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Hybrid function projective synchronization of chaotic systems via adaptive control

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Abstract and Figures

In this manuscript, hybrid function projective synchronization of Bhalekar–Gejji and Pehlivan chaotic systems is established by applying adaptive control technique where the system parameters are unknown. In this manuscript both the master and slave system are chosen in such a way that none of them can be derived from the member of the unified chaotic system. We construct an adaptive controller in such a manner that master and slave system attain global chaos synchronization. The results derived for the synchronization have been established using adaptive control theory and Lyapunov stability theory. Fundamental dynamical properties of both the chaotic systems are also described. The results are validated by numerical simulation which are performed by using Matlab.
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Int. J. Dynam. Control (2017) 5:1114–1121
DOI 10.1007/s40435-016-0258-6
Hybrid function projective synchronization of chaotic systems
via adaptive control
Ayub Khan1·Shikha1
Received: 3 March 2016 / Revised: 8 June 2016 / Accepted: 27 June 2016 / Published online: 11 July 2016
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
Abstract In this manuscript, hybrid function projective
synchronization of Bhalekar–Gejji and Pehlivan chaotic
systems is established by applying adaptive control tech-
nique where the system parameters are unknown. In this
manuscript both the master and slave system are cho-
sen in such a way that none of them can be derived
from the member of the unified chaotic system. We con-
struct an adaptive controller in such a manner that master
and slave system attain global chaos synchronization. The
results derived for the synchronization have been estab-
lished using adaptive control theory and Lyapunov stabil-
ity theory. Fundamental dynamical properties of both the
chaotic systems are also described. The results are vali-
dated by numerical simulation which are performed by using
Keywords Chaotic system ·Fundamental dynamical
properties ·Synchronization ·Adaptive control ·Lyapunov
stability theory
1 Introduction
Chaotic dynamics is a fascinating area in nonlinear sci-
ence which has been thoroughly studied during the last few
decades. Chaotic phenomena is observed in many areas for
instance chemical systems, electrical engineering, biologi-
cal systems, power converters, computer science, celestial
Ayub Khan
1Department of Mathematics, Jamia Millia Islamia,
New Delhi 110025, India
mechanics, quantum physics, traffic forecasting, psychology,
secure communication and so on [1]. A chaotic system shows
complex dynamics and some of the special characteristics of
these systems are high sensitive dependence on initial condi-
tions, topological mixing, density of periodic orbits, strange
attractors, broad spectrums of Fourier transform, bounded
and fractal properties of the motion in the phase space etc [2].
In 1990, Pecora and Carroll [3] gave the synchronization of
chaotic systems using the concept of master and slave sys-
tem. Also, in 1990 Ott et al. [4] introduced the OGY method
for controlling chaos. Due to the vast practical applications
of chaotic dynamical systems in fields stated above, many
researches have been done theoretically and experimentally
on controlling chaos and synchronization [5,6].
Specifically, synchronization of nonlinear dynamical sys-
tems gives the capability to gain an accurate and deep
understanding of collective dynamical behavior in physical,
chemical and biological and other systems. The presence of
synchronous behavior has been observed in different mathe-
matical, physical, sociology, physiology, biological and other
systems [32]. In search of better methods for chaos control
and synchronization different types of methods have been
developed for controlling chaos and synchronization of non
identical and identical systems for instance linear feedback
[7], optimal control [8], adaptive control [9], active con-
trol [10], active sliding control [11], passive control [12],
impulsive control [13], backstepping control [14], etc [31].
In these published works, it is essential to know the values
of system’s parameters for the derivation of the controller. In
practical situations, these parameters are unknown. There-
fore, the derivation of an adaptive controller for the control
and synchronization of chaotic systems in the presence of
unknown system parameters is an important issue [1517].
So far, a variety of synchronization approaches, such as
complete synchronization (CS) [18], generalized synchro-
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... In pursuit of better ways for chaos control and synchronization, various types of methods have been developed for dealing with chaos and synchronization of non-identical and identical systems [23][24][25][26][27][28]. Chaotic systems have been synchronized using a variety of control strategies, such as sliding mode control [29], adaptive control [30], back-stepping strategy [31], active control [32], and linear/nonlinear feedback control [33], etc [34]. The basic theory driving synchronization is to compel or combine two or more chaotic systems to adhere to a specific motion feature. ...
... The present document is one of the very few that have been described that performs HFPS between two novel chaotic systems in which none of the chaotic systems is a component of the unified chaotic system. Later, in 2016, by using adaptive control technique, the hybrid function projective synchronization of Bhalekar-Gejji and Pehlivan chaotic systems was established where the parameters involved in the system were unknown [30]. ...
