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After the modern vitamin D hypothesis firstly suggested in 1999 for the allergy pandemic, numerous conditions have been thought to be associated with vitamin D deficiency such as allergy, autoimmunity and neoplasm. Consistently, previous observational studies have linked lower vitamin D status to increased markers of atopy and allergic diseases e.g. atopic dermatitis, anaphylaxis and food allergy. Vitamin D is a “hormone” having important immunomodulatory and immunoregulatory properties. In vitamin D deficient conditions, disrupted mucosal and skin complex integrity and intercurrent infections may act synergistically with allergenic exposure to amplify sensitization risk. There has been emerging data to show that vitamin D can enhance the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids and potentially be used as adjuvant therapy in steroid-resistant severe asthma. And recent in vivo data suggest that vitamin D supplementation reduce the severity of eczema and allergic rhinitis as well as urticaria symptoms. However, there is presently inadequate evidence to support daily vitamin D supplementation in the prevention and/or treatment of allergic diseases in infants, children and adolescents.
MOJ Immunology
Vitamin D and Allergy
Submit Manuscript |
Volume 3 Issue 2 - 2016
Department of Pediatrics, Research and Training Hospital of
Sakarya University, Turkey
*Corresponding author: Öner Özdemir, Division of Allergy
and Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, Research and
Training Hospital of Sakarya University, Faculty of Medicine,
Received:| Published: April 12, 2016
Mini Review
After the modern vitamin D hypothesis firstly suggested in 1999 for the allergy
pandemic, numerous conditions have been thought to be associated with
vitamin D deficiency such as allergy, autoimmunity and neoplasm. Consistently,
previous observational studies have linked lower vitamin D status to increased
markers of atopy and allergic diseases e.g. atopic dermatitis, anaphylaxis and
food allergy. Vitamin D is a “hormone” having important immunomodulatory
and immunoregulatory properties. In vitamin D deficient conditions, disrupted
mucosal and skin complex integrity and intercurrent infections may act
synergistically with allergenic exposure to amplify sensitization risk. There has
been emerging data to show that vitamin D can enhance the anti-inflammatory
effects of glucocorticoids and potentially be used as adjuvant therapy in
steroid-resistant severe asthma. And recent in vivo data suggest that vitamin D
supplementation reduce the severity of eczema and allergic rhinitis as well as
urticaria symptoms. However, there is presently inadequate evidence to support
daily vitamin D supplementation in the prevention and/or treatment of allergic
diseases in infants, children and adolescents.
Keywords: 
        
1999 for the allergy pandemic, numerous conditions have been
         
atherosclerosis, autoimmunity and neoplasm [1]. Consistently,
previous observational studies have related lower vitamin D
         
diseases e.g. increased airway hyperresponsiveness, asthma,
       
Furthermore, recent research on vitamin D suggests that higher
serum vitamin D levels might improve some disorder outcomes
Vitamin D is a “hormone” having immunomodulatory and
 
disrupted skin/mucosal complex integrity and coincidental
infections might serve synergistically with allergen exposure
to amplify sensitization risk at critical periods of immune
development before tolerance is developed [6].
Vitamin D Deciency
The serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration is accepted
as the marker of vitamin D status. In the general population, the
Institute of Medicine considers that a vitamin D level >20ng/ml
     
assume that an optimal vitamin D status is better described by
       
is more common reported worldwide than considered to be.
  
  
        
   
older children, female, African and Mexican Americans, drank
    
Low vitamin D levels have also been demonstrated in various
allergic diseases such as in asthma, eczema, allergic rhinitis, food
allergy, anaphylaxis and urticaria. Whether low vitamin D levels
are primary or secondary to allergic disease is not clear [2-6].
For instance: since more severe asthmatic patients spend less
time outdoors, this situation is an apparent cause of vitamin D
Vitamin D Supplementation
Primary sun wavelengths converting vitamin D are UV-B. When
someone makes vitamin D in the skin it remains 2-3 times longer
in the human body. However, there is no known evidence showing
any difference in disorder outcomes between the effect of oral
supplements and sun exposure. Sun exposure is an ineffective
mechanism of boosting vitamin D of the human body [9]. Food
sources of vitamin D might be required for boosting vitamin
D status in human under some circumstances e.g. cod liver oil
preparations including vitamin A and D [2]. There is emerging
   
effects of glucocorticoids and potentially be used as adjuvant
therapy in steroid-resistant severe asthma patients. And recent in
vivo data suggest that vitamin D intake can also reduce asthma
exacerbations, severity of atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis as
well as chronic urticaria symptoms [10,11].
  
