
Wage Policy and Wage Determination in 1983

  • LabourNet Australia
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... Sumber daya manusia pendidik pun juga diharapkan dapat menguasai hal tersebut sebagai salah satu upaya peningkatan kompetensi diri dan peserta didik. Berdasarkan penelitian sejarah dari seluruh negara yang ada di dunia ini, pada dasarnya pendidikan memiliki dua tujuan, yaitu membimbing para pembelajar untuk menjadi cerdas dan memiliki perilaku berbudi (Mulvey, 1984) Sehingga, hakikat pendidikan yaitu proses bimbingan kepada peserta didik dengan tujuan merubah perilaku menjadi baik, merubah sikap, dan merubah budaya, yang kesemuanya dilakukan dalam konteks positif untuk hasil serta tujuan positif pula, akhirnya tercipta masyarakat beradab (Aushop, 2014: 7). ...
... Hasibuan (2007: 69) menjelaskan pengembangan merupakan kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan peningkatan kemampuan teknis, teoritis, konseptual, maupun moral manusia sesuai kebutuhan pekerjaan atau jabatan. Bella dalam (Mulvey, 1984), pendidikan maupun latihan adalah hal yang sama dengan pengembangan yang merupakan proses peningkatan keterampilan kerja teknis dan manajerial. Dimana, pendidikan adalah salah satu yang orientasinya pada teori, sedangkan latihan orientasi pada praktik. ...
Sumber daya manusia merupakan faktor penting dan memiliki peran yang dominan pada setiap institusi atau organisasi, termasuk pada sektor pendidikan. Kualitas dari sumber daya manusia dalam peranannya melaksanakan kewajiban sebagai pelayan peningkat kompetensi masyarakat sangat diharapkan. Kebutuhan pendidikan bersifat praktis-situasional dan prediktif-antisipatif diperlukan guna transformasi sosial. Pengembangan sumber daya manusia dilakukan melalui lima domain sumber daya manusia, yaitu profesionalitas, daya saing, kompetensi fungsional, keunggulan partisipatif, dan kerja sama. Tidak hanya itu, kemampuan public speaking dalam pendidikan juga dibutuhkan, karena kemampua tersebut akan memberikan warna baru dalam proses pendidikan dan menghindari kejenuhan saat proses pendidikan berlangsung. Metode penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan melibatkan tenaga pengajar, peserta didik, dan pemakai lulusan. Selain lima domain sumber daya manusia, ternyata kemampuan dalam berbicara penyampaian materi dan kendali suasana kelas sangat dibutuhkan untuk mencetak lulusan yang kompeten.
... Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan model analysis Interactive yang membagi kegiatan analisis menjadi beberapa bagian diantaranya pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi data Miles dan Huberman. [15] Selanjutnya pada prosedur penelitian dibagi dalam beberapa tahapan diantaranya (1) membangun kerangka konseptal , (2) merumuskan permasalahan penelitian, (3) pemilihan sampel dan pembatasan penelitian, (4) Instrumentasi, (5) Pengumpulan data, (6) Analisis data, dan (7) matriks serta pengujian kesimpulan. ...
p class="Abstract">Tolerance is a way of thinking that can be translated into an act of mutual openness, mutual respect, character or attitude of respect for different positions and / or contrary to their position as a necessity for a pluralistic nation. The implementation of theTolerance Value Elementary Level in the Jungle School of Salatiga City can be seen when the learning is carried out. Teaching and learning activities are carried out as a form of habituation to create the implementation of the value of tolerance, so that the Jungle School creates a peaceful and tolerant atmosphere. This research is a qualitative research with a case study method. Jungle School was chosen as the subject in this study. Data analysis in the study used an interactive model analysis technique by Miles and Huberman. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the value of tolerance has been carried out well in the Jungle School with an indication that all aspects of tolerance have been carried out. </p
... Student character education was first regulated by the National Education Law, the 1946 Law which was in force from 1947 to the National Education System Law Number 20 of 2003. Character education as a development of skills in learners to be kind which is characterized by an increase in some skills that will make the individual as a being who carries the mandate to become a leader in the world as well as a godhead (subject to the concept of divinity) (1). Character building in schools as a whole is an interrelated component, in the form of curriculum content, quality of human relations, learning and assessment processes, funding, strengthening infrastructure, and work ethic of each citizen of the school environment. ...
