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Stress and Cancer in Dogs: Comparison Between a Population of Dogs Diagnosed with Cancer and a Control Population - A Pilot Study

  • Università degli Studi di Milano

Abstract and Figures

It is widely accepted that psychological stress and mental illness can compromise the function of the immune system. Clinical and epidemiological studies on humans recognized that specific psychosocial factors, such as stress, chronic depression and lack of social support are risk factors for the development and progression of cancer. Unfortunately, most of the animals studies on this subject are based on laboratory tests performed on mice. This retrospective cohort study aims to analyze the relation between stress and tumor in pet dogs, by evaluating and comparing the stress level in two groups of 69 dogs each, balanced for sex and age: the oncologic group consists of dogs diagnosed with cancer and the control group consists of healthy dogs. Our results show that, before the cancer diagnosis, more dogs in the oncologic group faced changes in their household and routine as opposed to the control group (p
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Original Scientific Article
Mac Vet Rev 2016; 39 (2): i-viii
Available online at
Macedonian Veterinary Review
It is widely accepted that psychological stress and mental illness can compromise the function of the immune system. Clinical
and epidemiological studies on humans recognized that specific psychosocial factors, such as stress, chronic depression and
lack of social support are risk factors for the development and progression of cancer. Unfortunately, most of the animals studies
on this subject are based on laboratory tests performed on mice. This retrospective cohort study aims to analyze the relation
between stress and tumor in pet dogs, by evaluating and comparing the stress level in two groups of 69 dogs each, balanced for
sex and age: the oncologic group consists of dogs diagnosed with cancer and the control group consists of healthy dogs. Our
results show that, before the cancer diagnosis, more dogs in the oncologic group faced changes in their household and routine
as opposed to the control group (p<0.05). More dogs of the oncologic group than the control group also showed signs of stress
and anxiety, before the cancer diagnosis (p<0.05). As reported by their owners, these included attention seeking, hiding without
a specific reason, following the owner around the house, hyper-vigilance, fear of fireworks and gunshots, biting, aggression
towards other dogs, licking and chewing excessively parts of their body. Our results are aligned with the evidence from human
research, indicating that dogs with cancer are significantly more likely to have shown signs of stress compared to the control
dogs during their life.
Key words: dog, stress, tumor, problem behavior
A considerable amount of studies demonstrate
that negative psychological states, such as chronic
stress, depression, social isolation, are associated
with the down-regulation of the cellular immune
response mediated by adrenergic and glucocorticoid
Simona Cannas1, Greta Veronica Berteselli2, Patrizia Piotti3, Zita Talamonti1,
Elisabetta Scaglia1, Damiano Stefanello1, Michela Minero1, Clara Palestrini1
1Dipartimento Medicina Veterinaria (DIMEVET),
Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Celoria 10, 20133 Milano, Italy
2via Giotto 20, 20060 Masate, Milano, Italy
3Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth, King Henry Building,
King Henry 1st Street, Portsmouth, PO1 2DY, UK
Received 8 March 2016; Received in revised form 17 May 2016; Accepted 31 May 2016
Corresponding author: Dr. Simona Cannas, PhD
E-mail address:
Present address: Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria (DIMEVET),
Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Celoria 10, 20133 Milano, Italy
Phone: 0039 3803185036; Fax: 0039 0250318030
Copyright: © 2016 Cannas S. This is an open-access article published
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and source are credited.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.
Available Online First: 16 June 2016
signaling, which increases the risk of developing
diseases (1-7). Although there is no unanimity in the
literature, results from both human and laboratory
animal studies suggest that psychological factors
and chronic stress may promote the onset and the
progression of cancer (6, 8, 9, 10, 11).
Stress is the general reaction of the organism
when the homeostasis is altered by physical and
psychological factors called “stressors” (12, 13).
When in this state, the body activates physiological
and immunological mechanisms: these modulate
physical and behavioral functions aimed at adapting
to the new situation and restore the initial homeostasis
(4, 13, 14, 15). Stress and the immune system are
therefore closely related. In fact, the stress response
is thought to have evolved phylogenetically from a
primitive humoral immune system, aimed to face
internal or external challenges to the organism (16).
