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Perceived versus Actual Predictability of
Personal Information in Social Networks
Eleftherios Spyromitros-Xioufis1, Georgios Petkos1, Symeon Papadopoulos1,
Rob Heyman2, and Yiannis Kompatsiaris1
1CERTH-ITI, Thessaloniki, Greece
2iMinds-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Abstract. This paper looks at the problem of privacy in the context
of Online Social Networks (OSNs). In particular, it examines the pre-
dictability of different types of personal information based on OSN data
and compares it to the perceptions of users about the disclosure of their
information. To this end, a real life dataset is composed. This consists
of the Facebook data (images, posts and likes) of 170 people along with
their replies to a survey that addresses both their personal information,
as well as their perceptions about the sensitivity and the predictability
of different types of information. Importantly, we evaluate several learn-
ing techniques for the prediction of user attributes based on their OSN
data. Our analysis shows that the perceptions of users with respect to
the disclosure of specific types of information are often incorrect. For
instance, it appears that the predictability of their political beliefs and
employment status is higher than they tend to believe. Interestingly, it
also appears that information that is characterized by users as more sen-
sitive, is actually more easily predictable than users think, and vice versa
(i.e. information that is characterized as relatively less sensitive is less
easily predictable than users might have thought).
Keywords: privacy, social networks, personal attributes, inference
1 Introduction
Online Social Networks (OSNs) have had transforming impact on the overall
Internet landscape. OSNs have affected the way people communicate, are being
informed or even make business online. An issue that is sometimes overlooked
though is the exposure of personal information through the OSNs. Participation
in an OSN means that a certain amount of data related to the user is accessible
from a) other OSN users and b) the OSN service. The disclosure of specific
types of information may pose serious threats to the users. For instance, in
several cases, information about the gender, age, ethnicity, political or religious
beliefs, sexual preferences, and financial status of a person have been used for
unjustified discrimination, for instance, in the context of personnel selection [2]
and for loan approval and pricing based on social media profiles [24].
In this paper we look into the issue of privacy in the context of OSNs. In
particular, we study the predictability of various types of personal information
based on shared OSN data, and contrast it to the users’ perceptions about the
exposure of their personal information. To perform this analysis, we employ a
real life dataset that was composed through a user study that involved 170 par-
ticipants. Each participant was asked to answer a questionnaire that included
questions about his/her personal information as well as questions about his/her
perceptions with respect to the disclosure of different types of information, More-
over, all users granted us access to their Facebook data (posts, likes and images)
via a specially designed Facebook application.
Utilizing the collected OSN data and user responses, we train and evaluate
the accuracy of classifiers that predict various personal user attributes using the
OSN data as input. Different classifiers and a number of meta-learning tech-
niques are tested (such as fusion of different feature modalities and multi-label
classification). Eventually, we obtain indications of the actual predictability of
different types of personal information and compare them to users’ perceptions
about the predictability and sensitivity of the corresponding types of informa-
tion. It appears that users’ perceptions about the predictability of different types
of information are sometimes correct and sometimes not. For instance, users tend
to correctly believe that their demographics information, such as their age, gen-
der and nationality can be predicted quite accurately, whereas they incorrectly
believe that their political beliefs cannot be accurately predicted. Moreover, it
appears that information that is characterized by users as more sensitive is ac-
tually more easily predictable than users might have thought, and vice versa. To
the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to compare users’ perceptions
about the disclosure of their personal information through an OSN to the actual
predictability of such information.
2 Background
2.1 Privacy in OSNs
The current social research on privacy in OSNs focuses on awareness, attitudes
and practices [9] with regard to volunteered or observed personal information
disclosure. Nevertheless, it neglects to explore awareness or attitudes with regard
to inferred information, the third category of personal information identified by
the World Economic Forum [11], which is the type of information we focus on
in this paper. Several studies have investigated the attitudes of people towards
information disclosure in OSNs. For instance, [17] identifies three main classes
of users with respect to the level of information disclosure in OSNs: a) privacy
fundamentalists, b) pragmatists, and c) unconcerned. Other studies compare at-
titude with behavior; these studies map what users are willing to disclose and
how this is reflected in settings and other proxies that reflect their behavior [6].
