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Rathlin Island – A Survey Report from the Nationally Important Marine Features Project 2009-2011.

  • Huntsman Marine Science Centre
  • National Museums Northern Ireland
Rathlin Island
2009 — 2011
A Survey Report from the Nationally
Important Marine Features Project
In partnership with
Research and Development Series 11/03
A report commissioned by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency
Rathlin Island
2009 — 2011
A Survey Report from the Nationally
Important Marine Features Project
For further information on this report please contact —
Joe Breen
Northern Ireland Environment Agency,
Conservation Science,
Klondyke Building,
Gasworks Business Park,
Lower Ormeau Rd,
The opinions expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the current opinion or
policy of the Northern Ireland Environment Agency.
Authors — Claire Goodwin, Hugh Edwards, Joe Breen & Bernard Picton
Contractor — National Museums Northern Ireland
NIEA contract number — CON 2/1 (260)
This report should be cited as follows
Goodwin, C., Edwards H., Breen, J. and Picton, B. (2011) Rathlin Island - A Survey
Report from the Nationally Important Marine Features Project 2009-2011. Northern
Ireland Environment Agency Research and Development Series No. 11/03
Introduction 3
Methodology 3
Data 4
Abbreviations used in the report 4
Areas of particular conservation importance 6
1. Seagrass Bed Mill Bay 6
2. White Cliffs 6
3. Damicornis/O’Byrne Bay 8
4. Limestone Cliff soth of Bull Point 8
5. Spongosorites Gully 12
6. Cave Gully 13
7. Ruecallan Archway and Caves 15
8. Duncan’s Bo and North Wall 17
9. Other Sea Caves 18
10. Farganlack Stack Channel 19
11. Steep Boulder/Bedrock Slope 19
12. East Coast Maerl Bed 19
13. Picton’s Reef 21
14. East Coast Boulder Slope 23
15. Steep Boulder Slope over bedrock 25
16. Boulder Slope SE Lochgarry 25
17. Lochgarry Wreck 26
Discussion 27
Fishing Damage 27
Boulder Habitat on East Coast of Rathlin 27
Church Bay 30
Ecological effects of shing 32
Acknowledgements 33
References 34
Appendix 1 - List of Survey Dives 36
Rathlin Island lies six miles off the north coast of Northern Ireland. It was recognised during the Northern
Ireland Sublittoral Survey (Erwin et al. 1986, 1990) as being of particular signicance because of the wide
range of habitats and the high species diversity (530 species, 60% of NI total recorded from here). Recent
survey work (Goodwin et al. 2011a) has established that the island is a stronghold for many Northern Ireland
Conservation Priority Species such as the anemone Arachnanthus sarsi. Several of the species recorded here
are not found elsewhere in Northern Ireland and are rare in the rest of Britain and Ireland (Goodwin et al.
The lower rock strata on which the Island stands are cretaceous limestone laid down in beds 1-2 metres thick.
This weathers to form steps. Basalt was laid over this in a series of lava ows and forms much of the island
currently above sea level. The basalt/limestone junction often forms a shelf in the sublittoral. The limestone is
patchily exposed in the sublittoral; where it is exposed it tends to weather forming ssures and caves (Erwin
et al. 1986,1990; Wilson and Robbie 1971).
Rathlin is designated a European Special Area of Conservation (SAC) because of its rocky reefs and submerged
or partially submerged sea caves (both Annex I habitats). Reef habitats include the steep limestone and basalt
cliffs on the north wall of the island and areas of boulders on the east and south coasts. Caves are found mainly
on the north wall at depths from 0-60+ m. Some partially submerged caves are used for breeding by grey seals
(Halichoerus grypus).
This survey was part of the National Museums Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Environment Agency
(NIEA) ‘Nationally Important Marine Features’ project. The project aims to build on the data collected during
the Northern Ireland Sublittoral Survey (Erwin et al. 1986, 1990) and Sublittoral Survey Northern Ireland
(SSNI) (Goodwin et al. 2011a) projects and provide NIEA with the information required to develop a Northern
Ireland network of marine protected areas.
The recent Joint Irish Bathymetric Survey (JIBS) Project (
seabed/JIBS.htm) has used multibeam sonar to produce high resolution bathymetric and seabed type maps of
the 3 nautical mile coastal strip westward from Fair Head, around Rathlin Island and extending to Inishtrahull
Island off Donegal, excluding the harbour sections of Lough Foyle. This gives information on seabed depth to 1
m accuracy. This sort of high resolution bathymetric data has not been previously available: the existing charts
of most of the coastline of Northern Ireland are Victorian in vintage and compiled from leadline soundings
with sextant positioning. One of the aims of the project was to use the new multibeam data to locate and survey
features of potential national importance.
The specic aims of the Rathlin Survey were to:
1) Survey areas of boulder slope on the east coast of Rathlin. These areas were noted as being of high
importance for Northern Ireland Conservation Priority (NICP) species such as the hydroids Diphasia
nigra and Polyplumaria abellata. However, their full extent was not known.
2) Survey the small reef area on the east coast termed ‘Picton Reef’, located in the SSNI project.
3) Survey additional reef features on the north and south coasts.
4) Assess the SAC for any indications of damage, particularly that caused by bottom trawling.
The areas were surveyed by SCUBA diving. Site were selected using a combination of previous survey data
(SSNI and NISS) and multibeam habitat data from the Joint Irish Bathymetric Survey project. This report
combines data collected on the Sponge Biodiversity of Rathlin Island Project 2005 (Picton and Goodwin
2007a,b), Sublittoral Survey Northern Ireland project 2006-2008 (Goodwin et al. 2011a), a survey targeting
Northern Ireland Conservation Priority Species; and the results of two weeks eldwork carried out in summer
2009. In total 251 dives were made around the Rathlin Coast (Appendix 2). Each dive is given a unique
reference number to which all data are linked. This is the date backwards (to assist sorting in databases)
followed by the number of the dive on the day. For example the third dive on the 1st of June 2009 would be
On each dive approximately 30 minutes was spent recording, this depended on decompression constraints
and consequently bottom time varied from 20 minutes at the deepest sites to up to an hour at the shallowest.
Conspicuous ora and fauna was noted and specimens collected where in situ identication was not possible.
A JNCC phase 2 sublittoral habitat form was also completed to give a record of species and habitats at the site
and on most dives photos were also taken. A pair of divers was deployed on all dives (see Hiscock 1996 for
methodology). Biotopes were subsequently designated as per Connor et al. (2004).
Divers were experienced eld biologists with good knowledge of in situ identication. Surveyors were Claire
Goodwin, Bernard Picton (National Museums Northern Ireland), Joe Breen, Hugh Edwards (Northern Ireland
Environment Agency), Lin Baldock, George Brown, Fiona Crouch and Jennifer Jones (contractors).
Tidal range has not been corrected to chart datum as accurate information for Rathlin is not available. Tidal
range for Ballycastle, the closest port, is unusually small, being approximately one metre, so in any case
variation is likely to be less than that encountered in the course of the dive. This is due to the occurrence of an
amphidromic point (around which tides oscillate) south of Islay, 14 miles north of Rathlin Island.
The JIBS data greatly assisted the survey team in understanding the habitat complexity of the sites and targeting
sampling to suitable areas. The limited number of sites it was possible to survey can now be transposed onto
the multibeam images of the area, enabling groundtruthing of this data and interpolation into broad scale
habitat maps.
In total 251 survey dives were carried out on Rathlin over 2005-2009. The recording protocol on these varied
but on the majority of dives 2006-2009 a JNCC phase II recording form was completed giving details of
habitats and species. Data is stored in both the Marine Recorder national database (records held by CEDaR
at National Museums Northern Ireland) and the Sublittoral Survey Northern Ireland photographic database
(copies held by National Museums Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Environment Agency).
From the 251 survey dives 47 distinct sites were identied for which detailed habitat information was available.
The dive numbers and link to Marine Recorder data are given in Appendix 1. These were further subdivided
into fourteen areas of conservation signicance (Figure 1, Appendix 1).
Abbreviations used in the report
BSL - Below Sea Level. Indicates depth not correcected to chart datum.
BCD - Below Chart Datum. Indicates depth corrected to chart datum.
