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Scott R. Boss, Dennis F. Galletta, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Gregory D. Moody, and
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threats and fear that motivate protective behaviors in users,” MIS Quarterly (accepted
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What Do Systems Users Have to Fear? Using Fear Appeals to Engender
Threats and Fear that Motivate Protective Security Behaviors
Scott R. Boss
Bentley University
Dennis F. Galletta
University of Pittsburgh
Paul Benjamin Lowry
City University of Hong Kong
Gregory D. Moody
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Peter Polak
Florida International University
What Do Systems Users Have to Fear? Using Fear Appeals to Engender
Threats and Fear that Motivate Protective Security Behaviors
Because violations of information security (ISec) and privacy have become ubiquitous in both
personal and work environments, academic attention to ISec and privacy has taken on paramount
importance. Consequently, a key focus of ISec research has been discovering ways to motivate
individuals to engage in more secure behaviors. Over time, the protection motivation theory
(PMT) has become a leading theoretical foundation used in ISec research to help motivate
individuals to change their security-related behaviors to protect themselves and their
organizations. Our careful review of the foundation for PMT identified three opportunities for
improving ISec PMT research. First, extant ISec studies do not use the full nomology of PMT
constructs. Second, only one study uses fear-appeal manipulations, even though these are a core
element of PMT, and virtually no ISec study models or measures fear. Third, whereas these
studies have made excellent progress in predicting security intentions, none of them have
addressed actual security behaviors.
This article describes the theoretical foundation of these three opportunities for
improvement. We tested the nomology of PMT, including manipulated fear appeals, in two
different ISec contexts that model PMT’s modern theoretical treatment more closely than do
extant ISec studies. The first data collection was a longitudinal study in the context of data
backups. The second study was a short-term cross-sectional study in the context of anti-malware
software. Our new model demonstrated better results and stronger fit than the existing models
and confirmed the efficacy of the three potential improvements we identified.
Information Security, Protection Motivation Theory, System Backups, Model Comparison, Fear
Appeals, Threat, Coping, Intentions, Behavior
A key focus in information security (ISec) research is finding ways to motivate end users,
employees, and consumers to improve protection of their individual and organizational
information assets. The theoretical approaches recently used to encourage security compliance
include general deterrence theory (GDT; e.g., Herath and Rao 2009b; Hu et al. 2011), rational
choice theory (RCT; e.g., Bulgurcu et al. 2010; Hu et al. 2011), accountability theory (Vance et
al. 2013; 2015), reactance and justice theories (Lowry and Moody 2015; Lowry et al. 2015;
Posey et al. 2011a; Wall et al. 2013), and protection motivation theory (PMT; e.g., Crossler and
Bélanger 2013; Herath and Rao 2009b; Lee et al. 2008; Lee and Larsen 2009). The bulk of
recent ISec literature on compliance resulting from sanctions, threats, or fear represents a shift
from earlier GDT-based approaches to a stronger emphasis on PMT (Crossler et al. 2013). A key
reason for this shift is that GDT and RCT are based on a foundation of command and control,
whereas PMT is based on the idea of using persuasive messages that warn of a personal threat
and describe countervailing measures that consist of protective behavior (Floyd et al. 2000).
PMT is naturally suited for ISec contexts in which end users, employees, and consumers require
additional motivation to protect their information assets. Several ISec studies that use PMT as
the primary basis for theory development have published recently in information systems (IS)
journals (Herath and Rao 2009b; Jenkins et al. 2013; Johnston and Warkentin 2010a; Lee et al.
2008; Lee and Larsen 2009; Liang and Xue 2010).
These studies have made notable contributions in advancing PMT-based research in the
ISec context; however, the literature has not fully leveraged PMT research conducted in fields
outside IS to provide a wider range of opportunities for theory and practice. In our review, we
found three unleveraged opportunities in extant ISec PMT research. First, although the studies
use many of the PMT concepts, none of them use all its core constructs, and some deviate
dramatically from PMT without proper theoretical justification. Second, with few exceptions
(e.g., Johnston and Warkentin 2010b; Johnston et al. 2015), none of the studies manipulate an
actual fear appeal in the context of the research. Although the existing non-ISec PMT research
has supported fear as a key partial mediator in PMT (e.g., Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers and Prentice-
Dunn 1997), no ISec PMT-related research has measured fear to examine the efficacy of a
manipulated fear appeal. Third, the majority of ISec studies focus on behavioral intentions and
not on actual security behaviors.
The purpose of this paper is to perform an extensive review of PMT and its conventional
practice in ISec research to identify opportunities for potential theoretical and methodological
improvements on which to build this literature. Notably, we not only identify and explain these
opportunities, but also propose theoretically and empirically addressable research questions and
provide results based on empirical testing in two different studies, each with a different security
context. Study 1 involved a longitudinal study that used the main constructs of PMT, which we
term its “core nomology” based on Milne et al. (2002), and added fear appeals and the
experience of fear itself in the context of data backups. Study 1 was useful in reintroducing the
impact of fear appeals and the fear construct to PMT and assessing actual behavior along with
Study 2 applied the “full nomology” of PMT (using all potential PMT constructs, that is,
all Study 1 constructs as well as maladaptive rewards) to a malware context in a short-term
cross-sectional experimental survey. Like Study 1, Study 2 included manipulated fear appeals
and the measurement of actual behaviors. However, Study 2 added measurement of maladaptive
responses, which we describe later. The results of both studies show improved model-fit
statistics when compared to less-complete models or approaches.
This paper begins by examining the theoretical background that serves as the foundation
for PMT and reviewing the full nomology and basic causal mechanisms of the theory. On this
theoretical basis, we then review ISec PMT studies published in major journals and examine the
extent to which the authors have applied PMT’s core nomology. Next, we investigate the three
research opportunities by examining the results of both studies. The paper then presents the
methodology, results, and implications in terms of those research opportunities, and concludes
with a discussion of contributions to theory, research, and practice.
Several approaches to fear appeals have been taken to persuade people to embrace certain
intentions or actions. Simply put, fear appeals “are persuasive messages designed to scare people
by describing the terrible things that will happen to them if they do not do what the message
recommends” (Witte 1992, p. 329). For decades, psychologists have studied why people respond
or fail to respond to a message contained in a fear appeal compared to individuals who do not
receive any specific fear appeal (Witte 1992). Fear appeals research has frequently focused on
PMT. In this section, we briefly explain the theoretical foundation that preceded PMT, which
provides insights into the underlying assumptions and boundary conditions of the theory. We
then describe PMT models with an emphasis on their most recent implementations.
The fear-as-acquired-drive model (Hovland et al. 1953) was the earliest attempt to
address people’s motivations for acquiescing to persuasive messages. This theory posits that fear
or emotional tension functionally drives individuals toward a desired behavior (de Hoog et al.
2007). The main contribution of this model is its focus on defensive reactions exhibited by
individuals after receiving a fear-inducing recommendation (de Hoog et al. 2007). When a
message induces fear, an individual may find that adopting the desired behavior will reduce or
mitigate that fear. However, if following that path does not provide the desired amelioration, the
person may judge the recommendation as ineffective or impossible to execute. In this scenario,
the individual will search for alternate solutions to reduce fear (Witte 1992; 1994).
Building on this drive-reduction model, the parallel process model (PPM) (Leventhal
1970) focuses more on the cognitive responses of individuals confronted with a fear-inducing
recommendation. Consequently, this model is PMT’s most direct predecessor. PPM posits that
threats are cognitively evaluated and result in two parallel processes: fear control and danger
control (de Hoog et al. 2007). Fear control includes responses such as denial or avoidance that
reduce the unpleasant feelings evoked by the message, thus providing little help in dealing with
the actual threat. Conversely, danger control attempts to cope directly with the danger and lessen
its impact (de Hoog et al. 2007; Leventhal 1970). PPM’s main contribution was its enhancement
and clarification of the processes mediating fear-arousing communications, which it substituted
for a focus on fear itself as the central cause of behaviors. However, the theory does not specify
which conditions lead to either fear control or danger control, how the two processes interact, or
how individuals alternate between the two processes (de Hoog et al. 2007).
PMT grew out of PPM’s foundation of fear-control research. PMT includes PPM’s
concept of danger-control response and further explains what can be done to enhance people’s
ability to cope with danger in a constructive manner. Those adaptive responses (Rogers 1975;
1983) are desired behaviors that decrease the targeted threat and are also referred to in the
literature as danger control (Rogers 1983). However, the original formulation of PMT essentially
omits any consideration of maladaptive responses—making it distinct from parallel response
models such as PPM. Maladaptive responses are undesired behaviors intended only to decrease
fear (for example, by denying or discounting the danger) but not the danger posed by the threat.
These responses are also known as fear control (Rippetoe and Rogers 1987).
PMT has been enhanced and extended over time in many articles; we used the most
recent version, for which the comprehensive meta-analysis by Floyd et al. (2000) found strong
support. PMT is of particular interest for our study because it has been adapted several times to
the ISec context (e.g., Herath and Rao 2009b; Johnston and Warkentin 2010a; Lee et al. 2008;
Lee and Larsen 2009; Liang and Xue 2010). Before explaining the research opportunities found
in these adaptations, we further describe the assumptions and boundary conditions of PMT.
Central to PMT is an understanding of the concept of protection motivation. A leading
PMT theoretical review and meta-analysis concluded that “the protection motivation concept
involves any threat for which there is an effective recommended response that can be carried out
by the individual” (Floyd et al. 2000, p. 409). PMT’s main contribution is its capacity to predict
users’ intentions to protect themselves after receiving fear-arousing recommendations: “The
purpose of PMT research is usually to persuade people to follow the communicator’s
recommendations; so, intentions indicate the effectiveness of the attempted persuasion” (Floyd et
al. 2000, p. 411). Figure 1 depicts the cognitively mediating processes of PMT along with its
core- and full-construct nomologies.
Threat appraisal and coping appraisal, the two components of PMT shown in Figure 1
that shape protection intentions, form the core assumptions of PMT. The basic idea of PMT is
that a fear appeal triggers the threat-appraisal process. Two processes and outcomes must occur
for a person to engage in an adaptive response: First, in the threat-appraisal process, the threat
and generated fear that inspire protection motivation must be weighted more heavily than
maladaptive rewards earned by not engaging in protection motivation. Second, in the coping-
appraisal process, a person’s response efficacy and self-efficacy must outweigh the response
costs for engaging in the protection motivation. In terms of threat appraisal, it is important to
emphasize that the feeling of fear is conceptually distinct from the fear appeal or fear-appeal
message. In a PMT context, fear is defined as a “relational construct, aroused in response to a
threat severity
Fear Protection
Threat appraisal:
Threat must be greater than
maladaptive rewards for
adaptive response.
If no threat detected, or
maladaptive rewards > threat,
then coping appraisal is
Coping appraisal:
Efficacy must be greater than response
costs for adaptive response.
Adaptive response
(danger control)
The PMT “core” nomology includes all the
constructs in white boxes and their relationships.
This is the traditional nomology most used by
technology-related PMT researchers; e.g.,
Herath and Rao (2009); Crossler et al. (2013).
The PMT “full” nomology includes all white
constructs plus the greyed constructs of
maladaptive rewards and fear. This nomology is
the latest incarnation of PMT as described by
Rogers and Prentice-Dunn (1997) and by Floyd
et al. (2000), who founded PMT.
Figure 1. Overview of the Core and Full Nomologies of PMT
situation that is judged as dangerous and toward which protective action is taken” (Rogers 1975,
p. 96). Separately, a fear appeal is the stimulus designed to trigger both fear and the threat-
appraisal and coping-appraisal processes (Floyd et al. 2000; Fry and Prentice-Dunn 2005; Fry
and Prentice-Dunn 2006; Milne et al. 2000; Rogers 1983). Ideally a fear appeal does not just
increase threat but would also increase efficacy by giving a respondent a path to address the
threat. Importantly, the best fear appeals create both high threat and high efficacy because they
address both the threat and the individual’s ability to deal with it (Milne et al. 2000; Witte and
Allen 2000). The fear-appeals literature uses the message (fear appeal) as a manipulation. We
further discuss these components and the associated construct definitions in the theory section.
