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Commentaries on Viewpoint: Time for a new metric for hypoxic dose?
TO THE EDITOR: The proposal by our well-respected colleagues
(2) to introduce a new metric—incorporating the altitude ele-
vation and the total exposure duration, termed “kilometer
hours”—for better describing the “hypoxic dose” is decidedly
a step forward. By only quantifying the “external” stress, this
metric presents several limitations: It suggests a linear rela-
tionship between altitude elevation and saturation decrease [but
the Fick curve is curvilinear (3)] or that it applies to all athletes
irrespectively of their training background [but elite endurance
athletes suffer the largest decrease in V
(1)], altitude
experience [but elite athletes who have had previous hypoxic
exposure better adapt to hypoxic condition (4)], or type of
hypoxia [but hypobaric vs. normobaric hypoxia induces larger
desaturation (5)].
The large intersubject variability in the physiological re-
sponses to a given “hypoxic dose” implies that the magnitude
of the stimulus rather than the altitude elevation should instead
be considered. We therefore propose a new metric based on the
sustained duration at a given arterial saturation level. Hence,
desaturation levels in normoxia (exercise-induced arterial hy-
poxemia) or in hypoxia (3) predict the decrement in V
hypoxia and therefore the ˙amplitude of the “hypoxic stimu-
lus.” This metric termed “saturation hours” is defined as %·h ⫽
(98/s - 1) ⫻h⫻100, where s is the saturation value (in %)
and h the time (in hours) sustained at any second level.
Practically, with the development of new sport gears incor-
porating the oximeter inside the textile, this metric will readily
be measured without any disturbances to individuals.
1. Faiss R, von Orelli C, Dériaz O, Millet GP. Responses to exercise in
normobaric hypoxia: comparison of elite and recreational ski mountaineers.
Int J Sports Physiol Perform 9: 978 –984, 2014.
2. Garvican-Lewis LA, Sharpe K, Gore CJ. Viewpoint: Time for a new
metric for hypoxic dose? J Appl Physiol; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00579.2015.
3. Mollard P, Woorons X, Letournel M, Lamberto C, Favret F, Pichon A,
Beaudry M, Richalet JP. Determinants of maximal oxygen uptake in
moderate acute hypoxia in endurance athletes. Eur J Appl Physiol 100:
663–673, 2007.
4. Pugliese L, Serpiello FR, Millet GP, La Torre A. Training diaries during
altitude training camp in two olympic champions: an observational case
study. J Sports Sci Med 13: 666 –672, 2014.
5. Saugy JJ, Schmitt L, Cejuela R, Faiss R, Hauser A, Wehrlin JP, Rudaz
B, Delessert A, Robinson N, Millet GP. Comparison of “Live High-Train
Low” in normobaric versus hypobaric hypoxia. PLoS One 9: e114418,
Grégoire P. Millet
Franck Brocherie
Olivier Girard
Université de Lausanne
TO THE EDITOR: It is a very good idea of Garvican-Lewis, Sharpe,
and Gore (2) to initiate this discussion with a new metric
hypoxic dose by combining living altitude in kilometers with
hours spent at altitude (“kilometer hours”; km·h) in the field of
altitude training science. However, is the altitude component of
the dose really linear? Would exposure at lower altitudes
overestimate the hypoxic dose because some sort of “altitude-
threshold” exists? Physiological mechanisms behind a possible
“altitude-threshold” could be associated with the s-shape of the
oxyhemoglobin saturation curve: at altitudes above ⬃2,000 m
the desaturation of athletes would occur on the steeper part of
the curve resulting in more substantial increases in sEpo
(⬃90% at 2,400 m compared with ⬃30% at 1,800 m after 24 h)
(1). As the authors indicated, most recommendations for nat-
ural living altitudes are between 2,000 and 2,500 m (2, 5). Our
Swiss experiences are that only ⬃1/6 of the endurance athletes
living at 1,800 m (4) and 2/3 living at 2,200 m (3) have a
substantially increased hemoglobin mass after a 3-week alti-
tude training camp. Could the proposed method be “opti-
mized,” if “kilometer” is weighted in a way, that there is a
larger dose-difference for altitudes below and above an “alti-
tude-threshold”? For example, start counting kilometers above
1,300 m, with double hours at 1,800 m needed to reach the
same “dose” as compared with 2,300 m. Additionally, for elite
sport settings, one should also keep in mind that the hemoglo-
bin-mass-response to a given “dose” has been shown to be
largely idiosyncratic, thereby requiring individualized recom-
mendations (3, 4).
