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Abstract and Figures

The absorbable polyacid is one of the most used and studied materials in tissue engineering. This work synthesized a poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) through ring-opening polymerization and produced with it nanofibers by the electrospinning process. The PLLA was analyzed by FTIR and its cytotoxicity was evaluated by the MTT assay and Live/Dead® (Molecular Probes). The tests were performed in contact with human mesenchymal cells at varying times. The high rates of viability and proliferation of cells in contact with the PLLA shown by MTT and Live/Dead® tests demonstrate that this PLLA is a biocompatible material. There was also the successful production of electrospinning nanofibers, which can be converted for specific biomedical applications in the future.
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Procedia CIRP 49 ( 2016 ) 213 221
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2212-8271 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientifi c committee of The Second CIRP Conference on Biomanufacturing
doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2015.11.019
The Second CIRP Conference on Biomanufacturing
PLLA Synthesis and Nanofibers production: Viability by Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell from
Adipose Tissue
Xavier, M.V.1 *, Macedo, M.F.1,4, Benatti, A. C. B.1,5 , Jardini, A.L. 1,2 , Rodrigues A.A. 1,2, Lopes
M.S.1,2, Lambert C.S.1,2, Filho, R.M. 1,2 , Kharmandayan, P. 1,5
1 Institute of Biofabrication - School of Chemical Engineering, University of Campinas, CEP 13081-970, Campinas-SP, Brazil
2 School of Chemical Engineering, University of Campinas, CEP 13081-970, Campinas-SP, Brazil
3 - Institute of Physics “Gleb Wataghin”, Departament of Applied Physics, University of Campinas, CEP 13083-859, Campinas-SP, Brazil
4 School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Campinas, CEP 13083-860, Campinas SP, Brazil
5 - School of Medical Sciences, Surgery Department, University of Campinas, CEP 13083-970, Campinas-SP, Brazil
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 19 4108-0014; fax: +55 19 3521-3965. E-mail address:
The absorbable polyacid is one of the most used and studied materials in tissue engineering. This work synthesized a
poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) through ring-opening polymerization and produced with it nanofibers by the
electrospinning process. The PLLA was analyzed by FTIR and its cytotoxicity was evaluated by the MTT assay and
Live/Dead® (Molecular Probes). The tests were performed in contact with human mesenchymal cells at varying times.
The high rates of viability and proliferation of cells in contact with the PLLA shown by MTT and Live/Dead® tests
demonstrate that this PLLA is a biocompatible material. There was also the successful production of electrospinning
nanofibers, which can be converted for specific biomedical applications in the future.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of The Second CIRP Conference on Biomanufacturing.
Keywords: biomaterials; material synthesis; PLLA; cell culture; MTT test; tissue-engineering; biofabrication.
1. Introduction:
For the past few years, there had been a growing interest in
biomaterials and tissue engineering. This interest is a result of
the indispensable role of those in the medical field.
Biomaterials are biocompatible and bioactive, with the intent
to interact with biological systems, as well as restore functions
of living tissues and organs on human or animal individuals [1-
The polymers compose a very broad class of biomaterials, and
there had been development in the biomedical field for use of
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientifi c committee of The Second CIRP Conference on Biomanufacturing
214 M.V. Xavier et al. / Procedia CIRP 49 ( 2016 ) 213 – 221
those polymeric materials. These biomaterials must show
appropriate mechanical properties as well as be biocompatible,
to be used in the human body. Thus they shouldn´t present any
local or systemic adverse biological response. The material
should be then non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, non-antigenic and
non-mutagenic. In blood applications, they must also be non-
thrombogenic [5].
The assigning of biomaterials appropriate for the development
of implants requires meeting certain criteria, so that its effects
on the surrounding tissues are decreased. The most pertinent
variables should be studied in detail, such as biocompatibility,
biodegradability, bioabsorbable capacity, degradation rate,
surface finish (pore diameter and porosity), etc. [6].
Biomaterials may show a low, medium or high plausible risk
to human safety, conditional on the kind and length of patient
contact with it. One of the suggested and appropriate steps for
the biological assessment of the medical devices is the in vitro
measurement of the cytotoxicity of the biomaterial [7].
Cytotoxicity assays are essential for biocompatibility analysis
of a biomaterial. These tests will be determined the cytotoxicity
effect of the material, depending on the time and contact of it
with the body, blood, bone and other tissues [8]. Therefore, the
in vitro cytotoxicity evaluation of biomaterials is an important
aspect in the research for tissue engineering.
Nowadays, many biomaterials are used in the medical area. We
can find bioabsorbable screws and pins, biodegradable
peripheral stents and suture materials. Frequently these
materials are made of poly(L-Lactide) (PLLA) and others
compounds which contains that polymer.
Polylactides in overall and in specific poly (L-lactide) (PLLA)
may be seen as second-generation biomaterials[1-4]. Different
variants of temporary devices have been used in the medical
field, and the most used are polyesters composed of derivatives
of α-hydroxy acids such as poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA), poly
(D-lactic acid) (PDLA), poly (DL-lactic acid) (PDLLA), poly
(glycolic acid) (PGA) and polycaprolactone (PCL). The
polymer is degraded through simple hydrolysis, breaking the
molecule into small units, and so its products can then be
eliminated from the body through natural metabolic pathways,
such as citric acid cycle, or through renal excretion [9]. The
hydrolysis initially promotes the fall of the molar mass, mainly
in the amorphous regions. As the water diffuses into the device
and fragmentation occurs to decrease in mechanical strength
and further reduced weight due to hydrolysis and enzymatic
attack [10].Thus, no surgical removal of the materials is
necessary and over the time, the new tissue can be shaped
substituting the mechanical purpose of the implant itself.
