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New visual coding exploration in MPEG: Super-MultiView and
Free Navigation in Free viewpoint TV
Gauthier Lafruit, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium); Marek Domański, Krzysztof Wegner and Tomasz Grajek, Poznań University
of Technology (Poland); Takanori Senoh, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan); Joël Jung,
Orange Labs (France); Péter Tamás Kovács, Holografika (Hungary); Patrik Goorts and Lode Jorissen, Hasselt University; Adrian
Munteanu and Beerend Ceulemans, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium); Pablo Carballeira and Sergio García, Universidad Politécnica
de Madrid (Spain); and Masayuki Tanimoto, Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute (Japan)
ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG have recently jointly issued
a new multiview video compression standard, called 3D-HEVC,
which reaches unpreceded compression performances for linear,
dense camera arrangements. In view of supporting future high-
quality, auto-stereoscopic 3D displays and Free Navigation
virtual/augmented reality applications with sparse, arbitrarily
arranged camera setups, innovative depth estimation and virtual
view synthesis techniques with global optimizations over all camera
views should be developed. Preliminary studies in response to the
MPEG-FTV (Free viewpoint TV) Call for Evidence suggest these
targets are within reach, with at least 6% bitrate gains over 3D-
HEVC technology.
Since 25 years, MPEG has steadily been involved in the
development of video coding technologies. Today, the most
advanced single camera view coding standard, called HEVC (High
Efficiency Video Coding) offers a data rate reduction of two orders
of magnitude compared to uncompressed video. This provides
means to transmit Full-HD TV (High Definition) and soon UHD TV
(Ultra High Definition) over communication channels with bitrates
of around 15 Mbit/s, ensuring wide acceptance by the general public
in the near future.
Over the last decade, ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG have
also jointly developed multiview video coding standards (MV-
AVC, MV-HEVC) focusing on the compression of multiple camera
feeds “as is”, i.e. without means to facilitate the generation of
additional views that are not transmitted to the receiver. Depth-
based 3D formats – and in particular 3D-HEVC, standardized in
February 2015 - have been developed to address this shortcoming:
with the use of Depth Image Based Rendering (DIBR) techniques,
the generation of additional views from a small number of
transmitted views was enabled, supporting glasses-free/auto-
stereoscopic 3D display applications with dozens of output views
from only a handful of input camera feeds. For example, 3 input
9 output and 5 input 28 output Horizontal Parallax Only (HPO)
glasses-free 3D displays have reached the prosumer market, while
Super-Multi-View (SMV) light field displays with hundreds of
ultra-dense output views and smooth motion parallax are prototyped
in R&D labs, e.g. Figure 1.
Unfortunately, aiming at very high quality viewing over a large
field of view, one would have to foresee a high number of densely
arranged input cameras, reaching 3D-HEVC bitrates in the order of
hundreds of Mbit/s for SMV at home cinema quality levels, which
might eventually hamper consumer market penetration.
Figure 1. Light Field display (Courtesy of Holografika)
Similarly, in a Virtual Reality (VR) context using Head
Mounted Displays (HMD), literally surrounding the scene to
visualize with an ultra-dense arrangement of several hundreds of
cameras would indeed offer correct motion parallax and Free
Navigation (FN) functionalities around the scene (cf. Figure 2),
similar to the Matrix bullet effect. Additionally, zoom-in/out
functionalities (cf. arrow 4 in Figure 3) would extend the walk-
around feeling to a truly immersive “fly through the scene” VR
experience on authentic looking content.
Figure 2. Motion parallax in Virtual Reality (Courtesy of Nozon)
However, to fully enable take-up of such VR technology in
each living-room, drastic cost reductions in multi-camera content
acquisition and transmission should be reached, which inevitably
calls for a reduction in the number of acquisition cameras and the
development of high-performance DIBR virtual view synthesis
techniques with sparse camera arrangements.
