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Innovative classification of methods of the Future-oriented Technology Analysis

  • ​​​​ Bialystok University of Technology

Abstract and Figures

In the era characterized by significant dynamics of the environment traditional methods of anticipating the future, assuming the immutability of the factors affecting the forecasted phenomenon, may be in the long term ineffective. The modern approach of predicting the future of technology, taking into account the multidimensionality of the environment, is, among other things, the Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA). Designing the FTA research procedure is a complex process, both in organizational and methodological terms. The catalogue of methods that can be used in this process is extensive and constantly open. However, in the source literature the rules for the selection of methods appropriate for the type of research were not specified. The ways of combining methods in the research process were also missing. The main aim of this article was to present the author’s classification of methods of future-oriented technology analysis and indicate the possibilities of its application. In the text, using statistical methods and artificial neural networks, the classification of methods with the potential of exploitation in prospective technology analysis was carried out. Each of the received classes was analysed, the characteristics of particular groups of methods were selected, and authorial names characterizing the given classes were chosen. According to the author, the application of the proposed classification of methods of future-oriented technology analysis facilitates the design of the FTA research process. It will contribute to the systematization and standardization of the manner of selection of research methods. It will also allow for the selection of complementary methods.
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Copyright © 2016 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press
ISSN 20294913 / eISSN 2029-4921
2016 Volume 22(4): 574–597
Corresponding author Katarzyna Halicka
Katarzyna HALICKA
Bialystok University of Technology, Wiejska 45A str., 15-351 Bialystok, Poland
Received 23 October 2015; accepted 28 February 2016
Abstract. In the era characterized by signicant dynamics of the environment traditional meth-
ods of anticipating the future, assuming the immutability of the factors aecting the forecasted
phenomenon, may be in the long term ineective. e modern approach of predicting the future
of technology, taking into account the multidimensionality of the environment, is, among other
things, the Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA). Designing the FTA research procedure is
a complex process, both in organizational and methodological terms. e catalogue of methods that
can be used in this process is extensive and constantly open. However, in the source literature the
rules for the selection of methods appropriate for the type of research were not specied. e ways
of combining methods in the research process were also missing. e main aim of this article was
to present the author’s classication of methods of future-oriented technology analysis and indicate
the possibilities of its application. In the text, using statistical methods and articial neural networks,
the classication of methods with the potential of exploitation in prospective technology analysis
was carried out. Each of the received classes was analysed, the characteristics of particular groups of
methods were selected, and authorial names characterizing the given classes were chosen. According
to the author, the application of the proposed classication of methods of future-oriented technology
analysis facilitates the design of the FTA research process. It will contribute to the systematization
and standardization of the manner of selection of research methods. It will also allow for the selec-
tion of complementary methods.
Keywords: technology analysis, technology foresight, technology assessment, technology forecast-
ing, classication, Future-oriented Technology Analysis, articial neural networks.
JEL Classication: C38, C45, C44, O31, O32, O33, E27.
e dynamic development of the industry, in the conditions of globalization and strong
competition, determines the use of new, innovative, more ecient and economically viable
technologies. One of the important factors giving evidence of the competitive businesses
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2016, 22(4): 574–597 575
are the technical and technological resources owned by them, including knowledge and
innovation. In the situation of the increasing demand for innovative technologies and a
broad technology trading market, the issue of in-depth analysis of technology is gaining
in importance. It is an essential element of technology management and is used, inter
alia, in: (i) the exploitation of technology owned by the company; (ii) the acquisition of
new technologies that would improve the competitiveness of the enterprise or prevent its
deterioration; (iii) exchange of the already applied technology and introduction of new
technologies in its place.
An in-depth analysis of the technology is difficult, because of the costs, the complex-
ity of the problem and above all the pace of technological change on the global market.
The analysis of technology requires the possession of appropriate resources of knowledge
that is dispersed, and also concerns many aspects of technological development. During
the analysis of technology the tools and skills allowing for carrying out the substantive as-
sessment of the technical characteristics and the properties of technologies are useful. The
knowledge about current trends in technology is also necessary. According to the current
trends, technology analysis should take into account the economic, technical, social, as well
as environmental factors. It is therefore necessary to use specific systems and tools, thanks
to which the investment in research and development, the infrastructure and the qualifi-
cations of the staff will be tailored to the current, as well as future market and industrial
needs (Ejdys et al. 2015). Those prerequisites justify the use of appropriate – future-orient-
ed – methods of technology analysis. The Future-oriented Technology Analysis approach
belongs to such tools. The FTA enables the investigation of the interaction of technology
with the environment and the identification of factors affecting the development of the
technology, but also the indication of the effects of the impact of technology on the envi-
ronment. It supports the determination of directions of a given technology development in
the long term perspective. It also enables the specification of the level of maturity of a given
technology and the identification of obsolete technologies. It facilitates the identification
of emerging new technologies.
The FTA term was first used in 2004 in the title of a seminar on New Horizons and Chal-
lenges for Future-Oriented Technology Analysis: New Technology Foresight, Forecasting and
Assessment organized by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS). Then,
the FTA concept was defined as the so-called “umbrella” that covered a number of different
methods of technology analysis in the field of technology foresight, technology forecasting
and technology assessment (Cagnin et al. 2008). According to Saritas et al. (2014) FTA
explains a broad range of future-looking activities involving foresight, forecasting, futures,
and technology assessment among the others. However, in the opinion of Boden, John-
ston, Scapolo (2012) FTA facilitates decision-making and coordination of future activities,
especially in the fields of science, technology and innovation as well as politics. On the
other hand, some researchers such as H. Haegeman, F. Scapolo and C. Cagnin, A. Havas
and O. Saritas claimed that the future-oriented technology is a common term denominat-
ing a collection of different tools that can be used to study and understand the future of
technologies from different methodological perspectives (Haegeman et al. 2013; Cagnin
et al. 2013). Over time, FTA started to be treated as a kind of future management concept.
576 K. Halicka. Innovative classication of methods of the Future-oriented Technology Analysis
This approach began to develop in two parallel trends: technological and decision-mak-
ing. In the first, methods and tools necessary to analyse, assess, predict the development of
technologies (Huang et al. 2012b) as well as manage their future were used (Cheng et al.
2008). In the second, FTA began to be treated as a tool for policy-making, a tool used by
policymakers (Cagnin et al. 2011; Carabias-Huetter, Haegeman 2013; Georghiou, Harper
2013; Kim et al. 2010; Kwakkel, Pruyt 2013; Marinho, Cagnin 2014; Weber et al. 2012). The
research conducted by the author is located in the first mainstream, the technology main-
stream. When reviewing the database of scientific IEEE publications and Web of Science,
as well as websites it can be noted that FTA is most commonly used to analyse emerging
technologies (Robinson, Propp 2008) specifically related to such areas as: nanotechnology
(Alencar et al. 2007; Ma et al. 2014; Huang et al. 2011; Schaper-Rinkel 2013), micro and na-
noelectronics (Gesche et al. 2012; Huang et al. 2012a; Markus, Mentzer 2014; Moore et al.
2014; Robinson et al. 2013) and renewable energy sources (Guo et al. 2012, 2011; Halicka
2011; Halicka et al. 2015; Nygren et al. 2015).
The abovementioned definitions – regardless of the study trend – are generic and do
not reflect the nature of the FTA approach. Therefore, the author proposes her own defini-
tion of FTA as a process, the main objective of which is to predict the future of technology
through evaluation and detailed analysis (scanning) of its current state and identification of
strategic factors of its development in the future. Designing the process of future-oriented
technology analysis is a difficult, multi-stage project, providing various relevant informa-
tion on the analysed technologies at every stage. This information may relate to the tech-
nology itself, but also to the factors affecting a particular technology and its development.
