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Accepted by E. Nearns: 8 Jun. 2016; published: 12 Jul. 2016
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
(online edition)
Copyright © 2016 Magnolia Press
Zootaxa 4137 (3): 339
Two new species and new records of Cerambycidae (Insecta, Coleoptera)
from Itatiaia National Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Departamento de Entomologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro- UFRJ, Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cris-
tóvão, CEP 20940-040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. E-mail:
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq
The descriptions of two species of Lamiinae, Lepturges (Lepturges) batesi sp. nov. (Acanthocinini) and Onocephala chi-
comendes sp. nov. (Onocephalini) and an addendum of Cerambycinae and Lamiinae to the list of species of Cerambycidae
in the Itatiaia National Park are presented. The data are based on fieldwork conducted over the last six years. Eighteen
species of Cerambycinae and 21 of Lamiinae are recorded, with a total of 39 new distribution records.
Key words: Cerambycidae, Coleoptera, Atlantic Rainforest, new species, new records
As descrições de dois Lamiinae, Lepturges (Lepturges) batesi sp. nov. (Acanthocinini) e Onocephala chicomendes sp.
nov. (Onocephalini) e uma adenda de Cerambycinae e Lamiinae ao inventário das espécies de Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)
do Parque Nacional do Itatiaia são apresentadas. Os dados foram baseados em coletas de campo. Dezoito espécies de Ce-
rambycinae e 21 de Lamiinae são registradas, totalizando 39 novas ocorrências de distribuição.
Palavras chave: Cerambycidae, Coleoptera, Mata Atlântica, novas espécies, novos registros
The Atlantic Rainforest is one of the most important eco-regions in the world, a biodiversity hotspot, and is
considered one of the most threatened biomes on the planet. Itatiaia National Park (PNI) is the oldest national park
in Brazil, established in 1937, and one of the most important Conservation Units of the Atlantic Rainforest
(ICMBio, 2013).
Concerning the fauna of insects, there is limited knowledge about the species of Coleoptera in the PNI.
Recently, Monné et al. (2009, 2010, 2012) published checklists of Cerambycinae (293 species), Lamiinae (322
species), Parandrinae (8 species), Prioninae (20 species) and Lepturinae (5 species) with occurrences in the Parque
Nacional do Itatiaia, totaling 648 species of Cerambycidae. Subsequent papers added four species: Unaiuba m-
fasciata Schmid, 2015, Lophopoenopsis itatiaiensis Monné & Monné, 2012, Trichonius inusitatus Monné &
Monné, 2012 and Urgleptes villiersi Gilmour, 1962 (Fig. 34) (Bezark, 2013; Monné & Monné, 2012; Schmid,
2015), and two species were erroneously recorded: Taeniotes amazonum Thomson, 1857 and Lepturges
(Chaeturges) dorsalis (White, 1855) (Monné et al. 2012).
Here we describe two new species of Lamiinae (Lepturges (Lepturges) batesi sp. nov. and Onocephala
chicomendes sp. nov.) Eighteen species of Cerambycinae and 21 of Lamiinae are newly recorded for the PNI,
bringing the total species within Cerambycidae to 689 species. These records give us a better understanding of
which species are being protected within the national park.
Zootaxa 4137 (3) © 2016 Magnolia Press
Material and methods
The Itatiaia National Park is located between 22º19’–22º45’ S and 044º15’–044º50’ W, on the boundary of the
states of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and São Paulo, in the Serra da Mantiqueira. The park covers part of
southwestern Rio de Janeiro, in the county of Itatiaia, and southeastern Minas Gerais, in the counties of Itamonte,
Alagoa and Bocaina de Minas. The park is surrounded by the Mantiqueira Range Environmental Protection Area,
which provides an ecological buffer zone for the park (ICMBio, 2013).
The specimens under study were obtained in several collections between September 2010 and February 2016
(ICMBio permit Number 16928). The list is presented in alphabetical order by tribe, subtribe, genus and species,
and the references are restricted to the original description and those authors who proposed nomenclatural
modifications. The distributions were obtained from Monné (2016) and all specimens are deposited in the MNRJ.