CEDaR - Centre for Environmental Data and Recording, National Museums Northern Ireland.
JIBS - Joint Irish Bathymetric Survey
JNCC - Joint Nature Conservation Committee
NICP - Northern Ireland Conservation Priority Species (listed under Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy).
NIEA - Northern Ireland Environment Agency
SAC - European Special Area of Conservation
SOCC - Northern Ireland Species of Conservation Concern (listed under Northern Ireland Biodiversity
UK BAP Species - Species listed as a UK Biodiversity Action Priority
Species abundances are listed according to the JNCC SACFOR scale (see Hiscock 1996):
S - Super abundant, A- abundant, C- Common, F-Frequent, O- Occasional, R- Rare.
Figure 1. Sites surveyed around Rathlin Island. Numbering from 1 (Church Bay) around north
wall and down east coast. For site details see Table 1 and more detailed gures on the following
Figure 2. Sites in Church Bay.
Areas of Particular Conservation Importance
Survey site numbers are given in brackets. For site details see Table 1. Species abundance follow the SACFOR
1. Seagrass Bed Mill Bay (1), 55º 17.161’N, 006º 11.679’W
There is a bed of Zostera marina seagrass in Church Bay. It had originally been indicated that Seagrass might
be present in the area when some was obtained in a grab sample by NIEA Water Management Unit. The bed
was subsequently located on a Seasearch dive in 2006, and has since been surveyed in several spot dives by
NIEA/National Museums divers. The extent of this bed is not currently known and it would merit further
survey work. However, surveys suggest that the seagrass is sparse and fairly patchy. The bed lies in around
6m on medium coarse sand. An unusual, possibly nocturnal, anemone was recorded from the bed on dive
060608/04 which was a night dive. A sample was taken but the species has not yet been identied.
2. White Cliffs - Sediment in Church Bay with Arachnanthus sarsi anemones (3-12)
The area adjacent to the white cliff in Church Bay is a gently sloping sediment plain of sand, pebbles and small
boulders. This area is of note primarily because it is the only location in Northern Ireland in which the spotted
burrowing anemone Arachnanthus sarsi occurs. This species is a NICP and UK Biodiversity Action Priority
species. There seems to be a stable population of these anemones in this area with up to three individuals
having been recorded on a single dive; this indicates that populations on Rathlin may be comparable with
the most abundant populations known within the UK, making it a UK stronghold for this species. In addition
to A. sarsi records of two other anemones were made this area. An anemone believed to be Halcampoides
abyssorum was recorded during 2006 (dive 060608/05). This species is known only from the UK from Lundy
(MarLIN record, Keith Hiscock) Havelet Bay, Guernsey (1987 Bernard Picton pers. comm.), and the West
coast of Scotland (George Brown per. comm.). Several specimens of an as yet unidentied Halcampoides
Figure 3. Arachnanthus sarsi anemone on sand and pebble sediment at the White Cliffs.
Figure 4. Boulder habitat with abundant Axinella damicornis sponges in Damicornis/O’Byrne Bay.
anemone species were also recorded; these were frequent with up to 20 being recorded on one dive.
The area is also important for other NICP species: the starsh Anseropoda placenta and Astropecten irregularis,
the hermit crab Cestopagarus timidus, the slender sea pen Virgularia mirabilis, and the nudibranch Cumanotus
beaumonti have all been recorded here. At present this area is very vulnerable to damage by scallop dredging;
currently Church Bay is regularly shed by scallop dredgers, particularly when poor weather prevents shing
elsewhere (see discussion).
3. Damicornis Bay/ O’Byrne Bay (13-17)
This small bay is of very high conservation importance. It is very narrow and steep sided, bounded by steep
boulder slopes which rapidly drop down to 70+ metres. The unusual hydrogeographic conditions created by
the bathymetry seem to provide a favourable environment for many rare species, many of which are southern
species rare in the rest of Northern Ireland. The site is unique in biodiversity terms and as such this is a site of
high nature conservation importance.
Figure 5. Damicornis/O’Byrne Bay (centre of image)
This boulder habitat has been shown to be of particular importance for sponge species (Erwin et al. 1990,
Picton and Goodwin 2007a,b) and is a stronghold for NICP sponge species including Microciona elliptichela.
4. Limestone Cliff South of Bull Point (18), 55º 17.370’N 006º 16.918’W
This small cliff was identied from the JIBS data and had not been previously surveyed. It is a bedrock
outcrop of heavily pitted limestone. There are many ssures in the limestone, some possibly large enough to
be considered sea caves. The top of the cliff is at 20m and is covered in Laminaria hyperborea kelp forest and
foliose red algae. The base of the cliff is in 33m and the dominant species on these lower, circalittoral, faces
are the soft coral Alcyonium digitatum (C), the ascidian Polycarpa scuba (C) and the sponge Spongosorites
calcicola (F). This last species was only recently described from Rathlin Island (Picton & Goodwin 2007a). It
seems to be associated with calcareous substrates and elsewhere has only been recorded from cold water coral
Figure 6. Location of Limestone Cliff
(Site 4). Site indicated by black dot.
Figure 7. Location of Limestone Cliff
(Site 4) from side. Site indicated by
black dot.
Figure 8. Large crevice/small cave at
base of Limestone cliff. Cliff covered in
Spongosorites calcicola (bright yellow),
Alcyonium digitatum and Caryophyllia
Figure 9. Surface of Limestone Cliff. Heavily pitted limestone with abundant Caryophyllia smithii
and encrusting sponges.
Figure 10. Surface of Limestone Cliff. Rugged limestone with Tubularia indivisa, Alcyonium digi-
tatum and Spongosorites calcicola (bright yellow sponge bottom right).
Figure 11. Limestone Cliff east end. End of small cave/tunnel which continues
through cliff visible.
Figure 12. Sites on the North Wall of Rathlin Island.
(Lophelia pertusa) reefs off the Hebrides (Roberts et al. 2009). The area immediately adjacent to the cliff is a
steep boulder slope covered in Tubularia indivisa.
5. Spongosorites Gully (19, 20, 21)
This gully lies on the north-west corner of Rathlin Island mid-way between the West Light and Ruecallan
Point. The majority of this area is a steep infralittoral basalt bedrock shelf which slopes down to approximately
28m before dropping onto a sheer wall down to over 200m. The fauna is dominated by Laminaria hyperborea
kelp forest (to about 23m) and foliose red algae (to edge of cliff in 28m).
There are some limestone outcrops in this rock, of which this gully is one. The base of the gully is in 30m. The
gully sides are steep limestone bedrock cliffs. The side to the west is a sheer, slightly overhanging, wall from
23m to 32m. The east side is less steep with a small wall up to approximately 26m and then a more gradual
slope up to 23m. The base of the gully is covered with boulders with very sparse epifauna. At its widest point
the gully is approximately 10m across. The deeper areas (25-32m) of the sides of the gully are covered in
massive sponges, Caryophyllia smithii, and Tubularia indivisa. The sponge fauna includes Spongosorites
calcicola (O), Stryphnus ponderosus (O), Desmacella cf. annexa (O) and Pachymatisma johnstonia (O), as
well as encrusting species. The shallow parts of the walls (23-28m) are characterised by Delesseria sanguinea,
Alcyonium digitatum and Pachmatisma johnstonia.
The gully is of particular importance as it contains a population of Caryophyllia inornata (a Northern Ireland
Priority Species). The recent records of this species are all from this site (dives listed and 070618/03). There is
one earlier (1992) record from a nearby site, on the roof of a small cave near Ruecallan (Goodwin et al., 2008).
The gully is also notable for the occurrence of Spongosorites calcicola, the sponge for which it is named. This
massive bright yellow sponge is frequent on the limestone walls of the gully. Since its description from Rathlin
(samples from Ruecallan Archway and White Cliffs) in 2007 (Picton and Goodwin 2007) it has been recorded
Figure 13. Spongosorites gully. Photo Lin Baldock.
Figure 14. Spongosorites gully. Close up of encrusting fauna including Spongosorites calcicola
(yellow sponge in centre). Photo Lin Baldock.
from the limestone cliff near Bull Point on Rathlin and deepwater sites on Lophelia pertusa coldwater coral
reefs off the Hebrides (Roberts et al. 2009). This species has recently been recommended for inclusion on the
Northern Ireland Priority list.