A related study [19] shows that OSN users have difficulties dealing with privacy
within OSNs. In particular, among 65 users that were asked to look for sharing
violations in their OSN profiles (i.e. cases in which they shared content with
people that they really would not like to) every one found at least one such
violation. This mismatch between intended and actual sharing policies has been
attributed to incomplete information, bounded cognitive ability and cognitive
and behavioral biases [1], which may be caused by the difficulty of managing
privacy settings and opting-out defaults [15]. While few works have studied pri-
vacy with regard to observed data by first [31] and third parties [3], to the best
of our knowledge this is the first work to investigate awareness, attitudes and
behavior with regard to inferred information on OSNs.
This line of research is significant for two reasons. First, the existence and
use of inferred data will increase. Secondly, on a theoretical level, little sociolog-
ical or psychological models exist that take inferred information into account for
privacy. Behavioural economics [1], Westin’s [34] privacy definition, contextual
integrity [20] and Communication Privacy Management (CPM) [23] are all lim-
ited to access control. This means that each privacy perspective presents privacy
as a question of giving access or communicating personal information to a par-
ticular party. This is illustrated in Westin’s definition of privacy: “The claim of
individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and
to what extent information about them is communicated to others.” [34]. But for
inferred information, this definition becomes: “The claim of individuals, groups,
or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent infor-
mation about them is inferred.” However, such control is non-existent because
users: a) are unaware and b) have no control over the logic of the inferences
being made. Since this area is under-researched, our first aim is to understand if
and how users intuitively grasp what can be inferred from their disclosed data.
2.2 Prediction of Personal Attributes
A major issue about privacy is the fact that information about a user may not
only appear in an explicit manner, but it can also appear implicitly and may be
obtained using appropriate inference mechanisms. For instance, one might easily
guess that a user who is interested in university/educational issues is very likely
to be a young adult. In the following, we briefly review some previous work on
inferring personal information based on OSN data.
In the study of Kosinski et al. [18], 58,466 Facebook users provided their
complete like history (170 likes/person on average), their profile information, as
well as the results of several psychometric tests. Using likes data, and particularly
a reduced (via Singular Value Decomposition) version of the user-like matrix
as input, the authors trained linear and logistic regression models to predict
numeric and binary variables respectively. The Area Under ROC Curve (AUC)
scores for predicting the binary variables were: 95% for ethnicity, 93% for gender,
88% for gays, 75% for lesbians, 85% for political affiliation, 82% for religion, 73%
for cigarette smoking, 70% for alcohol consumption, 67% for relationship status,
65% for drug use and 60% for parents being together when the user was 21. The
Pearson correlation coefficient for age was 0.75.
Schwartz et al. [28] studied a dataset of 15.4 million status updates from a
total of 74,941 Facebook users, who also submitted their gender, age and Big-5
personality scores. They tested traditional techniques of linking language with
personality, gender and age such as the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count
(LIWC), which uses a lexicon with pre-selected categories, but also developed
a new approach, the Differential Language Analysis (DLA), which generates
the lexicon categories based on the text being analyzed. The researchers first
used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the feature dimension,
and then a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classifying gender and
ridge regression for predicting age and personality traits. Among other results,
they were able to predict gender with 92% accuracy.
Other approaches have looked at a variety of user attributes and techniques.
For instance, Backstrom and Kleinberg [4] managed to predict whether a user
is single or not with 68% accuracy and whether he/she is single or married with
79% accuracy. Jernigan et al. [16] looked at sexual orientation and achieved an
accuracy of 78%. Of particular interest is the study presented by Zheleva and
Getoor [35], where different OSNs were considered; examined user attributes are
the country, gender and political views. Rao et al. [25] evaluated the accuracy of
predicting gender (72%), age (74%), regional origin (77%) and political affilia-
tion (83%) from Twitter messages. Particularly good results (95% accuracy) on
political views were obtained by Conover et al. [8]. Very good results on political
views (89% accuracy) were also achieved by Penna et al. [21]. Interestingly, they
utilized a set of network attributes as features, whereas they also consider two
more attributes: for ethnicity they achieved an F-score of 70% and for predicting
whether a person is a Starbacks fan an F-score of 76%. Finally, an interesting
finding is that inferring personal information based on OSN data can be highly
unreliable (close-to-random) for a significant number of users [32].
