a communication relaying station. ...
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Strategic management and production of internal energy in autonomous robots is becoming a research topic with growing importance, especially for platforms that target long-endurance missions, with long-range and duration. It is fundamental for autonomous vehicles to have energy self-generation capability to improve energy autonomy, especially in situations where refueling is not viable, such as an autonomous sailboat in ocean traversing. Hence, the development of energy estimation and management solutions is an important research topic to better optimize the use of available energy supply and generation potential. In this work, we revisit the challenges behind the project design and construction for two fully autonomous sailboats and propose a methodology based on the Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) in order to find the best way to manage the supplementary energy generated by solar panels. To verify the approach, we introduce a case study with our two developed sailboats that have planned payload with electric and electronics, and one of them is equipped with an electrical engine that may eventually help with the sailboat propulsion. Our current results show that it is possible to augment the system confidence level for the potential energy that can be harvested from the environment and the remaining energy stored, optimizing the energy usage of autonomous vehicles and improving their energy robustness.
... The Offshore Sensing Sailbuoy (Ghani et al. (2014), was used for wave measurements near the Ekofisk oil platform complex in the North Sea (56.5 • N, 3.2 • E, operated by ConocoPhillips) from 6 to 20 November 2015 (Hole, Fer, and Peddie 2016). Being 100% wind propelled, the Sailbuoy has two-way communication via the Iridium network and has the capability for missions of 6 months or more. ...
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This manuscript is a review of the methods for measuring the spectrum of ocean surface waves. We would appreciate any feedback that would make this review more helpful.
... Over the past decade, a new class of environmentally-propelled autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs) has emerged as a key enabling technology for the ocean observing mission. Prominent examples of commercially available ASVs include the Saildrone (Gentemann et al. 2020), the Sailbuoy (Ghani et al. 2014;Hole et al. 2016), the AutoNaut (Johnston and Poole 2017), and the Wave Glider (Hine and McGillivary 2007). A key feature of these marine robotic systems is their ability to withstand harsh conditions at sea over long periods of time (Delory and Pearlman 2018). ...
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The present work details the measurement capabilities of Wave Glider Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) for research-grade meteorology, wave, and current data. Methodologies for motion compensation are described and tested, including a correction technique to account for Doppler shifting of the wave signal. Wave Glider measurements are evaluated against observations obtained from World Meteorological Organization (WMO)-compliant moored buoy assets located off the coast of Southern California. The validation spans a range of field conditions and includes multiple deployments to assess the quality of vehicle-based observations. Results indicate that Wave Gliders can accurately measure wave spectral information, bulk wave parameters, water velocities, bulk winds, and other atmospheric variables with the application of appropriate motion compensation techniques. Measurement errors were found to be comparable to those from reference moored buoys and within WMO operational requirements. The findings of this study represent a step towards enabling the use of ASV-based data for the calibration and validation of remote observations and assimilation into forecast models.
... Sailbuoy has been adopted as a data management platform (Langeland et al., 2019;Borge, 2015) and was widely used in the oceanographic measurements (Hole et al., 2016;Tengberg et al., 2018;Fer and Peddie, 2013;Fer and Peddie, 2016;Ghani et al., 2014), zooplankton monitoring (Pedersen et al., 2019), and region exploration. (DeYoung et al., 2020). ...
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Sailing robots can contribute significantly to maritime surface exploration, due to its potential for long-range and long-duration motions in the environment with abundant wind. However, energy, the critical factor for their long-term missions, shall be carefully investigated, so as to achieve sustainability in distance and time. In this survey, we have conducted a comprehensive investigation on numerous sailing robots, developed in academia and industry. Some of them have achieved long-term operation, and some are motivated by, but still on the way to this ambitious goal. Prototypes are grouped in each team, so as to view the development path. We further investigate the existing design and control strategies for energy sufficiency from three perspectives: actuation, harvesting, and energy management. In propulsion and steering, i.e., two major actuations, researchers have accumulated effective sail and rudder designs. The motorized propeller and wave-glider–inspired mechanism also contribute as compliments for propulsion. Electricity harvesting based on solar or wind energies is also discussed to gather more power from nature. Pros and cons in strategies of energy management, which are valuable tools to enhance power utilization efficiency, are elaborated. This article is hoped to provide researchers in long-term robotic sailing with a comprehensive reference from the perspectives of energy.
... The Offshore Sensing SailBuoy is a robust autonomous vessel which is 100% wind propelled. It has previously been used for a range of applications, including salinity and temperature measurements in the Gulf of Mexico (Ghani et al., 2014) and mid-winter directional wave measurements in the North Sea (Hole et al., 2016). In this application, it was supplied with an AirMar weather station and was stationary (heave to mode) in the vicinity of the spill location ( Figure 4), mostly for near-surface wind measurements. ...