6. Cave Gully (22)
This gully lies slightly to the east of the Spongosorites gully. It is a steep sided gully with cobbles and pebbles
lining its base. The walls are rugged bedrock with some overhanging faces and many crevices. It has a contrasting
fauna to the Spongosorites gully which is possibly indicative of a different bedrock type: Spongosorites
calcicola is not present. The top of the gully sides are in 25m and its base in 33m. The gully gets progressively
narrower towards the edge of the cliff. At the far end of the gully there was a small cave, approximately 2m
high and 3m in diameter across its mouth. The walls of the gully are dominated by Pachmatisma johnstoni,
Alcyonium digitatum, Parazoanthus axinellae and encrusting sponges. There are also large patches of the
sponge Desmacella cf. annexa and small areas of Parazoanthus anguicomus.
The gully is of importance because of its rich sponge fauna and the abundance of Parazoanthus axinellae (a
NICP species). The cave at the end of the gully is a Annex I priority habitat.
Figure 15. Cave Gully. A gully with steep sided walls and boulders in its base.
Figure 16. Cave Gully. Encrusting fauna on gully walls including Pachymatisma johnstonia,
Alcyonium digitatum and the yellow cluster anemone Parazoanthus axinellae (centre).
7. Ruecallan Archway and Caves (23,24,25)
The arch at Ruecallan is a well known feature, popular with recreational divers. It is on the eastern side of
Ruecallan headland. The upper shelf in this area is mainly down to 23m, this is gently sloping and covered in
kelp park and foliose red algae. There is a second small shelf at approximately 33m and it from this that the
larger arch rises. The shelf itself is covered in small boulders. The top of the arch is in approximately 25m and
the base in approximately 32m. The arch measures approximately 4m high and 8m wide. On the eastern side
of the arch there is a small gully leading to a smaller second arch in 35m (2m high by 3m wide). The north
side of this arch leads to a sheer cliff. On the shelf to the east of the large arch there are two caves and there is
a further small cave immediately to its west side.
On the east side of the arch there is a slope of boulders , on the western side the shelf drops onto a sheer wall,
part of the north wall. This wall is covered in Dendrodoa grossularia and Alcyonium digitatum.
The large arch is formed from rugged bedrock. This is probably limestone. The arch is densely encrusted
with animal turf, mainly Alcyonium digitatum, Caryophyllia smithii, Pachymatisma johnstonia, Actinothoe
sphyrodeta and encrusting sponges but with some patches of dense Dendrodoa grossularia, Parazoanthus
anguicomus and Parazoanthus axinellae. There is a large patch of the soft coral Alcyonium hibernicum on the
underside of the arch towards its north (wall) edge.
The boulders and rock terrace to the east of the arch are less rich but have a contrasting fauna of hydroids and
sponges including two undescribed Sphaerotylus species and Tethyspira spinosa.
The small sea caves present at the site have not been fully investigated but initial surveys have recorded a
fauna of massive and encrusting sponges and the anemone Parazoanthus anguicomus.
This site has been dived many times in the last few years but mainly for species recording rather than recording
the habitat. Consequently no precise information on the arch sizes or the cave dimensions is available. The site
would merit further survey to record these details and take additional wide angle photographs.
During 2009 the survey team noted two sites where it would appear that recent underwater landslides have
occurred as evidenced by the presence of piles of non-encrusted shattered rocks.
Figure 17. Diagram of the Ruecallan Arch site showing position of arches and caves.
Figure 19. Fauna on the underside of the main arch at Ruecallan Archway. Includes the colonial
ascidian Dendrodoa grossularia, the soft coral ‘dead mens ngers’ Alcyonium digitatum and the
Irish dead man’s ngers Alcyonium hibernicum (a Northern Ireland species of Conservation Con-
Figure 18. The main arch at Ruecallan archway.
8. Duncan’s Bo (26,27,28) The North Wall (vertical faces) (23,24)
At Duncan’s Bo there is a submerged pinnacle in a bay with an east facing wall.
The species present on the vertical faces of the north wall can be very patchy. This is due to the inuence of
the headlands which create variable tidal conditions and eddies.
This site has a vertical bedrock wall from 28m to >100m. The wall faces north along the cliff edge but
also extends around the pinnacle into the bay itself. Dominant cover Alcyonium digitatum, Caryophyllia
smithii, Tubularia indivisa, and sponge crusts. Occasional ssures and overhangs with Corynactis viridis and
Parazoanthus anguicomus. There are additional vertical wall habitats all along the north Rathlin coast.
Figure 20. Overhanging section of wall in Duncan’s Bo.
Figure 21. Overhanging section of wall in Duncan’s Bo with abundant white cluster anemone
Parazoanthus anguicomus (a NICP Species).
9. Other Sea Caves
Other sea caves have been reported from the north wall but precise locations are not known. There
are anecdotal records from Tommy Cecil and Bernard Picton of caves in >60m. This area would
merit additional surveying by ROV or technical divers. The NIEA team dive on air and consequently
are restricted to a depth of 50m. Diving deeper would require the use of Trimix (mixed gas) and
consequently require additional training.
10. Farganlack Stack Channel. Dives 050617/01 and 02.
A small bedrock stack lies off the end of Farganlack Point. Behind this is a small gully with vertical bedrock
sides. This site has only been surveyed during the Sponge Biodiversity of Rathlin Island project (2005) and
consequently no detailed habitat information is available. Depth of the gully is approximately 15m. Several
interesting species have been recorded here: the rare sponge Crella rosea, the red alga Schmitzia hiscockiana,
a NICP species, and the nudibranch Rostanga rubra. It is the type locality for Phorbas punctata Picton and
Goodwin 2007.
Figure 22. Farganlack Point showing location of stack at NW corner and channel behind stack.
11. Steep Boulder/bedrock slope with hydroid communities (30, 31)
There has been little survey carried out on this area of the Rathlin coast. It is exposed to extremely strong
tidal streams, lying in close proximity to the McDonnell Race on the NE corner of the Island. The two sites
surveyed here consisted of a steep bedrock slope and a steep (~70%) boulder slope. Both sites were dominated
by hydroids, including the NICP species Diphasia nigra and Polyplumaria abellata. Due to the depth survey
time was limited and this area would merit further survey work.
12. East Coast Maerl Bed (33,34)
Maerl on gently sloping area between 27 and 28m BSL. Sediment approximately 40% live maerl, 20% dead,
25% Boulders, 10% pebbles, and 5% gravel. Hydroids (including Polyplumaria abellata (O)) and bryozoan
turf on boulders. Sparse foliose and lamentous red algae are also present. The squat lobster Munida rugosa (O)
and the king scallop Pecten maximus (R) are present (both NICP species). The bed is probably quite extensive,
the distance between the two survey sites was 150m. Site borders a slope of large boulders 28->36m. These
are densely covered in the bryozoan Securiustra securifrons and hydroids, incluing Polyplumaria abellata
and Diphasia alata (both NICP species).
Figure 23. Sites on the East coast of Rathlin Island.
Figure 24. East coast Maerl Bed. Sediment with approximately 40% live maerl.
Figure 25. East coast maerl bed. Boulders with the bryozoan Securiustra securifrons, hydroids, and the
squat lobster Munida rugosa.
13. Picton Reef (38-40)
Picton reef is part of a submerged ridge protruding from the east coast north of Doon Point. We have termed
it Picton Reef here for easy reference as we were unable to nd an existing name. However, any existing
local name would take precedence. Whilst the east side of the reef slopes up fairly gently towards the coast,
the south, north and east sides drop steeply. The top of the reef is in approximately 18m and the base of
these sides in around 36m. Part of the sides of the reef are formed of stepped bedrock (Site 38), in other
areas (Site 39, 40) they are a combination of vertical bedrock faces and large boulders. The top of the reef is
covered in foliose red algae whereas the sides are dominated by a hydroid, bryozoan and sponge community
including Polyplumaria abellata (F) – a NICP species, Diphasia alata (F), encrusting and erect sponges (C)
Figure 26. Picton Reef. Viewed from the east.
Figure 27. Picton Reef. Bedrock outcrop and boulder slope.
