... Name-matching is just one area of research in IR and Web search engines (Hayes, 1994;Hermansen, 1985;Navarro et al., 2003;Pfeiffer, Poersch, & Fuhr, 1996;Spink, Jansen, & Pedersen, 2004). The identification of PN variants is a recurring problem for the retrieval of information from online catalogs and bibliographic databases (Borgman & Siegfried, 1992;Bouchard & Pouyez, 1980;Bourne, 1977;Rogers & Willett, 1991;Ruiz-Perez, Delgado López-Cózar, E., & Jiménez-Contreras, 2002;Siegfried & Bernstein, 1991;Strunk, 1991;Tagliacozzo, Kochen, & Rosenberg, 1970;Tao & Cole, 1991;Taylor, 1984;Weintraub, 1991). In general, the techniques for identifying variants are included under the common heading of authority work (Auld, 1982;Taylor, 1989;Tillett, 1989). ...