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EMI filter analysis for transformer-less photovoltaic inverter

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This paper presents the optimization of the EMI filters for a multi-level flying capacitor boost converter (FCBC) by using a frequency-domain EMC model. The objective is to find optimal EMI filters design by estimating the EMI noise on the input and output sides simultaneously. A generic modeling process, suitable for any number of levels, is applied to a three-level flying capacitor boost converter for illustration. The model is developed and validated on an experimental prototype. Then, the filters are designed by an optimization process and validated by measurement. Finally, a sensitivity analysis on the impact of the number of levels and the switching frequency is performed.
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The fabrication of emerging power semiconductor devices and high frequency PCB power transformers has made it possible to design the power converters in MHz switching frequency range. However, the higher switching frequency, di/dt loops and dv/dt nodes in power stages of these converters generate higher order harmonics which causes Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI). It is commonly believed that the EMI has worst affect in the converters switching in MHz frequency range than the converters operating below 150 kHz. Thus, it is important research direction to investigate the consequences of implementing a line filter to suppress the conducted EMI in high frequency power converters. In this paper, the measurements, and analysis of the conducted EMI in emerging power converters, switching in MHz frequency range, and the design of the filter for its suppression is presented. The design of LISN and its PCB implementation for EMI measurements is presented. The measurement of conducted EMI of a half bridge DC-DC converter switching at 3.45 MHz and the analysis of the frequency spectrum is discussed. The design, PCB implementation and characterization of the EMI filter and the measurement of the suppressed conducted noise by applying the filter are also discussed.
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A novel, high-efficiency inverter using MOSFETs for all active switches is presented for photovoltaic, non-isolated, AC module applications. The proposed H6-type configuration features high efficiency over a wide load range, low ground leakage current, no need for split capacitors, and low output AC-current distortion. The detailed power stage operating principles, PWM scheme, and novel bootstrap power supply for the proposed inverter are described. Experimental results of a 300 W hardware prototype show that not only are MOSFET body diode reverse-recovery and ground leakage current issues alleviated in the proposed inverter, but also that 98.3% maximum efficiency and 98.1% European Union efficiency are achieved.
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For low-power grid-connected applications, a single-phase converter can be used. In photovoltaic (PV) applications, it is possible to remove the transformer in the inverter to reduce losses, costs, and size. Galvanic connection of the grid and the dc sources in transformerless systems can introduce additional ground currents due to the ground parasitic capacitance. These currents increase conducted and radiated electromagnetic emissions, harmonics injected in the utility grid, and losses. Amplitude and spectrum of the ground current depend on the converter topology, the switching strategy, and the resonant circuit formed by the ground capacitance, the converter, the ac filter, and the grid. In this paper, the ground current in a 1.5-kW PV installation is measured under different conditions and used to build a simulation model. The installation includes a string of 16 PV panel, a full-bridge inverter, and an LCL filter. This model allows the study of the influence of the harmonics injected by the inverter on the ground current.
Conference Paper
This paper proposes an EMI filter design and optimization method for both AC and DC side in a DC-fed motor drive system. Based on the noise generation and propagation mechanism, the analysis of common mode (CM) and differential mode (DM) EMI noise equivalent circuits is provided. Based on those equivalent circuits, this paper investigates the system EMI noise between AC and DC side, which shows the interaction between DM and CM noises and the interaction between adding AC and DC side filters. With these considerations, an optimized EMI filter design procedure is proposed to design CM and DM filters for both AC and DC sides. To minimize the impact on the EMI noise of one side caused by adding filter on the other side, certain order must be followed to design AC and DC CM and DM filters. Moreover, the EMI filter weight optimization method is also discussed to get the minimum weight of EMI filter and improve system power density. Simulation and experimental results verify the interaction between AC and DC filters and show that EMI filters can be designed to suppress both AC and DC EMI noise to meet the standard with the proposed EMI filter design method.
In this paper a new low cost technique for PWM strategy implementation is presented. The proposed technique does not require dedicated hardware PWM units, thus offering higher flexibility of use. Furthermore, the aforementioned method eases the digital implementation of modern modulation methods like AZSPWM, NSPWM, or ACRPWM. By using a conventional PWM unit from a microcontroller, these modern modulation techniques are often difficult, or even impossible, to implement. The proposed method can be used to implement PWM strategies even for those microcontrollers which are not equipped with hardware PWM unit. The experimental results show that this new technique is suitable to replace traditional implementation methods with minimum computational overhead, with the benefit of high flexibility, lower cost and faster code development.
Improved High Efficiency Inverter With H6 Type Configuration to Eliminate CMLC for PV System: IJAEEE
  • S Shobana
  • J Padmapriya
Effective EMI Filter Design Method for Three-Phase Inverter based upon Software Noise Separation
  • Yen-Shin Po-Shen Chen
  • Lai