PLLA has gained great attention because of its excellent
biocompatibility and mechanical properties. It also presents a
diversification of applications, since simple changes in their
physical and chemical structure may make it useful in different
areas. Depending on your application and your final
destination, you can get different products using specific
polymerization routes. However, its long degradation times
coupled with the high crystallinity of its fragments can cause
inflammatory reactions in the body. In order to overcome this,
PLLA can be used as a material combination of L-lactic and D,
L-lactic acid monomers, being the latter rapidly degraded
without formation of crystalline fragments during this process
Prior works done by our group [12, 13] have shown that the
PLLA can be obtained using different routes (Figure 1). In
general, there are three methods that can be used to produce
high molecular mass PLLA of about 100,000 Daltons: (a)
direct condensation polymerization; (b) azeotropic dehydrative
condensation and (c) polymerization through lactide formation,
the ring-opening polymerization [14]. Currently, direct
condensation and ring-opening polymerization are the most
used production techniques.
Figure 1. PLLA different synthesis methods [14]
While there are different ways to manufacture PLLA, its
production is not an easy task. The synthesis of PLLA demands
severe control of conditions such as temperature, pressure and
pH, just as well as the use of catalysts and long polymerization
time, which lead to a high-energy consumption to achieve the
final product.
PLLA not only is a biodegradable and biocompatible material,
it also presents a mechanical response similar to collagen, as
well as a semi crystalline structure, with an excellent elastic
capacity, characteristics that makes the polymer a perfect
candidate for electrospinning [15-18]. Electrospinning of
polymer solutions has been extensively used in the last few
years to produce polymeric fibers of Nano-dimensions [19].
The electrospinning fibers have exceptional properties due to
the biomimetic features dwelling on the fiber diameter, with
less than 1000 nanometers in diameter, in the Nano range as
M.V. Xavier et al. / Procedia CIRP 49 ( 2016 ) 213 – 221
well as due to the high surface area/volume ratio [20]. In the
electrospinning process, a capillary tube or syringe and a
metallic electrode are used, associated to a grounded high
voltage supply in the polymeric solution. An electrical tension
is applied and when the electrostatic forces overcome the
solution's surface tension, the hemispherical surface of the
capillary's drop (Taylor's cone) elongates and an electrically
charged jet of polymeric solution is generated. During the jet's
trajectory to the collector, the solvent evaporates; thus solid
nanofibers are formed and collected in the form of non-woven
mats on the metallic collector. The variables of this process are
many: solutions concentration (which determines the solutions
viscosity), solvent type, applied electrical field, ionic salts
addition (which can increase the solution's electrical
conductivity), flow rate, temperature and others [19]. This
work will present evidence about the properties and synthesis
of PLLA scaffolds and nanofibers, as well as evaluate the
biocompatibility of it, through cytotoxicity assays.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Poly-lactic acid synthesis
The synthesis of PLLA was conducted by bulk polymerization
by adding L-lactide monomer into a glass reactor containing
the catalyst Sn (Oct) 2 (Sigma). The proportion
monomer/catalyst was 0.5%. The mixture was immersed in an
oil bath at 140°C for 2 hours under nitrogen flow. The produced
polymer was dissolved in chloroform, CHCl3 (Merck),
precipitated in ethyl alcohol and dried in a vacuum oven at
60°C for 12 hours.
2.2 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
The functional groups of the produced PLLA were analyzed by
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and
paralleled with standard commercial polymer, PLLA
(PURAC). The samples were evaluated by ATR accessory
SMART mode OMNI-SAMPLER in an infrared Fourier
transform spectrometer Thermo Scientific Nicolet 6700. The
spectra were analyzed in the mid-infrared range 4000-675cm-1,
obtained from the intensities absorption bands of molecules
expressed in transmittance.
2.3 Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose
The human adipose tissue was obtained by liposuction
procedure. It was washed with phosphate-buffered saline
(PBS) to remove any connective tissue and red blood cells
present. The adipose tissue was added to a 50-ml Falcon tube,
followed by digestion for 30 minutes at 37 °C with 20 mg
collagenase type 1A (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, EUA), 200 mg of
bovine serum albumin (BSA), 20 ml of Dulbecco's Modified
Eagle's Medium Low Glucose (DMEM-LG) and 10 μl of
gentamicin. After tissue digestion, 10 ml of fetal bovine serum
(FBS) was added to neutralize the enzymatic activity, and the
cells were centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 15 minutes, resuspended
in 10 ml DMEM with 10% FBS, seeded into culture plate and
incubated at 37 °C with 5% atmospheric CO2. After 24 hours,
the medium was changed every three days until the cells
reached 70% of confluence. After four passages, the Adipose
tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) (1x103 cells/ml) were
characterized and seeded into a 96-well plate and incubated
with DMEM-LG containing 10% FBS at 37 °C for 24 hours.
2.4 MTT test for cytotoxicity evaluation
The PLLA samples (2mm x 5 mm) were incubated with the
ADSCs for 24 hours. DMEM-LG containing 0.5% phenol was
used as the positive control for toxicity (CT+), whereas
DMEM-LG containing 10% FBS was used as the negative
control for toxicity (CT-). The cells were cultured for 24, 48
and 72 hours.
The modified MOSMANN method [21] was chosen to perform
the MTT assay. After the chosen incubation time, the scaffolds
were removed, and the wells were washed with 200 µl of PBS
and 200 µl of DMEM-LG. Next, 200 µl of thiazolyl blue
tetrazolium bromide solution (MTT, Sigma) in DMEM-LG
(0,5 mg/ml) was added, and the plate was incubated in the dark
for 4 hours at 37 °C. The MTT solution was withdrawn, and
200 µl of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) was added to
determine the absorbance values, at an absorption curve of λ=
595 nm (FilterMax F5 Multi-Mode Microplate reader,
Molecular Probes).