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©2016 Özdemir
  2D3 and
affect expression of over 200 genes, up regulations nearly two-
thirds and down regulating one-third of those genes. Therefore,
VDRs found in different alleles having different effects [12,13]. A
mutated VDR in hereditary vitamin D-resistant rickets prevents
       
VDR ApaI an allele is associated with better childhood asthma
control and improvement in ability for daily activities [15]. Overall,
    
allergic disease development.
Pre-, Peri-, and Post-natal Vitamin D Status and Risk for
In various studies, low maternal and cord vitamin D levels
were previously reported to be associated with increased risk
of atopic dermatitis in infancy and wheeze and/or asthma at 3,
 
begin in early childhood and are among the most common chronic
childhood disorder. The incidence has increased during the last
half of 20th century in developed and underdeveloped societies.
in these societies, possibly caused by a more sedentary indoor
lifestyle and decreased intake of vitamin D containing foods.
Vitamin D possesses a range of immunomodulatory properties,
         
during pregnancy may affect fetal immune system programming
and contribute to the development of asthma and allergic diseases
Supposed Immunologic Mechanisms of Vitamin D
Affecting Development of Allergy
       
and receptor agonists have immunomodulatory and
immunoregulatory activities [16]. The immunologic effects of
VDR agonists are shown in vitro studies and they are able to
function thru VDRs, which are widespread in the human body:
I. Innate immunity
 
b. Up-regulate antimicrobial proteins, maintains
epithelial and mucosal barrier integrity
c. Reduce dendritic cell maturation and migration
 
II. Th1- / Th2- cell functions
Vitamin D is well-known to inhibit Th1 cytokine release.
 
vivo environments
B. Stimulate Th2 cytokine secretion by peripheral blood
mononuclear cells [20].
C. Suppress Th2 responses by human cord blood
mononuclear cells [21].
        
having enhanced Treg phenotype [21].
       
polarization [22].
       
      
   
and IL-10 cytokines [23].
III. Lymphocytes
         
b. Decrease T -cell proliferation
c. Increase IL-2 production, steroid responsiveness and
IV. Mast cells: Inhibit maturation and promote apoptosis [25].
 
VI. Airway epithelium and smooth muscle
 
 
Allergy Development The results of investigations about maternal
vitamin D level effect during pregnancy on allergy development
D supplementation, rate of wheezing development was found to
  
        
difference for allergy development at 3 years of age [30]. Another
study performed in UK study demonstrated that high maternal
associated higher risk of eczema in children at 9 months of age
         
         
          
10-years of age. But there was a positive association with the
prevalence of eczema [33]. A recent meta-analysis supposes these
above mentioned results as inconclusive of randomized trials of
prenatal vitamin D for asthma prevention in offspring, curbing the
enthusiasm [5].
       
Development Low cord blood 25-OH-D3 was found as a risk
     
and multi-trigger wheezing, wheezing and risk of troublesome
lung symptoms development have been reported to be reversely
correlated in three different studies [35,36]. However, recent two
different birth cohort studies showed that cord blood vitamin D
Postnatal Serum Low Vitamin D Status in Allergy/ Allergic
Disease Development Recent studies have linked vitamin D
          
       
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©2016 Özdemir
        
     
normal / high Vitamin D status
On the contrary, some evidence suggests that vitamin D use /
supplementation itself might increase the risk of allergic disease
[2]. As mentioned above, high prenatal vitamin D status has
been mostly linked to decreased risk of atopic diseases in early
childhood, but whether such relations persist until adulthood
has not been explored yet. In a prospective birth cohort with 965
       
