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Asian Journal of Library and Information Vol.5, Issue (3-4)
Science (ISSN: 0975-315X) December, 2013
S. Jadhav Vandana
Research Scholar
V.S. Khaparde
Professor & Head
M. Shelke Santosh
Research Scholar
Department of Library & Information Science
Dr.Babasahed Ambedkar Marathwada University
The present study has been conducted as Citation analysis of the Journal of “Library
Hi Tech” on the basis of ten objectives. Average number of references per articles;
Form-wise distribution of references; Authorship pattern of references; Year - wise
Degree of Collaboration; Organizational contribution of articles; Country wise
distribution of references; Ranking of the journals; Chronological distribution of
citations; Obsolescence/ageing of literature in the Library Hi-tech; Web references
and print references and Lengths of articles.
Keywords: Citation analysis, Library Hi Tech Journal, Bibliometrics.
1. Introduction
Citation is one of the major requirements of all of the research papers written and all of
the intellectual work, no matter whatever the field you are in. Basically, citation is the way of
telling the readers about the sources you have utilized in that specific work. In this way if your
reader wants to get the further information on the related topic or the findings of the other author,
he can easily get the information on that. In most of the cases the references of the material
include the title of the source, author name, name of the publisher, the date of publishing, and also
the link of the website where the material was published. Citation analysis is a worthwhile area of
research. “Citation analysis” refers to references in one text to another text, with information on
where that text can be found. Citation analysis is useful for understanding subject relationships,
author effectiveness, publication trends, and so on. The first recorded citation analysis was given
by Gross and Gross (1927) who looked at citation patterns to determine the journals to be
subscribed to and back volumes to be acquired for the Library of Pomona College. With citation
analysis one can evaluate and interpret citation received by articles, authors, institutions, and other
indications of scientific activity. (Ravichandra Rao, 1993).
Citation analysis is a technique of Bibliometrics. It is an important research tool to
understanding the subject, which we analyze the structure and direction of the subject. It measures
the utility of documents and relationship between documents in the subject and relationship
between authors and their documents. Journals are mostly useful in research work and it is a
sensitive indicator of new emerging ideas in the subject
Asian Journal of Library and Information Vol.5, Issue (3-4)
Science (ISSN: 0975-315X) December, 2013
2. Review of Literature
The synchrous studies done by Knnappanava (1991); Berhanuddin (1992); Sangam
(1986); Thoidingjam (1997); Chikate (2008) and Schneider (2004) emphasized that the
Bibliometric methods have been successfully applied to examine the intellectual structure of
several disciplines.
Citation represent the pool of archival knowledge from which author retrieve established
ideas and in turn generate new research ideas this knowledge may be dissemination within an area
and across disciplinary boundaries (Sharif 2004). Language wise distribution of articles and
country wise distribution of journals were studied (Singh, 2007). Bibliometrics, Informatrics,
Scientometrics and Technometrics are unfortunately not very clear and there is choice in the
terminology (Wormell, 1998). Citation analysis of ournal of Physiology and Allied Sciences by
Koly and Sen (2003). Citation analysis of University News Journal by Jadhav Vandana S
Khaparde Vaishali S (2011).
3. Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study are:
To identify the number of references per article.
To know the form wise distributions of references.
To understand the nature of authorship pattern of references per article
To identify the year - wise degree of collaboration.
To identify the organization wise contribution of articles.
To find out the country wise distribution of cited references.
To identify the ranking of the cited journals
To find out the chronological distribution of citations
To study the obsolescence/ageing of literature in the Library Hi-tech
To find out the web references and print references
To find out the lengths of articles
4. Scope of the Study
The present study is limited to 3876 references appended to 247 articles published in
Library Hi-tech, an international journal.
4.1 Library Hi Tech
Library Hi-Tech is an International E- Journal published quarterly from United Kingdom.
Library Hi-Tech is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal on computing and technology
for the library community. It is international in scope, and defines technology in the broadest
possible terms to include the full range of tools that librarians and their customers employ.
Research articles about new technologies or new uses of technologies are particularly welcomed.
Case studies and scholarly literature reviews are also accepted. Library Hi-Tech is available as
part of an online subscription to the Emerald Library and Information Studies Subject Collection.
Asian Journal of Library and Information Vol.5, Issue (3-4)
Science (ISSN: 0975-315X) December, 2013
5. Methodology
5.1 Data Collection
The references cited in the articles of Library Hi-Tech journal is appended according to
their nature. Total 247 articles were published during the years 2005-2009 which accounted 3876
5.2 Data Analysis
The data analysis of this study is presented in the following paragraphs.