The absorbance values of the results were expressed as optical
density (OD) as the mean ± standard deviation. The comparison
between the values was made with the method Least
Significance Difference (LSD) test of Fisher and parametric
data analysis One-way ANOVA. Analysis with p <0.05 were
considered significant. Analyzes were performed using
StatView software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
2.5 Viability by Live/Dead®
A Live/Dead fluorescence assay kit (Molecular Probes) was
used to qualify the ADSC viability. In a qualitative test for
biocompatibility Live Dead®. The cells were seeded (3 x 106
cells/ml) into a 96-well plate and incubated with DMEM-LG
containing 10% FBS at 37 °C for 24 h. After this period, the
PLLA scaffolds (2mm x 5 mm) were incubated with the cells
for 24 h. A Live/Dead fluorescence assay kit (Molecular
Probes) was used to qualify the cells viability. After 24 h, the
cells were washed with 200 µl of PBS and treated with a
solution of Calcein AM and Ethidium homodimer-1 according
to the manufacturer’s instructions. The cells were incubated at
37 °C for 30 min and then washed and maintained in PBS. The
216 M.V. Xavier et al. / Procedia CIRP 49 ( 2016 ) 213 – 221
cells were observed by inverted fluorescence microscopy
(Nikon E800) with a specific program (Image Pro-Plus
2.6 Electrospinning process
For the production of the PLLA nanofibers, the polymer was
dissolved with acetone and chloroform. The solution was then
loaded in a 10ml syringe, connected to a polyamide cylinder,
attached to a 0,7mm hypodermic needle as a nozzle. The flow
rate of the jet (8ml/h) was managed using a syringe pump. To
charge the solution, a 15kV high voltage power-source was
used. The distance between the needle and the collector plate
was of 17cm. Meaning to enhance the experimental settings, a
default electrospinning setup was used as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Diagram of the Electrospinning apparatus 1. Metallic Target;
2.Needle; 3.Nanowire; 6.Nanofiber mat; 7, Syringe Infuser;
8.Polymer; 9.High Voltage Source.
2.7 PLLA nanofiber morphology
To analyze the nanofiber morphology, images of the PLLA
nanofibers were documented in the Scanning Electron
Microscope (SEM) (LEO Electron Microscopy 440i). The
nanofiber mat was sputter coating with gold, and then analyzed
by SEM. The images were then processed with an image
software (Image Pro Plus; Media Cybernetics Inc., USA).
3. Results and Discussion
Poly-lactic acid synthesis
The PLLA was synthesized by opening of the cyclic dimer of
L-lactide in order to obtain high molecular weight polymer.
The synthesis temperature was maintained at 140 °C thus
avoiding, high temperatures, which lead to a depolymerization
process which allows the decrease of the molecular weight of
the polymer [24,25]. The obtained polymer had the PLLA
molecular weight 86.93 g/mol.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
FTIR analyses were made to determine the functional groups
of the products obtained in order to understand more deeply
what happens in the polymerization of Poly (lactic acid).
The standard PLLA and the synthesized by our group, were
structurally analyzed by spectroscopy in the infrared (FTIR).
The infrared analyzes were performed to determine the
functional groups of the product obtained, compared with the
standard and verified the formation of the polymer. The
spectrum of synthesized PLLA and standard PLLA is presented
in Figure 3.
Fig. 3. FTIR spectrum of PLLA synthesized compared with PLLA
In Figure 3 for the standard commercial PLLA, vibrations were
observed symmetrical and asymmetrical valence of 1130.42
and 1044.92 cm-1, related to C-O the grouping COO; stretching
of the C-H at 2999.47 and 2948.81 cm-1; COO stretching to 872
cm-1; valence vibration of C = O of COO at 1754 cm-1 and CH
bending vibrations at 1387.86 and 1452 cm-1.
For PLLA obtained in the synthesis, were observed symmetric
and asymmetric vibration valence 1130.53 and 1040.14 cm-1,
related to C-O the grouping COO; stretching of the C-H bond
at 2989.63 and 2946.87 cm-1, COO stretching to 870.76 cm-1,
valence vibrations of C=O of COO at 1750 cm-1 and C-H
bending vibrations at 1374.56 and 1345.14 cm-1.
The results demonstrated the similarity of the peaks relating to
the absorption bands of each sample. Which shows the
formation of the synthetized polymer PLLA through the
studied pathway. The bands of functional groups are the same
as those obtained in the standard sample and also those found
in the literature shown by Nikolic [26], Motta and Duek [27].
And Lasprilla [28], confirming the formation of the polymer.
Cytotoxicity by MTT
Cytotoxicity test was performed to study the polymer
M.V. Xavier et al. / Procedia CIRP 49 ( 2016 ) 213 – 221
biocompatibility. During the last few years, the interest of in
vitro tests has increased, as an alternative to animal
experimentation. The cytotoxicity is the harmful in vitro effect
induced in the cell culture system by the presence of a certain
substance or material, such as a biomaterial for instance. In this
study we used the MTT assay (a direct and suitable assay for
the quantitative in vitro biocompatibility evaluation), on which
the metabolic activity and the rate of cell growth have indicated
the degree of PLLA cytotoxicity in the cell culture.
MTT [29] is a yellow salt which is reduced by mitochondrial
dehydrogenase activity of the enzyme resulting in a formazan
salt purple. This reduction occurs only in living cells. Thus, cell
viability can be determined by the intensity of purple color,
which is proportional to the amount of formazan crystals
After performing the MTT test, the absorbance values that were
obtained, generated the curves below (Figure 4). The curves
show the cytotoxicity of mesenchymal cells in contact with the
PLLA after 24, 48 and 72 hours.
Figure 4. Kinetic curves of cell proliferation as measured by optical
density (OD) from the MTT assay for mesenchymal cells cultured
with PLLA, negative control for toxicity (CT-) and positive control
for toxicity (CT+) for 24 hours, 48 hours e 72 hours.
According to the ANOVA test, there are no statistically
significant differences between the PLLA and the (CT-) after
24 hours and 48 hours of culture (p > 0.05). However after 72
hours, the cells cultured with PLLA showed higher
proliferation when compared to (CT-), considered statistically
significant (p < 0.05).
