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Mapping research on R&D, innovation and productivity: a study of an academic endeavour


Abstract and Figures

This paper accounts for the development of the academic endeavour to determine the firm-level relationship between investments in R&D and productivity. The impact of 28 highly cited publications within this line of study is investigated using a combination of bibliometric techniques and citation function analysis. We show how the attention paid to this line of research broadens and deepens in parallel to the diffusion of innovation as a research theme during 2000s. Our findings also suggest that the attraction of scholarly attention is driven by combination of broadening interest in the central research question under study and boundary-pushing methodological contributions made in the key contributions.
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Economics of Innovation and New Technology
ISSN: 1043-8599 (Print) 1476-8364 (Online) Journal homepage:
Mapping research on R&D, innovation and
productivity: a study of an academic endeavour
Anders Broström & Staffan Karlsson
To cite this article: Anders Broström & Staffan Karlsson (2017) Mapping research on R&D,
innovation and productivity: a study of an academic endeavour, Economics of Innovation and New
Technology, 26:1-2, 6-20, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2016.1202519
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Published online: 26 Jul 2016.
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Mapping research on R&D, innovation and productivity:
a study of an academic endeavour
Anders Broström
and Staffan Karlsson
KTH the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden;
Swedish Research Council, Stockholm, Sweden
This paper accounts for the development of the academic endeavour to
determine the rm-level relationship between investments in R&D and
productivity. The impact of 28 highly cited publications within this line
of study is investigated using a combination of bibliometric techniques
and citation function analysis. We show how the attention paid to this
line of research broadens and deepens in parallel to the diffusion of
innovation as a research theme during 2000s. Our ndings also suggest
that the attraction of scholarly attention is driven by combination of
broadening interest in the central research question under study and
boundary-pushing methodological contributions made in the key
Received 26 June 2015
Accepted 12 May 2016
Innovation; productivity;
R&D; citation analysis;
bibliometric analysis
JEL classication
B21; B23; B41; C38; D24
1. Introduction
Following a surge of interest in innovation and its consequences, academic researchers came to pay
signicant attention to the question of to what extent and under what conditions rmsinvestments
in research and development (R&D) activities increase their productivity by means of successful inno-
vation. Reviews of this literature are found in Hall, Mairesse, and Mohnen (2010), Hall (2011) and in
Mohnen and Hall (2013). The present paper complements these reviews by providing a bibliometric
description of the how the literature addressing this particular theme has evolved in terms of contri-
bution, recognition and impact.
Our analysis paints a portrait of how research on the R&D-innovationproductivity relationships
(henceforth: RIP research) has evolved in a context of growing academic interest in each of these
three themes, and an explosion of interest in innovation in particular. We document how RIP
impact is concentrated to the discipline of Economics but also how, over time, impact disseminates
across scienticelds and extends to new communities. In particular, we detect a shift in the years
around the turn of the century where RIP research received wider attention, riding on the wave of
increased interest in the theme of innovation across the social sciences.
The present study contributes to the growing literature which attempts to write the history of
specic academic developments utilising bibliometric tools. Studying the impact and diffusion of
research through systematic cross-citation analysis techniques, such studies of the social sciences
have primarily sought to document and describe the development of interdisciplinary themes and
emerging elds of studies such as evolutionary economics (Dachs et al. 2001; Meyer 2001), innovation
(Martin 2012; Shaque 2013) and entrepreneurship (Cornelius, Landström, and Persson 2006). Fer-
reira, Pinto, and Serra (2014) apply similar techniques to a more narrowly dened object of study,
as they describe the impact of transaction cost theory on international business research. As far as
we are aware, however, this study is the rst to apply bibliometric analysis to study the treatment
© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
CONTACT Anders Broström
VOL. 26, NOS. 12, 620
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of a particular research issue in academic literature. Our methodological approach is also novel in that
we demonstrate how a research approach where bibliometric analysis is combined with direct con-
frontation with key academic texts allows us to provide a broader view of the impact and diffusion of
research than a traditional literature review, but also allows a more in-depth discussion than a tra-
ditional, strictly quantitative, bibliometric analysis.
This paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 denes the research domain which is the subject of
study and discusses the RIP domain from the perspective of leading accounts of the processes of
scientic activity. In Section 3, the bibliometric methodology of the paper is accounted for. Section
4 outlines the wider development of economic literatures related to the RIP domain. Sections 57
proceed to delineate the impact of RIP research, through the identication of core publications
within the domain and of citations to these publications. Section 8 concludes.
2. RIP: the pursuit of a research question
The identication of prioritised research questions is a central aspect of scientic activity. In Kuhns
(1970) account of the history of science, each paradigmis associated with shared norms and
ideas which suggest a set of puzzles for scientists to solve and a set of tools by which to solve
these puzzles. Trying to improve the precision of solutions to these puzzles through advances in
methodology and theoretical renement activities which Kuhn refers to as normal science’– is
what engages most scientists throughout their careers.
The object of this study the RIP domain of scientic study on the research-innovationpro-
ductivity relationships can be dened through the following central research question: What are
the elasticities of rm-level productivity to the rmsR&D investment, channelled through inno-
vation? The demarcation of the domain as encompassing these three research themes is inspired
by the seminal CDM paper (Crepon, Duguet, and Mairesse 1998), which established the methodologi-
cal imperative to study the three RIP themes in conjunction in order to obtain unbiased estimates of
the elasticities. It should be noted that few if any scientic papers published within the RIP domain
are restricted in scope and aim to the issue of estimating elasticities. The CDM paper, for example,
addresses broader theoretical as well as econometric issues regarding the study of R&D activities,
innovation and rm-level productivity. RIP domain papers are nonetheless identied here through
their direct engagement with the scientic issue of determining the relationships between at least
two of these three key themes with individual rms as the level of study.
Studies on a wider set
of capabilities of innovation which do not directly address R&D investments are not considered to
lie in this domain. Studies on marketing or organisational innovation are furthermore not included,
unless they also study technological product or process innovation. While productivity can be
measured in levels or in terms of change over time, studies which solely address other dimensions
of rm performance such as market value are furthermore not considered to belong to the RIP
The RIP research domain is embedded in the tradition of production economics and in the eld of
the economics of innovation. In the terminology of Lakatos (1970), both of these areas of study can be
classied as theories in the protective beltsurrounding the hard core of the scientic research pro-
gramme of neo-classical economics (or, as suggested by Heijdra and Lowenberg (1986), as sub-dis-
ciplinary demi-cores). As such, there appears to be widespread acceptance of the general relevance
of RIP research among economists. Martin (2012), for example, writes about the problem of under-
standing the returns to R&D as a central building blockfor studies on innovation. The publication
of RIP contributions such as Manseld (1980) and Griliches (1994) in the leading journal American
Economic Review also signals that the problem has been considered broadly relevant. It is also
noteworthy that even in leading early contributions to the literature by authors such as Manseld,
Griliches, Hall and Mairesse (see references in Appendix 1), motivations for the relevance of the
RIP research problem(s) are where at all touched upon limited to a general acknowledgement
of signicant scholarly interest in the issue. This is indicative of RIP research as being strongly
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embedded in the research program which has held a dominating position within the economic
sciences for several decades.
