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Comment on ”Ketoacidosis associated with low-carbohydrate diet in a non-diabetic lactating woman: a case report"

  • Nutrition intervention foundation


I became curious when I read the title of the case report by drs. Geijer and Ekelund. I am using a low carbohydrate diet, we refer to as the paleolithic ketogenic diet, in the treatment of diverse chronic diseases already for six years [16]. I have to say that in my practice I did never see a single case where ketoacidosis or metabolic acidosis developed while on the paleolithic ketogenic diet, even though I am familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions given my 5years experience in ICU. In my reply I would like to comment on the case presented and to clarify some common misunderstandings related to ketosis whi ch are also reflected in this report. First, lactation itself does not predispose to ketosis. Whether ketosis develops in a healthy lactating woman only depends on the type of the nutrition. In newborn infants, however, ketosis is achieved within a few hours after birth and they remain so while breastfeeding. There is ample evidence showing that the state of ketosis is not abnormal but physiological at any age. For example, indigenous people of the Arctic following a traditional fat-meat based diet containing little or no carbohydrate are in ketosis through their entire lifespan. Our experience with patients also indicates that even a prolonged full fat-meat diet does neither predispose to ketosis or metabolic acidosis. Given these facts the explanation for the phenomenon described in the report of drs. Geijer and Ekelund lies elsewhere. It is important to emphasize that low carbohydrate diets can only be maintained on the long term when the diet is high in fat... report it is not detailed how the authors ascertained whether the diet was indeed high in fat and what exactly the patient was eating. Other important details were not mentioned either such as the weight or BMI of the patient. This is an important issue given that loss of 4 kg within 10 days in a thin patient should be regarded as starvation. In an obese patient, however, such a weight loss simply reflects loss of retained water but not starvation. It is also not mentioned whether breath acetone was detectable or not, an important characteristic of ketoacidosis. In the following I put forward those possible scenarios which alone or in combination may explain the development of the condition described in the patient.
Comment on ”Ketoacidosis associated with low-carbohydrate diet in a non-diabetic lactating
woman: a case report"
Csaba Tóth
(2015-10-20 15:34) Paleomedicina Hungary Ltd., Budapest, Hungary
I became curious when I read the title of the case report by drs. Geijer and Ekelund. I am using a low carbohydrate diet, we refer to as the
paleolithic ketogenic
diet, in the treatment of diverse chronic diseases already for six years [1-6]. I have to say that in my practice I did
never see a single case where ketoacidosis or
metabolic acidosis developed while on the paleolithic ketogenic diet, even though I am familiar
with the diagnosis and treatment of these conditio ns given my 5-years experience in ICU.
In my reply I would like to comment on the case presented and to clarify some common misunderstandings related to ketosis whi ch are also
reflected in this report.
First, lactation itself does not predispose to ketosis. Whether ketosis develops in a healthy lactating woman only depends on the type of the
nutrition. In newborn
infants, however, ketosis is achieved within a few hours after birth and they remain so while breastfeeding. There is
ample evidence showing that the state of
ketosis is not abnormal but physiological at any age. For example, indigenous people of the Arctic
following a traditional fat-meat based diet containi ng little or no
carbohydrate are in ketosis through their entire lifespan. Our experience with
patients also indicates that eve n a prolonged full fat-meat diet does neither predispose
to ketosis or metabolic acidosis. Given these facts the
explanation for the pheno menon described in the report of drs. Geijer and Ekelund lies elsewhere.
It is important to emphasize that low carbohydrate diets can only be mai ntained on the long term when the diet is high in fat. Yet, in the case
report it is not detailed
how the authors ascertained whether the diet was indeed high in fat and what exactly the patient was eat ing. Other
important details were not mentioned either such
as the weight or BMI of the patient. This is an important issue given that loss of 4 kg within
10 days in a thin patient should be reg arded as starvation. In an obese
patient, however, such a weight loss simply reflects loss of retained
water but not starvation. It is also not mentioned whether breath acetone was detectable or not,
an important characteristic of ketoacidosis.
In the following I put forward those possible scenarios which alone or i n combination may explain the development of the condition described
in the patient.
