Content uploaded by John Billingsley
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All content in this area was uploaded by John Billingsley on Jul 28, 2016
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Ockham, Olbers and dark matter
John Billingsley
University of Southern Queensland
It is the task of the theoretician to explain observations with a theory that has no unnecessary
complexity. This letter explores the possibility that the observed Hubble red-shift effect and the
microwave background radiation are consistent with the hypothesis that the universe is infinite,
eternal and not expanding.
Astronomers and cosmologists have shown a reluctance to accept that the Hubble effect might arise
from any other cause than a receding velocity. Indeed measurements of the effect are cited as a
velocity gradient rather than as a multiplying coefficient of wavelength or frequency.
Theories based on expansion have been compounded with the addition of inflation, a theory that
requires early rates of many times the speed of light, of dark energy and even of multiple universes.
Having attended lectures on electromagnetic theory by Professor Fred Hoyle at a time when the term
‘Big Bang’ was coined as one of derision, I feel that there is a need to test a simpler paradigm.
I am a mathematics scholar turned engineer and in my Cambridge research days was a personal friend
of Stephen Hawking. As an engineer I am unfettered by the preconceptions of the astronomers and
cosmologists, but follow these matters with great interest. As the examiner of a course on research
methodology, I am somewhat concerned with the way that researchers have sought to embellish the
received theory, rather than to examine the observational evidence ab initio.
The well-known paradox stated by Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers observes that in any infinite
universe, every line of sight must terminate on the surface of an object such as star. Of this I have no
doubt, but his conclusion that the sky would appear uniformly bright did not take into account the
Hubble red-shift. The conjectures and calculations that follow explore alternatives that are consistent
with the observations, particularly those of the cosmic background radiation.
An early conjecture was the possibility that the background radiation was the result of immensely red-
shifted radiation from very distant stars. A simple simulation refuted that, but laid the foundation for a
more likely conjecture.
Stellar density.
Let us assume that a mean stellar density, which I term here alpha, is defined not by the number or
mass of stars, but as a proportion of the 4π solid angle occupied by the disks of stars in a spherical
shell of unit thickness and radial distance r.
Not only will this area be a multiplier for the radiation from stars within that shell of unit thickness,
stars at a greater distance will be occluded. The contribution from a star at a distance r will thus be
attenuated by an occlusion factor of e-αr.
Some effort can be put into estimating a rough value for alpha. If it is assumed that there are 1024
stars within a distance of 14 billion lightyears, their density can be taken as 10-7 stars per cubic
lightyear. But this must then be multiplied by the area of a typical solar disk which can be
approximated to 1.5*10-14 square lightyears. The rough rule of thumb for alpha is thus 1.5*10-21 per
lightyear of distance.
The spectrum
We can represent the radiated spectrum as the Planck function P(λ), taking some mean temperature for
the ensemble of stars. The Hubble effect will cause received wavelength to be H(r)λ, where H(r)
represents a function of distance. Thus if we instead wish to calculate the received power density for
a given received wavelength λ, we have to consider the integral over emitted wavelengths λ/H(r).
Since the emission has been defined for an area, not a point, there will be no inverse square term in
the integral to be performed:
The function H(r) is already the subject of some debate. Astronomers would wish that H(r) should
approach infinity at the ‘Hubble radius’ c/H0, but acceptance of such a hyperbola would preclude any
alternative hypothesis. Other options can include a linear or an exponential relationship.
Some attempt can be made to relate the function to the more recent observations concerning the
relationship between distance and 1+z. If we were to try to attribute the background ‘CMR’ radiation
to intensely red-shifted starlight, it would involve relating emitted light at a wavelength around 0.5
microns to the perceived background radiation at 2 mm. A z value of 4000 could be involved, well
beyond any confidence range of observations. This conjecture has been ruled out.
An exponential function for H(r) has the appeal that its incremental influence is the same at any
distance. It would cause the wavelength to be increased by a factor of e at the ‘Hubble Radius’ c/H0 if
it is to be matched to the gradient observed for ‘local space’.
The multiplier that relates emitted wavelength to received wavelength is then exp(-rH0/c), so for the
integral we would have
where rh is the ‘Hubble radius.
Simple software was written to assess the result of the integration for several possible functions and
for various values of alpha. It was easily seen that for stellar objects the Planck function would be
excessively ‘blurred’ for any value of alpha.
Dark matter
Of the existence of dark matter there is no possible doubt. It makes up our own substance and the
Earth we inhabit. The presence in space of non-luminous objects and ‘cosmic dust’ will contribute to
the occlusion factor alpha, and must be considered as a potential source of the microwave background
A star or any spherical object has a surface area that is proportional to the square of its radius and a
mass that is proportional to the cube. If the sun were therefore to be broken up into fragments one
kilometre in diameter, those fragments would present an occluding area over a million times greater
than that of the unbroken sun.