  
30. This cohort study did not provide support for a protective
effect of a high maternal vitamin D concentration on outcomes
of allergic airway disease and lung function at 20 to 25 years of
age. In contrast, a high maternal vitamin D concentration might be
associated with an increased risk of allergic diseases in offspring
   
cod liver oil was shown to be able to increase risk of asthma,
showed that children who received vitamin D supplements during
infancy had a higher risk of developing asthma, atopy and allergic
   
higher intake of vitamin D in 1st year of life was associated an
       
allergy and allergic disease
controlled trials of allergy-related research reported nowadays.
Most studies performed in this area are retrospective and
          
supplementation. Many studies did not differ between vitamin
patients demonstrate relations/associations but not causality
     
between vitamin D levels and allergy-related outcomes are shown
to vary by race and other genetic as well as environmental factors
There is presently inadequate evidence to support daily vitamin
D supplementation in the prevention and/or treatment of allergic
are still unanswered questions such as what dose of supplemental
vitamin D is optimal for prevention or control of allergy? How
status have any effect on the intestinal microbiota modifying the
immune system?
1. Souberbielle JC, Body JJ, Lappe JM, Plebani M, Shoenfeld Y, et al.
autoimmunity and cancer: Recommendations for clinical practice.
2.    
  
3. 
      
Vitamin D levels, lung function, and steroid response in adult asthma.
5. 
trials of prenatal vitamin D for asthma prevention in offspring curbing
6.         
hypothesized link between sunshine, vitamin D, and food allergy in
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beds and cod liver oil as vitamin D sources. J Photochem Photobiol B
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Therapeutic effects of vitamin D in asthma and allergy. Mini Rev Med
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Association of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms with severe
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13. 
Association of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms with asthma
risk: systematic review and updated meta-analysis of case-control
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mutated vitamin D receptor in hereditary vitamin D-resistant rickets
15.     
      
better childhood asthma control and improvement in ability for daily
16.          
           
 Hartmann B, Heine G, Babina M, Steinmeyer A, Zü
Targeting the vitamin D receptor inhibits the B cell-dependent
19.      
         
20.    
  
   
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21. Pichler J, Gerstmayr M, Szépfalusi Z, Urbanek R, Peterlik M, et al.
          
