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Quality Of Life Among Malaysian And Iranian Postgraduate Students In Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

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... Tabela 4 Associação entre os escores da QVG menor que a mediana e as características sociodemográficas, acadêmicas e de saúde dos mestrandos, com suas respectivas razões de prevalências brutas e ajustadas, intervalo de confiança de 95% e valores de P. Mato Grosso, Brasil, 2018. Apesar da região central do país apresentar culturas, valores, padrões e ambientes diferentes das demais e de outros países, não ocorreu influência na qualidade de vida dos mestrandos, uma vez que os resultados foram similares aos obtidos em estudos com alunos de pós-graduação internacionais (Ghazanfar et al., 2018, Bullappa;Kengnal, 2017, Vakili et al., 2012 Os resultados das razões de prevalências ajustadas para QVG indicam a presença de companheiro(a) e ter pouco tempo no curso como fatores associados aos maiores escores, enquanto não ter orientador ou não o escolheu e ter disponibilidade total para o curso são fatores associados aos menores escores. ...
Introdução: Conhecer o perfil, estilo e a qualidade de vida dos mestrandos antes da Covid-19 é essencial para auxiliar nas tomadas de decisões institucionais e pessoais, tanto de saúde como educacional para o presente momento e futuro. Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida dos mestrandos de uma universidade pública federal do centro-oeste brasileiro antes da Covid-19. Método: Estudo observacional de corte transversal, do tipo inquérito autopreenchível. Constituíram a amostra 375 mestrandos com idade média de 30,8 ± 7,4 anos, que responderam instrumentos validados (Escala de Sonolência de Epworth, SRQ-20 e WHOQOL-bref), além de questões referentes às características sociodemográficas, acadêmicas e de saúde. Para análise, utilizou-se estatísticas descritivas, intervalos de confiança de 95% e regressão de Poisson múltiplo. Resultados: Os escores para qualidade de vida variam de 0 (pior) a 100 (melhor), os mestrandos apresentaram uma média de 56,8 e mediana 56,7. A possibilidade de estar com algum tipo de transtorno mental, ocorreu em 63,5% deles, sendo o único fator associado aos menores escores, tanto na qualidade de vida geral quanto em todos os domínios do WHOQOL-bref. Conclusão: A qualidade de vida dos mestrandos pesquisados antes da Covid-19 não era satisfatória e já evidenciava a necessidade de ações que prevenisse e promovesse a sua saúde.
... These results are similar to the results of a study by Vo et al., who also reported higher scores in the social relationships and psychological health domains among students in Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam [33]. Contrary to our findings, some studies reported rather higher scores in the physical domain [34,35]. Several factors could explain these observed differences. ...
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The quality of life (QoL) of an individual is affected in a complex way by the person's physical health, psychological state, social relationships, and their relationship to their environment. We assessed the QoL of international university students using the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) tool and explored the QoL-associated factors. We conducted a cross-sectional study between January and March 2021. The WHOQOL-BREF was summarized as a four-domain construct following the WHO guidelines and QoL scores for each domain were compared through a t-test and chi-squared test. To determine the factors associated with international students' QoL we used multiple linear regression models, with each of the domains serving as the outcome variable. In total, 261 students participated, with 52.5% being males. We reported predicted means (PM) along with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Cronbach's alpha for the overall WHOQOL-BREF tool was 0.88. Students' self-reported QoL mean score was 3.67 ± 0.71 and the mean score of their overall satisfaction with health was 3.61 ± 0.83. The social relationships domain had the highest mean score at 56.88 ± 19.55 and was significantly associated with age (>25 years: PM: 59.7; 95% CI: 56.2-63.2, p = 0.033) and region of origin (Asia: PM: 54.4; 95% CI: 42.5-64.8, p = 0.027). Students above 25 years had significantly higher scores in all domains (p < 0.05). Our results showed that the social relationships and psychological health domains have more positive impact on international students' QoL compared to the physical and environmental health domains. To cope with factors influencing international students' QoL, universities should develop and provide efficient support systems for foreign students in South Korea.
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The aim of this study is to evaluate the quality of life of university students studying at a vocational school. The study was designed in quantitative research method. Data were obtained using the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionaire Abbreviated Version (WHOQOL-BREF) and a personal information form. The sample of the study consisted of 621 university students studying at Manavgat Vocational School, one of the vocational schools of Akdeniz University with the highest number of students. The skewness and kurtosis values were examined to determine whether the data had a normal distribution. The data were found to have a normal distribution, and Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis, which are among the parametric tests, were used in the analyses. As a result of the correlation analysis, it was observed that there were positive relationships between both overall quality of life and general health perceptions and the domains of quality of life, namely physical, psychological, social, environmental; and there was negative relationship with the national domain. As a result of the regression analysis, it was found that the psychological and environmental among the domains of quality of life positively affected both overall quality of life and general health perceptions of students; It was determined that the national dimension had a negative effect. The findings were discussed within the framework of the literature and some suggestions were made for school administrations.
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