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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of job redesign as well as that of the interaction effect of job redesign and job satisfaction on employee performance. Design/methodology/approach – The qualitative research method is used, i.e., in-depth interviews, to validate the questionnaire which is modified based on the well-established Job Diagnostic Survey instrument. A large-scale questionnaire survey was conducted in 2012 taking the hotel and resort industry and the banking industry in Thailand as its research sites. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyse the survey data obtained from 295 sample respondent managers. Findings – It is found that job redesign is significantly and inversely related to employee performance. Meanwhile job satisfaction is found to be positively and significantly related to employee performance. Moreover, the interaction effect between job redesign and job satisfaction is found to be positively and significantly related to employee performance. Furthermore, when controlled for demographic characteristics of sample respondents, it is found that being in the age group of 37-47 years old is significantly and inversely related to employee performance. These findings suggest that when firms implement job redesign, it is likely that it will negatively influence employee performance in the first stage of change. Hence, firms should try to enhance employee job satisfaction while implementing job redesign so that the job redesign will result in improved employee performance. The findings suggest that implementing job redesign without concerned employees experiencing job satisfaction or merely implementing job redesign can result in a possible decreased employee performance. These findings also suggest that any proposed job redesign will be an effective HR strategy to significantly mobilize employee performance only when firms ensure that the implementation of job redesign involves the concerned employees and enhances their job satisfaction. Originality/value – Job redesign by itself is found to have a significant negative effect on employee performance while job satisfaction is found to always positively and significantly influence employee performance. This study ascertains the positive interaction effect of job redesign and job satisfaction for employee performance improvement. These findings suggest that job satisfaction positively moderates the effect of job redesign on employee performance.
Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship
The interaction effect of job redesign and job satisfaction on employee
Sununta Siengthai Patarakhuan Pila-Ngarm
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To cite this document:
Sununta Siengthai Patarakhuan Pila-Ngarm , (2016),"The interaction effect of job redesign and
job satisfaction on employee performance", Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical
Scholarship, Vol. 4 Iss 2 pp. 162 - 180
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The interaction effect of job
redesign and job satisfaction on
employee performance
Sununta Siengthai and Patarakhuan Pila-Ngarm
School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Klong Luang, Thailand
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of job redesign as well as that of the
interaction effect of job redesign and job satisfaction on employee performance.
Design/methodology/approach The qualitative research method is used, i.e., in-depth interviews,
to validate the questionnaire which is modified based on the well-established Job Diagnostic Survey
instrument. A large-scale questionnaire survey was conducted in 2012 taking the hotel and resort
industry and the banking industry in Thailand as its research sites. Multiple regression analysis was
used to analyse the survey data obtained from 295 sample respondent managers.
Findings It is found that job redesign is significantly and inversely related to employee
performance. Meanwhile job satisfaction is found to be positively and significantly related to
employee performance. Moreover, the interaction effect between job redesign and job satisfaction is
found to be positively and significantly related to employee performance. Furthermore, when
controlled for demographic characteristics of sample respondents, it is found that being in the age
group of 37-47 years old is significantly and inversely related to employee performance. These findings
suggest that when firms implement job redesign, it is likely that it will negatively influence employee
performance in the first stage of change. Hence, firms should try to enhance employee job satisfaction
while implementing job redesign so that the job redesign will result in improved employee performance.
The findings suggest that implementing job redesign without concerned employees experiencing job
satisfaction or merely implementing job redesign can result in a possible decreased employee
performance. These findings also suggest that any proposed job redesign will be an effective
HR strategy to significantly mobilize employee performance only when firms ensure that the
implementation of job redesign involves the concerned employees and enhances their job satisfaction.
Originality/value Job redesign by itself is found to have a significant negative effect on employee
performance while job satisfaction is found to always positively and significantly influence employee
performance. This study ascertains the positive interaction effect of job redesign and job satisfaction
for employee performance improvement. These findings suggest that job satisfaction positively
moderates the effect of job redesign on employee performance.
Keywords Job satisfaction, Banking, Thailand, Employee performance, Hotels and resort,
Job redesign, Middle-level manager
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
Job redesign has been used as one of the HR strategies to develop a new dynamic and
productive life in a rapidly changing business environment. It has been
well-established that well-designed job characteristics ( JC) will enhance employee
motivation and hence their performance improvement (Hackman and Oldham, 1976).
Evidence-based HRM: a Global
Forum for Empirical Scholarship
Vol. 4 No. 2, 2016
pp. 162-180
© Emerald Group PublishingLimited
DOI 10.1108/EBHRM-01-2015-0001
Received 19 January 2015
Revised 3 June 2015
14 September 2015
Accepted 14 November 2015
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
This manuscript is based on a paper presented at the 2013 Conference of MAGScholar in Dubai
(11-14 November 2013). The authors are grateful for all constructive comments received,
especially those from Dr Kim Fam, and from two anonymous referees of the paper. The authors
are also indebted to Dr Fabian Homberg, the Associate Editor of EBHRM whose guidance
significantly improved the quality of the manuscript.
Downloaded by Asian Institute of Technology, Professor Sununta SIENGTHAI At 00:11 12 July 2016 (PT)
As employees are organizational assets that are renewable, they become a key driver
for change, especially in a rapidly changing environment. Firms need to continuously
redesign jobs to align with their business strategy and enhance organizational
performance. To date, several studies have examined the direct link between job
redesign and performance and job satisfaction and performance. Many empirical
studies support the Hackman-Oldham theory of job design with respect to the
significant relationship with product quality improvement (Michalos et al., 2013).
The empirical studies on the relationship of these aspects of job design with employee
performance, work outcomes, and/or productivity have been reported previously
( Johlke and Iyer, 2013; Yeo and Li, 2011; Kahya, 2007; Rhoads et al., 2002). However,
there have been few studies that examine whether there is any link among job redesign,
job satisfaction, and employee performance. This relationship is important for HR
managers due to benefits which are expected to increase effective employee
performance. As job redesign includes activities or work-related changes that improve
work quality of employees or employee productivity (Wood et al., 2012; Maxwell, 2008;
Morgeson et al., 2006), it is expected that job redesign has a significant influence on
employee performance improvement. We aim to investigate the effect of job redesign
on employee performance. In addition, we also assert that there is an interaction effect
of job redesign and job satisfaction, which positively influences employee performance.
During the past decade, the volume of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) in banks
has increased (IMAA, 2013). It is thus conceivable that M&A can be utilized as trends
metrics in support of a popular firm strategy to strengthen businesses in a turbulent
environment. In the Southeast Asian region in particular, the regional economic
integration, i.e., the ASEAN economic community, is expected to materialize by the end
of 2015. In Thailand, since the advent of information technology a few decades ago,
many organizations have experienced and implemented forms of business process
re-engineering to better serve their customers. In this process, job redesign has been
used to ensure the efficiency and productivity of employees. This development has
become particularly visible in business organizations, particularly those in service
sectors, such as banking and finance, insurance, hotels, telecommunications, etc.
