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A general biodiversity–function relationship is mediated by trophic level
Mary I. O’Connor1, Andrew Gonzalez2, Jarrett E. K. Byrnes3, Bradley J. Cardinale4, J. Emmett Duffy5, Lars
Gamfeldt6, John N. Griffin7, David Hooper8, Bruce A. Hungate9, Alain Paquette10, Patrick L. Thompson2,
Laura E. Dee11 and Kristin L. Dolan12
1Dept of Zoology and Biodiversity Research Centre, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4,
2Dept of Biology, McGill Univ., Montreal, QC Canada
3Dept of Biology, Univ. of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA, USA
4School of Natural Resources and Environment, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
5Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA
6Dept of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden
7Dept of Biosciences, Swansea Univ., Singleton Park, Swansea, UK
8Dept of Biology, Western Washington Univ., Bellingham, WA, USA
9Center for Ecosystem Science and Society, Dept of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona Univ., Flagstaff,
10Centre for Forest Research, Univ. du Québec à Montréal, Centre-ville Station, Montréal, QC, Canada
11Inst. on the Environment, Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Saint Paul, MN, USA.
12Research Development Office, Univ. of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
Corresponding author: M. I. O’Connor, Dept of Zoology and Biodiversity Research Centre, Univ. of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada. E-mail:
Decision date: 13-Jun-2016
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lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article
as doi: [10.1111/oik.03652].
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Species diversity affects the functioning of ecosystems, including the efficiency by which communities
capture limited resources, produce biomass, recycle and retain biologically essential nutrients. These
ecological functions ultimately support the ecosystem services upon which humanity depends. Despite
hundreds of experimental tests of the effect of biodiversity on ecosystem function (BEF), it remains unclear
whether diversity effects are sufficiently general that we can use a single relationship to quantitatively predict
how changes in species richness alter an ecosystem function across trophic levels, ecosystems and ecological
conditions. Our objective here is to determine whether a general relationship exists between biodiversity and
standing biomass. We used hierarchical mixed effects models, based on a power function between species
richness and biomass production (Y = a × Sb), and a database of 374 published experiments to estimate the
BEF relationship (the change in biomass with the addition of species), and its associated uncertainty, in the
context of environmental factors. We found that the mean relationship (b = 0.26, 95% CI: 0.16, 0.37)
characterized the vast majority of observations, was robust to differences in experimental design, and was
independent of the range of species richness levels considered. However, the richness–biomass relationship
varied by trophic level and among ecosystems; b was nearly twice as large for consumers (herbivores and
detritivores) compared to primary producers in aquatic systems; in terrestrial ecosystems, b for detritivores
was negative but depended on few studies. We estimated changes in biomass expected for a range of changes
in species richness, highlighting that species loss has greater implications than species gains, skewing a
distribution of biomass change relative to observed species richness change. When biomass provides a good
proxy for processes that underpin ecosystem services, this relationship could be used as a step in modeling the
production of ecosystem services and their dependence on biodiversity.
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A major goal in biodiversity research is to understand the consequences of biodiversity change for ecosystem
functioning (Tilman et al. 1997, Petchey 2000, Turnbull et al. 2013). Experiments have shown that species
richness positively affects many ecosystem functions, such as standing biomass and resource use (Tilman et
al. 2001, Cardinale et al. 2006, Reich et al. 2012). A nonlinear function captures the relationship between
species richness and ecosystem functions, and its prevalence among experimental results suggests a common
quantitative relationship might characterize the rate of change of function with changing species richness.
Generalized empirical relationships in ecology have allowed for comparisons and predictions across complex
systems (Peters 1983, Brown and West 2000). Here we tested whether a general empirical relationship
adequately describes the relationship between diversity and biomass production, assessing the degree to
which this relationship depends on both random experimental factors and a variety of ecological parameters
(e.g., ecosystem type and trophic level). We use this variation to estimate changes in biomass expected with
changes in species richness of different organism types.
To estimate how biodiversity change will influence changes in ecosystem functioning in contexts
beyond controlled experiments, we need (1) a quantitative estimate of how much function is lost with the loss
of a species, (2) reliable estimates of variation around the mean estimate of the BEF relationship and, ideally
(3) assignment of uncertainty to factors that are known to influence the relationship (e.g., species traits,
resource supply, ecosystem type) as well as factors not yet identified. With existing data, an empirical
estimate of the relationship between richness and biomass could be used in biodiversity change models to
give a first approximation, or testable prediction, for effects of biodiversity change outside experimental
settings. The ecosystem function of biomass production, here estimated as standing biomass at a particular
time point and referred to throughout as ‘standing biomass’, has often been described as a positive
decelerating function of species richness (e.g., Balvanera et al. 2006, Cardinale et al. 2006, Reich et al. 2012).
For competitively structured communities, this relationship may follow the Michaelis-Menten function;
however in many experiments, the saturation of biomass production with accumulating species is not clear at
the levels of species richness tested (Cardinale et al. 2011). An alternative model that captures the strong
effects of species richness at low levels of richness, but diminishing effects at higher richness, is a power
function, biomass = a*(richness)b in which b describes the relationship between a change in richness and
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biomass (when 0 < b < 1) (Cardinale et al. 2007, 2011, Reich et al. 2012). The power function used here is not
meant to imply a particular theoretical BEF mechanism. It is used because it has substantial empirical support
from previous syntheses (Cardinale et al 2011, Gamfeldt et al. 2015, Lefcheck et al 2015).
To what extent might the response of biomass production to species richness be generalizable across
ecosystems and ecological contexts? If the BEF relationship varies in space and time, or with biotic and
abiotic conditions, then estimates of b alone may impart minimal information for understanding the role of
biodiversity. However, if it is general or varies predictably, the value of b can provide a powerful tool for
efforts to generalize the consequences of species loss for ecological function and ecosystem services (Isbell et
al 2014). Previous grassland experiments reported a central tendency toward a value of approximately b =
0.26 for effects of species richness on biomass, but with substantial variation in this estimate. Ninety-five
percent confidence intervals ranged from 0.15 - 0.32 (Cardinale et al. 2006), or a standard deviation of 0.27
(Cardinale et al. 2011). Whether that variation reflects systematic and ecologically important differences
among BEF relationships in different systems remains an important question.
The evidence is mixed as to whether abiotic and biotic conditions influence the value of b. Individual
experimental studies suggest that the change in biomass with accumulating species richness can vary with
resource availability (e.g., water, nutrients, CO2) (Reich et al. 2001, Fridley 2002, Boyer et al. 2009) or
presence of a predator (Duffy et al. 2005), and can increase in strength over time (Stachowicz et al. 2008,
Reich et al. 2012). Within experiments that share a species pool, experimental design, and other factors, the
BEF relationship can also vary among sites (Hector et al. 1999). Such among-site variation could imply that
the strength of the richness-function relationship is contingent on species composition and local
environmental condition (e.g., soil fertility, climate, etc)(Hooper et al. 2012). In contrast, meta-analyses of
dozens of experiments have demonstrated that, across studies, estimated mean richness-standing biomass
relationships (e.g., b) or effect sizes (e.g., log response ratios) are conserved across experiments conducted in
different ecosystem types and trophic groups (Cardinale et al. 2006). However, the values of b do vary
systematically with attributes of the experimental design, such as additive and substitutive designs or the total
number of richness levels (Balvanera et al. 2006), experimental durations (Cardinale et al. 2007), and spatial
and temporal scale (Cardinale et al. 2011). In addition, four recent meta-analyses reported differences in BEF
effects among trophic levels: marine herbivore richness had a stronger effect on function than richness of
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algae (Gamfeldt et al. 2014), aquatic herbivore richness had stronger effects on function than plant richness
when multiple functions are analyzed (Lefcheck et al. 2015), carnivore richness more strongly affected
resource depletion than did richness at lower trophic levels (Griffin et al. 2013), and detritivore richness more
strongly increased decomposition rates than did plant litter richness (Srivastava et al. 2009, Hooper et al.