3 Data Collection and Experimental Setup
3.1 Data Collection
Our study is based on a set of 170 Facebook users who gave us their informed
consent to collect their OSN data through a test Facebook application1. In par-
ticular we collected each user’s likes, textual posts and images. In addition, all
users answered a questionnaire that included questions about several personal
attributes as well as questions related to their perceptions about the predictabil-
ity and the sensitivity of different types of information. Feedback about the
perceived predictability was provided by the users with a yes/no answer to the
question: “Can this particular type of information be inferred based on your
OSN data?”, and feedback about the sensitivity of different types of information
was provided in a scale from 1 to 7 with higher values denoting higher sensitivity.
Personal user attributes were organized into 10 categories: 1. “Demographics”, 2.
“Employment status and income”, 3. “Relationship status and living condition”,
4. “Religious views”, 5. “Personality traits”, 6. “Sexual orientation”, 7. “Political
attitude”, 8. “Health factors”, 9. “Location”, 10. “Consumer profile”, hereafter
referred to as disclosure dimensions [22], to facilitate a more compact and intu-
itive presentation and handling of a user’s personal information. For instance,
the “Demographics” dimension includes the following personal attributes: “age”,
“gender”, “education level”, “language”, “nationality” and “residence”. Due to
space limitations, the full organization of personal user attributes into disclosure
dimensions along with some statistics about the collected data are provided in
a supplementary document2.
3.2 Experimental Setup
In the learning experiments we considered 96 questions from the questionnaire,
corresponding to 9 of the 10 disclosure dimensions (location was not considered
due to the high cardinality of possible responses, which would lead to a very
sparse training set given the limited number of test users). Evaluation was per-
formed using repeated random sub-sampling validation. In this procedure, the
data is randomly split ntimes into training and test sets. For each split, a model
is fit to the training set and its prediction accuracy is assessed on the test set.
The final performance is calculated as the average over the ntests. For this study,
66% of the data were used for training and the process was repeated 10 times.
Since for many of the questions (user attributes), the distribution of responses
is highly imbalanced we used AUC as the evaluation measure due to its better
robustness with imbalanced classes compared to measures such as classification
accuracy that tend to favor classifiers that frequently predict the majority class.
The features that we extract from the OSN data and use as input attributes
for the classification models throughout the experiments are the following:
–likes: A binary vector where each variable indicates the presence or absence
of a like in the set of likes of the user. The vocabulary consists of the 3,622
likes that appear in the sets of likes of at least two users.
–likesCats: Each like in Facebook is assigned to a general category, such as
“Community” or “Music”. This vector is a histogram of the frequencies of
these categories in the set of likes of each user. The vocabulary consists of
the 191 categories that appear in the sets of likes of at least two users.
–likesTerms: A Bag-of-Words (BoW) vector computed using the terms that
appear in the description, title and about sections of all likes made by each
user. We performed stop-word removal (using three language-specific lists of
stop words for the three main languages that appear in the collected content:
English, Dutch and Swedish) and kept only terms that appear in the profiles
of at least two users. This resulted in a vocabulary of 62,547 terms.
–msgTerms: A BoW vector computed using the terms that appear in all
posts of each user. The same pre-processing was applied as in the case of
likesTerms, resulting in a vocabulary of 24,990 terms.
–LDA-t: The distribution of topics in the textual content of the user’s posts
and likes (description, title and about sections). Topics were extracted using
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [5] and different setups involving different
numbers of topics were examined (t = 20, 30, 50 and 100 topics).
–visual: The concepts depicted in the images of the users. These concepts
were detected using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) variant pre-
sented in [13]. For each image the 12 most dominant concepts were kept,
which resulted in a vocabulary of 11,866 distinct concepts for the whole
collection. We used three alternative representations:
•visual-bin: a binary vector representing concept presence/absence.
•visual-freq: a histogram vector representing concept frequencies.
•visual-conf: a vector where each variable represents the sum of detec-
tion scores for each concept across all images of each user.
4 Experimental Results
Here, we first present a set of thorough learning experiments with the goal of
assessing the predictability of different types of user attributes and then compare
these results to the perceptions of users.
The first experiment explores the performance of various baseline and state-
of-the-art classifiers using the features described in the previous section. In par-
ticular, the following classifiers were considered:
–knn: The k-nearest neighbors (k= 10) classifier using the Euclidean distance.