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... Chaotic synchronization is a phenomenon that concerns with the coupling of two or more chaotic systems possessing different initial conditions to achieve identical dynamics along with synchronization error converges asymptotically to zero with the evolution of time. After further studies, researchers introduced distinct types of synchronization methods, viz., complete [3], anti [4,5], lag [6,7], phase and anti-phase [8], combination [9], multi-switching [10], hybrid [11], projective [12], hybrid projective [13,14], hybrid function projective [15] and hybrid complex projective synchronization (HCPS) [16,17] by using different control methods such as active control [4,17,18], linear and nonlinear feedback technique [19][20][21], adaptive control [22][23][24], sliding mode control [25], active and adaptive sliding mode [26][27][28], robust adaptive sliding mode [9] and back-stepping design [29]. ...
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In this paper, we primarily investigate the methodology for the hybrid complex projective synchronization (HCPS) scheme in non-identical complex fractional order chaotic systems via an active complex synchronization technique (ACST). Appropriate controllers of a nonlinear type are designed in view of master–slave composition and Lyapunov’s stability criterion (LSC). The HCPS is an extended version of the previously designed projective synchronization scheme. In the HCPS scheme, by using a complex scale matrix, the system taken as slave system is asymptotically synchronized with another system taken as the master system. By utilizing a complex scale matrix, the unpredictability and security of communication are increased along with image encryption. An efficient computational method has been employed to validate and visualize the HCPS method’s efficacy by performing numerical simulation outcomes in MATLAB.
... [17]. Several synchronization phenomena have been displayed for the dynamical systems, such as complete synchronization (CS), Anti-synchronization (AS), hybrid synchronization (HS), lag synchronization [18], projective synchronization (PS) [19], function projective synchronization (FPS), generalized function projective synchronization (GFPS) [20][21][22][23][24][25][26] and hybrid function projective synchronization (HFPS) [27][28][29]. Amongst all these synchronization schemes, (GFPS) has attracted a lot of attention lately due to its utilization in secure communication. Projective synchronization is based on a scaling constant, whereas projective function synchronization relies on a scaling function. ...
In this work, we study the synchronization in the network motifs of three piecewise Rössler systems that exhibit coexistence of two attractors, coupled in ring configuration, in particular a bidirectional auxiliary coupling. For this configuration, we analyze the interaction of the systems by varying the coupling strengths, in order to characterize the conditions under which complete synchronization between the three systems can be achieved. The numerical results prove that the interaction of various multistable chaotic systems causes different types of synchronization and very complex dynamics between the systems is achieved. We obtain complete synchronization between the three systems and find the range of values of the coupling strengths where the distinct types of synchronization occur.
In this work, a master–slave configuration is studied to obtain synchronization between the Duffing-van der Pol oscillator with asymmetric potential and the Φ6\Phi ^6 Duffing oscillator. For this configuration, we compare the systems when the dissipative coupling and one that combines the elastic and dissipative couplings are used. We analyze the coupling strength to find the range where synchronization between the oscillators is achieved. We found synchronization between the oscillators for large values of the coupling strength. The numerical results demonstrate that for the dissipative coupling exits partial synchronization while for the other exits complete synchronization.
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In this paper, we have introduced a novel five-dimensional (5D) hyperchaotic system by extending the well-known Lorenz system. The dynamical properties of the system are analysed by calculating the Lyapunov exponents, graphing the phase portraits, bifurcation diagrams, the time series and by finding the Kaplan–Yorke dimension. The equilibrium points of the system have been calculated and the stability analysis of these equilibrium points is discussed. Hybrid function projective synchronisation has been carried out between the identical systems using the scheme of adaptive control. Suitable controllers have been designed to attain the desired synchronisation between the systems using Lyapunov stability theory. The theoretical results have been validated by performing numerical simulations using the MATLAB.
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A modified master-slave scheme to look for synchronization, based on a general combination of elastic and dissipative couplings, is presented. We focus on solutions according the scheme presented, illustrating the method we use, by employing the van der Pol and Duffing oscillators and analyzing three types of couplings. We find synchronization in the oscillators for large values of the coupling. Nevertheless, no synchronization exists for an elastic coupling, while for the dissipative coupling, we found partial synchronization. For the general combination we obtained complete synchronization.
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In the 1970s, nonlinear oscillations and bifurcations were discovered first by modelling and then by experiments for the autocatalytic Brusselators and the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) chemical reaction. The autocatalytic chemical reaction phenomenon plays a vital role for the breakdown of the stability of the thermodynamical branch. This research work investigates the dynamics and qualitative properties of the autocatalytic Brusselator chemical reaction. Then this work discusses the adaptive anti-synchronization of the identical Brusselator chemical reaction systems. The main chemical antisynchronization result is established using Lyapunov stability theory. MATLAB plots have been shown to illustrate all the main results discussed in this research work.