2012). While individual experiments, and broader meta-analyses, have tested the importance of one or a few
additional factors (time, resource supply, trophic structure, etc; (Hooper et al 2012, Tilman et al 2012), the
relative importance of these factors, the uncertainty in their effects, and whether it is necessary to include
these parameters in general richness-function models remains unclear.
Here, we test the hypothesis that a single BEF relationship, expressed as an empirically estimated
value of b in a power function, adequately describes the relationship between species richness and standing
biomass at fine spatial grains (e.g., m2 or litres) despite variation across experiments in abiotic conditions,
sites, and ecological communities. We then tested biological and experimental conditions, such as different
species pools, ecosystem types, trophic levels, resource regimes, and lengths and types of experiments, that
might explain variation in this relationship, aiming to identify which factors are essential to understanding the
richness-biomass relationship and which might be left out of a general model. We applied our findings to
estimate the effects of changes in species richness for changes in standing biomass. Ultimately, our goal is to
facilitate integration and quantitative application of the BEF relationship by determining whether
experimental evidence supports a general, quantitative relationship (a general b value) between richness and
the important ecological function of community biomass production.
2. Methods
We used a hierarchical mixed effects model to test our hypothesis that there is a constant relationship
between species richness and community biomass. We chose standing biomass as the response variable,
because theoretical work has centered on this response and hundreds of experimental tests of the relationship
between community biomass and richness are published. Standing biomass is closely correlated with net
primary production under certain conditions, such as when biomass turnover or size structure is is constant
across treatments, or per capita production rates scale isometrically with body size at the individual and
population level. When these conditions are not met, biomass may not approximate productivity rates. The
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data most available - and analyzed here - are for standing stocks only. Modeling standing biomass provides a
diverse and large sample to estimate not only the effect of richness on standing biomass but also to test for
systematic variation in this relationship among groups.
Our sample of studies included 374 experiments and 558 entries (from 91 studies published between
1985 and 2009, Appendices A and B) in which richness was manipulated and standing stock of biomass was
reported for a species assemblage. The fundamental unit of observation in our analysis was a biomass
response variable (e.g., above-ground biomass, density, etc) reported across a set of species richness (S)
treatments varying in the number of species (at least 2 richness levels), with all other factors controlled,
hereafter an “entry.” For most entries, we lacked data on individual replicates for a treatment in a given
experimental unit, and had no choice but to use published means of the richness treatment. Though all entries
shared this basic experimental design, they differed in 1) the number of richness levels tested, 2) maximum
species richness, 3) the duration of the experiment, 4) whether resources like nutrients or water were added,
reduced or unmanipulated, 5) whether experiments were conducted in the lab or in the field, 6) whether the
ecosystem studied was aquatic or terrestrial, and 7) in which trophic level diversity was manipulated and
biomass reported (Table 1). Many experiments included monocultures (richness = 1 species), such that 544 of
558 entries included S = 1. Across all experiments, the highest richness level tested (Smax) increased with the
number of richness levels within entries (r2 = 0.41, P < 0.001). For each entry, we obtained or estimated a
value for each predictor listed above (Table 1). Studies were dropped from the analysis when information on
this set of predictors was not available, so there were no unknown values, and the dataset included the same
information for all models tested. The number of entries for each level of each predictor was not balanced.
The database is dominated by terrestrial plant studies lacking explicit resource manipulations (Table 1). The
database also does not include the following combinations: aquatic species richness x resource reduction
treatments, terrestrial herbivore richness manipulations, or resource reduction treatments for herbivores or
detritivores. There were also insufficient studies reporting the effects of carnivore diversity on carnivore
biomass to include in this analysis. Fortunately, hierarchical mixed effects models handle unbalanced designs,
and groups with few data points can still contribute some information to the overall analysis (Gelman and Hill
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2.1 The search for a single BEF relationship
Our primary objective was to estimate the relationship between richness and biomass. Then, we
aimed to test whether a single b coefficient described the relationship between richness and biomass given the
variation across organisms, ecosystems, and studies performed to date, and if not, to determine what
additional information is required to estimate the effect of species richness on biomass. We chose a mixed
effects modeling approach that allowed us to characterize the effect of richness on biomass using our
structured dataset in which many variables are shared by observations reported from the same experiment or
In this dataset, entries within experiments differ in aspects including date sampled or response
variable (e.g., above or below ground biomass sampled from the same plot), but share all other attributes such
as species richness levels, focal taxa, etc. Experiments within studies differ in treatment levels of resources,
location or time (e.g., year sampled), but share a publication, research team, and other study-level attributes
(Table 1). Mixed effects models allow modeling of variation associated with all unmeasured variables that
make parameter estimates from the same group (e.g., a study) similar to each other but distinct from other
groups. Hierarchical mixed effects models pool information at the group level, using fewer degrees of
freedom and reducing uncertainty in estimated relationships relative to an analysis of each group (e.g., study)
independently with regressions (Pinheiro and Bates 2000, Gelman and Hill 2007, O’Connor et al. 2007,
Cressie et al. 2009). Hierarchical mixed effects models that account for such structure in datasets are used
extensively in social sciences, economics, public health, and other fields where grouped data are the norm
(Snijders and Bosker 1999, Gelman and Hill 2007), and provide an information-efficient approach for
structured data. Hierarchical modeling is an established ecological research tool well-suited to large datasets
comprised of similar, smaller datasets (Myers and Worm 2003, O’Connor et al. 2007, Bolker et al. 2009,
Hudson et al. 2013, Lefcheck et al. 2015)
We modeled the biomass-richness relationship at the finest data resolution with the simplest plausible
relationship of interest, derived by natural-log-transforming the power function Y = a*Sb. In our case biomass
(ln(Y)) at the plot level as predicted by species richness (ln(S)),
ln(Yijkl) = Β0.ijk + Β1.ijk*ln(Sijkl) + εijkl, Eqn 1a
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so that a is estimated by Β0 and the parameter b is estimated by Β1 for plots or mesocosms (l) within each
combination of a species richness manipulation and a biomass response (entry, k), entries within experiments
(j), and experiments within studies (i). We assumed normally distributed residual error (εijk ~ (N, σ2)).
Although other formulations have been used to describe this relationship (e.g. Michaelis-Menten, Cardinale et
al., 2011), we proceed with the power function, which has also received substantial empirical support and
offers greater analytical simplicity, though differs from Michaelis-Menten in that it does not saturate
(Cardinale et al. 2007, 2011, Reich et al. 2012, Gamfeldt et al. 2014).
