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Altitudinal effects on the quality of green tea in east China: a climate change perspective

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Abstract and Figures

Climate change differentially affects tea yield at various altitudes; however, its impact on tea quality is less acknowledged. To understand the divergence in tea quality, we collected green tea samples from five sites (with varying altitude from 212 to 1020 m) on Lushan Mountain in Jiangxi Province, eastern China. Results showed that an increase in cultivation altitude decreased total tea polyphenols (TP) but increased amino acids (AA) concentration, leading to a remarkable decrease in TP/AA, one of the most important parameters that determine the taste of green tea. The constituents of AA, especially theanine, glutamic acid, arginine, serine, γ-aminobutyric acid and aspartic acid increased with increasing elevational gradients. Nonetheless, the constituents of polyphenolic compounds, especially individual catechins, were differentially altered with the change in cultivation altitude. In particular, with increasing elevation, the epigallocatechin-3-gallate and epicatechin gallate decreased, while the epigallocatechin and gallocatechin gallate increased, that eventually caused no significant variation in the total catechins in different sites. Additionally, the percentage of catechins to TP was increased with increasing altitude. Given that temperature is being increased due to climate change, rising temperatures particularly at lower altitude, perhaps, will deteriorate tea quality as a consequence of climate warming. This observation demands development of effective measures for sustaining green tea quality in the face of climate change.
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Eur Food Res Technol (2017) 243:323–330
DOI 10.1007/s00217-016-2746-5
Altitudinal effects on the quality of green tea in east China:
a climate change perspective
Wen‑Yan Han1 · Ji‑Gang Huang2 · Xin Li1 · Zhi‑Xin Li1 · Golam Jalal Ahammed1 ·
Peng Yan1 · John Richard Stepp3
Received: 21 February 2016 / Revised: 28 May 2016 / Accepted: 8 July 2016 / Published online: 19 July 2016
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
is being increased due to climate change, rising tempera-
tures particularly at lower altitude, perhaps, will dete-
riorate tea quality as a consequence of climate warming.
This observation demands development of effective meas-
ures for sustaining green tea quality in the face of climate
Keywords Tea polyphenol · Catechins · Amino acids ·
Camellia sinensis · Cultivation altitude · Climate change
Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world
after water [1]. The worldwide rising popularity of tea is
not only due to its pleasant flavor and cultural significance,
but also for its health promoting properties such as anti-can-
cer, anti-inflammation, anti-allergy and anti-obesity effects.
Health benefits of tea are due to the presence of bioactive
compounds, broadly known as tea polyphenols, amino
acids, vitamins, carbohydrates and methylxanthine alka-
loids [2]. Green tea is produced from the species Camellia
sinensis (L.) Kuntze, where oxidation of freshly harvested
leaves is prevented by immediate steaming or roasting that
yields a relatively stable dry material. Green tea consumers
consider certain parameters such as the seasonality, flavor,
appearance and also production techniques (e.g., organic
vs. non-organic) when buying a tea. Spring tea, which is
harvested and processed before late May, is highly appeal-
ing to consumers due to its less bitter taste and increased
flavor complexity. Studies have shown that a heavy, mel-
low and brisk flavor of spring tea is actually because of its
higher levels of amino acids and moderate levels of cate-
chins [3, 4]. Tea catechins are a group of flavonoids that
constitute the major part of total polyphenols that mainly
Abstract Climate change differentially affects tea yield at
various altitudes; however, its impact on tea quality is less
acknowledged. To understand the divergence in tea quality,
we collected green tea samples from five sites (with vary-
ing altitude from 212 to 1020 m) on Lushan Mountain in
Jiangxi Province, eastern China. Results showed that an
increase in cultivation altitude decreased total tea poly-
phenols (TP) but increased amino acids (AA) concentra-
tion, leading to a remarkable decrease in TP/AA, one of
the most important parameters that determine the taste of
green tea. The constituents of AA, especially theanine, glu-
tamic acid, arginine, serine, γ-aminobutyric acid and aspar-
tic acid increased with increasing elevational gradients.
