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Problem: The scientific method is unrivaled for generating useful knowledge, yet papers published in scientific journals frequently violate the scientific method. Methods: A definition of the scientific method was developed from the writings of pioneers of the scientific method including Aristotle, Newton, and Franklin. The definition was used as the basis of a checklist of eight criteria necessary for compliance with the scientific method. The extent to which research papers follow the scientific method was assessed by reviewing the literature on the practices of researchers whose papers are published in scientific journals. Findings of the review were used to develop an evidence-based checklist of 20 operational guidelines to help researchers comply with the scientific method. Findings: The natural desire to have one’s beliefs and hypotheses confirmed can tempt funders to pay for supportive research and researchers to violate scientific principles. As a result, advocacy has come to dominate publications in scientific journals, and had led funders, universities, and journals to evaluate researchers’ work using criteria that are unrelated to the discovery of useful scientific findings. The current procedure for mandatory journal review has led to censorship of useful scientific findings. We suggest alternatives, such as accepting all papers that conform with the eight critera of the scientific method. Originality: This paper provides the first comprehensive and operational evidence-based checklists for assessing compliance with the scientific method and for guiding researchers on how to comply. Usefulness: The “Criteria for Compliance with the Scientific Method” checklist could be used by journals to certify papers. Funders could insist that research projects comply with the scientific method. Universities and research institutes could hire and promote researchers whose research complies. Courts could use it to assess the quality of evidence. Governments could base policies on evidence from papers that comply, and citizens could use the checklist to evaluate evidence on public policy. Finally, scientists could ensure that their own research complies with science by designing their projects using the “Guidelines for Scientists” checklist. Keywords: advocacy; checklists; data models; experiment; incentives; knowledge models; multiple reasonable hypotheses; objectivity; regression analysis; regulation; replication; statistical significance
Guidelines for Science: Evidence-based Checklists
J. Scott Armstrong
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, and Ehrenberg-Bass Institute,
University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia.
Kesten C. Green
University of South Australia Business School and Ehrenberg-Bass Institute,
University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia.
June 8, 2018: Working Paper Version 502-clean
Please send suggestions on how to improve this paper.
Problem: The scientific method is unrivaled for generating useful knowledge, yet papers published in
scientific journals frequently violate the scientific method.
Methods: A definition of the scientific method was developed from the writings of pioneers of the
scientific method including Aristotle, Newton, and Franklin. The definition was used as the basis of a checklist
of eight criteria necessary for compliance with the scientific method. The extent to which research papers
follow the scientific method was assessed by reviewing the literature on the practices of researchers whose
papers are published in scientific journals. Findings of the review were used to develop an evidence-based
checklist of 20 operational guidelines to help researchers comply with the scientific method.
Findings: The natural desire to have one’s beliefs and hypotheses confirmed can tempt funders to pay for
supportive research and researchers to violate scientific principles. As a result, advocacy has come to dominate
publications in scientific journals, and had led funders, universities, and journals to evaluate researchers’ work
using criteria that are unrelated to the discovery of useful scientific findings. The current procedure for
mandatory journal review has led to censorship of useful scientific findings. We suggest alternatives, such as
accepting all papers that conform with the eight critera of the scientific method.
Originality: This paper provides the first comprehensive and operational evidence-based checklists for
assessing compliance with the scientific method and for guiding researchers on how to comply.
Usefulness: The “Criteria for Compliance with the Scientific Method” checklist could be used by journals
to certify papers. Funders could insist that research projects comply with the scientific method. Universities
and research institutes could hire and promote researchers whose research complies. Courts could use it to
assess the quality of evidence. Governments could base policies on evidence from papers that comply, and
citizens could use the checklist to evaluate evidence on public policy. Finally, scientists could ensure that their
own research complies with science by designing their projects using the Guidelines for Scientists” checklist.
Keywords: advocacy; checklists; data models; experiment; incentives; knowledge models; multiple
reasonable hypotheses; objectivity; regression analysis; regulation; replication; statistical significance
Acknowledgements: We thank our reviewers Dennis Ahlburg, Hal Arkes, Kay Armstrong, Harrison Beard, Jeff
Cai, Rui Du, Amy Dai, John Dunn, Robert Fildes, Lew Goldberg, Anne-Wil Harzing, Ray Hubbard, Rob Hyndman,
Nick Lee, Gary Lilien, Edwin Locke, Byron Sharp, Karl Teigen, Malcolm Wright, and one anonymous person. Our
acknowledgement does not imply that the reviewers all agree with all of our findings. In addition, Mustafa Akben,
Peter Ayton, Erik Bradlow, Len Braitman, Heiner Evanschitsky, Bent Flyvbjerg, Shane Frederick, Gerd Gigerenzer,
Andreas Graefe, Jay Koehler, David Legates, Don Peters, Frank L. Schmidt, Paul Sherman, William H. Starbuck,
and Arch Woodside provided useful suggestions. Editing was provided by, Hester Green, Esther Park, Maya
Mudambi, Scheherbano Rafay, and Lynn Selhat. Some of the analyses have been done by Amy Dai.
Authors’ notes: (1) Each paper cited for a substantive finding has been read by at least one of us. (2) To ensure
that the findings are described accurately, we are attempting to contact all authors whose research was cited as
evidence. (3) We endeavored to follow the Criteria for Compliance with Scientific Method in this paper and rated
ourselves as being in compliance. (4) Estimated reading time for a typical reader is about 90 minutes.
Voluntary disclosure: We received no external funding for this paper and have no conflicts of interest.
Few would deny that science is largely responsible for advancing the life expectancy and living
standards of people, yet many papers published in scientific journals do not obviously contribute to
human progress. Part of the problem involves confusion about the scientific method.
Our objective with this paper, then, was to develop a practical method for evaluating compliance with
the scientific method and practical guidance to help scientists comply. To that end, we develop a
generally accepted definition of the scientific method in the form of criteria. Compliance to science can
be readily determined by the use of a checklist of operational items for each criterion.
We examine barriers to the use of the scientific method in research and recommend steps that could
be taken by funders, governments, universities, private research centers, and corporations to overcome
those barriers in order to support researchers in discovering and disseminating useful scientific findings.
Finally, we develop a checklist of operational steps for researchers in order to help them comply with
the scientific method.
We defined the “scientific method” by reviewing descriptions from renowned scientists. We also
consulted encyclopedias and the Oxford English Dictionary.
Records of the scientific method have been traced back to Aristotle (White, 2002). Francis Bacon
(1620) reinforced that the scientific method involves logical induction from systematic observation and
experimentation. In 1726, Sir Isaac Newton described four “Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy” in the
third edition of his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. His fourth rule is, “In experimental
philosophy we are to look upon propositions collected by general induction from phænomena as
accurately or very nearly true, notwithstanding any contrary hypotheses that may be imagined, till such
time as other phænomena occur, by which they may either be made more accurate, or liable to
exceptions.Friedman (1953) stressed testing out-of-sample predictive validity of hypotheses for
The Oxford English Dictionary defines the scientific method as: “…commonly represented as ideally
comprising some or all of (a) systematic observation, measurement, and experimentation, (b) induction
and the formulation of hypotheses, (c) the making of deductions from the hypotheses, (d) the
experimental testing of the deductions…”.
Benjamin Franklin, founder of the University of Pennsylvania, called for the faculty to be involved in
the discovery and dissemination of useful knowledge (Franklin, 1743). Few scientists deliberately pursue
useless knowledge, but current practice shows the need to remain cognizant of Franklin’s call for usefulness in
science. We propose that useful knowledgehelps people to better address important problems without
resorting to duress or deceit.
These elements of the scientific method have been consistent among famous scientists and over 23
centuries. They require scientists to:
1. study important problems,
2. build on prior scientific knowledge,
3. use objective methods,
4. use valid and reliable data,
5. use valid, reliable, and simple methods,
6. use experiments, and
7. deduce conclusions logically from prior knowledge and new findings, and
8. disclose all information needed to evaluate the research and to conduct replications.
Practices of the past half-century have magnified the need for explicit science guidelines. The earliest
attempt at creating such guidelines that we found was the Operations Research Society of America report,
“Guidelines by the Ad Hoc Committee on Professional Standards” (ORSA, 1971). Later, the first edition
of Federal Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence came out in 1994; the 2011 third edition contained
over one thousand pages. The medical field has made similar attempts such as GRADE (Guyatt, 2008)
and CONSORT (Schulz, Altman, and Moher, 2010; Moher et al., 2010). Johansen and Thomson (2016)
reviewed various medical guidelines. They conclude that it “might be time for editors, authors, and
reviewers to assemble and figure out how to best use and recommend the various reporting guidelines.” In
other words, while compiling guidelines is a laudable objective, referring to a 1,000 page document in
order to determine whether a paper conforms with the scientific method is impractical.
On the Need for Checklists
Many organizations use checklists to ensure that guidelines are followed. In the fields of engineering,
aeronautics, and medicine, failure to follow checklists of operational, evidence-based guidelines can be
used in court cases to assign blame for bad outcomes. In some cases, the failure to complete a checklist
can be grounds for dismissal or for payment of damages.
Guidelines are not effective on their own. They must be checked off one-by-one in the form of a
checklist. Further, the use of checklists should be monitored explicitly to ensure proper application.
Checklists draw upon the decomposition principle, whereby a complex problem is reduced to simpler
parts. MacGregor’s (2001) review provides experimental evidence on the usefulness of judgmental
decomposition. In three experiments on job and college selection, decomposition improved judgments
compared to holistic ratings (Arkes et al., 2010). Similarly, an experiment to determine which research
proposals should be funded by the National Institutes of Health found decomposed ratings were more
reliable than holistic ratings (Arkes, Shaffer, and Dawes, 2006).
The effectiveness of checklists is well-documented. For example, a review of 15 experimental studies
in healthcare found that evidence-based checklists led to substantial improvements in patient outcomes.
One experiment examined the application of a 19-item checklist for surgical procedures performed upon
thousands of patients in eight hospitals around the world. Use of this checklist reduced death rates at
those hospitals by half (Haynes et al., 2009).
Checklists are expected to be most effective when people know little about the relevant evidence-
based principles. Advertising novices were asked to use a checklist with 195 evidence-based persuasion
principles to rate each of 96 pairs of ads. By using the checklist, they made 44% fewer errors in predicting
which ad was more effective than did unaided novices. (Armstrong et al., 2016).
Checklists can, nevertheless, help even when the users are aware of proper procedures. For example,
an experiment aimed to prevent infection in the intensive care units of 103 Michigan hospitals and
required physicians to follow five well-known guidelines for inserting catheters. Use of the checklist
reduced infection rates from 2.7 per 1,000 patients to zero after three months (Hales and Pronovost,
Not all checklists are useful. If the checklist items are irrelevant, misleading, or not grounded in
evidence or logic, use of the checklist would make it more likely that decisionmakers would do the wrong
thing. Such harmful checklists arise often; consider the field of management. Porter (1980) proposed his
five forcesframework for competitive strategy based on opinions that conflict with basic principles of
economics and are not founded on experimental evidence. Additionally, a series of laboratory
experiments showed that use of the Boston Consulting Group’s (BCG) four-item checklist for deciding
among investment opportunities harmed decision-making (Armstrong and Brodie, 1994).
We developed a checklist that allows any stakeholder to assess a paper against the “Criteria for
compliance with the scientific method.” Our design principles were that (1) the items should be stated in
operational terms, (2) multiple items should be used to assess each criterion, and (3) the checklist should
be comprehensive. These are essential for obtaining reliable and valid ratings.
The checklist shown in Exhibit 1 uses 20 operational items to rate compliance with the eight
necessary criteria of the scientific method. The latest version of this checklist will be provided at
Rating Process
Assign an administrator to each paper. The administrator is responsible for having identifying
information redacted so as to reduce the possibility of bias. All external identification, such as the
author(s) names, affiliation, name of journal (if published), awards the paper has received, and
acknowledgements should be redacted before giving the paper to the raters.
If ratings from people with potentially biasing knowledge about the paper are needed, that condition
should be noted. Given that the concern is with compliance to science, and not with the findings
themselves, one does not need experise in the area. Avoid using academics as raters if they they might be
biased in favor of particular findings in their areas of expertise.
Before and after doing the ratings, raters should report any potential biases and complete an oath
stating: “My ratings were done to the best of my ability and without bias.”. People mindful of their own
standards try to live up to them (Armstrong, 2010, pp. 89-94). In a study on ethics, experimental subjects
were paid according to the number of puzzles they solved correctly. The subjects were presented with the
answers and were asked to report the number of puzzles they had solved. Most of those in the control
groups cheated, but none of the subjects in the experimental group did. The difference? Experimental
group subjects had been asked shortly beforein what was intended to appear to them as an unrelated
exerciseto write as many of the Ten Commandments as they could remember (Mazar, Amir, and
Ariely, 2008).
Researchers are responsible for convincing raters that their paper complies with the scientific method.
Raters should not give the benefit of the doubt to a paper that lacks sufficient information or clarity. They
should beware of bafflegab.
