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Abstract and Figures

The low completion rate for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), averaging 10 % across total enrolment, highlights a need for close analysis of the underlying formative model. The methodology used here involves cooperation among MOOC participants to introduce new resources through social networks and the integration of these resources with previous teacher materials. The paper describes two MOOCs on distinct topics using this methodology and implemented on the same platform. The observed outcomes indicate increased completion rates for both courses as compared with other MOOCs developed on the same platform. Additionally, although participants in the two MOOCs differed in profile and personal goals, they reported similar perceptions of the quality of the learning experience, which was influenced by the knowledge management approach developed in the proposed methodology.
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R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E Open Access
From massive access to cooperation:
lessons learned and proven results of
a hybrid xMOOC/cMOOC pedagogical
approach to MOOCs
Ángel Fidalgo-Blanco
, María Luisa Sein-Echaluce
and Francisco José García-Peñalvo
* Correspondence:
Department of Geological and
Mining Engineering, School of
Mining and Energy Engineering,
Technical University of Madrid, Ríos
Rosas, 21, 28003 Madrid, Spain
Full list of author information is
available at the end of the article
The low completion rate for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), averaging 10 %
across total enrolment, highlights a need for close analysis of the underlying
formative model. The methodology used here involves cooperation among MOOC
participants to introduce new resources through social networks and the integration
of these resources with previous teacher materials. The paper describes two MOOCs
on distinct topics using this methodology and implemented on the same platform.
The observed outcomes indicate increased completion rates for both courses as
compared with other MOOCs developed on the same platform. Additionally,
although participants in the two MOOCs differed in profile and personal goals,
they reported similar perceptions of the quality of the learning experience,
which was influenced by the knowledge management approach developed in
the proposed methodology.
Keywords: MOOC, Collaborative learning, Learning communities, Online education,
Informal learning, Learning environments, Educational strategies, Case studies,
Social networks
In 1999, online technologies enabled one of the most important disruptive innovations
in education (García-Peñalvo & Seoane-Pardo, 2015), allowing many people to access
learning opportunities that would not otherwise have been possible (Weise & Christensen,
2014). The recent emergence of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) represents a
major step forward for education. Hundreds of thousands of users access these online
learning platforms, with thousands of enrolees in each MOOC and academic offerings from
some of the worlds most prestigious universities (Sharples et al. 2013).
There is a widespread view that MOOCs are a disruptive innovation with the potential
to revolutionize and transform training (DiSalvio, 2012; Harden, 2012; Mazoue, 2013).
The social success of MOOCs has emerged alongside open training (open source
software and open resources) (Atenas, 2015; Fidalgo-Blanco, Sein-Echaluce, Borrás Ge
& García- Peñalvo, 2014; García-Peñalvo, García de Figuerola, & Merlo-Vega, 2010), the
growth of social networks and the drive for universal education (Downes, 2012; Yuan &
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Fidalgo-Blanco et al. International Journal of Educational Technology
in Higher Education (2016) 13:24
DOI 10.1186/s41239-016-0024-z
Powell, 2013). These emerging ideas of change promise mid-term consequences such as
new economic models for universities, new models of academic-social accreditation, im-
provement in the quality of university branding and a tendency towards democratization
and improved training for all (Daniel, Vázquez Cano, & Gisbert, 2015).
However, another strand of thought, mainly academic, questions the validity of the
MOOC model as transformative for training and learning. This view is based on evidence
of low MOOC completion rates, difficulties in verifying the identity of participants, low
validity of accreditations, low quality of educational resources, among other issues
(Bartolomé-Pina & Steffens, 2015; Zapata-Ros, 2013) and essentially highlights the
absence of any clear pedagogical model in this type of training (Aceto, Borotis,
Devine, & Fischer, 2014; Guàrdia, Maina, & Sangrà, 2013). In this regard, proposals
have been developed for indicators of the pedagogical quality of MOOCs. These
specify dimensions that include pedagogical approach, tutorial activity, evaluation,
user experience, motivation and resources (Alemán, Sancho-Vinuesa, & Gómez
Zermeño, 2015), planning and management, learning design and communication/
interaction (Guerrero, 2015).
Transformer of training or education bubble, new learning or marketing model
(Cabero, 2015; Salzberg, 2015)whatever ones view, MOOCs feature prominently in
conferences and scientific journals (Chiappe Laverde, Hine, & Martínez Silva, 2015;
Jacoby, 2014; Martínez Abad, Rodríguez Conde, & García-Peñalvo, 2014), with huge
interest in acquiring reliable data to better understand the MOOC phenomenon and its
possible impact on learning strategy.
As noted above, one of the most negative aspects of MOOCs is the low completion rate;
according to various studies, this varies between 5 and 15 % (Belanger & Thornton, 2013;
Jordan, 2013). Although there are other definitions of completion(Jordan, 2013), for
present purposes, the term is taken to mean completion of specified activities that enable
participants to obtain a certificate. This cannot be interpreted as a direct indicator of
MOOC quality, but it is not the main reason for criticism of underlying model.
The failure is often attributed to MOOC methodology, to the theme, to the hetero-
geneity of participants, to massification or to the curiosity aroused in people who
have no real intention of taking the course (Aguaded Gómez, 2013). The most
characteristic features of MOOCsmassification, heterogeneity and the absence of
atutor,differentirelyfromonlineacademic training, and these extreme training
characteristics present greater difficulties for the design of MOOCs than for other
online courses (Fidalgo-Blanco, García-Peñalvo & Sein-Echaluce, 2013).
