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Description of a new Cymothoe Hübner, 1819 from northern Mozambique (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Limenitidinae)


Abstract and Figures

A new species and two subspecies of Cymothoe from three forested mountains in northern Mozambique are described. It was first discovered on Mt. Namuli in November 2007, and subsequently on Mt. Mabu in 2008 and Mt. Inago in 2009. Ova were found on Rawsonia lucida Harw. & Sond. (Achariaceae), and larvae from all three mountains were successfully reared to the adult stage. Montane Cymothoe characteristically reside in forest clearings; they are relatively sedentary and generally do not move between forest patches if separated by a significant distance. The new taxa are far from all other known East African montane species, probably diverging in the Pliocene c. 4 million years ago. DNA barcode analysis suggests genetic divergence between individuals from Mt Mabu and those from the other two populations. An IUCN Red list status is allocated based on our current knowledge from the three field sites where is it known to occur. A conservation strategy is required to conserve this species, especially the relict population to be found on Mt. Inago. If action is not taken soon this local Mt. Inago population will disappear.
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Volume 27: 34–41
ISSN 1018–6490 (PRINT)
ISSN 23075031 (ONLINE)
Description of a new Cymothoe Hübner, 1819 from northern Mozambique
(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Limenitidinae)
Published online: 12 June 2016 E93ED9B2-59FF-4AE2-AB64-0AFA71BBBC69
Robin van Velzen1, 2, Steve C. Collins3, Oskar Brattström4, and T. Colin E. Congdon3
1 Biosystematics Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands. E-mail:
2 Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis (section NHN Wageningen branch), Wageningen University, Wageningen,
The Netherlands.
3 African Butterfly Research Institute, P.O. Box 14308, 0800 Nairobi, Kenya. E-mail: (corresponding
4 Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, United Kingdom. E-mail:
Copyright © Lepidopterists’ Society of Africa
Abstract: A new species and two subspecies of Cymothoe from three forested mountains in northern Mozambique
are described. It was first discovered on Mt. Namuli in November 2007, and subsequently on Mt. Mabu in
2008 and Mt. Inago in 2009. Ova were found on Rawsonia lucida Harw. & Sond. (Achariaceae), and larvae
from all three mountains were successfully reared to the adult stage. Montane Cymothoe characteristically
reside in forest clearings; they are relatively sedentary and generally do not move between forest patches if
separated by a significant distance. The new taxa are far from all other known East African montane species,
probably diverging in the Pliocene c. 4 million years ago. DNA barcode analysis suggests genetic
divergence between individuals from Mt Mabu and those from the other two populations. An IUCN Red
list status is allocated based on our current knowledge from the three field sites where is it known to occur.
A conservation strategy is required to conserve this species, especially the relict population to be found on
Mt. Inago. If action is not taken soon this local Mt. Inago population will disappear.
Key words: Cymothoe, Rawsonia, Mabu, Namuli, Inago, Mozambique.
Citation: Van Velzen, R., Collins, S.C., Brattström, O., & Congdon, T.C.E., 2016. Description of a new species of
Cymothoe Hübner, 1819 from northern Mozambique (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Limenitidinae)
Metamorphosis 27: 34–41.
The genus Cymothoe Hübner, 1819 (Nymphalidae,
Limenitidinae) is endemic to forested regions in
Africa. Most species occur from Sierra Leone (Gola
forest) in the west to western Kenya (Kakamega forest)
and Tanzania (Lake Tanganyika) in the east and north-
western Zambia (Mwinilunga) in the south.
Geographically widespread species such as
C. herminia Grose-Smith, 1889, C. beckeri Herrich-
Schaeffer, 1858, and C. fumana Westwood, 1850
occur almost throughout this entire region, suggesting
its biological coherence, although many subregions
exist with a composition of endemic Cymothoe species
(van Velzen et al., 2009, McBride et al., 2009).
Besides this major area there are two additional
disjunct distributions: The first is on Madagascar with
the endemic C. lambertoni Oberthür, 1923. The second
is in eastern and southern Africa with the most
widespread species being C. coranus Grose-Smith,
1889, occurring from south-east Kenya and eastern
Tanzania to the Eastern Cape in South Africa
(Beaurain 1988), C. alcimeda Godart, 1824 occurs in
South Africa and eastern Zimbabwe, and is the
southern species group (alcimeda species group) of a
clade (AUR) of species related to C. aurivillii
Staudinger, 1899 (Van Velzen et al., 2013). The other
species group of this clade (aurivillii species group)
are montane species occurring east of the Albertine
Rift, in the north from the Taita Hills in Kenya (C. teita
van Someren, 1939), through Kilimanjaro (C. collinsi
Rydon, 1980), the Pare mountains, Usambaras and
Ngurus (C. magambae and C. amaniensis Rydon,
1980), to the Uluguru, Rubeho and Udzungwa
mountains (C. aurivillii) and the southern highlands of
Tanzania and the Nyika Plateau of Malawi (C. cottrelli
Rydon, 1980), the Zomba Plateau (C. zombana
Bethune-Baker, 1926) and the Mulanje Massif
(C. melanjae Bethune-Baker 1926) in southern
Malawi to the Vumba mountains on the Zimbabwe-
Mozambique border (C. vumbui Bethune-Baker, 1926)
in the south. Nearly taxa within the aurivillii species
group are allopatric, although C. vumbui is sympatric
with C. alcimeda in Zimbabwe.
The species decribed below was first collected by J.
Bayliss on Mt. Namuli in November 2007 (Bayliss,
2008; Timberlake et al., 2009), Mt. Mabu in
September 2008 (Congdon & Bampton, 2009; Bayliss
et al., 2014), and Mt. Inago in 2009 (Bayliss et al.,
Received: 7 February 2016
Accepted: 12 June 2016
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Van Velzen, Collins, Brattström & Congdon/ Metamorphosis 27: 3441
2010). Males were found more commonly but the
females proved elusive.
The males from Mt. Mabu are paler yellow than those
from Mts Inago and Namuli, and the yellow areas of
the Namuli males are heavily dusted with black.