Testing Reliability
We tested the inter-rater reliability of the checklist by evaluating the papers of seven applicants
seeking research positions in marketing science. Did raters classify the applicants’ papers as compliant
with all eight criteria? When the authors did the ratings independently, overall reliability of whether the
papers complied with the scientific method and reliability for all eight criteria were in perfect agreement;
none complied with all criteria.
We then asked five undergraduate research assistants to make the ratings for the seven above-
mentioned papers. With respect to whether the paper complied with the scientific method, there was full
agreement. On average, they violated six criteria.
To improve the reliability of the ratings, we suggest using more than one rater, but no more than five,
following evidence from Hogarth (1978). To illustrate, the consensus ratings of five research assistants
were consistent with the authors of this paper on six of the eight criteria.
An alternative approach to achieving reliability is to hire and train raters. Journal editors, in
particular, could use this option given the large number of papers that must be rated.
Exhibit 1
Scientific Practice
In this section, we review why violations occur and how they might be overcome. To do so, we
reviewed the literature of experimental evidence and surveys of research practices to gauge the use of the
scientific method in papers purporting to be scientific. In addition to Internet searches, we drew upon
references in key papers and books and advice from those researching the scientific method. For example,
Hubbard (2016) provided a review of 900 papers. Nosek and Bar-Anan (2012) and Nosek, Spies, and
Motyl (2012) provided reviews that, between them, covered 250 publications. Munafo et al. (2017)
provided 85 references, 71 of which were published since 2006. That paper also estimated that over 2,000
papers per year are published relevant to scientific practices.
To ensure that our summaries of the cited papers were accurate, we tried to contact via email each
author whose substantive findings were included in our paper. Most of the authors we reached provided
responses that improved our summaries. In one case, we failed to reach agreement on the author’s
finding, so we dropped our reference to it.
We also sought peer reviews, asking how the paper might be improved. In particular, we asked for
relevant experimental papers that we had overlooked, especially if the evidence conflicted with our
Objectivity versus advocacy
We use the term advocacy to refer to studies that are designed to “prove” a given hypothesis, as distinct
from arguing in favor of an idea. Advocacy studies can be identified operationally by the absence of fair
tests of multiple reasonable hypotheses. We refer to the latter approach as “MRHT.”
In Journals
Management Science published two papers arguing that advocacy studies are superior to objectivity
for advancing science (Mitroff, 1969 and 1972). Mitroff’s interviews of 40 eminent space scientists led
him to conclude that scientists held in the highest regard were advocates who actively avoided and
suppressed disconfirming evidence. He concluded that “We need better models of science that are based,
if only in part, on what scientists actually do.”
In a response to Mitroff’s articles, Armstrong (1980a) revealed that “Mitroff” was the fictitious name
for a group of scientists who wished to demonstrate that papers in blatant violation of the scientific
method could be published in a leading scientific journal. In doing so, Armstrong used the advocacy
approach documented by Mitroff, and avoided mentioning disconfirming evidencein particular, that he
knew Ian Mitroff.
To assess the practices of leading scientists, Armstrong (1979) coded all 120 empirical papers
published in Management Science from 1955 to 1976. Of these, 64% used a single hypothesis (advocacy),
22% used MRHT, and 14% tested no hypotheses.
Another study used the same definition of advocacy (single hypothesis), to code 1,700 empirical
papers published from 1984 to 1999 in six leading marketing journals. This found that 74% of the papers
used advocacy, while 13% used MRHT, and 13% had no hypotheses (Armstrong, Brodie and Parsons,
In Groups
Experimental studies have shown that groups universally reject people with opinions that differ from
the group’s consensus beliefs. This happens even for newly formed groups when asked to make a group
decision on something about which they had no prior opinion. Pressure is directed against deviants, who
face ostracism if they do not agree after a suitable time. See, for example, the experiment on the “Johnny
Rocco” case in Schachter (1951) and the Asch experiment in which subjects in a group were shown
images of lines and were asked to assess their replative lengths. The latter experiment found that most of
the subjects would agree with obviously incorrect group assessments that, unbeknown to the subjects,
were being proposed by group members who were confederates of the researcher. (Asch, 1955).
Furthermore, once beliefs are established, they do not die easily. Festinger, Rieken, and Schachter’s
(1956) study on a cult that predicted the “end of world” found that the cult members increased their belief
in predicting the end of the world when the world did not end on their predicted date. That strengthening
of belief in the face of disconfirming evidence also occurred in a study with subjects from a Christian
youth groupmost of whom were strong believers that Christ was Godwhen they were presented with
evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls that Christ was not God. Among the group, those who believed the
disconfirming evidence to be authentic reported the highest increase in their belief in God (Batson, 1975). !!!!
Environmental Pressures
Funders often pay for studies to support common beliefs. Colleagues provide adulation and job
security to those who uphold these beliefs. Government grants are typically awarded with an explicit or
implicit requirement to conduct advocacy research, rather than to aid a researcher in pursuing topics of
their own choosing. Universities become dependent on income from funded research, and they want to
ensure that funders are satisfied with the findings.
As a result, advocates resort to procedures such as:
(1) Ignore cumulative scientific knowledge: A basic law of economics is that people are less willing
to purchase goods and services as prices increase, all else being equal. A meta-analysis of price
elasticities of demand for 1,851 goods and services from 81 studies, found a range from -0.25 to
-9.5, with nearly half of the individual estimates between -1.0 and -1.3 and an average price
elasticity of -2.62 (Bijmolt, Heerde, and Pieters, 2005, Table 1). Contrast that with Doucouliagos
and Stanley’s (2009, p. 412) finding of an average estimate of -0.2 from a review of 1,474
studies of the price elasticity of demand for low-priced labor services in studies advocating the
use of minimum-wage laws.
(2) Test a preferred hypothesis against an implausible “null” hypothesis: Cohen’s (1994) paper,
“The earth is round” is widely read and citedand, unfortunately, often ignored in practice.
(3) Show only evidence favoring the preferred hypothesis: For example, Gigerenzer (2015)
reviewed the literature cited by those urging governments to “nudge” citizens to adopt preferred
behaviorssuch as requiring people to actively opt out of a government-chosen “default.” He
found that papers advocating governmental nudges seldom cited disconfirming evidence.
(4) Do not specify the conditions associated with the hypothesis, thus rendering it incapable of being
(5) Ignore important causal variables. Schmidt (2017) explored this issue in public policy issues
such as education. To support desired policy findings, Schmidt found, researchers often ignore
the importance of “general mental ability” (intelligence). For example, companies hire college
graduates, given the correlation showing that those with college degrees are more successful.
However, once controlled for general mental ability, there was little evidence of benefits from a
college education. Thus, tests of general mental ability provide an inexpensive way for
companies to make their employment decisions.
(6) Use non-experimental data: The definition of the scientific method calls for experimental data
and tests of out-of-sample predictive validity. Analyses of non-experimental data cannot
produce useful scientific findings, perhaps only ideas.
(7) Use data models: Data modeling methodssuch as multiple regression, stepwise regression,
data mining, and machine learningselect “predictor variables” based on correlations in non-
experimental data. Einhorn (1972, p. 367) likened data models to alchemy, stating, “Access to
powerful new computers has encouraged routine use of highly complex analytic techniques, often in
the absence of any theory, hypotheses, or model to guide the researchers expectations of results.” They
play a key role in advocacy research by allowing researchers to ignore prior knowledge. With
sufficiently “big” data, every variable will have a statistically significant correlation, allowing
researchers to design a model to suit the client’s preferences. Data models lack predictive
validity when compared to simple models based on cumulative knowledge as shown in
Armstrong and Green (2018). For more on the dangers of regression analysis, see Armstrong
(8) Use faulty logic: Meehl (1990, p. 199-201) claimed that it is common for papers published in
psychology to violate logic. For example, Gigerenzer (1991) challenged the logic in Tversky and
Kahneman’s (1974) paper on whether judgments made by research subjects were biased.
Gigerenzer found that the failure of subjects to make the judgments that Tversky and Kahneman
considered to be correct did not occur when the problems were posed in ways that people would
typically encounter. The problem might have been avoided if the paper had included tests of
multiple reasonable hypotheses.
Unfortunately, the journal peer review process is not effective in spotting faulty logic. Baxt
et al. (1998) found that 68% of the 203 reviewers for a medical journal failed to notice that the
conclusions in a paper they reviewed had no logical connection to the evidence in the paper.
Unbeknownst to the reviewers, the paper was fictitious.
(9) Avoid tests of ex ante predictive validity. Researchers with findings that are “interesting” or in
support of their beliefs often fail to test predictive validity. For example, in their paper on
“prospect theory” in Science, Tversky and Kahneman (1981) found that messages are more
persuasive when the arguments are framed around lossese.g., act now or lose $500than
when framed around gainse.g., act now and win $500. They did not, however, test the
predictive validity of this conclusion. Other researchers did so, and found the theory lacked
predictive validity. A review of 136 papers with experiments involving 30,000 subjects, found it was
difficult to determine the conditions under which prospect theory applied (Kühberger, 1998). Another
review found that prospect theory was not helpful for developing persuasive health-care messages
(Wilson, Purdon, and Wallston, 1988). A meta-analysis of experiments with over 50,000 subjects
and 165 effect sizes found that predictions derived from prospect theory were not confirmed
(O’Keefe and Jensen, 2006).
(10) Use ad hominem arguments. Aristotle noted that ad hominem arguments violate logic.
Nevertheless, scientists acting as advocates persist in the practice by claiming that those with
different views are not qualified, are biased, or have dishonorable motives and should be ignored
from academia and public debate.
Solutions for Advocacy
Our definition of scientific method calls for objectivity implemented in practice by experimentally
testing multiple reasonable hypotheses (MRHT).
Experiment with multiple reasonable hypotheses: The increases in productivity that arose from the
English Agricultural Revolution illustrated the importance of MRHT. Agricultural productivity saw little
improvement until landowners in the 1700s began to conduct experiments comparing the effects of
alternative ways of growing crops (Kealey 1996, pp. 47-89).
Chamberlin (1890) observed that fields which experiment with multiple reasonable hypotheses make
progress, while those that do not make little progress. Platt (1964) reinforced that conclusion and claimed
that the failure to use MRHT has persisted over time.
MRHT rules out nonexperimental data. Consider the following example: Non-experimental data from
hundreds of thousands of users showed that a female hormone-replacement extracted from the urine of
horses, dried, and fed to older women helped to preserve youth and ward off a variety of diseases. These
findings were highly replicable. Experimental studies, however, found that the treatment harmed the
health of the women. The findings from the non-experimental data occurred because the women that had
used the new medicine were concerned about their health and sought out the best ways to stay healthy
(Avorn, 2004).
“Most institutions demand unqualified faith; but the institution of
science makes skepticism a virtue”Robert K. Merton
Skeptics: Important contributions to science depend heavily on skeptical scientists. Yet, skepticism is
seldom welcome. Researchers prefer to associate with those who have similar beliefs. That tendency has
grown over the past half-century, such that political conservativesin the U.S. sense of the termare
rare in social science departments at leading U.S. universities (Duarte et al., 2015; Langbert, Quain, and
Klein, 2016).
Creatives: Many people have the intelligence to be researchers and many also have self-control, but
few people possess simultaneously the drive to counter prevailing opinions and the creativity to identify
new solutions. The findings of Ng’s (1991) meta-analysis of studies on creative people is summarized in
the title of his paper: Why creators are dogmatic people, ‘nice’ people are not creative, and creative
people are not ‘nice.’” Based on Feist (1998) review, creative scientists are more open to new
experiences, confident, self-accepting, ambitious, hostile and impulsiveand less conventional and
conscientious. Those traits of creative people are consistent over their life span.
Use Only Relevant Incentives
Focus only on relevant criteria to reward scientific achievement. Irrelevant criteria have the effect of
delaying or blocking useful scientific knowledge. Two criteria are particularly harmful: publication
counts and citation counts.
Publication Counts: As long as there are incentives to publish, researchers will find a way. For
example, authors have used the invitation to submit names of possible reviewers by providing fictitious
contact information that directed the review request back to the paper’s author. That allowed them to
submit glowing reviews of their papers (Gao and Zhou, 2017).
Counts of publications only indicate a researcher’s contribution when the publications provide useful
scientific findings. Otherwise they are either useless or harmful. Thus, simple publication counts are
useless for evaluation, unless that number is zero.
Citation counts: Citation counts are beneficial only if the cited papers provide useful scientific
findings. If not, citations are harmful because they spread useless or false information.
Are the cited papers regarded as useful by those who cite them? Surprisingly, an audit of scientific
papers estimated that about 70 to 90 percent of the cited papers had not been read by those citing them
(Simkin and Roychowdhury, 2005). In addition, an audit of three medical journals in 1986 concluded
that, “a detailed analysis of quotation errors raises doubts in many cases that the original reference was
read by the authors.” (Evans, Nadjari, and Burchell, 1990).
Authors may also neglect to carefully read the paper. A study examined the number of mistakes in 50
randomly selected references in three issues of public health journals. Thirty percent of the cited findings
incorrectly summarized the papersfindings; half of those erroneous summaries were unrelated to the
authors’ findings (Eichorn and Yankauer, 1987).