The two main types of MOOCs are xMOOCs and cMOOCs. While xMOOCs are
instructivist and individualist, use classic e-learning platforms and are based on resources,
cMOOCs are connectivist and are based on social learning, cooperation and use of web
2.0 (Castaño Garrido, Maiz, & Garay Ruiz 2015; Downes, 2012, Fidalgo-Blanco, Sein-
Echaluce & García-Peñalvo, 2015b). Technologies for xMOOCs (X platforms) offer classic
learning (e.g. Coursera, MiriadaX) and focus on improving technologies rather than peda-
gogical models (Zapata-Ros, 2013).
Technologies based on social software, such as social networks (C platforms), enable
new ways of learning. In that sense, Adell and Castañeda (2010) suggested that social
networks have directed our attention to informal learning, which occurs outside the
institution or classroom.
Fidalgo-Blanco et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2016) 13:24 Page 2 of 13
Table 1 summarises the main features of formal, informal and non-formal learning in
relation to the environment in which it occurs, the existence or otherwise of learning
planification and training structure (objectives, duration, or educational resources), the
intentionality of the learner and the courses accreditation (CEDEFOP 2014; Muñoz, 2016).
Given the blurred boundary between these types of learning when it comes to virtual
learning (Adell & Castañeda, 2010; García-Peñalvo & Griffiths, 2014; Griffiths & García-
Peñalvo, 2016), the present research examines MOOCs as non-formal training that
enhances informal learning through social interactions in practical communities and
social networks. Llorens and Capdeferro (2011) showed that social networks promote
informal learning, in turn enabling knowledge construction and skills development. This
also offers individuals a user-managed approach to open and cooperative learning. Beyond
the interaction between students (Gros Salvat 2007), the cooperative model has been
shown to be superior to other educational approaches based on competitiveness. This is
especially the case in respect of academic performance, higher order thinking, knowledge
generation and transfer of ideas to different contexts (Barkley, Major, & Cross 2014;
Bauerova & Sein-Echaluce, 2007).
With due regard to all the above concerns, the objective of this paper is to
propose a new pedagogical model for MOOCs, supported by empirical investiga-
tion of questions related to dropout rate, including the following. What MOOC
factors exert greater influence on dropout rate: participant profile or the
underlying model? Are current models valid or should more specific models be
generated? Does cooperation affect completion rates? Can MOOCs be made
sustainable over time?
The proposed hybrid pedagogical model incorporates cooperation to create know-
ledge sharing among participants and combines characteristics of xMOOCs and
cMOOCs. An analysis is presented of the models impact on perceptions of learning
and cooperation in two real cases. The following section describes the research method
and the proposed pedagogical model.
Hybrid pedagogical model: xMOOC/cMOOC
The proposed model is based on the use of an X platform (for e-learning) and a C
platform (e.g. a social network), combining formal and non-formal learning activities
(in the X platform) with informal learning (in the C platform) and cooperation among
participants to generate a continuous flow of knowledge between platforms.
Cooperation is a pedagogical resource that directly involves participants and re-
duces MOOC dropout rate, focusing on three dimensions described by Suárez
Guerrero (2010):
Table 1 Characteristics of formal, informal and non-formal learning
Learning Environment Planning Training structure Intentional Academic certificate
Formal Classroom in regulated institution YES YES YES YES
Informal Out of classroom (work,
family, leisure, etc.)
Non-formal Classroom in non-regulated
Fidalgo-Blanco et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2016) 13:24 Page 3 of 13
1. Measured achievement: here, the rate of participants who successfully complete the
course and fulfil their objectives;
2. Social integration: promotion of relationships through participation in the social
network (the social component of the MOOC);
3. Personal development: here, the achievement of learning objectives by combining
course content with cooperative interaction, as structured and defined by faculty.
The flow of knowledge resources generated in the model is based on the following
steps (see Fig. 1).
1. The teaching team adds learning resources to the X platform (e.g. e-learning
platform) or to the C platform (e.g. social network). These resources can also be
provided by professionals in the sector.
2. MOOC participants generate new resources and add these to the C platform, both
through activities planned by the teaching team on the X platform and during
social network use. The teaching team may choose to incorporate these to enrich
the available resources on the X platform before commencing the MOOC, which
can be simultaneously added to C platforms.
In this way, cooperation creates a continuous flow of knowledge between the X and
C platforms. The more varied the resources generated, the more effective they become,
enhanced by the massification and heterogeneity of MOOC participants Two case
studies using this model are described below.
The present study is based on case studies of two MOOCs implemented on the
MiriadaX platform (MiríadaX 2015), providing data for comparison of completion rates
against the average for MiriadaX MOOCs. These data were obtained from MiriadaX,
based on its own criteria, and from a survey of participants to assess their satisfaction
with the learning experience.
Case 1. MOOC Free Software and Open Knowledge (FS&OK). Objectives: Training in
the concepts and components of free software and open knowledge; participation in
the free software movement (training to create open knowledge in blogs and wikis);
provision of criteria and recommendations for application of course themes in
Fig. 1 Flow of resource creation for the proposed hybrid model
Fidalgo-Blanco et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2016) 13:24 Page 4 of 13
different contexts. Duration: 6 weeks (12 March23 April 2013). Composition: Five
modules, the first of which is the presentation. Platform: MiriadaX.
Case 2. MOOC Applied Educational Innovation (AEI). Objectives: Identification and
relation of the components of educational innovation; learning about the latest
methods and techniques for educational innovation in daily teaching. Duration:Six
weeks (6 March10 April 2014). Composition: Six modules, the first of which is the
presentation. Platform: MiriadaX.
With regard to technology, MiriadaX was used as the X platform in both cases;
the C platform differed in each case.
Case 1. Four social networks (Linkedin, Elgg, and Twitter) and a wiki were
used to organize and integrate results from the learning community with course
educational resources.
