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In what follows, I will take Schelling’s perspective into account regarding what he considers to be a partial or mistaken reading of Aristotle. There are several indications that this criticism is directed at Hegel, although Schelling does not mention Hegel by name in the particular work on which I concentrate, the Darstellung der reinrationalen Philosophie [DRP]. I will look at the differences between both interpretations but will do so from Schelling’s perspective. Then I will address two problems that Schelling’s use of the Aristotelian “pure actuality”: in what sense the pure actuality can be said to be individual, and what exactly is the role of Schelling’s notion of pure actuality in the transition from “purely rational” to “positive” philosophy which, as he says, depends on the will.
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016), 113-137.
Marcela García
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
The late Schelling develops an anti-Hegelian Aristotelianism
  
 
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
Marcela García
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
El último Schelling desarrolla un aristotelismo anti-
  
         
          
       
      
        
          
Palabras clave    energeia
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
I. Introduction
   
         
      
       1 in Book
   Metaphysics      
 entelechial   
actualization         
 
           
            
   
             
         
           
    
      Darstellung der reinrationalen Philosophie
[DRP          
  
is the role
   
1           
  reine Wirklichkeit    DRP  
 
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
         
   2        
     
   
the connections between    
     
          
        
 That means that there is a
der Materie nach
2          
            
PO   
  
Introduction to
the Philosophy of Revelation   
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
          
         
there is something individual and actual
  
    
    
           
katêgorêma monon      
 hou hê ousia energeia 
to the ti estin
      
maer and content 
that 
           
        katêgorêma monon 
 prôtôs
dessen Ausdruck: hou hê ousia energeia    
  
            
 das Seyende   
 
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
            
         
Aristotelian God actus
II. Aristotle
     
the Metaphysics
        
   
           
   
   
         
       
          
        
          
       
        
   Met.      Met.   
 in
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 Met.
        
 and to the 
 
       
   
         
       
   
            
            
 as actualization      
   
in the strict sense as an activity that is not movement and in that sense
ofprocess 
      
III. Schelling
   
 that
           
          
         
 
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of) and 
        
    instantiation      
an individual and active principle that brings such potential contents
  
         
        
Metaphysics as a search that points beyond
    Met       
 
 being identical to its
     
[metalêpsis        
         
       (
Met. 
     
             
    
            
      
             
             
   
 
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
        
Lectures on the History of Philosophy 
 
might be to emphasize that particular contents are not
        itself according to
   
          non-distinction
object10 Schelling
of something but
11 The points that Schelling
          
energeianot entelecheianoêsis rather than nous
1. Actuality () without actualization ()
        
       of     actualization
( 12
TWA 
10        any    
11            is at the
same time a  and 
12        
 
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
          
            
    DA
Daß eines Wasquod
a quid
Eidos      
quid [Was   quod [Daßquid [Was ]
        ousia  
this is cause
     form    
) must be
         
          
    
  
 
and each has its own and this belongs to no other
each thing
itself,          soul
       energy   
    
also proper to each 
           
vielmehr das Daß   
     Ursache     
Ausdruck: das es seyendeDRP
DRP  De Anima at this
DA       DA
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
           
   form       
  
  this  
concept [Begriquid [Was
the only the concept is actual
nevertheless considers it to have a certain doubleness (
DRP,of something
As energeia the soul is the quod [Daß
 quod [Daß 
quid [Was ] is contained and conceived
in the quod [das Was in dem Daßthis sense is in
15      gennant und dem   
Form 
ein Dieses         
manche durch BegriWas (das ) zum
   allein Wirkliche
versichern sie aber auch von dem Allgemeinen
    
und begriendiesem
 
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
     
term   
          
          
           
     activity     
          
 but not :
            