ACMT American Coleoptera Museum, Texas, United States
FAPERJ Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
ICMBio Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade
MIZA Museo del Instituto de Zoologia Agrícola, Entomologia, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay,
Aragua, Venezuela
MNRJ Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
PNI Parque Nacional do Itatiaia
Tribe Acanthocinini
The genus Lepturges Bates, 1863 is among the largest in the tribe Acanthocinini, with 67 described species of
Lepturges (Lepturges) and 20 in Lepturges (Chaeturges) Gilmour, 1959 (Monné, 2016). Lepturges differs from
Chaeturges in the absence of short bristles on the distal half of the lateral sides of the elytra.
Lepturges is very similar to Urgleptes Dillon, 1956. Species of Urgleptes have punctures limited to a row along
the basal transverse sulcus, extending behind the lateral pronotal tubercles. In Lepturges, the punctures along the
basal sulcus do not extend behind the lateral pronotal tubercles and sometimes there are other scattered, large
punctures on the pronotal disk. Lepturges also differs from Lepturgantes Gilmour, 1957 in having the antennae
with 11 antennomeres; members of Lepturgantes have 12.
Lepturges (Lepturges) batesi sp. nov.
(Figs. 14–17, 19)
Male. Integument dark brown. Head covered with dense, appressed, pale white to golden pubescence, denser on
sides of front. Antennae more than twice length of body, exceeding elytral apex at distal extremity of antennomere
VI; antennomeres without setae on surface. Lower eye lobe more than twice height of upper lobe; distance between
upper lobes twice diameter of one lobe. Pronotum rounded at sides to posteriorly directed acute tubercle
demarcated with row of punctures. Disk without elevations, center of disk with scattered punctures. Pronotum with
antemedian row of four rounded patches of whitish pubescence, large grayish-white triangular patch in the middle
of posterior half, similar pubescence at base of lateral tubercles; prosternal and mesosternal processes, as wide as
than 1/5 of coxal cavities. Scutellum with rounded apex, covered with ashy white pubescence.
Elytra covered with brown and patches of white grayish pubescence as follows: minute rounded macula
between scutellum and humeri; large patch in anterior half, with irregular margins, enclosing rounded brown
macula; in distal half a large patch in distal third, with irregular margins, and three rounded minute maculae on
each elytron. Elytral apex obliquely truncated, outer angle slightly projected in obtuse projection. Surface very
finely and minutely punctate.
Metatarsi I twice as long as II+III. Last visible urotergite rounded at apex, urosternite with subtruncate end.
Zootaxa 4137 (3) © 2016 Magnolia Press
Female (Fig. 17). Antennae exceeding elytral apices at end of antennomere VIII; urotergite rounded at apex;
urosternite with apex slightly semicircularly excavated.
Etymology. We name this species for Henry Walter Bates (1825–1892), in appreciation of his great
contributions to the knowledge of insects. The epithet is a noun in apposition.
Measurements, in mm. Holotype male, total length, 8.0; prothorax length, 1.5; prothorax width at its widest
point, 2.1; elytral length, 5.5; humeral width, 2.6. Paratypes, male/female, n = 21 / 26. Total length: 8.14±1.18 /
8.52±1.07, prothorax length: 1.52±0.26 / 1.49±0.20, prothorax width at its widest point: 2.30±0.37 / 2.30±0.31,
elytral length: 5.77±0.88 / 5.85±0.82, humeral width: 2.65±0.47 / 2.70±0.39.