Case 2. Using the social network Google+, the following resources were integrated
and organized: results from the learning community, some teaching resources from
the course and a blog to provide an element of reflection.
The applied learning strategy was identical in both cases: integration of non-formal
learning activities (i.e. not regulated courses) in MiriadaX with informal learning
activities in the social network, generating a flow of knowledge among participants,
faculty and professionals from the sector. In this sense, each module involved a linked
spiral of between 2 and 6 groups of non-formal and informal activities.
For the cooperative strategy, resources generated by participants, faculty and
industry professionals were integrated in both cases, but there was significant
variation between them.
Case 1. The spiral for each module was continuously created as the course
proceeded. The most meaningful content generated in the social network (case
studies, discussions, tools) was incorporated into MiriadaX to complement the
initial resources (videos, presentations, etc.).
Case 2. Once the course began, the teaching team not could edit it (a new
MiriadaX policy). This affected the flow by including in MiriadaX those resources
generated within the social network. Similarly, the wiki was not used to organize
content, as the social network Google + enabled better organization of content
provided by participants.
The data in Table 2 were obtained from the MiriadaX platform and a survey ad-
ministered to participants in each MOOC. These data reflect the heterogeneous
profiles within each course in terms of participantsage, origin, profession, learning
preferences and academic level.
In both cases, participation by country is similar, but there are very significant differ-
ences between cases on the remaining input variables. One possible explanation for this
Fidalgo-Blanco et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2016) 13:24 Page 5 of 13
effect is that while FS&OK has a technological theme (free software), AEIs focus is
social (educational innovation). This may explain why FS&OK attracted more male
participants (72.04 %) than AEI (58.03 %). In relation to profession, 50.40 % of
participants in AEI were teachers, as against 11.18 % for FS&OK. With regard to
qualifications, 13.94 % of FS&OK participants were postgraduates, as against 31.15 %
for AEI. As to educational interests, 53.92 % sought to apply AEI in any context while
63.64 % of FS&OK participants (even those marking several options) hoped to apply
what they learned to their work, 42.21 to their studies and 25.06 % to their organisation.
Table 2 Entry data of participants in MOOCs FS&OK and AEI
Case 1. FS&OK Case 2. AEI
Number of enrolees 3,754 Number of enrolees 6,149
Completed surveys 1,708 Completed surveys 3,236
Gender Gender
Male 72.04 % Male 58.03 %
Female 27.96 % Female 41.97 %
Country. Top 7 Country. Top 7
Spain 60.29 % Spain 55.62 %
Colombia 8.56 % Mexico 10.35 %
Mexico 7.04 % Colombia 7.69 %
Peru 6.62 % Peru 5.62 %
Argentina 3.16 % Argentina 3.71 %
Venezuela 2.73 % Venezuela 2.69 %
Bolivia 1.76 % Brasil 2.44 %
Job Job
Teacher 11.18 % Teacher 50.40 %
Student 21.20 % Student 21.82 %
No activity 22.05 % Non-teacher 27.78 %
Various 45.57 %
Learning interest in FS&OK (multiple options) Learning interest in AEI (single option)
To gain basic knowledge
To apply to studies
To apply in a job context
To apply in an organization
To publish in open access
36.71 %
42.21 %
63.64 %
25.06 %
18.68 %
To gain basic knowledge
To apply in other contexts
To gain a new perspective
To obtain course materials
16.01 %
53.92 %
24.07 %
Qualification Qualification
Primary 1.47 % Primary 0.34 %
Secondary 25.06 % Secondary 5.62 %
University 28 % University 52.75 %
Post-university 13.94 % Post-university 31.15 %
Vocational 31.54 % Vocational 10.14 %
Age Age
< 20 4.21 % <20 0.88 %
2029 39.88 % 2029 30.47 %
3039 30.61 % 3039 31.12 %
4049 18.54 % 4049 24.23 %
5059 5.91 % 5059 11.30 %
> 60 0.85 % >60 2 %
Fidalgo-Blanco et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2016) 13:24 Page 6 of 13
There was a marked difference in the number of enrolees, with 3,754 in FS&OK and
6,149 in AEI. Curiously, while the primary AEI stakeholders would be teachers, 21.82 of
participants were students and 27.78 % were non-teachers.
Two information sources were used to compare the two cases: results from the
platform itself (completion rates and dropout trend) and results of a satisfaction survey
in both cases.
Completion rates and dropout trend
Using MiríadaX statistics, Table 3 shows completion rates for total enrolment, the
number of participants who entered the course at least once and the number who
started at least the first training module. Similarly, Table 3 includes the average rate of
completion, for total enrolment in MiriadaX international MOOCs.
The main indicator generally used as a standard measure of a MOOCs success is the
completion rate for enrolees on the X platform. The global rate ranges from 5 % to
15 % (Jordan, 2013). The rate for MiriadaX MOOCs is in the upper part, with 13.47 in
April 2013 (for 58 courses) and 13.95 % in February 2014 (for 121 courses). For both
cases presented here, completion rates are very similar at 27.8 and 28.2 % (see Table 3)
roughly double the average rate of completion for other MiriadaX MOOCs.
The most significant difference between the two cases relates to participation in
social networks in terms of total enrolment in the course (28.3 for FS&OK and 32.2 %
for AEI). The FS&OK course allowed participants to use several C platforms, which
caused some dispersion. In contrast, AEI offered only one C platform, leading to
increased involvement.
Figures 2 and 3 show dropout patterns, reflecting participation of enrolees in both
MOOCs at the beginning of each module. In both cases, there is dropout relative to
number of modules and elapsed time. Figures 2 and 3 show that the most significant
decline appears in the presentation + module 1. After module 1, the dropout rate
decreases considerably, although it remains progressive throughout.