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Reversing the defective induction of IL-10-secreting regulatory T
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allergic disorders and immune mechanisms. Allergy Asthma Proc
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VDR-dependent regulation of mast cell maturation mediated by
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. 
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  Vitamin D     
nonatopic asthma. J Alle
     ohnson M,     et al.
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Maternal vitamin D intake during pregnancy and early childhood
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              
30. Chawes BL, Bøó 
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on risk of persistent wheeze in the offspring: A Randomized Clinical
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Maternal vitamin D status during pregnancy and child outcomes. 
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with asthma in children. 
33.        
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25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and allergic disease during infancy. Pediatrics
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Cord serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D correlates with early childhood
36. Chawes BL, Bønnelykke K, Jensen PF, Schoos A-MM, Heickendorff L, et
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asthma, allergy and eczema: The COPSAC2000 Birth Cohort
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Cord blood vitamin D concentrations are unrelated to atopy and
wheeze in 2 diverse birth cohort studies. J Allergy Clin Immunol
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39.          
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The long-term programming effect of maternal 25-hydroxyvitamin D
in pregnancy on allergic airway disease and lung function in offspring
after 20 to 25 years of follow-up. 
 Hyppö
vitamin d supplementation and allergic conditions in adulthood:
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life supplementation of vitamins A and D, in water-soluble form or
in peanut oil, and allergic diseases during childhood. J Allergy Clin
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intake during infancy promote the development of atopic allergy?
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   
Association between vitamin D levels and allergy-related outcomes
vary by race and other factors. J Allergy Clin Immunol 
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Objectives: Effective post-operative pain management in abdominal surgeries which are painful procedures, plays an important role in reducing post-operative complications and increasing patient’s satisfaction. There are many techniques for pain control, one of which is patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). The aim of this study was to compare the analgesic effects of morphine, paracetamol and ketorolac in patients undergoing open cholecystectomy, using PCA method. Design: Randomized controlled trial Setting: Department of anesthesiology, Shahid Rajaee Hospital, Qazvin, Iran Subjects: Three hundred and thirty ASA (American Society of Anesthesiology) I-II patients (three equal groups of n = 110) who were scheduled for elective open cholecystectomy. Intervention: The control group received morphine with maximum dose of 0.02 mg/kg/h, the paracetamol group received paracetamol with maximum dose of 1 mg/kg/h, and the ketorolac group received ketorolac with maximum daily dose of 60 mg using IV-PCA method. Main outcome measure: Post-operative pain Results: There were no significant differences in demographic data between the three groups. There was a statistically significant difference with regard to the mean pain score at all times between morphine and paracetamol, morphine and ketorolac, and paracetamol and ketorolac groups (p < 0.001). The mean level of pain in ketorolac group was less than that in the other two groups (p < 0.001) at all times. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, ketorolac is more effective than morphine and paracetamol in postoperative pain control.
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Objective: The study was conducted with the aim of identifying the prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI) among women with chronic physical diseases and the coping behaviours of women suffering from UI in Turkey. Design: A cross-sectional and comparative study Setting: The study was conducted at the general internal medicine, endocrinology, cardiology, neurology, and pulmonology clinics of the Cumhuriyet University Research and Implement Hospital, Turkey. Subjects: Two hundred and fifty-seven female inpatients Main Outcome Measure: The relevant data were collected through the use of a patient diagnosis form, the International Incontinence Consultation Questionnaire – Short Form, and the coping behaviours identification form. Results: The rates of the women who experienced UI at least once a week was 78.9%. Only 54.6% of women with UI applied at a healthcare institution for UI-related complaints. The most common coping behaviours observed among the women with UI include working around the condition by using a pad or rag (77.3%), keeping feet warm (62.6%), and changing underwear (59.6%). Conclusion: Turkish women with chronic physical diseases were identified to suffer more frequently from urinary incontinence than women in other cultures. As a finding similar to other cultures, Turkish women were observed to employ such personal behaviours as using pads or rags, keeping feet warm, and changing underwear to cope with UI. Health professionals should check for and treat UI in addition to chronic disease management.
