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Re-framing the climate change debate in the livestock sector: mitigation and adaptation options: Mitigation and adaptation options in the livestock sector


Abstract and Figures

Livestock play a key role in the climate change debate. As with crop‐based agriculture, the sector is both a net greenhouse gas emitter and vulnerable to climate change. At the same time, it is an essential food source for millions of people worldwide, with other functions apart from food security such as savings and insurance. By comparison with crop‐based agriculture, the interactions of livestock and climate change have been much less studied. The debate around livestock is confusing due to the coexistence of multiple livestock farming systems with differing functions for humans, greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emission profiles and different characteristics and boundary issues in their measurement, which are often pooled together. Consequently, the diversity of livestock farming systems and their functions to human systems are poorly represented and the role of the livestock sector in the climate change debate has not been adequately addressed. In this article, building upon the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report ( IPCC 5AR ) findings, we review recent literature on livestock and climate change so as better to include this diversity in the adaptation and mitigation debate around livestock systems. For comparative purposes we use the same categories of managerial, technical, behavioral and policy‐related action to organize both mitigation and adaptation options. We conclude that different livestock systems provide different functions to different human systems and require different strategies, so they cannot readily be pooled together. We also observe that, for the different livestock systems, several win‐win strategies exist that effectively tackle both mitigation and adaptation options as well as food security. WIREs Clim Change 2016, 7:869–892. doi: 10.1002/wcc.421 This article is categorized under: The Carbon Economy and Climate Mitigation > Benefits of Mitigation Climate and Development > Knowledge and Action in Development
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Advanced Review
Re-framing the climate change
debate in the livestock sector:
mitigation and adaptation options
M.G. Rivera-Ferre,*F. López-i-Gelats, M. Howden, P. Smith, J.F. Morton and M. Herrero
Edited by Louis Lebel, Domain Editor, and Mike Hulme, Editor-in-Chief
Livestock play a key role in the climate change debate. As with crop-based agri-
culture, the sector is both a net greenhouse gas emitter and vulnerable to climate
change. At the same time, it is an essential food source for millions of people
worldwide, with other functions apart from food security such as savings and
insurance. By comparison with crop-based agriculture, the interactions of live-
stock and climate change have been much less studied. The debate around live-
stock is confusing due to the coexistence of multiple livestock farming systems
with differing functions for humans, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission proles
and different characteristics and boundary issues in their measurement, which
are often pooled together. Consequently, the diversity of livestock farming sys-
tems and their functions to human systems are poorly represented and the role
of the livestock sector in the climate change debate has not been adequately
addressed. In this article, building upon the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC 5AR) ndings, we review recent litera-
ture on livestock and climate change so as better to include this diversity in the
adaptation and mitigation debate around livestock systems. For comparative pur-
poses we use the same categories of managerial, technical, behavioral and
policy-related action to organize both mitigation and adaptation options. We
conclude that different livestock systems provide different functions to different
human systems and require different strategies, so they cannot readily be pooled
together. We also observe that, for the different livestock systems, several win-
win strategies exist that effectively tackle both mitigation and adaptation options
as well as food security. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
How to cite this article:
WIREs Clim Change 2016. doi: 10.1002/wcc.421
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report deals with the
role of livestock in delivering food security in future
food systems and sustainable livelihoods (through its
Working Group 2 on Impacts, Adaptation and Vul-
nerability), and in the degree that it contributes to cli-
mate change via net emissions (through its Working
Group 3 on Mitigation). Livestock farming and cli-
mate change interact in several domains: livestock
emit greenhouse gases (GHGs), farming practices can
also contribute to GHG sequestration, livestock
farming can generate products that substitute for fos-
sil fuels, and livestock systems are impacted by cli-
mate change, are vulnerable to it and will need to
adapt to it, all to different degrees. However, the
*Correspondence to:
Chair of Agroecology and Food Systems, Faculty of Sciences and
Technology, University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia,
Barcelona, Spain
Conict of interest: The authors have declared no conicts of inter-
est for this article.
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d icals , In c .
IPCC Fifth Assessment clearly states that the different
intersections of climate change with livestock sys-
tems, despite being crucial, are still relatively under-
studied research areas.
Agreement exists on the multiple functions of
livestock in different contexts. The livestock sector
plays a crucial role in global food security, supplying
between 13% and 17% of calories and between
28% and 33% of protein consumption, globally.
Livestock farming in developing countries, especially
that of small-scale farmers, is characterized by the
provision of multiple benets, such as improving live-
lihoods for the rural poor, being a source of direct
nutrition, draught power, fertilization, household
fuel, bre, wealth storage, social status, cultural iden-
tity, control of insects and weeds, and as a buffer
against crop failure.
The benets of animal-
sourced protein to poor people are particularly
In industrialized countries by contrast,
livestock production is more likely to be carried out
by large-scale enterprises structured to produce single
commodities, generally meat or milk.
The supply of goods and services provided by
livestock has been accompanied by the ongoing use
and in some cases degradation of natural resources.
It is estimated that 26% of the worlds ice-free terres-
trial area is devoted to pasture and 33% of cropland
is used for feed crop production.
The livestock sec-
tor accounts for 80% of the agricultural land
8% of human water use, mostly for irrigation of feed
Also, humans appropriate 24% of worlds
potential net primary productivity
of which 58% is
devoted to livestock farming.
This high level of
global activity is particularly reected in high levels
of GHG emissions. A total of 80% of the agricultural
emissions are due to livestock
while the
livestock sector has been estimated to contribute
between 9 and 25% of anthropogenic
Assuming that GHG emissions are
expected to increase worldwide in the years to
it is of crucial importance to examine
under what conditions the livestock sector can best
contribute to reduce net emissions. In addition, we
need to consider that the livestock sector is vulnera-
ble to climate changes and will need to adapt to
them. In examples of vulnerable human groups in
rural areas highlighted in IPCC AR5 WGII, two were
livestock dependentpastoralists and mountain
Potential adaptation strategies have been
identied, but even if fully implemented, there is
likely to be considerable residual vulnerability and so
further adaptations will need to be developed.
Thus, the livestock sector will be bound up in a
nexus of augmented shocks and uncertainties, and
acts both as a driver and recipient of these, with
uncertain implications. Responses to these reect
sometimes polarised value systems (e.g., in relation
to meat consumption), leading to signicant public
debates as to the best pathway forward (e.g., Refs
26,27). This is made more complex by the coexist-
ence of multiple systems of livestock farming with
differing GHG emissions and different characteristics
and boundary issues in their measurement, which,
however, are often pooled together. Consequently,
the diversity of livestock farming systems is poorly
represented and the role of the livestock sector in the
climate change debate has not been adequately
addressed, which is a major omission since distinct
livestock systems involve diverse interactions
between livestock, population, climate and natural
A large body of work
already notes the
importance of differentiating between livestock pro-
duction systems, suggesting that this differentiation is
a necessity in the evaluation of different technology
and policy options. It is important to consider that
the existence of different livestock systems is the out-
come of the different functions played by livestock in
different human systems in a variety of contexts. For
instance, large industrial systems are in play in the
United States because the function of livestock pro-
duction is mainly as a competitive corporate business
activity, and there is little demand today for livestock
in the United States to play the same role as they do
in Africa (as repositories of savings, providers of
unspoiled milk to the family, a source of income in
the non-cropping season, etc.). It is important to con-
sider this in addressing strategies for action in differ-
ent regions.
In order to illustrate the need to consider the
existing diversity of livestock farming systems and
shed light on the interactions between climate
change, livestock and human systems, we employ the
broad classication proposed by Thornton et al.
and Kurska et al.,
based on Seré and Steinfeld.
This classication system has been used widely for
poverty mapping
; animal health targeting
; cli-
mate change impacts and vulnerability
; and the
assessment of environmental impacts
amongst others.
It comprises three general types of
livestock system, namely: grazing, mixed crop-live-
stock, and industrial systems (Table 1). Even though
these systems grossly simplify the existing diversity,
the use of this accepted classication allows us to
maximize data availability and reframe recent nd-
ings. We will show in this paper that distinctions
between the systems entail radically different interac-
tions with people and climate change.
Advanced Review
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TABLE 1 |Characterization of Livestock Farming Systems
Grazing System Mixed Crop-Livestock System Industrial System
People Pastoralism engages 120/190
million people
Involves ~2/3 of the world
population. Main system for
smallholder farmers in
developing countries
Relatively small numbers of
people, often highly skilled
Purpose Traditional grazing systems are
sources of food, income, waste
recycling, bre, lending, status,
social and cultural identity, and
insurance against hard times.
Large-scale private ranching
systems are geared to extensive
meat production for sale.
Source of food, income,
fertilization and manure, and
draught power.
Source of food, income. 90% of
the value of livestock
attributed to marketed
Modalities Mobile systems on communal
Sedentary systems on
communal grasslands
Ranching and grassland farming
Mixed, communal grazing
Mixed, crop residues
Mixed, cut and carry
Mixed, feed from farm
Mixed, external feed
Intensive poultry production
Intensive pig production
Ruminant feedlot meat
Large-scale dairy production
often in grain-producing regions
or near to urban centers
Location In lands that are too wet, dry,
mountainous, distant or stony
for cultivation, and where
grassland and fodder production
sustain large herds. In Arid,
Semi-Arid, Sub-Humid zones and
Temperate and Tropical
Near sources of crops and by-
In nearly all Agro Ecological Zones:
from rainforests to oases in arid
Often near large urban centers or
transport systems. More or less
independent of the agro-
ecological zone, of special
relevance in Europe, North
America, and some parts of
Latin America, the Near East,
and East and Southeast Asia
Feed Source Dependent on the natural
productivity of grasslands.
Convert human-inedible forage
and rangelands into edible
animal source food.
Use of crop residues and
permanent crop cultivation.
Scarce reliance on external feed
(if any). Convert human-inedible
self-produced residues into
edible animal source food.
Concentrated animal feeding
operations. Depend on external
feed (grains, industrial by-
products). Can convert human-
edible purchased products into
edible animal source food.
Human edible protein
Output/ Input
Some examples: Kenya, 21.16;
Mongolia, 14.60
An example: New Zealand, 10.06
Some examples: Brazil, 1.17;
Germany, 0.62; USA, 0.53
Land and tenure Rangelands including communal
and open-access grasslands. Low
Communal and private high-quality
grasslands and fodder crops and
crop residues. Moderate
Relatively small areas. Large
infrastructure development.