Participant satisfaction
At the end of each case, a satisfaction survey was sent to all students enrolled in either
MOOC. This was an adaptation of the Student Evaluation of Educational Quality
(SEEQ) questionnaire, designed and validated by Marsh and Roche (1997). Tables 4, 5
and 6 show the results for questions measuring participation level, learning perception
and cooperation level, respectively, for C platforms included in each course.
Table 3 Completion and participation rates for FS&OK and AEI MOOCs
Case 1 FS&OK Case 2 AEI
Enrolled in the course 3,754 6,149
Percentage completion among enrolees on X platform 27.8 % 28.2 %
Percentage completion among all who watched the presentation
on X platform
45.7 % 46.4 %
Percentage completion among all who started training modules
on X platform
54.4 % 53.7 %
Percentage participation on C platforms among enrolees on X platfom
(C platforms data)
28.3 % 32.8 %
Fidalgo-Blanco et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2016) 13:24 Page 7 of 13
Percentage survey completion is similar in both cases (17.20 and 17.08 %). Likewise,
the results for participation level in each MOOC (from no participationto very
regularly) are also almost identical (see Table 4).
Table 5 includes answers to questions about participantsperceptions in terms
of their learning and interests (5-point Likert scale, from 1 = strongly disagree to
5=strongly agree). For example:
Q1. I have learned and understood the contents of the course;
Fig. 2 Dropout pattern during implementation of the MOOC Free Software and Open Knowledge (case 1)
Fig. 3 Dropout pattern during the implementation of the MOOC Applied Educational Innovation (case 2)
Fidalgo-Blanco et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2016) 13:24 Page 8 of 13
Q2. I have learned things that I consider valuable;
Q3. My interest in the topics covered has increased with the course.
Table 6 includes answers to questions about cooperation grade in the social networks
used for course activities for each MOOC (5-point Likert scale, from 1 = strongly
disagree to 5 = strongly agree):
Q36/Q44. Q36 (FS&OK) I have cooperated with other participants in the proposed
activities. Q44 (AEI) I have participated in the suggested social networks.
Q38 (FS&OK)/Q51 (AEI). Sharing resources and interacting through social networks
improve learning.
Q39 (FS&OK)/Q52 (AEI). Sharing resources and interacting through social networks
improve initial course resources.
The results are again almost identical, with percentage differences of less than 1 % in
all cases. The results for similar questions Q36/Q44 indicate that participation was
similar in both cases. Regarding Q38, 85 % of FS&OK participants and 53 % of AEI
participants believed that their learning had improved somewhat or a lot (Likert values
4 or 5). For Q39, 78 % of participants in FS&OK thought that cooperation had
influenced their learning a lot or enough (5 or 4), as against only 54 % in AEI. The
better results for FS&OK reflect the availability of significant resources, created coopera-
tively in social networks, for inclusion in MiriadaX, which was not the case for AEI.
Final resources
Finally, this methodology generates two products: a learning community and a space
where the generated resources are organized.
Table 4 Participation on C platforms
Participation data Case 1 (FS&OK) Case 2 (AEI)
Number of enrolees 3,754 6,149
Completed surveys/(percentage of enrolees) 641/17.20 % 1,050/17.08 %
Participation level in cooperative activities (based on completed surveys)
No participation 3 % 3 %
Low participation 10 % 10 %
Regular participation 27 % 27 %
Rather regular participation 33 % 32 %
Very regular participation 27 % 28 %
Table 5 Perception of learning
Likert Q1 (FS&OK) Q1 (AEI) Q2 (FS&OK) Q2 (AEI) Q3 (FS&OK) Q3 (AEI)
1 0.30 % 0.10 % 0.15 % 0.29 % 0.31 % 0.48 %
2 0.77 % 0.67 % 0.92 % 1.43 % 1.39 % 2.10 %
3 6.03 % 7.24 % 7.59 % 7.05 % 10.53 % 9.62 %
4 39.93 % 39.71 % 32.82 % 33.33 % 32.82 % 33.43 %
5 52.94 % 52.00 % 58.51 % 57.90 % 54.95 % 54.38 %
Fidalgo-Blanco et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2016) 13:24 Page 9 of 13
Case 1 (FS&OK). Learning community from Linkedin and Twitter; Wiki acts as the
storage space for resources generated during the course.
Case 2 (AEI). Learning community and organization of resources in Google+; this
social network allows combination of tags with categories to index all resources
created before and during the course.
In both cases, social networks continued to grow independently. In the case of
FS&OK, from April 2013 (when the course ended) to November 2015, LinkedIn
has grown from 698 to 1100 participants and Twitter from 200 to 456. Two
editions of AEI have been implemented. In April 2014 (when the course ended),
the learning community had 2,107 participants, increasing to 10,889 in November
2015. About 3,700 participants came from the two editions of AEI, and about
7,100 have been included in the learning community in various ways. The learning
community and generated resources have proved useful and efficient for use both
during the MOOC and afterwards.
With respect to the research questions, these results suggest that MOOC comple-
tion rate relates more to methodology than to the platform, theme or profile of
enrolled participants. In both study cases, the proposed hybrid methodology
produced very similar results (i.e. participation and completion rates) and doubled
the completion rate for MiriadaX MOOCs (Table 3). This effect was independent
of the input variables (i.e. heterogeneous profiles, Table 1) and supports other
claims about the influence of course design and social relations on completion rate
(Sánchez-Vera, León-Urrutia, & Davis, 2015). To that extent, it justifies the gener-
ation of models adapted to particular features of MOOCs and addressing their
shortcomings (Zapata-Ros, 2013).
