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The Origin of Life from Quantum Vacuum, Water and Polar Molecules


Abstract and Figures

In contemporary established biology life is almost exclusively treated as a molecular phenomenon. Therefore the mystery of the origin of life is sought in molecular terms and processes. But according to certain advanced researches and considerations, life has also other essential "ingredients": active information and a special electrodynamic state of the liquid living matter characterized by coherent domains interspersed by the non-coherent ones. Coherent domains are the product of interaction of water molecules with the vacuum electromagnetic field; life has thus a special electromagnetic nature that is bound to the quantum vacuum field. This characteristic should also form the basis of the pre-biotic evolution, the phase of more or less organized liquid systems that leads from non-life to life. In this view water as an ensemble (not as an aggregate of molecules) replaces the famous DNA molecule in its importance and is seen as an active medium where the principle of active information can begin with its triumphant march from inanimate liquid systems up to contemporary highly organized organisms.
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American Journal of Modern Physics
2016; 5(4-1): 34-43
doi: 10.11648/j.ajmp.s.2016050401.16
ISSN: 2326-8867 (Print); ISSN: 2326-8891 (Online)
The Origin of Life from Quantum Vacuum, Water and Polar
Igor Jerman
Institute Bion, General Department, Stegne 21, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU
Email address:
To cite this article:
Igor Jerman. The Origin of Life from Quantum Vacuum, Water and Polar Molecules. American Journal of Modern Physics. Special Issue:
Academic Research for Multidisciplinary. Vol. 5, No. 4-1, 2016, pp. 34-43. doi: 10.11648/j.ajmp.s.2016050401.16
Received: May 30, 2016; Accepted: June 13, 2016; Published: June 30, 2016
In contemporary established biology life is almost exclusively treated as a molecular phenomenon. Therefore the
mystery of the origin of life is sought in molecular terms and processes. But according to certain advanced researches and
considerations, life has also other essential "ingredients": active information and a special electrodynamic state of the liquid
living matter characterized by coherent domains interspersed by the non-coherent ones. Coherent domains are the product of
interaction of water molecules with the vacuum electromagnetic field; life has thus a special electromagnetic nature that is
bound to the quantum vacuum field. This characteristic should also form the basis of the pre-biotic evolution, the phase of
more or less organized liquid systems that leads from non-life to life. In this view water as an ensemble (not as an aggregate of
molecules) replaces the famous DNA molecule in its importance and is seen as an active medium where the principle of active
information can begin with its triumphant march from inanimate liquid systems up to contemporary highly organized
Origin Of Life, Pre-biotic Evolution, Coherent Modes, Coherent Domains, Fröhlich's Theory,
Quantum Electrodynamics Of Water, Active Information, Quantum Vacuum
1. Introduction
1.1. Molecular views
Until Pasterur's famous experiment that yielded the
proverb "Omne vivo ex vivo" (all living from the living), the
origin of life was not regarded as a problem. Biological
thinkers believed into the so called generatio spontanea, ie.
spontaneous generation of life from the inanimate matter at
least at the level of microorganisms. After this Pasteur’s great
leap in scientific knowledge a big question began to loom
large in the minds of biologists since contemporary
inanimate nature proved to have no power to spontaneously
"ignite" life and there was a time in the past of the Earth
when there was no life at all – there had to be a time that life
emerged from the inanimate nature, i.e. from no-life.
Through many years of trying to solve this new riddle three
main conceptions arose:
the emergence of life on the Earth was just a highly
improbable event, never to be repeated again. It is only
a high local aberration, nothing at home in the Universe.
There are no laws leading nonliving matter to life, it just
happened once.
the emergence of life was due to a) a special living
force or b) of God's creation. In both cases it would
emerge form causes extraneous to matter in which it
emerged and has evolved;
the emergence was due to laws of self-organization of
chemical processes under certain circumstances. Life’s
origin is therefore a law-like process (event) and could
be widespread in cosmos and even in our galaxy. As any
law-full physical event the emergence of life would
need to have fulfilled certain conditions, after which it
would appear with 100% certainty. The role of a
biological scientist is then only to identify these laws.
As the first two views leave no room for scientific
experimentation, even for their own rejection, they are
not regarded as truly scientific issues. The third one,
however, is scientific par excellence, since it enables a
scientist to make hypotheses and test them. But we are
still in darkness as to any true and fulfilling mechanism
explaining the path from non-life to life. There are three
American Journal of Modern Physics 2016; 5(4-1): 34-43 35
main lines of search for the emergence of life, namely
the chemical possibilities of synthesis of basic
molecules our life needs for its minimal operation,
self-organizing capabilities of autocatalytic chemical
systems to have a sort of evolution,
any forms of possible life extraneous to the Earth-bound
one – exobiology, research of asteroid remnants …
In all these approaches life as well as its origin are
regarded basically and almost totally as a chemical
phenomenon within certain physical limits (the laws of
entropy for instance). It is true that self-organizational
approaches seek also more subtle entities like information,
complexity, order etc., but they attach all these attributes
again to chemical processes. Even one of the most modern
physically based hypotheses proposed by Jeremy England [1]
– arguing that life's origin obeys physical laws (entropy) and
that it is highly probable, like rolling a rock downhill – is
based on conviction that life is in the first place a complex
molecular phenomenon. Yet, the exclusively chemical
outlook on life may be a wrong attitude, a cul-de-sac that will
never explain either life itself or its origin. Namely,
according to certain well founded theories and findings is life
basically an electrodynamic phenomenon with coherence at
its roots.
If this is true, a completely new horizon for the solution of
the origin of life problem is open. In the following we shall
try to establish that for the emergence of life a system of
coherent electrodynamic regime should sprang first. It would
be bound to certain molecules, not necessarily similar to the
present life’s one and would gradually evolve into first life
forms that would resemble contemporary life. On this path it
could be led mostly by sophisticated, partially emergent (or
systemic) physical laws.
1.2. Life as Organized Information
Contemporary biology is imbued with the language of
information. Organisms are increasingly seen as exceedingly
complex information processing systems. Basically we have
two types of information: passive, storing organism’s
complexity (genetic information, seen as residing mostly in
genes) and active, manipulative information, understood as
mostly working through proteins. Of course, since even the
simplest organisms are hierarchical systems information
processing can work on many levels: biochemical (like
already mentioned proteins), physiological (intercellular that
may comprise many organ systems), behavioral or
psychological (bound mostly to a complex nervous system in
animals and humans). If the genetic information is mostly
centralized, the manipulative, dynamic information is widely
dispersed, included in a bafflingly complex arrangement of
loops. From a certain standpoint this organized information
that has also capacity for self propagation can be regarded as
the gist of life. This was also the theme of a recent
publication [2].
According to this recent consideration the starting point for
the emergence of life means establishing causal powers from
the side of biological information over matter, where the
former is encrypted in a disperse way. In other words, the
causal power of life is trans-material, but this is not about vis
vitalis or mysticism, but about the dynamically organized
information. Only partially this dispersed and organized
information "resides" in the DNA. The organisms are seen
here as the so called non-trivial duplicators, systems that can
a) multiply their organization (complex organized
information) in a complex and widely dispersed way
b) simultaneously actively process information and
express a high degree of flexibility (variability).
According to this illuminative view, the origin of life
means an establishment of non-trivial duplicators, capable of
further potentially limitless enrichment of information and its
dynamic organization. With the origin of life the information
as an active principle of nature gains the ability of causation
from the top to bottom (from the whole to its parts). It should
be worth considering that here we are faced with a relatively
new notion of information, standing far from the Shannon’s
information theory. As regards life, it is no more passive, just
data, knowledge, records On the contrary, in its specially
organized, dynamic and vastly complex form it arises as a
powerful active natural principle. It works in mater, yet is
casually “above” it. Life, therefore, has its special principle
that surpasses ordinary (inanimate) physical and chemical
world. This principle resides in the inanimate matter as a
potential – and emerges when the suitable conditions arise.