Figure 28. Picton Reef. Boulders at base of reef with hydroids and the white cluster anemone Para-
zoanthus anguicomus.
and Parazoanthus anguicomus (F), a Northern Ireland Species of Conservation Concern.
14. East Coast boulder slopes with Diphasia nigra (35-37, 41)
This area of the coast is varied with the substrate comprising of areas of bedrock, gravel and boulders in
variable proportions. Site 35: gravel with small boulders and a boulder slope, Site 36 approximately 60%
small boulders lying on gravel and sand; Site 37: mixed sediment, predominately gravel with some 15%
small boulders; and Site 41: a steep slope of small and large boulders. The area is very tideswept and the
gravel and sand substrate quite mobile. Although the tidal conditions produce favourable feeding conditions
more stable substrate is needed for long lived species to be able to colonise these areas. Where present, stable
substrate, such as large cobbles and small boulders, supports a rich community of hydroids and sponges. These
communities also used to occur on shallower areas of the Rathlin coast but it is suspected that dredging has
removed the boulder substrate which once supported them (see discussion). More extensive survey work is
required to determine the exact extent of the boulder habitat in this area.
The boulders have an erect sponge and hydroid cover which include Northern Ireland Priority Species hydroids
Diphasia nigra, Polyplumaria abellata and Lytocarpia myriophyllum and the NICP sponge Clathria barleei.
These species are all rare in Northern Ireland with the only other records from the Maidens (Goodwin et
al. 2011b) In some areas (Site 36) the NICP bryozoan Pentapora fascialis var. foliacea was abundant with
8 colonies recorded on one dive. Rathlin appears to be a stronghold for this species in Northern Ireland
(Goodwin et al. 2011a).
The hydroid and sponge community present on the boulders is rare, occurring only here and on the Maidens
in Northern Ireland (Goodwin et al. 2011b) and, from distribution of Polyplumaria abellata¸ is likely to be
rare in Britain and Ireland with the only veried example in the Scilly Isles. The biotope can be characterised
by the presence of the hydroids Polyplumaria abellata, Diphasia alata and Aglaophenia tubulifera, with
Diphasia fallax often present growing on other hydroids. These species may vary in proportions but usually all
are common or frequent. The hydroid Lytocarpium myriophyllum may be present, often only patchily. Massive
sponges including Axinella infundibuliformis may be frequent. The closest JNCC biotope is: ‘Bryozoan turf
Figure 29. The hydroid Diphasia nigra on the east coast boulder slopes.
Figure 30. The sponge Clathria barleei on the east coast boulder slopes.
and erect sponges on tide-swept circalittoral rock. CR.HCR.XFa.ByErSp’. However, this community should
be recognised as a new sub-biotope.
15. Steep boulder slope over bedrock – (45)
This site represents a shallower example of the above boulder community, indicating that it may be more
widespread along the east coast of Rathlin. This site appeared to be bedrock from topography on JIBS data but
was actually a slope of boulders over bedrock reef. Undisturbed boulders and gravel seabed at base of slope
with larger boulders supporting the Diphasia alata / Polyplumaria abellata hydroid biotope described above.
16. Boulder area SE of Lochgarry wreck (46). Fan mussel.
The area adjacent to the Lochgarry wreck has, to some extent, been protected from dredging and small boulders
are still present here with a sponge and hydroid community, as described above, present on them. It was from
this site that a Fan Mussel, Atrina fragilis, a UK Biodiversity Action Priority and NICP species, was recorded
in 2007 (Goodwin et al. 2011a). However, although four dives in 2009 were undertaken to relocate the Atrina
fragilis specimen it was not found. There was evidence of recent dredging along the side of the wreck where
the specimen had been present.
It is possible that further specimens are present on this coast but, despite surveying the immediate area, none
were found. The main surviving UK populations of this UK BAP species appear to be in Cornwall and Devon
(those in the Salcombe estuary and Plymouth sound are particularly well documented), and the west coast of
Scotland, and between John O’ Groats and the Shetland Isles. In the Republic of Ireland, it is only known
recently from Galway Bay (1962, 1970s) and Valentia (1975). The only other recent Northern Ireland record
is from the north coast of Northern Ireland in 1971, where an individual was taken during a trawling survey
for the queen scallop Aequipecten opercularis (Nunn 2007).
Figure 31. Boulder area SE of the Lochgarry Wreck. Small boulders with much encrusting fauna,
including the bryozoan Pentapora fascialis var. foliacea, hydroids and sponges.
Figure 32. Fan mussel Atrina fragilis in Boulder Area SE Lochgarry. Dive 070618/02
17. Lochgarry wreck (47)
The Lochgarry is the wreck of a troop transport ship sunk in 1942. It lies in 34m with the height of the wreck
being 7m. Dominant cover on the wreck is Tubularia indivisa, T. larynx and Caryophyllia smithii. Fish are
common around the wreck including ling, pollack and wrasse.
Figure 33. Lochgarry wreck with encrusting fauna. Dive 080605/01
Fishing Damage
Boulder habitat on the east coast of Rathlin
It was noted during the Sponge Biodiversity of Rathlin Island Project (Picton and Goodwin 2007a,b) that
the east coast of Rathlin, previously a boulder strewn area with a rich associated sponge and hydroid fauna,
appeared to have been signicantly altered since the 1980’s. Many of the boulders had apparently disappeared
and the previously abundant rare hydroid communities were greatly reduced. Records of east coast habitat
from the 1986 sublittoral survey describe an apparently undisturbed habitat with sediment distributed by the
current and many large boulders; large cup sponges Axinella infundibuliformis were present, these are likely
to have been over 50 years old (Picton and Costelloe 1998) (Figure 34). In 1989 scallop dredging commenced
in this area and subsequently boulders were observed to have been turned and the gravel had a harrowed
appearance (Bernard Picton pers. obs.), see (Figure 35). It appears that the area has been damaged by scallop
(Pecten maximus) dredging. This is likely to have adversely affected Clathria barleei populations as well
as the NICP hydroids Diphasia alata, Diphasia nigra, and Polyplumaria abellata, which were previously
abundant in this area.
The patchy nature of the substrate on the east coast and the imprecision of the position xing technology
available during the Northern Ireland Sublittoral Survey makes revisiting survey sites difcult so it is hard
to quantify the changes which have taken place. However, dredging activity was reported during summer
2009 from beside the Lochgarry wreck. A local dive boat was on site when a scallop dredger towed gear
immediately adjacent to the wreck. The site was subsequently surveyed (dive 090610/02). The side of the
wreck was formerly a sand and gravel plain with cobbles and small boulders, the larger boulders had a dense
cover of upright sponges and hydroids (Figure 29). The wreck lies SE to NW with the stern facing SW. The
eastern side of the wreck showed signs of dredge damage towards the north-west (stern) end of the wreck. An
area towards the centre of the wreck side appeared to be heavily impacted with no pebbles boulders or cobbles
Figure 34. Undisturbed boulder habitat on the east coast of Rathlin, 14 August 1984. Dive
Figure 35. Overturned boulder following dredging. 25 August 1989. Dive 890825/02 - east coast
Rathlin, approximate position 55° 16.00’N, 006° 10.00’W.
Figure 36. Fishing gear scar running alongside the Lochgarry (stern section of port side of hull just
visible on left) 10 June 2009. Dive 090610/02
Figure 37. Undredged area east side of Lochgarry adjacent to wreck’s boiler. Dive 090610/02.
Figure 38. Recently dredged area to stern of Lochgarry, east side. Displaced slender sea pen
Virgularia mirabilis (a NICP species, centre) and dead man’s ngers Alcyonium digitatum (left)
visible. A gear scar was visible running alongside the wreck and several sea pens Virgularia mirabilis were
lying on their sides on the sediment, presumably having been uprooted.
A fan mussel Atrina fragilis had been recorded in 2007 from the bow end of the eastern side of the wreck. Its
position was marked by large white stones and had been found to be easily relocatable. We resurveyed this
area (090611/01 and 02 and 090615/01, 02) but the fan mussel was not found.