These two distinct study cases show that the highest dropout rate occurs after
the first module and then stabilizes to the end of the course (regardless of the
number of modules). This suggests that the number of dropouts decreases as
cooperation level increases. Furthermore, collaboration is not confined to shared
resourcesin fact, the creation of knowledge sharing underlies the collaborative
strategy (Fidalgo-Blanco, Sein-Echaluce, & García-Peñalvo 2015a). This is per-
formed through the interaction and integration of learning resources between X
and C platforms, significantly influencing cooperation and completion rates (Suárez
Guerrero 2010).
The proposed hybrid model can be said to have generated sustainable resources
during MOOC implementation and subsequently through social networks. Llorens and
Table 6 Cooperation results
Likert Q36 (FS&OK) Q44 (AEI) Q38 (FS&OK) Q51 (AEI) Q39 (FS&OK) Q52 (AEI)
1 14.09 % 14.29 % 1.55 % 9.10 % 1.08 % 8.42 %
2 15.48 % 16.57 % 1.55 % 13.00 % 1.70 % 12.02 %
3 23.84 % 25.90 % 11.76 % 24.80 % 12.38 % 25.75 %
4 26.78 % 24.67 % 37.62 % 30.10 % 35.45 % 30.86 %
5 19.81 % 18.57 % 47.52 % 23.00 % 49.38 % 22.95 %
Fidalgo-Blanco et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2016) 13:24 Page 10 of 13
Capdeferro (2011) noted that social networks that include learning guides and
facilitators can support lifelong learning. In the FS&OK case only, the transfer of
resources generated by participants from the social network to MiriadaX positively
influenced both the participation level in C platforms and participantsperceptions
of the influence of cooperation on their learning.
Some weak points were detected in the model, and the research team is addressing
these in light of previous experiences.
High rate of commencing participants who drop out after the first module (54.4 and
53.7 %in FS&OK and AEI,respectively). This may be related to the heterogeneity of
participantsprofiles; if, after the first module, they detect the absence of learning
resources and objectives appropriate to their learning style and other
characteristics, they may drop out. This explanation finds support in the low
dropout rate from the second module. The requirement is to prove that an X
platform, adapted to the differing profiles and interests of MOOC participants, can
reduce the dropout rate.
Difficulty in managing flows of knowledge in learning cooperatively. It has been
shown that the flow of cooperatively created knowledge between platforms affects
perceptions of learning outcomes. However, social networks do not facilitate the
organization of resources cooperatively generated by participants. This difficulty
increases in attempting to organize resources between X and C platforms. Future
research must focus on how best to use knowledge management systems in
MOOCs to classify and organize resources, as well as to facilitate search and
subsequent implementation.
We would like to thank the support of the Government of Aragon, the European Social Fund and the Ministry of
Education of the Region of Castilla-León for their support, as well as the research groups (LITI,;
Ángel Fidalgo-Blanco is Director of the Laboratory for Innovation in Information Technology at the Polytechnic
University of Madrid and has participated actively as principal investigator in R&D projects. He has organised seminars
and conferences over many years and is currently President of the organising committee for the International
Conference of Learning, Innovation and Competitiveness (CINAIC, Spanish abbreviation). His work as an active
researcher in educational innovation, knowledge management, educational technologies and educational
communities based on social networks has generated numerous publications and information products.
María Luisa Sein-Echaluce is Director of Virtual Campus and Professor of Applied Mathematics in the School of
Engineering and Architecture at the University of Zaragoza. She is principal researcher in the Research and Innovation
Group in Training supported by Information and Communication Technology(GIDTIC, Spanish abbreviation). She is
President of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference of Learning, Innovation and Competitiveness
(CINAIC, Spanish abbreviation) and sits on evaluation committees for calls for local innovation projects and for
international conferences. Her research currently focuses on the application of technologies to cooperative
methodologies and usage of Open Source LMS and other tools for online adaptive learning.
Francisco José, García-Peñalvo completed his undergraduate studies in Informatics at the University of Salamanca
and the University of Valladolid and his PhD at the University of Salamanca. He is head of the GRIAL research group
(Research Group on Interaction and eLearning). His main research interests include eLearning, Computers and
Education, Adaptive Systems, Web Engineering, Semantic Web and Software Reuse. He has led and participated in
more than 50 research and innovation projects and was Vice Chancellor Innovation at the University of Salamanca
between March 2007 and December 2009. He has published more than 300 articles in international journals and
conferences and has been guest editor of several special issues of international journals, including Online Information
Review,Computers in Human Behaviour and Interactive Learning Environments. He is also a member of the program
committee of several international conferences and is a reviewer for several international journals. He is currently
coordinator of the Education in Knowledge Society PhD Programme at the University of Salamanca.
Fidalgo-Blanco et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2016) 13:24 Page 11 of 13
Author details
Department of Geological and Mining Engineering, School of Mining and Energy Engineering, Technical University of
Madrid, Ríos Rosas, 21, 28003 Madrid, Spain.
Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Engineering and
Architecture, University of Zaragoza, María de Luna, 3, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain.
Department of Computer Science,
Faculty of Science, University of Salamanca, Plaza de los Caídos s/n, 37008 Salamanca, Spain.
Received: 27 November 2015 Accepted: 30 March 2016
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Fidalgo-Blanco et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2016) 13:24 Page 13 of 13
... In cMOOCs, the emphasis is on personalized learning through a personalized learning environment, while xMOOCs are based on a more behaviourist pedagogical approach emphasising an individualistic learning approach [10]. A hybrid approach (hMOOC) combines formal and non-formal learning activities for example via an e-learning platform (xMOOC) with informal learning such as via a social network (cMOOC) [16]. Several taxonomies further classify MOOCs [10,48]. ...