In addition, of a sample of 50 papers citing findings from Armstrong and Overton (1977), 98% did so
incorrectly. The paper in question provided a simple, more effective way to estimate non-response bias in
surveys, and it has been cited over 13,000 times to date. However, the citations were incorrectly used to
support the existing procedure for dealing with non-response bias. (Wright and Armstrong, 2008).
Government Regulations
For centuries, scientists have been concerned with designing studies that would avoid causing harm.
They realize that ignoring the natural concern for the welfare of others would lead to disgrace and
exposure to lawsuits brought by harmed subjects. They also understand how to design studies that
minimize risks to subjects.
Starting in the mid-1960s, U.S. government officials began to regulate science without evidence of
harm from unregulated scientific research. In addition, neither Schneider (2015) nor Schrag (2010) could
find evidence of serious harm by individual scientists. For example, only three projects in a study of
2,039 non-biomedical studies reported a breach of confidentiality that harmed or embarrassed a subject
(Schrag, 2010, pp. 63-67).
Instead of evidence, the government relied on examples of studies that harmed subjects in order to
justify regulations. Among these were the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, a radiation study where
prisoners, mentally handicapped teenagers and newborn babies were injected with plutonium; and
eugenics experiments which were popular in the early 1900s. Yet, these were all government studies. We
find it difficult to believe that individual scientists would be interested in, or able to, conduct such
unethical projects without the direction, or at least support, of the government.
Despite the lack of evidence that government regulation protects subjects, the U.S. Congress passed
the National Research Act in 1974, the first of many laws to regulate scientists. Scientists in the U.S. are
now regulated by “Institutional Review Boards” (IRBs). The boards have the power to license and to
monitor research using human subjects. Nearly all researchers in institutions that receive federal funding
must have their studies reviewed and approved by an IRB if the study involves human subjects.
Researchers must obtain approval on the study’s topic, design, and reporting. These requirements apply
even when the researcher does not receive government funding (Schneider, 2015, p. xix).
Why does the government believe that regulationswhich remove personal responsibility from
researcherswould improve protection for subjects? The policymakers’ assumption contradicts the
findings in Milgram’s obedience-to-authority studies. Subjects in their experiments played the role of
scientists who were administering electric shocks to their “test subject.” The authorityfigure in this
experiment insisted that subjects must continue to administer the shocks. Clearly, subjects would not have
treated their “test subjects” with such disregard if they were responsible for the experiment.
Effects of advocacy and irrelevant measures of useful scientific contributions
Useful scientific findings are difficult to publish: Journal reviewers are likely to reject papers with
important scientific findings, as noted in a survey of 60 leading economists, including 15 Nobel Prize
winners (Gans and Shepard, 1994). Due to this recalcitrance, researchers who are doing useful studies
expend additional effort and experience years of delay in the publication process. It can also discourage
researchers from studying important problems.
Few published findings are useful: A survey asked editors of American Psychological Association
(APA) journals: “To the best of your memory, during the last two years of your tenure as editor of an
APA journal, did your journal publish one or more papers that were considered to be both controversial
and empirical? (That is, papers that presented empirical evidence contradicting the prevailing wisdom.)”
Sixteen of the 20 editors replied: seven could recall none, four said there was one, three said at least one,
and two said they published several such papers. Over the 32 journal years covered, only one paper with
controversial findings received wholly favorable reviews. However, in this case, the editor revealed that
he wanted to accept the paper, so he had selected favorable reviewers (Armstrong and Hubbard, 1991).
Cheating is increasing: Although researchers have cheated before, as described in Armstrong (1983),
the rate was low. That has changed due to incentives. One indication of cheating, the rate of journal
retractions, was around 1-in-10,000 in medical research from the 1970s to the year 2000, but it grew by a
factor of 20 from 2000 to 2011. In addition, papers in high-status journals were more likely to be
fraudulent than those in lower-ranked journals (Brembs et al., 2013).
John Darsee, a medical researcher at Emory, and then Harvard, admitted to fabricating data for a
published paper. An investigation committee concluded that he had fabricated data in 109 publications
involving 47 other researchers. Many of the fabrications were preposterous, such as a paper using data on
a 17-year old father who had four children, ages 8, 7, 5, and 4. The papers were published in leading peer-
reviewed journals. (Stewart and Feder, 1987).
Open access has led to the creation of fake or “predatory journals.” They have names that sound
scientific, offer fast peer reviews, and open access on the Internet. However, there are actually no
legitimate peer reviews; all papers are accepted, but with high fees. Beall’s List of Predatory Journals
(Beall, 2012) listed over 1,100 such journals as of January 2018. For examples, see “Paging Dr. Fraud” in
the New Yorker, March 22, 2017.
In one study, computer software (known as “SCIgen”) was created to randomly select complex words
commonly used in a topic area and to then use grammar rules to produce “academic papers.” The
software was used to test whether reviewers would accept complex, senseless papers for conferences. The
title of one such paper was “Simulating Flip-flop Gates Using Peer-to-peer Methodologies.” Some of the
software-generated papers were accepted. Later, some researchers seeking to pad their resumes used the
SCIgen program to submit papers to scientific journals. At least 120 SCIgen papers were published in a
respected peer-reviewed scientific journals before they were discovered and removed (Lott, 2014).
Governments have enacted regulations that are harmful to science: Policies to resolve problems,
either real or imagined, are initially based on expert opinions. This is followed by government funding for
advocacy research using non-experimental data to support the policies. Press coverage supports the
policies. Businesses and regulators benefit from the proposed solutions. Skeptics are scorned. When
studies compliant with the scientific method show that the policies are harmful, efforts are made to
discredit or suppress the findings. If that does not work, scientists are demoted or fired for publishing
their findings, and scorned by their “mainstream” colleagues.
Nevertheless, skeptics persist. One example is Kabat’s (2008) book on environmental hazards,
examining topics like DDT, electromagnetic fields from power lines, radon, and second-hand smoke. Try
telling someone that there is strong evidence that second-hand smoke is not dangerous and watch how
pleasedthey are to hear this good news. He concluded that the use of the advocacy method in studies on
health risks has led to many false relationships, misleading researchers, doctors, patients, and the public.
The following suggestions for universities and other funders, scientific journals, governments, courts,
and other stakeholders aim to help scientists discover and disseminate useful scientific findings.
Universities and other Funders
Use explicit criteria for useful scientific findings, such as Exhibit 1, as part of the contract. Exclude
all criteria that are not directly related to discovering and disseminating useful scientific findings.
Much of the responsibility for creating an environment in which science can advance belongs to those
who review the work of scientists with the purpose of funding, hiring, promoting, or firing them. Seek out
people who can contribute useful scientific research. Identify researchers through their demonstrated
ability to do so in the past. As noted in our discussion of the scientist’s personality, creative scientists do
not “play well with others.” While inquisitive and open to new ideas, they are averse to group meetings,
irrelevant criteria, and bureaucratic rules.
Creative researchers need an environment that stimulates original problem solving. That calls for: (1)
freedom for scientists, and (2) visibility of the problem’s consequences. Among research in organizations
with high freedom and high “visibility of consequences,” ratings of innovative findings were higher than when
these elements were missing. (Gordon and Marquis, 1966).
Two field experiments tested freedom, concluding that close supervision suppressed creativity. In addition,
creative people were motivated primarily by intrinsic, rather than extrinsic, rewards. Extrinsic rewards,
however, can and do dampen intrinsic awards (Gagne and Deci, 2005).
Creative people are also willing to take risks. (Zhou, 2003). For an example of a research organization
that provided freedom for its scientists and had high visibility of consequences, read about the “skunk works” at
Lockheed Corporation (Rich and Janos, 1996).
The requirement of objectivity should lead universities to reject funding tied to advocacy research.
Instead, universities should fund researchers for problems to which they believe they can best contribute.
Many universities, such as ours, sufficiently cover research expenses. For example, the first author has
published over 200 papers, the second author, 35, and neither of us has received government grants for
our research.
Universities should provide clearly written annual summaries not of what has been studied, but of the
useful scientific findings that have been discovered. Researchers should lead the way: explainin simple
language for all stakeholdershow their research has contributed to useful scientific knowledge.
Their findings could then be summarized by departments, schools, and universities. The task is not an
easy one. At a prestigious U. S. business school, research faculty members were asked to describe useful
scientific findings to which they had contributed (or discovered) on their required annual reports. Most
faculty left this question blank. The question lasted only about four years due to faculty complaints.
Scientific Journals
A review by Burnham (1990) concluded that mandatory peer review by journals was common only
after 1950. Before this time, editors looked for useful papers, made decisions and, on occasion, sought
advice from colleagues. Burnham did not find evidence to suggest that that the prior system was faulty.
The change has proven to be unfortunate for science.
Improper Rejections
To see why, consider the following thought experiment. Engineers at successful tech Firm X need to
use the scientific method; their daily work is to recognize problems, find solutions, and test the solutions
to see which is best. In the past, they have created many exciting and useful products. However, to ensure
continued quality, the government or industry decides that Firm X must use reviewers from other
companies to determine whether new products are good and safe. If the reviewers do not agree, the
proposed idea will be shelved. Would this system promote progress?
The rebellion started slowly as scientists recognized problems endemic to the system. Stevan Harnad
(1982) attacked the issue head-on. He edited a special issue in 1982. It led off with Harnad’s (1982)
introduction. This was followed by the “target articleby Peters and Ceci (1982); in their experiment,
twelve papers were resubmitted to the same prestigious psychology journals where they had been
published a few years earlier. Only the titles, authors’ names and affiliations and cosmetic changes were
made. Only three of the journals detected that the paper had been previously published. When not
detected, those papers were accepted only 11% of the time. The rejections were unanimous among the
two referees and the editor. Every aspect of this paper was examined by over 50 commentators (Harnad,
One of the primary concerns at the time was the low level of reliability among the two or three
reviewers. See, for example, the review of research on peer review for manuscript and grant submissions
by Cicchetti (1991).
Unfortunately, however, reviews appear to be quite reliable when it comes to rejecting useful
scientific findings. Mahoney (1977) sent a paper to reviewers for the Journal of Applied Behavior
Analysis that was, unbeknownst to them, fictitious. One version described findings that supported a
commonly accepted hypothesis, while the other version, using the same methods, reported contrary
findings. The ten reviewers who rated the paper that supported the common belief gave it an average
rating of 4.2 on a six-point scalewhere a higher score indicated higher quality for methodologywhile
the 14 reviewers who rated the paper that challenged the common belief rated it 2.4. Reviewers’
recommendations on whether to publish were mostly consistent with their methodology ratings. Similar
experimental findings were obtained in psychology by Goodstein and Brazis (1970); Abramowitz,
Gomes, and Abramowitz (1975); and Koehler (1993); as well as in in biomedical research by Young,
Ioannidis, and Al-Ubaydli (2008).
Poor Error Detection
Journal reviewers are not good at finding errors. One experiment created a fictitious paper with 10
major and 13 minor errors. It was sent to all 262 reviewers of the Annals of Emergency Medicine and 203
reviews were received. On average, the reviewers identified only 23% of the errors (Baxt et al., 1998).
In another study, reviewers for 110 social work journals received a previously published paper that
was modified by adding intentional flaws. Only two journals identified that the paper had already been
published. Few reviewers noticed that the control group in the experiment had been omitted. The author
concluded that only six of the 33 reviews received were competent (Epstein, 1990).Yet another study
provided 607 medical journal reviewers with a fictitious paper containing nine important errors. The
typical reviewer found only 2.6 (29%) of the errors (Schroter et al., 2008).
Reviewers are biased by irrelevant factors. In one experiment, reviewers were given identical papers
on psychology where the authorsnames were obviously male or female (all fictitious). The female-
authored manuscripts were accepted 62% of the time by female reviewers but only 21% of the time by
male reviewers (Lloyd, 1990). Bias based on the identity of authors can be avoided by removing all
information about the author from the paper to be reviewed.
Complexity often impresses reviewers. One experiment altered an abstract from a published paper to
create a more complex version with longer sentences and longer words, as well as a simpler version.
Academic reviewers were asked to rate the author of the work. The author of the complex version was
rated more competent than the author of the simpler version (Armstrong 1980b). Weisberg et al.’s (2008)
experiment found that papers with irrelevant words related to neuroscience were rated as more convincing
than those without the irrelevant words. In yet another experiment, reviewers gave higher ratings to
papers that included irrelevant complex mathematics than to those without the irrelevant material
(Eriksson, 2012).
An analysis of 4,160 papers in leading finance journals found that language became more complex
(Flesch-Kincaid Index) from 2000 and 2016. In addition, the more complex the paper, the greater the
citation count. The researchers concluded that “scientists gain recognition by unintelligible writing”
(Berninger, et al., 2018).
After recognizing these systemic problems, what can scientific journals do?
Alter the Mandatory Journal Review procedures: As noted above, journalscurrent review
procedures effectively censor useful scientific findings. Peer review is vital to science, but it needs
changes. Journals should ask for details about who provided pre-submission reviews. They should also
provide for continuing post-publication, moderated, open peer review of papers on the journal’s website.