Church Bay
A section of the white cliffs area of Church Bay at which scallop dredging had been previously observed
(and a position taken with a GPS) was surveyed (090612/04 (55º 17.574’N, 006º 14.157’W; 090612/05, 55º
17.575’N, 006º 14.408’W and 090612/06 55º 17.568’N, 006º 14.347’W). This site had a substrate of gently
sloping sand with small boulders, cobbles and pebbles. Much encrusting fauna was present on the boulders
and small stones, the dominant species being Securiustra securifrons and Polymastia boletiformis. The kelps
Laminaria hyperborea and L. saccharina were also present. An unusual feature of the site was the presence
of free living cup corals Caryophyllia smithii. These are normally associated with hard rock substrate and are
rarely recorded in sediment. Further examination showed them to be attached to small stones buried in the
sand. Depth surveyed ranged from 19-24m. Proceeding down the slope into deeper water, approximately 25m
from the edge of the boulders in 23-24m, the substrate is visually altered with very few stones being present
and the majority of the ground being bare sand. Very little life was present. This site has the appearance of
being trawled or dredged. Furrows were visible in the sand running parallel to the base of the slope, the troughs
of these were lled with ne sediment. Small stones and boulders which would enable colonisation are absent
and consequently the fauna is impoverished compared to the adjacent habitat of mixed sand and stone.
Figure 39. A dredger with gear deployed in close proximity to a dive RIB. The RIB is tied to the Lochgarry
buoy and divers are in the water (as indicated by the A-ag).
Figure 40. White Cliffs Church Bay, area not dredged. Small cobbles and boulders with the bryo-
zoan Securiustra securifrons, the sponge Polymastia boletiformis and hydroids. Dive 090612/06.
Figure 41. White Cliffs Church Bay. Dredged area (grab from video). Dredge scar visible on bottom
right corner. Dive 090612/04.
Ecological effects of Fishing
Bottom shing will affect these sensitive habitats in two ways 1) by the removal of substrate and 2) by
damaging epifauna. Studies in Lyme Bay demonstrated that after one trawl pass much erect sedentary fauna
was removed with Pentapora foliacea, Phallusia mamillata and Alcyonium digitatum all absent (Dorset
Wildlife Trust 2004). Dredging has also been shown to have a signicant effect on hydroid assemblages,
reducing number of species present and resulting in a shift to assemblages characterised by small unbranched
colonies (Henry and Kenchington 2004). Bottom shing may signicantly affect sponge biomass, Sainsbury
(1987) and Sainsbury et al. (1993) reported that catch rate of sponges in a bottom shed area decreased over the
course of the shery from over 500kg/h to only a few kg/h. In the Aegean, scallop dredging has been shown to
result in a signicant reduction in sponge biomass (Kefalas et al. 2003). Whereas sponges in warm water may
recover relatively quickly from bottom shing damage (Van Dolah et al. 1987), in cold water environments the
process may be much slower; a study of deepwater sponge communities in Alaska showed that recovery had
not taken place after 11 months, with lowered sponge densities and level of damage to individuals persisting
(Freese et al. 1999; Freese 2003). In addition to direct damage, dredging releases quantities of suspended
sediment into the water column. This may smother or bury vulnerable organisms: scallop dredging led to a
70% reduction in live maerl on a bed in Brittany (Hall-Spencer and Moore 2000), probably due to the burial
of live thalli by redistributed sediment.
Trawling has been shown to remove substrate such as boulders, with 19% of boulders being recorded as
removed by a single trawl pass (Freese et al. 1999), a study in Lyme Bay has demonstrated dredging has a
similar effect with a clear reduction in boulders and cobbles <50cm after just one dredge pass and virtually
all boulders and cobbles being removed after six passes (Devon Wildlife Trust, 2004). Removal of boulders
prevents re-establishment of these communities as there is no longer any substrate for larval settlement. The
boulder areas and the epifauna present on them which characterise undamaged areas of the Rathlin coast result
in a highly heterogenous habitat structure. Removal of this by dredging and the consequent loss of structural
complexity will impact ecosystem function; these structures play important roles in ecosystem processes
providing refuges from predation and competition, food sources, and critical nursery or spawning habitat
(see Turner et al. 1999 for a review). Consequently reductions in heterogeneity have implications for the
maintenance of diversity and stability at the population, community and ecosystem level (Thrush et al. 1995).
The habitats on the east coast of Rathlin and in Church Bay are extremely vulnerable to damage by dredging.
Species which may be affected include two UK BAP species (Arachnanthus sarsi and Atrina fragilis (also listed
on the new Wildlife Order (NI)), several priority species (Diphasia alata, D. nigra, Polyplumaria abellata,
Lytocarpia myriophyllum, Clathria barleei, Pentapora fascialis var. foliacea, Virgularia mirabilis, Munida
rugosa, Cestopagurus timidus, and Anseropoda placenta) and additional species of conservation concern
(Aureliana heterocera, Porania pulvillus, and Ludia sarsi). Many of these species do not occur elsewhere
in Northern Ireland (see Goodwin et al. 2011a for a review). Dredging has the potential to cause signicant
damage or even result in the removal of rocky reef boulder features on the east coast which are a primary
reason for the designation of the site as a SAC. Sediment from dredging could also smother the maerl bed on
the east coast, maerl is a European priority habitat. Rathlin has been identied as a UK marine ‘hotspot’ due to
its exceptional species richness and number of rare species (Hiscock and Breckels 2007) but continued shing
with mobile gear could threaten this status. In order to conserve the biodiversity of this important area we
recommend that shing in Rathlin SAC be regulated preferably by excluding all mobile gear from an area at
least within the SAC boundary. Currently Rathlin Island SAC reefs are in unfavourable condition.
Additional higher level protection in the form of small highly protected closed areas excluding all potentially
damaging activity (diving, anchoring, pot shing and angling) could be considered. This would involve
consultation and consensus amongst all the relevant stakeholders. Whilst there would be some impact on local
shermen as a result of the closure this is likely to be compensated for by the benecial effects of the a closed
area on local populations of scallops and other commercial species. The effects of marine protected areas have
been demonstrated to enhance the fecundity of other commercially harvested species and augment shing
yields through biomass exportation from the protected area (see Garcia-Charton et al. 2008 for a review). In
the Isle of Man closed areas have been demonstrated to increase scallop densities, both in closed areas and
on adjacent shing ground. Furthermore, population structure in the closed area shifted towards larger and
older scallops which is likely to result in greater larval export to surrounding areas (Beukers-Stewart et al.
2005). The Rathlin hydroid communities, as well as being signicant in terms of biodiversity, are likely to
play an ecologically important role as settlement substrate for scallop spat: Bradshaw et al. (2003) found 8.4
times as many spat in sediment cores from hydroid areas as from those without. Consequently protection of
these hydroid communities will safeguard scallop recruitment. Both biodiversity and sheries stand to benet
from the development of no-take marine reserves (Roberts et al. 2005) and the development of a network of
such areas has been recognised as essential in conserving Northern Ireland’s biodiversity and shing industry
(Thurstan et al. 2008).
This project is a partnership between Northern Ireland Environment Agency and National Museums Northern
Ireland. We are grateful to the support of these organisations for this work. The project was funded by the NIEA
Natural Heritage Directorate research and development series through a CEDaR (Centre for Environmental
Data and Recording) initiative. This CEDaR initiative brings together resourced and the expertise of scientists
from the National Museum Northern Ireland’s Department of Natural Sciences and the NIEA conservation
science team. We are greatly indebted to the programme for the support of this and other similar initiatives. We
would like to specially thank Damian McFerran and Julia Nunn (CEDaR) and Mark Wright (NIEA) for their
assistance with this project. This report would not have been possible without the data collected by the Joint
Irish Bathymetric Survey project, funded under the INTERREG IIIA programme, more information on this
project and the project data is available from
Thanks also to Richard Lafferty of Aquaholics dive centre who provided much helpful information on local
habitats and tides. Thanks to Stephanie Bennett (NIEA) for editorial assistance.
Beukers-Stewart, B.D., Vause, B.J., Mosely, M.W.J., Rossetti, H.L., Brand, A.R. (2005). Benets of closed
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Appendix 1. List of survey dives. Report number indicated the sites of conservation importance referred
to in this report. Marine Recorder reference is the identier from ‘Marine Recorder’ database - this can
be accessed through CEDaR.
