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Objectives: To investigate the attitudes of expectant Australian fathers towards vaccination, and to identify factors which may influence these attitudes. Methods: Design: A cross-sectional survey study of 407 Australian men with expectant partners, mean age 30.4 (SD 6.7). Outcomes were self reported attitude, level of knowledge and information resources accessed regarding pregnancy related issues. Participant demographics collected included: age, number of children, relationship status, level of education, employment information and smoking status. Results: Majority (89%) of participants had a positive attitude towards infant vaccination, 9% felt neutral, and 2% had negative attitudes. Positive attitudes towards vaccination were associated with lower self-reported knowledge of pregnancy issues but a higher likelihood of discussing pregnancy issues with health care providers rather than sourcing information from the internet (both p<0.0001). Conclusion: A majority of Australian expectant fathers have a positive attitude towards infant vaccination. Fathers with negative attitudes to vaccination self-reported higher levels of knowledge. They were more likely to obtain information from the Internet instead of healthcare staff. Article discussion at:
ISSN: 2167-1079
Primary Health Care: Open Access
Prosser et al., Primary Health Care 2016, 6:2
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000228
Primary Health Care
ISSN: 2167-1079 PHCOA, an open access journal
Open Access
Research Article
Survey of Australian Fathers Attitudes towards Infant Vaccination:
Findings from the Australian Fathers Study
Natasha Prosser1, Rodney Petersen2 and Julie Quinlivan1,3*
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Joondalup Health Campus, Joondalup, WA 6027, Australia
2Women’s and Babies Service, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide, SA 5006, Australia
3Institute for Health Research, University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle, 6160, WA, Australia
*Corresponding author: Julie Quinlivan, Department of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Joondalup Health Campus, Joondalup, WA 6027, Australia, Tel: 08
9400 9631; Fax : 08 9400 9955; E-mail:
Received June 09, 2016; Accepted June 27, 2016; Published June 30, 2016
Citation: Prosser N, Petersen R, Quinlivan J (2016) Survey of Australian Father’s
Attitudes towards Infant Vaccination: Findings from the Australian Father’s Study.
Primary Health Care 6: 228. doi:10.4172/2167-1079.1000228
Copyright: © 2016 Prosser N, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Keywords: Fathers pregnancy; Attitudes, Mixed methods study;
Prospective study; Cohort study; Infant vaccination; Conscientious
Vaccine preventable diseases place a heavy burden on the
community and the introduction of widespread immunization
regimens have resulted in the reduction or eradication of many
diseases, saving millions of lives. It is considered one of the most
signicant contributions to the improvement in global health outcomes
[1-6]. Some protection for non-immunized people may be achieved via
‘herd immunity’, when the majority of the population are vaccinated
thus restricting the spread of disease [7].
Despite the success of immunization programs, many children
still contract vaccine preventable illnesses, some with tragic outcomes
[6,8]. Many of these children were too young to be vaccinated, unable
to receive them for medical reasons or contracted disease as a result
of vaccine failure. However, some parents choose not to vaccinate
their children, citing political, personal or philosophical motives for
declining [9-12]. Other vaccine opponents question the safety, ecacy
and necessity of recommended vaccines [9-12].
While there is literature on parental attitudes to vaccination, there
is a paucity of information on father’s attitudes. Most studies reported
that the mother was the primary source of information [9-12]. Given
fathers play an important role in child rearing and exert inuence on
decision making processes as co-parent, we have sought to explore the
attitudes of expectant fathers towards newborn vaccination.
Study design
A self-reporting survey of expectant fathers.
is study was undertaken as part of e Australian Father’s
Study (AFS), a longitudinal study of Australian father’s experiences
of parenthood from the third trimester of their partner’s pregnancy
until 6 weeks post-partum [13,14]. Participants were identied
through the antenatal clinic at Joondalup Health Campus (JHC). JHC
incorporates both public and private hospitals and is located in the
North Metropolitan region of Perth, Western Australia. is study was
reviewed and granted ethics approval by the JHC Human Research
Ethics Committee. Data were collected between 2013 and 2015.
