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"It's for us -newcomers, LGBTQ persons, and HIV-positive persons. You feel free to be": A qualitative study exploring social support group participation among African and Caribbean lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender newcomers and refugees in Toronto, Canada


Abstract and Figures

Background: Stigma and discrimination harm the wellbeing of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and contribute to migration from contexts of sexual persecution and criminalization. Yet LGBT newcomers and refugees often face marginalization and struggles meeting the social determinants of health (SDOH) following immigration to countries such as Canada. Social isolation is a key social determinant of health that may play a significant role in shaping health disparities among LGBT newcomers and refugees. Social support may moderate the effect of stressors on mental health, reduce social isolation, and build social networks. Scant research, however, has examined social support groups targeting LGBT newcomers and refugees. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore experiences of social support group participation among LGBT African and Caribbean newcomers and refugees in an urban Canadian city. Methods: We conducted 3 focus groups with a venue-based sample of LGBT African and Caribbean newcomers and refugees (n = 29) who attended social support groups at an ethno-specific AIDS Service Organization. Focus groups followed a semi-structured interview guide and were analyzed using narrative thematic techniques. Results: Participant narratives highlighted immigration stressors, social isolation, mental health issues, and challenges meeting the SDOH. Findings reveal multi-level benefits of social support group participation at intrapersonal (self-acceptance, improved mental health), interpersonal (reduced isolation, friendships), community (reciprocity, reduced stigma and discrimination), and structural (housing, employment, immigration, health care) levels. Conclusions: Findings suggest that social support groups tailored for LGBT African and Caribbean newcomers and refugees can address social isolation, community resilience, and enhance resource access. Health care providers can provide support groups, culturally and LGBT competent health services, and resource access to promote LGBT newcomers and refugees' health and wellbeing.
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R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E Open Access
Its for us newcomers, LGBTQ persons,
and HIV-positive persons. You feel free to
be: a qualitative study exploring social
support group participation among African
and Caribbean lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender newcomers and refugees in
Toronto, Canada
Carmen H. Logie
, Ashley Lacombe-Duncan
, Nakia Lee-Foon
, Shannon Ryan
and Hope Ramsay
Background: Stigma and discrimination harm the wellbeing of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
people and contribute to migration from contexts of sexual persecution and criminalization. Yet LGBT newcomers
and refugees often face marginalization and struggles meeting the social determinants of health (SDOH) following
immigration to countries such as Canada. Social isolation is a key social determinant of health that may play a
significant role in shaping health disparities among LGBT newcomers and refugees. Social support may moderate
the effect of stressors on mental health, reduce social isolation, and build social networks. Scant research, however,
has examined social support groups targeting LGBT newcomers and refugees. The purpose of this qualitative study
was to explore experiences of social support group participation among LGBT African and Caribbean newcomers
and refugees in an urban Canadian city.
Methods: We conducted 3 focus groups with a venue-based sample of LGBT African and Caribbean newcomers
and refugees (n= 29) who attended social support groups at an ethno-specific AIDS Service Organization. Focus
groups followed a semi-structured interview guide and were analyzed using narrative thematic techniques.
Results: Participant narratives highlighted immigration stressors, social isolation, mental health issues, and
challenges meeting the SDOH. Findings reveal multi-level benefits of social support group participation at
intrapersonal (self-acceptance, improved mental health), interpersonal (reduced isolation, friendships), community
(reciprocity, reduced stigma and discrimination), and structural (housing, employment, immigration, health care)
(Continued on next page)
* Correspondence:
Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, 246 Bloor
Street West, Toronto M5S 1V4, ON, Canada
Womens College Research Institute, Womens College Hospital, 790 Bay
Street, 7th Floor, Toronto M5G 1N8, ON, Canada
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2016 The Author(s). Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Logie et al. BMC International Health and Human Rights (2016) 16:18
DOI 10.1186/s12914-016-0092-0
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
(Continued from previous page)
Conclusions: Findings suggest that social support groups tailored for LGBT African and Caribbean newcomers and
refugees can address social isolation, community resilience, and enhance resource access. Health care providers can
provide support groups, culturally and LGBT competent health services, and resource access to promote LGBT
newcomers and refugeeshealth and wellbeing.
Keywords: Social support, LGBT, Refugee, Newcomer, Social determinants of health, SDOH, Mental health, Sexual
and gender minorities
Pervasive sexual stigma and discrimination are chronic,
cumulative stressors that have deleterious health impacts
among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
people [15]. Meyers minority stress model describes
the role of distal processes, such as enacted stigma,
whereby people experience acts of violence and unequal
treatment (e.g., harassment), and perceived stigma,
including concerns of rejection and negative treatment
by others because of actual or perceived LGBT identity,
in contributing to health disparities among LGBT people
[3, 5, 6]. LGBT people may migrate to a new country
due to sexual stigma, often including imprisonment,
abuse, and threat of execution [7].
Upon migration, marginalization of LGBT people may
be exacerbated for those experiencing intersecting
stigma associated with sexuality, race, gender, class, and
immigration status [8]. This intersecting marginalization
among LGBT newcomers and refugees contributes to
significant challenges in realizing the social determinants
of health (SDOH) including meeting basic needs, such
as secure housing and employment, and emotional well-
being, including social support. A SDOH framework
posits that the conditions necessary for health are
shaped by individualsimmediate, social, and political
environments [9]. Newcomers and refugees frequently
experience difficulties navigating Canadas complex
immigration processes, adapting to cultural norms, [10,
11] and being denied access to healthcare [12]. LGBT
newcomers and refugees face additional challenges
related to social isolation due to intersecting oppression
based on race/ethnicity and LGBT identity, contributing
further to health and mental health disparities. Social
support may play a significant role in moderating the
effects of sexual stigma on health among LGBT people
[3, 5, 6], yet little attention has been afforded to strat-
egies that may build social support among LGBT new-
comers and refugees in the Canadian context.
Some studies suggest LGBT newcomers and refugees
may not anticipate experiencing marginalization based
on LGBT identity in Canada, as Canada is viewed as
having human rights and protections for LGBT people,
particularly compared to countries of origin where
LGBT people may face punitive laws against homosexu-
ality [13, 14]. Murrays qualitative study with 54 LGBT
refugee claimants in Toronto, Ontario found LGBT
refugeesexpectations of safety and freedom, versus the
realities of immigrating to Canada, including experien-
cing stigma and discrimination based on their LGBT
status and race/ethnicity, contributed to disappointment
and stress [14]. Addressing LGBT newcomer and refu-
gee expectations, facilitating access to the SDOH, and
reducing social isolation are important factors in opti-
mizing the health and wellbeing of LGBT newcomers
and refugees.
Social support and LGBT newcomers and refugees
Meyers minority stress model posits that social support
may buffer the effect of sexual stigma on LGB peoples
mental health [3]. Social support may also reduce isola-
tion, enhance feelings of belonging, and reduce the
effects of discrimination among newcomers and refugees
[15]. Social support groups can foster universalitythe
understanding that others have similar experiences [16].
Support groups among LGBT people have been de-
scribed as creating environments that foster mentorship
and contribute to positive identity development [17].