These results show that the synthetized PLLA doesn’t
negatively affect the mesenchymal cell viability in the
evaluated periods. This indicates that the material does not
present cytotoxic behavior after 24, 48 and 72 hours, in
accordance with the MTT studies of Sarasua (2011) [30] and
WU (2014) [31]. In the MTT tests made by Niu (2015) [32] and
Liu (2014) [33], they evaluated polymers that showed no in
vitro cytotoxicity as well, demonstrating correlation with our
Viability by LIVE/DEAD®
The Live/Dead® assay shows in a qualitatively matter the
polymer biocompatibility when in contact with the cells. The
cells were cultured with the biomaterial in three different times:
24, 48 and 72 hours. There was also the presence of positive
control for toxicity (CT+) and negative controls of toxicity
(CT-). The live cells reacted with the fluorescent marker
SYTO® 9, staining the viable cells with green. On the other
hand, un-viable cells were stained red, showing cell death.
Figure 5 shows the results obtained by the Live/Dead® method
by inverted fluorescence microscopy.
Figure 5. Images show cell viability on Live/Dead® test after 24
hours, 48hours and 72hours. A- Shows the negative control for
toxicity (CT-), live cells in green fluorescence. B- PLLA, the cells
present green fluorescence as negative control (CT-). C- Positive
Control for toxicity (CT+), dead cells shown in red fluorescence.
Figures 5A1, 5A2 and 5A3 show the negative control for
toxicity (CT-), on different times, where the viable cells with
intact cellular membrane, were stained fluorescent green. On
Figures 5B1, 5B2 and 5B3 show the cells in contact with PLLA
for 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours respectively. The images
of the cells in contact with PLLA appeared normal morphology
on all times, just like the ones of (CT-) (Fig 5A and 5B). On the
other hand, Figures 5C1, 5C2 and 5C3 show the positive
control for toxicity (CT+), where it was stained red on all times,
showing dead cells, with presence of debris and cell fragments.
The results obtained in this assay shows that the cells in contact
with new PLLA demonstrated the same green fluorescence that
the Negative Control (CT-), which reassure that the
mesenchymal cells are alive and proliferating.
The work of Bernstein (2012) [34], tested PLLA with different
formats, such as screws and pins, and through his
LIVE/DEAD® test, no cytotoxicity was detected, which
corresponded with our results.
Our findings with the quantitative cytotoxicity assay MTT and
qualitative cytotoxicity test LIVE/DEAD® showed that the
mesenchymal cells in contact with the synthetized PLLA
proliferated just as the ones of the negative control, keeping the
normal morphological characteristics of the cell. That
218 M.V. Xavier et al. / Procedia CIRP 49 ( 2016 ) 213 – 221
demonstrates that our synthetized PLLA is a biocompatible
PLLA Electrospinning
The electrospinning process was performed after the PLLA
synthesis and the following realization of the cytotoxicity tests,
and evaluation of it biocompatibility. PLLA nanofibers were
produced, forming a mat as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. SEM image of the PLLA nanofibers mat. 1000x.
The nanofiber mat contains fibers that are extremely thin, and
yet that keep their morphological structure. Those have a
diameter of less than 1µm, as shown in Figure 7. To repair or
restore the function of damaged or diseased tissue it is
necessaire many complex methodes , employing a mix of
knowledge and techniques of engineering, chemistry and cell
biology, the use of PLLA and nanofibers to create a more
efficient three-dimensional structure to assist it, is a well
accepted method in the scientific community..
The nanofiber scaffold has a high surface area per unit volume,
as well an extremely interconnected pore network and fiber
diameters that mimic the extracellular matrix environment.
Figure 7. SEM image of the PLLA nanofiber mat. 10.000x.
With intention to show that the electrospinning process to
produce the nanofibers wouldn´t be prejudicial to cell growth,
the calorimetric assay of MTT [21] was performed with the
PLLA nanofibers. The cytotoxicity of the nanofibers are shown
in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Kinetic curves of cell proliferation as measured by optical
density (OD) from the MTT PLLA Nanofibers assay, negative control
for toxicity (CT-) and positive control for toxicity (CT+) for 24 hours
and 48 hours.
The graphics show the cytotoxicity of the mesenchymal cells
in contact with the PLLA nanofibers after 24 hours and 48
hours. According to the ANOVA test, there are no statistically
significant differences between the PLLA and the negative
control of cytotoxicity (CT-) after 24 hours and 48 hours of
culture (p > 0.05). Though, the cells cultured with the PLLA
nanofibers showed higher proliferation when compared to the
positive control of cytotoxicity (CT+), considered statistically
significant (p < 0.05). Thus, the data shows that the
electrospinning process wasn´t harmful to the cells.
The nanofibers are known for mimic the natural extracellular
matrix conditions, and because of this characteristic, they help
promote a higher cell adhesion, migration and proliferation.
This leads to a higher cell growth and so tissue regeneration.
Thus, making it an extremely interesting device to be used in
tissue engineering. Considering the presented studies, it is
possible to use the knowledge on the following tissue
engineering (TE) tests with this material for clinical
application, it is essential to fabricate autologous TE skin
substitutes, with sufficient mechanical strength for handling
and suturing during surgical implantation and effective
functionality for facilitating wound closure [35]. Composite
scaffolds can also be created using electrospinning. For
example, by sequentially spinning different polymer solutions,
a scaffold with layers can be constructed. Each layer can be
tailored for specific cell adhesion and could be potentially
beneficial for zonal articular cartilage or arterial vessel repair
There are many applications of the electrospinning technology
in the biomedical field. The reasons are quite evident such as
M.V. Xavier et al. / Procedia CIRP 49 ( 2016 ) 213 – 221
the simplicity of the procedure in generating the large surface
area- to- volume ratio of the material and the mechanical
stability of the fibres that allows for its use in the biomedical
field [37]. The improvement of PLLA production and
electrospinning process generate new TE possibilities to be
4. Conclusion
This study has proved that the ring-opening polymerization is
a viable process for the production of PLLA derivation from
the lactic acid in these studied conditions. It also shows that this
PLLA is a non-toxic polymer to the cell, hence being then
considered biocompatible. Thus, PLLA can be employed to the
manufacture of nanofibers by the electrospinning process,
which can be used for different purposes in the medical field.