5.2.1 Average number of references per articles
The average number of references per article is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Average number of references per articles
Year Volume No. No. of Article No. of References %
2005 23
49 330 6.74
2006 24 (1-4) 50 721 14.42
2007 25 (1-4) 49 1014 20.69
2008 26 (1-4) 51 956 18.75
2009 27 (1-4) 48 855 17.81
Total 247 3876 15.69
Table 1 represent the average number of references per article during 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008 and 2009. The highest number of references per article are in 2007 i.e. 1014 (20.69), and in
the year 2005 lowest number of references per article i.e. 330 (6.74).
5.2.2 Form wise distribution of references
The study regarding the form-wise distribution of citation has been done in order to know
the most dominant forms in which the information is cited.
Table 2: Form wise distribution of references
Books 15.56
Thesis 1.06
Handbook 0.59
Symposia 0.08
Report 3.69
ConferenceProceeding 5.03
Seminars 1.6
Manuals 0.39
Bulletin 0.67
Review 1.68
NewsLetter 1.73
Archives 1.93
Standards 0.77
Magzine 1.68
Others 29.44
Asian Journal of Library and Information Vol.5, Issue (3-4)
Science (ISSN: 0975-315X) December, 2013
Table 2 gives the form-wise distribution of citation analysis and shows that, out of 3876
citations, 1322 (34.11%) citations are journals citations. This is followed by other forms such as
books 15.56%, conference proceedings 5.03%, archives 1.93% and any others forms i.e. 29.44%
5.2.3 Authorship pattern
The authorship pattern has been studied with 247 articles. It was analyzed to determine
percentage of single, two, three, four, five, six or more than six authors which is shown in
Table 3.
Table 3: Authorship pattern
Author 2005
& %
Single 222
Two 59
Three 31
Four 11
Five 2
Six 3
More than
Total 330
Fig. 1: Authorship Pattern
S ing le Two Th ree F our Fiv e S ix More
thans ix
Pe rce ntag
Asian Journal of Library and Information Vol.5, Issue (3-4)
Science (ISSN: 0975-315X) December, 2013
5.2.4 Degree of Author’s Collaboration
Various methods have been proposed to calculate the degree of research collaboration.
Here, in this study the formula proposed by Subramanyam (1983) has been used.
The degree of collaboration C=
Nm + Ns
Where, C= Degree of collaboration in a discipline
Nm = number of multi- authored papers in the discipline
Ns= number of single- authored paper in the discipline
Here, Nm = 1240
Ns = 2636
C = = 2.13
Thus, the degree of collaboration (C) 2.13.
1240 + 2636
So, in the study the degree of collaboration during the overall 5 years (2005- 2009) is 2.13.
Table 4: Year Wise Degree of Collaboration
Year Total No.
of Articles
Total No.
No. of
% of
No. of
% of
Degree of
2005 330 526 222 5.73 108 2.79 2.23
2006 721 1201 447 11.53 274 7.07 4.48
2007 1014 1259 804 20.74 210 5.42 8.05
2008 956 1481 637 16.43 319 8.23 6.38
2009 855 1560 526 13.57 329 8.49 5.27
Total 3876 6027 2636 68.01 1240 31.99 5.28(mean)
The Table 4 shows that in the 5 years of period, the single author articles are higher and
predominant than multiple authors. The multi authored articles are highest in year 2009 i.e. 329
(8.49). The single authored articles 804 (20.74) are highest in the year 2007. It is seen that the
single authorship trend is increasing gradually in Library Hi-Tech.
5.2.5 Organizational Contributions of Articles
Fig .No.2: Organizational Contributions of Articles
2005 2 006 2 007 2 008 2 009
Unive rs ities
R es e arc h
Ins titute
Asian Journal of Library and Information Vol.5, Issue (3-4)
Science (ISSN: 0975-315X) December, 2013
Figure 2identifies the organization wise contribution of research articles. Universities are
the major contributors with 191 (77.33) contributions from 2005-2009 (vol.23-27) and also
followed by research institutes with 56 (22.67) contribution.
5.2.6 Country wise distribution of references
The countries on the basis of number of citations published are shown in Table5.