In the following I shall try to disclose an already assumed
and researched organization of energy-matter in living
systems that can represent the ontological basis of the above
discussed active information. It is true that it may be
organized through material (molecular) processes, but here it
can work only in a very limited fashion, namely via short
range contacts, where it is limited in its distribution and is
also quite fragmented. In case of working via specially
organized electromagnetic fields, it can function in a highly
integrated manner, as would be expected knowing a highly
integrated character of organisms or the living process.
2. Electromagnetic Nature of Life
2.1. Fröhlich’s Theory
Electromagnetic fields and phenomena enter the prevailing
biological thinking at most in connection with ions, electric
potentials stemming from their differential distribution
(resting membrane potential) and their currents. Here the
integrity of the basic molecular nature of life is preserved.
However, even in the seventies, an English biophysicist,
Herbert Fröhlich [3, 4], began to see life as a fundamentally
electromagnetic phenomenon based, of course, on molecules,
but having emergent collective properties, irreducible to the
molecules themselves. Fröhlich was attracted by
extraordinary dielectric properties of many molecules within
cells. On this basis he formed a theory about coherent
oscillations. In the latest version of the theory he sees three
36 Igor Jerman: The Origin of Life from Quantum Vacuum, Water and Polar Molecules
essential properties of the living systems: (1) they are stable
but far from equilibrium, and thus they are metastable; (2)
they are characterized by a nontrivial order (dynamic and
nonlinear); and (3) they exhibit extraordinary dielectric
properties. All three properties give rise to coherent
(metastable) oscillations of endogenous cellular
electromagnetic fields at frequencies around 10
Hz (high
microwaves). The energy for the oscillations is supplied by
the normal cellular metabolism, whereas the frequency is
given by the size and properties of the membrane. Here it
should be stressed that the intensity of the transmembrane
electric field is as high as 10
V/m. According to the theory,
coherent electromagnetic oscillations in cells permit ordered
intermolecular processes and highly selective attractions
between enzymes and substrates. These oscillations,
expanding as they are also among cells, represent an
important means of intercellular long-range connection and
thus have an important role in maintaining an intercellular
order. In this connection it is interesting that, according to
Fröhlich and Cooper, neoplasms (cancer) follow from the
fact that some of the cells within the organism (because of
certain inner transformations) escape from the covering
intercellular coherent field and thus from the intercellular
order [5]. If such cells are too many, the evasion becomes
stable and cancer follows inevitably. As regards the emission
of coherent oscillations, which could serve as a basis for their
detection, Fröhlich maintains that since the usual resonant
transfer of energy characterizing coherent oscillations, being
almost without loss, the emission should normally be very
small, achieving higher values only at defects on inner
In spite of the postulated very low intensity emission,
Pollock and Pohl [6] experimentally confirmed the emission
of electromagnetic oscillations from cells through
microdielectrophoresis, even if the identified frequencies
were somewhat lower (4.2-9 MHz). Maximum effects of the
emission were noted in mitosis, which is in harmony with
Fröhlich's supposition, and they were not found with dead
cells. Emission was found in all the main taxonomic groups
of organisms. Species-specific aggregations of living
erythrocytes into rouleaux formation represent a similar
empirical support to Fröhlich's theory for a number of
reasons, such as a small gap at each end of the fibrils
(responsible for the adhesion of erythrocytes), or a very high
species specificity of adhesion, etc. (for more details, see ref.
[7, 8]. Another type of empirical confirmation of the
Fröhlich-Iike fields comes from experiments relating to the
influence of microwaves on organisms. Thus, Grundler and
Kaiser [9] found that the irradiation of yeast cells with
microwaves of frequency 40 GHz and very low power (1
or 5 pw/cm
) clearly showed resonance effects,
indicating that yeast cells have their own high-frequency
field. Similar experiments with confirmatory results were
also done by Wu [10].
2.2. Quantum Bioelectrodynamics
Based on the above theoretical considerations proposed by
Fröhlich, an Italian group of quantum field theorists (Del
Giudice, Vitiello, Preparata) developed what is probably the
most profound theory of quantum bio-electrodynamics [11,
12], roughly presented as follows. Their theoretical basis for
the understanding of living begins is the quantum field theory.
This theory is able to predict how a macroscopic order (e.g.,
in ferromagnets, superconductors, etc.) can arise from the
collective properties of microscopic components. Of course,
the situation with organisms is rather more complicated than
with magnets, since they are characterized by a highly
complex and dynamic order in comparison to ordinary
magnets with a relatively simple and static field structure.
According to the theory, the most important order
parameter is the density of electric polarization. In this
context a living being is defined as a final step of dynamic
evolution originating from basic interactions within a set of
electric dipoles. At a certain density of dipoles, providing
there is also a constant inflow of free energy, polarization
oscillations become coherent.
The quantum field theory for such a system indicates that
its electromagnetic field begins to behave as a particle of
very small mass and rather peculiar form, namely, as very
thin filaments. All these particles build a fine filamentous
network within cells, which is highly stable since it survives
even some time after destruction of the underlying order of
dipoles. Furthermore, it is interesting that to achieve this
filamentous structure, the correlations among dipoles are
allowed to be neither too strong nor too weak. Life is thus
seen as existing on the boundary between order (coherency)
and disorder (non-coherency) or between differently ordered
domains. The filamentous electromagnetic field in organisms
is not an epiphenomenon but a central entity that ensures
order and coordination of chemical and (micro)mechanical
processes within cells. This field should represent a basis for
the synthesis and disintegration of microtubules and other
microfilaments that build the cellular skeleton and
locomotory organelles. If the frequency of an
electromagnetic filament resonantly matches a neighbouring
molecule, the latter is attracted to its outer surface and is
oriented at the same time. In the filamentous field, chemical
interactions are therefore ordered and interconnected through
the resonance induction. The filamentous field is also
important from the thermodynamic standpoint: the output
energy of a chemical reaction is not dispersed since it
continues travelling as a polarization wave. In harmony with
Fröhlich, Del Giudice's group also postulates that the
coherent field may leak only from some defects occurring on
internal cell’s surfaces and that this emission should be
coherent at all frequencies.
The biological electrodynamic system is abstract as to its
concrete molecular basis it should only fulfill certain
dynamic systemic conditions (coherent regime in our case).
If we look at the contemporary life many articles devoted to
endogenous cellular coherent regime argue that there is a
strong connection between coherent oscillations of the
endogenous electromagnetic field (water coherent domains
included) and the orchestration of chemical reactions. Within
American Journal of Modern Physics 2016; 5(4-1): 34-43 37
cells a huge number of chemical reactions occur with well
defined time sequences without mistakes and at rates much
higher than in vitro. The high rate and the absence of
mistakes imply that the underlying chemical dynamics
should not be based on random collisions but on the mutual
long range attraction of the molecules in a selective way that
can be attributed to the coherent cellular regime, as pointed
out in 2.2, see also [13]).
This theoretical thesis is corroborated by Popp's empirical
findings concerning the so-called ultraweak bioluminescence
[14, 15]. The filamentous field has even further peculiarities:
on the lateral boundaries of the filaments, an electric current
without loss (like in superconductors) is established, and this
could represent a basis for the already known
hypersensitivity to very weak magnetic fields found in
various organisms, where the energies are too small for the
phenomenon to be explained in more classical terms [16-18].
A superconducting electric current within living beings
(mostly involving the DNA molecule) has also been
postulated by other authors [19-21].
The ideas of Liberman, Fröhlich, and Del Giudice are
combined in the work of Hameroff and other authors, who
have focused their research on the organizational and
informational properties of the cytoskeleton [22, 23].
Hameroff maintains that coherent oscillations of Fröhlich's
type present a possibility of intermolecular cognition. Here
the cytoskeleton is understood neither as a skeleton nor as a
moving organelle, but above all as an information network of
a cell, whose basis represents the filamentous field of Del
Giudice. In a sense it is a nervous system of the cell.
Here we have supposed only some of the most important
theoretical as well as empirical biophysical considerations
and findings, revealing the profound electromagnetic nature
of life. Although our path was completely different from the
one taken by Liboff [24], it led us to the same basic
conclusion: in essence, life is an electromagnetic
3. Coherent Nature of Water
Modern quantum field theory does not only unveil life as a
profoundly electromagnetic phenomenon, it maintains that all
liquids including water have special electromagnetic
properties involving coherence. This is important for the
origin of life since water is seen as a fundamental substance
for organizing biochemical processes [25–28]. Consequently,
the organizing potential of water bound to countless
biochemical as well as biophysical processes is proposed to
play an important if not totally essential role in the origin of
life scenario. In the following the brief outline of the theory
is presented.