PMT Research Issues and Opportunities in Extant ISec Research
The assumptions and foundations of PMT are highly relevant to behavioral ISec research
and practice. Accordingly, several noteworthy studies have embraced derivations of PMT for this
context. Table A.1 in Appendix A summarizes our review of ISec research that uses derivations
of PMT. For each study, this table indicates key PMT constructs that are not used, non-PMT
constructs that are added, and other decisions that conflict with PMT. Although these studies
make useful contributions to the literature, we find that no published ISec PMT article can be
classified as adhering fully to PMT. Our review points to three research opportunities: (1) using
PMT’s nomology, (2) using fear appeals, (3) measuring fear, and (4) measuring actual behavioral
changes, not just intentions. The promise of the last opportunity is self-evident, so we develop it
further in the hypothesis section. However, the first three opportunities require further
explanation prior to hypothesis development.
Opportunity 1. ISec research can be improved by using PMT’s core nomology.
A key issue is that virtually every ISec study makes major, unsupported adaptations to
PMT by (1) not testing the core PMT nomology and (2) not demonstrating that its changes
actually improve the explanatory power of PMT or that the alternative model it developed enjoys
better model fit than PMT. Typically, ISec studies omit core PMT concepts or fear-appeal
manipulations without explanation. Some constructs such as response costs and response
efficacy are commonly dropped, and researchers do not provide adequate justification for such
exclusions. Constructs are also renamed, defined, and measured in nonstandard and perhaps
incorrect ways that receive little or no testing. To serve as a useful guide in our review,
Appendix C defines all the key constructs in this literature that we apply in our model.
Additionally, many of the studies add new constructs that are external to PMT’s
nomology. Moreover, these studies often incorrectly cite as PMT theories several models that
actually depart so greatly from PMT that they are more aptly labeled “PMT spinoffs.” Four
categories of PMT spinoffs emerged in our review, and we explain them in detail at the end of
Appendix A: (1) the technology threat avoidance theory (TTAT) model, as proposed by Liang
and Xue (2010); (2) the fear-appeals model (FAM), proposed by Johnston and Warkentin
(2010a); (3) extensions to the health belief model (HBM) developed by Ng et al. (2009) and
Claar and Johnson (2012); and (4) various efforts to create “unified” models that merge parts of
PMT with other theories, such as those proposed by Herath et al. (2012); (2009b).
Although adding non-PMT constructs to PMT models or creating PMT spinoff models
can provide valuable explanatory power, it can also distance the resulting model from PMT in
ways that are not theoretically justified. Consequently, although these additions are promising, it
is impossible to know whether the proposed models offer a better theoretical and empirical fit
than a nomology truer to PMT. These researchers cannot clearly demonstrate whether the
described models actually improve or expand upon PMT or simply switch out proven constructs
for new ones. This limitation occurs because the studies do not provide the model-fit statistics
required to demonstrate that an extended model improves on a baseline model. By using at least
the core, established PMT nomology fully, ISec researchers may be able to increase the
explanatory power of their models and may find that non-PMT additions are neither helpful nor
Opportunity 2. ISec research can be improved by including fear-appeal manipulations.
Although the link between threat and fear seems straightforward, ISec PMT-related
research generally has ignored fear appeals and has not measured fear to examine the efficacy of
threats. Only two related studies actually incorporate fear appeals (Johnston and Warkentin
2010a; Johnston et al. 2015), even though the use of fear appeals is a fundamental assumption of
PMT research (Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers 1983; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997).
This gap creates an inherent conflict with the contextual assumptions of PMT, in which
threats and fear generated by a fear-appeal message are intended to persuade a person to perform
a protective behavior. Recently, in a treatise on security research opportunities, Crossler et al.
(2013) emphasized that fear must be delivered through a manipulation (at minimum) of the
threat’s severity and vulnerability. Without introducing any elements of fear, a study cannot
easily determine whether fear and fear appeals are appropriate for a given ISec context (Crossler
et al. 2013).
Opportunity 3. ISec research can be improved by measuring fear.
No ISec study has measured actual fear, as currently modeled by PMT. Measuring fear
helps researchers know whether the threat severity and vulnerability generate an appropriate
level of fear. That is, without measuring fear, the effectiveness of an appeal cannot be assessed
directly, only indirectly (LaTour and Rotfeld 1997; Witte 1992; 1994; Witte and Allen 2000).
This point is important, because what is perceived as threatening obviously varies greatly from
person to person, and individuals must perceive a salient threat stimulus to experience a level of
fear (LaTour and Rotfeld 1997; Witte and Allen 2000).
Notwithstanding assumptions to the contrary, fear can indeed be measured in behavioral
research. A substantial body of PMT, psychology, and social psychology research has shown that
fear is an emotion with strong cognitive, affective, and physical manifestations and that it is
readily measurable by self-report (Leventhal 1970; McIntosh et al. 1997; Osman et al. 1994;
Rogers 1975; Witte 1992; 1998; Witte et al. 1996). Hence, omitting fear from the full PMT
nomology is unnecessary and could undermine ISec research.
Overview of Our Research Model
To respond to the issues and opportunities identified in the previous section, we propose
that for ISec contexts, a PMT model must be characterized by the following properties and
assumptions: (1) At minimum, it uses the core nomology of PMT; (2) it is designed and tested
through a manipulated fear appeal; (3) it models fear as a partial mediator and actually measures
that fear through a self-report to observe whether it is salient in the model’s contexts; (4) finally,
in addition to intentions, it measures actual protective behaviors as a more complete test of the
efficacy of PMT.
Two other important choices in our model need to be emphasized. First, PMT has
evolved over time. Although the original version (Rogers 1975) was abandoned long ago, it is
often incorrectly cited and used in ISec literature. A second version is closer to the current one,
but omits some key changes related to fear, and thus is also often incorrectly used (Maddux and
Rogers 1983; Rogers 1983). In this version, self-efficacy (from social cognitive theory) was
brought in, as well as the idea of maladaptive rewards. The idea of fear was recognized but
downplayed. This second version is what we refer to as the “core” PMT model.
The third and latest version extended PMT to more strongly emphasize maladaptive
rewards and reinstated fear as an important partial mediator (Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers and
Prentice-Dunn 1997). Although these changes do not alter the structure of the core constructs of
PMT, we refer to this approach as the “full” PMT model, depicted in Figure 1. We differentiate
PMT this way in particular because most IS research only considers the “core” PMT and ignores
the additional elements of the “full” PMT model.
Following leading modeling literature on combined process-variance models (Burton-
Jones et al. 2014; Markus and Robey 1988; Tsohou et al. 2008), another important pragmatic
decision on our part is to describe PMT as a variance model with a process model component in
which the threat-appraisal process must occur and be considered first, followed by a
consideration of the coping-appraisal process (Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn
1997). None of the extant ISec literature has created a PMT model that can be tested as a
variance model with a process model component, but has instead relied on simplified variance
versions of PMT. We are able to tease out the process component by leveraging subgroup
analysis with structural equation modeling (SEM) to account for those who do not receive the
same level of threat appraisal and fear appeal. We further explain and propose our full PMT
model in this section.
The PMT model for hypothesis testing, presented in Figure 2, includes all relationships
from both the core and full PMT models described earlier. Most of the hypotheses posited below
apply to both models, but some apply only to the full model, as clearly distinguished in the
figure. Namely, the full model adds the consideration of both fear and of maladaptive rewards.
These two items could assist in explaining more of the variance in intentions, but we
acknowledge the possible risk involved in their measurement. Measuring the items might (1)
sensitize study participants to a risk and (2) alter their reactions in a manner that would not exist
outside of a study. For instance, asking a person if he or she is afraid might actually invoke more
fear outside the context of the study; conversely, it might present a challenge to minimize or set
aside the fear. It can therefore be argued that the core model might provide a “safer,” more
realistic setting for a study in the IS field, so both versions might need to be tested. In our
studies, fear was not considered to pose a measurement problem and was expected to be rather
stable after the fear appeals were provided, but maladaptive rewards were not assessed in Study
1, which focused on backups. Given that Study 1 was a longitudinal study and provided dozens
of opportunities to make backups, maladaptive reasons for failing to make backups were likely to
change several times during the data-collection period. Therefore, our two studies differ with
respect to the inclusion/exclusion of maladaptive reward measurements.
Theoretical Support and Hypothesis Development for Our Research Model
We begin by further explaining the two appraisal processes that form the foundation of
H3a / H3b
H5c (-)
threat severity
Fear Protection
H4 (-)
**H7: The fear-appeal manipulation positively moderates
threat, fear, and protection motivation.
Figure 2. PMT Model for Hypothesis Testing, Including “Core” and “Full” PMT
PMT: threat appraisal and coping appraisal. A threat appraisal consists of both vulnerability, the
degree to which an individual believes the threat applies to his or her specific circumstances or
the probability that the described threat will occur (Rogers 1983), and severity, the degree to
which an individual believes the threat will cause consequential harm (Rogers 1983).
H1a. An increase in perceived severity of threat increases protection motivation.
H1b. An increase in perceived vulnerability to threat increases protection motivation.
If one perceives a relevant and severe threat, then fear, a negative emotional response, is
generated as an outcome. Therefore, threat severity and threat vulnerability predict fear (Floyd et
al. 2000; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997), which acts as a partial mediator in the full model
shown in Figure 2. Therefore, we posit that:
H2a. An increase in perceived severity of threat increases perceived fear.
H2b. An increase in perceived vulnerability to threat increases perceived fear.
Combined with threat, fear plays a further, special role in PMT, as shown in Figure 2. A PMT
study should thus ideally introduce a strong fear appeal. If fear can be realistically measured, its
role in mediating the relationship between threat and protection motivation can be explored.
Invoking fear can lead a person to take protective instructions more seriously (Leventhal
1970; McIntosh et al. 1997; Osman et al. 1994; Rogers 1975; Witte 1992; 1998; Witte et al.
1996). If the message is not even seen, however, then the person’s behavior might be based on
incomplete or incorrect information. Because the message could be ignored, the measurement of
fear will be useful to researchers as long as it does not sensitize participants to the means and
goals of the study. Therefore,
H3a. An increase in fear increases protection motivation.
H3b. Fear should act as a partial mediator between threat and protection motivation.
A potentially important part of the threat-appraisal process is that the evaluation of
maladaptive rewards can have an impact on the threat-appraisal process (Floyd et al. 2000;
Rogers 1983; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997). A maladaptive reward is any kind of reward for
the response of not protecting oneself, such as a perhaps mistakenly perceived time or cost
savings, as well as pleasure or even sabotage (Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn
1997). If the rewards outweigh the perceived threat, a person may choose the maladaptive route
of not following the desirable protective behavior:
H4. An increase in maladaptive rewards decreases protection motivation.
Threat and the associated fear can motivate adaptive behavior if a person feels capable of
coping with the threat to “avert the threatened danger,” and they are not considered if the threat-
appraisal process fails to be triggered because of an unnoticed or unimportant threat (Floyd et al.
2000, p. 410). This coping-appraisal process considers three variables: self-efficacy, response
efficacy, and the costs of performing the adaptive behavior (the response recommended in the
fear appeal) (Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers 1983). Response efficacy is the degree to which a person
believes that the recommended response will be effective (Maddux and Rogers 1983). Self-
efficacy is the degree to which an individual believes that he or she has the capability to perform
what is required to avert the threat (Maddux and Rogers 1983). Finally, response costs are any
perceived direct personal costs (e.g., effort, time, money, or trouble) incurred by the individual
by taking protective steps (Floyd et al. 2000). For a positive coping-appraisal response, it is
necessary for people to believe that (1) the desired response will be effective (i.e., response
efficacy), (2) he or she will be able to perform the action (i.e., self-efficacy), and (3) the costs of
performing the action will not exceed the perceived benefits (i.e., response costs).
H5a. An increase in response efficacy increases protection motivation.
H5b. An increase in self-efficacy increases protection motivation.
H5c. An increase in response costs decreases protection motivation.
In PMT research, the primary theoretical focus has been predicting intentions toward
protection motivation (Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers 1983; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997).
However, outside of ISec research, PMT has been efficaciously extended to predict behaviors
(Floyd et al. 2000). Hence, leading PMT-based health research examines actual behavioral
change, not just intentions (e.g., Fry and Prentice-Dunn 2006; Milne et al. 2000). We argue that
actual behaviors are useful for ISec research because the goal is to change security behaviors, not
just to increase protection motivation (Crossler et al. 2013). We thus assert that to increase
application to practice, an efficacious test of the full nomology of PMT should also include a test
of actual behaviors. That being said, PMT meta-analysis indicates that protection motivation
should be the strongest predictor of behavioral changes (Milne et al. 2000). Thus:
H6. An increase in protection motivation increases security-related behaviors.