Our hypotheses are centered on the question of how predictable is the value of Β1, the slope of
biomass on species richness, or conversely, how variable it is among studies and conditions. Though it is not
of primary interest in this study, we also modeled variation in the intercept term, Β0, because predictors of Β1
could influence the intercept (mean biomass), and those influences likely co-vary in some cases with variation
in the slope. The intercept term in a BEF regression model represents the absolute value of biomass at
standard richness level. Biomass varies among groups of organisms for many reasons – taxonomy of the
group involved (algae vs grass vs insects), absolute resource supply rates, etc. Our analysis and dataset are not
suited to modeling biomass variation among experimental units (the intercept term). Although we model the
intercept, because it may explain some variation in slopes as discussed above, we do not interpret variation in
the intercept estimate in terms of the predictors we have included, because we know this set of predictors is
insufficient for understanding variation in biomass (the intercept) among entries, experiments and studies.
To test our hypotheses while accounting for variability among experimental conditions and study
systems in our dataset, we modeled variation in the slope (Β1.ijk) and intercept (Β0.ijk):
Β0.ijk = γ00 + μ0.i + μ0.j + μ0.k Eqn 1b
Β1.ijk = γ10 + μ1.i + μ1.j + μ1.k
In Eqns 1b, the slope Β1.ijk and intercept Β0.ijk for each observation (a set of species richness – biomass
observations) are modeled as mean γ10 and γ00, respectively. Variation associated with each level of data
grouping - entry (μ1.k, μ0.k), experiment (μ1.j, μ0.j) and study (μ1.i, μ0.i) - can be formally considered as random
effects normally distributed with variance Σ0 estimated by the model (Appendix C).
The test of our first hypothesis, that there is a constant relationship between species richness and
standing biomass, is whether variable slopes (b, as estimated by Β1.ijk) are required among different studies,
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experiments and entries (μ1.i, μ1.j, or μ1.k ≠ 0, in Eqn 1b) (Table 2). If so, we would conclude that it is not
possible to identify a single parameter (b) for this dataset. We also tested alternate models (Eqns 2-3) that
include interaction terms for time (TG) passed since the beginning of the experiment normalized to the
generation time of the taxon (such that TG = duration of experiment in days / generation time of focal
organism) (Β2), and the interaction between TG and ln(S) (Β3):
ln(Yijkl) = Β0.ijk + Β1.ijk*ln(Sijkl) + Β2*ln(TG.ijkl) + εijkl. Eqn 2
ln(Yijkl) = Β0.ijk + Β1.ijk*ln(Sijkl) + Β2*ln(TG.ijkl) + Β3*ln(Sijkl)*ln(TG.ijkl) + εijkl. Eqn 3
These models test for effects of plot-scale richness and plot age, and are possible because paired richness,
function data were reported for multiple time points in many studies. Generation time was approximated
based on body size and knowledge of taxa (Cardinale et al, 2011).
2.2 Testing hypotheses about factors that modify the BEF relationship
We tested our second main hypothesis that ecological or experimental parameters that varied across
entries, experiments or studies altered the richness-biomass relationship (Table 2). Specifically, we compared
mixed effects models with different formulations that represent hypotheses for how various biotic and abiotic
factors (listed in Table 1) interact with species richness to affect the relationship.
In addition to the basic hypothesis that biomass changes with increasing species richness and time
(models 1-3), we tested the hypothesis that ecosystem (aquatic, terrestrial) and trophic group (primary
producer, detritivore, herbivore) influence the richness-biomass relationship (slope = Β1.ij, model 4, Tables 2,
4). The trophic group predictor indicates the group for which species richness was manipulated and biomass
was measured. In this hypothesis, we included an interaction between ecosystem and trophic group to allow
for the lack of data on terrestrial herbivores. We also tested the hypotheses that in addition to ecosystem and
trophic group, increased or reduced resources (water, nutrients, CO2) modified the BEF relationship (model
5). The three categorical levels of the resource treatment predictor (control, addition, reduction) reflect
experimental manipulations relative to ambient conditions for any resource explicitly manipulated (water,
nitrogen, light, etc). A level of ‘control’ was assigned to any species richness manipulation that did not
specify that resources were added or reduced relative to ambient levels. Some experiments manipulated
resource supply to plants and factorially with consumer richness manipulations, and we included these
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studies. This resource predictor includes no information on whether the resource was a priori shown to be
limiting in the system, and not all experiments included factorial resource treatments (Table 1). Consequently,
the ‘resource’ predictor represents a coarse test of whether resource manipulation modifies the richness-
function relationship.
In a fourth hypothesis, we tested for an effect of experimental duration among studies standardized
to estimated generation time of the manipulated taxa, testing whether experiments that run for a greater
number of generations show stronger effects of richness when compared across taxa or systems (model 6,
Tables 2, 4). We considered time in two ways. First, we modeled the effect of time ‘within an experiment’,
looking at whether the slope parameter changes as an experiment moves from year 1 to year 2 to year 3. We
might expect the parameter to change over time based on studies in long-term experiments such as Reich et al
2012 and Stachowicz et al 2008. This effect of time is captured by the parameter TG, and models the effect of
year (or day) within a multi-year (day) experiment (Table 2, model 2). Second, we examined the effect of
time by modeling the effect of total experiment duration on the slope b. This model tested whether longer
experiments have steeper slopes (the parameter is called ‘ln(maxDuration)’, which is measured by the number
of generations of the focal taxa in the experiment) (Table 2, model 6). We also tested whether the effect of
total experiment duration depended on whether resources were added or reduced (Table 2, model 7).
We also tested the hypothesis that the BEF relationship varies with attributes of the experimental
design – maximum duration, maximum number of species tested (Smax), units in which biomass was measured
(biomass estimator), and lab vs field (model 8). Finally, we tested the hypothesis that all factors modify the
BEF relationship (model 9, Eqn 4), and that when all are included, the interaction between ecosystem and
trophic group is not important (model 9.1). We modeled interactions between intercepts (Β0.ijk) and slopes
(Β1.ijk) for each group using the following equations, and each hypothesis outlined above was modeled as a
nested subset of the full model:
Β0.ijk = γ00 + γ01*Sysi + γ02*Li + γ03*Sysi*Li + γ04 *Unitsj + γ05*LabFieldi
+ γ06* + γ07* Nj + γ08*ln(max(Durationi)) + μ0.i + μ0.j + μ0.l Eqn 4a
Β1.ijk = γ10 + γ11*Sysi + γ12*Li + γ13*Sysi*Li + γ14 *Unitsj + γ15*LabFieldi
+ γ16* + γ17* Nj + γ18*ln(max(Durationi)) + μ1.i + μ1.j + μ1.k Eqn 4b
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with random effects, normally distributed about zero with variance estimated by the model (Appendix C).
2.3 Model selection, analysis and inference
To identify the best model, we first determined the need for variable slopes and intercepts for each
candidate model (Eqn 1a, 2 and 3) by comparing models with different random effects structures (Table A1).
The test of our first hypothesis is whether the BEF model requires variable slopes at group (entry, experiment
and study) levels, implying variation in the BEF relationship among groups. We ranked models with and
without variable slopes and intercepts using AICc adjusted for degrees of freedom to account for different
random effects following Bolker et al. (2009) and Gelman and Hill (2007), and compared them using δAICc
values (Bolker et al. 2009). If variable slopes were required at the group level, we examined residuals (μ1.k,
μ1.j, μ1.l) using caterpillar plots to determine whether only a few studies drove the need for variable slopes at
the group level (Verbeke and Molenberghs 2000).