Type material. Holotype male, BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, 750 m, 11–14.I.2008,
M.L.Monné, J.R.Mermudes, H.S.Monné & M.A.Monné. (MNRJ). Paratypes: same locality, female, 5–25.XI.1974,
H. S. & M.A. Monné col. (MNRJ). Rio de Janeiro: Distrito Federal (currently Rio de Janeiro), Serra dos Três Rios,
Grajaú, 2 males, female, 25.X.1954, Newton Santos col. (MNRJ); 2 males, 3 females, 25.X.1955, Newton Santos
col. (MNRJ). Amazonas: Benjamin Constant, female, X.1979, B. Silva col. (MNRJ). Rondônia: Pimenta Bueno,
male, female, X.1986, O. Roppa, P. Magno & J. Becker col. (MNRJ). Vilhena, male, X.1986, O. Roppa, P. Magno
& J. Becker col. (MNRJ). Mato Grosso: Sinop. 5 males. 4 females, X.1974, Roppa & Alvarenga col. (MNRJ).
Bahia: Encruzilhada, Estrada Rio-Bahia, km 965, Motel da Divisa, male, XI.1972, Seabra & Roppa col. (MNRJ);
male, 3 females, XII.1972, Seabra & Roppa col. (MNRJ); 3 males, 2 females, XI.1974, Seabra & Roppa col.
(MNRJ); 3 females, XII.1974, Seabra & Roppa col (MNRJ). Minas Gerais: Pedra Azul, male, XII.1972, Seabra &
Roppa col. (MNRJ). Espírito Santo: Linhares (Parque Sooretama), female, X.1967, F. M. Oliveira col. (MNRJ).
São Paulo: São Paulo, Capital, female, IV.1974, V. Alin col.(MNRJ); Peruibe, male, 4.II.1947, H. Zellibor col.
(MNRJ). VENEZUELA, Tachi r a : Rio Frio (600 m), female, 02–10.IX.1981, A. Chacon col. (MIZA) PERU,
Madre de Dios: Avispas, male, 10–30.IX.1962, L. Peña col. (MNRJ). BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: 4–6km SSE Buena
Vista (Hotel Flora y Fauna), male, 10–15.XI.2002, R. Clarke col. (ACMT); male, female, 16–30.XI.2002, R.
Clarke col. (MNRJ); 5 km SSE Buena Vista (Hotel Flora y Fauna), female, 15.X.2004, R. Clarke col. (ACMT);
female, 6.XII.2004, R. Clarke col. (ACMT). ARGENTINA, Misiones: Estación Experimental Loreto, male, A.
Ogloblin col. (MNRJ).
Remarks. Lepturges (Lepturges) batesi sp. nov. (Figs. 14—17, 19) has a similar pattern of coloration to
Lepturges (Chaeturges) dorsalis (White, 1855) (Figs. 18, 20) and was previously erroneously identified as the
latter species from Itatiaia National Park (Monné et al., 2012). It differs from L. (C.) dorsalis in having the half
distal part of the sides of the elytra without short bristles (Fig. 20).
Tribe Onocephalini
The tribe Onocephalini contains 18 species described in three genera, Onocephala Sturm, 1843 with nine species,
Pseudoperma Dillon & Dillon, 1946 with two species, and Stethoperma Lameere, 1884 with seven species. All the
species occur exclusively in Brazil, except Stethoperma obliquepicta Breuning, 1940 which occurs in Brazil and
Paraguay (Monné, 2016).
Onocephala chicomendes sp. nov.
(Figs. 1–5)
Holotype male (Figs. 1–4). Integument brown, entirely covered with short, dense pale yellowish pubescence.
Antennae brownish-yellow; antennal tubercles, scape, pedicel and antennomeres III–IV covered with pale
yellowish pubescence. Elytra with a premedian, pale yellowish macula, slightly oblique, reaching external margin,
posterior margin of macula dentate.
Head (Fig. 4) with coronal suture from occiput to clypeus; surface sparsely, finely punctate; front slightly
convex, separated from genae by longitudinal carina; genae twice longer than height of lower ocular lobe, with
median longitudinal sulcus under eye; antennae exceeding elytral apex at apex of antennomere VI; antennal
tubercles strongly projected, acuminate at apex, covered with long, dense pubescence which extends to
antennomere IV; distance between apex of tubercles five times width of an upper ocular lobe; scape densely and
Zootaxa 4137 (3) © 2016 Magnolia Press
coarsely punctate; antennomere III 1.2 times length of scape and as long as antennomere IV; antennomere IV
covered with pubescence only in internal face, 1.3 times length of antennomere V; antennomeres V–VI subequal in
length, with sparse and long setae on internal face; antennomeres VII–XI increasing in length.