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Objectives: Effective post-operative pain management in abdominal surgeries which are painful procedures, plays an important role in reducing post-operative complications and increasing patient’s satisfaction. There are many techniques for pain control, one of which is patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). The aim of this study was to compare the analgesic effects of morphine, paracetamol and ketorolac in patients undergoing open cholecystectomy, using PCA method. Design: Randomized controlled trial Setting: Department of anesthesiology, Shahid Rajaee Hospital, Qazvin, Iran Subjects: Three hundred and thirty ASA (American Society of Anesthesiology) I-II patients (three equal groups of n = 110) who were scheduled for elective open cholecystectomy. Intervention: The control group received morphine with maximum dose of 0.02 mg/kg/h, the paracetamol group received paracetamol with maximum dose of 1 mg/kg/h, and the ketorolac group received ketorolac with maximum daily dose of 60 mg using IV-PCA method. Main outcome measure: Post-operative pain Results: There were no significant differences in demographic data between the three groups. There was a statistically significant difference with regard to the mean pain score at all times between morphine and paracetamol, morphine and ketorolac, and paracetamol and ketorolac groups (p < 0.001). The mean level of pain in ketorolac group was less than that in the other two groups (p < 0.001) at all times. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, ketorolac is more effective than morphine and paracetamol in post-operative pain control.
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Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge levels and lifestyle practices of patients diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B (CHB). Design: Prospective study Setting: Department of Infection Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Evliya Celebi Training and Research Hospital, Kutahya, Turkey Subjects : One hundred and ninety-five patients who were followed up with CHB in the outpatient clinic of infectious diseases between November 2015 and May 2016 were included. Interventions: A questionnaire was applied to patients Main outcome measures: Level of knowledge and lifestyle practices Results: A total of 195 CHB patients were included in the study (51.3% were males). The mean age was 43.41 ± 13.1 years. The mean knowledge level of the patients about the hepatitis B virus (HBV) was 13.54 ± 2.87. The percentage of patients with a good knowledge level was 55.9%, whereas 44.1% had a poor knowledge level. Higher educational status was found to be correlated with higher knowledge level (p < 0.05). After being diagnosed with hepatitis B, 99.7% of our patients stated that they did not donate blood and 98.5% of them stated that they did not share their personal items such as razor blades or toothbrushes. The percentage of patients that continued to share their dishes and cups with other people after their diagnosis was 63.1% and 15.9% used an alternative treatment method for hepatitis B. Conclusion: In conclusion, the current study found gaps and misperceptions in the knowledge levels of CHB patients, particularly concerning HBV transmission. Increasing the number of studies performed on this subject will help to understand how the patients regard their disease.
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Non-classical actions of vitamin D were first suggested over 30 years ago when receptors for the active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3), were detected in various tissues and cells that are not associated with the regulation of calcium homeostvasis, including activated human inflammatory cells. The question that remained was the biological significance of the presence of vitamin D receptors in the different tissues and cells and, with regard to the immune system, whether or not vitamin D plays a role in the normal immune response and in modifying immune mediated diseases. In this article findings indicating that vitamin D is a key factor regulating both innate and adaptive immunity are reviewed with a focus on the molecular mechanisms involved. In addition, the physiological significance of vitamin D action, as suggested by in vivo studies in mouse models is discussed. Together, the findings indicate the importance of 1,25(OH)2D3 as a regulator of key components of the immune system. An understanding of the mechanisms involved will lead to potential therapeutic applications for the treatment of immune mediated diseases.
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Studies over the last two decades have revealed profound immunomodulatory aspects of vitamin D on various aspects of the immune system. This review will provide an overview of Vitamin D metabolism, a description of dendritic cell subsets, and highlight recent advances on the effects of vitamin D on dendritic cell function, maturation, cytokine production and antigen presentation. The active form of vitamin D, 1,25(OH)₂D₃, has important immunoregulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. Specifically, the 1,25(OH)₂D₃-Vitamin D₃ complex can affect the maturation and migration of many dendritic cell subsets, conferring a special immunoregulatory role as well as tolerogenic properties affecting cytokine and chemokine production. Furthermore, there have been many recent studies demonstrating the effects of Vitamin D on allergic disease and autoimmunity. A clear understanding of the effects of the various forms of Vitamin D will provide new opportunities to improve human health.