3D-HEVC being primarily developed for consumer
autostereoscopic 3D displays in linear camera arrangements with
small inter-camera distance (small/narrow baseline), new
compression and view synthesis challenges have to be explored for
the aforementioned Super-MultiView (SMV) and Virtual Reality
Free Navigation (VR-FN) application scenarios with moderately
dense or sparse, arbitrarily arranged multi-camera setups. MPEG
therefore recently issued a Call for Evidence (CfE), calling
companies and organizations to demonstrate technology that they
believe perform better than 3D-HEVC and accompanying pre/post-
processing. The present paper briefly summarizes the process, the
challenges and the expected outcomes for this future standard that –
in the absence of an agreed naming in the standardization committee
at the time of writing - will be referred in the present paper by 3D-
HEVC++ (a naming convention borrowed from C++ that reaches
one step further over the well-established C programming
Free Navigation technology by 2020
With respect to the MPEG CfE, the deadline of submission has
been settled to 17 February 2016, with an evaluation of the
proponents’ responses by the MPEG Free viewpoint TV (MPEG-
FTV) Ad-hoc Group during the 114th MPEG meeting in San Diego,
20-26 February 2016.
If any of the proposed technologies significantly outperforms
currently available MPEG technology, MPEG plans to issue a Call
for Proposals (CfP), subsequent to this CfE, to develop standards
that offer increased compression performance and viewing
experiences beyond 3D-HEVC in SMV and FN application
During this development, it is expected that the Olympic
Games of Rio de Janeiro in 2016 will bootstrap Multiview coding
technologies with discrete multi-viewpoint rendering experiences in
many sports events. However, the current view synthesis techniques
proposed in MV-HEVC and 3D-HEVC are only competitive in
narrow baseline camera setups. It is therefore expected that Free
viewpoint TV, allowing the user to navigate freely in the space
surrounded by a sparse set of fixed cameras, will need an additional
3-4 years cycle of development before reaching the necessary
quality standards at the Olympic Games of Tokyo in 2020. This
timeline is well synchronized with the MPEG-FTV CfE and
expected CfP schedules.
Moreover, [1] forecasts that VR with multi-camera captured
content will represent a $30 billion market by 2020, with 20% VR
films and 45% covering VR games. Already 170 million VR gamers
are expected worldwide by 2018 with an annual VR gaming revenue
of $8.6 billion, equally divided over hardware and software. The
study also pinpoints the need to develop new image capture and
processing technologies (aka Computational Imaging) to overcome
the limitation of the user looking around (360 degrees video) from
the perspective of the camera’s position only, without any capability
to navigate freely within the scene. The technology to allow such
Free Navigation (FN) is believed to be based on light field capture
[2], which is in line with the multi-camera approach proposed in
MPEG-FTV (MPEG Free viewpoint TV), further studied in a newly
established Light Field Ad-hoc Group in MPEG [3], as well as in
other standardization committees like JPEG-PLENO [4].
3D-HEVC extensions for SMV and FN
Figure 3 shows a generic multi-camera setup for real-life
application scenarios, with extensions on the current 3D-HEVC
codec architecture to support the newly proposed non-linear SMV
and/or sparse FN camera arrangements. This should lead to an agile
Multiview+Depth transmission scheme, referred to as 3D-
HEVC++. The solid line cameras correspond to physical cameras
that are setup around the scene, typically in a non-linear
arrangement. The eye icons correspond to user requested virtual
viewpoints for which no physical camera views exist. Depth range
cameras might also be present to deliver meta-data to the DIBR
processing pipeline for virtual view generation, performed in the
VSRS (View Synthesis Reference Software) module [5]. The depth
meta-data might also be obtained directly from the color cameras
through DERS (Depth Estimation Reference Software) [6]. DERS
and VSRS are non-normative modules, but nevertheless play an
important role in the codec quality-bitrate performance figures,
calling for their in-depth study and improvement in the development
of the future 3D-HEVC++ standard.