Prothorax cylindrical, unarmed, transverse, 1.3 times wider than long; surface punctate, except ventrally;
pronotum transversely rugose; prosternal process depressed, as wide as 1/3 of procoxal cavities. Mesosternal
process as wide as 3/4 of mesocoxal cavities. Scutellum with apex truncate. Elytra sparsely granulate at base,
entirely finely punctate, more shallowly toward apex; humeri tuberculate. Pro-, meso- and metafemora fusiform;
metafemora not reaching elytral apex. Last visible urotergite and urosternite trapezoidal, with apical margin
FIGURES 1–5. Onocephala chicomendes sp. nov. 1–4, holotype, male, 1, dorsal view, 2, lateral view, 3, ventral view, 4, detail
of head in frontal view; 5, paratype, female, dorsal view.
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FIGURES 6–13. 6–8, dorsal view; 6, Onocephala diophthalma; 7, O. rugicollis; 8, O. tepahi. 9–11, lateral view; 9, O.
diophthalma; 10, O. rugicollis; 11, O. tepahi. 12–13, detail of head in frontal view; 12, O. diophthalma; 13, O. tepahi.
Female paratype (Fig. 5). Differs from the male by front without carina separating it from genae; distance
between apex of tubercles seven times width of an upper ocular lobe; antennomeres V–XI decreasing in length; last
visible urotergite trapezoidal, slightly curved ventrally, with sinuous apex; last visible urosternite trapezoidal, with
longitudinal median sulcus and apex slightly excavated.
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FIGURES 14–20. 14–17, Lepturges (L.) batesi sp. nov., holotype, male, 14, dorsal view, 2, ventral view, 3, lateral view, 17,
paratype, female, dorsal view; 18, Lepturges (Chaeturges) dorsalis, dorsal view; 19–20, detail of elytron, 19, Lepturges (L.)
batesi sp. nov., external margin without short bristles; 20, Lepturges (Chaeturges) dorsalis, external margin with short bristles.
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Measurements, in mm. Holotype male/ paratype female. Total length, 17.4/19.3; prothorax length, 3.0/3.5;
prothorax width at its widest point, 3.7/4.3; elytral length, 11.05/13.4; humeral width, 6.1/6.7.
Etymology. We name this species for Francisco Alves Mendes Filho, better known as Chico Mendes
(December 15, 1944 – December 22, 1988), a Brazilian rubber tapper and environmentalist. He fought to preserve
the Amazon Rainforest, and advocated for the human rights of Brazilian peasants and indigenous peoples. He was
murdered by a rancher on December 22, 1988. The epithet is a noun in apposition.
Type material. Holotype male, BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional de Itatiaia, 816 m),
VI.1973, L. Zikán leg. (MNRJ). Paratype female: BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Estação Biológica), 21.I.1930,
J.F. Zikán leg. (MNRJ).
Remarks. Based on the pattern of the elytra, three groups of species can be defined in Onocephala: one group
with a premedian yellow spot of pubescence (Onocephala chicomendes sp. nov. (Figs. 1, 5), O. diophthalma
(Perty, 1832) (Figs. 6, 9), O. tepahi Dillon & Dillon, 1946 (Figs 8, 11), O. rugicollis (Thomson, 1857) (Figs. 7, 10),
another group with only longitudinal stripes of pubescence (O. aulica Lucas, 1857, O. suturalis (Bates, 1887), O.
thomsoni, O. vitipennis), and the last with an oblique median macula and longitudinal stripes of pubescence (O.
lacordairei Dillon & Dillon, 1946, O. obliquata Lacordaire, 1872).