To test our second hypothesis, we compared models with biotic and experimental predictors (models
4-9; Eqns 4a-b). We ranked models using AICc, and compared them with δAICc and Akaike weights (w). We
defined the best model set as all models with δAICc < 2, (Richards 2005, Burnham and Anderson 2002). If
more than one model met our criteria of δaic < 2, we averaged these models to produce coefficient estimates
(Burnham and Anderson 2002). Model averaging produces estimates for all coefficients in the best model set,
weighted by the importance (w) of each model in the set. To estimate the parameter b for each study, we
summed coefficients for each richness manipulation (b = Β1.ijk + μ1.i + μ1.j + μ1.k) (Gelman and Hill 2007) from
the best model set.
We proceeded with a linear mixed effects model, although in our dataset, ln(Yijkl) values have a fat-
tailed distribution and are not strictly normally distributed (Shapiro Test, p < 0.001), differing from normal
but without significant skew. Analysis of residuals of Equation 1 revealed 7 experiments from 2 studies that
were extreme outliers in the dataset (< 3% of entries), and these were excluded from analysis to meet
assumptions of homoscedasticity. Although we tested for an effect of time and there is a risk that observations
are temporally autocorrelated, we could not include a temporal autocorrelation term in the model because
time and richness are modeled at the finest resolution of our hierarchical data. Thus, there are multiple
observations (biomass at multiple richness levels) for each level of TG within each entry, and we cannot
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isolate potential autocorrelation in time from among richness levels. Therefore, the ln(TG)*ln(S) fixed effect is
expected to include any real effects and any possible autocorrelation. All analyses were done in R (v. 3.2.1).
We used lme4 package (v. 1.1-8) for mixed effects analyses, comparing models fit with REML = FALSE but
used REML = TRUE for estimation of coefficients. Data and analytical code are available from the authors at We produced caterpillar plots using the
package sjPlot (v. 1.8.2).
To consider the relationship between a change in richness and a change in function, we simply
generated a normal distribution of numbers between 0 and 2, centered on 1, to represent a distribution of
proportional species richness changes centered on no net change. We then used the empirical estimates of b
produced from the previous analyses to translate a distribution in species richness change to an expected
distribution of change in biomass. We present these as proportional changes in species richness and
proportional changes in function to compare the effect of species loss or gain across systems with different
total species richness.
3. Results
A single, universal relationship (Β1.ijk value) was not supported by our analysis of the species richness-
biomass relationship. Variable slopes and intercepts associated with entry, experiment and study were
required for each candidate model (Eqns 1-3) (AICC > 100 for comparison of model with variable slopes and
intercepts to model with fewer random effects terms) (Table A1). We did not find strong evidence for a
systematic effect of experimental duration on the BEF relationship across all studies (Table 3). This simple
model with random effects (model 2; Eqn 2) estimates a BEF relationship of b = γ10 = 0.23 (95% CI: 0.18,
0.28) that applies to most (> 94.00%) but not all entries (Figure A1, Table A1). Examination of the variation
in slopes (μ1.i, μ1.j and μ0.k), plotted as the deviation of each slope’s estimated random effect from the mean
slope fixed effect (Figure 2), suggests this estimate of b = γ10 adequately described most observations (i.e., the
confidence intervals for the random effects include 0 in the caterpillar plots for most ln(S) estimates) (Figure
A1). Still, the number of slope residuals deviating from the central estimate (γ10) is sufficient that removing
those observations neither eliminates the need for variable slopes, nor is justified based on the dataset. In all
models, richness values were centered on the value that minimized co-variances of random effects for slopes
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and intercepts estimated by model 1 (ln(8). These covariances were 0.07 for Entry, 0.24 for Experiment, and -
0.16 for Study. Examination of standardized residual plots suggests models were not overfit (Figure A3).
After concluding that variable slopes at the entry, experiment and study levels confound the
identification of a single relationship, we tested our second main set of hypotheses that ecological and
experimental factors could explain some variation in richness-biomass relationship, thus eliminating the need
for variable slopes (μ1.i, μ1.j and μ0.k) based on diagnosis using caterpillar plots (Figures A1, 2). We found that
the BEF relationship varied systematically between aquatic primary producers and consumers (Model 4,
Table 4) such that herbivore biomass increased with species richness by baq.herbivores = γ10 + γ12 = 0.47, whereas
detritivore biomass increased with species richness by baq. detritivores = γ10 + γ12 = 0.55, both stronger than the
relationship between primary producer (plants, algae) biomass and primary producer species richness
( = γ10 = 0.26) (Table 4, Figure 1B). Though there was no difference between aquatic and terrestrial
primary producers, terrestrial detritivores had a much weaker relationship between richness and biomass than
all other groups (aquatic primary producers and herbivores, and terrestrial plants), with a negative value for b
(Table 5, Figure 1B, C). Estimates for the intercept term varied among trophic and ecosystem groups, as
expected by their very different biomasses (Table 5, Figure A2). The top-ranked model of our set was model
4 (Table 4), which included the interaction between trophic group and ecosystem (Figure 1B). None of our
other hypotheses about variation in the BEF relationship were comparable to this ‘best’ model (AIC weight =
The best model indicates that variable slopes and intercepts are still required, even with fixed effects
for trophic group and ecosystem (Model 4, Table A2, Figure 2). Thus, systematic variation remains among
entries, experiments, and studies that prohibits a single estimate of a BEF relationship between ln(Y) and
ln(S) (Figure 2). The larger variance components associated with study and entry compared to experiment
suggests that most of the unexplained systematic variation is at those levels. Slope estimates did not differ
systematically for experiments with or without monocultures (Figure A4).
Our model comparison results allowed us to reject some of our alternate hypotheses (Table 4). We
rejected the hypothesis that the basic model (Eqn 2) is sufficient to explain the relationship between richness
and biomass. We also rejected the hypotheses (models 8, 9 and 9.1) that differences in experimental designs
(number of species tested, lab vs field experiment, and the method of estimating biomass) explain variation in
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the observed BEF relationship, and that our coarse grouping of resource supply condition (addition, reduction
or control) provided needed information for understanding the richness – biomass relationship. Results of the
test of the importance of number of generations (TG) within experiments did not support the hypothesis that
including the interaction between ln(S) and ln(TG) led to a significantly better fit (Table 3). AICc values and
the likelihood ratio test suggest that the richness-biomass relationship did not depend on the duration of an
experiment expressed as the generation time of the organisms being studied (e.g., no. generations, L) across
the 374 experiments in our dataset (no support for the interaction between time and richness, model 2 in Table
4). We conducted two additional tests of the hypothesis that experimental duration might affect the strength of
the relationship. In the first of these, we expanded model 3 (Table 4) to test alternate hypotheses that there is
an interaction between ecosystem, time and richness (Model 3a) or between trophic group, time and richness
(Model 3b)(Table A4). The inclusion of the interaction term for time in these models suggests an effect of
time could be informative, yet coefficients for the TG interactions did not differ from 0 except for herbivores,
which suggests a weak negative effect of time on the BEF relationship. Second, we tested the effect of
maximum duration on the relationship for only final observations of each experiment (models 6, 7). Model
comparisons for this dataset were consistent with the full dataset, and suggested no effect of maximum
duration on the parameter b (Table A3). We did not find evidence for this effect of time on plants or
detritivores across all studies (Tables S4 and S5).