Few studies in Thailand have investigated job redesign. Akaraborworn and McLean
(2002) study the role and impact of human resource development during the countrys
1997 economic crisis. The results confirm that human resource development could
support employees in job design processes. In the private sector, it is reported that
job rotation is intended for organizational restructuring. Moreover, the average of
interval rotation is about one-and-a-half years in a private service company and about
two years in a private manufacturing company. Knowledge, skills, and abilitiesare
found to be significant decision criteria. In addition, Jaturanonda et al. (2006) assert that
job rotation is a common management practice in Thai organizations. They study 500
Thai organizations from both private and public sectors. The results show that the
respondents positively perceive the purpose of job rotation to improve efficiency or
productivity of the organization. Similar to the findings of Akaraborworn and McLean
(2002), they find that in order to rotate employee to new jobs, knowledge, skills, and
abilities are found to be the decision criteria. Khahan (2013) examines the effect among
JC, job satisfaction, and work adjustment of new graduates working in 305 various
organization sizes of Thailand. The study asserts that JC are positively related to work
adjustment and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction also has a positive influence on work
adjustment. Internally, job redesign and job satisfaction also become significant
approaches to improve employee performance and hence business performance.
Effect of job
redesign and
job satisfaction
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Job redesign is utilized to encourage employees to perform activities in an efficient and
effective manner. Holman et al. (2010) find that job redesign plays an intervention role
as a mediator to improve employee well-being. Consequently, job redesign tends to be
an effective HR strategy for solving performance problems and reducing costs that are
significant to organizations.
This current study investigates whether job redesign and job satisfaction impact on
employee performance. The analysis also explores whether job redesign and job
satisfaction jointly display an interaction effect on employee performance. The context
of the study is the service sector in Thailand, which has been set as the target sector in
the countrys 11th National Economic and Social Development Plan for sustainable
growth and is expected to continue to grow significantly in the future. Hotel, resort and
banking industries are taken as our specific research sites. These industry sectors have
continuously played a significant role in the economic growth of Thailand.
2. Literature review and hypotheses
2.1 Job redesign and employee performance
Job performance can be described as a behaviour or action by employees at the
individual level (Campbell, 1990). Judge et al. (2001) argue that job performance is an
important outcome of core self-evaluation (CSE). Individuals with high-CSE scores are
more motivated to perform in their jobs. They will perform the job better by increasing
in confidence and abilities. Their model asserts that CSE is positively related to both
job satisfaction and individual performance. Several studies espouse the individual
performance concept and have confirmed employee performance relationship with
various variables. Lentz and Allen (2009) find that a career plateau is significantly
related to a reduction in job performance. Morrow et al. (2012) assert that job
redesign influences employee attitude, behaviour, and organizational commitment.
Past research also investigated employee performance in relation to organizational
outcomes such as productivity, firm growth, and firm performance (e.g. Ubeda et al., 2013;
Sadikoglu and Zehir, 2010).
In organizations, job design is one of the effective ways to increase the performance
of employees. Job design can solve problems such as those related to skills, work
overload, repetitiveness, and increase in working hours (Allwood and Lee, 2004).
Internally, when organizations experience changes due to market competition or
expansion of the firms business operations, job redesign has a focus on administrative
changes that improve working conditions with work design. For example, job redesign
is needed when business process re-engineering is implemented (e.g. the introduction of
information technology) to enhance the effectiveness of customer service.
Well-designed jobs also lead to increased employee well-being (Strümpfer, 2006).
Job redesign is thus an alternative approach to reduce job dissatisfaction and enhance
the motivational potential of a job. Maxwell (2008) asserts that job design motivation
and teamwork are positively related to productivity. Job design is also found to be a
strategy to enhance employeeswork environment. Mohr and Zoghi (2008) suggest a
relationship between job satisfaction and high-involvement work practices.
Their findings show that employee satisfaction can increase participation in high-
involvement practices. In addition, job satisfaction is positively associated with work
design involvement that requires high-problem solving skill levels for job rotation
plans. Job enrichment is one such job design technique that contributes to a more
interesting, challenging and satisfying job. De Menezes (2012) studies the relationship
between job enrichment and job satisfaction and ascertains the positive relationship
Downloaded by Asian Institute of Technology, Professor Sununta SIENGTHAI At 00:11 12 July 2016 (PT)
between the two variables. Rhoads et al. (2002) explore the correlation between JC and
job satisfaction. Control, variety, feedback, and autonomy are JC that are found to be
positively related to job satisfaction.
Thus, work design has an influence on productivity and is essential in providing a
challenging and satisfying opportunity in organizations.
In the Asian context, Ali and Zia-ur-Rehman (2014) find that job design can improve
employee performance. The job characteristics model ( JCM) has been applied to
investigate the impact of job design and employee performance in the fast-moving
consumer goods sector in Pakistan. Findings assert a significant and positive
relationship between job design and employee performance. Al-Homayan et al. (2013)
study the impact of job performance level on a sample of 632 nurses in public sector
hospitals in Saudi Arabia. The study examines the direct relationship between job
performance and job resources (i.e. skill variety, task significance, task identity,
feedback, and job security). The results suggest direct significant relationships
between a nurses job performance and job resources. Job resources also increase the
level of nursesjob performance. In addition, Al-Ahmadi (2009) finds that job design
significantly and positively contributes to employee performance.
Therefore, based on the above literature review, the following hypothesis
is formulated:
H1. Job redesign is positively related to employee performance.
2.2 Job satisfaction and employee performance
Job satisfaction can be defined as a measurement of ones job or experiences in terms of
positive emotion or enjoyment in the job (Locke, 1976) and of peoples feelings (like or
dislike) in the job (Spector, 1997). These definitions refer to individual emotions that
tend to lead to being more productive, creative, and committed to a job. Employee
satisfaction also refers to job satisfaction that can relate to work itself.
Employee satisfaction is an important source of employee motivation. Herzberg
(1968) asserts that hygiene factors and motivator factors influence employee
motivation. Motivator factors are related to job satisfaction and hygiene factors are
related to job dissatisfaction levels. There are several studies that investigate employee
satisfaction and performance. Falkenburg and Schyns (2007) support the assertion that
job satisfaction positively affects organizational commitment and hence performance.
Judge et al. (2001) confirmed that job satisfaction is related to job performance.
Antoncic and Antoncic (2011) explain that employee satisfaction has a positive
influence on four dimensions of work (general satisfaction with work; employee
relationships; remuneration, benefits and organizational culture; and employee loyalty).
Hence, this impact has a positive influence on firm growth. Perera et al. (2014) use
structural equation modelling to analyse the relationship between job satisfaction and
job performance in the apparel sector of Sri Lanka. The findings assert that job
satisfaction has a significant positive effect on job performance.
In addition, key JC can be used to describe the motivating potential of a job redesign.
The JCM is widely used as a conceptual framework and instrument for employee
motivation enhancement. For instance, Rhoads et al. (2002) found that there is a positive
correlation between JC (control, variety, feedback, and autonomy) and job satisfaction.
A high level of these JC tends to increase job satisfaction and performance.
The majority of the managers in their study lacked variety and autonomy on the
job, felt dissatisfaction and lack of commitment to their job. Unsurprisingly, a
Effect of job
redesign and
job satisfaction
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high-turnover intention was also observed. De Menezes (2012) finds that job
enrichment is positively related to job satisfaction. Hadi and Adil (2010) ascertain the
work motivation and job satisfaction of bank managers in Pakistan. Using multiple
regression analyses, their findings reveal that overall JC display a significant and
positive correlation with intrinsic motivation. Skill variety, task significance, and task
identity are significantly and positively related to job satisfaction. Task identity and
work feedback have significant and positive correlations with extrinsic motivation.
