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QuizMonitor: A learning platform that leverages student monitoring

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This paper describes a case study of assessing student's coding behavior and skills in a realistic development setting. Students had to solve typical programming problems in the context of app development for the Android platform using the Eclipse IDE. Data was analyzed using IDE as well as browser interaction logs. In addition, screen recordings of the students' interaction with the IDE provide further insight. In this paper we present the first results of our ongoing work.
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This paper presents a novel framework for obtaining real-time feedback from students as well as enabling the teacher to leverage such feedback and understand the context and situation of the students. We present the iCALT system and discuss its educational rationale, its system operation and usage as well results from trial of the system in a classroom setting and a seminar setting.
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Traditional Web-based educational systems still have several shortcomings when comparing with real-life classroom teaching, such as lack of contextual and adaptive support, lack of flexible support of the presentation and feedback, lack of the collaborative support between students and systems. Based on educational theory, personalization increases learning motivation, which can increase the learning effectiveness. A fuzzy epistemic logic has been built to present the student's knowledge state, while the course content is modeled by the concept of context. By applying such fuzzy epistemic logic, the content model, the student model, and the learning plan have been defined formally. A multi-agent based student profiling system has been presented. Our profiling system stores the learning activities and interaction history of each individual student into the student profile database. Such profiling data is abstracted into a student model. Based on the student model and the content model, dynamic learning plans for individual students are made. Students get personalized learning materials, personalized quizzes, and personalized advice. In order to understand the students' perception of our prototype system and to evaluate the students' learning effectiveness, a field survey has been conducted. The results from the survey indicate that our prototype system makes great improvement on personalization of learning and achieves learning effectiveness.
The current research is situated on context of teacher support in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), specifically related to decision-making process. The knowledge about student performance is fundamental to solve pedagogical challenges and to define different ways in teaching and learning. Following this trend, VLE provides extra information by reports, graphs and interface's alert. However, there is demand of statistical tools to support the teacher decisions, because the learning analysis is limited to frequency analysis. This paper discusses an analytical approach to deal with e-learning data. Our focus is to identify groups of learners based on their answers. Therefore, this paper pointed out some main objectives: understand profiles of answers in order to guide a student to future learning activities, and identify which criteria, in each group, is the most relevant for the tutor's help. Several techniques are useful for e-learning issues. However, we focus in Educational Data Mining (EDM) methodology. Our paper selected data of an English e-learning course from PSLC repository for case study in validation step. Preprocessing techniques of EDM were applied on selected dataset. Initially, we removed incomplete, noisy and inconsistent data of sample. After the preprocessing, we executed two steps: clustering and prediction analysis. Firstly, we executed the clustering process, because we needed to identify student's group based on their answers. After understanding the groups, we predicted behaviors of students on each cluster, which were defined in the last step. In our research, it defines that the prediction will use a regression methodology, and the clustering will execute K-means algorithm. The study identified five student's groups based on their answer, such as Expert, Good, Regular, Bad and Criticism answers. Consequently, the prediction analysis defined that the score of tutor's help ('Avg Assistance Score') is the most interesting factor for our investigation. The approach executed the Stepwise Backward Regression, which is a semi-automated process of building a model by successively adding or removing variables based solely on the t-statistics of their estimated coefficients. Thus, other result is that the presence of the variables 'Incorrect' and 'Correct First Attempts' belongs to three regression models obtained by the approach. This work's findings presents knowledge about answers profiles of VLE students in two main perspectives. First, it analyzes the usage of Open Learning Data to characterize behavioral profiles of answers using multivariate analysis techniques. Second, our analysis contributes to expand present knowledge about how student performance changes the teacher decisions in VLE. This approach tends to be a useful tool in analytical process when the VLE system does not provide statistical tools.
Conference Paper
This paper introduces current work with automatic evaluation that has been done to enable algorithms generating proper feedback according to the mistakes students have made. Learning environment using novel competence based approach has been used to implement those concepts and over the years data from different development steps has been collected that can be used to verify the benefits to students results of offered algorithm that mimics step-by-step student answering process.