The exchange of information, directly or
through the neuroendocrine system, between
brain and immune system creates a “psycho-
neural-endocrine-immune circuit” (17, 18). The
consequence is that when the homeostasis cannot
be restored, the prolonged effect of stressors may
induce an immune dysregulation modulated by the
endocrine system. Particularly, stress can inhibit
the immune-surveillance activity of T cells and
Natural Killer cells (NK), which intervene in the
immune-surveillance against tumors (19, 20). Stress
hormones such as cortisol, catecholamine and other
endocrine mediators can promote proliferation of
neoplastic cells, and inhibit the mechanisms that
eliminate altered cells, such as apoptosis and DNA
repair systems. Cortisol and catecholamine can
also facilitate tumor development mechanisms,
such as angiogenesis and metastasis (6, 21, 22, 23).
Therefore, while the stress response is not thought
to cause tumors directly, it appears that chronic
stress can promote the incidence and progression
of cancer, with similar mechanisms in humans and
animals such as the domestic dog. This relies on
the relationships between stress system, immune
system and carcinogenic mechanisms (21, 24).
A large amount of evidence also demonstrated
that anxiety, phobia, fear, depression and chronic
stress induces changes in the neuroendocrine system
in human beings (1-7, 32), and that such changes
also occur in pet dogs showing behavioral problems
(15, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31).
Several problem behaviors are recognized as
biological indicators of poor welfare in dogs because
they can be symptoms of chronic stress (15, 28, 40).
However, it should be considered that though the
stress system acts in the same way in all individuals,
coping to stress depends on several factors as
individual and genetic differences, developing
phases, life experiences and household (15, 27, 41).
There is evidence to support the use of domestic
dogs as models for the study of the relation between
stress and cancer from a comparative point of
view (34, 35). As for humans, stress can become
detrimental for dogs’ wellbeing when it becomes
chronic or the animal is unable to cope and restore
homeostasis (15, 25, 26). Anxiety-related disorders
are among the most common behavioral problems
in pet dogs, and their behavioral manifestations are
indeed considered good indicators for monitoring
the presence of stress (15, 25, 26, 27, 28).
Additionally, the stress system is controlled by the
same physiological mechanisms in dogs and humans
(4, 12, 29, 30), and most of dogs’ behavioral
problems have neuropathological bases similar to
that of certain psychological disorders in humans
such as depression, anxiety and phobias (27, 31). For
example, dogs affected by anxiety related disorders
have high cortisol blood levels similar to humans
(28, 32). Finally, several types of the spontaneous
tumors occurring in pet dogs share numerous
features with those of humans, such as genetic
characteristics, histopathological appearance,
biological behavior, molecular targets and response
to conventional cancer therapy (33, 34, 35).
The current retrospective cohort pilot study aims
to analyze the relation between stress and cancer in
pet dogs by evaluating and comparing the stress
level in two groups: one group consisting of dogs
diagnosed with malignant tumors, the other group
consisting of healthy control dogs (i.e. without
oncological diagnoses or other medical diagnoses).
Two groups of 69 dogs each, balanced for sex
and age, were included in the study. The first group
(hereafter named “oncologic group”) consisted of
dogs with a previous diagnosis of a spontaneous
malignant tumor. Dogs in this group were recruited
through the Department of Veterinary Science and
Public Health at the Veterinary University from
June 2006 to May 2009. The inclusion criterion was
a cytological or histological definitive diagnosis of
malignant neoplasia. The second group (“control
group”) consisted of healthy dogs with no signs
of clinical diseases, and not previously affected by
tumors. Subjects in the control group were recruited
from personal contacts trough the Hospital, during
the same time frame. Oncologic and control dogs
underwent a physical examination, and had a
complete blood count and biochemistry panel
Data collection
Dogs’ owners were asked to complete a
questionnaire including their dog’s demographic
information and behavioral history, as well as
information on the dog’s physical and social
environment. For the oncologic group, owners were
explicitly required to provide information about the
dog’s behavior and lifestyle before the diagnosis of
Through open questions, owners provided
information about the signalement, medical and
behavioral history of their dog. The other sections
of the questionnaire were composed of multiple
choice questions: a first part provided information
about home environment, animal management, age
of the animal (current age, and age at acquisition),
sex, reproductive status (intact or neutered/spayed),
Cannas S. et al.
number of adults and children in the household
(people older than 18 years were considered adults),
origin of the dog (breeder, pet store, shelter, rescue,
family, friends or stray), and number of other pets in
the household. A second part provided information
about whether the dog had displayed specific
signs compatible with behavioral problems, such
as fear, anxiety, separation anxiety, aggression or
compulsive disorders.