Expectant fathers, who were the acknowledged father of the child,
were recruited via the pregnant mother on her attendance at antenatal
clinic aer 20 weeks gestation. Recruiters were qualied medical
practitioners or midwives aliated with the AFS. e mother’s consent
for the father’s participation was sought and participants were provided
an information brochure outlining the requirements of involvement
to enable informed consent to enter the trial to be given. Individual
consent was obtained from each participant. Exclusion criteria were:
pregnancy complicated by known foetal anomaly, fathers with limited
Objective: To investigate the attitudes of expectant Australian fathers towards vaccination, and to identify factors
which may inuence these attitudes.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey study of 407 Australian men with expectant partners, mean age 30.4 (SD
6.7). Self reported attitude, level of knowledge and information resources accessed regarding pregnancy related
issues. Participant demographics collected included: Age, number of children, relationship status, level of education,
employment information and smoking status.
Results: Majority (89%) of participants had a positive attitude towards infant vaccination, 9% felt neutral and 2%
had negative attitudes. Positive attitudes towards vaccination were associated with lower self-reported knowledge
of pregnancy issues but a higher likelihood of discussing pregnancy issues with health care providers rather than
sourcing information from the internet (both p<0.001).
Conclusion: A majority of Australian expectant fathers have a positive attitude towards infant vaccination. Fathers
with negative attitudes to vaccination self-reported higher levels of knowledge. They were more likely to obtain
information from the Internet instead of healthcare staff.
Implication for public health: Including fathers in health discussion with knowledgeable health care providers may
result in increased vaccine uptake.
Citation: Prosser N, Petersen R, Quinlivan J (2016) Survey of Australian Father’s Attitudes towards Infant Vaccination: Findings from the Australian
Father’s Study. Primary Health Care 6: 228. doi:10.4172/2167-1079.1000228
Page 2 of 5
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000228
Primary Health Care
ISSN: 2167-1079 PHCOA, an open access journal
English language abilities, not acknowledged as biological parent
Data sources
is mixed methods study was a predened sub-study of the AFS
collected between January and July 2014. e number of new antenatal
bookings in this recruitment period was 981. is is a longitudinal
study of Australian men who are the acknowledged father of the
unborn child of their pregnant partner. Data were collected via a self-
reported questionnaire consisting of demographic details including:
age, country of birth, living arrangements with the mother, employment
status, education level, other children, and smoking status [13,14]. A
Likert scale was used to assess attitudes to infant vaccination and a
self- reported level of knowledge about pregnancy issues. In addition,
participants were asked to explain their attitude toward vaccination via
an open-ended question. Qualitative information was extracted from
written comments. ree questionnaires were administered in the
antenatal period to be lled in six weeks prior to birth (Q1), immediately
post partum (Q2) and six weeks post partum (Q3). Overall return rate
of questionnaires following consent is 79% with individual return rates
of 85%, 79% and 73% for Q1, Q2 and Q3 respectively. e data for the
vaccination study comes from Q1.
Participant responses from the Likert scale regarding attitudes to
vaccination were assigned as either ‘Positive’, ‘Neutral’ or ‘Negative’ for
Potential sources of bias in this self-reported study are information
bias, selection bias, non-response bias, and response bias. Attempts
to minimise these sources of bias included: Extended data collection
period, standard response forms, de-identied and condential
respondent surveys.
Sample size
e primary hypothesis was that education would positively
inuence attitudes towards infant vaccination. Fathers with a positive
attitude towards infant vaccination would have undertaken more
formal years of education compared to those with a negative or neutral
attitude. We estimated 80% of fathers with a positive attitude would
have 12 or more years of education, whereas only 30% of fathers with
a neutral or negative attitude would have this degree of education.