In QED the following theorem can be proven (see [29] for
more detail): an ensemble of a large number (N) of molecules
becomes dynamically unstable when the density N/V exceeds
a threshold at a temperature T below a critical value. The
ensemble evolves from a gas-like configuration where
molecules are independent, into a new configuration having a
well-defined phase, where all molecules fluctuate in unison
between two individual configurations in tune with the
enveloping vacuum electromagnetic (VEM) field. The
collective dynamics spans over a region (Coherence Domain,
CD) whose size is the wavelength λ = hc/∆E of the EM mode,
whose frequency in the free space is ν = ∆E/h; h is the Planck
constant and c is the speed of light. Within the CD, the field
frequency ν is renormalized by the interaction with molecules
to a lower value so that the squared mass of the field photons
) <
) = 0
becomes negative. In the above inequality ν
is the
frequency of the free EM field in vacuo, i.e. VEM field,
where photons have zero mass. The consequence of the
above result is that within the CD photons acquire an
imaginary mass so that they are unable to propagate and
appear as the cohesion energy of the molecules. The CD thus
becomes a self-produced cavity for the VEM field, which
fuses with the matter field of an ensemble of excitable
molecules, hence giving rise to a unique field describing the
collective dynamics of the molecules that behave as a single
Stability of the coherent configuration is kept by its lower
energy level, namely by the existence of an energy gap, the
difference in energy between an independent (non-coherent)
and correlated (coherent) molecular configuration. In order to
destroy the coherent configuration, it is necessary to supply
the system with energy equal or larger than the energy gap
(0.26 eV). At a given temperature T, thermal dynamics
through the molecule collisions pushes a fraction of the
molecules out of tune, so that there is a continuous balance
between the coherent and non-coherent phase, as in the
Landau model of superfluid helium [30]. A peculiar property
of quantum field theory is that it describes the coherent state
as a stable (low energy) and at the same time ordered state,
having low entropy; thus no energy is required for the
maintenance of order [31]. The reason for this is the fact that
in fluid systems interactions between molecules and VEM
field lowers energy of the molecular ensemble [53]
proportionally to N√N, while it grows proportionally only to
N. Therefore, starting from some small ensemble of
molecules (water for instance) that has positive energy, as it
grows sooner or later it comes to the crucial point when its
total energy becomes zero (its positive energy becomes
counterbalanced by its negative one due to interactions with
VEM field). At that point, a phase transition occurs. The
coherent oscillations of molecules in the CD no longer
require any external supply of energy, and the oscillation is
stabilized [53]. It may be said that VEM field stabilizes
coherent domains with far reaching consequences. At any
given temperature that allows liquid water there is some
proportion of water molecules in coherent domains and
another in the non-coherent ones; at room temperature a
molecule of water spends around half the time in a coherent
A specific property of water in contrast to other liquids is
38 Igor Jerman: The Origin of Life from Quantum Vacuum, Water and Polar Molecules
that the coherent oscillation in water occurs between the
ground configuration where molecules keep their own
electrons tightly bound (the ionization energy is 12.60 eV)
and an excited configuration where one electron is quasi-free;
the energy of the excited state is actually 12.06 eV, only one
half of an eV below the ionization threshold. Consequently, a
water CD contains an ensemble of almost free electrons kept
coherent by the underlying molecular dynamics, and which
can be further excited, giving rise to coherent excited states
(vortices). This allows the CD to become a physical system
able to collect environmental noise with high entropy, and
transform it into low entropy, high grade energy able to
perform electrochemical work, implementing the Prigogine
requirement of dissipativity [32, 33].
Quantum electrodynamics further predicts a picture of
living matter, which accounts for a decisive role of water.
Biological polymers present in the interstices between CDs
are subjected to the tails of the coherent EM (evanescent)
fields, protruding from the CDs. According to general
theorem of electrodynamics, molecules able to oscillate at the
same frequency of the CD field are strongly attracted and
therefore able to react chemically [27, 28]. Hence, in an
extended coherent region a diffusive regime of molecules is
replaced by a selective dynamic regime, where molecules
recognize and interact on the basis of frequency codes.
Biological dynamics appears therefore as a close interplay
between electromagnetism and chemistry, where fields are
able to make the molecules interact through resonance, and
molecules are able to regulate the field frequency through
their reaction energies.
According to the general scheme outlined above, water
molecules in bulk are predicted to give rise to CDs having
size of 0.1 µ 25 In biological environments, however, these
CDs are presumed to give rise to extended domains
constrained by the particular level excited by the metabolic
energy flow, and may extend to the size of molecular
complexes, or even a whole cell or tissue [13]. Since the
excitable spectrum of a CD is very rich [34], a variety of
extended domains can emerge that may assume fractal
(nested) architecture, as analyzed by Vitiello [35]. Extended
domains [13] imply two important consequences, namely a
defined size of the coherent system, and the appearance of
geometrical shapes. In order to have precise frequency
matching, the relative positions of reacting molecules must
assume a specific spatial configuration, corresponding to
biological structures
. When the coherence is switched off,
geometrical order would break down; the system’s size
would no longer be defined, as it is primarily determined by
the wavelength of an EM mode. Once selected molecules
react chemically, the output chemical energy is absorbed by
the surrounding water, which will change its frequency
spectra; the previous coherent configuration is no longer
The recent experiments on photosynthetic systems provide an example where
spatial arrangement of the component molecules within a coherent system must
be carefully controlled in order to optimize the flow of energy [36].
possible and a new configuration emerges [13, 29].
4. Origin of Life Based on Active
Information and Coherent States of
4.1. Three States of Energy-Matter
After this short introduction with relatively new and
largely ignored (bio) physical theories (at least from the
standpoint of the established science) let’s see how life could
emerge from the inanimate matter. Our first question will be,
if there is a sharp separation between life and non-life. If we
identify life with the actively manipulating information (see
Chapter 1.2), we can roughly say (not diving into the
problem of the ontological status of the potentials, see also
[37]) that the so called non-life has only a more or less
remote potential for such organized (active) information,
while with living organisms it is actually manifested through
highly organized matter (living matter). This matter as such,
regarding only its separate elements (atoms, molecules and
physical forces) is just ordinary energy-matter, since only its
special organization gives it the attribute of aliveness.
Therefore, from this point of view (needless to say, not the
only one) the separation between life and ordinary matter
turns out to be the difference between the (remote) potential
and its realization. The phase of evolution of a complex
material system that is on the verge of becoming alive may
then correspond to Kauffman’s adjacent possible [38].
On the other hand we may just do a quick look into the
vacuum field that – as we already know – has an essential
role in organizing coherent domains in water. We learned that
when fulfilling certain conditions, VEM field turns a portion
of liquids (depending on temperature) into a coherent phase.
But what with the vacuum field itself? Is it organized and if
yes - how? Empirically, not a lot is known about it, but there
are thorough theoretical considerations that see the state of
vacuum as a sort of a superfluid, like Helium 3 close toK
[54]. It stems from the fact that vacuum should possess
mainly pairs of particle-antiparticle and these pairs represent
bosons. Since the effective vacuum temperature is close to
0°K the pairs should produce a Bose-Einstein condensate,
making from vacuum a superfluid medium. Superfluid, ether-
like properties of vacuum were proposed even by Einstein
and were later studied by many physicists [55]. The physical
vacuum can thus be considered as a strongly correlated
system with dominating collective effects [54]. The nature of
quantum vacuum indicates that, at least to some measure,
before discussed electromagnetic properties of organisms as
well as water coherent domains are very similar in nature. At
least some aspects of living organization, pertaining to
coherence and collective modes can thus be found in
superfluid quantum vacuum. It does not mean quantum
vacuum is alive, but that it has some characteristics that
relate it to the living process of organisms and therefore that
the VEM field is one of life’s important potentials.