Input nature Little or minimal dependence from
purchased feed and external
inputs. In usual conditions, 0 kg
of external feed per kg of
12,000 l of water per kg of edible
beef in ranching
Dependent on system and land
Inputs range from small to
42 l water per pig/day (drinking
and service)
Dependent on purchased
feedstuffs. Estimate 8 kg of
feed per kg of beef, 4 kg for
pork, 1 kg for broiler
53,200 l of water per kg of edible
142 l water pig/ day
(drinking and service)
World food production 24% beef, 32% sheep & goat
meat, 1% pork, 2% poultry
meat and 1% of eggs.
Provides 9% global meat
69% milk & 61% of meat from
38% of eggs.
Provides 54% global meat.
Provides 76% pork & 79% of
poultry meat,
61% eggs, 6%
beef, 1% of sheep & goat
Genetic diversity 86% (6536) and 7% (523) of the 7616 recorded breeds are local and
regional transboundary breeds, respectively
7% (557) of the breeds are
international transboundary
WIREs Climate Change Mitigation and adaptation options in the livestock sector
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d icals , In c .
Livestock and GHG Emission Metrics
The livestock sector contributes to GHG emissions
through the emission of methane (CH
), largely from
enteric fermentation; nitrous oxide (N
O), from
manure and the use of nitrogenous fertilizers in
growing feed; and carbon dioxide (CO
), from fossil
fuel burning, land use change driven by agricultural
expansion and reductions in soil carbon in some cir-
cumstances. Estimates of the GHG emissions from
livestock differ according to the system boundaries
established for calculation. Emissions can be classi-
ed as direct, if they are produced on- farm by the
animal (e.g., enteric fermentation), or during the
rearing process (e.g., manure), and indirect, if they
are produced pre-farm by associated industries
(e.g., nitrogenous fertilizers in growing feed or associ-
ated land use changes). The range of estimates of
global GHG emissions attributable to livestock is
large, ranging from 9 to 25% of total
with differences mainly due to dif-
ferent calculation methods and whether or not indi-
rect emissions are considered in the equations. In
presenting emissions we also need to differentiate
between absolute and efciency measures as these
can lead to different outcomes. For example, a live-
stock system might improve its efciency parameter
(e.g., emissions per unit product), even though its
absolute parameter (total emissions) increases. Abso-
lute emission metrics are important in terms of
addressing the global commons issue of mitigating
GHG emissions whereas efciency metrics are most
relevant to nancial and other livestock system per-
formance measures.
The most common method to determine GHG
emission relates to the volume of CO
which integrates the effects of the multiple green-
house gases which may be produced (or removed)
by livestock systems (e.g., Ref 48). This absolute
measure is fundamental to setting emission limits
and emission-reduction goals for the UNFCCC and
national policies, as it links livestock activities to the
change in composition and function of the atmos-
phere. But other efciency-based or rate metrics
exist, which can be used to plot pathways to ef-
cient and/or equitable achievement of these goals.
These include emissions per hectare, per unit value
or per unit livestock product
or per unit of pro-
When expressed in these efciency terms
(e.g., GHG per edible output), the conned opera-
tions of industrial livestock systems can appear to
directly emit less than grazing and mixed systems,
and intensive grazing less than extensive grazing.
In contrast, when the method of calculation takes
into consideration the direct and indirect amounts
of resources used as inputs by the livestock system
(e.g., land, kg of fossil fuels), mixed systems,
through livestock and cropland integration, and
extensive grazing systems, through moving the herd
opportunistically and beneting from the natural
productivity of grasslands, can show smaller GHG
emissions than the conned and sedentary opera-
tions of industriallivestock systems.
The different
metrics employed therefore affect the outcome of the
analysis and the GHG emission responsibility attrib-
uted to diverse livestock systems and thus, they pro-
vide different data to inform policy-makers and the
broader pubic debate.
Nonetheless, several general omissions are iden-
tied in the literature. Firstly, to give the clearest pic-
ture, the measurement of the GHG emissions should
relate to the whole life cycle of the livestock product,
including the feed footprint, since obviously emis-
sions occur throughout the production and distribu-
tion phases of feed inputs.
Secondly, not only
the quantity but also the quality of the resources used
by livestock farming should be integrated into the
calculation. The same quantity of GHG emissions
from using human-edible grain to feed the animals,
or from wastes and pastures of marginal lands,
should be accounted for in a consistent way but dif-
ferentiated so as to deal with it explicitly in nutrition
security policy design and implementation. Also,
other environmental and social costs and benets can
be included in the calculation, such as the value of
the non-monetized economic activities, the subsist-
ence function of grazing and mixed systems, which
provide valuable nutrition to the poor as well as of
unique livelihood in areas characterized by pastoral-
ism and extensive grazing where a lack of alternative
livelihood opportunities exist, and the value of pre-
serving the health of ecosystems.
According to
Ripoll-Bosch et al.
when accounting for the multi-
functionality of livestock systems, considering
multiple-outputs and allocating the GHG emissions
to the diverse outputs on their relative economic
value, grazing systems emit less GHG emissions per
unit of livestock product (CO
-eq/kg of lamb live
weight in that case) than mixed-grazing systems, and
those in turn have lower emissions than industrial
systems. There are additional grounds for speculation
over whether grazing areas without domestic live-
stock might be repopulated with methane-producing
wild ungulates.
A useful change would be to see
GHG mitigation as one variable in considering policy
and management in changes to livestock systems.
Advanced Review
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d i cals, Inc .
Livestock and Mitigation Potential
The main strategies described to reduce GHG emis-
sion and to increase GHG sequestration by the live-
stock sector can be divided into supply- and demand-
side strategies. While the former have been better
studied than the latter
clearly no measure in isola-
tion will encompass the full emission reduction
potential (e.g., Ref 27). Instead, a combination will
be required, selected from the full range of existing
options, as adapted to different livestock systems and
their functions according to geographical, social and
institutional contexts. In this article, we sub-divide
supply and demand-driven mitigation strategies into
managerial, technological, policy-related and behav-
ioral (Table 2).
SUPPLY-SIDE Mitigation Strategies
Supply-side strategies refer to the actions directly
related to animal production at the farming level.
These include managerial, technological and policy-
related options. Managerial mitigation strategies in
the livestock sector fundamentally comprise
(1) improved energy and nutrient utilization on land,
through management of land, grazing, vegetation,
water, and re; (2) improved productivity, through
capital and labor intensication; and (3) improved
energy conversion in livestock, through appropriate
breeding, health and feeding, which also include tech-
nological strategies; Policy-related options include
both (4) market mechanisms, through GHG emission
trading systems and GHG footprint labeling (includ-
ing sequestration activities); and (5) enhancing the
production and use of alternative fuels, through recy-
cling livestock waste into biogas.
Improved Nutrient and Carbon Cycling
on Land
The control of land degradation and deforestation,
and regulating the use of fertilizer inputs for feed
production, are the main issues when dealing with
the enhancing of nutrient cycling on land. Deforesta-
tion prevention is one of the most developed GHG
mitigation policies.
Land degradation and deforest-
ation are associated with overgrazing,
with conver-
sion of forests into pastures for ranching in grazing
and with land clearing for feed production
in industrial systems.
Conversion of forests into
croplands and pastures, and grassland degradation,
result in carbon losses which work against any miti-
gation from soil carbon sequestration.
Soil car-
bon is often lost more rapidly than it is gained.
fact, deforestation, either to open new pasture or to
create new cropland for feed production, is calcu-
lated to release more CO
than any other livestock-
related activity.
A total of 4% of anthropogenic
TABLE 2 |Livestock Farming Systems and Climate Change Mitigation
Grazing System Mixed Crop-Livestock System Industrial System
GHG emissions (examples) 2731 kg of CH
per animal per
year in grazing cattle in Africa
and India
12% total non-CO
5360 kg of CH
per animal per
year in beef & dairy cattle in
USA and Europe; 4558 kg of
per animal per year in
dairy cattle in Africa and
77% emissions from
cattle (not all mixed crop-
117128 kg of CH
per animal
per year in dairy cattle in
USA and Europe
10% total non-CO
from monogastric (not all
GHG emission metrics giving
the most favorable
Area (kg CO
eq/area of land);
resource based (kg CO
of fossil fuel based inputs; kg
edible output/quantity of
ecosystem services provided;
kg CO
eq. avoided by use of
marginal land).
Quantity based (e.g., kg CO
kg food and non-food
goodsleather, wool,
manure, traction, etc.)
Quantity based (e.g., kg CO
kg produce)
Mitigation assets Grazing responsive to
environmental variation and
low dependence on fossil-fuel-
based practices and external
inputs. Enhanced animal
husbandry, GHG sequestration.
Maintenance of soil fertility, low
dependence on fossil-fuel
based practices and external
inputs. Enhanced animal
husbandry and herd/ock
management, supplements,
feed budgets.
Increased productivity and
efciency through better
nutrition and genetics,
adjusting the growing
environment, animal health.
WIREs Climate Change Mitigation and adaptation options in the livestock sector
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d icals , In c .
emissions are attributed to land use change and
deforestation for livestock production.
Land and soil management is a key mitigation
since there is twice as much carbon in the
top meter of soil globally as there is in the entire
Soil is one of the largest carbon stores
globally that can be increased through manage-
Grasslands are estimated to store up to 30%
of the worlds soil carbon.
The carbon sequestra-
tion capacity through soil erosion control and soil
restoration has been estimated to be between 5 and
15% of global emissions.
Soil carbon sequestration
potential in global agriculture is estimated to contrib-
ute to 89% of the technical mitigation potential.
However, the costs of mitigation substantially limit
that potential, such that economic potentials are only
around one-third of technical mitigation potentials.
In both grazing and mixed systems, improved
grassland management and appropriate stocking
density can help to increase soil C stocks.
strategies include limiting grazing on seasonally wet
soils and adequate management of irrigation in
The need to efciently apply fertilizer inputs is
widely accepted due to the multiple benets that
accrue. However, this is often driven by an interest in
tailoring fertilizer input with a focus on economic
benet, rather than for GHG mitigation. Livestock
excreta contain more nutrients than the inorganic fer-
tilizer used annually
so consideration of this seems
germane. The separation of livestock from land,
mainly via the livestock housing of industrial sys-
tems, interrupts nutrient ows which triggers soil
organic matter depletion in the location of the food
source, and often pollution at the point of the housed
while entailing feed production on large
areas of cropland with the associated application of
inorganic fertilizers and GHG emissions. While the
manure from these types of systems deposited on
elds and pastures does not usually generate signi-
cant amounts of CH
the conned rearing and fee-
dlots of the industrial systems release an estimated
18 million tons of CH
To further reduce
in-house emissions of CH
and N
O in industrial sys-
tems, deep cooling of slurry can be a feasible
In addition to this mitigation potential, and
despite the existence of transport, storage and odor
issues, it should also be noted that smallholders can-
not usually afford inorganic fertilizers.
