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Abstract and Figures

The present paper proposes a new adaptive smart kitchen environment able to support different users with several typologies of impairment (i.e., visual, motor, cognitive) in performing cooking activities. This system is managed through an adaptive user interface, which guides the user in food preparation according to users’ capabilities and needs and permits household appliances controlling. Results of a preliminary usability evaluation has shown that the proposed solution is accessible and highly usable for users with some limitations such elderly with mild to moderate dementia and adult people with moderate retinopathy and rheumatoid arthritis.
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An adaptive smart system to foster disabled and elderly
people in kitchen-related task
F. Gullà
Università Politecnica delle
Department DIISM
Via Brecce Bianche, Ancona
S. Ceccacci
Università Politecnica delle
Department DIISM
Via Brecce Bianche, Ancona
R. Menghi
Università Politecnica delle
Department DIISM
Via Brecce Bianche, Ancona
M. Germani
Università Politecnica delle
Department DIISM
Via Brecce Bianche, Ancona
The present paper proposes a new adaptive smart kitchen
environment able to support different users with several
typologies of impairment (i.e., visual, motor, cognitive) in
performing cooking activities. This system is managed through
an adaptive user interface, which guides the user in food
preparation according to users’ capabilities and needs and permits
household appliances controlling. Results of a preliminary
usability evaluation has shown that the proposed solution is
accessible and highly usable for users with some limitations such
elderly with mild to moderate dementia and adult people with
moderate retinopathy and rheumatoid arthritis.
Adaptive User Interface, Design for all, Human Computer
Interaction, Smart Environment
Smart Environment is a significant challenge for current ICT
research: it represents one of the solutions which allow elderly
and users with impairment to remain in their home as long as
possible in a normal daily life environment. In this context, the
development of smart kitchen reveals a great interest, as
motivated by a critical number of studies [1,2,3]. One of the
strong motivation of such interest is due to the fact that,
supporting users in the main activities they perform in the kitchen
(i.e., preparing meals, using household appliances) means to
support them in performing daily life activities that most
determine their ability to live independently. In fact, these
activities cover two of the domains defined by IADLs [4]. To
sustain people independence in execution of kitchen activities, it
is necessary to provide technologies able to make the
environment universally accessible and usable. This means that
the environment should be able to support, as much as possible,
different users (i.e., normal people, disabled people, elderly,
children, etc.) in order to ensure to all of them the possibility to
achieve their goals, regardless of what are their physical or
cognitive abilities. The achievement of this object is a very big
challenge. As a matter of fact, technology is day by day the tool
to support and ensure a better liveability including the kitchen
activities, safety, comfort and well-being. In particular, it is
necessary to developed a system that allows to coordinate the
appliances and kitchen subsystems in order to optimize human-
machine and human environment interaction both from physical
and cognitive point of view. It should be able to support end-
users, providing the necessary information according to the goal
that user aims to achieve and support user’s skill in performing
such tasks. Moreover, it should be able to identify user behaviour,
detect any possible modifications and modify itself accordingly.
In the last several years, the research on smart environments
proposed new assistive systems that support and enhance the
abilities of its occupants in executing domestic tasks. Most of
these studies focused often only on services provided of smart
home and marginally consider the end user preferences and
applications. In particular, some solutions have been proposed
that aim to support the user during the meal preparation [], or
during appliances interaction [] or that aim to empower the user
about environmental energy consumption [6,7,10]. Moreover,
these studies do not address universally valid solutions: they
neglect the adaptive solutions definition focusing on solutions for
specific user profiles. To design product able to support different
users with several disabilities, it is necessary to adopt an Ability-
oriented Design perspective [WeA]. This approach encourages
the design of self-adaptive or user-adaptable system interfaces, to
provide the best possible match to user' abilities.
In this context, we propose a new adaptive smart kitchen
environment able to support normal people and well as users with
several typologies of impairment (i.e., visual, motor, cognitive) in
performing cooking activities. This smart system, in particular,
allows to manage the appliances and kitchen subsystems in order
to optimize and improve usability for different contexts of use.
