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Temperature and humidity determination for dried instant noodle drying machine


Abstract and Figures

This paper discuss and investigate the overall effects of oven drying time in determining the moisture content and drying rate of traditional dried instant noodle or locally known as 'Mi Siput'. In this study, the effect of drying parameter, temperature and humidity be investigated and determined. Initially, 30 kilogram of the raw noodle sample will be drawn from the boiling process. From the preliminary study conducted in which the moisture content of the samples varying decreasing in humidity from 80% to 20%. Four levels of temperature (70 °C, 80 °C, 90 °C and 100 °C) were used in the present study. Analysis was performed to calculate the output produced by the machine. The data has been collected and measured using a thermometer and hygrometer. The drying study exhibited by the graph of temperature (°C) versus time (minutes) and the graph relative humidity, RH (%) versus time (minutes). The result shows that medium and high drying temperature effect drying time and humidity decreasing faster compare to low temperature 70°C. Moreover, at increased temperature utilizing the dryer machine had improved the drying process's and shortened it to 4 hours compared to the traditional method that take at least 8 hours during hot sunny days and 16 hours during cloudy days, resulting in significant extension in drying capacity.
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VOL. 11, NO. 12, JUNE 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
K. A. Mamat1, M. S. Yusof1, S. Hassan1 and Wan Fauziah Wan Yusoff2
1Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng., University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat Johor, Malaysia
2Faculty of Technology Management and Business, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat Johor, Malaysia
This paper discuss and investigate the overall effects of oven drying time in determining the moisture content and
drying rate of traditional dried instant noodle or locally known as ‘Mi Siput’. In this study, the effect of drying parameter,
temperature and humidity be investigated and determined. Initially, 30 kilogram of the raw noodle sample will be drawn
from the boiling process. From the preliminary study conducted in which the moisture content of the samples varying
decreasing in humidity from 80% to 20%. Four levels of temperature (70 ºC, 80 ºC, 90 ºC and 100 °C) were used in the
present study. Analysis was performed to calculate the output produced by the machine. The data has been collected and
measured using a thermometer and hygrometer. The drying study exhibited by the graph of temperature (°C) versus time
(minutes) and the graph relative humidity, RH (%) versus time (minutes). The result shows that medium and high drying
temperature effect drying time and humidity decreasing faster compare to low temperature 70ºC. Moreover, at increased
temperature utilizing the dryer machine had improved the drying process’s and shortened it to 4 hours compared to the
traditional method that take at least 8 hours during hot sunny days and 16 hours during cloudy days, resulting in significant
extension in drying capacity.
Keywords: Mi siput drying process, Mi siput drying parameter, Mi siput humidity and temperature study.
‘Mi Siput’ is a flour-based food product that is
popular among the people of Johor, especially in Muar,
Batu Pahat and Ledang District since long ago. Now ‘Mi
Siput’ is known throughout Johor and Singapore as a kind
of snack. Cooked ‘Mi Siput’ will be cooled using cold
water and rinsed before winding up in a circle using
aluminium mould and then dried using traditional method
or under the sun light. One of the famous entrepreneurs of
‘Mi Siput’ is Usahasama T and M Enterprise they
produced 40 kg of noodles in a day out production. As
mention by Elamin et al [1] the traditional sun drying by
direct solar radiation and solar dryer are presently used by
medium and small scale of industries in order to reduce
the water density in the products. Nowadays, solar drying
is the most general method been used to preserve food
based product, however this method come with
contamination problem such as dust, insect, sand particles
and soil. Also being weather dependent which effect the
required drying time can be quite long [2]. When the
designer want to design and develops the noodles-drying
devices, it must meet the demand of the particular dry
noodle entrepreneur. In order to achieve that, it requires
certain reliable data about drying characteristic of the
noodle [3]. Within this study, a smart dryer machine has
been developed in order to solve the time consumption in
noodle drying process. According to the common practice
for the traditional dried instant noodles, drying air
temperature ranges between 29 ºC and 35 °C. According
to Firdaus [7] the noodle takes a whole day to dry properly
and sometimes it extended up to two days. Figure-1 show
the traditional drying method.
Figure-1. ‘Mi Siput’ being dry used traditional method.