Improved Nutrient and Energy Cycling in
The different degrees of inefciency of animals in
nutrient and feed conversion are the main issues
when tackling improvement of nutrient cycling in
livestock. Both plants and animals are particularly
inefcient in nitrogen uptake.
Practices to reduce
O emissions include animal and herd management
to improve energy and nutrient balances, such as:
(1) reducing the number of unproductive animals;
(2) genetic manipulation or animal breeding to
improve the N conversion efciency in the rumen,
(3) changes in feed quality and composition, and
(4) use of feeding additives, such as condensed tan-
nins, to improve the digestion of amino acids and
reducing N excretion, or salt supplementation to
induce more frequent urination events and thus a
more even spreading of urine across pastures.
Livestock also show differential performance in
feed conversion and associated CH
emissions, with
the largest difference between ruminants and mono-
gastrics. Thus, given the higher feed conversion ef-
ciency of monogastrics, some GHG mitigation can be
achieved by shifting production from ruminants to
monogastrics, e.g., chicken, pigs
or from large to
small ruminants. Additionally, taking into account
the large potential of ruminants to generate CH
emissions via enteric fermentation, the following are
specic GHG mitigation measures focused on rumi-
nants: (1) improving forage quality, such as forage
with lower bre and higher soluble carbohydrates
changing from C
to C
grasses; (2) dietary supple-
ments to improve ruminant bre digestion and pro-
ductivity and reducing methanogenesis, such as
dietary lipids, probiotics, proprionate precursors,
enzymes in the form of cellulases or hemicellulases,
or condensed tannins and saponins; and (3) manipu-
lations of microbial populations in the rumen to
reduce CH
production, such as CH
inhibitory vac-
cinations against methanogens or chemical defauna-
tion to eliminate rumen protozoa,
although these
techniques are still in their infancy or are sub-
economic to use.
It must be acknowledged
too the higher potential of ruminants for non-
competition with human food production, since they
are able to utilize non-human-edible feedstuff
(e.g., grass, shrubs), whereas monogastrics often
compete for human-edible food
unless they use by-
products or waste products, which makes the com-
parison complex.
Improving Input Capital and Labor
Enhancing capital and labor productivity to increase
yields at the same time as reducing GHG emissions
and natural resource use per unit of produce is a goal
that is widely being advocated to tackle both food
security and climate change.
Several studies
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© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d i cals, Inc .
suggest the potential to improve the environmental
performance of livestock systems can stem from capi-
tal and labor intensication that reduce inputs and
GHG emissions per unit of livestock product.
instance, in Europe (EU-12) livestock production
increased slightly during the 19902002 period,
while CH
and N
O emissions were reduced by 8%
due to intensication.
Similar linkages have been
long-established elsewhere (e.g., Australia
). How-
ever, it is also important to consider other trade-offs.
For instance, though it is assumed that the adoption
of more productive breeds will result in the keeping
of fewer animals and reduced GHG emissions, there
may be negative environmental impacts from using
more productive breeds, even in lower numbers, for
example via an increased use of concentrate feeds
rather than the use of crop residues or grazing on
nonarable land.
Strategies in this category can be
implemented for all types of livestock system.
Market Mechanisms
Mitigation strategies based on market mechanisms
fundamentally comprise schemes of payment for
environmental services for carbon storage and
sequestration, such as REDD+, the Joint Implementa-
tion or the Clean Development Mechanism under the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change. These are mechanisms to provide market-
based incentives to manage ecosystems, in this case
livestock systems, to reduce GHG emissions. These
systems can be used to provide monetary alternatives
to GHG emissions. They aim at promoting the pro-
tection of the environment, as well as GHG mitiga-
tion, while alleviating poverty.
Institutional factors
are crucial to determine who is involved and who
benets from these schemes.
Some studies show
that these mechanisms can promote GHG mitigation
and improve the livelihood of service providers, via
the provision of institutional frameworks for man-
agement and regulation and through incentives for
behavioral change.
Critics question the appropri-
ateness of these mechanisms for GHG mitigation in
relation to: the large transaction costs associated with
identifying and working with potential project part-
ners, and ensuring parties accomplish their obliga-
tions that might constrain the participation of the
; the existence of unclear property
; or the potential alteration of culturally-
based conservation values and land development
These critics are linked to the complex-
ity surrounding diverse stakeholders acting at multi-
ple scales, and being exposed to drivers operating
across multiple scales too. The different scales of
demand create a complex market, where small and
large landowners deal with different costs and inter-
ests. For instance, the interests of international busi-
nesses can collide with local communities seeking to
secure food sovereignty.
For an effective implemen-
tation of payment for environmental services, it is
thus necessary to understand the local institutional
context in terms of the characteristics of buyers, sell-
ers, and their relationship.
It should also be con-
sidered that collecting the required data to calculate
the emissions is unlikely to be feasible for most small-
It is also important to note that in live-
stock systems, informational, cultural and
institutional drivers can substantially affect the bal-
ancing of the grass/forage available with animal
intake, and thus become additional costs or barriers
to the implementation of mitigation strategies for car-
bon sequestration. Specically in rangelands, the low
sequestration capacity per unit of area, the conse-
quent large monitoring costs, and unclear or commu-
nal land tenure entail costs for carbon sequestration
additional to those derived from assessing technical
feasibility alone.
Given the increasing importance of interna-
tional trade of animal products, which accounted for
22% of total livestock-related carbon emissions in
there is an increasing concern regarding the
trade-offs inherent in these market mechanisms, if
not addressed from a food system perspective. For
instance, industrialized countries promoted the
REDD+ initiative to reduce forest loss in developing
countries, some of which are associated with indirect
GHG emissions allocated to livestock for feed pro-
duction. But as they pay to protect forests, they indi-
rectly drive deforestation via consumption of
That is, global drivers, such as con-
sumption and international trade, contribute to
deforestation in particular countries, suggesting that
market mechanisms targeting the supply-side need to
be accompanied by market mechanisms targeting the
demand-side if they are to be more efcient, as well
as both coherent and fairer. Other market mechan-
isms linked to demand-side strategies will be dis-
cussed below.
Alternative Fuels
The use of alternative fuels, such as recycling live-
stock waste into biogas by means of anaerobic diges-
ters, is both a policy-related strategy and a
technological strategy, aiming to reduce the climate
impact of livestock from manure management, while
increasing prot and reducing fossil fuel use.
In industrialized contexts, biogas production through
anaerobic digestion can achieve between 50 and
75% reduction in emissions in manure storage
WIREs Climate Change Mitigation and adaptation options in the livestock sector
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d icals , In c .
In the EU, using manure to produce meth-
ane can potentially reduce 57% of supply chain
energy use in pig farming.
At present, only 1% of
global manure is being used to produce biogas.
This offers a mitigation opportunity, particularly for
the high-livestock-density operations, which can
reduce GHG emissions while reducing the cost of
waste disposal. Anaerobic digesters, now in use at
some large intensive farms, may not always be eco-
nomically viable for small-scale farms.
recovering the methane and using it as an energy
source alternative to wood, charcoal or fossil fuel
could become an option to improve the welfare of
smallholder livestock farmers with co-benets for soil
fertility and health while favoring GHG mitiga-
Flexi-biogas, as developed by IFAD,
could be an option.
Oils such as canola and cottonseed can be used
to reduce methane emissions from ruminants (while
also enhancing production) or for conversion into
biofuel (thus substituting for fossil fuels). A recent
analysis of which of these two options is the most
benecial in terms of GHG emissions across the pro-
duction chain suggests that conversion into biofuel
reduces net GHG most.
DEMAND-SIDE Strategies
Although most mitigation strategies focus on supply-
side and technical solutions, the need to focus on the
demand-side is being increasingly recog-
That is, if we are to achieve sub-
stantial reduction in GHG emissions in the livestock
sector, we need to address not only how we raise
livestock, but also what, where and how much live-
stock produce is consumed, in order to develop low-
GHG emission diets.
Demand-side strategies are
more general and do not refer to specic production
systems but rather to consumption options. Thus,
there is a need to take a food systems approach in
order to combine the best mitigation options for dif-
ferent livestock systems in different contexts. At the
same time, it is important to note that, as currently
addressed in the literature, there is more emphasis on
industrialized contexts given the overconsumption of
animal products and their role in driving deforesta-
tion in developing countries. However, we need to
consider that most of the present day and likely
future changes in consumption patterns occur in
developing countries
that present completely dif-
ferent issues not well addressed yet. Here, the
increased consumption of animal source foods will
be benecial to poor people, involving large numbers
of people with very different nutritional issues,
the scope for such solutions may be limited. The
behavioral modications of the demand-side mitiga-
tion strategies include dietary choices, such as
(1) reduction in meat consumption, consumption of
animal products with lower net emissions, or a die-
tary shift from meat to plant-based protein
(2) avoidance of food wastage where possible; and
(3) reduction of life cycle emissions. Most of these
mechanisms require supportive policies to facilitate
changes in behavior.
Reduction of Meat Consumption
A number of authors have estimated the mitigation
potential of dietary choices.
For instance, Popp
et al.
estimate a 24% reduction in global soil N
emissions by 2055, if per capita caloric intake
increases as a function of increases in GDP, but the
share of animal-source foods in this intake is reduced
by 25% every 10 years between 2005 and 2055.
However, while reduction of livestock consumption
may be an acceptable form of mitigation for those in
developed countries, or wealthier people elsewhere, it
may well be deleterious for the poor. Animal-sourced
food offers valuable nutrition for rural poor, both in
protein and in micronutrients, particularly for those
suffering from malnutrition and during periods of cli-
mate stress.