         
 
entelecheia but energeia19
entelechial understanding
         
20         
          separated 
 /
one /
           
           
           
         
   nicht Entelechie, sondern reine Energie
20             
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
21 
 
both  and 
      Lectures on the History of
Philosophy  
He [God] is the substance that in its possibility also
 potentia
 both are not separate    
        
  content  determinations  There must
        
(movement) [Bewegung
    Lectures on the History of Philosophy 
that Hegel understands the Aristotelian God as the non-distinction 
           
intuitive understanding in the Critique of Judgment
   
        
21           
entelechial            
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 
potentiawo beides nicht getrennt ist
ihre Bestimmungen          
     Bewegung    
TWA 
 
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
      He translates
Tätigkeit  life
          
         
   
 all  totality        
2. Rather :
          not a
         
not as faculty25
  
          is
     God is not expressable as
 
           
     
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
          
ofDaß eines
Was Daß):
        
abstract quod [Daß
          
   
            
3. Absence of contents:
  
 activity   
         
   
        
      
 
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
29 
   
          
   
  
  
IV. Two Problems of Schelling’s Rational Philosophy
      energical  
entelechial   
         
 
    absolutes Einzelwesen 
   
29T WAAs mentioned
           
sich        
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
           
1. Two Senses of “Individual”
           
        hylisch 
          
          
        
   
          
       instance: something
 this  
     DRP    
a substance (chôriston       seleing (
 
(    
is each
constitutes the living being’s  
the Was Daß (DRP
          
         reines
 
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
         
           
Daß  a Waspure 
being something,   
considering existents:
the Oneone
is a this
 pure selfwhat he is but only that he
Is [nur, daß er Ist
  
according to his pure self
Is must also have a relation to the concept
nothing  Is not truly 
   das
         
  in seinem reinen Selbst    
was   nur, daß er Ist    
        
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
          
          
         
          
      DRP       
         
  
Thathandlung 
          
Actus        
 us 
        Negative dieser
        
 
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
2. Standpoint of Existence and the Crisis
          
        
        
         outside   
        
 going over
           
           
       practices  
         
  
     
         Soon it becomes clear
  
quod quid
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
must act in
personalof acting in the actual world as
DRP 
the crisis
       
      
      
      Critique 
  
    das wahrhaft Seyende   
           
            
  
 
will 
        
    
           
     
         
       
           
           
 
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   itself can lead to
           
            theoretical
         
          
         
 
  
needle’s eye 
   
   außer sich      
    
          
  
         
        
  
 
  GNP  PO 
   th
             
 
       
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
Energeia and Kinesis.
New Essays on Plato and Aristotle. 
York: 
  Ethica Nicomachea Oxford Classical Texts.  
  Aristotle’s Metaphysics: A Revised Text with Introduction and
De AnimaDA] Oxford Classical Texts.
  Ethica Eudemia       
  Metaphysics Met       
      Physics  Oxford
Studies in Ancient Philosophy
   Thinking Thinking Thinking: On God’s Self-thinking in
Aristotle’s      
  Das antike Denken in der Philosophie Schellings 
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des Idealismus
Kinesis Energeia
MetaphysicsOxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy
           
   
 
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
Hegel und die Geistesmetaphysik des Aristoteles
Hegel and Aristotle
       
MetaphysicsThe Review of Metaphysics
Aristotle on Substance: The Paradox of Unity
Hegel und der spätantike Neuplatonismus
TWA  Werke in zwanzig
First Principles, Substance and Action. Studies in Aristotle
and Aristotelianism
Journals and Notebooks. Volume 2: Journals EE-KK
   Metaphysics      Aristotle’s
Metaphysics Lambda. Symposium Aristotelicumharles
   Metaphysics    Aristotle’s Metaphysics Lambda.
Symposium Aristotelicum       
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía,
   Ontologie der Selbstbestimmung.  
Energeia: Energeia
and DynamisAncient Philosophy,
       Der
unbewegte Beweger des Aristoteles
Darstellung der reinrationalen Philosophie
[DRPSämmtliche Werke
Philosophie der Oenbarung [PO]. Sämmtliche Werke
  Aus Schellings Leben. In Briefen      
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía 51 (2016)
Revue de Métaphysique
et de Morale,
  Grundlegung der positiven Philosophie GNP 
         