Conference Paper
Self-regulated learning is an active field of research in pedagogy. Self-regulation techniques are being tested at several educational levels, including university degrees. One of the main problems found by the educators is that they need to monitor all their students constantly and thoroughly. This cannot be done properly if the number of students is not small, which happens specially at university levels. They need tools to address this problem and to be able to monitor their learning progress. We are developing a tool for self-regulated learners, to provide them support for their learning process using embedded learning strategies and tools to enable planning, monitoring and evaluation of their own learning process. Its functionalities have been extended in order to enable both the educators and the learners to monitor in depth their learning progress in order to improve their self-regulation skills. In this paper we present the monitoring system designed for this tool.
Conference Paper
Quizzes are among the most widely used resources in web-based education due to their many benefits. However, educators need suitable authoring tools that can be used to create reusable quizzes and to enhance existing materials with them. On the other hand, if teachers use Audience Response Systems (ARSs) they can get instant feedback from their students and thereby enhance their instruction. This paper presents an online authoring tool for creating reusable quizzes and enhancing existing learning resources with them, and a web-based ARS that enables teachers to launch the created quizzes and get instant feedback from the class. Both the authoring tool and the ARS were evaluated. The evaluation of the authoring tool showed that educators can effectively enhance existing learning resources in an easy way by creating and adding quizzes using that tool. Besides, the different factors that assure the reusability of the created quizzes are also exposed. Finally, the evaluation of the developed ARS showed an excellent acceptance of the system by teachers and students, and also it indicated that teachers found the system easy to set up and use in their classrooms.
This paper introduces a systematic approach for the design of a fuzzy inference system based on a class of neural networks to assess the students’ academic performance. Fuzzy systems have reached a recognized success in several applications to solve diverse class of problems. Currently, there is an increasing trend to expand them with learning and adaptation capabilities through combinations with other techniques. Fuzzy systems-neural networks and fuzzy systems-genetic algorithms are the most successful applications of soft computing techniques with hybrid characteristics and learning capabilities. The developed method uses a fuzzy system augmented by neural networks to enhance some of its characteristics like flexibility, speed, and adaptability, which is called the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). New trends in soft computing techniques, their applications, model development of fuzzy systems, integration, hybridization and adaptation are also introduced. The parameters set to facilitate the hybrid learning rules for the constitution of the Sugeno-type ANFIS architecture is then elaborated. The method can produce crisp numerical outcomes to predict the student’s academic performance (SAP). It also provides an alternative solution to deal with imprecise data. The results of the ANFIS model are as robust as those of the statistical methods, yet they encourage a more natural way to interpret the student’s outcomes.
Bagging predictors is a method for generating multiple versions of a predictor and using these to get an aggregated predictor. The aggregation averages over the versions when predicting a numerical outcome and does a plurality vote when predicting a class. The multiple versions are formed by making bootstrap replicates of the learning set and using these as new learning sets. Tests on real and simulated data sets using classification and regression trees and subset selection in linear regression show that bagging can give substantial gains in accuracy. The vital element is the instability of the prediction method. If perturbing the learning set can cause significant changes in the predictor constructed, then bagging can improve accuracy.
Towards automatically detecting whether student learning is shallow
  • S J D Ryan
  • Baker
  • M Sujith
  • Albert T Gowda
  • Jaclyn Corbett
  • Ocumpaugh
Ryan S. J. D. Baker, Sujith M. Gowda, Albert T. Corbett, and Jaclyn Ocumpaugh. Towards automatically detecting whether student learning is shallow. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, ITS'12, pages 444-453, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012. Springer-Verlag.
Monitoring students' mobile app coding behavior data analysis based on ide and browser interaction logs
  • M Fuchs
  • M Heckner
  • F Raab
  • C Wolff
M. Fuchs, M. Heckner, F. Raab, and C. Wolff. Monitoring students' mobile app coding behavior data analysis based on ide and browser interaction logs. In Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2014 IEEE, pages 892-899, April 2014.
New concepts of automatic answer evaluation in competence based learning
  • K Umbleja
  • V Kukk
  • M Jaanus
  • A Udal
K. Umbleja, V. Kukk, M. Jaanus, and A. Udal. New concepts of automatic answer evaluation in competence based learning. In Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2014 IEEE, pages 922-925, April 2014.