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Numerical Simulation of the Propagation of Hydraulic and Natural Fracture Using Dijkstra’s Algorithm


Abstract and Figures

Utilization of hydraulic-fracturing technology is dramatically increasing in exploitation of natural gas extraction. However the prediction of the configuration of propagated hydraulic fracture is extremely challenging. This paper presents a numerical method of obtaining the configuration of the propagated hydraulic fracture into discrete natural fracture network system. The method is developed on the basis of weighted fracture which is derived in combination of Dijkstra’s algorithm energy theory and vector method. Numerical results along with experimental data demonstrated that proposed method is capable of predicting the propagated hydraulic fracture configuration reasonably with high computation efficiency. Sensitivity analysis reveals a number of interesting observation results: the shortest path weight value decreases with increasing of fracture density and length, and increases with increasing of the angle between fractures to the maximum principal stress direction. Our method is helpful for evaluating the complexity of the discrete fracture network, to obtain the extension direction of the fracture.
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Numerical Simulation of the Propagation of
Hydraulic and Natural Fracture Using
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Yanfang Wu * and Xiao Li *
Key Laboratory of Shale Gas and Geoengineering, Institute of Geology and Geophysics,
Chinese Academic of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
*Correspondence: (Y.W.); (X.L.);
Tel.: +86-10-8299-8040 (Y.W.)
Academic Editor: Mofazzal Hossain
Received: 2 March 2016; Accepted: 27 June 2016; Published: 5 July 2016
Utilization of hydraulic-fracturing technology is dramatically increasing in exploitation
of natural gas extraction. However the prediction of the configuration of propagated hydraulic
fracture is extremely challenging. This paper presents a numerical method of obtaining the
configuration of the propagated hydraulic fracture into discrete natural fracture network system.
The method is developed on the basis of weighted fracture which is derived in combination of
Dijkstra’s algorithm energy theory and vector method. Numerical results along with experimental
data demonstrated that proposed method is capable of predicting the propagated hydraulic fracture
configuration reasonably with high computation efficiency. Sensitivity analysis reveals a number
of interesting observation results: the shortest path weight value decreases with increasing of
fracture density and length, and increases with increasing of the angle between fractures to the
maximum principal stress direction. Our method is helpful for evaluating the complexity of the
discrete fracture network, to obtain the extension direction of the fracture.
discrete fracture network; hydraulic fracturing; Dijkstra’s algorithm; hydraulic fracture
1. Introduction
Hydraulic fracturing is one of the key technologies in exploitation of natural gas, which plays a
major role in enhancing petroleum reserves and daily production especially from unconventional
reservoirs [
]. The hydraulic fracture and branch fractures could be generated during Hydraulic
fracturing, as shown in Figure 1[
]. The hydraulic fracture can provide a high-conductivity path for
methane migration in the low permeability reservoir. In recent years, to investigate propagation and
re-orientation of hydraulic fracture, lots of research has been conducted [25].
The Finite Element Method (FEM) and Displacement Discontinuity Method (DDM) are two
popular methods. Mohammadnejad and Khoei used a fully coupled extended finite element method
for hydraulic fracture propagation of porous media [
]. Ferté et al. combined extended the finite
element method and cohesive zone models to predict crack paths and to compute the crack deflection
angle [
]. Fu et al. simulated hydraulic fracturing in arbitrary discrete fracture networks by using an
Energies 2016,9, 519; doi:10.3390/en9070519
Energies 2016,9, 519 2 of 15
explicit coupling simulation strategy [
]. However, due to the multiple dynamic physical processes
with characteristic length-scales across several orders of magnitude, the time steps of the Finite
Element Method (FEM) for simulating fracture propagation are very small. Furthermore, the matrix
in physical simulation is not only complex, but also ill-conditioned. Hence, FEM is not suitable
to be used to simulate hydraulic fracture propagation. Verde and Ghassemi implemented Fast
Multipole Displacement Discontinuity Method to accelerate the solution of large scale coupled fluid
flow-geomechanical problems [
]. Dong and De Pater used a general displacement discontinuity
formulation to deal with the problems of curved and straight-line cracks [
]. Behnia et al. studied
the boundary element method based on the displacement discontinuity formulation for mixed-mode
crack tip propagation of pressurized fractures [
]. However, the influence of the coefficient matrix
of the boundary element method is not sparse. In addition, with the increase of gird, the time
consumed increases rapidly. Hence, the application of DDM in simulating complex fracture network
is also limited. In this paper, due to the weaknesses of these two methods for simulating hydraulic
fracture propagation in a large scale, a new numerical model based on graph theory, energy theory
and vector methods was studied to obtain the final configuration of fracture propagation.
2 1 0 1 2
Fracture Network
Fluid Pressure
Hydraulic fracture
Figure 1. hydraulic fracture.
A graph is an important mathematical method to describe the special relationship between
variables [
]. A graph includes some vertices and arcs. The vertices represent the members,
and the arc represents the unique relationship between them [
]. The shortest path problem is
one of the most fundamental problems with widespread applications [
], which is to find the
shortest path between two vertices. The shortest path problem’s solution can be used in a number of
fields. Thus, more researchers have focused on this problem. Shirinivas et al. [
] have given an
overview of the graph theory in various fields to some extent and mainly focused on the computer
science applications. Klampfer et al. [
] have used mathematical analysis methodologies based
on circular graphs to solve a shortest path routing problem in Routing Information Protocol. Sarbu
and Valea [
] have proposed that an optimal solution could be obtained based on graph theory for
selection of source location and the main path of water transmission. All of the above applications
are given with complete graph information, that is, all vertices and arcs are given in this graph.