Outside of IS, it is a recognized practice in PMT research to provide experimental
manipulations of both “high” and “low” fear appeals. Milne et al. (2000) reported that most
studies include a weak versus strong fear appeal manipulation, as opposed to one that is absent
versus present. This approach provides at least a base-level awareness of a threat, and provides a
fair comparison between the two groups. Participants who are completely unaware of a threat
cannot be expected to experience constructs such as fear, maladaptive rewards, or response
efficacy when the participant has no basis upon which to respond. Importantly, such a case
violates a key assumption of PMT that a person be aware of a threat and that it be relevant;
otherwise, the coping appraisal process does not occur and PMT does not apply (Rogers 1983;
Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997).
Consequently, it is important to treat stronger and weaker fear appeals properly in a
theoretical model. Alternatives are to provide the fear appeal as antecedent to fear in the model,
to depict the fear appeal as a moderator of many or most relationships in the model, or to treat
the fear appeal as the central moderator of an entire model by splitting the model into sub-
groups. The fear appeals literature itself discounts the first approach in that the fear appeal
affects constructs throughout the entire model and not just the initial set of constructs that make
up threat appraisal (Rogers 1983; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997). The second approach
becomes infeasible given the number of relationships in SB-SEM, which sharply reduces degrees
of freedom and dramatically increases covariance from the collinearity of interactions terms, as
commonly assessed by the variance inflation factor. Regardless, model fit statistics will be
entirely unsupportive of such a model due to the increase in X2 variance that is not equally
predicted by the changes in the model.
Leadership with this issue is found in a paper, by McClendon and Prentice-Dunn (2001),
that conducted a follow-up study looking back on pretest and posttest subgroups. The authors did
not use SEM, but presented levels of variables separately. It was striking that the levels of all
variables in the PMT model changed significantly in predicted directions from pre-test to post-
test; and after a one-month follow-up, vulnerability, perceived severity, response efficacy, self-
efficacy, and two different intentions scores all increased, and with the exception of self-efficacy,
remained at their high post-test levels. Likewise, rewards and response costs decreased and also
remained at their lower levels at the follow-up date. Because many of these variables are
depicted at several stages in the PMT model, their analysis suggests a “whole model” impact of a
fear appeal. Although relationships were not tested, the impact of fear appeal on all variables
suggests that the impact of a fear appeal does go beyond a fear construct alone.
Aside from their work, there is a fundamental theoretical justification for a fear appeal
influencing the entire PMT model. Recall that an effective fear appeal will provide messages that
will not only describe the problem (increasing threat and subsequent fear) but also a solution
(increasing efficacy and driving an adaptive-coping response) to address the individual’s ability
to deal with it (Milne et al. 2000; Witte and Allen 2000). Thus, both threat and efficacy are core
to the threat- and coping-appraisal processes that drive PMT. Because PMT is partly a process
model and partly a variance model, an effective fear appeal drives the entire adaptive coping
response, which is key to PMT. Nonadaptive responses are fundamentally outside the scope of
the model (Rogers 1983; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997; Witte 1994). In the case of
McClendon and Prentice-Dunn (2001), they further demonstrate that repeating the fear-appeal
message makes it even more effective.
Given that there are nine relationships in the model, three representative examples can be
useful to illustrate this “whole model” moderation approach. They are representative because
they provide all possible combinations of activation of severity and efficacy of response. We
theorize that the other relationships will behave similarly. In H1(a), the fear appeal moderates the
relationship between severity and intention because the impact of severity can be magnified if a
user has been exposed to one or more messages that include recommendations for action. In H5a,
response efficacy will more strongly influence protection motivation for those who have been
exposed to the fear appeal because, while they might understand their ability to respond, they
need to fully recognize the threat provided in the fear appeal. Finally, in H6, while intentions are
usually considered to lead to behavior, those with a strong fear appeal will be more likely to act
on their intentions because they have full understanding of both the threat and an efficacious
response to the threat. Therefore, stated in broad terms:
H7. The greater the strength of a fear-appeal manipulation, the stronger the relationships
in the model in predictions of fear, intention, and behavior.
This approach, closely tied to the basics of PMT, points to a key opportunity in ISec
research, because only one set of authors to date have used fear appeals (Johnston and Warkentin
2010a; Johnston et al. 2015). Notably, the results of these external manipulations might not be
discernible when data from both strong and weak fear-appeal treatments are combined into a
single path model. We thus add an additional test by creating and comparing subsamples based
on the high-fear-appeal manipulation and the lower fear-appeal manipulation. Namely, if PMT
holds well in an ISec context, the high-fear-appeal manipulation should result in higher threat,
fear, and protection motivation; and stronger relationships throughout the model, than would a
low-fear-appeal manipulation.
To achieve the increased generalizability necessary for an improved PMT model that
addresses the identified research gaps, we conducted empirical studies in two different ISec-
specific contexts. The first used fear appeals in a longitudinal design in an attempt to motivate
participants to make backups to protect their computing resources. Because of the longitudinal
nature of the study and the difficulty of measuring maladaptive rewards in literally hundreds of
different settings, the core nomology of PMT was adopted, and, in addition, fear was measured
following a comfortable interval after the last fear appeal was provided. The second study was a
cross-sectional field experiment that used deception in an attempt to increase participants’ use of
anti-malware software. Both studies included fear appeals, fear, and actual behavior; the second
study also measured maladaptive rewards to achieve the full PMT nomology.
Methodology for Study 1: Backups
Study 1 participants
MBA students, collectively enrolled in four sections of a required introductory IS course,
were invited to participate for extra credit. Of the 195 students in those sections, 125 (64%)
volunteered to participate. Respondents ranged in age from 21 to 44 years, and all had at least a
bachelor’s degree. The sample consisted of 38 women (37%) and 66 men (63%). Additionally,
of the people who chose to participate, only 21% did not perform any backups during the data
collection period, whereas 79% performed at least one backup. These proportions did not vary,
irrespective of whether the participants received software from the researchers to perform
backups to a remote server or were expected to use their own software. Other descriptive
statistics for the sample are shown in Table 1. The study received institutional review board
approval, and participants in the study provided informed consent.
Table 1. Respondents’ Demographic Characteristics
Characteristic (years)
Computer use
Study 1 design
Participants were segmented by study-group blocks to reduce potential contamination of
the treatment via communication about the fear appeals. Each block was assigned randomly to
two cells: high (strong) fear appeal and low (weak) fear appeal. All were asked to keep manual
logs recording their backups and the dates of those backups in a spreadsheet provided by the
researchers. In addition, half of the participants received software to automate the backup
process, making it possible to compare the logs against the self-reports to assess accuracy. The
introductory discussion of backups and the distribution of backup software took place at the
beginning of the course.
Study 1 fear-appeal manipulations
The study manipulated the presence of fear appeals with two treatment conditions: high
and low fear appeal. Participants in the low-fear-appeal condition received only minimal
messages regarding the importance of backups. Early in the semester, all participants saw a
humorous, low-key commercial that stated that it was important to back up data. Participants in
the high-fear-appeal condition, however, received more explicit and more numerous messages
during the semester regarding actual statistics about the frequency of data loss and the potential
expense and harm that such data losses could cause in their personal lives. Participants received
these fear appeals three times, or roughly once per month. See Table 2.
Table 2. Effectiveness of Fear Appeals: Study 1
Full sample
5.42 (1.48)
4.08 (1.34)
3.64 (1.98)
4.33 (1.85)
5.42 (8.54)
High fear-appeal
5.57 (1.29)
4.11 (1.37)
4.13 (1.52)
4.71 (1.91)
7.66 (10.94)
Low fear-appeal
5.305 (1.63)
4.04 (1.31)
3.37 (2.27)
4.01 (1.76)
3.52 (5.12)
Z statistic (test of significance
between high and low fear appeals)
0.96 (ns)
0.25 (ns)
* p < .05, ** p < .01, ns = nonsignificant; first numbers in cells are means; numbers in parentheses are SDs
It is crucial to note that the low fear-appeal condition should not be considered a “no fear-
appeal” condition. There is widespread general knowledge that data can be lost due to theft,
damage, or equipment failure. However, such an event is rare and does not usually occur
immediately after data backup or the failure to do so. Without a potential for data loss, PMT
would be irrelevant; for motivation about protection, one needs to be aware of the need for that
The fear appeals appear to have had a significant influence on perceived fear, intentions
to back up data, and actual data backups performed. Although the participants in the two
subsamples did not perceive any noticeable difference in the severity of the perceived threat, we
believe that the manipulation was successful because it altered the expected outcomes between
the groups, as evidenced by the fact that the high fear-appeal subsample consistently exhibited
higher scores for each construct than the low fear-appeal subsample. Table 2 further illustrates
that the combination of the two subsamples might have increased the unexplained variance
within the model and thus obscured these key differences. These outcomes further demonstrate
the importance of measuring the fear resulting from the fear appeal.
Study 1 procedures
Respondents were briefed that they would be required to fill out questionnaires and keep
a diary of when they made backups of their data over an eight-week period. In addition to the
humorous video about the importance of data backup, the participants were told briefly that all
hard drives fail eventually and that theft was a common issue with laptops. This low fear-appeal
message was intended to give respondents a basic reason to keep their important data backed up,
not to raise their fear to a high level.
Respondents recorded their actual file-backup activity on the provided spreadsheet over
an eight-week period, which was to be submitted to the researchers as a proof of participation
and as the final step necessary to receive extra credit in the course (2% of the grade). The backup
software distributed to some users also kept automatic logs whenever it was used to back up a
password-protected, encrypted, and compressed version of their data to a remote server. The
analysis revealed that the manual logs closely matched the automated logs, with only a few
minor differences in dates and times reported. The logs also showed continued use by the same
set of participants, which demonstrated persistent behavior and supported a causal link between
behavioral intentions measured at the survey date and the actual behavior that followed.
Of the 125 participants who volunteered for the study, 107 completed all the surveys and
logs. Early in the next semester, all participants were debriefed by e-mail about the study. As
part of the debriefing, they were asked if there were any reason why the information they
provided should be disqualified. Three participants reported that they were not permitted by their
employers to install the software on their laptops, so they were removed from the study. In total,
104 respondents provided usable data for the analysis.
Study 1 measures
To test the hypothesized relationships, measures were adopted from the literature and
modified to assess the constructs described in the research model (Milne et al. 2002; Venkatesh
et al. 2003). The measures used in this study are summarized in Appendix B. After the final
model runs, we applied a few control variables ex post facto to check the completeness of our
model for model fit. These essentially added no value in terms of improving model fit. These are
explained further in Appendix B and the results section.
Study 1 epilogue
As noted, one of our main criticisms of the ISec PMT literature is its failure to use the
core PMT nomology. Although the first study included longitudinal data drawn from a natural
situation of computer usage, it did so by assessing only a general feeling of fear rather than a
focused wave of fear and maladaptive rewards at a single decision point. It was thus useful to
conduct Study 2, which provided the full nomology in a context that required a single response
to a prompt—enabling us to inform theory further by focusing on fear and maladaptive rewards
at a particular moment we could control tightly.
Methodology for Study 2: Anti-malware Software Use
Study 2 participants
Our volunteer participants were recruited from an undergraduate pool of psychology
students at a large university in the United States who were required to complete a certain
number of experimental hours as part of their coursework. A total of 327 students participated.
Of these, 173 (52.9%) were men and 154 (47.1%) were women. The average age was 20.13
years (SD = 1.99 years), and the average work experience was 0.54 full-time years (SD = 1.46
years). This study was approved by the university’s institutional review board.
Study 2 design
Our second study was designed as a field experiment in which threat severity was
manipulated by means of displaying an unexpected virus-warning message while participants
browsed a website. Two levels of threat severity (high and low) were used; a control group
received no manipulation.
Study 2 fear-appeal manipulations
To manipulate threat severity, the experiment’s website showed an overlay pop-up
window with a virus-warning message two minutes after the beginning of the experiment. The
user was given details about the severity of the threat and the likelihood of being able to resolve
the threat, and was asked to remove the malware by pressing the “OK” button, which would
indicate acceptance of the message. The pop-up window was implemented as an in-page overlay
element to circumvent pop-up blocking software on the participants’ devices, and it was
designed to match closely the window style of the participants’ operating system environments.
For example, the pop-up window had a standard closing button in the top border (an “X” in the
upper-right corner for Windows machines and a red dot in the upper-left corner for Macs), in
addition to the conventional “OK” button at the bottom of the warning message. The pop-up
window was centered on the screen and contained textual and graphical elements that indicated
the particular treatment condition. Figure 3 shows an example of the screen-shot manipulations.