1. Chapman RF, Karlsen T, Resaland GK, Ge RL, Harber MP, Wit-
kowski S, Stray-Gundersen J, Levine BD. Defining the “dose” of altitude
training: how high to live for optimal sea level performance enhancement.
J Appl Physiol (1985) 116: 595–603, 2014.
2. Garvican LA, Sharpe K, Gore CJ. Viewpoint: Time for a new metric
dose? J Appl Physiol; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00579.2015.
3. Hauser A, Schmitt L, Troesch S, Saugy JJ, Cejuela-Anta R, Faiss R,
Robinson N, Wehrlin JP, Millet GP. Similar hemoglobin mass response
in hypobaric and normobaric hypoxia in athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc 48:
734 –741, 2016.
4. Troesch S, Hauser A, Steiner T, Gruenenfelder A, Heyer L, Gojanovic
B, Wehrlin JP. Individual hemoglobin mass response to altitude training at
1800m in elite endurance athletes. In: Abstract book: 20th Annual Congress
of the European College of Sport Science, edited by Radmann A, Heden-
borg S, and Tsolakidis E. Malmö: 2015.
5. Wilber RL, Stray-Gundersen J, Levine BD. Effect of hypoxic “dose” on
physiological responses and sea-level performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc
39: 1590 –1599, 2007.
Jon Peter Wehrlin
Severin Troesch
Anna Hauser
Thomas Steiner
Swiss Federal Institute of Sport
TO THE EDITOR: Garvican-Lewis et al. (3) are to be congratulated
for their “kilometer hours” (km·h) approach predicting increas-
ing response along with increasing hypoxic dose during alti-
tude training. Previous literature has clearly shown that both
endurance training and hypoxic exposure as such can increase
hemoglobin mass (Hb
), and the responses to their doses are
individual. Wehrlin et al. (5) with a 1,080 km·h (24 days
18 h/day, 2,500 m) showed an average 5.3% increase in Hb
J Appl Physiol 121: 356 –358, 2016;
doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00460.2016.Letter to the Editor
8750-7587/16 Copyright ©2016 the American Physiological Society http://www.jappl.org356
with all athletes showing a positive response. Siebenmann et al.
(4) reported no change in average Hb
after 1,328 km·h
(4 wk, 16 h/day, 3,000 m). This greater dose was beneficial for
some athletes, but trivial or detrimental for others, leading to
no change on average. With an average 6% increase in red cell
mass volume, Chapman et al. (1) did not show any dose
response effect after 4 wk “living high, training high and low”
between 1,780, 2,085, 2,454, and 2,800 m. Their study sug-
gests that increasing the dose by increasing the altitude above
optimum may not provide any benefit (1). After more extreme
hypoxic dose, a 72-day self-supported Mt. Everest expedition
(⬎9,000 km·h), Cheung et al. (2) reported a wide scale of
positive, negative, and no change responses in Hb
. Thus the
suggested model and the present literature, analogously with
our own unpublished data using the km·h approach, rather
highlight the need for careful evaluation of all factors influ-
encing athletes’ adaptation than solves the problem of how to
determine hypoxic dose in elite sports.
1. Chapman RF, Karlsen T, Resaland GK, Ge RL, Harber MP, Wit-
kowski S, Stray-Gundersen J, Levine BD. Defining the “dose” of altitude
training: how high to live for optimal sea level performance enhancement.
J Appl Physiol (1985) 116: 595–603, 2014.
2. Cheung SS, Mutanen NE, Karinen HM, Koponen AS, Kyröläinen H,
Tikkanen HO, Peltonen JE. Ventilatory chemosensitivity, cerebral and
muscle oxygenation, and total hemoglobin mass before and after a 72-day
mt. Everest expedition. High Alt Med Biol 15: 331–340, 2014.