L.Mayor et al [4] stated in their study where food
dehydration is one of the common methods used in
improving food stability. Dehydration processes decrease
the water content considerably, reduce microbiological
activity and minimizes physical and chemical changes
during the food storage. Drying is a classic process to
preserve foods, which grant longer shelf life, making the
food lighter and even smaller for storage and also easy to
be transported compared to wet product [5]. There is a
journal written by Ndukwu et al [6] in his journal titled the
“Effect of Drying Temperature and Drying Air Velocity
on the Drying Rate and Drying Constant of Cocoa Bean”
has a similar concept with instant dried noodles drying
machine that has been developed. In his journal the effect
of some drying parameter and drying condition of cocoa
bean has been determined. There levels of temperature (55
VOL. 11, NO. 12, JUNE 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
ºC, 70 ºC and 81 °C) and three air velocity levels (1.3m/s,
2.51m/s and 3.7 m/s) were used in the presented study.
The moisture content of the cocoa bean used was 79.6%
dry basis (db). The drying rate increased with increased in
temperature and air velocity but decreased with time.
The dryer able to removed average of 4.66 kg of
water per day at 55 ºC to 81 ºC and air velocity of 1.3 m/s
while at 2.51 m/s it can remove an average of 5.3 kg of
water per day under the same drying conditions [6].
Results from such studies may help to provide better
solution and findings that can offer to shorten the drying
time drastically. The effect of drying temperature on
rehydration ratio a wet surface shown in Figure-2 below.
Figure-2. Effect of drying temperature on rehydration
ratio of the dried mango slices [1].
Figure-3. Effect of drying temperature on the drying time
and moisture content of mango slices [1].
Certain improvements has been made to the
drying machine to satisfy all requirements according to
instant dried noodles entrepreneur where further studies
has been carried out to strengthen the results obtained
from previous studies. In order to obtain the precise
evaluation factor used for the research, measurement of
ambient (surrounding) temperature, humidity, air
temperature, air velocity and moisture content were made.
In addition, to obtain the uniform moisture distribution
among the samples 1, all of it will be stored at room
temperature (25 °C) for 15 minutes prior to experiment. So
that all sample storage condition will be keep the same
before drying. Therefore 12 of experiment were performed
at 4 different temperatures of 70 ºC, 80 ºC, 90 ºC and
100°C. Every single temperature will be repeated 3 times
and the experimental results recorded. Within the
experiment, the required weight of noodle which is 10
kilogram each sample will be loaded into the basket and
were evaporated for 15 minutes. The moisture content of
the evaporated noodle used was 80% dry basis (db). Then
the noodle will be spread in a mould on the tray. The
distance of each samples will be between 3 centimetre
(cm) to 5 centimetre (cm). The drying air temperature was
measured with the aid of a thermocouple attached to the
insulation wall of the dryer. Drying air velocity is
determined with a vane anemometer equipped with a
multi-meter [6]. In summary, the drying parameters were
as follows:
Drying temperature: 70 ºC, 80 ºC, 90 ºC and 100 °C
Relative humidity: 80 % (ambient)
Mass of each sample: 10 kg
Figure-4. Detail design of the drying machine.
Drying parameter estimation
Moisture content calculation: The moisture
content (MC) was calculated using equation 1 below [8].
Where Wο and W is the initial and final weight of
the noodles (g)
VOL. 11, NO. 12, JUNE 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Moisture ratio during the drying process can be
calculated from the equation below:
Where MR is moisture ratio, M
is initial
moisture content, M
is equilibrium moisture content, M is
moisture content [9].
There are significant effect of drying air
temperature and relative humidity upon the drying rate. In
this instance, the test was done to dry 1 kg of the wet
instant noodle to save the time and avoid product
wastages. The test objectives are to determine the
capability and effectiveness of the dryer. Contributed to
the drying machine developed, drying process has been
successfully shortened from 8 hours to 4 hours hence cost
reduction in terms of time and energy in the drying
process where consequently increases the production
Figure-5. Drying temperatures against time.
Within these experimental carried out, 3
variations of temperature had been utilized on noodle
sample, low temperature between 60 ºC to 70 ºC, mid
temperature of 80 to 90 ºC, and a high temperature of 100
ºC to 110 ºC. Drying time for all of three was recorded and
shown above in Figure-5.
The changes in temperature and relative humidity
and its effect are shown in Figure-6 and Figure-7 below.