Assuming two samples, with alpha error of 0.05, beta of 0.2 and power
of 80%, then 22 expectant fathers with negative or neutral attitude
towards vaccination were required to test the hypothesis.
Given the percentage of 12-15 month-olds fully vaccinated in
Australia ranges from a high of 92.3% to a low of 86.2%, and rates of
specic conscientious objection ranged from 0% to 7.1% across dierent
Medicare Local catchment areas, we estimated 6% of expectant fathers
might have a negative or neutral attitude towards vaccination [15,16].
We therefore recruited 407 expectant fathers into the vaccination study.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using Minitab® (version 16,
University of Melbourne). Dierence in attitudes to vaccinations was
assessed using Chi Square test or Fisher Exact test if cell size was less
than 5. Responses to the open-ended questions were assessed using
inductive content analysis. Responses were independently read by the
principal researchers and an abstraction process used to summarize and
conceptualize the overall meaning and implications of the comments.
Open coding was performed to maximize the number of headings in
order to describe all aspects of the content [17].
407 expectant fathers were recruited into the vaccination study.
Descriptive data
e demographic characteristics of the study participants are
summarised in Table 1. Of the 407 Fathers included in the study,
the mean age was 30.4 years, (SD 6.7). Of these, 147 (41%) indicated
Australia was not their country of birth, a gure higher than the average
Australian overseas born general population (28.5%) [18]. Most men
reported that they were living with the mother of the child (94.1%) and
had achieved an education level of year 12 or higher (82.5%). Nearly
10% of the fathers reported they were unemployed or in retraining. Of
those who were employed, 66.3% worked more than 40 h per week.
Outcome data
Table 2 summarises demographic details, vaccination knowledge,
and information sources regarding pregnancy issues by attitude towards
vaccination. e majority of participants had a positive attitude towards
infant vaccination (N=357, 89%). However, 9% (N=35) of fathers had
a neutral and 2% (N=8) a negative attitude. Seven participants did not
indicate their attitude to vaccination and were treated as missing data
(not included in table).
e key nding was that fathers with neutral and negative attitudes
towards infant vaccination reported self-assessed higher levels of
knowledge of vaccination issues (p=0.01 and <0.001 respectively).
ese same men also reported they were more likely to have gained
their knowledge from the Internet than from a healthcare professional
(both p<0.001).
Qualitative data
Of the 357 men with positive attitudes to vaccination, 66 commented
on their beliefs, the main themes identied were: Vaccination as
Variable Australian Fathers Study
Age in years Mean (Std. Dev.) 30.4 (6.7)
Country of birth N (%)
227 (56%)
180 (44%)
Relationship living arrangements N (%)
Living with mother
Not living with mother
383 (94.1%)
17 (4.2%)
Level of education N (%)
Less than 12 years of school
12 years of school or more
65 (16%)
336 (82.5%)
Employment N (%)
Not currently employed
Yes and work locally
Yes and y in y out worker
39 (9.6%)
296 (72.7%)
65 (16%)
Hours worked each week
Less than one hour a week
1-15 h per week
16-40 h per week
More than 40 h per week
16 (4%)
5 (1.2%)
108 (26.5%)
270 (66.3%)
First time father N (%)
210 (51.5%)
195 (48%)
Table 1: Demographics of study cohort.
Citation: Prosser N, Petersen R, Quinlivan J (2016) Survey of Australian Father’s Attitudes towards Infant Vaccination: Findings from the Australian
Father’s Study. Primary Health Care 6: 228. doi:10.4172/2167-1079.1000228
Page 3 of 5
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000228
Primary Health Care
ISSN: 2167-1079 PHCOA, an open access journal
medical advancement, health benets, anger towards those who
do not immunise and the importance of high rates of vaccination.
No participants who reported neutral feelings towards vaccinations
commented on their viewpoint. Of the 8 participants with a negative
attitude towards vaccinations, all commented on their decisions, with
the main themes identied being: risks of vaccination, persecution, and
the redundancy of vaccinations.