Table 5: Country wise distribution of references
Country wise 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total
USA 57(16.36) 79(10.96) 157(15.48) 184(19.25) 119(13.91) 596(15.38)
India 1(0.30) - 13(1.28) 12(1.25) 6(0.70) 32(0.83)
UK 7(2.12) 39(5.41) 16(1.58) 23(2.41) 39(4.56) 124(3.20)
Canada 20(6.06) 29(4.02) 37(3.65) 25(2.61) 37(4.33) 148(3.81)
Germany 6(1.82) 19(2.63) 10(0.99) 12(1.25) 18(2.11) 65(1.68)
Australia - 4(0.56) 4(0.39) 4(0.41) - 12(0.31)
Chicago 3(0.91) 4(0.56) 12(1.18) 13(1.36) 5(0.59) 37(0.96)
Portland 1(0.30) 1(0.14) - - 2(0.23) 4(0.10)
China - - 2(0.20) - 1(0.11) 3(0.08)
Africa 7(2.12) 2(0.28) 1(0.10) - 1(0.11) 11(0.28)
Europe - 1(0.14) - - 2(0.23) 3(0.08)
Switzerland - 1(0.14) - - 1(0.11) 2(0.05
Italy - 1(0.14) - 1(0.11) - 2(0.05)
Netherlands - - - 1(0.11) - 1(0.03)
Saudi Arabia - 1(0.14) - - - 1(0.03)
Ireland - 4(0.56) 1(0.10) 5(0.52) 2(0.23) 12(0.31)
Greece - - 1(0.10) 2(0.21) - 3(0.08)
Iran - - 4(0.39) 5(0.52) 10(1.17) 19(0.49)
Egypt 1(0.30) - 1(0.10) - - 2(0.05)
Taiwan - - - 1(0.11) - 1(0.03)
Places are not
227(68.79) 536(74.34) 755(74.46) 668(69.87) 612(71.58) 2798(72.19)
Total 330 721 1014 956 855 3876(100)
The countries having a maximum number of 3876 citations appended in 247 articles have
been considered. The study regarding the country wise distributions of citations has been done in
order to know the most dominant countries in which the information is cited. Table 5 reveals that
USA, India, UK , Canada, Germany have 596 (15.38%), 32 (0.83), 124 (3.20%), 148 (3.81%), 65
(1.68%). However in 2798 citations the place of publication is not mentioned.
Asian Journal of Library and Information Vol.5, Issue (3-4)
Science (ISSN: 0975-315X) December, 2013
5.2.7 Ranked List of Most Cited Journals
The journal citations were further analyzed to establish a list of journals. Table 6 provide
ranked list of the top most frequently cited journals under study.
Table 6: Ranked List of Most Cited Journals
S. No. Rank
No. Name of the Journal No. of
Citation %
1 1 Librar
Hi Tech 103 7.79
2 2 Librar
Journal 58 4.39
3 3 Journal of the American society for
information science and Technol
42 3.18
4 4 Com
ers in Libraries 40 3.03
5 5 Journal of Academic Librarian -ship 35 2.65
6 6 Information Technol
and Libraries 31 2.34
7 7 Informati
on p
and Ma
ement 25 1.89
8 8 Online 24 1.81
9 9 Library Trends 22 1.66
10 10 Library and Information science research 21 1.59
11 11 Journal of Information Science 20 1.5
12 11 The Electronic Librar
20 1.5
13 11 Health Information and Libraries Journal 20 1.5
14 12 College and Research Libraries 18 1.36
15 13 Journal of Documentation 17 1.29
16 13 Internet Reference Services
17 1.29
17 14 Ariadne online Journal 16 1.21
18 15 Librar
ement 15 1.13
19 15 The Serials Librarian 15 1.13
20 16 Catal
and Classificati
on Q
14 1.05
21 16 Library Collection, Acquisitions and
Technical Services
14 1.05
22 16 Serials Review 14 1.05
23 16 Searcher 14 1.05
24 17 First M
13 0.98
25 17 The Library Quarterly 13 0.98
26 18 Online Information Review 12 0.90
27 18 Communication of the ACM 12 0.90
28 18 New Librar
World 12 0.90
29 19 Information Outlook 10 0.75
30 19 OCLC System and Services 10 0.75
31 19 Journal of Medical Library Association 10 0.75
32 20 Librar
Hi Tech News 9 0.68
33 20 The Reference Librarian 9 0.68
34 20 Librar
Resources and Technical Services 9 0.68
35 20 Library Review 9 0.68
36 20 Reference and User Services Quarterly 9 0.68
37 20 American Libraries 9 0.68
Asian Journal of Library and Information Vol.5, Issue (3-4)
Science (ISSN: 0975-315X) December, 2013
S. No. Rank
No. Name of the Journal No. of
Citation %
38 21 Reference Services Review 8 0.61
39 22 Feliciter 7 0.53
40 22 Scientometrics 7 0.53
41 22 Medical Reference Services Quarterl
7 0.53
42 22 The Chronicle of Higher Education 7 0.59
43 23 Science and Technol
Libraries 6 0.45
44 23 Information To
6 0.45
45 23 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelli
6 0.45
46 23 Libri 6 0.45
47 23 Journal of Librarianshi
& Inf. Science 6 0.45