American Journal of Modern Physics 2016; 5(4-1): 34-43 39
Therefore on the line between a chaotic non-life and the
assured highly organized life we may demarcate the
following three more or less distinct states (see Table 1):
Table 1. Three phases of evolution of energy-matter systems towards (and including) life.
a-biotic phase pre-biotic phase biosis
potentials only remote potentials for the life’s appearance:
VEM field, CDs in water
potentials for life’s appearance become
more and more direct: polar molecular
systems in water solutions
potentials for life’s evolution:
developing organisms
coherent domains
of water <=>
coherent domains of liquids (water) are not in
organized feed-back relations with molecular
interactions of the surrounding medium
coherent domains of liquids (water) are in a
partial feed-back relation with molecular
interactions of the surrounding medium
coherent domains of liquids (water)
are in a full feed-back relation with
molecular interactions of the
(presumably cellular) medium
coherent molecular
oscillation non existent or very rare existent, but not yet homogenously
prevailing through the medium
highly organized and widespread
within cells and even among them
organization (complexity) of the system is
oscillating and is relatively low
organization (complexity) of the system is
growing in an oscillatory manner, gaining
in power
organization (complexity) of the
system is very high and has a tendency
to grow – owing to its own laws
active information
remote potential gradually forming operating
Therefore, the living organization does not exist only on
the chemical level of complex molecular interconnected
webs, but also, and maybe primarily, on quantum
electrodynamicic level with the coherent regime at its basis.
There is still matter composed of atoms and molecules, but
their exact composition is not so important in detail as it
would hold for a system based solely on chemistry. Life
would therefore have three main constitutional elements: a) a
highly complex (bio)chemistry – material level, b) a complex
coherent regime as introduced by Fröhlich and later
elaborated by Giudice et al. (see Chapters 2.2 and 3)
(bio)energy level, and c) active information working on both
previous levels and integrating them into one organized,
functioning whole – trans-material informational level.
4.2. The Importance and Function of Water
Among countless substances involved in life it is not the
DNA that merits a primary attention (as it holds for the
contemporary established biology) but water as a highly
interacting system of molecules, water as an irreducible
ensemble (therefore not water as an aggregate of more or less
independently flickering molecules [39]. The reason for this
is disclosed in Chapter 3) and rests on findings from many
researchers that water is not a passive solvent of organic
molecules (as understood and treated by contemporary
biology) but an active, dynamic medium of living processes
[28, 40]. Only every 1/100 molecule in the human body is
not a water molecule and similar proportions characterize all
life. With such strong outweighing of other molecules intra-
organism water should be the most responsible for the
spreading and organization of the endogenous coherent
electromagnetic field that can organize countless molecular
reactions within cells, as already described in Chapter 3. In
other words, it seems that water is most responsible for the
emergence and functioning of the active information
underlying life.
On this basis we could say that as far as the Earth’s life
goes water was a cradle of first living beings. Taking into
consideration all possibilities of water self-ordering – is it
possible to say that water itself can manifest the potential of
active information? Maybe not by itself although no proof of
such statement is possible at present. However, this potential
may come much closer to realization if water becomes
surrounded by hydrophilic surfaces that greatly extend its
adjacent coherent domains and if some heavier polar
molecules are added into water [28]. As a specific case of this
view the following prediction may be provided. Consider a
tissue as an ensemble of microspheres (for instance Oparin’s
coacervates of Fox’s microspheres [42] or some other
colloidal formations) having on their surfaces a non-
vanishing density of positive or negative charge. Namely
QED predicts (see [29] for more detail) that coherent
oscillations will induce attraction among the components of a
coherent system and may completely account for the
observed attraction among similarly charged spheres that
form stable colloidal crystals, reaching at least 8 kT at d of
about 2 µ [43].
Taking into account also the possibility that coherent
domains of water can induce chemical reactions between
various molecules that match its frequency, it is not difficult
to envisage the possibility that water through its coherent
domains plays a very important if not essential role in
ensuring living organization at the intermolecular and/or
cellular level. The most important characteristic of CDs is
their capability to absorb (to some measure, of course) all
surrounding free energy that can then be transformed into
useful work without thermal losses [13, 40]. As already said,
Giudice et al. (see also [56]) propose also higher level of
coherent domains in water systems the domains composed
of basic CDs that could orchestrate countless molecular
interactions necessary for the living process to go on.
4.3. From Water to Life
Now, let’s see the most probable scenario for the origin of
life following the lines of thought given in the previous
chapters. First, there should be water with dissolved longer
(possibly, but not necessarily organic) polar molecules of
sufficient concentration. Many already proposed scenarios
for the origin of life together with experiments simulating
Earth primordial conditions come easily to such possibility
40 Igor Jerman: The Origin of Life from Quantum Vacuum, Water and Polar Molecules
[44]. Therefore this shouldn’t be a huge problem.
The next conditions would be a constant inflow of (Gibbs)
free energy. This again should represent no serious problem
as there were supposedly very intensive and frequent storms,
Volcano eruptions and a relatively strong UV irradiation on
the primordial Earth. Therefore, taking into account the most
probable conditions on the primordial (a-biotic) Earth, to get
a liquid system with coupled coherent modes of water CDs as
well as polar (Fröhlich like) (macro)molecular oscillations,
should not only be possible, but also highly probable
(remember the finding of the Del Giudice's group that at a
certain density of dipoles, providing there is also a constant
inflow of free energy, polarization oscillations become
coherent, already mentioned in Chapter 2.2). Thereby we
should have got a system that is highly dynamically ordered.
We can assume that this system would have been the starting
point of pre-biotic evolution. For this point to be true a
further condition should be fulfilled, namely it should have a
direct potential for the growth of complexity (organization).
This condition should have been fulfilled if the oscillating
liquid had the potential for growing in chemical complexity
and especially if it included some polymer species (like
proteins, RNA …) that could in principle function as
catalysts for reactions within the same polymer system (see
Kauffman’s autocatalytic net theory for more detail [45]).
With more and more complex and at least partially
autocatalytic chemical reactions taking place, sooner or later
a coupling between chemical reactions and coherent
oscillations of the medium should have started. And as it was
already said in Chapter 3: in an extended coherent region
a diffusive regime of molecules is replaced by a selective
dynamic regime, where molecules recognize and interact on
the basis of frequency codes The autocatalytic (i.e. cyclic)
reactions that were in mutual support with coherent modes
were stabilized in the system. This coupled reactions
represented then the starting point for further, even more
complicated autocatalytic cycles. The system should have
been still open (i.e. with no cellularization) and the pre-biotic
evolution should have proceeded via attractor basins of the
whole liquid-coherent-chemical pre-biotic phase system.
There was no need for Darwinian selective mechanism, so
called molecular Darwinism, although there could come to
some selection between different autocatalytic nets.
Chemically regarded, the system should have been close to
the Kauffman’s supercritical system of polymers [45], i.e. it
should have been very plastic, adaptive and capable of
further evolution.
The pre-biotic system was therefore established in a very
complex and dynamic (changeable) phase space, while its
concrete trajectory should have been driven by proximal
attractors in this space. Because of many more or less violent
disturbances of the pre-biotic world, the system would
frequently derail from its temporary shallower attractor thus
having chance to find a new, deeper and therefore more
stable one. One of very important attractors was the one
connected with cellularization, in which the pre-biotic
coherent-chemical process enveloped itself into cell-like
structures. As the theory of the last universal common
ancestor (LUCA) tells us [46], the membranes (probably
isoprenoid like) were still very vulnerable, passable to some
degree. But from the point of view of the present life’s origin
hypothesis, it was important that they should have had an
organized electrical field on the surface as it has already been
found by Pollack’s group concerning the so called exclusion
zones and by very interesting pre-biotic experiments having
found not only something akin to resting membrane potential
but something resembling even to action potential as well.
Following the Fröhlich’s ideas this field would further
organize the by now cellular coherent regime. Somewhere
here we could speak of the origin of life – of relatively stable
self-organized systems, capable of reproduction and further
evolution. At the point of cellularization and as far as the
chemistry and the cell's “anatomical” appearance go, the
system could be understood in terms of the LUCA theory.