Nevertheless it appears that they are all races of the
same species. Montane Cymothoe of this species group
characteristically reside in forest clearings; they are
relatively sedentary and generally do not move
between forest patches if separated by a significant
distance. They are shade loving, living below the forest
canopy. Males perch on the edge of small clearings in
the forest, and come down to bask in sunny patches on
the forest floor. Females seldom leave the shade.
All specimens of the new Cymothoe were collected
opportunistically with a range of butterfly nets on a
number of visits to Mts Namuli, Mabu and Inago by
members of the African Butterfly Research Institute
(ABRI) based in Nairobi. In addition, eggs and larvae
from all three mountains were raised to the adult stage.
Within the framework of a DNA barcoding project on
the genus Cymothoe, DNA sequences of the
mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I gene were
extracted for several individuals from Mts Mabu,
Namuli, and Inago as well as from the closely related
species within the species group C. teita, C. aurivillii,
C. cottrelli, using C. alcimeda as outgroup. After
alignment with MAFFT (Katoh & Standley, 2013), a
phylogenetic tree was reconstructed using the RAxML
algorithm (Stamatakis, 2014) with bootstrapping to
assess node support.
In order to prepare the genitalia, abdominal tissue was
first placed in an individual glass vial containing about
500 μl of 10% KOH solution heated to just below
boiling point. After 10 min. the tissue was removed
from the vial and placed in 70% ethanol solution. The
genitalia were then cleaned from soft tissue under a
stereomicroscope using a pair of micro forceps.
Images of the genitalia were taken using a Leica
DFC495 digital camera coupled to a Leica M125
stereomicroscope (Fig. 2). To improve the depth of
field for the images, focus-stacking software provided
with the microscope was used (Leica Application
Software version 3.8.0), and images were later cleaned
up in Adobe Photoshop CS4/CS5, only neutralizing
the background and balancing the contrast across
samples. The structure itself was not edited. The
genitalia were photographed whilst submerged in 70%
ethanol (Fig. 2).
Cymothoe baylissi van Velzen, Collins, Brattström
& Congdon, sp. nov. (Plate 1: Figs 1, 4, 7, 10) D242CE9A-5344-4F7D-AB61-91C406C4C824
Type material:
Holotype: Mozambique, Mt. Namuli, 15°23'56"S,
37°02'25"E, 1,758 m, 24.xi.2008. TCEC/MH (ABRI).
Allotype: same data but 21.i.2009 (eclosed).
JB/IB/TCEC/MH (ABRI). Paratypes: 3 ♂ 4 ♀ same
data except 2030.xi.2008.
Male (Plate 1Figs 1, 4)
Forewing length 28.6 mm (n = 40); with convex costa,
rounded apex with most distal point at M1, concave
termen with most proximal point between M3 and
CuA1, rounded tornus, and convex dorsum. Hind wing
rounded with drawn-out tornus. Margins slightly
Upper side: ground colour creamy white or yellowish
white. All wings divided into i) light basal half with
postbasal and discal areas in ground colour, and ii)
dark distal band with postdiscal and submarginal areas
in blackish brown. Cilia brown, with white dashes at
vein ends.
Forewing: Base up to roughly the intersection of veins
CuA1 and CuA2 dusted dark greyish-brown. Light
basal half with five fine black lines; irregular basal line
in the cell from Sc+R to CuA, irregular postbasal line
from R through the cell and intersection of veins CuA1
and CuA2 to 2A two fifths from base, slightly convex
postbasal line in cell from R to CuA1+M3. Discal loop
in cell from base of M2 turning just before intersection
of veins M3 and CuA1, and discal line from M1 to 2A,
concave at each interspace, running from one tenth of
M1, one fifth of M2, one fifth of M3, one tenth of
CuA1, one third of CuA2 and three fifths of 2A.
Intersections between veins R1, R2, M1 and M2
marked blackish brown. Dark distal band covers
roughly two fifths of M1, two fifths of M2, quarter of
M3, fifth of CuA1, two fifths of CuA2, and three fifths
of A2. Two rows of six sagittate marks in interspaces
between R5 and 2A: postdiscal row with marks in
ground colour equally long and wide and adjoining
submarginal row with marks in black half as long as
wide; sagittate marks in interspace R5M1 smallest in
both rows, two between M3 and CuA2 largest and
those in CuA22A with two points.
Hindwing: Base up to roughly one sixth of Rs dusted
dark greyish-brown or black. Light basal half with fine
black line running from two fifths Sc+R1 concave and
then convex to one sixth of Rs and then again
concavely to one tenth of M1. This line extends
through one fifth of M2, intersection of veins M3 and
CuA1, one third of CuA2, and three fifths of A2 in some
specimens. A discal fine black line makes smaller
irregular semi-circular shape in cell. Dark distal band
starts from roughly two thirds of costa, half of Rs, M1
and M2, one third of M3 and CuA1, half of CuA2, and
three quarters of 2A. The two rows of sagittate marks
extend to hind wing with another seven coupled marks
in interspaces between Sc+R1 and 2A. First and/or last
postdiscal marks in ground colour may be small or
absent in soUnderside: Ground colour creamy or
ochreous white. All wings divided into light basal half,
with postbasal and discal areas in ground colour, and
darker distal band, with postdiscal and submarginal
areas in greyer version of ground colour. Transverse
Van Velzen, Collins, Brattström & Congdon/ Metamorphosis 27: 3441
line separates light basal half and darker distal band.
Wing margins lined with ochreous band widest on
forewing between R5 and CuA1.
Forewing: Light basal half with same irregular fine
lines as on dorsal surface in brown to black. Transverse
line brown or ochreous, usually darker towards dorsum
and fading towards costa in some individuals, running
straight from roughly two thirds of costa to three fifths
of A2. Darker distal band with two rows of marks:
postdiscal row consisting of sagittate marks in ground
colour equally long and wide similarly as on dorsal
surface, and submarginal row consisting of small black
dots in interspaces between R3 and 2A usually
connected with very thin black zigzag lines.
Hindwing: Light basal half with fine black line running
concave from one quarter of Sc+R1 to intersection of
veins R1 and M1; another fine black line running from
Sc+R1 to M1, similar to dorsal surface, but continuing
convex from M1 to M2 just before transverse line and
then to M3 just after intersection with vein CuA1. Area
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
Figures 1, 4Cymothoe baylissi baylissi Holotype , recto, verso. Mt Namuli, Mozambique, 24.xi. 2008, TCEC/MH,
in ABRI, Nairobi.