... Nofiaturrahmah (2014) Membentuk karakter memang tidak semudah membalik telapak tangan, jika karakter ibarat sebuah bangunan yang kokoh, butuh waktu yang lama dan energi yang tidak sedikit untuk membangunnya berbeda dengan bangunan yang tidak permanen yang mengguanakan bahan-bahan rapuh, maka mengubahnya pun akan lebih cepat dan mudah (Fuad, 2013). Tetapi karakter bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah diubah, maka tidak ada pilihan lain bagi kita semua kecuali membentuk karakter anak mulai sejak dini sepertiaada pepatah " siapa menanam sekarang, maka kelak akan menuai hasilnya" (Mulvey, 1984). Tidak ada istilah terlambat guna pembenbentukan karakter, kita perlu membina dan mengembangkanya secara bertahap, bertingkat, dan berkelanjutan. ...
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Abstrak: Pembentukan karakter adalah proses tanpa henti, yang harus terus-menerus dilakukan baik melaui Pendidikan internal maupun eksternal, maka dari itu tidak cukup di Lembaga formal saja tapi Lembaga non formal seperti pesantren juga mempunyai peran penting untuk ikut serta dalam pembentukan karakter anak. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu 1) Untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai karakter santri di pesantren Bani Rancang 2) Untuk menganalisis peran pondok pesantren Bani Rancang dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter di era globalisasi. Lokasi penelitian ini berada di Pesantren Bani Rancang, Desa Lemah Kembar, Kec. Sumberasih, Kab. Probolinggo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah metode penelitian kulitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data digunakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teori. Teknik analisis data digunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan pengambilan simpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu, nilai-nilai karakter santri pesantren Bani Rancang yaitu, jujur, mandiri, tanggung jawab, religious, dan disiplin. Peran pondok pesantren dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter di era globalisasi yaitu dengan cara berbagai rutinitas pesantren yaitu, kajian pesantren, aturan-aturan pesantren, dan sanksi/ta’ziran.Abstract: character formation is a non-stop process, which must be carriedout continuously both throughinternal and external education, therefore it is not enough in formal institutions only but non-formal istitutions such as Islamic boardingschools also have an important role to participate in the formation of children’scharacter. The objectives of this study are 1) to determine the character values of the santri in the Bani Rancang Islamic Boarding School. 2) to analyse the roleof the Bani Rancang Islamic Boarding School, Lemah Kembar Village, Sumberasih, Probolinggo. The research method used by the researcher is a qualitative research method. Data collection techniques were carried out through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The validity of the data used source triangulation and theory triangulation. Data analysis techniques used data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verivication. The results of this study are the character values of the Bani Rancang Islamic boarding school students, namely, honest, independent, responsible, religious and disciplined. The role of Islamic boarding schools In instilling character values in the era globalization is through various pesantren routines, namely, pesantren studies, pesantren rules, and sanctions/ta’ziran.
... Dalam pembelajaran terdapat pendidikan karakter yang harus dimiliki oleh peserta didik. Pendidikan karakter bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu proses dan hasil pendidikan yang mengarah pada pendidikan karakter dan akhlak mulia pembelajar secara utuh, terpadu, dan seimbang, sesuai dengan standar kompetensi lulusan pada setiap satuan pendidikan [15]. Pembaharuan dari sistem pembelajaran itu di desain oleh tenaga pendidik sedemikian rupa agar pembelajaran yang dilakukan didalam kelas dapat tercapai tujuannya []Tujuan dari pembelajaran dapat membuat peserta didik menjadi aktif, kreatif, dan berkarakter []Hal tersebut dapat terealisasikan apabila mempunyai tenaga pendidik yang dapat melakukan kegiatan proses pembelajaran secara efektif dan efesien. ...