Onocephala chicomendes sp. nov. (Figs. 1–5) differs from O. diophthalma (Figs. 6, 9, 12), O. tepahi (Figs. 8,
11) and O. rugicollis (Figs. 7, 10) in the yellow spot on the elytra that does not reach the external margin and in the
fine shallow punctuation on the base of the elytra; in the other three species the yellow spot reaches the external
margin of the elytra and the punctuation on the base of the elytra is deep and coarse. Onocephala chicomendes sp.
nov. also differs from O. diphthalma and O. tepahi in having the IV antennomere unicolor (in the other two species
the basal half is yellowish). It differs from O. tepahi in the well-separated antennal tubercles, with the distance
between them greater than the width of an upper lobe. In O. tepahi the tubercles are very close, separated by less
than the width of an upper lobe.
Subfamily Cerambycinae
1. Jupoata robusta Martins & Monné, 2002 (Fig. 21)
Jupoata robusta Martins & Monné, 2002: 203.
Distribution. Brazil (Maranhão, Pernambuco, Bahia, Goiás, Minas Gerais to Santa Catarina).
Specimens examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 male, 23.IX.2011,
M.L. & M.A. Monné col; 1 male, 28.X.2011, R. Cavichioli col.
2. Megacyllene anacantha (Chevrolat, 1862)
Cyllene anacantha Chevrolat, 1862: 52.
Clytus anacanthus; Gemminger & Harold, 1872: 2923 (cat.).
Megacyllene anacantha; Monné, M. A., 1993i: 2 (cat.).
Distribution. Brazil (Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande
do Sul), Argentina (Salta).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), Ponte Alta, 2500 m, 1
female, 04.II.2016, A. Martins.
3. Megacyllene insignita (Perroud, 1855)
Clytus insignitus Perroud, 1855: 388.
Cyllene insignita; Chevrolat, 1862: 53.
Megacyllene insignita; Biezanko & Bosq, 1956: 8 (distr.).
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Distribution. Brazil (Minas Gerais, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul), Argentina (Córdoba, San Luis,
Santa Fé, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Buenos Aires), Uruguay.
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), Trilha Abrigo Rebouças, 2400 m, 1 male,
01–03.I.2016, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
4. Aglaoschema prasinipenne (Lucas, 1857) (Fig. 22)
Orthostoma prasinipennis Lucas in Castelnau, 1857: 185.
Aglaoschema prasinipenne; Napp, 1994: 659.
Orthostoma nigricorne Bates, 1870: 393.
Orthoschema tibiale Aurivillius, 1920: 364.
Distribution. Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio
Grande do Sul), Bolivia (Santa Cruz).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 female, 18–
21.X.2012, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello & R. Souza col.
5. Chlorethe brachyptera Zajciw, 1963 (Fig. 23)
Chlorethe brachyptera Zajciw, 1963b: 416.
Distribution. Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina).
New record for Rio de Janeiro State and for PNI.
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 male, 27.II –
01.III.2012, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello & R. Souza col.
6. Eburia charmata Martins, 1981 (Fig. 24)
Eburia charmata Martins, 1981a: 207.
Distribution. Brazil (Espírito Santo).
New record for Rio de Janeiro State and for PNI.
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 female, 29.X.2011,
R. Cavichioli col.
7. Eburodacrys monticola Monné & Martins, 1973 (Fig. 25)
Eburodacrys monticola Monné & Martins, 1973: 149.
Distribution. Brazil (Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 male, 23.IX.2011,
M.L. & M.A. Monné col.
8. Pantomallus pallidus Aurivillius, 1923
Pantomallus pallidus Aurivillius, 1923: 440.
Distribution. Brazil (Bahia to Santa Catarina), Paraguay.
Specimens examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 2 males, 06–
08.XI.2009, M.L. & M.A. Monné col; 1 female, 11–13.XI.2011, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello,
M. Simões & R. Souza col; 1 female, 18–21.X.2012, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello & R. Souza
9. Quiacaua abacta (Martins, 1981) (Fig. 26)
Eburia abacta Martins, 1981a: 206.
Quiacaua abacta; Martins, 1997: 71.
Distribution. Brazil (Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro).
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Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 female, 18–
21.X.2012, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello & R. Souza col.
