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A total of 202, 272 and 256 records for purebred, crossbred and reciprocal-crossbred male and female rabbits, of three breeds Chinchilla (CHC), Californian White (CAW) and New Zealand White (NZW) were used in this study. The aim of the study was to estimate maternal, direct additive and heterotic effects for carcass characteristics in order to identify the best crossbreeding plan to use for rabbit meat production in Nigeria. Kits used for this experiment belong to 3 parities and were weaned at 35 days of age. Each rabbit was identified and weighed individually at weaning and at slaughter age (63 days). They were slaughtered after 18 hours of fasting from feed only. After dissection the dressing percentage was calculated as carcass weight x 100/live weight. Statistical analyses were performed using the General Linear Model procedure of SAS. Crossbreeding parameters were calculated from linear contrasts between breed group means. Results showed that breed differences exist for carcass weight in the purebreds, where the CHC had significantly (P<0.05) higher carcass weight (1214g) than the NZW (1195g) and CAW (1174). Pre-slaughter weight, carcass weight and dressing percentage were also affected by breed in the purebreds and reciprocal crossbreds. Among the reciprocal crossbreds, NZW x CHC had highest slaughter weight (1711g) while CHC x CAW had the highest carcass weight (1263g) and dressing percentage (73.9%). Heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and other visceral organs showed no significant (P>0.05) differences among the breed groups. Estimates of heterotic effect (%H') calculated for carcass characteristics in unit and percent (%) for slaughter weight in the CHC x NZW, NZW x CAW and CAW x CHC crosses were 27.4 and 42%, 25.1 and 29% and 23.7 and 36%, respectively. Examined carcass traits showed a general insignificant (P>0.05) heterosis. Maternal effects for various carcass traits also showed no differences in all the crosses except for heart, kidneys and lungs (P<0.05). The maternal effect herein is conceivably confounded with the reciprocal effect (ie sex linkage) since it is determined as the difference between the three reciprocal crosses (NZW x CHC, CAW x NZW and CHC x CAW). The results of this study show that the three selected populations do not seem to complement each other or aggregate the responsible genes regarding heterotic and maternal effect as well as reproductive efficiency of the studied carcass traits. Therefore, it can be assumed that the three breeds of rabbit could be used as dam line for carcass traits.
- ISSN 0189-0514
J. Anim. Prod. Res. (2016) 28(1):104-111
Kabir1, M., Akpa1, G. N., Nwagu2 B. I. and Adeyinka2 I. A.
1Genetics and Animal Breeding Unit, Department of Animal Science, ABU Zaria, Nigeria
2National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI), Shika Zaria, Nigeria
Corresponding Author:
A total of 202, 272 and 256 records for purebred, crossbred and reciprocal-crossbred male and female
rabbits, of three breeds Chinchilla (CHC), Californian White (CAW) and New Zealand White (NZW)
were used in this study. The aim of the study was to estimate maternal, direct additive and heterotic
effects for carcass characteristics in order to identify the best crossbreeding plan to use for rabbit meat
production in Nigeria. Kits used for this experiment belong to 3 parities and were weaned at 35 days of
age. Each rabbit was identified and weighed individually at weaning and at slaughter age (63 days). They
were slaughtered after 18 hours of fasting from feed only. After dissection the dressing percentage was
calculated as carcass weight x 100/live weight. Statistical analyses were performed using the General
Linear Model procedure of SAS. Crossbreeding parameters were calculated from linear contrasts between
breed group means. Results showed that breed differences exist for carcass weight in the purebreds,
where the CHC had significantly (P<0.05) higher carcass weight (1214g) than the NZW (1195g) and
CAW (1174). Pre-slaughter weight, carcass weight and dressing percentage were also affected by breed in
the purebreds and reciprocal crossbreds. Among the reciprocal crossbreds, NZW x CHC had highest
slaughter weight (1711g) while CHC x CAW had the highest carcass weight (1263g) and dressing
percentage (73.9%). Heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and other visceral organs showed no significant (P>0.05)
differences among the breed groups. Estimates of heterotic effect (%H’) calculated for carcass
characteristics in unit and percent (%) for slaughter weight in the CHC x NZW, NZW x CAW and CAW
x CHC crosses were 27.4 and 42%, 25.1 and 29% and 23.7 and 36%, respectively. Examined carcass
traits showed a general insignificant (P>0.05) heterosis. Maternal effects for various carcass traits also
showed no differences in all the crosses except for heart, kidneys and lungs (P<0.05). The maternal effect
herein is conceivably confounded with the reciprocal effect (ie sex linkage) since it is determined as the
difference between the three reciprocal crosses (NZW x CHC, CAW x NZW and CHC x CAW). The
results of this study show that the three selected populations do not seem to complement each other or
aggregate the responsible genes regarding heterotic and maternal effect as well as reproductive efficiency
of the studied carcass traits. Therefore, it can be assumed that the three breeds of rabbit could be used as
dam line for carcass traits.