They may determine both the impact of the environment on technology and technology
on the environment. They can also be considered in different time perspectives, i.e. may
relate to the past, present and future of the technology. According to the author, the FTA
process is carried out through the following functions:
1. Collecting information on the purpose and scope of technology analysis.
2. Collecting and organizing information on technology.
3. Processing information associated with the current development of technology.
4. Processing and generating new information on the current state of technology.
5. Collecting information on the impact of the environment on technology and technol-
ogy on the environment.
6. Transmission of the acquired information on technology.
7. Collecting information on the factors aecting the development of technology.
8. Generating new information concerning the development of the technology.
9. Interpreting and using the obtained information.
Due to diverse functions implemented during the future-oriented technology analysis,
there is no single best method with the use of which a research problem can be solved. It
is necessary to use several different methods. However, a set of methods that can be used
in FTA is comprehensive (Amanatidou et al. 2009; Georghiou et al. 2011; Loveridge, Sari-
tas 2012). These methods may be used in different ways, depending on the features and
context of the analyses (Halicka 2015; Hamarat et al. 2013; Shin et al. 2013). Some of these
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2016, 22(4): 574–597 577
methods are similar to each other and can be used interchangebly (Damrongchai et al.
2010). However, the source literature presents neither the principles of selection of appro-
priate research methods, nor the ways to combine them. It is, therefore, important to col-
lect, analyse and classify the methods with the potential of use in the FTA. Classes obtained
in such a manner – integrating research methods possible to use in a prospective analysis
of technology – will help to facilitate and standardize the whole process of designing FTA.
The above-mentioned proposals for the design of the FTA process justify the purpose-
fulness of undertaking a research task, which consists, inter alia, in the development of
methodology for classification of methods of future-oriented technology analysis.
1. e current classication of methods used in FTA– a literature review
FTA is a process that uses a variety of methods allowing for a detailed characterization and
systematic analysis of technology as well as identication and presentation of its develop-
ment paths. According to Marinelli etal. (2014) the future-oriented technology analysis
is particularly useful when technologies are costly but essential for the development of a
country, region or company. is approach combines forecasting technology (TF) technol-
ogy assessment (TA) and technology foresight.
Technological forecasting is a kind of technology development prediction, allowing for
studying the changes in technology, presenting its development path or functional capabili-
ties (Ayres 1969; Nazarko 1993). Technological forecasting is primarily based on data from
the past and generally refers to the near future (time horizon – up to several years) (Cuhls
2003; Cunningham, Kwakkel 2011; Makridakis, Wheelwright 1978; Nazarko 2011). On the
other hand, to standardize the definitions available in the literature, technology assessment
can be defined as the measurement of specific technologies and their consequences from
the point of view of the social, economic and environmental criteria (De Piante Henriksen
1997; Mazurkiewicz et al. 2015; Musango 2012). According to A. E. Gudanowska (2013,
2014a) it is an assessment and analysis of the impact of the existing technologies on the
society. However, in the opinion of B. Martin (2001) and J. Nazarko (Nazarko et al. 2011,
2012; Nazarko 2013) technological foresight is aimed at activities enabling the creation of
the future, allows to predict both future characteristics of new technologies and the pe-
riod of their appearance. Technology assessment, forecasting its development and foresight
studies form the basis of FTA; hence, these approaches show great consistency in terms of
methodology. However, taking into account the studies conducted by Andersen, Alkærsig
(2014) and Mikova, Sokolova (2014), these approaches are not the same. Each of these
projects plays completely separate role and very often they complement one another.
Methods used in the future-oriented technology analysis are derived from both the so-
cial sciences (Eerola, Miles 2011), as well as technical sciences (Halicka 2014; Idier 2000).
They are often modified for the purpose of far-reaching analyses of technology develop-
ment. A set of methods that can be used in FTA is open (May 1996). Selection of appropri-
ate methods for the future-oriented technology analysis – with such a vast catalogue – es-
pecially for a novice researcher, can be a big challenge. Organising and classifying methods
with similar properties into classes seems helpful. Initially, the author has reviewed the
578 K. Halicka. Innovative classication of methods of the Future-oriented Technology Analysis
existing classification of the research methods of future. Table 1 presents a summary of
selected classifications of methods used in all areas of FTA.
When analysing Table 1 in detail, it can be noticed that classifications available in the
literature order the methods only in terms of methods’ nature, and do not take into account
the multi-stage nature of FTA, and above all, do not take into account different – impor-
tant – functions performed in the course of a future-oriented technology analysis.
Table 1. Selected examples of common classications of research methods of future
e number
of classes
and methods
Names of classes (the number
of methods in each class)
e author of the
forecasting 3 classes
21 methods
Correlative (5); Direct (9);
Structural (7 )
A.T. Roper etal.
(Roper etal. 2011)
forecasting 5 klas
20 methods
Extrapolator (4); Pattern Analyst (4);
Goal Analyst (4); Counter-Puncher (4);
Intuitor (4)
J. H. Vanston (1995)
forecasting 3 classes
31 methods
Subjective assessment methods (4);
Exploratory methods (20);
Normative approaches (7)
Somnath Mishra,
S.G. Deshmukh,
Prem Vrat (Ayres
1969; Makridakis,
Wheelwright 1978;
Mishra etal. 2002)
9 classes
70 methods
Economic Analysis (14); Decision analysis (7);
Externalities/impact analysis (6); Information
monitoring (4); Market analysis (6); Risk
assessment (5);
Systems engineering/analysis (8);
Technical performance assessment (12);
Technology forecasting (8)
T.A. Tran (Tran,
Daim 2008), De Piante
Henriksen (1997)
foresight 4 classes
13 methods
Identifying Issues (3); Extrapolative
Approaches (4); Creative Approaches (4);
Prioritization (2)
I. Miles, M. Keenan
(Unido 2005)
foresight 3 classes
40 methods
Foreseeing (10); Managing (14);
Creating (16)
G.H. May (1996)
foresight 3 classes
44 methods
Quantitative (11); Qualitative (22);
Semi-quantitative (11)
Popper (Georghiou
etal. 2008)
foresight 10 classes
117 methods
Consultative (10); Creative (12);
Prescriptive (15); Multicriterial (15);
Radar (8); Simulation (9); Diagnostic (12);
Analytical (17); Survey (8); Strategic (11)
A. Magruk (2011)
FTA 13 classes
53 methods
Creativity (3); Monitoring and intelligence
methods (2); Descriptive (4); Matrices (3);
Statistical methods (2); Trend analysis (4);
Expert opinion (4); Modeling and simulation
(6); Logical/cause analysis (9); Roadmapping
(4); Scenarios (5);
Valuation (5); Modications (2)
A.L. Porter, F. Scapolo
(Cagnin etal. 2008)
Source: own elaboration.
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2016, 22(4): 574–597 579
One of the first classifications of methods used for technological forecasting was pro-
posed by A. L. Porter, T. W. Mason, F. A. Rossini, J. Banks (Roper et al. 2011). They have
identified three classes: correlative, direct, and structural. Methods within the classes di-
rectly measure the functional capacity or some other relevant characteristic of the technol-
ogy. In turn, correlative methods relate the development of technology to the growth or
change of one or more elements in the same context or in contexts regarded as analogous.
Methods belonging to structural category analyse in detail the cause-and-effect relation-
ships that effect growth.
In contrast, Somnath Mishra, S. G. Deshmukh, Prem Vit (2002) reviewed the methods
most commonly used for forecasting. They identified 31 methods and grouped them into
three classes: subjective assessment methods, exploratory methods of technological fore-
casting, and normative approaches to technological forecasting.