Figure 3. Multiview plus depth video pipeline for 3D-HEVC (top-left) and 3D-
HEVC++ (bottom-right) showing the input cameras and user requested views
(eyes) that are synthesized along linear (1, 2) and non-linear/curved pathways
(3), as well as zoom-in/out functionalities (4) to obtain viewpoints within the
enclosed camera volume.
Indeed, the (optional) depth maps are compressed together with
the color images, and view synthesis is also used during
compression in order to provide a prediction to a physical camera
view from its direct neighbors for transmitting a low-entropy
difference image to the receiver. This View Synthesis Prediction
(VSP) is a codec-in-the-loop method, hence will not impact the
decoded view quality in case of an imperfect view synthesis (though
it will then increase the bitrate). However, an additional view
synthesis (VSRS) step will be applied from the decoded views to
generate additional virtual viewpoints that are not transmitted to the
receiver. Since this view synthesis works in an open-loop mode, any
artefact in the generated views will have a dramatic impact on the
perceived output quality. This is an important reason to explore new
view synthesis techniques that can work properly in large baseline
Finally, it is worth noticing that in an SMV display, all the
physical and virtual camera viewpoints have to be rendered
simultaneously. In a VR-FN application scenario, however, only
two adjacent viewpoints (physically existing and/or virtual
viewpoints) have to be rendered at any given moment in time in the
stereo HMD, based on the user’s current position. Since VR does
not tolerate high response latencies, the complexity of the employed
techniques should remain acceptable.
SMV and FN test sequences
The MPEG-FTV group recommends specific SMV and FN test
sequences in the MPEG-FTV CfE, in order to conduct comparative
studies between the submitted technologies [7]. The SMV
sequences contain 80 narrow-baseline views, while the FN
sequences contain only 7 views, each view being complemented by
a depth map that has been estimated offline, either by DERS, or by
a proponent’s in-house technique.
The Big Buck Bunny SMV sequences are generated from 3D
graphics files donated by the Blender Foundation. Eighty adjacent
viewing directions were synthetically rendered by Holografika to
obtain the Big Buck Bunny color and depth map videos used in the
CfE evaluation. Seven of these views are also used as sparse FN
sequences (Flowers, Butterfly). The Big Buck Bunny Flowers and
Butterfly depth maps do not contain any artefacts, since they are
synthetically rendered from a 3D model by conversion from the z-
buffer during rendering. However, the depth maps of all other
sequences (Champagne Tower, Pantomime, Soccer-Arc1, Soccer-
Linear2 and Poznan Blocks) have been estimated algorithmically
(DERS or proprietary software) and show some artefacts, possibly
impeding the subsequent view synthesis quality. For instance, since
DERS uses a Graph Cut stereo matching technique [8] applied
pairwise on adjacent physical camera views, some spatial
inconsistencies might appear during view synthesis (VSRS) of
virtual views; these are even more apparent in large baseline setups,
as will be discussed later in Figures 7 and 8.
3D-HEVC in non-linear, large-baseline conditions
The 3D-HEVC technology standardized in February 2015 has
originally been developed and tested for linear, narrow baseline
camera arrangements. In contrast, convergent cameras in the typical
3D-HEVC++ coding pipeline of Figure 3 will create both positive
and negative disparities, cf. Figure 4, requiring to bring minor
format and syntax changes into the codec specifications.
Figure 4. Positive and negative disparities (d) in convergent camera setup
Also more essential codec modifications will be required in the
development of 3D-HEVC++. For instance, an increase of a
distance between cameras results in the reduction of inter-view
correlation. This yields deterioration of the 3D-HEVC compression
performance that converges to a drastically lower HEVC simulcast
compression efficiency. Moreover, for the viewpoint located outside
the connecting line between camera views, the interview-prediction
model should be more complex than that based on simple
compensation of the horizontal disparity, as it is currently
implemented in 3D-HEVC reference software [9].