Any diet with low fat-low carbohydrate content
Given the unreli able sources on the internet, lack of full appreciation of nutrition basics, lack of professional guidanc e as well as fear from
fats, it may occur that a
patient on a low carbohydrate diet does not eat fat in enough quantities. Given that energy comes either from fat or
glucose these patients are indeed starving. Low
fat-low carbohydrate diets are not sustainable on the long term. This is especially the case in
lean patients with low fat reserves. This condition may lead to mild
acidosis and some of the symptoms mentioned in the report.
The classical ketogenic diet
The classical ketogenic diet (and some close variants) has long b een used for nearly a century in the treatment of epilepsy and thus
considerable experience has been gathered with its use. It is well-recognized that the classical ketogenic diet is associated with side effects
some of which were also seen in this patient including
mild acidosis, nausea, vomiting, cramps and malaise. Importantly, in the classical
ketogenic diet the blood ketone concentration desired for adequate epilepsy
control is above 6 mmol/l which is quite close to the 7.1 mmol/l
ketone concentration of the patient. In the ketogenic diet literature there is general agreement that
only ketone concentrations above 15
mmol/l are regarded as cause for concern for severe metabolic acidosis [7]. It is also important to mention that side effects of
the classical
ketogenic diet (and also in the majority of the popular low carbohydrate diets) are not comi ng from ketosis but dietary components
vegetable oils, either polyunsaturated or saturated, and dairy).
Consumption of foods (e.g. meat products) with additives
Tachycardia and malaise may be caused by food additives including nitrites and nitrates as well as sodium glutamate. Nausea and womiting
may also develop
following increased intake of meat products contaminated with dioxin, an underestimated issue associated with products of
the food industry.
Abrupt shift toward a low carbohydrate diet
Nausea, womiting, headache and alterations of blood gas (low grade acidosis) may also develop if one shifts toward a low carbohydrate diet
from a high
carbohydrate diet abruptly. Symptoms may persist for 5-10 days and then are resolving spontaneously. These transitory
side-effects are well-known and are explained by the fact that adaptation to a fat-based metabolism, which involves the upregulation of some
mitochondrial enzy mes, takes some time. Given that in the
present case only 10 days have passed since dietary shift this may point to an
incomplete adaptation.
Excessive carbohydrate int ake followin g starvation or low carbo hydrate diet
The phenomenon that excessive carbohydrate intake following prolonged starvation may caus e acidosis is well-documented and is explained
by the relative
shortage of insulin while in a fat-adopted state. In particular, such cases were ob served after the second world war when the
concentration camps were liberated, and those who had been starving before rec eived larger amounts of carbohydrate. Abrupt
carbohydrate load in thes e cases may cause acidosis, headache, vomiting
and hypotonia. Even death in some cases . A similar, althoug h
less severe condition is seen in those preg nant women who previously had been following a low
carbohydrate diet undergo glucose
tolerance test as part of their routine screening. In these cases mild nausea, acidosis and resulting low blood glucose may
emerg e.
Importantly, in the present case the meas ured low lev el of blood glucose does neither preclude carbohydrate intake given that, for
example, fructose does
not elevate blood glucose.
I suppose that any of the above situations, but most probably the fifth one, may more parsimoniously explain the condition de scribed in the
patient as compared to
low carbohyd rate-high fat diet which has never been described to result in ketoacidosis in non-diabetic subjects. In
addition it seems probable that the patient was
consuming larger amounts of vegetable oils before admission to hospital. This is indicated by
the constellation of low thyroid hormones but normal TSH. Starvation
only should have resulted in low thyroid hormones along with low TSH.
The link between vegetable oils and decreased thyroid hormones is well-described in the
literature [8] and our experience indicates that this
also applies to coconut oil which instead of animal fats is commonly advoc ated by low carbohydrate proponents.
Hypothyreosis in the past
medical history of the patient also points to increased regular intake of vegetable oils. Given that thyroid hormones affect the synthesis of
proteins cons umption of vegetable oils may decrease the synthesis of insulin and that of the proteins of mitochondrial enzymes. In the
present case consumption of
vegetable oil might have hindered adaptation to the low carbohydrate diet.