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support
provided by the Scientific Research Foundation for the State of
São Paulo (FAPESP Process 2008/57860-3) and National
Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq
Process 573661/2008-1)..
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... Prior works done by our group [10][11][12] have shown that the PLLA can be obtained using different routes ( Figure 1). In general, three methods can be used to produce high molecular mass PLLA of about 100,000 Daltons: (a) direct condensation polymerization; (b) azeotropic dehydrative condensation and (c) polymerization through lactide formation, the ring-opening polymerization. ...
... Based on the above mentioned strategy, after studies, the national PLLA polymerization was produced and the results published in previous works 10 , subsequently hemocompatibility and cytotoxicity studies proved the in vitro biocompatibility of the material, in order to verify if it could have a medical application. These studies showed that the strategy of elaborating a polymerization from imported monomers was viable and that the PLLA biopolymers produced could be an accessible solution for use 11 . ...
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Background: The biomaterials engineering goal is to manufacture a biocompatible scaffold that adequately supports or improves tissue regeneration after implantation of the biomaterial in the injured area. Many requirements are demanded for a biomaterial, such as biocompatibility, elasticity, degradation time, and a very important factor is its cost of importation or synthesis, making its application inaccessible to some countries. Studies about biomaterials market show that Polylactic acid (PLLA) is one of the most used polymers, but expensive to produce. It becomes important to prove the biocompatibility of the new PLLA and to find strategies to produce biocompatible biopolymers at an acceptable production cost. Methods : In this work, the polylactic acid biomaterial was synthesized by ring-opening polymerization. The polymer was submitted to initial in vivo biocompatibility studies in 12 New Zealand female rabbits, assigned to two groups: (1) Lesion and PLLA group (n = 6), (2) Lesion No PLLA group (n = 6). Each group was divided into two subgroups at six and nine months post-surgical time. Before euthanasia clinical and biochemical studies were performed and after that tomographic (CT), histological (Hematoxylin and Eosin and Masson's trichrome) and histomorphometric analyses were performed to evaluate the injury site and prove biocompatibility. The final cost of this polymer was analyzed. Results: The statistical studies of hemogram and hepatocyte enzymes, showed that there were no significant differences between the groups for any of the times studied, in any of the variables considered and the results of CT and histology showed that there was an important process of neoregeneration. The cost analysis showed the biopolymer synthesis is between R3,06R3,06 - R5,49 cheaper than the import cost. Conclusions: It was possible to synthesize the PLLA biopolymer by cyclic ring opening, which proved to be biocompatible, potential osteoregenerative and cheaper than other imported biopolymers.
... Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) is known as one of the best biodegradable biopolymers used in medicine, with applications ranging from simple sutures to stents and temporary orthopedic fixation devices [1,2]. The polymer can be synthesized by three conventional routes, as was showed in Figure 1, namely ring-opening polymerization (ROP), azeotropic dehydration condensation (CDA), and direct polycondensation (DP) [3]. ...
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Some synthetic polymers, such as Poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA), are interesting to use in 3D bioprinting because they can have adaptable and resilient mechanical properties that also facilitate bioprinting processes. PLLA is a biocompatible polymer which makes it very interesting for medical applications, it is an aliphatic polyester obtained from α-hydroxy acids in different ways: ring-opening polymerization, and direct polycondensation. The use of one path over the other depends on the molecular mass to be obtained. In this work, the final polymer was obtained through the direct polycondensation route. After direct polycondensation, the PLLA produced was purified by solubilization in chloroform followed by precipitation in ethanol. Purified PLLA was produced using 0.5 g of polymer, 4 g of chloroform, and 1 g of glycerol was added to it. PLLA-based bio-ink was produced by 3D bioprinting using the extrusion technique. Before extrusion, the produced and purified material was solubilized with ethyl acetate, a non-toxic and biocompatible compound with the following proportions: PLLA 20% m*v-1 in 10 ml (95% ethyl acetate and 5% acetone v*v-1. Finalizing, the polymer obtained was characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), using the Bruker VERTEX 70v equipment in transmission mode with laser radiation of 633 nm wavelength, and the structure obtained with the 3D-printing was analyzed via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to assess its surface morphology. The structure produced showed interesting properties to act as a temporary delivery device and may well hold some drugs to act as a drug delivery device.
... There are many literatures in the case of polymer nanofibers which are classified in three branches. First one is related to the nanofibers made from biopolymers such as chitin, alginate, chitosan, etc. [13][14][15]; the second branch is nanofibers produced from synthetic polymers such as different degradable polymers like poly(α-hydroxy esters), including poly(caprolactone) (PCL) [16], poly(glycolic acid) (PGA) [17], poly(lactic acid) (PLA) [18], and their co-polymer (PLGA and PLLA) [19,20]; and the third one is related to blend or hybrid polymer nanofibers in forms of synthetic-synthetic (such as PCL-PEG [21]), naturalnatural (like chitosan-gelatin [22]) and natural-synthetic such as chitosan-PVA [23,24], chitosan-PCL [25][26][27], etc. ...
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In the recent years, by developing the methods of nanofibers formation, electro-centrifugal spinning has been introduced as a new method of nanofibers fabrication. This nanofabrication technique is a combination of known technique called electrospinning and a new coming method called centrifugal spinning. This paper is a comparative study among conventional electrospinning, centrifugal spinning and the basis of electro-centrifugal spinning methods. For instance, although, the distance of nozzle to collector is a critical operating parameter to determining nanofibers diameter in electrospinning method, it only shows an effect on the morphology and has no significant effect on the fiber diameter in centrifugal spinning. Surface tension and viscosity of the solutions are the spinning-ability determinatives in these three methods which are affected by the type of polymers and solvents and also the concentration of the solution, and need to be overcome through electrical or centrifugal forces or both. The effective parameters on the process and the fiber morphology are investigated for each of the three methods.