Nonetheless, the constituents of polyphenolic compounds,
especially individual catechins, were differentially altered
with the change in cultivation altitude. In particular, with
increasing elevation, the epigallocatechin-3-gallate and
epicatechin gallate decreased, while the epigallocatechin
and gallocatechin gallate increased, that eventually caused
no significant variation in the total catechins in different
sites. Additionally, the percentage of catechins to TP was
increased with increasing altitude. Given that temperature
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s00217-016-2746-5) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
* Wen-Yan Han
1 Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Sciences, 9 South Meiling Road, Hangzhou 310008, China
2 Lushan Tea Scientific Research Institute, Jiujiang City,
Lushan 332009, China
3 Department of Anthropology, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... In the present dataset, the average maximum temperature in the study period is 27.8 ± 3.5 °C ( Figure 3) and therefore, it does not reach the ceiling temperature range. Han et al. (2017) also found that in some regions, an increase in temperature would increase yield. Sitienei et al. (2017) found that climatic variables during some months in both the concurrent year and the previous year were positively correlated with the tea yield. ...
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Corresponding authors (; This article is published under the Creative Commons CC-BY-ND License ( This license permits use, distribution and reproduction, commercial and non-commercial, provided that the original work is properly cited and is not changed in anyway. Abstract: Agriculture is heavily climate dependent. Tea cultivation is of no exception. Tea is cultivated in many developing nations around the globe and the climate change impact is to be mostly felt by developing nations in comparison to the developed. In countries such as Sri Lanka, where the major portion of export earning from agriculture comes from the tea industry, the climate change impacts would harm its progress. Hence, understanding how climate has been linked with production would pave the way for development of a country specific policy. To this end, this research attempted to measure the long-run relationship of the climate with the yield per hectare, using monthly data from 2005 to 2019. A panel Autoregressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL) was used to obtain long-run cointegration between minimum and maximum temperatures and the amount of rainfall received. Data on production and input variables were obtained from records kept at 37 large-scale tea estates at monthly intervals. Monthly temperature and rainfall data were obtained from the Meteorological Department of Sri Lanka. Panel cointegration tests indicated that there is a coexisting long-run relationship between climate variables and the tea yield. Maximum temperature had a positive relationship with yield, but minimum temperature shows a long-run negative relationship. Rainfall is positively related. Production inputs show a long-run positive impact. Thus, the possible negative impacts of rising minimum temperature could be overcome if proper management practices are adopted in the long-run.
... Há claras razões para tanto. Preparado a partir de brotos tenros retirados de plantas cultivadas a uma altitude média de 1.100 metros acima do nível do mar, o Lushan Cloud Fog é caracterizado por uma fragrância e sabor fresco e doce persistentes, bem como elevados teores de alcaloides, polifenóis e vitamina C, que diminuem conforme se eleva a altitude de cultivo das plantas do referido chá (Teavivre, 2023;Han et al., 2017). ...
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As estratégias tradicionais de desenvolvimento regional priorizam a expansão da produção com base em novos investimentos e ganhos de produtividade e competitividade a partir da atração de capitais exógenos. De outra forma, enfoque alternativo para valorizar produtos e serviços locais consiste em identificá-los com o território, incluindo características naturais, traços culturais e elementos construídos. Esse artigo tem por objetivo analisar, de forma propositiva, como valores intangíveis da paisagem, constituídos em produtos e serviços, podem potencializar processos de desenvolvimento territorial sustentável em ambientes de montanha. Destaca-se a importância da ênfase no aspecto endógeno na promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável em ambientes montanhosos. E, verifica-se que a paisagem diferenciada dos ambientes de montanha constitui aspectos que podem impulsionar a produção e geração de valor, trazendo a reboque empregos e ocupações produtivas, negócios, renda, vitalidade cultural e cuidados ambientais. Essa compreensão anuncia direções inovadoras para políticas públicas voltadas para o desenvolvimento sustentável de territórios montanhosos.
... These techniques can be used to water the tea garden. Several studies have demonstrated that drought changes the concentration of metabolites (Eric et al., 2019;Kfoury et al., 2018;Han et al., 2017). Few studies (Islam et al., 2021;Rahman et al., 2017) examined the effect of rainfall on the yield of one or a small number of tea estates in the Sylhet district. ...