Advancement of modern medicine
A number of respondents commented that they believed
vaccinations were a demonstration of the progress of medicine and a
sign of an advanced society. One participant wrote:
“I’m going to make sure my child is vaccinated. When you think back
how entire families were wiped out, in the old cemeteries and such, I mean
why you wouldn’t vaccinate your child. ey are progress.
Another participant wrote:
“Vaccines are one of the wonders of modern medicine.
Health benets
Many expectant fathers felt that vaccinations were essential and
saved lives and unvaccinated children were at risk.
“Everyone knows vaccines save lives. ose parents who don’t
vaccinate their children put all other children at risk.
Another father discussed the risk versus benet of vaccinations
“e side eects listed are pretty mild – sore arm, irritable for a few
hours. e benets are huge. It can save your child’s life or stop them
getting deaf or brain damaged. I know the baby’s not here yet but already
I feel very strongly protective. I will do anything to reduce the risk of my
child being hurt.
Anger towards those who did not vaccinate
A common theme expressed by some fathers was anger towards
people who did not vaccinate their children because it placed their own
child at increased risk.
Positive attitude
N=357 (87.7%)
Neutral attitude
Negative attitude
Age Mean (SD)
p-value 30.43 (6.7) 30.14 (6.8)
29.85 (5.0)
Country of birth N (%)
210 (59%)
147 (41%)
14 (40%)
21 (60%)
3 (37.5%)
5 (62.5%)
Relationship with mother of baby N (%)
Living with mother
Not living with mother
338 (94.7%)
17 (4.7%)
35 (100%)
0 (0%)
6 (75%)
2 (25%)
Level of education N (%)
Less than 12 years of school
12 years of school or more
60 (16.8%)
296 (82.9%)
4 (11.4%)
31 (88.6%)
1 (12.5%)
7 (87.5%)
ATSI Race N (%)
55 (15.4%)
301 (84.3%)
8 (23%)
27 (77%)
1 (12.5%)
7 (87.5%)
Employment type N (%)
Not currently employed
Yes and work locally
Yes and y in y out worker
31 (8.7%)
264 (74%)
61 (17%)
8 (23%)
25 (71%)
2 (6%)
2 (25%)
5 (62.5%)
0 (0%)
Hours worked per week N (%)
0-1 h a week
1-40 h per week
40+ h per week
13 (4%)
104 (28.5%)
239 (67%)
3 (9%)
6 (17%)
26 (74%)
2 (25%)
2 (25%)
3 (37.5%)
Smoker N (%)
92 (25.8%)
262 (73.4%)
5 (14%)
30 (86%)
4 (50%)
3 (37.5%)
First time father N (%)
188 (53%)
165 (46%)
18 (51%)
17 (49%)
2 (25%)
5 (62.5%)
Self-assessed knowledge of vaccination
Likert scale 0-10 Mean (Std Dev)
p-value 6.6 (1.7) 7.7 (0.9)
9.2 (0.2)
Source of knowledge N (%)
* Healthcare staff
* Internet
* Friends and family
* Other
254 (71.2%)
23 (6.4%)
65 (18.2%)
15 (4.2%)
15 (43%)
18 (51%)
2 (6%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
7 (87.5%)
1 (12.5%)
0 (0%)
Table 2: Differences between fathers with positive versus neutral or negative attitudes toward infant vaccination.
Citation: Prosser N, Petersen R, Quinlivan J (2016) Survey of Australian Father’s Attitudes towards Infant Vaccination: Findings from the Australian
Father’s Study. Primary Health Care 6: 228. doi:10.4172/2167-1079.1000228
Page 4 of 5
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000228
Primary Health Care
ISSN: 2167-1079 PHCOA, an open access journal
“I read abut (sic) a baby that died cause a mother took her
unvaccinated child to day care. at’s crazy. If not vaccinated you (sic)
kid can die. If that happened to me I’d want those parents to pay. Maybe
they should go to prison or something because really, they’ve killed that
child by their actions.
is theme was also reected by expectant fathers with a positive
attitude towards vaccination whose partners, the baby’s mother, had
a negative attitude. Two participants in this situation wrote detailed
comments about their frustration that hospital sta ignored them
because the mother’s views carried greater weight. In one case where
the mother had signed a “Refusal of vaccination” form the father wrote:
“Why should my child be put at risk because we disagree about this?