This is why some authors
gest that a redistribution of livestock consumption
from food surplus to food decit regions would trig-
ger coupled health and environmental benets, as
well as mitigation gains, although the mechanisms to
do this are challenging. To illustrate the potential
benets associated with a reduction in livestock con-
sumption, Westhoek et al.
estimated that halving
the consumption of animal products in the European
Union, which at present consumes 70% more animal
protein than recommended by the WHO, would
deliver a 40% reduction in nitrogen emissions,
2540% reduction in GHG emissions and 23% per
capita less use of cropland for food production, while
at the same time would lead to a reduction in cardio-
vascular diseases and some cancers. The environmen-
tal, health and food security benets of healthy diets,
with reduced livestock content, were also emphasized
by Tilman and Clark.
In addressing the nutritional
contributions of meat to food security, it must be
considered that grazing animals often provide higher
nutritional quality products than animals raised
Taxes and subsidies to favor
behavioral modication have recently been pro-
and in that manner, mitigation through the
promotion of low-emission diets could offer good
opportunities for boosting the role of smallholders in
the mitigation of climate change.
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© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d i cals, Inc .
Food Wastage Reduction
Reduction in food wastage is another behavioral
modication that can trigger mitigation gains, partic-
ularly concerning GHG-intensive foodstuffs.
the United States, food losses contribute 1.4 kg car-
bon dioxide equivalents (CO
-eq) per capita per day,
that is, 28% of the overall carbon footprint of the
average U.S. diet.
Similarly, the avoidance of food
losses in the consumer phase of milk, poultry meat,
pig meat, sheep meat and potatoes in United King-
dom would reduce annual N
O emissions by at least
O-N per year.
Reduction of Life Cycle Emissions
Most strategies in this category look for the reduc-
tion of large travel distances and energy costs of
The consid-
eration of the indirect GHG emissions associated
with grain-based feed production,
mostly due to
land use change strongly associated with conned
ruminant and monogastric operations, can neutralize
the difference in GHG emission between monogastric
and ruminant livestock when calculated with only
feed-conversion efciency. In line with this, some
authors suggest a shift toward the local consumption
of livestock produce from grazing and mixed systems
as a mitigation option.
In contrast with the land-
sparing strategy, mixed and grazing systems seek to
integrate cropping and grasslands with livestock,
reducing GHG emissions through a decrease in
nitrogen-fertilizer use and enhancing soil fertility by
partially closing nutrient loops, while local consump-
tion of the livestock produce reduces fossil fuel use
for transport.
These strategies t well with the
production conditions of small farmers both in indus-
trialized and developing countries.
Market Mechanisms: Voluntary Standards
and Labeling
Market-based mechanisms on the demand-side can
mitigate GHG through the development of livestock
product standards and labeling, such as the Carbon
Reduction Label in United Kingdom, ClimaTop label
in Switzerland, or the Carbon Label in France. Prod-
uct carbon footprint standards are also being increas-
ingly integrated within labels of organic food, such
as the Swedish label KRAV. Based on the lessons
learned from the development of organic farming, it
is suggested that GHG footprint labeling might
become a good option for the benet of smallholders
in developed countries.
Besides the issue of calcu-
lating the emissions, which is likely to be difcult
particularly for smallholders and developing
countries, there are not only technological issues to
be overcome, but also equity and social justice issues
between industrialized and impoverished
Climate-change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation
options of the livestock sector are multiple, varied
and complex
but in the IPCC 5AR Working
Group 2 they were under-represented when com-
pared with cropping systems (Figure 1). In large part,
this reects the relativities of the size of the literature
on livestock and climate versus the expansive litera-
ture on crops, but it also reects the lack at the time
of global livestock modeling analyses which are only
now coming available (e.g., Ref 22) and the paucity
of synthetic reviews of the issue. Addressing the
impacts, vulnerability and potential adaptation
capacity of diverse livestock systems is an important
part of global analysis of the risks of climate changes.
For instance, grazing and mixed systems involve
large numbers of poor people and people at risk of
poverty worldwide (Table 1), for whom livestock
production accounts directly or indirectly for a signif-
icant share of household income and consumption,
and for whom there are often no practical alternative
Impacts of climate change on these
production systems are likely to therefore have more
severe impacts on more people than impacts on
industrial systems, and possible in these contexts, the
only potential adaptation under climate change is to
raise livestock.
Observed and Projected Impacts of
Climate Change on Livestock Systems
Considering the different dimensions of climate
change, impacts can be distinguished between those
related to (1) extreme events, such as oods, storms,
hurricanes, droughts, and heat waves, and (2) the
more gradual changes in the averages of climate-
related variables, such as local temperature, rainfall,
and its seasonality, sea level rise, and higher atmos-
pheric concentrations of CO
. Considering causality,
impacts can be grouped as (a) direct impacts on ani-
mals, such as heat and cold stress, water stress, phys-
ical damage during extremes, and (b) indirect
impacts, such as modication in the geographical dis-
tribution of vector-borne diseases, location, quality
WIREs Climate Change Mitigation and adaptation options in the livestock sector
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d icals , In c .
and quantity of feed and water and destruction of
livestock farming infrastructures
(Table 3). In
terms of observed and projected impacts in the litera-
ture, they mostly relate to animal feed, whether
through impacts on grassland and pastures, or
impacts via grain-feed production.
From a food
systems perspective, other impacts on livestock sys-
tems will affect storage infrastructures (both of ani-
mal feed and animal products, e.g., milk), processing
operations, transport facilities and retailing.
In industrial livestock systems, the most impor-
tant impacts are expected to be indirect, leading to
rises in the costs of water, feeding, housing,
port and the destruction of infrastructure due to
extreme events, as well as an increasing volatility of
the price of feedstuff which increases the level of uncer-
tainty in production. Given the high costs involved in
moving the associated infrastructure, climate change
will likely result in increasing effort to isolate the ani-
mals from climate inuences. When nancial returns
pass below a context-specic threshold, transforma-
tional change via relocation may occur.
The most important direct impacts on mixed
livestock systems are linked to increased water and
temperature stress on the animals, while indirect
impacts are mostly the result of impacts on the feed
base, whether pastures or crops, leading to increased
variability and sometimes reductions in availability
and quality of the feed for the animals. Changes
toward breeds with higher heat resistance but lower
productivity potential and to fodder bases which are
more able to cope with difcult climate conditions
may be needed. This may require changes in knowl-
edge base and practice changes. Those mixed systems
which are dependent on external infrastructures, such
as irrigation infrastructure, may be exposed to
increased risk of damage from extreme weather
Extensive grazing systems will be more affected
by those impacts which signicantly alter ecosystem
processes, such as changes in the feed base or
increased risk of animal diseases.
As for
mixed-systems, direct impacts result from water and
temperature stress to the animals potentially leading
Food security text Food security figs
SPM text SPM figures
North America
South America
FIGURE 1 |Frequency of appearance of the word and phrases relating to livestock versus cropping systems and their outputs in (a) the
Summary for Policymakers, (b) the Food Security chapter and (c) the regional chapters of the IPPC Fifth Assessment Report.
Advanced Review
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d i cals, Inc .
to animal morbidity, mortality and distress sales.
Indirect impacts presumably will be more linked to
decreasing or changing rangeland productivity
and may entail systemic changes such as moves
toward smaller breeds or species more tolerant of
emerging climate conditions, noting that this often
has cultural dimensions as well as nancial and
knowledge investment implications. Although the
effects of CO
fertilization on grassland and forage
production and quality need to be better quantied
under conditions of water stress and high tempera-
ture, when considered along with projected climate
changes, in many regions, forage availability and
quality will be reduced and become more variable.
This is likely to lead toward overgrazing and land
degradation if farmers are not able to adjust stocking
due to economic or cultural pressures or
relocate or alter seasonal migratory patterns. The
capacity to address the non-climate-related stressors
that threaten the capacity to change is crucial
shown later, to reduce the vulnerability of these
farming systems.
Vulnerability of Livestock Systems to
Climate Change
Different livestock farming systems have clearly dif-
ferentiated vulnerabilities and adaptive capacity to
climate change (Table 4). Following the IPCC WG2,
we highlight here contextual vulnerability, in which
not only climate-related drivers are considered, but
also non-climate drivers, to give a more complete pic-
ture of systemsvulnerability and to understand
adaptation capacities with respect to observed and
projected impacts. Here, we divide these drivers into
internal and external drivers. In general terms, graz-
ing and mixed systemsvulnerabilities derive both
from external and internal drivers, while industrial
systemsvulnerability arise mainly from internal
drivers, particularly the high dependence on
TABLE 3 |Some Direct and Indirect Impacts of Climate Change on Livestock in Different Livestock Systems
Grazing System Mixed Crop-Livestock System Industrial System
Mean climate
Chronic temperature stress
Water stress
Reduced feed intakes
Decreased production and
reproduction of livestock
Chronic temperature stress
Water stress
Reduced feed intakes
Decreased production and
reproduction of livestock
Decreased production and
reproduction of livestock
Temperature stress events
Livestock mortality and
distress sales
Temperature stress events
Lowered productivity
Increased likelihood and
severity of heat stress events
Animal morbidity and mortality
Lowered productivity
Mean climate
Variation of the quality,
quantity, seasonality and
distribution of pasture
Changes in grass/browse
cover in rangelands
Increased incidence of
livestock pests and disease
Change in disease
Decreased productivity of
Moving to smaller breeds
Increased conict in pastoral
Variation of the quality and quantity
of fodder (stover, pastures)
Increased incidence of livestock
pests and disease
Change in disease distributions
Move to lower productivity but
higher heat stress resistance breeds
Better conditions for crop weeds
and pests
Cropping often favored nancially
In dry margins, grazing may
increase overcropping
Increased cost of animal
Increased risk of disease
Increased cost of feed and
Moving to lower productivity
but higher heat stress
resistance breeds
Changing enterprise viability
due to extra costs
Moving location
Pasture shortage
Increased variability in
Altered distributions of
livestock vectors
Soil erosion and vegetation
Fodder shortage
Damage to standing feed
Negative impacts on livestock
Increased costs through insurance
Soil erosion
Destruction of infrastructure
Increased transport cost
Increased cost of feed and
Increased volatility of feed
supplies and their price
Increased costs through
additional insurance
Destruction of infrastructure
Source: Adapted from Refs 31,138,141.
WIREs Climate Change Mitigation and adaptation options in the livestock sector
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d icals , In c .
fossil-fuel-based and external inputs, the current
narrow livestock gene pool, limitations on waste dis-
posal and constraints on relocation.
Grazing systemsexternal vulnerability mainly
arises from being a remote, often marginal economic
activity with relatively low value in export or eco-
nomic development terms, and a range of constraints
on improvement including the high cost and often
low supply of basic services.