Require reviewers to identify themselves, provide brief résumés to support claims of expertise, and verify
that they have read the paper in question. Eliminate emotional and ad hominem arguments, opinions, and
inappropriate language. Make these reviews easily located and accessed, along with corrections,
replications, and papers that have cited the paper being viewed.
An alternative is to accept all papers that comply with the scientific method PLoS (Public Library of
Science), an online journal, offers to publish all papers that meet their explicit criteria, and to do so
rapidly. Their acceptance rate of 70% is high relative to that of prestigious journals in the social and
management sciences. Five years after its introduction, almost 14,000 articles had been published in
PLOS ONE, which made it the largest journal in the world at the time. Some of their papers are important
and widely read. The journal does well on the basis of citations, compared with established journals, and
it seems to be a financial success (Straumsheim, 2017.)
To our knowledge, PLoS is the first scientific journal that accepts papers by using a checklist with
operational criteria, The criteria are based on “soundness” and consistent to a large extent with our criteria
for science. For example, “provide enough detail to allow suitably skilled investigators to fully replicate
your study” (PLOS ONE, 2016a & b). Most important, their criteria pose no obvious barriers to
publication of useful scientific findings that challenge existing beliefs. Their procedure reduced the bias
and uncertainty in the traditional peer review system; however, we have no information on how well the
practice works, since the journal uses subject matter expert reviewers to determine compliance with the
PLOS’s requirements do not assess usefulness or objectivity. Thus, sound but useless papers might be
published, as might advocacy papers. It would be easy, given the systems they already have in place, to
add an additional checklist to certify papers that are compliant with the scientific method.
Existing high-status scientific journals could also add a section that would guarantee rapid acceptance
and distribution for all papers that comply with the criteria for useful scientific research. The journals
would use trained raters. The average time to rate a paper against the criteria for compliance with the
scientific method is currently less than an hour per rater, This would allow the time to publication to be cut
from years to weeks.
For papers that fall short, authors could revise their paper to achieve compliance. Authors should be
allowed to argue that some criteria do not apply to their paper, and such papers might be published along
with the ratings and the authors’ explanation.
The rest of the journal would require no change. However, we believe that additional changes would
lead to more effective discovery and dissemination of useful scientific findings. Our list benefited from
suggestions by Nosek and Bar-Anan (2012) and others. Some journals have already implemented some of
these suggestions:
1) Invite papers. By invitation, we mean that the paper will be published when the researcher
decides it is ready. Inviting papers allows authors to choose topics that challenge current
thinking, or to take on large tasks such as meta-analyses. Inviting papers helps journals to
publish more important papers than would otherwise be the case, and to do so less expensively,
as the authors must obtain reviews themselves. This strategy was used for the 1982 introduction
of the Journal of Forecasting. Its impact factor for 1982 to 1983 was seventh among all journals
in business, management, and planning. In an audit of 545 papers on forecasting, invited papers
were 20 times more importantbased on usefulness of the findings and citationsthan
traditional submissions (Armstrong and Pagell, 2003).
2) Seek useful scientific papers. State that the journal is interested in publishing useful scientific
findings. A survey of editors of psychology and social work journals rated usefulness“the
value of an article’s findings to affairs of everyday social life”10th in importance out of 12
criteria (Lindsey, 1978, pp. 18-21). Beyer’s (1978) survey found that “[a]applicability to
practical or applied problems” ranked last of the 10 criteria presented to editors of physics,
chemistry, and sociology journals, and next to last for political science. It would help, then, to
emphasize that the journal is interested in papers with useful findings.
!!!!!!!!We examined the aims and instructions in 2017 to authors of six journals in the management
sciences: Management Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Marketing Science, Journal of
Marketing Research, European Journal of Marketing, and Interfaces. Only two attempted to
explain that they were seeking papers with useful scientific findings, and none provided a
checklist to ensure compliance with the scientific method. Might it be that researchers seldom
follow the scientific method because no one asks them to do so?
Another way to obtain useful papers is to encourage researchers to submit proposals for
papers. Proposals would include the research design along with a description of the hypotheses
that would be tested. The journal should invite the publication for all papers with satisfactory
3) Invite studies of important problems based on their design. If a study involves an important
problem and the design complies with the scientific method, any findings would be useful.
4) Require structured abstracts. Emerald Publishers, for example, has this requirement for its
journals and it is standard practice in some physical and medical science journals. !
5) Give preference to papers that test multiple reasonable hypotheses. When it was founded in 1981,
the Journal of Forecasting stated that preference would be given to such papers and it was part of the
23-item “reviewer’s rating sheet” that was provided to readers. Almost 58% of the empirical papers
published in the Journal of Forecasting (1982 to 1985) and the International Journal of Forecasting
(1985-1987) used the method of multiple reasonable hypotheses. That statement is still in the guidelines
but not in the journal’s rating form for reviewers, and few papers in that journal currently use multiple
6) Require full disclosure. As some journals now do, do not publish a paper until any information
needed for replication, beyond that which is included in the paper, is provided online.
7) Ask for estimates of effect sizes, prediction intervals, and costs for policy decisions related to
each hypothesis. In other words, the paper should provide the information needed for
cost/benefit analyses of any policies that might be suggested by the findings.
8) Reject statistical significance tests. The tests are invalid and harm scientific progress. Prestigious
journals in the social sciences typically insist that empirical papers include statistically
significant findings to be considered for publication. By 2007, statistical significance testing was
included in 98.6% of published empirical studies in accounting, and over 90% of papers in
political science, economics, finance, management, and marketing (Hubbard, 2016, Chapter 2).
A review of the history of statistical significance testing found that it was never validated as
a useful method and that it has led to much harm, such as unnecessary deaths (Ziliak and
McCloskey, 2008). Others have reached the same conclusions (see, e.g., Schmidt and Hunter,
1997; and Hubbard, 2016, pp. 232-234).
Statistical significance has no relationship to importance; thus, it is expected to harm
decision-making. In one study, 261 researchers who had published in the American Journal of
Epidemiology were presented with the findings of a comparative drug test and asked which of
the two drugs they would recommend for a patient. More than 90% of subjects presented with
statistically significant drug test findings (p < 0.05) recommended that drug; in contrast, fewer
than 50% of those who were presented with the same estimate of benefits but statistically
insignificant results did so (McShane and Gal, 2015). Another experiment by McShane and Gal
(2017) found that people who taught statistics often failed to draw logical conclusions when
presented with results alongside measures of statistical significance.
Researchers publish faulty interpretations of statistical significance in leading economics
journals (McCloskey and Ziliak, 1996). Furthermore, leading econometricians performed poorly
when asked to interpret standard statistical summaries of regression analyses (Soyer and
Hogarth, 2012).
Testing for statistical significance harms progress in science. For example, one study used
significance tests to conclude that combining forecasts was not effective in reducing forecast
errors (Armstrong, 2007a). In fact, combining forecasts, is arguably the most effective method
for reducing forecast error (Armstrong and Green, 2018).
In practice, support for a preferred hypothesis in the form of a statistically significant finding
is easy to produce. The most common approach is to test a favored hypothesis against a
senseless null hypothesis, such as “demand for a product is not affected by its price.” Another
approach to obtaining statistically significant results is to develop or revise the hypotheses after
analyzing the data.
A survey of management faculty found that 92% claimed to know of researchers who, within
the previous year, had developed hypotheses after they analyzed the data (Bedeian, Taylor, and
Miller, 2010). In addition, in a survey of over 2,000 psychologists, 35% of the respondents
admitted to “reporting an unexpected finding as having been predicted from the start.” Further,
43% had decided to “exclude data after looking at the impact of doing so on the results” (John,
Lowenstein, and Prelec, 2012).
9) Ask reviewers for suggestions only on how a paper might be improved. Do not ask them
whether a paper should be published.
10) Avoid asking that papers adhere to a common format unnecessarily. For example, numbered
sections are distracting to readers if they serve no purpose. The author will realize when
numbered sections are helpful.
11) Provide a summary by the editors of the most important scientific findings published each year.
The summary should be in simple language so that their readers can understand.
None of the foregoing suggestions are intended to imply that journals should not continue to have
sections for exploratory studies, thought pieces, applications, opinions, editorials, obituaries, tutorials,
book reviews, commentaries, ethical issues, logical application of existing scientific knowledge,
corrections, announcements, and identification of problems in need of research. In short, journals can
provide a forum for cooperative efforts to improve science in a given field.
“The prospect of domination of the nations scholars by Federal employment, project
allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in
holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the […]
danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1961) Farewell address to the nation
Warnings about government funding of research have been made for centuries, as Eisenhower and
other U.S. presidents have noted. Such funding is likely to produce advocacy research supporting interest
groups and promoting government policies. We have been unable to find any scientific evidence, other
than for defense, that government funding of research is desirable. Kealey’s (1996) review of natural
experiments in various countries concluded that increased government involvement in scientific research
led to a decrease in private sector research and an overall reduction in useful research findings.
In the past, and continuing to this day, governments have restricted free speech. Consider the
response to Galileo’s calculations of the movement of planets, or the Stalin era U.S.S.R. government’s
endorsement of Lysenko’s flawed theories about plant breeding and the ensuing persecution of scientists
who disputed Lysenko’s theories. Miller (1996) discusses several examples. In recent decades, the
primary approach to restricting free speech has been done through regulation under the guise of protecting
subjects from harm. As we described above, no evidence had been provided to show that harm has been
reduced, and obedience to authority studies suggest that blind obedience to the authority of regulations
can be expected to increase harm to subjects. In addition, reviews by Schneider (2015), Schrag (2010),
and Infectious Diseases Society of America (2009) provide evidence that scientific progress is harmed by
Governments could help to advance scientific knowledge by protecting scientists’ freedom of speech.
In the U.S., that could be done by eliminating funding for advocacy research and removing regulatory
impediments to research. Those changes would save scarce resourcesand improve the effectiveness of
When formulating policies, governments should rely only on scientific findings that comply with the
scientific method. In the rare cases where government funding beyond the military might be needed, we
suggest that contracts should specify that researchers must comply with the scientific method (Exhibit 1).
Few people are destined to be scientists. Edison, for example, was a rare person with almost 1,100
U.S. patents. We expect that those who are destined for science will know that at a young age. Certainly,
general mental ability is needed, and self-control (Mischel, 2014) is likely to be critical.
Given the importance of skeptics in science, you might also consider whether you have the skeptic’s
personality. The Oxford English Dictionary describes a skeptic as “a seeker after truth who has not yet
arrived at definite convictions.” Do you often see something and wonder, “Is there a better way?or
“That doesn’t seem right, I wonder if I can test it against other approaches?”
In addition, you might want to read biographies of highly creative scientists, such as Stanley Milgram
(Blass, 2009) or Julian Simon (2002). If you are not thinking “this is me!” at many passages, you may
want to reconsider your desire to be a scientist. The same holds for the Sinclair Lewis’s novel,
Arrowsmith, in which a skeptical medical scientist challenges the government on how to stop an epidemic
by using properly designed experiments.
There are many ways to design a scientific project. As with any complex task, checklists will help in
practicing science. We organize Exhibit 2 using six basic steps of conducting a useful scientific study. For
each step, we provide guidelines for complying with the scientific method:
1. Selecting a problem
2. Designing a study
3. Collecting data
4. Analyzing data
5. Writing a scientific paper
6. Disseminating the findings
The guidelines rely heavily on the literature regarding violations of the scientific method and the
solutions to these violations that have been developed. Unlike the Checklist in Exhibit 1, which is based
on prior knowledge and logic, the Guidelines for Scientists are based on experimental studies. Thus, they
are expected to evolve with the accumulation of more knowledge. The checklist can thus provide a way to
keep researchers aware of new discoveries; when a current guideline is replaced by a more effective
solution, scientists should update their practices.
Exhibit 2: Guidelines for Scientists
Selecting a problem
Seek problems for which findings are likely to provide benefits without duress or deceit
Be skeptical about findings, theories, policies, methods, and data, especially absent experimental evidence
Consider replications and extensions of useful scientific papers
Ensure that you can address the problem objectively
If you need funding, ensure that you will nevertheless have control over all aspects of your study
Designing a study
Acquire existing knowledge about the problem
Develop multiple reasonable hypotheses with specified conditions
Design experiments with specified conditions that can test the predictive validity of hypotheses
Collecting data
Obtain all valid data; do not use non-experimental data to identify causal variables
Ensure that the data are reliable
Analyzing data
Use methods that incorporate cumulative knowledge
Use simple methods
Use multiple validated methods
Estimate effect sizes and prediction intervals
Draw logical conclusions on the practical implications of findings from the tests of hypotheses
Writing a scientific paper
Disclose research hypotheses, methods, and data
Cite all relevant scientific papers when presenting evidence
Ensure summaries of cited prior findings are necessary and correct
Explain why your findings are useful
Write clearly and succinctly for the widest audience for whom the findings might be useful
Obtain extensive peer review and editing before submitting a paper for publication
Disseminating the findings
Provide thorough responses to journal reviewers, and appeal to editors if you have useful scientific findings
Consider alternative ways to publish your findings
Inform those who can use your findings
May 29, 2018
Selecting a Problem
How do people respond when a researcher uses science to address important issues? It is an old
problem, as illustrated by Copernicus. Barber (1961) described resistance that famous scientists met when
they worked on important problems. For example, Francis Galton encountered resistance when he worked
on an important problem in the 1870s“What is the value of prayer?”—as was described by Brush
1. Seek an important problem
Research produces useful findings only when the problem is important. An important problem is one
for which new scientific findings could be useful to others without involving duress or deceit. Examples
include improving procedures for forecasting or decision-making; developing more effective and safer
products and services; reducing waste, crime, and conflict among individuals or nations; improving health
or life satisfaction; protecting individual freedoms; discovering cost-effective ways to ensure equal
opportunity under the la;, administering justice; and so on.