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A free‐floating oil spill experiment (two oil types) in the open ocean is described, and the results from slick characterization through integrated analysis of drift simulations with remote sensing and in situ data are discussed. We compare oil drift simulations (OpenOil), applying various configurations of wind, wave, and current information, with the observed slick positions and shape. We describe trajectories and dynamics of the spills, slick extent, and their evolution, and the differences in detection capabilities in optical instruments versus multifrequency PolSAR acquired by Deutsches Zentrum für Luft‐und Raumfahrt F‐SAR. When using the best available forcing from in situ data and forecast models, good agreement with the observed position and extent was found. A fair agreement is obtained using only numerical forecast data as input. This case study reveals that the accuracy when using modeled current is relatively higher after one full local inertial period, as the effect of incorrectly modeled amplitude of the inertial current is then vanishing. This should be a general result applicable to any oceanic drift forecast based on the modeled current. A novelty is the comparison of viscous‐similar soybean and mineral oil. Our findings indicate that biological oil emulsions potentially could replace mineral oil emulsions in contingency and rehearsal campaigns, but this finding is only supported from an oil drift prediction perspective. Differences in mineral oil detection capabilities are found between synthetic aperture radar and optical imagery of thinner sheen regions. F‐SAR appears to be more sensitive to thinner oil and detect a larger extent, and differences between the thinner and thicker parts are observed.
... Autonomous Surface Vehicles that use wind-or wave-power to extend endurance have matured recently and are beginning to be applied in ocean observations. The Sailbuoy (Ghani et al., 2014;Hole et al., 2016) and Saildrone (Figure 2) (Meinig et al., 2015;Mordy et al., 2017) are propelled by wind, while the Wave Glider TM (Daniel et al., 2011) and Autonaut use wave power for propulsion. Because of their surface expression, ASVs developed for long-term data collection often use solar panels to extend mission durations, which can be up to 1 year (Villareal and Wilson, 2014), supporting payload power budgets on the order of 30 W. Some ASVs have been fitted with acoustic sensors for bathymetric surveys 12 or measuring current velocity and biomass, 13 as well as BGC sensors to study upwelling and frontal region dynamics 14 (Chavez et al., 2018) and measure carbon exchange between ocean and atmosphere. ...
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Autonomous platforms already make observations over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, measuring salinity, temperature, nitrate, pressure, oxygen, biomass, and many other parameters. However, the observations are not comprehensive. Future autonomous systems need to be more affordable, more modular, more capable and easier to operate. Creative new types of platforms and new compact, low power, calibrated and stable sensors are under development to expand autonomous observations. Communications and recharging need bandwidth and power which can be supplied by standardized docking stations. In situ power generation will also extend endurance for many types of autonomous platforms, particularly autonomous surface vehicles. Standardized communications will improve ease of use, interoperability, and enable coordinated behaviors. Improved autonomy and communications will enable adaptive networks of autonomous platforms. Improvements in autonomy will have three aspects: hardware, control, and operations. As sensors and platforms have more onboard processing capability and energy capacity, more measurements become possible. Control systems and software will have the capability to address more complex states and sophisticated reactions to sensor inputs, which allows the platform to handle a wider variety of circumstances without direct operator control. Operational autonomy is increased by reducing operating costs. To maximize the potential of autonomous observations, new standards and best practices are needed. In some applications, focus on common platforms and volume purchases could lead to significant cost reductions. Cost reductions could enable order-of-magnitude increases in platform operations and increase sampling resolution for a given level of investment. Energy harvesting technologies should be integral to the system design, for sensors, platforms, vehicles, and docking stations. Connections are needed between the marine energy and ocean observing communities to coordinate among funding sources, researchers, and end users. Regional teams should work with global organizations such as IOC/GOOS in governance development. International networks such as emerging glider operations (EGO) should also provide a forum for addressing governance. Networks of multiple vehicles can improve operational efficiencies and transform operational patterns. There is a need to develop operational architectures at regional and global scales to provide a backbone for active networking of autonomous platforms.
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This study introduces an alternative to the existing methods for measuring ocean currents based on a recently developed technology. The SailBuoy is an unmanned surface vehicle powered by wind and solar panels that can navigate autonomously to predefined waypoints and record velocity profiles using an integrated downward-looking acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Data collected on two validation campaigns show a satisfactory correlation between the SailBuoy current records and traditional observation techniques such as bottom-mounted and moored current profilers and moored single-point current meter. While the highest correlations were found in tidal signals, strong current, and calm weather conditions, low current speeds and varying high wave and wind conditions reduced correlation considerably. Filtering out some events with the high sea surface roughness associated with high wind and wave conditions may increase the SailBuoy ADCP listening quality and lead to better correlations. Not yet resolved is a systematic offset between the measurements obtained by the SailBuoy and the reference instruments of ± 0.03 m/s. Possible reasons are discussed to be the differences between instruments (various products) as well as changes in background noise levels due to environmental conditions.