3. Garvican-Lewis LA, Sharpe K, Gore CJ. Viewpoint: Time for a new metric
for hypoxic dose? J Appl Physiol; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00579.2015.
4. Siebenmann C, Robach P, Jacobs RA, Rasmussen P, Nordsborg N,
Diaz V, Christ A, Olsen NV, Maggiorini M, Lundby C. “Live high-train
low” using normobaric hypoxia: a double-blinded, placebo-controlled
study. J Appl Physiol (1985) 112: 106 –117, 2012.
5. Wehrlin JP, Zuest P, Hallén J, Marti B. Live high-train low for 24 days
increases hemoglobin mass and red cell volume in elite endurance athletes.
J Appl Physiol (1985) 100: 1938 –1945, 2006.
Juha E. Peltonen
University of Helsinki
Heikki K. Rusko
University of Jyväskylä
TO THE EDITOR: Although exposure to some effective dose of
hypobaric hypoxia provides a clear stimulus to increase hemo-
globin (Hb) mass (3), numerous physiological responses to
normobaric hypoxia have well documented differences to hy-
pobaric hypoxia (4). Because of these discrepancies, we be-
lieve the conditions should not be treated as equal, and other
meta-analyses (e.g., Ref. 1) have differentiated between “nat-
ural” and “artificial” hypoxic exposures. Additionally, given
that all but one of the included studies consisted of highly
trained subjects, the authors may wish to exclude the Sieben-
mann et al. study (5), which described subjects as “sedentary to
moderately trained individuals who were not involved in high-
level sport.” Finally, the model would benefit from a clear
establishment of a minimum threshold, both from an altitude
and a duration perspective, as the authors note both short
duration high/extreme altitude exposure and chronic residence
at mild altitude are each ineffective at increasing Hb mass.
We would be excited to see an expanded model that ac-
counts for the above concerns, thus addressing the sensitivity
in what is already a thin air of certainty in regards to hypoxic
1. Bonetti DL, Hopkins WG. Sea-level exercise performance following
adaptation to hypoxia: a meta-analysis. Sports Med 39: 107–127, 2009.
2. Garvican-Lewis LA, Sharpe K, Gore CJ. Viewpoint: Time for a new metric
for hypoxic dose? J Appl Physiol; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00579.2015.
3. Levine BD, Stray-Gundersen J. Dose-response of altitude training: how
much altitude is enough? in Hypoxia and Exercise. Springer, 2006, p.
4. Millet GP, Faiss R, Pialoux V. Point:Counterpoint: Hypobaric hypoxia
induces/does not induce different responses from normobaric hypoxia. J
Appl Physiol 112: 1783–1784, 2012.
5. Siebenmann C, Cathomen A, Hug M, Keiser S, Lundby AKM, Hilty
MP, Goetze JP, Rasmussen P, Lundby C. Hemoglobin mass and intra-
vascular volume kinetics during and after exposure to 3,454 m altitude. J
Appl Physiol 119: 1194 –1201, 2015.
Keren Constantini
Timothy J. Fulton
Daniel G. Hursh
Tyler J. Noble
Hunter L. R. Paris
Chad C. Wiggins
Robert F. Chapman
Indiana University
Benjamin D. Levine
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
TO THE EDITOR: Guidelines for simulated altitude exposure
suggest athletes should spend around 14 h per day at 3,000 m
for 3 weeks (300 h of exposure) to observe a mean increase in
hemoglobin mass of 3–5% (3). Similarly, hypoxic exposure for
3– 4 weeks at ⬎2,200 m altitude will elicit a 3–5% increase in
hemoglobin mass (2), with 4 weeks exposure believed to
accelerate erythropoiesis (4). Hypoxia in both these occasions
is influenced by altitude and the duration of hypoxia. The new
metric of hypoxic dosing (1) addresses this problem, ensuring
standardization of the hypoxic dose at various altitudes and
hence will allow for comparing physiologic and nonphysi-
ologic effects on body systems. The hypoxic dose as per the
new metric for the studies mentioned above will be 882-1,478
km·h (2, 3). There have been questions regarding the minimum
altitude and the extent of duration that results in “hypoxic
dose” for physiologic changes to occur. The new metric is a
good starting point that combines altitude and duration to
measure outcomes across studies. The hypoxic dose per the
new metric is predominantly in the range of 600-1,500 km·h
that results in 3– 6% change in hemoglobin mass across mul-
tiple studies (1). As the relationship between altitude and
hypoxia is not exactly linear and various factors could influ-
ence physiologic adaptation or training performance, knowing
the baseline (“hypoxic dose”) will make interpretation more
well defined. The new metric may help to further characterize
the minimum “dose” required for optimal performance, percent
change in hemoglobin mass and other measures of physiologic
Letter to the Editor
J Appl Physiol •doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00460.2016 •
1. Garvican-Lewis LA, Sharpe K, Gore CJ. Viewpoint: Time for a new metric
for hypoxic dose? J Appl Physiol; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00579.2015.