The system consists of several devices (that is oven, dishwasher
and the fridge) furnished with smart functions. The network is
realized through wireless technology and it supplies
communication from/to the gateway and from/to any appliance or
device. The home automation platform is the 'core' of smart
kitchen that organizes and elaborates all the data collected by the
devices and operates events. It is a platform in a cloud service that
gives network storage service and can be accessed from logic
network applications. The system is managed through an adaptive
web-user interface, which gives information on the features and
usability of all kitchen available devices, allows to set and control
all household appliances in a simple and intuitive way and gives
information and alerts in case of the raise of uncommon situations
requiring warning, and in any how adapting itself to the end-
user’s capabilities and needs.
The interface system architecture is based on 4 main units,
continuously communicating between each other: the database,
the core, the interface and the doctor module. The interface
system architecture is showed in Figure 3.
A Database Management System (DBMS) is designed to achieve
a large set of structured data inputs and processes the amount of
data requested by numerous users; this unit is in charge to collect
the data arising from the different input of the system. In
particular, the information is structured in four semantic areas.
User Features Profile includes the User Personal Information and
provides the description of the user’s profile pattern, according to
its cognitive and physical structure, status and preferences. The
user’s profile pattern is outline according to the coding provided
by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and
Health [24]. This information is collected through an on-line
analysis of the psycho-physical state of the user, according to a
medical protocol defined by specialized research institutes. The
User Features Profile it is populated by the information inserted
in the doctor module: personal data and ICF. User Use Profile
includes the User Model Context Information: previous
interaction’s history, user’s preferences and information needs.
Log Adaptation Actions represents the collection of all adaptation
actions performed by the interface. It receives the information
each time that the system performs an adaptation action: this
information is necessary to control the system’s adaptation degree
and simultaneously the user’s skills improvement in the process.
Context Data, upon which are gathered all relevant data for the
context user definition of the system. It shall record the
information derived from environmental sensors (spatial context)
associated with temporal coordinate. It will record the
information from the sensors and smart objects in the
The core Module represents overall adaptive system pivot: it is
composed of two adaptive mechanisms and a changes monitoring
system. Adaptable Engine shall make the system more suitable to
the user profile. Adaptability is based on features and preferences
that are known at a first interaction, and they are assumed to
remain static during a single session of interaction. This engine
takes as input the collected information in the User Profile
Features to adapt the graphical interface features, such as text,
size and type of font. The technical accessibility requirements and
the corresponding control points for compliance verification have
been defined on the basis of the Standards, Guidelines and
success criteria contained in the Recommendation that the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - Web Accessibility Initiative
(WAI) published on 11 December 2008 and which contains the
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0).
Adaptive Engine shall make the system adaptive according to the
use profile. Adaptivity is based on change mechanisms which
include all dynamic features, such as interaction story based
preferences, information contents, icons, layout, etc. The working
systems take advantages of Bayesian Network adaptation
mechanism, by using software called Netica. Bayesian networks
[25] are one of the most complete and consistent knowledge tools
for the acquisition, representation and use in uncertainty
conditions, and the simulation software Netica, produced by
Norsys Software Corporation [26], is a comprehensive tool for
working with belief networks and influence diagrams. The
Adaptive Engine depends on information by User Features, User
Use and Context Data database, and apply changes on the
Interface level: Normal Interface or Wizard Interface. Change
monitoring system allows to generate two categories of alert:
User Preferences Changes takes into account the user preferences
changes, in terms of both graphics and content; User Abilities
Changes takes into account the interface changes (both graphical
and content), store them and send an alert when they frequently
change, both in a positive and negative way, going to update the
User Features Profile. The monitoring system, placed at this level,
is a tool to evaluate the psychophysical state and the disorder
progress or regression over time. This assessment will be
performed automatically by a machine. Finally, the interface
module allows enabling system interaction and communication
with user. Furthermore, the Adaptive Engine provides two
different output: the static output sets the interface type (normal
or wizard) and the initial appliances default, it is managed by
probability calculating associated at the User Use Profile finding;
the dynamic output refers to user action at the runtime. It manages
the dynamically appliances default and update the interface at
runtime. The interface is one of the most important modules of
the entire architecture; this enables the system interaction and
communication with the user.