Bhatti et al. (2012) study job satisfaction and motivation in the banking industry in
Pakistan. Their results reveal that JC have a positive and significant effect on employee
job satisfaction, internal work motivation, and growth satisfaction. Netemeyer and
Maxham (2010) investigated the relationship among job satisfaction, job performance,
and customer contact. Results reveal a positive relationship between job satisfaction
and job performance. Most of the studies reviewed above found a positive relationship
between job satisfaction and improved employee performance. We hypothesize that:
H2. Job satisfaction is positively related to employee performance.
2.3 Job redesign and job satisfaction on employee performance
The above observations notwithstanding, to date there has not been a study that
simultaneously examines the relationship between the job redesign-job satisfaction
interaction and employee performance, although the relevant literature suggests a
moderation effect might be possible in this context. Humphrey et al. (2007) examine
work design theory using a meta-analytic review method based on a total of 259
studies. Their findings reveal a strong and positive relationship between JC (autonomy,
skill variety, task identity, task significance, and feedback) and job satisfaction, growth
satisfaction, internal work motivation, and job performance. Truxillo et al. (2012)
discuss the possible joint effects of age and JC on job satisfaction and performance.
Based on a relevant literature review, they developed a series of propositions, related to
JCM and job satisfaction and performance. The propositions stipulate that autonomy,
task variety, task significance, and feedback from the job will relate more positively to
the satisfaction, engagement, and performance of older workers(Truxillo et al., 2012,
p. 8). Wood et al. (2012) test job enrichment content, but their results suggest that
enrichment does not display a strongly significant effect on productivity. Job design is
associated with quality and job satisfaction. However, high-job satisfaction is strongly
related with higher employee productivity and better quality. Parker (2014) reviews
research on motivation and argues that job design can improve employee learning,
maintenance, and development for outcomes, such as productivity and quality.
Furthermore, Holman et al. (2010) study the mediating role of JC in job redesign as an
intervention in health insurance and health care in the UK. Their multilevel regression
results suggest that job redesign intervention increases job resources ( job control,
participation in decision-making, feedback and skill utilization), and job redesign
intervention will allow employees an increase in well-being(Holman et al., 2010, p. 98).
We deduce that this is likely to enhance employee performance. They also found a
significant interaction effect between time of measurement and experimental group.
Job redesign is a significant mediator between job control and well-being. Since none of
the existing studies investigated the interaction effect of job redesign and job
satisfaction on employee performance, the following hypothesis is formulated:
H3. Job redesign and job satisfaction is jointly positively related to employee
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3. Research methodology
3.1 Measures
We formulated our conceptual model, exhibiting the causal relationship among the three
main constructs: job redesign (R), job satisfaction (S), and employee performance (EP). We
developed our research instrument for data collection by using the results from
in-depthinterviews to modify, to some extent, the Job Diagnostic Survey ( JDS) instrument
developed by Hackman and Oldham (1974). Hackman and Oldham (1974) developed
the JCM asserting that the perception of task environment influences employee response.
Key JC could be used to describe the motivating potential of a job redesign. Many studies
have investigated the effect of JC on employee motivation and performance using the
JDS (Boonzaaier et al., 2001; Rhoads et al., 2002; Rathi and Barath, 2013).
We commenced the analysis with a qualitative method to verify and improve draft
questionnaire items. The semi-structured interview protocol with open-ended questions
is developed to collect data as the basic information of the sample organizations from
both managerial and operational levels. First, we tested the interview protocol by
interviewing nine interviewees from different hierarchies. After adjusting the protocol,
we conducted an additional 18 interviews. We used the result of the interviews to
further improve our draft questionnaire which was developed based on our literature
review. The content validity of the questionnaire was validated with Item Objective
Congruence Index (Rovinelli and Hambleton, 1977).
Then, the pilot study was conducted in order to pre-test the research plan, method;
and to pre-test the research instrument in which the key questions may be modified for
the subsequent large-scale survey. Experienced practitioners were selected to
participate in the pilot study (expert opinion survey) based on the following criteria:
first, being a HR-manager (mid-level manager) with five or more years of work
experience; and second, being with the current company at least five years. The pilot
study results were then used to finalize the instrument for quantitative
operationalisation. We pre-tested the questionnaire with 36 sample respondents in
the sample banks. According to Nunnally (1978), Cronbachsαshould be greater than
0.70. The Cronbachsαreliability of the three main constructs yielded the following:
0.8698 for job redesign (R), 0.8774 for job satisfaction (S), and 0.8257 for employee
performance (EP). The questions were developed with 101 items in six sections.
In addition, we measured the symmetry of data using skewness and kurtosis. The pilot
studys results further improved the actual field survey. We retained all items of the
research instrument used in the pilot test since the items displayed high reliability.
The questionnaire was developed to capture employee performance. Since our data
set is cross-sectional we have taken into account the issue of common method bias
(CMB). CMB potentially inflates correlations among constructs of interest since they
are collected with the same method and at the same point in time (Meade et al., 2007).
CMB is pervasive and can be a major internal validity issue in social science research
(Sharma et al., 2009). There are several prevalent techniques for controlling and
detecting CMB including Harmans single factor test (Podsakoff et al., 2003) and
confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) marker technique (Lindell and Whitney, 2001).
Podsakoff et al. (2003) suggest that CFA tends to be the most rigorous approach. We
applied Harmans single factor test and CFA in this study.
A basic assumption of Harmans single factor test is described as either: [] (1) a
single factor will emerge from the factor analysis; or (2) one general factor will account
for the majority of the covariance among the measures(Podsakoff et al., 2003, p. 889).
Furthermore, if a single factor is obtained or if one factor accounts for a majority of the
Effect of job
redesign and
job satisfaction
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covariance in the independent and criterion variables, then the threat of common
method bias is high(Devaraj et al., 2002, p. 323). On the entire sample (n¼295;
82 survey items), we tested the responses by using Harmans single factor test.
One single factor accounted for 28.196 per cent of the variance, suggesting that CMB is
not a problem in this study.
We used a seven-point Likert scale questionnaire. We measured job redesign with
25 questions adopted from the JDS; job satisfaction with 14 questions based on
Herzbergs two-factor theory and employee performance with three questions
(see, Table AI). For job satisfaction, we used CFA to confirm the construct
(see, Table AII). Regression analyses were used to test our hypotheses.
3.2 Sample
There are 231 hotels and resorts that are listed companies in the Thai Hotels
Association Directory in 2012. We directly sent our questionnaires to all of them. For
the banking sector, ten commercial banks are listed companies in both the Stock
Exchange in Thailand and the Bank of Thailand. The questionnaire was distributed
by the Head Office of each bank, at both head office and branch level following our
survey instructions.
The rationale for the selection of middle-level managers as survey participants
included: first, several organizations in Thailand experienced business process
engineering due to the advent of information technology in the last few decades and
middle-level managers experienced the job redesign process themselves as well as
overseeing the job redesign process among other employees under their supervision;
second, a middle-level manager is the intermediate manager accountable to a higher
level superior while directly managing employees at the operational level. Hence,
middle-level managers are employees who are expected to understand those in both,
higher and lower level positions; and third, middle-level managers are professionals
who are aware that their self-report will be beneficial for organization improvement and
they are responsible for their units performance. Their self-report reflected in the
completed questionnaire can thus be reliable to a certain extent.