2. Rusko HK, Tikkanen HO, Peltonen JE. Altitude and endurance training.
J Sports Sci 22: 928 –944, 2004.
3. Saunders PU, Garvican-Lewis LA, Schmidt WF, Gore CJ. Relationship
between changes in haemoglobin mass and maximal oxygen uptake after
hypoxic exposure. Br J Sports Med 47, Suppl 1: i26 –i30, 2013.
4. Wilber RL, Stray-Gundersen J, Levine BD. Effect of hypoxic “dose” on
physiological responses and sea-level performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc
39: 1590 –1599, 2007.
Vasantha H. S. Kumar
University at Buffalo
TO THE EDITOR: The actual model which includes the degree of
altitude as an equivalent parameter as the exposure time to
hypoxia (1) is a systematic further development of the former
model using just the exposure time (2), which was only valid
for athletes training at a relatively narrow range of altitude.
The authors correctly mention possible limitations concern-
ing the minimum hypoxic dose for altitude and hypoxic expo-
sure time. It seems to be also interesting if the new model is
applicable to athletes living permanently in hypoxia. Whenever
it is almost not possible to compare identical athletes under
normoxic and chronic hypoxic conditions cross-sectional stud-
ies on elite cyclists show bigger increases under chronic
altitude conditions (2,600 m) than calculated by the model [11
vs. 7.7% (4)]. For these cases a modification of the model
should be considered.
Following the idea of the authors that athletes who want to
increase their Hb-mass by altitude training may choose be-
tween a relatively long stay at lower or a shorter stay at higher
altitude for a fixed increase in Hb-mass they have to consider
if the hemoglobin gained at altitude can be transferred to low
altitude, where the competition takes place. As demonstrated
by Ryan et al. (3) a strong increase in Hb-mass after 16 days at
high altitude (5,260 m) is almost completely abolished after
some days at lower altitude. As the return from moderate
altitude is not associated with remarkable red cell destruction,
for practical reasons an altitude threshold for red cell cytolysis
has to be determined.
1. Garvican-Lewis LA, Sharpe K, Gore CJ. Viewpoint: Time for a new metric
for hypoxic dose? J Appl Physiol; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00579.2015.
2. Gore CJ, Sharpe K, Garvican-Lewis LA, Saunders PU, Humberstone
CE, Robertson EY, Wachsmuth NB, Clark SA, McLean BD, Fried-
mann-Bette B, Neya M, Pottgiesser T, Schumacher YO, Schmidt WF.
Altitude training and haemoglobin mass from the optimised carbon mon-
oxide rebreathing method determined by a meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med
47, Suppl 1: i31–i39, 2013.
3. Ryan BJ, Wachsmuth NB, Schmidt WF, Byrnes WC, Julian CG,
Lovering AT, Subudhi AW, Roach RC. AltitudeOmics: rapid hemoglo-
bin mass alterations with early acclimatization to and de-acclimatization
from 5260 m in healthy humans. PLoS One 9: e108788, 2014.
4. Schmidt W, Heinicke K, Rojas J, Manuel Gomez J, Serrato M, Mora
M, Wolfarth B, Schmid A, Keul J. Blood volume and hemoglobin mass
in endurance athletes from moderate altitude. Med Sci Sports Exerc 34:
1934 –1940, 2002.
Walter F. J. Schmidt
University of Bayreuth, Germany
Letter to the Editor
J Appl Physiol •doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00460.2016 •