As an integral part of a successful research program and a line of research with a history span-
ning several decades, the RIP domain constitutes an interesting example of scienticactivityinthe
social sciences. The research problem of determining elasticities is also somewhat unusual in char-
acter for the social sciences, in that it concerns a problem of assessing a magnitude. Even in the
eld of Economics, theories and their empirical evaluations are typically more concerned with
the direction of causal inuence than with the level of impact (Wade 2007). The interest in estab-
lishing magnitudes have seemingly spurred scholars to continuously re-visit the central research
questions of the RIP domain equipped with new empirical data and updated estimation method-
ology. In what follows, we will apply bibliometric methods to analyse the imprint of RIP research on
the scientic literature.
3. Bibliometric methodology
We utilise bibliometric techniques to study the context within which RIP research has evolved and the
impact of RIP research on the wider scientic literature. The domain as such is for this purpose rep-
resented by a set of corepapers, which are identied as the most frequently cited contributions in
the domain. Citations to these papers were used to track the impact of RIP research on the wider
scientic literature.
The Web of Science (WoS) database was chosen as the main material for analysis, as it has good
global coverage of scientic publications, relatively strict quality threshold criteria for inclusion of
scientic journals and a widely recognised categorisation of scienticelds. The searches in WoS
were restricted to 19902012. When using keyword searches, the starting year 1992 was selected
since abstracts were introduced in the database this year.
Beyond abstracts, searches for keywords
also included the title of individual papers.
The citation rates where eld normalised, that is, the mean number of citations to a paper were
divided by mean number of citations for all papers in the same eld in the same year. Here we
used the 251 Web of Science Categories for normalisation. Separate eld norms are used for articles
and reviews. This means that a mean eld normalised citation rate of all papers in a eld is 1 and for
example, a citation rate of 1.50 means a citation rate 50% higher than world average.
Terms are extracted and mapped using the VOSviewer software (
4. A wave of innovation research
Our analysis of RIP research starts in a bibliometric analysis of how the interest in the three core
themes of R&D, innovation and productivity has shifted over time. Figure 1 demonstrates the
growth of innovation and R&D as research themes in bibliometric terms. Panel B shows how,
between 1990 and 2012, the number of papers addressing innovation or R&D has increased 15-
fold. While this development certainly is impressive by any measure used, it has to be related to
the general volume growth of research output during this period. As worldwide spending on aca-
demic research has increased, publishing patterns have changed towards increased emphasis on
publishing in international rather than national journals and in papers rather than monographs,
the number of journals and papers have risen throughout the social sciences. Parallel to this devel-
opment, the number of journals indexed in the WoS database in general and the number of papers in
within Social Sciences in general as well as in the sub-eld Business and Economics has increased
substantially (see panel A). This growth, however, is dwarfed by that of scientic attention to inno-
vation and R&D, which grew eight times as much as the Business & Economics eld in total (see
panel B). The proportion of papers addressing innovation or R&D in WoS has increased, from less
than 2% of B&E in 1990 to almost 13% in 2012 (Figure 1, panel C).
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In parallel with this increase there has been a global shift in where the papers are produced.
In the
1990s USA and Canada produced more than half (53%) of all papers in this eld, followed by Europe
(with 36%) while the rest of the world contributed 11% of the papers. Currently (20102012), one
third of the papers are produced in countries outside North America and Europe. This relative
increase comes at the expense of North American dominance (22%) while the European proportion
increased slightly (to 45%).
In Figure 2, the development of the three main keywords of the R&D-innovation-productivity
research theme is shown for each term separately.
While all three keywords show a growing
trend over the studied period, suggesting an increasing attention paid to all three concepts by scho-
lars in the Business & Economics eld, there are marked differences in terms of growth. In 1990, about
2% of all papers in the B&E eld addressed issues of innovation and of productivity, respectively. By
2012, the interest in productivity has steadily grown so that over 3% of all B&E papers list this term as
a keyword. The term innovation, however, was by then provided as keyword on about 8% of all B&E
papers. All three keywords show the same shift in the geography of the paper production from USA
to other parts of the world, Europe maintaining a fairly constant fraction over time.
Behind these growth patterns, a difference in how broadly the respective themes have been
picked up across disciplines in the Business & Economics eld can be surmised. The study of pro-
ductivity remains strongly concentrated to the sphere of Economics. The interest for innovation,
on the other hand, has penetrated the entire business studies community, surfacing in studies of
economic geography, business history, industrial dynamics and several other sub-disciplines. As a
widely recognised research theme, the study of innovation has developed along tracks where the
connection to the other two concepts is less often in focus. Prominent examples are the focus on
analysis of the systemic nature of innovation (Freeman 1987) and the strand of literature which
explores antecedents of innovation other than that of formal R&D (Pavitt 1998). While many
Figure 1. The general development of Social Sciences, the Business and Economics eld and innovation- R&D-literature in WoS
19902012. Legend: The inserted pie charts show the geographic distribution of the papers among Europe (light grey), North
America (medium grey) and other parts of the world (dark grey) in the two periods 19921999 and 20102012.
Figure 2. Frequencies of papers featuring three main keywords as a percentage of all papers within the Business & Economics eld
in WoS 19902012.
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inuential studies in both of these strands of literature addressed innovation at other levels of analy-
sis and through other empirical methodology than that associated with the RIP domain, the growth
of general interest in innovation as a research theme has certainly had an impact on scholarsinterest
in conducting research in the RIP domain and paved the way for increased impact of the domain
across the social sciences. In what follows, we analyse the volume and nature of this impact.
5. A bibliometric representation of the RIP domain
The bibliometric analysis of the RIP domain is based on the identication of a set of key papers within
the domain. For this purpose, the WoS data source was judged to be too restrictive in terms of
content, as several papers widely acknowledged as key contributions in RIP research have been pub-
lished as working papers or in journals hitherto not included in WoS. Therefore the databases SCOPUS
and Google scholar were used to identify key RIP papers. SCOPUS has the advantage of including a
larger journal set than WoS, while also including many books and conference papers. Google scholar
is by far the broadest of the three sources considered here, listing individual chapters in books and
working papers. Searches on well-known RIP contributions also suggested to us that Google scholar
complemented SCOPUS limitations on records from before 1996 (c.f. Jacso 2005).
In view of these database characteristics, two complementary search methods were use. First, we
searched SCOPUS for all papers with more than 100 listed citations by February 2015 featuring at
least two of the terms R&D,innovationand productivityin their title, abstract or among listed key-
words. In complementary searches, R&Dwas substituted by research, innovation by patent,tech-
nical changeand technological changeand productivity by performance. In total, the 19 searches
on combinations of the above terms restricted to the three SCOPUS subject elds Economics, Econo-
metrics and Finance,Social scienceand Engineering, rendered 79 papers fullling the citation
threshold criterion. Out of these, 15 were found to belong to the RIP domain.