The Interface structure can be summarized in the following two
aspects: graphic features, basic, i.e. standard features uniquely
related to a disorder (colour blindness, visual disturbances, etc.),
and advanced features that represent all dynamic features about
adapted interface items according to specific residual function
consequent to a specific disorder and they are designed on a single
user. Contents represent all interface items editable according to
user’s actions and the user acts on the interface with his own
preferences and needs. In particular, the needs related to specific
deficit, visual actions, cognitive (procedural memory) and motor,
according to user-defined profiles, it must be considered by the
features interface. In this case, the technology must be of a
"compensatory" and cooperate with the user in order to allow the
activities of daily living independently. For instance, considering
a kitchen, if the user decides to enter in the oven section, the
system will offer in evidence more used recipes.
To this end, the interface supports the following functional areas:
1) Meal preparation, 2) User interaction-appliance and 3)
Environmental Comfort. With the aim to support the end user to
set cooking program execution two different modes of
information presentation were assumed: using a common menu
(Normal Setting) and through setting driven (Step-by-step Setting
or Wizard mode) process.
Figure 3. The Interface System Architecture
The Interface structure can be summarized in the following two
aspects: graphic features, basic, i.e. standard features uniquely
related to a disorder (colour blindness, visual disturbances, etc.),
and advanced features that represent all dynamic features about
adapted interface items according to specific residual function
consequent to a specific disorder and they are designed on a single
user. Contents represent all interface items editable according to
user’s actions and the user acts on the interface with his own
preferences and needs. In particular, the needs related to specific
deficit, visual actions, cognitive (procedural memory) and motor,
according to user-defined profiles, it must be considered by the
features interface. In this case, the technology must be of a
"compensatory" and cooperate with the user in order to allow the
activities of daily living independently. For instance, considering
a kitchen, if the user decides to enter in the oven section, the
system will offer in evidence more used recipes.
Figure 4. Select Recipe menu
The Wizard mode is designed to accomplish the task and
minimizing the amount of information that the user should
understand and manage.
Consequently, this solution is suitable for users who have not
familiarity with technology and / or have some cognitive
dysfunction. On the other side, the Normal mode, is designed to
support user without cognitive dysfunction and characterized by
a good technology attitude. Consequently, on first use, the setting
menu will be presented in a “Wizard mode” to person with
cognitive dysfunction, while in "normal" mode for other profile.
Figure 4 show an example of recipe setting menu.
As one can observe, during interaction with the interface, the user
can change the information presentation mode by tapping on the
proper button. In detail, when the probability of default mode
information exceeds a certain threshold, the information mode
presented by default for that specific user is changed. Depending
on user preferences, acquired in the profile phase acquisition, the
system will provide a specific interactions mode. At any time, the
user may change the interaction mode, changing preferences to
his profile.
A preliminary usability evaluation has been carried out to assess
system in terms of usability for each user target category. This
first evaluation aimed to measure usability perceived by users
during the first use of smart system: each user is asked to use the
interface optimized, depending on his/her profile, according to
default specification. Therefore, normal interface was presented
to user with visual and dexterity problem, respectively adapted to
maximize accessibility, while users with cognitive disability
interacted with interface in wizard modality.
To recruit people, three users’ profiles are considered, according
to defined Personas:
- Profile 1: aged between 45 and 54 years, with moderate
visual impairment (retinopathy) and good attitude and
skill with technology;
- Profile 2: adults aged between 55 and 65 years with
moderate loss of dexterity (rheumatoid arthritis) and low
attitude and skill with technology;
- Profile 3: adults over 70 years with mild to moderate
cognitive impairment (dementia) which affect procedural
memory and scarce skill with technology.
Five users per profile have been involved in the tests.
The usability lab was equipped with the interconnected smart
appliances (i.e., oven, a dishwasher, a refrigerator), a table, a chair
and a tablet. Ingredients were in the refrigerator or on the
worktop, as well as the necessary tools, pots and dishes.