Keywords: Breed, Carcass traits, Heterosis, Rabbits
Rabbits raised for commercial rabbit meat production are usually produced by a three-way cross
involving crossbred dams mated to bucks from a sire line (Larzul and Rochambeau, 2004). The crossbred
dams are obtained from mating males and females from two dam lines selected for litter size (Kabir et al.,
2012) while the sire lines are generally selected for growth rate, affecting carcass and meat quality
(Baselga, 2003).
National Animal Production Research Institute
Ahmadu Bello University
P.M.B 1096, Shika-Zaria,
Kaduna State, Nigeria.
Email: Website:
Kabir M.. et al
The New Zealand white (NZW) breed is known for its high breeding qualities which include prolificacy,
maternal performance, fast growth rate and precocious body development which make it ready for
slaughter at 56 days so as to obtain a light carcass (Kabir et al., 2014), while the Californian white (CAW)
breed is possibly the second most popular meat producing rabbit. The Chinchilla (CHC) rabbit falls under
both the medium and small class breeds. The Chinchilla Giganta, also called Grand Chinchilla, weighs
between 4.10 and 5kg, while the small Chinchilla weighs between 2.5 and 3.4kg (Piles et al., 2004).
Heterosis indicates the increase in fitness or productivity of crossbred offspring above the average of the
parental breeds because of increased heterozygousity (Ndjon and Nwakalor, 1999). Apart from heterosis,
reciprocal effect or deviations between the crosses of two or more breeds in which their roles as male or
female parents are reversed, represent another feasible route to the economic exploitation of interbreed
difference (Kabir et al., 2014; Pascual et al., 2004). The aim of this study was to estimate heterotic, direct
and maternal additive effects on carcass traits of three breeds of rabbit in Northern Guinea Savanna Zone
of Nigeria.
Experimental site
The experiment was conducted at the Rabbitry Unit of the Research and Teaching Farm, Department of
Animal Science, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria. The site falls within the Northern Guinea
Savannah zone and detailed description of the location was given by Kabir et al. (2014).
Experimental animals and management
A total of 202, 272 and 256 records for purebred, crossbred and reciprocal-crossbred male and female
rabbits belonging to Chinchilla (CHC), Californian white (CAW) and New Zealand white (NZW) were
analyzed. All the experimental rabbits from which the records analyzed were derived were housed under
uniform conditions of management in hutches measuring 72cm x 62cm x 52cm. Experimental diets fed to
the animals and detailed mating plan was earlier reported (Kabir et al., 2014).
Slaughtering and carcass analysis
At the age of 63 days (±1day), rabbits were individually weighed and again 30 minutes before slaughter.
They were slaughtered within 24hours of fasting from feeds and dissected according to the method of
Larzul and Rochambeau, (2004). Carcass weight (g) was determined immediately after slaughter
excluding the blood, skin, tail, the gastro intestinal tract (GIT) and urogenital tract. Dressing percentage,
(the ratio between hot carcass weight and live weight of the rabbit expressed as percentage), weights of
heart, liver, kidney, lungs and other visceral organs were taken and expressed as percentage of carcass
Data analysis
Data obtained were subjected to Analysis of Variance using the General Linear Model (GLM) Procedure
of SAS (2002). For the analysis of carcass weight, the age at slaughter was taken as covariate. Maternal
heterosis and reciprocal effect was calculated using the method of Linear Contrasts (Dickerson, 1992) as
Heterosis and maternal effects for carcass traits
H′ CAW {CAW x CHC} = {CAW x CHC + CHC x CAW} {CAW x CAW + CHC x CHC}
The percent heterosis was computed as follows:
While the reciprocal effect was calculated thus;
H′ = Estimate of maternal heterosis in unit and R′ is the estimate of reciprocal differences.
Heterosis was calculated using the general formula given below;
% heterosis = crossbred average straightbred average
straightbred average
The statistical model used in this investigation was as follows: Yij = µ + Bi + Eij where Yij is the record
of jth kit of the ith breed group; Bi is the effect of ith breed group; µ is the random mean and Eij is the error
Carcass traits analysis
The carcass traits for the pure, main and reciprocal crosses are presented in Table 1. For the pure cross,
breed differences were observed for carcass weight, where the CHC had significantly (P<0.05) higher
carcass weight (1214g) than the NZW (1195g) and CAW (1174). Initial or pre-slaughter weight, carcass
weight and dressing percentage were also affected by breed in the main and reciprocal crosses. The mean
values obtained were 1734g, 1062g and 61.24% in the CHC x NZW cross; 1693g, 1139g and 67% in
NZW x CAW cross and 1616g, 1056g and 65.34% in the CAW x CHC cross, for pre-slaughter weight,
carcass weight and dressing percentage, respectively. The corresponding values obtained in the reciprocal
crosses were 1711g, 1188g and 69% in the NZW x CHC cross; 1655g, 1150g and 69% in the CAW x
NZW and 1709g, 1263g and 73% in the CHC x CAW cross. From the main-cross (Table 1), the CHC x
NZW gave significantly (P<0.05) higher slaughter weight (1734g) than NZW x CAW (1693g) and CAW
x CHC (1616g), while the NZW x CAW cross had higher carcass weight (1139g) and dressing percentage
(67%) than the CHC x NZW (1062g and 61.24%) and CAW x CHC (1056g and 65.34%). In the
reciprocal cross on the other hand, NZW x CHC was highest for slaughter weight (1711g) while CHC x
CAW had the highest carcass weight (1263g) and dressing percentage (73.9%). The heart, liver, kidneys,
lungs and other visceral organs showed no significant (P>0.05) differences among the breed groups.