It is hence expected that new coding developments will be
needed, including even non-normative DERS and VSRS
developments, which will eventually ripple into the normative 3D-
HEVC++ codec specifications. The boundaries between normative
and non-normative extensions of 3D-HEVC are consequently
gradually blurring away, considerably adding complexity to the 3D-
HEVC++ developments.
For instance, View Synthesis Prediction (VSP) is the process
of predicting a physical camera view from its two adjacent
neighbors, and transmitting the entropy-coded difference image.
[10] reports an average bitrate gain of 6.25% over 3D-HEVC by
back-and-forth projection between the respective 2D views and 3D
space, in non-linear, large baseline camera arrangements. More
generally, the implementation of the 3D-HEVC++ should hence
exploit the modified disparity vector derivation in such tools as the
View Synthesis Prediction (VSP), Disparity Compensated
Prediction (DCP), Neighboring Block Disparity Vector (NBDV),
Depth oriented NBDV (DoNBDV), Interview Motion Prediction
(IvMP) and Illumination Compensation (IC).
Figure 5. Homography inpainting for VSP in soccer sequence
In extended scenes like soccer fields, even more elaborated
techniques are required, cf. Figure 5. For instance, [11] proposes a
homography reprojection and inpainting technique for VSP,
correcting mainly the outside borders of the camera views. This
extension towards novel 3D-HEVC++ technology for arbitrary
camera positions is still under development.
DERS and VSRS in non-linear, large-baseline
As already mentioned, though DERS and VSRS are non-
normative in the codec processing pipeline of Figure 3, their
performance has an important impact on the quality-bitrate
performance figures (e.g. the VSP tool discussed in previous
section) and hence also on future developments and updates of the
3D-HEVC codec towards 3D-HEVC++. We therefore give an
overview of some improvements that have been studied over the
past year in the MPEG-FTV group in supporting the new SMV and
FN application scenarios for 3D-HEVC++.
Figure 8. VSRS (top) vs. Epipolar Plane Imaging (bottom) view synthesis
Large Baseline View Synthesis
In order to serve autostereoscopic- and light field displays with
real-life video, advanced view synthesis technologies are needed as
it is often impractical to record the high number of camera views
that are requested by such displays. The main idea for increasing the
compression performance consists in not transmitting some physical
camera views at all (in contrast to VSP which transmits a difference
image) and generate the missing views with VSRS. For example, in
Figure 6, skipping some views during transmission will effectively
decrease the bitrate with a factor of 2 in the successive skipping tests
(horizontal arrows), but unfortunately the corresponding VSRS
generated views also cause a large PSNR drop (4-6 dB in the
example of the Champagne Tower test sequence) yielding
suboptimal PSNR-bitrate curves.
Figure 7 shows a more detailed view of the PSNR quality
degradation when performing an open-loop VSRS view synthesis to
recover all output views from a dyadic decreasing number of
transmitted views. From the sixty middle views under test, an
increasing number of views are not transmitted to the receiver
(skip1, skip3, skip5, etc) but rather generated through VSRS. One
clearly observes the huge quality degradation of up to a dozen of dB
in terms of PSNR for large baselines (high skip numbers). Figure 8
shows the typical horizontal stripes artefacts that are caused at
increasing baselines in the VSRS reference software.
Clearly, more in-depth studies are required to evaluate the
potential of skipping some views in large baseline scenarios, not
only in SMV applications, but foremost in FN applications where
VSRS will remain an open-loop tool without error correction post-
processing capabilities.
Figure 6. PSNR vs. bitrate results for different coding configurations of the
Champagne sequence, by skipping views before the coding (Skip<n>: n
consecutive views are skipped and need to be synthesized, between 2
transmitted views)
Figure 7. PSNR variation of synthesized views vs. transmitted views
Figure 9. View synthesis with Depth-based view blending (left) vs. VSRS view
blending (right)
Recently, some modifications in the VSRS software have been
proposed to exclude object depth contributions that are not visible
in all camera views, largely improving the view synthesis as shown
in Figure 9.