Usability tests have been based on a task analysis. Users were
asked to simulate the preparation of a baked omelette for two
people, and in particular to perform four tasks: 1) find the recipe
2) retrieve the necessary ingredients and simulate the preparation,
3) programming and start oven and 4) fill, set and start the
To support data collection both direct observation and Video
Interaction Analysis (VIA) have been used. The following
objective parameters have been collected for each task: %
Completion without support (%C), Number of errors made by
user during the interaction and (E) and Number of support
requests (S).
Before starting test session, the interface has been shown to the
users and the various system functions were explained. At the end
of the session, users ware asked to answer to the SUS
questionnaire [25].
Table 1. Usability test results
By analysing the results, we can observe that the propose smart
interface can be considered very usable for all considered user
profile. With respect to the Profile 1 and 3, there were no
significant usability issues: the smart interface in normal modality
has proven to be suitable for people with vision problems and to
able to provide them support during preparation of meals
activities, household appliances setting. At the same time, smart
interface in wizard modality can effectively support people with
problems in procedural memory. For this category, only a minor
usability problem was observed during the execution of task 1: a
user at the beginning found difficult perform tapping in a correct
manner. However, it must point out that a total of 5 subjects (i.e.,
2 belonging to Profile 2 and 3 to Profile 3) had never used a tablet
before. Regard to Profile 2, we can observe that 2 users of 5 found
difficult to set the oven with interface in normal modality. This
can be due to the high number of operations that the user must
perform to set the oven as well as the low users’ technological
attitude and skill. One possible solution is to provide the interface
in wizard modality even for those users with poor skills in the use
of technologies.
This paper presents the design of an innovative home automation
system which aims to support users with several impairments
(visual, cognitive, motor related) in performing cooking activities
through a smart adaptive interface.
The results of a qualitative experimentation with final users has
shown that the proposed interface is accessible and highly usable
for users with some limitations such elderly with mild to moderate
dementia and adult persona with moderate retinopathy and
rheumatoid arthritis. In general, it emerged that the new smart
kitchen system is able to improve the usability of household
appliances, such as oven and dishwasher, as regards the
programming and controlling operations. At the same time, it
shows how the introduction of smart technologies in the kitchen
environment can support users also with scarce attitude to
The work is not definitive: the new smart kitchen has to be
evaluated with a greater number of users in order to verify this
first qualitative evaluation. Moreover, it will be necessary to carry
out a field study to assess the ability of adaptable features of
interface to improve the system usability, as to assess the
effectiveness of system to enhance the users' skills related to
cooking activities and to improve users’ independent living. An
additional effort must be focused on the assessment of
effectiveness of such system to support a doctor in monitoring
patients’ cognitive status.
This work has been developed in the context of “D4All: Design
for all” project, National Technological Cluster funded by the
Italian Minister of University and Research.
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... The paper in (Gullà et al., 2016) proposes a smart kitchen system for aiding people with different types of disabilities in accomplishing kitchen-related tasks. The system evolves around the Web UI that serves to guide the targeted group of users accomplish their desired goals using an ability-oriented design approach. ...
... The paper in (Gullà et al., 2016) proposes a smart kitchen system for aiding people with different types of disabilities in accomplishing kitchen-related tasks. The system uses smart objects to capture and control the usage of kitchen equipment (e.g., refrigerator, microwave, oven, dishwasher, etc.). ...
... The paper in (Gullà et al., 2016) proposes a smart kitchen system for aiding people with different types of disabilities in accomplishing kitchen-related tasks. An adaptation engine is designed to improve the usefulness of the system and make it more customized to the end-user. ...
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Smart systems are systems that rely on technological advancements to continuously adapt and improve in order to provide added-value to their users. Designing these systems in a coherent and methodical way is important to set the stage for highly interoperable and collaborative systems with the potential to propel the software community into an era of Systems of Systems. However, the different and numerous concepts, technologies and techniques that have been linked and used recently to develop these systems made this task a challenging endeavor. Indeed, the existing literature on the subject is focused on the technical aspects of developing smart systems with very little effort and thought to how these systems should be designed.To tackle this gap, this thesis proposes and develops a method, called AS3, to analyse and design smart systems. The method starts from a broad definition of the smart system and builds on it to define a smart system loop that provides an integrated view of the main entities that are present in a smart system and their interactions. This smart system loop builds on the adaptability loop as well as the main concepts from context-awareness and service orientation to cover the life cycle of the smart system. Supported by a product metamodel and a process model, the method then provides the intentions and strategies that can be followed in order to design context-aware service-based smart systems. To insure the continuous improvement of the system, the method supports recommendation to allow easy automation of the improvement while keeping the method user in the loop. To showcase the relevance and the efficacy of the AS3 method, this thesis includes a complete rundown of the method to design a system that deals with road security called SMARTROAD.