However, parts of vertices and arcs in graph are not given in some special fields. For example, new
vertices and arcs are generated with the fracture propagation in discrete fracture networks (DFN)
during hydraulic fracturing. This paper conducts exploratory research based on this special field.
In this paper, a new method is presented to obtain the final configuration of fracture propagation
with high computation efficiency, which combines Dijkstra’s algorithm, energy theory and vector
method. Changes in hydraulic fracture propagation are generally attributed to various distribution
Energies 2016,9, 519 3 of 15
properties of fractures (such as fracture length, fracture density and dip angle) and simulation
conditions (like elastic modulus, normal stress pressure, Poisson’s ratio and so on). Hence, different
parameters are analyzed, which can show how these parameters influence the propagation of
hydraulic fracture. Some preliminaries are given in Section 2. Section 3discusses how to obtain the
configuration of propagated hydraulic fracture using Dijkstra’s Algorithm. Parameter analysis is
done in Section 4. Section 5states a discussion and some conclusions are given in Section 6.
2. Preliminaries
is a collection, which is composed of a vertex set
and edge set
. In
this paper, the element of E(G)denotes fracture.
Definition 1.
] Make
G= (V
be a weighted graph, where
is the vertex set,
is the edge set,
is the weight matrix for
represents the cost from one vertex
to other vertex
(indicated by
ω(u,v)). If e = (u,v), replace ω(u,v)with ω(e).
Definition 2.
] The length of a path
p= (e0
, ...,
is the sum of the weights of its constituent edges:
length(P) =
ω(ei1,ei). (1)
Definition 3. [12] The distance from u to v, shown as δ(u,v), is the shortest path with the minimum sum
of the weights on the edges in a u v path. u,v denoted start vertex and sink vertex, respectively.
The following example is given to illustrate the meaning of
Definition 1–3
, which is shown in
Figure 2. Vertex
are the start vertex and terminal node, respectively. The weight value and
shortest path can be obtained:
E={ω(A,B) = 3, ω(A,D) = 9, ω(A,C) = 5, ω(B,D) = 2, ω(C,D) = 1}.
Figure 2. The flowchart of a graph.
Definition 2
, it is easy to obtain that
D) = ω(A
D) =
9 or
D) =
ω(A,B) + ω(B,D) = 5. Hence, the distance from Ato Dis 5.
2.1. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
The shortest path problem can be divided into four situations in actual problems, and there are
always four kinds of the corresponding algorithms [
]: (1) Dijkstra’s algorithm for Single Source
Shortest Path, the weight of edge is non-negative [
]; (2) Bellman–Ford’s algorithm, it is also for the
Single Source Shortest Path, and the weight of edge can be negative. However, the negative weight
circuit cannot exist [
]; (3) Shortest Path Fastest Algorithm for Single Source Shortest Path—it is an
improved algorithm based on the Bellman–Ford algorithm [
]; (4) Floyd algorithm for Shortest
Path among all vertices—the weight of edge can be negative [
]. However, the negative weight
Energies 2016,9, 519 4 of 15
circuit cannot be existed. For hydraulic fracturing, the weight of fracture is non-negative and the
hydraulic fracture propagation belongs to the Single Source Shortest Path problem. Hence, Dijkstra’s
algorithm is the most suitable method to simulate the hydraulic fracture during propagation of
hydraulic fracturing.
Dijkstra’s algorithm can be used to find the shortest path between the node and every other [
, ...,
is divided into two vertex sets:
, ...,
is the initial vertex, and
is used to store the upper bound of the shortest path
distance from
. If the final shortest path from
is determined, denoted
. The algorithm repeatedly selects the node
with the minimum
, and puts
it in set S. The main steps for Dijkstra’s algorithm can be described as follows:
Step 1. Set v0is initial vertex,
S[vi] =
0, vi/S
1, viS
dist[vi] =
0, i=0&(v0,vi)E
i=1, 2, ..., n.
Step 2.
Select the vertex
, such that
dist[vi] = min
. If
dist[vi] =
, stop, else go to
Step 3.
Step 3. Set S=Svi,T=T\vi, and S[vi] = 1. If T=, stop, else go to Step 4.
Step 4. Update dist[vj] = min{ω0j,dist[vi] + ωij }. Go to Step 2.
An example is given to illustrate the working of the Dijsktra’s algorithm, which is shown in
Figure 3. To begin with, the weight matrix should be computed. Assume that
is the start vertex,
the weight of the minimum-weight paths from Ato every other vertex is +, and Ato Ais 0.
Figure 3. The solution procedure of Dijsktra’s algorithm.
Energies 2016,9, 519 5 of 15
3. Model Description
In this section, Dijsktra’s algorithm is used to simulate the hydraulic fracture propagation in the
DFN. DFN is given under the meter scale, which has two groups of fractures. During the hydraulic
fracture propagation, two kinds of energies are used to describe different fracture propagation:
mechanical energy and interface energy. The mechanical energy is used to keep natural fracture
open, and interface energy is used to create new fractures. Combined the mechanical energy and
interface energy, the fracture weighted formula is successfully deduced.
3.1. Discrete Fracture Network
An example of DFN is a two-dimensional horizontal section of a rock with 4 m length, 4 m
width, which is shown in Figure 4. DFN is composed of two groups of random fractures, and
the blue lines represent natural fractures. The fracture number is 250, the length of a fracture is
0.2 m. The angle between the two groups of fractures and the dip angle (which also means the angle
between one set fractures to the maximum principal stress direction) is 60
. Figure 4also shows that
the DFN is not fully connected from one side to the other. During hydraulic fracturing, new fractures
are the only way to link natural fractures. Therefore, new fractures should be an important factor in
Dijsktra’s algorithm.
2 1 0 1 2
Sample Fracture Length (meter)
Sample Fracture Width (meter)
Discrete Fracture Network
Figure 4. An example of discrete fracture network.