3.3 Profiles of sample respondents
A total of 1,324 questionnaires were sent to the sample firms: 924 questionnaires for
sample hotels and resorts, and 400 questionnaires for sample banks. A total of 295
usable questionnaires were returned, representing a 22.28 per cent response
rate. When considering the response rate by sector, 136 (or 14.17 per cent) usable
questionnaires were returned from hotels and resorts and 159 (or 39.8 per cent)
usable questionnaires were returned from banks. For the combined sample
observations, the Cronbachsαcoefficient equals 0.962. For the entire sample
(n¼295), we tested for non-response bias by using: first, χ
test to compare observed
data with expected data; and second, the independent sample t-test to compare sample
respondents who returned the completed questionnaires in the first round of the
survey and those who responded in the final round of the survey follow-up, who are
assumed to be similar to those who never responded. Based on the χ
test with key
variables, the results suggest that the two groups of sample respondents are not
significantly different (at 0.05 level of significance).
As shown in Table I, the results suggest that the majority of the sample respondents
are female (59.7 per cent) and are found to be in the so-called Generation X(58.6 per cent
Downloaded by Asian Institute of Technology, Professor Sununta SIENGTHAI At 00:11 12 July 2016 (PT)
are in the 33-47 years age group). In terms of the hotels and resorts category, the
majority of sample respondents (63 respondents, 21.4 per cent) are from four-star
hotels. Most sample respondents attained a bachelors degree (64.1 per cent). Finally,
the majority of the sample respondents have had less than five years of work
experiences in their current position (178 respondents or 60.3 per cent).
4. Results and discussions
4.1 On JC and job satisfaction
Based on factor analysis of JC, the mean value of each variable seems to be high: most
of them are greater than 5. The results of the principal axis factoring extraction and
varimax rotation methods suggest five factors, which strongly confirm the JCM
(Hackman and Oldham, 1976): autonomy, task significance, job feedback, skill variety,
and task identity (see, Table II). The KMO-Bartlett value is 0.917. Factor loadings of
all variables are between 0.499 and 0.752. The Cronbachsαof all variables range from
0.764 to 0.8733. The mean values of variables are between 5.07 and 6.27. The factor
analysis of job satisfaction identifies two factors: motivation factors and hygiene
factors, which strongly confirm Herzbergs two-factor theory (Table III). The
Male 119 40.3
Female 176 59.7
Below 32 years (Gen-Y)
71 24.1
33-47 years (Gen-X) 173 58.6
48-66 years (Baby Boom) 51 17.3
Type of organization
Bank 159 53.9
Hotel and resorts 136 46.1
Hotel and resorts category
5 stars 45 15.3
4 stars 63 21.4
3 stars 28 9.5
Educational attainment
oBachelors degree 25 8.5
Bachelors degree 189 64.1
Masters degree 81 27.5
Years of experience in current position
5 178 60.3
6-10 72 24.4
11-15 20 6.8
16-20 5 1.7
21-25 6 2.0
26-30 3 1.0
W35 3 1.0
Invalid response 8 2.7
Notes: n¼295.
12-32 years old ¼Gen-Y
Table I.
Demographic profile
of sample
Effect of job
redesign and
job satisfaction
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KMO-Bartlett test value is 0.934. The factor loadings of all variables are greater than 0.6.
Cronbachsαof all variables are greater than 0.8, with mean values of each variable
ranging from 5.27 to 6.03.
4.2 Regression results
Table IV provides the means, standard deviation, and correlation matrix of the core
independent variables. It indicates that all variables are statistically and significantly
correlated. Based on the regression analyses (Table V) of three regression models,
Model 1 serves as our base model incorporating all core independent variables: job
redesign, job satisfaction, and the interaction effect term. We recall that this was
hypothesized to influence employee performance. Then, Model 2 is tested with one
control dummy variable (industry sector, banking). In Model 3, a regression was
performed with all core independent variables and all control variables, including
industry, and demographic characteristics of sample respondents. It is unexpectedly
found that job redesign is significantly and inversely related to employee performance,
at the 0.10 level, in all three models. Job satisfaction is, however, found to be
consistently positively and significantly related to employee performance, at the 0.05
Structure Factor loading Mean Items mean αReliability
Factor I: autonomy (Eigenvalue ¼9.315) α¼0.842 5.415 0.8733
Autonomy 0.686 5.40
Autonomous authority 0.562 5.39
Decision 0.651 5.07
Job feedback 0.465 5.75
Colleagues feedback 0.527 5.34
Reveal ideas 0.601 5.54
Job redesign 0.668 5.08
Factor II: task significance (Eigenvalue ¼2.088) 5.866 0.840
Know process 0.482 5.86
Job significant 0.555 5.74
Affect the policy 0.659 5.80
Job value 0.648 6.06
Factor III: job feedback (Eigenvalue ¼1.548) 5.935 0.756
Meeting and appraise 0.505 5.38
Work with co-worker 0.526 6.13
Teamwork 0.612 6.09
Helpful co-workers 0.552 5.87
Trustworthiness 0.536 6.21
Factor IV: skill variety (Eigenvalue ¼1.184) 5.867 0.814
Skill variety 0.594 5.77
Knowledge variety 0.752 5.79
Acquire knowledge 0.629 6.05
Factor V: task identity (Eigenvalue ¼1.021) 5.991 0.764
Technique skill 0.570 5.73
Responsibility 0.642 6.27
Job pride 0.499 5.97
Notes: Extraction method: principal axis factoring; rotation method: varimax with Kaiser normalization.
KMO ¼0.917; BartlettstestSig.¼0.00
Table II.
The confirmatory
factor analysis results
of job characteristics
and mean value
of each factor
Downloaded by Asian Institute of Technology, Professor Sununta SIENGTHAI At 00:11 12 July 2016 (PT)
Construct Variables Factor loading Mean Item means αReliability
Factor I: MFac (5 items) (Eigenvalue ¼1.439) 5.846 0.892
d51 Achievement 0.787 5.813
d52 Recognition 0.828 5.891
d53 The work itself 0.722 5.755
d54 Job receives 0.698 5.810
d55 Career path and advancement 0.555 5.967
Factor II: HFac (9 items) (Eigenvalue ¼7.758) 5.623 0.926
d56 Salary 0.723 5.315
d57 Possibility of growth 0.679 5.423
d58 Subordinate and peer 0.708 5.779
d59 Status (the pride of occupation) 0.628 6.040
d60 Company policy and administration 0.740 5.684
d61 Working conditions 0.623 5.505
d62 Personal life 0.674 5.657
d63 Security 0.723 5.728
d64 Supervision-technical 0.730 5.474
Notes: Extraction method: rotation method: varimax with Kaiser normalization. KMO ¼0.934; Sig. ¼0.00
Table III.
The factor analysis
result of motivation
and mean value of
each variable
Var. Mean SD 1 2 3 4
1. Employee performance (ep2) 5.6599 0.89169 (0.774)
2. Job redesign (r1) 5.4446 1.17388 0.200*** (0.922)
3. Job satisfaction (s1) 5.7031 0.79832 0.643*** 0.385*** (0.937)
4. Job Red. ×Job Sat. (r_s) 31.4102 8.89905 0.447*** 0.898*** 0.733*** 1
Notes: n¼295. Cronbachsαreliabilities in the parenthesis. ***po0.001 level (two-tailed)
Table IV.