... The study of PM finds that the experienced educational value of the exercises of the MOOC increase during the MOOC, i.e. exercises at the end are rated higher compared to those in the beginning. Moreover, they find a significant difference in the experienced educational value between the two age groups in their study(15)(16)(17)(18)(19) and >20 years old), where the younger group considers this lower. Not all results are positive: the student acceptance of iMOOC is low.Surprisingly, one paper mentions collecting course experience via a survey but does not report on the results [FACTc]. ...
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Computer science (CS) is increasingly becoming part of the curricula of K-12 education in different countries. However, there are few K-12 CS teachers, and tools to offer K-12 CS education are often limited. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) might help to temporarily address these challenges, and enable more schools to offer CS education. The goal of this systematic review is to give an overview of how CS MOOCs have been used in K-12 education. Nineteen papers from 2014 to May 2024 were included, describing thirteen different MOOCs. This review summarizes the research performed with these MOOCs and discusses directions for future research. Our findings show that most CS MOOCs target only part of the CS curriculum. When using a MOOC, a classroom teacher has an important role in supporting and managing students as they work in the MOOC. Research evaluating MOOCs is diverse, both in aims and in methods. In conclusion, MOOCs can play a valuable role in K-12 CS education, although additional teacher training to support students might be required. Moreover, additional learning material is needed to cover the full curriculum, as most MOOCs focus on programming and computational thinking.
... Este estudo foi ampliado para incluir uma análise de regressão múltipla dos fatores que afetam as taxas de conclusão e uma análise das taxas de evasão durante os cursos. Descobriu-se que, enquanto as inscrições nos MOOCs diminuíram, as taxas de conclusão aumentaram, atingindo 12,6% (Jordan, 2015), média que estaciona, geralmente, em 15% (Fidalgo-Blanco et al., 2016). ...
... Na presente avaliação (Figura 1), constatou-se que 75,7% dos participantes concluíram o curso. Ao eliminar os estudantes que matricularam-se no curso devido ao requisito da disciplina, por considerar a possibilidade de um viés de obrigatoriedade para a conclusão, obtém-se a taxa de retenção de 48,3%, ainda assim, superior comparada à média de conclusão encontrada na literatura (Fidalgo-Blanco et al., 2016;Jordan, 2014;Jordan, 2015). ...
Um fenômeno conhecido nos MOOCs é a alta evasão de estudantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de princípios educacionais fundamentados na Análise do Comportamento na evasão de estudantes. Foram examinados os dados de um MOOC ofertado por uma universidade pública brasileira, cujo objetivo era tornar os participantes aptos a caracterizar o processo de observação científica do comportamento. No design instrucional foram utilizados os princípios de: ênfase no que o estudante deve ser capaz de fazer no mundo real; consideração do repertório estimado do público-alvo; participação ativa do estudante; domínio completo e gradual de habilidades pelo estudante; utilização de feedbacks informativos e imediatos; ênfase no uso de reforçamento positivo; respeito ao ritmo individual de aprendizagem; e melhoria contínua do curso. Foram analisados os dados de 442 estudantes inscritos no curso. Constatou-se que 75,7% dos participantes inscritos concluíram o curso. Foi identificado que parte dos estudantes realizaram o curso por solicitação de professores como requisito para suas disciplinas. Ao eliminar os dados relativos a estes estudantes, a taxa de retenção foi de 48,3%. Quanto à análise da retenção dos alunos nas diferentes etapas do MOOC, observa-se uma tendência de evasão mais acentuada nas fases iniciais, especialmente, entre inscrição e teste inicial. Conclui-se que os princípios comportamentais adotados no design instrucional influenciaram para que estudantes concluíssem o curso. A aplicação de intervenções educacionais baseadas nestes princípios pode evitar, atenuar ou resolver os problemas de evasão de estudantes e, consequentemente, fortalecer o sucesso em suas trajetórias acadêmicas.
... However, research on MOOCs outside Political Science suggests that some incorporation of connectivist elements to xMOOCs (i.e., a hybrid design) is necessary to facilitate diverse learner engagement and motivation (Anders, 2015, pp. 51-54; see also Blanco et al., 2016). The most successful MOOCs focused on alleviating educational inequalities and injustice emphasise 'learner support', including online tutorials and discussions (Lambert, 2020, p. 3). ...
... Further research is needed on innovating from the individualised feature of online learning (Waks, 2016) and, at the same time, decreasing the reasons for dropout (Khalil & Ebner, 2014) by reaching a more connectivist experience (Anders, 2015, pp. 51-54;Blanco et al., 2016). ...
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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), praised for their global scale and open-access elements, are commonly associated with several challenges. These include unequal access, limited interactivity, or insufficient learner background and skills. This article aims to understand how introducing online and offline connectivist elements influences MOOC learners’ engagement and motivation and self-perceived benefits from undertaking MOOCs. To do so, we present descriptive statistics and analyse results from focus groups of regionally and disciplinarily diverse learners of the Federica Web Learning – International Political Science Association (IPSA) MOOCs, who were introduced to connectivist elements in the IPSAMOOCs. We find that limited connectivist elements added to the IPSAMOOCs did not notably affect learner engagement and motivation. However, the IPSAMOOCs have considerable potential to impact engagement and motivation, if combined with offline activities. The findings contribute to studying the prospects of MOOCs as a potential avenue for accessible, global digital Political Science education, advancing the appreciation of democracy. Highlights: • Explores how (social science) MOOCs help advance democratic consciousness. • Presents online and offline connectivist elements in MOOC design. • Offline connectivist elements in MOOC design amplify online communities. • Connectivist MOOC design choices may foster learner engagement and progress. • (Social science) MOOCs benefit from more emphasis on online community-building.