... Nanofibers have also received much attention in biomedical sciences due to its similarity in propagating extracellular matrix (ECM) environment [97,98]. The characters of nanofibers such as increased porosity, increased ratio of surface area to volume, mechanical properties which can be reengineered and encapsulation of nanoparticles and biologically active compounds to regulate the release of drugs in the cell matrix [99,100]. The fields of tissue engineering and drug delivery have seen the rise of 3D polymer networks which are hydrophilic known as hydrogels which is of greater significance in these fields. ...
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The review study emphasizes on delayed wound healing nature of diabetic wound infections and its treatment using novel metal oxide nanoparticles synthesized by green chemistry techniques. Diabetes is a physiological disorder of insulin deficiency leading to loss of uptake of glucose from blood leading to accumulation of glucose in blood. During this brief period of illness, any kind of external wound or an internal wound as a result of bacterial infection due to increased glucose in blood can cause serious complications such as diabetic foot ulcers including other diabetic wound infections with delayed wound healing process. The treatment options for this severe condition are very limited and usually leads to the amputation of the affected site especially vital organs including upper and lower limbs. Thus, there is a need for competent treatment for diabetic wound infection and delayed wound healing. Nanobiotechnology is one of the fields which shows promising therapy for diabetic wound infections. Various metals, polymers, etc. are all assessed for antimicrobial and accelerated wound healing ability and zinc is one of such options which shows promising results as it is normally associated with wound healing and is a cofactor for more than 300 enzymes. Nano crystals of zinc are oxidized and are regenerated as Anti-microbial zinc oxide nanoparticles. Novel techniques involving zinc oxide nanoparticle synthesis which are preferred from biological sources are known as green chemistry. Green synthesis methods are regarded as less hazardous, inexpensive and eco-friendly. Various variants of nanoparticles of zinc oxide along with their wound healing and antibacterial properties were analysed with a special reference towards zinc nanoparticles conjugated with naturally occurring polymers. With an in-depth analysis of the pathophysiological conditions of the disease along with its current golden standard market treatment including novel nanomaterial-based approaches, it was evidently proven that zinc oxide nanoparticle has a greater scope in diabetic wound infections and delayed wound healing.
Functional Bio-based Materials for Regenerative Medicine: From Bench to Bedside explores the use of bio-based materials for the regeneration of tissues and organs. The book presents an edited collection of 28 topics in 2 parts focused on the translation of these materials from laboratory research (the bench) to practical applications in clinical settings (the bedside). Chapter authors highlight the significance of bio-based materials, such as hydrogels, scaffolds, and nanoparticles, in promoting tissue regeneration and wound healing. Topics included in the book include: - the properties of bio-based materials, including biocompatibility, biodegradability, and the ability to mimic the native extracellular matrix. - fabrication techniques and approaches for functional bio-based material design with desired characteristics like mechanical strength and porosity to promote cellular attachment, proliferation, and differentiation - the incorporation of bioactive molecules, such as growth factors, into bio-based materials to enhance their regenerative potential. - strategies for the controlled release of molecules to create a favorable microenvironment for tissue regeneration. - the challenges and considerations involved in scaling up the production of bio-based materials, ensuring their safety and efficacy, and obtaining regulatory approval for clinical use Part 2 covers advanced materials and techniques used in tissue engineering. Topics focus on advanced composite materials for 3D scaffolds and the repair of tissues in different organs such as the heart, cornea, bone and ligaments. Materials highlighted in this part include polyamide composites, electrospun nanofibers, and different bio-based hydrogels. Functional Bio-based Materials for Regenerative Medicine: From Bench to Bedside is a valuable reference for researchers in biomedical engineering, cell biology, and regenerative medicine who want to update their knowledge on current developments in the synthesis and application of functional biomaterials.
This study aimed to present a novel three-dimensional nanocomposite scaffold using poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL), containing transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1)-loaded chitosan-dextran nanoparticles and poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA), to make use of nanofibers and nanoparticles simultaneously. The electrospinning method fabricated a bead-free semi-aligned nanofiber composed of PLLA, PCL, and chitosan-dextran nanoparticles containing TGF-β1. A biomimetic scaffold was constructed with the desired mechanical properties, high hydrophilicity, and high porosity. Transmission electron microscopy findings showed a linear arrangement of nanoparticles along the core of fibers. Based on the results, burst release was not observed. The maximum release was achieved within 4 days, and sustained release was up to 21 days. The qRT-PCR results indicated an increase in the expression of aggrecan and collagen type Ι genes compared to the tissue culture polystyrene group. The results indicated the importance of topography and the sustained release of TGF-β1 from bifunctional scaffolds in directing the stem cell fate in cartilage tissue engineering.
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Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide and the most common cause is myocardial infarction. Therefore, appropriate approaches should be used to repair damaged heart tissue. Recently, cardiac tissue engineering approaches have been extensively studied. Since the creation of the nature of cardiovascular tissue engineering, many advances have been made in cellular and scaffolding technologies. Due to the hydrated and porous structures of the hydrogel, they are used as a support matrix to deliver cells to the infarct tissue. In heart tissue regeneration, bioactive and biodegradable hydrogels are required by simulating native tissue microenvironments to support myocardial wall stress in addition to preserving cells. Recently, the use of nanostructured hydrogels has increased the use of nanocomposite hydrogels and has revolutionized the field of cardiac tissue engineering. Therefore, to overcome the limitation of the use of hydrogels due to their mechanical fragility, various nanoparticles of polymers, metal, and carbon are used in tissue engineering and create a new opportunity to provide hydrogels with excellent properties. Here, the types of synthetic and natural polymer hydrogels, nanocarbon‐based hydrogels, and other nanoparticle‐based materials used for cardiac tissue engineering with emphasis on conductive nanostructured hydrogels are briefly introduced.