This and the dis-
tant voicecharacteristic of extensive grazing
communitiesgeographical and political distance
from the decision-makers
tend to limit invest-
ment by government and business. Also, land
encroachment through expansion of crop-only land
use can increase this vulnerability for the livestock
activities. These conditions also result in a lack of
other economic options to the people depending on
these farming systems, further increasing their
vulnerability to climate change. Non-climate stressors
increasing grazing systemsand smallholdersvulner-
can be grouped into: (1) demographic
growth and rising competition for the use of range-
lands, (2) disregard of traditional knowledge, institu-
tions and customary practices in policy-making, and
(3) increasing but unequal and precarious integration
within the market economy resulting in increased risk
of market failures. For instance, recent ndings show
that while efforts to enhance access to markets and
alleviate constraints to mobility may have some posi-
tive effects, further benets would arise if current
inequities in market development were addressed.
Indeed, poor and middle-income pastoralists are
shown to participate very little in high-value export
trade and thus market-based benets for them will be
greater in relatively low-value market chains, such as
domestic and cross-border trade.
Overall, these
TABLE 4 |Vulnerability of Livestock Farming Systems and Climate Change Adaptation Capacity
Grazing System Mixed Crop-Livestock System Industrial System
Vulnerabilities Marginalization
Land encroachment
Land degradation
Land fragmentation
Lack of nancial capital and
alternative economic options
Limited mobility
Land degradation
Land scarcity especially from urban
Rising food safety standards
Population growth
Economic margins often small and
nancial capital often low, resulting in
Economic relativities favoring cropping
Co-managing price and climate
Learning and capital demands from
having multiple farm components
Labor supply for peak periods of activity
Shrinking farm sizes
Dependence on fossil-fuel-
based practices, external
inputs and hired labor
Difculties in re-locating
Narrow gene pools in livestock
and input crops
Challenges in waste disposal
and animal welfare impacting
on social licence to operate
Susceptibility to disease
Low economic margins
Operating close to or at
maximum physiological and
nancial limits
Mobility to adapt to spatial
climate variability
Family labor
Communal land and social
Local knowledge of diverse
Capacity to add value to
marginal land
Wide livestock gene pool
Recycling plant nutrients
Transformation to mixed
Off farm income
Integration of agriculture and livestock
Capacity to use crop residues
Often private land, hence have agency
Flexibility in crop-:livestock allocation
and other decisions
Family labor
Wide livestock and forage gene pool
Recycling plant nutrients
Flexibility in allocating produce to
subsistence or market
Off farm income
Access to global feed and
input supply chains
Access to credit and modern
Access to global consumer
Capital mobility and exploiting
economies of scale.
Control of many aspects of the
Good information systems
(climate, nancial, supply)
allowing rapid responses
Advanced Review
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d i cals, Inc .
drivers are causing gradual dismissal of local knowl-
edge, abandonment of communal planning and insti-
tutions, increase in social differentiation, and over-
exploitation of natural resources.
Mixed systemsvulnerabilities arise from differ-
ent sources. In contrast to grazing systems, the lim-
ited mobility of mixed livestock systems increases
their vulnerability to climate change, which is aug-
mented by the seasonal scarcity of available land to
graze and use for animal feed. External drivers of
vulnerability of mixed livestock systems are linked to
the rise of food safety standards, population growth,
land competition, capital constraints, degradation of
resources and more limited economic opportunities
as compared to cropping options.
Adaptation Options
Numerous adaptation strategies in the livestock sec-
tor have been described,
that could
individually and collectively improve food security
under climate change.
For analytical purposes we
focus on adaptation strategies of livestock systems.
Considering that livestock systems have different
functions to different human systems, the nature of
how these systems contribute to livelihoods resilience,
mostly to poor people in developing countries, is of
major importance and needs to be considered.
Like mitigation strategies, we classify adapta-
tion options as managerial, technological, policy-
related, and behavioral (Table 5). Managerial
options include (1) production adjustments, such as
intensication, integration of livestock, and crop pro-
duction, altering the timing of the farming practices,
shifting from grazing to browsing species, herd
mobility, soil and nutrient management, water man-
agement, pasture management, control of livestock
(e.g., corralling), feed and food storage including pro-
cessing of animal products (e.g., fermented, salted),
multispecies herds, farm diversication or cooling
systems (e.g., in livestock housing); and (2) alterations
in labor allocation, such as diversifying livelihoods,
shifting to irrigated farming, and labor exibility.
Technological options include (3) breeding strategies,
such as adoption of high-yield breeds, selecting
breeds with improved feed-conversion efciency, and
cross-breeding with heat- and disease-tolerant breeds;
(4) information and communication technology
research to provide greater understanding of climate
and livestock interactions, such as fenceless grazing
using GPS or improved short-term weather and sea-
sonal climate forecasts. Policy-related options include
(5) institutional and policy plans, such as schemes of
sedentarization, access to resources to reduce
vulnerability, such as early-warning systems, food
relief and national safety programs, weather-indexed
insurance for impacts of climate extremes or develop-
ment and maintenance of supportive infrastructure
(roads, rail, harbors, storage, processing, etc);
(6) modications in market integration and wealth
storage, such as supporting different market access,
credit schemes, promotion of interregional trading,
bartering, herd accumulation, food preservation, and
cash and asset management. Behavioral options are
linked to cultural patterns such as (7) boosting social
collaboration and reciprocity, e.g., livestock loans,
friendly collaboration, communal planning, commu-
nal ownership and food exchange; and (8) informa-
tion exchange.
Some of these strategies can be considered as
deriving from local traditional knowledge that pro-
motes endogenous adaptation and to be easier to
implement, others require exogenous knowledge and
more inputs to be implemented, but all may have
some utility in different contexts and livestock sys-
tems. Access to technologically-advanced breeding
strategies, cooling systems, insurance, credit or veteri-
nary services, which allow industrial, intensive sys-
tems to reduce the impact of local climate variability,
are beyond the means of most smallholders, particu-
larly in developing countries. In contrast, farmers in
developing countries are highly experienced in man-
aging livestock in marginal situations including man-
aging variable and sometimes extreme climatic
Their sometimes ambiguous
knowledge, and customary prac-
tices which are often highly adapted to the local con-
ditions and developed over centuries of co-evolution
with changing environments, can be of great value in
adapting the whole livestock sector to changes in cli-
mate means and variability. But adaptation to a vari-
able and changing climate is an ongoing process,
since vulnerabilities and impacts are permanently
evolving, which means that some forms of adapta-
tion that have proved to be appropriate in the past
or at present, may became inappropriate or inade-
quate in the future
and vice versa. Also, as previ-
ously mentioned, diverse non-climate-related
stressors can severely hinder the adaptive capacity of
In looking at the potential mitigation and adaptation
strategies discussed in this paper, and facilitated by
the use of the same categories for both, we can
WIREs Climate Change Mitigation and adaptation options in the livestock sector
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d icals , In c .
TABLE 5 |Qualitative Integrated Assessment of Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies and Its Potential Applicability by Livestock Farming
System, Including the Type of Knowledge Associated to Develop the Strategies
Category Sub-category Practices
SYSTEM Co-benets
Avoid deforestation ++ ++ ++ ++ LTK/STK
Control land degradation (soil
erosion, restoration)
++ ++ ++ ++ LTK/STK
Grassland management,
stocking density
++ ++ 0 ++ LTK/STK
Limited grazing on wet soils,
pastures irrigation
+ ++ 0 ++ STK
Farm nutrient
Efcient use of fertilizers for
0 ++ ++ + STK
Organic manure 0 ++ 0 + LTK
Integration livestock-crop ++ 0 + +
Livestock nutrient
Breeding to improve rumen N
conversion efciency
++ ++ + + STK
Reducing the number of
unproductive animals
++ ++ 0 ++ LTK
Change species: ruminant to
monogastric; large to small
++ ++ ++ + LTK/STK
Changes in feed quality and
+ ++ ++ ++ LTK/STK
Capital intensication 0 + ++ 0 STK
Labour intensication ++ ++ ++ + LTK/STK
Farm nutrient
Urease or Nitrication
0 + 0 0 STK
Livestock nutrient
cycling &
reduction of
CH4 emissions
Feeding additives (eg.
condensed tannins)
0 ++ + 0 STK
Salt supplementation ++ ++ 0 + STK
Improving forage quality ++ ++ 0 ++ LTK/ STK
Manipulations of microbial
0 ++ ++ 0 STK
Deep cooling slurry 0 0 ++ 0 STK
Policy schemes (REDD++,
++ ++ ++ + P
Alternative fuels Anaerobic digesters 0 0 ++ ++ STK
Flexi-biogas systems ++ ++ 0 ++ STK
Reduction in meat
+++ ++ + P
Food waste reduction ++ ++ ++ ++ LTK/STK/P
Reduction of life cycle
emissions (local food,
low energy)
++ ++ +/- ++ LTK/P
Labelling products + + + 0 P
Advanced Review
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d i cals, Inc .
TABLE 5 |Continued
Category Sub-category Practices
SYSTEM Co-benets
Integration crop-livestock ++ 0 0 ++ LTK
Altering timing of farming
++ ++ 0 0 LTK
Shifting species (grazer to
browser) and/or breeds
++ ++ ++ ++ LTK
Herd mobility ++ + - + LTK
Soil management
(composting, crop residues,
+ ++ 0 ++ LTK/STK
Water management
(irrigation, traditional
storage, etc.)