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Sylhet division is the major tea-producing region of Bangladesh. This study was conducted to explore the potential of rainwater harvesting by a designed model to fulfill the water requirement of the Lackatoorah tea garden during the dry season. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources, and remote sensing data were analyzed using ArcGIS 10.7 to assess soil texture and slope. Four potential sites of (1.5 m ×1m) area were identified to estimate the volume of runoff water in the study. Four tanks with a capacity of 4000 liters were placed to store water as a reservoir for four sites. This study reveals that the study area received maximum average rainfall during June (742.7 mm-839.2 mm) and July (667.7 mm-787.2 mm) and the months from October-March received minimum rainfall (<200 mm) over 30 years. In this research, the rainwater was harvested in 2022 and the yearly harvested water for site 1, site 2, site 3, and site 4 are found as 1.99 m 3 /m 2 , 1.69 m 3 /m 2 , 1.99 m 3 /m 2, and 2.58 m 3 /m 2 respectively. Harvesting the yearly rainfall (5118 mm) in the Sylhet region can meet the net irrigation requirement of 394.48 mm for tea gardens. The catchment area should be taken as (15%-23%) of a targeted irrigated area with varying runoff coefficients and the total volume of the reservoirs needed for one-hectare tea garden should be made about 3844 m 3 based on the average depth of the reservoirs.
... The physiological metabolism of tea plants is highly susceptible to external environmental conditions [17,18]. Tea metabolites are important contributors to the resistance of tea plants to biotic and abiotic stresses and the flavor quality of tea leaves [19,20]. ...
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Cold stress is an important limiting factor affecting spring tea quality. This study analyzed the effects of foliar spraying of brassinolide (BR) at concentrations of 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, and 1 mg/L on the chlorophyll index, nitrogen balance index, quality, antioxidant defense system, and secondary metabolite profiles in leaves of Camellia sinensis cv. Fuding-dabaicha grown at 4 °C for 48 h. All exogenous BR treatments significantly increased leaf nitrogen balance index, with the highest effect at 0.1 mg/L, which also significantly increased leaf chlorophyll index. BR treatments distinctly increased tea polyphenol, catechin, amino acid, and caffeine levels at cold stress, with the greatest effect at 0.1 mg BR/L. Foliar spraying of BR showed no effect on the expression of CsGOGAT at cold stress, but it differentially regulated the expression of CsHMGR, CsGDH, and CsGs, accompanied by their expression being up-regulated under 0.1 mg BR/L treatment. BR-treated plants exhibited a low level of oxidative damage at cold stress based on malondialdehyde levels, which was associated with higher glutathione levels and CsCAT and CsSOD gene expression levels under BR concentrations of 0.05 mg/L and 0.1 mg/L. Non-targeted metabolomics found a total of 26,175 metabolites, the majority of which were lipids and lipid-like molecules (8.97%) and organic heterocyclic compounds (8.97%). BR treatments with 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, and 1 mg/L triggered 1181, 1997, 2414, and 1455 differential metabolites, respectively, accompanied by more differential metabolites being up-regulated. Among them, 18 differential metabolites were associated with tea quality. The enriched pathways of differential metabolites were mainly caffeine metabolism, amino acid synthesis and metabolism, alkaloid synthesis and metabolism, and flavonoid synthesis, depending on the BR concentrations used. Caffeine metabolism was an BR-inducible differential metabolite pathway. Taken together, foliar spraying of BR (0.1 mg/L) improved leaf antioxidant capacity and quality as well as modulated secondary metabolites and their pathways in cold-stressed tea.
... Values are presented as the mean ± SD from three biological replicates, and the different letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 according to Duncan's test. the amino acid (AA) content increases, and the TP content decreases, leading to a significant decrease in the TP/AA ratio (Han et al., 2017), which is an important factor affecting the taste of green tea. In present study, we detected 25 amino acids (Table S3), including sweetness and bitterness amino acids, and we found that changes in TP and AA contents were irregular. ...
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Taiping Houkui (TPHK) is prevalent green tea in China, its flavor quality is significantly influenced by different production regions. However, the key flavor compounds responsible for these discrepancies remain unclearly. Here, TPHK samples were produced from fresh leaves of ‘Shidacha 2’ cultivar planted in 14 distinct production regions. In 14 TPHK samples, a total of 33 non-volatile compounds were identified and quantified. Partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) reveal that theanine and glutamate were the main umami compounds, caffeine imparted with bitterness, which collectively contributed to the variation in the taste flavor of TPHK across different production regions. Furthermore, the profiles of 51 volatile compounds were determined, integrated PLS-DA with odor activity values of volatiles indicated that linalool (165.7–888.5) and geraniol (11.9–141.4) affecting the floral aroma of TPHK among different production regions. Our findings revealed the critical compounds that contributed to the effect of production regions on flavor quality of TPHK.