Number Dive Number EventName Marine Recorder
Reference Position Surveyors Depth
1 060608/04 Mill Bay MRUMU10000000167 55º 17.161’N
006º 11.679’W Anne Marie
Mahon, Claire
Jennifer Jones
1 090611/03 Mill Bay MRUMU10000000363 55º 17.161’N
006º 11.679’W Fiona Crouch,
Lin Baldock 7-8
2 090616/02,03 Church Bay MRUMU10000000368 55º 17.350’N
006º 13.160’W Bernard Picton,
George Brown,
Hugh Edwards,
Jennifer Jones
3 090604/03 Church Bay MRUMU10000000356 55º 17.552’N
006º 14.004’W Bernard Picton,
Lin Baldock 31
4 070618/06 White Cliffs MRUMU10000000191 55º 17.541’N
006º 14.057’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 24.6-
5 070618/05 White Cliffs MRUMU10000000190 55º 17.532’N
006º 14.133’W Bernard Picton,
Lin Baldock
6 070611/07 White Cliffs MRUMU1000000018D 55º 17.537’N
006º 14.203’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin
7 060608/05 White Cliffs MRUMU10000000168 55º 17.583’N
006º 14.289’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin 24-36
8 090612/04,05, 06 White Cliffs MRUMU10000000365 55º 17.568’N
006º 14.347’W Claire Goodwin,
Fiona Crouch,
Jennifer Jones,
Lin Baldock, Joe
Hugh Edwards
9 060531/03 White Cliffs MRUMU10000000161 55º 17.578’N
006º 14.399’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin 24.5
10 070613/02,03 White Cliffs MRUMU1000000018F 55º 17.555’N
006º 14.430’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin,
Erling Svensen,
Joe Breen
11 060607/05 White Cliffs MRUMU10000000220 55º 17.537’N
006º 14.509’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 28-37
12 60605/02 and 03 Church Bay MRUMU10000000165 55º 17.411’N
006º 14.216’W Anne Marie
Mahon, Bernard
Picton, Claire
Jennifer Jones
13 090609/05 Damicornis
Bay MRUMU10000000360 55º 17.459’N
006º 15.172’W Fiona Crouch,
Lin Baldock 18-20
14 060601/04 Damicornis
Bay MRUMU10000000163 55º 17.447,
006º 15.204’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin 28-31
15 090608/02,03 Damicornis
Bay MRUMU1000000035B 55º 17.456’N
006º 15.215’W Fiona Crouch,
Lin Baldock 20-25
16 070619/04 Damicornis
Bay MRUMU10000000193 55º 17.461’N
006º 15.219’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 28-32
17 090605/02 Damicornis
Bay MRUMU10000000358 55º 17.460’N
006º 15.241’W Bernard Picton,
Lin Baldock 28-31
18 090605/01 Limestone Cliff MRUMU10000000357 55º 17.370’N
006º 16.918’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 26-33
19 090602/01,02 Spongosorites
Gully MRUMU10000000351 55º 18.292’N
006º 16.640’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 21-29
20 070612/01,02,03 Spongosorites
Gully MRUMU1000000018E 55º 18.303’N
006º 16.644’W Claire Goodwin,
Jo Porter, Joe
Breen, Scott
21 090601/01 Spongosorites
Gully MRUMU1000000034F 55º 18.292’N
006º 16.640’W Bernard Picton,
Lin Baldock 20-31
21 090608/04,05 Spongosorites
Gully MRUMU1000000035C 55º 18.304’N
006º 16.622’W Fiona Crouch,
Lin Baldock 25-32
22 090605/03,04 Cave Gully MRUMU10000000359 55º 18.384’N
006º 16.471’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones,
Lin Baldock
23 070611/01 The Archway,
Ruecallan MRUMU1000000018B 55º 18.471’N
006º 16.162’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin,
Erling Svensen,
Joe Breen
24 070611/02 The Archway,
Ruecallan MRUMU10000000225 55º 18.479’N
006º 16.158’W Jo Porter, Scott
Tompsett 18-29
25 060605/01 The Archway,
Ruecallan MRUMU10000000164 55º 18.478’N
006º 16.127’W Anne Marie
Mahon, Bernard
Picton, Claire
Jennifer Jones
26 060608/02 E of Farganlack
Point MRUMU10000000166 55º 18.720’N
006º 15.168’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 28-33
27 070622/01,02,03 Duncan’s Bo MRUMU10000000199 55º 18.705’N
006º 15.093’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones,
Lin Baldock
28 090609/04 North Wall MRUMU1000000035F 55º 18.696’N
006º 15.093’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 20-27
29 070620/04 Kinrea MRUMU10000000197 55º 18.739’N
006º 14.091’W Bernard Picton,
Lin Baldock 23-32
30 090617/03 East Rathlin
Island MRUMU1000000036B 55º 17.657’N
006º 10.031’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 35-36
31 090617/04 S of Bruce’s
Cave MRUMU1000000036C 55º 17.635’N
006º 10.090’W Bernard Picton,
George Brown 27-34
32 090601/03 East coast of
Rathlin MRUMU1000000036E 55º 17.362’N
006º 10.328’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin 16-23
33 090612/02 East coast of
Rathlin MRUMU1000000035A 55º 16.717’N
006º 10.168’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 35-38
34 90612/01,02 East Coast
Maerl Bed MRUMU10000000364 55º 16.650’N
006º 10.260’W Claire Goodwin,
Fiona Crouch,
Jennifer Jones,
Lin Baldock
35 070620/02 NE Picton’s
Reef - hydroid
boulder slope
MRUMU10000000195 55º 16.656’N
006º 09.984’W Bernard Picton,
Lin Baldock 40-42
36 070619/02 NE Picton’s
Reef - hydroid
boulder slope
MRUMU10000000192 55º 16.651’N
006º 09.989’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 40-42
37 070620/01 NE Picton’s
Reef - hydroid
boulder slope
MRUMU10000000194 55º 16.559’N
006º 10.010’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 39-42
38 070611/05, 06 Picton’s Reef,
east coast MRUMU1000000018C 55º 16.497’N
006º 10.320’W Claire Goodwin,
Jo Porter, Joe
Breen, Scott
39 060601/01 East coast reef MRUMU10000000162 55º 16.480’N
006º 10.295’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin 33
40 070622/06
(04,05) Picton’s Reef MRUMU1000000019A 55º 16.479’N
006º 10.309’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones,
Lin Baldock
41 070621/02,03 Slope E of
Bay - hydroid
boulder slope
MRUMU10000000198 55º 16.141’N
006º 10.145’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones,
Lin Baldock
42 090609/02 West of
MRUMU1000000035D 55º 16.089’N
006º 10.469’W Fiona Crouch,
Lin Baldock 23-25
43 090617/02 Doon Point MRUMU10000000369 55º 16.073’N
006º 10.413’W Bernard Picton,
George Brown
44 090609/03 NW of
MRUMU1000000035E 55º 16.035’N
006º 10.544’W Henk Van Rein,
Hugh Edwards 16-23
45 090616/01 East Rathlin
Island MRUMU10000000367 55º 16.011’N
006º 10.532’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin,
George Brown,
Jennifer Jones
46 070618/02,03? SE Lochgarry
wreck MRUMU10000000227 55° 15.953’N,
006° 10.397’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin,
Erling Svensen,
Jennifer Jones,
Lin Baldock
46 070613/04,05 SE Lochgarry
Wreck MRUMU100000002B0 55° 15.953’N
006° 10.397’W Bernard Picton,
Erling Svensen
47 060531/01 Lochgarry
wreck MRUMU10000000160 55° 15.956’N
006° 10.411’W Bernard Picton,
Claire Goodwin 27-32
47 060531/01 Lochgarry
wreck MRUMU10000000196 55° 15.956’N
006° 10.411’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 27-29
47 090610/01 Lochgarry
wreck MRUMU10000000361 55° 15.956’N
006° 10.411’W Fiona Crouch,
Lin Baldock 32
47 090610/02 Lochgarry
wreck MRUMU10000000362 55° 15.956’N
006° 10.411’W Claire Goodwin,
Jennifer Jones 30-33
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Northern Ireland Environment Agency
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... Typically, these habitats are not selected for long-term study owing to the inherent problems of monitoring the highly variable resident communities. Nevertheless, several species and communities of special conservation interest are known to inhabit boulder-slopes (Goodwin et al., 2010). Despite the challenges associated with these habitats, assessment measures are still required to evaluate their conservation status. ...