H′ (unit)
mean of straightbred
x 100
R′ (unit)
mean of straightbred
x 100
x 100
Kabir M.. et al
Table 1: Least square means (±SE) for carcass traits
Live weight (g)
Carcass weight (g)
Dressing out percentage (%)
Heart (%) (as % of carcass
Liver (%) “
Kidney (%) “
Lungs (%) “
Full gut (%) “
Empty gut (%) “
Head (%) “
Thigh (%)
Skin (%) “
Length of small intestine (cm)
Length of large intestine (cm)
a CHC=chinchilla; NZW=New Zealand white; CAW=California white; N=Sample size
abc = Means in the same row (within the same cross) having the same letter are not significantly different
Heterosis and maternal effects for carcass traits
Heterosis and maternal effects for carcass traits
Estimates of heterotic effect (%H’) calculated for carcass characteristics are presented in Table 2. The estimates of heterosis in unit and percent
(%) for slaughter weight in the CHC x NZW, NZW x CAW and CAW x CHC crosses obtained were 27.4 and 42%, 25.1 and 29% and 23.7 and
36%, respectively. The examined carcass traits showed generally insignificant (P>0.05) heterosis. Maternal effects for various carcass traits
(Tables 2) showed no differences in all the crosses except for heart, kidneys and lungs (P<0.05). However, no particular trend was established for
the maternal effect on carcass traits studied.
Table 2: Heterosis and Maternal effects (±SE) for carcass traits
Direct heterosis
Maternal effect
Live weight (g)
Carcass weight (g)
Dressing out percentage (%)
Heart (%) (as percentage of carcass
Liver (%) “
Kidney (%) “
Lungs (%)
Full gut (%) “
Empty gut (%) “
Head (%) “
Kabir M.. et al
Thigh (%) “
Skin (%) “
Length of small intestine (cm)
Length of large intestine (cm)
CHC=Chinchilla; NZW=New Zealand white; CAW=California white
* = P<0.05
Heterosis and maternal effects for carcass traits
Carcass traits
Variation among rabbit breeds and crossbreeding combinations of different origin for carcass
traits exist (Szendro et al., 1994; Ouyed and Brun 2008; Bawa et al., 2009). The variation
observed in this study with respect to main-cross for slaughter weight, carcass weight and
dressing percentage is in line with the reports of Oke et al., (2010) where they observed higher
mean values for live weight, carcass weight and dressing percentage in the CHC x NZW
crossbreds. Das and Bujarbarua, (2005) had earlier noted a higher live weight of these breeds
compared to the Dutch breed. The relatively low and non-significant differences observed for
heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and other visceral organs in the pure, main and reciprocal crosses
could be explained by the environmental circumstances, which could influence the ability of the
breeds. However, values of carcass traits are difficult to be compared objectively with those
reported in literature because of the different initial or pre-slaughter weights, breeds, method of
slaughter and evaluations as well as the statistical model adopted (Kabir et al., 2012).
Heterosis and maternal effects for carcass traits
Results obtained in this study for heterotic effects on carcass traits agree with those of Oke et
al., (2010) who reported that the proportions of carcass traits differed slightly between the
purebreds and crossbreds. According to Ahmed (2003), crossing does not only take advantage
of traits with considerable non-additive genetic variations (dominance and epistasis), but also
exploits differences in additive effects (differences in mean performance between populations as
a deviation from the overall mean) between populations. Maternal effect consists mainly from
additive maternal and cytoplasmic-inheritance. However, the maternal effect herein is
conceivably confounded with the reciprocal effect (sex linkage) since it is determined as the
difference between the three reciprocal crosses (NZW x CHC, CAW x NZW and CHC x
CAW). Sex linkage as an effect is due to additive effects of genes concerned with the trait and is
carried on the sex chromosomes (Ahmed, 2003).
In explaining maternal effect in terms of complementarity effects, certain crosses may show
much more maternal effect than others depending on the extent to which the crossed
populations differ in reproductive performance and in production characters. Therefore, this
type of effect, according to Kabir et al., (2014) will rely on the direction of crossing, hence the
negative signs obtained for some carcass traits in this study (Table 2).
The results of this study show that the three selected populations do not seem to complement
each other or aggregate the responsible genes regarding heterotic and maternal effect as well as
reproductive efficiency of the studied carcass traits. Therefore, it can be assumed that the three
breeds of rabbit could be used as dam line for carcass traits.
Kabir M.. et al
Ahmed, E.G. (2003). Genetic effects on thigh and hind leg lengths of native Baladi Red rabbits
on account of crossing with New Zealand White ones. Agricultural Research Journal 2:11-
Baselga, M., Garcia, M.L., Sanchez, J.P., Vicente, J.S. and Lavara, R. (2003). Analysis of
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Bawa, G.S., Sani, O.P. and Olugbemi, T.S. (2009). Effects of varying levels of maize cobs
supplemented with Allzyme or Maxigrain on growth performance and carcass
characteristics of young rabbits. In: Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the
Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP). 34:156-158.