3.2. The Fracture Intersection Point
There are many fracture intersection points in Figure 4. During hydraulic fracturing, when
fracture fluid flows through a fracture intersection, fracture fluid will enter into two fractures.
Hence, the new vertices generated from fracture intersections have a significant influence on DFN
connection, and these new vertices must be found out. Many mathematic methods to detect
the fracture intersection have been studied, such as parameter equation and vector method [
Vector method is a great approach to this problem.
e1= (u1
e2= (u2
represent two
fractures, respectively. Defining the two-dimensional vector cross product:
Vector quantities
r= (u3
s= (u4
represent the other two fractures, respectively.
Supposing the two line segments run from
and from
. The main steps are as
follows [23]:
0 and
0, then the two lines are collinear. If either 0
or 0 (e2e1)sss, then the two lines are overlapping.
0 and
0, but neither 0
nor 0
then the two lines are collinear but disjoint.
Energies 2016,9, 519 6 of 15
(3) If r×s=0 and (e2e1)×r6=0, then the two lines are parallel and non-intersecting.
(4) If r×s=0 and 0 t,u1, the two line segments meet at the point e1+tr =e2+us.
(5) Otherwise, the two line segments are not parallel but intersect.
Using this method, all of the fracture intersection points can be found in DFN, which are shown
in Figure 5, and marked by the red points.
Figure 5. The fracture intersection points of discrete fracture networks.
3.3. The Fracture Weighted Formula
During hydraulic fracturing, energy can well explain the fracture propagation, which includes
the elastic modulus, normal stress, Poisson’s ratio and so on [
]. Hence, the fracture weighted
formula with energy will be innovatively deduced in this section. Energy can be divided into
two categories: mechanical energy and interface energy. The mechanical energy is for keeping
natural fractures open, and it is related to the fracture length. Interface energy is for creating new
fractures, which is related to the fracture length [
]. The energies during fracture propagation are
described by weighted value in the shortest path problem. Considering fracture length, fracture
type and so on, the weighted values of fracture are different from each other. Mechanical energy
should be considered in natural fractures. However, for new fractures, both mechanical energy and
interface energy should be considered during computing the weight values of new fractures [
The derivation processes of the fracture weighted formulas with energy are described as follows:
Assuming that fracture propagation length is
and the normal stress is
. The expression is [
P=σxx sin2β2σxy sin βcos β+σyy cos2β, (2)
where S[σxx,σxy,σyy]is in situ stress, and σxx and σyy are the xand ydirection stress. σxy is shear stress
and βis the dip angle, and the schematic describing the fracture and stresses is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Transformation of stress.
Energies 2016,9, 519 7 of 15
Mechanical energy
is the sum of the bearing system potential energy
and elastic strain
energy UE[25]:
dUM=dUA+dUE=P2dλ(c) + 1
2P2dλ(c) = 1
2P2dλ(c), (3)
G=dUM/dc =1
2P2dλ(c)/dc, (4)
λ(c) = 2(1ν)
G·c, (5)
is the energy per unit area or length [
is the length of fracture,
is elastic compliance,
and νis Poisson’s ratio. Generating Equations (4) and (5) into Equation (3), it is easy to obtain
G. (6)
In another case, new fracture length is c, then, interface energy USis:
US=4·c·γ, (7)
where γis the surface energy per unit area or length.
During fracture propagation, the weighted value of natural fracture is computed only by
considering mechanical energy
, which can be better understood by the energy of keeping
the fractures open during gas extraction. The weighted value of new fractures is computed by
combining mechanical energy UMand interface energy US.
4. Result of Numerical Modeling
4.1. Determination of the Hydraulic Fracture
Assume that the direction of the maximum principal stress is horizontal. Predetermine that the
new fracture in DFN has connected its downstream vertex with its upstream vertex. For example,
represents the start vertex (indicated by
) and the final point (indicated by
) of a branch. If
is greater than
, vertex
is marked as an upstream vertex. In addition,
is made as a downstream vertex. On the contrary, vertex
is marked as upstream vertex.
All the vertices in Figure 4and intersections in Figure 5are the elements of set V.
vertices from the set
as source points. If the abscissa of these
vertices is smaller
than other vertices’, these
vertices are denoted as initial vertices. In addition, found
vertices are
also regarded as terminal points, if the abscissa of these
vertices are larger than other vertices’.
12. The initial vertices and terminal points can be obtained in this DFN by comparing
their abscissa values, which are shown in Figure 7. The vertices marked by red ’*’ are the start
vertices (indicated by
, ...,
), and the terminal points are marked by a blue ’*’ (indicated by
u1,u2, ..., u12).
Energies 2016,9, 519 8 of 15
−2 −1 0 1 2
Sample fracture length (meter)
Sample fracture width (meter)
Source point and Terminal point
Figure 7. The start vertex and terminal vertex of discrete fracture network.
Basing on
Definition 3
of Section 2, the DFN is a collection of three sets, indicated by
All endpoints of the fracture in Figure 3and intersection points in Figure 4are the element of set
V=v1,v2, .., vn
, where
vj+12 =uj(j=
1, 2, ..., 12
, and
V1=v25, v26, .., vn
describe the intersection
points. The element of set
is composed of the fracture in DFN. Set
is computed by Equations
in Section 3.3. Take in situ stress
σyy] = [
, 1.0
, 5.0
in Equation
, Poisson’s ratio
0.35 in Equations
in Equation
. Based on
Definition 2.2–2.3
in Section 2,
pij = (vi
presents the weight from
1, 2, ..., 12
, and
represents the shortest path with the minimum sum of the fracture weights.
Using Dijkstra’s algorithm with energy, the hydraulic fracture of DFN can be obtained. The main
steps of algorithm are as follows:
Step 1. Set x=1.