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Nanofibrous materials are widely investigated as a replacement for the extracellular matrix, the 3D foundation for cells in all tissues. However, as with every medical material, nanofibers too must pass all safety evaluations like in vitro cytotoxicity assays or in vivo animal tests. Our literature research showed that differences in results of widely used cytotoxicity assays applied to evaluate nanofibrous materials are poorly understood. To better explore this issue, we prepared three nanofibrous materials with similar physical properties made of poly-L-lactic acid, polyurethane, and polycaprolactone. We tested five metabolic cytotoxicity assays (MTT, XTT, CCK-8, alamarBlue, PrestoBlue) and obtained different viability results for the same nanofibrous materials. Further, the study revealed that nanofibrous materials affect the reaction of cytotoxicity assays. Considering the results of both described experiments, it is evident that validating all available cytotoxicity assays for nanofibrous materials and possibly other highly porous materials should be carefully planned and verified using an additional analytical tool, like scanning electron microscopy or, more preferably, confocal microscopy.
Exposure to pathogenic environmental bio-contaminants has been considered as a significant worldwide air-quality concern. In this regard, the development of ecofriendly nanotechnologies capable of showing significant response as an antimicrobial agent is of extensive interest. The present study intends to provide an approach of mitigating airborne microbes by fabricating the biopolymer-based composite nano-fibers with assimilation of montmorillonite-clay mineral as nano-filler. Morphological examination revealed the uniform bead-free structure of the scaffolds with an average diameter varied from 80.1–295.6 nm. Incorporation of nano-clay resulted slight enhancement in fiber-diameter with structural modifications, confirmed by various characterization tools (FTIR, XRD, and DSC). Different weight ratios of fibers with clay nano-filler exhibited adequate surface area (18–39 m2g−1) for releasing the essential functional groups to prevent microbial growth. No evidence of cytotoxicity of these scaffolds was observed in the cell-viability test, suggesting their biocompatible nature. Porosity measurement of the fibers by Image-J analysis suggested their controlled porous nature with an average percentage porosity varied in between 45–60%, favorable for air-filtration applications. Results of antibacterial efficiency of these fibers demonstrated their promising antibacterial action against airborne pathogens, and fibers embedded with maximum content of chitosan and montmorillonite-nano-clay showed maximum inhibition on microbial growth, emphasizing on gram-positive bacterium which has been further confirmed by flow- cytometric analysis. Results derived from the current study showed the reliability of these scaffolds in terms of their efficacy, cost and toxicity to the level of industrial (bacterial filtration) and commercial applications (protective clothing) which will motivate future innovation in this area.
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Background. A leading concept in modern regenerative medicine is the perspective of using own body resources to remodel organs and tissues via the formation of “living scaffold”. A pivotal role in the formation of dermal scaffold is played by fibroblasts that produce extracellular matrix (ECM). Aim. A study of the fibroblast activation mechanism mediating synthesis of the dermal ECM fibrillar component under the Facetem filler administration. Methods. The experimental trial was conducted in Wistar male rats (72 animals). Animals had 0.05 mL Facetem (Korea) injections subdermally. The filler is a calcium-containing product featuring gradual degradation delivered through structural microspheric properties of the Lattice-pore technology. Biological material was sampled at weeks 1 and 2 of months 1, 2, 3 and 5. Tissues were paraffin-embedded in standard histological assays and stained with Mallory’s trichrome, Picrosirius red in polarisation microscopy and immunohistochemistry with collagen types I, III and elastin antibodies (Abcam). Results. Collagen distribution in dermis and the filling zone suggests that collagen production occurs by week 2 of the Facetem filler placement followed by an increase in synthesised matrix volume to 4.39 ± 0.7 for collagen type I and 3.9 ± 0.2 for collagen type III ( p < 0.05). The synthetic activity of fi broblasts reduces by month 3, albeit with collagen production remaining above control even by the end of month 5. Elastin synthesis also initiates by week 2 of the filler injection in dermis and grows by month 3. Conclusion. The presence of Facetem filler triggers a foreign body inflammatory response in dermis. This multifactorial process initiates with protein adsorption proceeding to dermal cell recruitment and modulation of fibroblasts and macrophages. Activation of these cell types induces neocollagenesis entailing the extracellular matrix synthesis and expansion in dermis.
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Tissue engineering is the most fascinating domain of medical technology and has emerged as a promising alternative approach in the treatment of malfunctioning or lost organs where patients are treated by using their own cells, grown on a polymer support so that a tissue part is regenerated from the natural cells. This support is known as scaffold and is needed to serve as an adhesive substrate for the implanted cells and a physical support to guide the formation of the new organs. In addition to facilitating cell adhesion, promoting cell growth, and allowing the retention of differentiated cell functions, the scaffold should be biocompatible, biodegradable, highly porous with a large surface/volume ratio, mechanically strong, and malleable. The scaffold degrades while a new organ or tissue is formed. A number of three-dimensional porous scaffolds fabricated from various kinds of biodegradable materials have been developed. Bioabsorbable polymers have been identified as alternative materials for biomedical applications, since these polymers are degraded by simple hydrolysis to products that can be metabolized by the human body. With their excellent biocompatibility, poly-lactones such as poly-lactic acid (PLA), poly-glycolic acid (PGA), and poly-caprolactone (PCL), as well as their copolymers are becoming the most commonly used synthetic biodegradable polymers as fixation devices materials for biomedical devices. Among the biomaterials (biopolymers) used in the medical field, the poly (lactic acid) (PLA) has received significant attention. Poly-lactic acid (PLA) is at present one of the most promising biodegradable polymers for this purpose and has convincingly demonstrated the proof of concept for using in bioabsorbable polymer as bone fixation devices, owing to its mechanical property profile, thermoplastic possibility and biological properties, such as biocompatibility and biodegradability. It is produced from lactic acid, a naturally occurring organic acid that can be produced by fermentation. The objective of this study was to investigate the synthesis of PLA in a laboratory scale in order to characterize it in accordance with the needs for biomedical use.