I suppose that in the present case an adequate ratio of fat to protein and the exclusive use of animal fat might have been able to rev erse
the acidosis and
associated symptoms. As detailed earlier consumption of vegetable oils may prolong time required to adaptation to a fat
based metabolism. During this period the
patient may feel fatigue and malaise and therefore may feel need to consume carbohydrates
thinking to help the situation. However, an opposite effect may be
Referenc es
Clemens Z, Kel emen A, Fogaras i A, Tóth C. Childhood absenc e epilepsy successfully treated with the paleolithic ketogenic diet. Neurol Ther. 2013;2:71–6.
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Tóth C, Clemens Z. Gilbert’s syndrome successfully treated with the paleolithic ketogenic diet. Am J Med Case Rep . 2015;3:117–120.
Clemens Z, Kel emen A, Tóth C. NREM-sleep Associated Epil eptiform Discharges Disappeared Following a Shift toward the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet in a Child with
Extensive Cortical Malformation. Am J Med Case Rep. 2015;3:212–215 .
Clemens Z, Dabóczi A, Tóth C. The paleolithic ketogenic di et may ensure adequate magnesium levels. Med Hyp. 2015 (accepted for publication)
Volek SF, Phinney SD. The art a nd science of low carbohy drate performance. Be yond Obesi ty LLC 2011
Vazquez JA, Kazi U, Madani N. Protein metabolism during weig ht reduction with very-low-energ y diets: evaluation of the independent ef fects of protein and
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Magnesium plays an essential role in several enzymatic reactions. Its deficiency is known to be widespread and has been associated with a variety of pathological conditions characterized by chronic inflammation and/or oxidative stress. The connection between the metabolism of glucose and magnesium at the cell level is wellestablished. We hypothesize that magnesium deficiency in chronic conditions is primarily due to Western type carbohydrate based metabolism. In previous case studies we have shown that magnesium levels are normal on the paleolithic ketogenic diet. Here we assessed magnesium levels in a larger sample (n=50) to address whether the paleolithic ketogenic diet is able to ensure normal blood magnesium levels. Materials and Methods To assess magnesium levels in patients and healthy controls on the paleolithic ketogenic diet in a larger sample, we retrospectively analysed laboratory data obtained from 50 patients/subjects who were following the diet and were also not taking magnesium or other supplements. Correlation calculation was performed between magnesium and glucose levels. Results We found magnesium levels to be in the normal range in all but one patient/subject. There was a significant inverse correlation between glucose and magnesium levels. Discussion Our results indicate that the paleolithic ketogenic diet ensures normal magnesium levels in various pathological conditions as well as in healthy subjects. We believe that the high prevelance of magnesium deficiency reported earlier for a variety of chronic conditions is correlated with carbohydrate-based Western type nutrition rather than that of the chronic condition itself. We discuss underlying mechanisms. Keywords magnesium, paleolithic, ketogenic, glucose, glycated hemoglobin, diabetesn
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Purpose: Although the classical ketogenic diet is an effective treatment in childhood epilepsy, it is difficult to maintain on the long term due to side-effects and dislike. Methods: Here we report a case of a child with frequent epileptiform discharges confined to non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep and extensive cortical malformation. The child was started on a modified version of the classical ketogenic diet we refer to as the paleolithic ketogenic diet. Results: Subsequent follow-up electroencephalograms showed complete normalization of brain electric activity along with cognitive improvement. Neither antiepileptic medication nor vitamin supplements were used. The child strongly adhered to the diet as assessed by regular urinary ketone tests and laboratory work ups. Currently she is on the diet for 17 months. Neither side effects nor clinical signs of nutrient deficiency were observed. Conclusion: We conclude that the paleolithic ketogenic diet was effective, safe and feasible in this case.
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Gilbert’s syndrome (GS) is a common hyperbilirubinaemia syndrome caused by reduced conjugation of serum bilirubin by the liver. Although it is considered as a common and harmless condition not requiring treatment symptoms associated with GS may be unfavorable. Here we present a case of GS where high level of total and direct bilirubin, yellowish discoloration of the sclera as well as associated symptoms including migraine, fatigue and granulomatosus dermatitis were reversed following a shift toward the popular paleolithic and then toward the paleolithic ketogenic diet.