Figure 10. View synthesis without ghosting (left) vs. VSRS (right)
Figure 11. Globally optimized view synthesis (left) vs. VSRS (right)
Figure 12. Objective comparison against VSRS on the Big Buck Bunny
sequence. Results are reported for single (1p) versus quarter pixel (4p)
precision in the warping and turning the view blending option on or off (nb).
Moreover, [12] demonstrates additional improvements to
VSRS. Firstly, the algorithm used to perform 3D warping between
camera views has been modified in order to avoid ghosting artefacts,
cf. Figure 10. Secondly, a new inpainting algorithm is proposed in
order to fill disoccluded regions in the image by optimizing a
Markov random field using a form of priority-belief propagation
[13]. The inpainting algorithm analyzes the depth map in the
synthesized view and is designed to reconstruct the disoccluded area
using image patches from background regions. Figure 11 clearly
shows visual improvements with respect to the current VSRS result.
In terms of objective quality expressed by the PSNR, average gains
of 0.64dB have been measured for the Big Buck Bunny Flowers
sequence. Average PSNR values over time are shown in Figure 12
for each camera in the array.
Multi-Camera Depth Estimation
Thanks to the techniques described in previous section and the
perfect depth map of the Big Buck Bunny Flowers sequence, we
have observed that with this test sequence, when skipping a limited
number of views (skip1, skip3), the PSNR-bitrate curves remain
roughly Pareto optimal with large bitrate gains, as shown in Figure
Figure 13. PSNR vs. bitrate results for different coding configurations of the
Bunny sequence, by skipping views before coding
For this particular case, the view skipping method as described
in the previous section remains interesting, in contrast to the severe
PSNR drops observed for large baselines in Figure 7. This is,
however, believed to be an exceptional case made possible by the
use of perfect depth maps, synthetically calculated for the Big Buck
Bunny sequence, hence avoiding further VSRS artefacts induced by
depths error.
Figure 14. Depth Estimation (top) and View Synthesis results (bottom) with Segmentation-guided Plane Sweeping (left) and DERS/VSRS (right)
Recent studies show indeed that there is an intricate
relationship between the depth and view synthesis distortion in the
current DERS and VSRS tools. In particular, [14] provides an
exhaustive analysis of the correlation between depth distortion and
synthesis distortion at different coding levels, concluding that depth
coding distortion reflects well the synthesis distortion at the frame
level and MB-row level, while lower correlation values are achieved
at the MB level. This analysis also reveals that the distortion on a
depth block is aggregated better with a lower-degree norm, Sum of
Absolute Error (SAE), than the commonly used Sum of Squared
Error (SSE).
In [15], the authors propose a synthesis distortion metric to
optimize the coding of depth in coding schemes such as 3D-AVC,
3D-HEVC and 3D-HEVC++. This metric enhances the overall
coding efficiency at the cost of a computational complexity
overhead introduced by the new metric itself, and the fact that it
requires joint processing of depth and texture in a single encoder.
Designing better depth estimation techniques than the current
DERS hence provides interesting perspectives to improve view
synthesis. In particular, depth estimation based on all available
camera views instead of only a subset of them will intuitively be
beneficial. In the example of Figure 8, an Epipolar Plane Image
(EPI) depth estimation technique [16] using all available camera
views, inspired by [17], provides indeed better depth maps and view
synthesis results at large baselines, with a 5 dB PSNR gain [16],
compensating the typical 4-6 dB losses observed when skipping
views in Figure 6. Also [18] reports valuable gains using similar EPI
techniques. Finally, [19] has shown large view synthesis subjective
quality gains using a segmentation-guided plane-sweep depth
estimation method on the Soccer-Arc1 test sequence, cf. Figure 14.