Statistical analysis
Answers to the questionnaire were scored
and the data were entered into Microsoft Excel
(Microsoft Corporation 2010) and analyzed with
SPPS statistical package (IBM SPSS Statistic
21). Descriptive statistics (relative proportions,
minimum and maximum values, median, mean and
standard deviations) were calculated to provide a
general description of the two experimental groups.
Any differences in behavior, management
and environment between the oncologic and the
control group, were verified using a ChiSquare
test. Differences were considered to be statistically
significant if p 0.05. A Decision Tree model was
performed as descriptive means to identify the
variables, and their probability of predicting the
development of tumors in pet dogs.
Dogs were 12 intact and 37 spayed females, 5
neutered and 15 intact males ranging in age from
2 and 16 years (mean 8,29 ± 2,6 years) for both
In the oncologic group 62% of dogs were pure
breeds; the remaining 38% were mixed breeds. In the
control group, 56% of dogs were pure breeds, while
44% were mixed breeds. Breeds were divided into
groups according to the Official Dog Breeds List
of the Italian Kennel Club: Sheepdogs and Cattle
dogs [1], Pinschers, Schnauzers and Molossers [2],
Terriers [3], Dachshunds [4], Spitz and primitive
type dogs [5], Hounds and blood tracking dogs [6],
Pointing dogs [7], Retrievers, search dogs, water
dogs [8], Companion dogs [9], Greyhounds [10].
More information about breeds is specified in
Table 1. The oncologic diagnoses are summarized
in Fig. 1.
10 Mixed
group 10% 30% 3% 0 1% 0 9% 9% 0 0 38%
group 10% 6% 10% 0 4,5% 3% 0 18% 4,5% 0 44%
Table 1. Percentage of dog breeds in the two groups
Twenty-five per cent of the dogs in both groups
were adopted before 7 weeks of age, about 35%
between eight and 13 weeks, 7% between 6 months
and one year and about 15% after 1 year of age. The
remaining 53% were either younger than 7 weeks or
older than 1 year, when adopted.
In the oncologic group, most dogs (39%) were
adopted from private non-breeders, followed by
23% adopted directly from breeders. The remaining
dogs were adopted from a pet store (1%), from local
shelter (15%) or were strays (15%). In the control
group, 12% of dogs were adopted from non-breeders
and 36% from breeders. The remaining control
dogs had similar origins as the oncologic dogs with
7% from pet stores; about 15% from shelters and
another 15% were strays.
At the time of adoption, about half of dogs
from both groups were with the mother and other
littermates; 29% of oncologic dogs and 17% of
control dogs were alone when adopted (which
includes dogs adopted as puppies and adults). In
both groups, about 60% lived their lives with three
or more people in the household and about 13%
lived with only one owner.
Fifty-four percent of oncologic dogs and 27%
control dogs were the only pet in the household.
Of the remaining oncologic dogs, 25% lived with
other dogs, 12% lived with cats, 10% lived with
another dog and cat, and 4% lived with other animal
Figure 1. Oncologic diagnosis
Stress and cancer in dogs
species. The distribution of remaining control dogs
was similar to the oncologic group. No cohabitation
problems were reported in 90% of both groups. In
the oncologic group, 78% of the dogs experienced
changes in the household: 23% were permanently
separated from a family member, e.g. because of
death, 12% arrival of a new family member, e.g.
newborns or marriages, 4% moving house, 4%
substantial changes in the daily routine, e.g. changes
in owners’ working shifts, 35% more than one
change. 58,1% of dogs belonging to the oncologic
group and 41,9% of dogs belonging to the control
one had changes in the household (p<0.05) (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. Percentage of dogs that had changes in the
household (p<0.05)
Attention seeking behavior and following
the owners everywhere around the house were
significantly higher in the oncologic group
(attention seeking 62%; following 68%) with
respect to the controls (attention seeking 38%;
following 32%) (p<0.05). The percentage of dogs
hiding without a specific reason was 75,6% in
the oncologic group and 24,4% in the control one
(p<0.05). Furthermore, oncologic dogs proved to be
significantly more vigilant (58,8%) and fearful of
fireworks and gunshots (62%) than controls (hyper-
vigilance 41,2%; fear of fireworks and gunshots
38%) (p<0.05).