Why does her opinion matter more than my own? I want Hepatitis B
and Vitamin K injections at birth. She thinks they are dangerous. Father’s
opinions and values don’t count. We are ignored – even when we are the
one saying and doing the right thing and agreeing with the doctors. I was
so angry that the midwife ignored me I had to leave the room”
Another father who separated from his partner aer enrolling in
the study wrote in his questionnaire:
“She’s bitter about me leaving and taking it out on our baby. She
knows I want him to have all the needles and tests. I asked the hospital
to give them but they said only the mother can say so. Why is that the
case? I mean, why is her word worth more than mine? It’s my baby as
much as it is hers. I just want what is best for my baby. She just wants
to hurt me.
Importance of high vaccination rates
Another common theme addressed was the importance of high
vaccination rates in protecting the community. One participant wrote:
“You need most people to have injections so everyone is safe. Babies
are only safe if everyone is injections (sic).
Risks of vaccination
In the sub-group of fathers with a negative attitude towards
vaccination, one theme was that the risks of vaccination outweighed
benets. One participant wrote:
“e absolute risk of our child contracting a disease is very low. e
risks of vaccination disease such as autism and ADD are high.
Another participant agreed
“ere are 100s of studies that show a link between vaccines and
poor outcomes for children. Papers about autism, nerve damage, immune
damage, cancer and death (sic). I mean you risk killing your child just
to supposedly keep it safe from disease, but you give it a disease instead.
Even if you don't get a bad event, the needles hurt your child and cause
them to suer.
Some participants felt that people who conscientiously objected to
immunization where being unfairly punished for their choices.
“e government overstate this issue and try to make you feel guilty
following your own free will.
“Now the government penalises parents like us. We have to ll in
extra forms for childcare. Just because we have gone to the trouble to look
into it ourselves and not be mindless numbers we get penalized.
Redundancy of vaccines
One participant reected on the necessity of vaccinations.
…vaccines are not needed anymore. e disease’s they protect against
have basically disappeared. One paper said no cases of diphtheria had
been seen in the world for decades so why do you need a vaccine against
is paper evaluates the attitudes of Australian fathers towards
vaccinations and factors that may be associated with particular attitudes
to vaccination.
We found that the majority of fathers in the survey were supportive
of infant and childhood vaccinations, while a small proportion
demonstrated a neutral (9%) or negative (2%) attitude.
Participants with a neutral or negative attitude towards vaccination
felt they were better informed about vaccination compared to fathers
with a positive attitude, self-reporting higher levels of knowledge
(p=0.01 and p<0.001 respectively). However, while there was social,
nancial and educational parity across the groups, fathers with neutral
and negative attitudes were more likely to use the Internet as a source of
knowledge rather than a health care professional (both p<0.001).
Vaccinations have made a signicant contribution to the global
health picture yet despite their success; there has been a notable decline
in voluntary uptake. eir very success may well have contributed to
the reduction in uptake secondary to a newfound complacency toward
vaccine-preventable diseases. Disease is no longer present as a reminder to
vaccinate, thus the perceived risk of the severity of diseases is low [9,11,19].
Consumer condence in vaccines can also challenge uptake, with
concern for safety and side eects driving a reluctance to vaccinate.
Adverse publicity in the media has previously raised questions about
safety, ecacy and side eect proles result in lack of trust by some
parents [10,11,20,21]. Some studies have suggested that socioeconomic
factors such as level of education and income were more important
than parental perceptions in vaccination uptake by parents [11,12,22].