Improving DERS so as to include all available input cameras
in the depth estimation, in conjunction with improving VSRS with
the techniques described in previous subsection, are clearly
interesting directions to be further investigated in the 3D-HEVC++
CfE and subsequent CfP.
Subjective evaluation of SMV and FN
Though objective quality evaluations based on PSNR give
good indications on the most promising candidate compression
tools, measuring the Quality of Experience (QoE) plays a crucial
role in the determination of the technologies that are adopted in the
final standard [20]. For 2D images and video, the well-known ITU-
R BT.500-11 recommendation [21] describes the methodology that
should be used when performing subjective quality studies
involving human participants. In [22], an extension of these
guidelines is proposed for the evaluation of 3D content on
stereoscopic and multiview autostereoscopic displays.
It is important to notice that SMV and FN content, and their
visualization on 3D displays, place new challenges on subjective
evaluation of MPEG-FTV coding technology. Some works [23, 24]
have helped to provide a parametrization that describes the relations
between content, display mode and user experience. Such a
parametrization is a very valuable tool to guide the subjective
evaluation or even content creation, giving guidelines to configure
scene parameters such as depth or density of cameras for an
acceptable viewing experience. Particularly, [24] proposes an
approach to this parametrization which captures new elements that
are relevant in the subjective evaluation of SMV and that do not
apply on the evaluation of 2D or fixed-viewpoint stereoscopic video.
The main advantage of this novel parametrization is that it is based
on the disparity between adjacent views, instead of angle or camera
distance, and thus:
• It aggregates the contribution of different parameters that
influence the MPEG-FTV subjective experience, better representing
the perception of visual comfort.
• It is common to different camera arrangements, such as
linear, non-linear convergent or arc.
In particular, such parametrization has been very useful in
defining the minimum comfortable camera density in a view path
for the FN scenarios, setting the number of intermediate virtual
viewpoint positions between physical cameras [24].
Figure 15. View–sweeping scheme for the stereoscopic evaluation of SMV
content in the CfE on FTV.
CfE stereoscopic viewing
In the CfE process, submissions will be evaluated on a
stereoscopic monitor and spatial back-and-forth view sweeps
between the left- and right-most views will be generated from the
decoded and generated virtual views, cf. Figure 15. Test participants
will then provide a Mean Observation Score (MOS) comparing the
different technology submissions.
Light Field SMV viewing
Since subjective viewing on stereoscopic, auto-stereoscopic
and light field displays [25] might be very different, rendering
quality evaluations should be conducted on a multitude of displays
in order to evaluate the best compression technology amongst the
CfE proponents.
[26] has shown a linear quality relationship between
stereoscopic and auto-stereoscopic displays, but no clear studies are
available between the latter and SMV light field displays.
Furthermore, to accurately evaluate visual quality in 3D video, it is
of paramount importance to avoid any possible visual artifacts
introduced by the display’s internal light field transmission system,
which has to use Gbps communication lines to transmit raw data. To
make this possible, Holografika has built a custom light field display
of 73 MPixel, with a 2D equivalent resolution of 1280x720 pixels,
24 bit RGB, 70 degrees field of view and an angular resolution of
0.96 degrees, using cluster nodes over a 40GBs Ethernet switch
[27]. This system is located at the Electronics and Informatics
Department (ETRO) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in
Brussels, Belgium. Raw light field data transport provided by this
system offers the possibility to carry out visual tests in MPEG-FTV
CfE and subsequent CfP. To this end, the testing environment at
VUB-ETRO’s 3DLab has also been equipped with appropriate
lighting conditions (non-flickering lights with controllable
temperature, specific environmental color), as requested by the ITU-
R BT.500-11 methodology for subjective assessment of picture
quality [21].