Conference Paper
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A new chaotic system having four paramters is proposed and its dynamics has been studied for different values of the parameters involved. It is observed that the system ex-hibits rich dynamics ranging from chaotic to limit cycle oscillations. The dynamics is depicted qualitatively using phase portraits and quantitatively using Lyapunov exponents. Further we have demonstrated its complete synchronization.
In this research work, we describe Halvorsen circulant chaotic systems and its qualitative properties. We show that Halvorsen circulant chaotic system is dissipative and that it has an unstable equilibrium at the origin. The Lyapunov exponents of Halvorsen circulant chaotic system are obtained as L1 = 0.8109, L2 = 0 and L3 = −4.6255. The Kaplan-Yorke dimension of the Halvorsen circulant chaotic system is obtained as DKY = 2.1753. Next, this work describes the adaptive control of the Halvorsen circulant chaotic system with unknown parameters. Also, this work describes the adaptive synchronization of the identical Halvorsen circulant chaotic systems with unknown parameters. The adaptive feedback control and synchronization results are proved using Lyapunov stability theory. MATLAB simulations are depicted to illustrate all the main results for the Halvorsen circulant chaotic system.
Most secure communication schemes using chaotic dynamics are based on identical synchronization. In this paper, we show the possibility of secure communication using projective synchronization (PS). The unpredictability of the scaling factor in projective synchronization can additionally enhance the security of communication. It is also showed that the scaling factor can be employed to improve the robustness against noise contamination. The feasibility of the communication scheme in high-dimensional chaotic systems, such as the hyperchaotic Rössler system, is demonstrated. Numerical results show the success in transmitting a sound signal through chaotic systems.
In this paper, we investigate the hybrid chaos synchronization of identical hyper-chaotic CAI systems by sliding mode control. In hybrid chaos synchronization of master and slave systems, the odd states of two systems are completely synchronized, while their even states are anti-synchronized. The stability results derived in this paper for hybrid chaos synchronization of identical hyper-chaotic CAI systems are established using Lyapunov stability. Since the Lyapunov exponents are not required for these calculations, the sliding mode control is very effective and convenient to achieve hybrid chaos synchronization of the identical hyper-chaotic CAI systems. Numerical simulations are shown to validate and demonstrate the effectiveness of the synchronization schemes derived in this paper.
This paper presents anti-synchronization of chaos between two different chaotic systems using active control method. The proposed technique is applied to achieve chaos antisynchronization for the Lu and Rössler dynamical systems. Numerical simulations are implemented to verify the results.
This article introduces a novel three-dimensional continuous autonomous chaotic system with six terms and two quadratic nonlinearities. The new system contains two variational parameters and exhibits Lorenz-like attractors in numerical simulations and experimental measurements. The basic dynamical properties of the new system are analyzed by means of equilibrium. points, eigenvalue structures, and Lyapunov exponents. The new system examined in Matlab-Simulink (R) and Orcad-PSpice (R). An electronic circuit realization of the proposed system is presented using analog electronic elements such as capacitors, resistors, operational amplifiers and multipliers. The behaviour of the realized system is evaluated with computer simulations.
This paper addresses the projective synchronization (PS) of the complex modified Van der Pol-Duffing (MVDPD for short) chaotic oscillator by using the nonlinear observer control and also discusses its applications to secure communication in theory. First, we construct the complex MVDPD oscillator and analysis its chaotic behavior. Moreover, an observer design method is applied to achieve PS of two identical MVDPD chaotic oscillators with complex offset terms, which are synchronized to the desired scale factor. The unpredictability of the scaling factor could further enhance the security of the communication. Finally, numerical simulations are given to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed synchronization approach and also verify the success application to the proposed scheme's in the secure communication.
Hybrid phase synchronization is a new type of synchronization of a pair of chaotic systems called the master and slave systems. In hybrid phase synchronization, the odd numbered states of the master and slave systems are completely synchronized (CS), while their even numbered states are anti-synchronized (AS). The hybrid phase synchronization has applications in secure communications and cryptosystems. This work derives a new result for the hybrid phase synchronization of identical chaotic systems using sliding mode control. The main result has been proved using Lyapunov stability theory. Sliding mode control (SMC) is well-known as a robust approach and useful for controller design in systems with parameter uncertainties. As an application of this general result, a sliding mode controller is derived for the hybrid phase synchronization of the identical 3-D Vaidyanathan chaotic systems (2014). MATLAB simulations have been provided to illustrate the Vaidyanathan system and the hybrid synchronizer results for the identical Vaidyanathan systems.