Second, we searched Google scholar for all papers on the reference lists of three RIP reviews (Mair-
esse and Sassenou 1991; Hall 2011; Mohnen and Hall 2013) as well as the oldest regular RIP paper
identied in the previous stage (Griliches 1979). Papers with more than 500 citations in the
Google scholar database by February 2015 were selected, whereof ve were identied as RIP
papers not identied through the rst search method. Repeating this procedure on the references
listed in the RIP papers identied so far, another set of eight publications with more than 500
Google scholar citations was identied.
In total, searches thus rendered 28 publications. 8 of these are published before 1990, 9 are pub-
lished in the 1990s and a further 11 in the rst decade of the twenty-rst century. In 12 instances, a
working paper version (often separated in time) with an identical name was identied. These refer-
ences were also added to our list. The complete list of identied papers is provided in Appendix 1.
6. Impact of RIP research: journals, authors, disciplines
To map the inuence of RDIP research, we next identify a set of 3274 papers in WoS which cite at least
one of the 28 core papers. The annual number of citing papers increases strongly and continuously
over the studied period, from an average of 17 papers per year in 19901994 to 390 papers per year in
the period 20082012. This increase strongly outperforms the general growth of economic literature
included in the WoS which, as shown in Figure 1, grew about 150% in volume over the same period.
To some extent, an increase in citations to the full set of 28 papers over time is to be expected, as the
set which was not designed with the primary purpose of studying temporal patterns consists of
papers published in the time-span 19792004. Papers naturally do not accumulate citations until they
are published. Nonetheless, the growth of citation to the core RIP publications indicates a strong and
persistent increase in attention to the domain during the studied period.
The set of 3274 citing papers have 4916 unique authors and are published in 745 different jour-
nals. Table 1 shows the names of the ten most prolic of these authors. Table 2 lists the 20 most
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frequently occurring journals, accounting for about a third of all publications. Publications are fairly
broadly distributed across journals, but with a signicant concentration to the journal Research
Policy, which alone accounts for 9% of the publications.
Table 3 shows how these papers are distributed across WoS subject classications (Rafols and Leydes-
dorff 2009). We nd that a lions share of all papers drawing on RIP research have been published in
journals classied as belonging to the eld of Economics.
Furthermore, signicant shares of the
papers are published in journals which are classied as belonging to other economic disciplines (Man-
agement, Business, Planning & Development). Temporal analysis (not showed in the table) identies a
shift in patterns occurring around the year 2000. After this year, the share of citing papers published
in journals classied as Economics and as Social Sciences, Mathematical Methodsfall back. The share
of papers originating from Management and Business publications increase correspondingly.
From the right-hand column of Table 3 it is clear that the citation impact of the paper set used for
this analysis is highly cited, with publications in the ve most frequent elds cited between 45% and
66% above world eld average. The papers citing the core-set of papers are thus themselves making
a signicant impact in a range of subject eld categories.
While a vast majority of impact is to be found within economic elds, we note that citations are
found across the map, received from 94 out of 222 categories. We note that the average citation level
is signicantly higher for papers published in journals which, judging by their classication, are
oriented towards the methodological aspects of RIP research (Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Appli-
cations,Social Sciences, Mathematical Methodsand Statistics & Probability) than for papers pub-
lished in journals which are more explicitly embedded within the social sciences.
Table 1. Top 10 authors of papers citing core RIP contributions.
Author Number of papers
Yang, C.H. 24
Czarnitzki, D. 19
Hall, B.H. 18
Lerner, J. 15
Van Reenen, J. 16
Vivarelli, M. 15
Roper, S. 14
Tsai, K.H. 14
Gamberdella, A. 13
Love, J.H. 13
Table 2. Top 20 journals publishing papers which cite core RIP contributions.
Journal Number of papers
Research Policy 280
Strategic Management Journal 67
Industrial and Corporate Change 62
Small Business Economics 59
Scientometrics 57
Applied Economics 56
Technovation 49
International Journal of Industrial Organization 44
International Journal of Technology Management 42
Management Science 42
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 42
Review of Economics and Statistics 40
American Economic Review 37
Industry and Innovation 31
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 30
Journal of Technology Transfer 30
Organization Science 30
Journal of International Business Studies 28
R&D Management 28
Subtotal number of papers in 20 most frequently occurring journals 1054
Total number of papers 3274
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In Appendix 2, the different WoS subject eld categories listed in Table 3 are visualised in relation
to each other using Rafols and Leydesdorff (2009)s World Map of Science. This illustration demon-
strates that that some of the elds listed in Table 3 above are located at a fair distance from the
eld of Economics. This implies that a small but signicant share of all citations to the 28 core RIP
papers come from scienticelds where linkages to the eld of Economics through co-citations
are unusual, as judged from the entirety of papers included in the WoS database.
We suggest that these citation pattern demonstrates that the core of the RIP research program has
been pushing the methodological frontiers, attracting attention and creating impact in research com-
munities where development of quantitative analysis of economic activity is of greater interest than
the issue of estimating the elasticities of the R&D-innovationproductivity relationships.
7. Impact of RIP research: thematic clustering
We next characterise the set of citing papers by means of analysing which terms are most frequently
occurring in titles and abstracts. Using a threshold of minimum 30 occurrences for terms to be
included, 353 terms where identied using the VOSviewer software (Van Eck and Waltman 2011).
As expected, the terms used to identify the gross list of core RIP papers also feature prominently. Pro-
ductivityappears in 21% of all papers, R&Din 36%, patentin 29% and innovationin 38%. The
occurrence of these terms over time is reasonably stable, with one notable exception. The term inno-
vationfeatures in 15% of the 300 papers in the set which are published before 2001, and in a whop-
ping 47% of the 1984 papers published after 2007. This nding supports the claim (see Section 4
above) that the broadened interest in RIP research has been carried by a surge of interest in the
notion of innovation during the rst decade of the twenty-rst century.
The extraction of terms from the title an abstract of papers can also be used to establish relaton-
ships between papers in the set of citing papers. Figure 3 shows a term-density map created using
the VOSviewer software. Terms occurring in the same document are placed close to each other and
frequently mentioned terms are displayed in a larger font size than more infrequently occuring terms.
Only terms which effectively identies clusters of papers are shown on the map.
Arst interesting observation is that the term innovationis not found to dene a demarcated
cluster of publications, but occurs in combination with other terms (e.g. innovation activityand
innovation performance) scattered across the lower left quadrant of the map. This likely reects
that the concept of innovation has been widely adopted and occurs in such a broad set of publi-
cations that it does not meaningfully dene specic research niches in bibliometric analysis.