++ ++ ++ 0 LTK/STK
Pasture management
++ ++ 0 ++ LTK/STK
Control of livestock
++ ++ 0 ++ LTK
Feed and food storage ++ ++ ++ 0 LTK/STK
Food processing ++ ++ 0 0 LTK/STK
Multispecies herds + ++ - + LTK
Farm diversication + ++ - + LTK
Cooling system 0 0 ++ - STK
Labour allocation Diversifying livelihoods + ++ - 0 LTK
Shift to irrigated farming -- +/- 0 0 STK
Labour exibility ++ ++ ++ +
Breeding (I): high-yield, good
feed-conversion breeds
+ ++ ++ ++ STK
Breeding (II): Cross-breeding
heat, disease-tolerant breeds
++ ++ + 0 LTK/STK
ICT Weather forecasting ++ ++ ++ 0 LTK/STK
Institutional and
policy plans
Early-warning systems ++ ++ ++ 0 P
Schemes of sedentarization + 0 0 0 P
Weather-indexed insurance/
catastrophic coverage
++ ++ ++ 0 P
Access to resources (land, water) ++ ++ 0 0 P
Food relief, National safety
++ ++ 0 0 P
and wealth
Market access (local-regional-
++ ++ ++ ++(local)
Credit schemes ++ ++ ++ 0 LTK/P
Interregional trading ++ ++ ++ - P
Bartering ++ ++ 0 0 LTK
Herd accumulation ++ ++ 0 - LTK
Food preservation ++ ++ 0 0 LTK/STK
Cash and asset management
(bank savings)
++ ++ ++ 0
WIREs Climate Change Mitigation and adaptation options in the livestock sector
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d icals , In c .
identify integrative solutions that provide potential
win-win strategies for mitigation and adaptation
(and food security) for each livestock system, and
even for the livestock sector in general. Similarly, we
can identify trade-off (or win-lose) situations.
Table 5 qualitatively assess all the mitigation and
adaptation strategies collected in this review for each
category and farming system, including whether they
depend on traditional or/and scientic knowledge,
and whether policy actions are required.
Starting with the strategies described in this
paper classied as having mitigation potential, we
observe that all the strategies under the managerial
category also have adaptation potential, and are suit-
able for at least two of the three farming systems
categories. In general terms, these strategies do not
require high investments, being more dependent on
adequate policy incentives or institutional environ-
ments to facilitate changes in management. Thus,
their overall potential to contribute to both mitiga-
tion and adaptation in all livestock systems is very
high, as well as their potential effectiveness
(Figure 2). From these, land management strategies
offer the greatest options. For instance, avoiding
deforestation is a very important strategy to mitigate
and adapt to climate change, since in adaptation
terms it can also provide other resources (e.g., bush
foods, medicinal plants) to livestock keepers, which
can buffer climate variations via diversication of
income and obtaining other food sources.
These land management strategies are mainly mana-
gerial and technological and are often intended to
improve the efciency of livestock systems in a form
of sustainable intensication. Strategies linked to sus-
tainable intensication that consider all the other
objectives (ethical, health, development, social justice,
including concerns around vulnerability and social
equity, biodiversity and land use, animal welfare,
human nutrition and rural economies
promising outcomes in both adaptation and mitigation
terms. Indeed, sustainable intensication measures in
For instance, changing species or breeds, stra-
tegies widely used by grazing and mixed farmers to
adapt to changing conditions, can also aid mitigation
in certain cases. For example, by improving breeds to
obtain more efcient animals and then keeping a lower
number of animals, or by changing to non-ruminants
(e.g., from cattle to camels) which are more efcient in
the use of nutrients. In promoting these strategies, it is
very important to look at the system where they will
be applied with a complex systems perspective, to con-
sider future potential vulnerability and resilience.
Finally, we can observe that demand-driven strategies,
linked to changes in behavior, strongly depend on ade-
quate policies to promote these changes.
Mixed-systems appear to present greater oppor-
tunities for mitigation strategies than the other sys-
tems, consistent with the quantitative estimations of
Havlik et al.
They showed that transitioning from
grazing to mixed systems contributes to reduced
GHG emissions, mostly through gain in feed and for-
age productivity from more intensive inputs and man-
agement. This is an attractive mitigation opportunity
for reducing CH
and N
O emissions per unit of live-
stock product, while at the same time increasing pro-
It is important to note however, that
increased efciencies by themselves do not necessarily
assist meeting global GHG reduction targets if the
demand for underlying production increases to a
greater extent
and where the GHG impacts of the
feed production is included. Additionally, not all graz-
ing systems can shift to mixed systems, since many of
them are located in marginal areas where cropping is
difcult, if not impossible, and in others various con-
straints operate to limit change, with livestock
TABLE 5 |Continued
Category Sub-category Practices
SYSTEM Co-benets
collaboration &
Livestock loans ++ 0 0 0 LTK
Friends-family collaboration ++ ++ 0 0 LTK
Communal planning ++ 0 0 0 LTK
Communal ownership ++ - 0 0 LTK
Food sharing ++ ++ 0 0 LTK
Potential refers to relevance for the specic farming system, or capacity of the system to adopt such a strategy (e.g., poor farmers cannot adopt some expensive
technologies). 0 can indicate a lack of potential or that the strategy is already part of the system (e.g., mixed livestock systems already integrate livestock and
crops). + and ++ indicate greater degrees of potential for application. Type of knowledge: LTK, Local and traditional knowledge; STK, Scientic and techno-
logical knowledge; P, Policy-driven actions.
Advanced Review
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d i cals, Inc .
currently being the only viable livelihood.
A call
for analyzing crop-livestock interactions to increase
resilience to global environmental change, including
responses of these interactions to climate change, has
recently been made.
In terms of adaptation, once again managerial stra-
tegies appear to offer the greatest potential to favor both
adaptation and mitigation options, many of which
(e.g., herd mobility or pasture enclosure) need support
from favorable policies and institutions. This suggests a
need to focus more research on the role they can play.
In terms of farming systems, both grazing and mixed sys-
tems have the highest number of adaptation options
identied. Industrial systems, as previously stated, have
fewer options, resulting from their high dependence on
external knowledge, and the need to control the system
in order to reduce its internal vulnerability.
If we allocate to each of the described strategies
in this article the type of knowledge (broadly categor-
ized into local and traditional knowledge, and scien-
tic and technological knowledge) required to
support adaptation and mitigation strategies
(Table 5), and which integrated strategies have higher
difculty or cost in implementation (Figure 2), some
patterns emerge. In general, we observe that adapta-
tion is more related to management of both the inter-
nal and external environment (i.e., market conditions,
input availability, nance options, access to knowledge
and technology, climate, robust institutions, etc.) with
often strong contributions from local and traditional
knowledge, whereas mitigation is more about managing
just the internal operations, bringing in new technology
on an occasional basis, with fewer inputs from local
and traditional knowledge. Across farming systems, we
observe that options for mitigation in industrial live-
stock systems are more dependent on scienticandtech-
nological knowledge, and are facilitated by increased
levels of control within these systems. Policy strategies
are important both in mitigation and adaptation strate-
gies, and more research is needed to further develop the
potential of different policies (e.g., addressing changes in
management and behavior) to both mitigate and adapt
to climate change with a relatively low economic cost.
Finally, our analysis reveals relevant information
in terms of efciency, that is, which cost or trade-off is
involved in some of the integrated strategies (Figure 2).
Crop-livestock integration, land management and
reduction of meat consumption offer the greatest
advantages as integrated adaptation and mitigation
strategies. But each of them has its specicities. For
example, crop-livestock integration is a highly efcient
strategy with relatively low barriers for implementation
except those explained above. In contrast, the cultural
changes needed for broad scale implementation of die-
tary change, with large impact for mitigation, are rela-
tively difcult in the short-term, but possible if we
Adaptation effectiveness
Herd mobility
Altering timing
of farming
Far m
Feed & food
Reduce meat
Policy schemes
Change feed
quality &
heat & disease-
tolerant breeds
Mitigation effectiveness
FIGURE 2 |Effectiveness of different adaptation and mitigation options. The intensity of the color implies the difculty in implementation or cost
or trade-off involved. Valorization is qualitative: clear gray, easy implementation, low trade-offs; hard gray, difcult implementation, high trade-offs.
WIREs Climate Change Mitigation and adaptation options in the livestock sector
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d icals , In c .
accept that current increasing demand of meat products
is also a policy-driven trend.
Clearly, more research
to develop a complex array of behavioral, policy and
technological approaches is needed to facilitate dietary
transition. Land management strategies can be rela-
tively easy to implement, depending on the context,
beingveryefcient in terms of adaptation and mitiga-
tion. These strategies should be high priorities for policy
makers if we consider efciency and implementation
costs. Figure 2 also indicates that in general, adaptation
strategies seem to be less difcult to implement, or have
fewer barriers and trade-offs than mitigation options. It
is important also to highlight that some strategies are
context-dependent, and this makes them difcult to
evaluate broadly. For instance, inter-regional trading,
which can be a valid adaptation strategy, can have miti-
gation trade-offs given the increasing CO
associated with livestock transport.
The rapid growth of the livestock sector and demands
for its products has given rise to unexpected and major
implications for the environment and livelihoods, par-
ticularly in relation to climate change. Clearly, drawing
greater distinctions between different livestock systems
is needed. Renewed attention to diversity within the
livestock sector and the multiple objectives it meets are
required to address the increased demand in ways that
contribute to environmental sustainability, poverty
reduction, social equity, food security, and human
health. To meet these requirements, all livestock sys-
tems must improve their performance via combina-
tions of managerial, technological, and policy
responses. Particularly, more research is needed to
assess the potential of managerial strategies to pro-
mote win-win solutions, including their economic
cost and their social outcomes. We identify some
responses that can improve both climate change
adaptation and mitigation and their interaction but
in doing so we identify the need for more integrative
assessment processes. Notable progress could be
made rstly by approaching the issue from a food
system perspective, with more attention being paid to
the whole food chain, since GHG emissions and use
of natural resources occur throughout the entire live-
stock production, distribution and consumption
chains; and secondly by paying attention to social
and equity issues and livelihoods, with the aim of
addressing more comprehensively the multiple bene-
ts and costs associated with different livestock farm-
ing systems in different contexts, and specically the
fundamental contribution of livestock to the liveli-
hoods of the worlds poor.
There is great potential for all livestock systems
to reduce net GHG emissions, and a combination of
different strategies will be required from the full
range of existing options, adjusted to different live-
stock systems and geographical, social, and institu-
tional contexts. Specically, grazing and mixed
systems have strong mitigation potential through
practices such as moderate grazing, soil conservation,
and use of local resources; whereas most technologi-
cal and market-oriented mitigation strategies are gen-
erally more applicable to large-scale conned
operations of some industrial systems. However, mit-
igation objectives are unlikely to be met only through
using these solutions, and changes in the demand side
are needed. Here again a more integrated assessment
of demand-side strategies linked to changes in con-
sumption that takes into account the needs of the
poor is also needed. This could include research into
consumer behavior and how policy can provide a
supportive environment for improved adaptation and
mitigation decisions to different contexts. From a
policy perspective, the simultaneous reduction in net
GHG emissions, enhancement of carbon sequestra-
tion, the sustainable use of natural and world food
resources, as well as the maintenance of desirable
social systems might be considered as outcomes of
appropriate livestock farming practices, rather than
goals per se, that can favor both mitigation and
adaptation strategies. There are critical questions as
to why producers and consumers are not adopting
these approaches currently, and what policy stances
would enhance implementation.