Threat severity (high/low) was operationalized with headings indicating a high-risk or
Figure 3. Two Examples of Manipulations
low-risk threat level (catastrophic or harmless) along with a description of the expected
consequences of the respective virus. The high-threat “Exterminator” would wipe out the hard
drive, resulting in data loss, whereas the low-threat “DumbUser” would make a benign change in
the computer’s username after a month. The graphical element that manipulated the threat level
was a threat meter with an “Extremely Harmful” indication for a high-level threat and a
“Harmless” indication for a low-level threat.
To test our fear-appeal manipulation on the participants, we compared the effects
produced by the fear appeal, as previously described in Study 1. Table 3 summarizes this
manipulation check. Our manipulations were statistically significant and in the right direction.
Table 3. Effectiveness of Fear-Appeal Manipulations: Study 2
Full sample
4.16 (1.22)
3.99 (1.18)
2.88 (1.10)
5.28 (1.73)
0.39 (0.47)
High fear-appeal
4.27 (1.13)
4.05 (1.16)
3.01 (1.18)
5.32 (1.62)
0.40 (0.49)
Low fear-appeal
4.08 (1.29)
3.93 (1.22)
2.80 (1.03)
5.21 (1.79)
0.38 (0.49)
No fear-appeal
4.18 (1.34)
3.97 (1.20)
2.77 (1.10)
5.37 (1.95)
Z statistic (high vs. low)
*** p < .001; first numbers in cells are means; numbers in parentheses are SDs
Thus, the manipulation of the fear appeals successfully affected the elements of the threat
appraisal and fear, and the actual acceptance of the message was executed by clicking the “OK”
button to remove the virus, as suggested by the fear-appeal message.
Study 2 procedures
The participants were informed that the experiment’s goal was to study website usability
and design; thus, deception was used to increase the realism of the results. Participants were
given 10 tasks to complete, all of which were information-search tasks that required them to
browse a website for the answers. After completing the tasks, the participants were invited to
conclude the experiment by filling out an online questionnaire. A partial copy of a large
commercial website that provides articles and reviews about digital photography was created for
the experiment. To eliminate the need to place the questions in a separate window, the website
layout was modified slightly to accommodate the presentation of the experiment’s questions at
the top of each webpage. Integrating the questions into the website in this way made the
browsing experience more fluid and natural.
After agreeing to join the study, each participant received an e-mail with the web address
of the experiment. The experiment could be completed at any time before the deadline, and from
any location, using the participant’s own computer. To increase external validity, we opted for a
field setting instead of a laboratory setting, which allowed participants to use their own devices
and therefore increased the perceived impact of the presented threat. This was particularly
important, because we wanted to increase the likelihood that the unexpected virus message
would be perceived as a legitimate and personal threat. A controlled laboratory setting would
have been much more likely to raise participants’ suspicions that the message was part of the
experiment and would have decreased the malware message’s perceived threat, because the
threat would have been directed at the university’s equipment, not at the participant’s personal
property (i.e., the hardware, software, and data on the participant’s device). Personal relevance of
a fear appeal is crucial, as Johnston et al. (2015) demonstrated recently.
Study 2 measures
As in Study 1, the measures were adopted from the literature and modified to assess the
constructs described in the research model. The measures used in this study are summarized in
Appendix B. Additionally, we created measures to reflect the actual use and nonuse of the anti-
malware software. To do this, we tracked the users’ responses to the malware-warning pop-up
message that specifically asked for the user’s permission to proceed with the malware removal
process by requiring them to press “OK.” If they pressed “OK,” this signaled the intentional use
of the anti-malware software. If they closed the browser or pressed “X” to close the pop-up
screen, this signaled the intentional nonuse of the anti-malware software. Finally, after the final
model runs, we applied a few control variables ex post facto to check the completeness of our
model for model fit. These variables essentially added no value in terms of improving model fit
(see Appendix B).
Study 1 Analysis and Results
Convergent and discriminant validities were assessed with confirmatory factor analysis
using STATA (version STATA/SE 12.1). Model fit was good (χ2444 = 923.39; CFI = 0.974; TLI
= 0.964; RMSEA = 0.052; CD = 1.000). Convergent validity was supported by large and
standardized loadings for all constructs (p < .001) and t-values that exceeded statistical
significance. Convergent validity was also supported by calculating the ratio of factor loadings to
their respective standard errors, which exceeded |10.0| (p < .001).
Discriminant validity was tested by showing that the measurement model had better fit
than a competing model with a single latent construct and all other competing models in which
pairs of latent constructs were joined. The χ2 differences between the competing models (omitted
for brevity) were significantly larger than that of the measurement model, which was also
suggested by the factor loadings, modification indices, and residuals (Marsh and Hocevar 1985).
In sum, these tests confirmed that our data had appropriate convergent and discriminant validity.
All composite factor reliability scores exceeded 0.70, suggesting adequate reliability for
all constructs. Reliability was also supported in that the average variance extracted (Hair Jr. et al.
2006) exceeded 0.70 for all factors. Table 4 summarizes the reliabilities, means, standard
deviations, and correlations of Study 1.
Table 4. Study 1 Overall Reliabilities, Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations
1. Computer self-efficacy
2. Response efficacy
3. Response cost
4. Vulnerability
5. Severity
6. Fear
7. Intent
Study 1 model results
The structural model was assessed with STATA (version STATA/SE 13.1). Common fit
indices showed that model fit was acceptable for both Study 1 (χ2444 = 923.39; χ2/df = 2.08; CFI
= 0.974; TLI = 0.964; RMSEA = 0.052; CD = 1.000) and Study 2 (χ22107 = 6067.02; χ2/df = 2.88;
CFI = 0.948; TLI = 0.935; RMSEA = 0.045; CD = 1.000). The results of the model analysis for
the full models for Studies 1 and 2 are shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively (i.e., all
manipulations combined into one model).
As shown in Figures 4 and 5, when all the manipulations were combined into an overall
model, few of the relationships were significant. Perceived severity and perceived vulnerability
were found to significantly influence fear. Response cost and perceived severity were the only
consistent predictors of intentions, and intentions predicted behaviors. These results point to the
importance of considering the subsamples and the moderation effect of fear (i.e., H7).
In addressing H7, we note that individuals who did not receive the “high” level of the
fear appeal introduced a large degree of unexplained variance in backup intention and
subsequent backup behavior in the overall model. This is expected, because many of these
participants did not start with a strong perception of threat and were thus not expected to engage
in strong and urgent protection motivation behaviors. Importantly, this is the “process”
component of our model, in that high threat must be generated by a fear appeal before a proper
coping response can be given. Also, a strong fear appeal will be more effective than a weaker
one. Hence, the fear appeal can be seen as a conceptual moderator.
Consequently, the fear appeal gives salience to the fear, threat, and protection motivation
constructs in the PMT model. A strong fear appeal provides high salience and the weaker one
provides low salience throughout the model (H7). As described earlier, a strong fear appeal is
required for perceiving both a need for action, steps for action, and personal efficacy in taking
the action. Without accounting for fear appeal strength, unexplained variance could increase,
potentially undermining PMT predictions. Thus, we examined the structural models for the high
fear-appeal participants and compared them to the results of structural models for the low fear-
appeal participants. The structural model was assessed with STATA (version STATA/SE 13.1).
We therefore also provide the models in Figures 6 and 7 for high and low fear-appeal
manipulations, respectively.
(-.062) (n/s)
.122 (n/s)
(-.111) (n/s)
threat severity
R2 = .216 Backup intention
R2 = .587
Backup behavior
R2 = .344
Exploratory control
variables run ex post facto
on protection motivation
that were significant but
did not improve model fit:
Software type (+)
Exploratory control
variables run ex post facto
on behaviors that were
significant but did not
improve model fit:
Figure 4. Overall Model Results For Study 1 (All Manipulations Combined): Data
.047 (n/s)
(-.103) (n/s)
.009 (n/s)
threat severity
R2 = .680
software use
R2 = .443
software use
R2 = .177
Exploratory control
variables run ex post facto
on protection motivation
that were significant but
did not improve model fit:
Using AMS (+)
Installed AMS (+)
Age (-)
Exploratory control
variables run ex post facto
on behaviors that were
significant but did not
improve model fit:
Trustworthiness (+)
0.011 (n/s)
.030 (n/s)
Figure 5. Overall Model Results For Study 2 (All Manipulations Combined): Anti-
malware Behaviors
threat severity
R2 = .344 Backup intention
R2 = .881
Backup behavior
R2 = .635
Exploratory control
variables run ex post facto
on protection motivation
that were significant but
did not improve model fit:
Software type (+)
Computer use (+)
Education (-)
Exploratory control
variables run ex post facto
on behaviors that were
significant but did not
improve model fit:
Figure 6. Subsample Results for Study 1: High Fear-Appeal Manipulation
.178 (n/s)
.090 (n/s)
.060 (n/s)
.086 (n/s)
threat severity
R2 = .027 Backup intention
R2 = .419
.051 (n/s)
Backup behavior
R2 = .202
Exploratory control
variables run ex post facto
on protection motivation
that were significant but
did not improve model fit:
Software type (+)
Computer use (+)
Exploratory control
variables run ex post facto
on behaviors that were
significant but did not
improve model fit:
Figure 7. Subsample Results for Study 1: Low Fear-Appeal Manipulation
Importantly, the high fear-appeal manipulation would represent the way fear appeals
should ideally be used to increase intention; it is not surprising that the manipulation properly
follows the core PMT model with the addition of fear measurement. The “high” model had an R2
of .881 for intentions, whereas the “low” model had an R2 of .419—meaning that the strong fear
appeal doubled its influence on intentions. Moreover, fear played an important role in the “high”
model and no role in the “low” model. In fact, several PMT relationships are insignificant or are
in the wrong direction in the low model and predict a third of the actual behavior of the high
model. These results demonstrate the need for a proper fear-appeal manipulation with PMT.
Model-fit indices were as follows: high-fear- appeal subsample model: χ2444 = 898.45; CFI =
0.941; TLI = 0.943; RMSEA = 0.046; CD =1.000; low fear-appeal subsample model: χ2443 =
893.32; CFI = 0.954; TLI = 0.943; RMSEA = 0.035; CD = 1.000.
Finally, we used ANOVA and MANOVA to investigate whether the two subsamples
(high and low fear appeals) did in fact have a systematic effect on the results, and we found that
the fear-appeal indicator distinctly predicted intentions for both studies, even when entering all
other constructs into the models first. Further, we extracted the correlation matrices for each
subsample and found systematic differences between the subsamples. This finding was supported
by canonical correlation, which indicated that a majority of the variance between the subsamples
was distinct from each other. Having found that the samples exposed to the different treatments
are in fact systematically distinct provided further support for analyzing them separately.
Study 2 Analysis and Results
The same procedures used in Study 1 were used in Study 2 to assess the data prior to the
analysis of the entire model. Convergent and discriminant validities were assessed with
confirmatory factor analysis. Model fit was acceptable (χ22107 = 6067.02; CFI = 0.948; TLI =
0.935; RMSEA = 0.045; CD = 1.000). Convergent validity was supported by large and
standardized loadings for all constructs (p < .001) and t-values that exceeded statistical
significance. Convergent validity was also supported by calculating the ratio of factor loadings to
their respective standard errors, which exceeded |10.0| (p < .001).
Discriminant validity was tested by verifying that the measurement model had a better fit
than a competing model with a single latent construct and all other competing models in which
pairs of latent constructs were joined. The χ2 differences between the competing models (omitted
for brevity) were significantly larger than that of the measurement model, which was also
suggested by the factor loadings, modification indices, and residuals (Marsh and Hocevar 1985).
These tests confirmed convergent and discriminant validity.
Reliability was assessed using the composite factor reliability score. All measures
exceeded 0.70, suggesting adequate reliability for all constructs. Reliability was also supported
in that the average variance extracted (Hair Jr. et al. 2006) exceeded 0.70 for all factors. Table 5
summarizes the reliabilities, means, standard deviation, and correlations of Study 2.