Social support groups may be therefore be particularly
meaningful for African and Caribbean (AC) LGBT new-
comers and refugees who experience marginalization
based on LGBT identity, in addition to intersecting
factors such as race and immigration status. In one
study, social support was particularly critical in normal-
izing the intersection between ethno-racial and LGBT
identities and traumatic experiences [11]. Although not
LGBT-specific, studies with newcomers to Canada high-
light the potential for support groups to address social
isolation. Stewart et al. [15] explored social support
among Chinese and Somali newcomers to Canada. They
found that post-migration, newcomers faced challenges
establishing and maintaining social networks, and that
peers who had immigrated were an important source of
support [15]. Stewart et al.s [18] qualitative study ex-
plored the benefits of a support group for Somalian and
Sudanese refugees [18]. Participants reported that the
group reduced isolation, provided a place to express
Logie et al. BMC International Health and Human Rights (2016) 16:18 Page 2 of 10
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
frustrations about structural barriers to navigating new
systems, and fostered a kinship network [18].
Among scant research conducted with LGBT new-
comers and refugees conducted in the U.S., studies dem-
onstrate the importance of social support. A needs
assessment with LGBT newcomers and refugees in
Arizona highlighted a lack of LGBT competent health
services, housing insecurity, and legal concerns [19].
Kahn [20] qualitatively explored the development of so-
cial connections among gender non-conforming refugees
from Islamic countries seeking asylum in the U.S. due to
persecution. Her study found that many participants
were alienated from family and co-ethnic communities,
and that service providers often served as transitional
kinship proxies[20]. Further studies are necessary to
understand how social support groups may address
intersecting oppression and resultant health and well-
being disparities among LGBT newcomers and refugees,
particularly within a Canadian context.
Study objective
Scant studies have examined experiences of support
groups among AC LGBT newcomers and refugees in
Canada who may face intersecting forms of stigma and
marginalization. The study objective was to explore ex-
periences and perceived benefits of social support group
participation among LGBT African and Caribbean (AC)
newcomers and refugees in an urban Canadian centre.
Study design and sample
This study was a community-based partnership with an
ethno-specific AIDS service organization (ASO) serving
AC populations in an urban Canadian centre. The ASO
implements monthly peer support groups for AC new-
comers and refugees facilitated by a staff member. This
ASO is the only ethno-specific ASO serving the AC
community in the urban centre, providing services to
community members who experience increased vulner-
ability to HIV due to social and structural drivers such
as lack of access to adequate housing, financial, and so-
cial support, and intersecting stigma and discrimination.
The ASO also serves members of the AC community
who are living with HIV, although program attendance
is not limited by HIV status.
We used venue-based sampling to recruit LGBT new-
comers and refugees participating in at least one support
group held by this ASO. One (group A) was developed
for AC LGBT women, and a second (group B) for AC
LGBT newcomers and refugees. The support groups are
open for new members. Both group A and group B pro-
vide a space for informal discussions as well as organized
workshops held by organization staff or outside expert
facilitators that aim to address the SDOH, such as
employment, immigration, and housing from a new-
comer and refugee perspective, and LGBT health and
human rights such as adoption for same sex couples.
Both groups run monthly for a period of three hours.
Participants were recruited for the study by the lead in-
vestigator (CHL) during the support groups, through the
ASOs email listserv, and word-of-mouth. Participants
were eligible if they had attended group A and/or B at
least once. A total of 29 participants participated in one
of three focus groups (FG#1: n= 8, FG#2: n= 13, FG#3:
n= 10) facilitated by trained doctoral students (ALD,
NLF). Focus groups lasted 60 to 90 min and were con-
ducted at the ASO. We held focus group sessions at the
ASO to provide participants with a comfortable, easily
accessible space where service providers were available
in the event participants had questions or concerns
about the topics discussed.
Prior to the focus group, we collected socio-
demographic data including age, gender, sexual orienta-
tion, country-of-origin, immigrant/refugee status, and
social support group attended using a brief form. We
used a semi-structured focus group interview guide with
open-ended questions to explore lived experiences of
being a LGBT AC newcomer and/or refugee. We probed
for participantsexperiences in the support groups, for
example exploring motivation for involvement, perceived
benefits, and recommendations. Sample questions in-
clude: How did you hear about [group name]? What
made you decide to attend the support group? What
makes you keep coming to the support group? What
have you found helpful about attending [group name]?
Focus group facilitators elicited feedback from all group
members to ensure that all voices were represented.
Participants received a $20.00 (CAD) honorarium for
time and travel.
Data analysis
Focus groups were digitally recorded and transcribed
verbatim. Three investigators (CHL, ALD, NLF) inde-
pendently analyzed transcripts using narrative thematic
analysis to explore, analyze, and report themes. Narrative
thematic analysis involves developing both inductive and
deductive themes [21, 22]. Thematic analysis was con-
ducted in a multi-step process that included multiple
readings of the transcripts, team meetings to discuss ini-
tial findings, developing first level codes, developing
themes by highlighting connections between codes, cre-
ating a thematic map, and finally refining themes and
situating them in prior literature. In particular, we drew
on a social ecological approach to develop overarching
categories under which particular benefits to social sup-
port group participation are situated. Social ecological
approaches recognize complex associations between
social (e.g., friendships), structural (e.g., immigration)
Logie et al. BMC International Health and Human Rights (2016) 16:18 Page 3 of 10
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Table 1 Focus Group Participant Socio-demographic Characteristics
Characteristic Mean (SD) or Frequency* (%)
Age (n= 26) 30.5 years (8.0)
Born in Canada (No) 100 %
Country of Birth (n= 27)
African region 8 (29.6 %)
Caribbean region 19 (70.4 %)
Immigration Status
Permanent resident 2 (6.9 %)
Visitor visa 1 (3.4 %)
Student visa 1 (3.4 %)
Refugee 23 (79.3 %)
Overstay (non-status) 2 (6.9 %)
Highest Level of Education (n= 28)
Less than high school 1 (3.6 %)
Completed high school 6 (21.4 %)
Some college 7 (25.0 %)
Some university 3 (10.7 %)
Completed university degree (Bachelors) 6 (21.4 %)
Completed graduate degree 5 (17.9 %)
Employment Status (n= 28)
Employed full-time 2 (7.1 %)
Employed part-time 2 (7.1 %)
Not employed: looking for work 5 (17.9 %)
Not employed: a student 2 (7.1 %)
Social assistance (ODSP, OW) 14 (50.0 %)
Unemployed 3 (10.7 %)
Annual Income (n= 16) $13, 493 ($6984)
Sexual Orientation (n= 28)
Heterosexual 1 (3.6 %)
Bisexual 12 (42.9 %)
Lesbian 5 (17.9 %)
Gay 9 (32.1 %)
Other 1 (3.6 %)
Gender Identity
Cisgender male 15 (51.7 %)
Cisgender female 11 (37.9 %)
Transgender 3 (10.3 %)
Support Group(s) Attended (n= 28)
Rainbow Sistahs 3 (10.7 %)
Foreign Integration 18 (64.3 %)
Both support groups 7 (25.0 %)
*All variables are for n= 29 unless otherwise noted due to missing data
Logie et al. BMC International Health and Human Rights (2016) 16:18 Page 4 of 10
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and intrapersonal (e.g., mental health) factors [23].