Our study did not reect this, with no statistically signicant dierence
in education and employment outcomes between fathers with positive,
neutral or negative attitudes (p>0.05).
Conict can arise where there are two opposing, yet strongly held
opinions with regards to the health care decisions of the child. Fathers
may feel disregarded by perinatal sta and thus excluded from a unied
parental team when the wishes of the mother take preference over those
of the father.
Overwhelmingly, fathers reported that benets of protection against
disease outweighed side eects and chose to endorse vaccination. ese
fathers were more likely to accept advice on vaccination from health
care providers [10-12,20].
is study has several limitations due to its self-reporting design,
which may introduce response and non-response bias. However, this
is limited by the adequate sample size to obtain information on fathers
with neutral and negative attitudes. is study was undertaken in a
single public hospital in Perth, Western Australia, which may reduce
the generalizability of the results. is study does not link attitudes with
actual vaccine uptake and may not dierentiate between partial uptake
or late vaccine adaptors.
Citation: Prosser N, Petersen R, Quinlivan J (2016) Survey of Australian Father’s Attitudes towards Infant Vaccination: Findings from the Australian
Father’s Study. Primary Health Care 6: 228. doi:10.4172/2167-1079.1000228
Page 5 of 5
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000228
Primary Health Care
ISSN: 2167-1079 PHCOA, an open access journal
is paper emphasises the importance for health professionals to
be able to provide up to date information in the face of vast quantities
of material available for public consumption on the Internet. eir
role as a reliable source of information should not be underestimated.
Where possible, involving fathers in discussions around the benets of
vaccinations may help to increase vaccination rates.
The AFS is registered at the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials
Registry with the number ACTRN 12613001273774 and the trial website is located
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Citation: Prosser N, Petersen R, Quinlivan J (2016) Survey of Australian
Father’s Attitudes towards Infant Vaccination: Findings from the Australian
Father’s Study. Primary Health Care 6: 228. doi:10.4172/2167-1079.1000228
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... In terms of paternal attitudes, a study on expectant Australian fathers found that those with positive vaccination attitudes (89%) reported lower self-reported knowledge of pregnancy issues but were more likely to discuss such issues with healthcare providers rather than searching the internet [24]. Likewise, New Zealand fathers may generally feel less knowledgeable about child vaccinations but are more likely to trust in vaccine safety after consulting health professionals. ...
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Relatively little is known about the differential impact of maternal and paternal perceptions of vaccine safety on children's vaccination status in New Zealand. Using a sample of 68 couples from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study (NZAVS), the present study investigated the distinct influence of mothers' and fathers' confidence in the safety of childhood vaccinations following the national immunisation schedule on their reports of children's vaccination status. Actor-Partner Interdependence Modelling revealed that mothers', but not fathers', vaccine confidence predicted children's vaccination status, regardless of who reported their children's vaccination status. Higher maternal vaccine confidence increased the likelihood of child full vaccination status, but paternal vaccine confidence showed no unique significant effects. As women tend to express lower vaccine confidence than men, it is imperative to further investigate the key drivers of their low confidence and develop target interventions accordingly. Encouraging fathers' involvement in the vaccination decision-making process may also be beneficial in increasing the likelihood of childhood vaccination uptake.
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Objective: There is limited research on fathers in the setting of maternal teenage pregnancy. Most studies report data from regions of social disadvantage and low education. We report on the levels of anxiety, depression and quality of life of fathers in the setting of maternal teenage pregnancy in an area where the unemployment rate is low. Methods: Observational study of 50 fathers in the setting of maternal teenage pregnancy and 100 fathers whose partners were not teenagers (control), living within the same metropolitan healthcare region with high employment rates. Fathers were enrolled within the larger Australian Father’s Study and were recruited from antenatal clinics and community settings. Researchers administered the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale and demographic questionnaires. Results: Fathers in the setting of maternal teenage pregnancy were significantly younger than control fathers (p<0.05). After adjusting for demographic variables, fathers in the setting of maternal teenage pregnancy did not have levels of anxiety, depression or quality of life that were significantly different to control fathers. Conclusion: Fathers in the setting of maternal teenage pregnancy, when engaged in further education or employment have levels of anxiety, depression and quality of life comparable to control fathers.