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Globally, asthma is a chronic inflammatory respiratory disease affecting over 300 million people. Some asthma patients remain poorly controlled by conventional therapies and experience more life-threatening exacerbations. Vitamin D, as an adjunct therapy, may improve disease control in severe asthma patients since vitamin D enhances glucocorticoid responsiveness and mitigates airway smooth muscle (ASM) hyperplasia. We sought to characterize differences in transcriptome responsiveness to vitamin D between fatal asthma- and non-asthma-derived ASM by using RNA-Seq to measure ASM transcript expression in five donors with fatal asthma and ten non-asthma-derived donors at baseline and with vitamin D treatment. Based on a Benjamini-Hochberg corrected p-value <0.05, 838 genes were differentially expressed in fatal asthma vs. non-asthma-derived ASM at baseline, and vitamin D treatment compared to baseline conditions induced differential expression of 711 and 867 genes in fatal asthma- and non-asthma-derived ASM, respectively. Functional gene categories that were highly represented in all groups included extracellular matrix, and responses to steroid hormone stimuli and wounding. Genes differentially expressed by vitamin D also included cytokine and chemokine activity categories. Follow-up qPCR and individual analyte ELISA experiments were conducted for four cytokines (i.e. CCL2, CCL13, CXCL12, IL8) to measure TNFα-induced changes by asthma status and vitamin D treatment. Vitamin D inhibited TNFα-induced IL8 protein secretion levels to a comparable degree in fatal asthma- and non-asthma-derived ASM even though IL8 had significantly higher baseline levels in fatal asthma-derived ASM. Our findings identify vitamin D-specific gene targets and provide transcriptomic data to explore differences in the ASM of fatal asthma- and non-asthma-derived donors.
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Background: Allergy-related studies that include biological measurements of vitamin D preceding well-measured outcomes are needed. Objective: We sought to examine the associations between early-life vitamin D levels and the development of allergy-related outcomes in the racially diverse Wayne County Health, Environment, Allergy, and Asthma Longitudinal Study birth cohort. Methods: 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) levels were measured in stored blood samples from pregnancy, cord blood, and age 2 years. Logistic regression models were used to calculate odds ratios (ORs) with 95% CIs for a 5 ng/mL increase in 25(OH)D levels for the following outcomes at age 2 years: eczema, skin prick tests (SPTs), increased allergen-specific IgE level (≥0.35 IU/mL), and doctor's diagnosis of asthma (3-6 years). Results: Prenatal 25(OH)D levels were inversely associated with eczema (OR, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.75-0.96). The association was stronger in white children (white children: OR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.57-1.09; black children: OR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.82-1.12), although this was not statistically significant. Cord blood 25(OH)D levels were inversely associated with having 1 or more positive SPT responses and aeroallergen sensitization. Both associations were statistically significant in white children (positive SPT response: OR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.32-0.80; ≥1 aeroallergen sensitization: OR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.28-0.92) in contrast with black children (positive SPT response: OR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.68-1.14; ≥1 aeroallergen sensitization: OR, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.65-1.11). 25(OH)D levels measured concurrently with outcome assessment were inversely associated with aeroallergen sensitization (OR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.66-0.96) only among black children (white children: OR, 1.21; 95% CI, 0.87-1.69). Conclusions: Prenatal and cord blood 25(OH)D levels were associated with some allergy-related outcomes, with a general pattern indicating that children with higher 25(OH)D levels tend to have fewer allergy-related outcomes.
Importance Observational studies have suggested that increased dietary vitamin D intake during pregnancy may protect against wheezing in the offspring, but the preventive effect of vitamin D supplementation to pregnant women is unknown.Objective To determine whether supplementation of vitamin D3 during the third trimester of pregnancy reduces the risk of persistent wheeze in the offspring.Design, Setting, and Participants A double-blind, single-center, randomized clinical trial conducted within the Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood 2010 cohort. Enrollment began March 2009 with a goal of 708 participants, but due to delayed ethical approval, only 623 women were recruited at 24 weeks of pregnancy. Follow-up of the children (N = 581) was completed when the youngest child reached age 3 years in March 2014.Interventions Vitamin D3 (2400 IU/d; n = 315) or matching placebo tablets (n = 308) from pregnancy week 24 to 1 week postpartum. All women received 400 IU/d of vitamin D3 as part of usual pregnancy care.Main Outcomes and Measures Age at onset of persistent wheeze in the first 3 years of life. Secondary outcomes included number of episodes of troublesome lung symptoms, asthma, respiratory tract infections, and neonatal airway immunology. Adverse events were assessed.Results Of the 581 children, persistent wheeze was diagnosed during the first 3 years of life in 47 children (16%) in the vitamin D3 group and 57 children (20%) in the control group . Vitamin D3 supplementation was not associated with the risk of persistent wheeze (hazard ratio [HR], 0.76 [95% CI, 0.52-1.12], P = .16), but the number of episodes of troublesome lung symptoms was reduced (mean