The term-density map shows three particular concentration points, which dene separable cluster
of publications. On the upper left side of Figure 3, the terms productivityand R&D investment
feature together. Papers who are themselves in the RIP domain constitute an important part of this
Table 3. Top 15 elds from which core RIP contributions are cited.
Field Map code Number of papers Mean eld normalised citation rate
Economics 1 1638 1.45
Management 2 1230 1.59
Business 3 681 1.44
Planning & Development 4 422 1.65
Operations Research & Management Science 5 215 1.66
Engineering, Industrial 6 204 1.13
Business, Finance 7 160 1.58
Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods 8 117 2.07
Environmental Studies 9 117 0.94
Information Science & Library Science 10 103 1.11
Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications 11 91 0.91
Law 12 89 2.25
Geography 13 68 1.14
Engineering, Multidisciplinary 14 54 0.41
International Relations 15 51 0.98
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cluster, together with highly related studies on industry-level elasticities between research,
innovation and productivity. The central upper cluster is focused on the terms growthand rate.
This cluster is closely tied to the rst; the composite term productivity growthfeatures in the title or
abstract of 9% of the citing papers. That this cluster is identied as a separate group by the algorithm
reects how RIP core papers have been cited in works discussing the role of R&D and innovation for
macroeconomic development. The composite terms economic growthoccurs in as many as 8% of all
citing papers.
Finally, in the lower right-hand side of the gure we nd a clearly separated cluster of papers
linked together by the occurrence of terms related to patenting. Some of the papers in this cluster
are in the RIP domain, where the count of patents or patent applications has become the most
common measure of innovation output. But interestingly, we also nd a broad set of papers relating
to RIP research though citation of at least one of the corepaper in connection to research analysing
the patent system as such and the immaterial property rights (IPR) strategy of rms.
8. Impact of RIP research: citation function analysis
Classication of publications by means of bibliometric tools and techniques such as those applied above
provide good overview and orientation of a set of scientic papers, but clearly also leave many questions
unanswered. In order to provide a more in-depth analysis of the impact of RIP research, we analyse of in
what context the set of 28 core RIP is cited by other papers. For this purpose, we delimit the set of 3274
Figure 3. Cluster analysis of papers citing the set of 28 core RIP publications, by terms featuring in abstracts and titles.
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citing papers used for the analysis in the previous two sections to the sub-set those papers which also
themselves have received at least 100 citations from WoS papers. Hundred and twenty-six citing papers,
and 184 unique citingcited paper pairs are identied in this manner. Several citing papers contain mul-
tiple references to the same cited paper. In parallel to the bibliometric analysis of the previous two sec-
tions, we do however in what follows refer to each of the 184 pairs as a citation.
Arst nding, after manually reading and categorizing these papers, is that only 12 papers (9%)
are themselves within the RIP domain. This nding complements the disciplinary and thematic ana-
lyses of the inuence of RIP research, as presented above, in providing a picture of RIP research as
highly relevant outside the RIP domain itself.
We also carefully study all citations to the 28 core RIP papers in the 126 citing papers in order to
analyse the function of the cited paper in reference to the citing paper. In the literature on the prac-
tice of scientic citation, several categorization schemes for such analysis have been suggested and
applied. Peritz (1983), for example, presents eight functions in which citations are used in empirically
oriented social sciences.
For the purpose of characterizing the impact of RIP research by citation
function, we apply a simplied scheme of analysis structured around the following two questions:
Question 1: Does the citing paper build on results and arguments from the cited paper to establish
a position about a real-world phenomenon relevant to the present study?
From a position of what in the philosophy of science is referred to as realism, such citations may be
referred to as lling an evidential function. The cited paper is referred to as having advanced a specic
idea, to have shown/suggested a causal relationship (i.e. establishing which control variables to use in
econometric modelling exercises) and more generally as presenting arguments or ndings that are
directly relevant for the scientic work of the citing paper. The citing paper references the cited paper
in relation to an afrmative statement of an ontological nature.
For a reference where the question above was assessed negatively, a second question is posed.
Question 2: Does the citing paper build on the cited paper in order to establish how something
can or should be researched?
In the context of papers citing RIP research, a vast majority of such citations are related to the
empirical issues such as the choice of estimators, modelling techniques, and data. Citations with
this type of methodological function are also used in problematizing (e.g. in reference to measure-
ment problems), conceptualising (e.g. in reference to the relationship between theoretical constructs
and empirical measures), or explanatory statements (e.g. in discussing alternative theoretical mech-
anisms behind an observed empirical regularity).
Following Moravcsik and Murugesan (1975), we refer to citations which ll neither of these two
functions as perfunctory. Such references are for example used to acknowledge the general existence
of a paper without further explaining how or to what extent the citing paper relates to the cited
paper. A handful of perfunctory references are also provided to papers cited as having neglected
to study a specic aspect of a phenomenon.
We are interested in mapping how each of the citing papers relates to the cited source paper. Classi-
cation of individual references as per above are therefore aggregated to the level of citing papers. Table
4shows how citations are distributed between the three categories of citation functions listed above.
In light of the scarcity of available studies on citation functions within the social sciences against
which the results of Table 4 may be compared, a certain degree of caution must be applied in
Table 4. Function of citations to core RIP papers.
Percentage of all citing papers
Share of papers only containing citation(s) used to establish
a position about a real-world phenomenon
47 %
Share of papers only containing citation(s) used in order to establish
how something can or should be researched
27 %
Share of papers containing at least one citation of each
kind identied in the paper
10 %
Share of papers containing perfunctory citation(s) only 17 %
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interpreting the results. Nonetheless, we are prepared to argue that the RIP domain is set apart from
empirically oriented research in general by the nding that 37%
of papers citing RIP research do so
in the context of motivating choices for research design and methodology. We note that at 17%, the
percentage of perfunctory references is relatively low, at least in comparison to previous studies of
the physical sciences where the corresponding gure has been found to approach 50%. The lack
of available studies of citation functions in the social sciences makes it difcult to draw strong con-
clusions about whether this result is a particularity of the RIP domain, or whether this number is repre-
sentative for the economic eld. We may, however, conclude that a large majority of the citational
linkages identied in Sections 5 and 6 are indeed to be understood as an indication of intellectual
debt to RIP papers, not merely as an acknowledgement of their existence.
In order to obtain some points of reference against which the results on citations to core RIP
papers may be compared, we analyse further sets of citations. In particular, we are interested in
obtaining benchmarks on methodological and perfunctory citation practises. Table 5 presents
results from three such exercises. To enable direct comparison with the results from Table 4,we
include the summation of rows 2 and 3 in Table 4 in the upper left-hand cell.
Arst benchmark is provided by all papers published in three recent issues (Issue 7 (2014), Issue 8
(2014), and Issue 12 (2015)) of Economics of Innovation and New Technology. The citations of these
papers are analysed in a parallel fashion to the analysis presented in Table 4. In this set, one out of
three papers was categorised as having at least one reference lling a methodological function. In
one paper out of ve, we found perfunctory citations only. However, a non-trivial share of such cita-
tions seems to stem from papers strictly focused on aspects of how something may be researched
(statistical methodology and issues of theoretical economic modelling).