High altitude young tea leaves are the most preferred raw material for high quality tea production while old tea leaves were considered low quality. This study examined the chemical compounds in tea leaves such as (+)-catechin (C), (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)- epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG), (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), caffeine, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and total phenolics content (TPC) in different maturity stages of tea leaves from highland (HP01, HP02 and HP03) and lowland (LP) tea plantation in Malaysia. The results showed that young tea leaves from samples HP01, HP02 and LP contain high GABA, caffeine and TPC as compared to old tea leaves. However, with the exception of caffeine, old tea leaves from sample HP03 contained higher TPC and GABA than young tea leaves. In addition, the highest accumulation of GABA was found in a bud from HP01. However, in general, the accumulation of GABA was high in LP (lowland) tea leaves from bud until 4th leaves when compared to highlands tea leaves. Furthermore, the number of catechins with a high concentration in a very young leaf was HP01>LP01>HP02>HP03. The major catechins were identified as EGC (49.02 mg/g) and the minor was ECG (1.17 mg/g). Overall, the accumulation of catechins, caffeine and phenolics content was high in tea leaves at high altitudes whereas GABA content was high in tea leaves at low altitudes. This finding provides information on bioactive metabolites distribution in different maturity stages of tea leaves from high- and lowland tea plantations in Malaysia.
Abstract Variations in cultivars and cultivation altitudes have significant impacts on tea flavor compounds however lack of comprehensive understanding. This study provided insights into differential accumulation of crucial flavor compounds in response to cultivars, cultivation altitudes, and processing. Twelve flavonoids (262.4 ∼ 275.4 mg•g−1) and 20 amino acids (AAs) (56.5 ∼ 64.8 mg•g−1) were comparative analyzed in ‘Longjing 43′ and ‘Qunti’ fresh leaves harvested at low (80 m, LA) and high (500 m, HA) altitudes. Additionally, an in-depth correlation unravelling of 31 alkaloids, 25 fatty acids, 31 saccharides, 8 organic acids, and 7 vitamins and flavonoids/AAs during green tea (GT) and black tea (BT) processing was performed. Enhanced flavonoid accumulation alongside higher AAs and saccharides in HA GT promoted a sweet/mellow flavor. Abundant flavonoids, AAs, and saccharides derivates in LA BT gave rise to a sweet aftertaste. The study presents an integrated illustration of major flavor compounds' differential accumulation patterns and their interrelations, providing new insights into the influence of cultivation conditions on tea flavor.
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Theanine is a non-protein amino acid representing as much as 50% of the total amino acids in black tea and 1% - 2% of dry weight in green tea. It has been shown to be able to reduce high blood pressure, promote relaxation, and inhibit caffeine’s side effects among others. This current study explored the effects of sunlight and withering durations on theanine levels in tea shoots. Theanine content from three leaves and a bud, two leaves and a bud and internodes were detected and quantified by using High Performance Liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sunlight exposure experiment was started at dawn (0600 HRS, GMT + 3.00) when the light intensity was low and tea was collected at three-hour interval throughout the day to (1800 Hrs, GMT + 3.00) when the light intensity had dropped. At the start of the experiment, the theanine levels were significantly high but as the intensity of sunlight increased during the day there was a significant drop in theanine levels, and as the sun set the theanine levels increased significantly again in all samples. The results also showed that theanine levels were significantly increased after 15 hours of withering. Three leaves and a bud withered for 3 hours had mean theanine levels of 1.41% and those withered for 15 hours had mean theanine levels of 3.11%. Internodes exhibited higher mean theanine levels than those of leaves. In the light of these results, it’s evident that withering for a longer period of time and harvesting of tea when the light intensity is low ensure high amount of theanine in tea.
