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Production, Management, and Environment Symposium: Environmental footprint of livestock production – Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change

The 2015 Production, Management, and Environ-
ment symposium titled “Environmental Footprint of
Livestock Production – Greenhouse Gas Emissions
and Climate Change” was held at the Joint Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science
and American Dairy Science Association at the Rosen
Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, FL, on July 15, 2015.
The symposium was organized by the Production,
Management, and Environment program committee
composed of Scott Radcliffe, Purdue University (com-
mittee chair); Trevor DeVries, University of Guelph;
Al Rotz, USDA-ARS, University Park, PA; Don Ely,
University of Kentucky; Phil Cardoso, University of
Illinois; and N. Andy Cole, USDA-ARS, Bushland,
TX (session chair). The purpose of the program was to
provide up-to-date information regarding the impact
of livestock production on greenhouse gas emissions
and climate change, potential mitigation strategies,
and methodologies to use in research. The symposium
comprised 5 invited presentations, 2 of which were
expanded to the manuscripts in this journal issue. Each
of the presentations is subsequently briey discussed.
The symposium began with a presentation by
Dr. Frank Mitloehner of the University of California,
Davis, titled “Environmental footprint of livestock
production: A global perspective” (Mitloehner, 2015).
The presentation punctuated the differences in the car-
bon footprint of livestock production systems in de-
veloped and developing countries. These differences
are attributed, in large part, to the quantity of fossil
fuels used in transportation, energy, and other indus-
tries. Land-use change accounts for almost half of the
climate-change impact associated with livestock. This
impact is appreciably greater in developing countries
than in developed countries. Sustainable intensica-
tion in animal agriculture, coupled with technology
transfer from developed to developing countries, will
be needed to meet the growing demand for animal
protein while limiting its carbon footprint.
Dr. Richard Ulrich of the University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville provided a thorough review of the Pig
Production Environmental Footprint Calculator
bon-footprint-pork-production-calculator; accessed
26 July 2015; Ulrich et al., 2015). This model pro-
vides a detailed comparison of environmental im-
pacts of feeding practices, manure management, barn
management, and additives used in swine production.
This includes the use of digesters to recover energy
from manure via methane or by converting methane
to carbon dioxide. The model uses the NRC nutri-
tion equations to estimate feed intake and manure
production and an economic model to calculate the
dollar value of avoided greenhouse gas emissions.
The environmental impacts of different feed can be
evaluated per calorie or per gram of protein provided.
The multitude of methods that can be used to mea-
sure gas ux from animal systems were summarized
in the paper titled “Analytical methods for quantify-
ing greenhouse gas ux in animal production systems”
by Dr. Wendy Powers of Michigan State University,
East Lansing (Powers and Capelari, 2016). Methods
to measure uxes from individual animals (i.e., respi-
ration chambers, head boxes, and tracer gas), housing
systems (tracer, direct or indirect ventilation measures,
Production, Management, and Environment Symposium: Environmental foot-
print of livestock production – Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change1
N. Andy Cole,*2 S. Radcliff,† T. J. DeVries,‡ A. Rotz,§ D. G. Ely,# and F. Cardoso║
*USDA-ARS Conservation and Production Research Laboratory, Bushland, TX 79012; †Department of Animal
Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907; ‡Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph,
Guelph, ON, Canada N1G2W1; §USDA-ARS, University Park, PA 16802; #Department of Animal and Food Sciences,
University of Kentucky, Lexington 40546; and ║Department of Animal Science, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana 61801
© 2016 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved. J. Anim. Sci. 2016.94
1A symposium held at the 2015 Joint Annual Meeting of ASAS
and ADSA, July 12–16, 2015, Orlando, FL., with publication
sponsored by the Journal of Animal Science and the American
Society of Animal Science.
2Corresponding author:
Received May 3, 2016.
Accepted May 7, 2016.
Published July 14, 2016
Cole et al.
and micrometeorology methods), manure storage sys-
tems, and elds (chambers, tracers, and micrometeorol-
ogy) are discussed. Methods to accurately measure gas
concentrations and the strengths and weakness of each
method were also discussed. Factors such as the goal of
the research study, costs, required accuracy, time con-
straints, and other factors must be taken into account
when selecting the appropriate methods to use in mea-
suring gas uxes in animal facilities.
The effects of beef production systems on the en-
vironment were summarized by Dr. Galen Erickson of
the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, in the presenta-
tion titled “Greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen
cycling from beef production systems: Effects of cli-
mate, season, production system, and diet” (Erickson
et al., 2015). The presentation noted that many of the
greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from cattle
operations are byproducts of microbial activity that
can be affected by environmental conditions such as
temperature and season. Factors such as forage quality
and diet composition affect enteric methane and pos-
sibly manure greenhouse gas emissions. The effects of
management strategies on daily methane production
and methane production per unit of energy intake may
vary. However, the greatest opportunity to decrease
methane production in the beef cattle sector is prob-
ably in forage-based systems.