Work independently to find problems to study. It is easy to think of individuals who have inspired
scientific advances, but difficult to recall groups that have done so.
Research finds that group creativity is low (see brief review in Armstrong, 2006). The larger the
group, the poorer the outcome. Russell Ackoff, perhaps the most creative and acclaimed professor in the
history of the Wharton School had a rule of thumb: “Subtract ten IQ points for each person you add to a
group.” Groups value working well with others over good work and agreement over skepticism.
The selection of an important problem requires creativity, along with an awareness of your interests
and skills. You are the only one who knows this, so do not ask others what to work on. Do not apply for
grants; how could a group of people possibly identify a problem that fits your interests and skills? Make a
large list of problems that you deem feasible. Add to your list and make notes as new ideas arise.
The way a problem is described can limit the search for solutions. To avoid that, state the problem in
different ways; a technique known as “problem storming.” Then, search for solutions for each statement of the
problem. For example, politicians who are concerned that higher education is not effective usually state the
problem as “how can we improve teaching?” An alternative statement is, “how can we improve learning?” The
latter approach yields recommendations that differ sharply from those of the first.
Strike out problems for which a wealth of knowledge from experimental research already exists.
Strike out problems on which many capable experimenters are already working.
For the remaining problems, ask: Are you able to develop an experiment to test hypotheses against each
other? Can you structure the experiment to prevent personal preferences? If not, find another problem.
Once you select the most appropriate problem for yourself, assume that you are restricted from using that
problem and generate an alternative problem. Then, remove the prohibition and decide which problem would be
best. By using this technique, people often found the second solution to be better than the first (Maier and
Hoffman, 1963).
Ask others to comment on your problem. Hal Arkes, who has made important discoveries in the
management sciences, uses his “Aunt Mary testto test new ideas. At Thanksgiving each year, his Aunt
Mary would ask him to tell her about his important new research. When Aunt Mary was skeptical about a
research idea, he said, “I didnt always abandon it, but I always reevaluated it, usually resulting in some
kind of modification of the idea to make it simpler or more practical” (Arkes, personal communication,
2016). Go beyond your “Aunt Mary” and ask a number of people with common sensebut who are not
experts on the specific problemwhether a problem that you are considering is important. It is best to do
this by asking them to write as many suggestions as they can for you.
You can omit the above steps when a problem manifests conspicuous, unequivocal importance, like
an “elephant in the room.” Consider Milgram’s idea to study the extent to which scientists running
experiments will blindly obey authority. That study intrigued almost everyone.
Show the design of your experiment to people in the area of interest and ask them to predict the
findings. If their predictions prove to be wrong, this is evidence that the findings are surprising. Milgram
(1974) showed that his blind obedience findings differed immensely from what people expected. For
example, Yale seniors predicted that only one percent of the subjects would apply the maximum electric
shock level (in which the “experimenters” are concerned that the “learnermight have died), whereas in
the experiments, 65% did so. Do not, however, ask people if they are surprised after they see the findings.
Three experiments showed that people seldom express surprise, no matter what the findings (Slovic and
Fischhoff, 1977).
You may also write a press release and ask people to comment on your study and its methods. Do
they think it is important?
2. Be skeptical about findings, theories, policies, methods, and data, especially absent experimental
evidence !
Research is more likely to be useful if it addresses problems that have been the subject of few, if any,
experimental studies. There are many important problems that could benefit from experimental evidence.
For example, game theory proponents assert that game theory improves the accuracy of forecasts of
decisions made in conflict situations. Unable to find experimental support for that claim, Green (2002 and
2005) conducted experiments and found that game theorists’ forecasts of decisions in conflict situations
were no more accurate than unaided guesses by naïve subjects. Further research on the predictive validity
of game theory would seem worthwhile given the volume of publications on the topic (a Google Scholar
search for “game theory” in May 2018 obtained nearly a million hits, more than one-third of them dated
after 2002).
Semmelweis’s experiments provide a classic example of a researcher taking a skeptical approach to
his contemporaries’ untested beliefs and practices and making a life-saving discovery as a result. He
found that when doctors washed their hands after dissecting cadavers and before visiting the maternity
ward, deaths among expectant mothers fell from 14% in 1846 to 1.3% in 1848 (Routh, 1849).
3. Consider replications and extensions of papers with useful scientific findings.
Replications and extensions of useful scientific studies are important regardless of whether they
support or contradict the original study. Replications of useless or nonscientific studies have no value.
Direct replications are helpful when there are reasons to be suspicious about findings relating to an
important problem. Extensions of important scientific findings are useful as they provide evidence about
the conditions under which the findings apply.
Unfortunately, replications are often difficult to conduct due to insufficient disclosure in published
papers and uncooperative authors (Hubbard, 2016, p.149; Iqbal et al., 2016). Some journals, though, have
adopted policies that require researchers to post all information required for replication in a repository.
For an example of the value of replications and extensions, consider Iyengar and Lepper’s (2000)
study. When shoppers were offered a choice of 24 jams, fewer than 3% made a purchase, whereas when
they were offered a choice of six jams, 30% purchased. The researchers concluded that customers should
not be offered many choices. However, an attempt to directly replicate the jam study failed, and a meta-
analysis of 50 related empirical studies failed to find the “too-many-choices” effect (Scheibehenne,
Greifeneder, and Todd, 2010). Extensions have shown that the number of choices that consumers prefer is
affected by many factors (Armstrong, 2010, pp. 35-39).
Another important replication tested Hirschman’s (1967) influential “hiding hand” study of 11 public
works projects financed by the World Bank. Hirschman found that while planners underestimated costs,
they underestimated benefits even more, leading him to conclude that public-works projects are
beneficial. Flyvbjerg (2016) replicated Hirschman’s research by analyzing 2,062 projects involving eight
types of infrastructure in 104 countries during the period 1927 to 2013. There was no “hiding hand”
benefit: on average, costs overran by 39% and benefits were over-estimated by 10%.
Milgram’s blind obedience study was successfully replicated by many researchers, as Blass (2009)
described. Some extensions helped find solutions to reduce blind obedience. For example, one
experimental study found that socially irresponsible behavior by corporations can be reduced if different
stakeholders are represented on the board of directors and if the accounting system examines the costs and
benefits for each stakeholder group (Armstrong, 1977).
4. Ensure that you can address the problem impartially
Once you have a list of important problems, examine each to see if you could develop experiments to test
leading reasonable alternative hypotheses. Can you structure the experiment such that your favored hypothesis
might not dominate? If not, find another problem.
5. If you need funding, ensure that you will nevertheless have control over all aspects of your study
Do you really need funding? Over the combined 75 years of our careers, we have been able to design
and conduct research studies without outside funding. We have been fortunate in that our universities
have provided modest unrestricted research budgets to help cover costs. Sometimes we use our personal
Researchers must retain control over all aspects of the design, analysis, and writing. That can be a
problem for researchers at universities that receive government funding in some countries, such as the
U.S. Even if you do not receive external funds, you may be subject to restrictions on the topics you are
permitted to study, how you must design your experiments, and what you must say in your paper.
Milgram’s (1969) experiments on blind obedience found that the risk of harm to subjects is increased
if the research is regulated by the government. In this study, subjects acting in the role of “experimenters”
believed that they might be killing “subjects” when they administered electrical shocks, yet they
continued when told to do so by an authority figure.!Milgram’s debriefing and follow-up survey of all 856
subjects in his blind-obedience experiments obtained a 92% response rate. Only one percent of them were
sorry that they had participated in the experiment. Forty-four percent were “very glad” and 40% were
“glad” (Milgram, 1974, Appendix I).
Designing a Study
The next three guidelines describe how to design objective experiments.
6. Acquire existing knowledge about the problem
To contribute to useful scientific knowledge, researchers must first become knowledgeable about
what is already known. Literature reviews are expensive and time-consuming, but critical. Scientists build
on prior findings.
To maintain objectivity in the literature review, use meta-analyses consisting only of experiments
with multiple reasonable hypotheses. The criteria and procedures should be established before the search
for relevant papers begins and they should be described in your paper.
Traditional reviews are more likely than meta-analyses to omit papers that conflict with the author’s
favored hypothesis (Beaman, 1991). An experiment with 42 graduate students and university faculty
found meta-analyses to be more objective than traditional reviews (Cooper and Rosenthal, 1980).
Practical advice on conducting meta-analyses are provided in Ones, Viswesvaran, and Schmidt (2017).
Ask leading scientists in the area of investigation to suggest relevant experimental papers. Use the
citations in those papers to find additional papers, and so on. The process is referred to by some as
“snowballing.Wohlin (2014) provides suggestions on the procedure.
Internet searches should be used to find relevant papers. However, given the large number of
academic works available online, many papers that seem promising based on their title and key words, do
not provide useful scientific findings. Moreover, online searches miss many relevant papers. For example,
a search for studies on forecasting methods found that the Social Science Citation Index identified only
one-sixth of the papers that were eventually cited in Armstrong and Pagell (2003). To improve Internet
searches, we suggest that researchers or the journals provide information about a paper’s compliance with
science. Without that, however, one can quickly determine whether a paper uses experiments to test
multiple reasonable hypotheses by looking at the abstract, tables, and conclusions.
7. Develop multiple reasonable hypotheses with specified conditions
Identify the problem’s status quo solution, promising, proposed alternative solutions, and your
solutions. Ask other individuals to suggest additional solutions. Seek out people who have diverse
knowledge that differs from your own. Think of ways that similar problems were solved.
When you have promising hypotheses for an important problem, list reasons why each hypothesis
might be wrong. Doing so helps to specify the conditions under which the hypotheses are expected to be
most effective.
8. Design experiments with specified conditions that can test the predictive validity of hypotheses
As noted in the definition of the scientific method, experimentation is necessary. We should all know
that because when we were very young children and unable to speak, experimentation was critical for us
(Gopnik, Sobel and Schulz, 2001). If we did not experiment, our parents would fear that there was
something wrong with us.
Experiments provide the only valid way to gain knowledge about causal relationships. Non-
experimental data is akin to using data from a poorly designed experiment. For example, conclusions
from non-experimental research typically conclude that pre-announced consumer satisfaction surveys
improve consumers’ satisfaction. In contrast, a series of well-designed experiments showed that such
surveys harm customer satisfaction (Ofir and Simonson, 2001). In another example, economists’ analyses
of non-experimental data support the hypothesis that high salaries for corporate executives benefit firms’
stockholders. In contrast, experimental studies in organizational behavior conclude that CEOs are usually
overpaid in large publicly-owned firms in the U.S. (Jacquart and Armstrong, 2013).
Design experiments to test which hypothesis provides the most cost-effective solution under the given
conditions. Experiments can be laboratory or field studies. The latter may be either controlled, quasi-
controlled, or natural.
Laboratory experiments allow for control over the conditions, while field experiments are more
realistic. Interestingly, however, a comparison of findings from laboratory and field experiments in 14
areas of organizational behavior concluded that both methods produce similar findings (Locke, 1986). In
addition, a meta-analysis of 40 studies on how the source of a communication affects persuasion led to
similar conclusions when tested by field and laboratory studies (Wilson and Sherrell, 1993).
Natural experiments have strong validity, but may not be as reliable. Consider the debate about which
is more important to one’s health: lifestyle or health care. When Russia abruptly ended its support of
Cuba’s economy, an economic crisis began in 1989 and lasted until 2000. There was a lack of food,
health care, transportation, and so on. People had to leave their desk jobs to work in the fields. An
analyses of Cuba’s national statistics from 1980 through 2005 found that food intake (in calories)
decreased by 36%; the percentage of physically active adults increased from 30% to 67%; and obesity
decreased from 14% to 7%. By 1997-2002, deaths due to diabetes dropped by half, and those due to heart
disease by one-third (Franco et al., 2007). This natural experiment had a large sample size and effect
sizes, but it tested only a single country, so there may have been other factors.
Some areas provide large samples of natural experiments, thus overcoming the reliability issue.
Consider gun control. Individuals in some countries have the right to carry firearms and some do not. This
also happens by states, cities, localities, and institutions in the U.S., thereby providing large sample sizes
to assess alternative policies. Lott (2010) has been analyzing these findings for over two decades. His
findings from natural experiments frequently differ from those of researchers who analyze non-
experimental data.