67 % of oncologic dogs and 33% of controls
showed aggressive behaviors towards people
(p<0.05). Similarly, 68% of dogs of the oncologic
group as opposed to 32% belonging to the control
one showed aggression towards other dogs (p<0.05).
The percentage of dogs that lick and chew
excessively parts of their body was significantly
higher in the oncologic group (74%) than in the
control group (26%) (p<0.05). These results are
summarized in Fig. 5.
Figure 3. Percentage of dogs that had a lack of routine
Figure 4. Percentage of dogs that had surgery or
traumatic event (p<0.05)
Cannas S. et al.
Lack of daily routine, for feeding time, walks
and/or interaction with owners, was significantly
higher in the oncologic group (84.4%) than in the
control group (15,6%) (p<0.05) (Fig. 3).
The percentage of surgery or a traumatic event
before the diagnosis of neoplasia was 63,5% in the
oncologic group and 36,5% in the control group
(p<0.05) (Fig. 4).
Figure 5. Percentage of dogs showing different
stress-related behaviors
Stress and cancer in dogs
The Decision Trees identified the lack of routine
as the factor that mainly predicts the dependent
variable considered (tumor prevalence) (p=0.000;
CHI-Square=31.689; df=1).
The two groups of dogs in our study are
homogenous regarding sex, age and source of the
subjects. This is relevant because these variables
can play an important role in veterinary oncology,
where in subjects older than 7 years and in certain
breeds the incidence of malignant neoplasia is more
prevalent (36).
We found that significantly more dogs of the
oncologic group, as opposed to the control group,
experienced substantial changes in the household.
Environmental or social factors unpredictability
intervenes in the development of behavioral
disorders. When an individual is unable to adapt to
a new or unpredictable environment, stress becomes
chronic, thus leading to physical and behavioral
consequences (4, 30, 37, 38). This is supported by
evidence in the human literature, where the loss of
a family member or changes in living conditions
are particularly stressful situations which are also
associated to an increased prevalence of tumors
(2, 3, 4).
From the results of this study, it is possible to
conclude that more dogs in the oncologic group have
been exposed to major stress events as opposed to the
control group. Pet animals are often confronted with
unpredictable and uncontrollable life events, such
as changes in the social core group (e.g. children
leaving the house, babies being born, divorce, etc.),
changes in the physical environment (e.g. moving
to another place), or both. Unpredictable major life
events can lead to gross behavioral dysfunctions,
such as increased stress and (pathological) anxiety
A higher number of dogs in the oncologic group
underwent a surgery or experienced a traumatic
event than in the control group. This is interesting
because several aspects of surgery are implicated in
immunosuppression, e.g. anesthetic and analgesic
drugs, hypothermia, tissue damage, blood loss and
transfusion, nociception, pain, and perioperative
anxiety and stress (22). There is also empirical
evidence, from animal and human studies, of the
promotion of metastasis induced by stress and
surgery, with specific reference to the mediating
role of cell-mediated immunity (22).
The oncologic dogs in this study also showed
significantly more behaviors that are signs of stress
and anxiety (40, 41, 42) and that can be related with
behavioral disorders (15, 27, 25, 26).
Finally, the factor that discriminated the two
groups, marking out the oncologic group, was the
lack of routine, which was the better predictor
variable of the Decision Trees.
For dogs, it is essential to have a daily routine
related to time of feeding, walking and interaction
because this leads to a predictable environment.
Situations characterized by lack of routine or
unpredictability changes of social and physical
environment can be stressors and a triggering event
to onset behavioral problems, especially in those
subjects that are not able to show correct behaviors
to cope in stress situation (15, 26, 39, 43, 44).
The resulting chronic stress could interfere with
neuroendocrine and immune processes altering the
organism’s defenses, increasing the risk for several
conditions, including cardiovascular disease, type
2 diabetes, mental health complications, and some
cancers (45, 46).
The effects of behavioral stress on tumor
initiation and progression are complex and
should be analyzed in the context of relevant
microenvironment biology (6, 21).
Our study shows several limitations. Some
breeds may be both more cancer prone and more
prone to stress, but that does not prove causality and
in our study it was not possible to evaluate eventual
breed bias. The major limitations of this work is
that, being retrospective, is very difficult to make
any conclusions regarding the evaluation of specific
previous behaviours in the dogs’ life, but our results
are aligned with the evidence from human research,
indicating that dogs with cancer are significantly
more likely to have shown signs of stress in their
previous life compared to control dogs.