Mean, standard
deviation, and
correlations matrix
of the core
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
(Constant) 3.246*** 3.259*** 3.289***
Job redesign (r1) 0.36* 0.338* 0.347*
Job satisfaction (s1) 0.447** 0.434** 0.459**
Job redesign ×job satisfaction (r_s) 0.058* 0.059* 0.058***
Hotel 0.163** 0.155
33-47 years (Gen-X) 0.289*
48-66 years (Baby Boom) 0.253
Male 0.005
Lower than bachelors degree 0.025
Masters degree 0.075
Less than 6 years 0.143
6-10 years 0.061
More than 10 years 0.005
Adjusted R
0.421 0.421 0.427
F70.811 54.546 19.283
Notes: n¼295. Dependent variable ¼EP2. *po0.10; **po0.05; ***po0.01
Table V.
Regression results
on the interaction
effect of job redesign
and job satisfaction
on employee
Effect of job
redesign and
job satisfaction
Downloaded by Asian Institute of Technology, Professor Sununta SIENGTHAI At 00:11 12 July 2016 (PT)
level in all models. Moreover, the interaction effect between job redesign and job
satisfaction is found to be positively and significantly related to employee performance,
at the 0.10 level in Models 1 2 and at the 0.001 level in Model 3. The adjusted R
from 0.421 in Model 1 to 0.427 in Model 3, indicating that the model can significantly
explain the variation in employee performance.
Since the interaction term of job redesign and job satisfaction (r_s) is found to be
significantly positive (i.e. β¼0.058, po0.10), we conducted simple slope test (see, Aiken
and West, 1991; Preacher et al., 2006; Dawson, 2014) to examine the relationship between
the job redesign and employee performance (EP2). The simple slope test reveals that the
effect of job redesign on employee performance is moderated by the job satisfaction level.
We note that the relationship between job redesign and employee performance is
inversely related. The plotted interaction is presented in Figure 1.
5. Discussion
Our empirical results suggest relationships among job redesign, job satisfaction, and
employee performance. The findings (Table V), however, seem to generate unexpected
results. Our regression results reveal that job redesign is significantly but inversely
related to employee performance. This runs counter to the assumption (H1) that job
redesign is positively related to employee performance. Thus, H1 is not supported.
An arguably plausible explanation of this finding suggests that if job redesign is
implemented without due consideration of concerned managerial employees, these
employees may not be satisfied and committed to their redesigned job. Amongst such
experienced managers, whose promoted managerial status presumably derived from
strong performances prior to the job redesign process, a performance deterioration in a
changed environment without consultation may not be altogether surprising. What is
more, the results of Model 3 suggest that age of the sample respondents tends to be
negatively related to employee performance. This seems to suggest that it may be more
difficult to use job redesign for the purpose of performance improvement with
employees in an older age group. Conversely, this may also imply that job redesign
may work more effectively with a younger age group of employees.
In response to H2, we find that job satisfaction is positively and significantly related
to employee performance in all models. Perhaps even more interestingly, the interaction
Low-job redesign
Dependent variable
High-job redesign
High-Job Sat.
Low-Job Sat.
Notes: Dependent variable =EP2; independent
variable =JobRe; and moderator variable= JobSat
Figure 1.
The plot interaction
pattern between
job redesign and
job satisfaction
Downloaded by Asian Institute of Technology, Professor Sununta SIENGTHAI At 00:11 12 July 2016 (PT)
effect (H3) between job redesign and job satisfaction is found to be positively and
significantly related to employee performance. However, we note that the beta
coefficients of job satisfaction ( JS) are much higher than those of the job redesign ( JR)
and the interaction effect variable (r_s). In addition, job satisfaction positively
moderates the impact of job redesign on employee performance, as suggested by the
positive effect of the interaction variable. Further interpretations of the relationship
between job redesign and job satisfaction may be warranted.
Our finding on the interaction effect suggests a positive relationship between these
two independent variables and employee performance. To some extent, this supports
findings by other researchers such as Hadi and Adil (2010) who investigated the
interaction effect of JC and work motivation to predict bank employee performance in
Pakistan. Morgeson et al. (2006) assert that the positive effect of redesigning work is
related to the nature of work, driven predominantly by task characteristics (work
scheduling autonomy, decision-making autonomy, work methods autonomy, task
variety, significance, task identity, and feedback related to the job) that are related to
job satisfaction. Furthermore, knowledge characteristics ( job complexity, information
processing requirements, problem solving, and skill variety) are found to be related to
job satisfaction. Thus, a knowledge-based job redesign that enhances employee job
satisfaction can enhance employee performance.
In more generic terms and in the spirit of participative decision-making, we suggest
that involvement and consultation matters. Amongst middle-level managers, this
arguably matters even more, because their enhanced job satisfaction can be utilised to
oversee others under their supervision and achieve the efficiency and effectiveness in
redesigned job goals.
6. Conclusion, managerial implications, and future work
6.1 Conclusion and managerial implications
In this study, we aim to contribute to the literature on job design and employee
performance. We hypothesized an effect of job redesign on employee performance and
considered a possible joint interaction effect of job redesign and job satisfaction on
employee performance. As the analysis was deemed to be particularly meaningful to
the service sector, which is growing rapidly in ASEAN, we chose the hotel, resort, and
banking sectors of Thailand as our evidence-based study context.
Our sample was composed of middle-level managers. This design provided a different
focus compared with previous studies that focused largely on general employees. Thus,
our managerial implications provide powerful lessons for top management when
supporting middle-level managers in the change process. Based on the statistical analyses
of 295 sample respondents who are middle-level managers in the chosen industry sectors,
we uncover that job redesign itself is inversely related to employee performance.
We suggest that employee performance can only be improved if the job redesign process
is implemented in such a way that affected employees experience a notable degree of job
satisfaction. We speculate that this, in turn, means that in the process of job redesign
implementation, concerned employees should be involved in the change process. Griffin
(1991) concurs when investigating the long-term effects of work redesign on employee
perception, reporting on the crucial role of attitudes (such as job satisfaction and
commitment) and behaviour. It follows that in change management, job redesign can be
utilised as a method to improve performance. However, if job redesign is implemented
without the involvement of concerned employees, it is unlikely that employees will
experience a job satisfaction boost in the process. To this end, the outcome of changes in
Effect of job
redesign and
job satisfaction
Downloaded by Asian Institute of Technology, Professor Sununta SIENGTHAI At 00:11 12 July 2016 (PT)
JC will be negatively related to employee performance, as evidenced in this study. It is
therefore very important for managers to involve employees (Gyan-Baffour, 1999; Wade
and Parent, 2002) in the process of work or job redesign, and in such a manner that
employees feel satisfied and committed to the change process. Positive performance
outcomes can be expected as a consequence.