One of the first classifications of methods used to foresight was developed by I. Miles
and M. Keenan. They selected four classes. The first class refers to methods of scanning and
defining a general framework for research. The other one includes methods using both a
statistical approach (e.g. trend extrapolation), and being based on expert opinion (e.g. the
Delphi method). Methods from the class three are characterized by flexibility and spon-
taneity in experiencing the analysed phenomena (Vanston 1995). They are used mostly to
develop a vision of the studied reality. The fourth class includes methods whose purpose
is to identify priorities of the development of technology.
A common classification of foresight methods is the so-called foresight diamond – the
division developed by R. Popper. He distinguished three classes: quantitative, indirect and
qualitative methods, considered in 4 dimensions: creativity – synergy – the facts – exper-
tise. Creative feature is demonstrated by methods characterized by ingenuity and creative
inventiveness. Expertise is an opinion, specialised examination carried out by experts. Syn-
ergy enables the creation of a common – for all participants – vision of the future. The facts
are helpful in understanding the current state of the studied area of research. Qualitative
methods are often based on the opinions of a particular group of people (UNIDO 2005). In
turn, with the use of quantitative methods, numerical parameters characterizing the studied
phenomenon or the object of study are defined. In contrast, the class of indirect methods
uses both qualitative and quantitative methods. For example, the opinions of experts can
be analysed using statistical models.
An interesting classification was presented by A. Magruk (2011). He identified 117
methods with the potential of use for foresight research and grouped them into 10 classes.
Methods from the consultative class enable collecting and analysing opinions of a wide
range of stakeholders on the study area and the factors associated with it. Class of creative
methods is based on spontaneity and flexibility, it facilitates the creation of a vision of
the researched items. Methods from the normative class are connected to anticipating the
future, and they primarily consist in defining the vision of development. Methods of the
multi-criterial class enables measuring the relationship between a group of variables and
the criteria characterizing the researched items. Methods from the radar class facilitate
monitoring, detecting and analysing important signals about the latest research and tech-
nological discoveries, potential innovations that could be related to the researched item.
580 K. Halicka. Innovative classication of methods of the Future-oriented Technology Analysis
The class of simulation methods is made up of analytical tools, using the expertise and
the characteristics of synthesis and modelling. Methods of the diagnostic class allow for
an assessment of the current state of the researched object as well as management of the
development of the researched object. Analytical methods refer to the study of development
trends, driving forces, variants of change, the structure of the researched reality, society as
well as potential stakeholders. The class of review methods allows for the diagnosis and
evaluation of data relating to past operations, results and the space-time studies. Methods
from the strategic class facilitate planning, scenario building, solving complex decision-
making problems and change management (Magruk 2015).
F. Scapolo and A. L. Porter (Cagnin et al. 2008) were the first – and so far the only –
authors, who gathered and systematized FTA methods. They have designated 53 methods
that may be used in a future-oriented technology analysis, and then classified them into
13 classes (methods families): creative approaches, monitoring & intelligence, descriptive,
matrices, statistical analyses, trend analyses, expert opinion, modelling & simulation, logi-
cal/causal analyses, roadmapping, scenarios, valuing/decision-aiding/economic analyses,
The largest – consisting of 9 methods – is the class called logical/causal analyses. This
family consists of analytical methods, determining factors affecting the economic indi-
cator under examination and the scale of impact of individual factors on the deviation
resulting from previous comparisons. Another large class is modelling and simulation.
Tools from this class include primarily quantitative methods allowing for the creation of
the model and identification of actions related to the creation of the future strategy of the
researched subject. In contrast, the methods from the scenarios class allow for the construc-
tion of a future vision of the phenomenon, or the possible aspects of the future. In turn,
the valuing/decision support/economic analysis class consists of 5 methods comprising
the optimization, analysis and selection of numerous data on the status quo. Methods of
the descriptive class characterise the technological sphere and present the latest scientific,
technological and innovative achievements. The class of matrixes is formed by 3 methods
combining intuitive and analytical element. They are used for analysing the future states of
the researched systems on the basis of the identified mutual interactions between variables
(forces, trends, events) occurring in the studied systems. Methods of the trend analyses
family allow for the analysis of trends and potential factors that could affect the develop-
ment of technology. Whereas the expert opinion class creates methods involving the col-
lection and analysis of the views of a wide range of stakeholders engaged in the research,
experts in the field. Methods of the creative approach class are characterized by freedom,
flexibility and spontaneity in understanding of the studied phenomena. The smallest class
is represented by statistical analyses and monitoring and intelligence. Methods belonging
to the first-class determine correlation, probability and consequences of the event. On the
other hand, the methods of another class take into account, inter alia, scanning of both
the environment and technology, and include the identification of opportunities and risks
associated with a given technology.
According to the author, F. Scapolo and A. L. Porter’s classification does not cover all the
possible and necessary tools for thorough technology analysis. The set of methods selected
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2016, 22(4): 574–597 581
by F. Scapolo A. L. Porter lack above all the tools enabling identification, assessment of the
factors that influence the development of technology. There are also no tools to evaluate the
state of technology, its technological maturity, and technological possibilities. In contrast,
scenario methods constitute a large class. According to the author, methods identified by
F. Scapolo and A. L. Porter are to a greater extent associated with the decision-making
trend rather than technology. Given the foregoing, it is noted that it is necessary to develop
a methodology for classification of FTA methods which takes into account complementa-
tion of the methods catalogue identified by F. Scapolo and A. L. Porter.
The detailed methodology of classification of methods of future-oriented technology
analysis is shown in Figure 1. The research process was supported by the following research
methods: critical analysis of literature, logical analysis and design, examination of the docu-
ments, mini-Delphi, statistical methods and artificial intelligence.
2. Identication methods with potential use in the technological FTA current
Given the denition and the function of FTA, the author has identied the methods used
to evaluate technologies in technological forecasting, technological foresight, as well as in
the future-oriented technology analysis based on literature review and direct observation.
Subsequently, each of these methods has been examined in detail in terms of its use in the
FTA technological stream. Table 2 shows the 90 nally selected methods.
Fig.1. Methodology for the classication of methods of future-oriented technology analysis
Identication of methods with
the potential of use in the FTA
technological trend
Qualication of methods
Web of Science Base, IEEE
Websites connected with FTA,
foresight, TA and forecasting
Catalogue of
90 methods
Evaluation of methods
e tool: mini-Delphi method
Criterion: informative function
of the FTA methods
(1 Taxonomic Agglomeration
method – the Ward’s method
(2) Kohonen neural networks
Analysis of the methods within
the class
Classes of
Features and class
582 K. Halicka. Innovative classication of methods of the Future-oriented Technology Analysis
Table 2. Methods with potential use in the FTA technological stream
Name of the
Name of the
Name of the
Name of the
Name of the
factor analysis
etal. 2008;
Saritas etal. 2014)
source data
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
analysis of long-
term (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
analysis of the
action (Cagnin
etal. 2008)
analysis (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
analysis (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
life cycle costing
analysis (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Musango
2012; Saritas etal.
life cycle analyses
S-curve analysis
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Musango
2012; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
analysis (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
patent analysis
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
force eld analysis
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
analysis (Cagnin
etal. 2008)
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
risk analysis
(Cagnin etal.
2008; Georghiou
etal. 2008;
Magruk 2011;
Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
cluster analysis
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
2014; Nazarko
etal. 2011)
structural analysis
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
2014; Nazarko
etal. 2011)
time series
analysis (Nazarko
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
trend and impact
analysis (Cagnin
etal. 2008)
sensitivity analysis
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
content analysis
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
analysis (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
desk research
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Cagnin etal.