Table 5. Study 2 Overall Reliabilities, Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations
1. Severity
2. Vulnerability
3. Maladaptive rewards
4. Fear
5. Self-efficacy
6. Response efficacy
7. Response cost
8. Intent
Study 2 model results
Figures 8 and 9 depict the two subsample models according to fear-appeal level. Fit
indices revealed acceptable fit for each model (high fear appeal: χ22120 = 5729.01; CFI = 0.940;
TLI = 0.938; RMSEA = 0.062; CD = 1.000; low fear appeal: χ22121 = 6175.93; χ2/df = 2.91; CFI
threat severity
software use
R2 = .777
software use
R2 = .709
Exploratory control
variables run ex post facto
on protection motivation
that were significant but
did not improve model fit:
Social influence (-)
Trustworthiness (+)
Competence (+)
Habit (+)
Installed AMS (+)
Positive rewards (+)
Exploratory control
variables run ex post facto
on behaviors that were
significant but did not
improve model fit:
Social influence (-)
Trustworthiness (+)
Installed AMS (+)
Work experience (+)
Positive rewards (+)
Figure 8. Submodel Results for Study 2: High Fear Appeal for Anti-malware
.028 (n/s)
threat severity
software use
R2 = .672
.084 (n/s)
software use
R2 = .269
Exploratory control
variables run ex post facto
on protection motivation
that were significant but
did not improve model fit:
Social influence (-)
Trustworthiness (+)
Competence (+)
Habit (+)
Installed AMS (+)
Positive rewards (+)
Exploratory control
variables run ex post facto
on behaviors that were
significant but did not
improve model fit:
Social influence (-)
Trustworthiness (+)
Installed AMS (+)
Work experience (+)
Positive rewards (+)
Figure 9. Submodel Results for Study 2: Low Fear Appeal for Anti-malware
= 0.949; TLI = 0.933; RMSEA = 0.062; CD = 1.000). Again, the R2 for the high model was
much higher than that of the low model, especially in terms of predicting actual behavior.
The full PMT nomology, including fear, played the expected role in the high model, but
like Study 1, contradicted PMT in several respects in the low model (e.g., fear backfired by
decreasing protection motivation, threat dropped out of the model, and the role of self-efficacy
became negative).
Post Hoc Analysis of Extant PMT-Based Models in ISec Research
Given our review of PMT in the ISec context, we now analyze these existing models with
our data in an effort to compare the efficacy of our proposed model with the previously described
models. This analysis allows us to test more accurately the veracity of our claims regarding the
most appropriate nomological implementation of PMT in ISec research by comparing model fit.
That is, we show what would have happened with our data and fear-appeal manipulations in
terms of model fit and explained variance had we used a PMT spinoff model as our theoretical
foundation rather than the core or full PMT nomologies. We used the larger dataset from Study 2
to analyze the models presented by Lee et al. (2008), Lee and Larsen (2009), Liang and Xue
(2010), and Johnston and Warkentin (2010a). We also considered the Herath and Rao (2009b)
and Johnston et al. (2015) models; however, because of the former’s inclusion of policy attitude,
and the latter’s inclusion of deterrence (they tested their 2010 model without social influence but
added deterrence constructs, and yet still had low intentions R2 results), we could not fully
replicate their new additions; thus, they are excluded from this post hoc analysis.
Finally, one other study was excluded from this post-hoc analysis: That of Marett et al.
(2011) whose context was social networking sites. This study is particularly problematic to
replicate as it mixes elements of PMT with maladaptive responses (i.e., avoidance and
helplessness) found in an extended PPM (e.g., Witte 1992; 1994). They correctly thought of
many elements of PMT; however, they used one-item measures for several key variables in the
model, their fear appeal only involved increasing threat, not efficacy, and all of their responses
were regressed together, without considering differences in fear-appeal manipulations. Not
surprisingly, they found support only for two protection motivation antecedents (intrinsic
rewards and threat severity), and no support for antecedents to coping-appraisal (self-efficacy,
response efficacy, and response costs).
We used the same data-validation and model-fit checks as we did in the previous two
studies; however, for the sake of brevity and to focus on the more relevant issue of comparing
the fit indices of different models, we included only outcomes of the analysis using our best
PMT-compliant data: the “high” manipulations from Study 2. Importantly, just as with our
model when using all of the data (both “high” and “low” manipulations), all of these models
suffered from generally lower model fit, lower R2, and fewer supported paths when using all of
the data. Table 6 summarizes these tested models against the full PMT nomology, including
model-fit statistics.
When reviewing Table 6, it is useful to compare the numbers from the previous studies
against the examination of our full model (described as Study 2c), which includes some
experimental non-PMT covariates. The statistics for the prior studies are from their complete
models as well, using our data, some of which include non-PMT constructs, and some of which
exclude some PMT constructs. Therefore, we believe the most useful comparison is between the
statistics in the final column against the statistics from the other studies using our data. All
include the “high” fear appeal data points only.
Table 6. Summary of Model-Fit Statistics Using Only Our “High” Manipulation Fear-
Appeal Data from Study 2 Applied to Key Previous Models
Statistic / Path
Lee et al.
Lee and
and Xue
Study 2c
> .90
> .90
< .08
Final R2
Aside from model-fit considerations, the following relationships should be supported if PMT holds:
Severity Fear
Vulner. Fear
Severity PM
Vulner. PM
Fear PM
Mala. PM
Resp. eff. PM
Self-eff. PM
Costs PM
PM Beh.
*Not a full replication, as noted in the text (we did not use a second-order threat construct as they did). Greyed cell
represent undesirable model-fit statistics or required PMT paths that are not significant; Study 2a models our “high”
only Study 2 data against the core PMT nomology that omits fear and maladaptive rewards so that we can
demonstrate that the full PMT demonstrates superior model fit and R2; Study 2b is the same data against the full
PMT nomology with no added covariates; Study 2c is the full nomology with our added exploratory covariates. The
associated acceptable-level fit statistics guidelines are from Gefen et al. (2011).
Lee et al. (2008) proposed a main-effects model wherein all the elements of PMT were
directly related to the intentions to protect oneself from a threat. We replicated this model, as
shown on the left side of Figure 10. Notably, they added “prior experience” from outside PMT,
and omitted testing the following relationships and constructs: severity fear; vulnerability
fear; fear protection motivation; and protection motivation behavior.
Lee and Larsen (2009) next proposed a similar model that included behaviors and social
influence (outside of PMT) while controlling for aspects of the organization (vendor support, IT
budget, and firm size). We replicated the PMT portion of the model without similar control
variables and removed behavior because the other models lacked behavior; this is also why we
excluded the relationship between intention and behavior. They omitted testing the following
relationships and constructs: severity fear; vulnerability fear; fear protection motivation;
and maladaptive rewards protection motivation.
The technology threat avoidance theory (Liang and Xue 2010), included the same
constructs as PMT, but the authors proposed interactions between severity and vulnerability in
predicting a threat and then added an interaction between perceived threat and response efficacy
to predict protection motivation. We replicated this model without the inclusion of a second-
order perceived threat. We could not measure perceived threat with its own items, and it became
unmanageable to predict a second-order construct with its main effects and an interaction
construct through methods that would allow for the measurement of the first-order constructs
(severity and vulnerability) using the latent construct score or a repeated indicator approach.
Rather, we placed the relationships from severity and vulnerability as well as their interaction
.156 (n/s)
threat severity
R2 = .453
.125 (n/s)
.037 (n/s)
(-.144) (n/s)
(-.165) (n/s)
Missing PMT constructs
and relationships
Severity Fear
Vulnerability Fear
Fear PM
PM Behavior
threat severity
R2 = .258
.113 (n/s)
Social influence
.005 (n/s)
.136 (n/s)
Missing PMT constructs
and relationships
Severity Fear
Vulnerability Fear
Fear PM
Maladaptive PM
Replication of Lee et al. (2008)
Replication of Lee and Larsen (2009)
Figure 10. Results for the Lee et al. (2008) and Lee and Larsen (2009) Models Using only
the “High” Manipulation Study 2 Data
Unsupported relationships are further denoted with checked constructs; Lee et al. (2008) added “prior experience”
outside of PMT; Lee and Larsen (2009) added “social influence” outside of PMT but they did test behavior.
directly onto protection motivation. Importantly they omitted testing the following PMT
relationships: severity fear; vulnerability fear; fear protection motivation; maladaptive
rewards protection motivation; protection motivation behavior. Figure 11 shows the results
of the analysis of this model. Their proposed interaction terms caused serious model-fit issues.
Finally, we replicated the model developed by Johnston and Warkentin (2010a) in Figure
12. In this model, they proposed that the two types of efficacy in PMT are impacted by the levels
of perceived severity and vulnerability. Notably, they omitted testing the following PMT
relationships: severity fear; vulnerability fear; severity protection motivation; fear
protection motivations; maladaptive rewards protection motivations; response costs
protection motivation; protection motivation behavior.
(-.126) (n/s)
threat severity
R2 = .247
Severity x
vulnerability x
response efficacy
Severity x
(-.160) (n/s)
Response costs
.430 (n/s)
.031 (n/s)
.014 (n/s)
Missing PMT constructs
and relationships
Severity Fear
Vulnerability Fear
Fear PM
Maladaptive PM
PM Behavior
Figure 11. Results for the Liang and Xue (2010) Model
Using only the “High” Manipulation Study 2 Data*
* As noted in the text, this is not a perfect replication as we did not use a second-order threat construct as Liang and
Xue (2010)did, as this is not core to PMT.
In summary, this comparison between applying our data to existing models demonstrates
the best model-fit indices for the full PMT model that we advocate in this paper. We also show
that the model proposed in this study has greater predictive power regarding protection
motivation intentions than any other model. These results further make a dramatic case for (1)
using the full PMT nomology, (2) using manipulated fear-appeals, (3) following PMT’s
assumption that it is only designed for highly personally relevant threat and fear, along with
strong coping responses through efficacy—not for all possible manipulations such as low threat.
.181 (n/s)
threat severity
Social influence
.129 (n/s)
.068 (n/s)
.043 (n/s)
(-.003) (n/s)
Missing PMT constructs
and relationships
Severity Fear
Vulnerability Fear
Severity PM
Vulnerability PM
Fear PM
Maladaptive PM
Costs PM
PM Behavior
Figure 12. Results for the Johnston and Warkentin (2010a) Model Using
only the “High” Manipulation Study 2 Data
The purpose of this article was to review PMT-based ISec studies and demonstrate how
they could benefit from closer adherence to the nomology and assumptions of PMT. In
reviewing the ISec PMT literature, we discovered the four theoretical and methodological
opportunities that motivated this article:
1. incomplete treatment of PMT’s core and full nomology of constructs
2. omission of fear-appeal manipulations
3. omission of fear measurement
4. failure to measure actual protective behaviors
To demonstrate that these are, indeed, areas that can be readily addressed by ISec
researchers to improve PMT research, we tested PMT in two different ISec contexts that closely
model PMT’s modern theoretical treatment. In both studies, we included manipulated fear
appeals as well as intentions (i.e., protection motivation) and actual protective behaviors.
Notably, a recent article (Posey et al. 2013) pointed to a key limitation of the frequent reliance of
ISec research on only one behavioral context in which to test a model. Posey et al. noted that this
practice inhibits theory development and has the practical limitation of inhibiting “researchers’
understanding of insiders’ ability to perform multiple protective behaviors” (p. 1190). Thus, our
use of two different PMT contexts contributes to both theory and practice.
Study 1 used a longitudinal approach using the context of data backups. Participants who
were e-mailed three fear appeals over the course of a semester reported significantly higher fear
and stronger intentions to perform backups, and they conducted more actual backups. Actual
automated logs from participants with backup software closely matched the self-report measures
in the backup logs. We further discovered that the perceived costs associated with backing up
data were the most important predictor of backup intentions. Most importantly, when a strong
fear-appeal manipulation was used, the core PMT model was fully supported, along with the core
assumptions of PMT; however, when a weak fear-appeal manipulation was used, the PMT model
did not hold—threat severity was not significant, fear dropped out of the model, threat
vulnerability incorrectly decreased protection motivation, both self-efficacy and response
efficacy dropped out, and the R2 for protective motivation and behavior dropped dramatically.
Study 2 applied PMT in a short-term cross-sectional domain that also had a strong and
weak fear-appeal manipulation. Participants who received the strong fear appeal exhibited results
similar to those of Study 1: higher levels of fear, stronger behavioral intentions, and more actual
protective behavior. Although the path coefficients between the strong and weak manipulations
had greater similarities than in Study 1, the treatments produced pronounced effects and
markedly increased the significance levels of all pathways. We again found that response costs
were an important predictor of protective intentions, but in this context, fear exhibited increased
significance as the most important predictor. As in Study 1, when a strong fear-appeal
manipulation was used in Study 2, the full PMT model was fully supported (including
maladaptive rewards), along with the core assumptions of PMT; however, when a weak fear-
appeal manipulation was used, the PMT model did not hold—threat severity and threat
vulnerability were insignificant, and both fear and self-efficacy reversed themselves and became
negative factors in the relationship with protection motivation (contrary to PMT).
Contributions to Research and Theory
Having established the efficacy of our more complete use of PMT, we now explain our
contributions to research and theory in the context of the research opportunities that guided this
project. We also provide recommendations for research and theory related to these opportunities.