When applied to a distribution of scenarios of species richness change over time, the estimated
values of b (Table 5) produced distributions of expected biomass change that reveal net negative effects of
species richness change on biomass. A distribution of species richness changes centered on no change (or
proportion of richness before:after change = 1), produces a distribution of expected biomass change with a
mean proportional change <1 (Figure 3), and greater extreme values for loss of function than for gain. The
larger b-value for aquatic herbivores suggests much greater losses or gains in biomass expected for a given
change in species richness relative to primary producers. For example, a 20% loss of species richness for
herbivores leads to a 10% loss in herbivore biomass, while the same loss of plant species richness leads to a
6% loss of plant biomass.
4. Discussion
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We synthesized over 500 experimental tests of the effect of species richness on biomass, and found strong
support for a relationship that varies among trophic levels (Figure 1B-C) and potentially across ecosystem
types. We found that most (but not all) primary producer assemblages in both terrestrial and aquatic
environments conform to a single coefficient (b = 0.26) quantifying how biomass increases with increasing
species richness. However, aquatic consumers had much stronger effects of diversity on biomass (herbivores,
b = 0.47; detritivores, b = 0.54), and terrestrial detritivores had no clear relationship (b = -0.001), compared to
plants and algae. We conclude that information about trophic group and ecosystem can inform estimates of
the consequences of species loss or gain for one ecosystem function, standing biomass. Our hierarchical
mixed effects modeling approach provided one of the more comprehensive analyses of the richness-biomass
relationship to date, simultaneously considering the potential dependence of the richness-biomass relationship
on 8 abiotic and biotic factors and additional systematic variation across hundreds of experimental tests.
Finally, our results indicate that, on average, species losses will result in greater losses of biomass than will
species gains result in increased biomass. We discuss the potentially important implications of this result later
in the Discussion.
The observed stronger BEF relationship in primary consumers relative to primary producers has been
predicted conceptually (Duffy 2002, 2003). Although early data syntheses did not detect this difference, that
could be explained by smaller numbers of studies and relatively simple statistical methods of data synthesis
(Cardinale et al. 2006). Recently, using variants of the dataset we used here, Gamfeldt et al (2014) found that
in marine studies, herbivore biomass increases more strongly with richness than does primary producer
biomass, and Lefcheck et al. (2015) reported stronger effects of aquatic herbivore than primary producer
diversity on multiple functions. Similarly, Griffin et al (2013) found stronger effects of species richness on
resource depletion rates for higher trophic groups. We confirm this result for a larger dataset that includes
terrestrial studies, suggesting that as more data has become available, previous findings that herbivores did
not differ from plants can now be revised.
The larger effects of species richness change for aquatic herbivore and detritivore biomass than
primary producer biomass leads to the hypothesis that changes in diversity could create positive feedbacks in
aquatic systems. Because the magnitudes of the consequences increase nonlinearly as species richness
declines, greater diversity declines among consumers than resources (Byrnes et al. 2007, Duffy 2003) could
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shift the importance of top down control: as grazer species loss disproportionately reduces grazer biomass,
plant assemblages released from grazing pressure could increase plant productivity. Similar mechanisms
could influence the relationship between species richness and biomass for decomposers, and also for
decomposition rates. A meta-analyses based on the same data set found that changes in detritivore diversity
had greater effects on changes in decomposition rates than did changes in plant litter diversity, particularly
among aquatic detritivores (Hooper et al. 2012).
We found that patterns in the richness-biomass relationship across trophic levels differed in
terrestrial systems. In this dataset, detritivores were represented by primary decomposers: unicellular fungi
(Replanksy and Bell 2009), multicellular fungi (Setälä and McLean 2004), and bacteria (Griffiths et al. 2001)
(3 studies, 24 Experiments with distinct species compositions at each richness level, 24 Entries). While the
former two studies found evidence for positive effects of fungal diversity on fungal biomass without
disturbance, disturbance by drought reversed this effect (Setälä and McLean 2004), and bacterial diversity had
no effect on a variety of soil processes (Griffiths et al. 2001). The pattern of weaker richness-biomass
relationships among terrestrial detritivores relative to primary producers in this small set may reflect the
taxonomic bias toward microbial consumers in terrestrial systems relative to larger-bodied detritivores (e.g.,
macroinvertebrates) in the aquatic studies included here. However, the interpretation of a general, cross-
system trophic level effect in terrestrial systems is hampered by lack of available data. The few studies using
terrestrial detritivores are insufficient to understand the generality or causes of variation in that relationship.
Furthermore, our dataset included no terrestrial herbivore manipulations for which herbivore biomass was
reported, so we have no basis for inference about that relationship. Similarly, we lacked sufficient estimates of
carnivore biodiversity manipulations that reported effects on carnivore biomass to include them in this
analysis. These issues highlight the need for further exploration of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning
relationships in these understudied groups.
We did not find a systematic relationship between the BEF relationship and experimental duration
(TG) across this dataset (Table 3). Still, for several reasons, we cannot reject the hypothesis that the BEF
relationship changes though time within a community. First, there is strong evidence in the literature,
including one meta-analysis, that have reported that the richness-biomass relationship strengthens through
time (Cardinale et al. 2007, Stachowicz et al. 2008, Reich et al. 2012). Further, in some of the longest-running
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BEF experiments, an effect of duration is clear after several years (Stachowicz et al. 2008, Reich et al. 2012).
Second, time may have had variable effects among studies. We found that entry-level random effects for the
coefficient b were required, and one of the main differences between entries within an experiment is the time
of measurement. The persistence of the entry-level random effect for the BEF relationship could reflect
temporal variation, that variation may not be linear through time in all studies, or that co-varying factors such
as climate conditions explain effects associated with time. A similar argument could be made for the
importance of total experimental duration (maximum duration, Table 1), which varies among studies and
could therefore also be accounted for in the study-level variance component. At the study-level, variation in
study duration is typically confounded with variation in spatial scale and body size of the focal taxa
(Cardinale et al 2011), such that time effects cannot be clearly distinguished.
Our failure to reject the need for variable slopes among certain groupings (entries, experiments, and
studies) indicates that systematic variation in the BEF relationship exists among studies and experiments, not
captured by our hypotheses. This suggest that additional research and synthesis is needed to determine
whether there is a single BEF relationship, or whether attributions such as climate or higher resolution
treatment of predictors, such as resource supply, could explain the remaining variation. Among-study
variation explained the majority of the variation in the random effects in our model (Table 5). Random, study-
level variation is distinguishable from residual variation (error) and implies that in addition to the fixed effects
that we modeled, there is still systematic variation in how richness affects function among studies. This
variation could result from climate, site environmental parameters (e.g., soil pH), taxonomic groups studied,
species or functional trait composition within those groups, or other ecological or scientific particularities of
the research studies.
Our results also help shed light on potential changes in function resulting from changes in local
species richness. Our results show that, on average, species losses lead to greater losses of biomass than
species gains lead to increased biomass (Figure 3). The disproportionate effects of species losses compared to
gains follows from Jensen’s inequality theorem, which shows that the change in y per increase in x is different
than the change in y per the same unit decrease in x for any convex or concave function (Figure A4). Our
analyses confirmed that, despite some systematic variation, the relationship between species richness and
biomass is almost always concave down with positive values of b for the power function 0 < b < 1. Thus, on
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average, species gains accrue less change in biomass than is lost when an equivalent number of species are
There are several implications of Jensen’s inequality that warrant consideration in future studies.