... Several industrial products shown in Table I such as PantryChic [14] [5] ✓ M. Schneider. [6] ✓ ✓ Stander et al. [7] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Blasco et al. [8] ✓ ✓ ✓ Gullà et al. [9] ✓ ✓ Neumann et al. [10] ✓ ✓ ✓ Achary et al. [11] ✓ Shariff et al. [12] ✓ ✓ Jinila et al. [13] ✓ ✓ PantryChic [14] ✓ ✓ Ovie Smartware [15] ✓ ✓ Hestan Cue [16] ✓ ...
... To further unleash the full benefits of the data collected by these devices, several recent works focused on making inference through all devices in the kitchen environment instead of analyzing the data of each device separately. By augmenting user profile into the analysis, [8] and [9] are able to make adaptations to users of various types of impairments, facilitating their independent living. Other systems focus on interactive and intelligent cooking guidance. ...
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Smart devices have entered all spheres of modern living, from monitoring the steps we walk to managing refrigerator inventory, ushering in the dawn of a new urban experience. The kitchen is the heart of the home; a place to share, care for and nurture the family unit, but also a place seeing the greatest impact from the introduction of smart devices. The smart sensing and remote control capability of smart appliances have enabled great physical convenience for users but have had less impact on cognitive conveniences. While such devices can sense what they are working with, they fail to understand who they are working for, leaving much of the burden of trivial planning and decision making to humans with less personalized services. Hence, we introduce TupperwareEarth, a knowledge-based ontological semantic network for the “Internet of Kitchen Things” with the aim of reducing physical as well as cognitive loads of humans in cooking tasks. Also, we present a testbed for exploring kitchen innovation and validating the effectiveness of TupperwareEarth that combines intelligent kitchen storage containers, Smart Tupperware, and existing smart kitchen appliances through an Internet of Things network and a user-friendly front-end interface, Tuppy. Using this testbed, the quantitative user studies show a 33% reduction in average food preparation time and qualitative user surveys show that 75% of the users observed a significant reduction in cognitive loads, thereby validating the cognitive conveniences granted by TupperwareEarth.
... Wang (2020) researched kitchen layout design for the elderly, while Zubaidi (2019) researched the manufacture of kitchen utensils in the form of cutting boards that are easy and safe to use by the elderly. Gullà (2016) proposed the creation of a smart system to help the elderly perform kitchen tasks, Asghar (2017) studied the manufacture of tools for the elderly to find lost items in the kitchen, and Wang and Ning (2020) examined the design of a smart kitchen application for the elderly. ...
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29 Million elderly had accidents during 2014, and caused 29 thousand of death in 2016. Once of the biggest potential risk for elderly is a kitchen. It caused nursing home, needs to be more consent in designing kitchen for elderly. The purpose of this research was to design comfort kitchen for elderly by using design thinking approach. Design thinking utilized voice of customer to made a decision. It has an excessed as prototype redundant test to gain the voice of customers. Based on the customer needs, this research designed a kitchen with some racks near the dishwasher, applied some handrails in several places, sitting place to wash the dish and to cook, applied a food storage. Kitchen designed without any stairs and create a storage to placing the walker. This proposed design was tested by Wilcoxon signed-rank test to prove the differences the new design with the precedence design
... However, the cognitive functions needed for the everyday tasks can be supported by the IoT-based AAL system, e.g., by guiding the user to unfold such tasks. For instance, the system can automatically set up the temperature of the oven or it can provide step-by-step meal preparation instructions on a large-screen device ( [17]; [18]). The system may also help the user not to forget appointments or medicine intake, by providing appropriate alerts, which may be either environmental or delivered on a Personal Assistant Device (PDA). ...