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Tujuan Penelitian: Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembelajaran IPS dapat menjadi pembelajaran yang bermakna bagi peserta didik dan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar terhadap karakter toleransi pada pembelajaran IPS kelas V di Sekolah Dasar Metode Penelitian: Desain penelitian ini adalah studi kasus yang tujuan menguji masalah penelitian yang tidak terpisah dari fenomena dan konteks yang terjadi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pendidik yang diamati dan peserta didik kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 60/I Muara Bulian berjumlah 12 peserta didik yang diperoleh dari teknik random sampling. Instrument pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan penyebaran angket. Analisis data menggunakan analisis data kuantitatif untuk hasil data kajian naratif terhadap penelitian yang ditemui Temuan Utama: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis karakter toleransi di sekolah dasar memiliki kelebihan dan meningkatkan hasil belajar bagi peserta didik. Oleh sebab itu, pembelajaran berbasis karakter toleransi ini mampu memberikan pengaruh positif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari peserta didik baik berupa ucapan dan perbuatan. Keterbaruan Penelitian: penelitian ini mengenai hubungan karakter toleransi terhadap proses pembelajaran muatan IPS di sekolah dasar. Sedangkan penelitian sebelumnya melakukan penelitian dengan meneliti peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan sikap gemar membaca peserta didik melalui model pembelajaran Predict Observe Explain (POE) berbasis literasi.
... interaksi antara faktor-faktor yang terlibat di dalamnya guna mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Interaksi faktorfaktor tersebut secara jelas dapat tersaksi dalam proses belajar, yaitu ketika pendidik mengajarkan nilai-nilai, ilmu, dan keterampilan pada peserta didik, sementara peserta didik menerima pengajaran tersebut (Mulvey, 1984 ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terhadap prestasi belajar warga belajar PKBM Al-Fattah. Kecerdasan emosional merupakan kesadaran diri, pengaturan diri, motivasi diri, empati dan keterampilan sosial sehingga perlu diketahui pengaruhnya terhadap prestasi belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel kecerdasan emosional (X) berpengaruh terhadap variabel prestasi belajar (Y), dan pengaruh variabel bebas (kecerdasan emosional) terhadap variabel terikat (prestasi belajar) adalah sebesar 59.6%. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 40.4% merupakan kontribusi variabel lain yang tidak termasuk dalam model.
... Kelima peserta didik yang diwawancara oleh peneliti menunjukkan bahwa bermain dan belajar menjadi kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Manfaat bermain dan belajar juga dapat mampu meningkatkan perkembangan kognitif karena mengarah pada kreativitas peserta didik [19]. Bermain dan belajar juga dapat meningkatan keterampilan peserta didik dan membangun keterampilan fisik [20]. ...
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Tujuan Penelitian: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi belajar dan bermain pada muatan pelajaran IPS. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian berjumlah 14 peserta didik dengan teknik random sampling. Data pada penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan wawancara para narasumber Temuan Utama: Hasil menunjukan bahwa belajar dan bermain memberikan pengalaman yang luar biasa bagi peserta didik. Muatan pelajaran IPS menjadi muatan yang dapat mempelajari kehidupan lingkungan sosial. Keterbaruan Penelitian: Keterbaruan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan implementasi belajar dan bermain pada muatan pelajaran IPS.
... Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana, merupakan proses mendidik peserta didik sehingga sesuatu yang dilakukan pendidik dan peserta didik diarahkan pada pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran yang telah direncanakan. Pendidikan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu proses dan hasil pendidikan yang mengarah pada pendidikan karakter dan akhlak mulia pembelajar secara utuh, terpadu, dan seimbang, sesuai dengan standar kompetensi lulusan pada setiap satuan pendidikan (Mulvey, 1984). Pada saat ini proses pembelajaran di SMA masih banyak yang berpusat kepada peserta didik dengan bercerita atau berceramah. ...
This study aims to produce a focused product/application using a 4-D model on Excretory System material that is suitable for use in the learning process. This research was developed using a 4-D model consisting of definition (Define), planning (Design), development (Develop), and dissemination (Desseminate). Data collection using a questionnaire. The product that has been developed has been validated by material experts and media expert validation. As for the results of the material expert validator assessment, the feasibility of the media got 86%, the validator score was 73, and the maximum score was 84. The material expert stated that the focused learning media developed was "very valid" and obtained from the media expert validator's assessment, the media eligibility got 92%, validator score of 92. Media experts stated that the focused learning media developed was "very valid" or the media could be used without revision. So that the media is very suitable for use in learning.
... In other words, character refers to a set of knowledge (cognitive), attitudes (attitudes), and motivations, as well as behaviors and skills (skills). According to Thomas Lickona, character deals with moral concepts (moral knowing), moral attitudes (moral felling), and moral behavior (Mulvey, 1984). Based on these three components it can be stated that good character is supported by knowledge of good, desire to do good, and do good deeds (Tabi'in, 2017). ...