The determination of the appropriate time is based on
standard product set. The highest temperature (°C)
recorded is between 100 °C to 110 °C need only 45
minutes to dry the wet noodle resulting in darkened color
and rejected aesthetically. While the lowest temperature
recorded was between 60
C to 70
C, the time required to
perfectly dry the noodle is 80 minutes. Intermediate drying
temperature was recorded using a thermocouple is
between 80 °C to 90 °C. At this temperature the drying
time was successfully accelerated to 20 minutes faster than
the previous temperature, at this temperature the quality
Mi Siput was not affected by overheating. V.K. Jindal
[10] stated in his study where different oven drying
temperature and times resulting in consistent moisture
content in range of roughly 9% to 22% w.b.
Figure-6. Relative humidity decreasing against time.
Medium drying temperature has managed to dry
noodle perfectly. The experiment sample shows no
different with the original product in color, odor and taste
where this indicates medium drying temperature is very
suitable to dry the noodle in order to get the perfect drying
condition along with good product quality. Figure-8 show
the result of noodle samples.
Figure-7. Sample of the dry ‘Mi Siput’ under the sun
drying method.
Figure-8. Result from experiment sample dried with low
temperature where the noodle does not dry completely
VOL. 11, NO. 12, JUNE 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Figure-9. Result from experiment sample dried with
medium temperature.
However, the relatively high drying temperature
has affected the quality and led to extreme drying to the
noodle. This specifies a high temperature will affect the
noodle appearance looks like charred. Figure-10 shows the
effect of extreme temperature. Figure-11 show the dryer
machine used for the noodle study.
Figure-10. Noodle looks too dry and change color to dark
due to too high temperatures.
Figure-11. Smart dryer machine which be used in
the study.
From the study it can be concluded that the
research has tried to widen the fundamental knowledge on
‘Mi Siput’ drying process. In conclusion, the study is part
of a project in effort to develop a smart drying machine for
purpose of ‘Mi Siput’ industries. The result has shown that
drying rate has significant relationship with drying
temperature and air humidity. The drying time showed a
linear relationship with drying temperature. The result of
the study can be adopted to improve the dryer concept and
capability. The optimum drying time is 80°C and humidity
below 20%, will give the desired result and should be
chosen based on the drying temperature and air humidity.
This study also focused on the new improvement of the
new dryer machine. More than that, this machine has the
ability to operate at any weather condition and also require
less maintenance. Moreover what is certain the reduction
in time consumption in the drying process. This machine
was designed to operate at low relative cost using Liquid
Petroleum Gas (LPG) replacing the electrical heater which
lead to high cover for relatively cost. After the
experiments, the wet noodle successfully dried in 2 hours
to complete one cycle of drying process with an estimated
weight around 30 kg. So it can be concluded that the main
objective of the project has been achieved. The shortest
drying time is 45 minutes for drying 1 kg of wet instant
noodle. Temperature between 80oC to 90oC is the suitable
for this instant noodle quality and can shorten the drying
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VOL. 11, NO. 12, JUNE 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
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... A similar trend was reported in earlier research where noodles prepared from flour with 50-100% sorghum became less acceptable with the increase of sorghum, starting from 5.7 to 1.4 out of 9 scale [22]. In this study, drying may have contributed positively to the sensory properties of samples, where drying at a medium temperature (80-90°C) gives colour, aroma, and taste that are not significantly different from dry noodles in the market [63]. ...
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Sorghum is growing to become an alternative substitute of food ingredients for various food products. Supported by its productivity and high nutrient content, sorghum can be converted into flour, substituting wheat flour in food products, such as dried noodles. This study aimed to evaluate the chemical, physical, and sensory quality of sorghum-based dried noodles. The research was conducted by Complete Randomized Design of Experiment (CRD) with Two Factors: the variety of sorghum and the level of sorghum substitution. The combinations of variety and substitution levels used in this study were Numbu-30%, 45%, 60% and Super 2-30%, 45%, 60%. The increased proportion of sorghum flour in noodles formulation resulted in higher ash, fat, and carbohydrate content but lower water and protein content. In addition, substituting wheat flour with sorghum flour increased the swelling index of the dried noodles but resulted in a higher cooking loss. In terms of sensory acceptance evaluation, the higher level of sorghum substitution increased the colour’s acceptance score, while on the other hand, reduced the acceptance score for aroma, flavour, and texture attributes of dried noodles.