... They, offer course materials that can be used, repurposed, and extended as necessary (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2016). Learners can access courses and resources based on personal goals and common interests (Fidalgo-Blanco et al., 2016;McAuley et al., 2010) and construct their learning processes through connective interactions (Downes, 2020;Siemens, 2012) such as sharing, collecting, co-editing, and creating knowledge with peers or friends, structure, and manage their own learning at their own pace (Sunar et al., 2020). From a pedagogical perspective, connectivist learning based on the Connectivism learning theory, and argued that learning is less dependent on teachers and relies more on establishing connections and nodes between learners and content . ...
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Wayfinding, which is a part of learning in connectivist learning, involves consolidating a wide variety of resources and information and building connections among them. However, learners often encounter difficulties in wayfinding, and are lost without technological support in connectivist learning. This study examined the wayfinding processes occurring within a network of learners in a personal social knowledge network (PSKN), explored differences in behavior patterns between high and low performers in PSKN. The results reveal the diversity and complexity of wayfinding in a PSKN, including finding and connecting nodes, forming cognitive maps, finding and filtering information, and creating new nodes. Moreover, the characteristics of wayfinding in the PSKN differed across participants, and high- and low-performing participants demonstrated different and unique wayfinding behavioral patterns, which provided a basis for comprehensive analyses of wayfinding. These findings can be used to provide instructional support and network navigation in connectivist learning for learners at various performance levels. The proposed PSKN shows promise in facilitate wayfinding including finding nodes and connecting nodes, as well as relations between knowledge nodes and the course base demonstrated by PSKN, providing great convenience for learners to form cognitive maps based on the node sequence. Compared with current studies, this research focuses on diversified interaction data and resource behavior rather than teaching videos and quizzes or exercises as the main resources and considering that course and technological factors influence the ways in which learners access resources in connectivist learning.
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Монография посвящена актуальной проблеме разработки и реализации отраслевых политик государства применительно к сфере взаимодействия системы высшего профессионального образования, НИОКР и рынка труда в условиях цифровизации экономики Российской Федерации и Республики Беларусь. В современной эпохе рассматриваются важные аспекты, связанные с развитием сложных социально-экономических систем в новых экономических условиях, на примере Союзного государства РФ и РБ. Изучаются проблемы и перспективы цифровизации экономики в изменяющейся внешней среде и вопросы развития человеческого капитала в цифровой экономике. Авторы делятся результатами долгосрочных теоретических и практических исследований. Данная книга предназначена для специалистов в области науки и образования; научно-педагогических работников; аспирантов и магистрантов, занимающихся проблемами цифровизации, инновационной инфраструктуры, современного высшего образования и рынка труда; для студентов, обучающихся по экономическим, социологическим и управленческим специальностям в России и Беларуси.
With the rapid development of ICT, E-learning has experienced exponential growth and drastic transformation in past years (Yao et al, 2022). E-learning works on the model of virtual education. There are different formats, like fully online learning, hybrid learning model which uses the combination of in-person and online components, and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) which enable course engagement across the globe. The domain explores innovative pedagogical approaches. This chapter discusses various formats such as fully online courses, blended learning models, and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). It explores innovative pedagogical approaches, popular theories and adaptive technologies to cater to diverse learning styles, based on cognitive science principles. Chapter further highlights e-learning, its growth and transformation due to advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and important theoretical frameworks to understand the various components of e-learning. At the end of this chapter, challenges and future research directions are discussed.
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Este ensayo ofrece un análisis de la evolución de los cursos masivos, abiertos en línea o MOOCs como se les conoce por sus siglas en inglés de Massive Open Online Courses, y se describen algunas de sus características, ventajas y retos principales, así como las tendencias que se observan en el panorama internacional que tendrán impacto eventualmente en el escenario latinoamericano de la educación superior.
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The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a rapidly evolving phenomenon which has stimulated discussion in universities around the world. A central theme of these discussions, and much of the published literature on the phenomenon, is the potential of the MOOC to disrupt the way universities do business. The aim of this narrative literature review is to clarify disruptive innovation theory, and to examine the influence of MOOCs on higher education. Evidence from this review suggests that although MOOCs might have had a significant effect on a range of issues (including definitions of completion pedagogical approaches, delivery methods, certification, and business models), more systematic research is needed to evaluate the level, extent, and permanence of any disruption that may occur.
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this track is to analyze problems experienced with the validation of informal learning and to propose alternative approaches. There is a mismatch between the enthusiasm of policy makers and other actors for informal learning initiatives, and the lack of adoption of systems in real workplaces. The use of managerial tools, such as validation and competence catalogues, has demonstrated the danger of constraining the scope for informal learning. We would like to advance and explore other different approaches to achieve the challenge of defining a very transparent framework in which both formal and informal learning are considering as important components of the own person's knowledge base.
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Due to educational and social impact reaching by Massive Open Online Courses and their near growth perspective, this paper develops a bibliometric study about the evolution of this term in the scientific and informative literature in contrast with the eLearning term. Based on the records obtained in Google, Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, Dialnet, Worldcat and EBSCO databases, we analyze 1) both terms temporal trends in the number of records and their prospective; 2) major bibliometric and success indexes of selected publications; and 3) keywords co-occurrence relations graphs. The discussion shows how, while the growth and impact of eLearning in literature has stagnated in recent years, the Massive Open Online Courses are in full swing, both in scientific and in informative literature.