10. Heterachthes dimidiatus (Thomson, 1865)
Ibidion dimidiatum Thomson, 1865: 571.
Ibidion (Brydaeon) dimidiatum; Thomson, 1867: 137.
Compsa dimidiata; Lacordaire, 1869: 333.
Heterachthes dimidiatus; Martins, 1962: 1.
Distribution. Brazil (Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná), Paraguay.
Specimen examined. BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 1 female, 01.X.–01.XI.2015,
Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
11. Compsibidion truncatum (Thomson, 1865) (Fig. 27)
Ibidion truncatum Thomson, 1865: 574.
Compsibidion truncatum; Martins, 1969: 714.
Ibidion albo-cinctum Thomson, 1865: 574.
Ibidion (Compsibidion) lycoris Thomson, 1867
Distribution. Brazil (Goiás, Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul), Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina (Misiones).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 female, 18–
21.X.2012, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello & R. Souza col.
12. Minibidion bondari (Melzer, 1923)
Ibidion bondari Melzer, 1923: 7.
Minibidion bondari; Martins, 1968: 337.
Distribution. Brazil (Mato Grosso, Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul).
Specimens examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 2 males, 15–
19.XI.2012, M.L. Monné, M.A. Monné, J.P .Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli col.
13. Chariergodes flava (Zajciw, 1963) (Fig. 28)
Ommata (Chariergodes) flava Zajciw, 1963a: 243.
Distribution.Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 female, 23.IX.2011,
M.L. Monné & M.A.Monné col.
14. Eclipta brachialis (Bates, 1873)
Ommata (Eclipta) brachialis Bates, 1873: 31.
Distribution. Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia),1 male, 1 female, 01.X.–
01.XI.2015, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
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FIGURES 21–26. 21, Jupoata robusta Martins & Monné, 2002; 22, Aglaoschema prasinipenne (Lucas, 1857); 23, Chlorethe
brachyptera Zajciw, 1963; 24, Eburia charmata Martins, 1981; 25, Eburodacrys monticola Monné & Martins, 1973; 26,
Quiacaua abacta (Martins, 1981).
15. Eclipta eirene (Newman, 1841) (Fig. 29)
Odontocera eirene Newman, 1841: 92.
Ommata (Eclipta) eirene; Bates, 1873: 29.
Distribution. Brazil (Bahia to Santa Catarina).
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Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 female, 15–
19.XI.2012, M.L. Monné, M.A. Monné, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli col.
16. Ecliptoides eunomia (Newman, 1841)
Odontocera eunomia Newman, 1841: 92.
Ommata (Eclipta) eunomia; Bates, 1873: 31.
Ecliptoides eunomia; Martins, Santos-Silva & Clarke, 2012: 483, figs. 8, 9.
Distribution. Brazil (Goiás, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Rio
Grande do Sul), Argentina (Misiones).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Lago Azul), 750 m, 1 male,
X–XI.2015, Malaise, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
17. Epimelitta eupheme (Lameere, 1884)
Charis eupheme Lameere, 1884: 89.
Epimelitta eupheme; Aurivillius, 1912: 284.
Distribution. Brazil (Bahia to Santa Catarina).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 1 female, 800 m, 2–
6.XI.2015, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
18. Ischasia rufina Thomson, 1864 (Fig. 30)
Ischasia rufina Thomson, 1864: 163.
Distribution. Costa Rica, Panamá, Brazil (Goiás, Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 1250 m, 1 female, 30.IX–
02.X.2010, M.L. Monné & M.A. Monné col.
19. Anisopodus bellus Martins & Monné, 1974 (Fig. 31)
Anisopodus bellus Martins & Monné, 1974: 17.
Distribution. Brazil (Minas Gerais to São Paulo).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 male, 29.X.2011,
R. Cavichioli col.
20. Chaetacosta vittithorax Gilmour, 1961
Chaetacosta vittithorax Gilmour, 1961
Distribution. Brazil (Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Santa Catarina).
New record for Rio de Janeiro State and for PNI.