On the Source of the Eternal Truths. [QEWThe Owl of Minerva
  The Grounding of Positive Philosophy. The Berlin Lectures  
Beyond Presence: The Later F.W.J. Schelling’s Criticism of
... Según esto, el fundamento en Dios sería algo así como una función engendradora específica, que, sin embargo, no por ello debe comprenderse ni como una dimensión anterior a Él, ni como una "prioridad esencial" a su condición de existencia. Como Dios es su propia actividad, no necesita sustrato; la actividad es su propio sustrato (García, 2016). El fundamento en Dios es aquello que, en Dios mismo, dirá Schelling, no "es" Él mismo. ...
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... Según esto, el fundamento en Dios sería algo así como una función engendradora específica, que, sin embargo, no por ello debe comprenderse ni como una dimensión anterior a Él, ni como una "prioridad esencial" a su condición de existencia. Como Dios es su propia actividad, no necesita sustrato; la actividad es su propio sustrato (García, 2016). El fundamento en Dios es aquello que, en Dios mismo, dirá Schelling, no "es" Él mismo. ...
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Se discute la idea del mal en la filosofía tardía de Schelling, partiendo de la comprensión del problema de Dios como fundamento último del mal en el hombre. Tal conjetura pone foco en la idea de la “caída” y en las implicancias que en ella tiene el principio de libertad. En confrontación con el concepto de una filosofía de la revelación, se sugiere que la filosofía de la religión en Schelling concibe a un Dios que parece representar el propio mal original. Teniendo en cuenta la interpretación heideggeriana, se afirma, por un lado, que el fundamento origina el mal en el hombre como expansión de la voluntad propia que tiende hacia sí mismo, y por otro, que esta propia movilidad del fundamento es originada, a su vez, por la necesidad metafísica de Dios de patentizar su omnipotencia. De este modo, la filosofía de la revelación de Schelling formaría parte de las llamadas filosofías analíticas de la religión, en las que se recupera la vocación filosófica central de las teodiceas. Se concluye con la idea de que el mal es la búsqueda y realización originaria del fundamento de Dios.
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El autor realiza una interpretación hegeliana de Metafísica XII, 7, 1072b 18-30, pasaje con el que concluye la Enciclopedia de las Ciencias Filosóficas. Se trazan aquí las relaciones y similitudes que existen entre el Motor Inmóvil de Aristóteles y el Absoluto de Hegel. Para comprender en qué puntos coinciden ambos pensadores al describir el pensamiento divino, resulta de suma importancia analizar las nociones de pensamiento, movimiento, potencia, acto, concepto, objeto, sustancia material, sustancia formal y sustancia suprasensible. El giro interpretativo que hace Hegel de la Metafísica y la lectura comparada que aquí se ofrece, apuntan hacia una mejor comprensión de la naturaleza del Motor Inmóvil y el Absoluto.
The Berlin lectures in The Grounding of Positive Philosophy, appearing here for the first time in English, advance Schelling's final "existential system" as an alternative to modernity's reduction of philosophy to a purely formal science of reason. The onetime protégé of Fichte and benefactor of Hegel, Schelling accuses German Idealism of dealing "with the world of lived experience just as a surgeon who promises to cure your ailing leg by amputating it." Schelling's appeal in Berlin for a positive, existential philosophy found an interested audience in Kierkegaard, Engels, Feuerbach, Marx, and Bakunin. His account of the ecstatic nature of existence and reason proved to be decisive for the work of Paul Tillich and Martin Heidegger. Also, Schelling's critique of reason's quixotic attempt at self-grounding anticipates similar criticisms leveled by poststructuralism, but without sacrificing philosophy's power to provide a positive account of truth and meaning. The Berlin lectures provide fascinating insight into the thought processes of one of the most provocative yet least understood thinkers of nineteenth-century German philosophy.