Figures 2, 5 Cymothoe baylissi monicae Holotype , recto, verso. Mt Inago, Mozambique, 15.i.2009 (bred),
TCEC/MH/IB, in ABRI, Nairobi.
Figures 3, 6 Cymothoe baylissi poppyana Holotype , recto, verso. Mt Mabu, Mozambique, 11.xi.2008 (bred),
TCEC/IB/MH, in ABRI, Nairobi.
Figures 7, 10 Cymothoe baylissi baylissi Allotype , recto, verso. Mt Namuli, Mozambique, 21.i.2009 (bred)
JB/IB/TCEC/MH, in ABRI, Nairobi.
Figures 8, 11Cymothoe baylissi monicae , recto, verso. Mt Inago, Mozambique, 10.i.2009 (bred), TCEC/IB/MH/JB,
in ABRI, Nairobi.
Figures 9, 12Cymothoe baylissi poppyana , recto, verso. Mt Mabu, Mozambique, 10.xi.2008 (bred), TCEC/IB/MH,
in ABRI, Nairobi.
Photography: Teresa Di Micco de Santo
Van Velzen, Collins, Brattström & Congdon/ Metamorphosis 27: 3441
between Sc+R1, M1 and two fine black lines same
colour as darker distal band. Cell with postbasal black
line of irregular shape resembling two fused
semicircles and discal black line making smaller
irregular semi-circular shape similar to dorsal surface.
Transverse line ochreous, darkest towards costa and
dorsum and usually faded between veins M1 and M3,
running straight from roughly half of costa to four
fifths of dorsum. Darker distal band with two rows of
marks similar to forewing.
Female (Plate 1Figs 7, 10)
Forewing length 32.1 mm (n = 11); wing shape similar
to male.
Upper side: Ground colour dark brown. All wings have
broad white postdiscal band with narrow zigzag band
in ground colour over its distal edge, bordered by
submarginal row of blackish brown sagittate marks.
Forewing: Base up to white postdiscal band dark
brown ground colour. Cell with five fine black lines:
irregular basal line from Sc+R to CuA similar to male,
one pair of roughly parallel irregular wavy lines from
R to CuA1+M3 and second pair of irregular lines from
M1 to intersection of CuA1 and M3. The space
between each pair of lines usually lighter tone of
greyish brown. Discal band of ovate white patches in
interspaces between veins R3+4+5 and CuA2 with
those between R3+4+5 and M2 largest and those
between CuA1 and CuA2 reduced in some individuals.
White postdiscal band from roughly half of R3, half of
M1, two fifths of M2, a third of M3, a quarter of CuA1,
one third of CuA2, and half of A2. Submarginal row of
six blackish brown sagittate marks equally long and
wide in interspaces between R5 and 2A; two marks
between M3 and CuA2 largest and those in CuA22A
with two points.
Hind wing: Base up to white postdiscal band in dark
brown ground colour with series of fine black lines
similar to male hind wing underside. Fine black line
running concave from one quarter of Sc+R1 to
intersection of veins R1 and M1; another black line
from two fifths of Sc+R1 concave, then convex to one
sixth of Rs, then again concavely to one tenth of M1
and continuing convex from M1 to M2 just before the
white postdiscal band and then to M3 just after
intersection with vein CuA1. Cell has postbasal black
line of irregular shape resembling two fused
semicircles and discal black line making smaller
irregular semi-circular shape. White postdiscal band
from roughly half of costa, one third of Rs, one quarter
of M1 and M2, one tenth of M3 and CuA1, half of
CuA2, and five sixths of 2A. Submarginal row of seven
blackish brown sagittate marks in interspaces between
Sc+R1 and 2A; mark between CuA2 and 2A is
Underside: Ground colour ochreous. All wings with
dark ochreous brown discal transverse line and broad
white postdiscal band. Wing margins lined with
ochreous band widest on forewing between R5 and
CuA1, similar to male.
Forewing: Base up to discal transverse line in ochreous
ground colour. Cell with same five fine black lines as
on dorsal surface, but basal line and pair of postbasal
lines extend from CuA to 2A. Space between base and
basal line and pair of postbasal lines usually lighter
tone of grey. Discal band of ovate white patches in
interspaces between veins R3+4+5 and CuA2 similar
to upperside. Transverse line straight from roughly two
thirds of costa to three fifths of A2, similar to male.
Submarginal row of marks absent or consisting of
small black dots in interspaces between R5 and 2A.
Apex with light grey or white patch between R3 and
Hind wing: Base up to discal transverse line in
ochreous ground colour with series of fine black lines
similar to upperside. Transverse line straight from
roughly half of costa to four fifths of dorsum, similar
to male. Submarginal row of marks absent or
consisting of small black dots in interspaces between
Sc+R1 and 2A.
Male genitalia (Fig. 13)
The main differences in relative proportions between
the genitalia of C. alcimeda (smaller) C. baylissi and
C. teita are described below, ignoring differences in
absolute size.
The uncus of all species have a pronounced beak-like
projection in a ventral direction at its terminal end, but
this shape is less pronounced and also relatively
thinner in C. alcimeda. All three species have thick
bases of the gnathos that initially projects ventrally. In
C. baylissi and C. teita the gnathos is then angled
sharply at about two third of its length extending in a
posterior direction forming an almost straight angle on
the anterior ventral edge. In C. alcimeda the gnathos
instead gradually becomes thinner after about half of
its length and extends further ventrally forming a
gradual gentle curve towards the posterior angle. The
anterior edge is evenly curved throughout the entire
The anterior part of the tegumen is prominently
extended in C. baylissi, meeting the vinculum in a right
angle, while in C. teita the vinculum is tilted forward
in a doral posterior angle. This gives the genitalia of C.
baylissi a more upright impression. C. alcimeda is
somewhat intermediate between the other two species.
The saccus of C. baylissi is thinner than in the other
two species getting gradually thinner at its anterior
end, and has a more marked waist where it connects to
the vinculum.