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), (Casa do Pesquisador, 800
m), 1 male, 02–06.XI.2015, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
21. Hyperplatys cana (Bates, 1863)
Anisopodus canus Bates, 1863: 288.
Hyperplatys cana; Gilmour, 1965: 592.
Hyperplatys spinipennis Fisher, 1938: 146.
Distribution. Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), Brejo da Lapa, 2000 m, 1
female, 4.XI,2015, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
Zootaxa 4137 (3) © 2016 Magnolia Press
FIGURES 27–32. 27, Compsibidion truncatum (Thomson, 1865); 28, Chariergodes flava (Zajciw, 1963); 29, Eclipta eirene
(Newman, 1841); 30, Ischasia rufina Thomson, 1864; 31, Anisopodus bellus Martins & Monné, 1974; 32, Lepturges
(Lepturges) punctatissimus Monné, 1976.
22. Lepturges (Lepturges) punctatissimus Monné, 1976 (Fig. 32)
Lepturges punctatissimus Monné, 1976: 370.
Distribution. Brazil (Espírito Santo to Santa Catarina).
Specimens examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 male, 27.X.2011,
R. Cavichioli col.; 1 male, 18–21.X.2012, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello & R. Souza col.
23. Ozineus bicristatus Melzer, 1935
Ozineus bicristatus Melzer, 1935: 200.
Distribution. Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 1 specimen, 1800 m, 15–
19.XI.2012, M.L. Monné & M.A. Monné col.
Zootaxa 4137 (3) © 2016 Magnolia Press
FIGURES 33–38. 33, Urgleptes puerulus (Melzer, 1932); 34, Urgleptes villiersi Gilmour, 1962; 35, Eupromerella
nigroapicalis (Aurivillius, 1916); 36, Psapharochrus flavitarsis (Fuchs, 1962); 37 Aerenea setifera Thomson, 1868; 38,
Hypsioma attalia Dillon & Dillon, 1945.
24. Pentheochaetes mysticus Melzer, 1932
Pentheochaetes mysticus Melzer, 1932b: 433, pl. 7, fig. 8.
Distribution. Brazil (Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul),
Paraguay, Argentina.
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Casa do Pesquisador, 750 m),
1 male, 04–07.IV.2016, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
Zootaxa 4137 (3) © 2016 Magnolia Press
25. Urgleptes mancus (Melzer, 1932)
Lepturges mancus Melzer, 1932a: 229, pl. 3, fig. 4.
Urgleptes mancus; Gilmour, 1959: 8.
Distribution. Brazil (Rio de Janeiro to Rio Grande do Sul), Argentina (Buenos Aires), Uruguay.
Specimen examined; BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 female, 02–
06.XI.2015, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
26. Urgleptes puerulus (Melzer, 1932) (Fig. 33)
Lepturges puerulus Melzer, 1932a: 233.
Urgleptes puerulus; Monné, 1976: 357.
Distribution. Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul).
New record for Rio de Janeiro State and for PNI.
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 male, 18–
21.X.2012, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello & R. Souza col.
27. Aegoschema adspersum (Thomson, 1861)
Aegomorphus adspersus Thomson, 1861: 337.
Aegoschema adspersum; Lane, 1938: 109.
Distribution. Brazil (Bahia to São Paulo).
Specimens examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 female, 15–
19.XI.2012, M.L. Monné, M.A. Monné, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli col.; (Lago Azul), 1 male, 02–
06.XI.2015, Projeto Biota FAPERJ (Casa do Pesquisador, 800 m); 1 female, 02–06.XI.2015, Projeto Biota
FAPERJ; 1 male, 02–05.II.2016, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
28. Eupromerella nigroapicalis (Aurivillius, 1916) (Fig. 35)
Scleronotus nigroapicalis Aurivillius, 1916: 356.
Eupromerella nigroapicalis; Julio, 1998: 2.
Distribution. Brazil (Bahia to Santa Catarina).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 female, 18–
21.X.2012, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello & R. Souza col.
29. Psapharochrus flavitarsis (Fuchs, 1962) (Fig. 36)
Acanthoderes (Psapharochrus) flavitarsis Fuchs, 1962: 322.