Complementing this rst benchmarking exercise, we undertake a second round of analysis
focused on highly cited empirical papers. From each of the journal issues where the rst four (in
alphabetic order) papers on our list of 28 core papers were published, we identify all papers featuring
empirical microeconomic analysis. Among those, we selected one paper from each issue that most
closely matches the RIP paper published in the same issue in terms of citation counts. The resulting
set of papers is listed in Appendix 3. For this set, almost a third of citations are perfunctory, and less
than 1 citation in 10 is classied as having a methodological function, that is, to be used only in order
to establish how something can or should be researched.
In further investigation, we conduct a third wave of citation function analysis, this time with a par-
ticular core RIP paper in focus. The CDM article (Crepón, Duguet, and Mairesse 1998) is widely
acknowledged as a methodological milestone paper both within the RIP domain per se and in the
wider elds of production economics and the economics of innovation (see Lööf, Mohnen, and Mair-
esse, forthcoming).
We nd that a full three out of ve of all citations to either one of the two ver-
sions of this paper have a methodological function. Two indications of the CDM papers central
importance for the work presented in many citing papers is that we nd many instances of extensive
referencing among the citing papers and that in well beyond one out of four of all papers, we nd
citations lling both types of constructive functions identied in the rst two rows of Table 4.
The comparisons of Table 5 suggest that in comparison to related research streams, the frequency
of perfunctory citations is relatively low and the frequency of methodological citations fairly high for
core RIP contributions. We interpret this as an indication that RIP research has made signicant meth-
odological contributions.
Table 5. Function of citations to core RIP papers.
Core RIP
papers (%)
Comparison 1:
EINT (%)
Comparison 2:
Empirical papers (%)
Comparison 3:
CDM (%)
Share of papers containing citation(s) used in order to
establish how something can or should be researched
37 32 9 61
Share of papers containing perfunctory citation(s) only 17 21 32 10
Downloaded by [Kungliga Tekniska Hogskola] at 09:59 06 November 2017
9. Conclusions
Research on the relationship between a rms investment in R&D, its success in introducing inno-
vations and its performance in terms of productivity have a long history. Utilising a novel combi-
nation of bibliometric analysis and direct engagement with academic texts, this paper has
accounted for the impact that this area of study (the RIP domain) has had on the scientic literature
over three decades. We show that the share of papers within the economic sciences with the term
innovationfeatured in the title or abstract increased fourfold between 1990 and 2012, with a
clear trend shift occurring around the turn of the millennium. In this intellectual environment, interest
in the RIP domain was increased and broadened across scienticelds.
We argue that the strong embeddedness of the domain in the tradition of neo-classical pro-
duction economics and the (neo-classical) economics of innovation provided a basic academic legiti-
macy for RIP research, but the theory-independent nature of the core RIP research question may have
increased the wider accessibility of research results originating from the domain. The interest in RIP
research was probably also positively affected by a simultaneous increase in interest in the causes of
inter-rm productivity across the entire eld of Economics (Syverson 2011) and fuelled by signi-
cantly improved availability of rm-level data of high quality in many countries, e.g. though the diffu-
sion of the Community Innovation Surveys (Arundel 2008).
Indicative of this broadened interest in the research-innovationproductivity relationship, we nd
indications from keyword analysis (see Section 7) that macroeconomic studies and industry-level
analysis has drawn rather extensively on RIP research. We also nd that 58% of citations to RIP
research are made in a context where the author(s) build on empirical results or theoretical ideas
about economic realities presented from the cited paper. Only a limited fraction of citations are
made in general acknowledgement of the eld and its central papers.
RIP research has moved forward through constant renement of estimation methodology, careful
re-interpretation of the conceptual linkages between theoretical constructs and empirical measure-
ment and though the collection of richer data sets. Thereby, research within the domain has made a
number of important contributions to the wider scientic literature. We show that about one out of
three citations to RIP papers are made in reference to methodological issues. Cluster analysis depicts
studies analysing the institutions of IPR and the IPR strategies of rms as constituting an important
group among all papers citing RIP research. We also nd that papers from journals which, judging by
their classication, are oriented towards the methodological aspects of RIP research is signicantly
higher than the average impact of citing papers. Together, these ndings suggest that the methodo-
logical contributions of RIP research have broadened the interest in the domain.
The main contribution of the present paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of academic
research into the research-innovationproductivity relationship. We do, however, also hope to have
contributed to methodological development in the eld of science studies. In particular, we have
shown that specic research problems and research domains may be subject to analysis of a kind
previously applied to wider elds or theories, and that such study can provide important insights
into the workings of the international scientic system. We also hope to have illustrated that a com-
bination of bibliometric techniques and direct study of academic texts is a valuable complement both
to the traditional research review and the traditional bibliometric study.
1. In 1970s and 1980s RIP work, where the research group formed around Zvi Griliches at NBER played a leading role,
the central issue was that of understanding and assessing the returns to R&D. The theme of innovation was, as
pointed out later, advanced at a later stage and rmly incorporated into the RIP domain e.g. through the CDM study.
2. In 1992, 64% of all papers in the eld Business and Economicsin Web of Science had an abstract, this value
increased successively to about 96% in 2012. Before 1992, keyword searches resulted in very few found records.
3. Changes in global paper production is expressed as the proportion of fractionalized papers coming from Europe,
North America (US or Canada) or other parts of the world. The fractionalization means that when there are authors
Downloaded by [Kungliga Tekniska Hogskola] at 09:59 06 November 2017
from several countries on a paper, each region is credited a fraction of each paper in proportion to the number of
addresses to each region.
4. Notably, only a small fraction of the WoS papers identied above include all of the three keywords in their abstract
and/or title. For the publication year 2012, 130 such articles can be identied within the Business & Economics
eld, with an additional 100 articles in the wider WoS database.
5. Note that the EINT journal does not appear in Table 2 since it has not yet been included in the WoS database.
6. In the Web of Science database, journals may be classied in more than one subject eld category.
7. These are (1) Setting the stage; (2) Background information; (3) Methodological; (4) Comparative; (5) Argumental,
speculative, hypothetical; (6) Documentary; (7) Historical; (8) Casual.
8. Ontological questions about economic realities obviously are central for considerations how economic phenom-
ena should be researched. While not guring in a methodological context, all citations of an evidential nature can
therefore be considered to be relevant for questions about how an issue can or should be researched.
9. This is the sum of rows two and three in Table 4.
10. Citing papers are as before identied through WoS. In order to obtain a larger set of analysable citing papers, we
lower the threshold inclusion criteria from 100 WoS citations to 30 for this analysis. Forty-three paper citing
Crepón, Duguet, and Mairesse (1998) are identied in this manner.
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No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
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Level.Economics of Innovation and New Technology 7 (2): 115158. Also published in 1998 as NBER Working Paper No. 6696.