Trustworthiness of findings was established through
debriefing with ASO managers and presenting findings
at an ASO staff meeting for feedback [24].
Focus group participant socio-demographics are pre-
sented in Table 1. Participants were a mean age of
30.5 years [SD 8.0]. Most participants (89.6 %) identified
as cisgender (non-transgender) men or women, with few
participants identifying as transgender women. Partici-
pants identified as bisexual (42.9 %), gay (32.1 %), and
lesbian (17.9 %). Notably, all participants from both
group A, not specific to newcomers and refugees and
group B, specific to newcomers and refugees, were born
outside of Canada, in either Africa (29.6 %) or the
Caribbean (70.4 %), and most came to Canada as refu-
gees (79.3 %). Participants attended group B (64.3 %),
group A (10.7 %) and both groups (25.0 %). Our analysis
identified multi-level benefits of social support group
participation at intrapersonal (self-acceptance, improved
mental health), interpersonal (reduced isolation, friend-
ships), community (reciprocity, reduced stigma and
discrimination), and structural (housing, employment,
immigration, health care) levels.
Intrapersonal benefits
Participants experienced increased acceptance of their
LGBT identity and their rights as an LGBT person in
Canadian society over the course of participating in
groups. Self-acceptance was connected to participants
experiences of feeling welcomed,a part of something,
and being treated like a human being. A participant
articulated the emotional process of being able to be
open about their sexuality:
I was shocked and really emotional. You are gay. You
are lesbian. And you feel free to say that. It was my
first, first, first experience here in Canada. And I think
Canada is a free country because, back home, in
Africa, its a big problem. You can never even open
your mouth and say Im a lesbian. Your family is
going to kill you. The government is going to put you
into prison.
Another participant discussed meeting LGBT parents
for the first time at a workshop held at the support
groups, and how this expanded their understanding of
possible family structures:
Coming from a culture where gays dont have certain
rights, I never considered having a family or even
going through the process of, lets say, adopting.
When I actually attended that workshop, you had a
gay couple. It actually changed my mind about how I
look at parenting.
These narratives note the intersectional forms of
discrimination (e.g., sexual orientation, class and gender)
participants encountered in their own countries and
how immigration to Canada not only enhanced their
self-acceptance but ability to view themselves as having
equal rights and opportunities as heterosexuals.
Improved mental health
Many participants described how their mental health
improved after they began attending the support groups.
One narrative reflected increased hope: I love [the
ASO]. The day I came, it was everything that was dead
in me, it revived again. I started singing.Others dis-
cussed attending groups more frequently to help them
cope with challenging times: there were times in my
life, in those rough times, where I was frequent in those
groups. I was really coming from a really bad situation.
Another participant discussed the benefits of having a
community place that was always open to come to when
feeling depressed:
The community room that is open every day, all day,
that is so innovative and usefulThere were days I
was really depressed and really lonely and cantdo
anything. And youre in bed all day. And you get out,
you come here.
Interpersonal benefits
Reduced isolation
Many participants explicitly discussed that participating
in the support groups reduced their isolation: when you
come to meetings, you see that youre not really alone.
You hear different peoples different stories and you can
relate to it. Others discussed feeling a sense of belong-
ing and kinship in Canada after attending the support
Its sort of finding a family. When I came here, it was
winter time. Everybody was in their own house. It was
like, oh, there is no life. But the day I met [group A],
it was like chatting, laughing. It made me feel
welcome in Canada.
Friendships developed through support group participa-
tion extended beyond the ASO to churches and the
community-at-large. A participant noted: Ive met new
friends here. Ive strengthened relationships, as well, be-
cause Im an LGBT refugee claimant. Many of us, we go
to the same church.Another narrative reflects the
Logie et al. BMC International Health and Human Rights (2016) 16:18 Page 5 of 10
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strength of the connections developed in the support
When you get out from [organization] and you walk
to the subway and ride in a train with two or three
people who have been to the session, that is when you
hear what is going on in their lives and you get an
understanding of what they are facing. A lot of times,
you are able to help. I have ridden the train to the
opposite direction of where I need to go, beyond
where I need to get off, just talking.
Reciprocity, sharing knowledge and skills with others,
stretched beyond the groups to the broader newcomer
and refugee communities. For example, participants
discussed sharing their transit-related knowledge with
otherseven strangers. In particular, many newcomers
did not understand the public transportation transfer
That is a thing that confuses a lot of people a lot of
times. So, you need to explain to them and show
them how to use the transfer because, sometimes,
they get in conflict with the driver because the driver
may not explain it. They just speak abruptly and the
person feels mistreated. There are people that are not
knowing the directions of the city. Ive shown people
how to get around the city and how to read the map.
That takes some time. So, leaving this session and
realizing what a persons needs are, you jump in and
you help them. People have done that to me and
helped me. I do the same.
This narrative reflects helping people in the larger
community as a way of giving back. Moreover, partici-
pants indicated that group involvement motivated them
to volunteer at the ASO and share their knowledge:
Simple things like you want to find out how to do a
work permit or how to get something off the
computer or how to fax something or how to email
something, you can ask one of these volunteers. You
can come and ask us.
Reduced stigma
Participants explained that the groups provided a safe
space without fear of judgement based on sexual orien-
tation, gender identity or HIV serostatus:
Its for us, as newcomers, to settle in because coming
from our different countries, it accommodates
LGBTQ persons as well as HIV [positive] persons.
And you feel free to be among females, your peers.
You dont really have anybody being scornful of you if
you are HIV. They interact with you just like you are
a normal person and make you feel welcome. So, that
is a good environment that you want to participate in
or be a part of.
Having a space free from stigma and discrimination
was particularly important for people who never had a
chance to learn about LGBT issues in their country of
Where Im coming from there is no formal setting to
educate a person within the LGBTQ community.
With [group B], it is more of a formal setting. So, in
that case, the information that youre getting is from
persons who actually live openly without feeling
discriminated against. And so, you feel a little bit
more accepted as to how it is that you, as an LGBTQ
person, can actually integrate into this new lifestyle
that you get on coming to Canada.
These narratives highlight the groups as a forum
where participants can learn from others how to navi-
gate and overcome past experiences of stigma and dis-
crimination based sexual orientation and/or gender
identity. Learning how to navigate sexuality and gender
identity with others sharing similar experiences contrib-
uted to participants feeling more accepted in Canadian
Participants described how the groups increased their
knowledge of, and access to, a range of resources and
opportunities spanning from housing to health:
Being new to Canada, you would want to come to a
gathering to get information so that you can navigate
through your new life, being a part of Canadian
culture. A lot of things I have learned while coming to
[group B], whether it be for housing, navigating the
immigration process, health-related things as it relates
to LGBTQ. And those things are things that affect us
on a whole.
This knowledge was an incentive for participation:
Each time, I keep coming, its like Im getting know-
ledge and Im learning more stuff. This makes me come
back, back, back, back, back.
Participantsreported acquiring knowledge of housing
rights: There are some trouble landlords. You may not
know your rights. This is what Im supposed to do if my
Logie et al. BMC International Health and Human Rights (2016) 16:18 Page 6 of 10
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landlord acts this way. So, they made us understand our
rights.Another participant discussed a session on hous-
ing at one of the support groups that contributed to
attaining stable housing: I was in a shelter. I got a
place.I got that from the session about the housing.