In order to support Super-MultiView and Free Navigation
application scenarios with mostly sparse and/or arbitrarily arranged
multi-camera setups, innovative 3D-HEVC extensions should be
developed. Preliminary experiments show that the severe quality
degradation under large baseline conditions of the MPEG-FTV
VSRS view synthesis can be compensated with global optimization
and view synthesis techniques involving all camera views with
epipolar plane imaging or plane sweeping techniques. Moreover,
better exploiting the non-horizontal-only modified disparity vector
derivation in the different coding tools is expected to bring at least
6% bitrate coding gains over 3D-HEVC. Such improvements make
applications that generate additional virtual views from a cost-
effective multi-camera system viable towards the future.
[1] Philip Lelyveld, “Virtual Reality Primer with an Emphasis on
Camera-Captured VR,” Enterntainment Technology Center, July
[2] Mike Seymour, “Light fields – the future of VR-AR-MR,” fxguide,
26 May 2015,
[3] _, “List of AHGs Established at the 113th Meeting in Geneva,”
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG2015/N15622, Geneva,
Switzerland, October 2015.
[4] _, “JPEG PLENO Abstract and Executive Summary,” 20 March
[5] Krzysztof Wegner, Olgierd Stankiewicz, Masayuki Tanimoto, Marek
Domanski, “Enhanced View SynthesisReference Software (VSRS)
for Free-viewpoint Television,” ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11
MPEG2013/M31520, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2013.
[6] Krzysztof Wegner, Olgierd Stankiewicz, Masayuki Tanimoto, Marek
Domanski, “Enhanced Depth Estimation Reference Software (DERS)
for Free-viewpoint Television,” ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11
MPEG2013/M31518, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2013.
[7] _, “Call for Evidence on Free-Viewpoint Television: Super-
Multiview and Free Navigation,”MPEG 113th meeting, contribution
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[9] M. Domański, A. Dziembowski, D. Mieloch, A. Łuczak, O.
Stankiewicz, K. Wegner, “A Practical Approach to Acquisition and
Processing of Free Viewpoint Video”, 31st Picture Coding
Symposium PCS 2015, Cairns, Australia, pp. 10-14, 2015.
[10] Jakub Stankowski, Łukasz Kowalski, Jarosław Samelak, Marek
Domański, Tomasz Grajek, Krzysztof Wegner, “3D-HEVC Extension
for Circular Camera Arrangements,” 3DTV Conference: The True
Vision-Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, 3DTV- Con
2015, Lisbon, Portugal, 8-10 July 2015.
[11] T. Senoh, A. Ishikawa, M. Okui, K. Yamamoto, N. Inoue, “FTV
AHG: Soccer Arc1 Homography Prediction Results”, MPEG 113th
meeting, contribution M37296, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015.
[12] Beerend Ceulemans, et. al., “Efficient MRF-Based disocclusion
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[16] Lode Jorissen, Patrik Goorts, Sammy Rogmans, Gauthier Lafruit,
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Detection for Robust View Synthesis,” Proceedings of the 3DTV-
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Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), pp. 1-6,
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[19] Goorts Patrik, Bekaert Philippe, Lafruit Gauthier, “Real-time,
Adaptive Plane Sweeping for Free Viewpoint Navigation in Soccer
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[20] Dricot, Jung, Cagnazzo, Pesquet-Popescu, Dufaux, Kovacs, Kiran
Adhikarla, “Subjective Evaluation of Super Multi-View Compressed
Content on High End Light Field 3D Display”, Signal Processing:
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[22] Lewandowski, Filip, et al., “Methodology for 3D Video Subjective
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[23] P. Carballeira, J. Gutiérrez, F. Morán, J. Cabrera, N. García,
“Subjective Evaluation of Super Multiview Video in Consumer 3D
Displays”, Seventh International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia
Experience, QoMEX 2015, Costa Navarino, Greece, pp. 1-6, 26-29
May 2015.