The valvae of C. alcimeda are relatively straight,
getting gradually thinner along almost their entire
length with the ventral edge curving abruptly at the
terminal end so that it forms a sharp point where it
meets the dorsal edge. In C. baylissi the valves are
boomerang shaped tilting in a posterior angle and
thickest at about half of their length. The tips are
evenly rounded. In C. teita the dorsal and ventral edge
of the valvae run almost in parallel for most of their
length, but with a gradual tapering at the posterior end.
The dorsal edge is then turned down at the terminal end
meeting the ventral edge in a sharp angle pointing
posteriorly. The aedegus of C. alcimeda is slender
compared to the other two species.
Van Velzen, Collins, Brattström & Congdon/ Metamorphosis 27: 3441
Figure 13Genitalia of Cymothoe species: A C. baylissi sp.
nov.; B C. teita; C C. alcimeda. Scale bar = 2 mm
Systematic placement and diagnosis
C. baylissi sp. nov. is a member of the montane
Cymothoe aurivillii species group. The male is
morphologically similar to the Kenyan endemic
C. teita, because of the large extent of the lightly
coloured creamy area on the forewing and the regular
submarginal row of creamy sagittate marks of nearly
the same size on the hind wing. Other members of the
species group have a large black band across the
forewing upper side, reducing the lightly coloured area
on the forewing and a more irregular submarginal row
of creamy sagittate marks that differ much more in
size. Males of C. baylissi can be differentiated from
those of C. teita by the even larger extent of the lightly
coloured creamy area on the forewing and by the
absence of the orangey red submarginal spots in
C. teita. The female is very similar to other members
of the species group but may be differentiated by the
lighter, more yellow ground colour of the underside.
Early stages: Eggs were found on Rawsonia lucida
Harv. &Sond. (Achariaceae), and on Mt Mabu females
were observed ovipositing on this tree. Larvae were
raised to the adult stage on all three mountains
(Congdon et al., 2010). Eggs are laid in batches, and
on emergence, the young larvae eat the egg shells (Fig.
14), and go on to eat any infertile eggs in the batch, a
behaviour not previously observed by the authors.
Larvae are gregarious in the early instars (Fig. 15),
becoming solitary in the third instar (Fig. 16), after
which they rest on the upper surface of a leaf of the
host plant. The fully mature larva (Figs 1718) moves
to the underside of a leaf to pupate (Figs 19–20).
Figure 14 – C. baylissi sp. nov. ova (left) and 1st instar larvae
Figure 15 – 2nd instar larvae (left) and final instar larva head
shield (right).
Figure 16 – 3rd instar larvae
Figure 17 Final instar larva, dorso-lateral view
Figure 18Final instar larva dorsal view
Van Velzen, Collins, Brattström & Congdon/ Metamorphosis 27: 3441
Figure 19Pupa, dorsal view (right) and lateral view (right)
DNA analysis
DNA CO1 sequences suggest that C. baylissi sp. nov.
is well diverged from C. teita and other closely related
species (Fig. 20). All sequences from C. baylissi
individuals were identical, except that those from Mt
Mabu all have one adenine where all individuals from
Mts Namuli and Inago have a guanine (Fig. 14). Based
on our limited sampling, it thus seems that there is
genetic divergence between C. baylissi poppyensis
from Mt. Mabu versus C. baylissi baylissi and
C. baylissi monicae from the other two mountains, and
these populations are accordingly given subspecific
Cymothoe baylissi monicae ssp. nov. (Plate 1: Figs 2,
5, 8, 11)
Type material:
Holotype: Mozambique, Mt. Inago, 15°04’48”S,
37°23’24”E, 1478m, 15.i.2009, TCEC/ IB/MH/JB
(ABRI). Allotype: ♀ same data. Paratypes: 2 ♂, 3 ♀
same data.
Males from Mt. Inago have less dark dusting than the
nominate subspecies, and are a deeper yellow than the
Mt. Mabu males. Females are similar to those from
Cymothoe baylissi poppyana ssp. nov. (Plate 1: Figs
3, 6, 9, 12)
Type material:
Holotype: Mozambique, Mt. Mabu 16°17'10"S,
36°24'01"E, 980 m, 11.xi.2008, TCEC/IB/MH.
(ABRI). Allotype: same data but x.2008.
Paratypes: 3 , 3 ♀ same data.
Males from Mt. Mabu have a paler yellow ground
colour than the nominate subspecies, and are less
heavily dusted with brown. They are otherwise similar.
Females are similar to those from Mt. Namuli.
Etymology: The species C. baylissi is named for Julian
Bayliss, who was the first to collect it on Mt. Namuli
in November 2007. Over the course of his career, he
has put great effort into the conservation of species in
Subspecies monicae is named in honour of his mother,
Monica Bayliss; and subspecies poppyana for his
daughter Poppy.
Cymothoe baylissi has been found only in mid-altitude
montane forests on three sites in northern Mozambique
(Fig. 21). Nevertheless, it seems to prefer altitudes
below 1600 m, suggesting that its original range
included forests at lower elevations in areas that are
now under cultivation (Congdon, et al., 2010; Bayliss
et al., 2014).
On Mt. Namuli the species is found at altitudes above
1500 m. However, the original forest extent at this site
extended to altitudes below this (1000 m) and it is
thought that the species is now found at its higher
altitude range limit as a result.
20Left: phylogenetic tree for C. baylissi
Van Velzen, Collins, Brattström & Congdon/ Metamorphosis 27: 3441
Figure 21 Map showing study area between Malawi and
Mozambique, and location of Mts. Mabu, Namuli and Inago
in relation to neighbouring mountains above 1500 m.
On Mt. Mabu it was locally common around the main
forest camp at an altitude of 950 m. As with Namuli
the species is found up to altitudes of 1500 m. The
evidence of its occurrence on Mabu at these altitudes
supports the theory that mid-altitude forest at 1000
1500 m is its natural altitude range. On Mt. Inago it
was restricted to small patches of refuge forest (<5 ha)
at altitudes of approximately 1500 m (Bayliss et al.,
2010), however the original forest extent would have
been much greater, as on Mts. Namuli and Mabu. It is
probable that the species also occurs on neighbouring
Mt. Cucutei. On Mts. Mulanje and Chiperone it is
replaced by C. melanjae, and on Mt. Zomba in
southern Malawi by C. zombana.