Participants discussed how the support groups offered
volunteer opportunities and employment workshops that
helped them attain employment in Canada. One of the
participants volunteered at the ASO described: Through
my volunteering here, I was able to get job references
for the job that I have now. And even through their
employment workshop, that also helped me pick up the
job I have right now.Participants were also offered op-
portunities to participate in an HIV training certification;
this could be included on the their resume and used as a
skillset for future employment applications: they did a
workshop with us. And because of the content, the facil-
itators said that we can actually get certificates for it,
which we did, and which I used to get me the job that I
have right now. So, it was really helpful in that way.
Participants reported receiving both emotional support
as well as informational support to facilitate navigating
the immigration process. A participant narrative articu-
lated how emotional support helped reduce the stress of
refugee claimants: Those that have gone through [a
refugee hearing] are usually a great encouragement to
those who have not gone through it yet. And I can say,
those who have not gone through are usually extremely
stressed.The support groups also provided information
about the immigration process and connected partici-
pants with professionals such as immigration lawyers
who could answer immigration-related questions: they
talk about different services, that we can acquire differ-
ent services, that we can get into they provide ther-
apy, very good help, with ensuring that you have all the
right information you need for your immigration
Participants discussed the complexity of navigating the
healthcare system as a newcomer to Canada. Partici-
pants noted the difficulties understanding what health
care costs are covered in a universal healthcare system
and how to gain access to physician services, medication
and dentists. The groups helped clarify some of the
questions around this complexity, enhancing partici-
pantsability to access healthcare:
Whether you are a refugee claimant or a protected
person, health is important. Maybe, come in and
speak to persons who are new to Canada to say
exactly how it is the benefits work in some cases,
there are co-payments, there are coinsurance. There
are little terminologies that we probably dont
understand or are probably different from where were
coming from. So, in terms of health on a whole, and
how it works here in Canada, I think thats important,
not just on STI and STDs, but health on a whole and
how it is that health insurance helps to alleviate some
of the costs.
Others discussed being able to learn about LGBT
sexual health issues at the groups: We talk about sexual
health, relationships between female and female, trans.
African and Caribbean LGBT newcomers and refugees
in an urban Canadian setting experience numerous
stressors, including challenges navigating immigration
and refugee processes, social isolation, and difficulties
acquiring employment. Our findings suggest that social
support groups tailored for LGBT AC newcomers and
refugees can address social exclusion and help people
meet the SDOH. Utilizing a combination of peer support
and psycho-education, support groups tailored for AC
LGBT newcomers and refugees can facilitate peer sup-
port and knowledge sharing that helps to build friend-
ships, challenge stigma, and provide strategies for
negotiating legal, employment, housing and health is-
sues. Group participation revealed structural and social
level benefits can contribute to improved intrapersonal
factors, such as self-acceptance and mental health. While
the ASO does not directly offer healthcare services, sev-
eral participants discussed how the support groups pro-
vide individuals with the information needed to
effectively navigate and access healthcare services. The
groupsprovision of safe spaces enabled participants to
discuss and learn about sensitive topics such as sexual
health and healthy LGBT relationships under the guid-
ance of trained service providers. Support groups also
provide a space where individuals learn about their ten-
ant rights and gain certifiable skills, thereby enhancing
their SDOH (e.g., housing and employment).
The study ASO is the among the only organizations in
the city that provide culturally relevant HIV prevention
services made specifically for, and by AC populations.
This specificity is necessary as the ASO support groups
not only address the social contexts that contribute to
disproportionate HIV infection rates among AC people
in Canadaincluding racismbut also the challenges
that AC LGBT newcomer/refugees may face navigating
the refugee processes and sexual stigma. Its location is
easily accessible by public transit and there were no age
restrictions for attending the ASO support groups for
Logie et al. BMC International Health and Human Rights (2016) 16:18 Page 7 of 10
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
ACB LGBT newcomers and refugees. These factors
enhance accessibility for individuals of a wide age rage
and from various parts of the city to attend; this also
enabled our focus groups to include diverse participants
and perspectives.
A conceptual framework that incorporates our analytic
themes is illustrated in Fig. 1. We categorized the themes
and sub-themes within the social ecological model, reflect-
ing intrapersonal (self-acceptance, improved mental
health), interpersonal (friendships, reduced social isola-
tion), community (reciprocity, reduced stigma) and struc-
tural (housing, employment, immigration, health care)
domains. This model illustrates complex associations
between social (e.g., friendships), structural (e.g., immigra-
tion) and intrapersonal (e.g., mental health) factors [23].
Findings highlight the utility of applying both social eco-
logical analyses as well as Meyersminoritystressmodel
to understand benefits of social support groups for AC
newcomers and refugees. Findings suggest social support
groups can positively influence mental health as proposed
by Meyers minority stress model. The processes by which
social support groups benefit mental health and wellbeing
are complex, mapping onto the social ecological models
multiple levels. Social support appears to influence intra-
personal wellbeing by promoting self-acceptance that
reduces internalized stigma; interpersonal benefits such as
reduced isolation and friendships contribute to wellbeing.
Community building and reducing perceived stigma
through providing a safe space also improves mental
health [3]. Our findings illustrate multifaceted benefits of
social support groups that extend beyond intra/interper-
sonal domains to enhanced resource access. This model
may be useful for future research and interventions
focused on improving the SDOH among LGBT new-
comers and refugees.
The current findings corroborate prior research that
support groups with AC newcomers and refugees in
Canada can reduce isolation, provide information, and
build social networks [15, 18]. Similar to prior studies,
participants described finding familyand universality
at the support groups [18, 20]. Our findings reflect
research that consistently demonstrates the need to
Fig. 1 Conceptual model of a social ecological approach to understanding social support group benefits for African and Caribbean LGBT
newcomers and refugees
Logie et al. BMC International Health and Human Rights (2016) 16:18 Page 8 of 10
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address SDOH for newcomers and refugees, including
employment-oriented support [1820]. Findings are also
supported by work that highlights LGBT support groups
can positively impact self-acceptance [17]. Most research
on AC newcomers and refugee support groups has
therefore focused on social and structural dimensions,
while LGBT support groups have largely focused on
intra/interpersonal dimensions. We build on this litera-
ture by demonstrating that support groups tailored for
AC LGBT newcomers and refugees can address the
intersection of needs and priorities associated with being
a newcomer/refugee as well as needs of AC LGBT
people. For example, AC LGBT newcomers and refugees
face unique structural barriers related to newcomer/
refugee status (e.g., barriers to accessing housing and
healthcare) as well as sexual stigma (e.g., challenges with
Strengths and limitations
Limitations of the study include the focus group (FG)
design, possibility of response bias, and sample. First,
some participants may not have been comfortable speak-
ing and sharing about their personal experiences in the
FG setting [25]. Second, while FG co-facilitators were
not associated with the ethno-specific ASO, participants
may have responded more positively regarding the sup-
port groups due to the FG being located at the agency,
and having other group participants present. To reduce
response bias, the co-facilitators probed for divergent
opinions and reinforced that responses were confiden-
tial. Finally, FG participants were connected to an
ethno-specific ASO, which may have biased our sample
in two ways. First, we may have under sampled LGBT
immigrants and refugees who are most marginalized, ev-
idenced by lack of attachment to an ASO. Although the
ASO is the only service for AC people, some immigrants
and refugees may have been averse to seeking services
from an ethno-specific ASO due to HIV-related stigma.