Das, S.K. and Bujarbarua, K.M. (2005). Carcass traits of rabbits, organoloeptic properties and
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Dickerson, G. (1992). Manual for the evaluation of breeds and crosses of domestic animals,
FAO, Rome, Italy
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Yahaya, H.K. (2014). General combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA)
and reciprocal effects on average daily gain in body weights at various ages of rabbit in
northern guinea savannah zone of Nigeria, IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary
Science (IOSR-JAVS), 7(4):1 Pp 4851.
Larzul, C. and Rochambeau, H. de (2004). Comparison of ten rabbit lines of terminal bucks for
growth, feed efficiency and carcass traits. Animal Research, 53:535-545.
Ndjon, M.N. and Nwakalor, L.N. (1999). Heterosis in maternal traits from crossing of exotic
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Ouyed, A. and Brun, J.M. (2008). Heterosis, direct and maternal additive effects on rabbit
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... Production of rabbit has become very lucrative in recent times due to its numerous attributes. Some of which include high reproductive performance (Kabir et al., 2016), excellent mothering ability (Lukefahr and Cheeke 1990), ability to adapt in different environmental conditions (Sam et al., 2020a), high genetic variability (Sam et al., 2020b), low capital investment (Aduku and Olukosi 1990). Rabbit meat contains very high protein 21-22% (Dale, 2002) and low fat and cholesterol levels (Ekpo et al., 2016 ). ...
... The implication of this in practical rabbit breeding in the study area is that CHA X NZW females would not produce vigorous of spring in breeding programs carried out to improve the rabbits for commercial production. (Ahmed, 2003;Kabir et al., 2016). The positive heterosis observed for all the carcass traits measured in NZW X CHA genetic group indicated that cross between these two breeds with CHA acting as the dam could improve carcass traits in rabbits, the positive heterosis and higher percentages of carcass traits in this group also showed that this mating method is associated with carcass enhancement performance of growing rabbits. ...
... 91.6%, 18.02%, 8.29% and 28.75% respectively. The result obtained in this study for heterotic influence on carcass traits agrees with those ofOke et al., 2010 andKabir et al., 2016 who both observed that the proportions of carcass traits differed between the cross breeds and pure breeds. Crossing take advantage of traits with considerable non-additive effect between populations ...
There is need for breeders and farmers to know the best mating method to employ and the breeding goals to expect in rabbit breeding programmes. However, information on which breed should be used as male or female in crossbreeding rabbit for commercial purpose is limited. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of reciprocal crossing on body weight (BW), reproductive, morphometric and carcass characteristics of two breeds of rabbits, New Zealand White (NZW) and chinchilla (CHA) raised in tropics. Offspring from the crossing of NZW x CHA and CHA x NZW were studied for body weight (BW) and reproductive traits for twelve weeks. Reproductive traits studied were litter size at birth (LSB), litter size at weaning (LSW), Average birth weight (ABWT), Average weaning weight (AWWT), Gestation length(GSTL) and percent mortality. Morphometric traits studied were body width (BWD), body length (BL), heart girth (HG) and tail length (TL). While carcass characteristics were dressed weight, foreleg, thoracic, loin, hind and skin. The heterotic values and their percentages were calculated in the two genetic groups using the linear contrast procedure. The direct and percent heterosis for reproductive traits were all positive for the two genetic groups except in gestation length and percent mortality which showed negative heterosis (-1 and -3.2%; 3.19;10.12% for gestation length and -7.19 and -19.07; -9.36 and -24.83% for percent mortality in CHA X NZW and NZW X CHA respectively). Body weight at different ages studied, morphometric and carcass traits were also positive for NZW x CHAoff springs while CHAx NZW off springs had negative values for all these parameters measured indicating that CHA sired off springs had no improvement for BW at various ages, reproductive, morphometric and carcass traits studied. It could therefore be concluded that rapid improvement in Body weight, Reproductive, morphometric and carcass could be achieved by crossbreeding involving mating of New Zealand White male and Chinchilla does. Il est nécessaire que les éleveurs et les agriculteurs connaissent la meilleure méthode d'accouplement à utiliser et les objectifs d'élevage à attendre dans les programmes d'élevagede lapins. Cependant, les informations sur la race qui doit être utilisée comme mâle ou femelle dans les croisements de lapins à des fins commerciales sont limitées. Cette étude a été menée pour évaluer l'effet du croisement réciproque sur le poids corporel (PC), les caractéristiques reproductives, morphométriques et de carcasse de deux races de lapins, le New Zealand White (NZW) et le chinchilla (CHA), élevés sous les tropiques. La progéniture issue du croisement NZW x CHAet CHAx NZW a été étudiée pour son poids corporel (PC) et ses caractéristiques de reproduction pendant douze semaines. Les caractères reproductifs étudiés étaient la taille de la