Larval host plants
Rawsonia species are larval host plants for the related
species C. amaniensis, C. aurivillii, C. vumbui, C.
cottrelli and C. teita, as well as for the Achariaceae
specialists C. coranus, C. caenis, and C. herminia.
Achariaceae are known to be cyanogenic and
Rawsonia lucida contains cyanogenic glycosides
cyclopentenylglycine and gynocardin (Andersen et al.,
2001), which are hypothesised to act as oviposition
stimulant for Cymothoe (Clausen et al., 2002).
The genus Cymothoe is considered an example of a
rapid radiation, with an elevated rate of species
diversification during the last 7 million years (van
Velzen et al., 2013). Within this radiation, C. baylissii
was estimated to have diverged from closely related
C. teita and C. alcimeda roughly 4 million years ago
(van Velzen et al., 2013). This suggests that it
represents a relatively old lineage within the montane
species groupwhich is in line with our results based
on DNA barcode sequences.
Conservation Status
The species is highly threatened on Mt. Inago as a
result of severe deforestation (Bayliss et al., 2010;
Fishpool & Bayliss, 2010). It is currently struggling to
survive in these remnant forest patches, along with
other sedentary forest species such as the new species
of pygmy chameleon also found in these forest patches
(Branch et al., 2014). It is in imminent danger of
extinction at Mt. Inago unless conservation action is
taken. At Mt. Namuli it is also threatened due to
deforestation as a result of potato farming in the
remaining forests.At Mt. Mabu the population is stable
and the forest area is large and the current threat to the
forest is low. However this situation needs to be
monitored as commercial deforestation is an ongoing
threat and active in the area (<20 km) surrounding
Mabu forest (Bayliss et al., 2014).
Consequently, the species is given a Red List status of
Vulnerable (VU) applying the IUCN (2010) criteria
A2, B2a, C2ai, D2, based on our current knowledge
from the three field sites where is it known to occur.
The authors thank the British Government funded
Darwin Initiative project ‘Monitoring and Managing
Biodiversity Loss on South-East Africa’s Montane
Ecosystems’ (Award 15/036) through which the
specimens were collected. This collaborative project,
led by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, also included
BirdLife International, the Instituto de Investigação
Agrária de Moçambique, the Mulanje Mountain
Conservation Trust, Malawi, and the Forest Research
Institute of Malawi. RvV acknowledges the
Systematics Research Fund for financial supporting a
visit to the ABRI collections. Teresa Di Micco de
Santo provided technical support for the preparation of
the manuscript. The specimens were collected by
members of the African Butterfly Research Institute
(ABRI) based in Nairobi, Kenya.
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BRANCH, W.R. & BAYLISS, J. 2009. A new species
of Atheris (Serpentes: Viperidae) from northern
Mozambique. Zootaxa 2113: 4154.
BRANCH, W.R. & TOLLEY, K.A. 2010. A new
species of chameleon (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae:
Nadzikambia) from Mount Mabu, central
Mozambique. African Journal of Herpetology 59:
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Description of four new species from isolated ‘sky
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JAROSZEWSKI, J.W. 2002. Plant analysis by
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CONGDON, T.C.E. & BAMPTON, I. 2009. Musings
from Mount Mabu. Metamorphosis 20(2): 45107.
Butterflies of Mt Mecula and Mt Yao, Niassa
Province, Northern Mozambique. Metamorphosis
23: 2634.
2010. Butterflies of south east Africa’s mountains
(Mozambique and Malawi). Metamorphosis 21(2):
DANIELS, S. & BAYLISS, J. 2012. Neglected refugia
of biodiversity: mountainous regions in
Mozambique and Malawi yield two novel
freshwater crab species (Potamonautidae:
Potamonautes). Zoological Journal of the Linnean
Society 164: 498‒509.
Renewed sampling of inland aquatic habitats in
southern Africa yields two novel freshwater crab
species (Decapoda: Potamonautidae:
Potamonautes). Zoological Journal of the Linnean
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T.B. 2009. Alloparic origin of cryptic butterfly
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country. Acta Chiropterologica 12: 371391.
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STAMATAKIS, A. 2014. RAxML version 8: A tool
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phylogenies. Bioinformatics 30(9): 1312–1313.
COTTERILL, F.P.D. 2012. Plio-Pleistocene
speciation of five new species of African horseshoe
bats (Rhinolophidae): morphological divergence of
dwarfs and giants across an Afromontane
Archipelago. PLoS ONE. 7(9): e41744.
SOUSA, C. 2007. The biodiversity and
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Report for Darwin Initiative Award 15/036. Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew. 33 pp.
SMITH, P. & DE SOUSA, C. 2009. Mt Namuli,
Mozambique: Biodiversity and conservation.
Report for Darwin Initiative Award 15/036. Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew. 115 pp.
KOPP, M., & DE SOUSA, C. 2012. Mt Mabu,
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Report for Darwin Initiative Award 15/036. Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew. 115 pp.
2009. A new hidden species of the Cymothoe
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M.S.M. & BAKKER, F.T. 2013. Effects of
changing climate on species diversification in
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the Linnean Society 108(3): 546564.
... Since 2005 a series of expeditions have been organised to survey the biodiversity of a selection of these mountains that rise above 1000 metres in Zambezia Province (Fig. 1) highlighting the question of shared endemism between these sites. As a result more than 30 new species have been discovered which included several new Lepidoptera species (Congdon et al. 2010;Staude et al. 2011;Congdon & Bayliss 2012;van Velzen et al. 2016;Bayliss et al. 2016;Bayliss et al. 2018;Bayliss et al. 2019;Richardson, 2020;Sáfián et al. 2022). Arguably the most significant was the discovery of the largest continuous tract of medium elevation rainforest in southern Africa (Bayliss et al. 2014). ...