First, Jensen’s inequality suggests that efforts to conserve species could have disproportionately large effects
on ecological functions compared to efforts to restore a similar number of species that have already been lost
from a system. Indeed, restoration of ecosystem functions may require the addition of a larger number of
native species than were originally lost. Jensen’s inequality may also be important for assessing arguments in
an ongoing debate about how local changes in species richness impact ecosystem functioning (Gonzalez et al.
In Press, Vellend et al. 2013). Vellend et al. (2013) recently summarized time-series from 346 studies that
had monitored plant species richness in ‘local-scale’ vegetation plots. These authors found that species
richness has increased through time in roughly half the plots, but decreased through time in the other half.
When averaged together, Vellend et al. concluded there has been no ‘net’ change in terrestrial plant species
richness, and went on to argue that, if there has been no net change in species richness, then there cannot be
changes in ecological function driven by local species loss.
Gonzalez et al. (in press) have criticized the study of Vellend on multiple grounds: (1) their dataset
was not representative of global patterns of plant species richness nor the primary drivers of diversity change,
(2) their dataset was unduly influenced by studies performed in ecosystems where biodiversity is likely
recovering from historical destruction (e.g., forests recovering from logging), and (3) the unjustified logic of
overextending conclusions of monitoring programs of biodiversity to ecological functions that were never
measured in the original studies. Our results add a fourth issue to consider when interpreting the functional
implications of changes in biodiversity in such syntheses as Vellend et al 2013. Even if Vellend et al.’s
primary conclusion that species gains and losses have averaged out to no ‘net’ loss of species richness is
correct, it is still incorrect to suggest that no net loss of richness means there has been no net loss of
ecological function. Assuming that species being gained and lost are, on average, functionally similar, our
results suggest that losses could still have disproportionately large impacts on productivity compared to
Strengths and limitations of the empirical relationship
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The main insight supported by our analysis is that there is empirical evidence to support the use of a
single value of b (in a power function) to describe how a change in species richness leads to a change in
biomass for primary producers, but distinct values for aquatic herbivores and detritivores. The strength of this
approach is a large database of experimental observations using similar experimental designs and a range of
taxa (Table 1). Our analysis does not provide information about the other parameter in the power function, a,
which can be thought of as the intercept of a linearized power function. Conceptually, a is the biomass of the
average monoculture for a given community, and therefore will vary substantially among communities
depending on their traits and environment. For example, a will be very low for phytoplankton and quite high
for shrub assemblages, and with these community types will vary with resource availability, climate, etc. We
did not have estimates for predictor variables that would be suitable to model variation in a among the very
different study systems and environments included in this synthesis. For any specific application of the
empirically estimated scaling exponent we provide here, the value of a will need to be estimated for the
ecosystem under consideration.
The implications of our finding that a single value of b applies to most observations for application
to other trophic groups or to support inferences about theoretical mechanisms remain limited for two reasons.
First, some predictors in our analysis should be interpreted with caution. For example, studies differed widely
in whether and how resources were controlled or manipulated. Thus, our predictor of ‘resource level’ is
coarse and does not represent resource limitation in these systems. Resource manipulation (addition, control
or reduction) was included in a plausible (but unlikely) model (Table 3). Based on the model ranking and the
coarseness of the biological meaning of the resource predictor, we do not reject the hypothesis that resource
supply can change the BEF relationship. Our analysis was limited by sufficient resource limitation data to
conclusively test this hypothesis. Previous studies have shown mixed results, with some individual studies
finding that increased nitrogen availability led to greater diversity effects on aboveground production (Reich
et al. 2001, Fridley 2003) and a meta-analysis, using some of the same data as our study finding the opposite
(Hooper et al. 2012). Some of this variability, and that found in our current study, could result from different
effects on aboveground versus belowground versus total production, effects of different resources (e.g., CO2
versus nutrients), different levels of resource addition, and compositional variation among communities
(Reich et al. 2001, Fridley 2002, Hooper et al. 2012). More work is needed to fully test the dependence of the
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BEF relationship on resource supply, ideally with studies that factorially manipulate both diversity and
resource supply within expected ranges of environmental change. Even with the heterogeneity in the data and
the coarseness of some predictor levels, the patterns we observe are consistent with previous findings from
analyses that tested a subset of these predictors on smaller datasets.
Finally, while not the objective of our study, the existence of a power law scaling relationship in
other areas of ecology has been inferred to imply self-similar systems and a certain class of mechanistic driver
(Brown et al 2002). We caution that our empirical study, fitting a power function to BEF data, does not imply
such a mechanistic driver to a BEF relationship. Determining whether such a relationship exists would merit
further theoretical development, including assessing whether a power law is indeed the best descriptor of the
BEF relationship. Instead, we aimed to test for a general empirical pattern. It remains to be determined
whether there is a single best functional form to describe the BEF relationship, and whether this relationship
is predicted or explained by any single theoretical framework.
Our analysis of the richness-biomass relationship allows practitioners to apply an empirically-
derived, a priori prediction for the BEF relationship as a quantitative estimate for the expected importance of
a change in biomass with a change in species richness. This estimate provides a starting hypothesis that
investigators can use to determine whether additional factors modify the diversity-biomass relationship, or
that they can attempt to falsify or improve upon. Furthermore, when biomass provides a good proxy for the
processes and functions that underpin ecosystem services, this estimate of b could be used as a step in
modeling the production of ecosystem services and their dependency on biodiversity. For
instance, this BEF relationship can be part of an ecosystem service production function
(Barbier 2007, Isbell et al. 2014), where production functions describe the relationship
between various inputs (e.g., ecosystem properties, harvesting effort, etc.) and the level of a
service that is produced (Barbier 2007). These production functions can support
management decisions targeting provisioning of ecosystem services, such as by evaluating
ecosystem service provisioning under different scenarios (Barbier 2007, Nelson et al. 2009,
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Tallis and Polasky 2009). Such an approach can also determine how different estimates of
this parameter influence estimates of ecosystem service supply, and provide insight into the
marginal value of maintaining diversity in terms of the value of an ecosystem service.
However, for many ecosystem services, standing biomass is not a direct proxy for many ecosystem
services that directly contribute to human well-being (for example, secondary productivity or nutrient
cycling). Therefore, there is a need to determine whether this relationship holds more generally for other
response variables that are also closely linked to human well-being (e.g., food production, water quality), and
to what extent these findings extend to cases of non-random species loss. If so, integrating such a relationship
into production functions could represent an important step towards the development of new tools to forecast
the magnitude of change in important ecosystem services due to biodiversity loss, for a broader array of
services. In the meantime, there is sufficient evidence to support the application of this parameterized power
function to efforts such as integrated ecosystem function models or the generation of production functions
linking biodiversity change to ecosystem functions and services directly related to biomass.
This work was conducted as a part of the Biodiversity and the Functioning of Ecosystems: Translating Model
Experiments into Functional Reality Working Group supported by the National Center for Ecological
Analysis and Synthesis, a Center funded by NSF (Grant #EF-0553768), the University of California, Santa
Barbara, and the State of California. MO is supported by an NSERC discovery grant and the Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation. AG is supported by an NSERC discovery grant, the Canada Research Chair Program and the
Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science.
Authorship statement, following ICMJE guidelines:
MO and AG designed this work and drafted the manuscript, MO conducted the analysis, BC and KD acquired
the data, all authors contributed to interpretation of the analysis and implications, revision of intellectually
important content, and approved of its final publication and have agreed to be accountable for the work.