Step 2. For the initial vertex vx, initialize S={vx},T=V\S,dist[vi]and ver[x]:
S[vi] =
0, vi/S
1, viS
dist[vi] =
UM,i6=x&(v0,vi)E&nat ure f rac ture
UM+US,i6=x&(v0,vi)E&new f r acture
0, i=x&(vx,vi)E
i=1, 2, ..., n,
ver[x] = 0, x=1, 2, ..., 12.
Step 3.
Select the vertex
, such that
dist[vi] = min
. If
dist[vi] =
, stop, else go to
Step 4.
Step 4. Set S=Svi,T=T\vi, and S[vi] = 1. If T=, stop, else go to Step 5.
Step 5. Update dist[vj] = min{ω0j,dist[vi] + ωij }. Go to Step 3.
Step 6. Find px j , and let Px=min
j=1,2,...,12{pxj }.
Step 7. Set ver[x] = 1, x=x+1 and go to Step 2 until x=12.
Energies 2016,9, 519 9 of 15
Step 8. δ(u,v) = min
In addition, the algorithm flow chart is shown in Figure 8. From the above steps, it can be
shown that the potential distances are now recorded as updated edge weights so that no additional
memory is required. Through combining the vector method and geological parameter with Dijkstra’s
algorithm, the hydraulic fracture of DFN is obtained, which is marked by a red color in Figure 9.
Figure 8. The flow chart of the completed algorithm.
−2 −1 0 1 2
Sample fracture length (meter)
Sample fracture width (meter)
The shortest path
Figure 9. The hydraulic fracture of the discrete fracture network.
4.2. Experiment and Comparison
The sample is sampled in the Jiaoshiba shale gas field, Sichuan Basin, and the sample’s detail
is shown in Figure 10. We drilled a hole with diameter 10 mm and depth 50 mm in the center of
sample. During the hydraulic fracturing test, the axial stress and confining stress are 30 MPa and 20
MPa, respectively, and the injection rate is 30 ml/min.
Energies 2016,9, 519 10 of 15
200 mm
100 mm
50 mm
10 mmdrill hole
Figure 10. The dimensions of the sample.
For comparison, the parameters in Section 4.1 are equal to the experimental conditions.
The failure morphology of the sample after the experiment is shown in Figure 11a. It is worth
noting that the sample has obvious horizontal bedding faces. The direction of natural fractures in
the numerical model is along these horizontal bedding faces. As demonstrated in Figure 11a, it can
be shown that the hydraulic fracture propagates through the whole sample along the direction of
maximum horizontal in situ stress. Figure 11b shows the simulation results using the method above
in Section 4.1. It can be shown that the hydraulic fracture, obtained by the method in this paper, is
similar to the the failure morphology of the sample.
31 157 283
Length (mm)
Width (mm)
The Primary Frature
Figure 11. (a) the failure morphology of the sample; (b) the simulated fracture.
4.3. Parameter Sensitivity Analysis
During fracture propagation, several factors can influence the propagation of hydraulic fracture
in a discrete fracture network system, such as intensity of discrete fracture (fracture number, and
Energies 2016,9, 519 11 of 15
marked with
), fracture length (marked with
), and dip angle (marked with
). In this section,
the weighted value of hydraulic fracture is used to explore how these parameters influence the
hydraulic fracture propagation. Here, the DFN is a two-dimensional horizontal section of a rock
with 4 m length and 4 m width. Assuming that the DFN is static, partially connected and randomly
distributed. The maximum principal stress direction keeps in line with the
-axis, and many groups
of fractures are repeated computing for eliminating the influence of randomness. Figures 1215
show quantitative comparison of the behavior of the models based on different parameters.
175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350
7x 106
The number of fracture
The hydraulic fracture weighted value
175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350
5x 106
The number of fracture
The hydraulic fracture weighted value
(a) (b)
Figure 12.
The influence of fracture number (
) on the hydraulic fracture weighted value. Here,
0.2 m, and the angle between two groups fracture remains orthogonal. Eight kinds of
fracture numbers (175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 325 and 350) have been analyzed, with 150 groups of
randomly generated fractures for each kind of fracture number. (
) scatter distribution of the the
hydraulic fracture weighted value with different values of
; (
) average of the hydraulic fracture
weighted value with different values of n.
0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.50.5
7x 106
The length of fracture (meter)
The hydraulic fracture weighted value
0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
6x 106
The length of fracture (meter)
The hydraulic fracture weighted value
(a) (b)
Figure 13.
The influence of fracture length (
) on the hydraulic fracture weighted value. Here,
250, and the angle between two groups fracture keeps orthogonal. In addition, eight
kinds of fracture lengths (0.15 m, 0.2 m, 0.25 m, 0.3 m, 0.35 m, 0.4 m, 0.45 m and 0.5 m) have been
analyzed, with 150 groups of randomly generated fractures for each kind of fracture length. (
scatter distribution of the hydraulic fracture weighted value with different values of
; (
) average of
the hydraulic fracture weighted value with different values of l.
Energies 2016,9, 519 12 of 15
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.5 x 106
The angle (degree)
The hydraulic fracture weighted value
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
5.5 x 106
The angle (degree)
The hydraulic fracture weighted value
(a) (b)
Figure 14.
The influence of dip angle (
) on the hydraulic fracture weighted value when the angle
between two groups fracture remains orthogonal. Here,
250 and
0.2 m. The realizations
belong to fifteen kinds of
, 6
, 11
, 17
, 22
, 28
, 34
, 40
, 46
, 52
, 57
, 63
, 69
, 74
and 80
with 150 groups of randomly generated fractures for each kind of
. (
) scatter distribution of the
hydraulic fracture weighted value with different values of
; (
) average of the hydraulic fracture
weighted value with different values of α.