2008; Georghiou
etal. 2008;
Magruk 2011;
Saritas etal. 2014)
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
delphi (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2016, 22(4): 574–597 583
Name of the
Name of the
Name of the
Name of the
Name of the
classication trees
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
trees references
(Cagnin etal.
2008; Georghiou
etal. 2008;
Magruk 2011;
Saritas etal. 2014)
probability trees
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
diusion of
(Cagnin etal.
net present value
wild cards
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Musango
2012; Saritas etal.
key technologies
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
circle the future
(Cagnin etal.
2008; Georghiou
etal. 2008;
Magruk 2011;
Saritas etal. 2014)
(Cagnin etal.
2008; Musango
analysis (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
ranking lists
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
mapping (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
(Cagnin etal.
2008; Nazarko
etal. 2011)
Data Envelopment
Analysis (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
strategic position
and action
portfolio methods
readiness levels
(Nazarko etal.
modeling (Cagnin
etal. 2008)
modelling and
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
robust portfolio
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
modeling (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
design thinking
(Saritas etal.
(Cagnin etal.
life cycle
assessment of the
impact on society
(Musango 2012)
expert panel
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
analytic hierarchy
process (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Musango
2012; Saritas etal.
analog forecasting
(Cagnin etal.
2008; Georghiou
etal. 2008;
Magruk 2011;
Saritas etal. 2014)
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
simple multi-
attribute ranking
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
Continue of Table 2
584 K. Halicka. Innovative classication of methods of the Future-oriented Technology Analysis
Name of the
Name of the
Name of the
Name of the
Name of the
literature review
(Cagnin etal.
2008; Georghiou
etal. 2008;
Magruk 2011;
Saritas etal. 2014)
scenarios (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
social networks
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
weak signals
(Cagnin etal.
2008; Georghiou
etal. 2008;
Magruk 2011;
Saritas etal. 2014)
survey (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
State of the Future
Index (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
SWOT (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
(MPA) multi
approach (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
tech mining
(Cagnin etal.
2008; Georghiou
etal. 2008;
Magruk 2011;
Saritas etal. 2014)
theory of
inventive problem
solving (Cagnin
etal. 2008;
Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
causal layered
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
future workshops
(Cagnin etal.
2008; Georghiou
etal. 2008;
Magruk 2011;
Saritas etal. 2014)
IRR– internal
rate of return
visions of the
future (Cagnin
etal. 2008)
PI– protability
complex adaptive
systems (Cagnin
etal. 2008)
focus group
(Cagnin etal.
(Georghiou etal.
2008; Magruk
2011; Saritas etal.
Source: own elaboration.
The set of methods that can be used for the future-oriented technology analysis contin-
ues to be extensive. Therefore, it seems essential to find ways to facilitate and systematize
the process of selection of research methods with potential use in FTA. Given the various
functions performed during the process of FTA, it is necessary to evaluate and organize
these methods in terms of their use for the implementation (realization) of the following
functions: (1) collecting information on the purpose and scope of the analysis; (2) collect-
ing and collating information on technologies; (3) processing information about the past
of the technologies; (4) processing and generating new information on the current state
of technology; (5) gathering information on the impact of the environment on technology
and technology on the environment; (6) transmission of the acquired information; (7) col-
lecting information on the factors affecting the development of technology; (8) generating
new information concerning the development of a particular technology; (9) interpreting
and using the obtained information.
Methods with potential use in FTA have been evaluated, due to their informative func-
tion, by a group of experts. The mini-Delphi method was used for the evaluation of the
End of Table 2
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2016, 22(4): 574–597 585
methods. This method usually consists of a preparatory stage, the measurement of variables
with the use of a questionnaire in two or more rounds, the analysis and implementation of
the results after the completion of the study. The mini-Delphi method may take the form
of direct talks, interviews, meetings or seminars, as well as interactions with experts via the
Internet (Nazarko 2013). In this study, the experts were contacted by means of electronic
communication. The research process of the Delphic proceedings is shown in Figure 2.
The study involved 12 experts. The experts have been selected purposefully, taking into
account their knowledge and experience in the field of future studies. Subsequently, the
method assessment questionnaire has been prepared in electronic form. The questionnaire
had the shape of a matrix with dimensions of 90×9, whose rows were the names of the
methods with potential use in the future-oriented technology analysis and the columns
represented the functions implemented in the process of FTA, (Fig. 3). In addition, the au-
thor has developed a set of abstracts – basic information about the methods with potential
use in FTA.
Subsequently, the developed Delphi questionnaire, along with information about the
methods was distributed among the experts. The experts had at their disposal a four-step
assessment scale and determined the extent to which a particular method performs the
FTA function, where: 0 – unsuitability of a method for the realization of the FTA function;
Fig.2. Research process using the mini-Delphi method
Fig.3. Scheme of the questionnaire for the assessment of methods with the potential use in FTA
Group of experts
Group of experts
Recruitment of experts
e design of the electronic version of the
questionnaire for the evaluation of methods with
potential use in FTA
Sending out questionnaires of method assessment
Sending out questionnaires of method assessment
along with the results from the 1 round
Production of results
Completion of the questionnaire in the 1 round
Completion of the questionnaire in the 2 round
Group of experts
Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Function 9
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Method 90
586 K. Halicka. Innovative classication of methods of the Future-oriented Technology Analysis
1 – low applicability of the method for the realization of the FTA function; 2 – average ap-
plicability of the method for the realization of the FTA function; 3 – high applicability of
the method for the realization of the FTA function.
The collected results were analysed in detail. Subsequently, the questionnaire for the
evaluation of methods with potential use in FTA, together with the developed results from
round 1, was again sent to the same experts. In the next round of the study, the experts
completed the same questionnaire, while having the opportunity to familiarize themselves
with the aggregated results from the first round of the study. They were able to compare
their own positions with the opinion of the group, and – after analysing the arguments
could change their mind. The questionnaires received from the second round of the study
have been re-examined. Eventually, a matrix of the implementation (realization) of the
function of the FTA process through various methods has been obtained. To develop the
final matrix, the dominant of the expert assessments has been adopted. Subsequently, with
the use of the statistical methods and Kohonen artificial neural networks, these methods
have been classified.
3. Results of the classication of methods
e process of classication of methods was carried out in two steps, both the statistical
methods (cluster analysis method), and the methods of articial intelligence (Kohonen
networks) were used. For the determination of the number of classes the Ward’s method
of agglomeration with Euclidean distances is used, the result of which is a dendodram
(diagram of clusters). e number of method clusters with the potential use in FTA was
determined on the basis of the analysis of the chart of the course of agglomeration, as well
as dendodram analysis. e chart of the course of agglomeration shows distances between
clusters at the time of their bonding and its analysis makes it possible to nd the intersec-
tions of the tree diagram and thus determine the number of classes (Fig.4).
When analysing Figure 4 it can be seen that the first clear increase (leap) in agglomera-
tion distance occurs at the level of about 320. It is a place, where multiple clusters formed
at the same bonding distance (Jarocka 2015). This distance has been marked on the chart
(Fig. 5) of the Ward’s method. The point of intersection of the tree diagram determines
the number of classes.
When analysing Figure 5 it was observed that 7 clusters can be identified. The meth-
ods of forming these classes were analysed and it was found that they do not always form
substantially coherent classes. Therefore, to determine the methods in particular classes,
because of the excellent classification abilities, artificial neural networks – Kohonen net-
works were used (Jamroz, Niedoba 2015).
An important advantage of neural networks is the fact that they allow the presentation
of non-linearities and to resolve problems, for which it is difficult to precisely define the
cause-and-effect relationships. They are effective in situations in which there are no simple
rules for classification (Halicka 2011). According to R. Tadeusiewicz (Dudek-Dyduch et al.