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Journal of Economics 10 (1): 92116. Also published in 1998 as chapter in Griliches, Z., R&D and Productivity: The Econo-
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1998 in Griliches, Z., R&D and Productivity: The Econometric Evidence, 347374. University of Chicago Press, NBER Books.
Griliches, Z., and J. Mairesse. 1984. Productivity and R and D at the Firm Level.In R&D, Patents and Productivity, edited by
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Hall, B. H., Z. Griliches, and J. A. Hausman. 1986. Patents and R&D: Is There a Lag?International Economic Review 27 (2):
265283. Also published in 1984 as NBER Working Paper No. 1454.
Downloaded by [Kungliga Tekniska Hogskola] at 09:59 06 November 2017
Hall, B. H., and J. Mairesse. 1995. Exploring the Relationship Between R&D and Productivity in French Manufacturing
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Henderson, R., and I. Cockburn. 1996. Scale, Scope, and Spillovers: The Determinants of Research Productivity in Drug
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Hu, A. G. Z., G. H. Jefferson, and Q. Jinchang. 2005. R&D and Technology Transfer: Firm-Level Evidence from Chinese
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Also published in 2002 as NBER Working Paper No. 8819.
Kortum, S. 1997. Research, Patenting, and Technological Change.Econometrica 65 (6): 13891419.
Kortum, S., and Lerner J. 2000. Assessing the Contribution of Venture Capital to Innovation.RAND Journal of Economics
31 (4): 674692.
Lanjouw, J. O., and M. Schankerman. 2004. Patent Quality and Research Productivity: Measuring Innovation with Multiple
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Lööf, H., and A. Heshmati. 2002. Knowledge Capital and Performance Heterogeneity: A Firm-Level Innovation Study.
International Journal of Production Economics 76 (1): 6185.
Manseld, E. 1980. Basic Research and Productivity Increases in Manufacturing.American Economic Review 70 (5): 863873.
Pakes, A., and Z. Griliches. 1980. Patents and R&D at the Firm Level: A rst Look.Economics Letters 5(4):377381.
Also published in 1984 as 5572 in Griliches, Z., R & D, Patents, and Productivity. University of Chicago Press.
Sakakibara, M., and L. Branstetter. 2001. Do Stronger Patents Induce More Innovation? Evidence from the 1988 Japanese
Patent Law Reforms.RAND Journal of Economics 32 (1): 77100. Also published in 1999 as NBER Working Paper No. 7066.
Appendix 2: WoS subject eld category distribution and mean impact of the papers
citing the 27 RIP core publications, across eld classications.
The layout of this map is based on a cluster analysis of citation links between subject eld categories and grouped into 19
broader subject areas indicated on the map.
Downloaded by [Kungliga Tekniska Hogskola] at 09:59 06 November 2017
Legend: The size of circles reects the number of papers classied as belonging to each category. The colour of the circles
reects mean citation impact of all papers in that category (the scale on the left side). The numbers in/beside the larger
circles refer to the enumeration of elds in Table 3.
Appendix 3: List of papers used for comparison of citation functions.
Lee, D. S., E. Moretti, and M. J. Butler. 2004. Do Voters Affect or Elect Policies? Evidence from the U. S. House.The Quar-
terly Journal of Economics 119 (3): 807859.
Kogut, B., and S. J. Chang. 1996. Platform Investments and Volatile Exchange Rates: Direct Investment in the U.S. By Japa-
nese Electronic Companies.The Review of Economics and Statistics 78 (2): 221231.
Castelló, A., and R. Doménech. 2002. Human Capital Inequality and Economic Growth: Some New Evidence.The Econ-
omic Journal 112 (478): C187C200.
Offerman, T., J. Sonnemans, and A. Schram. 1996. Value Orientations, Expectations and Voluntary Contributions in Public
Goods.The Economic Journal 106 (437): 817845.
Downloaded by [Kungliga Tekniska Hogskola] at 09:59 06 November 2017
... That is not to say that fundamental Marshallian and Schumpeterian views of markets as a central and important mechanism for stimulating change in the economy are absent in contemporary writing. Innovation remains a key topic in economic analysis of productivity and job creation (Broström and Karlsson 2017;Dosi and Mohnen 2019), and fundamental principles are being advanced, e.g. in work on Experimental Capitalism (Klepper 2016). However, a broad array of literature streams discuss innovation as a social phenomenon seemingly detached from market-based analysis. ...
... Following an exhaustive review of the literature at the firm/sector/country level, Mairesse and Mohnen (2010) conclude that R&D capital has a positive effect on productivity. Broström and Karlsson (2017) also present an interesting overview of research in R&D, innovation, and productivity. ...
... By embracing innovation and new technologies, CEE chemical companies can demonstrate their commitment to eco-friendly practices. Innovation and new technologies drive modern industrial advancement and transformation [29], and the CEE chemical companies have the opportunity to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage by blending the abovementioned synergetic factors [30]. ...
Full-text available
Citation: Apostu, S.A.; Nichita, E.M.; Manea, C.L.; Irimescu, A.M.; Vulpoi, M. Exploring the Influence of Innovation and Technology on Climate Change. Energies 2023, 16, 6408. en16176408 Academic Editors: Alina Abstract: Considering the negative effect of anthropological activities on climate in recent decades, all countries entailed a universal commitment to fight against climate change by boosting innovation and introducing new technologies. In this context, our paper aimed to investigate the impact of innovation input in terms of research and development (R&D) costs and technology expressed as technical equipment and machinery (TEM) on the reported greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in chemical industry companies in five Central and Eastern European countries. This study employed a panel regression model with fixed effects and covered data from 2015 to 2020. The empirical results emphasize a negative relationship between R&D costs and GHG emissions, indicating the companies' commitment to developing innovative solutions that contribute to lower destructive emissions. Additionally, the findings related to the influence of TEM on GHG emissions reveal a positive impact, highlighting the need to improve manufacturing technologies. The practical implications of our findings can be meaningful for both policymakers and businesses operating in the chemical industry in developing countries. Policymakers should offer financial incentives to support research and investments in clean technologies, while businesses should prioritise such investments to mitigate GHG emissions.
... Moreover, linkage amongst industry, the scholarly world, and the research community network must be reinvigorated. It needs a focused innovative R&D and industry-academic joint effort, keeping in mind that the end goal is to combine R&D capacities with industrial applications, and in this manner will boost the foundation of new technological companies and will drive the modern industrial advancement and transformation (Broström & Karlsson 2017;KCG 2017). ...