48 23 Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekswesen &
6 0.45
49 24 Journal of Di
ital Information 5 0.38
50 24 Journal of Librar
Administration 5 0.38
51 24 The Intl Information & Librar
Review 1`5 0.38
52 25 Pattern Rec
nition 4 0.30
53 25 Information Service and Use 4 0.30
54 25 E-Content 4 0.30
55 25 Technical Service
4 0.30
56 25 Webol
4 0.30
57 25 Aslib Proceedi
4 0.30
58 25 Health Libraries Review 4 0.30
59 25 Annals of Internal Medicine 4 0.30
60 25 Journal of American Medical Informatics
4 0.30
61 25 Library Association Record 4 0.30
62 25 Nature 4 0.30
63 26 Public Libraries 3 0.23
64 26 Program: Electronic Library and Information
3 0.23
65 26 Mississi
Libraries 3 0.23
66 26 Bibliothek fors
and p
raxis 3 0.23
67 26 The Journal of Information and Knowledge
3 0.23
68 26 The Bottom Line 3 0.23
69 26 Collection Management 3 0.23
70 26 Canadian Medical Association Journal 3 0.23
71 26 Molecular
stems Biol
3 0.23
72 26 BMC Bioinformatics 3 0.23
73 26 ACM SIGIR Forum 3 0.23
74 26 Portal Libraries and The Academ
3 0.23
75 27 44 Journals With 2 Citations 88 6.66
76 28 331 Journals With 1 Citations 331 25.03
Total 1322 100.00
Asian Journal of Library and Information Vol.5, Issue (3-4)
Science (ISSN: 0975-315X) December, 2013
It was observed that the Library Hi-Tech journal ranked 1st in position than the other
journals with maximum number of citations i.e. 103 (7.79%). 44 journals with 2 citations and 331
journals with 1 citation respectively.
5.2.8) Chronological Distribution of Citations
The chronological distribution of Citations is shown in Table 7.
Table 7: Chronological Distribution of Citations
Period Number of
of Citations
Cumulative % of
1900 & Before 4 4 0.10 0.10
1901-1910 1 5 0.03 0.13
1911-1920 1 6 0.03 0.16
1921-1930 4 10 0.10 0.26
1931-1940 7 17 0.18 0.44
1941-1950 7 24 0.18 0.62
1951-1960 19 43 0.49 1.11
1961-1970 23 66 0.59 1.70
1971-1980 61 127 1.57 3.27
1981-1990 123 250 3.17 6.44
1991-2000 692 942 17.85 24.29
2001-2010 2911 3853 75.10 99.39
Unidentified 23 3876 0.59 100.00
Total 3876
The study regarding the ranking of the year-wise citations has been done in order to know
the most dominant year. Ten year span of period was undertaken for study.
Table 8 gives ranking of year of distribution of citation which shows that 2911 the highest
number of Citations out of a total of 3876 Citations is in year 2001-2010 and lowest number of
citation in year 1901-1910 and 1911-1920 respectively, where it is seen that the researchers cite
the latest document. The study also shows that last 18-20 years (1991-2010) literature was cited
5.2.9 Obsolescence of Library Hi Tech Literature
Citation analysis techniques are becoming more popular to study the characteristics of
literature of a subject. Half-life and other obsolescence studies help the working librarians and
information scientists in deciding which item to keep and which item to store or discard in order
to maintain the need based and moderate collections in libraries.
Obsolescence has been defined as the “decline over time in validity or utility of
information”. It has found to vary from one subject to another and from one country to another,
depending on the factors such as the nature and characteristics of subjects etc. It has been found
that a large number of obsolescence studies have been reported in the field of Science and
Technology than in Social Sciences and the Humanities.
Asian Journal of Library and Information Vol.5, Issue (3-4)
Science (ISSN: 0975-315X) December, 2013
Fig. 3: Obsolescence of Library Hi Tech
0.1 0.02 00.02 00.05 0.05 0.08 0.1 0.05 0.13 0.1 0.39 0.21 0.39 0.62 0.96 1.11 2.06 5.68
36.2 38.91
unid ent ified
The obsolescence rate of literature can be assessed by citation analysis which can give an
indication of how far a researcher must go back to obtain a representative sample of the published
literature in a given field. The present study made an attempt to determine the half life period of
Library Hi-Tech literature which will help the librarians in building need based collection.