2009), a Kohonen network can detect relationships that would be overlooked if the tradi-
tional statistical grouping method was used. Kohonen neural networks are non-model sys-
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2016, 22(4): 574–597 587
Fig.4. Chart of the course of agglomeration
Fig.5. Diagram of clusters of future oriented technology method
e chart of distances between bonds relative to the stages of bonding
Euclidean distance
0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
Distances between bonds
Bond ing dis tance
Tree diagram
Ward’s method
Euclidean distance
Bonding distance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
tems, they recognize the relationship between the studied individuals without any a priori
assumptions as to their type, structure (Sulkava et al. 2015). This approach is different from
statistical surveys, in which it is necessary to initially formulate a hypothesis, determine
the research sample and select the methods of their verification (Mohebi, Bagirov 2015).
588 K. Halicka. Innovative classication of methods of the Future-oriented Technology Analysis
In addition, neural networks are capable of identifying clusters with any spatial structure,
are insensitive to the presence of non-standard units and are insensitive to the presence
of a significant number of units not forming clusters (Sousa et al. 2015). Taking into ac-
count the mentioned advantages of the network and also taking into account the research
problem, the Kohonen networks seem to be the right tool for the classification of methods
with potential use in FTA.
The Kohenen network is referred to as the Self-Organizing Map (SOM), or Self-Orga-
nizing Feature Map (SOFM). The network aims to create such a structure, which would
best replicate the interrelations between the input vectors. In the Kohonen network, indi-
vidual neurons identify and recognize the individual clusters of data. Kohonen network
has two layers: an input layer and an output layer (in the literature also known as competi-
tive or Kohonen layer). The number of neurons in the input layer is unequivocal with the
number of diagnostic features. In the undertaken research problem, the usefulness of the
method for the implementation (realization) of a particular FTA function was adopted
as a diagnostic feature, according to which the division of the methods was performed.
During the study 9 functions were selected. In turn, the number of neurons in the output
layer is determined by the number of homogeneous clusters. The analysis of the chart and
diagram of the course of agglomeration made possible to identify 7 homogeneous clusters.
Therefore, it was finally possible to construct a neural network consisting of 9 neurons in
the input layer and 7 neurons in the output layer.
The developed Kohonen neural network has undergone learning and ultimately in the
first class twelve methods were found, five methods in the second, and in subsequent class-
es, respectively: eight, eighteen, nine, twenty-two, and in the final cluster sixteen methods
can be distinguished.
Afterwards, each of the classes was analysed in detail. The main characteristics of each
of the classes were determined. Subsequently, authorial names for each of the classes were
proposed. Detailed information on the classes, methods and the activation of each method
are shown in Table 3.
First class, accumulation, consists of 12 methods primarily enabling the collection of
information on technologies, based on literature databases, patent databases, reports, web-
sites, radio and television. These methods also make it possible to: (1) organize, select data
on the technology, its characteristics, determinants, possibilities of application, costs; (2)
assess the state (advancement) of development works on new technologies; (3) acquire the
knowledge and skills necessary to conduct research on technologies; (4) identify potential
partners, competitors, suppliers and recipients of technology. As a result of these methods,
collective knowledge bases concerning a particular technology are developed and presented
in a synthetic manner, rankings and comparisons reflecting the interdependencies between
several variables are generated.
Another class, creation, is complementary to the previous class. It consists of 5 methods
for the accumulation of knowledge about technology, factors influencing its development,
and the environment, based on expert knowledge. On the basis of knowledge, skills, and
the experience of experts, new, often still undisseminated knowledge. Using the methods
from this class, it is possible to: (1) estimate the probability, outcome, and time of the oc-
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2016, 22(4): 574–597 589
Table 3. Authorial classes together with the FTA research methods belonging to them
Class Main features of the
classes Methods
12 methods
collection of
source data analysis, patent analysis, webometrics, content
analysis, desk research, technology mapping, Technology
Readiness Levels TRL, literature review, technology
scouting, tech mining, scientometrics, bibliometrics
5 methods
generation of new
Delphi, key technologies, expert panel, eory of
Inventive Problem Solving, focus group
8 methods
analysis of historical
data in order to
identify trends
analysis of long-term, life cycle analyses, S-curve analysis,
benchmarking, retrospective analysis, time series analysis,
ANKOT, trend extrapolation, macrohistory
18 methods
analysis of
technologies from
dierent perspectives:
social, technological,
economic, ecological,
political, values, legal
force eld analysis, FMEA, STEEPVL, structural analysis,
brainstorming, cross-impact analysis, strategic position
and action evaluation, portfolio methods, agent-based
modelling, modelling and simulation, input-output
modelling, assessment of the impact on society, survey,
SWOT, causal layered analysis, future workshops, social
networks analysis, environmental scanning
9 methods
an estimate of the
costs associated
to the lifecycle of
life cycle costing, cost-benet analysis, sensitivity analysis,
Net Present Value– NPV, production function, DEA,
life cycle assessment, internal rate of return, protability
22 methods
classication, ranking
of analysed objects
(stimuli aecting
the development of
technology and the
analysed technologies)
factor analysis, analysis of the action, institutional
analysis, correspondence analysis, risk analysis, cluster
analysis, sustainability analysis, classication trees,
probability trees, diusion of technology, wild cards,
correlations, ranking lists, robust portfolio modelling,
analytic hierarchy process, stochastic forecasting,
simple multi-attribute ranking technique, weak signals,
technological observation, stakeholder analysis (citizen
panel), morphological analysis, technological scanning
16 methods
presentation of the
development paths of
technologies; analysis
of trends and potential
events that may aect
the trajectory of
the development of
requirements analysis, technology barometer, trees
references, circle the future (futures wheel), MANOA,
technology road mapping, design thinking, analogue
forecasting, backcasting, scenarios, estimatingmulti
perspective, visions of the future, complex adaptive
systems, megatrend analysis, trend and impact analysis,
state of the future index
Source: own elaboration.
currence of future events; (2) identify research directions that have the potential for devel-
opment in the future; (3) determine the priority directions of technological development;
(4) separate technologies, which to the highest degree contribute to the development of the
examined area; (5) search for completely new solutions to complex problems related to the
analysed technology; (6) develop new technological solutions.
The third class – retrospection – consists of 8 methods enabling the analysis of past
events describing the causes and mechanisms of historical changes in order to understand
590 K. Halicka. Innovative classication of methods of the Future-oriented Technology Analysis
the potential structure of the future. These methods allow for: (1) the analysis of the past
in order to construct a better future; (2) identification and study of development trends
in the economy, technology and society; (3) the examination of the market age of each
product of a company or any technology used in it, and consequently to rationally plan
the product portfolio and the costs associated with the introduction and creation of new
products and technologies.
Fourth class – exploration – contains 18 methods for the examination of the environ-
ment and the analysis of the interior of the analysed object, and focusing on observation,
testing, monitoring and systematic description of the technological, socio-cultural, eco-
logical and economic context of the technology being tested. These methods allow for: (1)
the analysis of external environmental factors (social, technological, economic, ecological,
political, values, legal) affecting the development of the technology being tested; (2) pre-
dicting the probability of occurrence of future states of the analysed systems, based on the
identified interactions between variables (forces, trends, events) occurring in the studied
systems. Often, these methods make use of the group, creative work of a team.
Another class – quantification – consists of 9 methods for the identification and evalu-
ation of all costs associated with the life cycle of technology. Using these methods makes
it possible to: (1) compare the total expected costs with the total expected benefits of use,
production of a given technology; (2) assess the effects that a given technology would have
on the environment during its whole life; (3) determining the cost-effectiveness threshold
of the use and production of a given technology at varying levels of force of factors affect-
ing them.