Recommendation #1: ISec PMT researchers should ideally use and establish the core or full
nomology of PMT before adding non-PMT constructs.
We demonstrated that using either the core or full nomology of PMT is crucial to a
faithful appropriation of PMT and that extant modifications in the literature that exclude portions
of PMT are more likely to end up with weaker theoretical and empirical model fit than models
using the full nomology. Most previous ISec studies omitted maladaptive rewards for
noncompliance (as did Study 1). Every study omitted fear. FAM, a truncated version of PMT
that adds social influence, also omitted response costs and model paths not shown in PMT. The
model developed by Lee and Larsen (2009) also added social influence without a complete PMT
nomology. Moreover, TTAT (Liang and Xue 2010)—again, not claimed by the authors to be a
PMT model, but often incorrectly cited as such—added multiplicative relationships that were
predicted in an earlier version of PMT (Rogers 1983) and that were later discredited and
removed from PMT.
A lesson from our research is that before ISec researchers expand or truncate PMT, they
need to demonstrate that their new use of PMT is a theoretical and empirical improvement on the
intended use and modeling of PMT. For example, before adding social influence, researchers
need to test the full nomology of PMT with proper model-fit statistics, which are available only
via covariance-based SEM—notably not via PLS, which lacks these statistics and is more
appropriate for preliminary model development, not for testing well-established nomologies
(Lowry and Gaskin 2014)—and then test the addition of social influence. Otherwise, it will be
impossible to ascertain whether the addition of the construct is an improvement to PMT or
actually degrades model fit. This is especially crucial for a theory as well established as PMT,
which has been examined in hundreds of studies.
Recommendation #2: ISec PMT researchers should ideally use fear-appeal manipulations
when conducting security-related PMT studies.
These interesting results from Studies 1 and 2 emphasize the conclusion we drew from
our literature review on PMT: proper fear-appeal manipulations are a core assumption of proper
PMT use. We showed that high fear-appeal manipulations produce more fear and supporting
threat that inspires protection motivation than do low fear-appeal manipulations. We also showed
that models with higher fear appeals create stronger results than those with lower fear appeals,
especially when it comes to influencing actual behaviors. If the fear-appeal message does not
cause an individual to perceive fear, then that individual will be less likely to protect him- or
herself from the threat, because it is not seen as dangerous. Consequently, not using fear-appeal
manipulations violates PMT and causes potentially spurious and misleading results that
undermine the established PMT nomology. Using a weak fear appeal will introduce needless
unexplained variation in a PMT model.
The widespread absence of fear appeals might thus be the most problematic omission in
the ISec literature, because it is the contextual basis upon which PMT is built. A fear appeal is
more than simply an ISec policy, a manual, a code of ethics, or knowledge of a threat, because
these are typically not designed to directly address and manipulate threat severity, threat
vulnerability, maladaptive rewards, self-efficacy, response efficacy, and response costs.
Moreover, as demonstrated in our literature review, the purpose of a fear appeal is to
generate a threat and level of fear sufficient to motivate a change in behavior. Our empirical
results clearly demonstrate the utility of a fear appeal and the ability to separate those who have
been made afraid by a strong appeal from those exposed to a weak appeal. Previous ISec
research has proposed theoretical models wherein those with and without fear-appeal
manipulations are maintained in one model. Our results and analysis indicate that such models
may be convoluting the results by not recognizing the key differences among effective threat
appraisal and coping appraisal, and ineffective threat appraisal and coping appraisal, which are
core assumptions of PMT. In modeling recipients of strong and weak fear appeals separately, we
find, in congruence with tenets of PMT, that only high fear-appeal participants properly engaged
in threat appraisal in an adaptive manner—thus processing a useful level of fear and threat that
also kicked off a useful coping-appraisal process (using self-efficacy, response efficacy, and
response costs). In the weak fear-appeal groups, not only was the threat-appraisal process
undermined, but the coping-appraisal process was as well, and in both cases the result was much
lower protection motivation and subsequent behavior.
Recommendation #3: ISec PMT researchers should measure fear when conducting security-
related PMT studies.
We also provided theoretical and empirical evidence that fear should be measured for
three key reasons. (1) Fear is shown to be a core partial mediator in the most recent established
revision of PMT (Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997); both Study 1 and Study 2
show the same partial mediation, indicating that the ISec PMT nomology is thus likely
incomplete without fear. (2) Furthermore, threat is not equivalent to fear; thus, evaluating the
efficacy of a fear appeal without measuring fear itself is problematic (LaTour and Rotfeld 1997;
Witte 1992; 1994; Witte and Allen 2000). (3) Fear is easily recalled, described, and measured
through established perceptual survey methods drawn from psychology and fear-appeals
research, including self-reporting (Osman et al. 1994; Scherer 2005; Witte 1992). We
demonstrate such effective self-reported measurement even in our longitudinal setting. Thus, one
cannot fully ascertain the effectiveness of a fear appeal simply by examining the threat and
ignoring the measurement of fear. Different levels of fear should be generated by different levels
of fear appeals. Hence, providing fear-appeal manipulations and measuring the resulting fear are
core assumptions in the use of PMT.
Recommendation #4: ISec PMT researchers should ideally model and measure behaviors, not
only intentions.
Extant ISec PMT studies have focused on security-related intentions and ignored actual
behavioral change. Although PMT is an intentions-focused model, it has been effectively
extended to behaviors (Floyd et al. 2000). Actual behaviors are important for ISec research
because the end goal is to change security behaviors, not just security intentions. By measuring
both the intentions and actual behaviors, we were able to show that the path from intentions to
actual behavior is more pronounced in the high-fear-appeal conditions in both of our studies,
which demonstrates the importance of using real fear appeals and not just security policies or
general threats. This higher level of fear indicates that organizations should provide strong
messages about the consequences of risky situations and ways to avoid potentially damaging and
pervasive behavioral security weaknesses.
An additional methodological benefit of measuring actual behaviors in addition to self-
reported intentions and other measures is that such an approach greatly decreases the possibility
of common-method biases by combining two methods for collecting data. Studies that focus
solely on self-report, as is the case with the ISec PMT literature, are subject to greater threats
from common-method bias (Podsakoff et al. 2003).
In summary, by building on the foundation of previous ISec PMT studies, we have
demonstrated practical ways in which researchers can improve PMT-related studies, while taking
into account PMT’s “hybrid” nature as partly a variance model and partly a process model, per
Burton-Jones et al. (2014). Researchers will also be able to approach their studies with less
confusion about how to model PMT; they will be able to remedy important limitations in the
published ISec literature and to avoid truncated or unexpectedly altered models, omission of fear
appeals, and failure to observe actual behavior. Researchers will also be aware of the similar
applicability of our proposed model to both longitudinal and short-term experimental studies in
the context of users who should back up their data as well as act on warnings from antivirus
software. Finally, researchers will have a baseline model to draw upon to extend PMT properly
to other variables such as social influence or company policy.
Implications for Practice
Practitioners should note that a fear appeal is more than the existence of an ISec policy, a
manual, a code of ethics, the knowledge of a threat, or a mere attempt to scare people. The
existence of a statement that opposes insecure behavior is not necessarily persuasive, nor does it
necessarily invoke fear. A fear appeal requires a persuasive message that ideally is designed to
heighten threat severity and vulnerability sufficiently to generate fear and to help address
maladaptive incentives to ignore the fear appeal. The fear appeal should likewise address issues
that can increase self-efficacy and response efficacy while decreasing response costs. Hence, in
practice, fear appeals typically require campaigns, interventions, and training. To increase their
effectiveness, multiple applications over time are required. In summary, an effective fear appeal
generally inspires an adaptive approach to both threat appraisal and coping appraisal, resulting in
an adaptive, protective response rather than message rejection.
Our research should provide practitioners with evidence for the need to use fear appeals
and to present users with strong arguments for adhering to behavioral security policy. Users who
do not appreciate the consequences of maladaptive behavior are a perennial problem in
organizations worldwide. Response costs and maladaptive benefits should be minimized so users
do not find it appealing to ignore a well-intentioned, well-reasoned policy and/or warning that
describes a behavioral security danger.
Limitations and Future Research
As with any study, there are some caveats that need to be considered when interpreting
our results and conducting future research. First, we used student participants for both studies,
although in each context, the task appeared appropriate for students, and the two samples
represented two different age groups with highly similar results: graduate MBA students in
Study 1 and undergraduate students taking a psychology class in Study 2. The similarity of
results demonstrates a relative insensitivity to age and discipline, although more research needs
to be performed with even older participants or those in other occupations for greater assurance
of the invariability of results. Moving beyond this baseline, other security-related tasks that may
or may not be appropriate for students need to be investigated.
A second limitation is the use of only two contexts in the studies: data backups and the
use of anti-malware software. Future research will need to examine other contexts of behavioral
security to further establish the efficacy of PMT-based research and identify additional areas for
improvement. For example, it remains to be seen how our suggested improvements to PMT
research will be able to improve ISec policy compliance in general, as opposed to more focused
behaviors. Finally, it is difficult to know the extent to which experimental realism was
maintained. However, given that our data could be easily applied to other ISec PMT models, our
comparison holds any potential artifacts constant and compares the models themselves.
Another important limitation of this study is inherent within the assumptions of PMT.
First, PMT largely ignores emotions other than fear. PMT is based primarily on rational thought
processes and intentional thinking, which makes it similar to the theory of reasoned action
(Fishbein and Ajzen 1975) and the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen 1991). Moreover, although
PMT includes fear, it assumes that people respond rationally to fear by protecting themselves.
However, as noted by Leventhal (1970), even though emotional coping mechanisms may also be
evident, this possibility is excluded from PMT. Second, current applications of PMT effectively
explain the processes and outcomes of danger control, but they have been mostly silent on the
processes and outcomes of fear control. Therefore, future research should explore the possible
dual outcomes by considering the dual-process routes afforded by the dual-process model
(Leventhal 1970) or by the more recent extended parallel processing model (Witte 1992; 1994;
Witte and Allen 2000). For example, future research could explore antecedents for why
individuals fail to behave in a secure manner.
A fourth limitation of this study deals with the application of the fear appeal as a
moderating influence in our model. As we discussed, based on McClendon and Prentice-Dunn
(2001), there are three possible approaches to treating stronger and weaker fear appeals in a
theoretical model. The first, using fear appeal as an antecedent of the model, was not supported
by the literature. The second, modeling the fear appeal as a moderator for each of the nine links,
was mathematically infeasible, especially when using CB-SEM software. Although a PLS
approach might be feasible, the absence of model fit statistics and the lack of error variances at
the construct level could overstate the significance of the relationships.
Finally, although we have made a compelling case for a renewed emphasis on fear
appeals, fear, and the PMT nomology in ISec research, we do not claim to have addressed every
issue related to these concepts. Their absence in the previous literature points to a need for
further methodological and theoretical research to refine fear appeals and fear measurement for
ISec. For one, creating ideal fear appeals is not easy, because they should be built in view of the
threat (severity and vulnerability) and in view of efficacy (self-efficacy and response efficacy),
and they need to be generalizable to a wide target audience to create an appropriate level of fear.
Also, as demonstrated by Johnston et al. (2015), they need to have personal relevance. Thus,
more work is needed to establish guidelines on how to inspire the right level of fear and to
explain better what happens if too much fear is generated. It is also likely that there are
behavioral security situations for which PMT and fear appeals simply are not appropriate and for
which other theoretical approaches may be better. Our strong fear appeals represent a good start,
but certainly more can be done to ensure that adaptive threat-appraisal and coping-appraisal
responses are generated with fear appeals in various ISec contexts and to better consider ways to
also increase efficacy as part of fear appeals.
For example, although we have followed standard psychological practices on the self-
reporting of fear, we acknowledge the suggestion by Crossler et al. (2013) that the ideal fear
measure might be one that is applied at the moment of occurrence. This is best achieved under
tight experimental controls (e.g., fMRI, EKG, or galvanic skin response). Creating a realistic fear
measurement of ISec behaviors under such conditions is thus highly complex and could be the
“holy grail” of this line of research. The advantage of such a measure would be to reduce further
the possibility of common-method bias (Podsakoff et al. 2003), as we did in measuring actual
behaviors. However, measuring physiological fear is much more complicated than measuring
actual behaviors. It might be necessary to use slightly less invasive techniques, such as eye
tracking (e.g., Twyman et al. 2015), examining mouse movements (e.g., Hibbeln et al. 2014),
recording keystroke delay (e.g., Jenkins et al. 2013), or leveraging a wearable galvanic skin
response measurement device (e.g., Moody and Galletta 2015), and to collect such data under
deceptive conditions so that participants do not know that fear- and threat-response measures are
the key study focus. Longitudinal data collection would also be beneficial for this approach,
especially for ongoing fear-appeal campaigns through security education training and awareness
(SETA) initiatives.