Further, some individuals may avoid the ASO for fear of
having their sexual orientation and/or sexual identity
outedby accessing ASO services or by having contact
with other ASO clients. Alternately, we may have over-
sampled AC LGBT newcomers and refugees experien-
cing life and immigration challenges such that they
sought out support from a service agency. It is possible
LGBT immigrants and refugees not seeking support
from the ASO may have their social support needs met
within their family, community and/or another
organization. However, the validity of our findings is
supported by the congruency between this studys find-
ings and prior research with LGBT people, newcomers
and refugees. Moreover, given our small sample size we
were unable to assess differences in experience with or
benefits of social support groups for individuals based
on differences in sexual and/or gender identities. Future
studies should seek to understand the distinct benefits
among diverse identities.
Despite these limitations, to our knowledge this is
the first study to explore the benefits of social sup-
port group participation among AC LGBT newcomers
and refugees. We develop a comprehensive under-
standing of the salience of support groups to the
wellbeing of LGBT newcomers and refugees. Applying
the social ecological model provides insight into the
interactions between dimensions: support groups can
have ripple effects that span from internal processes
to resource acquisition. This study also provides re-
searchers with a template which they can use to apply
the minority stress model and social ecological ap-
proaches with diverse ethno-racial populations to bet-
ter understand how social support groups can
influence individuals, the SDOH, mental and overall
health as well as their social and structural environ-
ments. Future research could use quantitative, longi-
tudinal designs to explore the relationships between
frequency and duration of support group participation
and social, health and structural outcomes.
Previous explorations of support groups among LGBT
people, and newcomers and refugees, have fruitfully doc-
umented the positive impacts on health promotion,
social networks, and acquisition of information [15, 17,
18]. Scant attention has examined support groups
tailored for LGBT newcomers and refugees. This study
expands on this literature to suggest that support groups
may be particularly important for AC LGBT newcomers
and refugees who often have limited family support, little
exposure to other LGBT people, and experience inter-
secting forms of marginalization. The friendships devel-
oped in the groups can also act as alternate source of
support and information that extend beyond the ASO
monthly support group meetings. The conceptualization
of reciprocitywanting to give back support and know-
ledge to otherssuggests support groups may play a role
in building community resilience [26]. There may be a
cyclical relationship between acquiring support that
helps oneself adapt to challenges, and wanting to pro-
vide support to others experiencing similar adversities.
Data from this study and others highlight an urgent
need for interventions to provide social support, and
improve health services access, among LGBT new-
comers and refugees [19, 20]. Social work and other ad-
vocates can provide emotional and information support
during the immigration and refugee processes, and advo-
cate for more just and humane practices [27]and
health care for refugee claimants. Health practitioners
can support AC LGBT newcomers and refugees through
Logie et al. BMC International Health and Human Rights (2016) 16:18 Page 9 of 10
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
providing access to support groups, culturally and LGBT
competent mental health services, information and
resources to realize justice and meet the SDOH.
AC, African and Caribbean; LGBT, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender; SDOH,
social determinants of health
The authors thank each of the participants and the Black Coalition for AIDS
Prevention (BlackCAP) for their generosity and support and time.
The study was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
and the Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The
funding bodies played no role in the design of the study and collection,
analysis, and interpretation of data or writing the manuscript.
Availability of data and materials
The qualitative data from this study is not publicly available. Data will not be
made available in order to protect the participantsidentity.
CHL, SR, and HR conceived of the study; CHL led study design and was the
principal investigator. CHL led writing of the manuscript and ALD
contributed significantly to writing the manuscript. CHL, ALD, and NLF
participated in data collection and analysis. All authors (CHL, ALD, NLF, SR,
HR) participated in manuscript preparation and approve of the manuscript as
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
We obtained written informed consent from participants directly prior to
conducting the focus groups. Participants received a $20.00 (CAD)
honorarium for time and travel. The study was approved by the Research
Ethics Board at the University of Toronto (REB # 30131).
Author details
Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, 246 Bloor
Street West, Toronto M5S 1V4, ON, Canada.
Womens College Research
Institute, Womens College Hospital, 790 Bay Street, 7th Floor, Toronto M5G
1N8, ON, Canada.
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto,
155 College Street, Toronto M5T 3M7, ON, Canada.
Black Coalition for AIDS
Prevention, 20 Victoria Street, 4th Floor, Toronto M5C 2N8, ON, Canada.
Received: 18 July 2015 Accepted: 28 June 2016
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... Programs such as longterm counselling can also play a crucial role, helping LGBTQ+ forced migrants process traumatic events, acquire new coping strategies, and manage ongoing stress related to discrimination based on their multiple identities . Logie et al. (2016) demonstrated that social support groups present multiple benefits, all of which contributed to improvements in SOGIE refugee well-being. These included (1) intrapersonal benefits such as self-acceptance and improved mental health, (2) interpersonal benefits such as reduced isolation and the development of friendships, and (3) community benefits such as reciprocity and reduced stigma (Logie et al., 2016). ...
... Logie et al. (2016) demonstrated that social support groups present multiple benefits, all of which contributed to improvements in SOGIE refugee well-being. These included (1) intrapersonal benefits such as self-acceptance and improved mental health, (2) interpersonal benefits such as reduced isolation and the development of friendships, and (3) community benefits such as reciprocity and reduced stigma (Logie et al., 2016). This study demonstrated an urgent need for interventions to provide social support, along with improved health service access for SOGIE refugees (Logie et al., 2016). ...
... These included (1) intrapersonal benefits such as self-acceptance and improved mental health, (2) interpersonal benefits such as reduced isolation and the development of friendships, and (3) community benefits such as reciprocity and reduced stigma (Logie et al., 2016). This study demonstrated an urgent need for interventions to provide social support, along with improved health service access for SOGIE refugees (Logie et al., 2016). ...
Full-text available
This rapid review investigated the mental health concerns of sexual orientation and gender identity expression (SOGIE) refugees in Canada. Database searches yielded 365 results across five databases, providing 12 papers for final thematic analysis once inclusion criteria were applied. Three themes emerged: (1) Stigma and discrimination negatively affected mental health and well-being; (2) SOGIE refugees faced challenges accessing services; and (3) the refugee claims process adversely affected well-being. Recommendations to improve SOGIE refugee well-being include implementing culturally safe policies in agencies, life-skills programs, and supportive spaces; promoting inclusivity, interprofessional collaboration between services, and innovative agency outreach to refugees; addressing biases in refugee claims boards and extending the refugee claim eligibility period.
... Across this body of literature, social support is identified as a key component for positive health among newcomers and refugees (Guruge et al. 2010;Logie et al. 2016). Settlement services can play both a direct and indirect role in promoting immigrant health through: a) supporting immigrant women's capacity to overcome challenges and tell their stories as a form of resilience; b) assisting women to find meaning in work and being able to claim all of their identities; c) addressing barriers to accessing health and mental health services, and d) supporting a sense of belonging and security through accessing citizenship status in Canada (MacDonnell et al. 2017). ...