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Coated peanut which known as Kacang Bersalut Istimewa Deqyoung is a product made from groundnut mix with flour and special spices. Currently, there are some issues with the product that slow down the production process. The groundnut is sticking and become like a ping pong size ball and the time consuming to fry is longer. Coated peanut separator and frying skillet machine can overcome the problems and able to increase the production. Furthermore, the machine aim to facilitate workers to carry out their duties and to assist small and medium industries (SMEs) in Malaysia. The design convenient, determination of the material selection and the main components that help to operate the machine are the main aspects have been considered. Design analysis helps to identify the capability of the machine when the forces act at some main parts of the machine. The comparison between manual method and semi-automatic method shows that the production increase. By using semi-automatic method of production, the increment shows almost 84 percent of production compares to manual method.
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Wet cassava starch noodles have been developed in Srihardono Village, Pundong-Bantul District. The disadvantage of this noodle is the short shelf life. The objective of this study was to determine the optimum drying conditions to obtain the best quality of dried cassava noodles. The factors, such as temperature and drying time, and noodle layer were evaluated. Dried cassava noodles contain a combination of traditionally processed cassava starch and manufactured cassava starch. The ratio of traditional starch to manufactured starch was 3:2 (w/w). Drying was conducted using a cabinet drier at various temperatures (70, 80 and 90 °C) for 2 h, 2.5 h, 3 h, 3.5 h and 4 h. Noodle layers were 1, 2, 3 and 4. The observed quality parameters were elongation, water content, cooking loss and water absorption. The obtained data were analyzed using a Response Surface Methodology. The range of optimum drying condition was between 76 and 84 °C and drying time between 3.2 and 3.5 h. Noodles were arranged in 2 layers. Dried cassava noodles had an elongation value of 60 to 70%, water content of 8 to 9%, cooking loss of 10 to 12% and water absorption of 140 to 150%.
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The effect of some drying parameters and drying conditions of cocoa bean were determined. Three levels of temperatures (55, 70 and 81 °C) and three air velocity levels (1.3, 2.51 and 3.7 m/s) were used in the presented study. The moisture content of the cocoa bean used was 79.6 % (db). The heated batch cocoa bean dryer used in the evaluation was successful in drying thin layer of cocoa bean 5 cm deep at initial moisture content of 79.6 % (db) to 6 % (db), in 4-6 h of continuous drying at the above mentioned temperature range. The drying constant ranged from 0.009583 h-1 to 0.12666 h-1 under the above drying conditions. Coefficient of determination of 84.8 % was obtained with relationship of temperature and drying constant but when air velocity was incorporated it decreased to 80.9 %. The drying rate increased with increase in temperature and air velocity but decreased with time. The dryer can remove an average of 4.66 kg of water per day at 55-81 °C and air velocity of 1.3 m/s while at 2.51 m/s it can remove an average of 5.3 kg of water per day under the same drying conditions.
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The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of three drying temperatures (60, 70 and 80°C) on quality attributes of mango slices. The investigated quality attributes were: color change and rehydration ratio of dried mango slices. Result showed that drying temperatures had great effect on the quality attributes of mango slices. The color was measured from the surface and expressed in the Hunter L*a*b* system. Moreover, the total color change (∆E), chroma (color saturation), hue angle and browning index (BI) were determined. L* and b* parameters were found to decrease as affected by drying temperature and drying time, whereas a* parameter increases. Results also indicated that drying time has significant effect on color change and rehydration ratio. The lowest total color change and highest rehydration ratio were obtained at drying air temperature of 80°C then 70°C and finally 60°C with drying time of 3,5 and 7 hours, respectively. In contrast to common practice, drying at elevated air temperature (80°C), instead of 60°C for a longer time, was optimal, since significant color changes of mango slices were not observed. Moreover, at increased temperature, drying time was considerably shortened from about 7 h to 3h, resulting in significant extension of drying capacity.