The presentation by Dr. Karen Beauchemin of
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Lethbridge,
Alberta (Guyader et al., 2016), summarized our knowl-
edge on the use of forages to improve environmental
sustainability of ruminant production. The ruminant’s
ability to use forages, byproducts, and other feeds that
are of limited use to nonruminants makes them an im-
portant part of the solution to providing high-quality
protein to a growing world population. However, in
the process of digestion, ruminants emit greenhouse
gases, primarily methane, from enteric fermentation.
The proper management of forage systems can po-
tentially lessen the ruminant carbon footprint by de-
creasing nitrous oxide emissions via several mecha-
nisms including decreased use of synthetic fertilizers,
increased soil carbon storage, increased biodiversity,
and improved soil health. No single management
scheme will be the answer. A systems-based approach
will be needed to obtain the greatest net benet.
Environmental issues continue to grow as a con-
cern to livestock producers, regulators, and the gener-
al public. The excellent attendance at the symposium
demonstrates that this subject is of increasing interest
with animal science researchers as well. There are still
signicant gaps in knowledge. These gaps will have to
be lled with high-quality, multidisciplinary research.
Erickson, G. E., S. C. Fernando, T. J. Klopfenstein, A. K. Watson,
J. C. MacDonald, A. C. Pesta, A. L. Knoell, and H. Paz. 2015.
Greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen cycling from beef pro-
duction systems: Effects of climate, season, production system
and diet. J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl. S3):865–866. (Abstr.)
Guyader, J., H. Janzen, R. Kroebel, and K. Beauchemin. 2016. Forage
utilization to improve environmental sustainability of ruminant
production. J. Anim. Sci. (in press). doi:10.2527/jas.2015-0141.
Mitloehner, F. M. 2015. Environmental footprint of livestock pro-
duction: A global perspective. J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl. S3):865.
Powers, W., and M. Capelari. 2016. Analytical methods for quantifying
greenhouse gas ux in animal production systems. J. Anim. Sci.
(in press). doi:10.2527/jas.2015-0017
Ulrich, R., G. Thoma, J. Popp, and M. Hannigan. 2015. Environmental
impact reduction strategies for pig farms. J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl.
S3):865. (Abstr.)
... Methane emissions from livestock are receiving increased attention Andy Cole et al., 2016;Hristov et al., 2013a,b). Breeders can achieve a reduction in daily methane production (DMP) via direct selection (Robinson and Oddy, 2016) or via selection on daily feed intake (DFI), as it is a highly correlated trait (Basarab et al., 2013;Cottle, 2011;Jones et al., 2011;Velazco et al., 2016). ...
Reducing daily methane production (DMP) via selection for lower estimated daily (pasture) feed intake (DFI) has the potential to be more cost effective than direct selection for DMP. Daily feed intake has a high heritability and high genetic correlation to DMP and has a potential lower cost of measurement. This study’s main aim was to determine for a breeding nucleus the optimal proportion of randomly selected young male and female cattle in which to estimate DFI. This optimum proportion was determined by modeling the measurement costs and response to selection of Angus cattle on a (standard industry) Angus breeding index (ABI) augmented with DFI and DMP in a combined breeding objective (BO), but without DMP being measured. For the assumed herd structure and considering a 20 yr planning horizon, the highest net present value (NPV) occurred when 64% of males and no females were measured for DFI. The highest break-even DFI test cost (A$41.51/head) and highest returns on investment (ROI) occurred when 36% of males and no females had DFI estimates. Higher ROI were achieved when all males had DFI estimates before any females had DFI estimates. There was a diminishing increase in rate of genetic gain when moving from 36% to 64% of males with DFI estimates, thus ROI decreased from 29.7% to 23.1%. When 36% of males had DFI estimates (and no females), herd DMP genetic gain was slightly positive as the DMP reduction per generation from male selection (-0.086) was more than offset by the DMP increase per generation from female selection (+0.110). The selection response for DMP only became negative when at least 40% of males had DFI estimates. Having 64% of males with DFI estimates resulted in a predicted genetic decrease in DMP (-0.018 kgCO2e/head per yr), compared to an increase of 0.052 kgCO2e/head per yr when no animals had DFI estimates. The optimum proportion of males with DFI estimates (36 to 64%) depends on the breeders attitude toward ROI and the value of genetic change for DMP. Sensitivity analysis showed that the economic value (EV), heritability and genetic variance of DFI had a higher impact on the NPV and ROI outcomes than parameters related to ABI and DMP, so future work should focus on obtaining robust estimates for DFI parameters. Higher EV for feed intake and DMP would result in higher percentages of animals being profitably measured for DFI, leading to larger reductions in DMP. © 2017 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.