In this study, we focused on the interaction
between bio-behavioral factors and cancer in pet
dogs. In light of the results of our study, it is clear
that spontaneous tumors in companion animals offer
a unique opportunity to investigate the relationship
between stress and cancer and that dogs are good
models for human cancer biology. The relatively
high incidence of some types of cancer, similarity in
biologic behavior, large body size, and comparable
responses to cytotoxic agents are some of the
similarities in dogs and humans (34, 35). For the
aforementioned reasons, further research should be
established in order to obtain additional information
regarding the link between tumor and stress.
Specifically, we suggest that future studies should
focus on the analysis of the possible application
of behavioral, neuroendocrine and immune stress
markers to this area of research, such as cortisol,
serotonine, dopamine, IgA, lysozyme (28, 47, 48,
49, 50). It would be also beneficial to increase the
sample size in order to focus on a specific type
of neoplasia: for example, canine lymphoma is
considered the most suitable type of canine tumor in
the field of comparative oncology (35).
The comparative study of the effect of stress on
tumors is promising. In addition to the increasing
understanding of the cancerogenesis process, it
offers, in the long term, opportunities for innovative
therapeutic interventions. These could be based
on combined behavioral and pharmacological
approaches, aimed at tumor-supporting immune-
neuroendocrine processes; such approaches may
be integrating, or being used in combination with
conventional therapies (6, 51).
The authors thank all the owners and dogs that
participated as volunteers.
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Cannas S. et al.
Please cite this article in press as: Cannas S., Berteselli G.V., Piotti P., Talamonti Z., Scaglia E., Stefanello D., Minero M.,
Palestrini C. Stress and cancer in dogs: Comparison between a population of dogs diagnosed with cancer and a control population- A
pilot study. Mac Vet Rev 39(2): i-viii.
... 7 In fact, not only infections but also the chronic activation of the stress response system can overtax homeostatic regulatory systems, resulting in SB. 8 In dogs and cats, the hypothalamuspituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the stress response may be activated by external environmental events such as sudden changes, unknown or loud noises, novel and unfamiliar places and objects, and the approach of strangers, or even by psychological stressors. 9,10 Similarly to infection, environmental and psychological stressors may be linked to immune activation and proinflammatory cytokine release 11,12 as well as to changes in mood and pathologic pain ( Fig. 1-3). 8,9,13 INFLAMMATION AND THE BRAIN The brain monitors the peripheral innate immune response using different immune-tobrain communication pathways [14][15][16][17][18] that act in parallel and, when activated, lead to the production of proinflammatory cytokines by central nervous system (CNS) parenchymal macrophages, called local microglial macrophages. ...
... 36,50 It has also been suggested that chronic stress, through the effect on immunomodulation, might have a role on the onset of naturally occurring oncologic conditions in those species. 10 ...
... In addition, factors such as personality traits and social and physical environment have an influence on whether a particular individual will show a problem behavior 106 and even develop or display signs of illness. 10,50 In other words, it is essential to understand how behavioral Inflammation and Behavior in Dogs and Cats medicine and other specialties such as neurology, dermatology, gastroenterology, etc. are linked together to improve diagnosis and therapy process. [107][108][109][110][111][112] SUMMARY SB is evoked by proinflammatory cytokines released by macrophages, dendritic cells, and mast cells, which can trigger behavioral changes via the activation of sensory neurons or the secretion of immune signaling molecules from the microglia into the brain. ...
... Some of them are chemicals, solar radiation, viruses, hormonal abnormalities, genetic factors, chronic stress. The consequence is that when the homeostasis cannot be restored, the prolonged effect of stressors may induce an immune dysregulation modulated by the endocrine system leading to tumor formation (Cannas et al., 2016;Sahu et al., 2019;Satapathy et al., 2022) [5,6,7] . Cytologic smears revealed sparse spindle shaped cells containing oval to elongated nuclei with indistinct cytoplasm suggestive of fibroma. ...