portée à la naissance (TPN), la taille de la portée au sevrage (TPS), le poids moyen à la naissance (PMN), le poids moyen au sevrage (PMS), la durée de la gestation (DGST) et le pourcentage de mortalité. Les traits morphométriques étudiés étaient la largeur du corps (LRC), la longueur du corps (LC), la circonférence du cœur (CC) et la longueur de la queue (LQ). Les caractéristiques des carcasses étaient le poids paré, la patte antérieure, la poitrine, la longe, l'arrière et la peau. Les valeurs hétérotiques et leurs pourcentages ont été calculés dans les deux groupes génétiques en utilisant la procédure de contraste linéaire. L'hétérosis direct et le pourcentage pour les caractères reproductifs étaient tous positifs pour les deux groupes génétiques, sauf pour la durée de gestation et le pourcentage de mortalité qui présentaient une hétérosis négative (-1 et -3,2% ; 3,19 ; 10,12 % pour la durée de gestation et -7,19 et -19,07 ; - 9,36 et -24,83 % pour le pourcentage de mortalité dans CHA X NZW et NZW X CHA respectivement). Le poids corporel à différents âges étudiés, les caractéristiques morphométriques et de carcasse étaient également positifs pour NZW x CHA hors printemps, tandis que CHA x NZW hors printemps avaient des valeurs négatives pour tous ces paramètres mesurés, indiquant que CHA engendré hors printemps n'avait aucune amélioration du poids corporel à différents âges, de la reproduction. , caractères morphométriques et carcasses étudiés. On pourrait donc conclure qu'une amélioration rapide du poids corporel, reproducteur, morphométrique et carcasse pourrait être obtenue par un croisement impliquant un accouplement de mâles blancs de Nouvelle-Zélande et de chèvres Chinchilla.
... Production of rabbit has become very lucrative in recent times due to its numerous attributes. Some of which include high reproductive performance (Kabir et al., 2016), excellent mothering ability (Lukefahr and Cheeke 1990), ability to adapt in different environmental conditions (Sam et al., 2020a), high genetic variability (Sam et al., 2020b), low capital investment (Aduku and Olukosi 1990). Rabbit meat contains very high protein 21-22% (Dale, 2002) and low fat and cholesterol levels (Ekpo et al., 2016 ). ...
... The implication of this in practical rabbit breeding in the study area is that CHA X NZW females would not produce vigorous of spring in breeding programs carried out to improve the rabbits for commercial production. (Ahmed, 2003;Kabir et al., 2016). The positive heterosis observed for all the carcass traits measured in NZW X CHA genetic group indicated that cross between these two breeds with CHA acting as the dam could improve carcass traits in rabbits, the positive heterosis and higher percentages of carcass traits in this group also showed that this mating method is associated with carcass enhancement performance of growing rabbits. ...
... 91.6%, 18.02%, 8.29% and 28.75% respectively. The result obtained in this study for heterotic influence on carcass traits agrees with those ofOke et al., 2010 andKabir et al., 2016 who both observed that the proportions of carcass traits differed between the cross breeds and pure breeds. Crossing take advantage of traits with considerable non-additive effect between populations ...
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There is need for breeders and farmers to know the best mating method to employ and the breeding goals to expect in rabbit breeding programmes. However, information on which breed should be used as male or female in crossbreeding rabbit for commercial purpose is limited. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of reciprocal crossing on body weight (BW), reproductive, morphometric and carcass characteristics of two breeds of rabbits, New Zealand White (NZW) and chinchilla (CHA) raised in tropics. Offspring from the crossing of NZW x CHA and CHA x NZW were studied for body weight (BW) and reproductive traits for twelve weeks. Reproductive traits studied were litter size at birth (LSB), litter size at weaning (LSW), Average birth weight (ABWT), Average weaning weight (AWWT), Gestation length(GSTL) and percent mortality. Morphometric traits studied were body width (BWD), body length (BL), heart girth (HG) and tail length (TL). While carcass characteristics were dressed weight, foreleg, thoracic, loin, hind and skin. The heterotic values and their percentages were calculated in the two genetic groups using the linear contrast procedure. The direct and percent heterosis for reproductive traits were all positive for the two genetic groups except in gestation length and percent mortality which showed negative heterosis (-1 and 3.2%; 3.19;10.12% for gestation length and -7.19 and -19.07; -9.36 and -24.83% for percent mortality in CHA X NZW and NZW X CHA respectively). Body weight at different ages studied, morphometric and carcass traits were also positive for NZW x CHA off springs while CHA x NZW off springs had negative values for all these parameters measured indicating that CHA sired off springs had no improvement for BW at various ages, reproductive, morphometric and carcass traits studied. It could therefore be concluded that rapid improvement in Body weight, Reproductive, morphometric and carcass could be achieved by crossbreeding involving mating of New Zealand White male and Chinchilla does. Il est nécessaire que les éleveurs et les agriculteurs connaissent la meilleure méthode d'accouplement à utiliser et les objectifs d'élevage à attendre