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Table Legends
Table 1. Summary of hierarchical dataset on the richness – biomass relationship and predictors analyzed in
this study. The most basic unit of observation is an ‘entry’, which is a single response variable measured at a
single time for a set of species richness levels with all other factors controlled. An ‘experiment’ is the richness
manipulation within which all other factors are controlled, but multiple response variables might have been
measured at more than one time point, thus there are often multiple entries within each experiment, and
several experiments are often published within a single study, and might differ in the level of a factor such as
consumer presence, resource supply, etc. Numbers in each column indicate the number of groups (entry,
experiment or study) in the dataset for each level of each categorical predictor, and for each continuous
predictor the range of values is given for the entire dataset.
Categorical predictors
Entry (n)
Experiments (n)
Studies (n)
Ecosystem (Sys)
Trophic group (L)
Primary producers
Lab / greenhouse
Field enclosures or
Outdoor mesocosms
Biomass estimator (Units)
Percent cover
Resource treatment (N)
Continuous predictors
Experimental duration
Time of measurement (TG)
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Table 2. Hypotheses tested for how abiotic and experimental factors could affect the relationship between
species richness and biomass. Taken together, this set of hypotheses allowed us to test the overarching
hypothesis that a single BEF relationship, expressed as an empirically estimated value of b in a power
function, adequately describes the relationship between species richness and standing biomass at fine spatial
grains (e.g. m2 or litres) despite variation in abiotic conditions, sites, and ecological community contexts such
as different species pools, ecosystems, trophic levels or resource regimes.
There is a constant relationship between species richness and standing biomass, estimated as Β1
in Eq. 1a. Variation in unmeasured attributes at different levels of organization in the data
(entry-, experiment- or study-level variation) did not alter estimates of the richness–biomass
All, with
effects (Eq.
The richness–biomass relationship increases with time within experiments, estimated as
generation times of focal taxa
The effects of experimental duration within experiments varies among ecosystems and trophic
The effects of experimental duration within experiments varies among trophic levels
The richness–biomass relationship varies among ecosystems (aquatic, terrestrial) and trophic
groups (primary producer, detritivore, herbivore)
In addition to variation among ecosystems and trophic groups, the richness–biomass
relationship varies with increased or reduced resources (water, nutrients, CO2)
Experiments that run for a greater number of generations show stronger effects of richness
when compared across taxa or systems, in the context of resource addition or reduction
The effects of maximum experimental duration vary with level of resource addition
The richness-biomass relationship varies with attributes of the experimental design – maximum
duration, maximum number of species tested (Smax), units in which biomass was measured
(biomass estimator), and lab vs field (model 8)
All biotic, abiotic and experimental factors (model 1–8) modify the BEF relationship (Eq. 3)
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When all predictors are considered, the interaction between ecosystem and trophic group is not
important (Eq. 2)
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Table 3. Results of model selection for basic species richness - biomass model. Models relate total estimated
biomass (ln(Y)) to species richness (ln(S)) and experimental duration, estimated in terms of number of
generations of focal taxa (ln(Tg)). Models are ranked by AICc, and compared using AIC weight (w) and AIC
values and likelihood ratio tests. Likelihood ratio tests (p-values) compare each model with the top-ranked
(lowest AICc value) model (first row) and facilitate interpretation of the significance of differences in similar
AICc values. All models include variable slope and intercept coefficients at the entry, experiment and study
level (Table A1).
ln(Y) = ln(S) + ln(Tg)
ln(Y) = ln(S) × ln(Tg)
ln(Y) = ln(S)
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Table 4. Comparison of alternative models for how richness (ln(S)) affects biomass. Model terms are as shown in Equations 4a and b (intercept term not
shown here), ranked from left to right by their quality (high to low) as a description of this dataset. Models differed in fixed effects, indicated by , but all
included variable intercepts (μ0i,μ0j,μ0k) and slopes (μ1i,μ1j,μ1k) at the level of the study (i), experiment (j) and entry (k). Models were ranked based
on AICc, and differences assessed using δAIC and Akaike weights (w) and likelihood ratio tests. We used likelihood ratio test results (- p > 0.05, * p <
0.05, ** p < 0.01) to compare models with the top-ranked (lowest AICc) model only for comparisons in which one model can be derived from the other by
constraining parameter values. When this was not possible, likelihood ratio tests were not performed. A significant p-value indicates that the model with
the lower AICc value is a better description of the data. When the likelihood ratio test indicates no differences, the model with fewer parameters is
Time (ln(TG))
Ecosystem (Sys)
Trophic group (L)
Resource treatment (N)
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Lab vs field experiment
Biomass estimator (Units)
ln(S) × ln(TG)
ln(S) × Sys
ln(S) × Sys × ln(TG)
ln(S) × L
ln(S) × N
ln(S) × ln(max(Duration))
ln(S) × (lab vs field)
ln(S) × Units
ln(S) × Smax
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Table 5. Coefficients for modeled effect of richness on standing stock. Mean (+95% CI) estimate from the
best model with fixed effects (trophic level, duration, lab versus field tests and ecosystem) and variable
slopes and intercepts (model 4). Estimates give effect sizes relative to plant biomass in a terrestrial
ecosystem under nutrient control conditions. Values in bold indicate parameter estimates contributing to
the slope term that differ significantly from zero and thus modify the relationship between richness and
Model 4
4.33 [3.45, 5.21]
0.26 [0.16, 0.37]
0.16 [0.03, 0.28]
Ecosystem - Terrestrial
1.50 [0.48, 2.51]
L - Herbivore
–0.33 [–1.38, 0.66]
L - Detritivore
1.22 [–0.93, 3.39]
Terrestrial × Detritivore
–1.93 [–5.11, 1.26]
ln(S) × ecosystem –Terrest.
–0.07 [–0.18, 0.05]
ln(S) × L – Herbivore
0.21 [0.03, 0.38]
ln(S) × L – Detritivore
0.29 [0.01, 0.56]
ln(S) × Terrest. × Detrit.
-0.58 [-0.98, -0.17]
Entry – intercept
Entry – ln(S)
Experiment – intercept
Experiment – ln(S)
< 0.01
Study – intercept
Study – ln(S)
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Figure Legends
Figure 1. (A) Standing stock (biomass) plotted against species richness as a power function (Y = a × Sb)
relating standing biomass (Y) to species richness (S) via an intercept (a) and scaling parameter (b) for
each entry in our database (n = 558). Each entry is plotted in gray, dark lines indicate overlapping lines.
Each entry was analyzed in a hierarchical mixed effects model using a linearized power function (Eq. 1,
2). (B) Empirically estimated scaling parameters for BEF relationships vary among trophic groups and
between aquatic and terrestrial systems. Estimates are based on model coefficients for the slope term
(Β1.ijk) from the best model (model 4, Table 3; black points). Standard errors shown in this figure are
errors of the mean estimate from the distribution of fitted slopes for this dataset. Confidence intervals
estimated from the model output are shown in Table 4. (C) Power functions plotted with b values shown
in panel B for primary producers, aquatic herbivores and aquatic detritivores.
010 20 30 40
Species Richness
Standing Biomass
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‘This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.’
To the type-setter: please change x-axis legend in (a) to: Species richness
and y-axis legend to: Standing biomass
Aq. Primary Prod.