Electrospinning is a technology that has been widely used as a novel method for the generation of nano scale fibres. Electrospun fibres are used in a wide range of applications from electronics to textile. The viability and popularity of this technology can be evidenced by its ease of use and the simplicity of the science behind building the electrospinning machine. The generated fibres have a high surface area- to- volume ratio, the fibrous mats are highly porous and display excellent mechanical properties when compared to other materials of the same scale. In the past decade, this technology has taken off with the use of biocompatible and biodegradable polymers. This review is a summary of the different ways in which electrospinning can be used in the biomedical field. This article analyzes the recent advances of this technology in tissue engineering, drug delivery and in enzyme immobilisation, which once again showcases the versatility of the electrospinning procedure.
Poly(D, L-lactic acid) (PDLLA) was modified by functional molecule methionine (Met), and a novel biomaterial poly(lactic acid-co-methionine) was synthesized via direct melt polycondensation using D, L-lactic acid (LA) and Met as starting material. The copolymer was systematically characterized with intrinsic viscosity [η], Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FT-IR), 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum (1H-NMR), gel permeation in chromatography (GPC), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The influences of different synthetic conditions, including kinds and quantity of catalyst, time and temperature of melt copolycondensation, and different molar feed ratio on the polymer were discussed. Under the conditions of molar feed ratio of LA/Met 98/2, amount of catalyst SnCl2 0.5%, copolymerization temperature 150°C and time 10 h, pressure 70 Pa, the copolymerization gave the polymer with maximum M̄w 7500. Increasing the molar feed ratio of Met, M̄w decreased gradually, all data of Tg were lower than that of homopolymer PDLLA and all copolymers were amorphous, which could meet the requirement for the application in drug delivery.
The development of biomaterials for application in medicine is one of the great challenges of research in material science. The poly (a-hydroxy acids) are the principal biodegradable and bioresorbable polymers used in tissue engineering. Among the biomaterials (biopolymers) used in the medical field, the poly (lactic acid) (PLA) has received significant attention. It is produced from lactic acid, a naturally occurring organic acid that can be produced by fermentation. The attractive price and commercial availability of lactic acid are important reasons for PLA development. PLA and its copolymers are being used in biomedical area in the form of implants or devices due to its excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability. In this study, lactide was synthesized and Poly lactic acid produced. The objective of this study was to investigate the PLA production in laboratory scale. Characterization by FTIR of the lactide and PLA production was made to confirm the polymerization and a possible use as biomaterial.
Polymer scientists, working closely with those in the device and medical fields, have made tremendous advances over the past 30 years in the use of synthetic materials in the body. In this article we will focus on properties of biodegradable polymers which make them ideally suited for orthopedic applications where a permanent implant is not desired. The materials with the greatest history of use are the poly(lactides) and poly(glycolides), and these will be covered in specific detail. The chemistry of the polymers, including synthesis and degradation, the tailoring of properties by proper synthetic controls such as copolymer composition, special requirements for processing and handling, and mechanisms of biodegradation will be covered. An overview of biocompatibility and approved devices of particular interest in orthopedics are also covered.
Creation of functional skin substitutes within a clinically acceptable time window is essential for timely repair and management of large wounds such as extensive burns. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of fabricating skin substitutes via a bottom-up nanofiber-enabled cell assembly approach and using such substitutes for full-thickness wound repair in nude mice. Following a layer-by-layer (L-b-L) manner, human primary skin cells (fibroblasts and keratinocytes) were rapidly assembled together with electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL)/collagen (3:1, w/w; 8%, w/v) nanofibers into 3D constructs, in which fibroblasts and keratinocytes were located in the bottom and upper portion respectively. Following culture, the constructs developed into a skin-like structure with expression of basal keratinocyte markers and deposition of new matrix while exhibiting good mechanical strength (as high as 4.0MPa by 14 days). Treatment of the full-thickness wounds created on the back of nude mice with various grafts (acellular nanofiber meshes, dermal substitutes, skin substitutes and autografts) revealed that 14-day-cultured skin substitutes facilitated a rapid wound closure with complete epithelialization comparable to autografts. Taken together, skin-like substitutes can be formed by L-b-L assembling human skin cells and biomimetic nanofibers and they are effective to heal acute full-thickness wounds in nude mice. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
This study was to demonstrate that an extremely thin coating of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) on non-woven microfibrous poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) web is of sufficient electrical conductivity and stability in aqueous environment to sustain electrical stimulation (ES) to cultured human skin fibroblasts. The PEDOT imparted the web a surface resistivity of approximately 0.1 KΩ/square without altering the web morphology. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy demonstrated that the surface chemistry of the PLLA/PEDOT is characteristic of both PLLA and PEDOT. The PEDOT-coated web also showed higher hydrophilicity, lower glass transition temperature and unchanged fibre crystallinity and thermal stability compared with the PLLA web. The addition of PEDOT to the web marginally increased the web's tensile strength and lowered the elongation. An electrical stability test showed that the PLLA/PEDOT structure was more stable than a polypyrrole (PPy) treated PLLA fabric, showing only a slow deterioration in conductivity when exposed to culture medium. The cytotoxicity test showed that the PLLA/PEDOT scaffold was not cytotoxic and supported human dermal fibroblast adhesion, migration and proliferation. Preliminary electrical stimulation experiments have demonstrated that this conductive web mediated effective ES to fibroblasts. Therefore this new conductive biodegradable scaffold may be used to electrically modulate cellular activity and tissue regeneration. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.