
Ambition in the Making

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As a member of his father’s court in the Hijaz Abdallah had been familiar with the intricacies of ‘the question of Palestine’ even before he decided to pitch his tent in Amman. Early in 1918, a British envoy had arrived in Jedda to allay his father’s apprehension regarding the Balfour Declaration and to persuade him that the pledges made to the Jews did not contradict the promises previously given to the Arabs. A year later his brother Faysal concluded a draft agreement with the chairman of the Zionist Commission in Palestine, Chaim Weizmann, which separated Palestine (apparently under Jewish control) from the designated regional Arab state. Hence, when Churchill offered him the Amirate of Transjordan in 1921, Abdallah was well aware of the territorial ramifications and up to date with the human aspects of the Palestine issue.

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Thesis--Columbia University. Includes bibliographical references. "69-15527." Microfilm of typescript.
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  • Ahmad Shuqairi
The Option on Ghur al-Kibd: Contacts between Emir Abdallah and the Zionist Executive On previous attempts of Transjordanian shaykhs to sell their land to the Jews and on earlier Zionist endeavours of economic penetration to Transjordan, see GelberAlliance
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