Firstly, the influence of fracture number on the weight value of hydraulic fracture is shown in
Figure 12. The trends of scatter distribution and average distribution are consistent with each other,
and the weight value of hydraulic fracture decreases with the increasing of fracture number. That
also means that the greater the fracture, the better for the hydraulic fracture propagation. Then,
Figure 13 shows that the weight value of hydraulic fracture decreases with increasing of fracture
length. It also indicates that as the fracture length is growing, the weight value of the hydraulic
fracture is reducing. Longer fracture length will benefit the hydraulic fracture propagation. Finally,
as demonstrated in Figure 14, it has little influence on the weight value of hydraulic fracture for
different values of
when the angle between two groups of fracture keeps orthogonal. Hence, the
influence of different values of
on the weight value of hydraulic fracture will also be studied under
two groups of fractures are not orthogonal. Figure 15 shows the weight value of the hydraulic
fracture firstly decreases and then increases with the increase of
when the angle between two
groups of fractures are 20
. That being said, the farther away from the maximum stress direction,
the larger the weight value of the hydraulic fracture.
0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
12 x 106
The angle (degree)
The hydraulic fracture weighted value
0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
11 x 106
The angle (degree)
The hydraulic fracture weighted value
(a) (b)
Figure 15.
The influence of dip angle (
) on the hydraulic fracture weighted value when the
angle between two groups of fracture are 20
. Here,
250 and
0.2 m. Ten kinds of
, 9
, 18
, 27
, 36
, 45
, 54
, 63
, 72
and 81
) were simulated, with 150 groups of fractures randomly
generated for each kind of
. (
) scatter distribution of the hydraulic fracture weighted value with
different values of
; (
) average of the hydraulic fracture weighted value with different values of
Energies 2016,9, 519 13 of 15
5. Discussion
The operating parameters are effective only when the geological parameters are favorable
for fracturing treatment. Therefore, the evaluation of the geological parameters before hydraulic
fracturing is crucial to hydraulic fracturing treatment in shale formation. The effects of geological
parameters are investigated, including fracture density, fracture length, and dip angle (the angle
between one group of fracture and the maximum principal stress direction). By analyzing the
sensitivity of DFN with various parameters, it can be concluded that the hydraulic fracture weight
value decreases with increase in the intensity of fracture and fracture length, and increases with
increasing of the angle between fractures to the maximum principal stress direction. It means that
the fracture density and fracture length are significant to the DFN connectivity.
6. Conclusions
Increases in natural gas extraction are being driven by rising energy demands, mandates for
cleaner burning fuels, and the economics of energy use [
]. Directional drilling and hydraulic
fracturing technologies are allowing expanded natural gas extraction from organic-rich shales [
while the propagation of the hydraulic fracture is the crux of hydraulic fracturing, and can provide a
high-conductivity path for methane migration in the low permeability reservoir. Accompanying the
benefits of such extraction [
] are public concerns about hydraulic fracturing that are ubiquitous
but lack a strong scientific foundation. In this paper, Dijkstra’s algorithm, energy theory and vector
methods were combined to simulate the hydraulic fracture propagation in DFN during hydraulic
fracturing. We successfully give the shortest path weighted value formula of fracture propagation,
and obtained the hydraulic fracture in DFN during hydraulic fracturing. The direction of the
hydraulic fracture is also simulated, which plays a key role in identifying the spatial position of
the well bore during hydraulic fracturing. Numerical results with experimental data show that the
hydraulic fracture obtained by our method is similar to the failure morphology of the sample (see
Figure 11).
This study has played a very important role in the hydraulic fracturing field, including the
following aspects: (1) obtaining the extension direction of the fracture; through comparing the
energies of fracture propagation in different directions, the direction of the minimum energy fracture
propagation is the most likely direction of the hydraulic fracture; (2) evaluating the complexity of
the DFN. Through Dijkstra’s algorithm, several paths can be obtained whose energies are smaller. If
the positions of these paths are very near, it is shown that the hydraulic fracture is a great advantage
and it is harder to get a complex fracture network. On the contrary, if the positions of these paths are
very far away, it is shown that the hydraulic fracture lacks strength and it is easy to get a complex
fracture network; and (3) through computing the weight value of hydraulic fracture, the injected
energy during hydraulic fracturing can be obtained, which is strongly related with pore pressure
and fluid viscosity. During hydraulic fracturing treatment, the pore pressure decreases with the
distance far away from the well bore, and this factor has been considered while computing fracture
weight value.
We thank Yu Wang, Zhaobin Zhang, Bo Zhang and Mingtao Li for their help with the
experiment. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos.
41227901, 41502294, 41502306) and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
(Grants Nos. XDB10030300 and XDB10050400).
Author Contributions:
Yanfang Wu and Xiao Li conceived and designed the experiments; Yanfang Wu
performed the experiments; Yanfang Wu analyzed the data; Yanfang Wu and Xiao Li contributed
reagents/materials/analysis tools; Yanfang Wu and Xiao Li wrote the paper.
Energies 2016,9, 519 14 of 15
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... The (m + 1)th point closest to S can be obtained as follows: When each uncolored point y and colored point x are considered, path (x, y) can be connected to the end of the shortest path from S to x, and m different paths exist from S to y. The shortest among the m paths is the shortest path from S to y. Point y is the (m + 1)th point closest to S. The shortest path from S to an appointed point T can be obtained by repeating the steps from m = 0 until T is determined.Figure 7shows an example of the specific search steps of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm (Wu and Li 2016). The final tree path of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm is composed of paths (S, ...
... The shortest among the m paths is the shortest path from S to y. Point y is the (m + 1)th point closest to S. The shortest path from S to an appointed point T can be obtained by repeating the steps from m = 0 until T is determined. Figure 7 shows an example of the specific search steps of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm ( Wu and Li 2016). The final tree path of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm is composed of paths (S, ...