Collecting Data
Scientists should ensure that their data are valid and reliable. Furthermore, they should use all data
that have been shown to be valid and reliable, and nothing more. We stress “nothing more” because data
models can include “predictorvariables that have no known causal relationship with the variable being
9. Obtain all valid data
Validity is the extent to which the data measure the concept that they purport to measure. Many
disputes arise due to differences in how to measure concepts. For example, what is the best way to
measure economic inequality”?
Explain the search procedures used to select data sets. Include all relevant data in your analysis and
explain the strengths and weaknesses of each. There is seldom one best data set, and all are biased in one
way or another.
When there is more than one set of valid data, analyze each separately, then combine across the
analyses to help to help control for biases. For example, data on country A’s exports to country B often
differ sharply from country B’s data on imports from country A. In such cases, averages should be used
as a way to control for biases.
10. Ensure that the data are reliable
Reliability means the degree to which the results agree when the procedures are repeated. For
example, if the measure is based on expert judgments, are the judgments similar across judges? Are the
same judgments made when the same expert repeats the judgment over time? Have the measuring
instruments changed over time? Are the measurement instruments in good working order? Have
unexplained revisions been made in the data?
When dealing with time series, use all the data, as long as no substantive changes were made in the
definition of the data, or the measuring instruments
Reliability can be improved using larger sample sizes. However, there are diminishing returns as the
sample sizes increase. For example, to forecast the outcome of elections via survey research, there is little
value to using sample sizes larger than 1,000. For example, in study of 56 political pollswith samples
varying from 575 to 2,086the accuracy of the polls had little relationship with sample size (Lau, 1994).
Analyzing Data
Scientists are responsible for using proper methods for analyzing their data. They should describe
methods before beginning the analysis and record subsequent changes to the data or procedures.
11. Use methods that incorporate cumulative knowledge
Analysts can incorporate prior knowledge in their analysis by developing “knowledge models.”
Knowledge modelsalso known as “index models”—were inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s approach to
decision-making, which involved comparing alternative hypotheses by assessing which is strongest on
balance when all important aspects (variables) are considered. Franklin was describing to a friend how to
assess which of two employment opportunities would be likely to lead to the greatest happiness, but the
approach generalizes to assessing which hypothesis best represents knowledge about a situation when all
relevant factors are considered.
Here are the steps for developing a knowledge model:
a. Select causal variables: Knowledge models rely on domain knowledge and on cumulative
experimental evidence on causal relationships. They should not be confused with data models,
which are developed using statistical analyses of non-experimental data in order to select
predictor variables that correlate with the variable being forecast. Despite the logical objections to
that approach, 32% of the 182 regression papers published in the American Economic Review in the
1980s relied on statistical significance for choosing predictor variables (Ziliak and McCloskey, 2004).
The situation worsened in the 1990s, as 74% of 137 such papers did so.
b. Assign weights: Knowledge models rely on weights determined by experimental evidence or, in
the absence of such evidence, domain expertise. To the extent that there is uncertainty, weights
should tend toward equality across the variables.
c. Combine evaluations of hypotheses from different knowledge models: Rather than attempting to
develop a comprehensive model of a complex situation, consider developing knowledge models
of different aspects of the problem, then use all of them to evaluate hypotheses.
Evaluate each plausible alternative hypothesis according to which is most consistent with knowledge
on each variable, applying the variable weights, and then summing across the variables. The hypothesis
with the highest score should be preferred. Gains in predictive validity of hypotheses supported by
knowledge model testing are likely to be greatest when there are many important causal variables, such as
with the long run growth in the wealth of nations, and the popular appeal of political candidates.
Comparative tests have shown substantial gains in out-of-sample predictive validity for knowledge
models versus data models (see the review in Armstrong and Green, 2018).
12. Use multiple validated methods
Scientists are responsible for providing evidence that their methods have been validated for the
purpose for which they have been used. When more than one method is valid, using multiple methods is
likely to increase the validity of findings.
Prevalent usage of a method does not imply that it is valid. For example, the statistical fit of a model
to a set of datasuch the adjusted R2is not a valid way to assess predictive validity, and therefore
whether the model and the hypothesis it represents is realistic or useful. Numerous studies since 1956
have reached that conclusion. Six such studies were noted in Armstrong (2001, p.457-8).
13. Use simple methods
“There is, perhaps, no beguilement more insidious and dangerous than an
elaborate and elegant mathematical process built upon unfortified premises.”
Chamberlin (1899, p. 890)
The call for simplicity in science started with Aristotle but is often attributed to Occam (consider
Occam’s Razor). Complex methods make it more difficult for others to understand the research and to
detect errors. Comparative studies have also shown the superior predictive validity of simple methods in
out-of-sample tests across diverse problems (Czerlinski, Gigerenzer and Goldstein, 1999).
Additional evidence on the value of simplicity was examined by searching for published forecasting
experiments that compared the out-of-sample accuracy of forecasts from simple methods with that of
forecasts from complex methods. That paper defined a simple method as one in which forecast users
understand the: (1) procedures, (2) representation of prior knowledge in models, (3) relationships among
the model elements, and (4) relationships among models, forecasts, and decisions. Simplicity improved
forecast accuracy in all 32 papers encompassing 97 comparisons. On average, complex methodsforecast
errors were 27% larger for the 25 papers that provided quantitative comparisons (Green and Armstrong,
14. Estimate effect sizes and prediction intervals
Knowledge of effect sizes is vital for developing rational policies. To estimate effect sizes for causal
relationships, researchers should use domain knowledge and prior experimental studies. Then, combine
the estimates for each effect.
Test the estimates by comparing the accuracy of out-of-sample predictions. That approach can also be
used to estimate uncertainty in the form of prediction intervals (e.g. 90% of out-of-sample prediction
errors are between +/-X).
For more on the role of multiple regression and other data models in estimating effect size and
uncertainty, see Armstrong and Green (2018).
15. Draw logical conclusions on the practical implications of findings from tests of multiple reasonable
Conclusions should follow logically from the evidence provided by the findings. If the research
addresses a problem that involves strong emotions, consider writing the conclusions using symbols in
order to check the logic. For example, the argument “if P, then Q. Not P, therefore not Q” is easily
recognized as a logical fallacy—known as “denying the antecedent”but recognition is not easy for
contentious issues, such as gun control.
For a convenient listing of many common logical fallacies, see the “Fallacies & Pitfalls in
Psychology” website ( Violations of logic are common in the
social sciences, as noted earlier, and in areas where advocacy is used. We suggest that you ask scientists
who have reached different conclusions to check your logic.
Writing a Scientific Paper
Start writing when you start the project, either in a research log or as a working paper. Orient the
paper around the scientific findings. This will help in providing full disclosure, without which, no
scientific paper should be published.
16. Disclose research hypotheses, methods, and data
Describe how you searched for cumulative knowledge, designed the experiment, selected data, and
analyzed data using validated methods. Address issues that might cause concern, such as ensuring that no
subjects would be harmed.
Researchers are responsible for deciding what to report. They best understand what information
should be included in a paper for publication, and what should not. Do not include information that would
be useless, harmful, confusing, or misleading. For example, the insistence by some journals on mandatory
disclosure of all sources of fundingpresumably intended to improve the reporting of sciencemay be
harmful in in some cases. A review of experimental studies found virtually no evidence that mandatory
disclosures benefited the people they were intended to help, and much evidence that they confused people
and led them to make inferior decisions (Ben-Shahar and Schneider, 2014). Consider a scientist who
needs funding to run experiments to assess the net benefit of a controversial government policy. Funders
might be willing to help, but not if doing so would make them subject to public censure, protests, or
Science has an effective alternative to mandatory disclosures. Those skeptical of a study’s findings
can conduct direct replications. If authors of the original study fail to provide the necessary information
when asked, skeptics can report that as a failure to comply with the scientific method. Avoid publicly
accusing a scientist of unethical behavior, however, because an omission could be due to an unintended
error or misunderstanding, and such an accusation might lead to a libel case against the accuser, as
described in Armstrong (1986).
Researchers should keep a log or save all working versions of the paper to track important changes in
the hypotheses or procedures or more simply, save all revisions on the Internet. For example, a researcher
might find a newly published study that adds a relevant causal variable to his study. Use of a log may also
resolve disputes as to who made a discovery. For example, Alexander Graham Bell’s log for his telephone
experiments had a two-week gap after which he described a new approach that was almost identical to an
application to the U.S. patent office by another inventor on the same day. After Bell was awarded the
patent, the other inventor sued, but the courts concluded there was not sufficient evidence to convict Bell
of stealing the patent. Many years later, the missing pages from Bell’s log were discovered, and they
suggested that Bell had stolen the patent (Shulman, 2008).
Scientists should also refer to the Checklist of Criteria for Compliance with the Scientific Method so
that they will know what the stakeholders are looking for. In addition, given the widespread violation of
scientific principles, authors might want to assure readers by including an “oath” in their papers,
affirming that they have followed proper scientific methods.
17. Cite all relevant scientific papers when presenting evidence
Do not cite advocacy research as evidence.
Do not include mysterious citationsthat is, citations which provide no information about the
findings in the cited paper. If a cited paper provides only opinions, make that clear to readers.
Never cite a paper or section of a book unless you or a co-author has read it. Doing so would be
unethical. We suggest including a statement in your paper verifying that at least one author has read each
of the original works cited.
Provide links to the papers you cite so that online readers have this information readily available. This
allows them to check the relevance of your evidence. We also find it to be useful by making it easy to
refer to the cited findings to ensure that they are correct, especially when working with co-authors.
Finally, doing so allows us to ensure that the details of the references are correct. Earlier studies had
found that reference errors were common.
18. Ensure that summaries of cited prior findings are necessary, explained, and correct
To check that you have properly summarized substantive findings in a paper, send your paper to the
lead authors and ask if you have described their findings correctly. At the same time, ask if you have
overlooked any papers with relevant scientific findings. If no response, send the request to a co-author.
By following this practice, we have found that many researchers reply with important corrections or
suggestions for improvements, and with references for relevant studies. This process has reduced our
mistakes, added clarity, and led to additional relevant papers. Inform readers that you have conducted a
survey of cited authors and mention the percentage of contacted authors who replied.
19. Explain why your findings are useful
Authors must convince readers that their findings are useful. In other words, they should answer the
“so what?question.
Use titles that are descriptive, that is, understandable to all who might be interested. Avoid complex
or mysterious ones, such as this title of a paper published in a scientific journal in 2018: “Quantile
estimators with orthogonal pinball loss function.” Try reading title that aloud. How many people would
want to read further?
Provide a structured abstract that describes the findings and how they were obtained. Report the effect
sizes of the hypotheses. State the conclusions clearly and forcefully in the abstract but maintain a calm
tone. If this is not done, there will likely be few readers. Explain how the conclusions can be used to
improve decision-making, obtain better policies, save lives, improve efficiency, reduce costs, reduce
conflict, identify important relationships, and so on.
An examination of 69 papers in the International Journal of Forecasting and 68 in the Journal of
Forecasting found that only 13% mentioned findings in the abstract. That occurred despite the journals’
instructions to authors which specified that the findings should be described in the abstract (Armstrong
and Pagell, 2003).
If you cannot show that your paper is useful, do not publish it. When the first author started his
career, one of his first submissions involved sophisticated statistical analyses of a large data set. It was
accepted by the leading journal in marketing. However, in the time from submission to acceptance, he
became skeptical that the findings, while technically correct, were of any use. As a result, he withdrew his
name from the paper. The paper was published by his co-author and, as of April 2018, it had 41 citations.
20. Write clearly and succinctly for the widest audience for whom the findings might be useful
Scientists should write clearly so that all those who might be able to use the findings of their research
can understand what to do. Use common words to describe everything. Avoid scientific jargon. If you
must use jargon, explain it on the first use.
Mathematics is only a language; it is not part of the scientific method. Mathematical proofs are not
scientific proofs. Use mathematics only when needed to clarify the explanation. Avoid complex
mathematical notation. If the mathematics are complex or lengthy and you believe they will help some
readers, put them in an appendix available on the Internet.
Round the numbers to make the paper easier to read and rememberand to avoid implying a degree
of precision that cannot be justified.
See Tufte (2009) for advice on the presentation of data. For example, he recommends against the use
of pie charts (p. 178).
When editing your paper, use a hard copy. We understand this to be a common practice among
professional copy editors. Our own experience is that errors hide on electronic screens but are more
evident when viewed on hard copy. A review of 40 experimental studies found comprehension and
retention was higher with hard copies, compared to on-screen reading. In addition, on-screen reading was
25% slower with lower recall (Jones, Pentecost and Raquan, 2005).
Revise often to reduce errors, improve clarity, and reduce length without eliminating important
content. Let a week or so pass between each editing session. Doing so helps to spot errors in the
organization of the paper.
Typically, we revise our papers more than 50 times, the more important and complex the problem, the
more revisions. For example, since July 2015, we have worked through 501 versions of this paper.
Use editors to improve the clarity of the writing and reduce length. We typically use several copy
editors for each paper.