dans les programmes d'élevage de lapins. Cependant, les informations sur la race qui doit être utilisée comme mâle ou femelle dans les croisements de lapins à des fins commerciales sont limitées. Cette étude a été menée pour évaluer l'effet du croisement réciproque sur le poids corporel (PC), les caractéristiques reproductives, morphométriques et de carcasse de deux races de lapins, le New Zealand White (NZW) et le chinchilla (CHA), élevés sous les tropiques. La progéniture issue du croisement NZW x CHA et CHA x NZW a été étudiée pour son poids corporel (PC) et ses caractéristiques de reproduction pendant douze semaines. Les caractères reproductifs étudiés étaient la taille de la portée à la naissance (TPN), la taille de la portée au sevrage (TPS), le poids moyen à la naissance (PMN), le poids moyen au sevrage (PMS), la durée de la gestation (DGS) et le pourcentage de mortalité. Les traits morphométriques étudiés étaient la largeur du corps (LC), la longueur du corps (LC), la circonférence du cœur (CC) et la longueur de la queue (LQ). Les caractéristiques des carcasses étaient le poids paré, la patte antérieure, la poitrine, la longe, l'arrière et la peau. Les valeurs hétérotiques et leurs pourcentages ont été calculés dans les deux groupes génétiques en utilisant la procédure de contraste linéaire. L'hétérosis direct et le pourcentage pour les caractères reproductifs étaient tous positifs pour les deux groupes génétiques, sauf pour la durée de gestation et le pourcentage de mortalité qui présentaient une hétérosis négative (-1 et -3,2% ; 3,19 ; 10,12 % pour la durée de gestation et -7,19 et -19,07 ; - 9,36 et -24,83 % pour le pourcentage de mortalité dans CHA X NZW et NZW X CHA respectivement). Le poids corporel à différents âges étudiés, les caractéristiques morphométriques et de carcasse étaient également positifs pour NZW x CHA hors printemps, tandis que CHA x NZW hors printemps avaient des valeurs négatives pour tous ces paramètres mesurés, indiquant que CHA engendré hors printemps n'avait aucune amélioration du poids corporel à différents âges, de la reproduction. , caractères morphométriques et carcasses étudiés. On pourrait donc conclure qu'une amélioration rapide du poids corporel, reproducteur, morphométrique et carcasse pourrait être obtenue par un croisement impliquant un accouplement de mâles blancs de Nouvelle-Zélande et de chèvres Chinchilla.
... Reciprocal crossing is the crossing between two or more breeds of animals in which their roles as male or female are reversed. Reciprocal crossing has been recognized as another feasible route to the economic exploitation of different breeds of rabbit (Kabir et al., 2016). There is paucity of information regarding effect of reciprocal crossing on reproductive, growth and carcass performance of rabbit breeds in south-south Nigeria; majority of the researches conducted concentrated on direct crossing of two or more breeds. ...
... higher values of these parts than the other genetic groups. Various authors had earlier reported significant differences between rabbit breeds and cross breeding combinations of different origin for carcass traits (Ouyed and Brun, 2008;Bawa et al., 2009;Kabir et al., 2016). The variation observed in the present study with respect to live bodyweight, dress weight, foreleg, thoracic, loin, hind leg and skin with NZW X CHA being significantly better than other genetic group is at variance with the reports of Oke et al. (2010) and Kabir et al. (2016) who observed higher mean values for live body weight and carcass weight in the CHA X NZW crossbreed. ...
... Various authors had earlier reported significant differences between rabbit breeds and cross breeding combinations of different origin for carcass traits (Ouyed and Brun, 2008;Bawa et al., 2009;Kabir et al., 2016). The variation observed in the present study with respect to live bodyweight, dress weight, foreleg, thoracic, loin, hind leg and skin with NZW X CHA being significantly better than other genetic group is at variance with the reports of Oke et al. (2010) and Kabir et al. (2016) who observed higher mean values for live body weight and carcass weight in the CHA X NZW crossbreed. This could be attributed to environmental conditions of the different locations in which the studies were carried out. ...
... Reciprocal crossing is the crossing between two or more breeds of animals in which their roles as male or female are reversed. Reciprocal crossing has been recognized as another feasible route to the economic exploitation of different breeds of rabbit (Kabir et al., 2016). There is paucity of information regarding effect of reciprocal crossing on reproductive, growth and carcass performance of rabbit breeds in south-south Nigeria; majority of the researches conducted concentrated on direct crossing of two or more breeds. ...
... higher values of these parts than the other genetic groups. Various authors had earlier reported significant differences between rabbit breeds and cross breeding combinations of different origin for carcass traits (Ouyed and Brun, 2008;Bawa et al., 2009;Kabir et al., 2016). The variation observed in the present study with respect to live bodyweight, dress weight, foreleg, thoracic, loin, hind leg and skin with NZW X CHA being significantly better than other genetic group is at variance with the reports of Oke et al. (2010) and Kabir et al. (2016) who observed higher mean values for live body weight and carcass weight in the CHA X NZW crossbreed. ...