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Advanced Review
© 2016 Wil e y Pe r i o d i cals, Inc .
... Conventional swine production systems are based on commercial diets elaborated from corn and sorghum; these are the main source of energy for the nutritional requirements of the species; on the other hand, soybean meal, oilseed cakes, fish meal, meat and/or bone meal provide protein, vitamins, minerals and additives (Acosta et al., 2006;Campabadal, 2009) , it is worth mentioning that concentrated feeds represent about 80% of the cost structure impacting on the low profitability and productivities of livestock farms; with the growth in meat consumption and the challenge of achieving higher production, the need to import a greater amount of corn and sorghum has been generated, which guarantees the production of balanced feed that has been increasing since 2016 where consumption was 15.5% for swine production and in which the largest producer of these raw materials is the United States (López, 2016). Therefore, to encourage the growth and competitiveness of production systems, the generation of nutritional protocols using various raw materials such as RNMB and agro-industrial by-products is required, complying with the nutritional requirements of pigs against the productive parameters necessary to convert these farms into sustainable agricultural systems (Hernández-Bautista et al., 2009, Calle 2016. ...
... Hence, Pierce & Laird (2003) refer that the trade of NTFR should be regulated from a set of comprehensive standards that favor the socioeconomic development of the communities (Sampaio et al., 2012;Endamana et al., 2016;Sakai et al., 2016) contributing to the sustainable use of resources through strategies that allow the conservation of biodiversity in the territories (Gavin & Anderson, 2007); consequently, the need is created to formulate bioeconomic models that allow the achievement of this objective (Sirén & Parvinen, 2015). Simultaneously, Makkar et al. (2007) emphasizes the phytochemical properties of various plants that have great potentials for animal production systems contributing to the construction of sustainable agricultural organizations that seek to mitigate the damages produced by their economic activity (Rivera et al., 2016). It should be emphasized that there are precedents of researches that allude to the intake of these NTFR in the feeding of pigs with forage species (Sarria & Martens, 2013). ...
The constant growth of humankind leads to a greater demand for raw material to guarantee the food security of the population, which is why it is sought that animal food sources do not compete with human food; facing this challenge, nutritional alternatives based on the use and exploitation of non-timber forest resources and agro-industrial resources are proposed with the objective of improving the productive parameters and profitability of swine production systems through actions that have an impact on their cost structure. In summary, the purpose of this research was to characterize the swine production systems in the use of AR (palm kernel cake - Elaeis guineensis and cocoa husk - Theobroma cacao) and NTFR (Cratylia Argéntea, Piptocoma Discolor, Oenocarpus Bataua and Mauritia Flexuosa) in animal feed in the state of Caquetá based on a non-experimental methodological approach with a descriptive-transactional scope and a mixed approach where the main data collection instrument was a survey applied to 44 producers. It should be emphasized that 93% of the producers do not make use of NTFR and Agro-industrial by-products due to the lack of knowledge of the potential of these resources in feeding, hence 90% of the production systems are backyard, presenting as main problems the high costs of inputs and low production triggering a low profitability and low level of technification.
... For livestock production, impacts depend on whether the production system is intensive or extensive (Rivera-Ferre et al., 2016). Intensive farming systems will be mostly impacted by a decrease in feed crop availability or impacts on infrastructure and animal buildings. ...
Full-text available
In: Interlinking climate change with the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) nexus in the Mediterranean Basin. [Drobinski, P., Rivera Ferre, M.G., Abdel Monem, M., Driouech, F., Cramer, W., Guiot, J., Gattacceca, J.C., Marini, K. (eds.)]. MedECC Reports. MedECC Secretariat, Marseille, France, pp. 57-139, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.13378622 More info:
... This study demonstrates that SPS generally enhances productivity while reducing emissions per unit of meat, milk, or protein produced (emission intensity). These findings are consistent with studies by Rivera-Ferre et al. (2016), who found significant reductions in GHG emissions in SPS. The integration of trees into livestock systems contributes to greater resource use efficiency and, therefore, to a lower carbon footprint per product unit. ...
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Silvopastoral systems have been proposed as a sustainable alternative for climate change mitigation, but quantitative information comparing with other systems is limited. This study aimed to evaluate the biotechnical, economic, and environmental impacts of conventional dairy production systems (CPS) and silvopastoral systems (SPS) in San Martin, Peru, using the CLEANED modeling tool. Notably, CLEANED does not explicitly model tree presence on farms. However, after downloading the tool, it was possible to model and precompute each farm’s characteristics based on input data, considering the exploitation mode outside the tool’s standard scope. This adaptation represents a significant contribution, showcasing how CLEANED can be tailored to evaluate SPS effectively. The analysis focused on methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, water use per kg of product, changes in carbon storage, and economic performance. Silvopastoral systems had 3.63 kg CO2-eq/kg fat and protein-corrected milk (FPCM) lower emissions for CH4, 0.28 kg CO2 eq/kg FPCM lower for N2O, reduced water consumption (24 m³/kg protein produced) (P < 0.05), and higher carbon storage (3.48 t CO2-eq/ha/year) (P < 0.05) than CPS. Conventional systems derived 85% of income from milk sales, while SPS generated 70% from milk, with additional income from live animal sales (20%), wood (6%), firewood (3%), and other activities (1%). Silvopastoral systems were more profitable (493/farm/month)thanCPS(493/farm/month) than CPS (247/farm/month). The study concluded that SPS are more sustainable due to better water use efficiency, higher profitability, and lower GHG emissions, recommending their broader adoption to increase profits and reduce environmental impacts.
... Scenario 1 mirrors typical small-scale farming operations in developing areas, showing how diversified farming can boost food security and income, as evidenced by significant gains in maize production and poultry growth over five years (Blesh and Drinkwater, 2013). This scenario underscores the effectiveness of utilizing maize, a local feed, in achieving an average poultry weight of 1.5 kg (Rivera-Ferre et al., 2016). In Scenario 2, the use of BSF larvae not only supports sustainable waste management and offers an alternative feed protein but also improves soil fertility through biodegradation, leading to higher maize yields (Liu et al., 2022;Lalander et al., 2013). ...
Sustainable agriculture faces the challenge of balancing environmental stewardship, food security, and the needs of a growing global population. This study examines how integrating edible insect farming into a circular agriculture can enhance traditional cropping and livestock practices, thus improving environmental sustainability, food security, and economic growth. Using system Causal Loop Diagram (CLD), the study constructed, with multi-stakeholder engagements support, a detailed system map of sustainable agriculture incorporating insect, crop, and livestock farming. The network analysis of the CLD used a directed adjacency matrix of 39 variables and 101 edges of the system to reveal key determinants that are central to the system's efficiency, robustness, and overall dynamics through various centrality measures. Through stocks and flows model simulations, four scenarios of the system, focusing on black soldier fly (BSF) and cricket farming with maize and poultry operations were evaluated. The BSF and crickets are evaluated for their dual role in waste reduction and nutrient cycling, which are pivotal in promoting agricultural sustainability and resilience. The system's feedback loops revealed intricate interactions between insect, crop, and livestock farming, with loops B1-B18 and R1-R17 showing sustainable cycles. Network analysis revealed rapid information spread with an average path length of 3.89, low edge density of 6.82 %, and highlighted insect rearing, employment, labour, and farmer population as pivotal determinants influencing the system's dynamics and efficiency. The stocks and flows model simulations showed significant synergies between insect farming and traditional agriculture. Key findings revealed that the integration of BSF and cricket farming into maize and poultry systems led to 30 % increase in maize production, 20 % increase in poultry weight with 6000 kg of dried BSF larvae and 4000 kg of crickets produced over 5 years. The annual profits increased to 1400fromBSFfarmingandover1400 from BSF farming and over 1000 from cricket farming. The study highlights the critical role of systemic interactions and feedback loops in optimizing agricultural outputs and sustainability goals to significantly boost productivity and economic viability in sustainable agriculture. It catalyses a paradigm shift towards innovative, resilient, and circular agricultural practices globally. The study advocates for the adoption of edible insect farming as a cornerstone of sustainable agriculture within a circular agriculture, highlighting its potential to significantly improve food security, environmental sustainability, and economic viability. Recommendations include promoting insect farming, supporting smallholder farmers, investing in research and development, enhancing market access, and incorporating circular economy principles into agricultural policies.
... It is observed that one of the most important aspects derived from the analysis has been understanding how stakeholders are sensitized to the effects that climate change can produce in extensive livestock farming, associating them with concepts such as 'concern' and 'effects.' This sensitivity is mainly influenced by the changes that the Mediterranean climate is experiencing, such as prolonged droughts, torrential rains, sudden changes in temperature, etc (Rivera-Ferre et al. 2016). These changes prompt farmers to recognize that something is happening in their environment and highlight the need to adapt to continue their activities. ...
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Livestock farming is currently highly questioned and is considered by society to be one of the main precursors of climate change and innumerable environmental impacts. This social concern has marked a trend in public policies in Europe, promoting strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by controlling the carbon footprint of agri-food products. However, in certain regions, the perception of the main actors in the sector about the role that livestock farming plays in this fight against climate change and how new political trends point the way toward the sustainability of agrarian systems is still uncertain. In this study, the opinions of stakeholders of the agro-livestock sector on the role that extensive livestock farming plays in the current context of the fight against climate change and the demands for public policies to facilitate the adoption of mitigation practices were examined. A participatory research process through focus groups was used in this qualitative study. Specifically, five sessions were held at the beginning of 2022; the sessions were recorded, transcribed, and anonymized for further analysis. In these sessions, projective techniques were used, such as word association and sentence completion to understand stakeholders' perceptions of the role of extensive livestock farming in climate change. Brand mapping was conducted to determine the opinion on the profitability and GHG emissions of 10 livestock systems typical of the region and of eight quality labelling systems related to sustainability. Brainstorming was carried out to assess available practices for the adaptation of livestock farms and mitigation of climate change. Finally, there was an open debate regarding the demands for public aid for the implementation of mitigation practices. The word association technique identified concepts such as ‘Equilibrium’ in extensive livestock farming and concepts such as ‘Effects’, ‘Action’ and ‘Concern’ in climate change. For the term carbon footprint, the most mentioned concept was ‘ignorance’, and for common agricultural policy, the most mentioned term was ‘injustices’. The results of the brand mapping allowed us to determine the perception of the stakeholders regarding the profitability of the different extensive farm systems and on their GHG emissions, with the most extensive and traditional ones being perceived as the lowest emitters of gases but also the least profitable. For sustainable labels, stakeholders believed that labels contribute to profitability and lower GHG emissions. Strategies to adapt to climate change and reduce the impact of farms were focused on reforestation, grazing, and soil management, adjusting the livestock stocking rate and self-production of food on farms. The best mitigating practices proposed were the maintenance of the extensive livestock farming (4.69), improvement of accesses, livestock routes and roads (4.63), making and applying compost (4.50) and the simplified administrative procedures (5.00). In the prioritization of public aids, three categories were established based on the field of action: social/organizational measures (38 votes), economic measures (44 votes) and environmental measures (22 votes). The aid related to maintaining profitability and improving marketing, followed by aid to reduce bureaucracy and direct aid to extensive livestock farming, were identified as priorities. This study offers a detailed picture of how stakeholders in the agro-livestock sector see the role that extensive livestock farming plays in the fight against climate change. The best farm management practices and priority lines of public support that policy-makers can apply have been identified in this study and emanate directly from those who receive subsidies and make the decisions in their livestock farming to ensure their implementation more successful.