This paper discusses the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm in the context of assisted living for elderly and fragile people, in the light of the peculiar requirements of such users, both from a functional and a technological perspective. We stress some aspects that are often disregarded by the technical community, such as technology acceptability and usability, and we describe the framework and the phases of the current co-design approaches that imply the active involvement of the final users in the system design process. Thereby, we identify a series of design practices to merge technical and fragile people's requirements. The discussion is backed up by the description of DOMHO, a prototypal IoT-based AAL system that embodies most of the concepts described in the paper, and that is being deployed and tested in a shelter house for elders, and in an apartment for the co-housing of individuals with disabilities. Finally, we discuss the potential and limits of the current approaches and present some open challenges and future research directions.
... During the past few years, scientific research has been trying to find technological solutions to the growing problem of home care for elderly people, and smart objects [8] , robots [9] , smart environments [10] , and platforms [11] have been developed. However, the research is often technology oriented and neglects the perspective of the end-user. ...
Background Population aging is inducing governments to redesign their healthcare models. One policy measure aimed at reducing healthcare expenditures and improving services is to encourage people to age-in-place. Scientific research has been trying to find ICT-enabled solutions to the growing problem of elderly home care. However, such research is often technology-oriented and neglects the end-user perspective. It does not consider the real needs of older people and all stakeholders involved in their healthcare. Method A user-centered design approach was adopted with the involvement of older people, experts dealing with the aging population, and the whole stakeholders’ chain. Through surveys, focus groups, and brainstorming sessions, it was possible to determine the main features of the product service platform. Results Starting from a large-scale survey of elderly people living in Italy, this paper presents the requirements and the architecture of a product service platform aimed at improving the independence and elderly quality of life. This work proposes an elderly-centered platform that works as an aggregation point of an articulated social health system, provides multiple tailored services, and optimizes the use of local resources. Conclusions The involvement of the end-user and all the stakeholders allowed for the consideration of different perspectives and the creation of a value network that aggregates existing services, resources, and information with new opportunities to achieve common benefits. This work provides guidelines on how to develop this type of platform by exploiting the potential of each stakeholder without creating new barriers. Technology, caregivers, and society are combined synergistically to provide tailored services able to satisfy specific users’ needs.
... An RFID architecture was proposed by Darianian and Michael [24] to enable control of home appliances: (a) washing machine -i.e., tagged clothes deliver information about colors, materials and suitable washing programs, and the reader also checks for laundering compatibility, (b) fridge and shelves communicate to a reader in the kitchen to suggest recipes based on food items detected, user preference and needs (his/her health conditions), by searching online recipes. Some studies propose architecture for implementing smart kitchens exploiting RFID and multimodal interfaces for assisting people with disability, but they are not focused on the totally blind but rather on the visually impaired who may have different needs as well as different assistive technologies [25,26]. ...
... The meta-analysis of the selected solutions addressed them according to aforementioned criteria and provided input data for discussion and conclusion. [29] AS, LTC, SIP Care providers [30] AS, LTC, SIP Elderly [31] LTC, DN Elderly [32] AS, LTC, PA Care providers [33] NT, PA Elderly [34] LTC Elderly Further on, only 30% of addressed solutions consider elderly as end service users, while the remaining ones are developed or produced for people around elderly such as family, doctors, care providers, etc. This means that the proposed solutions may help and simplify activities for people that take care of elderly. ...
The ultimate goal of smart things and systems should be to improve Quality of Life (QoL), specially of elderly given that population is increasing rapidly. A number of smart ageing solutions are developed without QoL of elderly being noticeably improved. This paper seeks to answer the question are the existing smart ageing solutions succeeding in direct improvement of QoL of elderly. After conducting a survey study for this purpose, the results showed that existing solutions are not succeeding in improving QoL of elderly. In addition to this conclusion, the contribution of this paper reflects in proposed set of QoL indicators for elderly and recommendations for future research activities in this area.