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Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is a major public health problem affecting at least 20% of the world’s adult population. Components of the metabolic syndrome include obesity, impaired glucose metabolism, hypertension and altered lipid profile. Currently, medical treatment relies on drugs. A major problem is that patients with long-standing disease are excessively medicated because of an increase in the number of symptoms over time. A few clinical studies indicate that low-carbohydrate diets, including the paleolithic as well as the ketogenic diet, may be beneficial in the treatment of conditions associated with the metabolic syndrome. Case Report: Herein, we present a case of patient with metabolic syndrome successfully treated with the paleolithic ketogenic diet. While on the diet the patient was able to discontinue eight medicines, lost weight, showed a continuous improvement in glucose parameters and her blood pressure normalized. Currently, the patient is on the paleolithic ketogenic diet for 22 months, free of symptoms and side effects. Conclusion: We conclude that the paleolithic ketogenic diet was safe, feasible and effective in the treatment of this patient with metabolic syndrome.
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Introduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients are usually instructed to follow a low fat/high carbohydrate diet. A few studies in literature, however, reported metabolic benefits and sustainability of carbohydrate restricted diets. Case Report: Herein, we present a case of a 19-year-old male with newly diagnosed T1DM. The patient was first put on an insulin regime. Twenty days later, he shifted towards the paleolithic ketogenic diet and was able to discontinue insulin. Strict adherence to the diet resulted in normal glucose levels and a more than three-fold elevation of C-peptide level indicating restored insulin production. Currently, the patient is on the paleolithic ketogenic diet for 6.5 months. He is free of complaints, and no side effects emerged. Conclusion: We conclude that the paleolithic ketogenic diet was effective and safe in the management of this case of newly diagnosed T1DM. Marked increase in C peptide level within two months indicates that the paleolithic ketogenic diet may halt or reverse autoimmune processes destructing pancreatic beta cell function in T1DM.
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Introduction Childhood absence epilepsy is an epilepsy syndrome responding relatively well to the ketogenic diet with one-third of patients becoming seizure-free. Less restrictive variants of the classical ketogenic diet, however, have been shown to confer similar benefits. Beneficial effects of high fat, low-carbohydrate diets are often explained in evolutionary terms. However, the paleolithic diet itself which advocates a return to the human evolutionary diet has not yet been studied in epilepsy. Results Here, we present a case of a 7-year-old child with absence epilepsy successfully treated with the paleolithic ketogenic diet alone. In addition to seizure freedom achieved within 6 weeks, developmental and behavioral improvements were noted. The child remained seizure-free when subsequently shifted toward a paleolithic diet. Conclusion It is concluded that the paleolithic ketogenic diet was effective, safe and feasible in the treatment of this case of childhood absence epilepsy.
The aim of this study was to assess the independent effects of carbohydrate and protein intakes in protein sparing during weight reduction. Forty-eight obese women were randomly assigned to consume isoenergetic (2500 kJ/d) liquid diets that provided the following amounts (g/d) of protein and carbohydrate, respectively, for 28 d: 50 and 10, 50 and 76, 70 and 10, and 70 and 86. The effects of carbohydrate and protein were analyzed by repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Carbohydrate significantly affected daily urinary ammonia and total nitrogen excretion, stool nitrogen, and nitrogen balance. Protein, independently of carbohydrate, significantly affected daily urinary ammonia, urea, and total nitrogen excretion but had no effect on nitrogen balance. Cumulative nitrogen losses (mmol/28 d) were lower in the high-carbohydrate groups than in the low-carbohydrate groups (1869 +/- 392 and 3611 +/- 328, P = 0.003) but were similar in the groups receiving 50 and 70 g protein/d (3171 +/- 327 and 2326 +/- 430, respectively, P = NS). These results indicate that carbohydrate and protein have independent but additive protein-sparing effects during weight reduction.
The art and science of low carbohydrate performance
  • S F Volek
  • S D Phinney
Volek SF, Phinney SD. The art and science of low carbohydrate performance. Beyond Obesity LLC 2011