... Stigma associated with intersecting marginalization among LGBTQ newcomers and refugees-race, gender, class, and immigration status-contributes to employment discrimination and barriers to supporting basic needs like housing and social support (Logie et al. 2016). The refugee determination process can be particularly challenging for LGBTQ refugees and may involve experiences of re-traumatization due to being forced to re-tell stories of persecution (Jordan 2009;Brotman and Lee 2011). ...
... The refugee determination process can be particularly challenging for LGBTQ refugees and may involve experiences of re-traumatization due to being forced to re-tell stories of persecution (Jordan 2009;Brotman and Lee 2011). Social support groups can provide a critical space of belonging and affirmation which help to break social isolation and build community (Logie et al. 2016). ...
... Service providers worked to build up trust with their clients over time and worked intensely to prepare them to speak about their SOGI status at tribunal hearings (Kahn et al, 2017). Also in Canada, LGBTQI refugees attending a support group reported multiple benefits at intrapersonal (selfacceptance, improved mental health), interpersonal (reduced isolation, friendships), community (reciprocity, reduced stigma and discrimination), and structural (housing, employment, immigration, health care) levels (Logie et al, 2016). ...
... Women asylum seekers interviewed as part of the evaluation of which this review is a part reported that drop-in centres were often male-dominated spaces that women experience as unsafe. This may also be the case for LGBTQI men and non-binary, trans, or otherwise gender non-conforming people (Logie et al, 2016;Kahn et al, 2017). Likewise, befriending services for women asylum seekers may assume that women using the services will be mothers and/or heterosexual, putting women and gender non-conforming people at further risk of isolation and loneliness. ...
... Gender was often used as a variable, with assumptions made about the need to provide separate women-only groups (with a female facilitator). However, the intersectional, gender-differentiated needs of asylum seekers and refugees were not meaningfully interrogated in any studies, except for those dealing with services targeted at LGBTQI refugees (Logie et al, 2016;Kahn et al, 2017). ...
People seeking asylum often have a range of complex social, emotional and economic needs that may be exacerbated by the hostile reception that they often receive. These needs and the stress of navigating asylum systems leave asylum seekers vulnerable to crisis, with refused asylum seekers particularly vulnerable. Even after receiving settled status of some form, barriers to accessing employment or housing and other services remain, as do the impacts of trauma, abuse, and loss sustained in the country of origin, during flight, or during the wait to receive settled status, again leaving refugees vulnerable to crisis. Early action can both have benefits for the individual asylum seeker and reduce the need for costly crisis interventions. This scoping review explores best practice in early action in the voluntary sector, while identifying gaps in the evidence base.
... Since familial support is not guaranteed due to sociocultural and religious reasons, they mostly rely on the community that they have built (Cassidy, 2020;Jackson Levin et al., 2020). This "chosen family" that they identified as a part of made them feel a sense of belonging and loved, and within this community, they could express their true selves (Khoury, 2013;Kryzan & Walsh, 1998;Logie et al., 2016;Pew Research Center, 2013;Roberts & Christens, 2021;Rotheram-Borus et al., 1991;Wardecker & Matsick, 2020). The chosen family could be their supportive cisgender friends or other LGBTQ individuals they have befriended because they share similar life experiences (Gutierrez, 2020;Logie et al., 2016). ...
... This "chosen family" that they identified as a part of made them feel a sense of belonging and loved, and within this community, they could express their true selves (Khoury, 2013;Kryzan & Walsh, 1998;Logie et al., 2016;Pew Research Center, 2013;Roberts & Christens, 2021;Rotheram-Borus et al., 1991;Wardecker & Matsick, 2020). The chosen family could be their supportive cisgender friends or other LGBTQ individuals they have befriended because they share similar life experiences (Gutierrez, 2020;Logie et al., 2016). ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected various sectors of Indonesian society, compelling them to adapt. As one of the gender minority groups in a relatively conservative country, the transgender community has undoubtedly been impacted by it, bringing forth its own complexities. This research aims to analyze transgender individuals' adaptation during the pandemic. This research utilizes a qualitative descriptive method employing in-depth interview techniques involving a total of ten people from various cities and regencies across Indonesia. Data analysis was conducted through transcription, categorization, and data review in alignment with existing theories. This research shows that transgender individuals in Indonesia faced a decline in income, discrimination in accessing healthcare facilities, and difficulties in securing employment. The informants who were interviewed addressed these challenges through financial planning, socializing with peers, and counseling. This research concludes that relentless advocacy efforts from both society and the government are essential to ensure that marginalized communities are treated equitably regardless of their gender identity, thus mitigating healthcare service disparities. Additionally, public education initiatives are imperative to promote the use of gender-neutral pronouns, encourage inquiry regarding preferred pronouns from conversational partners, and foster understanding of transgender issues from their perspective. The government must ensure non-discriminatory public services, acknowledge transgender civil rights, and enhance social assistance for marginalized communities affected by the pandemic.
... individuals' identities and campus experiences of students (Vaccaro, 2015), well-being (Huang et al., 2020), health and social support (Logie et al., 2016), or justice and the importance of voices of the LGBTQI2S+ teacher identity in education . ...
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This critical ethnographic work aims to understand the financial narratives, and insights faced by Canadian and Vietnamese LGBTQI2S+ young adults. My project emphasizes thinking outside of the box, disrupting the current status quo about the LGBTQI2S+ community by challenging accepted beliefs about gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. My project critically challenges inequitable social structures which limit the fundamental rights and power of a number of LGBTQI2S+ individuals when they attempt to obtain financial literacy education and essential services. This research therefore serves to increase public awareness, encourage the advancement of beneficial social improvements for people relegated to the margins and to examine spaces that could transform the lives of LGBTQI2S+ individuals for the better. The key theoretical frameworks include concepts of financial literacy and inclusion, the critical/transformative paradigm, notions of sexual construction and power dynamics, intersectionality and ecology of human development, queer theory, behavioral finance theory, and critical pedagogy. Surveys and focus groups were utilized for data collection. I employed thematic analysis to identify and analyze key themes. The four themes are: (1) discrimination and exclusion, (2) impacts of laws, (3) shame and internalized homophobia, and (4) resiliency, joy, and moving forward. This work contributes to the growing scholarship of human rights and social equity towards LGBTQI2S+ young adults. The insights are essential for LGBTQI2S+organizations, scholars, educators, financial providers, and policymakers when they consider potential ways to build policies, curriculums, or services to approach and support this community.
... An intersectionality approach aims to consider the range of characteristics of a person rather than a single characteristic. Being black and LGBTQI can have different implications to being white and LGBTQI and immigrants who are LGBTQI can face a range of additional problems (Filice and Meyer 2018;Ginicola et al. 2017;Logie et al. 2016;Budge et al. 2016). Sexual minorities cannot be treated as homogenous groups as some individuals have socioeconomic or educational advantages (Budge et al. 2016) and racial/ethnic identities can have different implications. ...