... Various authors had earlier reported significant differences between rabbit breeds and cross breeding combinations of different origin for carcass traits (Ouyed and Brun, 2008;Bawa et al., 2009;Kabir et al., 2016). The variation observed in the present study with respect to live bodyweight, dress weight, foreleg, thoracic, loin, hind leg and skin with NZW X CHA being significantly better than other genetic group is at variance with the reports of Oke et al. (2010) and Kabir et al. (2016) who observed higher mean values for live body weight and carcass weight in the CHA X NZW crossbreed. This could be attributed to environmental conditions of the different locations in which the studies were carried out. ...
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The study was conducted to evaluate reproductive, growth and carcass traits of two breeds of rabbit and their reciprocal crosses. Two purebred Chinchilla (CHA) and New Zealand White (NZW) and their reciprocal crossing; CHA sire x NZW dam (CHA x NZW) and NZW sire x CHA dam (NZW X CHA) were used in the study. Four genotypes “CHA x CHA, NZW x NZW, CHA x NZW and NZW x CHA” were generated to obtain one hundred and twenty-six (126) kittens. The growth traits studied was body weight (BWT) while reproductive traits studied were gestation length (GL), litter size at birth (LSB), litter size at weaning (LSW), average birth weight (ABWT), average weaning weight (AWWT) and percent mortality (% mortality). The carcass traits evaluated were dressed weight, dressing percentage, weights of liver, heart, lungs, kidney, foreleg, thoracic, loin, hind leg and skin. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance and significant means were separated using Duncan new multiple range test. The results indicated that genetic group had significant (p<0.05) influenced on growth, reproductive and carcass traits performances evaluated. The NZW x CHA genetic group had significantly (p<0.05) heavier body weight than the other three genetic groups CHA x CHA, NZW x NZW and CHA x NZW in both the pre-weaning and post-weaning phases of growth. Similar trends were observed for reproductive and some carcass (dress weight, fore leg, thoracic, loin, hind leg and skin) trait performances; the NZW x CH genetic group was superior to every other group. However, percentage mortality was highest in NZW x NZW (50.28±5.78) and lowest in NZW x CHA (5.71±8.69). It was concluded that NZW x CHA had the best performance in most of the traits measured (growth, reproductive and carcass traits) in the study area and therefore using NZW males to cross with CHA females is recommended in the study area to produce rabbits with better performances in term of reproduction, growth and carcass.
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Food security has become especially acute for the population of Ukraine. The quality and safety of rabbit meat depends on the welfare of the animals during production, and the meat productivity is determined by genetic heredity, conditions of keeping, feeding and well-being. Rabbit meat can reduce the dose of internal radiation of the population, because it practically does not accumulate radionuclides. According to our research, the content of 137Cs and 90Sr in the meat of 4-month-old rabbits raised on the territories contaminated with radionuclides as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was, respectively: 8.8±0.8 Bq/kg and 3.5±0.7 Bq/kg. In older rabbits, the content of 137Cs and 90Sr, respectively, was at the level of: 12.3±1.2 Bq/kg and 8.2±1.5 Bq/kg (according to DR-2006, respectively, 200 Bq/kg and 20 Bq/kg). According to the results of our research, live weight, slaughter weight, weight of muscle tissue and bones, muscularity of carcasses depend on the season, age and breed characteristics. To increase productivity and improve the quality of rabbit meat, it is advisable to use interbreed crossing for the purpose of enriching the heredity of one of the breeds on the basis of two or more. According to the results of our research, the highest slaughter weight (P < 0.01) was found in 4-month-old crossbred rabbits of the first generation (♀ California × ♂ Flanders) and was 56.56±0.20%, while their counterparts it was at the level of 49.65±0.55% of the Californian precocious breed. According to special criteria of meat productivity, crossbred rabbits of the first generation also prevailed over the parent breeds. In particular, their confusion index was 79.82±0.23%, while it was at the level of 77.08±0.08% in Flanders. Therefore, crossbreds of the first generation received maturity from the maternal line, and greater fleshiness is from the paternal line. Rabbit meat can be considered as a highly nutritious, dietary "functional" food that provides all the necessary biologically active substances, practically does not accumulate radionuclides, and therefore has a beneficial effect on human health and is an important reserve in solving food security in Ukraine. Key words: food safety, productive qualities of rabbits, rabbit meat, nutritional properties and biological value, dietary highly nutritious product.
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*Kabir1, M., Akpa1, G.N., Nwagu2, B.I. Adeyinka2, I.A. Shehu3, D.M., Galadima3, M.A. and Yahaya4, H.K. Complete diallel experiment was carried out involving three rabbit breeds (Chinchilla {CHC}, New Zealand White {NZW} and Californian White {CAW}). Data on post weaning average body weight gain were analysed by complete diallel analysis after first been corrected for significant effects of season of birth and sex of animal using the least squares constants. The variations due to general combining ability (GCA) as well as specific combining ability (SCA) were highly significant (P<0.01) for all the post weaning growth periods. However, reciprocal effect was not significant (P>0.01) indicating absence of maternal effect. The GCA effect was positive and considerably high for CHC and NZW but negative for CAW. The crosses of NZW and CHC with CAW rabbit had positive and high SCA effect. The findings from this study further revealed positive GCA effect in the two breeds (NZW and CHC) in respect of post weaning growth performance up to 90, 120 and 150 days of age. This was contrary to the negative GCA effect in CAW breed. The results suggested that the growth performance of NZW and CHC breeds far exceeded that of CAW breed of rabbit. When crossed with CAW breed, NZW and CHC showed positive SCA effects for the tested trait. On the basis of these findings, crossbreeding of CAW with NZW as well as with CHC was advocated.