–tree: A simple decision tree classifier (Weka’s REPTree class [14]).
–nb: The Na¨ıve Bayes classifier.
–adaboost: The Adaboost M1 boosting meta-classifier with a decision stump
(a one-level decision tree) as the base classifier [12].
–rf: The Random Forest classifier [7] using 100 random trees.
–logistic: An efficient implementation of L2-regularized logistic regression
from LibLinear [10] with probabilistic estimates and tuning of the regular-
ization parameter (c∈ {0.1,1,10}).
Due to the high computational cost of evaluating all six classifiers using all types
of features, instead of performing the evaluation on all 96 target attributes,
we selected eight representative ones: ‘BMI class’, ‘Income’, ‘Health’, ‘Use of
cannabis’, ‘Smoking behavior’, ‘Employment status’, ‘Drinking behavior’ and
‘Sexual orientation’. For each classifier, Figure 1 shows the best achieved AUC
performance (across all types of features) on each target attribute. We see that
logistic and rf are the two best-performing classifiers in most cases. Specifi-
cally, logistic achieves the best performance in five targets, rf in two targets
and adaboost in one target. Given the good performance of logistic and rf
and their better scalability (especially with respect to the number of features)
compared to the competing classifiers, we opted for using these two classifiers in
the rest of the experiments.
Our next experiment aims at evaluating the relative strength of the differ-
ent types of features described in Section 3.2. Figure 2 shows the average AUC
performance (across all 96 target attributes) using each type of feature by each
bmi class healthstatus smoking
income cannabis employment sexual
tree nb knn adaboost rf logistic
Fig. 1. Comparison of the performance of six different classifiers on eight target at-
tributes. The best performance across all types of features is reported.
classifier (logistic and rf). We observe that the best performance is obtained
with likes, followed by LDA-t,likesTerms,msgTerms and likesCats. On the
other hand, features based on visual concepts obtain lower performance scores,
indicating that it is difficult to predict user attributes using this type of infor-
mation alone. LDA-30 has a small edge over other LDA-based features, while
visual-conf obtains the best performance among features based on visual con-
cepts. With respect to the two classifiers, logistic is consistently better (on
average) than rf with all feature types.
Since different features may capture different information about users, we
also explore the possibility of increasing performance by combining features. To
this end, we employ a simple late fusion scheme that consists of averaging the
results produced by different single-feature classifiers. In this experiment, we
use only the logistic classifier (as it was shown to significantly outperform
rf in the previous experiment) and evaluate the performance of all possible
two-classifier combinations. To avoid combining features that carry redundant
information, we selected only the best performing variants of LDA-t (LDA-30)
and visual (visual-conf). Thus, we ended up evaluating all 15 distinct pairs
of the following features: likes,likesTerms,likesCats,msgTerms,LDA-30,
and visual-conf. Figure 3 shows the average performance obtained by differ-
ent late fusion schemes, along with the performance of models that are based on
single features to facilitate a direct comparison. We see that the top four late fu-
sion schemes include LDA-30 features and that two of them, LDA-30/likes and
LDA-30/visual-conf obtain slightly better performance than the performance
of the best single-feature model (the one based on likes). Another interesting
observation is that although visual-conf and likesCats are the two worst
performing features when used separately, their combination with LDA-30 pro-
vides better results compared to e.g. the combination of LDA-30 with msgTerms.
This is attributed to the fact that msgTerms are computed from the same data
Fig. 2. Average AUC (across all 96 classification targets) for each type of feature using
logistic and rf.
(terms appearing in a users likes) as the LDA-30 features and thus exhibit a
lower degree of complementarity with them compared to likeCats and espe-
cially visual-conf features.
In classification problems where multiple target variables need to be pre-
dicted based on a common set of predictive variables, predictive performance
can often be improved by taking target correlations into account [33]. Recog-
nizing that different user attributes are likely correlated, we studied whether
we could further improve predictive performance using multi-label classification
methods. However, differently from typical multi-label classification problems
where all target variables are binary, here we deal with a more general learning
task since in addition to binary variables we also have to predict nominal vari-
ables with more than two levels. As a result, multi-label classification approaches
that transform the problem into one or more multi-class classification problems
where each class corresponds to a different combination of labels (e.g. [26]) are
not directly applicable. On the other hand, approaches that build a separate
model for each target can be easily adapted to handle different types of target
variables by employing appropriate base models as shown in [30].