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This paper describes a new species of Afriodinia from Mount Lico in northern Mozambique, and revises the Afriodinia delicata (Lathy, 1901) group, reinstating Afriodinia zanzibarica (Collins, 1990) as a result. The new species from Mount Lico is a member of the ‘white-banded’ group of Afriodinia, which are generally found in sub-montane forest and forest edge. This is also the first record of this genus from Mozambique. Afriodinia delicata has previously been recorded from Mount Mulanje in southern Malawi, approximately 200 km away from Mount Lico, however no specimens of this genus have been recorded from the mountains in-between despite numerous butterfly surveys over the last 15 years. A morphological analysis and dissection of the genitalia highlight significant differences between A. delicata, A. zanzibarica, and Afriodinia lico sp. nov. The primary character that clearly distinguishes Afriodinia lico sp. nov. from all other species is the unique form of the aedeagus. Evidence suggests that A. lico sp. nov diverged relatively recently, very approximately between 14k to 135k years ago. The new species from Mount Lico was collected on the forest edge at 1000m over the course of a two-week scientific expedition in May 2018 to survey this mountain in northern Mozambique.
... Since 2005 a series of expeditions have been organised to survey the biodiversity of a selection of these mountains that rise above 1000 metres in Zambezia Province (Fig. 1) highlighting the question of shared endemism between these sites. As a result more than 30 new species have been discovered which included several new Lepidoptera species (Congdon et al. 2010;Staude et al. 2011;Congdon & Bayliss 2012;van Velzen et al. 2016;Bayliss et al. 2016;Bayliss et al. 2018;Bayliss et al. 2019;Richardson, 2020;Sáfián et al. 2022). Arguably the most significant was the discovery of the largest continuous tract of medium elevation rainforest in southern Africa (Bayliss et al. 2014). ...
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This paper describes a new species of Afriodinia from Mount Lico in northern Mozambique, and revises the Afriodinia delicata (Lathy, 1901) group, reinstating Afriodinia zanzibarica (Collins, 1990) as a result. The new species from Mount Lico is a member of the ‘white-banded’ group of Afriodinia, which are generally found in sub-montane forest and forest edge. This is also the first record of this genus from Mozambique. Afriodinia delicata has previously been recorded from Mount Mulanje in southern Malawi, approximately 200 km away from Mount Lico, however no specimens of this genus have been recorded from the mountains in-between despite numerous butterfly surveys over the last 15 years. A morphological analysis and dissection of the genitalia highlight significant differences between A. delicata, A. zanzibarica, and Afriodinia lico sp. nov. – the primary character that clearly distinguishes Afriodinia lico sp. nov. from all other species is the unique form of the aedeagus. Evidence suggests that A. lico sp. nov diverged relatively recently, very approximately between 14k to 135k years ago. The new species from Mount Lico was collected on the forest edge at 1000m over the course of a two-week scientific expedition in May 2018 to survey this mountain in northern Mozambique.
... Since 2005 a series of expeditions have been organised to survey the biodiversity of a selection of these mountains that rise above 1000 metres in Zambezia Province (Fig. 1) highlighting the question of shared endemism between these sites. As a result more than 30 new species have been discovered which included several new Lepidoptera species (Congdon et al. 2010;Staude et al. 2011;Congdon & Bayliss 2012;van Velzen et al. 2016;Bayliss et al. 2016;Bayliss et al. 2018;Bayliss et al. 2019;Richardson, 2020;Sáfián et al. 2022). Arguably the most significant was the discovery of the largest continuous tract of medium elevation rainforest in southern Africa (Bayliss et al. 2014). ...
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This paper describes a new species of Afriodinia from Mount Lico in northern Mozambique, and revises the Afriodinia delicata (Lathy, 1901) group, reinstating Afriodinia zanzibarica (Collins, 1990) as a result. The new species from Mount Lico is a member of the 'white-banded' group of Afriodinia, which are generally found in sub-montane forest and forest edge. This is also the first record of this genus from Mozambique. Afriodinia delicata has previously been recorded from Mount Mulanje in southern Malawi, approximately 200 km away from Mount Lico, however no specimens of this genus have been recorded from the mountains in-between despite numerous butterfly surveys over the last 15 years. A morphological analysis and dissection of the genitalia highlight significant differences between A. delicata, A. zanzibarica, and Afriodinia lico sp. nov.-the primary character that clearly distinguishes Afriodinia lico sp. nov. from all other species is the unique form of the aedeagus. Evidence suggests that A. lico sp. nov diverged relatively recently, very approximately between 14k to 135k years ago. The new species from Mount Lico was collected on the forest edge at 1000m over the course of a two-week scientific expedition in May 2018 to survey this mountain in northern Mozambique.
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Recent biological surveys of ancient inselbergs in southern Malawi and northern Mozambique have led to the discovery and description of many species new to science, and overlapping centres of endemism across multiple taxa. Combining these endemic taxa with data on geology and climate, we propose the ‘South East Africa Montane Archipelago’ (SEAMA) as a distinct ecoregion of global biological importance. The ecoregion encompasses 30 granitic inselbergs reaching > 1000 m above sea level, hosting the largest (Mt Mabu) and smallest (Mt Lico) mid-elevation rainforests in southern Africa, as well as biologically unique montane grasslands. Endemic taxa include 127 plants, 45 vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals) and 45 invertebrate species (butterflies, freshwater crabs), and two endemic genera of plants and reptiles. Existing dated phylogenies of endemic animal lineages suggests this endemism arose from divergence events coinciding with repeated isolation of these mountains from the pan-African forests, together with the mountains’ great age and relative climatic stability. Since 2000, the SEAMA has lost 18% of its primary humid forest cover (up to 43% in some sites)—one of the highest deforestation rates in Africa. Urgently rectifying this situation, while addressing the resource needs of local communities, is a global priority for biodiversity conservation.