The writer of a scientific paper is expected to persuade the reader that the paper is worthy of attention.
Authors might consider using the checklist of evidence-based persuasion principles on the site for advice.
21. Obtain extensive peer review and editing before submitting a paper for publication
In our experience, scientists tend to respond to requests for help if they believe the problem is
important and that they can contribute. Try to find reviewers who are likely to be aware of research, send
a personal message to each, asking for ways to improve the paper. In our experience, mass appeals for
reviews, such as posting a working paper on the Internet, lead to few useful suggestions.
The process of preparing and delivering the paper to an audience often proves useful by encouraging
one to anticipate objections. On the other hand, it is difficult to get useful suggestions during live
presentations of findings. We suggest distributing a page for comments at the start of your talk, asking for
comments, and ending a few minutes early so people in the audience can write suggestions for you. Ask
for ways to improve your paper. People respond differently in a helping role than they do when they are
asked to evaluate a paper. Provide a link to an Internet version of your talk to encourage follow-up
Use many reviewers. We suggest ten or more for important papers to ensure that almost all errors
have been found. For example, Frey (2003) received help from 50 reviewers. Grade yourself on how
many suggestions you were able to use from each reviewer.
Acknowledge reviewers, funders, editors, and those who provided useful advice (unless they request
to remain anonymous). That is a simple courtesy and it will add credibility to your findings.
Disseminating Findings
Authors must take responsibility for disseminating their useful findings. The various stakeholders and
their agentsincluding journalists, authors of pop-science books, and university and funder media
officescan also assist, but only after certifying that the papers comply with the scientific method.
Disseminating useless or incorrect findings would be detrimental.
Governments should not be involved in dissemination of scientific findings due to the high potential
for bias.
The lead times for adoption of useful findings are typically long, even when published in traditional
high-prestige journals. For example, Meehl’s (1950) finding that quantitative models are superior to
expert judgment for personnel selection was widely cited and confirmed by many other studies, but
almost half a century elapsed before it gained acceptance among professional sports teams, where it was
shown to be much more accurate than expert opinions (Armstrong, 2012b). Outside of sports, few
organizations use Muehl’s findings. For example, they seem to be ignored by consulting firms that charge
large fees to do executive searches for publicly-traded corporations in the U.S. (Jacquart and Armstrong,
22. Provide responses to journal reviewers, including reasons for ignoring their suggestions, and if
rejected, appeal to editors if you have useful scientific findings
In a survey of psychology authors by Bradley (1981), 47% reported accepting “a referee’s suggestion
against your better judgment.” That response is not proper for a scientist if it involves a change that would
diminish the paper’s compliance with science. See Frey (2003) for a discussion on the issue.
If your paper has useful scientific findings and it was rejected, appeal to the editor of the journal.
Provide detailed point-by-point responses to journal reviewers’ comments and suggestions.
Objecting has worked well for the first author. Eventually, journal editors agreed with him, and all of
his papers were ultimately published in respectable journals. But a number of papers took many years
before being published.
23. Consider alternative ways to publish your findings
If you believe your paper has useful scientific findings, send a proposal or a partly finished paper to
editors of relevant journals and ask if they would invite your paper. By following that approach, you have
not formally submittedyour paper; thus, you could make the offer to a number of journals at the same
timebut inform the editors that you are doing so. If the editor agrees to your proposal, it is your
responsibility to obtain reviews.
The journal ranking system by universities creates long lead times for publishing in “top” journals,
and low probabilities for acceptance. So, consider alternatives, the foremost one being PLoS One.
Another is to post your working paper on repositories such as ResearchGate. For example, an early
version of this paper was posted on ResearchGate in July 2016. By March 2017, it had 8,700 “Reads” on
ResearchGate alone.
Scientific books offer an opportunity to provide a complete review of scientific research on a given
problem, along with full disclosure, and without the need to satisfy reviewers. In addition, they allow
authors to provide useful new scientific findings. However, scientific booksnot to be confused with
pop-science booksare time-consuming for authors to write.
Beware of publishing in or citing articles in fake journals. Check Beall’s List of Predatory Journals
(Beall 2012) if you are not familiar with the journal.
24. Inform those who can use your findings
Citations of useful scientific papers provide a good measure of dissemination.!The primary
responsibility for disseminating useful research findings falls upon the researcher. You have the copyright
to the working paper that you submit to a journal, and so you have the right to post it on your website and
on repositories such as Scholarly Commons, Orchid, Repick and ResearchGate. Send copies to
colleagues, researchers you cited in important ways, people who helped on the paper, and reviewers.
Make your paper easy to obtain. Consider journals that support Green Open Access policies, whereby
the paper is put online for free after a certain period. Alternatively, authors can pay for Gold Open Access
whereby the paper can be freely downloaded as soon as it is published. Open Access is rapidly expanding.
Use the Internet to follow the latest developments (e.g., see the Harvard Open Access Project at .
Do not despair when your most useful papers are cited less often than your other papers. A survey of
123 of the 400 biomedical scientists whose papers were most-cited during the period 1996-2011 revealed
that 16% of them considered that the paper they regarded as their most important was not among their
top-10 for citations. Moreover, 14 of those 20 scientists considered their most important paper to be more
disruptively innovative or surprising than their top-10 cited papers (Ioannidis, 2014).
Finally, do not disseminate papers that lack useful scientific findings. Unfortunately, advocacy papers
often receive enormous citations when they support political opinions.
Advocacy is the primary threat to science. Under the guise of research, it is the antithesis of scientific
research because it ignores the basic principle of science: objectivity. Famous scientists since Aristotle
have warned against advocacy for more than 4,000 years; yet, most papers in current scientific journals
describe research that is designed to advocate a preferred hypothesis. Advocacy occurs in all fields, but is
especially common when the topic is controversial and more so when people are paid to provide certain
The primary source of advocacy is government involvement in research via grants and regulation.
Grants carry the expectation that the resulting papers will support government policies. They motivate
researchers to work on problems that do not take full advantage of their knowledge and skills, and they
undermine the intrinsic rewards of discovering useful scientific knowledge. Although we have no
systematic evidence, we hypothesize that scientists do their most useful when working on problems that
they personally uncovered.
Government regulation of science should be eliminated. In the U.S., for example, current regulations
targeted at organizations that receive government funding restrict scientistsfree speech by
circumscribing what can or cannot be studied, how it must be done, and how it must be reported, even for
researchers who receive no direct government funding. The regulations slow scientific progress, increase
costs, and are likely to expose research subjects to greater risk of harm.
Few papers published in scientific journals produce useful scientific findings. While the amount of
scientific work is expected to vary by field, our review leads us to conclude that, overall, fewer than one
percent of published papers provide useful scientific findings.
We suggest the use of checklists for compliance with science. They are reliable and inexpensive.
Universities and other funders should hire people who have demonstrated that they can discover and
disseminate useful findings. In doing so, they should require completion of the checklists for compliance
with the scientific method for each project. Journals should certify papers that comply with the scientific
method and publish all papers in their area that comply with science.
More useful science would be published if funders provided incentives based only on discovering and
disseminating useful scientific findings. Still more would be published if journals would agree to publish
all papers in their area that comply with the scientific method and to certify those papers as being in
compliance with the scientific method.
1. Links are provided to all papers; free versions are provided if available.
2. The references include coding of our efforts to contact authors that provided substantive findings
by email to ask them to check that we have represented their work correctly and whether any important
papers had been overlooked, especially experimental evidence that might dispute our summary.
Abramowitz, S. I., Gomes, B., & Abramowitz, C. V. (1975). Publish or politic: Referee bias in manuscript review.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 5(3), 187-200.
Arkes, H. R., Gonzalez-Vallejo, C., Bonham, A. J., Kung, Y-H., & Bailey N. (2010). Assessing the merits and faults
of holistic and disaggregated judgments. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 23, 250-270.
Arkes, H. R., Shaffer, V. A., & Dawes, R. M. (2006). Comparing holistic and disaggregated ratings in the evaluation
of scientific presentations. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 19, 429-439.
Armstrong, J. S. (1977).
Social irresponsibility in management, Journal of Business Research, 5, 185-213.
Armstrong, J. S. (1979). Advocacy and objectivity in science. Management Science, 25(5), 423-428.
Armstrong, J. S. (1986). The value of formal planning for strategic decisions: Reply. Strategic Management Journal,
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Total Words 20,000
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... Generally, a checklist uses extensive taxonomically-related or cognitive aids that diverge in execution, function, and use [20]. This study applies the 'Breakthrough Collaborative' concept in the checklist tool [7]. The collaborative aspect combines all necessary items, tasks, or rules in the learning activities. ...
... The listed items can be grouped by comparing specific factors by category, format, or characteristics. Hence, the checklist simplifies tasks as tasks can be managed and reduced to simpler subtasks [7] and increase the 'reliability' of various assessment categories [6]. ...
... Guidelines in the form of a checklist will be more effective when checking tasks or items one by one with explicit monitoring [7]. This section comprises two subsections that are the implementation of the checklist in ISO documents and how other researchers have adopted the checklist approach in their works. ...
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Innovation and challenges are significant factors that lead to the improvement in technology involving various sectors, including the educational field. New methods and techniques have been introduced in teaching and learning among learners and educators. Modern technology generates an effective learning process that increases the students’ interest and understanding of learning activities. Hence, software engineers need to develop high-quality educational applications that include the required elements such as learning materials and types of assessments. In addition, it should align with stipulated guidelines, timelines, budgets, and policies. Adaptation of a checklist approach in developing educational software can improve the quality of the software significantly. The checklist approach appears to be more effective for developers, especially novices with limited knowledge in relevant evidence-based principles. This study investigates the checklist approach for novice software developers in developing educational applications. It shows that 89.19% of them had understood and benefited from the provided checklist.
... The final structural model from MASEM offers insights into the causal chain that ultimately leads to customer loyalty, which has been a major focus of tourism and hospitality research for decades. Beyond our specific context, we hope similar efforts (i.e., to synthesize and empirically test the long-running debate around an important research area) will help render tourism scholarship even more useful (J. S. Armstrong & Green, 2018) and trustworthy (S. Siebert et al., 2015). ...
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Despite extensive research on loyalty formation, findings regarding interrelationships between loyalty and its key drivers, such as perceived service quality, perceived value, and customer satisfaction, are inconclusive and often contradictory. To provide more definitive statements about these relationships, we synthesized and analyzed findings from 153 articles published in eight top-tier tourism and hospitality journals between 2006 and 2020 using meta-analytic structural equation modeling. We also confirmed that five- and seven-point Likert scales did not generate significant differences in the effect size of correlational measures. A further comparison of four theoretically postulated competing models strongly supports the full mediation model. Our results suggest that customer satisfaction fully mediates the effects of perceived service quality and perceived value on customer loyalty, whereas perceived service quality directly influences perceived value. This study contributes to the literature by reconciling and synthesizing inconclusive findings from prior research.
... Jika asumsi klasik tidak terpenuhi, penting untuk mencari solusi yang tepat sebelum menafsirkan hasil analisis statistik. (Carlin & Moreno-Betancur, 2023;Iba & Wardhana, 2023;Armstrong & Green, 2017;Varian, 2016;Gelman & Zelizer, 2015;Bordacconi & Larsen, 2014;Thompson et al., 2005). ...
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Asumsi klasik (classical assumption tests), juga dikenal sebagai pengujian asumsi klasik, dalam analisis data kuantitatif mencakup prinsip-prinsip dasar yang penting untuk memastikan validitas dan keandalan analisis statistik. Asumsi- asumsi ini terdiri dari: 1. Normalitas adalah salah satu asumsi klasik penting dalam analisis data kuantitatif. Asumsi ini mengacu pada distribusi data yang terdistribusi secara normal. Untuk menguji normalitas data, uji statistik seperti uji normalitas Kolmogorov-Smirnov atau uji Shapiro-Wilk dapat digunakan. Jika data tidak terdistribusi secara normal, beberapa transformasi data mungkin diperlukan sebelum melakukan analisis lebih lanjut. 2. Homogenitas mengacu pada keseragaman variabilitas di antara kelompok-kelompok data. Asumsi homogenitas varians perlu dipenuhi untuk analisis varian dan sebagian besar uji parametrik lainnya. Uji Levene atau uji Bartlett sering digunakan untuk menguji homogenitas varians. Jika asumsi ini tidak terpenuhi, teknik analisis alternatif seperti analisis varian yang tidak parametrik mungkin lebih sesuai. 3. Asumsi independensi mengasumsikan bahwa observasi atau data yang diamati saling bebas atau tidak saling terkait. Asumsi ini sering terkait dengan analisis regresi dan uji hipotesis lainnya. Untuk memastikan independensi data, perlu diperhatikan prosedur pengambilan sampel, serta eknik analisis yang tepat untuk mengatasi keterkaitan antar data jika diperlukan. 4. Asumsi linieritas (keterukuran) mengacu pada kejelasan hubungan kausal antara variabel-variabel yang diamati. Asumsi ini penting terutama dalam analisis regresi. Sebelum melakukan analisis regresi, penting untuk memastikan bahwa hubungan kausal antara variabel-variabel telah terbukti atau diperkirakan secara logis. Jika tidak, interpretasi hasil analisis regresi dapat menjadi tidak valid.