The latter only lacks the electrodynamic aspect that in our
view has been essential to 1
organizing pre-biotic evolution
and then 2
stabilizing it to pass the threshold of the origin
of life and 3
remaining the essential element of the evolving
life on Earth.
Regarded from the standpoint of organized “information
over matter”, i.e. active information, it should have started
from the beginning of the pre-biotic evolutionary process. It
may stem even from superfluid state of vacuum, since in the
case of superfluidity its states are highly correlated, ordered.
In this case, however, life could in fact be a much more
cosmically widespread process than considered in
conventional biological thinking. This has also been
proposed by Šorli et al. [57].
The coherent oscillations regime in water solutions
enabled the active information to be dispersed and stable to
some measure. Coupling of coherent water regime to a rich
chemical polar system enabled its evolution – evolution in a
very complex and dynamic (constantly changeable) phase
space with a multitude of attractor basins of various depths.
The pre-biotic system should have been stable enough to
ensure the continuation of the already established
information complexity (richness of information content
involved in the essential constituents of the pre-biotic self-
organized process). This should have been connected to the
appearance of extended coherent domains, strongly coupled
to countless molecular interactions [56]. On the other hand it
should have been sufficiently mutable to enable its further
evolution, since otherwise it could have got stuck in one of
the first attractors forever and no true life would follow.
5. Conclusion
As already stated in my previous publication [49] and the
one of Pollack [50] life's origin is not only a chemical
process, as almost exclusively treated by the established
contemporary science. Following many theoretical and
empirical findings on the field of biological electrodynamics
as started by Fröhlich and later elaborated by some other
groups, contemporary life is not only a chemical (molecular)
American Journal of Modern Physics 2016; 5(4-1): 34-43 41
phenomenon, but at least as significantly a physical
(electrodynamic) one, based on vacuum electromagnetic field.
This basic electrodynamic character gives it much order and
self-organizing powers. From the standard biological
community the latter are seen as a consequence of countless
chemical processes and macromolecules: genes, proteins,
protein complexes etc. It is true that the contemporary life's
chemistry is highly complex and organized even with the
simplest organisms. However, this bases on the genetic and
epigenetic continuation of this same achieved complexity.
Genetic reductionists would say that the present life’s
complexity reflects the complexity of its genomes. Yet, when
we go into a distant past and regarded retrospectively, we are
challenged first with a huge problem of the origin of the
genetic code, since even for its most primitive functioning it
should work with almost 100% precision. This condition
allows no space for any evolution from more imprecise
starting points. And even if we ignore this problem and go
further into the past, we come to a problem of almost the
same magnitude, namely the problem of the self-reproduction
of first “genes” (replicating molecules), when, following
Manfred Eigen’s brilliant mathematical reasoning [51] and
taking into account a high mutability of possible replicators
(RNA like molecules) on the primordial Earth, the replicators
could have had the informational complexity of only around
200 bits (maximally 100 nucleotides long chains), while the
needed informational richness of even the simplest organisms
would amount to some 10,000 bits. Eigen tried to cover this
huge gap between 200 and ~10,000 bits by involving
processes called hypercycles that had their own problems
with parasites 52, low probability, instability etc. and have
already been severely criticized by many authors. This case
shows that it is very difficult if not impossible to overcome
the first steps in the evolution of self-replicating systems just
by chemistry.
We tried to find another solution to the riddle of the origin
of life, namely when the Earth’s primordial chemistry did not
allow complex and precise autocatalytic cycles (even the
contemporary genetic code can be regarded as such cycle) the
continuation of a relatively high organization of a pre-biotic
system could have been ensured in a special coherent regime
of polar oscillations, stemming from water and later spread on
a more complex and dynamic chemical system within water.
The beauty of this outlook is that the water coherent regime
can be highly organized even when the pre-biotic chemistry is
in its infant stage and, when leaved to it, would prove to be
incapable of any growth in informational (organizational)
richness. At the beginning there was neither DNA nor RNA
and therefore the pre-biotic liquid (a more or less rich solution
of various polar, possibly also organic molecules) had no
molecules capable of semiconservative replication.
Even today, when systemic approach to understanding life
(even on the genetic level!) gained much power, many
natural scientists see life as based on DNA; here the famous
DNA molecule plays a role of an ultimate secret, ultimate
basis of life. According to many already mentioned findings
and the hypothesis presented here, the present life and the
pre-biotic systems have the common basis in water as an
ensemble of coherent domains dynamically interspersed by
non-coherent ones.
The offer of the present hypothesis is that the shift from
DNA (and molecules in general) to quantum electrodynamic
states of water and its solutions involving a sufficient
concentration of polar (macro)molecules could a) solve the
problem of the origin of life with testable working
hypotheses and b) give much deeper outlook on present life
with a possibility to build a rational theoretical biology that
would replace contemporary views of life in terms of
mutation, selection and a staggeringly complex web of
organized molecular interactions, with a systemic view,
where water as a special electrodynamic ensemble coupled to
quantum vacuum on one side and to polar molecules on the
other will play the pivotal role.
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... The Fröhlich/Davydov concept (Bishof and Del Giudice, 2013;Pang et al 2016;Preto,2016;Jerman, 2016) on soliton influence on protein vibration has been elaborated and further improved by (Pang et al, 2016), taking into account that solitons can be largely stabilized, and their life-time increased due to mutual interaction of the particles with lattice vibrations. The important point here is that the soliton transport should be regarded as a concerted action of both the vibration of the quasi-particle and that of the protein backbone lattice in interaction. ...
... Water owes these unique properties to the polarity (dipole character) of its constituent molecules and in particular to the ability to form hydrogen bonds internally and with other molecules. In this view, water is seen as an active medium where the principle of coherent information starts from inanimate liquid systems up to highly organized organisms (Jerman, 2016). Namely, contemporary quantum field theory does not only unveil life as a profoundly electromagnetic phenomenon, it maintains that all liquids including water have special electromagnetic properties involving coherence. ...
... Consequently, the organizing potential of water bound to countless biochemical as well as biophysical processes is proposed to play an active and essential role, not only living systems as known nowadays, but also any feasible origin of life scenario. In QED the theorem can be proven (Plankar et al., 2012;Jerman 2016) according to which all molecules fluctuate in unison between two individual configurations, in tune with the enveloping vacuum electromagnetic field. The collective dynamics spans over a region (Coherence Domain, CD) whose size is the wavelength λ = hc/ΔE of the EM mode, whose frequency in the free space is ν = ΔE/h; h is the Planck constant and c is the speed of light. ...
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Part 1 of this review article submits an integral concept of information processing in the universe on the basis of a generalized musical (GM)-scale of discrete EMF frequencies. Meta-analyses of current biophysical literature revealed the effects of similar EMF frequency patterns in a wide range of animate and non-animate systems. This provided a novel conceptual bridge between living and non-living systems, being of relevance for the areas of biophysics, brain research, as well as for mechanisms of biological evolution. As to the latter aspect, the potential role of coherently structured water is treated in relation to the generation of a primordial biofield, that is seen as instrumental in a partially guided creation of first life. We hold, in general, that nature is guided by a discrete pattern of harmonic, solitonic, waves, likely originating from quantum vacuum fluctuations derived from an immanent zero-point energy (ZPE)/superfluid quantum space. We propose, therefore, that the pro-life EM frequency bands, identified in our earlier studies may literally act in concert as "tonal octave-based symphony" to provide living systems, including the brain, with information embedded in such harmonic-like resonance patterns. Such "tonal" projections, in a global manner, may organize synchronicity, both spatially and temporally in essential organs in the body (heart and brain). In a cosmological context, we envision a scale invariant information processing, operating through a toroidal/wormhole mediated information flux. This implies an intrinsic cosmic connectivity that is mirrored in the human brain.
... Here, water is seen as an active medium where the principle of coherent information exists through inanimate liquid systems up to highly organized organisms (Jerman, 2016). Contemporary quantum field theory not only unveils life as a profoundly electromagnetic phenomenon but also maintains that liquids such as water have unique electromagnetic properties involving coherence. ...