Unmanned vehicles have become indispensable tools for researchers to conduct ocean observation. For atmospheric and ocean observations at large spatial and temporal scales, researchers are turning their attention to novel unmanned vehicles with the ability to work in different domains, instead of adopting the cooperative observation by multiple-type vehicles. This paper proposes a dual-modal unmanned vehicle named Petrel-Dual with the ability to navigate both on surface and underwater, which can get energy supply by harvesting the marine energy. The vehicle is designed to have two operation modes: sailing as a sailboat on surface and traveling as a glider underwater. The static stability analysis in this paper aims to analyze the influence of various design variables of the vehicle on the stability in different navigation modes with a mathematical modeling method, which can guide the selection of various parameters of the prototype design. In surface navigation, through the calculation of sail aerodynamic performance, a simple control system is proposed to control sail and rudder independently. Finally, the prototype of Petrel-Dual is introduced and its performance both on surface and underwater is verified by a series of sea trials.
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A new small wave rider called Surpact was developed for air-sea investigations. It was designed to attach to a drifter or a mooring and to float upon the surface waves in order to measure sea state and atmospheric sea level pressure as well as temperature and salinity at a small fixed depth from the surface. Wind speed is derived from Surpact sea state measurements, and the data are calibrated with co-located Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder (SSMIS) wind retrievals during a four-month deployment in the North Atlantic subtropics. Individual 15-minute wind estimates present a root mean square difference on the order of 15% with the SSMIS wind retrievals for wind speeds less than 12 m s-1. The wind retrievals might lag the actual wind changes for moderate to strong winds by an hour. This article discusses the accuracy of these wind retrievals based on in situ data collected during the Strasse cruise in August and September 2012. Temperature and salinity data are also examined. The authors find, under some sunny conditions, radiative warming of the temperature probe reduces the accuracy of some of the daytime temperature data and also affects corresponding salinity estimates. Nonetheless, small realistic daily cycles of near-surface salinity (0.01 psu amplitude) were observed. Also, examples of wind time series collected during salinity drops caused by rainfall during late 2012 in the North Atlantic subtropics indicate no intensification of wind during these rain events.
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We present a method for measuring one-dimensional surface wave spectra using a ship-mounted ultrasonic altimeter in combination with a motion correction device. The instruments are mounted at the bow of the ship and provide high-resolution, local, wave information. We present results from three recent field studies. The results are compared with data from a conventional waverider buoy and, when in-situ observations are not available, with wave model analyses and satellite altimetry. We find good agreement with regard to integrated parameters such as significant wave height and mean period. Comparison with a waverider demonstrates fair agreement with regard to spectral shape, but the representation of the low frequency part depends on the quality of the motion correction data.
Bottom-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) have been demonstrated to be a practical method of obtaining high quality observations of surface wave height and direction in shallow water (typically less than 30-40 m). This restriction has motivated several groups over the past few years to investigate the possibility of using ADCPs for wave measurements in deeper water by deploying them on subsurface floats. Because these platforms move in response to forcing by waves and currents, it is necessary to measure both their attitude and translational velocity accurately in order to remove their motion from the observed velocities. We report here the results of a field experiment addressing the related problem of measuring ocean waves from a small Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) flying close to the surface that was equipped with an ADCP and an inexpensive Attitude-Heading Reference System (AHRS).
Conference Paper
SailBuoy SB02, fitted with a Neil Brown conductivity-temperature sensor and an Aanderaa Instruments oxygen optode, was deployed off Grand Canaria, Spain, in 13 November 2012. The mission duration was 22 days and the extent of the track coverage was approximately 140 km zonally and 220 km meridionally.
Nonlinearity and directionality of an evolving open-ocean surface wave field are investigated under increasing wind forcing. In addition to the frequency wave elevation spectrum, the frequency wave slope spectrum, the bicoherence of the wave elevation time series, and the peak wavenumber at a given frequency estimated by the maximum likelihood method are examined. As the wave field matures, an increasing portion of the high-frequency components of the wave elevation spectrum becomes phase correlated with the dominant wave component. This observation clearly suggests that the contribution to the frequency spectrum from the higher harmonies generated by steep dominant waves becomes increasingly important relative to the contribution from free waves that propagate at their own phase speed predicted by the dispersion relation. The observation therefore invalidates the common assumption that an ocean surface wave spectrum is a superposition of linear surface wave components of different frequencies. In addition, close examination of the frequency slope spectra and the peak wavenumber estimates suggests that the observed phase-coupled modes are generated by short-crested two-dimensional dominant wave patterns rather than by long-crested dominant waves.