This category includes the baseline Single-Target (ST) approach that builds
an independent model for each target variable and does not account for target
dependencies (the approach that we have used so far), but also approaches that
capture target dependencies by treating other target variables as additional fea-
ture attributes when predicting each target. A popular approach of this type is
Classifier Chains (CC) [27]. CC constructs a chain of models, where each model
involves the prediction of a single target and is built using a feature space that
is augmented by the targets that appear earlier in the chain. During prediction,
where the target values are unknown, CC uses estimated values obtained by
sequentially applying the trained models. Here, we use this approach to predict
a mixture of binary and nominal target variables by employing a multi-class
0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58
single late fusion
Fig. 3. Average AUC (over all 96 classification targets) of single-feature models and of
models that combine two features with late fusion.
instead of a binary classifier for nominal target variables with more than two
levels. In addition to CC, we also use an ensemble version of the method called
Ensemble of Classifier Chains (ECC) [27]. ECC builds multiple differently or-
dered random chains of classifiers and the final prediction for each target comes
from majority voting.
We evaluated ST, CC and ECC (using 10 random chains) on each of the
96 targets using likes and LDA-30 features (the two best performing features).
All methods take the base single-target classifier as a parameter. Thus, we in-
stantiated each method with logistic and rf and report, for each target, the
best performance obtained using any combination of base classifier and feature.
Figure 4 shows the results obtained by each method on the 28 targets related to
the “Consumer profile” dimension (we do not show results on all 96 targets to
improve the readability of the figure). We see that, although ST obtains the best
performance in most targets (17 out of 28), it is outperformed by CC in 2 targets
and by ECC in 9 targets. The picture is similar when all targets are considered.
Again, despite the fact that ST obtains the best performance in most targets
(50 out of 96), it is outperformed by CC in 17 targets and by ECC in 29 targets.
As expected, ECC outperforms CC in most cases. A closer look at the results,
reveals that CC tends to perform better than ST on targets that appear earlier
in the chain but the performance starts deteriorating after a certain number of
targets. This is due to the fact that prediction noise is accumulated along the
chain, a known problem for CC on datasets with many targets such as this one.
Figure 5 shows the best AUC that we obtained for each target attribute,
using any combination of features and classification approach. Target attributes
are grouped by disclosure dimension and sorted in ascending AUC order within
each dimension. The average best AUC achieved for all 96 attributes is 0.63
st cc ecc
Fig. 4. Maximum AUC per target using ST, CC and ECC.
which represents a significant improvement over random performance (0.5) and
is actually quite impressive if we take into account the limited number of training
examples and the high cardinality of some classes.
Having performed a set of thorough experiments that measured the actual
predictability of different types of personal information, we now proceed to a
comparison with the perceived predictability and sensitivity of different types
of information (according to users’ responses in the survey). Table 1 presents
the ranking of dimensions according to a) their perceived predictability, b) their
actual predictability according to our experiments (obtained by averaging the
performance over the attributes of each dimension) and, c) their predictability
according to [18] (for those dimensions for which data is available). It is noted
that users perceive “Demographics” as the dimension that is most predictable
(88.4%), and indeed it was found through our study that it is the dimension
that can be predicted most accurately. Our conclusions also appear to mostly
match those of [18]. In particular, “Demographics” and “Political views” are
identified as the most predictable dimensions in both studies and the ranking of
the remaining dimensions is quite similar (except for “Religious views”).
Figure 6 presents an overall comparison between perceived and actual pre-
dictability of dimensions with respect to perceived sensitivity. Let us first focus
on the relationship between perceived predictability and sensitivity. With the ex-
ception of the “Religious views” and “Relationships” dimensions, there appears
to be a clear linear relationship between sensitivity and perceived predictabil-
ity. That is, the more sensitive some dimension is perceived by users, the less
predictable it is considered. For instance, “Demographics”, the dimension that
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
1 demographics
2 employment/income
3 relationship/living
4 religion
5 personality
6 sexual orientation
7 political ideology
8 health factors
10 consumer profile
Fig. 5. Best AUC achieved on each target attribute using any combination of features,
classifier and fusion approach.