episodes [95% CI]: 5.9 [5.2-6.6] for the vitamin D3 group vs 7.2 [6.4-8.1] for the control group; incidence risk ratio [IRR], 0.83 [95% CI, 0.71-0.97], P = .02), and the airway immune profile was up-regulated (principal component analysis, P = .04). There was no effect on additional end points, including asthma (32 children [12%] in the vitamin D3 group vs 47 children [14%] in the control group; odds ratio, 0.82 [95% CI, 0.50-1.36], P = .45), and respiratory tract infections (upper, mean [95% CI]: 5.2 [4.8-5.5] in the vitamin D3 group vs 5.3 [4.9-5.6] in the control group, IRR, 0.99 [95% CI, 0.90-1.09], P = .84; lower: 94 children [32%] in the vitamin D3 group vs 95 children [33%] in the control group, HR, 0.96 [95% CI, 0.72-1.27], P = .76). Intrauterine death was observed in 1 fetus (0%) in the vitamin D3 group vs 3 fetuses (1%) in the control group and congenital malformations in 17 neonates (5%) in the vitamin D3 group vs 23 neonates (8%) in the control group.Conclusions and Relevance The use of 2800 IU/d of vitamin D3 during the third trimester of pregnancy compared with 400 IU/d did not result in a statistically significant reduced risk of persistent wheeze in the offspring through age 3 years. However, interpretation of the study is limited by a wide CI that includes a clinically important protective effect.Trial Registration Identifier: NCT00856947
In most large cities in the Northern hemisphere in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, rickets was an enormous public health problem, mainly because exposure to sunlight was limited, particularly for children.1 German physicians noticed that daily administration of a tablespoon of cod liver oil could reverse rickets, a finding that led to the discovery of vitamin D, its structure, and function. In the United States, most of the milk supply is now voluntarily fortified with vitamin D, whereas fortification of infant formula with vitamin D is mandatory.2 In many European countries, food fortification with vitamin D is not required by law,3 but vitamin D administration to infants and pregnant women is recommended. This public health intervention has been highly successful and has made rickets a rare disease.
The 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) serum concentration is the consensual marker of vitamin D status. In the general population, the Institute of Medicine considers that a 25OHD level >20ng/mL is sufficient for bone health in most subjects. In osteoporosis patients, in those who have a pathology or who receive drugs that may increase the risk of osteoporosis, as well as in patients with chronic kidney disease, many experts think that an optimal vitamin D status is better defined by a 25OHD concentration >30ng/mL. In the French general population, 43-50% of subjects have a 25OHD level<20ng/mL and approximately 80% have a 25OHD <30ng/mL. In chronic diseased patients, as well as in some categories of the general population such as adolescent or elderly people, the percentage of subjects with a 25OHD level below 20ng/mL is frequently well above 50%. Epidemiologic studies allow us to identify risk factors for vitamin D deficiency such as ageing, overweight, dark skin pigmentation, wearing covering clothes, or having a low level of outdoor activity. This will help to target vitamin D supplementation to "at-riskg" subjects. However, discussions on means to improve the vitamin D status of the overall population such as allowing higher levels of food fortification, are needed.
In recent years, low vitamin D status has been proposed as a putative risk factor for allergic diseases. A growing body of literature reports low vitamin D levels in atopic patients and supports an association between vitamin D deficiency and risk of adverse asthma and allergies outcomes. Therefore, it has been speculated that vitamin D supplementation may either prevent or reduce the risk of allergic diseases. Birth cohort studies addressing the role of vitamin D intake during pregnancy have shown conflicting results regarding allergy outcomes in offspring. Currently, only a few studies have tried to supplement vitamin D in asthmatic patients, often as an add-on therapy to standard asthma controller medications, and results are not all consistent. There is emerging data to show that vitamin D can enhance the antiinflammatory effects of glucocorticoids and potentially be used as adjuvant therapy in steroid-resistant asthma. Recent in vivo data suggest that vitamin D supplementation may also reduce the severity of atopic dermatitis. This review examines the existing relevant literature focusing on vitamin D supplementation in the treatment of allergic diseases.
Vitamin D (VD) deficiency has re-emerged, after more than hundred years, as a public health problem worldwide. Asthma and allergic disorders constitute another major public health problem with studies having recorded increasing prevalences worldwide since the decade of the 60s. Most of the available experimental and epidemiologic evidence point towards a causal association between low levels of VD and the development of asthma and allergic disorders, and imply a role of VD deficiency on the currently high prevalences of asthma and allergic diseases. The proposed, but still largely hypothetical, underlying mechanism is that VD affects the programming of the fetus and it also has a central modulating role in immune functions involved in asthma and allergic disorders. However, the evidence is not yet clear, since there are studies which support that VD supplementation during pregnancy may promote the development of asthma and allergic disorders. More researches, and especially randomized clinical trials, are required in order to draw safe conclusions and define the role of VD in the prevention or even therapy of asthma and allergic disorders.