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This research aims to describe the value of social care character through community activities. This research is a qualitative study that uses descriptive methods of analysis that take the setting of the community in Demangan Village, Karangdowo Kebupaten Klaten District. The subject of his research is the community in Demangan Village. Data collection uses observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results showed that the research method of planting social care character in the community environment of Demangan Village, Karangdowo District, Klaten Regency, namely through exemplary and habituation carried out daily. The example of the value of social care through teaching from the family in Demangan Village itself. While the habituation of social care character through activities carried out in the community such as gotong royong, building places of worship and houses of citizens, cleaning roads, marriage, and other events that are around the world.
... yang berhubungan tata cara kepada semua bidang harus di majukan dalam setiap kegiatan, oleh karena itu, pengkajian karakter bukan untuk psikologis saja, namun memprovokasi tingkah laku di setiap kegiatan siswa di kalangan social. (Mulvey, 1984). ...
... Pengkajian yang berhubungan tata cara kepada semua bidang harus di majukan dalam setiap kegiatan. Oleh karena itu, pengkajian hasil karakter bukan untuk psikologis saja, Namun memprovokasi tingkah laku di setiap kegiatan siswa di kalangan sosial (Mulvey, 1984). ...
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Pendidikan adalah suatu usaha untuk merubah suatu derajat seseorang. Dengan begitu pendidikan sebagai tempat menumbuhkan bakat seseorang dapat terwujudkan.(Barrimi et al., 2013). Adapun menurut para ahli sebagai berikut, Pendidikan merupakan suatu proses wali murid kepada peserta didik dalam mendorong kemajuan hidup dari peserta didik untuk menjadi warga negara sesuai dengan yang diharapkan dari peserta didik tersebut. (Marwah et al., 2018), pendidikan adalah tempat bagi seseorang agar dapat mengembangkan suatu adat istiadat dalam kemasyarakatan (Adelina Yuristia, 2018), pendidikan adalah suatu proses perencanaan yang di buat berulang-ulang, oleh individu yang memenuhi ketentuan sebagai peserta didik (Damayanti, 2018). Pendidikan merupakan suatu pengajaran kepada atasan dengan benar dan tenaga kependidikan adalah suatu proses individu yang sehat (Nasution, 2008), pendidikan adalah proses pembelajaran yang islami suatu pembentukan karakter kepribadian yang mulia yang bertujuan dalam pendidikan islam (Putra, 2017). Dari pengertian pendidikan tersebut bisa di simpulkan, pendidikan merupakan metode yang dapat mengembangkan karakter seseorang baik dari segi adat istiadat, kebudayaan, sosial, lingkungan, dan bisa menjadi karakter yang baik. Pendidikan mempunyai peranan khusus, yaitu suatu tenaga yang membuktikan usaha seseorang. Dari kata lain pendidikan merupakan kekuasaan yang amat baik di berbagai masyarakat untuk membuktikan bahwa seseorang mempunyai jalan hidup yang baik (Yahdi*, 2010). Fungsi pendidikan terlebih kepada pembentukan berubahnya kemasyarakatan yang telah di bentuk. Dengan cara pendidikan yang di bentuk melalui berubahnya masyarakat dengan cara ramalan. (Lamongan, 2020). Pendidikan berfungsi untuk mengembangkan karakter seorang hingga dapat membentuk sebuah kemampuan kepada siswa supaya bisa menjadi siswa yang ber ilmu, cerdas, dan menjadi masyarakata yang berguna bagi Negara. (Kamil, 1945)
... The implementation of character education is believed to be strongly influenced by the educational environment. This article discusses the relationship between the implementation of character education and the educational environment (Mulvey, 1984). ...