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Tea polyphenols and catechins have gained prominence in determination of tea quality. Tea leaves contain largeamounts of catechins and their derivatives and these have shown positive effects on human health. Anexperiment was carried out to determine the level of catechins and polyphenols in 20 new clones found in twodistinct tea growing areas. The trial comprising twenty clones was established in two distinct sites in Kenya usingrandomized complete block design with three replicates and consisted of 10 popular cultivars widely cultivated inthe Lake Victoria Basin and additional 10 newly improved clones. Tea leaf samples were collected across twoseasons; dry and wet seasons. Tea quality parameters entailing catechins, caffeine and total polyphenols weregenerated for the 20 clones across the two seasons and sites. The ISO 14502-1 and ISO 14502-1:2005 procedureswere used for polyphenol and catechin analyses, respectively. The ANOVA results generated indicated that thelevel of catechins and polyphenols in tea clones were significantly different (p<0.05) and varietal dependent.Generally, the Assam varieties had higher levels of catechins and polyphenols than the Chinary and Cambodvarieties, indicating why they are popularly cultivated in the East African region and whose tea quality is highlyregarded. Furthermore, the results from principle component analysis (PCA) grouped the clones into three majorclusters with one comprising of high quality assam varieties, a mixture of moderate quality Assam, Cambod andChinary varieties and low catechin content Assam anthocyanin-rich variety. It is concluded that the level ofcatechins in tea plants are varietal dependent, although environmental stress has effects on the synthesis offlavanoids. The results demonstrated that the differences in the accumulation of catechins among the tea clonescould be important for the discrimination of clonal diversity.
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In recent years melatonin has emerged as a research highlight in plant studies. Melatonin has different functions in many aspects of plant growth and development. The most frequently mentioned functions of melatonin are related to abiotic stresses such as drought, radiation, extreme temperature, and chemical stresses. This review mainly focuses on the regulatory effects of melatonin when plants face harsh environmental conditions. Evidence indicates that environmental stress can increase the level of endogenous melatonin in plants. Overexpression of the melatonin biosynthetic genes elevates melatonin levels in transgenic plants. The transgenic plants show enhanced tolerance to abiotic stresses. Exogenously applied melatonin can also improve the ability of plants to tolerate abiotic stresses. The mechanisms by which melatonin alleviates abiotic stresses are discussed.
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Climate change is impacting agro-ecosystems, crops, and farmer livelihoods in communities worldwide. While it is well understood that more frequent and intense climate events in many areas are resulting in a decline in crop yields, the impact on crop quality is less acknowledged, yet it is critical for food systems that benefit both farmers and consumers through high-quality products. This study examines tea (Camellia sinensis; Theaceae), the world's most widely consumed beverage after water, as a study system to measure effects of seasonal precipitation variability on crop functional quality and associated farmer knowledge, preferences, and livelihoods. Sampling was conducted in a major tea producing area of China during an extreme drought through the onset of the East Asian Monsoon in order to capture effects of extreme climate events that are likely to become more frequent with climate change. Compared to the spring drought, tea growth during the monsoon period was up to 50% higher. Concurrently, concentrations of catechin and methylxanthine secondary metabolites, major compounds that determine tea functional quality, were up to 50% lower during the monsoon while total phenolic concentrations and antioxidant activity increased. The inverse relationship between tea growth and concentrations of individual secondary metabolites suggests a dilution effect of precipitation on tea quality. The decrease in concentrations of tea secondary metabolites was accompanied by reduced farmer preference on the basis of sensory characteristics as well as a decline of up to 50% in household income from tea sales. Farmer surveys indicate a high degree of agreement regarding climate patterns and the effects of precipitation on tea yields and quality. Extrapolating findings from this seasonal study to long-term climate scenario projections suggests that farmers and consumers face variable implications with forecasted precipitation scenarios and calls for research on management practices to facilitate climate adaptation for sustainable crop production.
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The studies investigating the effects of green tea on blood pressure (BP) have generated inconsistent results. The aim of this study is to quantitatively evaluate the effects of green tea on BP control. PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library (updated to March 2014) were searched for randomized controlled trials evaluating the effects of green tea on BP. Pooled effect of green tea consumption on BP was evaluated using fixed-effects or random-effects model. Thirteen trials comprising a total of 1,367 subjects were included in the current meta-analysis. The overall outcome of the meta-analysis suggested that green tea consumption significantly decrease systolic blood pressure (SBP) level by -1.98 mmHg (95% CI: -2.94, -1.01 mmHg; P < 0.001). Compared with the control group, green tea also showed a significant lowering effect on diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in treatment group (-1.92 mmHg; 95% CI: -3.17, -0.68 mmHg; P = 0.002). Subgroup analyses further suggested that the positive effect of green tea polyphenols on BP was only showed in studies using a low-dose green tea polyphenol, with the long-term intervention duration or ruling out the confounding effects of caffeine. The meta-analysis suggested that green tea consumption had a favorable effect on decrease of BP.