... Consequently, the potential of water to organize biological systems is also expected to play an active and essential role for any origin of life scenario. Quantum electrodynamics (QED) reveals that all molecules fluctuate in unison between two distinct configurations (the ground and the excited one) and in tune with the enveloping vacuum electromagnetic field (see Plankar et al., 2012;and Jerman, 2016 for more detail). The collective dynamics span over a region (called a coherence domain, CD) whose size is equal to the wavelength of the EM mode, λ = hc/ ΔE, where h is the Planck constant and c is the speed of light. ...
... The collective dynamics span over a region (called a coherence domain, CD) whose size is equal to the wavelength of the EM mode, λ = hc/ ΔE, where h is the Planck constant and c is the speed of light. Further QED considerations demonstrate that photons in the CD acquire an imaginary mass, becoming unable to propagate and appearing as the cohesion energy of the molecules (Jerman, 2016). In this way, the CD becomes a cavity for the oscillating vacuum electromagnetic field, which fuses with the field of excitable and polar water molecules. ...
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This paper addresses the question whether electromagnetic frequencies associated with pure water are similar to those of biological systems. A literature survey was performed on intrinsic frequencies of water molecules measured across the electromagnetic spectrum using various spectroscopic technologies. The registered frequencies were plotted on an algorithmic generalized music (GM) scale, described by a quantum entangled wave function, and compared with earlier detected electromagnetic frequency patterns revealed in various biological systems. The meta-analysis shows that semi-harmonic frequency patterns found in purified water are very similar to those found in biological systems. A meta-analysis of about 700 measured frequencies of pure water shows that 192 subsequent first and second derivatives of spectral frequency curves of water molecules can be precisely positioned at the proposed lines of the calculated pattern of coherent eigenfrequencies with an error of 0.45% and statistical significance of p < 0.02. A new order parameter characteristic for water molecule assembly has been revealed, which implies quantum coherency and en-tanglement. This is in line with the already evidenced and published universal order that we called the GM-scale. Following these findings, we may assume that water molecule assembly shows electromagnetic and electronic collective states that contain "quantum imprints or molds" for living cells. A potential explanation for this feature is that water molecules are ordered in a partially distorted tetrahedral geometry, which yields a specific network structure. Since water molecules have a comparable distribution of coherent electromagnetic field (EMF) bands to that of fluid assemblies in living cells, a resonant wave interaction is expected between the cytoplasm and surrounding water molecules. Evidence of a new quantum wave equation of coherence for water molecules has been found, that is defined as a physical principle: E n = ħ ω ref 2 n+p 3 m .
... Here, water is seen as an active medium where the principle of coherent information exists through inanimate liquid systems up to highly organized organisms (Jerman, 2016). Contemporary quantum field theory not only unveils life as a profoundly electromagnetic phenomenon but also maintains that liquids such as water have unique electromagnetic properties involving coherence. ...
... Consequently, the potential of water to organize biological systems is also expected to play an active and essential role for any origin of life scenario. Quantum electrodynamics (QED) reveals that all molecules fluctuate in unison between two distinct configurations (the ground and the excited one) and in tune with the enveloping vacuum electromagnetic field (see Plankar et al., 2012;and Jerman, 2016 for more detail). The collective dynamics span over a region (called a coherence domain, CD) whose size is equal to the wavelength of the EM mode, λ = hc/ ΔE, where h is the Planck constant and c is the speed of light. ...
... The collective dynamics span over a region (called a coherence domain, CD) whose size is equal to the wavelength of the EM mode, λ = hc/ ΔE, where h is the Planck constant and c is the speed of light. Further QED considerations demonstrate that photons in the CD acquire an imaginary mass, becoming unable to propagate and appearing as the cohesion energy of the molecules (Jerman, 2016). In this way, the CD becomes a cavity for the oscillating vacuum electromagnetic field, which fuses with the field of excitable and polar water molecules. ...
Full-text available
This paper addresses the question whether electromagnetic frequencies associated with pure water are similar to those of biological systems. A literature survey was performed on intrinsic frequencies of water molecules measured across the electromagnetic spectrum using various spectroscopic technologies. The registered frequencies were plotted on an algorithmic generalized music (GM) scale, described by a quantum entangled wave function, and compared with earlier detected electromagnetic frequency patterns revealed in various biological systems. The meta-analysis shows that semi-harmonic frequency patterns found in purified water are very similar to those found in biological systems. A meta-analysis of about 700 measured frequencies of pure water shows that 192 subsequent first and second derivatives of spectral frequency curves of water molecules can be precisely positioned at the proposed lines of the calculated pattern of coherent eigenfrequencies with an error of 0.45% and statistical significance of p < 0.02. A new order parameter characteristic for water molecule assembly has been revealed, which implies quantum coherency and en-tanglement. This is in line with the already evidenced and published universal order that we called the GM-scale. Following these findings, we may assume that water molecule assembly shows electromagnetic and electronic collective states that contain "quantum imprints or molds" for living cells. A potential explanation for this feature is that water molecules are ordered in a partially distorted tetrahedral geometry, which yields a specific network structure. Since water molecules have a comparable distribution of coherent electromagnetic field (EMF) bands to that of fluid assemblies in living cells, a resonant wave interaction is expected between the cytoplasm and surrounding water molecules. Evidence of a new quantum wave equation of coherence for water molecules has been found, that is defined as a physical principle: E n = ħ ω ref 2 n+p 3 m .
... For example, it might be possible to design an experimental system similar to cultivating so called nano-bacteria (bions), in which in addition to simple salts and organic substances, various typical clays could be included. This can potentially form a robust reproducing system, akin to the construction of various macro-molecules of life, that may provide a degree of complexity far greater than ordinary nano-bacteria (Jerman, 2016). The cell and its components are always under the influence of active wave fields of internally induced EM oscillations and are at the same time driven in concert by pilot waves of the implicate order (the Broglie/Bohm concept). ...
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We present a comprehensive concept for the fabric of reality and the creation of life through the generation and integration of information, modelled through toroidal processing of wave energy. We submit that human consciousness cannot be understood in a reductionist context, but that it is rather an expression of a cosmic modality or a universal consciousness. We therefore introduce a mental attribute of the entire cosmos that for our world, requires a wave-like holonomic description, implying non-material physicalism in a cosmopsychism context. It is postulated that the generation of life in the cosmos requires a symmetry breaking from a 4 th spatial dimension (5-D spacetime) involving a Sub-Quantum domain, that contains information conceptualized as a pro-active ontological essence. Thereby, a multi-layered fractal reality is conceived integrated by a universal toroidal/möbius-ring type of connection. This is described at the level of a sub-Planckian scale, and is instrumental in past/future transactional information processing and pilot-wave guiding. In this framework, the Zero-point Energy Field is seen as a transition zone from the Sub-Quantum domain to our quantum world. In concert they provide an all-pervading superfluid quantum field that enables soliton (electron-phonon quasi-particle)-mediated interaction with non-neural brain compartments, in which hydro-ionic (hydronium ions and Ca2+-ions) are instrumental. In this process, freely moving protons form wave-antennas in the water matrices of the brain that can receive active life-information as the building blocks for conscious moments. Toroidal geometry is also involved in the functional organisation of wave-coherence and interference in brain, to assure a personal memory. In addition, we postulate a global memory workspace, associated with, but not reducible to the brain. This field-sensitive holographic workspace, that exhibits an event horizon information projection, is seen to be involved in predictive coding and quality control of awareness and can be conceived as personal double. The imprinting of life conditions in inanimate (pre-biotic) structures in biological evolution is conceived as a toroidal processing of energy-consciousness providing a non-dual recursive creation of reality. The unfolding of pre-mordial information into the future is described in geometric terms and defined in a "Beyond Fibonacci" type of spiral mathematics that also includes an extra 4 th spatial dimension. Recent studies of others indeed have shown that the creation of life can be conceived as a symmetry breaking of condensed bosons from a 5-D informational phase-space, supposedly through formation of magnetic monopoles in a Hicks setting, again using an essential toric information code. The monopoles, produced in this process, interact with DNA/RNA on the basis of the molecular entities of life such as H2O, carbon and nitrogen-bases, and this supports recent work on the role of oscillatory DNA wave resonance in cellular communication, being crucial for problem solving of life cells for survival in their environment. Boson-mediated symmetry breaking, modelled by toroidal spinor geometry was also described in a bifurcative self-interaction model that assumes supervenience of mental on physical states. It is finally concluded that scale invariant information, being expressed on the holographic event horizons of each individual cosmic entity, provides a unified connective principle that reveals an intrinsic mental aspect of the cosmos.