Table 1. Ranking of dimensions according to a) perceived predictability, b) actual
predictability (according to our study) and, c) actual predictability according to [18].
Rank Perceived predictability
of dimension
Actual predictability
according to our study
Actual predictability
according to [18]
1 Demographics Demographics Demographics
2 Location Political views (+4) Political views
3 Relationship status
and living condition
Sexual orientation Religious views
4 Sexual orientation Employment/Income (+5) Sexual orientation
5 Consumer profile Consumer profile Health status
6 Political views Relationship status
and living condition
Relationship status
and living condition
7 Personality traits Religious views (+1)
8 Religious views Health status (+1)
9 Employment/Income Personality traits
10 Health status
is perceived as the easiest to predict (and is actually the most predictable), is
considered to be the least sensitive. At the same time, “Health status” the di-
mension that is perceived as the least predictable (and is actually among those
that are the hardest to predict), is considered as the most sensitive.
Two more observations can be made based on the results shown on Figure 6.
The first is that the accuracy of the perceptions of users about the predictability
of each dimension tends to vary considerably. For some dimensions, their percep-
tion is rather accurate, but for others it is far from accurate. For instance, users
correctly believe that their demographics information is quite predictable (actual
predictability is quite high) and also have a quite accurate perception about the
predictability of their consumer profile information and factors related to their
personality traits. On the other hand, their perception about the predictability
of their health related information is rather incorrect. This leads us to the second
observation: the actual predictability of the more sensitive dimensions is higher
than the perceived predictability. Vice versa, perceived predictability is higher
than actual predictability for the less sensitive dimensions (with the exception
of “Religious views”).
It is also worth looking at any conclusions that may be reached by looking
at the perceptions of individual users and in particular, users that belong to
potentially sensitive groups; for instance, people that have answered that their
health is poor or people that are not heterosexuals. We examined whether the
sensitivity of particular dimensions differs for users belonging to different classes.
We formed a two-way table with one dimension representing the class of the user
(e.g. poor/good health) and the other dimension representing the sensitivity
of the information. A X2test was performed to examine if the perceptions of
different classes of users about the sensitivity of some dimension differ. The
test was positive (at the 0.05 level) for the following three dimensions: “Sexual
orientation” (p-value: 0.000003), “Health factors” (p-value: 0.029) and “Religious
Fig. 6. Comparison of perceived and actual predictability of the disclosure dimensions
with respect to sensitivity.
beliefs” (p-value: 0.011). So, for instance, homosexual and bisexual users tend
to view the disclosure of information about their sexual profile as more sensitive
than heterosexual users. Also, users with good health tend to view the disclosure
of information about their health as less sensitive than people with poor health.
5 Conclusions
The paper discussed the issue of privacy in the context of OSNs. In particular,
it examined different mechanisms by which user attributes can be predicted
based on content shared by users in an OSN. Importantly, the predictability of
different types of personal information was compared against the perceptions
of users about the predictability and sensitivity of each type. Experiments and
analysis were carried out on a dataset collected for this purpose via a custom
Facebook application. The dataset consisted of the posts, images and likes of 170
Facebook users along with their responses to a survey that considered both their
personal information as well as their perceptions about privacy and disclosure
of information in the OSN.
A number of insights were extracted with respect to the relationship between
actual predictability, perceived predictability and sensitivity. In particular, it
appears that users have both correct and incorrect perceptions about the pre-
dictability of specific types of information. Moreover, the more sensitive a type of
information is, the more the users underestimate its predictability. Additionally,
the sensitivity of particular types of information seems to be different for users
belonging to different classes. These conclusions could be useful for developing
a privacy assistance tool that would support users in managing the disclosure of
personal information in online settings. For instance, assuming that a classifier
predicted that a user is likely to disclose sensitive information, the user could
receive an alert that his/her online sharing activities might expose unintended
personal information. Recently, such a privacy assistance tool was developed in
[29] in the context of photo sharing in OSNs. Extending such tools towards pro-
viding assistance for additional types of information is a promising direction for
future work.
6 Acknowledgment
This work is supported by the USEMP FP7 project, partially funded by the EC
under contract number 611596.
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