[1] Wave and wind measurements at Ocean Weather Station P (OWS-P, 50°N 145°W) are used to evaluate the equilibrium range of surface wave energy spectra. Observations are consistent with a local balance between wind input and breaking dissipation, as described by Philips (1985). The measurements include direct covariance wind stress estimates and wave breaking dissipation rate estimates during a 3 week research cruise to OWS-P. The analysis is extended to a wider range of conditions using observations of wave energy spectra and wind speed during a 2 year mooring deployment at OWS-P. At moderate wind speeds (5–15 m/s), mooring wave spectra are in agreement, within 5% uncertainty, with the forcing implied by standard drag laws and mooring wind measurements. At high wind speeds (>15 m/s), mooring wave spectra are biased low, by 13%, relative to the forcing implied by standard drag laws and mooring wind measurements. Deviations from equilibrium are associated with directionality and variations at the swell frequencies. A spectral wave hindcast accurately reproduces the mooring observations, and is used to examine the wind input.
This book addresses both fundamental and applied aspects of ocean waves including the use of wave observations made from satellites. More specifically it describes the WAM model, its scientific basis, its actual implementation, and its many applications. The three sections of the volume describe the basic statistical theory and the relevant physical processes; the numerical model and its global and regional applications; and satellite observations, their interpretation and use in data assimilation.
Surface-following buoys are widely used to collect routine ocean wave measurements. While accelerometer and tilt sensors have been used for decades to measure the wave-induced buoy displacements, alternative global positioning system (GPS) sensor packages have been introduced recently that are generally smaller, less expensive, and do not require calibration. In this study, the capabilities of several GPS sensors are evaluated with field observations in wind-sea and swell conditions off the California coast. The GPS buoys used in this study include Datawell Directional Waverider and Mini Directional Waverider buoys equipped with a specialized GPS Doppler shift sensor, and a low-cost experimental drifter equipped with an "off the shelf"GPS receiver for absolute position tracking. Various GPS position receivers were attached to the Waverider buoys to evaluate their potential use in low-cost wave-resolving drifters. Intercomparisons between the Datawell GPS-based buoys, the experimental GPS drifter, and a conventional Datawell buoy with an accelerometer-tilt-compass sensor package, show good agreement in estimates of wave frequency and direction spectra. Despite the limited (several meters) absolute accuracy of the GPS position receivers, the horizontal wave orbital displacements are accurately resolved, even in benign (significant wave height less than 1 m) swell conditions. Vertical sea surface displacements were not well resolved by the GPS position receivers with built-in or small patch antennas, but accurately measured when an external precision antenna was attached to the drifter. Overall, the field tests show excellent agreement between Datawell buoys using GPS and motion-sensor packages, and demonstrate the feasibility of observing ocean surface waves with lowcost GPS-tracked drifters.
A combination of the three-second power law, presented in part I for wind waves of simple spectrum, and the similarity of the spectral form of wind waves, leads to a new concept on the energy spectrum of wind waves. It is well substantiated by data from a wind-wave tunnel experiment.In the gravity wave range, the gross form of the high frequency side of the spectrum is proportional tog u * –4, whereg represents the acceleration of gravity,u * the friction velocity, the angular frequency, and the factor of proportionality is 2.0l0–2. The wind waves grow in such a way that the spectrum slides up, keeping its similar form, along the line of the gross form, on the logarithmic diagram of the spectral density,, versus. Also, the terminal value of, at the peak frequency of the fully developed sea, is along a line of the gradient ofg 2 –5.The fine structure of the spectrum from the wind-wave tunnel experiment shows a characteristic form oscillating around the –4-line. The excess of the energy density concentrates around the peak frequency and the second- and the third-order harmonics, and the deficit occurs in the middle of these frequencies. This form of the fine structure is always similar in the gravity wave range, in purely controlled conditions such as in a wind-wave tunnel. Moving averages of these spectra tend very close to the form proportional to –5.As the wave number becomes large, the effect of surface tension is incorporated, and the –4-line in the gravity wave range gradually continues to a –8/3-line in the capillary wave range, in accordance with the wind-wave tunnel data. Likewise, the –5-line gradually continues to a –7/3-line.Also, through a discussion on these results, is suggested the existence of a kind of general similarity in the structure of wind wave field.