The most numerous class – selection – consists of 22 methods for the identification,
evaluation, classification and ranking of the examined objects. They can be used in the
context of the key factors for influencing the future of a given technology, as well as in
the context of the elements or components of technology. If during the FTA several tech-
nologies are analysed, the methods from this class will help in the assessment, ranking,
and selection of technologies. These methods also make it possible to: (1) predict the oc-
currence of events affecting the innovative paths of development of the technology under
assessment; (2) study the relationship between the factors influencing the development of
technology; (3) make decisions in the context of significant, forward-looking technologies.
The last class – projection – includes methods for presenting the direct or indirect
future of technology and the related changes and trends in selected areas. Using these
methods makes it possible to: (1) shape the vision, formulate alternative scenarios for the
development of a particular technology; (2) present technological development in the long
term from various perspectives simultaneously: technical, organizational, social, environ-
mental, economic, personal and others; detect, characterize and analyse important devel-
opment trends (persisting for a long time) in the surveyed areas with a global reach, and
their impact on the society.
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2016, 22(4): 574–597 591
4. Analysis of the results of research
Analysing the resulting classes it can be seen that the collection, organization, and pre-
sentation of information related to the current state of the analysed technology will be
possible with the use of the Class I methods (accumulation). For the processing of the
acquired information on the current state of technology, as well as their presentation, the
methods of retrospection are used (Class III). In contrast, to generate new information
on the current state of technology and the cost of its application, Class V methods can be
used (quantication). To collect information on the environment and factors aecting the
development of technology, Class IV methods can be useful (exploration). e collection
and generation of new information related to the future development of the analysed tech-
nology will be facilitated by Class VI tools (selection). In contrast, interpreting and using
the acquired information on the development of the analysed technology will be enabled
by the use of Class VII methods (projection). In turn, Class II methods (creation) are used
for the performance of most of the FTA functions. e methods in this class are primarily
useful in the generation of new information, but also are needed to gather information on
a particular technology, its impact on the environment and the factors that determine the
development of technology.
The proprietary classification presented in an article allowed to find common semantic
ground for the methods belonging to a particular class. The new classification, given the
rich methodical environment of the future-oriented technology analysis, also allows a more
clear way to identify the characteristics of individual clusters that should be considered
during the FTA design process and the formulation of the research methodology. The con-
ducted study has allowed to reduce information overload and to establish the relationship
between the studied methods.
It should be noted that the current division into classes is characterized by considerable
freedom in the selection of methods, which can cause many ambiguities, especially for
inexperienced researchers. In addition, the previous classification covers either only a few
classes, referring to the important, but only general characteristics (over-simplifying the
classification criteria, and thus the principle of selection of methods), or a small number
of methods.
Some classification approaches (e.g. classification of foresight methods according to
Popper (Georghiou et al. 2008), FTA classification (Cagnin et al. 2008), and classification
of forecasting according to Porter (Roper et al. 2011)) are very popular in the literature on
the subject, but in the opinion of the author, have their limitations. These classifications
cover only a few dimensions.
Summing up the obtained results it should be stated that the undertaken subject is
innovative in nature and its development will have practical application. It can become a
source of helpful tips in the long-term process of technology management. The problem of
the classification of methods used in the future-oriented technology analysis, undertaken
in the article, constituted a considerable research challenge, both because of the attempt to
approach the subject in an innovative way, an because of the existing – according to the au-
thor – conceptual and methodological chaos and insufficient theoretical basis in the litera-
ture on the subject and in practice concerning the classification of the future test methods.
592 K. Halicka. Innovative classication of methods of the Future-oriented Technology Analysis
Novum in the research undertaken within the framework of the article should be con-
sidered in three areas: the identification of methods for the potential use in FTA (i), the
selection of a criterion (ii), and the tools for the classification of these methods (iii). The
author supplemented the set of methods applicable in the future-oriented technology analy-
sis. In addition, she classified the methods in terms of their use in the implementation
of individual FTA functions. So far, in the literature on the subject, the future-oriented
technology analysis methods with regard to their usefulness in carrying out particular
functions of this process have not been evaluated or organised. What is more, the process
of classification of the future methods did not involve the artificial intelligence methods,
which according to the author have a high potential for classification.
Currently– in an era characterized by signicant dynamics of the environment– careful
consideration, or even planning the future development of technology is gaining in im-
portance. e tool allowing the presentation of a wide approach to the future of selected
technologies, developed taking into account the knowledge and experience in that area is
the future-oriented technology analysis. is process facilitates the integration of science
and technology with business practice, and the identication of opportunities in the eld
of development of new technologies. It also allows the coordinated development of the
technological potential along with the scenarios of market or sector development.
The lack of clear guidelines, both in Polish and foreign literature, limited the fully
correct and effective use of the future-oriented technology analysis in the study of evolu-
tion of technology. The article presents the methods that can be used for future-oriented
technology analysis. The text presents an original classification of the identified methods
with potential use in FTA.
For the conducted future-oriented technology analysis to be fully fair, one should look
at the research problem in a systemic way. According to the author, the ability to classify
the FTA methods may support their complementary selection during the design of the
predictive process, without limiting the flexibility of these studies at the same time.
The problem undertaken in the article is important, therefore, work in this area will be
continued by the author. Further research will focus on the development of an algorithm,
a method of joining and selecting methods from individual classes.
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Katarzyna HALICKA. PhD, since 2008 is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Management and
Finance at the Bialystok University of Technology. Deputy Head of the Department of Business Infor-
matics and Logistics and an editor of the logistics management section of the Economics and Manage-
ment Journal. Author of about 60 scientic articles. Research interests: forecasting, foresight studies,
technology management, methods of articial intelligence.
... The term Future-oriented Technology Analysis was¯rst used in 2004 in the title of a seminar organized by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) [Halicka (2016)]. The term was thereafter de¯ned as an \umbrella" term which covers many di®erent methodologies of technology analysis [Saritas et al. (2014)] and was characterized by the systematicity of the processes and their strategic relevance. ...
... They presented a classi¯cation framework with 13 distinct categories and identi¯ed 53 methods suitable for analyzing future technologies. Building upon this foundation, Halicka [2016] introduced an updated version of this classi¯cation, which also includes tools for identifying and assessing factors in°uencing technology development. Ciarli et al. [2016] conducted a meta-level analysis to characterize FTA techniques. ...
... The main assumption behind the predictionoriented FTA processes is the existence of a probable future directly linked with the present and the past [Martin (2010)]. This form of analysis of future technologies involves the prediction of technological development based on today's available information [Halicka (2016)]. In this context, having access to information about both existing and emerging technologies is essential for gaining insights into the technological landscape of the future. ...
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The growing turbulence of business environments has amplified the need to anticipate technological breakthroughs through systematic processes referred to as Future-oriented Technology Analysis (FTA). FTA practices that the literature reports are diverse and, in various aspects, not univocally defined. Additionally, the empirical evidence concerning the implementation of different FTA practices, concerning various methodological approaches covered by the FTA as a whole, is still scant. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating whether the heterogeneity of processes that have emerged from the literature mirrors real-world business practices and by exploring the relationship between the different characterizing features of FTA. The study employs a multiple case study design, analyzing the FTA processes implemented in 10 Italian companies and examining six main dimensions of analysis: systematicity, strategic nature, object, methodological approach, time horizon and stakeholders involved. The case analysis revealed that the practices adopted by these companies are typically non-systematic, often relying on informal and de-structured processes. The strategic relevance of FTA varies based on industry characteristics. However, in all these cases, the primary focus of FTA was on identifying emerging technologies, rather than predicting and creating future technologies. Finally, a predominant configuration of FTA emerged, involving the usage of FTA to detect existing or emerging technologies using qualitative techniques and the involvement of external stakeholders to enhance the anticipatory performance of the process.