Under the background of active aging, we pay attention to the emotional and social design of smart kitchens, and explore new directions of supporting social and emotional aspects of the dining and cooking experience. The research combines user behavior process and psychological characteristics to explore the emotional interaction experience needs of the elderly in kitchen life. Obtain mental information and behavioral characteristics of the elderly through user interviews and construct mental models of elderly users. Propose the design strategy of emotional social kitchen suitable for the elderly from the emotional social needs and interactive behaviors. Design a social dining table and app that pays attention to the nutritional and emotional social needs of the elderly. It provides new ideas for the emotional and social design of the kitchen.
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The kitchen environment is one of the scenarios in the home where users can benefit from Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) applications. Moreover, it is the place where old people suffer from most domestic injuries. This paper presents a novel design, implementation and assessment of a Smart Kitchen which provides Ambient Assisted Living services; a smart environment that increases elderly and disabled people's autonomy in their kitchen-related activities through context and user awareness, appropriate user interaction and artificial intelligence. It is based on a modular architecture which integrates a wide variety of home technology (household appliances, sensors, user interfaces, etc.) and associated communication standards and media (power line, radio frequency, infrared and cabled). Its software architecture is based on the Open Services Gateway initiative (OSGi), which allows building a complex system composed of small modules, each one providing the specific functionalities required, and can be easily scaled to meet our needs. The system has been evaluated by a large number of real users (63) and carers (31) in two living labs in Spain and UK. Results show a large potential of system functionalities combined with good usability and physical, sensory and cognitive accessibility.
Conference Paper
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In this paper we present a new approach towards assistance and awareness systems that exploits the duality of automated homes; the status of devices and appliances in the real world on the one hand, and their digital representation on the other hand. If the digital representation is embedded in a virtual world, i.e., a 3-D model that reflects the actual physical environment, we call this a Dual Reality (2R). The concept of Dual Reality emerges from the connection between real and virtual environments, so that they can mutually reflect and influence each other. This approach can be used to create new applications and to enhance already existing applications both in the real and also in the virtual world. In this paper, we show how the standard-based Universal Remote Console (URC) platform can be applied to Dual Reality applications and therefore can serve as an architectural foundation for synchronizing a virtual environment model with the real world.
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Several cooking support systems have been studied to give users in-structions based on the recipes step-by-step, using multi-media contents. These systems usually disturb users' cooking process forcing them to pro-vide information to the system in or-der to give them beneficial informa-tion. In this sense, these systems are considered to be "system centric". We propose a system called "Smart Kitchen" considered to be in "user centric", in which a user can cook normally without being concerned about the system. Smart Kitchen can understand cooking processes, in other words, what the user is doing. In this paper, we discuss the design of the Smart Kitchen system and explain three essential modules of tracking food, recognizing food ma-terial, and recognizing cooking ac-tion.
As the world's elderly population drastically increases, aging-related cognitive impairments have become one of the biggest healthcare concerns. In this paper, we present the design of an assistive kitchen system consisting of a user interface with two-way speech communication and an automated cabinet system to help promote aging-in-place. The assistive kitchen system incorporates a cognitive assistance feature that helps the user in overcoming initiation, planning, attention, and memory deficits, while performing kitchen-based activities of daily living (ADLs) such as storing and retrieving items, and obtaining recipes for meal preparation. This feature works synchronously with the automated kitchen cabinet to directly provide the location of an item to a user, bring the item in closer reach and also prompt the user to retrieve the item. An initial prototype of the assistive kitchen system has been developed and performance testing has been conducted. The testing has shown high success rates for users' retrieving and storing specified kitchen items. A small scale study was also conducted measuring the acceptance and use of the proposed system by older adults. The results show promise for the further development and use of the system for the outlined kitchen ADLs.
Current approaches to accessible computing share a common goal of making technology accessible to users with disabilities. Perhaps because of this goal, they may also share a tendency to centralize disability rather than ability. We present a refinement to these approaches called ability-based design that consists of focusing on ability throughout the design process in an effort to create systems that leverage the full range of human potential. Just as user-centered design shifted the focus of interactive system design from systems to users, ability-based design attempts to shift the focus of accessible design from disability to ability. Although prior approaches to accessible computing may consider users’ abilities to some extent, ability-based design makes ability its central focus. We offer seven ability-based design principles and describe the projects that inspired their formulation. We also present a research agenda for ability-based design.