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The purpose of this study was to find out how MAN 1 Banjarmasin implements character education in learning, and to determine the factors that influence character education in MAN 1 Banjarmasin learning. This research is descriptive and qualitative research. The object of this research amounted to 6 people, including the head of the madrasa, waka of the course, several teachers, and several students. Using data collection techniques from interviews, observation, and recording. The results of the research of MAN 1 Banjarmasin on the implementation of character education in learning include learning planning and learning implementation. At the lesson plan stage, the teacher includes various characters in the lesson plan to be applied in learning. At the implementation stage of learning, the teacher internalizes character values in the initial, core, and final activities aimed at developing student character. There is a kind of stimulus or interactive stimulus in the learning process, its function is to instill personality in the learning process. In the implementation stage of learning, teachers also use various methods to shape students' character, namely exploring children's knowledge and skills through lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and questions and answers, and they use scientific methods to make the learning process more focused on student activities. student character formation. Only then can the implementation of character education in language learning be carried out properly. There are two factors that influence the implementation of character education learning at MAN 1 Banjarmasin, namely supporting factors and inhibiting factors. Supporting factors include activities carried out in religious schools to support the successful formation of student character and school environmental conditions. Inhibiting factors include the time of learning implementation, students or students from different backgrounds, and lesson plans.
... Dengan demikian keragaman bentuk corak, struktur, dan kedudukan dari organisasi pendidikan itu bervariasi dimana disini organisasi keprofesian bersifat asosiasi sedangkan sifatnya berbentuk federasi atau perserikatan, lazimnya keanggotan cukup terbatas dari pucuk organisas yang berserikat. Suatu profesi dibidang pendidikan, khususnya yang termasuk sebagai kategori guru atau pengajar Daftar Pustaka (Effendhie, 2011;Fitriyani, 2019;Ii, n.d.;Ii & Teori, n.d.;Komariah et al., 2020;Masruri, Kuntoro, & Arikunto, 2016;Mini Riset Profesi Kependidikan, 2017;Mulvey, 1984;Nurkholis, 2013;Pengaruh PMA, PMDN, TK, 2020;Prakoso & Semarang, 2021;prayoga, 2019;Rusdarti, Slamet, & Prajanti, 2019;Seminar, Dengan, & Barat, 2008;Seminar et al., 2008;Sutapa, 2002;Tedjawati, 2011) ...
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Abstrak Kesadaran pendidikan akan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan untuk menunjang kemajuan dan perubahan. Dalam peningkatan mutu dan kualitas pendidikan tersebut tentunya ada aspek yang melatarbelakangi hal tersebut seperti program professionalisasi guru atau PPG melalui Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan LPTK, PPPG, LPMP, Dinas Pendidikan dan Perguruan tinggi yang mempunyai historial akan pendidikan keguruan seperti IKIP. Dalam hal peningkatan kualitas guru organisasi profesi kependidikan memprakarsai terjadinya program tersebut, karena dirasa hal ini lah yang menjadi awal dari meningkatnya mutu pendidikan. Tidak hanya professionalisasi guru saja namun juga meliputi pendidikan karakter yang dimulai sejak dini, melalui PAUD oleh organisasi HIMPAUDI. Kata Kunci : Sistem, Organisasi Pendidikan, Mutu, Pendidikan karakter Pendahuluan Pendidikan secara sederhana adalah "Usaha manusia untuk menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan potensi-potensi pembawaan baik jasmani maupun rohani sesuai dengan nilai-nilai yang ada didalam masyarakat dan kebudayaan" H. Fuad Ihsan, (2005: 1). Sedangkan pendidikan indonesia memiliki tujuan nasional yaitu pendidikan nasional yang berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab". Untuk mencapai hal tersebut maka salah satunya adalah dengan meningkatkan profesionalisme tenaga pendidik, UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional.
The complexity of issues surrounding character or morality has suddenly become a troubling thought with a personality or moral crisis characterized by an increase in violent crime, bullying, drug addiction, pornography and promiscuity that has become a pathology of society. The methodology used in this research is library research. The purpose of literature research is to use the information obtained to describe the content obtained or the information obtained. The data sources used come from research articles from various national and international sources that are published and can be downloaded on the internet such as Google Scholar, Scopus, Garuda, Sinta, Taylor and Francis using the PICO method. In some of the studies that have been discussed, there are similarities in the application of the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility model in PJOK learning with the aim of producing and increasing individual and social responsibility. Based on the summary of the 15 posts, it can be concluded that the TPSR model is a suitable approach to increase students' individual and social responsibility in personality development in the context of PJOK subjects. By analyzing the literature sources, it can be concluded that the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model has proven effective in increasing students' personal and social responsibility. There are 15 articles or journals that document in detail the successful application of the TPSR model in Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK) education. Therefore, it can be suggested that this model can provide assistance in creating or increasing students' sense of personal and social responsibility in character development in the context of PJOK subjects.