... The latter has been defined as a Bose-Einstein condensate, and is supposed to induce physical and non-thermal interactions between biomolecules. The waves can take dimensions that are many orders of magnitude larger than that of the microscopic objects, due to the fact that the resulting overall wave field is highly correlated, and therefore has an analogy with the behaviour of high temperature superconductors (Jerman, 2016). It has been found that typical coherent frequencies in superconductors resemble that of the living cells/biomolecules and can be described by the proposed same quantum coherence equation, that is related to entanglement (Geesink andMeijer 2019a, 2020b). ...
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Conformational states of living cells have typical spatial arrangements of atoms, that are characteristic for building, homeostasis, decay and apoptosis. We earlier found clear evidence, indicating that such states of biomolecules are related to spectral coherence and decoherence frequency bands, providing a quantitative physical resource. The patterned arrangements of EMF frequencies can be described by electromagnetic wave patterns positioned on an acoustic scale, on the basis of an underlying quantum wave equation. The proposed equation shows a discrete distribution of energy: En= ħ ωref 2 n+p 3 m , that supports quantum entanglement, and is in line with the earlier published models of Fröhlich and Davydov. The overall results show the presence of a molecular code-script, which supplies information to realize biological order in life cells and substantiates collective (Bose-Einstein) type of coherent wave behaviour. The particular wave equation was inferred from a meta-analysis of 724 biomedical publications, from 1970 till 2020, reporting either beneficial or detrimental biological effects caused by external non-thermal EMF-frequencies from ELF till THz. Based on this new biophysical principle, evidence is provided to support a causal relation between exposure of electromagnetic waves and healthy (or a non-influence) and unhealthy effects for living cells and biomolecules. External exposures to non-thermal at KHz, MHz-and GHz electromagnetic waves can therefore lead to unhealthy conditions depending on wave frequency, pulsing properties, field intensity, average absorption rate of the cells (W/kg) and exposure time. An additional analysis of 241 experiments confirms that non-thermal electromagnetic waves can induce significant changes in human cells. The currently applied single or composed frequencies in communication technology, fit for 94.2% with the proposed quantum model related to either healthy or unhealthy behaviour. For example, up to 80% of the planned 5G frequencies possibly belong to the detrimental decoherent or modulated coherent frequency bands. Further research to counteract non-thermal unhealthy electromagnetic effects can generate ideas for improving the balance between coherent and decoherent waves, and thereby may open a potential novel road to innovative health technologies. 2
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A review of biologically structured water (BSW) is needed to support a more convincing argument of the significance of organized water to the overall health of living organisms. Research phrases related to BSW water are energized, hexagonal, interfacial, or bound water because they refer to biological water with similar structural, functionality, and general water properties. Structured water is formed by shortening hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) in free water, forming various polymeric water structures. In living organisms, BSW water has liquid crystalline properties that have excellent redox qualities due to the energized state of the hexagonal ring structure. Each hexagonal ring has a vortex of delocalized electrons and protons that form pi orbitals above and below each ring, contributing to myriad redox reactions within cells. In addition, the energized hexagonal water rings can be readily split or ionized with minimal energy inputs, providing the oxygen-based ions needed to initiate water respiration. The water respiration pathway can convert the high-grade chemical energy stored in energized, biologically structured water into supplemental energy for cells. The water respiration theory based on interfacial structured water is revisited due to recent findings of superconductivity water properties. The contribution of energized BSW water to redox biology and water respiration can be associated with improved metabolic efficiency and enhanced physiological performance in all life forms. Finally, this article will review recent findings involving quantum biology and BSW water. When BSW water is confined in extremely small sites such as proton wires or water wires, the water properties take on strange quantum properties that stretch the accepted theories of chemistry and physics.
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In the present review/literature compilation*, we submit that a cosmological acoustical background field underlies the fabric of reality and that this field was and is instrumental in the guiding of biophysical processes during pre-biotic era's, biological evolution, as well as in the world we know now and anticipate in the future. The idea of some recipe for life, seen as a set of primordial rules, has clear connections with the earlier proposed pilot wave theory of David Bohm, who framed the supposed field as an implicate order. Implicitly, such theories invite the question whether they imply a deterministic and even super-deterministic constellation of the cosmos we live in. Of note, the super-determinism debate is related to quantum mechanical properties such as non-locality, the measurement (observer) problem, statistical independence of the observer, potential vectorial influences on a distance, free will (choice) of observers and the potential involvement of hidden variables in quantum physics, all this related to potential violation of Bell's Theorem. The latter item was recently treated by Hossenfelder, Palmer, t' Hooft, and Smolin among many others. We postulate that the initiation and further evolution of the cosmos was predetermined by an underlying information field that is hidden for us and which is considered as primordial attribute of a cyclic (rebounce) universe. This concept was earlier described by us as a symmetry breaking from a 5D sub-quantum phase space, that is connected to a 4D superfluid quantum domain with features of the known Zero-point-energy Field (ZPEF). Our theory can, in principle, be viewed upon as a superdeterministic phenomenon, as currently debated in physics. Yet, we rather propose that potential super-determinism is relaxed by a dynamic information field that is retro-causally updated(back-reaction). This, through choices made by intelligent life systems that collect, use and dissipate information, including the human species. This dynamic process can be envisioned as a permanent retro-causally actualised information domain that is instrumental in the ongoing evolution of our world. This implies a relaxed superdeterministic mode, collectively defined by us as a retro-causally reconstructive universe, that allows human free choice. It is postulated that crucial processes such as the Primordial Creation of our Universe (so-called Big Bang), Anthropic Fine Tuning of the Universe, Biological Evolution and the Manifestation of Consciousness should not be regarded as coincidental, but rather as a manifestation of a Grand Design on the basis of of an Acoustic Cosmic Recipe for guiding the Fabric of Reality.