To calculate the half life period of Library Hi-Tech literature in the present study, a graph
is plotted in fig. 3 based on the data given in the Table 7 of obsolescence of Library Hi-Tech
literature from the period of years at the cumulative number of five years on X-axis a and
cumulative number of citations on the Y-axis. A parallel line from Y-axis is drawn from the point
“P” (representing the half the number of total citations). To meet the curve at point “Q”, a
perpendicular OR is drawn to the X- axis. The line “OP” represents the half of the total 3876
citations i.e. 1938 and the line “QR” represent the half life period for Library Hi Tech literature,
which falls on an average for 24 years. The study shows the half life period of Library Hi Tech
literature is 24 years approximately.
5.2.10 Yearwise Percentage of Articles having Web references and print references
Table 8. Year wise Percentage of Articles having Web references and print references
Year Articles Web
Number of
Total Number of
web references
Total Number of
Print Journal
2005 49 45(91.84) 330 115(34.85) 215(65.15)
2006 50 43(86.00) 721 249(34.53) 472(65.46)
2007 49 42(85.71) 1014 273(26.92) 741(73.08)
2008 51
2009 48
Total 247 215(87.05) 3876 1207(31.14) 2669(68.86)
From the Table 8 it can be seen that total 3876 references are appended to 247 articles,
out of which 1207 (31.14) are web references and 2669 (68.86) are print references of which
maximum web references are in the year 2008, i.e., 314 (32.85) appended to 51 articles. Whereas
maximum print references are in the year 2007 i.e. 741 (73.08) appended to 49 articles.
Asian Journal of Library and Information Vol.5, Issue (3-4)
Science (ISSN: 0975-315X) December, 2013
5.2.11 Length of Articles
Table 9 indicates the details about the page length of the contributions.
Table 9: Lengths of Articles
No of P
s 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Percent
1-5 5 5 4 6 5 25 10.12
6-10 17 23 15 12 18 85 34.41
11-15 19 16 19 22 16 92 37.25
16-20 6 4 9 9 7 35 14.17
21-25 1 1 2 2 2 8 3.24
26-30 1 -- -- -- -- 1 0.40
31-35 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 0.40
Total 49 50 49 51 48 247 100
Out of 247 contributions, 25 contributions (10.12) have page length of 1-5 pages while 92
contributions (37.25) have length of 11-15 pages. There are two contributions that has page length
between 26-30 and 31-35 pages i.e. (0.40) respectively.
6. Findings
The findings are based on the analysis of collected data appended from 247articles and
3876 references in Library Hi Tech e-journals.
6.1 Average number of references per articles
The highest number of references per article is observed in 2007, i.e. 1014 (20.69) and in
the year 2005, lowest number of references per article i.e. 330 (6.74)
6.2 Form wise Distribution of references
Form- wise distribution of citation analysis shows that 1,322citations out of a total of 3876
citations are journals citations. It forms about 34.11 percent of the total. This is followed by other
forms such as books 15.56 percent, conference proceedings 5.03 percent, archives 1.93 percent
and any others forms are 29.44 percents respectively.
6.3 Authorship pattern
The number of single authors is highest and it accounts 2636 (68.01%) and the number of
six authors is the lowest and it accounts 20 (0.5%) and more than six authors accounts 42 (1.08).
6.4 Year Wise Degree of Collaboration
The single author articles are higher and predominant than multiple authors. The multi
authored articles are highest in year 2009 i.e. 329 (8.49). The Single authored articles 804 (20.74)
are highest in the year 2007.
6.5 Organizational Contributions of Articles
Universities are the major contributors with (77.33) from 2005-2009 (vol. 23-27)
followed by research institute with (22.67) contributions.
Asian Journal of Library and Information Vol.5, Issue (3-4)
Science (ISSN: 0975-315X) December, 2013
6.6 Country wise distribution of references
It was seen that USA, India, UK, Canada, Germany have 596 (15.38%), 32 (0.83), 124
(3.20%), 148 (3.81%), 65 (1.68%). However, in 2798 citations the place of publication is not
6.7 Ranked List of Most Cited Journals
It was observed that the Library Hi-Tech journal ranked 1st in position than the other
journals with maximum number of citations i.e. 103 (7.79%). 44 journals were 2 citations and 331
journals were 1 citation respectively.
6.8 Chronological Distribution of Citations
Ranking of year of distribution of citation which shows that 2911 the highest number of
Citations out of a total of 3876 Citations is in year 2001-2010 and lowest number of citation in
year 1901-1910 and 1911-1920 respectively. The study shows that last 18-20 years (1991-2010)
literature was cited highest.
