Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the dominant weed species on sweet corn in two sweet corn production centers in West Java (Sumedang and Bandung Regency). Methodology: The materials used in this experiment was weed that grows in sweet corn, basic map and quesioner. The instruments used in this experiment were the square meters (0.5×0.5 m), hoe, scale, plastic rope, plastic bags, a spade, electric scale, dryer oven and altimeter. The study was carried out in Sumedang Regency (District Pamulihan and Sukasari) and Bandung Regency (District Cileunyi and Arjasari), each Regency consisted of 12 sweet corn farms. The study was carried out from March, 2014 until July, 2014. The experimental design used was descriptive with survey method. Each district consisted of 6 sweet corn farms. There were 12 observations on each Regency, so the total observations were 24 observations. Results: The results of this study showed that based on Sum Dominance Ratio (SDR) analysis, the dominant weeds found in Sumedang Regency were Ageratum conyzoides and Eupatorium odoratum L. (broad leaves) and Cyperus rotundus (sedge), whereas the dominant weed species found in Bandung Regency only Ageratum conyzoides (broad leave). The comparison of coefficient communities value (C) between Regency of Sumedang and Bandung was of 69.75% which means that, the weed population in Bandung and Sumedang was different. The total value of species diversidty index (H') in districts Pamulihan, Sukasari, Arjasari and Cileunyi were 1.18, 1.12, 1.39 and 1.35 consecutively, which means a relatively low diversity category. Conclusion: The dominant weeds and weed population in Bandung Regency and Sumedang Regency were different. All weed population in all study areas have low diversity.