Job redesign is a conceivable way to mobilize employee performance through the
interaction with job satisfaction. We deduce that job satisfaction could be a key link to
employee performance mobilization. To this end, we suggest that prior to an
implemented job redesign, the organizational HR function should provide relevant
support endeavours that will increase employee job satisfaction (i.e. training, coaching,
etc.). In addition, and crucially, any job redesign requires an underpinning of
involvement and consultation with concerned employees. Organizational
communication can be an important facet in this scenario, enhancing employee
psychological commitment towards an effective job redesign. After all, a committed
relationship between employee and manager influences performance (Buble et al., 2014;
Białas and Morska w Gdyni, 2009; Sawyerr et al., 2009).
6.2 Limitation of the study and future work
We recognize a number of limitations in our study. The analysis of cross-sectional data
limits causality claims to mere inferences rather than scientific proof. In the banking
sector, the questionnaires were distributed by the head office, which compromises
assumptions of random sampling of our survey for this sector. We also note that
employee performance in this study is concerned with in-role performance as task
performance only. Job performance can, of course, be categorized by two dimensions:
in-role (task) performance and extra-role (contextual) performance (Conway, 1999).
In-role performance refers to individual behaviour that performs the duties required by
the job (Christian et al., 2011) whereas extra-role performance points at behaviour
outside role expectations, also often termed organizational citizenship behaviour (Zhu,
2013). An investigation of extra-role performance enhancement would be a worthwhile
endeavour. Finally, due to time and budget constraints, we were unable to cover
broader contexts or extend our analysis to alternate business sectors in the service (and
non-service) industries. Future studies may wish to narrow this gap.
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Variables Items
c26 Does your job require you using a variety of skill and ability?
c27 Your job requires you to know many things in organization
c28 Your job require you often to acquire knowledge
c29 Your job requires you to use techniques, skills, and high-level skills
c30 Does your job involve a complete piece of work that has an obvious beginning and end?
c31 Your job requires high responsibility
c32 Your job is giving up to be a pride for you (reverse coding)
c33 Your job requires you to do an entire piece of work from beginning to end
c34 How significant is your job? Does your job significantly effect on work life of other people?
c35 Your job has obviously significant impact on policy or organization
c36 Your job is a worthy job in itself
c37 Your job is significant to coordinate with other division
c38 How much autonomy and decision on your own is there in your job?
c39 Your job requires you to listen to other ideas
c40 Your job requires high-autonomous authority
c41 You are a top decision-maker in your job or your team
c42 Does your job style or job itself let you know feedback about your work performance?
c43 Do your managers or colleagues let you know feedback about your job?
c44 Your job requires you to disclose your idea
c45 Your job require intermittently meeting, sharing, or evaluating
c46 Your job can redesign by own job
c47 Does your Job require you to work closely with other people?
c48 Your job require you to do in teamwork
c49 Your job give your opportunity to helps other people while you doing a job
c50 Your job require you to trust your colleagues
d51 How satisfied are you with your personal jobs achievement?
d52 How satisfied are you with the recognition and the feeling of worthwhile accomplishment
you got from doing your job?
d53 How satisfied are you with the level of challenging in your job. The work itself gives
opportunity to use creativity or do the job at beginning and end by you?
d54 How satisfied are you with your job that receives to assign?
d55 Do you understand your career path and your advancement well?
d56 How satisfied are you with your salary welfare and benefit?
d57 How satisfied are you with your possibility of growth that you gain from your job?
d58 How satisfied are you with the relationship level with your subordinate and peers?
d59 How satisfied are you with the pride in your occupation and the feeling of yourhonourable job?
d60 How satisfied are you with company policy and administration?
d61 How satisfied are you with working environment, work equipment, etc.?
d62 Does your job make your happy life or make your family life to be happy?
d63 How satisfied are you with the job security for the future?
d64 How satisfied are you with fair treatment that you receive from your manager?
b21 Organization success in HCI?
b23 Apply knowledge to add value to my job?
b25 Improve my job operation?
Notes: EP, employee performance; JobRe, job redesign; JobSat, job satisfaction
Table AI.
Descriptions of
the variables, items,
and coding
Effect of job
redesign and
job satisfaction
Downloaded by Asian Institute of Technology, Professor Sununta SIENGTHAI At 00:11 12 July 2016 (PT)
Initial Eigenvalues Extraction sums of squared loadings
Component Total % of variance Cumulative % Total % of variance Cumulative %
1 23.121 28.196 28.196 23.121 28.196 28.196
2 8.379 10.219 38.415 8.379 10.219 38.415
3 5.157 6.289 44.704 5.157 6.289 44.704
4 3.778 4.607 49.311 3.778 4.607 49.311
5 3.436 4.190 53.502 3.436 4.190 53.502
6 2.710 3.304 56.806 2.710 3.304 56.806
7 1.921 2.342 59.148 1.921 2.342 59.148
8 1.656 2.020 61.168 1.656 2.020 61.168
9 1.505 1.835 63.003 1.505 1.835 63.003
10 1.366 1.666 64.669 1.366 1.666 64.669
11 1.314 1.603 66.272 1.314 1.603 66.272
12 1.235 1.506 67.778 1.235 1.506 67.778
13 1.220 1.488 69.266 1.220 1.488 69.266
14 1.164 1.419 70.685 1.164 1.419 70.685
15 1.059 1.291 71.976 1.059 1.291 71.976
16 1.008 1.229 73.206 1.008 1.229 73.206
17 0.978 1.193 74.398
82 0.027 0.034 100.000
Notes: CFA, Eigenvalues greater than 1. Extraction method: principal component analysis
Table AII.
Harmans single
factor test
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Downloaded by Asian Institute of Technology, Professor Sununta SIENGTHAI At 00:11 12 July 2016 (PT)
... Based on Siengthai and Pila-Ngarm (2016), job satisfaction has a positive effect on employee performance because job satisfaction is a positive emotional experience and feeling of an employee in carrying out his work, which can affect his productivity, creativity, and commitment to work which will then influence on employee job satisfaction. In addition, because job satisfaction is related to a person's emotional condition, job satisfaction can impact matters related to employee behavior. ...
... The results show a significant positive effect between job satisfaction and employee performance. Siengthai and Pila-Ngarm (2016) supported it, which indicates a significant positive effect between job satisfaction and employee performance. It indicates a significant influence between high job satisfaction and high employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic for employees in Surabaya. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has been also impacting employees’ work-life. This study examined the effect of work-life balance on employee performance through employee engagement and job satisfaction as intermediate variables. It was quantitative research and used a non-probability sampling method. Data was collected through a questionnaire with 210 responses, and 207 were processed using SmartPLS. The results showed that work-life balance had no significant effect on employee performance. In contrast, the intermediate variables like employee engagement and job satisfaction significantly influenced employee performance. Likewise, the indirect impact of work-life balance on employee performance through employee engagement and job satisfaction had a significant effect.
... Sabil (2021) and Astuti and Amalia (2021) revealed that job satisfaction significantly affects performance, moderated by organizational commitment and psychological capital. Lastly, Siengthai and Pila-Ngarm (2016) noted that while job redesign may inversely affect performance, job satisfaction remains a positive factor. These studies collectively support the view that job satisfaction is a key driver of employee performance. ...
... According to Astuti and Amalia (2021), psychological capital modifies the link between work happiness and performance, which is mediated by organisational commitment. Finally, research by Siengthai and Pila-Ngarm (2016) revealed that performance is positively impacted by job redesign but negatively by work satisfaction. The premise that work happiness has a favourable influence on employee performance in South Sudan's private commercial banks is supported by this extensive body of research. ...