6.9 Obsolescence of Library Hi-Tech
The study shows the half life period of Library Hi-Tech literature is 24 years
6.10 Year wise Percentage of Articles having Web references and print references
It can be seen that total 3876 references are appended to 247 articles, out of which
1207(31.14) are web references and 2669(68.86) are print references of which maximum web
references are in the year 2008i.e. 314(32.85) appended to 51 articles. Whereas maximum print
references are in the year 2007 i.e. 741 (73.08) appended to 49 articles.
6.11 Length of Articles
Out of 247 contributions, 25 contributions (10.12) have page length of 1-5 pages while 92
contributions (37.25) have length of 11-15 pages. There are two contributions that has page length
between 26-30 and 31-35 pages i.e. (0.40) respectively.
7. Conclusion
Citation studies provide some guidelines for the librarians and information scientist in the
decision making process in their acquisition policy. These finding are much helpful for librarians
and information scientists while talking decisions regarding collection development, removing out
dated documents from the shelves and also in maintaining need based collection in the libraries.
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... They also reflect authors' productivity, extent of authors' collaboration, authors' institutional affiliation, authors' geographic affiliation, type of publication, language of papers, number of citations used per article, length of papers, and yearwise distribution of papers. 2 The Oxford English dictionary defines bibliometrics as the branch of library science concerned with the application of mathematical and statistical analysis to bibliography; the statistical analysis of books, articles, or other publications. ...
Objective: To carry out the bibliometric analysis of Journal of Medical Sciences Peshawar from 2014 to 2018. Methods: This study was an attempt to analyze the scholarly documents published in Journal of Medical Sciences. All the original articles, reviews and case reports published from 2014 to 2018 were scrutinized. Website and hard copies of the Journal were used as data collection sources. Results: A total of 322 scholarly documents were studied. It was observed that male contribution is more prominent than female. The year 2017 was reported as the more productive. The contribution from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was on the top followed by Islamabad and Punjab. Journals were declared as the more cited source followed by books. Medicine, Gynecology and Surgery were reported as the more addressed subjects. Conclusion: Journal of Medical Science Peshawar is a peer reviewed, open access, indexed quarterly Journal that publishes quality research in the field of health sciences. Local contributors are regularly publishing their research in this leading journal of medical sciences. Citation of quality, local and relevant literature will improve the standard of this Higher Education Commission (HEC) and Pakistan Medical and Dental Surgeon (PM& DC) recognized Journal.
... It is mainly the best instrument in social science research for systematic analysis of publication output of any subject. 1 Ibrahim M, Jan SU analyzed the publications of original articles in the Journal of Pakistan Medical Association from 2009 -2013, they stated that a total number of 913 original articles were found in regular issues of the JPMA. The number of articles increased steadily from 148 to 214 respectively from 2009 to 2013. ...
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Objective The aim of this study was to measure the growth of scientific research, authors’ productivity, affiliation with the institute and geographic locations published in the Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences during the period of 2001 – 2010. Methods This numerical analysis was conducted during mid-August 2016 to mid-October, 2016. The data for the study was downloaded from websites of e-journal of Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences (PJMS) and Pak Medi-Net Com. Results A total number of 1199 articled were covered by PJMS in 10 volumes and 40 issues with contribution of 3798 (3%) authors during 2001 – 2010. The average number of papers per issue is 30%. A gender wise contribution of males was higher 3050 (80%) than the females 748 (20%). A majority of articles were multi-authored 1052 (87%) as opposed to single author contribution 147 (13%). All 1199 articles were covered under four major disciplines i.e Basic medical sciences, medicine & allied, surgery & allied and radiological sciences and 39 sub-specialties according to medical subject headings (MeSH). It observed that 467 (39%) articles were published in Pakistan and 732 (61%) articles produced by other 32 countries. The Karachi city of Pakistan has produced 199 (16%) articles as highest as its national level and followed by Tehran (Iran) 77 (6%) as followed internationally. Conclusion This study reveals that the participation of 32 countries in the PJMS publications proves it to be an internationally circulated journal to support research with the constant approach of publishing articles to each volume in basic medical sciences, biomedical, clinical and public health sciences. Abbreviations: DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals IMEMR: Index Medicus Eastern Mediterranean Region HEC: Higher Education Commission (Pakistan) PJMS: Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences MeSH: Medical Subject Headings PMDC: Pakistan Medical & Dental Council SCIE: Science Citation Index Expanded
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INTRODUCTION: The aim was to measure and analyze the growth of academic literature, authors’ productivity, the affiliation of authors with Institute and geographic locations published in Journal of Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences (JLUMHS) related to any discipline of knowledge through bibliometric study which is used as a tool by library information sciences professionals. METHODOLOGY: The statistical analysis in MS Excel 2010 was done during mid-April 2016 to mid-November, 2016. The data for study was collected & downloaded from websites of Journal of Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro Pakistan ( and PakMediNet ( RESULTS: During 2002 – 2015, JLUMHS published 14 volumes and 38 issues with 406 articles. The maximum and minimum articles published were 56 and 6 during the years 2009 and 2002, respectively. Majority of articles were written by more than one author (n=380, 93.59%) followed by 26 (6.40%) by the single author. The highest single institution was Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro / Hyderabad Pakistan to publish 208 (51.23%) articles through 14 volumes. A gender-wise comparison among the contributing authors revealed male numbered (n = 1142; 74.16%) higher than the female (n= 398; 25.84%) out of a total of 406 articles published during 2002-2015. CONCLUSION: This study reveals that JLUMHS has been nationally circulated and all most all publications have been contributed from the host country. The research productivity publish in this journal disclose that the research in the field of healthcare focuses on resources, services and their effect on quality activities for improving the status of medical care.
