Conference Paper

Bulk causality from Quantum erasure correction

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The AdS/CFT correspondence [1] has greatly advanced our understanding of the link between spacetime geometry and entanglement, becoming a strong and remarkable tool for studying strongly-coupled quantum field theories. It has been proposed that the holographic encoding of bulk AdS space [2] in the dual CFT is represented by a quantum error-correcting code that can be implemented by a tensor network. B. Swingle [3] suggested a strong natural connection between entanglement renormalization and holographic duality where a MERA (Multi-Scale-Entanglement-Renormalization-anstaz, initially proposed by G. Vidal [4]) tensor network can be viewed as a skeleton for an emergent holographic space. Swingle noticed that MERA both encodes a CFT state and also resembles a slice of AdS spacetime, being a perfect tool to construct a map between the boundary and the bulk spacetime. In this picture, quantum entanglement in the boundary theory can be interpreted as a building block for the emergent bulk spacetime. Somewhat recently, the AdS/MERA correspondence has gained a lot of interest, providing a deeper insight into the full quantum nature of spacetime [5]. The MERA network shows a close connection between geometry and entanglement and can be described as a quantum state, containing information ordered in a network-like layered structure of isometric tensors about the correlations and properties of the bulk spacetime. The family of tensor networks provide an approximate description of the wave functions with long-range entanglement of the same type described by the ground states of local scale-invariant Hamiltonians. The MERA network serves as a lattice discretization of spatial slices of AdS spacetime. In this picture, the base of the MERA tree lies on the boundary of the AdS slice while the MERA lattice sites will fill out the bulk of the AdS slice. The local bulk operators can be depicted as logical operators on a subspace of states in the CFT and seem to be protected by the multipartite entanglement structure from boundary erasures. The quantum erasure can be reformulated in terms of causality constraints on the bulk spacetime. We study MERA structure as a causal constraint on the flow of information for each computational step in the circuit and providing an optimized evaluation of the expectation value of each local observable in the network. We propose as general Ansatz that the local causal structure of AdS spacetime [6] is protected by nonlocal boundary operators against erasure errors that may act at random unknown locations on the boundary. MERA tensor networks may provide a good tool to study the causal structure of quantum spacetime by taking the length scale as degree of freedom in AdS geometry [7] and using entanglement entropy to define the notion of holographic [8] distance. We use the AdS-Rindler reconstruction in order to provide a toy model for describing global MERA causal structure in the context of the bulk/boundary correspondence. In this way, causality can be seen as a direct consequence of the fact that spacetime geometry in the bulk theory is naturally connected to the entanglement structure of the boundary theory. A quantum error-correcting code [9] can be used as a toy model in order to explain the emergence of local causal connections between events on a uniform lattice tiling of the bulk comparable to AdS curvature scale. While all physical variables of the quantum code will reside on the boundary, all logical operators that preserve the causality conditions will reside in the bulk. The local operators in the bulk will be mapped to nonlocal operators on the boundary, under a correspondence between boundary and bulk regions reminiscent of AdS/CFT. Based on the idea that a CFT with a gravity dual [10] must possess error correcting properties, we propose a model for the causal structure of the spacetime, using a quantum error-correcting code with a tensor network structure of AdS/MERA flavour. The entire tensor network becomes an encoder for the quantum error-correcting code, while the bulk/boundary degrees of freedom can be described as logical/physical degrees of freedom. We recover the skeleton of the causal structure of the bulk from MERA-like boundary operators acting as an error correcting code for the Ads spacetime.