... This algorithm has often been used not only in graph theory but also in many other applications such as Operations Research (OR), management science, transportation, and Geographic Information System (GIS) (Zhan and Noon, 1998). On the other hand, since the movements of wavefront of any waves are governed by the Fermat's principle (Schuster, 1904), we can simulate propagation of various types of waves by use of DA-based computational methods; for examples, tsunami wave propagation in ocean by Uchida et al. (2014), tracing of optical rays in free space with obstacles by Uchida (2015), and propagation of hydraulic and natural fractures by Wu and Li (2016) were reported. ...
... This algorithm has often been used not only in graph theory but also in many other applications such as Operations Research (OR), management science, transportation, and Geographic Information System (GIS) (Zhan and Noon, 1998). On the other hand, since the movements of wavefront of any waves are governed by the Fermat's principle (Schuster, 1904), we can simulate propagation of various types of waves by use of DA-based computational methods; for examples, tsunami wave propagation in ocean by Uchida et al. (2014), tracing of optical rays in free space with obstacles by Uchida (2015), and propagation of hydraulic and natural fractures by Wu and Li (2016) were reported. ...
... Considering the continuing depletion of energy resources in the world [1,2], the extraction of natural gas has become a priority and it is believed to be a more ecological solution than the extraction of high-emission solid fossils. Hydraulic fracturing is the most efficient method for stimulating hydrocarbon deposits [3] and has been used for many years to produce gas from deep and poorly permeable geological formations. Multistage fracturing of horizontal wells significantly improves the production performance of low and ultralow permeability gas reservoirs. ...
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The use of water-based fracturing fluids during fracturing treatment can be a problem in water-sensitive formations due to the permeability damage hazard caused by clay minerals swelling. The article includes laboratory tests, analyses and simulations for nitrogen foamed fracturing fluids. The rheology and filtration coefficients of foamed fracturing fluids were examined and compared to the properties of conventional water-based fracturing fluid. Laboratory results provided the input for numerical simulation of the fractures geometry for water-based fracturing fluids and 50% N2 foamed fluids, with addition of natural, fast hydrating guar gum. The results show that the foamed fluids were able to create shorter and thinner fractures compared to the fractures induced by the non-foamed fluid. The simulation proved that the concentration of proppant in the fracture and its conductivity are similar or slightly higher when using the foamed fluid. The foamed fluids, when injected to the reservoir, provide additional energy that allows for more effective flowback, and maintain the proper fracture geometry and proppant placing. The results of laboratory work in combination with the 3D simulation showed that the foamed fluids have suitable viscosity which allows opening the fracture, and transport the proppant into the fracture, providing successful fracturing operation. The analysis of laboratory data and the performed computer simulations indicated that fracturing fluids foamed by nitrogen are a good alternative to non-foamed fluids. The N2-foamed fluids exhibit good rheological parameters and proppant-carrying capacity. Simulated fracture of water-based fracturing fluid is slightly longer and higher compared to foamed fluid. At the same time, when using a fluid with a gas additive, the water content in fracturing fluid is reduced which means the minimization of the negative results of the clay minerals swelling.
... Some new approaches, such as the compressive sensing-based approach [35] and graphical learning-based approach [36,37] were proposed in recent years. Based on Dijkstra's algorithm [38], CAA is proposed in this study. The sensitive regions can be obtained through the cyclic addition of different lines. ...
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Growing load demands, complex operating conditions, and the increased use of intermittent renewable energy pose great challenges to power systems. Serious consequences can occur when the system suffers various disturbances or attacks, especially those that might initiate cascading failures. Accurate and rapid identification of critical transmission lines is helpful in assessing the system vulnerability. This can realize rational planning and ensure reliable security pre-warning to avoid large-scale accidents. In this study, an integrated “betweenness” based identification method is introduced, considering the line’s role in power transmission and the impact when it is removed from a power system. At the same time, the sensitive regions of each line are located by a cyclic addition algorithm (CAA), which can reduce the calculation time and improve the engineering value of the betweenness, especially in large-scale power systems. The simulation result verifies the effectiveness and the feasibility of the identification method.
... They are, however, abundant in real hydraulic fracturing process. In order to deal with this weakness, scholars proposed a discrete fracture network (DFN) model [14][15][16][17][18]. A discrete fracture network is a network consisting of abundant discrete NFs, which distribute certain criteria. ...
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Hydraulic fracturing is an important method to enhance permeability in oil and gas exploitation projects and weaken hard roofs of coal seams to reduce dynamic disasters, for example, rock burst. It is necessary to fully understand the mechanism of the initiation, propagation, and coalescence of hydraulic fracture network (HFN) caused by fluid flow in rock formations. In this study, a coupled hydro-mechanical model was built based on synthetic rock mass (SRM) method to investigate the effects of natural fracture (NF) density on HFN propagation. Firstly, the geometrical structures of NF obtained from borehole images at the field scale were applied to the model. Secondly, the micro-parameters of the proposed model were validated against the interaction between NF and hydraulic fracture (HF) in physical experiments. Finally, a series of numerical simulations were performed to study the mechanism of HFN propagation. In addition, confining pressure ratio (CPR) and injection rate were also taken into consideration. The results suggested that the increase of NF density drives the growth of stimulated reservoir volume (SRV), concentration area of injection pressure (CAIP), and the number of cracks caused by NF. The number of tensile cracks caused by rock matrix decrease gradually with the increase of NF density, and the number of shear cracks caused by rock matrix are almost immune to the change of NF density. The propagation orientation of HFN and the breakdown pressure in rock formations are mainly controlled by CPR. Different injection rates would result in a relatively big difference in the gradient of injection pressure, but this difference would be gradually narrowed with the increase of NF density. Natural fracture density is the key factor that influences the percentages of different crack types in HFN, regardless of the value of CPR and injection rate. The proposed model may help predict HFN propagation and optimize fracturing treatment designs in fractured rock formations.