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The ecology of the high-altitude mountains of northern Mozambique is understudied in comparison to surrounding countries. A series of biological surveys have focused on filling this data gap, with Mount Namuli in Zambezia Province one of the focal sites of these expeditions. A biological survey of Mount Namuli in 2009 resulted in the collection of five specimens of a horseshoe bat species (Rhinolophidae) that is here described as a new species from Mozambique. Morphologically, the new species is very similar to Rhinolophus maendeleo Kock, Csorba and Howell, 2000 of the adami-group, but lacks some key morphological characters of this group (large ears, narrow skull, long palate). Molecular reconstructions clearly suggest the new species belongs to the capensis�group, but no members of the adami-group were included in this analysis (due to lacking data). It is thus unclear whether this unexpected phylogenetic position reflects morphological convergences between members of the adami- and capensis-groups, or whether the morphology-based adami-group should be reconsidered. The new species and R. maendeleo share similar external and craniodental measurements, but can be distinguished based on a number of key characters. These include the presence of a bony bar forming the interorbital foramena, rostrum shape, ear length and highly differing bacular morphologies. It also differs from the genetically closely related R. denti Thomas, 1904, R. swinnyi Gough, 1908 (including two recently described cryptic species) and R. simulator Andersen, 1904 by non-overlapping external and cranial measurements. The new species echolocates at a mean peak frequency of 76.9 kHz and shows an affinity to forest habitats, which are highly threatened in the surrounding region. It joins other coastal and montane forest endemics in defining the bat fauna of south-eastern Africa.
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Patterns and processes of cladogenesis among taxa living on the Mozambique ‘sky islands’ remain poorly studied. During the present study, we report on a new freshwater crab species from Mount Lico, an inselberg and ‘sky island’ in the Zambezia Province of Mozambique. Phylogenetic analyses using three mitochondrial DNA sequence loci (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA and COI) were used to determine the evolutionary placement of the freshwater crab specimens from Mount Lico. The freshwater crab specimens from Mount Lico were retrieved sister to Potamonautes choloensis. The new species, Potamonautes licoensis sp. nov., is described and compared with other southern African freshwater crab species. Divergence time estimations for the Mozambican freshwater crab species suggest a Miocene / Plio–Pleistocene diversification. Some endemic ‘sky island’ species form an early branching and are sister to other predominantly East African species, while other ‘sky island’ species are more recently derived and nested within a predominantly southern African clade. The present study presents the description of the fourth endemic freshwater crab species from Mozambique and suggests that the species diversity in the country is likely highly underrepresented, reiterating the call for renewed systematic surveys. An argument for the conservation of these mountainous ‘sky islands’ is presented.
Technical Report
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The mountains of northern Mozambique - archipelagos of scattered inselbergs topped with evergreen forests - remain poorly known biologically. Their long geological isolation from the east African riſt combined with the conflict-fractured history of Mozambique meant that while they represent an area of clear biological interest they have been subject to very little biological research until recent years. Most recent efforts have focused on the mountains in north-central Mozambique such as Mts Mabu and Namuli, highlighting their unique biological value through landmark discoveries of previously undocumented montane forests and multiple new species to science. Results from this work indicate that Mozambique’s mountains may be distinct biogeographically from those to the north or west but also highlighted the need for further exploratory work elsewhere in Mozambique’s mountains. Large highland areas in Niassa, north-western Mozambique still remain virtually unexplored, however. We sought to address this biological knowledge gap by undertaking a rapid multi-disciplinary biological inventorying expedition of the Njesi Plateau, Mt Chitagal and Mt Sanga, three distinct highland peaks that harbour ‘Afromontane’ habitats of likely high biological value in Niassa province. Specifically, we aimed to compile as much information on the biological assemblages of flora and fauna present of the mountains in order to understand their conservation value. We undertook fieldwork at study sites on each peak between 5-25 November with the specific aim of crossing the dry-wet season divide. We sampled intensively for the following taxonomic groups- birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, botany and selected invertebrate groups. The initial results of our field surveys yielded valuable discoveries across taxonomic groups comprising of multiple range extensions (including species previously unrecorded in Mozambique), the presence of highly threatened species and several invertebrate species new to science. We also conducted specific target work on the Long-billed Tailorbird (Artisornis moreaui), an endangered bird known only from these mountains and the Usambara mountains in north-eastern Tanzania, but which few ornithologists have ever seen (in Mozambique). We are pleased to report its relative abundance here as well as documenting the presence of several avian range extentions, most notably Dapplethroat (Modulatrix orostruthus). Mammal surveys yielded at least two significant range extensions, including the Smith’s Red Rock Hare ( amphibian and reptile surveys (including the second recorded locality for Cordylus meculae), although the full results of the latter are awaiting more analytical work. Some invertebrate groups still require identification but spiders and dragonflies revealed several new species to science (7 from the 37 spider Pronolagus rupestris) and Syke`s monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis) as did species recorded) and 2 new country records from 12 dragonfly species. Botanical records are not presented in this report because collected material is still awaiting full confirmations on identification. The findings from this expedition illustrate the biological value and conservation importance of these little-known highlands. By extension, they further evidence the biological and conservation value of Mozambique’s mountains and the critical importance for their sustainable management. Our results will feed directly into the biodiversity component of a project coordinated by the Riſt Valley Corporation in the region aiming to sustainably manage Niassa’s native woodland and forests
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A multidisciplinary expedition visited Mt Mecula and Mt Yao in northern Mozambique from 6th to 16th May, 2012. Butterflies found on the two mountains are scheduled, and those of scientific interest are discussed. A preliminary report on the flora of Mt Yao is provided. Biogeographical inferences are drawn.