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It is very important for individuals to have independence so that they can live a good life because individuals who are not independent cannot optimize their potential. The character of emotional independence, behavior and values is important to grow within an individual in order to achieve a noble character. This research uses the content analysis method to obtain data on the character of independence in the novel Nyala Semesta by Farah Qoonita with the character Yusuf as the sample. The instrument in this research is a human instrument or the researcher himself. The data collection techniques used were coding sheets and literature study. The technique for analyzing data in this research is by filling in coding sheets according to the measurement tools that have been determined, carrying out validity tests, arranging the data in units of analysis so that they can be categorized and interpreting the data to draw conclusions from the research. It can be concluded in this research that in the novel Nyala Semesta by Farah Qoonita, it has been found and there really is a character of emotional independence, a character of behavioral independence and a character of value independence in it.
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Beksan Menak Sudarawreti Sirtupelaeli is a show that comes from the Javanese Palace. This dance is Yasan Dalem (creation) Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwaao IX. Beksan Menak Sudarawerti Sirtupelaeli is a performance that has a unique one of which lies in his dance moves.Revitalization of Estetik Beksan Menak Sudarawreti Sirtupelaeli to Develop Character Education is research with qualitative methods, namely by describing the Aesthetic Revitalization of Beksan Menak Sudarawreti Sirtupelaeli to Develop Character Education in detail. The study used primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source is the interview record. The researcher's secondary data sources were obtained through literature studies in the form of books, scientific journals that support research, and photo documentation of dance movement variations, Sudarawreti Sirtupelaeli kostrum. Data collection techniques are carried out with observation, interview, document study and literacy techniques.Understanding and knowing the aesthetics in the movement of Beksan Menak Sudarawreti Sirtupelaeli and knowing its relevance to character education is the purpose of this research. Based on the analysis of the data conducted, it was concluded that in the movement of Beksan Menak Sudarawreti Sirtupelaeli there are aesthetic values that contain meanings that are in accordance with the values of character education. Beksan Menak Sudarawreti Sirtupelaeli also has a relationship with the context of art and education as a guideline for daily life or values that contain noble ethics that are worth knowing. Keywords: Beksan Menak, Sudarawreti Sirtupelaeli, aesthetics, character education.
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect on learning of incorporating the traditional game of Hide and Seek. This type of research employs a mixed-methods. This study used several variables as research categories, including response, peace-loving character, and patriotism, and enrolled a total of 44 students. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the data analysis. The integration took place at an Elementary School and a Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Batang Hari, as evidenced by the response, which reflected the peace-loving nature of patriotism. The result is that each response variable, peace, love, and patriotism, has a significant effect, with a value of sig 0.05, and that each variable is dominant in the good category.
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Research background: The background of this research is to find out the development of character education values during this covid-19 pandemic. Where during the COVID-19 pandemic, the community was required to carry out online activities including the field of education, namely schools that were conducted online for school students. The method used by researchers in this study is by distributing online questionnaires with a total of 13 respondents who contributed. Character education has a focus on the process of instilling values, in the form of understandings, procedures for caring for and living these values, and how a student can have the opportunity to be able to practice these values in real terms. Of course, character education is very important for students in preparing their future in order to achieve their goals and to be applied in social life. Purpose of the article: This research is motivated to determine the development of the value of character education during the Covid-19 pandemic. Where when the Covid-19 pandemic, the community was required to carry out activities online, including in the field of education, namely schools that were conducted online for school students. Methods: The method used by researchers in this study is by distributing questionnaires online with a total of 13 respondents who contributed. Character education has a focus on the process of cultivating values, in the form of understandings, procedures for caring for and living these values, and how a student can have the opportunity to be able to practice these values in real terms.