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This mixed-methods study explores factors associated with and levels of engagement of fathers in antenatal care. One hundred expectant fathers were recruited from antenatal clinics and community settings in Western Australia. They completed validated questionnaires. Eighty-three percent of expectant fathers reported a lack of engagement with antenatal care. Factors significantly associated with lack of engagement in multivariate analysis were working more than 40 hours a week and lack of adequate consultation by antenatal care staff. In qualitative analysis, 6 themes emerged in association with a lack of engagement. They were role in decision making, time pressures, the observer effect, lack of knowledge, barriers to attendance, and feeling unprepared or anxious. Care providers should involve fathers in consultations to improve paternal engagement. For more information go to
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Objective To examine attitudes and knowledge about vaccinations in postpartum mothers. Methods This cross-sectional study collected data via written survey to postpartum mothers in a large teaching hospital in Connecticut. We used multivariable analysis to identify mothers who were less trusting with regard to vaccines. Results Of 228 mothers who participated in the study, 29% of mothers worried about vaccinating their infants: 23% were worried the vaccines would not work, 11% were worried the doctor would give the wrong vaccine, and 8% worried that “they” are experimenting when they give vaccines. Mothers reported that the most important reasons to vaccinate were to prevent disease in the baby (74%) and in society (11%). Knowledge about vaccination was poor; e.g., 33% correctly matched chicken pox with varicella vaccine. Mothers who were planning to breastfeed (P=.01), were primiparous (P=.01), or had an income <$40,000 but did not receive support from the women, infants, and children (WIC) program were less trusting with regard to vaccines (P=.03). Although 70% wanted information about vaccines during pregnancy, only 18% reported receiving such information during prenatal care. Conclusion Although the majority of infants receive vaccines, their mothers have concerns and would like to receive immunization information earlier. Mothers who are primiparous, have low family incomes but do not qualify for the WIC program, or are breastfeeding may need special attention to develop a trusting relationship around vaccination. Mothers would benefit from additional knowledge regarding the risks and benefits of vaccines particularly during prenatal care.
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To identify predictive factors of complete and age-appropriate vaccination status in Greece, we conducted a cross-sectional study, using stratified cluster sampling, among children attending the first year of the Greek Grammar school (about 6 years of age) and their parents/guardians. Almost 88% (N=3878) of pupils in the selected clusters (school classrooms) provided their vaccination booklet and their parents/guardians completed a questionnaire regarding beliefs and attitudes towards immunization. Belonging to a minority group, having other siblings and perceiving long distance to immunization site as a barrier were independent predictors of both incomplete and delayed vaccination status in the final logistic regression model. Maternal age >or=30 years and the perception that natural disease is preferable to vaccination were associated with complete vaccination, whereas paternal education of high school or higher was the other independent determinant of age-appropriate immunization. Socioeconomic factors rather than parental beliefs and attitudes towards immunization explained underimmunization. Further interventions are warranted to enhance vaccine coverage in high-risk groups identified in this study.
The term “herd immunity” is widely used but carries a variety of meanings [1–7]. Some authors use it to describe the proportion immune among individuals in a population. Others use it with reference to a particular threshold proportion of immune individuals that should lead to a decline in incidence of infection. Still others use it to refer to a pattern of immunity that should protect a population from invasion of a new infection. A common implication of the term is that the risk of infection among susceptible individuals in a population is reduced by the presence and proximity of immune individuals (this is sometimes referred to as “indirect protection” or a “herd effect”). We provide brief historical, epidemiologic, theoretical, and pragmatic public health perspectives on this concept.