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Objective Study design Descriptive study. Place & Duration of study Methodology Key words Conclusions Results Library of College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz University for Health Sciences Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from October 2016 to January 2017. JSP published regularly its issues and contribution from all over Pakistan was found. It covered most of the specialties related to subject of surgery as reflection of its name. Articles published under various categories; namely original articles, review articles and case reports published in JSP between 1997 - 2015 were downloaded from the websites of Journal of Surgery Pakistan and PakMediNet for statistical analysis. Data were entered in to MS Office (Excel 2010). To analyze various types of articles published, countries of their origin and institutes contributing to Journal of Surgery Pakistan (JSP). JSP published 19 volumes and 76 issues with 936 articles during the period 1997 – 2015. These articles were contributed by 3116 authors. The highest number of articles were from Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi (n=177 - 18.9%). Majority (n=816 - 87.1%) of articles had multiple authors. A gender-wise comparison among the contributing authors revealed that 2334 (74.9%) of the authors were males and 810 (25.9%) females. Of the 21 classifications of medical subject headings, specialties and sub-specialties used for analysis, general surgery ranked highest by having 210 (22.4%) articles related to the subject. Zameer Hussain Baladi 1* 56 Journal of surgery Pakistan, Bibliometrics, E library, Research – Pakistan
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INTRODUCTION: Bibliometric study used as a tool by professionals of library information sciences for knowing the growth of scientific research, authors’ productivity, affiliation with institute and geographic locations. This study also the gauge the impact of library on teaching, learning and research of an institute, college and university related to any discipline of knowledge. METHODOLOGY: The content analysis work was done during mid-August 2016 to mid-September, 2016. The data for study was downloaded from websites of e-journal of Pakistan Journal of Medical Research of Pakistan Health Research Council ( and Pak Medi Net ( Results: PMJR published 15 volumes and 58 issues with 473 articles during 2001 – 2015. The maximum and minimum articles published were 15 and 5 during the years 2005 and 2014. Majority of articles were written by multi authors 423 (89.42%) followed by 50 (10.57%) by single author, one article was Government document published in 2007 considered as multi-authors. The highest single city was Islamabad, Pakistan produced 143 (30.23%) articles 15volumes. A gender-wise comparison among the contributing authors revealed 1223 (73.05 per cent) were male to be higher than the 797 (47.61 percent) were female out of a total of 473articles published during 2001-2015.
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Among the many statistical analyses of scientific publications, bibliometrics holds a privileged place for counting scientific papers. Bibliometrics is one of the sub-fields concerned with measuring the output of scientific publications. Bibliometrics ows its systematic development mainly to the works of its founders V V Naliv, D J D Price and Eugene Garfield in the 1950s. Since 1958 Bibliometrics has evolved as a field, taught in library and information science schools and it emerged as a tool for scientific evaluation for a number research groups around the world. This process was made possible by the work of Eugene Garfield and his Science Citation Index. Castell, an American psychologist was credited with the launching of Scientometrics, when he produced statistics on a number of scientists and their geographical distribution, and ranked the scientists according to their performance. He introduced two dimensions into the measurements of science, namely, quantity and quality. The term informertics was introduced by Blackert, Siegel and Nacke(1979) but gained popularity by the launch of the international informetrics conferences in 1987. A recent development in informetrics called the webometrics/cybermetrics, has become a part of the main stream library and information science research area. The term webometrics refers to the quantitative studies of the nature of scientific communication over the internet and its impact on diffusion of ideas and information. This paper reviews the evolution of bibliometrics and its fast growing offshoots, scientometrics, informaetrics and webometrics.