... IS research may develop its own methods. While the complete methodological toolkit is extensive, the following represents a subset of common methods to illustrate different temporal horizons and analytical purposes (based on Gidley, 2017;Halicka, 2016;Hovorka and Peter, 2019;Niederman, 2023). ...
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“Digital futures” as a research field that examines diverse, long-term future(s) scenarios influenced by digital technologies has been proposed in information systems. Here, based on the emerging literature on digital futures, we define what this term means, delineate it from related concepts such as digital transformation, articulate why the information systems field should take note and consider the study of digital futures, and provide an overview of approaches.
... Paul Gray, founder of CAIS and long-time book review columnist for Information Systems Management, together with Anat Hovav, wrote a series of papers [14], [15], [16], [17], [20] about the future of IS, recommended a scenario approach, and also illustrated the use of scenarios to examine particular futures. It is interesting that these papers focused on IS as a discipline, rather than the mutual effects of IS being created by social factors and society, in turn, being changed by the affordances presented by new sociotechnical systems. ...
... Observing the pace of technological development it is difficult to imagine the future world without modern electronic devices or 5G networks. In the opinion of Halicka (2016) each new technology raises social concerns about whether the expected benefits from its use will be higher than unforeseeable social losses (e.g. health, ecological). ...
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The sustainable development of society depends, on the one hand, on the development of innovative technologies, on the other hand, on the positive and negative effects of this development. Social acceptance of new technological solutions seems to be also a key factor. One of the future technologies is 5G, which will undoubtedly have an unprecedented impact on socio-economic development. The scientific discussion on the risks caused by electromagnetic radiation in the context of a new wireless communication technology – the fifth generation (5G) standard – is going on around the world. The scientific aim of the study is to analyze the factors determining the social attitude of Poles towards 5G technology. Among the factors included are: general society attitudes of technology, the scale of actual Internet use, demographic characteristics and pro-health society attitudes. Data was collected using the CATI technique. The interviews were carried out among 1005 Polish citizens. The obtained results confirmed statistically significant relationships between the variables: attitudes towards technology (ATT) and attitudes towards 5G technology (ATT5G). Research has confirmed that people who use the Internet more frequently have more positive attitudes towards 5G technology. New knowledge regarding public attitudes toward 5G technology has been accumulated through research
... Over the last century, different techniques have been established and utilized for the anticipation and guidance of forthcoming technologies [23]. Future-oriented technology analysis (FTA), the term that was coined for such studies, explores the effects of emerging technologies on the environment and vice versa [24]. As FTA consists of various practices including technology foresight, forecasting, and assessment [25], many scholars refer to it as a toolbox rather than a uniform and proven methodology [26]. ...
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Converging technologies require intelligent policy-making as they have significant capabilities to develop disruptive innovations. In this regard, future-oriented technology assessment is vital given the great uncertainty about the consequences of and barriers to accessing these technologies. However, few frameworks have been developed to evaluate converging technologies, and most of those have neglected the unique dimensions of these technologies. Therefore, this study aims to provide a policymaking framework for converging technology development. Accordingly, the proposed framework is designed through a meta-synthesis of previous technology assessment frameworks by considering the feasibility, challenges, and achievements of converging technologies development pathways (CTDPs) as the key factors. Then, the framework is implemented in a case study of Iran and an appropriate strategy for each converging technologies development pathway is proposed based on a quadruple matrix of achievements and challenges. The results show that in Iran, biotechnology and cognitive technologies have the highest and lowest development horizons, respectively; and surprisingly, the combined field of biotechnology-cognitive is the most promising pair combination of converging technologies.
... The global nature of the ongoing processes inevitably increases interest in the theoretical understanding of the characteristics of the information society and the empirical study of the influence of information and communication technologies on the transformation of socioeconomic, political, and cultural structures. New countries have joined the process of creating a global information society, but on this path there are many difficulties associated primarily with the transitional nature of the development of society [8][9][10]. Today, in order to achieve effective integration of many countries into the global information community, it is necessary to form an information space and at the same time create a democratic, social, rule of law state and civil society. ...
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The main purpose of the study is to determine the main aspects of the introduction of modern technologies in the public administration system in the context of globalization. Public administration is inherent in all known models of representation of social systems, characteristic management and other sciences of social management. This allows using the methods and technologies of management, marketing, social partnership and others in public administration and administration at a modern level. One of the main directions of public management and administration is social engineering, aimed at the development and development of the country's social system, and the tool is appropriate technologies. Based on the results of the analysis, the key modern technologies of the public administration system were identified in the context of the impact of globalization.
... However, the PLSA probabilistic model is not complete, and as the number of texts and words increases, the model becomes very large, and the computation becomes more complicated. Reference [11] proposed a clustering method based on the LDA (latent Dirichlet allocation) topic model, which determines the optimal number of topics by selecting the perplexity (Perplexity) [12] index to cluster the text, but the number of topics selected by this method is often too large, resulting in a high similarity between the extracted topics; however, the number of topics selected by this method is often too large, resulting in a high degree of similarity among the extracted topics, which affects the efficiency of economics formulation and economics evaluation testing. ...
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The steps of generating basic data by the LDA model and calculating text by the weighted algorithm have a good effect on text clustering. In this paper, the LDA topic model is used to effectively improve the accuracy of strategy text clustering. FTZ economics text clustering simulates FTA economics text data and economic data, imports economics and economic figures and word lists, and uses the traditional vector space model for factor representation. After that, the text vectors are independent of each other, ignoring the semantic relationship, which affects the clustering analysis results. A Chinese text clustering algorithm based on semantic clustering is proposed. Based on the principle of cooccurrence and semantic relevance of words, the algorithm uses the collocation vector of feature words to construct semantic clustering; find the document vector with embedded semantic information. Finally, document vectors with embedded semantic information are used. Finally, K vector is used for cluster analysis. The simulation analysis in this paper shows that the economic growth of the free trade zone is the largest under the economics guidance, which can reach 15%.
... The main of this study is to conceptualize expert dominated foresight Delphi method [1] and layman dominated crowdsourcing approach [11] , and define the Crowdsourcing Delphi research approach [12] . Halicka [13] proposed a classification scheme to systematize the selection of future-oriented research methods. However, her comprehensive list did not include crowdsourcing techniques. ...
How to combine expert judgment and mass intelligence? This study can be characterized as methodological concept development. We combine the relevant theories and methodological approaches from expert-dominated Delphi methods and layman-dominated crowdsourcing approaches to introduce a novel Crowdsourcing Delphi research approach. The key contributions of this study consist: (1) the definition of Crowdsourcing Delphi term, (2) identification of differences between crowdsourcing and Delphi methodologies, (3) developing a framework for selecting and evaluating Crowdsourcing Delphi research strategies and (4) identifying pros and cons for different research strategy combinations. One notable advantage for knowledge management need is that the Crowdsourcing methodology allows a large variety of different Delphi variants and different Crowdsourcing techniques. The Crowdsourcing Delphi allows also combination of Data pools/Big Data flows of crowds to the methodological practices of various Delphi expert-panel methods (Delphi variants). The Crowdsourcing Delphi is a new knowledge management methodology tool package.KeywordsCrowdsourcingDelphiHybrid foresightExpert judgementExpert opinionMixed method approachWisdom of crowds
The main purpose of the paper is to identify the factors determining the implementation of sustainable and smart urban mobility (SSUM) solutions. The authors conducted deep desk research of European Union strategic documents, national and local plans of sustainable and smart mobility in cities, enriched with scientific literature review and practical case studies of implemented projects. Based on the results of desk research, literature review, STEEPVL analysis was used to classify factors and the method of mind mapping to visualize main results. The main results of the research is identification and classification of factors determining the implementation of SSUM solutions into seven dimensions: social, technological, economic, environmental, political, values and legal factors. Moreover, selected examples of failures in the implementation of smart and sustainable mobility solutions are presented. The study results may contribute to identifying the driving forces of its SSUM success and potential inhibitors. Thanks to STEEPVL analysis, the large number of identified factors was sort out and classified into seven groups. The outcomes of the study may comprise introduction to the complete STEEPVL analysis which involves verification of the factors by experts, characteristics of the factors, assessment of their importance and predictability as well as development of scenarios of SSUM development. The study has practical implications as the research results provide decision-makers and academic researchers with valuable insights into fundamental aspects that drive cities to undertake smart mobility initiatives.