... In recognition of its diversity and range of marine habitats, the sea bed around the island has been designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) that requires protection; among the necessary management actions is a comprehensive monitoring regime. Within the SAC, Damicornis Bay is of particular conservation importance because it harbours a highly diverse boulder-slope community, rich in sponges at 30 m and deeper, with many rare species not recorded elsewhere in the UK and Ireland (Erwin et al., 1990;Goodwin et al., 2010). The sponge-rich, boulder-slope community at 30 m depth was targeted for this trial of the photoquadrat method because of its conservation importance. ...
... However, the same cannot be said for the SSNI data, which were collected from diver observations of the boulder-slope community and were, therefore, subject to the bias of each observer's sampling routine, experience level and expectations (Dethier et al., 1993). It was noted that despite detecting more species, the SSNI data contained fewer records of macroalgal taxa and substantially more of sponge taxa, a group targeted for conservation interest at the boulder-slope (Goodwin et al., 2010). Perhaps a well-balanced SSNI sampling team, in which each diver had recorded benthic taxa with equal preference, could have collected data with a more even taxonomic spread. ...
The ability of the photoquadrat to detect individual taxa was related to data resolution: the more point-intercepts sampled, the more taxa were discovered, but the data-extraction effort was greater. After considering the ability of the photoquadrat method to quantify number of species and to detect change in community structure, as well as its precision and efficiency, the inspection of 50 point intercepts per sample image was found to be optimal. These findings demonstrate the benefits of photoquadrat-based methods and highlight their potential as a standard approach to marine monitoring. Copyright
... Bryozoans can display a range of δ 13 C values, with Key et al. [38], recording values of between −2.2 and 2.5‰ from the Miocene, in which depletion in δ 13 C was attributed to the upwelling of nutrient-rich waters. Although this may be the case at Rathlin, which does possess a rich and diverse marine fauna [39], this may, in part, reflect the continued presence of the cold seep around the Rathlin area. ...
... The Croker Carbonate Slabs area was chosen by Noble-James et al. [50] to characterise such shallow water MDAC pavements, and its relatively unimpacted associated biological community. The waters surrounding Rathlin Island are already recognised as an important biological conservation area, with a rich and diverse fauna [39]. The shallower water depth of the Rathlin MDAC make this location a potentially important site for additional research of such important habitats. ...
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A block of sandstone retrieved by divers from near Rathlin Island, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland, represents an aragonite cemented sand formed during the Quaternary. Strongly negative δ 13 C of the aragonite cement (−50 to −60‰ δ 13 C) indicates that the hardground was formed by the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), resulting in the formation of a methane-derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) hardground. Such hardgrounds have previously been recorded as forming extensive pavements in deeper waters in the mid Irish Sea (e.g., Croker Carbonate Slabs), although the latter also contains high-magnesium calcite. Sand was initially deposited as part of a storm lag deposit, with a reworked bivalve and gastropod fauna. This sand was then colonised by a probable crustacean fauna, producing horizontal open dwelling burrows (Thalassinoides). After aragonite cementation, the hardground was colonised by boring bivalves, with slightly negatively elevated levels of δ 13 C. Finally, the hardground was colonised by an encrusting fauna (bryozoans, calcareous algae and serpulids), by then in warmer seas. Continued depleted levels of δ 13 C present within the encrusting fauna (−1 to −5‰ δ 13 C) indicate continued methane generation and seepage, which may still be active to the present day, and to the possibility of shallow gas reserves. The δ 18 O values change between macro-infauna vs. encrusters, indicating a warming in water temperature, reflecting glacial and post-glacial environments. The aragonite cemented sandstone has a highly variable porosity, with large vugs (open burrows and borings), smaller mouldic porosity within gastropods and bivalves and complex micro-porosity associated with acicular aragonite cements. Overall permeability was recorded at the 2.5 to 23 Darcies level, reflecting the highly variable vuggy porosity, although matrix permeability was around 100 mD and controlled by the MDAC fabric. Actual permeability will likely be controlled by the extent to which larger pores are interconnected. The sea around the Rathlin Island area contains a diverse fauna, which is worthy of future study in the context of cold seep and MDAC pavement formation.
... Rathlin Island is the most northerly area (Fig. 2, Appendix 1a). It is a small L-shaped island, 14 km 2 , approximately 10 km north of the Northern Ireland coast (Goodwin et al., 2011b). The Skerries are a small group of rocks, located <0.5 km off the north-west coast of Northern Ireland (Goodwin et al., 2011c;Fig. ...
We examined whether two decades of rising sea surface temperatures have resulted in significant changes in the benthic community and frequency of occurrence of Northern and Southern species in three areas of Northern Ireland, using visual census data collected by SCUBA surveys undertaken during two periods: pre-1986 and post-2006. We found little evidence to suggest that rising sea surface temperatures have contributed to the changes in benthic assemblage structure between the pre-1986 and post-2006 surveys. However, there were slight but not significant declines in extreme Northern species at Rathlin Island, and increases in the mean number and frequency of occurrence of extreme Southern species in all three areas. There were also substantial declines in the spatial presence of 7 extreme Northern species and notable increases in distribution of 19 extreme Southern species. In contrast, there were no clear trends in the intermediate to Northern and intermediate to Southern species. These results suggest that rising sea surface temperatures have had significant impacts on the occurrence of rarer marine invertebrate species at the edges of their biogeographic range however the trends differed between areas in Northern Ireland.
Full-text available Couvrant plus de 14.000 km2, le golfe Normano-Breton est représentatif de nombreux littoraux européens où s’exercent de multiples pressions anthropiques (pêche, aquaculture, tourisme, etc.). Mais il est aussi original à plusieurs titres, de par son régime de marée mégatidal parmi les plus importants du Monde, ses conditions hydrodynamiques qui l’isolent du reste de la Manche et la mosaïque d’habitats benthiques qui le composent. C’est probablement ces originalités, combinées à sa relativité accessibilité et à la présence de stations marines, qui y a permis le développement d’une riche histoire naturaliste. Des centaines de naturalistes amateurs et professionnels y ont observé et échantillonné la faune marine depuis plus de deux siècles au point que le Golfe a été le lieu de découverte de 103 espèces nouvelles pour la science. Pas moins de sept volumes et plus de 1 200 pages ont été nécessaires à la réalisation de ce qui peut être considéré comme le premier atlas à réunir un nombre d’espèces marines aussi important : plus de 2 000 espèces d’invertébrés marins benthiques incluant crustacés, mollusques, vers marins ou encore anémones et étoiles de mer. Si l’on peut y trouver des informations sur la présence et la répartition d’espèces aussi emblématiques que la Coquille Saint-Jacques, la Coque, le Tourteau ou le Homard, le lecteur pourra découvrir l’extraordinaire richesse d’autres groupes qui peuplent ces fonds avec 397 espèces d’annélides polychètes, 144 espèces de bryozoaires ou encore 112 espèces d’éponges. Le golfe Normano-Breton est aujourd’hui un laboratoire marin vivant qui nous permet de comprendre avec une profondeur historique de plusieurs siècles comment la biodiversité marine réagit aux changements globaux qui affectent nos océans. Cet atlas en est l’archive.
Hydroids, one of the dominant components of the zoobenthic communities, share comparable growth patterns with higher plants because of their modular body organization, high potential of asexual reproduction, and phenotypic plasticity. These features, together with the ability to enter dormancy to overcome unfavorable conditions, make hydroids successful organisms adaptable to a wide range of environmental scenarios. Depending on their wide range of shapes and sizes, hydroids form three-dimensional forests at different dimensional scales, establishing both trophic and non-trophic relationships with several other organisms, from virus to vertebrates. Despite numerous researches conducted to study the hydroid ecology, the putative importance of hydroids in structuring zoobenthic communities is underestimated. Here, information available about hydroid ecology is summarized, in order to emphasize the role of hydroids as forest formers, as well as their function in the bentho-pelagic coupling.