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The study is based on 1049 citations appended to 34 research articles pertaining to issue nos. 2 to 4 of volume 20 of Journal of Biosciences of the year 2000. The authorship pattern of the citations shows that 18.68% per cent papers are single-authored, 52.71 per cent are double- and triple-authored, and the remaining 28.61 per cent are joint contributions of four or more authors. As in the case of medicine, the team size of this field is also b igger than those in the fields of chemistry and ph ysics. As many as 25 articles of mega-authorship (i.e. contributions by ten o r more authors) have been encountered in this study, and one of them was by22 authors . Of the citations .journal articles comprised 85.89 per cent, and monographs 10.1 p er cent. Indian contributions comprised 5.53 p er cent of the c itations. Of the citing articles 30 are by Indian authors, 3 by foreign authors, and 1 (2.94%) jointly by Indian and foreign authors. Of the total citations 10.87 per cent are author self citations and 0.57 per cent are journal self citations.
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Selected volumes of the Pakistan Development Review (PDR) and the Pakistan Economic and Social Review (PESR) were analysed to find the citation pattern of their articles. Eight volumes of each journal were selected, two volumes representing a decade. The results revealed that the PDR has been the most cited journal. The mean score of citations per article remained insignificantly different in the two core journals. More than 50 per cent of the citations from both journals were single-authored. More than 50 per cent of the citations were from non-journal sources, mainly books. Although citations from online sources were seen, it was a negligible number. About 47 per cent of the total citations of the PDR were up to five years old compared with the citations of the PESR, where only 25 per cent fell into this category. Most of the authors used foreign books as citations. There is a significant similarity in the top most cited journals in both cases. Most of the frequently cited journals were from the USA.
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The paper introduces bibliometrics to the research area of knowledge organization – more precisely in relation to construction and maintenance of thesauri. As such, the paper reviews related work that has been of inspiration for the assembly of a semi-automatic, bibliometric-based, approach for construction and maintenance. Similarly, the paper discusses the methodical considerations behind the approach. Eventually, the semi-automatic approach is used to verify the applicability of bibliometric methods as a supplement to construction and maintenance of thesauri. In the context of knowledge organization, the paper outlines two fundamental approaches to knowledge organization, that is, the manual intellectual approach and the automatic algorithmic approach. Bibliometric methods belong to the automatic algorithmic approach, though bibliometrics do have special characteristics that are substantially different from other methods within this approach.
Although the coinage of the term Bibliometrics is fairly recent, its usage and practice can be traced back to the 1890's. Bibliometrics has been used vastly as a quantitative method for evaluating the literature in different disciplines, particularly in the last two decades. This article is intended to review bibliometrics and one of its major methods citation analysis in two different parts: the first part of this article aims to present a background of the bibliometrics and citation analysis. The applications of citation analysis are also studied in this part. In the second part of this article: document and author co-citation analysis as well as joumal-by-journal and country-by-counhy citation analysis are studied. Mapping science as an application of co-citation analysis is also studied, finally the limitations, problems and reliability and validity of citation analysis as a research method will be considered.
Bibliometrics, informetrics, scientometrics and librametrics are four measuring techniques in library and information science. These are analogous, or rather synonymous, terms with intermingled aims and objectives and as such they need some elucidation. This paper discusses their scope, application, development and potential in solving various problems pertaining to library and information sciences.
The Centre for Informetric Studies (CIS) was launched in 1996 by the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Copenhagen. The head of centre presents the CIS, giving a sample of activities and research programmes. The emerging field of informetrics is described in a historical perspective as a subfield of bibliometrics. The new approach combines advanced information retrieval theories and methodologies with the scientific study of information flows. CIS aims to apply improved bibliometric methods not only to scientometrics studies and research evaluations of science and technology, but also to the analysis of their mutual societal, industrial and other special relations. This means an extension of traditional bibliometric analyses to cover non-scholarly communities in which information is produced, communicated and used. It is also an appeal to modern LIS professionals to face the challenge of this new area of quantitative studies, and to explore the databases not only as a registry but also as a tool for analytical work. The possibilities for LIS professionals to raise their positions in information work hierarchies are emphasised, as well as the exploration of informetric techniques to support “informed” management decisions and policy making.
Purpose - Aims to build on the work of Buckland and Hindle regarding statistical distribution as applied to the field of bibliometrics, particularly the use of empirical laws. Design/methodology/approach - Gives examples of hyperbolic distributions that have a bearing on the bibliometric application, and discusses the characteristics of hyperbolic distributions and the Bradford distribution. Findings - Hyperbolic distributions are the inevitable result of combinatorial necessity and a tendency to short-term rational behaviour. Originality/value - Supports Bradford's conclusion from his law, i.e. that to know about one's speciality, one must go outside it.