... The shortest among the m paths is the shortest path from S to y. Point y is the (m + 1)th point closest to S. The shortest path from S to an appointed point T can be obtained by repeating the steps from m = 0 until T is determined. Figure 7 shows an example of the specific search steps of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm (Wu and Li 2016 ...
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This study attempts to determine the critical slip surface of a fractured rock slope in Laohuding Quarry in Tianjin City, China. Fractures in a 30 × 20 m cross section of Laohuding slope are generated based on stochastic mathematics. Fracture network modeling reflects only the statistical features of the fractures but not their specific characteristics such as their locations; thus, we use Monte Carlo simulation to generate 100 two-dimensional (2D) fracture networks in the cross section to obtain a statistical result of the critical slip surface. After geological processing, the shortest path of each fracture network is determined using Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. The shortest path goes through fractures to the largest extent and in the section having the weakest shear strength. Therefore, the shortest path can be regarded as the critical slip surface, and such for each 2D fracture network varies. This study determines the final critical slip surface using probability statistics, which shows that the coordinates of the entry and exit points of the final critical slip surface for the investigated rock slope are (25, 20 m) and (0, 0 m), respectively.
This paper provides a simulation method which can apply the Dijkstra’s algorithm (DA) based ray tracing to a large size of random rough surface (RRS). Since the RRS and path concatenations are performed, we can deal with this difficult problem even with a small size of personal computer (PC). By using the convolution method to generate 3D RRSs, concatenation of two adjacent RRSs is possible by keeping the random variables with respect to the 2D conjunction area between them. Concatenation of traced rays can also be executed by keeping the path data at the 2D conjunction area. First we start ray tracing for the first RRS with a source node, and next, keeping the 2D path data at the conjunction area, we move to the second RRS to execute ray tracing. We repeat this procedure until ray tracing for the last RRS is finished. All paths computed by the present method constitute shortest paths. However, the shortest paths thus obtained are different from the optical rays, and consequently three path modifications, path-linearization, path-selection and line of sight (LOS)-check, are required. Numerical examples reveal that the proposed concatenation method is an effective tool for a small size of PC to execute ray tracing along a large scale of RRS.
This paper provides a simulation method for estimating propagation order of distance with respect to electromagnetic (EM) wave propagating along random rough surface (RRS). It is assumed that forward scattering is the dominant factor to determine the propagation order of distance as symbolically shown in the line of sight (LOS) region where back scattering always originates from incident wave. First, RRS examples are generated by the convolution method using convolution calculus between the Gaussian spectral and impulse functions. Second, optical rays along RRS are computed by using the ray tracing method based on Dijkstra’s algorithm (DA). Third, propagation orders of distances are statistically calculated by using the traced rays along RRS weighted with the newly introduced coefficients for multiple diffractions. The weighting function is derived from the asymptotic form of the complex type of Fresnel function. Finally, some numerical examples are shown for the propagation order of distance for RRS samples with different parameters such as deviation and correlation length of RRS as well as operating frequency.
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Stress damage of shale during the uniaxial loading process will cause the change of permeability. The study of stress sensitivity of shale has focused on the influence of confining pressure on shale permeability and the change of shale permeability during the loading process of axial stress is lacking. The permeability of gas shale during loading process was tested. The results show that shale damage macroscopically reflects the process of axial micro-cracks generation and expansion, and the axial micro-cracks will cause permeability change during the loading process. There is a good corresponding relationship between damage development and micro-crack expansion during the process of shale loading. The damage factor will increase in the linear elastic stage and enlarge rapidly after entering the stage of unstable micro-crack expansion, and the permeability of shale increases with the increasing of shale damage. The research results provide a reliable test basis for further analysis of the borehole instability and hydraulic fracture mechanisms in shale gas reservoirs.
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The field of mathematics plays vital role in various fields. One of the important areas in mathematics is graph theory which is used in structural models. This structural arrangements of various objects or technologies lead to new inventions and modifications in the existing environment for enhancement in those fields. The field graph theory started its journey from the problem of Koinsberg bridge in 1735. This paper gives an overview of the applications of graph theory in heterogeneous fields to some extent but mainly focuses on the computer science applications that uses graph theoretical concepts. Various papers based on graph theory have been studied related toscheduling concepts, computer science applications and an overview has been presented here.
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The efficient design of water transmission main involves several optimization processes among which an important place is held by their path optimization. In this paper are developed two deterministic mathematical models for optimization of water transmission main path, based on techniques of sequential operational calculus, implemented in a computer program. Using these optimization models could be obtained an optimal solution for selection of source location and of water transmission main path based on graph theory and dynamic programming. The results of few numerical applications show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed optimization models.
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A model is presented that accurately describes brittle failure in the presence of cohesive forces, with a particular focus on the prediction of non planar crack paths. In comparison with earlier literature, the originality of the procedure lies in the a posteriori computation of the crack advance from the equilibrium, instead of a most common determination beforehand from the stress state ahead of the front. To this aim, a robust way of introducing brittle non-smooth cohesive laws in the X-FEM is presented. Then the a posteriori update algorithm of the crack front is detailed. The crack deflection angle is computed from cohesive quantities exclusively, by introducing equivalent stress intensity factors. The procedure shows good accordance with experiments from the literature.