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Samenvatting Muziek is een samenspel van Energie en Informatie. Energie zit in de frequenties van de opeenvolgende of samengestelde tonen terwijl de volgorde van tonen non-materiele informatie omvat. De auteurs poneren de visie dat onze werkelijkheid immer een combinatie is van drie funderende aspecten: Massa, Energie en Informatie en zij laten zien hoe fundamenteel Informatie hierin is. Informatie stuurt de ontwikkeling en de vormen van deeltjes, terwijl energie dit proces aandrijft. Dit is één van de nieuwe inzichten die voortkomen uit de kwantumfysica. Inform -atie vindt men namelijk niet alleen in ruimtelijke vormen en patronen in de natuur, maar ook in groeivormen van planten, in de samenstelling van DNA, maar ook in muziekcomposities. De kwantumfysica lijkt een nieuw perspectief te bieden voor een beter begrip van het brein en het bewustzijn. Informatie is in beginsel namelijk overal in het universum aanwezig als een Universeel bewustzijn. Het menselijk bewustzijn is er onderdeel van. Het kosmisch bewustzijn is fysisch te beschrijven met het bekende holografische principe, uitgaande van een vierde ruimtelijke dimensie. Daarbij formuleren fysici deze extra dimensie als een sub-kwantum informatie-domein, waaruit de evolutionaire ontwikkeling van het universum wordt gestuurd. Dat betreft dus ook de sturing van ecosystemen en van elk samenstellende deel ervan. Deze sturing geschiedt door middel van resonantie van kwantum-trillingen met het Zero-point energieveld waarin alle Informatie is opgeslagen. Bij uitwisseling van informatie speelt het resonantie mechanisme, ook in ons brein, een cruciale rol, Dit informatieconcept is eerder, door de kwantumfysicus David Bohm, natuurfilosofisch en axiomatisch voorgesteld als de niet-materiele impliciete orde ('implicate order'), die vormgeeft aan de actuele expliciete fysieke werkelijkheid. Door de tijd heen gaf de implicate order ook richting en vorm aan de biologische evolutieprocessen. De auteurs gaan nog een stapje verder met het uitgangspunt dat ook de mensheid zèlf participeert in de evolutie. In die visie neemt de mensheid deel aan een cyclisch opererend en zelflerend universum. Deze kwantum-informatie in het universele bewustzijn wordt gezien als het basismechanisme voor het ontstaan van eerste leven in de evolutie, en daar mee is de kwantumtheorie ook in de biologie doorgedrongen. Het bestaan van dit alles omvattende kwantuminformatieveld biedt ook mogelijke verklaringen voor meer intuïtieve communicatie met medemens, plant en dier en mogelijk ook voor buiten
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Meta-analysis of current biomedical and biophysical literature revealed the presence of a fractal pattern of discrete EMF frequency bands, in a wide range of animate and non-animate systems, framed as the Generalized Music (GM)-scale biophysical principle and also applied by us to study cognitive brain function as well as quantum mechanical aspects of first life. In this respect, it is proposed that nature is guided by a resonating set of quantum vacuum fluctuations of an all-pervading zero-point energy (ZPE)-field. It was shown that the toroidal GM-code can accommodate 4 spatial dimensions, in line with the Kaluza Klein concept as a feature of the Sub-Quatum SFQS, conceived as a homogenous 5-D space-time manifold. The related photon/phonon and soliton fluxes can be modelled by toroidal geometry as also obtained from Perelmann-Ricci-Flow mappings, processes that enable crucial wave damping and tone separation. The GM-scale exhibits a self-similar fractal) wave pattern that gives rise to a series of more than 500 EMF frequencies from the Hz to the GHz ranges, thereby exhibiting a field-like character. In this paper we report on a series of 46 experimentally determined ZPE-frequencies, from 15 separate studies, that fit the GM-scale eigenvalues closely. The central message of these quantum wave studies implies a cosmic connectivity operating in a primordial context, possibly related to known bounce models of our universe, that is likely also mirrored in life processes, including the human brain. It is postulated that the generation of life in the cosmos resulted from a symmetry breaking from the homogenous 5-D manifold that contains condensed boson type of quantum wave information and is instrumental in past/future transactional information processing and/or pilot-wave type of wave guiding. In this sense, the ZPE-field is seen as a transition zone from the 5D Sub-Quantum domain to our quantum world. We hold that the ZPE-field presents an all-pervading quantum field, that provides long-distance solitons (electron-phonon quasi-particles) that can guide the 3D folding of brain macromolecules embedded in coherently structured water domains, in which hydronium ions and Ca2+ ions are particularly instrumental. In this manner cell proteins and DNA may function as wave-antennas to receive active life-information for the functional architecture of cell, and the generation of cell memory and conscious states. For the permanent transmission of external information a holographic 5D memory workspace of the brain is required that is associated with, but not reducible to the brain. This field-sensitive holographic workspace is involved in predictive coding and quality control of individual awareness. Recent studies by Wong et al., show that the creation of life can be conceived as being guided through a symmetry breaking of condensed (charge neutral, massless) bosons from the 5D informational manifold. The particuar "Diagonal Long Range Ordered" bosons represent the monopoles from the Maxwell magnetic monopole potential, a solitonic eigenstate of the homogenous 5-D manifold, that through Perelmann mapping generates toroidals, instrumental in the formation bio-rings including the nitrogenous bases of RNA and DNA. The retained EMF from these monopole bosons within the RNA and DNA can interact with the molecular entities of life, such as H2O, carbon and nitrogen, by inducing mobile positive valence band hole charges in the molecules. This provides an off-diagonal-long-range ordered superconducting phase that enables cell grow and survival in its thermal environment. It is finally concluded that all matter, from galaxies through life creation therein, is derived from scale invariant information transfer, expressed at the holographic event horizons of each individual cosmic entity, a process that was intended to be verified and observed by the intelligent subjects of its own creation.
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In this chapter, we postulate an integral concept of information processing in the universe, on the basis of a new biophysical principle, coined the generalized music (GM)-scale of EMF frequencies. Meta-analyses of current biomedical literature revealed the presence of a distinct pattern of discrete EMF frequency bands in a wide range of animate and non-animate systems. The underlying algorithm of harmonic solitonic waves provided a novel conceptual interface between living and non-living systems being of relevance for the areas of brain research as well as biological evolution. We hold that nature is guided by resonating quantum entities related to quantum vacuum fluctuations of an imminent zero-point energy (ZPE) field, also regarded as a superfluid quantum space (SQS). Since the whole human organism, including the brain is embedded in this dynamic energy field, a pilot wave guided supervenience of brain function is conceived. Conversely, the brain may write discrete informational states into the ZPE- field as individual memory traces. Both information fluxes may be related to a holofractal memory workspace, associated with, but not reducible to the brain, that operates as a scale-invariant mental attribute of reality. Our concept, therefore, addresses the earlier postulated “hard problem” in consciousness studies. The proposed field-receptive workspace, integrates past and (anticipated) future events and may explain overall ultra-rapid brain responses as well as the origin of qualia. Information processing in the brain is shown to be largely facilitated by propagation of hydronium (proton/water) ions in aqueous compartments. The hydronium ions move freely within a hexagonally organized H2O lattice, providing a superconductive integral brain antenna for receiving solitonic wave information, according to the Schrödinger wave equation. The latter quantum process enables an ultra-rapid soliton/biophoton flux that may orchestrate overall brain binding and the creation of coherent conscious states. In a cosmological context, we envision a scale-invariant information processing, operating through a toroidal/wormhole operator at the interface of our 3D world and a 4D acoustic phase space. We submit that the resulting meta-language is instrumental in a partially guided evolution and the creation of first life. This implies that sentience exists on infinite scales, on the basis of an electromagnetic signature of the universe providing an intrinsic cosmic connectivity that is mirrored in the human brain and that we may experience as a vivid dream of a concealed reality. Humans, in this respect, are not only observers but also active participants in this cosmic endeavor: the evolution of conscious entities has been woven into the cosmic mastercode from the beginning. The main thesis of this chapter is that in science and philosophy the dominant paradigm of materialism should be considered as incomplete for explaining the whole of reality.
The possibility that living cells are capable of high frequency electrical oscillations was first suggested by Fröhlich in a series of papers (Fröhlich 1968,1980,1982). His theoretical development noted that an extremely high electric field exists across all biological membranes (107 V/m) and that the highly polarized molecules within these membranes could interact cooperatively under certain conditions. Fröhlich calculated that if the thermal vibrational modes that existed in the membrane received energy above a threshold energy, then the modes would condense into one coherent mode having a frequency in the range 1011−1012 Hz. Further work (Fröhlich 1984) revealed that polar modes in biological molecules, and larger systems, exist with both higher and lower frequencies. Stimulated by this proposal, a number of different lines of investigation have given evidence that these oscillations do, indeed, exist.
Einstein formalism E=mc2 describes relation between energy and mass. The missing equation is how mass is related with gravity. In this paper we will show that energy, mass and gravity which of a given particle have all origin in variable energy density of quantum vacuum. Quantum vacuum of Planck metrics is a fundamental arena of the universe. Every particle is made out of quantum vacuum energy and diminishes its energy density accordingly to the amount of its energy. Diminished energy density of quantum vacuum gives origin to inertial and to gravitational mass. Variable energy density of quantum vacuum is governing entire cosmic dynamics.
We show that the recent observation of like-charge attractions in metastable colloidal systems is naturally and quantitatively explained by the collective interactions among the surface electrons of the colloidal microspheres, predicted by QED.
Biological systems are characterized by structure and dynamical ordering. Molecular biologists have gone a long way towards understanding structure. Research into dynamics is in progress. The aim is to elucidate how the large number of molecules in a cell can arrange themselves in ordered and meaningful patterns, avoiding mistakes and the kind of disordered behavior which produces heating. Actually the constance of temperature during the biological life cycle can be considered as a rough principle of biology. This means from a physical point of view that the energy released from metabolic reactions supplies collective degrees of freedom without any thermal losses, i.e. without increasing the system temperature.