... Some of them are chemicals, solar radiation, viruses, hormonal abnormalities, genetic factors, chronic stress. The consequence is that when the homeostasis cannot be restored, the prolonged effect of stressors may induce an immune dysregulation modulated by the endocrine system leading to tumor formation (Cannas et al., 2016;Sahu et al., 2019;Satapathy et al., 2022) [5,6,7] . Cytologic smears revealed sparse spindle shaped cells containing oval to elongated nuclei with indistinct cytoplasm suggestive of fibroma. ...
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A 5 year old Labrador dog was brought with the complaint of progressive development of a mass hanging at thoracic region. The mass was soft and painless on palpation and no blood or fluid were noticed on aspiration. Decision was taken to surgically remove the mass completely. Tissue sample was sent for histopathological examination and found to be fibroma. The animal showed uneventful recovery postoperatively.
... Some of them are chemicals, solar radiation, viruses, hormonal abnormalities, genetic factors, chronic stress. The consequence is that when the homeostasis cannot be restored, the prolonged effect of stressors may induce an immune dysregulation modulated by the endocrine system leading to tumor formation (Cannas et al., 2016;Sahu et al., 2019;Satapathy et al., 2022) [5,6,7] . Cytologic smears revealed sparse spindle shaped cells containing oval to elongated nuclei with indistinct cytoplasm suggestive of fibroma. ...
... Some of them are chemicals, solar radiation, viruses, hormonal abnormalities, genetic factors, chronic stress. The consequence is that when the homeostasis cannot be restored, the prolonged effect of stressors may induce an immune dysregulation modulated by the endocrine system leading to tumor formation (Cannas et al., 2016;Sahu et al., 2019;Satapathy et al., 2022) [5,6,7] . Cytologic smears revealed sparse spindle shaped cells containing oval to elongated nuclei with indistinct cytoplasm suggestive of fibroma. ...
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A 5 year old Labrador dog was brought with the complaint of progressive development of a mass hanging at thoracic region. The mass was soft and painless on palpation and no blood or fluid were noticed on aspiration. Decision was taken to surgically remove the mass completely. Tissue sample was sent for histopathological examination and found to be fibroma. The animal showed uneventful recovery postoperatively.
... Environmental risk factors being examined in relation to health outcomes in animals include those related to the natural environment (9), built environment (10), and the chemical environment (11). Researchers are examining the role that psychosocial (12) and cognitive states (13) play in health outcomes in animals as well. Of course, we also are learning more about the role that genetic predispositions play in the outcome of disease, especially cancers (14), in animal species. ...
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This manuscript summarizes a presentation delivered by the first author at the 2024 symposium for the Calvin Schwabe Award for Lifetime Achievement in Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, which was awarded to Dr. Jan Sargeant. Epidemiologic research plays a crucial role in understanding the complex relationships between exposures and health outcomes. However, the accuracy of the conclusions drawn from these investigations relies upon the meticulous selection and measurement of exposure variables. Appropriate exposure variable selection is crucial for understanding disease etiologies, but it is often the case that we are not able to directly measure the exposure variable of interest and use proxy measures to assess exposures instead. Inappropriate use of proxy measures can lead to erroneous conclusions being made about the true exposure of interest. These errors may lead to biased estimates of associations between exposures and outcomes. The consequences of such biases extend beyond research concerns as health decisions can be made based on flawed evidence. Recognizing and mitigating these biases are essential for producing reliable evidence that informs health policies and interventions, ultimately contributing to improved population health outcomes. To address these challenges, researchers must adopt rigorous methodologies for exposure variable selection and validation studies to minimize measurement errors.
... Despite the lack of clear evidence from prospective studies, and with a single study showing inconclusive findings [10], it is commonly believed that adverse effects of psychological stress on cancer risk and development are pervasive. This is reflected in the long history of investigation into the pathophysiology of stress related to all major aspects of cancer, an investigation that is currently active [4,11]. ...