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A holographic derivation of the entanglement entropy in quantum (conformal) field theories is proposed from anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence. We argue that the entanglement entropy in d + 1 dimensional conformal field theories can be obtained from the area of d dimensional minimal surfaces in AdS(d+2), analogous to the Bekenstein-Hawking formula for black hole entropy. We show that our proposal agrees perfectly with the entanglement entropy in 2D CFT when applied to AdS(3). We also compare the entropy computed in AdS(5)XS(5) with that of the free N=4 super Yang-Mills theory.
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This is an extended version of our short report hep-th/0603001, where a holographic interpretation of entanglement entropy in conformal field theories is proposed from AdS/CFT correspondence. In addition to a concise review of relevant recent progresses of entanglement entropy and details omitted in the earlier letter, this paper includes the following several new results : We give a more direct derivation of our claim which relates the entanglement entropy with the minimal area surfaces in the AdS_3/CFT_2 case as well as some further discussions on higher dimensional cases. Also the relation between the entanglement entropy and central charges in 4D conformal field theories is examined. We check that the logarithmic part of the 4D entanglement entropy computed in the CFT side agrees with the AdS_5 result at least under a specific condition. Finally we estimate the entanglement entropy of massive theories in generic dimensions by making use of our proposal. Comment: 55 pages, Latex, 6 figures, references added (v2), minor corrections, acknowledgement added (v3)
We propose a dual non-perturbative description for maximally extended Schwarzschild Anti-de-Sitter spacetimes. The description involves two copies of the conformal field theory associated to the AdS spacetime and an initial entangled state. In this context we also discuss a version of the information loss paradox and its resolution.
We elaborate on our earlier proposal connecting entanglement renormalization and holographic duality in which we argued that a tensor network can be reinterpreted as a kind of skeleton for an emergent holographic space. Here we address the question of the large N limit where on the holographic side the gravity theory becomes classical and a non-fluctuating smooth spacetime description emerges. We show how a number of features of holographic duality in the large N limit emerge naturally from entanglement renormalization, including a classical spacetime generated by entanglement, a sparse spectrum of operator dimensions, and phase transitions in mutual information. We also address questions related to bulk locality below the AdS radius, holographic duals of weakly coupled large N theories, Fermi surfaces in holography, and the holographic interpretation of branching MERA. Some of our considerations are inspired by the idea of quantum expanders which are generalized quantum transformations that add a definite amount of entropy to most states. Since we identify entanglement with geometry, we thus argue that classical spacetime may be built from quantum expanders (or something like them).
I show how recent progress in real space renormalization group methods can be used to define a generalized notion of holography inspired by holographic dualities in quantum gravity. The generalization is based upon organizing information in a quantum state in terms of scale and defining a higher dimensional geometry from this structure. While states with a finite correlation length typically give simple geometries, the state at a quantum critical point gives a discrete version of anti de Sitter space. Some finite temperature quantum states include black hole-like objects. The gross features of equal time correlation functions are also reproduced in this geometric framework. The relationship between this framework and better understood versions of holography is discussed.
The correspondence between string theory in Anti-de Sitter space and super Yang Mills theory is an example of the Holographic principle according to which a quantum theory with gravity must be describable by a boundary theory. However, arguments given so far are incomplete because, while the bulk theory has been related to a boundary theory, the holographic bound saying that the boundary theory has only one bit of information per Planck area has not been justified. We show here that this bound is the physical interpretation of one of the unusual aspects of the correspondence between Anti-de Sitter space and the boundary conformal field theory, which is that infrared effects in the bulk theory are reflected as ultraviolet effects in the boundary theory.
Recently, it has been proposed by Maldacena that large N limits of certain conformal field theories in d dimensions can be described in terms of supergravity (and string theory) on the product of d+1-dimensional AdS space with a compact manifold. Here we elaborate on this idea and propose a precise correspondence between conformal field theory observables and those of supergravity: correlation functions in conformal field theory are given by the dependence of the supergravity action on the asymptotic behavior at infinity. In particular, dimensions of operators in conformal field theory are given by masses of particles in supergravity. As quantitative confirmation of this correspondence, we note that the Kaluza-Klein modes of Type IIB supergravity on AdS5×S5AdS_5\times {\bf S}^5 match with the chiral operators of N=4\N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. With some further assumptions, one can deduce a Hamiltonian version of the correspondence and show that the N=4\N=4 theory has a large N phase transition related to the thermodynamics of AdS black holes. Comment: 40 pp.; additional references and assorted corrections
We show that the large N limit of certain conformal field theories in various dimensions include in their Hilbert space a sector describing supergravity on the product of Anti-deSitter spacetimes, spheres and other compact manifolds. This is shown by taking some branes in the full M/string theory and then taking a low energy limit where the field theory on the brane decouples from the bulk. We observe that, in this limit, we can still trust the near horizon geometry for large N. The enhanced supersymmetries of the near horizon geometry correspond to the extra supersymmetry generators present in the superconformal group (as opposed to just the super-Poincare group). The ’t Hooft limit of 3+1 N =4 super-Yang-Mills at the conformal point is shown to contain strings: they are IIB strings. We conjecture that compactifications of M/string theory on various Anti-deSitter spacetimes is dual to various conformal field theories. This leads to a new proposal for a definition of M-theory which could be extended to include five non-compact dimensions.
Entanglement renormalization
  • G Vidal
G. Vidal, " Entanglement renormalization, " Phys. Rev.