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The paper presents an integrative review of literature 2010-2020 highlighting major health issues for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) people as identified in the research and discussing these in relation to minority stress and intersectionality whereby a range of factors contributing to social position and identity can influence health and access to health services. Important disparities in the health and wellbeing profiles have been identified in different sexual minority populations in Australia as elsewhere, based on sex (male/female), sexual identity (gay/lesbian/bisexual), and age as well as education, socioeconomic , location and cultural factors. A number of studies have shown that LGBTQI people have poorer mental health than the general population and unique medical and mental health needs due to the social stresses they face. Research in sexual diversity has resulted in the development of the Minority Stress Model from a number of sociological and social psychological theories considered the theoretical basis of current sexual minority mental health research. The model will be discussed in connection with research relating to intersectionality and the differences between youth and ageing issues for LGBTQI people. The contribution of social support and community connection is considered. Finally, implications for practice and research are considered with health service initiatives for more inclusive and understanding approaches.
Both stigma and discrimination, defined as a lack of knowledge of and a sense of discomfort in providing care to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and + (LGBTQIA+) migrants, was found to manifest in a sample of LGBTQIA+ migrants who received nursing care in a recent study. The study concluded that nurses continue to have a limited understanding of the experiences of LGBTQIA+ migrants in the Canadian context, and that LGBTQIA+ migrants continue to have troubling 'care' experiences with nurses. Miranda Fricker has developed the concept of epistemic injustice drawing on feminist philosophy and social epistemology. Epistemic injustice refers to unfair treatment of a person by judging them as 'not a knower' in a communicative situation. For example, in a few circumstances when LGBTQIA+ migrants were admitted to psychiatric units due to suicide ideations as a direct result of identifying as a LGBTQIA+ migrants, the medical and nursing team responded with 'They are in Canada now. It is safe here!' and 'So, you are [LGBTQIA + ]! What's the big deal?' These unjust statements reflect an epistemic situation in which the hearer is negating what was heard, that is, that the speaker's intersecting identities of LGBTQIA+ and new immigrant has directly led to suicide ideation. The concept of epistemic injustice helps to frame this situation as one where the care provider is not doing justice to the needs of LGBTQIA+ migrants. This article draws on the narrative of an LGBTQIA+ migrant who is not recognised as a credible source of knowledge about their own lives and needs in the context of Canadian nursing care. Epistemic injustice helps to understand how stigma and discrimination is produced in this community by the very nursing profession who ostensibly want to help them.
Using an intersectionality lens and the minority stress theory as our theoretical grounding, this qualitative study is the first to examine the mental health of Arab sexual minority women (SMW) migrants to the United States. The study aimed to (1) explore the perceptions and experiences of intersectional minority identity–related life stressors and (2) discern their impact on the mental health of first-generation Arab SMW migrants. From December 2022 to March 2023, we conducted 20 semi-structured interviews with Arab SMW migrants. Guided by principles of community engagement in research, four community advisors, including three Arab SMW migrants and a mental health service provider, assisted in mock interviews, recruitment, and data analysis. This enriched our thematic analysis providing a nuanced understanding of Arab SMW migrant experiences. Participants reflected diverse nationalities, socioeconomic statuses, and religions and identified as lesbian, bisexual, or queer. Our sample included asylum seekers, documented migrants, and non-binary individuals (assigned female at birth). Findings revealed three major themes: (1) Community- and Interpersonal-Level Stressors, (2) Strategies for Coping with Stressors, and (3) Impact of Intersectional Life Stressors on Mental Health. Community- and interpersonal-level stressors included challenges navigating migration-related stressors, rejection and discrimination from the Arab, queer, and dominant-group (i.e., non-Arab, non-White) communities, and experiences of invalidation of their intersectional identities. Coping mechanisms included avoidance, identity concealment, and seeking social support. Participants reported various mental health impacts, from anxiety, depression to suicidal thoughts, emphasizing the urgency for tailored interventions. Participants called for the development of support groups specifically for Arab SMW migrants.
Queer asylum seekers and refugees (QASaR) are more likely to have poor mental health compared to non-QASaR. This paper examines key priority areas for refugee services to improve mental health outcomes of QASaR in Australia. The key priority areas were identified through a modified Delphi method (DM), comprised of two stages: a scoping review of literature and three rounds of consensus building process. In the second stage, twenty-one participants were involved, including QASaR, health/social care professionals, and people in policy/funding-related roles. Drawing on Farmer’s understanding of structural violence, our consensus suggests QASaR’s poor mental health is primarily produced by the asylum system, further exacerbated by the lack of safe queer-inclusive refugee services, and can be improved by supporting QASaR-led organizations. Greater investments in QASaR-led organizations and initiatives are needed to improve cultural safety of refugee services and achieve systemic change.
Limited research on sexual minority women migrants demonstrate that they face elevated rates of mental health problems compared to their heterosexual and male counterparts, and less is known about their healthcare seeking behaviours. This study aimed to identify barriers and facilitators to mental and physical healthcare utilisation among first-generation (foreign-born) Arab sexual minority women migrants in the USA and to assess whether Penchansky and Thomas' theory of access can be used to understand their healthcare utilisation behaviours. We conducted 20 semi-structured interviews via Zoom. Employing community-engaged research methods, four advisors, Arab sexual minority women migrants and a mental health service provider, assisted in recruitment and thematic data analysis providing a rich and nuanced understanding of study findings. Five main themes demonstrated the pivotal role of cultural humility from providers and access to medical insurance in shaping healthcare-seeking decisions. Difficulties finding therapists and navigating the referral process and wait times encouraged participants to seek care outside of the USA in their Arab countries of origin. Stigma and social support further influenced participants' decisions to seek mental healthcare. The study findings inform policy and practice to foster the development of inclusive healthcare services grounded in cultural humility and to develop support groups specifically for Arab sexual minority women migrants to the USA.
Full-text available
Background Increased psychiatric morbidity has been widely reported among non-heterosexual individuals (defined as reporting a homosexual/bisexual identity and/or same-sex sexual partners). However, the causes of this psychiatric ill-health are mostly unknown. Method We attempted to estimate the influence of minority stress and familial factors on psychiatric disorder among adults with same-sex sexual partners. Self-report data from a 2005 survey of adults (age 20–47 years, n=17 379) in the population-based Swedish Twin Registry were analysed with regression modelling and co-twin control methodology. Results Rates of depression, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), eating disorders, alcohol dependence and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were increased among men and women with same-sex sexual experiences. Adjusting for perceived discrimination and hate crime victimization lowered this risk whereas controlling for familial (genetic or environmental) factors in within-twin pair comparisons further reduced or eliminated it. Conclusions Components of minority stress influence the risk of psychiatric ill-health among individuals with any same-sex sexual partner. However, substantial confounding by familial factors suggests a common genetic and/or environmental liability for same-sex sexual behaviour and psychiatric morbidity.
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In this article the author reviews research evidence on the prevalence of mental disorders in lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (LGBs) and shows, using meta-analyses, that LGBs have a higher prevalence of mental disorders than heterosexuals. The author offers a conceptual framework for understanding this excess in prevalence of disorder in terms of minority stress— explaining that stigma, prejudice, and discrimination create a hostile and stressful social environment that causes mental health problems. The model describes stress processes, including the experience of prejudice events, expectations of rejection, hiding and concealing, internalized homophobia, and ameliorative coping processes. This conceptual framework is the basis for the review of research evidence, suggestions for future research directions, and exploration of public policy implications.