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Simple Summary It is widely accepted that long term mental stress increases the risk of cancer. However, it has been impossible to show this conclusively in any species due to the complexities of genetic variation and the difficulty of inducing or measuring levels of psychological stress. Here, we report evidence that heritable canine temperament that increases psychological stress in dogs is somehow linked to overall risk of multiple cancer types. We propose that studying this link in dogs would result in a new understanding of the relationship between psychological stress and risk of cancer and lead to new preventive and therapeutic veterinary medicine advances that could be tested in clinical trials in pet dogs. Abstract Although there is evidence that psychological stress may be associated with increased cancer risk, the effect of stress on cancer risk is difficult to study, both in humans, due to socioeconomic factors, and in animal models, due to questionable biological relevance. Here, we test whether heritable canine temperament that increases psychological stress is associated with cancer risk. The study data are breed-specific averages of incidences of multiple cancer types and of temperament classes. The latter are derived from a latent class analysis of behavioral questionnaires completed by owners (C-BARQ). We thus classified the dogs according to whether they are calm vs. reactive within and across breeds. Using meta-analysis approaches, we modeled the risk of multiple cancer types in calm vs. reactive dogs. We adjusted for breed averages of body mass and lifespan, which are common confounders that impact cancer. Our study confirms that body size has a significant effect of on risk of multiple types of cancers in dogs and shows for the first time that temperament also has a moderate effect. These findings suggest dog models of heritable psychological stress are suitable for molecular epidemiological and translational studies on its effects on cancer risk.
... The increase in the incidence of mammary gland cancer is probably due to the high intensity of life in the metropolis, the inability of animals to adapt to such conditions and, as a result of stress, as evidenced by the results of Cannas et al. [21] regarding the presence of a correlation (p < 0.05) between stress and the frequency of this pathology in dogs. At the same time, clinical signs according to the international classification of stages of malignant neoplasms (TNM: size of the primary tumor, presence or absence of metastases in regional lymph nodes and distant tissues) are of important prognostic value, but in combination with histological verification of tumors. ...
... To our knowledge, very few studies have examined the effects of experiencing a traumatic event or multiple events and how it may lead to reduced health. Cannas et al. (89) analyzed the relationship between stress and tumor development in pet dogs. They found that before the cancer diagnosis, dogs faced changes in their household and routine (such as death of an owner, arrival of new family member, changing owner, moving house, and changes in owners' working shift times). ...
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Although dogs' life expectancies are six to twelve times shorter than that of humans, the demographics (e. g., living conditions) of dogs can still change considerably with aging, similarly to humans. Despite the fact that the dog is a particularly good model for human healthspan, and the number of aged dogs in the population is growing in parallel with aged humans, there has been few previous attempts to describe demographic changes statistically. We utilized an on-line questionnaire to examine the link between the age and health of the dog, and owner and dog demographics in a cross-sectional Hungarian sample. Results from univariate analyses revealed that 20 of the 27 demographic variables measured differed significantly between six dog age groups. Our results revealed that pure breed dogs suffered from health problems at a younger age, and may die at an earlier age than mixed breeds. The oldest dog group (>12 years) consisted of fewer pure breeds than mixed breeds and the mixed breeds sample was on average older than the pure breed sample. Old dogs were classified more frequently as unhealthy, less often had a “normal” body condition score, and more often received medication and supplements. They were also more often male, neutered, suffered health problems (such as sensory, joint, and/or tooth problems), received less activity/interaction/training with the owner, and were more likely to have experienced one or more traumatic events. Surprisingly, the youngest age group contained more pure breeds, were more often fed raw meat, and had owners aged under 29 years, reflecting new trends among younger owners. The high prevalence of dogs that had experienced one or more traumatic events in their lifetime (over 40% of the sample), indicates that welfare and health could be improved by informing owners of the greatest risk factors of trauma, and providing interventions to reduce their impact. Experiencing multiple life events such as spending time in a shelter, changing owners, traumatic injury/prolonged disease/surgery, getting lost, and changes in family structure increased the likelihood that owners reported that their dogs currently show behavioral signs that they attribute to the previous trauma.
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Genetic diversity is essential for adaptive capacities, providing organisms with the potential of successfully responding to intrinsic and extrinsic challenges. Although a clear reciprocal link between genetic diversity and resistance to parasites and pathogens has been established across taxa, the impact of loss of genetic diversity by inbreeding on the emergence and progression of non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, has been overlooked. Here we provide an overview of such associations and show that low genetic diversity and inbreeding associate with an increased risk of cancer in both humans and animals. Cancer being a multifaceted disease, loss of genetic diversity can directly (via accumulation of oncogenic homozygous mutations) and indirectly (via increased susceptibility to oncogenic pathogens) impact abnormal cell emergence and escape of immune surveillance. The observed link between reduced genetic diversity and cancer in wildlife may further imperil the long-term survival of numerous endangered species, highlighting the need to consider the impact of cancer in conservation biology. Finally, the somewhat incongruent data originating from human studies suggest that the association between genetic diversity and cancer development is multifactorial and may be tumour specific. Further studies are therefore crucial in order to elucidate the underpinnings of the interactions between genetic diversity, inbreeding and cancer.