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Ten lines of rabbits differing by their growth pattern were compared based on their crossbred offspring performances. Paternal stocks were chosen from heavy and light lines from commercial or experimental populations. Offspring were measured on their daily gain, their feed efficiency and their carcass composition at 8, 11, and 14 weeks of age. It was evident that the growth pattern was transmitted to the offspring: animals sired from heavy lines were consistently heavier. The consequence on feed efficiency was as clear as for growth pattern: the offspring from heavy line bucks had a lower feed conversion ratio than those from light line bucks. Also, the same pattern was observed for adiposity. No pattern could be found for the muscle/bone ratio.
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A crossbreeding experiment using animals from C and R rabbit strains was conducted. Direct and maternal additive genetic effects and direct heterosis were estimated for some productive traits during the post-weaning growing period. Growth rate, daily feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio, between 32 to 60 days of age, were recorded for 1377 young rabbits. At 66 days of age, 736 animals were weighed and slaughtered in a commercial slaughter-house. No fastening was practiced. Carcasses were weighed 30 min after slaughter and then they were chilled (4ºC, 24 hours) and weighed again. Carcass yield and drip loss percentage were computed. Model of analysis included the genetic type effect (C, CxR, RxC, R), batch effect, parity effect, litter size at birth effect, live weight at 60 days as a covariate to adjust growth, consumption and feed efficiency for differences in live weight at 60 days of age, common environmental litter effects and the additive genetic effects. Main relationships between individuals were taken into account through the relationship matrix. Crossbreeding parameters were computed from linear contrasts between levels of genetic type effect following Dickerson's model. Despite the differences between genetic types found, the difference between direct additive genetic effects was only significant for live weight at 60 days and daily feed intake. Neither heterosis nor maternal effects were significant for any of the traits analyzed.
A total of 479 male and female rabbits from the Californian (CA), American Chinchilla (CH) and New-Zealand White (NZ) breeds and nine crosses between them were used in this experiment. This study aimed to estimate heterosis and direct and maternal additive effects as well as some non genetic effects on rabbit growth and carcass traits in order to identify the most appropriate crossbreeding plan to use for rabbit meat production under Quebec conditions. Each rabbit was identified and weighed individually at weaning (35 d) and at slaughter (63 d). Rabbits were slaughtered after an 18 h fasting period from feed only. Statistical analyses were performed solving fixed models that allow different variances between genetic types. Significant statistical differences were obtained between genetic types for rabbit growth performance. Rabbits from purebred NZ females mated to CA and NZ males or from CA×NZ and NZ×CH crossbred females mated to NZ males ranked first for live weight at 35 and 63 d body weight and for average daily gain (ADG). ADG of NZ×NZ, NZ×(NZ×CH) and NZ×(CA×NZ) rabbits reached around 50 g/d and their feed conversion ratio was about 3.4. Significant differences between genetic types were observed for all carcass traits except for meat/bone ratio. Rabbits from CH, NZ, CA×NZ and NZ×CH does mated to NZ males, and from NZ does mated to CA males had the highest commercial carcass weight and the lowest commercial carcass yield (CCY), whereas CH×CA rabbits ranked first with a CCY higher by 4 to 8% than rabbits from other genetic types. The highest hind part yields were obtained with CH×CH, CH×NZ and NZ×CH rabbits. Concerning the Intermediate part percentages, the highest values corresponded to the highest CCY. The CH breed had unfavourable direct effects but favourable maternal effects on growth traits. The CA breed had negative maternal effects on weight traits from weaning to slaughtering. The CA and CH breeds had positive direct and negative maternal effects on intermediate part yield of the carcass compared to NZ. Direct heterosis effects were found for body weight traits, particularly in the crosses involving the NZ breed, with a magnitude ranging from 5 to 10% of the parental mean.
Effect of breed of sire on growth performance of crossbred rabbits in a humid tropical environment
  • U K Oke
  • U Herbert
  • C Nwichi
  • O M Onyiro
  • C N Okocha
Oke, U.K., Herbert, U., Nwichi, C., Onyiro, O.M. and Okocha, C.N. (2010). Effect of breed of sire on growth performance of crossbred rabbits in a humid tropical environment. In: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP). 15-17.
Effects of varying levels of maize cobs supplemented with Allzyme or Maxigrain on growth performance and carcass characteristics of young rabbits
  • G S Bawa
  • O P Sani
  • T S Olugbemi
Bawa, G.S., Sani, O.P. and Olugbemi, T.S. (2009). Effects of varying levels of maize cobs supplemented with Allzyme or Maxigrain on growth performance and carcass characteristics of young rabbits. In: Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP). 34:156-158.
Manual for the evaluation of breeds and crosses of domestic animals
  • G Dickerson
Dickerson, G. (1992). Manual for the evaluation of breeds and crosses of domestic animals, FAO, Rome, Italy