Aq. Herbivores
Aq. Detritovores
Terr. Prim. Prod
Terr. Detrit.
−0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Slope coefficients
020 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80
Species richness (S)
estimated biomass (Y)
Plants and Algae
Aq. Herbivores
Aq. Detritivores
Terr. Detritivores
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Figure 2. Random effects (+ CI) estimated by the best model (model 4, Table 2) associated with entryk
(plots A–B), experimentj (panels C–D) and studyi (panels E–F) for intercepts (μ0) and slopes (μ1),
ranked by slope random effects (μ1). Gray CI’s include 0, indicating that the estimated random effect
cannot be distinguished from the fixed effect for slope or intercept. Random effects different from zero
imply that the coefficient for that study can be estimated as the fixed effect plus the random effect.
(A) Intercept random effects for Entry (μ0k) (B) Slope random effect for Entry (μ1k)
Group levels
(C) Intercept random effects for Experiment (μ0j) (D) Slope random effect for Experiment (μ1j)
Group levels
(E) Intercept random effects for Study (μ0i) (F) Slope random effect for Study (μ1i)
Group levels
(Intercept) logSc
521130351242713081395115201307422191136510425426351519147948106881610251283134724392828130113051076180100431123072230340739530114003941198416137130438690127749532713991239102696112923911197838114547717873073912151032325129075499825583313494111183993118527912887266947078377335579054872710995581594714131401740323130067712034601743531211107349670314119571281111195654696713404087201291275751697134735018255818870884211961067171141473713421205102710709147028487173751220127943869311128010834947946118711439504784613797159361216106114969570469111068775421189459119912292561064847623314105501081850108216495367675291150947641213191325959872134411011398829834103172375578461214397135413701814391284994118612129635531184109871212241217120010634451812042571202709556710952132410801233732135311924625441228110045666912857481059540157549120167595440667210601235305839912119312429621243107130240410711372743123785736915552118113069971210729934451386700849481108474475669688852540913791062687136839610962997474171072887844735971107951483960731995140910831298114272812343528519969662745011221836840134611881109463714102993597918134567472510307182761350135110991733001179969493118212138271180673555387861241999108537869911785241000480479746817545711102812491225464122384774214081075131532448291617983010979654662654405713750120893312365511280818403123210343461403671106629811444813181065497100268512191222128912384849704655173471721299134310351110514719388348120668817523455413523023221371100112931194835698281390103639912269171767165378802912405351341128251312189581286692968119087738122769070512091412559103311951278136941341811074856898149511775088784203298323268434001831397706721701119113162788414214983041069670123140113131207749964831107424574514024301037533281037734130942328013111312415132041485251513171287741516131413105065074244295051841248148882135138504428 521130351242713081395115201307422191136510425426351519147948106881610251283134724392828130113051076180100431123072230340739530114003941198416137130438690127749532713991239102696112923911197838114547717873073912151032325129075499825583313494111183993118527912887266947078377335579054872710995581594714131401740323130067712034601743531211107349670314119571281111195654696713404087201291275751697134735018255818870884211961067171141473713421205102710709147028487173751220127943869311128010834947946118711439504784613797159361216106114969570469111068775421189459119912292561064847623314105501081850108216495367675291150947641213191325959872134411011398829834103172375578461214397135413701814391284994118612129635531184109871212241217120010634451812042571202709556710952132410801233732135311924625441228110045666912857481059540157549120167595440667210601235305839912119312429621243107130240410711372743123785736915552118113069971210729934451386700849481108474475669688852540913791062687136839610962997474171072887844735971107951483960731995140910831298114272812343528519969662745011221836840134611881109463714102993597918134567472510307182761350135110991733001179969493118212138271180673555387861241999108537869911785241000480479746817545711102812491225464122384774214081075131532448291617983010979654662654405713750120893312365511280818403123210343461403671106629811444813181065497100268512191222128912384849704655173471721299134310351110514719388348120668817523455413523023221371100112931194835698281390103639912269171767165378802912405351341128251312189581286692968119087738122769070512091412559103311951278136941341811074856898149511775088784203298323268434001831397706721701119113162788414214983041069670123140113131207749964831107424574514024301037533281037734130942328013111312415132041485251513171287741516131413105065074244295051841248148882135138504428
Group levels
(Intercept) logSc
532531154661263673024951165771663503092404634052412423834541521952844042141813024617538057446227015150456573511374805785795202495510354934343341155401450419210374434242230454120547233575165567376243162553451375366426226255386529343113610446458721646822557326760236105201274612925647613440942048542369470904121455852713603132316537837255431242758333456222754126812351922024547942352130381143652484524324815234134381741113538225356049426454052556937115017216144147731540756450040841450658433634719241381404431508467507502469453332466373448465358239459548338482455563348433489410132493379214272259144223221163499518359390355463401224564983071675505515582602635722325238523434953475262568460439266486457119576447173222149484357247218449251184583881522584783844301243648850143730155224164209160622114612515731147317150336308446490244129487483523915956144517058691389232496417595823516947154454549742249150534216813265377387492117402113614743722963412285591182242372543463705441633526926151143530334458031047225053620838311542499314174530133131257352512128217522535581153534337533 532531154661263673024951165771663503092404634052412423834541521952844042141813024617538057446227015150456573511374805785795202495510354934343341155401450419210374434242230454120547233575165567376243162553451375366426226255386529343113610446458721646822557326760236105201274612925647613440942048542369470904121455852713603132316537837255431242758333456222754126812351922024547942352130381143652484524324815234134381741113538225356049426454052556937115017216144147731540756450040841450658433634719241381404431508467507502469453332466373448465358239459548338482455563348433489410132493379214272259144223221163499518359390355463401224564983071675505515582602635722325238523434953475262568460439266486457119576447173222149484357247218449251184583881522584783844301243648850143730155224164209160622114612515731147317150336308446490244129487483523915956144517058691389232496417595823516947154454549742249150534216813265377387492117402113614743722963412285591182242372543463705441633526926151143530334458031047225053620838311542499314174530133131257352512128217522535581153534337533
Group levels
(Intercept) logSc
331451151311581041542115552871641613681711351471911448067161108321782414312012486251501761973721066277638522166189186597917312811428822953152651051197618414119245126160101189810716274102180231572010151371834930174843110366121168127 331451151311581041542115552871641613681711351471911448067161108321782414312012486251501761973721066277638522166189186597917312811428822953152651051197618414119245126160101189810716274102180231572010151371834930174843110366121168127
Group levels
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Figure 3. Expected change in biomass associated with changes in species richness. Distribution of species
richness changes (top histogram), expressed as a response ratio (ln(STime1/STime2)), and the distribution of
associated change in biomass (vertical histogram), expressed as ln(YTime1/YTime0) expected for (A) primary
producers and (B) herbivores. The distribution of expected function was produced using Y = a × Sb (the
plotted curve) for values of b = 0.26 for plants, and b = 0.47 for herbivores (Table 4, Fig. 1B). Solid blue
lines indicate response ratios of 1 = no change in richness; and the red lines indicate the mean expected
function. Dashed lines identify a 10% decline in standing biomass, and the intersection with the BEF
curve identifies the change in richness expected to cause a 10% change in function: a 35% reduction in
plant richness, and a 20% reduction in herbivore richness.
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Proportion of initial richness
Proportion of initial function
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Proportion of initial richness
Proportion of initial function
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