Stress and Pheromonatherapy in Small Animal Clinical Behaviour is about how stress impacts on animal behaviour and welfare and what we can do about it, especially by using chemical signals more effectively. This readily accessible text starts from first principles and is useful to both academics and practitioners alike. It offers a framework for understanding how pheromonatherapy can be used to encourage desirable behaviour in dogs and cats and also a fresh approach to understanding the nature of clinical animal behaviour problems. The authors have pioneered the use of pheromone therapy within the field of clinical animal behaviour. As the culmination of many years of research and experience, they offer sound evidence-based advice on how and when pheromones can be used most effectively. The first part of the book deals with some fundamental concepts, focusing on the key concepts of stress, communication and perception. It then provides a framework for the evaluation of problem behaviour to allow consideration of the possible role or not of pheromonatherapy. Part 2 covers the application of these concepts to a range of specific situations, concentrating on conditions in which there has been most research to support the efficacy of pheromonatherapy. Suitable for veterinarians in small animal practice, students of clinical animal behaviour, veterinary nurses and technicians, as well as specialists and researchers in animal behaviour therapy.
Objective: To confirm, using an observational cohort design, the relation between severely stressful life experiences and relapse of breast cancer found in a previous case-control study. Design: Prospective follow up for five years of a cohort of women newly diagnosed as having breast cancer, collecting data on stressful life experiences, depression, and biological prognostic factors. Setting: NHS breast clinic, London; 1991-9. Participants: A consecutive series of women aged under 60 newly diagnosed as having a primary operable breast tumour. 202/222 (91%) eligible women participated in the first life experiences interview. 170 (77%) provided complete interview data either up to 5 years after diagnosis or to recurrence. Main outcome measure: Recurrence of disease. Results: We controlled for biological prognostic factors (lymph node infiltration and tumour histology), and found no increased risk of recurrence in women who had had one or more severely stressful life experiences in the year before diagnosis compared with women who did not (hazard ratio 1.01, 95% confidence interval 0.58 to 1.74, P=0.99). Women who had had one or more severely stressful life experiences in the 5 years after diagnosis had a lower risk of recurrence (0.52, 0.29 to 0.95, P=0.03) than those who did not. Conclusion: These data do not confirm an earlier finding from a case-control study that severely stressful life experiences increase the risk of recurrence of breast cancer. Differences in case control and prospective methods may explain the contradictory results. We took the prospective study as the more robust, and the results suggest that women with breast cancer need not fear that stressful experiences will precipitate the return of their disease.
Stressors impact on all areas of a pet's life, potentially to the detriment of their well-being. In addition, should this lead to behavior change, it is likely to cause strain in the owner-pet relationship with an increased risk of relinquishment. Understanding why events may be perceived as stressful to a given individual is essential in remedying their effect. Clinicians need to be skilled in recognizing and categorizing potential stressors as well as auditing the background stress in the animal's environment as only once this has been accomplished can specific measures be implemented to reduce the effects of the stress load.
New owners usually have many questions regarding their puppy’s behavior during the first physical examination. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the behaviors expressed by puppies when exposed to a veterinary clinic environment. The puppies’ response to physical examination was also studied. A total of 102 puppies, between 8 and 16 weeks of age and of various breeds, were filmed during a standardized physical examination at the veterinary clinic. The study included an observation of the puppy free on the floor (FF) followed by a physical examination on a table (PET) and various manipulations on the floor (MF). During FF, the behavioral categories recorded were: activity, exploration, facial expression, puppy solicitation of interaction with the veterinarian, vocalization, and others. During PET and MF, the type of interaction with the veterinarian, facial expression, and ear position were examined. The study revealed some significant differences between behaviors exhibited by puppies according to their sex, age, and estimated adult weight. Behaviors generally varied widely among puppies, but some individuals showed “extreme behaviors” (outliers) compared to the median puppy. These behaviors included more active avoidance, more locomotion, more panting, or more vocalization, which were often correlated across contexts. These findings suggest that even at a young age, some puppies can be differentiated from others by specific behaviors. Whether or not these individuals are at higher risk of developing behavioral disorders as adults remains to be investigated.