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: Canadian newspapers are a principal source of information on refugees claiming asylum in Canada on the basis of persecution for their sexual orientation. Many articles rely on culturally racist and classist stereotypes of sexual minorities to demonstrate claimants’ legitimacy. Refugees’ stories are further deployed as “mediating agents” to confirm Canada’s “superiority” over other regions, particularly those identified as Islamic. To determine what thematic constructions are most prevalent among Canadian news sources, the authors conducted a critical discourse analysis (CDA) and secondary textual analysis of articles culled from five Canadian English-language newspapers, employing critical race and queer theories as framing devices. Resume : La presse canadienne est une source importante d’informations sur les refugies cherchant asile au Canada parce qu’ils ont subi des persecutions pour leur orientation sexuelle dans leurs pays d’origine. Cependant, de nombreux articles, en voulant demontrer la legitimite des demandes d’asile provenant de minorites sexuelles, ont recours a des stereotypes de race et de classe. Les histoires de tels refugies servent en outre d’agents mediateurs pour confirmer la superiorite du Canada par rapport a d’autres regions, particulierement celles qualifiees d’islamiques. Afin d’identifier les constructions thematiques predominantes portant sur les refugies appartenant a des minorites sexuelles, les auteurs ont mene une analyse de discours critique et une analyse textuelle secondaire sur des articles provenant de cinq quotidiens canadiens de langue anglaise, avec comme cadre analytique des theories sur la race et sur l’orientation sexuelle.
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Since 1994, increasing numbers of persons are fleeing persecution based upon their nonconformity with traditional gender roles. This qualitative study explores the experiences of 14 men and women from Islamic societies persecuted in their countries for resisting gender-role norms and, ultimately, gaining asylum in the United States. Findings suggest that “gender role outlaws” in resettlement may be alienated from families and more traditional coethnic others by their alignment, or perceived alignment, with Western constructs, and may also be marginalized by mainstream communities. Ultimately, findings contrast with received knowledge that family and coethnic affiliation is possible and positive for Muslims in resettlement and point to the need for alternative sources of social support.
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In countries worldwide, LGBT individuals are subject to persecution and discrimination, including grave human rights violations based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Asylum provides a mechanism for LGBT individuals fleeing such persecution to legally remain in the United States. However, asylum is not guaranteed, and the asylum-seeking process may be particularly challenging for individuals with complex trauma histories. Although many LGBT asylum seekers are referred to individual psychotherapy by their legal counsel to prepare for the asylum process and to mitigate risks for retraumatization, many decline due to fear, shame, and cultural barriers, among other factors. Thus, we offer a model of group therapy for LGBT asylum seekers, rooted in multicultural and empowerment frameworks, which aims to address the unique concerns and challenges faced by LGBT asylum seekers. These include recovery from the effects of complex trauma, managing the stress of immigration and acculturation, minimizing the risk for retraumatization which may occur during the asylum-seeking process, and overcoming cultural obstacles to individual psychotherapy. We review and integrate empirical and theoretical literature on the mental health of immigrants and asylum seekers, LGBT mental health, and group therapy for trauma, LGBT individuals, and asylum seekers to offer theoretical support for the value of group therapy for LGBT asylum seekers. Research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of these group interventions. We offer recommendations for research along with suggestions for addressing the practical challenges encountered in working with LGBT asylum seekers.
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Background Social and structural factors are now well accepted as determinants of HIV vulnerabilities. These factors are representative of social, economic, organizational and political inequities. Associated with an improved understanding of multiple levels of HIV risk has been the recognition of the need to implement multi-level HIV prevention strategies. Prevention sciences research and programming aiming to decrease HIV incidence requires epidemiologic studies to collect data on multiple levels of risk to inform combination HIV prevention packages. Discussion Proximal individual-level risks, such as sharing injection devices and unprotected penile-vaginal or penile-anal sex, are necessary in mediating HIV acquisition and transmission. However, higher order social and structural-level risks can facilitate or reduce HIV transmission on population levels. Data characterizing these risks is often far more actionable than characterizing individual-level risks. We propose a modified social ecological model (MSEM) to help visualize multi-level domains of HIV infection risks and guide the development of epidemiologic HIV studies. Such a model may inform research in epidemiology and prevention sciences, particularly for key populations including men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PID), and sex workers. The MSEM builds on existing frameworks by examining multi-level risk contexts for HIV infection and situating individual HIV infection risks within wider network, community, and public policy contexts as well as epidemic stage. The utility of the MSEM is demonstrated with case studies of HIV risk among PID and MSM. Summary The MSEM is a flexible model for guiding epidemiologic studies among key populations at risk for HIV in diverse sociocultural contexts. Successful HIV prevention strategies for key populations require effective integration of evidence-based biomedical, behavioral, and structural interventions. While the focus of epidemiologic studies has traditionally been on describing individual-level risk factors, the future necessitates comprehensive epidemiologic data characterizing multiple levels of HIV risk.
The explicit integration of political asylum advocacy into the frame of psychodynamic psychotherapy is described. Patients are eighteen gay, bisexual, or transgendered men from twelve countries at various stages in the asylum process. Some are HIV+ or living with AIDS. All were persecuted or tortured in their countries of origin because of their sexual orientation. All are at risk of deportation if they do not win their cases. When they were children, several of the men were sexually abused. As latency-age boys and as older youths, most were physically abused because they were gender atypical. Technical recommendations regarding the process of asylum advoċacy are provided. Advocacy and psychotherapy are not separate activities, but complex psychotherapeutic experiences. The therapeutic relationship is likely to become the crucible for intense feelings associated with childhood physical and sexual abuse, as well as subsequent persecution and torture. Both the therapist and the patient are vulnerable to acting in the transference-countertransference. It is possible that the necessary, asylum-related activity of the analyst in the early phases of the treatment will be negatively experienced by the patient at a later stage. Obstacles to resolving negative therapeutic reactions are discussed.
Canadian media coverage of sexual orientation and gendered identity (SOGI) refugees presents a relatively uniform story of these queer newcomers. While LGBT media have identified problems in some Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) decisions, the hegemonic narrative remains one of ‘migration to liberation nation’. In this article I argue that this hegemonic narrative is produced in relation to particular socio-cultural and juridical-legal categories which are themselves historically produced in and through the bureaucratic machinery of the state, human rights organizations, and some legal scholarship. The effect of this model narrative is to reinscribe what Ahmed (2010) calls the ‘happy migrant’, that is, someone who espouses national ideals which are couched in terms of empire, the new twist being that sexual diversity is now held aloft as justification of empire’s liberation from abjection. Based on interviews with SOGI refugee claimants in Toronto.
The growth in qualitative research is a well-noted and welcomed fact within the social sciences; however, there is a regrettable lack of tools available for the analysis of qualitative material. There is a need for greater disclosure in qualitative analysis, and for more sophisticated tools to facilitate such analyses. This article details a technique for conducting thematic analysis of qualitative material, presenting a step-by-step guide of the analytic process, with the aid of an empirical example. The analytic method presented employs established, well-known techniques; the article proposes that thematic analyses can be usefully aided by and presented as thematic networks. Thematic networks are web-like illustrations that summarize the main themes constituting a piece of text. The thematic networks technique is a robust and highly sensitive tool for the systematization and presentation of qualitative analyses.