We also expect that there are key differences in longitudinal and one-time fear-appeal
studies that require further theoretical and methodological study. The effects of fear differed
somewhat between the two studies (although fear played a partial mediating role, as expected, in
both studies), and we attribute this to the difference between a strong and focused one-time fear-
appeal message and one that is made somewhat weaker by the longitudinal nature of the
manipulation. In Study 2, individuals were presented with a very sudden, unexpected, and
potentially catastrophic fear appeal threatening that all of their data might be lost within the next
reboot cycle of the computer. This potentially had a greater impact on protection motivations and
behaviors, because the safety of actual data was perceived to be at stake. In Study 1, however,
messaging was about the potential of data loss at some point, and the study never presented the
participants with definitive messaging about its imminent loss. ISec researchers might find it
unrealistic to measure maladaptive rewards if the behavior is not focused on a single moment or
decision (e.g., Study 1). Future researchers might ask participants in longitudinal field studies to
recall their fear or perceptions of maladaptive responses after the study’s completion as a
surrogate for assessment during the study. Such measurement can be particularly valuable in
cases in which fear appeals differ greatly in effectiveness or in which individual differences lead
participants to perceive them differentially. We thus believe that the timing of fear appeals and of
fear measurement and the design and process of fear-appeal delivery are highly relevant to the IT
artifact delivery, design, and process in ISec studies. We leave it to future research to expand and
improve on this vast area of opportunity in IT artifact-related fear appeals.
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Table A.1. Overview of All ISec Journal Articles that Use Portions of PMT
Constructs of core
PMT missing from
their study
Constructs of full
PMT missing from
their study
Non-PMT constructs
added without testing
the full PMT
nomology first
Other choices not consistent with PMT (and
theories added without confirming PMT first)
Anderson and
(field: IS)
Practicing safe
computing at home
(intentions to
practice secure
Threat severity
Threat vulnerability
Response costs
Public goods
Subjective norm
Descriptive norms
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Added theory: public goods and psychological
Claar and
JCIS (field:
Home PC security
(self-report use of
home security)
Response efficacy
Response costs
Cues to action
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Reworked response costs as “perceived
Added theory: health belief model
Crossler and
(field: IS)
Students’ security
behaviors (multiple
security behaviors)
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Foth et al.
(field: Health)
employees’ data-
(reported intention
to comply)
Response efficacy
Response costs
Subjective norm
Perceived usefulness
Perceived ease of
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Used data-protection level to subsume severity
of and vulnerability to threat
Added theory: TAM (attempt was to merge
PMT and TAM)
Gurung et al.
IMCS (field:
motivations to use
antispyware (self-
reported use of
Response costs
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Herath and
Rao (2009b)
EJIS (field:
Employees’ ISP
compliance (ISP
Punishment severity
Detection certainty
Subjective norm
Descriptive norm
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Added theory: apparent attempt at a unified
model by mixing parts of PMT, GDT, TPB,
DTPB, and organizational commitment
Herath et al.
ISJ (field: IS)
User intentions to
adopt e-mail
(intention to adopt
Threat severity
Threat vulnerability
Response efficacy
Threat appraisal
Overall appraisal of
external coping
Perceived ease of
Privacy concern
Privacy notification
Adoption intention
Contrary to PMT, used a combined construct of
threat appraisal like EPPM
Contrary to PMT, used a combined construct of
coping appraisal like EPPM
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Added theory: TTAT and TAM (attempt was to
merge PMT, TTAT, and TAM)
C&S (field:
Understanding ISP
compliance of
(intentions to
comply to ISPs)
Subjective norms
Perceived behavioral
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Added theory: TPB
Jenkins et al.
ITD (field: IS)
Students’ creation
of unique
Response costs
No model-fit statistics
No path model; PMT as a secondary
application for a manipulation check of the
Johnston and
MISQ (field:
Employees’ and
students’ intentions
to follow
actions to avert
spyware (intentions
to avert spyware)
Response costs
Social influence
No model-fit statistics
Called their model “fear appeals model (FAM)”
although used PMT for core concepts
Contrary to PMT and EPPM, modeled threat
severity and vulnerability directly to response
efficacy and self-efficacy
Lai et al.
DSS (field:
coping with
identity theft (self-
report of identity
Threat severity
Threat vulnerability
Response efficacy
Response costs
Conventional coping
Identity theft
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics (although they used
Appeared to conceptualize response efficacy as
perceived effectiveness, although not quite the
DV was a maladaptive outcome (ID theft)
Added theory: TTAT (primary a TTAT study
but not true to TTAT)
LaRose et al.
CACM (field:
Online safety of
(intentions to be
Response costs
Ease of use
Perceived usefulness
Relative advantage
Attitude toward
Social norm
Moral compatibility
Perceived behavioral
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Added theory: ELM, social cognitive theory,
Not testable and not repeatable, because it
summarizes multiple studies but does not
provide adequate detail on the model,
measurement, method, and statistics
Lee et al.
(field: HCI)
students to use
virus protection
Response costs
Positive outcome
Negative outcome
Prior virus infection
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Added theory: SCT
Lee and
Larsen (2009)
EJIS (field:
decisions to adopt
Response efficacy
Social influence
Vendor support
IT budget
Firm size
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Lee (2011)
DSS (field:
Faculty members’
adoption of
software (intentions
and self-report
Moral obligation
Social influence
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Added theory: Oddly, paper was framed as an
EPPM study, but it theoretically fits PMT better
than EPPM because it used constructs like
PMT, not EPPM (e.g., no combined threat, no
combined efficacy, no maladaptive outcome
path and constructs).
Liang and
Xue (2010)
JAIS (field:
intentions and
behaviors in
students’ computer
use (intentions and
associated with
antispyware use)
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Renames “response efficacy” as “safeguard
effectiveness”; “response cost” as “safeguard
cost”; “protection motivation” as “avoidance
Creates a second-order construct of “perceived
threat,” which is congruous with EPPM, not
Proposes an old interaction effect between
severity and vulnerability further increasing
“perceived threat,” which is not supported by
PMT findings
Proposes an interaction between perceived
threat and response efficacy, which has also not
been supported in the literature
Added theory: called their model “TTAT”
although used PMT constructs as a core
component of their model
Marett et al.
Students’ threat to
privacy on social
networking sites
(intentions toward
privacy behaviors)
Threat vulnerability
rewards (incorrect
Fear (one-measure,
wrong relationship)
Used concepts from EPPM and incorrectly
attributed them to PMT
Made PMT into a parallel process model like
No model-fit statistics
Maladaptive rewards incorrectly conceptualized
Fear had incorrect relationship in model for
PMT; used as a one-item nonvalidated
manipulation check
Used one-item measures for response efficacy,
response costs, fear, and intention
Milne et al.
JCA (field:
Consumers’ risky
behavior and
protection practices
adaptive and
Response costs
Response efficacy
Added maladaptive outcomes to model,
changing it to a parallel-process model like
EPPM, not PMT (yet, ignored maladaptive
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Mohamed and
CHB (field:
behaviors on social
media sites (self-
report behaviors)
Response costs
Information privacy
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Ng et al.
DSS (field:
Employees’ secure
e-mail behavior
Response costs
Response efficacy
Cues to action
General security
Perceived barriers
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Response costs are partially covered by
“perceived barriers”
Severity was reconceptualized as a moderator
of every relationship in the model
Added theory: Study is based on a derivation of
the health belief model, derived from PMT.
Salleh et al.
(field: social
Students’ self-
disclosure behavior
on social
networking sites
(self-report of self-
Response costs
Privacy concern
Perceived risk
Rather than an adaptive outcome, focused on
maladaptive outcome (i.e., information
Used “perceived benefits” for maladaptive
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Siponen et al.
IEEEC (field:
motivation to
comply with ISPs
(intentions and self-
reported behaviors)
Threat severity
Threat vulnerability
Response costs
Normative beliefs
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Added theory: GDT, TRA, innovation diffusion
Incorrectly fused threat constructs similar to
Vance and
Employees’ ISP
(intentions to
No fear appeals
No IV manipulation; static model using survey
No model-fit statistics
Incorrectly bundled rewards as one construct
Added theory: habit theory
employees’ security
lapses at work
Process transparency
Inherent fairness
No fear appeals
No manipulation; static
No model-fit statistics
Added theory: psychological contract theory
and justice theory
Yoon et al.
JISE (field:
students’ secure
(intentions and self-
report behaviors)
Subjective norm
Security habits
No fear appeals
No manipulation; static
No model-fit statistics
Added theory: TPB
Zhang and
JIC (field: e-
Students’ use of
strong passwords
(intentions to use
strong passwords)
No fear appeals
No manipulation; static
No model-fit statistics
This article oddly added fear but dropped self-
efficacy and maladaptive rewards.
Study 1 (this
Students’ use of
backup software to
protect themselves
(intentions and
Maladaptive rewards likely would change over
time, and in a longitudinal study, might be
impractical to measure.
Study 2 (this
Students’ use of
software to protect
(intentions and
Explanation of PMT Spinoff Models
A key issue revealed by our review is that several ISec articles are cited by others as PMT studies when in fact they
involve new models that are inspired by PMT but are actually positioned as alternative models to PMT. We believe
it is better to refer to these as PMT spinoffs that use some PMT constructs. The key issue with all these studies,
however, is that although they are not testing PMT per se, they have created alternative models inspired by PMT
without demonstrating that they have better explanatory power or model fit than PMT. If this trend continues, it will
become impossible to know which model ISec researchers and practitioners should be using. To clarify this common
misunderstanding, we explicitly review four types of alternative models to PMT: (1) the technology threat avoidance
theory (TTAT) model, as proposed by Liang and Xue (2010); (2) the fear-appeals model (FAM) proposed by
(Johnston and Warkentin 2010a); (3) extensions to the health-belief model (HBM) by Ng et al. (2009) and Claar and
Johnson (2012); (4) and various efforts to create “unified” models that merge parts of PMT with other theories, such
as those developed by Herath and Rao (2009a) and Herath et al. (2012).
PMT spinoff model type 1: The technology threat avoidance theory (TTAT)
The technology threat avoidance theory (TTAT) model was proposed by Liang and Xue (2010), who stated that they
provided partial empirical support for their previous work. They very accurately characterize their model as
“complicated” (p. 404) because it includes a process model, a variance model, and many constructs. Their results are
valuable because they demonstrate the value of security, education, and awareness programs and indicate directions
for further research in the area. However, several papers have exhibited a misunderstanding of their model by citing
it as a PMT model.
Notably, the creators of TTAT do not claim to be testing PMT. In fact, they rename some existing PMT constructs
with similar names and create some relationships that are actually contrary to the original PMT model. For instance,
in TTAT, “response efficacy” becomes “safeguard effectiveness”; “response cost” becomes “safeguard cost”; and
“protection motivation” becomes “avoidance motivation.” Rather than following PMT’s prediction that threat
severity and threat vulnerability will directly impact protection motivation, TTAT creates the second-order construct
“perceived threat,” which follows the extended parallel processing model (EPPM) (Witte and Allen 2000), not PMT.
Likewise, TTAT proposes an interaction effect between severity and vulnerability, which further increases
“perceived threat” (in H1c). That interaction is actually part of an older version of PMT (Rogers 1975) that is no
longer in use because it has not been supported by empirical results and meta-analysis (Floyd et al. 2000; Milne et
al. 2000; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997). TTAT also proposes a new interaction between perceived threat and
response efficacy (H3a) that has also not been supported in the literature (Floyd et al. 2000; Milne et al. 2000).
Finally, TTAT excludes fear or fear appeals from the model and empirical results. Importantly, TTAT has never
been directly compared to the core nomology of PMT and its assumptions. Ironically, another study (Lai et al. 2012)
that recently built on TTAT made radical deletions and additions to that model (see Table A.1). However, it did not
establish itself against the core nomology and assumptions of PMT.