Psapharochrus flavitarsis; Monné, 2005: 204.
Distribution. Brazil (Bahia to Santa Catarina), Bolivia (Santa Cruz).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 female, 15–
19.XI.2012, M.L. Monné, M.A. Monné, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli col.
30. Trichoanoreina albomaculata Julio & Monné, 2005
Trichoanoreina albomaculata Julio & Monné, M. A., 2005: 447.
Distribution. Brazil (Espírito Santo, São Paulo).
New record for Rio de Janeiro State and for PNI.
Specimen examined. BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia. Trilha Rui Braga), 1 female,
02–04.XI.2015, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
31. Phaula thomsoni Lacordaire, 1872
Phaula thomsoni Lacordaire, 1872: 898.
Zootaxa 4137 (3) © 2016 Magnolia Press
Cymbalia thomsoni; Lane, 1973: 417.
Ochraesius sticticus Pascoe, 1888: 511, pl. 14, fig. 8.
Distribution. Brazil (Pará, Maranhão, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul), Bolivia (Santa
Cruz), Paraguay, Argentina (Misiones).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Casa do Pesquisador, 750 m),
1 female. 01–03.I.2016, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
32. Colobothea rubroornata Zajciw, 1962
Colobothea rubroornata Zajciw, 1962: 285.
Distribution. Brazil (Espírito Santo to Santa Catarina), Paraguay, Bolivia (Cochabamba, Santa Cruz).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 female, 22–
24.II.2013, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello & R. Souza col.
33. Colobothea seriatomaculata Zajciw, 1962
Colobothea seriatomaculata Zajciw, 1962: 283
Distribution. Brazil (Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande
do Sul), Paraguay, Argentina.
Specimens examined. BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Itamonte (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), Brejo da Lapa, 1 male,
01.X.–03.XI.2015, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
34. Aerenea setifera Thomson, 1868 (Fig. 37)
Aerenea setifera Thomson, 1868: 94.
Distribution. Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo).
Specimens examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 2 males, 18–
21.X.2012, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello & R. Souza col.
35. Dolichestola vittipennis Breuning, 1948
Dolichestola vittipennis Breuning, 1948: 26.
Distribution. Brazil (Rio de Janeiro).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Casa do Pesquisador, 750 m),
1 female, 04–07.IV.2016, Projeto Biota FAPERJ
36. Apagomera seclusa Lane, 1965
Apagomera seclusa Lane, 1965: 326.
Distribution. Brazil (Minas Gerais).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Casa do Pesquisador, 750 m),
1 female, 0–04.XI.2015, Projeto Biota FAPERJ.
Zootaxa 4137 (3) © 2016 Magnolia Press
37. Taeniotes monnei Martins & Santos-Silva, 2012
Taeniotes monnei Martins & Santos-Silva, 2012: 50, figs. 22, 23.
Distribution. Brazil (Pernambuco, Bahia, to Rio Grande do Sul), Argentina (Misiones).
Mentioned for the PNI as Taeniotes amazonum Thomson, 1857 (Monné et al., 2012: 66). The correct name is
Taeniotes monnei.
38. Hypsioma attalia Dillon & Dillon, 1945 (Fig. 38)
Hypsioma attalia Dillon & Dillon, 1945: 45.
Distribution. Brazil (Rio de Janeiro).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 female, 18–
21.X.2012, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello & R. Souza col.
39. Oncideres glebulenta Martins, 1981
Oncideres glebulenta Martins, 1981b: 231.
Distribution. Brazil (Goiás, São Paulo), Argentina (Misiones).
Specimen examined. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), 750 m, 1 male, 11–
13.XI.2011, J.P. Botero, V. Machado, A. Carelli, M. Cupello, M. Simões & R. Souza col.
We are grateful to Léo Nascimento, research director of the PNI, for encouraging research in the PNI; to Dr. Janet
Reid for revising the English text; and to FAPERJ for grant no. E-26/010.001636/2014.
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