Full-text available
Background: Managers in companies often do not know about modern techniques and design tools for creating technological and innovation processes, and about the possibility of their usage for effective management and decision-making.Aim: This study seeks to establish if there are eminent gaps in managing sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) through technology and innovation systems, and its impacts on service delivery in influencing business survival in an unprecedented and unavoidable competitive business world environment, and to build up the impact of these gaps on business performance.Setting: It is essential to have a realistic vision and practical approaches to the management of technology and innovation for SCA and goal-oriented objectives for city governments.Methods: This study examines applicable and accessible literature whilst using a secondary research analysis methodology to examine the objectives and research issues of the investigation.Results: It is concluded that managing technology and innovation for SCA is not a means to an end, but a set of tools and strategies to ensure proper service delivery to the people and communities.Conclusion: This research study endeavours to provide a significant positive impact to business success and additionally, for the improvement of technology and innovation of an organisation. A fundamental issue for industrialisation and governments is the need to support innovation and change amongst industry individuals with a specific end goal to build efficiency and upgrade the business’ competitive position.
... Methods: Although various databases such as Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar are used in science mapping, the acceptance of Web of Science as a gold standard database to measure the performance of academicians (Maseda et al., 2021: 4), the breadth of publication coverage of social sciences ( Most et al., 2018), containing much more consistent and reliable records for researching publications in many different disciplines (Kasavan et al., 2021), having relatively stricter quality threshold criteria (Broström & Karlsson, 2017) and other research (Akyıldız & Yılmaz, 2020;Hota et al., 2020;Maseda et al., 2021;Most et al., 2018;Öztürk & Gök, 2020) were frequently used, the WoS database was preferred as the main material for the literature review in this study. ...
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Although researches on laissez-faire leadership have increased in recent years, the knowledge in this field is not yet at a sufficient level. In this study, 58 articles published in the WoS Core Collection database with the words laissez-faire leadership, passive leadership or avoidant leadership in the title were included in the analysis. In this study, the development of the field over the years has been mapped by identifying the most important publications, journals, authors and countries in the field. Then co- occurrence of keywords analysis and bibliographic coupling analyzes were applied. The results showed that the most articles were published in 2021, the most productive journals were Work And Stress and Frontiers in Psychology, the most productive author was Skogstad, A., the most productive country was the USA, the most influential article was “The destructiveness of laissez-faire leadership behavior. According to the bibliometric analysis results, the most frequently used keywords are; the words laissez-faire leadership, passive leadership, leadership, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, laissez-faire, safety climate, passive avoidant leadership and workplace bullying. The author with the highest bibliographic coupling strength is Skogstad, A., the journal Work and Stress, and the country is USA. The results can provide future researchers with a strong basis for understanding the current trend in the field and for detecting new trends for future research.
... One main contribution of innovative activities' studies is the CDM method (Crépon et al., 1998), which tackles both selection bias and simultaneity issues of innovative investments and their outputs, like patents for example. As documented by Broström and Karlsson (2017), many studies use their methodology to treat the selection bias. Those papers focus on the intensive margins, meaning that they primarily focus on the impact of innovations' outputs on productivity rather than on the investments required to innovate. ...
The objective of this Ph.D. dissertation is to have a better comprehension of the bankruptcy event for firms that are operating in France. We focus mainly on firms considered to be among the best-performing ones, i.e., exporting firms and innovating firms, that have a higher proportion of default than the general proportion. In the first chapter, we focus on the exporting firms’ sunk costs linked to the foreign markets to evaluate if it acts as an exit barrier or raises their likelihood of going bankrupt. In the second chapter, we estimate the impact of business expenditures on R&D on firms’ survival likelihood to assess how the risk firms take to innovate affects the likelihood of cessation of payment. Finally, in the last chapter, we evaluate how the exit of defaulting firms contributes to the French productivity growth compared to other firm exits. To do so, we use multiple databases to obtain all the information needed across the dissertation (BODACC for information on bankrupt firms, FICUS-FARE for accountancy variables, DADS for labor variables, among others), and other databases that are more specific for the first and second chapters: the custom data on import and exports and the innovation survey. To tackle several methodology issues, such as unobserved variables, truncation bias, and unobserved individual heterogeneity, various methods are used, particularly panel data methodologies applied to non-linear models. We find that sunk costs are not a barrier to exit since it limits the liquid assets available in case of financial difficulties. We also find that R&D activities require a minimum amount of investment to raise the survival likelihood. Finally, we find that the exit of defaulting firms contributes positively and significantly to productivity growth.
... Moreover, linkage amongst industry, the scholarly world, and the research community network must be reinvigorated. It needs a focused innovative R&D and industry-academic joint effort, keeping in mind that the end goal is to combine R&D capacities with industrial applications, and in this manner will boost the foundation of new technological companies and will drive the modern industrial advancement and transformation (Broström & Karlsson 2017;KCG 2017). ...
Full-text available
Background: Managers in companies often do not know about modern techniques and design tools for creating technological and innovation processes, and about the possibility of their usage for effective management and decision-making. Aim: This study seeks to establish if there are eminent gaps in managing sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) through technology and innovation systems, and its impacts on service delivery in influencing business survival in an unprecedented and unavoidable competitive business world environment, and to build up the impact of these gaps on business performance. Setting: It is essential to have a realistic vision and practical approaches to the management of technology and innovation for SCA and goal-oriented objectives for city governments. Methods: This study examines applicable and accessible literature whilst using a secondary research analysis methodology to examine the objectives and research issues of the investigation. Results: It is concluded that managing technology and innovation for SCA is not a means to an end, but a set of tools and strategies to ensure proper service delivery to the people and communities. Conclusion: This research study endeavours to provide a significant positive impact to business success and additionally, for the improvement of technology and innovation of an organisation. A fundamental issue for industrialisation and governments is the need to support innovation and change amongst industry individuals with a specific end goal to build efficiency and upgrade the business’ competitive position.
Purpose: This research aimed to investigate the maturity level of information technology (IT) within hospitals in Tehran. Method: The study was applied in purpose and survey-based in method. The statistical population comprised 27 experts in urban management and IT within hospitals in Tehran. A revised standard questionnaire, based on Gartner’s IT management process maturity model, was used to measure IT maturity. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software (version 23). Findings: The study revealed that several aspects of IT maturity within hospitals in Tehran were generally favorable. Specifically, leadership and IT management activities, customer-oriented service, control and evaluation, configuration and asset management, security management, change management, service level management, accessible management, service and support documentation, capacity management, and strategic trends were positively evaluated. However, operations management, human resource management, supplier management, and certain IT service management components were found to be below the average level of 3. Conclusion: Overall, the research indicates that the IT maturity level in hospitals in Tehran is largely favorable. Nevertheless, improvements are needed in specific areas, such as operations management and human resource management, to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of IT operations.