PMT spinoff model type 2: The fear-appeals model (FAM)
The fear-appeals model (FAM) was proposed by (Johnston and Warkentin 2010a). As with TTAT, several papers
incorrectly refer to FAM as a PMT model when the authors did not represent FAM as implementing PMT. FAM
provides a new, simplified arrangement of the relationships among the standard PMT constructs and adds social
influence as an additional construct. However, FAM also omits response costs, although it uses fear appeals (but
does not measure fear). FAM also rearranges the relationships between threat and efficacy by using severity and
vulnerability as the direct predictors for response efficacy and self-efficacy, in contradiction to both PMT and
PMT spinoff model type 3: The health belief model (HBM)
Several other studies build on the health belief model (HBM), which is a newer derivation of PMT from health
communication research, and the derivations raise several concerns in an ISec context. A study by Claar and
Johnson (2012) used HBM to explain the use of home security, but omitted protection motivation, response efficacy,
maladaptive rewards, and fear. Additionally, the study omitted fear appeals and the response costs construct, and
measurement appears to differ significantly from the original definitions in PMT. Another study (Ng et al. 2009)
used HBM to explain employees’ secure e-mail behavior. This study omitted protection motivation, response
efficacy, and fear appeals, and it reconceptualized response costs as “perceived barriers.” The study additionally
modeled threat severity as an antecedent to every relationship in the model against security behaviors.
PMT spinoff model type 4: Attempts at “unified” models with portions of PMT
Finally, several studies have attempted to create a “unified model” that combines PMT with several other theories.
Although these studies have done an admirable job of explaining individual behaviors, they have not demonstrated
that their models are superior to PMT or any of the other theories from which they borrow; they are simply
interesting combinations of parts of various theories intended to maximize prediction. The first such study (Herath
and Rao 2009b) combined PMT and GDT, but some of the key assumptions, constructs, and relationships of these
two theories have been shown to be incompatible (Floyd et al. 2000). The study also omitted fear or fear appeals; in
adding GDT, it also added parts of TPB, DTPB, and organizational commitment. A more recent unified model
(Herath et al. 2012) merged TTAT and TAM. For our purposes, the drawback to this approach is that because the
TTAT model did not claim to be a complete PMT model, this study departs more strongly from PMT by omitting
threat severity, threat vulnerability, response efficacy, protection motivation, fear, and fear appeals—as was noted in
the discussion of TTAT above. It also adds combined assessments of both threat and coping appraisals, which is
interestingly similar to EPPM. The model also adds most of the TAM model (omitting enjoyment), and adds the
new constructs responsiveness, privacy concern, and privacy notification.
Study 1 Measurement Items
Perceived severity (Milne et al.
If I were to lose data from my hard drive, I would suffer a lot of pain.
Losing data would be unlikely to cause me major problems (R).
Vulnerability (Milne et al. 2002)
I am unlikely to lose data in the future (R).
My chances of losing data in the future are.
Fear (Milne et al. 2002)
I am worried about the prospect of losing data from my computer.
I am frightened about the prospect of losing data from my computer.
I am anxious about the prospect of losing data from my computer.
I am scared about the prospect of losing data from my computer.
Response efficacy (Milne et al.
Backing up my hard drive is a good way to reduce the risk of losing data.
If I were to back up my data at least once a week, I would lessen my chances of data loss.
Self-efficacy; modified computer
self-efficacy (Compeau and Higgins
1995) modified to our context
... if there was no one around to tell me what to do.
... if I had never used a package like it before.
... if I had only the software manuals for reference.
... if I had seen someone else using it before trying it myself.
... if I could call someone for help if I got stuck.
... if someone else helped me get started.
... if I had a lot of time to complete the job for which the software was provided.
... if I had just the built-in help facility for assistance.
... if someone showed me how to do it first.
... if I had used similar packages like this one before to do the job.
Response cost (Milne et al. 2002)
The benefits of backing up my hard drive at least once a week outweigh the costs (R).
I would be discouraged from backing up my data during the next week because it would take too much
Taking the time to back up my data during the next week would cause me too many problems.
I would be discouraged from backing up my data at least once a week because I would feel silly doing so.
Intentions (Milne et al. 2002)
I intend to back up my hard drive during the next week.
I do not wish to back up my data during the next week (R).
All items were measured using 7-point Likert-type scales from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree.
Study 2 Measurement Items
Construct (source)
Measurement items
Intent to use anti-malware software
(Johnston and Warkentin 2010a)
1. I intend to use anti-malware software in the next three months.
2. I predict I will use anti-malware software in the next three months.
3. I plan to use anti-malware software in the next three months.
Threat severity (Johnston and Warkentin
1. If my computer were infected by malware, it would be severe.
2. If my computer were infected by malware, it would be serious.
3. If my computer were infected by malware, it would be significant.
Threat vulnerability (Johnston and
Warkentin 2010a)
1. My computer is at risk for becoming infected with malware.
2. It is likely that my computer will become infected with malware.
3. It is possible that my computer will become infected with malware.
Response efficacy (Johnston and
Warkentin 2010a)
1. Anti-malware software works for protection
2. Anti-malware software is effective for protection.
3. When using anti-malware software, a computer is more likely to be protected.
Self-efficacy (Johnston and Warkentin
1. Anti-malware software is easy to use.
2. Anti-malware software is convenient to use.
3. I am able to use anti-malware software without much effort.
Fear (Osman et al. 1994)
1. My computer has a serious malware problem.
2. My computer might be seriously infected with malware.
3. The amount of malware on my computer is terrifying.
4. I am afraid of malware.
5. My computer might become unusable due to malware.
6. My computer might become slower due to malware.
Maladaptive rewards (Myyry et al. 2009)
1. Not using an anti-malware application saves me time.
2. Not using an anti-malware application saves me money.
3. Not using an anti-malware application keeps me from being confused.
4. Using an anti-malware application would slow down the speed of my access to the Internet.
5. Using an anti-malware application would slow down my computer.
6. Using an anti-malware application would interfere with other programs on my computer.
7. Using an anti-malware application would limit the functionality of my Internet browser.
Response costs (Woon et al. 2005)
1. The cost of finding an anti-malware application decreases the convenience afforded by the application.
2. There is too much work associated with trying to increase computer protection through the use of an anti-
malware application.
3. Using an anti-malware application on my computer would require considerable investment of effort other than
4. Using an anti-malware application would be time consuming.
Study 1 and Study 2 Control Variables
After running our final model, we conducted exploratory ex post facto analysis in both studies using control
variables outside the nomologies we were testing. In this approach, the purpose of the control variables is to test
further how complete a theoretical model is and thus determine whether there are any exploratory, exogenous factors
that might have an impact on the base model for future modeling extensions. Importantly, in such use, the base
model is established first, and then these controls are applied as a last step to see if any significant changes occur in
model fit. In both our studies, there were a couple of control variables that had significant paths but did not
significantly improve model fit. This process provides further evidence that the underlying supported model is the
correct theoretical form of the model. Classic controls that we use in this sense that are deliberately atheoretical and
commonly used in the corresponding literature in the same manner include age (D'Arcy et al. 2009; Herath and Rao
2009b; Hu et al. 2011; Johnston and Warkentin 2010a; Siponen et al. 2010; Son 2011), gender (D'Arcy et al. 2009;
Herath and Rao 2009b; Hu et al. 2011; Johnston and Warkentin 2010a; Siponen et al. 2010; Son 2011), work
experience (Johnston and Warkentin 2010a; Siponen et al. 2010), and computer use (D'Arcy et al. 2009; Hu et al.
The same literature also demonstrates the importance of providing control variables to account for any artifacts that
arise simply from the methodological decisions and tools used that could inadvertently affect the underlying
theoretical model. Again, these are atheoretical, but specific to methodological choices. A key example is that
Siponen et al. (2010), Hu et al. (2011), and Lowry et al. (2013) use scenarios to study their security phenomena.
Thus, they add a “covariate” that checks the respondents’ perceptions of the realism of the scenarios, because
unrealistic scenarios could skew the models’ results.
Along these lines, in Study 1 we also considered the backup software type. Given that we found nothing interesting
with our control variables in Study 2, we tried more controls in Study 2 that included some possible counter
explanations found in related literature outside of PMT, including the habit of using anti-malware software modified
from (Vance and Siponen 2012), whether they experienced social influence to use anti-malware software modified
from (Johnston and Warkentin 2010a), and whether positive rewards were perceived and present (Posey et al.
2011b), not just maladaptive rewards. We also added method-specific checks: whether they use/run/have installed
anti-malware software on their own PCs, and whether they were doing the experiment on their own PCs or a lab PC.
We were also concerned that although our fake anti-malware software was designed to look like the real thing, a
savvy user might find it suspicious. That is why we also ran controls on brand recognition (Lowry et al. 2008) and
related constructs from source credibility security research: perceived competence (Johnston and Warkentin 2010a)
and perceived trustworthiness (Johnston and Warkentin 2010a) of the software itself. Whereas our control variables
were more extensive and interesting in Study 2, and a couple of them were significant, they still did not significantly
improve model fit and often made it worse. Again, these ex post facto tests help especially the efficacy of the
underlying PMT nomology in both of our contexts. However, these results do not rule out the possibility that PMT
can be effectively extended in the future with similar constructs in different ISec contexts or data collection
conditions. Hence, our work in no way obviates the need for future exploratory controls.
Table D.1. Key Terms and Concepts in Fear-Appeals Research
Definition (citation)
Adaptive behavior
Purposefully choosing a danger-control response in response to a fear appeal and
choosing a behavior that protects against the danger raised in the fear appeal
(Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997)
Adaptive coping response
Same as adaptive behavior
Benefits of noncompliance
Same as maladaptive rewards
Benefits of maladaptive
Same as maladaptive rewards
Coping appraisal
The process of considering one’s self-efficacy, response efficacy, and the costs
of performing the adaptive behavior or the response advocated for in the fear
appeal (Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997)
Costs of adaptive behavior
Same as response costs
Same as threat
Danger control
Same as adaptive behavior
Extrinsic maladaptive
Extrinsic rewards for engaging in the maladaptive response of not protecting
oneself, such as monetary compensation (Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers and Prentice-
Dunn 1997)
A negatively valenced emotion representing a response that arises from
recognizing danger. This response may include any combination of
apprehension, fright, arousal, concern, worry, discomfort, or a general negative
mood, and it manifests itself emotionally, cognitively, and physically (Leventhal
1970; McIntosh et al. 1997; Osman et al. 1994; Witte 1992; 1998; Witte et al.
Fear appeal
A purposefully generated message that is carefully designed and manipulated
first to raise perceptions of threat severity and vulnerability and the subsequent
fear, and then to invoke one’s sense of self-efficacy and response efficacy, all of
which are intended to overcome maladaptive rewards and response costs and
subsequently change one’s intentions toward an adaptive response (Floyd et al.
2000; Fry and Prentice-Dunn 2005; Fry and Prentice-Dunn 2006; Milne et al.
2000; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997)
Fear control
Same as maladaptive behavior
Intrinsic maladaptive
Intrinsic rewards for engaging in the maladaptive response of not protecting
oneself, such as maintaining pleasure or exacting revenge (Floyd et al. 2000;
Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997)
Maladaptive behavior
Purposefully avoiding a danger-control response in response to a fear appeal and
choosing a behavior that is not protective against the danger raised in the fear
appeal (Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997). Can be further
conceptualized as intrinsic and extrinsic maladaptive rewards, but this is not
Maladaptive coping
Same as maladaptive behavior
Maladaptive rewards
The general rewards (intrinsic and extrinsic) of not protecting oneself, contrary to
the fear appeal (Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997)
Negative rewards
Same as maladaptive rewards
Perceived severity
Same as threat severity
Perceived susceptibility
Same as threat vulnerability
Perceived vulnerability
Same as threat vulnerability
Protection motivation
One’s intentions to protect oneself from the danger raised in the fear appeal
Protective behavior
Same as adaptive behavior
Response costs
“Any costs (e.g., monetary, personal, time, effort) associated with taking the
adaptive coping response” (Floyd et al. 2000, p. 411)
Response efficacy
“The belief that the adaptive [coping] response will work, that taking the
protective action will be effective in protecting the self or others” (Floyd et al.
2000, p. 411; Maddux and Rogers 1983)
“The perceived ability of the person to actually carry out the adaptive [coping]
response” (Floyd et al. 2000, p. 411; Maddux and Rogers 1983)
The danger raised in the fear appeal that threatens one’s safety
Threat appraisal
The process of considering the severity of and vulnerability to a threat against the
maladaptive rewards associated with a maladaptive behavior, such as saving time
or avoiding trouble by not following the response advocated for in the fear
appeal (Floyd et al. 2000; Rogers and Prentice-Dunn 1997)
Threat severity
“How serious the individual believes that the threat would be” to him- or herself
(Milne et al. 2000, p. 108)
Threat susceptibility
Same as threat vulnerability
Threat vulnerability
“How personally susceptible an individual feels to the communicated threat”
(Milne et al. 2000, p. 108)