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Neurilemmomas are benign tumors of peripheral nerve sheath Schwann cells. One of the variants of neurilemmoma is the ancient type of neurilemmoma characterized by degenerative features such as cystic degeneration, calcification, hemorrhage and hyalinization which could be easily misdiagnosed. Their occurrence in oral cavity is extremely rare and intraosseous type occurring in maxilla is exceedingly rare with very few cases being published in literature. A 38 year old male patient reported with a chief complaint of swelling over the left cheek and left upper back region since 10 months. The case is of recurrent intraosseous ancient neurilemmoma in the maxilla in the patient which is distinctive for the lesion. This unique case presented with distinct histologic architectural pattern of ancient neurilemmoma showing degenerative changes such as cystic degeneration and recurred within a short duration of time. Case Report | Iran J Pathol. 2016; 11(2): 176-180
Tamgadge Sandhya,
t of Oral & Maxillofacial
Sector 7, Nerul, N
t of Public Health Dentistry
A healthy body is determined by the health of each cells
pH Balance). It is most crucial
bone strength, symptoms of joint disease, hormones, and the function of essential internal organs." An
shorten life.
acid environment. Therefore th
Copyright©2016, Tamgadge Sandhya et al. This
is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Att
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
body is an amazing chemical lab where myriad of
biochemical reactions takes place for
simultaneous functioning
of every cell. All biochemical
reactions function their best in alkaline range and are affected
by acidic pH
(Importance of ph balance, 2015; Nothing
Happens Without Chemical Reactions
, 2015)
processes such as,
the processes of living, tissue rep
metabolism of food-
produce a great deal of acid which is
extremely dangerous to the mitochondria and even genes
(Mark Sircus, 2015).
In order to maintain internal alkaline state
and to stay alive: oxygen, water, and acid
are neccesary
which are first line of defense against disease.
Disease can only grow in an acidic body, which makes a
condition favorable for the gro
wth of bacteria, yeast, fungus,
mold, viruses, etc. Even Cancer always strikes those with an
over-acidic body (
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
determining factor between health and disease is pH which
is being neglected (Importance of
ph balance
*Corresponding author: Tamgadge Sandhya,
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology and Microbiology, Dr
D Y Patil Dental College & Hospital, Sector 7, Nerul, Navi Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India.
ISSN: 0975-833X
Article History:
Received 25th April, 2016
Received in revised form
07th May, 2016
Accepted 27th June, 2016
Published online 16th July, 2016
Key words:
Internal ph, Acid, Alkaline, Stress,
Systems, Cancer, Health, Diseases,
Oral cavity. Dental caries, Incipent caries,
Rampant caries, Smooth surface caries.
Citation: Tamgadge Sandhya, Tamgadge Avinash and
Research, 8, (07), 34315-34320.
Tamgadge Sandhya,
1Tamgadge Avinash and 2
Agre Bhagyashree
t of Oral & Maxillofacial
Pathology and Microbiology,
Dr D Y Patil Dental College & Hospital,
Sector 7, Nerul, N
avi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
t of Public Health Dentistry
Bharti Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital Navi Mumbai
7, C.B.D. Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614, India
A healthy body is determined by the health of each cells
which depends on
pH Balance). It is most crucial
can affect human health status.
bone strength, symptoms of joint disease, hormones, and the function of essential internal organs." An
improper pH balance that is acidic ph can not only severely impact quality of life, but it can also
shorten life.
On contrary alkaline ph can reverse the disease process. Even cancer cells thrive in an
acid environment. Therefore th
is review presents a report on “
body ph
is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
body is an amazing chemical lab where myriad of
, continuous and
of every cell. All biochemical
reactions function their best in alkaline range and are affected
(Importance of ph balance, 2015; Nothing
, 2015)
the processes of living, tissue rep
air, and the
produce a great deal of acid which is
extremely dangerous to the mitochondria and even genes
In order to maintain internal alkaline state
buffering minerals
which are first line of defense against disease.
Disease can only grow in an acidic body, which makes a
wth of bacteria, yeast, fungus,
mold, viruses, etc. Even Cancer always strikes those with an
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
, 2010) Thus the
determining factor between health and disease is pH which
ph balance
, 2015; Sonja
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology and Microbiology, Dr
D Y Patil Dental College & Hospital, Sector 7, Nerul, Navi Mumbai,
Benjamin, 2015;
Cancer Cures
sophisticated treatment modalities are being focused at a
secondary or symptomatic level and does not simply focus on
the crucial cause that is to raise pH. Many doctors, herbalists
and nutritionists believe that the main culprit and
battlefield of all ailments is acidic pH or pH Imbalance which
has deleterious effect on various body systems,
this article. In 2006, Hanahan and Weinberg proposed 6
hallmarks of cancer, embracing the six biological abilities
gained durin
g the multistep development of tumors. In an
update in 2011, they have proposed two new emerging
hallmarks: (1) metabolic reprogramming. Immune evasion
However, these two emerging hallmarks should not be
regarded as independent factors but appears to be l
each other as reported by Mohit
2013; Henning et al., 2004;
The pH gradient reversal arbitrates the development of tumor
through metabolic re-
adjustments and inhibition of
(Barar et al., 2013; We et al.,
is also now being reckoned as a chief characteristic essential
factor for tumor cells survival and propagation, independent of
their pathology, genetics and origins
et al., 2011; Harguindey et al
Available online at
International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 8, Issue, 07, pp.34315-34320, July, 2016
Citation: Tamgadge Sandhya, Tamgadge Avinash and Agre Bhagyashree, 2016.
“Internal Ph in health and disease”,
acid-alkaline balance (or
It impacts immunity, digestion,
” or “internal ph in health and
permits unrestricted
, 2015). The current
discussed in
inked to
et al. (Kareva and Hahnfeldt,
et al., 2013; We et al., 2011).
) Thus, pH gradient reversal
(Barar et al., 2013; We
2013; Daniel et al., 2013).
“Internal Ph in health and disease”,
International Journal of Current
Hence, it can be regarded as an integral feature of various
pathologies. Thus this review highlights the importance of
acid–base balance i.e. internal pH in health and disease which
could create hopes to develop new treatment modalities in
future to treat deadly diseases or could even reverse the
disease process.
Definition of pH
pH is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion
concentration .This definition of pH was introduced in1909 by
the Danish biochemist, Soren Peter Lauritz Sorensen (1868–
1939). This value ranges from0 to 14 pH. Values below 7 pH
exhibit acidic properties while values above 7 pH exhibit basic
or alkaline properties. (Frederick J. Kohlmann, 2003)
pH value of various body fluids
1.Blood pH:
The bloodstream is the most centralized and sensitive buffered
system of the entire body and maintain a slightly alkaline pH
with the value of arterial blood Ph is 7.41 and venous blood
being pH is 7.36 (Frederick J. Kohlmann, 2003)
2.Interstitial fluids and connective tissue pH:
Interstitial fluid present in the intercellular area and considered
as medium for smooth functioning of all tissues. It reflects the
ph of blood plasma, blood serum, urine, and occasionally
cerebrospinal fluid in diagnosing disease. (Bodyfluids, 2015) A
normal pH in these areas is 7.34 and 7.40, sometimes becomes
more acidic as body dumps metabolic acids in these areas can
dangerously drop to the concentrations of pH = 5.0.
3.Urine pH values:
Urine is slightly acidic in the morning, (pH = 6.5 - 7.0) and
generally becomes more alkaline (pH = 7.5 - 8.0) by evening
in healthy people primarily because no food or beverages are
consumed while sleeping (The Role of pH and Healthy Living,
4.Salivary ph
The pH of saliva is usually between 6.5 - 7.5
Most medical and surgical subspecialists concern themselves
with a specific organ (e.g. nephrology), region of the body
(e.g. cardiothoracic surgery), or disease process (e.g. infectious
disease), but critical care specialists are more often concerned
about acids base balance which is responsible for various
severe derangements in body systems and area of main focus
by intensivists. (John A Kellum, 2000)
Causes of acidic pH
1. Oestrogen levels
It binds to receptor sites on the cells membrane. One natural
oestrogen, oestradiol, is particularly aggressive ,reduces the
potassium levels, increases the sodium levels, with the
resultant effect that the cell becomes more acidic, i.e. uses less
and less oxygen, and could results in ill health and cancer.
2. Insufficient sleep
During sleep pineal gland produces melatonin, which helps put
to into a deeper sleep. Inadequate melatonin levels leads to
increased oestrogen levels which further leads to neoplasia.
3. Chemicals and pesticides
If inhaled or ingested can mimic the action of oestrogen within
4 .Stress hormones
Hormones like cortisol affect localized hormones like Insulin
and steroids around cells in stressful times and can set up
acid conditions in the body. Interestingly, people with cancer
have higher cortisol levels, more inflammation and more
5. Low level of blood oxygen
Cancer cells are anaerobic and cannot survive in the presence
of high levels of oxygen which is considered as one of the
treatment modality.
7. Acid pooling
The body dumps metabolic acids substances from the blood
into cells to maintain the alkaline nature of blood. Due to
which cells becomes acidic with low levels of oxygen levels
and harms the DNA, leads to lysis of most of the acidic cells.
However, some will evolve, and adapt, and survive by
becoming abnormal, mutated cells or Malignant cells.
8. Acidic Diet - An acidic pH can occur from, an acid forming
diet, meat, fish, poultry, dairy, grains, refined or processed
foods, fast food. (The importance of pH balance,
Therefore vegetarian diet is preferred for good health.
9. Emotional stress including, worries, anxiety, negative
thoughts can cause acidic ph (The importance of pH balance
Therefore meditations is the best practice to control such
impure thoughts.
Body reactions to acids
Increased acid levels leads to bone demineralization. Therefore
body protect itself from damaging actions of acids by storing
these acids in fat cells. This process may save all vital organs
from severe damage. By returning to a balanced pH level, body
will lose unwanted fat cells. (Henning et al., 2004; Sonja Benja,
2015) Body has 3 ways of maintaining a normal pH range as
34316 Tamgadge Sandhya et al. Internal ph in health and disease
a) Chemical buffer system through Carbonic acid /
bicarbonate, Phosphate buffer and Protein buffer which
acts within seconds
b) Respiratory controls-which acts within minutes
Important in compensating for metabolic acidosis or
alkalosis and Permits elimination of the volatile acid
(bicarbonate acid)
c) Renal controls- Acts within hours or days Compensate
for respiratory acidosis or alkalosis and Eliminate fixed
acids from the body (Edyta Mądry, 2015)
Alkaline pH
Highest alkaline mineral concentration is observed in fetal life
which later on gradually acidifies. Therefore degenerative
diseases are seldom seen at younger age group. (Edyta Mądry,
2015) Immune system also flourishes in an alkaline
environment due to the 800 different strains of Microbiome or
the Beneficial Bacteria present in the gut and are our first line
of defense and grows well in alkaline diet like fibrous whole
foods, whole grains, green vegetables. These beneficial
bacteria are crucial to our very existence by consuming yeasts
and microbes in the gut at night. Their very presence
stimulates our immune system and direct a whopping 85 per
cent of our antibody production. They help release crucial
vitamins from our food; particularly the anti-cancer vitamins
biotin, B-12, folic acid and vitamin K. They even produce a
powerful anti-cancer chemical (sodium butyrate) and chelate
with and eliminate cancer causing oestrogenic chemicals and
nitrosamines, plus heavy metals like cadmium and mercury.
(Acid bodies and cancer, 2015)
Exchange of Chemicals in the Body
All cells in the body continually exchange chemicals (e.g.,
nutrients, waste products, and ions) with interstitial fluid
surrounding them through membrane channels, due to
a concentration gradient associated with various minerals
present in these fluids. Hence, the chemical composition of the
blood (and therefore of the external fluid) is extremely
important for the cell. If, for instance, the pH of the blood and
external fluid is too low (too many H+ ions), then an excess of
H+ ions will enter the cell. (Rachel Casiday and Regina Frey,
2015; Vander et al., 1994)
Accumulation of metabolic waste
Every living cell creates waste products. The nutrients are
delivered to each cell and are burnt with oxygen to provide
energy to live. The burned nutrients are the waste products.
These waste products, which are mostly acidic, are discharged
from our body through various elimination channels. Therefore
urine and perspiration are acidic. If our internal environment is
not maintained in a state of pH balance, body’s ability to
eliminate the waste products will slows down. To protect
itself, the body converts acidic waste into solid waste and
stores it in less critical areas of the body. The accumulation of
solid waste can contribute to many health problems including
excess weight, clogged arteries, arthritis, kidney stones, and
various other chronic illnesses. (The importance of pH balance,
The measurement of pH can be made in a variety of ways
such as-
1.Indicators: Indicators are materials that are specifically
designed to change color when exposed to different pH values
like pH paper which is matched to a color on a color chart to
infer a pH value. pH paper is available for narrow pH ranges
(for example, 3.0 to 5.5pH, 4.5 to 7.5 pH and 6.0 to 8.0 pH),
and fairly wide ranges of 1.0 to 11.0 pH. pH paper is typically
used for preliminary and small volume measuring. It cannot be
used for continuous monitoring of a process.
2.Colorimeter: This device uses a vial filled with an
appropriate volume of sample, to which a reagent is added. As
the reagent is added, a color change takes place. The color of
this solution is then compared to a color wheel or spectral
standard to interpolate the pH value
3.pH meter –It is always recommended for precise and
continuous measuring. Most laboratories use a pH meter
connected to a strip chart recorder or some other data
acquisition device so that the reading can be recorded or stored
electronically over a user-defined time range.
4.pH Electrodes-A pH electrode assembly, or sensor, as it is
sometimes referred to, consists of two primary parts:
Measuring electrode: The measuring electrode is sometimes
called the glass electrode, and is also referred to as a
membrane or active electrode. Reference electrode: The
reference electrode is also referred to as a standard electrode.
Health conditions associated with advanced ph imbalance
Severe acidosis
Crohn’s Disease, Schizophrenia, Hodgkin’s Disease, Systemic
Lupus Erythematosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Sarcoidosis,
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Myasthenia Gravis, Scleroderma,
Leukemia, Tuberculosis, Cancer
Moderate acidosis
Cold Sores, Depression, Loss Of Memory, Loss Of
Concentration, Migraine Headaches Insomnia, Disturbance In
Smell, Taste, Vision, Hearing, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever
Ear Aches, Hives, Swelling, Viral Infections, Impotence,
Bacterial Infections, Fungal Infections (Candida Albicans,
Athlete’s Foot, Vaginal), Urethritis, Cystitis, Urinary Infection,
Gastritis, Colitis, Psoriasis
Mild acidosis
Acne, Agitation, Muscular Pain, Dizziness, Low Energy, Joint
Pains, Food Allergies, Chemical Sensitivities, Hyperactivity,
Pre-Menstrual And Menstrual Cramping, Lack Of Sex Drive,
Bloating, Heartburn, Diarrhea, Constipation, Hot and Smelling
Urine, Mild Headaches, Rapid Heartbeat, Irregular Heartbeat,
White Coated Tongue, Hard To Get Up In Morning, Excess
Head Mucous, Metallic Taste In Mouth (Importance of ph
balance, 2015)
Systemic effect of acidic PH
It will have effect almost on all various tissues such as
34317 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 08, Issue, 07, pp.34315-34320, July, 2016
1. Gastrointestinal System - Most digestive disorders, such as
indigestion, nausea, bloating, gastric reflux, are symptoms
caused by excess acid in the gastric region.
2. Heart - Acidity is the principal cause of heart disease.
3. Immune System - Acidic environments are breeding
grounds for anaerobic pathogens. Alkaline environment keep
harmful bacteria inactive.
4. Respiratory tissues Exchange of oxygen is hampered in
acidic environment and affect the cell to function correctly.
When the ratio of acidity is too high then wastes in the form of
mucus and infections and viruses build up in our lungs, which
leads to colds, bronchitis, asthma, etc.
5. Bones - Arthritis is one of the most disabling diseases
related to pH imbalance and accumulation of acid deposits in
the joints and wrists which damages the cartilage. Synovial
cells fails to produce the lubricating synovial fluids which
causes a dryness that irritates and swelling of the joints due to
the formation of crystals in the joints.
6. Skin – Ph imbalance leads to infection and inflammation of
the skin.
7. Brain - Acidity weakens the nervous system by depriving it
of energy. It makes the body physically, mentally, and
emotionally weak.
8 Kidneys - Excess acids pooling causes pulling of alkaline
minerals from bones and dumping them in the blood. If this
occurs frequently enough, the minerals build up in the kidneys
in the form of painful kidney stones.
9. Muscles - When acidity increases in the muscle cells, it
disrupts the metabolism breakdown of glucose and oxygen to
energy. This means muscles perform poorly in an acidic
environment. An alkaline system on the other hand allows for
much better aerobic metabolism and energy for the body's
recovery from strenuous exercise. We can often observe when
someone is acidic from their breathing because they take large
gulping inhales while doing the simplest tasks like walking and
talking, which suggests their body finds it difficult to
adequately deliver oxygen into the cells - a symptom of
10. Genital tissues - Still much research is being done to
discover the exact link between sexual dysfunction and acidity
and also infertility and acidity. (Marcus Julian Felicetti, 2015)
Neoplasia and Ph
The intratumor microenvironment in malignancy is intrinsically
acidic due mainly to accumulation of lactic acid and this seems
to encourage metastases to fire off. It been suggested that the
pH inside a tumour can be as low as 6. (Acid bodies and
cancer, 2015; High ph therapy, 2015) At a pH slightly above
7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will
die while healthy cells will live. This has given rise to a variety
of treatments based on increasing the alkalinity of the tissues
such as vegetarian diet, the drinking of fresh fruit and vegetable
juices, and dietary supplementation with alkaline minerals such
as calcium, potassium, magnesium, cesium and rubidium.
(Reshkin et al., 2013) pH of Cancerous cells are in the range
of 5.5 to 6.5 (High ph therapy, 2015) Cancer is not compatible
in a healthy pH environment full of oxygen. Urine and saliva
pH of terminal cancer patients almost always runs between 4.0
and 5.5. When the cancer goes into metastases the pH drops
even lower. (Porporato et al., 2011) The current work tests the
hypothesis that neutralizing the acid pH of tumors will inhibit
invasion and, hence, reduce the incidence of spontaneous
metastases. (Ian et al., 2009) Tumor blood perfusion is
lethargic, resulting insufficient supply of various nutrients,
including oxygen, to tumor cells. As the tumor grows larger,
the intercapillary distance progressively increases. In addition,
probably because of progressively increasing Interstitial
pressure caused by the increasing tumor cell population , tumor
blood vessels are compressed, and the blood perfusion ceases
intermittently or permanently resulting in intermittent or
permanent hypoxia. (High ph therapy, 2015)
Acids and genes
A normal cell produces its energy in its power stations, or
mitochondria in the presence of oxygen. In the cellular
membrane there are pumps that rely on magnesium to work
properly. The pumps push potassium into the cell and pump
out sodium. If too much sodium gets into the mitochondria, the
energy producing steps start to use sodium instead of
potassium which will still work but not as efficiently. Less
oxygen is burned and less energy produced. The waste
products will now be sodium salts, which are more ´acid´ than
potassium salts. This acidity in the power stations´
environment then makes the energy production process even
less efficient - taking in even less oxygen and producing even
less energy. Once the cell has powered down, certain DNA
repair genes (like p53) are switched off while the genes
(like ras) that tell the cell to divide rapidly still run at low
power and transformed into cancer cell. (Acid bodies and
cancer, 2015).As suggested by Mohit et al. in his extensive
review article that genetic composition of every cell of the
body is very sensitive to the changes in the extra cellular
environment (Sharma et al., 2015).
Ph and dental caries
When the blood starts to become too acidic and the supply of
alkaline buffers in the blood is insufficient to neutralize this
acidity, the blood automatically seeks out other ways to reach
pH balance. Since calcium is a very alkalizing mineral, the
body will start drawing calcium from the bones and teeth in an
effort to balance the blood’s pH levels. As the body’s acidity
increases, more and more calcium is removed from the bones
and teeth. If left unchecked over a long period of time, it can
lead to a loss of bone and teeth density which eventually leads
to osteoporosis, porous enamel and dentin which could further
lead to various types of dental caries like incipient caries,
smooth surface caries, rampant caries, the etiopathogenesis of
which has not been clearly understood till date. Thus it could
be hypothesized that changes in internal ph could be the
primary event followed by changes in salivary ph.. (The
importance of pH balance, 2015; Shafer, 2009).Thus reversing
internal ph from acidic to alkaline might reverse the dental
caries process in future but it needs further research to
validate the hypothesis. We might also find the answers for
unknown etiopathogenesis of incipient caries, smooth surface
caries, rampant caries as well.
Ph and chemotherapy
Chemotherapy works by killing all rapidly dividing cells. If the
immune system has been wiped out by chemotherapy or
34318 Tamgadge Sandhya et al. Internal ph in health and disease
radiation, cancer is bound to overrun the body even faster than
before. (Diagnosed With Cancer? Here Are 11 Effective,
Natural Strategies To Kill Your Cancer, 2015) Drugs,
medications and toxic chemicals have the effect of lowering
the pH of the body, that is the reason why there are side effects
to drugs and none of them affect a cure. When body pH drops
below 6.4, enzymes are deactivated and digestion does not
work properly. Acid decreases energy production in the cells,
the ability for the body to repair damaged cells, the ability for
the body to detoxify heavy metals and makes the body more
susceptible to fatigue and illness. (Porporato et al., 2011)
Ph and therapy
Tumour cells preferentially convert glucose and other
substrates to lactic acid, even under aerobic conditions. Since
lactic acid has a ph of 3.7 it seemed obvious that the
intracellular fluid would become acidic. It was argued, for
instance, that anticancer drugs would be more effective if they
contained ionizing groups that would cause them to be
trapped in acidic environments (Wike-Hooley et al., 1984), or
that radioresistant hypoxic cells would have a particularly low
pHi and might therefore be especially sensitive to treatments
such as hyperthermia which are known to act preferentially on
isolated cells in acidic media (Freeman et al., 1981).
Ph and reverse aging
Reverse ageing requires two separate steps: chemical and
physical. The first step is to lower the acidity of the body so
that it can dispose of acidic wastes in the blood and cellular
fluids safely and easily. The second is to physically pull out
old stored wastes into the blood stream so that they can be
discharged from the body". (Acid bodies and cancer, 2015)
Research shows that unless the body's pH level is slightly
alkaline, the body cannot heal itself. So, no matter what type of
modality is used to improve health problem, the modality
won't be effective until the pH level comes up. Drugs,
medications and toxic chemicals have the effect of lowering
the pH of the body, that is the reason why there are side effects
to drugs and none of them effect complete and permanent cure.
As dental caries is a diseases characterized by demineralization
of hard tissues and is strongly associated with salivary ph
imbalance which has been proved through numerous studies
.Unfortunately etiopathogenesis of few types of dental caries
like rampant caries, smooth surface caries and incipient caries
has not been explained and proved .Therefore it could be
hypothesized that internal ph could play an important role in
the initiation of dental caries ,leading to porous mineralized
tissue which facilitate microbial attack but needs further
research to validate the hypothesis. Therefore internal pH
imbalance should be considered and treated by all therapists in
treating various ailments of the body. As we understand the
role of ph balance and discover how to control it, we will
experience health at an entirely new level when molecular
world of ph balance reigns.
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... As we explore and study pathological alterations in these lesions we came across some initial alterations in deeper tissues of these lesions which made us to ask question "Are there systemic factors responsible for triggering most initial changes in these oral lesions which are then aggravated by external stimuli? [4]. Most of the time such initial hidden and unexplored events needs to be evaluated based on the evidences in the medical and dental literature. ...
... can easily lodge in joint spaces too and create inflammation and joint disorders [19,4]. 5. Infections-Our body is surrounded by many microbes on the body surfaces and in the environment. Healthy and live body is a bit immune to the infections but the unhealthy and dead body is prone to microbial attack [4,20]. ...
... 5. Infections-Our body is surrounded by many microbes on the body surfaces and in the environment. Healthy and live body is a bit immune to the infections but the unhealthy and dead body is prone to microbial attack [4,20]. Microbes can easily enters the systemic circulation too. ...
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There are many oral lesions which run a chronic course and always recur despite being treated multiple times by experts. They cause tremendous damage to multiple tissues. Many oral diseases have orofacial manifestations only, while others are associated with multiple serious systemic manifestations. Various researchers across the globe have been struggling to find out permanent solutions through various therapeutic approaches like, ayurveda and holistic etc but internal root causes should be found out which might give us breakthrough quick therapies in near future. We need to explore evidence based various hidden internal /systemic causes to achieve permanent cure of such chronic long-standing diseases. All systems of the body are interconnected and always works in harmony. Oral diseases can never be restricted to orofacial tissues. They are strongly connected to gastro intestinal, ectodermal tissues and all the systems. This article is an attempt to find out same through few hypotheses and connecting oral lesions with other disorders.
... Therefore, it could be suggested that there might be additional systemic factors involved, in pathogenesis of dental caries, in addition to proven localized causative factors. [2,3] Human body is an amazing chemical laboratory. Our blood plasma, interstitial fluids, and all the cellular functions are most sensitive to acid-alkaline imbalance. ...
... On the contrary, overacidification of the body is a dangerous condition that weakens all body systems and can give rise to an internal environment conducive to disease and even death. [2] When interstitial fluid is too acidic, body will do everything in its power to maintain an alkaline balance by absorbing minerals from hard tissues to minimize acidity and to make it alkaline. One of these minerals is calcium that is found in bones and teeth. ...
... Therefore, hemoglobin estimation is also an important factor to consider in cases of systemic acidosis. [2] A pH of 7.0 is considered neutral. The pH levels of body fluids should fall in the following ranges to be considered healthy: pH-7.35 to 7.45 and pH-7.0 to 7.5 are the pH of blood and saliva, respectively, which is purely alkaline. ...
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Introduction: Dental caries is a microbial disease which affects retentive areas of the teeth. It has shown significant increase in incidence and prevalence in modern population. Various theories have been postulated in an attempt to explain the etiopathogenesis of dental caries. Despite their popularity, there are many questions which various theories haven't been able to answer. And still there is no definite cure for dental caries. Consequently, in most cases the process can't be reversed. Therefore, to tackle this issue other risk factors involved in the etiopathogenesis need to be explored. The Hypothesis: It could be suggested that there might be additional systemic factors, e.g. systemic acidosis, in pathogenesis of dental caries, in addition to proven localized causative factors. Evaluation of the Hypothesis: Various hypotheses have been discussed, on the basis of histopathology, and various research articles. The demineralization of bone osteoporosis and tooth demineralization of dental caries have been correlated to evaluate the hypothesis. Few parameters have been added in the proven local factors of etiopathogenesis of dental caries.
... If left unchecked over a long period, demineralization of bones and teeth occurs which eventually gives rise to osteoporosis, porous enamel, and dentin. [9][10][11] ...
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The spectrum of dental care is expanded across a wide approach including treatment measures involving the overall health care of the patient without the extensive use of conventional medicines. At times, diseases constrain their response to methodical therapeutic measures. In the course of relief, patients spend their fortune, and so, a need for excavating the root cause of a dental ailment is of utmost importance. Healing does not necessarily occur on the sole basis of medicines. Various other factors in addition to the regular measures play a vital role in the dental treatment modalities. Holistic dentistry is one such branch in which the dentist, practices to achieve comprehensive dental care by finding out the root etiological factor of the disease and initiating therapy accordingly. Understanding the importance of a healthy mind, body, and soul to successfully treat a patient with a dental ailment, ushering towards a better, successful, and efficient dental practice with utmost satisfaction on the patient's end. Holistic dentistry plays a key factor in unlocking the overall health care of the patient.
... The swelling values of these SRHs, which are considered and recommended to be used as biomaterials, were calculated at body temperature (37 • C) for the parameters found from Eq. (2) in the pH values of various body fluids and systems [33,35] and are presented in Table 4a, and 4b. ...
Stimuli-responsive hydrogels (SRHs) were prepared by thermal free radical redox polymerization in the aqueous solution of N-isopropyl acrylamide (NIPAAm), acrylamide (AAm) with any weak organic acid (such as propenoic acid, cis-butenedioic acid, crotonic acid, methacrylic acid, methylfumaric acid, itaconic acid, aconitic acid in the presence of N,N'-methylene bisacrylamide. DSC thermograms were taken to find the transition zone parameters of SRHs. Swelling studies were carried out to determine the effects of stimuli such as temperature, pH, and ionic strength on the swelling-shrinkage behavior of SRHs and to calculate the magnitude of the stimuli. A sigmoidal equation was used to calculate the parameters such as transition point, the magnitude of the stimulus, minimum and maximum swelling, the amplitude of the transition zone, etc. of the temperature or pH transition zones of SRHs, while the exponential decay equation was used to calculate the parameters of the swelling-ionic strength relationship of the same gels. With the idea that SRHs can be used as a biomaterial, swelling values of SRHs at the pH values of the body fluids at 37 oC were calculated with the help of these sigmoidal equation parameters. Similarly, swelling values of SRHs in hypertonic, isotonic, and hypotonic saline solutions were determined with the help of these exponential decay equation parameters. In conclusion, calculating the responsivity magnitude with the sigmoidal equation or exponential decay equation approach can be a useful tool for chemists, chemical engineers, bioengineers, biomedicine, biomaterials, polymer, and plastic scientists to find the transition zone parameters of stimuli-responsive hydrogels.
... The sodium phosphorus and sodium carbonate are chemical buffers of carbonic acid/ bicarbonate and phosphate buffer system which is one of the ways the body maintains its normal pH. Others are respiratory buffers and renal buffer controls [11]. ...
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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the ameliorative effect of Cleanshield Liquid Supplement in Testosterone Induced Benign Prostatic Hyperplasic (BPH) in male albino rats Study Design: This study is a case controlled experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: Methodology: A total of 30 male albino wistar rats were used for this study and divided into 6 groups of 5 rats each. Testosterone propionate (4 mg/kg) was used to induced BPH subcutaneously in the rats and then were given (0.5 mg/kg) dutasteride, an anti-BPH drug and Cleanshield liquid supplement (0.24ml, 0.48ml and 0.72ml) for 30 days. At the end of the 30 days treatment, the animals were sacrificed. Chloroform was used to anaesthetize the rats and 5 ml of whole blood samples were collected through cardiac puncture at the end of 8 hours fast. The blood samples collected were separated and the serum was used to analyze for prostate specific antigen (PSA) using rat specific PSA ELISA kit produced by Shanghai Korain Biotech Co., Ltd, China, while liver enzymes (alanine aminotransaminase (ALT), aspartate aminotransaminase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)) were analyzed using spectrophotometric method. Liver tissues of the rats were Original research Article Ozoana and Obisike; IRJO, 3(4): 24-34, 2020; Article no.IRJO.62006 25 excised and used for histological analysis. SPSS version 22.0 was used for statistical analysis and p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The results showed that comparison between the Cleanshield treated groups and the Avodart group (group 3) showed no significant difference but there was a non-significant reduction in the mean PSA values of all the clean shield treated group with the group that received the highest amount of Cleanshield having the most reduced mean PSA value. The mean PSA value of the negative control group (NC) compared to dutasteride group and all Cleanshield group showed statistically significant difference. The mean ALT values did not show any significant difference statistically when the groups that received Cleanshield supplement were compared to PC group. In the mean values of AST, only the comparison between anti BPH group and the group that received 0.72ml of Cleanshield produce statistically significant difference (p=0.036). That of the ALP comparison between the mean ALP values of the PC group (grp 2) showed significant difference against group 2(p=0.001) and against group 5 (p=0.003). Avodart group (group 3) showed a statistical difference when compared to group 4(0.24 ml of Cleanshield) at p=0.000. Group 4(0.24 ml of Cleanshield) showed statistical difference when compared to group 5(0.48ml of Cleanshield) at p=0.001. Conclusion: Conclusively, Cleanshield liquid supplement is not toxic to the liver but does not possess significant BPH ameliorative potentials.
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Introduction: The dysregulation of pH by cancerous cells of solid tumors is able to create a unique milieu that is in favor of progression, invasion and metastasis as well as chemo-/immuno-resistance traits of solid tumors. Bioelements involved in pH dysregulation provide new set of oncotargets, inhibition of which may result in better clinical outcome. Methods: To study the impacts of pH dysregulation, we investigated the tumor development and progression in relation with Warburg effect, glycolysis and formation of aberrant tumor microenvironment. Results: The upregulation of glucose transporter GLUT-1 and several enzymes involve in glycolysis exacerbates this phenomenon. The accumulation of lactic acids in cancer cells provokes upregulation of several transport machineries (MCT-1, NHE-1, CA IX and H(+) pump V-ATPase) resulting in reinforced efflux of proton into extracellular fluid. This deviant event makes pH to be settled at 7.4 and 6.6 respectively in cancer cells cytoplasm and extracellular fluid within the tumor microenvironment, which in return triggers secretion of lysosomal components (various enzymes in acidic milieu with pH 5) into cytoplasm. All these anomalous phenomena make tumor microenvironment (TME) to be exposed to cocktail of various enzymes with acidic pH, upon which extracellular matrix (ECM) can be remodeled and even deformed, resulting in emergence of a complex viscose TME with high interstitial fluid pressure. Conclusion: It seems that pH dysregulation is able to remodel various physiologic functions and make solid tumors to become much more invasive and metastatic. It also can cause undesired resistance to chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Hence, cancer therapy needs to be reinforced using specific inhibitors of bioelements involved in pH dysregulation of TME in solid tumors.
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Schwannoma or neurilemmoma is an infrequent benign tumor in the oral cavity that originates from the Schwann cells on the neural sheath of the peripheral nerves. Schwannomas are frequently located in the soft tissues of head and neck region, but only a 1 to 12% of them are located in the oral cavity. Some histological variants of schwannoma have been described including the cellular, plexiform, epithelioid, ancient, and melanocytic types. The “ancient schwannoma” is an uncommon variant of this tumor that shows specific histological characteristics, and is rare in the oral cavity with less than 15 cases described on the literature. Most of them were located in the tongue or in the floor of the mouth, being the hard palate an extremely rare localization. We present a new clinical case of an ancient schwannoma with a long time of evolution, arising from the nasopalatine nerve, and located in the hard palate of a 35 year old female. We also review the main clinical and histological characteristics of this pathology. Key words:Ancient schwannoma, neurilemmoma, palate, schwannoma.
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In recent years an increasing number of publications have emphasized the growing importance of hydrogen ion dynamics in modern cancer research, from etiopathogenesis and treatment. A proton [H+]-related mechanism underlying the initiation and progression of the neoplastic process has been recently described by different research groups as a new paradigm in which all cancer cells and tissues, regardless of their origin and genetic background, have a pivotal energetic and homeostatic disturbance of their metabolism that is completely different from all normal tissues: an aberrant regulation of hydrogen ion dynamics leading to a reversal of the pH gradient in cancer cells and tissues ([upwards arrow]pHi/[downwards arrow]pHe, or "proton reversal"). Tumor cells survive their hostile microenvironment due to membrane-bound proton pumps and transporters, and their main defensive strategy is to never allow internal acidification because that could lead to their death through apoptosis. In this context, one of the primary and best studied regulators of both pHi and pHe in tumors is the Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1). An elevated NHE1 activity can be correlated with both an increase in cell pH and a decrease in the extracellular pH of tumors, and such proton reversal is associated with the origin, local growth, activation and further progression of the metastatic process. Consequently, NHE1 pharmaceutical inhibition by new and potent NHE1 inhibitors represents a potential and highly selective target in anticancer therapy. Cariporide, being one of the better studied specific and powerful NHE1 inhibitors, has proven to be well tolerated by humans in the cardiological context, however some side-effects, mainly related to drug accumulation and cerebrovascular complications were reported. Thus, cariporide could become a new, slightly toxic and effective anticancer agent in different human malignancies.
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The role of the immune system in tumor elimination has been shown to be increasingly ambiguous, as many tumors not only escape recognition by the adaptive immune response but sometimes even prime the immune cells to promote tumor growth. This effect is achieved through many mechanisms, which include both direct interference with the cells of the adaptive immune response and indirect immunosuppression achieved through modification of the tumor microenvironment. We propose that through up-regulation of glycolysis and consequent lowering of pH in the tumor microenvironment, tumors can take advantage of a pH control system, already exploited by specific immune cell subpopulations, to gain control of the immune system and suppress both cytotoxic and antigen-presenting cells. This is accomplished through the direct competition of tumor cells with actively proliferating glycolytic immune cells for glucose, and indirectly through the creation by the tumor of a microenvironment that interferes with maturation and activation of both antigen presenting cells and naïve cytotoxic T cells. Immunosuppressive properties of an acidic microenvironment in the vicinity of the tumor can thus provide additional benefits for up-regulation of glycolysis by tumor cells, suggesting that the two emerging "hallmarks of cancer", altered glucose metabolism and immune suppression, are in fact fundamentally linked.
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With a projected 382.4 per 100,000 people expected to suffer from some form of malignant neoplasm in 2015, improving treatment is an essential focus of cancer research today. Multi-drug resistance (MDR) is the leading cause of chemotherapeutic failure in the treatment of cancer, the term denoting a characteristic of the disease-causing agent to avoid damage by drugs designed to bring about their destruction. MDR is also characterised by a reversal of the pH gradient across cell membranes leading to an acidification of the outer milieu and an alkalinisation of the cytosol that is maintained by the proton pump Vacuolar-type ATPase (V-ATPase) and the proton transporters: Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE1), Monocarboxylate Transporters (MCTs), Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) (mainly CA-IX), ATP synthase, Na+/HCO3- co-transporter and the Cl-/HCO3-exchanger. This review aims to give an introduction to MDR. It will begin with an explanation for what MDR actually is and go on to look at the proposed mechanisms by which a state of drug resistance is achieved. The role of proton-pumps in creating an acidic extracellular pH and alkaline cytosol, as well as key biomechanical processes within the cell membrane itself, will be used to explain how drug resistance can be sustained.
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Cancer cells and tissues, regardless of their origin and genetic background, have an aberrant regulation of hydrogen ion dynamics leading to a reversal of the intracellular to extracellular pH gradient (∆pHi to ∆pHe) in cancer cells and tissue as compared to normal tissue. This perturbation in pH dynamics rises very early in carcinogenesis and is one of the most common patho-physiological hallmarks of tumors. Recently, there has been a very large increase in our knowledge of the importance and roles of pHi and pHe in developing and driving a series of tumor hallmarks. This reversed proton gradient is driven by a series of proton export mechanisms that underlie the initiation and progression of the neoplastic process. In this context, one of the primary and best studied regulators of both pHi and pHe in tumors is the Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1). The NHE1 is an integral membrane transport protein involved in regulating pH and in tumor cells is a major contributor to the production and maintainance of their reversed proton gradient. It is activated during oncogene-dependent transformation resulting in cytosolic alkalinization which the drives subsequent hallmark behaviors including growth factor- and substrate-independent growth, and glycolytic metabolism. It is further activated by various growth factors, hormone, the metabolic microenvironment (low serum, acidic pHe and hypoxia) or by ECM receptor activation. This review will present the recent progress in understanding the role the NHE1 in determining tumor progression and invadopodia-guided invasion/metastasis and recent patents for NHE1 inhibitors and novel therapeutic protocols for anti-NHE1 pharmacological approaches. These may represent a real possibility to open up new avenues for wide-spread and efficient treatments against cancer.
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Cancer is a metabolic disease and the solution of two metabolic equations: to produce energy with limited resources and to fulfill the biosynthetic needs of proliferating cells. Both equations are solved when glycolysis is uncoupled from oxidative phosphorylation in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, a process known as the glycolytic switch. This review addresses in a comprehensive manner the main molecular events accounting for high-rate glycolysis in cancer. It starts from modulation of the Pasteur Effect allowing short-term adaptation to hypoxia, highlights the key role exerted by the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor HIF-1 in long-term adaptation to hypoxia, and summarizes the current knowledge concerning the necessary involvement of aerobic glycolysis (the Warburg effect) in cancer cell proliferation. Based on the many observations positioning glycolysis as a central player in malignancy, the most advanced anticancer treatments targeting tumor glycolysis are briefly reviewed.
Several tumors exhibit pH gradient reversal, with acidification of extracellular pH (pHe) and alkalinization of intracellular pH (pHi). The pH gradient reversal is evident even during the preliminary stages of tumorigenesis and is crucial for survival and propagation of tumors, irrespective of their pathology, genetics and origins. Moreover, this hallmark seems to be present ubiquitously in all malignant tumors. Based on these facts, we propose a new emerging hallmark of cancer "pH gradient reversal". Normalizing pH gradient reversal through inhibition of various proton transporters such as Na+-H+ exchanger (NHE), Vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (V-ATPase), H+/K+-ATPases and carbonic anhydrases (CAs) has demonstrated substantial therapeutic benefits. Indeed, inhibition of NHE1 is now being regarded as the latest concept in cancer treatment. A recent patent deals with the utilization of cis-Urocanic acid to acidify the pHi and induce apoptosis in tumors. Another patent reports therapeutic benefit by inhibiting Lactate Dehydrogenase - 5 (LDH-5) in various cancers. Several patents have been formulated by designing drugs activated through acidic pHe providing a cancer specific action. The purpose of this review is to analyze the available literature and help design selective therapies that could be a valuable adjunct to the conventional therapies or even replace them.
To determine if immunohistochemistry can be used as adjunct to the diagnosis and classification of oral benign neural tumors, we stained 77 neurally differentiated tumors with a panel of neural-associated antibodies (S-100 protein, CD57, epithelial membrane antigen, factor XIIIa, CD34, CD68, collagen IV). Using standard histologic criteria, we identified 13 schwannomas, 16 neurofibromas, 23 traumatic neuromas, 16 palisaded and encapsulated neuromas, and 9 granular cell tumors from archived oral pathology specimens. Silver stains showed that neurofibromas, traumatic neuromas, and palisaded and encapsulated neuromas consistently contained axon filaments. Although all neural tumors contained S-100-positive cells, schwannomas and palisaded and encapsulated neuromas contained the most. All tumors expressed CD57; traumatic neuromas were stained intensely and the others stained weakly. The consistent epithelial membrane antigen capsular staining of schwannomas and the absence of factor XIIIa-positive dendritic/spindle cells helped distinguish these tumors from others. Many CD34-positive cells were found in schwannomas, and few were found in palisaded and encapsulated neuromas. Variable numbers CD68-positive cells were seen in all neural tumor types; some of these cells appeared to be macrophages and mast cells, but many were thought to be Schwann cells expressing this antigen. Collagen IV staining, apparently representing basement membrane, was generally a feature of all benign neural tumors. The immunophenotype of the granular cells of the GCTs was S-100+, CD57+, and collagen IV+ supporting the putative neural origin of these tumors. We conclude that neural origin/differentiation of a connective tissue tumor can be confirmed with stains for S-100 protein, epithelial membrane antigen, CD57, and collagen IV. Staining patterns and intensities associated with the panel of antibodies tested can be useful in tumor classification.