Clear evidence of falsification of data should now close the door on this damaging vaccine scare
Suboptimal childhood vaccination uptake results in disease outbreaks, and in developed countries is largely attributable to parental choice. To inform evidence-based interventions, we conducted a systematic review of factors underlying parental vaccination decisions. Thirty-one studies were reviewed. Outcomes and methods are disparate, which limits synthesis; however parents are consistently shown to act in line with their attitudes to combination childhood vaccinations. Vaccine-declining parents believe that vaccines are unsafe and ineffective and that the diseases they are given to prevent are mild and uncommon; they mistrust their health professionals, Government and officially-endorsed vaccine research but trust media and non-official information sources and resent perceived pressure to risk their own child's safety for public health benefit. Interventions should focus on detailed decision mechanisms including disease-related anticipated regret and perception of anecdotal information as statistically representative. Self-reported vaccine uptake, retrospective attitude assessment and unrepresentative samples limit the reliability of reviewed data - methodological improvements are required in this area.
The measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine has been the focus of considerable adverse publicity in recent years. To describe recent trends in parental attitudes to, and coverage of, MMR vaccine. Routine surveillance of vaccine coverage and cross-sectional surveys of parental attitudes. All health authorities in England (vaccine coverage) and 132 enumeration districts in England (attitude survey). Quarterly MMR vaccine coverage for all resident children in England at two years of age was requested from computerised child health information systems. Data was also obtained from 26 English health authorities/trusts on MMR coverage at 16 months of age. The proportion of mothers who believed that MMR vaccine was safe or carried only a slight risk, and the proportion who intended to fully vaccinate any future children, was obtained from biannual interviews with a national representative sample of over 1000 mothers of children under three years of age. Vaccine coverage at two years of age fell 8.6% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 8.4 to 8.8) between April and June 1995 and between April and June 2001. In September 2001, 67% of mothers reported that the MMR vaccine was safe or carried only a slight risk and 92% of mothers agreed with the statement: 'If I had another child in the future I would have them fully immunised against all childhood diseases'. Despite considerable adverse publicity, the fall in MMR coverage has been relatively small, mothers' attitudes to MMR remain positive, and most continue to seek advice on immunisation from health professionals. As the vast majority of mothers are willing to have future children fully immunised, we believe that health professionals should be able to use the available scientific evidence to help to maintain MMR coverage.
To identify parental perceptions regarding vaccine safety and assess their relationship with the immunization status of children.Design, Setting, and Case-control study based on a survey of a sample of households participating in the 2000-2001 National Immunization Survey, a quarterly random-digit-dialing sample of US children aged 19 to 35 months. Three groups of case children not up-to-date for 3 vaccines were compared with control children who were up-to-date for each respective vaccine. Main Outcome Measure Measles-containing or measles-mumps-rubella, diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis or diphtheria and tetanus toxoids with acellular pertussis, and hepatitis B vaccination coverage. Among those sampled from the 2000-2001 National Immunization Survey, the household response rate was 2315 (52.1%) of 4440. Most respondents (>90%) in all groups believed vaccinations are important. In each case-control group, there was no significant difference between the percentage of case and control parents expressing general vaccine safety (range, 53.5%-64.1%). However, case parents were more likely to have asked that their child not be vaccinated for reasons other than illness (range, 10.2%-13.7% vs range, 2.9%-5.3%, respectively) and to believe their children received too many vaccinations (range, 3.4%-7.6% vs range, 0.8%-1.0%, respectively). Among the case-control group receiving a measles-containing or measles-mumps-rubella vaccination, only a small percentage of parents knew about the alleged association between autism and measles-mumps-rubella vaccinations (8.2%), and case parents were more likely to believe it than control parents (4.4% vs 1.5%, respectively; chi(2) P =.04). Despite belief in the importance of immunization by a vast majority of parents, the majority of parents had concerns regarding vaccine safety. Strategies to address important misperceptions about vaccine safety as well as additional research assessing vaccine safety are needed to ensure public confidence.