This study investigates the impact of Training and Development (TD) programs on Job Satisfaction (JOS) and Employee Performance (EP) within private commercial banks in South Sudan. Utilizing a quantitative research design, data were collected from 397 employees through a structured questionnaire. The analysis, performed using Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM), reveals that TD programs significantly enhance job satisfaction, with a direct effect of 1.912 on EP and an indirect effect of 0.753 through JOS. The results highlight that job satisfaction mediates the relationship between TD and EP, demonstrating that effective training not only boosts job satisfaction but also improves employee performance. Specifically, a one-unit increase in TD leads to a total effect of 2.665 units increase in EP, combining direct and mediated pathways. These findings underscore the critical role of training programs in enhancing employee outcomes and organizational performance. The study provides practical insights for managers, recommending ongoing investment in training initiatives to foster better job satisfaction and performance. Theoretical contributions include refining existing models on training and organizational behavior. Limitations of the study include its focus on a single sector and reliance on self-reported data. Future research should explore additional variables, longitudinal designs, and broader contexts to improve the generalizability and depth of the findings.
... Workers who have high job satisfaction are likely to display a great work passion and positive perspectives toward their career development at the current firms (Riyanto et al., 2021). These positive behaviors can enhance workers to commit working for both personal and organizational achievements (Siengthai and Pila-Ngarm, 2016). Research reveals that work productivities increase significantly when workers are happy with their jobs (Latifah et al., 2024). ...
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Purpose To help banks maintain competitive advantages, bank workers must develop superior financial products and services that meet customers’ needs and expectations, and developing customer service quality also merits closer attention. Research emphasizes that developing customer service quality has direct associations with not only individual career growth and development but also customer satisfaction, loyalty, retention. Thus, this research aims to explore how bank workers develop their customer service quality by investigating side effects (stress and satisfaction) on work attitudes (organizational commitment and employee performance) along with work experience acting as moderators (1) between organizational commitment and customer service quality and (2) between employee performance and customer service quality. Design/methodology/approach Researchers collected data from 650 Cambodian bank workers via a survey questionnaire. A path analysis technique was used to analyze the data. Findings Results revealed that bank commitment was significantly influenced by stress and satisfaction. Next, employee performance was significantly influenced by bank commitment, stress and satisfaction. Meanwhile, customer service quality was significantly influenced by bank commitment and employee performance. Finally, work experience moderated both relationships (1) between bank commitment and customer service quality and (2) between employee performance and customer service quality. Originality/value Although significant side effects of stress and satisfaction on worker behavior in various industries, not my researchers have investigated how side effects of stress and satisfaction influence work attitudes (commitment and performance) which develop customer service quality in banking industry, along with work experience as a moderator.
... Job satisfaction is indicated by an assessment of the comparison between expectations and reality, and high satisfaction can encourage work. This is also supported by research conducted by Siengthai & Pila-Ngarm (2016) that reasonable job satisfaction will provide good employee performance. ...
The plantation industry plays an essential role in national development, especially in the regional sector, absorbing labor and increasing income. Therefore it is essential to improve the existing human resources in the company. This study aims to determine the effect of Human Capital Management, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Performance. This research is descriptive verification research by distributing questionnaires to 122 employees at PTPN IX Semarang. This test is carried out using path analysis. The results of the analysis of the research show that Human Capital Management influences job satisfaction with a path coefficient value of 0.745. Then the job satisfaction variable influences employee performance with a path coefficient value of 0.721. Based on the calculated Z value of 7.256, it explains that Human Capital Management influences employee performance at PTPN IX Semarang through job satisfaction.
... Menurut Millenia (2022), karyawan yang memiliki kepuasan kerja tinggi juga dilihat lebih produktif dan memperhatikan kualitas kerjanya. Tamu yang merasa puas dengan pekerjaannya akan menunjukkan kinerja yang baik (Siengthai & Pila-Ngarm, 2016). Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan Manggarani (2018) kepuasan karyawan memiliki pengaruh pada kepuasan pelanggan, semakin tinggi kepuasan karyawan makan semakin tinggi kepuasan pelanggan. ...
Demi meningkatkan daya saing dan mencapai tujuan perusahaan, sumber daya manusia harus memiliki perilaku tambahan yang dikenal sebagai Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Tingkat Organizational Citizenship Behaviorpada suatu perusahaan dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, seperti kepuasan karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Populasi menggunakan karyawan yang bekerja di The Westin Resort & Spa Ubud, Bali sebanyak 120 karyawan dengan menggunakan teknik sampel jenuh. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior, dimana diperoleh nilai regresi sebesar 0,607, nilai thitung 8,555 > 1,981 dan nilai signifikansi 0,001 < 0,05. Besarnya pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior adalah sebesar 38,3%. Peneliti menyarankan agar pemimpin The Westin Resort & Spa Ubud, Bali meningkatkan kerjasama antar karyawan melalui pembentukan tim untuk memperkuat hubungan interpersonal dan membangun kepercayaan, memberikan penghargaan kepada karyawan berprestasi dan melakukan evaluasi berkala.
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Abstract: The research aims to clarify the nature of the banking human resources management information system, as well as to introduce the concept of redesigning jobs in banking organizations, in addition to determining the frameworks of the relationship of correlation and influence between the two variables in the Iraqi banking sector in order to identify a number of means that can be adopted by banking departments in order to build an integrated business model linking the outputs of information systems and their adoption in the process of scientific and systematic redesign of jobs and highlights the importance of the study by addressing important administrative topics added To the literature of administrative sciences, in particular the banking human resources information system and the element of redesigning banking functions, and a sample The study with (83) respondents in (4) private banks in Baghdad and the opinions of the sample were polled through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose and conducted statistical treatments according to the program (SPSS) and a research came out with a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a high impact relationship to the level of development and performance of the human resources information system in redesigning jobs and one of the most important recommendations of the study is the need for the various banking departments, whether operational or supportive, to accurately determine their needs from the various disciplines so that the human resources department in banks can reach To harmonize the job with the specifications of the incumbent and through the use of methods in redesigning jobs in a scientific manner, specifically when using the method of job characteristics
Purpose This study examines the mediating role of three psychological contingent factors: collegiality, creativity, and job satisfaction, on the relationship between management control system (MCS) implementation and performance of study programs in higher education institutions (HEIs). This study also examines the impact of contingent factors from organizational aspects such as HEI types, lecturer’s age, experience and qualifications. Design/methodology/approach This study uses a survey method with 581 permanent lecturers who were subjected to MCS at HIEs as respondents. A partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach, with mediation analysis, is used to test the proposed hypotheses. Findings The results show that the implementation of MCSs, in both public and private HEIs, from the output and behavioral control dimensions is positively associated with the performance of the study programs, but input control is not. Additionally, creativity and job satisfaction are positively associated with the performance of the study programs, but not for collegiality. From the mediation analyses, creativity and job satisfaction mediate the relationship of all dimensions of MCS in relation to performance, except for one, namely, creativity does not mediate the relationship between behavioral control and performance. The analysis, however, reveals that collegiality does not mediate the relationship between all MCS dimensions and performance. The results of the multigroup analysis on different HEI types (public vs private) and demographic factors are discussed further. Practical implications The study’s findings offer valuable guidance for authorities on designing MCS models to enhance HEI study program performance. It highlights seven key contingent factors to consider: collegiality, creativity, job satisfaction, HEI type, age, experience and educational qualifications. Originality/value This study addresses the research gap related to the design of MCS in HEIs, and the inconsistencies of their role in performance by examining the influence of seven contingent factors addressed in prior literature. By so doing, this study provides new insights into the impact of collegiality, creativity, job satisfaction, different HEIs types (public vs private), age, experience and educational qualifications on the relationship between MCS implementation and performance of HEIs.