Purpose The main objective of this research was to combine the integration between two fields of knowledge – future-oriented technology analysis (FTA) and games. This study aims to capture the stakeholders’ actions and decision-making in a procedural, interactive and collaborative way to find a vision of the future. Design/methodology/approach The framework was designed from a literature review on the related research topics, exploring elements and methods, also how we brought the two fields together. The framework was structured in four steps: exploring – deciding – matching – evaluating. For each phase, deep reflections were described to understand the current situation, identify essential future issues and provide recommendations for action. Findings One attractive aspect of the FTA-games is the characteristics of each field but combined made it possible to evaluate future developments and trends. The elements present in games can boost FTA activities through interaction, engagement, experiences, collaboration and motivation, among other elements. Systematically, we seek to ensure traceability by identifying challenges, solutions, execution and results achieved and using tools and elements that make prospecting practical. Originality/value This article systematizes the connection between two fields in the form of a framework. At each stage of the framework, participants and strategists are challenged to seek solutions to future challenges, allowing these participants to engage in a common cause and make actions tangible. Game elements can be shaped to explore new avenues in FTA activities, as they are used in games in specific subject domains. These fields tend to be fragmented and are not integrated.
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Praca przedstawia wyniki badania ewaluacyjnego realizowanych w Polsce projektów foresightowych wykonanego na zamówienie Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przez zespół pracowników Wydziału Zarządzania Politechniki Białostockiej pod kierownictwem prof. dr. hab. inż. Joanicjusza Nazarko. Jej zakres obejmuje zakończone i będące w tym czasie (2010 rok) w trakcie realizacji projekty foresight w Polsce o charakterze narodowym, regionalnym i branżowym. Badaniu poddane zostały: Narodowy Program Foresight „Polska 2020”, 18 zakończonych projektów branżowych i regionalnych dofinansowanych w ramach Sektorowego Programu Operacyjnego Wzrost Konkurencyjności Przedsiębiorstw oraz 22 projekty o charakterze regionalnym i branżowym realizowane w ramach konkursów 1/2008, 2/2008 i 1/2009 Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka, 2007-2013.
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This paper describes the phenomenon of uncertainty in the face of technological megatrends and challenges associated with them. The article focuses on the analysis of the uncertainty in one of the most important technology trends – the Internet of Things (IoT) – on the example of smart buildings. In science, it is advisable to carry out the analysis and interpret the concept of uncertainty and the conditions of its occurrence, and hence search for effective ways of dealing with it.
Conference Paper
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Development and application of advanced methods for monitoring and evaluation of research programmes is a topic of significant importance in the field of knowledge transformation and technology transfer. Firstly, its importance stems from the necessity to develop products, technologies, and conduct projects that are innovative and comply with market expectations. Secondly, it is connected with the need to evaluate research projects and assess their results. An important group of methods is applied for technology assessment (TA), which is one of the key challenges in innovation management concerning support for the decision-making processes with regard to the development and implementation of technologies. The dominant actors in the field of technology assessment have been policy-making bodies; however, the subject was later directed to research and industry. In the traditional understanding of technology assessment, two aspects are stressed: the usefulness of TA in the decision-making process and the impact on the society of the introduction of a new technology or the expansion of an already existing technology. The non-mainstream methods of TA research emerged in business, industry, and non-governmental circles, and these methods of research are currently being developed and will probably expand in the future. It is connected mainly with economic evaluation, decision-making, and technology measurement methods. The authors of the paper present the origins and development of technology assessment approaches and the methods employed. In this field, single methods as well as simple and complex models for technology assessment are applied. There are models that focus on one homogenous group of assessment factors and complex models that simultaneously take into account various aspects of technology development. Against the background of existing approaches, methods, and systems in technology assessment, a universal methodology for innovative technologies assessment with respect to the implementation maturity, commercial potential, and innovativeness level, is presented. The methodology is embedded in the nonmainstream research of TA, corresponding with the needs of business and industry. It has been developed by the authors of the paper, verified, and experimentally implemented at the Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom, Poland. The main advantage of the methodology comprises the possibility to assess innovative products at any stage of a project execution, including ex-ante, ongoing, ex-post, and follow-up, and to compare the assessments results at different stages of product development (from the concept stage, through the development stage, to the final technology stage). The practical value of the methodology has been proven by its use for the assessment of several hundred technological solutions for the needs of research organisations, technological parks, and enterprises in Poland. Using the methodology, approximately 170 innovative technological solutions developed within a strategic research programme “Innovative Systems of Technical Support for Sustainable Development of Economy,” 2010-2015, co-financed from EU structural funds are assessed every half a year at consecutive stages of their development.
Due to great significance attached to technology development as one of the elements driving contemporary economy, two issues seem vital. The first one is technology monitoring through observing its current state, and the second one is defining possibly occurring relations among technologies, so as to determine, ultimately, their development schemes. The author investigates the subject matter of determining the current state of technology within foresight research, which could be defined as technology mapping. In her opinion, it is an essential observation element and the basis of technological environment changes predictions. An overview of the selected methods of technology analysis has been provided with the special emphasis on technology mapping. The idea of the method has been presented in the light of the chosen cases of its worldwide application. The usage of the method in the Polish foresight initiative has been described as well as recommendations of its further application.
Published in 1991, the first edition of Forecasting and Management of Technology was one of the leading handful of books to deal with the topic of forecasting of technology and technology management as this discipline was emerging. The new, revised edition of this book will build on this knowledge in the context of business organizations that now place a greater emphasis on technology to stay on the cutting edge of development. The scope of this edition has broadened to include management of technology content that is relevant to now to executives in organizations while updating and strengthening the technology forecasting and analysis content that the first edition is reputed for. Updated by the original author team, plus new author Scott Cunningham, the book takes into account what the authors see as the innovations to technology management in the last 17 years: the Internet; the greater focus on group decision-making including process management and mechanism design; and desktop software that has transformed the analytical capabilities of technology managers. Included in this book will be 5 case studies from various industries that show how technology management is applied in the real world.
Artificial neural networks (ANN), as an artificial intelligence calculating technique, thanks to its calculating features, are commonly used in economy, management or electroenergetics. In electroenergetics since years they support for instance activities connected with electrenergetic system of steering, disturbance analysis, diagnostics, planning or forecasting [1, 5, 9]. The aim of the paper is to present the application of ANN - Kohonen networks to examine the financial results of electro-energetic enterprises. On the basis of information from the financial reports of distribution corporations, basic coefficients of profitability were calculated. Next, with the usage of Kohonen networks, corporations similar in terms of profitability were isolated and subsequently they were divided into groups. In the author's opinion, in Polish conditions, the issues addressed in the paper are innovative and their elaboration can contribute to the increase of economic effectiveness in distribution corporations.