For a mix of masses in which stars and dark matter contribute in equal parts, the value of alpha could
now be estimated to be in the region of 2*10-15 per lightyear for particles one kilometre in size, or as
great as 2*10-10 if fragments as small as one centimetre are assumed to be the mean. The observation
of meteor showers suggests that this is not unreasonable.
It has troubled me that the background has been attributed to being the ‘echo of the Big Bang’. It is
counterintuitive that a burst of radiation outwards from a point source should now be returning from
all directions, albeit not uniformly. My conjecture is therefore that the background radiation could be
that of dark matter, stabilised nearly uniformly at a temperature in the region of 2.7K.
Once again the red shift must be considered, since much of the radiation will be from distant matter
unless alpha is relatively large. But now the numerical integration code displays a much reduced
distortion of the Planck function. Empirical experimentation allows a variety of values of alpha and
temperature to be tried, adjusting them to fit the measured spectrum.
Figures 1 (a), (b) and (c) show comparisons of the estimated spectrum against that of a black body at
2.726 K. The dark-matter temperature and alpha have been mutually adjusted to give a peak at the
same wavelength. Since a higher temperature has been assumed for the radiating matter, the peak
power is higher than that of the reference, so further curves for multiples of 1.1, 1.2 and so on are also
shown to enable the quality of fit to be assessed.
Figure 1 (a). Alpha = 10-9
Figure 1 (b). Alpha = 8 * 10-10
Figure 1 (c). Alpha = 5 * 10-10
The spectrum shape appears to fit the reported measured background spectrum within a fine tolerance.
The first test of the viability of the conjecture can thus be a comparison between the power of the
measured spectrum and that computed for a surrounding shell at temperature 2.726 K. This will then
yield a corresponding estimate for alpha, provided the ratio is greater than one.
The next test must be close inspection of the relationship between apparent magnitude and z value.
To the displeasure of astronomers, values of alpha in the range being considered will affect the
‘yardstick’ used to estimate stellar distances, due to the introduction of the exponential attenuating
term. Conventionally the apparent change in magnitude is -5 * log(r2), but it will now have an added
term –5(α r). This will only be significant at great distances.
The next conjecture that can be tested is that the frequency of light decays with distance
exponentially, rather than linearly. Values of z up to 1.2 have been measured. Do these observations
align with the modified measure of distance to give the suggested exponential relationship? At
present they are being accepted as evidence of accelerating expansion, requiring further great
embellishment of the current theories. Occlusion by dark matter could give a simpler explanation of
the unexpected faintness of the distant stars, whether the exponential decay of frequency is upheld or
Gravitational waves
It has been claimed that a gravitational wave has been detected, confirming Einstein’s prediction of
cylindrically emitted waves. My first concern is that a wave requires a ‘co-field’ as with the
combination of electrical and magnetic fields to support light waves. No such co-field has been
detected for gravity. In its absence the quadrupole field would have to change instantaneously at any
distance, albeit with a magnitude that would decay with the fifth power or distance.
My next concern is that when the d’Alembertian
of a function is equated to zero it only has non-dispersive solutions for odd numbers of dimensions, so
that plane and spherical waves are supported, but not cylindrical.
An exponential decay of frequency has the appeal that its description is independent of location,
whereas a linear decay would imply that extinction would occur at the Hubble radius. For an
exponential decay the wave function could be
where T = rh /c. If we apply the d’Alembertian to this, we find there is a residue.
Might it be possible to ‘tweak’ Maxwell’s equations to explain this with a gravitational term? This
would ensure that any corresponding gravitational waves would propagate with the same velocity as
that of light.
Black holes and entropy
If an eternal universe is to be considered, there has to be some process for disposing of the ever-
increasing entropy. At the same time it is logical that large masses will tend to accrete until they reach
a mass at which they can collapse into a Black Hole, either to the notional mathematical singularity or
to a compact mass within an event horizon. This collapse can be a mechanism to eliminate entropy,
but now we need a process to release the mass and recycle it. Maybe this is the function of
In conclusion
These conjectures will not appeal to those astronomers who are steeped in the accepted theories. To a
pragmatist, however, they are much more plausible than the complexity of theories that have sprung
from a conviction that the red shift cannot have any other cause than receding velocity. As objections
to those theories have been perceived, they have been compounded with elaborations.
The essential proposition is that there can be some other explanation for the red shift that does not
involve expansion, although a conjecture is offered here as a mere suggestion, not as a founding
principle. A further proposition is that there is sufficient dark matter in the form of dust and small
particles, having reached an equilibrium temperature slightly above 2.726 K, both to provide the
cosmic microwave background radiation and to attenuate the light from very distant stars.
At present this is a mere conjecture, even less substantial than a hypothesis. Considerable effort is
still required to draw together the observations that will either support or refute it.
John Billingsley
July 2016.