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The taxonomic status of recently discovered populations of pygmy chameleons (Rhampholeon) from the northern Mozambique montane isolates of Mt. Chiperone, Mt. Mabu, Mt. Inago and Mt. Namuli are assessed, and compared with the closest geographical congeners, including Rhampholeon platyceps Günther 1893 from Mt. Mulanje, and Rh. chapmanorum Tilbury 1992 from the Malawi Hills, both in southern Malawi. Relationships were examined using morphological features and a phylogenetic analysis incorporating two mitochondrial and one nuclear marker. The phylogeny showed that each montane isolate contained a distinct, well-supported clade of chameleons. Chameleons from the Mozambican montane isolates are within a monophyletic clade inclusive of species from southern Malawi (Rh. platyceps and Rh. chapmanorum). Although some relationships are unresolved, the southern Malawi and Mozambican isolates appear to share their most recent common ancestor with species from the Eastern Arc Mountains and Southern Highlands of Tanzania and Malawi (Rh. moyeri, Rh. uluguruesis, Rh. nchisiensis). Along with Rh. beraduccii and Rh. acuminatus, all are included in the subgenus Rhinodigitum. Sister to this larger clade are species from west/central Africa (Rh. temporalis, Rh. spectrum) and the Rh. marshalli-gorongosae complex from southwest Mozambique and adjacent Zimbabwe. Morphological and molecular results confirm that Brookesia platyceps carri Loveridge 1953 is a junior subjective synonym of Rhampholeon platyceps Günther 1892. Historical records of Rh. platyceps from the Shire Highlands (Chiromo) and the Zomba Plateau, are incorrect and the species is now considered endemic to the Mulanje massif. All of the four newly discovered, isolated populations are genetically and morphologically distinct, and we take the opportunity to describe each as a new species. Rhampholeon (Rhinodigitum) maspictus sp. nov. is restricted to Mt. Mabu and distinguished by its large size, well-developed dorsal crenulations, and bright male breeding coloration; Rhampholeon (Rhinodigitum) nebulauctor sp. nov. is restricted to Mt. Chiperone and distinguished by its small size, weakly-developed dorsal crenulations, and a large rostral process in males; Rhampholeon (Rhinodigitum) tilburyi sp. nov. is restricted to Mt. Namuli and distinguished by its small size, weakly-developed dorsal crenulations, and prominent flexure of the snout in males; and Rhampholeon (Rhinodigitum) bruessoworum sp. nov. is restricted to Mt. Inago and distinguished by its small size, weakly-developed dorsal crenulations, large rostral process in males, and relatively long tail in both sexes.
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A recent survey of the freshwater streams of the Mecula and Yao mountains in the Niassa province of Mozambique resulted in the discovery of a new freshwater crab species. This species is genetically and morphologically distinct from described species from Mozambique or its neighbouring countries, and is described as Potamonautes bellarussus sp. nov. In addition, a new semi-terrestrial burrowing freshwater crab Potamonautes flavusjo sp. nov. from the Highveld of the Mpumalanga province in South Africa is described based on unique genetic and morphological characters. The phylogenetic affinities of the two new species in relation to the described eastern and southern African Potamonautes species is determined and the biogeographic implications are discussed. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London
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Phylogenetic relationships amongst the southern African freshwater crab fauna are reinvestigated following the recent collection of morphologically distinct Potamonautes specimens from remote mountainous regions in Malawi and Mozambique. Specimens were subjected to DNA sequencing of three mtDNA loci, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), 12S rRNA, and 16S rRNA and compared to the 14 described species from the region. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference revealed the presence of two novel evolutionary lineages. The phylogeny demonstrates that Potamonautes obesus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1868) is sister to a morphologically distinct novel species from Mount Namuli in Mozambique. Two sympatric and genetically distinct species from Mount Mulanje, in Malawi (forms A and B) were recognized. Form B is sister to the large-bodied South African riverine freshwater crabs and represents a novel lineage whereas the remaining species (form A) from Mulanje, in Malawi was sister to samples from Mounts Inago and Mabu, and in Mozambique was identified as Potamonautes choloensis (Chace, 1953). The two novel evolutionary lineages were genetically distinct and morphologically different from the described species in each of the respective regions. Two new freshwater crab species Potamonautes namuliensis sp. nov. and Potamonautes mulanjeensis sp. nov., are described in the present study. The samples from Mount Mulanje in Malawi, and Mounts Mabu and Inago in Mozambique represent new distribution records for Potamonautes choloensis. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164, 498–509.
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The main findings are given of the first brief ornithological survey of Mount Inago, northern Mozambique. This massif, 50 km north-east of Mount Namuli, rises to over 1,800 m. One hundred and one species were recorded of which 86 were found on the massif itself. The most significant were Cholo Alethe Alethe choloensis (Endangered), East Coast Akalat Sheppardia gunningi (Near Threatened), Verreaux’s Eagle Aquila verreauxi (apparently the first record for northern Mozambique) and Cape Bunting Emberiza capensis vincenti (the first records from the country since it was originally collected in 1936). The area and the altitudinal range of forest on Inago historically seem unlikely to have been large, while recent and continuing clearance for agriculture is rapidly eliminating what remains. The future of the relatively few forest-dependent species found therefore seems bleak.
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The montane inselbergs of northern Mozambique have been comparatively little-studied, yet recent surveys have shown they have a rich biodiversity with numerous endemic species. Here we present the main findings from a series of scientific expeditions to one of these inselbergs, Mt Mabu, and discuss the conservation implications. Comprehensive species lists of plants, birds, mammals and butterflies are presented. The most significant result was the discovery of a c. 7,880 ha block of undisturbed rainforest, most of it at medium altitude (900–1,400 m), a forest type that is not well represented elsewhere. It is possibly the largest continuous block of this forest type in southern Africa. To date, 10 new species (plants, mammals, reptiles and butterflies) have been confirmed from Mt Mabu, even though sampling effort for most taxonomic groups has been low. The species assemblages indicate a relatively long period of isolation and many species found are at the southern limit of their range. Conservationists are now faced with the challenge of how best to protect Mt Mabu and similar mountains in northern Mozambique, and various ways that this could be done are discussed.
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A new species of forest viper (Atheris Serpentes: Viperidae) is described from Mount Mabu and Mount Namuli, northern Mozambique. This is the most southerly record of the genus, and the first record from Mozambique. Features of scalation, colour, body form and behaviour distinguish the new species from all other African Atheris, particularly its small size (maximum total length 384mm), retention of juvenile colouration in adults, and relatively low ventral, subcaudal and labial scale counts. It appears to be a dwarf, possibly paedomorphic, species that feeds among leaf litter on small frogs and geckos. The discovery of the new species in isolated populations in mid-altitude forest remnants on Mount Mabu and Mount Namuli, emphasizes the high conservation importance of the region.
Butterflies of the Afrotropical genus Cymothoe are characterised by sexual dimorphism. Females of the most common species of the genus, Cymothoe caenis Drury, occur in many different forms in the equatorial zone, while only a single form is present west of the Niger Delta in Nigeria, raising the question as to whether the two populations need taxonomic recognition. We present molecular and genitalic evidence that the western populations of C. caenis s.l. comprise a distinct species: Cymothoe druryi sp. nov.