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Routing is a problem domain with an infinite number of final-solutions. One of the possible approaches to solving such problems is using graph theory. This paper presents mathematical analysis methodologies based on circular graphs for solving a shortest path routing problem. The problem is focused on searching for the shortest path within a circular graph. Such a search coincides with the network routing problem domain. In this paper, we introduce in the detail all necessary parts needed to understand such an approach. This includes: definition of the routing problem domain, introduction to circular graphs and their usage, circular graph's properties, definition of walks through a circular graph, searching and determining the shortest path within a circular graph, etc. The state of the art routing methods, implemented in contemporary highly sophisticated routers, includes well-known weight-based algorithms and distance-vectors-based algorithms. The proposed solution can be placed between the two abovementioned methods. Each of these known methods strives for optimal results, but each of them also has its own deficiencies, which should be rectified with the proposed new method. This theoretically presented method is argued by a practical example and compared with the RIP (Routing Information Protocol) technique, where we look for the shortest path and possible walks through a specified circular graph. Streszczenie. W artykule zaprezentowano matematyczną analizę bazująca na teorii grafów do rozwiązania problemu poszukiwania najkrótszej ścieżki routingu. Przedstawiono problem routingu oraz grafy kołowe i ich użycie. (Wykorzystanie teorii grafów do poszukiwania najkrótszej ścieżki routingu w protokole RIP)
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The formation of dense spacing fracture network is crucial to the hydraulic fracturing treatment of unconventional reservoir. However, one difficulty for fracturing treatment is the lack of clear understanding on the nature of fracture complexity created during the treatment. In this paper, fracture propagation is numerically investigated to find the conditions needed for the stable propagation of complex fracture network. Firstly, starting from a parallel fracture system, the stability of fracture propagation is analyzed and a dimensionless number M is obtained. Then, by developing a hydraulic fracturing simulation model based on displacement discontinuity method, the propagation of parallel fractures is simulated and a clear relation between M and the stability of parallel fractures is obtained. Finally, the investigation on parallel fractures is extended to complex fracture networks. The propagation of complex fracture networks is simulated and the results show that the effects of M on complex fracture networks is the same to that of parallel fractures. The clear relation between M and fracture propagation stability is important for the optimization of hydraulic fracturing operation.
A discussion is presented of much of the currently developing technology as well as the future needs for technology advances. In addition to a brief coverage of the history and development of hydraulic fracturing, the following subjects are covered: formation evaluation; rock mechanics and fracture geometry; fracture propagation models; propping agents and fracture conductivity; fracturing fluids and additives; fracturing fluid loss; fracturing fluid rheology; proppant transport; fracture design; fracture diagnostics; fracture azimuth and geometry; and, fracturing economics.
The displacement discontinuity method (DDM) is frequently used for modeling the behavior of fractures in reservoir modeling. However, the DDM is not computational efficient for large systems of cracks, limiting its application to small-scale situations. Recent fast summation techniques such as the Fast Multipole (FM) Method accelerate the solution of large fracture problems, demanding linear complexity O(N) in memory and execution time with very modest computational resources. In this work we use the FM-DDM method to simulate fracture response while considering fluid flow through the fracture network. This is a novel and efficient approach for solution of large scale coupled fluid flow-geomechanical problem in naturally fractured reservoirs. Several case studies involving fracture networks with several hundred thousands of boundary elements are presented. The results show a good level of accuracy and computational efficiency compared to the conventional DDM. In addition, the approach is shown to be very useful for the design of exploitation strategies in large-scale fracture network situations. The relative positions between injectors and producers and the fracture permeability variation with injection/extraction play an important role on the distribution of stresses in the fracture network, which in-turn, influence the conditions for the fluid-flow such as fluid pressure and fracture permeability.
This paper presents a general overview of hydraulic fracturing models developed and applied to simulation of complex fractures in naturally fractured shale reservoirs. It discusses the technical challenges involved in modeling complex hydraulic fracture networks, the interaction between a hydraulic fracture and a natural fracture, and various models and modeling approaches developed to simulate hydraulic fracture–natural fracture interaction, as well as the induced large scale complex fractures during fracturing treatments.
The classical concept of hydraulic fracturing is that a single, planar, opening mode fracture propagates through the formation. In recent years, there has been a growing consensus that natural fractures play an important role during stimulation in many settings. There is not universal agreement on the mechanisms by which natural fractures affect stimulation, and these mechanisms may vary depending on formation properties. One potentially important mechanism is shear stimulation, in which increased fluid pressure induces slip and permeability enhancement on pre-existing fractures. We propose a tendency-for-shear-stimulation (TSS) test as a direct, relatively unambiguous method for determining the degree to which shear stimulation contributes to stimulation in a formation. In a TSS test, fluid injection is performed while maintaining the bottomhole fluid pressure slightly less than the minimum principal stress. Under these conditions, shear stimulation is the only possible mechanism for permeability enhancement (except, perhaps, thermally induced tensile fracturing). A TSS test is different from a conventional procedure because injection is performed at a specified pressure (rather than a specified rate). With injection at a specified rate, fluid pressure may exceed the minimum principal stress, and it may cause tensile fractures to propagate through the formation. If this occurs, it will be ambiguous whether stimulation was because of shear stimulation or tensile fracturing. Maintaining pressure less than the minimum principal stress ensures that the effect of shear stimulation can be isolated. Low-rate injectivity tests could be performed before and after the TSS test to estimate formation permeability. An increase in formation permeability would indicate that shear stimulation has occurred. The flow-rate transient during injection may also be interpreted to identify shear stimulation. Numerical simulations of shear stimulation were performed with a discrete-fracture-network (DFN) simulator that couples fluid flow with the stresses induced by fracture deformation. These simulations were used to qualitatively investigate how shear stimulation and fracture connectivity affect the results of a TSS test. Two specific field projects are discussed as examples of a TSS test, the Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) projects at Desert Peak, Nevada, and Soultz-sous- Forêts, France.