To date, most evaluations of the Accords negotiated between the Australian Coun cil of Trade Unions and the Labor government have been on the basis of perform ance indicators before and after the implementation of the agreements. The comparative approach with other economies of similar size and structure but different policy regimes has not been widely used. This paper attempts to demon strate, first, that the Canadian and Australian economies have sufficient structural similarities to make the comparative approach meaningful and, second, that the Accord policy framework has had limited impact on macroeconomic indicators, with one significant exception, the rate of employment growth, which has been consistently higher in Australia than in Canada. However, a prima facie case is also made for the argument that the social democratic Accord process of industrial and labour force restructuring has re sulted in a maintenance or strengthening of the social wage and social safety net in Australia, whereas in Canada, under a neo-liberal (or neo-conservative) pro gramme, the social wage and social programmes have been under continuous and sustained attack. 1. However, for Australia-New Zealand comparisons, see Easton and Gerritsen, 1995, and Keizer and Muysken, 1995. Although not intended as an evaluation of the Accords, Australia Reconstructed (Australian Council of Trade Unions/Trade Development Council, 1987) includes fairly comprehensive comparisons of the Australian economy and policies with those of Austria, Norway, Sweden, West Germany and the United Kingdom from the 1960s to 1986. The Accord period covered is too short, however, for any significant evaluation. On the other hand, there have been a number of comparative studies of industrial relations systems. Of particular relevance here, see Reid, 1993; Gilson, 1991a, Gilson, 1991b; McCalman, 1992; and Dowrick, 1993. 2. This summary is taken from Stilwell, 1991, except for the year 1993, which is the author's summary of the main points in Putting Jobs First (Australian Council of Trade Unions, 1993a). 3. Other criteria for comparative analysis, such as regional proximity and shared history can be, and have been, used. See, for example, Easton and Gerritsen, 1995, for an Australia-New Zealand comparative analysis of economic policy and macroeconomic performance under Labor governments. 4. The Australian system is frequently referred to as 'centralized' because of the pivotal role of the federal Conciliation and Arbitration Commission. However, as Dabscheck points out, the commission in the recent period oscillated between centralized decision making based on wage indexation (1975-81), decentralization (1981-82), and centrali zation in the form of a wage freeze (1982-83), followed by wage indexation under the Accord Mark I. Subsequently, in the 1991 National Wage Case, the commission again moved toward decentralization with the acceptance of enterprise bargaining (Dabscheck, 1989, pp. 28-40). 5. In fact, the most serious attack in transfers and social programmes in Canada has come in the 1995 budget of the Liberal government, which replaced the Conservatives in 1993. Given these drastic cutbacks, we would expect a substantial acceleration in the deterioration of Canada's performance relative to that of Australia after 1995. In this respect the Liberals have proved more neo-liberal than the ostensibly more right-wing Conservatives. 7. The use of the term 'social democratic' to describe the Australian (Labor) Accord model is open to criticism, particularly given Labor's companion neo-liberal policies of deregulation of capital, financial and international trade markets. In correspondence with the author, John King suggests that the term (European) Christian Democratic might be a more appropriate designation of Labor's approach. However, it is perhaps more in keeping with conventional views to continue to refer to Labor's approach as social democratic to differentiate it from the neo-conservative (or neo-liberal) approach of the Canadian and Australian liberal and conservative parties.
International evidence shows a marked increase in the dispersion of earnings since the 1970s. In this paper the authors review some of this research. Earnings data for Australia indicate that since 1975, the distribution of earnings became significantly less equal there too. This cannot be entirely accounted for by the growth of part-time employment, cyclical influences, demographic change or greater labor market flexibility. In Australia in 1983 an "Accord" was reached between employers, unions and government. One stated aim of this incomes policy was to bring about an equitable redistribution of income, but it did not in fact reverse the trend to rising earnings inequality. On some measures the growth of inequality actually accelerated after 1983, particularly for women working full-time. Copyright 1992 by Scottish Economic Society.
This article examines how the political and institutional environment impinges upon unionisation. Changes in policy towards trade unions in two countries are contrasted: the United Kingdom under the Conservative government where the industrial relations legal environment shifted in a direction antithetical to unionism, and Australia under the Labor administration where the union movement was incorporated into the labour policy process through a corporatist, centralised wage-fixing system-the Accord. How these changes in the legal and institutional environment in the two countries affect the propensity to unionise is examined. It is found that in both the United Kingdom and Australia union density has declined from what it otherwise would have been in the absence of these radically different policies. It is argued that the extremes of corporatist centralisation and laissez-faire decentralisation, perhaps paradoxically, make it difficult for unions to increase their membership. Copyright 1993 The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.
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