... However, this needs to be seen against a lack of knowledge of the counterfactual -if domestic livestock were not on the rangelands would wild ruminants (e.g. antelope) or some other methanogenic fauna be living there instead (See Rivera-Ferre et al., 2016 andHristov et al. 2013)? ...
Technical Report
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The thechnical report deals with the Value chain analyses of the Value Chain Analyses for Development project (VCA4D) in Mongolia. The report includes fuctional, economic, social and envoronmental analyses. Reference year was 2022.
... The answer options provided for multiple choice questions were based on existing literature (Appendix I). For example, categories of different types of knowledge are adapted from Rivera-Ferre et al. (2016), and barriers to implementation from Smith (2012). ...
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Ruminant livestock production is the most varied, complex, impactful, and controversial land use sector of our global food system today. Despite calls for improved sustainability across the sector, progress has been limited. Using a comparative qualitative analysis of ten expert-led case studies from diverse agroecological regions and production systems around the world, we propose a new framework to understand enabling conditions and opportunities for change. Contrary to prior work, we find that livestock production system type is insufficient to understand system constraints and opportunities. Instead, the proposed framework includes local, regional, and global economic and market context to understand the potential of interventions to facilitate change. Consideration of ecological (e.g. biome suitability for livestock, land condition, precipitation) and social and cultural factors (land tenure, cultural embeddedness of livestock) is also key. From these new insights, we recommend specific ways that policymakers, funders, and researchers can apply a context-based approach that considers multiple outcomes and perspectives to develop sustainable livestock policies, programs, and initiatives. This is needed to ensure equitable, durable, effective outcomes for people, biodiversity, and climate.
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The high emissions intensity of terrestrial animal source food (TASF) and projected increasing demand in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) have spurred interest in the development of animal-free alternatives and manufactured food items that aim to substitute for meat, milk, and eggs with the promise of reduced environmental impact of producing food. The developing world is the source of 75% of global emissions from ruminants and will house 86% of the world’s human population by 2050. The adoption of cost-effective, genetic, feed and nutrition practices, and improving livestock health in LMIC are seen as the most promising interventions to reduce emissions resulting from projected increased TASF demand though 2050. Genetic improvement is a particularly attractive approach to productivity enhancements, as such improvements are permanent and cumulative. Alternative proteins may play a role in addressing demand for affordable sources of nutrient-dense foods, however, price will be a major factor influencing adoption given 3.1 billion people globally (42%) were currently unable to afford a healthy diet in 2021. Additionally, there is currently a mismatch between the location of alternative protein companies, and both projected increased TASF demand and emissions. To date, the vast majority (>81%) of these companies are based in high-income countries. The sustainability implications of replacing TASF with alternative proteins at scale needs to consider not only environmental metrics but also the wider economic and social sustainability impacts, given the essential role that livestock play in the livelihoods and food security of approximately 1.3 billion people.
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In recent years, global climate change has profoundly influenced natural ecosystems and human societies, making climate mitigation and carbon emission reduction a point of consensus among the international community. The issue of carbon emissions in agriculture, particularly in the livestock sector, is garnering increasing attention. This study focuses on large-scale dairy farms in the central and western regions of Inner Mongolia, exploring their low-carbon production behavioral intentions and influencing factors. By constructing a structural equation model (PLS-SEM), we systematically analyze the relationships between variables such as climate perception, value judgment, attitude, subjective norms, and perceived control and their combined effects on low-carbon production behavioral intentions. The findings suggest that the influence of climate perception and low-carbon awareness is mediated. Thus, the stronger the farm owners’ perception of climate change, the more they recognize the value of low-carbon production and the greater the social pressure they experience and their sense of self-efficacy. The farm owners’ attitudes, perceptions of social norms, and evaluations of their own capabilities collectively determine their intentions regarding low-carbon production. Furthermore, multi-group analysis showed significant heterogeneity in behavioral intentions between different scales of dairy farms. Small-scale farms, due to their weaker economic capacity, tend to harbor negative attitudes towards low-carbon production, while large-scale farms, with greater economic power and sensitivity to policy and market demands, are more likely to take low-carbon actions. This study provides theoretical support for formulating effective low-carbon policies, contributing to the sustainable development of the livestock sector and agriculture as a whole.
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Introduction 9.1.1. Rationale for the Chapter This chapter assesses the impacts of climate change on, and the prospects for adaptation in, rural areas. Rural areas include diverse patterns of settlement, infrastructure, and livelihoods, and relate in complex ways with urban areas. The chapter shows that rural areas experience specific vulnerabilities to climate change, both through their dependence on natural resources and weather-dependent activities and their relative lack of access to information, decision making, investment, and services. Adaptation strategies will need to address these vulnerabilities. Some of the key starting points, which affect the scope and coverage of literature assessed in this chapter, are as follows: • Rural areas, even after significant demographic shifts, still account for 3.3 billion people, or almost half (47.9%) of the world’s total population (UN DESA Population Division, 2013). • The overwhelming majority of the world’s rural population (3.1 billion people, or 91.7% of the world’s rural population, or 44.0% of the world’s total population) live in less developed or least developed countries (UN DESA Population Division, 2013). • Rural dwellers also account for about 70% of the developing world’s poor people. IFAD (2010) states that around 70% of the extreme poor in developing countries lived in rural areas in 2005. Ravallion et al. (2007), using 2002 data and poverty lines of US1.08orUS1.08 or US2.15, in each case with urban poverty lines adjusted upward to recognize additional non-food spending, give a figure of around 75% of people, under either poverty line, being rural. • Rural areas are a spatial category, associated with certain patterns of human activity, but with those associations being subject to continuous change. • Rural areas are largely defined in contradistinction to urban areas, but that distinction is increasingly seen as problematic. • Rural populations have, and will have, a variety of income sources and occupations, within which agriculture and the exploitation of natural resources have privileged, but not necessarily predominant, positions.
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W.E.Easterling, P.K. Aggarwal, P. Batima, K.M. Brander, L. Erda, S.M. Howden, A. Kirilenko, J. Morton, J.-F. Soussana, J. Schmidhuber and F.N. Tubiello, 2007: Food, fibre and forest products. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden,C.E. Hanson, Eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 273-313.
This publication consists of 22 papers which cover 18 different subject areas representing the most up-to-date description of the state of the art in the global rangeland situation.
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This article was submitted without an abstract, please refer to the full-text PDF file.
Food availability is determined by the physical quantities of food that are produced (previous section), stored, processed, distributed, and exchanged. In fact, most food is not produced by individual households, but acquired through buying, trading, and borrowing (Du Toit and Ziervogel 2004). Food distribution refers to how food is made available (physically moved), in what form, when, and to whom; food exchange refers to how much of the available food is obtained through exchange mechanisms such as barter, trade, purchase, or loans (Ingram 2011). That is, the food availability element does not only depend on food production, and other social and economical factors need also to be considered. For instance, distribution networks (e.g., roads, communication, modes of transport, and information systems) and the financial situation of governments and consumers determine the ability to get imports/movements inside a deficit country and/or area. The storage and handling capacity is important for physical food reserves. Also, high market prices for food are usually a reflection of inadequate availability. Growing scarcities of water, land, and fuel are likely to put increasing pressure on food prices, even without climate change. Policies related to climate change, such as mitigation practices that create land-use competition and the attribution of market value to environmental services to mitigate climate change, have the potential to cause changes in relative prices for different food items, and therefore increase in price volatility (FAO 2008).
Conference Paper
This article provides interpreted statistics and information on global livestock production and the consumption of animal source foods from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations statistical data base. Country data are collected through questionnaires sent annually to member countries, magnetic tapes, diskettes, computer transfers, websites of the countries, national/international publications, country visits made by the FAO statisticians and reports of FAO representatives in member countries. These data show that livestock production is growing rapidly, which is interpreted to be the result of the increasing demand for animal products. Although there is a great rise in global livestock production, the pattern of consumption is very uneven. The countries that consume the least amount of meat are in Africa and South Asia. The main determinant of per capita meat consumption appears to be wealth. Overall, there has been a rise in the production of livestock products and this is expected to continue in the future. This is particularly the case in developing countries. The greatest increase is in the production of poultry and pigs, as well as eggs and milk. However, this overall increase obscures the fact that the increased supply is restricted to certain countries and regions, and is not occurring in the poorer African countries. Consumption of ASF is declining in these countries, from an already low level, as population increases.
The aim of this paper is to estimate the feed, food and land area that will be required by 2016-2018. The alarming increase in biofuel production, the projected demand for livestock products, and the estimated food to feed the additional 700 million people who will arrive here by 2016, will have unprecedented consequences. Arable land, the environment, water supply and sustainability of the agricultural system will all be affected. Given the demands, partly driven by the new wealth mainly in developing countries, there is unlikely to be sufficient extra arable land (140 million ha) or water to allow this expansion. Projections of others are examined and there is usually reasonable agreement. Food and feed costs are already rising and are expected to keep pace with the price of oil. The disadvantaged, mainly those in developing countries, will grow significantly in numbers if these projections prove to be accurate; poverty and malnutrition will remain unchanged or will increase unless population growth is halted.