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The taste quality of oolong tea generated from leaves of Camellia sinensis L. cultivated in the same mountain area is positively correlated to the cultivation altitude, partly due to the inverse correlation with the astringency of the tea infusion. The astringency of oolong tea mostly results from the presence of polyphenolic compounds, mainly catechins and their derivatives. Four catechins, (-)-epicatechin (EC) and (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC) together with their gallate derivatives (with relatively high astringency), (-)-EC gallate (ECG) and (-)-EGC gallate (EGCG), were detected as major compounds in oolong tea. The degrees of catechin galloylation, designated as ECG/(EC + ECG) and EGCG/(EGC + EGCG), in both oolong tea infusions and their fresh tea leaves, were found to be inversely correlated to the cultivation altitude at 200 m, 800 m, and 1300 m. A similar inverse correlation was observed when seven more oolong tea infusions and seven more fresh leaves harvested at altitude ranging from 170 m to 1600 m were recruited for the analyses. Moreover, catechin contents in oolong tea infusions were also found to be inversely correlated to the cultivation altitude. It is proposed that catechin content and the degree of its galloylation account for, at least partly, the inverse correlation between the astringency of oolong tea and the cultivation altitude.
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The seasonal climate changes and their effects on flavanol and purine alkaloid contents of two leaves and a bud of tea were evaluated among 3 cultivars grown in Hangzhou, China. The results showed (−)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (−)-epicatechin (EC), (−)-epicatechin gallate (ECG) and (−)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) increased, but (+)-catechin (C) decreased with increasing daily average temperature (DAT). Long period of precipitation (PRE) led to the declines of EGC, EC, ECG, EGCG and their total content (TC) but increased C content. Furthermore, relative humidity (RH) significantly affected EGC, TC and caffeine. Therefore, DAT, PRE and RH should not be ignored in tea production. The order of climate dependence according to the regression models was C > EGCG > TC > EGC > EC > caffeine > ECG > theobromine, indicating seasonal climate had greater effects on flavanols than purine alkaloids.
The tea plant (Camellia sinensis L.) is an important commercial crop with remarkably high catechin concentrations. Tea is popular worldwide given the plant's health benefits. Catechins are the main astringent substance in tea and are synthesized mainly via the phenylpropanoid pathway. In this study, eight cultivars of tea plants harvested both in spring and autumn were used to investigate differences in catechin concentrations by using high-performance liquid chromatography. The expression levels of genes associated with catechin biosynthesis were investigated using reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The results indicated that the total catechin (TC) concentrations were significantly higher in tea plants harvested in autumn than in those harvested in spring, based on higher concentrations of epigallocatechin (EGC) in autumn tea (P,0.01). The expression of the genes phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), flavanone 3-hydroxylase (F3H), flavonoid 39,59-hydroxylase (F3959H), dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR), and anthocyanidin synthase (ANS) is closely related to the TC content of tea plants in both spring and autumn. Positive correlations between PAL, cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H), F3H, and DFR expression and EGC accumulation in autumn tea were identified, with correlation coefficients of 0.710, 0.763, 0.884, and 0.707, respectively. A negative correlation between ANS expression level and EGC concentrations in tea plants harvested in spring was noted (r520.732). Additionally, negative correlations between F3H and ANS expression levels and the catechin content were identified in spring tea, whereas the correlations were positive in autumn tea. Significant differences in the F3H and ANS expression levels between spring and autumn tea indicate that F3H and ANS are potentially key genes affecting catechin accumulation in tea plants.
Auxin concentrations in plants are tightly regulated through both biosynthesis and degradation. In the past few years, much progress was made in the area of auxin metabolism. Genetic and biochemical studies in Arabidopsis unequivocally established a complete tryptophan (Trp)-dependent two-step auxin biosynthesis pathway in which Trp is first converted into indole-3-pyruvate (IPA) by the TAA family of aminotransferases and subsequently indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is produced from IPA by the YUC family of flavin monooxygenases. The TAA/YUC pathway is highly conserved in the plant kingdom and is probably the main auxin biosynthesis pathway in plants. Recent work also demonstrated that oxidative degradation of auxin plays an essential role in maintaining auxin homeostasis and in regulating plant development. In this chapter, we discuss the recent advancements in auxin biosynthesis and catabolism.