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Drying is an energy intensive unit operation and long drying periods tend to increase the energy requirements for the production of a unit dry product. In this study, the effect of blanching temperature - time combinations treatment conditions on the drying behavior of pineapple slices was investigated. Slices of pineapple were blanched at different temperature-time combinations before being dried in an oven dryer at adry bulb temperature of 70oC. Four thin-layer drying models were fitted to the experimental drying data. The results show that drying rates and drying times were affected by the blanching temperature-time combinations. Drying times increased as blanching temperature-time combinations increased. The predominant drying regime of the blanched pineapple was observed to be in the falling rate period. The logarithmic model best describe the drying behaviour of blanched pineapple slices with goodness of fit (R2 > 0.99). The effective moisture diffusivity of blanched samples decreased with increase in blanching temperature-time combinations. This implied enhanced mass transfer activities of blanched pineapple slices at decreasing blanching temperature-time combinations. Therefore, blanching pretreatment at lower temperature-time combinations in the drying of fruits and vegetables reduces the drying time and energy cost of drying.Keywords: Blanching; drying; drying models; effective diffusivity; pineapple; temperature
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In this paper, the experimental data of the onion drying process by a batch cabinet dryer is investigated. Obtained experimental data including moisture content, shrinkage, and rehydration via random factorial scheme are analyzed. Comparison of data average is carried out with the help of the multi amplitude test of Duncan. Statistical analysis of experimental data shows that time, temperature, and their combined effect have a reasonable impact on the moisture content and rehydration value of dried samples. However, a combined effect of time and temperature on the shrinkage value is not meaningful (P>0.05). The results also show that increasing time and temperature leads to a decrease in the moisture content of the samples, but it increases the value of rehydration and the shrinkage of samples.
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The thin layer drying behaviour of eggplants in a laboratory dryer was examined. Drying characteristics of eggplants were determined using heated ambient air at temperatures from 30 to 70 °C and velocities from 0.5 to 2.0 m/s. Beside the effects of drying air temperature and velocity, the effects of pre-treatment and slice thickness on the drying characteristics, drying time and quality of dried product were also determined. Drying curves obtained from the experimental data were then fitted to the different semi-theoretical and/or empirical thin layer drying models. The effects of drying air temperature and velocity on the model constants and coefficients were evaluated by a multiple regression technique. All the models were compared according to three statistical parameter; i.e. root mean square error, chi-square and modeling efficiency.The results have shown that, increasing the drying air temperature and velocity causes shorter drying times. In an eggplant drying process, pre-treatment must definitely be applied to decrease drying time. A thinner slice also causes a shorter drying time. While the increasing drying air temperature decreased the colour lightness, increasing drying air velocity raised it. Slice thickness did not have any significant effect on the colour characteristics. Increasing drying air velocity raised the re-hydration ratio, and the highest value was obtained at a drying air temperature of 50 °C. The Midilli et al. model was found to be the best model for describing the drying curves of eggplants. The effects of drying air temperature and velocity on the drying constant and coefficient were also shown.
T HE effects of oven drying temperature and drying time on whole-kernel, long-grain rough rice moisture content determination were investigated for different moisture content levels ranging from approximately 9 to 22% (w.b.). The results showed that a simplified oven method can be used for rapid moisture measurement with accuracy comparable to that of a standard Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) method. An equation was developed that relates the apparent moisture content determined using a given drying time and temperature to the moisture content determined by the standard AOAC method.
Experimental drying curves of udon noodles in an air temperature (dry bulb) range of 15 to 65°C and a relative humidity range of 60 to 80% were evaluated to develop an appropriate mathematical model to predict the moisture content of udon noodles at any time during the air-drying process. Three simple mathematical equations were used to try to fit these curves, and it was found that Page's equation had the best fittings for the experimental drying data by doing comparative analysis of the coefficients of determination and standard deviations. Page's equation was finally selected to describe the drying curves of these noodles and the dependency of the drying parameters (e.g., slope and intercept) on air temperature and relative humidity was investigated. A generalized model based on Page's equation with drying parameter K (function of air temperature and relative humidity) and n (constant) provided a suitable description of hot-air drying behavior of udon noodles.
Shrinkage of foodstuffs is a common physical phenomenon observed during different dehydration processes. These changes affect the quality of the dehydrated product and should be taken into consideration when predicting moisture and temperature profiles in the dried material. The aim of this work is to give a physical description of the shrinkage mechanism and present a classification of the different models proposed to describe this behaviour in food materials undergoing dehydration. The models were classified in two main groups: empirical and fundamental models. Empirical models are obtained by means of regression analysis of shrinkage data. Fundamental models are based on a physical interpretation of the structure of food materials and try to predict dimensional changes due to volume variation of the different phases in the food system along the drying process. Several models referred to in this work were compared with experimental data on air drying of apple, carrot, potato and squid flesh. Average relative deviations between experimental and predicted values of shrinkage found were in most cases less than 10%. For some materials, models that neglect porosity change tend to show larger deviations.
Fabrication and Production Studies of Mee Siput dryer machine for Small and Medium Industries (SME)
  • F Saat
F. Saat. 2014. Fabrication and Production Studies of Mee Siput dryer machine for Small and Medium Industries (SME), UTHM.