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parametrization and subjective evaluation of SMV content", ISO/IEC
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[26] Krzysztof Wegner, Tomasz Grajek, Marek Domański, “Comparison
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Author Biography
Gauthier Lafruit is Professor at l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels,
Belgium, in the Laboratory for Image, Signal and Audio processing (LISA).
He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Vrije
Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, in 1995. His current research
includes Virtual Reality from camera captured content, Light Fields,
Computational Imaging and GPU acceleration. He is currently co-chair of
the MPEG-FTV group.
Marek Domański is a Professor with the Poznań University of Technology,
where he leads the Chair (Department) of Multimedia Telecommunications
and Microelectronics. He is the author or co-author of six books and over
300 research papers in journals and conference proceedings. His
contributions were mostly on image, video and audio compression, image
processing, multimedia systems 3-D video and color image technology,
digital filters, and multidimensional signal processing.
Krzysztof Wegner received the M.Sc. degree from the Poznań University of
Technology, Poznań, Poland, in 2008, where he is currently pursuing the
Ph.D. degree. He is the co-author of several papers on free view television,
depth estimation, and view synthesis. He is involved in ISO standardization
activities where he contributes to the development of future 3-D video coding
Tomasz Grajek received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Poznań
University of Technology, Poznań, Poland, in 2004 and 2010, respectively.
He is the author or co-author of several papers on digital video compression,
entropy coding, and modeling of advanced video encoders. He has been
taking part in several projects for industrial research and development.
Takanori Senoh received the Ph.D. degree in Engineering from the
University of Tokyo, Japan, in 2007. He is currently with National Institute
of Information and Communications Technology, Japan and his current
research interests include 3D image processing and electronic holography.
He is a member of IEEE, ITE, IIEEJ, and JSAP.
Joël Jung received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, in 2000. He is currently
with Orange Labs Paris and B<>Com Institute of Research and Technology,
and his current research interests include next generation image and video
coding, 3D super multi-view and depth coding. He is an active contributor
to the HEVC standard (JCT-VC) and the 3D-HEVC annex (JCT-3V).
Péter Tamás Kovács has been working at Holografika since 2006,
contributing to the development of the real 3D light-field display product
line HoloVizio and related technologies (glasses-free 3D cinema, real-time
light field capture and rendering system, full-angle 180 degree light-field
Patrik Goorts is a postdoctoral researcher at Hasselt University, Belgium,
specialized in free viewpoint interpolation and depth estimation.
Lode Jorissen is a Ph.D candidate in the Expertise Centre for Digital Media
(EDM) at Hasselt University, Belgium. He previously worked on 360 degree
video and currently focuses his work on view interpolation using light fields.
Adrian Munteanu is professor at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. His
research interests include image, video and 3D graphics compression, error-
resilient coding and multimedia transmission over networks. He is the author
of more than 250 journal and conference publications, book chapters and
contributions to standards, and received several awards for his work. Adrian
Munteanu currently serves as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on
Beerend Ceulemans is a Ph.D candidate in the Department of Electronics
and Informatics (ETRO) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). His
research interest are centered on virtual viewpoint synthesis for
autostereoscopic 3D screens and free viewpoint video.
Pablo Carballeira received the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunication
Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in 2014.
He is with the Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes at UPM since 2007 and
his current research interests include coding and subjective evaluation of
Super Multiview and Free Navigation Video.
Sergio García is a Ph.D candidate in the Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes
(GTI) at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), where he has been
working since 2013. His research interests include adaptive streaming
techniques and algorithms, as well as 3D graphics compression and
rendering, especially in the field of point-cloud-based models.
Masayuki Tanimoto received the B.E., M.E., and Dr.E. degrees from the
University of Tokyo. He was Professor at Nagoya University and developed
FTV (Free-viewpoint Television). Currently, he is Emeritus Professor at
Nagoya University and Senior Research Fellow at Nagoya Industrial
Science Research Institute. He is Honorary Member of the ITE, Fellow of
the IEICE and IEEE Life Fellow. He is chair of the MPEG-FTV group.