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La presente investigación analiza la relación entre el uso de servicios de extensionismo y transferencia tecnológica, la innovación y la productividad en las empresas peruanas en el corto plazo. En países en desarrollo donde la inversión en actividades de investigación y desarrollo está sujeta a una serie de fallas de mercado producto del carácter de bien público del conocimiento, la falta de acceso a financiamiento y a personal especializado, estos servicios que son brindados por agentes externos, suponen una alternativa para aquellas empresas que buscan innovar con niveles de inversión accesible y de bajo riesgo. Para comprobar la hipótesis del efecto positivo del uso de estos servicios se utiliza el modelo de regresión en cuatro etapas propuesto por Crepón, Duguet y Mairesse (CDM) adaptado a los fines de la investigación, además de utilizar técnicas de emparejamiento por puntaje de propensión para acotar y ponderar la muestra y contrastar los resultados con el modelo original. Asimismo, se utiliza un método generalizado de puntaje de propensión para analizar la sensibilidad del cambio en innovación y ventas ante diferentes niveles de inversión en servicios de extensionismo y transferencia tecnológica. Los resultados muestran que la intensidad en el uso de estos servicios influye positiva y significativamente en la innovación y ésta a su vez en la productividad laboral de las empresas, aunque la relación no sería lineal sino cuadrática
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Our paper develops theoretical and methodological principles of grounding assessing the dominant trends in intersectoral academic research related linked to the main tools and instruments of funding innovations in business companies. We employ the analytical approach as well as the two-stage bibliometric analysis of scientific articles published in the past 80 years and indexed in Scopus abstract and citation database which has been selected for its clarity, coverage, as well as its scope. In addition, we employ the outcomes of analytical analysis conducted using with the help of Google Trends tool. This approach described above allowed allows us to compare the peak periods for the changing the search queries of main concepts on this problem with the periods of the most significant events in the innovation sphere and financial policy. Moreover, we apply the VOSViewer software for identifying the dominant trends in intersectoral research related to funding innovation of business companies, as well as for finding out which instruments for the implementation of the financial policy implementation are more relevant for academics and scholars. Our results from the first stage demonstrate that the researchers’ focus on funding innovation of business companies and financial regulation was targeted on such topics as tax, monetary, budget, and investment instruments. Additionally, our results from the second stage additionally helped us to determine the dominant trends in intersectoral research connected to each group of the identified instruments. Thence, our findings contributed to the clustering of the theory of funding innovation of business companies by structure and main instruments. These results can be useful for by the multidisciplinary scientists, entrepreneurs, investors, innovators, as well as other relevant stakeholders and practitioners in making their everyday decisions on funding innovations in business companies.
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In year 1998, the seminal paper Research Innovation and Productivity: An Econometric Analysis at the Firm Level was published in this journal. The empirical framework, following on ideas in the research of Zvi Griliches at the NBER and commonly labeled CDM (the acronym of the three authors’ names, Crépon, Duguet and Mairesse) is one of the most influential contributions in recent literature on economics of innovation. The original CDM paper and papers inspired by its framework have received hundreds of citations in the empirical innovation literature. Whether directly linked or not to the CDM framework, the flow of studies improving on and enlarging the scope and methods of the empirical literature on R&D, innovation and productivity is continuing. Some of them, for example, focus on financing innovation, innovation and employment, innovation and trade, competition, or intellectual property; some adopt a managerial perspective, while others prefer an innovation system approach in a Schumpeterian tradition, etc. This introduction to the special issue of EINT surveys a collection of 12 papers on the CDM model by 25 authors from eight countries. The papers take stock of the evolution of research based on the original CDM model launched 20 years ago, linking it to the previous literature, and proposing developments and generalizations of it in various dimensions.
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We present a novel approach to visually locate bodies of research within the sciences, both at each moment of time and dynamically. This article describes how this approach fits with other efforts to locally and globally map scientific outputs. We then show how these science overlay maps help benchmark, explore collaborations, and track temporal changes, using examples of universities, corporations, funding agencies, and research topics. We address conditions of application, with their advantages, downsides and limitations. Overlay maps especially help investigate the increasing number of scientific developments and organisations that do not fit within traditional disciplinary categories. We make these tools accessible to help researchers explore the ongoing socio-cognitive transformation of science and technology systems. Comment: 40 pages, 6 Figures
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D. Wade Hands (1951∓) was educated at the University of Houston and then Indiana University and has taught at the University of Puget Sound since 1980. He is one of the leading figures in contemporary economic methodology. Hands was President of the History of Science Society in 2005∓2006 and is currently the editor of The Journal of Economic Methodology. His most important book, Reflection without Rules, won the Spengler Book Prize from the History of Economic Society in 2004. This essay provides a brief introduction to the ideas of Karl Popper and Imre Lakatos and to the issues that arise in applying them to the philosophical understanding of economics. Overview The purpose of this chapter is to critically reappraise the methodological advice offered to economists by Popperian philosophy, in particular Popperian falsificationism and Lakatos's ‘methodology of scientific research programmes’. These two philosophical positions and the difficulties they raise for economic methodology are carefully considered in the chapter. It is argued that while economists have benefited from the influence of Popperian philosophy in a number of ways, neither falsificationism nor Lakatos's methodology provide an appropriate guide to the acceptance or rejection of economic theories. The implications and caveats surrounding this argument are considered in the conclusion. Introduction Popperian philosophy of science has been extremely influential in economic methodology. Popperian ‘falsificationism’, first introduced into economics by Hutchison (1938), remains one of the dominant approaches to economic methodology.
The Lakatosian methodology of scientific research programmes (MSRP) is intended to circumvent the epistemological difficulties associated with various brands of falsificationist method, of which the most important is the Duhem-Quine problem. We reject the view that Lakatos’ MSRP needs to be re-interpreted before it can be used to appraise economic theories. A correct understanding of Lakatos’ distinction between the hard core and protective belt of a research programme leads to the recognition that conflicting theories can be accommodated within the same programme. This avoids much of the confusion encountered by some economists who have attempted to develop taxonomies of economic theories within a Lakatosian framework, but have made the mistake of overpopulating the discipline of economics with a plethora of spurious research programmes. Many of the latter are more usefully treated as subdisciplinary demi-cores within an overall neoclassical programme.
Two books have been particularly influential in contemporary philosophy of science: Karl R. Popper's Logic of Scientific Discovery, and Thomas S. Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Both agree upon the importance of revolutions in science, but differ about the role of criticism in science's revolutionary growth. This volume arose out of a symposium on Kuhn's work, with Popper in the chair, at an international colloquium held in London in 1965. The book begins with Kuhn's statement of his position followed by seven essays offering criticism and analysis, and finally by Kuhn's reply. The book will interest senior undergraduates and graduate students of the philosophy and history of science, as well as professional philosophers, philosophically inclined scientists, and some psychologists and sociologists.
We examine the patenting behavior of firms in an industry characterized by rapid technological change and cumulative innovation. Recent survey evidence suggests that semiconductor firms do not rely heavily on patents to appropriate returns to R&D. Yet the propensity of semiconductor firms to patent has risen dramatically since the mid-1980s. We explore this apparent paradox by conducting interviews with industry representatives and analyzing the patenting behavior of 95 U.S. semiconductor firms during 1979-1995. The results suggest that the 1980s strengthening of U.S. patent rights spawned "patent portfolio races" among capital-intensive firms, but it also facilitated entry by specialized design firms.