Hydroids, one of the dominant components of the zoobenthic communities, share comparable growth patterns with higher plants because of their modular body organization, high potential of asexual reproduction, and phenotypic plasticity. These features, together with the ability to enter dormancy to overcome unfavourable conditions, make hydroids successful organisms adaptable to a wide range of environmental scenarios. Depending on their wide range of shapes and sizes, hydroids form three-dimensional forests at different dimensional scales, establishing both trophic and non-trophic relationships with several other organisms, from virus to vertebrates. Despite numerous researches conducted to study the hydroid ecology, the putative importance of hydroids in structuring zoobenthic communities is underestimated. Here, information available about hydroid ecology is summarized, in order to emphasize the role of hydroids as forest formers, as well as their function in the bentho-pelagic coupling.
Alcyonacean octocorals are anthozoans which are found in many coastal benthic habitats, where they can be sensitive to environmental and/or anthropogenic stress. As part of a two-decade monitoring study of Lough Hyne (Europe’s first marine reserve and Ireland’s only one), we documented benthic communities at rocky-shore sites. As a fully marine, semi-enclosed, tidal ‘lake’ connected to the Atlantic Ocean via tidal rapids, Lough Hyne has long been noted for its high species and habitat diversity. One of the noteworthy guilds we report here was the alcyonacean octocorals: (1) the soft coral Alcyonium hibernicum under shallow subtidal rocks at monitoring sites in the lough from 2002 to 2015 and (2) the first known records (2013 to present) of the red soft coral A. glomeratum inside the lough (above the rapids). Furthermore, in August/September 2014 and 2015, we rediscovered the stoloniferous octocoral Sarcodictyon catenatum, last reported in the lough in the 1930s. We documented the distribution and abundance of these species in shallow subtidal areas of the lough as a baseline in the face of rapidly degrading conditions due to extreme oxygen fluctuations from eutrophication.
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In the Mediterranean Sea, as well as in other parts of the word, intense bottom trawling threatens deep and mesophotic assemblages, compromising mainly the survivorship of erect organisms and of the habitat complexity they shape. Protection of species able to affect their habitats, by increasing spatial complexity and enhancing interspecific interactions, is crucial for biodiversity conservation. It is urgent to highlight the occurrence of those species which act as ecosystem engineers and/or habitat former to enhance awareness on their ecological role and to develop focused conservation strategies. Lytocarpia myriophyllum is the largest Leptomedusan hydroid of the Mediterranean Sea, with colonies up to 1 m high, and the most abundant Aglaopheniid in the eastern part of the North Atlantic Ocean. This species creates wide forests on soft bottoms stabilizing sediments, providing refuge and food for several other associated organisms and could be defined both a habitat former and an ecosystem engineer. Thanks to trimix diving here we report on new insights on the morphological, biological and ecological features of L. myriophyllum meadows from the Mediterranean Sea furnishing a baseline for protection plans focused on these facies. This work demonstrates that direct studies of mesophotic habitats allow to collect far more detailed information than grabs, ROVs, or towed camera arrays and highlights the urgent need to redefine the vertical extension of several marine protected areas.
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Field experiments were conducted on 2 subtidal sandflats to identify the short-term impacts of commercial scallop dredging on macrobenthic communities. The 2 sites (1400 m(2)) were situated 14 km apart, both at about 24 m depth, with similar exposure aspects and were characterised by infaunal communities dominated by small and short-lived species. Prior to dredging, preliminary sampling failed to reveal significant differences in the density of common macrofauna within each site, although community composition was distinctly different between sites. The experiment was initiated by using a commercial scallop dredge to dredge half of each study site. Macrofauna samples were collected in both the dredged and adjacent reference plot at each site immediately after dredging and again 3 mo later. The density of common macrofaunal populations at each site decreased as a result of dredging, with some populations still significantly different from the adjacent reference plot after 3 mo. Significant compositional differences in the assemblage structure between dredged and reference plots were also recorded at each site over the course of the experiment. The findings of this experiment are considered a conservative assessment of bottom disturbance by fishing because of the area of seabed used, the types of community present and the intensity of disturbance used in the experiment. The findings of this and similar short-term experiments are discussed in light of the need to predict and assess possible large-scale changes to benthic communities as a result of habitat disturbance by fishing.
Three experimental trawl paths subjected to a single pass with the trawl in 1996 in about 200 m of water on the eastern Gulf of Alaska continental shelf were revisited in July 1997, 1 year post-trawl. Many large, erect sponges, the taxa impacted most significantly, had been removed or damaged by the trawl. Sponges in the cold, deep water of the Gulf of Alaska were slow to recover from trawling effects. These findings contrast with recovery times for shallow, warmwater sponges and may have fishery management implications for cold-water regions.
Short-term effects of bottom trawling on a 'hard-bottom' (pebble, cobble, and boulder) seafloor were studied on the outer continental shelf in the eastern Gulf of Alaska. Eight sites were trawled in August 1996; then, from a research submersible we videotaped each trawl path and a nearby reference transect to obtain quantitative data. Boulders were displaced, and large epifaunal invertebrates were removed or damaged by a single trawl pass. These structural components of habitat were the dominant features on the seafloor. There was a significant decrease in density, and an increase in damage, to sponges and anthozoans in trawled versus reference transects. Changes in density, or damage to most motile invertebrates were not detected. Delayed mortality, of apparently undamaged invertebrates, may have resulted in greater impact than we detected. Alternatively, over time, some invertebrates may have recovered from any damage previously suffered. A subsequent survey at these sites will address these questions.
The effects of a research trawl on several sponge and coral species was assessed in a shallow-water, hard-bottom area located southeast of Savannah, Georgia. The study entailed a census of the numerically dominant species in replicate 25-m2 quadrats located along five transects established across a trawling alley. The density of undamaged sponges and corals was assessed in trawled and non-trawled (control) portions of each transect immediately before, immediately after, and 12 months after a 40/54 roller-rigged trawl was dragged through the alley once. Some damage to individuals of all target species was observed immediately after trawling, but only the density of barrel sponges (Cliona spp.) was significantly reduced. The extent of damage to the other sponges (Ircinia campana, Haliclona oculata), octocorals (Leptogorgia virgulata, Lophogorgia hebes, Titanideum frauenfeldii) and hard corals (Oculina varicosa) varied depending on the species, but changes in density were not statistically significant. Twelve months after trawling, the abundance of specimens counted in the trawled quadrats had increased to pre-trawl densities or greater, and damage to the sponges and corals could no longer be detected due to healing and growth. Trawl damage observed in this study was less severe than the damage reported for a similar habitat in a previous study. Differences between the two studies are attributed to (1) differences in the rollerrig design of the trawls used, and (2) differences in the number of times the same bottom was trawled.
Concerns have been raised on the impact of bottom-fishing activities in the shallow Gulf of Kalloni (Lesvos Island, Aegean Sea). Fishing with demersal gears was banned in 1995, but the Gulf was reopened in 1998 only for scallop dredging using the ''lagamna'' gear. Two series of samplings were done with this gear in 1998 and 1999 (October) before the beginning of scallop-fishing period (from November up to March), aiming to investigate possible changes in sponge assemblages. Sponges (Porifera) were the most abundant meso- megafaunal benthic organisms in the Gulf, besides scallops and other bivalves. Total abundance, number of species, species diversity, species richness and evenness of sponge assemblages reduced significantly from the year 1998 to 1999. The population of the excavating Cliona celata, the only infaunal sponge species found in the Gulf, decreased. Multivariate analysis on the abundance data of epibenthic sponge species revealed a clear separation of samples collected during the 2 years, indicating changes in the structure of sponge assemblages. The distinguishing species included a variety of growth forms: massive (Mycale massa, Suberites domuncula and Tethya citrina), lobose (Suberites massa, Tedania anhelans and Halichondria panicea), erect branching (Raspailia viminalis), encrusting (Crambe crambe) and cushion-shaped (Mycale contarenii and Chondrilla nuculla) sponges. Among these species, only S. massa increased its abundance in 1999. All others decreased. No significant loss of information occurred when multivariate analysis was applied to abundance data of genera or families. This comparative study demonstrated that the time interval between two consecutive scallop-fishing periods was insufficient for the recovery of sponge assemblages. It is concluded that scallop dredging causes long-term changes in the structure and biodiversity of sponge assemblages in the Gulf of Kalloni. An improved strategy of fishery management is required in future for the conservation of living resources in this Gulf. 2003 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights