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Exercise has a powerful action on metabolism, and adaptation of the body to changes induced by exercise is fundamental to be able to provide the energy required for muscle contraction and physiological functions of vital tissues. Depending on the intensity and duration of exercise, different mechanisms are called on to make energy available, and under homeostatic control, this is guaranteed by rapid and coordinated changes in the secretion of several hormones. Molecular mechanisms controlling muscle function and fiber phenotype are related to the specific mode of muscle activation. We can distinguish between two fundamental types of physical activity, endurance exercise and strength exercise, although there is a continuum between these exercise modalities. Besides the acute changes induced by a single exercise session, regular exercise may induce chronic adaptations, improving exercise capacity and affecting energy metabolism. Notably, although acute metabolic effects of exercise are mostly due to insulin-independent effects, exercise training may improve muscle insulin sensitivity and is considered a key tool in the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders. This chapter focuses on the biochemistry of energy supply to the exercising muscle, on molecular mechanisms involved and on the physiology of energy metabolism during exercise in healthy subjects and patients with insulin resistance and/or diabetes.

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... During exercise, the role of the respiratory system is connected with an increase in the need to transport oxygen, remove carbon dioxide, and maintain acid-base balance [46]. During exercise, in proportion to the intensity and duration of the exercise, both components of the respiratory minute volume increase (at lower exercise intensities primarily by increasing respiratory volume and at higher ones by increasing breathing frequency), in accordance with the metabolic needs of the active muscles [47]. Under the influence of the respiratory centers in the central nervous system, at the beginning of exercise, there is a sudden increase in respiratory minute volume. ...
... Cardiovascular changes during pregnancy include an increase in blood volume, blood pressure, stroke volume, cardiac output, and a decrease in systemic vascular resistance [49]. In the second trimester, the cardiac output is higher by 30-50%, while the stroke volume in the first trimester increases by 10% and 20%, by increasing the heart rate in the second and third trimesters [47,50]. There is an increase in total blood volume by about 40% as a result of an increase in plasma volume by 50% and erythrocytes by 20%. ...
... There is an increase in total blood volume by about 40% as a result of an increase in plasma volume by 50% and erythrocytes by 20%. The cardiac output increased by 40% and the stroke volume by 34% [47,50]. Also, there is a change in respiratory volume and capacity, an increase in breathing frequency, and minute ventilation. ...
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Pregnancy is followed by complex and intense physiological changes in the maternal body, whose goal is to provide all the needs of the mother and the growing fetus. The endocrine system and thermoregulation integrate physiologic responses and play an important role in maintaining homeostatic conditions during exercise in pregnancy. Changes and adaptations during exercise in pregnancy are conditioned by the influence of numerous metabolic and biochemical events, which act on the target tissues through physiological mechanisms. Many hormones are released during exercise and a variety of cells are responsible for a number of different responses. Pregnancy involves changes in thermoregulation that lead to an increase in heat production and its preservation. Physiological mechanisms that enable the release of excess body temperature in order for the body to maintain an ideal temperature during exercise are increased, such as sweating and vasodilation of blood vessels. The reaction of a mother to exercise training depends on the exercise duration and intensity of training, the nutrient profile, and the level of fitness. Exercise has many improving effects on functional aspects of tissues and organs, resulting in improved health and/or performance.
... ji açığa çıkar (7000-12000 kalorilik). Gerçekleşen kimyasal parçalanma sonucunda adenozin difosfat (ADP) ve fosfat (P) meydana gelir. ATP molekülü proteinlerin sentezlemesinde, moleküllerin hücre içine ve dışına taşınmasında ve kas kasılmasında kullanılmaktadır. Organizma için ortak enerji birimi olan ATP benzersiz bir serbest enerji taşıyıcısıdır (Moghetti et. al., 2016;Günay vd., 2006: 40-45: Günay vd., 2017. ...
... antrasyonlarını sabit tutabilir. İstirahat düzeyinden maksimum egzersize geçiş sırasındaysa ATP gereksinimi 100-120 kat artmaktadır. Tüm kas hücrelerinde depo edilen ATP miktarı, yüksek yoğunluklu bir aktivite sırasında 2-3 saniye süreyle enerji sağlayabilir. Egzersiz sürdürülebilmesi için sentezlenen ATP'nin yeniden yapılması(resentez) gereklidir (Moghetti et. al., 2016). ...
... sfojen sistemi 10-15 saniye süren yüksek şiddetli aktivitelerde enerji sağlamaktadır. Kısa süreli patlayıcı aktiviteler için ATP ve PC depoları önemli bir faktördür. Maksimum performansla uygulanan kısa süreli egzersizlerle ATP ve PC depolarında artış sağlanabilir. ATP ve PC depolarında artış sporcuların atletik performansını olumlu etkilemektedir (Moghetti et. al., 2016;Plowman and Smith, 2013;Günay, 2006: 40-45). Şekil 1. 'de Fosfokreatin (PCr; alaktik anaerobik, ATP-PC) sistemdeki tepkimeler görülmektedir. ...
... (4,7,10) Little attention is paid to the study of the metabolic features of people engaged in physical training. (3,(7)(8)(9)11) Rather, these studies relate to the biochemical aspects of muscle activity itself. (11,12) In contrast, the effect of regular metered physical activity on metabolic processes in the whole body has not been fully disclosed. ...
... (3,(7)(8)(9)11) Rather, these studies relate to the biochemical aspects of muscle activity itself. (11,12) In contrast, the effect of regular metered physical activity on metabolic processes in the whole body has not been fully disclosed. In this regard, it is of considerable interest to select and evaluate the capabilities of innovative laboratory diagnostic technologies that allow monitoring the metabolic status of people with constant sports activity. ...
... In this regard, it is of considerable interest to select and evaluate the capabilities of innovative laboratory diagnostic technologies that allow monitoring the metabolic status of people with constant sports activity. (2,3,11,13) In addition, an important advantage of such methods is to ensure the non-invasiveness of the study. In this regard, salivary diagnostics based on the study of parameters of mixed human saliva attracts attention. ...
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The aim of the study was to estimate the features of dehydration structuring of saliva in untrained people. Methods and Results: The study included 35 untrained students (Group 1) and 38 people who regularly exercise (Group 2), who do not have any chronic diseases. The mean age of participants was 17-18 years. The crystallogenic activity and initiatory potential were evaluated for each sample of biological fluid. The crystallization of mixed saliva was studied using the method of classical crystalloscopy, and the initiating properties were studied by the method of comparative tezigraphy. A 0.9% sodium chloride solution was used as the base substance in the tezigraphic test. The conducted crystalloscopic studies have demonstrated significant differences in the crystallogenic and initiating properties of mixed saliva in people who regularly engage in physical training, compared with untrained individuals. They manifest themselves in a significant qualitative and quantitative transformation of the crystalloscopic picture of the biological fluid, including single-crystalline and dendritic components, as well as in the representation of amorphous bodies in micro-preparations of the biological medium. In the tezigraphic test, it was found that the initiatory potential of mixed saliva also undergoes significant shifts. These shifts are realized in the activation of the initiating ability of biological fluid and optimization of textural characteristics of tezigrams (reduction of cellular density and increase in uniformity) in combination with a decrease in the degree of destruction of structural picture elements and a moderate expansion of the marginal zone of micro-preparations.
... Second, the endurance training protocol may not directly affect these metabolic parameters (38). In support of this assumption, various studies have found the effect of the type, intensity, and duration of physical exercise to be effective (39). Depending on the intensity and duration of physical exercise, different mechanisms on the levels of lipid profiles and glucose are required to make energy available to active tissues, including muscles, and under homeostatic control, this is ensured by rapid and coordinated changes in the sympathetic nervous and endocrine systems (39,40). ...
... In support of this assumption, various studies have found the effect of the type, intensity, and duration of physical exercise to be effective (39). Depending on the intensity and duration of physical exercise, different mechanisms on the levels of lipid profiles and glucose are required to make energy available to active tissues, including muscles, and under homeostatic control, this is ensured by rapid and coordinated changes in the sympathetic nervous and endocrine systems (39,40). ...
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Objective(s): Type 2 diabetes (T2D) represents a complex and multifactorial disorder, and efforts to discover its treatment are necessary. Browning of white adipose tissue (WAT) as a therapeutic target for diabetes seems to be induced by exercise through neuropeptide FF (NPFF) signaling in the hypothalamus and adipose tissue. This study aimed to explore the role of endurance training on the browning of WAT by assessing the expression of the gene and protein of NPFF and its receptors in the hypothalamus and adipose tissue. Materials and Methods: Forty adult male Wistar rats were assigned into four groups: control, exercise, diabetic control, and diabetic exercise. The serum levels of lipid profile, insulin, and glucose, along with the expression of gene and protein of NPFF and its receptors (NPFFR1 and NPFFR2), were evaluated in the hypothalamus and adipose tissue. A histological examination was performed to evaluate the browning of WAT. Results: Metabolic parameters notably increased in the diabetic group. The gene and protein expression of NPFF and its receptors significantly decreased in the hypothalamus and fat tissue in the diabetic group. However, these changes in the hypothalamus, not in the adipose tissue, were significantly improved in the diabetic-exercise group compared to the diabetic group. The high WAT content in diabetic rats was decreased by exercise, leading to an increase in the browning of WAT. Conclusion: Endurance progressive training could centrally, not peripherally, promote the browning of WAT in diabetic rats by enhancing the expression of gene and protein of NPFF and its receptors in the hypothalamus.
... Exercise causes various physiological adaptations in an athlete's body, including alterations in energy metabolism 1,2) . Carbohydrates are an important fuel for exercise, and their metabolic adaptations, particularly changes in muscle glycogen synthesis and glycogenolysis, affect endurance exercise performance 3) . ...
... Several studies have shown that exercise causes molecular adaptations in the muscle, including changes to enzymes and transporters related to glucose metabolism (i.e., GLUT4, hexokinase Ⅱ, glycogen synthase, and protein phosphatase 1). In rats, activation or upregulation of these molecules by training enhances insulin sensitivity and glycogen synthesis 2,18,19) . Such an increase in glycogen synthesis implies a concomitant decrease in the flow of glucose-6-phosphate into glycolysis, thus lowering CO2 generation via the TCA cycle. ...
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Physical training changes the metabolic state, but such changes are difficult to quantify directly and non-invasively in humans. This study therefore used breath tests with ¹³C stable isotope glucose to assess glucose metabolism in endurance athletes. Our breath test measured the ratio of ¹³C to ¹²C in CO2 from expired air to derive ¹³C excretion per unit time. We compared ¹³C excretion levels between long-distance runners (runner group) and non-trained healthy males (control group), in both conditions with and without 50 g oral glucose loading (OGL). The ¹³C excretion was lower in the runner group than in the control group throughout the 6-hour period, regardless of OGL. Therefore, the area under the curve, which indicates total excretion, was lower in the runner group. There are many reports related to the adaptation of glucose metabolism in training (including gluconeogenesis, glucose transport to the liver and muscle, and glycogen synthesis). Our study showed that this breath test could be a simple and convenient way to monitor the overall glucose metabolic adaptation state in the athlete body.
... It is known that regular dosed aerobic physical training can improve the state of the metabolic system of the body (Kolokoltsev et al., 2021;Moghetti et al., 2016;Kolomiets et al., 2017). An important role is played by the selection of the optimal training regime for people of different ages with different levels of physical capabilities and health (Lucas de Albuquerque Freire et al., 2020;Chiriac Paul Bogdan et al., 2021). ...
... It is known that oxidative metabolism, being a universal acceptor of a wide range of endogenous and exogenous influences (Reneker, 2018), reacts sensitively to changes in the motor activity mode of an individual (Moghetti et al., 2016). At the same time, the intensity, duration and type of physical activity directly determine the result of this modulating influence (Papacosta, & Nassis, 2011). ...
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The simple and verified methods for diagnosing the state of metabolic status in a person performing physical activity development and testing remains an urgent problem. Purpose: to study the effect of regular aerobic physical activity on untrained men's crystallogenic properties of saliva. Materials and methods. Description of the metabolic status of the body was carried out using the method of analysis of saliva crystallographic fractions. Biological material was collected from men attending physical education classes on the basis of a sports and recreation complex. Saliva was taken twice-before and after 6 months of doing sports. The subjects' age ranged from 40 to 60 years. The project participants had no acute and chronic pathology, as well as contraindications to physical education and sports. The subjects were not professional athletes. The crystallogenic activity of saliva was evaluated using a number of quantitative criteria included in the methodology of classical crystalloscopy. Results. Significant changes in the crystalloscopic pattern were recorded in comparison with the baseline level. A marked decrease in the destruction of facies, an increase in the number of complex crystalline elements, regular faults appearance, etc. were found. The revealed shifts in the crystallogenic activity of saliva may indicate the optimization of the component composition and physical-chemical properties of this biological fluid under the graduated exercise influence. Conclusions. The results obtained in the research project can be used in the practice of physical education and sports to diagnose the state of physical fitness and in planning the training process.
... 264 Exercise-induced increase of energy demand is associated with increased mobilization of substrates, including carbohydrate, fat, and glucose, during and after exercise. 265 The utilization of extracellular substrates is partly mediated by rapid and coordinated changes in the endocrine system. The hormones associated with the endocrine system exhibit autocrine, paracrine, or endocrine actions on the tissues of the body that regulate a variety of processes, such as growth and development, metabolism, and immune response. ...
... On the contrary, strength training induces muscle hypertrophy, mainly due to the greater muscle fiber cross-sectional area. 265 ...
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Exercise has long been known for its active role in improving physical fitness and sustaining health. Regular moderate-intensity exercise improves all aspects of human health and is widely accepted as a preventative and therapeutic strategy for various diseases. It is well documented that exercise maintains and restores homeostasis at the organismal, tissue, cellular, and molecular levels to stimulate positive physiological adaptations that consequently protect against various pathological conditions. Here we mainly summarize how moderate-intensity exercise affects the major hallmarks of health, including the integrity of barriers, containment of local perturbations, recycling and turnover, integration of circuitries, rhythmic oscillations, homeostatic resilience, hormetic regulation, as well as repair and regeneration. Furthermore, we summarize the current understanding of the mechanisms responsible for beneficial adaptations in response to exercise. This review aimed at providing a comprehensive summary of the vital biological mechanisms through which moderate-intensity exercise maintains health and opens a window for its application in other health interventions. We hope that continuing investigation in this field will further increase our understanding of the processes involved in the positive role of moderate-intensity exercise and thus get us closer to the identification of new therapeutics that improve quality of life.
... Several studies reported that aerobic exercise training does not always play an important role in weight loss (Okura& et al., 2005). But exercise can improve body composition including reducing the risk factors of obesity (Donnelly& et al., 2009) increasing fatty acid oxidation (Tao& et al., 2015), increasing glucose uptake, and improving muscle insulin secretion and sensitivity (Moghetti& et al., 2016), increased skeletal muscle metabolism and metabolic adaptations in other tissues (Thyfault& Bergouignan, 2020). endurance exercise an effective increase in total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), and possibly an increase in resting metabolic rate (RMR) (Sevits& et al., 2013). ...
... Because exercise improves metabolic rate (Hawley& et al., 2014). Aerobic exercise training plays an important role in weight loss factor by reducing the risk factors of obesity (Donnelly& et al., 2009), increasing fatty acid oxidation (Tao& et al., 2015), increasing glucose uptake, improving muscle insulin secretion and sensitivity (Moghetti& et al., 2016), increased skeletal muscle metabolism and metabolic adaptations in other tissues (Thyfault& Bergouignan, 2020). endurance exercise an effective increase in total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), and possibly an increase in resting metabolic rate (RMR) (Sevits& et al., 2013). ...
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The objectives of this study were to study and compare the effects of moderate-intensity continuous and interval training on physical fitness in obesity. The participants were 48 male and female (fat % over 20 in men and 30 in women, aged between 20 – 25 years) and were randomized into three groups: 12 weeks of continuous along exercise (CA), 60-65% MHR (7 men and 8 women); 12 weeks interval exercise (IG), 60-65% MHR (208 - (0.7 x Age) alternate with 70-75% MHR every 1 minute (9 men and 8 women); and control group (CG) (8 men and 8 women). At baseline VO2max, total body weight, body fat percentage, and visceral fat data did not differ significantly between the three groups (p > 0.05). After 12 weeks of exercise intervention, both men and women participants in CA and IG had significantly improved in VO2max, total body weight, body fat percentage, no significantly in CG. There is no significant between CA and IG in every variable but significantly between CA and CG and between IG and CG in both men and women participants.
... This concern arises from the mouthguard acting as a physical barrier that could reduce oral ventilation, particularly during high-intensity exercise when athletes require greater pulmonary ventilation to meet oxygen demands. Regarding oxygen uptake, maximal oxygen uptake serves as a critical metric for assessing aerobic exercise capacity (40). A study by Terence et al. (41) suggests that while wearing a mouthguard may impose some limitations on oxygen uptake, this impact may not be significant in actual sports performance. ...
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Mouthguards are proven devices placed inside the mouth to prevent oral lacerations, dental injuries, and jaw fractures. Endorsed by the World Dental Federation, mouthguards are crucial for preventing orofacial and dental trauma. However, their adoption in sports is challenged by limited guidance, communication barriers, and cost considerations. Based on extensive literature research in PubMed/MEDLINE, this narrative review summarizes the historical development of mouthguards, elaborates on their primary classifications, and examines the factors influencing their properties. Importantly, the impact of mouthguards on sports performance is clarified in this study. Overall, using mouthguards in sports not only reduces the occurrence and severity of dental injuries but also holds promise for enhancing athletic performances such as strength, aerobic capacity, agility, balance, and flexibility. Therefore, promoting mouthguard use in the sports community should be encouraged.
... This process is crucial for maintaining the equilibrium of glucose levels within the body. It is established that insulin is a pivotal hormone that regulates the uptake of glucose by cells; thus, insulin sensitivity can be defined as the efficacy of cells in responding to this hormone [28,29]. ...
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Background: Regular physical activity plays a crucial role in modulating cellular metabolism and mitigating the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkin-son's, and Multiple Sclerosis. Objective: The objective of this review is to evaluate the molecular mechanisms by which exercise influences cellular metabolism, with a focus on its potential as a therapeutic intervention for neurological disorders. Methods: A comprehensive literature review was conducted using peer-reviewed scientific articles, with a focus on the period between 2015 and 2024, to analyze the effects of exercise on mitochondrial function, oxidative stress, and metabolic health. Results: The findings indicate that exercise promotes mitochondrial biogenesis, enhances oxidative phosphorylation, and reduces reactive oxygen species, contributing to improved energy production and cellular resilience. These metabolic adaptations are associated with delayed disease progression and reduced symptoms in patients with neurodegenerative conditions. Additionally, integrating exercise with nutritional strategies may further enhance therapeutic outcomes by addressing metabolic disturbances comprehensively. Conclusion: This review concludes that person-alized exercise protocols should be developed to optimize metabolic benefits for patients with neu-rological diseases, while future research should focus on biomarker development for individualized treatment approaches. These findings highlight the importance of non-pharmacological interventions in managing neurodegenerative diseases.
... Overall, our intervention had no clinically relevant impact on most physiological markers, including glycated hemoglobin, which other studies have shown to significantly decrease after physical activity, with notable improvements in glucose metabolism [42]. Other parameters, such as intact parathyroid hormone, calcium, and triglyceride levels, although showing statistically significant changes, remained within the normal range and had no clinical relevance, indicating the absence of adverse metabolic effects in a population like ours without metabolic alterations. ...
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Background: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder characterized by abdominal pain, altered bowel habits, and bloating, affecting approximately 10.1% of the global population. While current treatments emphasize dietary modifications and symptom management, emerging evidence suggests that physical activity (PA) may help alleviate IBS symptoms. This study evaluated the effects of a structured walking program, “StepFit-18K”, on IBS symptom relief. Methods: A total of 106 participants (68 females and 38 males) completed the 12-week intervention, which consisted of 18,000 additional steps per week (6000 extra steps on three days per week) tracked via fitness devices. The program emphasized step count, ease of adoption, and social support through walking groups. Results: As assessed by validated questionnaires, significant reductions in GI symptoms were observed. The IBS Symptom Severity Score (IBS-SSS) decreased from 118.30 ± 98.73 to 74.46 ± 74.93, with a delta score of −43.84%, highlighting bloating as the most improved symptom. No clinically significant changes were observed in anthropometric or biochemical markers. Conclusions: StepFit-18K is a simple, accessible, and effective form of physical activity that has demonstrated therapeutic benefits for IBS symptoms. This offers an additional application beyond its well-established role in preventing cardiovascular diseases.
... The gut microbiome (GM), hosting a vast array of nearly 30 trillion microbial cells, emerges as a critical factor in this context [7]. Its functional capacity to regulate glucose homeostasis and influence metabolic pathways suggests a profound connection with the body's response to exercise [8,9]. The relationship between exercise-its frequency and volume-and the GM is associated with body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness, suggesting a similar or shared pathway for muscular endurance and metabolic health [10,11]. ...
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Purpose: This study aimed to characterize the association between microbial dynamics and excessive exercise. Methods: Swabbed fecal samples, body composition (percent body fat), and swimming logs were collected (n = 94) from a single individual over 107 days as he swam across the Pacific Ocean. The V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene was sequenced, generating 6.2 million amplicon sequence variants. Multivariate analysis was used to analyze the microbial community structure, and machine learning (random forest) was used to model the microbial dynamics over time using R statistical programming. Results: Our findings show a significant reduction in percent fat mass (Pearson; p < 0.01, R = −0.89) and daily swim distance (Spearman; p < 0.01, R = −0.30). Furthermore, the microbial community structure became increasingly similar over time (PERMANOVA; p < 0.01, R = −0.27). Decision-based modeling (random forest) revealed the genera Alistipes, Anaerostipes, Bifidobacterium, Butyricimonas, Lachnospira, Lachnobacterium, and Ruminococcus as important microbial biomarkers of excessive exercise for explaining variations observed throughout the swim (OOB; R = 0.893). Conclusions: We show that microbial community structure and composition accurately classify outcomes of excessive exercise in relation to body composition, blood pressure, and daily swim distance. More importantly, microbial dynamics reveal the microbial taxa significantly associated with increased exercise volume, highlighting specific microbes responsive to excessive swimming.
... The well-established benefits of daily physical activity include robust cardiovascular protection [56], metabolic and weight management [57] and overall increased longevity [58]. In the present investigation, individuals who were overweight engaged in a greater amount of vigorous physical activity compared to individuals who were obese, albeit a similar total time of overall, light and moderate physical activity. ...
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Background The interaction between physical activity, skeletal muscle health, and adiposity has been explored in normal weight and overweight/obesity grouped together; however, the overall risks associated with being overweight are less than those observed with obesity and can be confounded by disparities in both sex and race. Thus, the present study sought to investigate the intricate interplay of daily physical activity and skeletal muscle oxidative capacity (SMOC) in overweight and obesity, while exploring how sex and race impact this dynamic relationship. Methods One hundred and forty participants were grouped by body mass index (BMI) as overweight (n = 73; BMI >25–<30 kg/m²) or obese (n = 67; BMI ≥30 kg/m²). SMOC was assessed using near‐infrared spectroscopy and daily physical activity was assessed for 7 days using accelerometry. Results Overweight individuals exhibited a higher (p = 0.004) SMOC and engaged in more (p = 0.007) vigorous physical activity compared to obese individuals. In addition, SMOC was lower (p = 0.005) in obese non‐Hispanic Black (NHB) men compared to overweight NHB men. No relationships between physical activity and SMOC were observed. Conclusion Physical activity is not associated with differences in SMOC in overweight and obesity. Obese individuals engage in less vigorous physical activity and exhibit lower SMOC compared to overweight individuals and these differences are emphasised in NHB men.
... Activitatea fizică crește metabolismul mitocondrial hepatic, reducând disponibilitatea substratului pentru lipogeneză și atenuează rezistența la insulină. Există dovezi conform cărora exercițiile fizice promovează reducerea nivelului de insulină a jeun și scade insulinorezistența la copii, totodată, îmbunătățește profilului lipidic prin creșterea HDL-C și diminarea atât a concentrațiilor LDL-C, cât și a TG [63,64,65]. De asemenea, exercițiile fizice pot duce la îmbunătățirea funcției endoteliale, cu reducerea atât a tensiunii arteriale sistolice, cât și a celei diastolice, independent de tipul de antrenament (aerobic, de rezistență sau combinat) [66]. ...
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Alongside the increasing trends in obesity rates, there is a documented rise in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in children, dictating that each component of MetS should be identified as early as possible;and the treatment goal consists of reducing obesity, managing metabolic complications, insulin resistance, and also addressing hypertension (HTN).Aim of the study. To determine risk factors, the role of certain proinflammatory markers (TNF α, hs-CRP), and adipokines (leptin, adiponectin) in the onset of MetS in children and their evolution under treatment with gastrointestinal lipase inhibitors (GLI). Material and methods. The presented results were obtained as part of a project within the State Program 2020-2023 titled “Evolutionary Aspects of Metabolic Syndrome in Children Under Treatment with Gastrointestinal Lipase Inhibitors”, project number 20.80009.8007.33. The study included 57 children with MS (IDF, 2007). Depending on the pharmacological therapy associated with non-pharmacological treatment, the children in the research were divided into 3 groups: Group I- 23 children who received orlistat (orlip) - GLI, Group II - 15 children who received Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs), and Group III - 19 children who received both GLI and ACEIs. The control group consisted of 50 normotensive and normal-weight children of similar age (gender ratio: 1:1). Risk factors, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), blood pressure values, total cholesterol (TC), LDL-C, HDL-C, triglycerides (TG), basal glycemia (BG), serum insulin, TNFα, hs-CRP, leptin, and adiponectin were analyzed initially and at the 3-month interval.The study protocol was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the Institute of Cardiology, Republic of Moldova (minutes no.2 dated February 20, 2020).Results: The majority of children in the study had a history of hereditary aggravated HTN and obesity, were sedentary or moderately sedentary, and had poor dietary habits. Among the components of MetS (IDF, 2007) associated with abdominal obesity, the following predominated: hypertension in 38 (66.7%) children, hypertriglyceridemia - 32 (56.1%%) children, increased basal blood glucose (BG) - 17(29.8%) children and hypo-HDL-C - 11 (19.3%) children. BMI at the 3-month interval from the initiation of medication decreased most significantly in group I (-4.025±1.267 kg/ m2), followed by group II (-3.33±0.972 kg/m2), and III (-3.046±0.840 kg/m2). WC decreased most notably in group III (-10.63±3.732 cm) compared to group II (-9.167±1.783 cm) and group I (-4.700±2.352 cm). Similar trends were observed for blood pressure values: group III (-18.75±1.897 mm Hg) vs group II (-12.167±1.359 mm Hg) vs group I (-3.900±4.613 mm Hg). LDL-C decreased essentially in group II (-0.46±0.211 mmol/l), while TG decreased in group III (-0.77±0.325 mmol/l) and II (-0.53±0.112 mmol/l). HDL-C increased by +0.60±0.274 mmol/l in group I, by +0.15±0.066 mmol/l in group II, and by +0.12±0.031 mmol/l in group III. Serum insulin decreased predominantly in group III (-9.36±4.53 µU/ mL). Similar trends were observed for BG (group III -1.24±0.322 mmol/l). TNF α decreased most significantly in group III (-2.65±0.911 pg/ml) compared to group I (-1.24±0.508 pg/ml) and group II (-1.61±1.018 pg/ml). hs-CRP decreased mainly in group I (-0.69±0.785 mg/l) and group II (-0.74±0.593 mg/l) compared to group III (-0.42±0.617 mg/l). Leptin values decreased significantly in all study groups at the 3-month interval from the initiation of medication (group I by-8.80±3.64 ng/ml, group II by -10.92±4.084 ng/ml, group III by -9.75±6.172 ng/ml). Adiponectin values increased by+1.83±1.087 µg/L in group III of the study.Conclusion: In combination with a calorie-restricted diet, regular physical exercise, and behavioral modifications, treatment with ILG and ACEIs in children with MetS in the study contributed to a decrease in the degree of obesity, blood pressure values, and normalization of the lipid and glucose profile, respectively. Additionally, it highlighted both the importance of prevention, early detection, and management of obesity, as well as the causal link between obesity, hypertension, and chronic inflammation.
... De acordo com Moghetti et al. (2016) o exercício tem uma ação influente no metabolismo e a adaptação do organismo a essas alterações é crucial para o fornecimento da energia necessária à contração muscular e às funções fisiológicas dos tecidos vitais. Os mecanismos moleculares que controlam a função muscular e o fenótipo da fibra estão relacionados ao modo específico de ativação muscular. ...
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Muitas atividades desportivas, recreativas e ocupacionais requerem uma libertação de energia moderada a intensa e contínua. O fracionamento aeróbio de carboidratos, gorduras e proteínas fornece energia para o exercício devido à fosforilação do difosfato de adenosina (ADP) em trifosfato de adenosina (ATP). Um desequilíbrio energético anaeróbio-aeróbico se instala na ausência de um ritmo estável (steady rate) entre a fosforilação oxidativa do ADP em ATP e a energia necessária para o exercício. Quando há um desequilíbrio, a acidez dos tecidos aumenta e eventualmente manifesta-se um estado de fadiga. Dois fatores influenciam a forma como os indivíduos são capazes de manter um elevado nível de atividade física com o mínimo de fadiga: a capacidade e integração dos sistemas fisiológicos para fornecer oxigénio e a capacidade de fibras musculares específicas ativadas durante o exercício para gerar ATP aeróbica. Palavras-chave: gestão de energia, sistemas, atividade física, desporto, gasto, transferência de energia, exercício
... In addition, we also discovered that some blood indexes, including HbA1c, BUN, Cr, ALB, AST, ALP, TC, and LDL-C, differed in patients with different physical activity intensities. A possible explanation A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t would be that physical activity intensities would affect glucose levels, renal function, liver function, and lipid metabolism, resulting in different levels of these indexes (Moghetti et al. 2016;Wronka et al. 2022;Kirwan et al. 2023). We noticed that TC and LDL-C were elevated in patients with vigorous intensity of physical activity. ...
... It's possible that these individuals had greater initial muscle loss or more pronounced muscle quality deterioration, thereby experiencing more significant gains when exposed to resistance training. Engaging in resistance exercise can lead to various metabolic adaptations that improve muscle protein synthesis, increase glucose uptake by muscles, and enhance insulin sensitivity (31,32). These adaptations could be more pronounced in individuals who start with higher levels of metabolic dysfunction. ...
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Objective We aimed to explore the relationship between remote resistance exercise programs delivered via a smartphone application and skeletal muscle mass among elderly patients with type 2 diabetes, utilizing real-world data. Methods The resistance exercises were provided through Joymotion®, a web-based telerehabilitation smartphone application (Shanghai Medmotion Medical Management Co., Ltd). The primary outcome was the changes in skeletal muscle index (SMI) before and after the remote resistance exercises programs. The secondary outcomes were changes in skeletal muscle cross-sectional area (SMA), skeletal muscle radiodensity (SMD) and intermuscular adipose tissue (IMAT). Results A total of 101 elderly patients with type 2 diabetes were analyzed. The participants had an average age of 72.9 ± 6.11 years for males and 74.4 ± 4.39 years for females. The pre- and post-intervention SMI mean (± SE) was 31.64 ± 4.14 vs. 33.25 ± 4.22 cm²/m² in male, and 22.72 ± 3.24 vs. 24.28 ± 3.60 cm²/m² in female respectively (all P < 0.001). Similarly, a statistically significant improvement in SMA, IMAT, and SMD for both male and female groups were also observed respectively (P < 0.001). Multiple linear regression models showed potential confounding factors of baseline hemoglobin A1c and duration of diabetes with changes in SMI in male, while hemoglobin A1c and high density lipoprotein cholesterol with changes in SMI in female. Conclusion Remote resistance exercises programs delivered by a smartphone application were feasible and effective in helping elderly patients with type 2 diabetes to improve their skeletal muscle mass.
... Exercise contributes to improving the metabolic environment mainly through insulin-dependent pathways, which, as we have already described, by activating numerous signaling pathways, contribute to oncogenesis and the biological behavior of cancer [61]. ...
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Obesity is a significant health issue associated with increased cancer risks, including gynecological malignancies. The worldwide rise in obesity rates is significantly impacting both cancer development and treatment outcomes. Adipose tissue plays a crucial role in metabolism, secreting various substances that can influence cancer formation. In obese individuals, dysfunctional adipose tissue can contribute to cancer development through inflammation, insulin resistance, hormonal changes, and abnormal cholesterol metabolism. Studies have shown a strong correlation between obesity and gynecological cancers, particularly endometrial and breast cancers. Obesity not only increases the risk of developing these cancers but is also associated with poorer outcomes. Additionally, obesity affects the perioperative management of gynecological cancers, requiring specialized care due to increased complications and resistance to therapy. Treatment strategies for managing metabolic dysregulation in patients with gynecological cancers include weight management, statin therapy, and insulin-sensitizing medications. Emerging studies suggest that interventions like intermittent fasting and caloric restriction may enhance the effectiveness of cancer treatments. Furthermore, targeting cholesterol metabolism, such as with statins or proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitors, shows potential in cancer therapy. In conclusion, addressing metabolic issues, particularly obesity, is crucial in preventing and treating gynecological malignancies. Personalized approaches focusing on weight management and metabolic reprogramming may improve outcomes in these patients.
... Exercise resolves physical inactivity and regulates metabolism [7]. Myokines secreted from the skeletal muscles interact with endocrine organs to mediate physiological metabolic adaptations, such as energy homeostasis [8], insulin response [9], and anti-inflammatory regulation [10]. ...
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We compared the effects of chronic exogenous lactate and exercise training, which influence energy substrate utilization and body composition improvements at rest and during exercise, and investigated the availability of lactate as a metabolic regulator. The mice were divided into four groups: CON (sedentary + saline), LAC (sedentary + lactate), EXE (exercise + saline), and EXLA (exercise + lactate). The total experimental period was set at 4 weeks, the training intensity was set at 60–70% VO2max, and each exercise group was administered a solution immediately after exercise. Changes in the energy substrate utilization at rest and during exercise, the protein levels related to energy substrate utilization in skeletal muscles, and the body composition were measured. Lactate intake and exercise increased carbohydrate oxidation as a substrate during exercise, leading to an increased energy expenditure and increased protein levels of citrate synthase and malate dehydrogenase 2, key factors in the TCA(tricarboxylic acid) cycle of skeletal muscle. Exercise, but not lactate intake, induced the upregulation of the skeletal muscle glucose transport factor 4 and a reduction in body fat. Hence, chronic lactate administration, as a metabolic regulator, influenced energy substrate utilization by the skeletal muscle and increased energy expenditure during exercise through the activation of carbohydrate metabolism-related factors. Therefore, exogenous lactate holds potential as a metabolic regulator.
... The results indicated a potential enhancement in the aerobic metabolism system in the muscles after the CON resistance training. This aligns with previous observations of an increased abundance of proteins related to oxidative phosphorylation after conventional resistance training (34,43,44). Subsequently, increased ATP supplementation promotes cross bridge cycling, which enhances muscle strength, power, and TW, as observed in the participants' quadriceps muscles in CON. ...
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The molecular mechanisms underlying muscular adaptations to concentric (CON) and eccentric (ECC) exercise training have been extensively explored. However, most previous studies have focused on specifically selected proteins, thus, unable to provide a comprehensive protein profile and potentially missing the crucial mechanisms underlying muscular adaptation to exercise training. We herein aimed to investigate proteomic profiles of human skeletal muscle in response to short-term resistance training. Twenty young males were randomly and evenly assigned to two groups to complete a 4-week either ECC or CON training program. Measurements of body composition and physiological function of the quadriceps femoris were conducted both before and after the training. Muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis of randomly selected participants (five in ECC and four in CON) of both before and after the training were analyzed using the liquid-chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in combination with bioinformatics analysis. Neither group presented a significant difference in body composition or leg muscle mass; however, muscle peak torque, total work, and maximal voluntary contraction were significantly increased after the training in both groups. Proteomics analysis revealed 122 differentially abundant proteins (DAPs; p value < 0.05 & fold change >1.5 or <0.67) in ECC, of which the increased DAPs were mainly related to skeletal muscle contraction and cytoskeleton and enriched specifically in the pentose phosphate pathway, extracellular matrix–receptor interaction, and PI3K−Akt signaling pathway, whereas the decreased DAPs were associated with the mitochondrial respiratory chain. One hundred one DAPs were identified in CON, of which the increased DAPs were primarily involved in translation/protein synthesis and the mitochondria respiratory, whereas the decreased DAPs were related to metabolic processes, cytoskeleton, and de-ubiquitination. In conclusion, the 4-week CON and ECC training resulted in distinctly different proteomic profiles, especially in proteins related to muscular structure and metabolism.
... The first covers activities of daily living. The other is; Apart from the daily activities, it covers the energy expenditure in the exercises done to protect or improve the health and the regular training of the athletes [6]. ...
... To our knowledge, this study represents the first endeavor to elucidate the distinctions between left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic parameters and LA mechanical functions in individuals participating in both RE and recreational soccer. Long-term and consistent exercise has been established to promote physiological adaptations within the cardiovascular system [28], [29], enabling acute responsiveness to increased demands imposed by skeletal muscles during physical activity [30]. As exercise that challenges the cardiovascular system becomes a habitual practice, adaptive alterations, such as cardiac hypertrophy and augmented contractility, are stimulated [30]. ...
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Aim This study aimed to compare the left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic parameters and left atrial (LA) mechanical functions of individuals engaging in recreational sports and resistance exercises on a weekly basis. Methods A total of 43 male amateur athletes were included in this study, of which 24 performed resistance exercises (REs) (29.70 ± 8.74 year, weight: 81.70 ± 12.64 kg, height: 176.05 ± 7.73 cm, BMI: 27.64 ± 4.97 kg/m2), and 19 participated in recreational football training and were included in the recreational sports group (31.73 ± 6.82 year, weight: 86.00 ± 18.52 kg, height: 178.62 ± 4.95 cm, BMI: 25.55 ± 3.42 kg/m2). The exercises were standardized according to the weekly exercise frequency and volume. After recording the participants’ demographic information, the LV systolic and diastolic parameters and LA mechanical functions were measured using echocardiography (ECHO) and Tissue Doppler Imaging. Results Significant differences were observed in various cardiac parameters between the recreational sports group (REG) and resistance exercise Group (RSG). Specifically, the left ventricular (LV) diastolic diameter, LV end diastolic volume index (LVEDVi), and stroke volume index were notably higher in the REG compared to the RSG (t = 2.804, p = .010, effect size (ES) = 2.10; t = 3.174, p = .003, ES = 0.98; t = 3.36, p = .002, ES = 1.02, respectively). Notably, the RSG exhibited higher values for LV mass index (LVMi) and isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) than the REG (t = 2.843, p = .007, ES = 0.87; t = 2.517, p = .016, ES = 0.76) in terms of LV systolic and diastolic parameters. Regarding left atrial (LA) mechanics, the REG demonstrated increased LA total emptying volume index, LA maximum volume index, LA volume before systole measured at the onset of the p-wave index, and conduit volume index compared to RSG (t = 2.419, p = .020, ES = 0.75; t = 2.669, p = .011, ES = 0.81; t = 2.111, p = .041, ES = 0.64; t = 2.757, p = .009, ES = 0.84, respectively). Conclusion Our study revealed significant variations in LV and LA functions between REG and RSG. Our data suggest that REs led to substantial cardiac remodeling, altering myocardial structure and function. In contrast, the effect of recreational exercise on cardiac adaptation was less pronounced than that of resistance exercise. Consequently, we propose that individuals engaging in recreational exercise should consider modalities that impose higher cardiovascular demand for more effective cardiac conditioning.
... Indeed, some studies have suggested that the appetitive responses to exercise may occur over few days (44) . However, research has previously demonstrated transient metabolic and appetitive adaptations can occur after acute exercise, thus it is feasible that higher energy flux may also have similar acute and short-term effects (45) . Finally, our study lacked information regarding the usual free-living daily energy balance and energy flux of the adolescents, thus it is not possible to compare the energy intake volumes observed here to their usual dietary habits. ...
... Indeed, some studies have suggested that the appetitive responses to exercise may occur over few days (44) . However, research has previously demonstrated transient metabolic and appetitive adaptations can occur after acute exercise, thus it is feasible that higher energy flux may also have similar acute and short-term effects (45) . Finally, our study lacked information regarding the usual free-living daily energy balance and energy flux of the adolescents, thus it is not possible to compare the energy intake volumes observed here to their usual dietary habits. ...
Recent evidence suggests better appetite control in states of high energy flux in adults and lean children. Nevertheless, it is unknown whether this extends to youth with obesity. This study compares the effects of low, moderate, or high energy flux on short-term appetitive control in adolescents with obesity. Sixteen adolescents with obesity (12-16 years, Tanner stage 3-5, 11 females) randomly completed three conditions: i) low energy flux (LEF); ii) moderate energy flux (MEF + 250 kcal); and iii) High Energy Flux (HEF + 500 kcal). Energy flux was achieved in MEF and HEF through elevated energy intake (EI) and concomitant increase in energy expenditure using cycling exercise (65% VO2peak). Ad libitum EI, macronutrient intake and relative EI were assessed at dinner, subjective appetite sensations taken at regular intervals, and food reward measured before dinner. Ad libitum EI at dinner was greater in LEF compared to HEF (p=0.008) and REI was higher in LEF compared to MEF (p=0.003) and HEF (p<0.001). The absolute consumption of carbohydrates was lower in LEF compared with MEF (p=0.047) and HEF (p<0.001). Total area under the curve (AUC) for hunger and desire to eat (DTE) was lower in HEF compared with LEF (p<0.001) and MEF (p=0.038). Total AUC for prospective food consumption (PFC) was lower on HEF compared with LEF (p=0.004). Food choice sweet bias was higher in HEF (p=0.005) compared with LEF. To conclude, increasing energy flux may improve short-term appetite control in adolescents with obesity.
... In addition, it has been shown that physical activity interventions are efficacious at 12 weeks or more for cardiometabolic parameters [96]. In this regard, exercise has a profound effect on metabolism, and it is crucial that the body adjusts to the new normal in order to produce the ATP that powers muscle contraction and other critical physiologic processes [97]. Under homeostatic regulation, quick and coordinated changes in the secretion of multiple hormones ensure that energy is made available via the appropriate pathways for the intensity and duration of activity. ...
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Endocrine homeostasis and metabolic diseases have been the subject of extensive research in recent years. The development of new techniques and insights has led to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying these conditions and opened up new avenues for diagnosis and treatment. In this review, we discussed the rise of metabolic diseases, especially in Western countries, the genetical, psychological, and behavioral basis of metabolic diseases, the role of nutrition and physical activity in the development of metabolic diseases, the role of single-cell transcriptomics, gut microbiota, epigenetics, advanced imaging techniques, and cell-based therapies in metabolic diseases. Finally, practical applications derived from this information are made.
... However, our study found that when skipping all-out, participants only achieved a submaximal intensity. Therefore, it is unlikely that the training benefits of high-intensity sprinting or cycling could be fully replaced by rope skipping due to the diverse metabolisms elicited by different modes of exercise [28]. In terms of motor competence, previous studies have shown that incorporating submaximal rope skipping (120 skips·min −1 ) into warm-up routines can improve young soccer players' balance and motor coordination [6]. ...
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Rope skipping has been well documented for eliciting positive effects on various health outcomes and contributing to overall physical activity levels. However, the specific health benefits may depend on the duration and intensity of the exercise bouts. This study aimed to compare the (1) metabolic and (2) perceptual responses between short (30 s) and long (3 min) bouts of all-out rope skipping, and to (3) evaluate the reliability and validity of a newly invented electronic rope (E-rope). A total of 23 young adults (13 males and 10 females; aged 23.23 ± 2.62 y) repeated short and long skipping bouts on two testing days. The oxygen consumption (V·O2), peak respiratory exchange ratio (RER), heart rate (HR), rate of perceived exertion (RPE), and post-exercise muscle soreness were assessed during each trial. Longer skipping bouts (148.33 skips·min−1) resulted in significantly greater metabolic responses (p < 0.01, d = 1.00–3.27), higher rates of perceived exertion (p < 0.01, d = 2.28), and more post-exercise muscle soreness (p < 0.01, d = 0.66–1.49) compared to shorter bouts (165.83 skips·min−1). The E-rope demonstrated sufficient concurrent validity (r > 0.9) and between-day reliability (ICC3,1 = 0.89–0.95) but slightly overestimated the number of skips. Both long and short all-out skipping bouts were considered moderate-to-vigorous exercise, but longer bouts resulted in higher metabolic and perceptual demands. These findings may be useful for practitioners to strategically apply different skipping bouts to improve physical activity levels and facilitate training adaptation. The E-rope could serve as a self-monitoring and self-evaluating tool.
... Noi am constatat că practică gimnastica matinală, însă neregulat, numai 17 (39,5%) copii, majoritatea copiilor însă preferă un mod sedentar (n=17; 39,5%) sau moderat-sedentar (n=13;30,2%). Activitatea fizică crește metabolismul substratului mitocondrial hepatic, reducând disponibilitatea substratului pentru lipogeneză și atenuează rezistența la insulină, provoacă biogeneză mitocondrială în ficat și mușchi [17]. Există dovezi conform cărora exercițiile fizice promovează reducerea nivelului de insulină a jeun și scăderea rezistenței la insulină la copii [18]. ...
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Introduction: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in children is increasing, in parallel with the increasing trends of obesity rates and his fact requires the early diagnosis of risk factors through the use of non-invasive biomarkers. Aim of the study: Estimation of risk factors contributing to the onset of metabolic syndrome in children, as well as some particularities of diagnosis and treatment. Material and methods: The results are obtained from the research project titled «Evolutionary aspects of the metabolic syndrome in children under treatment with gastrointestinal lipase inhibitors», with code 20.80009.8007.33, within the State Program 2020-2023, carried out in the scientific laboratory of pediatric cardiology of the IMSP Institute of Cardiology, Republic of Moldova. The study included 43 children aged 10-18 years (general research group), diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (MS), estimated according to the IDF 2007 criteria. The gender ratio was: 24 (55.8%) boys and 19 (44.2%) girls. The control group consisted of 50 children (normotensive and normoweight), of similar age (25 children each (50% in each age category) - 26 (52%) boys and 24 (48%) girls), without hereditary and family anamnesis aggravated by cardiovascular pathologies, obesity and type II diabetes. Depending on the treatment received in addition to the non-pharmacological treatment, the children were divided into 3 groups: group I received ACE inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors), group II - gastrointestinal lipase inhibitors (orlip), group III - ACE inhibitors and gastro lipase inhibitors -intestinal (orlip). Risk factors were assessed according to a specially developed questionnaire. Serum adipokines (leptin, adiponectin) and TNF-α were evaluated by the immunoenzymatic ELISA method, hs-CRP by the latex-immunoturbidimetry method, and serum insulin by the immunochemical method with electrochemiluminescence detection (ECLIA). The study protocol was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee. Results: Most of the children were sedentary, had poor nutrition, as well as a hereditary history aggravated by hypertension and obesity. Also, in the families of these children, more harms were encountered: chronic stress (divorced parents, conflicts with parents, schoolmates, teachers, etc.), as well as exposure to passive smoking. The serum level of leptin (35,4±2,61 vs 7,9±0,23 ng/ml; p<0.001), hs – CRP (3,0±0,44 vs 0,2±0,01 mg/l; p<0.001), TNFα (9,1±0,43 vs 3,1±0,09 pg/ml; p<0.001) was higher, and adiponectin (5,1±0,38 vs 11,0±0,33 μg/ml; p<0.001) lower in children with metabolic syndrome, compared to the control group. Regardless of the medication administered, all drug combination formulas contributed to the decrease in the degree of obesity, blood pressure values, blood fat levels, as well as serum insulin values in the interval of 3 months after the initiation of the medication. Conclusion: The causes of metabolic syndrome in children are multiple and involve interactions between genetic, environmental (sedentary, high-calorie diet), hormonal and metabolic factors that ultimately lead to the appearance of the conditions that characterize this syndrome. Hypoadiponectinemia, hyperleptinemia, and increased serum PCRhs and TNFα values suggested that these adipokines/cytokines contribute to subclinical inflammation in children with MS and may also serve as biomarkers of MS. In combination with a low-calorie diet, regular exercise, and behavioral changes, treatment with gastrointestinal lipase inhibitors may help reduce the degree of obesity and hypertension, respectively.
... Investigations into the metabolic effects of exercise [1,2] have helped elucidate physiological adaptations to stress and have been critical for understanding pathologies in which metabolism is dysregulated. From aging [3] to cardiovascular and other non-communicable diseases [4,5], from cancer [6] to hemorrhagic or ischemic hypoxia [7], from immunometabolism [8] to neurodegenerative diseases [9], metabolic derangements are increasingly appreciated as etiological contributors to disease onset, severity, and prognosis. ...
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Background and Objective Metabolomics studies of recreational and elite athletes have been so far limited to venipuncture-dependent blood sample collection in the setting of controlled training and medical facilities. However, limited to no information is currently available to determine if findings in laboratory settings are translatable to a real-world scenario in elite competitions. The goal of this study was to define molecular signatures of exertion under controlled exercise conditions and use these signatures as a framework for assessing cycling performance in a World Tour competition. Methods To characterize molecular profiles of exertion in elite athletes during cycling, we performed metabolomics analyses on blood isolated from 28 international-level, elite, World Tour professional male athletes from a Union Cycliste Internationale World Team taken before and after a graded exercise test to volitional exhaustion and before and after a long aerobic training session. Moreover, established signatures were then used to characterize the metabolic physiology of five of these cyclists who were selected to represent the same Union Cycliste Internationale World Team during a seven-stage elite World Tour race. Results Using dried blood spot collection to circumvent logistical hurdles associated with field sampling, these studies defined metabolite signatures and fold change ranges of anaerobic or aerobic exertion in elite cyclists, respectively. Blood profiles of lactate, carboxylic acids, fatty acids, and acylcarnitines differed between exercise modes. The graded exercise test elicited significant two- to three-fold accumulations in lactate and succinate, in addition to significant elevations in free fatty acids and acylcarnitines. Conversely, the long aerobic training session elicited a larger magnitude of increase in fatty acids and acylcarnitines without appreciable increases in lactate or succinate. Comparable signatures were revealed after sprinting and climbing stages, respectively, in a World Tour race. In addition, signatures of elevated fatty acid oxidation capacity correlated with competitive performance. Conclusions Collectively, these studies provide a unique view of alterations in the blood metabolome of elite athletes during competition and at the peak of their performance capabilities. Furthermore, they demonstrate the utility of dried blood sampling for omics analysis, thereby enabling molecular monitoring of athletic performance in the field during training and competition.
... Selain perubahan akut yang disebabkan oleh satu sesi olahraga, olahraga yang teratur dapat menyebabkan adaptasi kronis, meningkatkan kapasitas jantung, dan mempengaruhi metabolisme tubuh serta menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah (Duclos, Virally, & Dejager, 2011). Meskipun efek metabolik akut olah raga sebagian besar disebabkan oleh efek yang tidak bergantung pada insulin, olahraga dapat meningkatkan sensitivitas insulin otot dan dianggap sebagai alat kunci dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan gangguan metabolik (Moghetti, Bacchi, Brangani, Donà, & Negri, 2016). Literatur memaparkan bahwa pasien DM yang rendah aktivitas fisiknya maka akan terjadi peningkatan akumulasi lipid di intramuscullar sehingga merusak sel mitokondria otot yang berkembang menjadi kelemahan otot atau sarcopenia. ...
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Diabetes mellitus is a progressive chronic disease. DM is a disease with the category of non-communicable disease or a disease that is not caused by an infectious disease. Prolonged hyperglycemia has an impact on the development of microvascular and macrovascular complications, resulting in various problems, dissability and decreased quality of life. Regular and safe physical exercise is a therapy that can reduce glucose. However, not all people with diabetes are allowed to exercise. There are several provisions that must be observed to avoid side effects after exercise, such as hypoglycemia. Because DM is a disease with metabolic disorders, it is possible for patients to have complications, such as hypertension and coronary heart disease as common complications of DM. Not all people with DM understand the provisions that must be considered before doing exercise. Therefore, counselling is the most appropriate activity to provide information to patients with DM about the provisions that have to be considered before exercising. Counselling activities are expected to be followed up by patients with DM to do physical exercise or sports regularly and pay attention to their own condition. So that it can reduce the risk of developing DM and its complications and improve the quality of life of patients with DM.
... Circadian rhythm has also been linked to exercise metabolism, although studies in this area are limited. Aerobic or endurance exercise modulates energy expenditure and substrate oxidation (10,55). In women, higher VȮ 2 was observed during submaximal treadmill exercise in PM compared with AM (30), whereas in men, a higher VȮ 2 was observed in AM than in PM (24). ...
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Kang, J, Ratamess, NA, Faigenbaum, AD, Bush, JA, Finnerty, C, DiFiore, M, Garcia, A, and Beller, N. Time-of-day effects of exercise on cardiorespiratory responses and endurance performance-A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2022-The time-of-day effect of exercise on human function remains largely equivocal. Hence, this study aimed to further analyze the existing evidence concerning diurnal variations in cardiorespiratory responses and endurance performance using a meta-analytic approach. Literature search was conducted through databases, including PubMed, CINAHL, and Google Scholar. Article selection was made based on inclusion criteria concerning subjects' characteristics, exercise protocols, times of testing, and targeted dependent variables. Results on oxygen uptake (V̇o2), heart rate (HR), respiratory exchange ratio, and endurance performance in the morning (AM) and late afternoon or evening (PM) were extracted from the chosen studies. Meta-analysis was conducted with the random-effects model. Thirty-one original research studies that met the inclusion criteria were selected. Meta-analysis revealed higher resting V̇o2 (Hedges' g = -0.574; p = 0.040) and resting HR (Hedges' g = -1.058; p = 0.002) in PM than in AM. During exercise, although V̇o2 remained indifferent between AM and PM, HR was higher in PM at submaximal (Hedges' g = -0.199; p = 0.046) and maximal (Hedges' g = -0.298; p = 0.001) levels. Endurance performance as measured by time-to-exhaustion or the total work accomplished was higher in PM than in AM (Hedges' g = -0.654; p = 0.001). Diurnal variations in V̇o2 appear less detectable during aerobic exercise. The finding that exercising HR and endurance performance were greater in PM than in AM emphasizes the need to consider the effect of circadian rhythm when evaluating athletic performance or using HR as a criterion to assess fitness or monitor training.
... This meta-analysis indicated that RE and CE had non-effective influence on decreasing visceral fat for young individuals with obesity. For RE, the non-significant effect of the exercise may be due to the different proportions of the energy supply system and different energy substrates (Moghetti et al., 2016). It is known that the energy of the RE is mainly supplied by the anaerobic energy system. ...
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Introduction: The prevalence of pediatric obesity remains high all over the world. Various exercise interventions have been applied to decrease the visceral fat in young individuals with obesity. But the evidence remains controversial on the effect of the exercise on visceral fat. Moreover, it is unclear which type of the exercise is the most effective for young individuals with overweight or obesity to reduce visceral fat. Objective: The objective of this review and meta-analysis is to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of different exercise interventions on visceral fat in young individuals with overweight or obesity. Methods: Four databases consisting of PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCO, and Cochrane Library were searched prior to May 2022. Fifteen studies with a total of 30 data points involving 1,134 participants were included in this meta-analysis. And the interventions were limited to 4 exercise types [i.e., aerobic exercise (AE), resistance exercise (RE), aerobic exercise combined with resistance exercise (CE), and high-intensity interval training (HIIT)]. Data Synthesis: The results showed that AE (Standardized Mean Difference = −0.32; 95% CI = −0.50 to −0.13; p = 0.0007; I² = 37%) and HIIT (SMD = −0.59; 95% CI = −0.87 to −0.31; p < 0.0001; I² = 0%) had a significant reduction effect on visceral fat. And the effect of HIIT seemed better than AE. However, RE (SMD = −0.58; 95% CI = −1.34 to 0.17; p = 0.13; I² = 76%) and CE (SMD = −0.21; 95% CI = −0.81 to 0.38; p = 0.48; I² = 63%) had a non-significant effect on visceral fat decline. Additionally, compared with the control group, exercise interventions had a significant effect on reducing visceral fat in adolescents (SMD = −0.54; 95% CI = −0.82 to −0.26; p = 0.0001; I² = 64%) and young adults (SMD = −0.42; 95% CI = −0.69 to −0.15; p = 0.003; I² = 0%) rather than children (SMD = −0.15; 95% CI = −0.32 to 0.02; p = 0.08; I² = 0%). And the gender-based subgroup analysis indicated that the effectiveness of the exercise on the reduction of visceral fat was more significant in males (SMD = −1.27; 95% CI = −1.67 to −0.87; p < 0.00001; I² = 0%) than that in females (SMD = −0.31; 95% CI = −0.48 to −0.14; p = 0.0004; I² = 0%). Conclusion: This review and meta-analysis demonstrates that exercise interventions are efficient to decrease visceral fat in adolescents (12–18 years old) and young adults (18–24 years old). Among different exercise types, AE and HIIT are helpful for young individuals with overweight or obesity to reduce visceral fat and HIIT appears to be the most effective exercise intervention. In addition, the effect of exercise interventions on the consumption of visceral fat is more significant in males than that in females. Systematic Review Registration: [], identifier [CRD42022310878].
... Meanwhile, it has been reported that exercise, like calorie restriction, can affect the survival and recovery of diseases [16,17]. Physical activity and exercise promote health, help to maintain weight, and prevent health problems, vascular disease, and inflammatory disease [18]. Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise reduces cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure, and also helps to control cholesterol level and body weight control, and maintain bone mass [19][20][21]. ...
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Background Exercise and some pre-AKI diets have been shown to improve injury, apoptosis, and lipid profile. In this study, the effect of two different diets along with exercise training on acute kidney injury (AKI) was investigated. Materials and methods Laboratory rats were randomly divided into four groups of control, standard diet + exercise, exercise + calorie restriction (CR) and exercise + time restriction (TR). Each group was divided into two subgroups of AKI and no AKI. The animals received endurance training and diet regimens before AKI. Fasting blood glucose, serum creatinine, Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax), B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl2) and histopathological outcome of renal tissue as well as serum lipid profile of animals were assessed 24 h after AKI. Results The percentage of changes in renal Bcl2 and Bax after AKI in the group with previous exercise was lower than the group without previous exercise (p < 0.01). After induction of AKI, serum lipid profile changed in non-exercised rats (p < 0.001). Also, after injury, fasting blood glucose levels increased in non-exercised rats (p < 0.05). After injury, the start of both CR and TR diets during exercise caused less change in Bcl2 and Bax of non-exercised rats compared to exercised rats (p < 0.001). CR diet along with exercise improved lipid profile, and also CR diet along exercise decreased fasting blood glucose levels (p < 0.001). Also, both the CR and TR diets during exercise caused fewer changes in histopathological outcome after AKI. Conclusion Exercise alone decreased changes in apoptotic and histopathological indexes, fasting blood glucose, as well as lipid profile of rats after AKI. Reduction of apoptosis and improvement of histopathological outcome after AKI appeared more when CR and TR diets were commenced during exercise. The reduction of lipid profile changes was more pronounced in the group that received CR diet during exercise.
... Investigations into the metabolic effects of exercise (Contrepois et al., 2020;Moghetti et al., 2016) have helped to elucidate physiological adaptations to stress and have been critical for understanding pathologies in which metabolism is dysregulated. From aging (Pontzer et al., 2021) to cardiovascular and other non-communicable diseases (Costantino et al., 2016;Ruiz-Canela et al., 2017), from cancer (Hanahan, 2022) to hemorrhagic or ischemic hypoxia (Chouchani et al., 2014), from immunometabolism (O'Neill et al., 2016) to neurodegenerative diseases (Traxler et al., 2022), metabolic derangements are increasingly appreciated as etiological contributors to disease onset, severity, and prognosis. ...
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To characterize molecular profiles of exertion in elite athletes during cycling, we performed metabolomics analyses on blood isolated from twenty-eight international-level elite World Tour professional male athletes from a Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) World Team taken before and after a graded exercise test (GXT) to volitional exhaustion and before and after a long aerobic training session. Using dried blood spot collection to circumvent logistical hurdles associated with field sampling, these studies defined metabolite signatures and fold change ranges of anaerobic or aerobic exertion in elite cyclists, respectively. Moreover, established signatures were then used to characterize the metabolic physiology of five of these cyclists that were selected to represent the same UCI World Team during a 7-stage elite World Tour race. Collectively, these studies provide a unique view of alterations in the blood metabolome of elite athletes during competition and at the peak of their performance capabilities. Highlights We profiled metabolism of 28 international-level elite World Tour professional male athletes from a Union Cycliste Internationale UCI World Team during training and World Tour multi-stage race; Dried blood spot sampling affords metabolomics analyses to monitor exercise performance; Determination of lactate thresholds during graded exercise test (GXT) to volitional exhaustion shows a range of from 3.75 to 6.5 watts per kilogram in this group; Blood profiles of lactate, carboxylic acids, fatty acids and acylcarnitines differed between different exercise modes (GXT and 180 km aerobic training session); Metabolic profiles were affected by stage-specific challenges (sprint vs climbing) during a World Tour multi-stage race.
... While AMPK has been validated to be a pivotal signal pathway that regulates glucose uptake in an insulin independent manner (Leclerc and Rutter, 2004;Elhassan et al., 2018;Miyamoto, 2018). It has been reported that drugs such as metformin (Rena et al., 2017) , exercise/contraction, and some other metabolic stress are able to activate AMPK and consequently promote GLUT4 expression and translocation (Moghetti et al., 2016;Distefano and Goodpaster, 2018;Richter, 2021;Entezari et al., 2022). Additionally, muscle mitochondrial dysfunction is closely associated with T2DM, which adversely influences the translocation of GLUT4, resulting in the IR of skeletal muscle (Yu et al., 2018;Lee et al., 2020;Meng et al., 2020). ...
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Jiangtang Sanhao formula (JTSHF), one of the prescriptions for treating the patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) in traditional Chinese medicine clinic, has been demonstrated to effectively ameliorate the clinical symptoms of diabetic patients with overweight or hyperlipidemia. The preliminary studies demonstrated that JTSHF may enhance insulin sensitivity and improve glycolipid metabolism in obese mice. However, the action mechanism of JTSHF on skeletal muscles in diabetic mice remains unclear. To this end, high-fat diet (HFD) and streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice were subjected to JTSHF intervention. The results revealed that JTSHF granules could reduce food and water intake, decrease body fat mass, and improve glucose tolerance, lipid metabolism, and insulin sensitivity in the skeletal muscles of diabetic mice. These effects may be linked to the stimulation of GLUT4 expression and translocation via regulating AMPKα/SIRT1/PGC-1α signaling pathway. The results may offer a novel explanation of JTSHF to prevent against diabetes and IR-related metabolic diseases.
... Another study comparing PCOS subjects with hyperandrogenism and controls showed the same strength levels [18]. Considering the presence of a pathophysiological link, a potential influence on the part of hyperinsulinism and/or IR on strength levels cannot be excluded in PCOS subjects [47,48]. Unfortunately, previous investigations did not explore this relationship [18,49]. ...
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In this study, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and strength level were assessed in women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), matched for age, body composition, androgenic pattern and insulinemic pattern. Patients with and without PCOS were evaluated at the Endocrinology Unit and Sport Medicine Division to assess endocrinological (insulinemic, androgenic pattern and growth hormone), anthropometric (with DEXA) and functional parameters (with cardiopulmonary exercise test and handgrip test), as well as physical activity level (with the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire). A total of 31 patients with PCOS and 13 controls were included. No statistically significant differences were found between groups in terms of age, body mass index, body composition, androgenic pattern, insulin state, growth hormone and physical activity level. The PCOS group demonstrated significantly better cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max per kg (30.9 ± 7.6 vs. 24.8 ± 4.1 mL/kg/min; p = 0.010), VO2max per kg of fat-free mass (52.4 ± 8.9 vs. 45.3 ± 6.2 mL/kg/min; p = 0.018)), strength levels (handgrip per kg (0.36 ± 0.09 vs. 0.30 ± 0.08; p = 0.009), handgrip per kg of fat-free mass (13.03 ± 2.32 vs. 11.50 ± 1.91; p = 0.001)) and exercise capacity (METs at test (14.4 ± 2.72 vs. 12.5 ± 1.72 METs; p = 0.019)). In this study, women with PCOS showed a better cardiorespiratory fitness and strength than the control group. The only determinant that could explain the differences observed seems to be the presence of the syndrome itself. These results suggest that PCOS per se does not limit exercise capacity and does not exclude good functional capacity.
... The nutritional recommendations for athletes practicing any sport are developed by international organizations, Ministries of Sports, and researchers, while they are dedicated to individuals practicing specific sports [25], so there are, e.g., recommendations for runners [26], bodybuilders [27], or football players [28]. However, there are also general nutritional recommendations or guidelines for individuals engaging in increased physical activity [29], as it is well known that physical activity, independent of the discipline, results in specific metabolic changes [30] and may be associated with increased nutritional requirements [31]. ...
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For consumers, among the most important sources of information related to nutrition are popular journals and magazines, including women’s and sports, but the diets presented there may lead to unhealthy weight-control behaviors. The aim of the study was to assess the nutritional value of regular and low-calorie diets presented in Polish women’s and sports magazines before and during COVID-19 pandemic. The study was based on two popular Polish magazines—one women’s magazine and one sports magazine, which regularly present various types of diets. The nutritional value of all the diets published from January 2014 to May 2022 was analyzed. The total number of included single-day menus was n = 119, while for analysis they were stratified based on: type of magazine (published in the women’s magazine n = 41 and in the sports magazine n = 78), year of publication (before the COVID-19 pandemic n = 78 and during n = 41), and type of diet (regular n = 61 and low-calorie n = 58). The analysis included the energy value and nutritional value. For the type of magazine, the diets published in the sports magazine were characterized by a higher intake of fat (p < 0.0001 for intake in grams and in % of energy) and calcium (p = 0.0330), whereas the diets published in the women’s magazine were characterized by a higher intake of carbohydrates (p = 0.0226 for intake in grams, and p = 0.0002 for intake in % of energy) and fiber (p = 0.0163). For the year of publication, the diets published during the COVID-19 pandemic were characterized by a higher intake of protein (p = 0.0166 for intake in grams), sodium (p = 0.0465), calcium (p < 0.0001), vitamin D (p = 0.0197), vitamin B6 (p = 0.0207), and vitamin B12 (p = 0.0277), whereas the diets published before the COVID-19 pandemic were characterized by a higher intake of carbohydrates (p = 0.0243 for intake in % of energy). For the type of diet, the regular diets were characterized by a higher energy value (p = 0.0020), as well as by a higher intake of fat (p = 0.0162 for intake in grams), carbohydrates (p = 0.0390 for intake in grams), mono- and oligosaccharides (p = 0.0084 for intake in % of energy), fiber (p < 0.0001), magnesium (p = 0.0323), iron (p = 0.0307), and vitamin B6 (p = 0.0204). The nutritional value of the diets presented in the Polish women’s and sports magazines was not justified by the type of magazine or type of diet, associated with the target group, which may cause the following of improperly balanced diets. However, the changes in the typical nutritional value of diets presented in the Polish women’s and sports magazines during the COVID-19 pandemic were justified by some specific needs for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
... Exercise is one of the most powerful regulators of metabolism, and BDJ exercise may be more beneficial to the body than other forms of exercise, because it requires lower metabolic demands. Studies have shown that in the process of improving muscle strength, muscles involved in exercise increase local capillaries, and oxygen supply also needs to increase, HIF-1 inhibits skeletal muscle mTOR activity under low energy/hypoxia conditions, and is essential for restoring mTOR signaling when cells recover from hypoxia (44). In addition, exercise increases whole-body energy expenditure and induces lipolysis, and improves systemic metabolism. ...
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Purpose Baduanjin (BDJ) exercise is a traditional exercise that combines breathing, body movement, meditation and awareness to help delay the onset and progression of senile degenerative musculoskeletal diseases, such as osteoporosis (OP). The aim of this meta-analysis is to evaluate the efficacy of BDJ exercise, and preliminarily infer its effective mechanism in the treatment of OP. Methods We identified relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs) through eight databases, and compared BDJ exercise with the control groups (including blank control and conventional treatment intervention). The main outcome measure was bone mineral density (BMD), the additional outcome measures were visual analogue scale (VAS), Berg balance scale (BBS), serum Calcium (Ca), serum Phosphorus (P), serum Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and serum bone gla protein (BGP). Meta-analysis and trial sequence analysis (TSA) were performed using RevMan 5.4, Stata 16.0, and TSA 0.9. Results In total, 13 RCTs involving 919 patients were included in the analysis. For postmenopausal osteoporosis, BDJ exercise alone and BDJ exercise combined with conventional treatment can improve the BMD of lumbar spine. BDJ exercise alone can influence serum Ca and ALP. BDJ exercise combined with conventional treatment can improve balance (BBS) and influence serum BGP. For senile osteoporosis, BDJ exercise alone and BDJ exercise combined with conventional treatment can improve balance (BBS). BDJ exercise combined with conventional treatment can improve the BMD of hip and pain relieve (VAS). For primary osteoporosis, BDJ exercise combined with conventional treatment can improve the BMD of lumbar spine and femoral neck. Conclusion Baduanjin exercise may be beneficial to improve BMD, relieve pain, improve balance ability, influence serum BGP and serum ALP in patients with OP, but differences occur due to various types of OP. Due to the low quality of research on the efficacy and mechanism of BDJ exercise in the treatment of OP, high-quality evidence-based research is still needed to provide reliable supporting evidence. Systematic Review Registration [ ], identifier [CRD42022329022].
... 42 Oxidative phosphorylation and the TCA cycle are two important energy metabolic pathways. 43 Our data showed that exercise alone increases the capacity of the TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation in the quadriceps femoris and maintains balanced levels of ATP in cells. However, when exposed to ozone (regardless of exercise), the activities of important enzymes involved in these two pathways and the ATP content significantly declined. ...
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Ozone (O3) pollution can decrease sport performance and induce respiratory toxicity, but relatively few studies have investigated its effects on skeletal muscles. We randomly assigned rats to the following groups based on a 2 × 4 two-factor factorial design: Air+0, Air+10, Air+15, and Air+20, O3+0, O3+10, O3+15, and O3+20. The rats in the +0 groups rested, whereas those in the +10, +15, and +20 groups ran on a treadmill (in clean air for Air groups and in air polluted with 0.14 parts per million (ppm) O3 for O3 groups) at speeds of 10, 15, and 20 m/min, respectively, for 1 h. Thereafter, key enzyme activities involving the tricarboxylic acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content, histopathological changes, oxidative stress, inflammation factors, and apoptosis were assessed in the rat quadriceps femoris samples. Ozone reduced key enzyme activities and ATP contents in the quadriceps femoris regardless of whether the rats exercised. Pathological changes, inflammatory factors, oxidative stress, and mitochondria-dependent apoptosis were only evident under conditions of exercise combined with ozone and increasingly worsened as exercise intensity increased. These findings suggested that acute exercise under ozone exposure could induce damage to the quadriceps femoris, which would negatively affect sport performance. Ozone-induced disrupted energy metabolism might be an early event that becomes more critical as exercise intensity increases. Therefore, care should be taken when exercising in polluted air, even when ozone pollution is mild.
... The ability of the organism to balance in the internal environment against internal and external stimuli has been realized in the process of human formation. In the researches, it has been determined that a series of physiological changes occur depending on the type, intensity and duration of the activity when transitioning from the resting state to the exercise practice [1,2,3,4]. They are mainly seen in respiratory, circulatory, hormonal, neuronal, energy systems under the requirements of the activity [5.6,7,8,9]. ...
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The maintenance of the sportive activity depends on the preservation of the physiological internal environment balance of the organism to certain extent. The occurrence of short and longterm physiological and structural changes in athletes due to activity and the effect of these changes on performance have become a research topic for sports scientists. In addition, controlling and keeping these changes in balance by a biological mechanism has revealed homeostasis as a concept.
... Exerciţiul fizic este o componentă importantă în completarea dietei pentru scăderea riscului cardiovascular, scăderea riscului metabolic şi de diabet zaharat tip 2 sau pentru obezitate, sindrom metabolic şi alte afecţiuni care au ca factor de risc ori favorizant excesul ponderal. Activitatea fizică crește metabolismul substratului mitocondrial hepatic, reducând disponibilitatea substratului pentru lipogeneză și atenuează rezistența la insulină, provoacă biogeneză mitocondrială în ficat și mușchi [23]. Există dovezi conform cărora exercițiile fizice promovează reducerea nivelului de insulină a jeun și scăderea rezistenței la insulină la copii [24]. ...
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The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in children is increasing, in parallel with the growing trends in obesity rates. The different definitions of this syndrome have prevented the development of a consensus for diagnostic criteria in the pediatric population, while the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome is not fully understood. At the same time, early screening and treatment of unique components, which contribute to the development of metabolic syndrome, have a pivotal role in reducing cardiometabolic risk. In this review, we summarize recent advances in the definition, pathophysiology, interventions for the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome in children.
Allostatic load (AL) in pregnant women is associated with maternal and infant health outcomes. Whether physical activity (PA) is a modifiable factor associated with AL during pregnancy is unknown. In this cross‐sectional study, including 725 pregnant women in 3 different trimesters, 8 biomarkers were included, and the high‐risk quartile approach based on sample distribution was used to construct AL index (ALI). ALI <2 was defined as a low level and ≥2 as a high level. Student's t ‐test or Mann–Whitney U test and chi‐squared test or Fisher exact test were used to compare differences in AL with different demographic characteristics among pregnant women. The relationship between PA and AL in pregnant women was analyzed using a binary logistic regression model. The results show that the detection rate of high‐risk AL during pregnancy was 47.3%. In the adjusted model, sufficient PA was related to a lower AL than insufficient PA (OR = .693, 95%CI:.494,.971; p = .033). Compared with low‐ and high‐intensity PAs, moderate‐intensity PA was associated with lower AL (OR = .645, 95%CI:.447,.930; p = .019). The results suggest that PA is a modifiable factor related to AL, and intervention is recommended to be carried out in the first trimester to prevent the increased likelihood of high AL as pregnancy progresses. In addition, health care personnel should encourage pregnant women to participate in PA, especially moderate‐intensity PA, in order to obtain lower AL and promote maternal and child health.
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This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to determine the magnitude of the effect of combined exercise training on glucose metabolism markers, adipokines, and inflammatory cytokines in non-diabetic sedentary adults. PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library electronic databases and reference lists of included studies were explored for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that included physically inactive adults and provided combined training interventions (aerobic plus resistance exercise). Effects on fasting glucose and insulin, Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR), HbA1c, adiponectin, leptin, IL-6, TNF-α, and C-reactive protein (CRP) in exercise vs control groups were analyzed using random effects meta-analysis. The Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool for Randomized Trials 2.0 (RoB 2) was used to assess the risk of bias. A total of 24 RCTs were included in the quantitative analysis. Combined exercise training significantly decrease fasting glucose (standardized mean difference, SMD: − 0.474, 95% CI [− 0.829, − 0.120], p = 0.009, 35 study arms), fasting insulin (SMD: − 1.024, 95% CI [− 1.502, − 0.545], p < 0.001, 27 study arms), HOMA-IR (SMD: − 0.946, 95% CI [− 1.450, − 0.442], p < 0.001, 23 study arms), TNF-α (SMD: − 0.972, 95% CI [− 1.361, − 0.582], p < 0.001, 10 study arms), and CRP (SMD: − 0.507, 95% CI [− 0.818, − 0.196], p = 0.001, 14 study arms). No significant effects were observed for HbA1c, adiponectin, leptin, and IL-6 levels. Random effects meta-regression models by age, sex, and intervention length were not able to explain any of the variation in the effect size of HOMA-IR. Findings from this systematic review and meta-analysis suggest that combined exercise training improves some glucose metabolism markers and inflammatory parameters in sedentary adults without diabetes.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two types of resistance exercises of high volume (HV) and high intensity (HI) on α2bβ3 receptor, and markers of platelet activation and function.
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To date, there is no systematic review that summarizes the morphological adaptations of the musculoskeletal system in response to chronic exercise. This systematic review selected original articles published in English between 2000 and 2020, with a clear exercise intervention and presenting a morphological change in the tissue under study, and covering human participants irrespective of age, gender or health condition. In total, 2819 records were identified. After removal of duplicates, title and abstract screening and full-text review, 67 records were included in the final analysis (6 for inter-vertebral disc, 6 for cartilage, 36 for bone, 2 for ligament, 9 for tendon and 7 for muscle). The most used interventions were aerobic, resistance, and plyometric exercise. Population ranged from children and healthy active people to individuals with a health condition. In conclusion, as a response to chronic exercise there are morphological adaptations in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system which vary from increased stiffness to an increase in cross-sectional area. Although tissues can adapt, several questions still linger, such as optimal dose and type of exercise, whether adaptations can occur in an injured tissue, and functional implications of these adaptations. Future research should address these questions.
Understanding the genetic variations of the horse (Equus caballus) genome will improve breeding conservation and welfare. However, genetic variations in long segments, such as structural variants (SVs), remain understudied. We de novo assembled 10 chromosome-level three-dimensional horse genomes, each representing a distinct breed, and analysed horse SVs using a multi-assembly approach. Our findings suggest that SVs with the accumulation of mammalian-wide interspersed repeats related to long interspersed nuclear elements might be a horse-specific mechanism to modulate genome-wide gene regulatory networks. We found that olfactory receptors were commonly loss and accumulated deleterious mutations, but no purge of deleterious mutations occurred during horse domestication. We examined the potential effects of SVs on the spatial structure of chromatin via topologically associating domains (TADs). Breed-specific TADs were significantly enriched by breed-specific SVs. We identified 4199 unique breakpoint-resolved novel insertions across all chromosomes that account for 2.84 Mb sequences missing from the reference genome. Several novel insertions might have potential functional consequences, as 519 appeared to reside within 449 gene bodies. These genes are primarily involved in pathogen recognition, innate immune responses and drug metabolism. Moreover, 37 diverse horses were resequenced. Combining this with public data, we analysed 97 horses through a comparative population genomics approach to identify the genetic basis underlying breed characteristics using Thoroughbreds as a case study. We provide new scientific evidence for horse domestication, an understanding of the genetic mechanism underlying the phenotypic evolution of horses, and a comprehensive genetic variation resource for further genetic studies of horses.
This chapter focuses on the influences of lifelong sexual practice on health in later life. Human life expectancy has been continuously increasing in the past decades. Despite the recent decline in life expectancy in the United States, the number of older adults is rising globally, and our society is facing rapid aging overall. Sexual health is important for human health and well-being. Often being overlooked previously, sexuality and sexual health among older adults have become more important than ever. There are many forms of sexual behavior and types of sexual activity. In this chapter, we will discuss the positive influence of lifelong sexual practice on the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive aspects of health among older adults and the potential risk of sexually transmitted infections. Given that general health condition declines with age, we also discuss the health issues among older women and men that may affect their sexual functioning and satisfaction. Lastly, we specifically discuss sexual health among the underserved population, including older adults who self-identified as sexual and gender minorities and those who live with chronic conditions. In summary, it is essential not to assume that older individuals are indifferent to intimacy and sexual pleasure. Although sexual health-related problems in older adults are frequent, they are scarcely brought to the attention of physicians and other healthcare professionals. Thus, it is important to integrate a safe and nonjudgmental system within healthcare professionals where all sexually active older individuals have access to education, counseling, and treatment related to sexual health and safe sexual practices.
In older adults sexuality is often a taboo topic focusing on sexual dysfunction and is seldom seen as something that contributes to one’s general well-being and health. A healthy lifestyle with sufficient physical activity, a healthy diet, an absence of smoking, and none to moderate alcohol consumption are significant ways of promoting and supporting satisfying sex. Body weight reduction also influences sexual activity and is a direct consequence of physical activity and nutritional behaviour. This happens in various ways - on the one hand it optimises one’s lifestyle with positive physiological effects (e.g. change in endocrine factors). On the other hand, it enhances physical fitness, prevents chronic diseases, and is also effective in sexual dysfunction therapy. The following chapter demonstrates the association between lifestyle factors and sexuality through recent studies. It describes the beneficial effects of various training methods (aerobics, muscle-strengthening exercises, stretching, and yoga). It summarises the association between diet (focusing on protein intake, fruit intake, and supplements) and sexuality and describes the positive effects of non-smoking and moderate alcohol consumption on sexuality. Actual literature is presented in every subchapter, recommendations are shown, and some practical hints are given on optimising one’s lifestyle and sexual activity. The main messages are summarised as take-home messages.
Skeletal muscle insulin resistance (IR) is closely linked to hyperglycemia and metabolic disorders. Regular exercise enhances insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle, but its underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Sestrin3 (SESN3) is a stress-inducible protein that protects against obesity-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance. Regular exercise training is known to increase SESN3 expression in skeletal muscle. The purpose of this study was to explore whether SESN3 mediates the metabolic effects of exercise in the mouse model of high-fat diet (HFD)-induced IR. SESN3−/− mice exhibited severer body weight gain, ectopic lipid accumulation, and dysregulation of glucose metabolism after long-term HFD feeding compared with the wild-type (WT) mice. Moreover, we found that SESN3 deficiency weakened the effects of exercise on reducing serum insulin levels and improving glucose tolerance in mice. Exercise training increased pAKT-S473 and GLUT4 expression, accompanied by enhanced pmTOR-S2481 (an indicator of mTORC2 activity) in WT quadriceps that were less pronounced in SESN3−/− mice. SESN3 overexpression in C2C12 myotubes further confirmed that SESN3 played an important role in skeletal muscle glucose metabolism. SESN3 overexpression increased the binding of Rictor to mTOR and pmTOR-S2481 in C2C12 myotubes. Moreover, SESN3 overexpression resulted in an elevation of glucose uptake and a concomitant increase of pAKT-S473 in C2C12 myotubes, whereas these effects were diminished by downregulation of mTORC2 activity. Taken together, SESN3 is a crucial protein in amplifying the beneficial effects of exercise on insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle and systemic glucose levels. SESN3/mTORC2/AKT pathway mediated the effects of exercise on skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity.
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