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This research aims to examine the significance of the influence of compensation, work discipline and job satisfaction on employee performance (case study on PT Rumpun Sari Kemuning, Ngargoyoso District, Karanganyar Regency). This form of research is a survey. The population in this research is 300 employees. The sample in this research was 75 labor employees obtained from the Slovin Formula. The sample sampling method uses random sampling techniques. This research uses a descriptive data analysis method, and is analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The data collection strategy uses questionnaires. The findings show that compensation, work discipline and job satisfaction have a significant effect on the performance of PT Rumpun Sari Kemuning employees.
The present study aims to examine the factors of work culture, work ethics, and work satisfaction that affect employee performance during pandemics, based on which study will draw some recommendations for the organizations to frame an appropriate pandemic model of HRM. The study is based on secondary data: the literature review done with the help of journals, books, and articles. The results suggest that other than innovation, the changes done to all other factors had negatively affected employee performance. Instead of focusing on a particular pandemic situation, the study collectively contributes to all the referred past pandemics scenarios. Moreover, the factors of work culture, work ethics, and work satisfaction are the three most crucial elements of an organization that have not been studied together, having implications on employee's performance during pandemic circumstances.
This research delves into the impact of AI accounting systems on workforce productivity and job satisfaction within the Bahraini marketplace. A comprehensive study involving 50 active participants revealed a substantial 88% awareness of AI accounting system implementation within their organizations. Employing descriptive statistical tests, the authors confirmed the alternative hypothesis, indicating a statistically significant influence of AI accounting systems on both workforce productivity and job satisfaction. The results illuminate a compelling relationship, emphasizing the positive outcomes associated with the adoption of AI accounting systems in the realms of workforce productivity and job satisfaction. This study contributes valuable insights into the transformative effects of AI technologies in the workplace, particularly within the specific context of Bahrain.
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Cross-sectional studies of attitude-behavior relationships are vulnerable to the inflation of correlations by common method variance (CMV). Here, a model is presented that allows partial correlation analysis to adjust the observed correlations for CMV contamination and determine if conclusions about the statistical and practical significance of a predictor have been influenced by the presence of CMV. This method also suggests procedures for designing questionnaires to increase the precision of this adjustment.
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Behavior, as a variable, has caused widespread concerns in various disciplines. Based on different perspectives, different disciplines define it differently. Based on the different interpretations of behavior in various disciplines, this research defines the individual behavior of the employee as “a series of dynamic reactions of the employee, as a member of the organization, to the internal and the external environmental stimulates”. On the basis of previous studies, this research tries to abstract and integrate the individual behavior of the employee and concludes that the behavior of the employee, as the member of the organization, can be divided into two types, i.e. the in-role behavior and the extra-role behavior.
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The purpose of this research was to study both direct and indirect influences of factors of job characteristics, personality characteristic, and job satisfaction with work adjustment of new graduates. The research sample consisted of 310 new graduates of Rajamangala UniversityofTechnology Thanyaburi. The employed research instrument was a questionnaire with 5-level rating scales. Statistics for data analysis were the confirmation factor analysis, and structural equation model. Research findings were as follows: The results showed that the personality characteristics and job satisfaction factors showed direct effect to work adjustment factor and then also showed that the personality characteristics had indirect effect to work adjustment though job satisfaction affected statistical significant. The overall factors as stated above could forecast the work adjustment with an accuracy of 40 percent. Consequently, the Structural Equation Model was tested who the researcher as the best fits model with empirical data.
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This paper aims to examine the job satisfaction on job performance of factory employees in the Sri Lankan large apparel sector. It had been previously reported that job satisfaction had a significant relationship with the job performance of employees in various business sectors. In view of the importance of the apparel sector in the economic development of Sri Lanka, hence the focus of this study is to analyze the effect of job satisfaction on job performance of factory employees in 17 apparel firms situated in free trade zones. A self developed questionnaire was used to collect data. A total of 383 questionnaires were distributed among respondents and 322 usable questionnaires were returned, yielding a response rate of 84%. The data was analyzed by using descriptive analysis and structural equation methods. The findings show that job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on job performance.
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The Job Characteristics Model is widely accepted as a conceptual tool for addressing problems related to employee demotivation, dissatisfaction and marginal performance. The validity of the Job Characteristics Model (Hackman & Oldham, 1980) was assessed by reviewing relevant studies of the model. The review and evaluation is based on studies which test the variables and the relationships between variables as contained in the model. The evidence confirms that the dimensionality of the job characteristics is best represented by the five-factor solution as proposed by the model. The subjective self-report measures of the five job characteristics as formulated by the theory and measured by the revised Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) are also supported. No evidence was found for the multiplicative Motivating Potential Score (MPS) and as a result the use of a simple additive index of job complexity is recommended as predictor of personal and work outcomes. Strong empirical support exists for the relationships between the job characteristics and the personal outcomes. Strong relationships between the job characteristics and the work outcomes, however, fail to materialize. Results fail to support the mediating effect of psychological states on the job characteristics/outcomes relationships as specified by the model. The postulated relationships between job characteristics and psychological states are also not confirmed by empirical evidence. The role of growth-need strength, knowledge and skill, and work environment characteristics as moderators of the relationships between job characteristics and psychological states, as well as the relationships between psychological states and personal and work outcomes, are seriously questioned. Directions for future research on the Job Characteristics Model and the attendant Job Diagnostic Survey are proposed.
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Job performance refers to how effective employees are in accomplishing their tasks and responsibilities related to direct patient care. Improving the performance of employees has been a topic of great interest to practitioners as well as researchers. The aim of the study is to analysis the impacts of job performance level on nurses' performance working in public hospitals. In order to achieve the study objective, a survey conducted. Questionnaires distributed to the public sector hospital's manager in Saudi Arabia. The findings of the study turn out to be true; the study will contribute to both theory and practice. Through the present study, the researcher expects the findings to shed light on the research conducted regression to analysis the impacts of job performance level on nurses' in public sector hospitals in Saudi Arabia.
The relationship between leadership styles, which managers practice, and their motivation, which drives them in accomplishing their organizational goals, is analyzed in this paper. For this purpose, on the sample of 40 Croatian managers, it is determined which is the dominant leadership style (by using the Likert's system) and to which degree it is applied at a particular management level. Subsequently, in accordance with Herzberg's two factor theory, the motivational influence on particular leadership style, considering management level, is being analyzed from the aspect of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
Interest in the problem of method biases has a long history in the behavioral sciences. Despite this, a comprehensive summary of the potential sources of method biases and how to control for them does not exist. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine the extent to which method biases influence behavioral research results, identify potential sources of method biases, discuss the cognitive processes through which method biases influence responses to measures, evaluate the many different procedural and statistical techniques that can be used to control method biases, and provide recommendations for how to select appropriate procedural and statistical remedies for different types of research settings.