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Ruminants raised for meat and milk are important sources of protein in human diets worldwide. Their unique digestive system allows them to derive energy and nourishment from forages, making use of vast areas of grazing lands not suitable for arable cropping or biofuel production and avoiding direct competition for grain that can be used as human food. However, sustaining an ever-growing population of ruminants consuming forages poses a dilemma: while exploiting their ecological niche, forage-fed ruminants produce large amount of enteric methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Resolving this quandary would allow ruminants an expanded role in meeting growing global demands for livestock products. One way around the dilemma is to devise forage-based diets and feeding systems that reduce methane emissions per unit of milk or meat produced. Ongoing research has made significant strides toward this objective. A wider opportunity is to look beyond methane emissions alone and consider all greenhouse gas emissions from the entire livestock-producing system. For example, by raising ruminants in systems using forages, some of the methane emissions can be offset by preserving or enhancing soil carbon reserves, thereby withholding carbon dioxide from the air. Similarly, well-managed systems based on forages may reduce synthetic fertilizer use by more effective use of manure and nitrogen-fixing plants, thereby curtailing nitrous oxide emissions. The potential environmental benefits of forage-based systems may be expanded even further by considering their other ecological benefits, such as conserving biodiversity, improving soil health, enhancing water quality, and providing wildlife habitat. The quandary, then, can be alleviated by managing ruminants within a holistic land-livestock synchrony that considers not only methane emissions but also suppression of other greenhouse gases as well as other ecological benefits. Given the complexity of such systems, there likely are no singular "best-management" practices that can be recommended everywhere. Using systems-based approaches such as life cycle analysis, ruminant production can be tuned for local lands to achieve greatest net benefits overall. In many instances, such systems, based on forages, may maintain high output of milk and meat while also furnishing other ecosystem benefits, such as reduced overall greenhouse gas emissions.
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Given increased interest by all stakeholders to better understand the contribution of animal agriculture to climate change, it is important that appropriate methodologies be used when measuring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from animal agriculture. Similarly, a fundamental understanding of the differences between methods is necessary to appropriately compare data collected using different approaches and design meaningful experiments. Sources of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide emissions in animal production systems includes the animals, feed storage areas, manure deposition and storage areas, and feed and forage production fields. These 3 gases make up the primary GHG emissions from animal feeding operations. Each of the different GHG may be more or less prominent from each emitting source. Similarly, the species dictates the importance of methane emissions from the animals themselves. Measures of GHG flux from animals are often made using respiration chambers, head boxes, tracer gas techniques, or in vitro gas production techniques. In some cases, a combination of techniques are used (i.e., head boxes in combination with tracer gas). The prominent methods for measuring GHG emissions from housing include the use of tracer gas techniques or direct or indirect ventilation measures coupled with concentration measures of gases of interest. Methods for collecting and measuring GHG emissions from manure storage and/or production lots include the use of downwind measures, often using photoacoustic or open path Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, combined with modeling techniques or the use of static chambers or flux hood methods. Similar methods can be deployed for determining GHG emissions from fields. Each method identified has its own benefits and challenges to use for the stated application. Considerations for use include intended goal, equipment investment and maintenance, frequency and duration of sampling needed to achieve desired representativeness of emissions over time, accuracy and precision of the method, and environmental influences on the method. In the absence of a perfect method for all situations, full knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of each method is extremely important during the development of the experimental design and interpretation of results. The selection of the suitable technique depends on the animal production system, resource availability, and objective for measurements.
Greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen cycling from beef pro duction systems: Effects of climate, season, production system and diet
  • G E Erickson
  • S C Fernando
  • T J Klopfenstein
  • A K Watson
  • J C Macdonald
  • A C Pesta
  • A L Knoell
  • H Paz
Erickson, G. E., S. C. Fernando, T. J. Klopfenstein, A. K. Watson, J. C. MacDonald, A. C. Pesta, A. L. Knoell, and H. Paz. 2015. Greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen cycling from beef pro duction systems: Effects of climate, season, production system and diet. J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl. S3):865-866. (Abstr.)
Environmental footprint of livestock production: A global perspective
  • Mitloehner
Mitloehner, F. M. 2015. Environmental footprint of livestock pro duction: A global perspective. J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl. S3):865. (Abstr.)
Environmental impact reduction strategies for pig farms
  • Ulrich
Ulrich, R., G. Thoma, J. Popp, and M. Hannigan. 2015. Environmental impact reduction strategies for pig farms. J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl. S3):865. (Abstr.)
Greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen cycling from beef production systems: Effects of climate, season, production system and diet
  • Erickson