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This article reviews research indicating that, under appropriate conditions, students’ evaluations of teaching (SETs) are (a) multidimensional; (b) reliable and stable; (c) primarily a function of the instructor who teaches a course rather than the course that is taught; (d) relatively valid against a variety of indicators of effective teaching; (e) relatively unaffected by a variety of variables hypothesized as potential biases (e.g., grading leniency, class size, workload, prior subject interest); and (f) useful in improving teaching effectiveness when SETS are coupled with appropriate consultation. The authors recommend rejecting a narrow criterion-related approach to validity and adopting a broad construct-validation approach, recognizing that effective teaching and SETs that reflect teaching effectiveness are multidimensional; no single criterion of effective teaching is sufficient; and tentative interpretations of relations with validity criteria and potential biases should be evaluated critically in different contexts, in relation to multiple criteria of effective teaching, theory, and existing knowledge.
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Today, Facebook ( is probably the most palpable example of environments known as 'social networks' or 'Web 2.0'. Social networking sites are platforms that facilitate information sharing, interaction and collaboration among their users. However, Facebook's success is not olely dependent on its capacity to connect people, although this was its initial orientation. The platform's power for sharing resources and linking content on the Internet to user profiles, as well as its evolution towards lifestreaming and microblogging, enable it provide support for complex, continuous interaction experiences and, consequently, to structure collaborative-learning processes. The platform's communication tools, combined with the option to enhance its potential by installing third-party modules and applications, allow members of a community or work team to carry out very diverse activities. On the basis of theoretical underpinnings represented by the socio-constructivist perspective on communities of practice, the Web2Learn work group analysed and assessed the features that enable Facebook to be used as a platform for carrying out collaborative online activities from two angles: technological and educational.
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Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) have emerged as a new educational tool in higher education, based on gratuity, massiveness and ubiquity. Essentially they suggest an evolution of the Open Learning Movement based on principles of reusing, revising, remixing and redistributing open educational resources (OER). However, in contrast with the content of OERs, content hosed in MOOCs tends to be paywalled and copyrighted, which restricts its reuse. Philosophically, the main problem with MOOCs is the inaccessibility and inadaptability of their resources, challenging democratic open access to knowledge. A number of authors and organisations consider it an ultimate necessity to open up MOOC resources. Therefore in this paper three strategies to open up MOOC contents are proposed: to deposit the materials in repositories of OER (ROER) as individual objects, to archive them in ROER in data packages as learning units or to convert them into OpenCourseWare (OCW) as self-taught courses.
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A methodological approach and technological framework are proposed to improve learning outcomes in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), taking into account the distinguishing features of this kind of massive courses over traditional online courses. The proposed methodology integrates the learning strategies of xMOOCs and cMOOCs with adaptivity and knowledge management capabilities. In order to test the learning results of the methodology and the need of supporting technological framework for it, a MOOC was made based on the methodological proposal and using a MOOC platform called MiríadaX. The quantitative results have improved considerably the MOOC completion rate (compared to the average of the rest of MOOC MiríadaX) and the qualitative results show a great satisfaction with the learning outcomes of the learners. However, the technological environment did not allow us develop all the methodological capabilities and it was one of the main concerns of the MOOC attendances. Therefore, from the analysis of collected data and considering the limitations of current MOOC technology platforms, a technological framework has been designed. It may incorporate the proposed methodology in an efficient and effective way. Based on this proposed technological framework, a MOOC platform has been developed and delivered, used by three Spanish Universities to offer MOOCs. This new platform and the supported technological framework have been tested with a first pilot with promising results.
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to introduce the development of a knowledge management system. It allows the creation of new knowledge, its consolidation, distribution and combination in the field of educational innovation, in such a way that the knowledge is transferred from individuals to the organisation and from the organisation to individuals. To achieve this, the knowledge spirals of Nonaka are integrated. The epistemological spiral is used to obtain the ontologies that feed the ontological spiral. Design/methodology/approach – More than 600 university teachers participated in the research and the development of the management system, in which more than 400 educational innovation experiences and 1,100 authors have been included. Findings – The epistemological spiral is used to obtain the ontologies that feed the ontological spiral. The result is a double spiral that allows the contribution of a conceptual model and the development of an innovative tool that enables and automates the effective management of knowledge in educational innovation. Practical implications – A repository about educational innovation best practices and experiences is available. Social implications – The presented model for the sustainability and evolution for an educational innovation best practices repositories has a huge impact for education innovation recognition in the professional development of university teachers. On the other hand, it is way of sharing best practices of educational innovation all over the world. Originality/value – The major contribution of this research work is based on the way that the knowledge is transferred from individuals to the organisation and from the organisation to individuals. The classification schema and the proposed indicators are based on the elicitation of more than 600 experts and the study of a corpus of more than 400 educational innovation experiences that involve 1,100 university teachers approximately.
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Massive is one of the distinctive features of MOOCs which differentiate them from other e-learning experiences. This massiveness entails certain possibilities, but also some challenges that must be taken into consideration when designing and implementing a Massive Open Online Course, in relation to context, work progress, learning activities, assessment, and feedback. This document presents an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the massive aspect of MOOCs, and specifically it narrates the experience of creating a MOOC on Web Science, developed at the University of Southampton (United Kingdom) using the new FutureLearn platform, in autumn 2013. In this document, the importance of Web Science as an emerging field is analyzed and its origins explored. The experience gained from the decisions and the work progress developed for the creation and implementation of a specific MOOC is also shared here. The final section of the paper analyses some data from the MOOC in Web Science, including the participation index, the comments and interactions of some participants, tools used, and the organization of facilitation. Challenges involved in running a MOOC related to course design, platform use and course facilitation are also discussed.