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Το παλαιοαθηναϊκό ιδίωμα: Πηγές, μαρτυρίες, χαρακτηριστικά. The Modern Greek variety of old Athens.



The paper aims at offering a sketch of the history and a description, as complete as possible, of the dialect of old Athens on the basis of known, as well as hitherto unknown, sources, including the only surviving Athenian dialectal texts from the 19th century. The dialect belonged to a group that comprised the varieties of the nearby city of Megara and the Saronic Gulf island of Aegina, as well as of the southern part of the island of Euboea, and is generally regarded as one of the most poorly recorded Modern Greek varieties. The city of Athens became the capital of the modern Greek state after the Greek War of Independence in 1834 and consequently witnessed an immense influx of Greek speakers from all over the Greek speaking world, a process that heavily contributed to the dialect’s recession and final extinction by the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
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Conference Paper
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This paper explores the relationship of the glide /J/ to the high front vowel and the palatal consonants. We argue that /i/ and /J/ are both phonemes, which nonetheless undergo contextual neutralization in a large class of nouns under paradigmatic pressure. The proposed phonemic status of the glide has repercussions for the other palatal consonants, i.e. those deriving from velar obstruents or the nasal and lateral coronals (collectively notated as VNLs). We claim that palatals are always derived either through simple or extreme palatalization; in Standard Greek, the former only affects velars, resulting in simple allophony between velars and palatals, whereas the latter takes VNL + vocoid input sequences and returns palatalized segments with simultaneous partial or full absorption of the vocoid into the now palatalized preceding consonant (cf. Bateman 2007).
Conference Paper
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The present paper offers a detailed investigation of the phenomenon of velar fronting in Modern Greek dialects, i.e. the change in the place of articulation of the velar consonants \k g x ɣ\ to more front regions of the oral cavity under the influence of a following front vowel or semivowel, a change which involves several subtypes. First, a definition of the phenomenon is provided, followed by a description of the various front realisations (palatal, palato-alveolar, alveolo-palatal, alveolar). Then the geographical distribution of each variant type is discussed, from west to east. The discussion also includes information on the earliest attestations of the phenomenon in each area.
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The present paper deals with the description of the verbal inflectional morphology of the Modern Greek variety of Megara.
Greek: A History of the Language and its Speakers, Second Edition reveals the trajectory of the Greek language from the Mycenaean period of the second millennium BC to the current day. • Offers a complete linguistic treatment of the history of the Greek language • Updated second edition features increased coverage of the ancient evidence, as well as the roots and development of diglossia • Includes maps that clearly illustrate the distribution of ancient dialects and the geographical spread of Greek in the early Middle Ages
REB 34 1976 France p. 5-44+4 pi. Eugénie Granstrem, I. Medvedev et Denise Papachryssanthou, Fragment d'un praktikon de la région d'Athènes (avant 1204) . — Ce fragment est contenu dans deux folios de manuscrit utilisés comme reliure et classés comme manuscrit n° 122 à la Bibliothèque Publique de Leningrad. L'édition diplomatique de ce texte, assez abîmé par endroits, est accompagnée d'une étude du contenu (liste de biens avec des tableaux, liste de parèques) et d'une étude des lieux et des personnes, avec un index. Sans atteindre les proportions du cadastre de Thèbes, ce nouveau document apporte de précieux renseignements pour la topographie d'Athènes et de ses environs avant l'occupation franque.
Arvanitika, die albanischen Sprachreste in Griechenland, I
  • H-J Sasse
Sasse, H-J. 1991. Arvanitika, die albanischen Sprachreste in Griechenland, I. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
Περὶ τῆς σημερινῆς ἐν Αἰγίνῃ λαλουμένης διαλέκτου
  • A Thumb
Thumb, A. 1891. Περὶ τῆς σημερινῆς ἐν Αἰγίνῃ λαλουμένης διαλέκτου. Ἀθηνᾶ 3, 95-128.
Αἱ ὑποκοριστικαὶ καταλήξεις -ύλλιον καὶ -ύφιον ἐν τῇ μεσαιωνικῇ καὶ νέᾳ ἑλληνικῇ γλώσσῃ
  • Φ Κουκουλές
Κουκουλές, Φ. 1941. Αἱ ὑποκοριστικαὶ καταλήξεις -ύλλιον καὶ -ύφιον ἐν τῇ μεσαιωνικῇ καὶ νέᾳ ἑλληνικῇ γλώσσῃ. Αθηνά 51, 120-124.