... Ayrıca büyük veri doğası gereği tipik olarak deneysel olmayan ve birçok alakasız değişken içeren veri olarak görülüp reddedilmektedir. Bu reddedişin nedeni, kökleri hesaplama bilimine dayanan büyük veri analizinin anlaşılması zor yeniliklerinden kaynaklanmaktadır (Armstrong & Green, 2017). Ancak büyük veri ve analitiği, ilgisiz olan veri setlerinden anlamlı sonuçlar çıkarılmasına imkân tanımaktadır. ...
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For businesses to self-knowledge and recognize the environment for their strategic decisions is important. If businesses analyze the information they obtain in a sufficient and reliable way, they can have strong marketing intelligence. Thus, businesses can make the most appropriate strategic decisions. In the past, marketing intelligence focused on both market research and internal resources in businesses to obtain information about many issues such as consumers and markets. Today, marketing intelligence's focus has shifted to applying models and techniques such as big data technology to discover strategic decisions and marketing insights. In this context, this chapter discusses the concept of marketing intelligence and big data technology in detail. The elements of marketing intelligence which are market intelligence, product intelligence, competitor intelligence, and customer intelligence are explained separately. Then, the concept of big data technology used in marketing intelligence is mentioned. The subject of big data is addressed both in the essence of big data and from a marketing perspective, starting from the basis of data and data development. As a result of the study, the importance of creating marketing intelligence to establish a competitive advantage or survive against their competitors in the market is emphasized. Also, both the benefits and the difficulties of using big data, which comes into play in the marketing intelligence formation phase and decision-making mechanism, are mentioned.
... Ayrıca büyük veri doğası gereği tipik olarak deneysel olmayan ve birçok alakasız değişken içeren veri olarak görülüp reddedilmektedir. Bu reddedişin nedeni, kökleri hesaplama bilimine dayanan büyük veri analizinin anlaşılması zor yeniliklerinden kaynaklanmaktadır (Armstrong & Green, 2017). Ancak büyük veri ve analitiği, ilgisiz olan veri setlerinden anlamlı sonuçlar çıkarılmasına imkân tanımaktadır. ...
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Küresel iş ortamını şekillendirmede çok önemli bir rol oynayan, dinamik ve sürekli değişen bir ortam olan pazarlama dünyasına hoş geldiniz. Pazarlama disiplini, hızlı teknolojik ilerleme, toplumsal değişim ve gelişen tüketici davranışları çağında inovasyon ve adaptasyonun ön saflarında yer almaktadır. Bu kitap, pazarlamanın güncel konularını derinlemesine incelemektedir. Dijital devrim, iletişim kurma, bağlantı kurma ve bilgi tüketme şeklimizi önemli ölçüde yeniden şekillendirdi. Sosyal medya platformları, pazarlama kampanyaları için hem yeni fırsatlar hem de yeni zorluklar sunan güçlü araçlar haline geldi. Yapay zekâ ve veri analitiğinin yükselişi, reklamcılıkta benzeri görülmemiş düzeyde kişiselleştirme ve hassasiyetin kilidini açarken, gizlilik ve etik sonuçlarla ilgili endişeleri de artırdı. Dahası, sürdürülebilirlik ve kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk, işletmeler için kritik hususlar olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Tüketiciler, değerleriyle uyumlu olan, sosyal ve çevresel etkilere olumlu katkıda bulunan markaları tercih ederek giderek daha seçici hale gelmektedirler. Sonuç olarak, pazarlamacılar özgün ve amaca yönelik marka kimlikleri oluşturarak karlılık ve amaç arasındaki hassas dengeyi kurmalıdır. Bu zorluklar ile benzersiz fırsatlar da bulunmaktadır. Yenilikçi şirketler, müşteri deneyimlerinde devrim yaratmak için gelişen teknolojilerden ve verilerden yararlanmıştır. Bu kitap, çağdaş pazarlama ortamına kapsamlı bir genel bakış sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Pazarlama bilim alanı uzmanları ve akademisyenlerinden oluşan yazar grubunun büyük bir istekle katkı sunduğu, kısa zamanda büyük çaba göstererek ortaya çıkardığı bir eserdir. Sürekli gelişen pazarlama dünyasında bu yolculuğa çıkarken, tartışılan konuları eleştirel bir şekilde değerlendirmenizi ve bunların işletmeler, tüketiciler ve bir bütün olarak toplum üzerindeki etkilerini göz önünde bulundurmanızı öneririz. İster akademisyen ister profesyonel bir pazarlamacı ister öğrenci olun ya da sadece pazarlamanın büyüleyici dünyasını merak ediyor olun, bu kitabın size ilham vereceğini umuyoruz. Kitabın hazırlanmasında emeği geçen tüm yazarlara ve baskıya hazırlık sürecindeki titiz çalışmalarından dolayı Özgür Yayınlarına çok teşekkür ediyoruz.
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Regresi dalam penelitian kuantitatif adalah metode statistik yang digunakan untuk memeriksa hubungan antara variabel dependen dan independen. Metode ini membantu peneliti untuk memahami sejauh mana variabel independen mempengaruhi variabel dependen. Dalam analisis regresi, terdapat dua jenis variabel: variabel dependen, yang nilainya ingin kita prediksi, dan variabel independen, yang digunakan untuk memprediksi nilai variabel dependen. Metode regresi dapat digunakan untuk membuat prediksi, mengevaluasi hubungan sebab-akibat, dan mengidentifikasi pengaruh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen. Dalam penelitian kuantitatif, analisis regresi sering digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis dan memahami pola hubungan antar variabel. Selain itu, metode regresi juga dapat memberikan wawasan yang berharga dalam membuat keputusan dan perencanaan di berbagai bidang studi, seperti ekonomi, sosiologi, dan ilmu politik. (Abdullah & Mia, 2023; Iba &Wardhana, 2023; Mortazavi, 2023; Ghosh & Chakraborty, 2022; Wardhana et al, 2022; Sadeghi et al., 2021; Sial, 2021; Xia, 2021; Boutchich, 2020; Sylva & Dan- Albert, 2020; Sugiyono, 2019; Jeske & Myhre, 2018; Armstrong & Green, 2017; Patten & Newhart, 2017; Fetaji et al., 2016; Memari et al., 2016).
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As publish or perish becomes a common mantra in higher education, concerns are rising over questionable publication practices and retractions. Ethical standards in publication depend on individuals, professional organizations, journals, and higher education institutions. Faculty, doctoral students, reviewers, and editors who are involved in writing, publishing, and reviewing articles do not have agreed-upon ethical guidelines on what to do and what not to do when it comes to publishing. Nebulous, inconsistent practice in publication calls for an investigation concerning the theoretical background, recent cases, and evidence-based recommendations about this less-researched area. In this chapter, we review the literature on publication ethics in human resource development (HRD), highlight two crucial concepts in publication ethics (research misconduct and questionable research practices), examine three case vignettes (possible plagiarism, academic freedom and publication, and failed peer review) with potential solutions in the publishing process, and provide implications for research and recommendations for authors and reviewers, and doctoral students who need relevant training and development.
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During the last half-century, the theory-in-isolation (TiI) approach--within which scholars develop theories by first formulating quantitative models meant to approximate stakeholders' behavior and then testing those models with data acquired for that purpose--has remained the gold standard for publishable marketing scholarship. Unfortunately , the almost universal adoption of this approach has blinded marketing scholars to a viable alternative: the empirical-then-theoretical (EtT) approach, which suggests theories based on observed empirical regularities. However, increasingly pervasive data collection efforts, powerful computer hardware, and sophisticated software-implemented algorithms are fostering a 'big data' (i.e., data sets that are massive, complex, yet quickly replenished from various sources) era far more amenable to the EtT approach. Traditionally, marketing theories emerged from managerial experience and/or scholarly activity in marketing and related disciplines (e.g., economics). Big data represents a complementary source. Nonetheless, revelatory big-data-derived scholarship requires multidisciplinary research teams, knowledgeable industry experts, and specialized computing capabilities. In addition, big data is prone to biases that multidisciplinary specialists can mitigate substantially. Thus, marketing scholars contemplating a contemporary EtT approach-which relies on big-data-related analytical tools such as data mining, cognitive computing, neural networks, and artificial intelligence must have access to skills that extend beyond traditional graduate training in business. Essentially, we argue big data is more compatible with an empirical-then-theoretical (EtT) approach than a theoretical-in-isolation (TiI) approach to marketing theory development. Our exposition proceeds as follows. First, we introduce both approaches and big data. Then, we discuss three well-established sources of marketing theory and suggest big data as a fourth source. After presenting an abridged set of published marketing-related big data studies, we close with issues posed by using big data to develop marketing theory and a brief look forward.
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Decision making is improved by avoiding unaided expert judgment, and using structured judgmental procedures instead. The Red Team-Blue Team approach is one such structured approach. It recognizes that it is difficult for people-including scientists and public officials-to remain objective about the consequences of public policies and regulations. The solution that the approach provides is akin to the adversarial system that we use in our courts.
Background: Several potassium channels (KCs) have been described throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Notwithstanding, their contribution to both physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions, as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), remains underexplored. Therefore, we aim to systematically review, for the first time, the evidence on the characteristics and modulation of KCs in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). Methods: PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science were searched to identify studies focusing on KCs and their modulation in IECs. The included studies were assessed using a reporting inclusiveness checklist. Results: From the 745 identified records, 73 met the inclusion criteria; their reporting inclusiveness was moderate-high. Some studies described the physiological role of KCs, while others explored their importance in pathological settings. Globally, in IBD animal models, apical KCa1.1 channels, responsible for luminal secretion, were upregulated. In human colonocytes, basolateral KCa3.1 channels were downregulated. The pharmacological inhibition of K2P and Kv influenced intestinal barrier function, promoting inflammation. Conclusion: Evidence suggests a strong association between KCs expression and secretory mechanisms in human and animal IECs. Further research is warranted to explore the usefulness of KC pharmacological modulation as a therapeutic target.
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Proposes that several biases in social judgment result from a failure to consider possibilities at odds with beliefs and perceptions of the moment. Individuals who are induced to consider the opposite position, therefore, should display less bias in social judgment. In 2 experiments, with 150 undergraduates, this reasoning was applied to 2 domains––biased assimilation of new evidence on social issues and biased hypothesis testing of personality impressions. Ss were induced to consider the opposite through explicit instructions to do so and through stimulus materials that made opposite possibilities more salient. In both experiments, the induction of a consider-the-opposite strategy had greater corrective effect than more demand-laden alternative instructions to be as fair and unbiased as possible. Results are consistent with previous research on perseverance, hindsight, and logical problem solving, and they suggest an effective method of retraining social judgment.
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Problem How to help practitioners, academics, and decision makers use experimental research findings to substantially reduce forecast errors for all types of forecasting problems. Methods Findings from our review of forecasting experiments were used to identify methods and principles that lead to accurate forecasts. Cited authors were contacted to verify that summaries of their research were correct. Checklists to help forecasters and their clients undertake and commission studies that adhere to principles and use valid methods were developed. Leading researchers were asked to identify errors of omission or commission in the analyses and summaries of research findings. Findings Forecast accuracy can be improved by using one of 15 relatively simple evidence-based forecasting methods. One of those methods, knowledge models, provides substantial improvements in accuracy when causal knowledge is good. On the other hand, data models – developed using multiple regression, data mining, neural nets, and “big data analytics” – are unsuited for forecasting. Originality Three new checklists for choosing validated methods, developing knowledge models, and assessing uncertainty are presented. A fourth checklist, based on the Golden Rule of Forecasting, was improved. Usefulness Combining forecasts within individual methods and across different methods can reduce forecast errors by as much as 50%. Forecasts errors from currently used methods can be reduced by increasing their compliance with the principles of conservatism (Golden Rule of Forecasting) and simplicity (Occam’s Razor). Clients and other interested parties can use the checklists to determine whether forecasts were derived using evidence-based procedures and can, therefore, be trusted for making decisions. Scientists can use the checklists to devise tests of the predictive validity of their findings.
Managers are often advised, “beat your competitors,” which sometimes contrasts with the advice, “do the best for your firm.” This may lead managers to focus on comparative measures such as market share. Drawing on game theory, the authors hypothesize that managers are competitor oriented under certain conditions, in particular, when they are provided with information about competitors’ performance. Empirical studies lead to the additional hypothesis that a competitor orientation is detrimental to performance. To examine these hypotheses, the authors conduct two studies. The first is a laboratory study in which 1016 subjects made pricing decisions. When information about the competitor's profits was provided, over 40% of the subjects were willing to sacrifice part of their company's profits to beat or harm the competitor. Such competitor-oriented behavior occurred across a variety of treatments. The second is a field study used to examine the performance over a half-century of 20 large U.S. firms with differing objectives. Firms with competitor-oriented (market share) objectives were less profitable and less likely to survive than those whose objectives were directly oriented to profits.